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System pro M compact

Surge and lightning protection solutions

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System pro M compact
Surge and lightning protection solutions

Panorama 2

General information 4

Surge and lightning protection solutions 21

Selection table 76

Applications - Technical definitions - Norms and standards 80

Index 86

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LOVOS surge protection of OVR Type 1 and Type 1+2 main OVR Type 2 and OVR Plus surge
distribution transformer entrance lightning protection protective devices
Avoid insulation damages Surge and lightning protection Surge protection (LPZ 1 to 2...)
Prolonged life time of a transformer (LPZ 0 to LPZ 1 and 2) Sub-distribution board installation
Reduce system disturbance Protection of the installation against direct Prolonged life time of sensitive equipment
Cost savings in maintenance or equipment lightning Autoprotected surge protective devices with
replacements. Impulse discharge current (Iimp) from 7 to the OVR Plus range.

Most of distribution transformers are Exposed building to lightning surges Most of the equipment sustain repetitive
protected on the primary side with shall be protected with Type 1 or transient surges. Generated by indirect
surge arresters. Representing substan- Type1+2 surge protective devices lightning strikes or by industrial envi-
tial capital investment and being a key (SPDs). With a high impulse current dis- ronment, these transient overvoltages
component for reliable and continuous charge capacity (Iimp), they are located deteriorate and drastically reduce the
electricity supply, the transformer should at the service entrance of the installa- life time of sensitive equipment like
always be protected against surge dam- tion to avoid the destruction of the main computers. Located in the sub-distribu-
age or deterioration on the secondary switch board. Building protected against tion boards of the installation, as close
side with low voltage surge arresters. lightning with an external lightning as possible to the equipment to pro-
protection (simple rod, meshed cage or tect, they offer a reliable and safe surge
ESE) must have at least a Type 1 SPD in protection.
the main distribution board.

Specific solar surge and lightning protection
With a dedicated technology, the specific thermal disconnec-
tion for DC solar installation of the OVR PV range ensure a
safe surge protection. Easy to install with double connections
terminals and pluggable cartridges for an easy replacement,
the OVR PV T1 comply with specific PV SPDs standard
UTE C 61-740-51.

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OVR PV and OVR WT specific surge OVR TC dataline protection OPR external air terminal lightning
protection solutions protection
Dedicated SPDs for solar and wind application Complete range from 6 to 200 V DC Early streamer emission air terminal
Surge and lightning protection from LPZ 0 to RJ 11 and RJ 45 bases. Complete autonomy
LPZ 2 High efficiency (radius of protection Rp)
Cost saving in avoiding down time of instal- Comply with NF C17-102 September 2011.

Due to their high exposure to lightning Data centers to prevent data losses or Lightning is one of the most spectacular
and their specific electrical configura- water treatment installation to protect the meteorological phenomena. Generated
tion, solar and wind turbine installations flowmeters require protection against by the interaction of clouds elements
require a dedicated surge and lightning transient overvoltages. (water and ice), it can kill, injure and
protection which take into consideration damage.
their specificities, high DC voltages for Building and equipment installed in ex-
solar and high repetitive peak voltages posed areas should be protected by an
for wind turbines. The use of standard external air terminal.
surge protection on such installation
may lead to down time or even destruc-
tion of the installation.

NEW OVR WT range

The wind surge and lightning protection
Due to their height, wind turbines have especially high expo-
sure to lightning, they need high capacity and reliable lightning
and surge protection. The OVR WT takes into consideration
the specificity of wind installations with a high peak repetitive
voltage withstand (Urp up to 3 kV) ensure a safe protec-
tion to Wind applications. It can be DIN mounted with the
OVRWT3L 690 P TS or fixed close to the equipments to
protect with the OVR WT 3L 690 enclosed solution.

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Surge and lightning protection solutions
Causes of transient overvoltages

Transient surges represent the main Nowadays, in all the sectors (residential, commercial and
cause of electrical devices failure and industrial), in the data center industry, they rely on their com-
puter systems.
loss of productivity. They are the result
of lightning strikes, switching operations A downtime in one of these computer systems, due to tran-
on the electrical network or parasitic sient surges, can have catastrophic consequences. Loss of
operation, loss of service, loss of data and of productivity
interferences. involve, in most of the cases, huge consequences which are,
by far, higher than the costs of the equipments for protection
against overvoltages.

