Orotracheal Intubation

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Orotracheal Intubation
Christopher Kabrhel, M.D., Todd W. Thomsen, M.D., Gary S. Setnik, M.D.,
and Ron M. Walls, M.D.

Orotracheal intubation is indicated in any situation that requires definitive control From the Department of Emergency Med-
of the airway. Orotracheal intubation is commonly performed to facilitate control icine, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston (C.K.); the Department of Emer-
of the airway in a patient undergoing general anesthesia. It is also performed as gency Medicine, Mount Auburn Hospital,
part of the care of critically ill patients with multisystem disease or injuries. Emer- Cambridge, MA (T.W.T., G.S.S.); the De-
gency indications include cardiac or respiratory arrest, failure to protect the airway partment of Emergency Medicine, Brigham
and Womens Hospital, Boston (R.M.W.);
from aspiration, inadequate oxygenation or ventilation, and existing or anticipated and the Division of Emergency Medicine,
airway obstruction. Harvard Medical School, Boston (C.K.,
T.W.T., G.S.S., R.M.W.).
CONTRAINDICATIONS N Engl J Med 2007;356:e15.
In urgent situations or emergencies, such as when a patient is in cardiac arrest, Copyright 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.

airway management is of paramount importance, and there are very few contra-
indications to orotracheal intubation. Orotracheal intubation by direct laryngos-
copy is somewhat contraindicated in a patient with partial transection of the trachea,
because the procedure can cause complete tracheal transection and loss of the air-
way. In these cases, surgical airway management may be necessary. Unstable cervical
spine injury is not a contraindication, but strict, in-line stabilization of the cervical
spine must be maintained during intubation. An assistant should stand at the side
of the bed and hold the patients head, neck, and shoulders in an anatomically
neutral position. The anterior portion of the cervical collar is opened or removed to
permit the patients mouth to be fully opened.
When immediate intubation is not required, the difficulty of intubation should Figure 1. In-line stabilization of the
first be assessed. This assessment is discussed in detail in the Preparation section, cervical spine
under Sedation and Paralysis.

You will need the following equipment: gloves, a protective face shield, a working
suction system, a bag-valve mask attached to an oxygen source, an endotracheal tube
with stylet, a 10-ml syringe, an endotracheal-tube holder (cloth tape may be used if
a tube holder is not available), an end-tidal carbon dioxide detector, a stethoscope,
and laryngoscopes with appropriate blades. The two main types of laryngoscope
blades are the Macintosh blade, which is curved, and the Miller blade, which is
straight. Each is available in various sizes, and each requires a slightly different
technique. The choice of blade depends on the operators experience and personal
preference. A size 3 or 4 Macintosh blade or size 2 or 3 Miller blade can be used in
most adult patients.
Endotracheal tubes are sized according to the internal diameter of the tube;
7.0-, 7.5-, or 8.0-mm tubes are appropriate for most adults.1-3 The appropriate tube
size for use in children can be determined by adding 4 to the patients age in years
and then dividing by 4 ([age in years+4]4=tube size), by matching the external

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The new england journal of medicine

diameter of the tube to the width of the patients little fingernail, or by using a
system based on the childs height or length (such as the BroslowLuten resuscitation
Tubes can be cuffed or uncuffed. Cuffed tubes are appropriate for adults and
older children. Uncuffed tubes are used for younger patients (those requiring a
tube smaller than 5.5 mm).1,2 After inserting a cuffed tube, you must inflate the
balloon on the distal end to create a seal between the tube and the tracheal lumen.
This seal will prevent leakage of air and aspiration of gastric contents.

Before proceeding, be sure that all equipment is readily accessible and functioning,
that personnel are properly prepared, and that written informed consent has been
obtained from the patient or the patients health care proxy if the clinical situation
permits. Inflate the cuff of the endotracheal tube to check for leaks. Insert the
stylet into the endotracheal tube, maintaining the tubes natural curve. Make sure
the tip of the stylet does not extend beyond the end of the tube. If necessary, the stylet
can be used to reshape the endotracheal tube, as in the hockey stick maneuver, to
facilitate intubation of an anterior larynx. Ensure that the suction catheter is secure
and within easy reach. Obtain intravenous access, and place the patient on a monitor
if time and conditions permit. Assign an assistant to watch the monitor during the
procedure and to report any changes.
Adjust the height of the bed so that the patients head is level with the lower
portion of your sternum. Unless there are contraindications, move the patient into
the sniffing position by placing a pillow or folded towel under the patients occiput.
This combination of flexion of the neck and extension of the head improves the
alignment of the axes of the oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx, facilitating optimal
visualization of the vocal cords.1,3 When intubating an infant, you typically do not
need to provide additional head support, because the infants large occiput natu-
rally causes the head to assume the sniffing position. Figure 2. The sniffing position
If the clinical situation allows, preoxygenate the patient with a non-rebreather
mask or by having the patient breathe 100% oxygen through a bag-valve mask for
at least 3 minutes before intubation.3 Preoxygenation replaces the primarily nitrog-
enous mixture of ambient air, which constitutes the patients functional residual
capacity, with oxygen. This increases the interval before desaturation in a patient
who is hypoventilating or apneic. This preliminary step is essential to minimize
the need for positive-pressure ventilation during intubation, thus reducing the risk
of aspiration of gastric contents.3
Remove the patients upper and lower dentures, if present, immediately before
laryngoscopy. Re-insert the patients dentures to improve the mask seal if bag-
valvemask ventilation is required.
If the patients mental status is diminished or if the patient is pharmacologi-
cally sedated, an assistant should apply firm pressure to the cricoid cartilage. This
maneuver (the Sellick maneuver) compresses the soft-walled esophagus between
the cricoid cartilage and the cervical vertebrae, theoretically preventing passive
regurgitation of gastric contents.2 If the airway becomes distorted, releasing cricoid
pressure may improve visualization of the glottis.

Sedation and Paralysis

In many cases, a neuromuscular-blocking agent and a potent sedative are needed to
facilitate intubation. These agents will improve your visualization of the vocal cords
and prevent the patient from vomiting and aspirating gastric contents.3 If you plan

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Copyright 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Orotr acheal Intubation

to use such agents, you must assess the difficulty of intubation before proceeding.3 A
You can generally predict that intubation will be difficult if the patient has a history
of difficult intubation, limited neck mobility, a small mandible, pharyngeal struc-
tures that are poorly visible through the open mouth with tongue extruded, a limited
ability to open his or her mouth, or a laryngeal prominence that is close to the
mentum.1,3 Anatomical distortion (such as by tumors, trauma, or infection), edema,
or obstruction of the airway may also lead to difficult orotracheal intubation. When
faced with a potentially difficult intubation, you should make contingency plans,
including preparation for an alternative intubation technique, such as using a gum-
elastic bougie, a laryngeal mask airway, a fiberoptic intubating bronchoscope, or a
surgical technique.
The Procedure
Position your body so that your eyes are far enough from the patient to facilitate
binocular vision. While holding the laryngoscope in your left hand, open the pa-
tients mouth with your right hand. Insert the laryngoscope blade to the right of the
patients tongue. Gradually move the blade to the center of the mouth, pushing the
tongue to the left. Slowly advance the blade and locate the epiglottis. Ideal placement
of the laryngoscope blade depends on whether a curved or a straight blade is used.
If you are using a curved blade, place the tip into the vallecula epiglottica, which is
between the base of the tongue and the epiglottis. If you are using a straight blade,
place the tip of the blade posterior to the epiglottis. Figure 3. Proper placement of the
With the tip of the blade correctly positioned, lift the laryngoscope upward and curved (Panel A) and straight
forward at a 45-degree angle to expose the vocal cords. Direct the force of your (Panel B) laryngoscope blades
lifting action along the axis of the laryngoscopes handle, in the direction of the
ceiling, over the patients feet. Avoid bending your wrist or rocking the blade against
the patients teeth, since this can result in dental or soft-tissue injury (and will not
enhance the view of the glottis).
While holding the endotracheal tube in your right hand and maintaining your
view of the vocal cords, insert the endotracheal tube into the right side of the
patients mouth. The tube should not obstruct your view of the vocal cords during
this critical part of the procedure. Pass the tube through the vocal cords until the
balloon disappears into the trachea.
Remove the stylet, and advance the tube until the balloon is 3 to 4 cm beyond Figure 4. Proper orientation of the lift-
the vocal cords. Inflate the endotracheal balloon with air to the minimum pressure ing action
required to prevent air leakage during tidal-volume ventilation with a bag. This
usually requires less than 10 ml of air. Have an assistant maintain cricoid pressure
until you have confirmed that the tube is in the trachea.