The use in electronic systems of more and more sensitive electronic equipments, with interconnection and complexity of the nets increase the probability
of damages caused by the transient overvoltages.

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Surge and lightning protection solutions
Causes of transient overvoltages

Not identified: 12 % Damages to electronic equipment.

Analysis conducted in France for
Other causes residential segment by AVIVA, one
(damage, fire...): 6 % of the largest insurance company
Short circuit: 6 %

Network defect,
50 Hz temporary
15 %

Overvoltage: 61 %
(lightning discharge and
switching operations)

At the same time, the following trends shall be underlined: Therefore, the protection against lightning current and transient
Increasing use of electronic systems such as computers, overvoltages is now a fundamental aspect of our electrical
telecommunication equipment. Overvoltage consequences system configuration.
are of huge importance in a global economy based and
relying on power networks and information systems.

Electronic equipment more and more sensitive. With minia-

turization process of circuits and components in electronic,
modern equipment is now more incline to be damaged from
transient overvoltages.

Interconnection and complexity of system networks. In big

cities, the effects induced by lightning current are very high
due to the fact that they can be propagated by the service
lines over many kilometers. Furthermore, the use of lots of
industrial equipment generates disturbances, transient over-
voltages, on the lines that damage expensive equipment.

Transient overvoltage effect

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Surge and lightning protection solutions
ABB expertise

With its experience gained over the last few decades, Seminars are organized to the needs of all professionals: de-
ABB is using its technological expertise for lightning and sign offices, consultants, distributors, electricians, sales staff.
overvoltage protection. These training sessions combine practical and theoretical
aspects and cover a varied range of topics such as direct
The ABB laboratory with several generators can simulate the impact protection and overvoltage protection.
impact of a direct lightning strike (10/350 s impulse wave) or
an indirect lightning strike (8/20 s impulse wave) to be able
to test the surge protective devices.
Through its wide product range, ABB is able to offer a com-
plete solution to protect power and low current networks.

The ABB laboratory is able to handle tests on AC surge protective devices (SPDs) according to IEC 61643-11 and on PV SPDs according to
technical guide UTE C 61-740-51 (prEN 50539-11).

High power generator Standardized electrical waves 8/20 s and 10/350 s.

Maximum shock current 100 kA for the two waves, superimposed on the electrical network.
Stored energy 800 kJ.

200 kV generator 1.2/50 impulse wave

Maximum voltage 200 kV
Stored energy 10 kJ.

Combination wave generator Standardized 8/20 - 1.2/50 impulse wave

30 kV maximum
30 kA maximum
Stored energy 5 kJ.

Electrical tests 440 V, 5000 A short circuit testing.

Mechanical tests On-load operating test of sockets and strips.

ABB laboratory at Bagnres-de-Bigorre, France

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Surge and lightning protection solutions
Causes of transient overvoltages

Transient overvoltages due to direct lightning effects direct effect can cause fire, damage the internal installation
When a lightning strikes directly a building equiped with a and the equipment or even worse can injury living beings.
lightning protection system (LPS), the lightning current is dis-
sipated to the ground through the down conductors. However, The same with a lightning strike on external line connected to
the transient overvoltage can be propagated into the building the building, which can, through the cables, create fire and
through the earthing of the electrical installation. This type of destruction of the internal electrical installation.

Lightning strike on an external air terminal or on the building Lightning strike on an overhead line connected to the building

Transient overvoltages due to indirect lightning effects field created by the lightning current will generate resistive
Transient overvoltages can also be the effect of an indirect and inductive couplings. As a consequence, these can cause
lightning strike close to the building or close to external lines serious malfunction or damages to the internal installation or
connected to the building. In that case, the electromagnetic equipment.

Lightning strike near a building Lightning strike near an overhead line

Transient overvoltages due to switching operations These overvoltages can in fact result in severe damage to
Switching overvoltages are less powerful and destructive than electronic circuit and need to be effectively countered to avoid
transient surges caused by lightning. However, they occur much expensive downtime and maintenance costs.
more frequently, causing premature ageing of the equipment.

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Surge and lightning protection solutions
Selection of surge protective devices

The IEC standard introduced the concept of lightning pro- Lightning protection zones description (IEC 62305-4):
tection zones (LPZ) to help in selecting the correct surge It consists in dividing a building in several volumes: the pro-
protection. This concept ensure the gradual reduction by tection zone. The objective is to ensure that the LPZ gives
stages of the energies and overvoltage caused by light- enough protection to the equipment inside this zone. To do
ning or switching operations. This logic of coordination in so, SPDs are installed at the protection zone boundaries. Each
the protection is what we call the stepping protection. time an SPD is installed, a new protection zone is created.

External Zones: Current impulse:

LPZ 0A Unprotected zone outside the building subject to The 10/350 and 8/20 impulse waves are used in the Class I and
direct lightning strikes and therefore may have to handle to Class II SPDs tests. The first number gives the rising time of the
the full lightning current and lightning electromagnetic field. current impulse to reach 90% of the peak level and the second
LPZ 0B Zone protected against direct lightning strikes by number gives the time to half value in micro-seconds (s).
external air terminal and where the threat is the full light-
ning electromagnetic field.

Internal Zones:
Zones inside the building which are protected against direct
lightning flashes. 90 %
LPZ 1 Zone subject to partial lightning or surge currents.
50 %
Type I SPDs shall be installed at the boundary between
LPZ OA and LPZ 1 to reduce the entrance of lightning cur-
10 %
rents through power lines.
LPZ 2...n Zone where the surge current is limited by 10 350 s

current sharing and where the surge energy is reduced by

additional surge protection like SPDs. Type 2 SPDs are in-
stalled at the boundaries of each zone, i.e. LPZ 1 and LPZ
2, LPZ 2 and LPZ 3, etc. 90 % 8/20

50 %

10 %
External lightning protection system
8 20 s


r: Radius of
LPZ 0B the rolling sphere



Power lines

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Surge and lightning protection solutions
Selection of surge protective devices

Protection level and impulse withstand voltage The SPD is protecting the equipment if its protection level (Up),
The protection level (Up) of the SPD shall be selected accord- which is calculated under the nominal current (In), is equal or
ing to the level of overvoltage given to the equipment to be lower to the impulse withstand voltage of the equipment:
protected against transient surge. U p/f Uw
Each equipment is rated with an impulse withstand voltage
(Uw) depending on its category. An equipment is protected if The IEC 60364-4-44 defines the required impulse withstand
its Uw is greater than the expected transient overvoltage be- voltage as described in the table below:
tween the live conductors and earth (common mode). If not,
an SPD must be installed.

Categories* Un Examples
230 /400 V 400 /690 V
I 1500 V 2500 V Equipment containing particularly sensitive electronic circuits:
computer workstations, computers, TV, HiFi, Video, Alarms, etc.;
household appliances with electronic programmers, etc.

II 2500 V 4000 V Domestic electrical equipment with mechanical programmers, portable tools, etc.

III 4000 V 6000 V Equipment subject to special requirements. Distribution panels, switches, breakers, etc.

IV 6000 V 8000 V Equipment for use at the origin of the installation. Electricity meters, circuit-breakers, etc.

* IEC 60664-1

Selection of surge protective device Basic example for a Type 1 SPD calculation (IEC62305-4):
The selection of the surge capacity of SPDs depends on the Lightning Protection Level calculated: LPL I
surge and lightning risk, determined by the risk analysis ac- Maximum peak current: I=200 kA
cording to IEC 62305-2. If there is a direct lightning risk on Assumption: perfect current sharing
the structure, a Type 1 SPD will have to be installed at the Number of connected service supply
service entrance and Type 2 and Type 3 SPDs in the sub- (earthing, water pipe): m=2
distribution boards, as close as possible to the equipment to Network configuration: 3 Phases + Neutral (n=4)
If there is not a direct lightning risk on the structure (no exter- Total current (I imp)/phase = I x 0.5 / (m x n)
nal protection, no aerial lines connected) a Type 2 SPD can = 200 x 0.5 / (2 x 4)
be installed at the service entrance and in the sub-distribution = 12.5 kA
A Type 1 SPD will be selected by its maximum impulse current
(Iimp) characteristics, and a Type 2 SPD by its nominal current
(I n) and maximum discharge current (Imax) characteristics.