If you cannot see the vocal cords or epiglottis after positioning the laryngoscope
blade, you have probably inserted the blade too far or have not placed the blade
precisely in the midline. Withdrawing the blade gradually in the midline will often
allow the epiglottis or larynx to drop into view. Manipulating the larynx with your
right hand or having an assistant apply firm backward, upward, and rightward pres-
sure (the so-called BURP maneuver) to the larynx can also facilitate visualization of
the vocal cords.2 An assistant can gently pull the right side of the patients lip and
cheek to enhance visibility of the glottis. If you still cannot see the cords clearly, an
assistant should gently release the cricoid pressure, since this compression can some-
times compromise the view. You should always achieve the best possible view of the
vocal cords before attempting to insert the endotracheal tube.

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Copyright 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The new england journal of medicine

Confirmation References
The end of the endotracheal tube should lie in the mid-trachea, 3 to 7 cm above the 1. Lutes M, Hopson LR. Tracheal intuba-
tion. In: Roberts JR, Hedges JR, ed. Clini-
carina. A good general rule is to align the 22-cm marking on the tube with the front cal procedures in emergency medicine. 4th
teeth of an average-sized adult.2 For children, you can use the following formula to ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2004:69-99.
estimate the proper depth of tube insertion1: tube depth (in centimeters)=[(childs age 2. Schneider RE. Basic airway manage-
ment. In: Walls RM, ed. Manual of emer-
in years)2]+12. Place the end-tidal carbon dioxide detector onto the endotracheal gency airway management. Philadelphia:
tube and attach the ventilation bag, administering a few tidal-volume breaths. Proper Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000:43-57.
tube placement cannot be confirmed solely on the basis of a physical examination 3. Walls RM. Rapid sequence intubation.
In: Walls RM, ed. Manual of emergency
or by a finding of fogging of the tube. Other techniques must be used to confirm airway management. Philadelphia: Lippin-
this most critical aspect of management. Carbon dioxide will be reliably and con- cott Williams & Wilkins, 2000:8-15.
sistently detected within the first six breaths after orotracheal intubation and with 4. Idem. Confirmation of endotracheal
tube placement. In: Walls RM, ed. Manual
each exhalation thereafter.4 In some patients in cardiac arrest, gas exchange does of emergency airway management. Phila-
not occur. Thus, carbon dioxide may not be present, even when the tube is in the delphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
trachea.4 In such cases, you may use a self-inflating bulb (esophageal-detector device) 2000:27-30.
Copyright 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.
or a fiberoptic endoscope to visualize the tracheal rings.
Perform a secondary assessment to confirm proper esophageal-tube placement
by auscultating over the stomach during positive-pressure ventilation. Auscultate
both lungs in the midaxillary line to confirm that there is equal, bilateral air move-
ment. If breath sounds are diminished on the left side after intubation, the right
main bronchus has probably been intubated. Gradually withdraw the endotracheal
tube until symmetrical (i.e., bilateral) breath sounds are auscultated.
Use chest radiography to assess the patients pulmonary status after intubation
and to ensure that the tip of the radio-opaque line embedded in the endotracheal
tube is positioned at the level of the mid-trachea and not in either main bronchus.
Radiography is not a reliable means of detecting esophageal intubation.

Securing the Tube

Secure the endotracheal tube to the patients head once you have confirmed that the
tube is in the proper position. You should use an endotracheal-tube holder to secure
the tube, because this device helps prevent accidental displacement.1,2 If such a device
is not available, you may use adhesive tape or cloth endotracheal-tube tape. Pharma-
cologic sedation and hand restraints may be used to prevent the patient from inad-
vertently removing the tube.

The most serious complication of endotracheal intubation is unrecognized esopha-
geal intubation, which may lead to hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and death. Laryngoscopy
can provoke vomiting and aspiration of gastric contents, causing pneumonitis or
pneumonia. Additional complications include bradycardia, laryngospasm, broncho
spasm, and apnea owing to pharyngeal stimulation. Trauma to teeth, lips, and vocal
cords and exacerbation of cervical spine injuries can also occur.

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Downloaded from www.nejm.org by MATEUS C. BELLOTE MD on January 30, 2009 .

Copyright 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
New England Journal of Medicine


Orotracheal Intubation

Orotracheal Intubation . In the PDF summary of the video, the third

sentence under ``Confirmation should have read, ``For children, you
can use the following formula to estimate the proper depth of tube
insertion1 : tube depth (in centimeters)=[(childs age in years)2]+12,
rather than ``tube depth=[(childs age in years)+2]12. The text has
been corrected on the Journals Web site at www.nejm.org.

N Engl J Med 2007;356:2228

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Copyright 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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