11 Lightning strike on an external air terminal 1

or on the building
LPL I: 200 kA 3
2 Lightning strike near a building
3 Lightning strike on an overhead line
connected to the building

4 Lightning strike near an overhead line


2 4



Connected service supply

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Surge and lightning solutions
Selection of surge protective devices

End of life indicator of the surge protective device End-of-life indicator Safety Reserve system
This option enables indication of the surge protective device
state via a mechanical indicator which changes from green to
red as the surge protective device comes to end-of-life. When
this occurs, the surge protective device must be changed as
Normal End-of-life Normal In Reserve End-of-life
protection is no longer guaranteed.
A faulty surge protective device does not interrupt continuity of service (if wired such
Safety Reserve (s) system that priority is given to continuity of service), it simply disconnects itself. But, the
equipment is no longer protected.
In case of current surge exceeding the maximum capac-
ity of the device, the surge protective device will switch to
the Safety reserve position and the remote indicator (TS) will
switch to defect. Consequently, the user is warned in advance NOTE:
Pluggable surge protective device cartridges
and has more time to replace the cartridge, because in Safety have a foolproof system (Neutral cartridges
reserve position the protection is still ensured due to the different to Phase cartridges) prevent-
ing incorrect operations when replacing a
2-stage disconnecting system. cartridge.

The pluggable feature of ABB surge protective devices fa-
cilitates maintenance. Should one or more worn cartridges
need to be replaced, the electrical circuit does not have to be
isolated nor do the wires have to be removed.

Auxiliary contact (TS)

This function, achieved by wiring a 3-point 1 A volt-free
contact, enables the operational state of the surge protective
device to be checked remotely (maintenance premises).
Wiring schematic

Technical features of the integrated auxiliary contact

Contacts information: Normally-opened (NO) / Normally-
closed (NC)
Min. load: 12 V DC - 10 mA
Max. load: 250 V AC - 1 A
Surge protective device fitted with the auxiliary contact option
Connection cross-section: 1.5 mm.

pro M compact range

Max. discharge current Imax 8/20 Impulse current Iimp 10/350 s: with safety reserve
15 kA 15 kA P: pluggable device
40 kA 25 kA
70 kA
120 kA

OVR T2 N1 40 275 s P TS
T1: Type 1 SPD
T1+2: Type 1+2 SPD
Max. operating voltage Uc
HL: Type 1+2 SPD with Phases: 440 V Auxiliary contact
MOVs 1N: 1 phase (left) - neutral (right) 320 V
T2: Type 2 SPD 3N: 3 phases (left) - neutral (right) 275 V
PLUS: Autoprotected SPD N1: neutral (left) - 1 phase (right) 150 V
PV: Photovoltaic SPD N3: neutral (left - 3 phases (right) 75 V
TC: Dataline SPD 3L: 3 poles
WT: Wind turbine SPD 4L: 4 poles
without: 1 pole

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Surge and lightning protection solutions
Surge protective device disconnectors

Choice of backup protection

Surge protective device must have disconnectors which are internal and external. Internal is the so called thermal disconnec-
tion which helps to disconnect the SPD at the end of life (varistors technology). External is the backup protection which can be
an MCB or a fuse dedicated to the SPD protection in case of short circuit due to very high surge transient current for example.
Designation Function

Protection against Residual current devices (RCDs) assure a protection to people and installation.
indirect contact When installed with SPDs they must be of selective type "S" to avoid nuisance tripping.
In ABB portfolio you can choose the F200 S type range for a safer installation.

or Protection against Miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) or fuses protect the installation against overload and short circuit.
fault currents They can be associated with SPDs for the backup protection in agreement with coordination installa-
tion rules. You can either choose MCBs from the S200 or S800 series or fuses from the E90 range.

Thermal protection The thermal disconnection is an internal disconnection which is there to bring a safer protection
to the equipment. ABB is always developing new patents and has developed a thermal discon-
nection mechanism specifically dedicated to PV installation with the OVR PV range for a better
and safer protection.

Type of System earthing Circuit breaker maximum ratings * Fuses maximum

Surge Protective Devices curve B or C ratings* (gL - gG)
Prospective short circuit current at SPD location (Ip)
Ip 6 kA Ip 10 kA Ip 25 kA Ip 50 kA
Type 1
OVR T1 TNC S803S - 125 E 933/125 - 125 A
Iimp 25 kA / Ifi 50 kA TNS/TT 1Ph+N S802S - 125 E 931N/125 - 125 A
Uc 255 and 440 V TNS/TT 3Ph+N S804S - 125 E 933N/125 - 125 A
Type 1+2
OVR T1+2 TNC S803S - 125 E 933/125 - 125 A
Iimp 25 kA / Ifi 15 kA TNS/TT 1Ph+N S802S - 125 E 931N/125 - 125 A
Uc 255 V TNS/TT 3Ph+N S804S - 125 E 933N/125 - 125 A
OVR T1+2 TNC S803S - 125 E 933/125 - 125 A
Iimp 15 kA / Ifi 7 kA TNS/TT 1Ph+N S802S - 125 E 931N/125 - 125 A
Uc 255 V TNS/TT 3Ph+N S804S - 125 E 933N/125 - 125 A
OVR T1+2 TNC S203 - 50 S203 M - 50 S203 P - 50 S803S - 50 E 933/50 - 50 A
Iimp 7 kA TNS/TT 1Ph+N S201 - 50 NA S201 M - 50 NA S201 P - 50 NA S802S - 50 E 931N/50 - 50 A
Uc 275 V TNS/TT 3Ph+N S203 - 50 NA S203 M - 50 NA S203 P - 50 NA S804S - 50 E 933N/50 - 50 A
OVR HL TNC S203 - 50 S203 M - 50 S203 P - 50 S803S - 50 E 933/50 - 50 A
Iimp 15 kA TNS/TT 1Ph+N S201 - 50 NA S201 M - 50 NA S201 P - 50 NA S802S - 50 E 931N/50 - 50 A
Uc 440 V TNS/TT 3Ph+N S203 - 50 NA S203 M - 50 NA S203 P - 50 NA S804S - 50 E 933N/50 - 50 A
Type 2
OVR T2 pluggable TNC S203 - 16 S203 M - 16 E 93/32 - 16 A
Imax 15 kA TNS/TT 1Ph+N S201 - 16 NA S201 M - 16 NA E 91N/32 - 16 A
Uc 75 V TNS/TT 3Ph+N S203 - 16 NA S203 M - 16 NA E 93N/32 - 16 A
OVR T2 pluggable TNC S203 - 50 S203 M - 50 S203 P - 50 S803S - 50 E 933/50 - 50 A
Imax 15, 40 and 70 kA TNS/TT 1Ph+N S201 - 50 NA S201 M - 50 NA S201 P - 50 NA S802S - 50 E 931N/50 - 50 A
Uc 275 and 440 V TNS/TT 3Ph+N S203 - 50 NA S203 M - 50 NA S203 P - 50 NA S804S - 50 E 933N/50 - 50 A
OVR T2 non-pluggable TNC S203 - 63 S203 M - 63 S203 P - 63 S803S - 63 E 933/125 - 125 A
Imax 20 and 40 kA TNS/TT 1Ph+N S201 - 63 NA S201 M - 63 NA S201 P - 63 NA S802S - 63 E 931N/125 - 125 A
Uc 150 V, 275 and 440 V TNS/TT 3Ph+N S203 - 63 NA S203 M - 63 NA S203 P - 63 NA S804S - 63 E 933N/125 - 125 A
Type 3
OVR T3 TNC S203 - 10 S203 M - 10 E 93/32 - 25 A
Imax 10 kA TNS/TT 1Ph+N S201 - 10 NA S201 M - 10 NA E 91N/32 - 25 A
Uc 275 V TNS/TT 3Ph+N S203 - 10 NA S203 M - 10 NA E 93N/32 - 25 A
* Maximum ratings, must be in accordance with the installation to follow coordination rules with main or upstream short circuit protection(s).

Service entrance SPDs PE connection cable size

Type 1 16 mm
Type 2 4 mm

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Surge and lightning protection solutions
Mode of surge protection

Protection in common and/or differential mode

Common mode Differential mode
Overvoltages in common mode concern all neutral point con- Overvoltages in differential mode circulate between the live
nections. They occur between the live conductors and earth phase/phase or phase/neutral conductors. They can cause
(e.g. phase/earth or neutral/earth). The neutral conductor is a considerable damage to any equipment connected to the
live cable, as well as the phase conductors. electrical network, particularly "sensitive" equipment.
This overvoltage mode destroys not only earthed equipment
(Class I), but also non-earthed equipment (Class II) with insuf- These overvoltages concern TT earthing systems. They also
ficient electrical insulation (a few kilovolts) located close to an affect TN-S systems if there is a significant difference in length
earthed mass. between the neutral cable and the protective cable (PE).
Class II equipment that is not situated close to an earthed
mass is theoretically protected from this type of attack.

Overvoltages in common mode Overvoltages in differential mode

Different types of OVR configuration

Either Common mode or differential mode of protection are required depending on the system configuration (IT, TNC, TNS,
TT). For that purpose, you can find different OVR configuration (single pole, 3L, 4L, 1N, 3N).

Common mode configurations (TNC networks)

L1 L1

L2 L2
L3 L3


OVR T1 25-255-7 x 3 OVR T2 3L 40-275 s P

Ref.: 2CTB815101R8700 Ref.: 2CTB803853R2200

Common and differential mode configurations (TNS, TT networks)

L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3

OVR T1 25-255-7 x 3

OVR T2 3N 40-275 s P

+ OVR T1 25 N Ref.: 2CTB803953R0800

Ref.: 2CTB815101R8700
+ 2CTB815101R9700 OVR T1

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Surge and lightning protection solutions
Coordination and wiring principals

The SPD installed at the line entrance of an installation may not ensure an effective protec-
tion to the whole system. As a matter of fact, the selection of the voltage protection level (Up) The first SPD is diverting most of the
of SPDs depends on many parameters: Type of equipment to be protected, the length of the surge current to the ground, and the sec-
ond SPD will ensure a good protection
connections to the SPDs, the length in between the SPDs and the equipment to be protected. level to the equipment. 2
It is what we call the stepping protection.
Coordination required if :
The protection level (Up) of the SPDs is not low enough to protect the equipment.
If the distance in between the SPDs and the equipment is >10 m.

Coordination between Type 1 and Type 2 surge protective device

Type 1
Type 2
25 kA (10/350)
40 kA (8/20)
Ifi = 50 kA


(0 m minimum between the two devices)

Type 1
Type 2
25 kA (10/350)
40 kA (8/20)
Ifi = 7 kA L>5m

(5 m minimum between the two devices)

Coordination between Type 2 surge protective devices

Type 2 Type 2
70 kA (8/20) 40 kA (8/20)


(1 m minimum between the two devices)

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Protection against transient overvoltages
General wiring diagrams

Wiring diagrams according to IEC 60364-1

TNC system TNC-S system
230/400 V 230/400 V

L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3

Equipment Equipment

TNS system TT system IT system

230/400 V 230/400 V 230/400/600 V

L1 L1 L1
L2 L2 L2
L3 L3 L3

Equipment Equipment Equipment

Other wiring diagrams

Single phase Split phase
120/240/277 V 240/120 V, 480/240 V
L1 L1

G L2

Delta Grounded Wye

240/480/600 V 208 Y/120 V, 480 Y/277 V, 600 Y/347 V
L1 L1

L2 N

L3 L3

High-Leg Delta
240/1200 V HLD


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Surge and lightning protection solutions
Selection tool: TNC network 230/400 V

Industry, commercial building

Configuration 1 Configuration 2
15 kA Ip 50 kA Ip 15 kA

L1 L2 L3 PEN L1 L2 L3 PEN
Main distribution board

Main distribution board

E933/125 E933/125

OVR T1 3L 25-255 TS 3 x OVR T1+2 25-255 TS

Ref.: 2CTB815101R0700 Ref.: 2CTB815101R0300

> 10 meters cable > 10 meters cable

Sub-distribution board

Sub-distribution board

S203 M-B 50* S203 M-B 50*

S203 M-C 50* S203 M-C 50*

Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm

OVR T2 3L 40-275 s P OVR T2 3L 40-275 s P

Ref.: 2CT803853R2200 Ref.: 2CT803853R2200

Ip: prospective short circuit current of the power supply

* Must be according to the coordination rules with main or upstream short circuit protection(s).

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Surge and lightning protection solutions
Selection tool: TNC-S network 230/400 V

Industry, commercial building

Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3
15 kA Ip 50 kA 7 kA I p 15 kA I p 7 kA

L1 L2 L3 N PEN L1 L2 L3 N PEN L1 L2 L3 N PEN

Main distribution board

E933/125* E933/125* E933/125*

T1 T1 OVR T1

OVR T1 3L 25-255 TS 3 x OVR T1 +2 25-255 TS 3 x OVR T1 +2 15 255-7

Ref.: 2CTB815101R0700 Ref.: 2CTB815101R0300 Ref.: 2CTB815101R0300

> 10 meters cable > 10 meters cable > 10 meters cable

Sub-distribution board

S203 M-B 50 NA* S203 M-B 50 NA*

S203 M-C 50 NA* OVR
S203 M-C 50 NA* OVR

OVR T2 3N 40-275 s P TS OVR T2 3N 40-275 s P TS OVR Plus N3 40

Ref.: 2CTB803953R0200 Ref.: 2CTB803953R0200 Ref.: 2CTB803701R0300

> 10 meters cable > 10 meters cable > 10 meters cable

S201-B 32 NA*
S201-C 32 NA*
Distribution outlet


OVR T2 1N 40-275 s P TS OVR Plus N1 40 OVR Plus N1 40

Ref.: 2CTB803952R0200 Ref.: 2CTB803701R0100 Ref.: 2CTB803701R0100

Ip: prospective short circuit current of the power supply

* Must be according to the coordination rules with main or upstream short circuit protection(s).

16 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 16 17/09/2012 15:57:23

Surge and lightning protection solutions
Selection tool: TT network 230/400 V

Industry, commercial building

Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3
15 kA Ip 50 kA 7 kA I p 15 kA Ip 7 kA

L1 L2 L3 N PEN L1 L2 L3 N PEN L1 L2 L3 N PEN

Main distribution board

E933/125* E933/125* E933/125*

100 N 100 N

OVR T1 3N 25-255 TS 3 x OVR T1+2 25-255 TS OVR T1 3N 15-255-7

Ref.: 2CTB815101R0700 Ref.: 2CTB815101R0300 Ref.: 2CTB815101R9000
1 x OVR T1 100N
Ref.: 2CTB815101R0500

> 10 meters cable > 10 meters cable > 10 meters cable

Sub-distribution board

S203 M-B 50 NA* S203 M-B 50 NA*

S203 M-C 50 NA* S203 M-C 50 NA*

OVR T2 3N 40-275 s P TS OVR T2 3N 40-275 s P TS OVR Plus N3 40

Ref.: 2CTB803953R0200 Ref.: 2CTB803953R0200 Ref.: 2CTB803701R0300

> 10 meters cable > 10 meters cable > 10 meters cable

S201-B 32 NA*
Distribution outlet

S201-C 32 NA*


OVR T2 1N 40-275 s P TS OVR Plus N1 40 OVR Plus N1 40

Ref.: 2CTB803952R0200 Ref.: 2CTB803701R0100 Ref.: 2CTB803701R0100

Ip: prospective short circuit current of the power supply

* Must be according to the coordination rules with main or upstream short circuit protection(s).

ABB System pro M compact | 17

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 17 17/09/2012 15:57:24

Surge and lightning protection solutions
Selection tool: IT network 230 V without neutral

Commercial, residential
The IT system has all live parts at the source isolated from earth or one part connected to earth with a high impedance.
Configuration 1 Configuration 2
I p 50 kA I p 15 kA

L1 L2 L3 PEN L1 L2 L3 PEN

S203 M-B 50* E933/125*

S203 M-C 50*

OVR HL 3L 15-440 s P TS 3 x OVR T1 25-440-50

Ref.: 2CTB815401R0400 Ref.: 2CTB815101R9300

> 10 meters cable > 10 meters cable

S203-B 32* S203-B 32*

S203-C 32* S203-C 32*

OVR T2 3L 40-440 s P OVR T2 3L 40-440 s P

Ref.: 2CTB803853R2600 Ref.: 2CTB803853R2600

Ip: prospective short circuit current of the power supply

* Must be according to the coordination rules with main or upstream short circuit protection(s).

18 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 18 17/09/2012 15:57:25

Surge and lightning protection solutions
Selection tool: TNC, TNS/TT networks 230/400 V

With external conductive parts (external lightning protection air terminal, antenna...) or powered by aerial lines

Neighbour with external lightning protection system (or generally with

earthed extraneous conductive parts), or proximity of high points


L < 50 m L < 50 m

H < 20 m

H < 20 m
L < 50 m L < 50 m

Configuration 1 Configuration 2
With risk of direct lightning current (external protection, aerial lines...) With risk of indirect lightning current, transient surges

L1 L2 L3 PEN L1 L2 L3 PEN
Distribution board TNC

Distribution board TNC

E933/125* S203 M-B 40*

S203 M-C 40*

3 x OVR T1+2 15-255-7 OVR T2 OVR T2 OVR T2 OVR T2 OVR T2 OVR T2

OVR T2 3L 40-275 s P
Ref.: 2CTB815101R8900 Ref.: 2CTB803853R2200

Distribution board TNS/TT

Distribution board TNS/TT

S201 M-B 40 NA*

S201 M-C 40 NA*

OVR T1+2 15-255-7

Ref.: 2CTB815101R8900 OVR Plus N1 40
Ref.: 2CTB803701R0100
OVR T1 25 N
Ref.: 2CTB815101R9700

* Should be according to the coordination rules with installed main breakers

ABB System pro M compact | 19

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 19 17/09/2012 15:57:28


20 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 20 17/09/2012 15:57:31

Surge and lightning protection solutions

OVR surge protective devices

OVR Type 1
Single pole 22
TNC 230 V networks 24
TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N networks 26
TNS/TT 230 V 3Ph+N networks 28
Single pole neutral 30
OVR Type 1+2
Single pole 32
TNC 230 V networks 34
TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N and 3Ph+N networks 36

OVR Type 2
Single pole 57 V networks 38
Single pole 120 V and 230 V networks 40
Single pole 230 V networks 42
Single pole 400 V networks 44
TNC 230 V networks 46
TNC 400 V networks 48
TNS 230 V networks 50
TNS 400 V networks 52
TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N networks 54
TNS/TT 230 V 3Ph+N networks 56
TNS/TT 400 V 3Ph+N networks 58

OVR Type 3
TNS/TT 230 V networks 60

OVR Plus - Autoprotected

TNS/TT 230 V networks 62

Photovoltaic networks 64

Wind turbine networks 66

Data networks 68

LOVOS surge arresters

Single pole 70

Single pole 72

OPR external air terminal lightning protection

30 s and 60 s efficiency 74

ABB System pro M compact | 21

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 21 17/09/2012 15:57:31

OVR Type 1 surge protective devices
Single pole

Type 1 and Type 1+2 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any de-
struction of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 s wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1+2 ABB surge protective devices have a high impulse current withstand capacity with ensuring a low
protection level (Up).
Type 1 and Type 1+2 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection
of the electrical installation.
Ordering details
OVR T1 25-255
Nb of Impulse Follow Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles current current protection voltage cont. code
interrupting level operating Pkg
Iimp rating voltage (1 pce)
10/350 Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Follow current interrupting rating 7 kA

1 25 7 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 25-255-7 2CTB815101R8700 514110 0.16

Follow current interrupting rating 50 kA

1 25 50 2.5 400/690 440 OVR T1 25-440-50 2CTB815101R9300 514929 0.31
1 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 25-255 2CTB815101R0100 510877 0.31
2 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 2L 25-255 2CTB815101R1200 510891 0.63
2 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 2L 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R1100 510945 0.64

Main dimensions mm

OVR T1 25-255-7

35 70.4 88

OVR T1 25-440-50 OVR T1 2L 25-255 OVR T1 2L 25-255 TS

OVR T1 25-255

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T1 25-255-7 17.8 0.70
OVR T1 25-440-50 35.0 1.38
OVR T1 25-255 35.0 1.38
OVR T1 2L 25-255 70.4 2.77
OVR T1 2L 25-255 TS 88.0 3.46

22 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 22 17/09/2012 15:57:33

OVR Type 1 surge protective devices
Single pole

General technical data

Types OVR T1 25-255-7 OVR T1 25-440-50 OVR T1 25-255 OVR T1 2L 25-255
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T1 2L 25-255 TS
Technology Spark-gap Spark-gap Spark-gap Spark-gap
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T1 / I T1 / I T1 / I T1 / I
Protected lines 1 1 1 2
Types of networks TNC / TNS / TT IT / TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT TNS
Type of current AC AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un V 230 / 400 400 / 690 230 / 400 230 / 400
Maximum continuous operating voltage Uc V 255 440 255 255
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) kA 25 25 25 25
Maximum impulse current Tot. Iimp (10/350) kA 25 25 25 50
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 25 25 25 25
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi kA 7 50 50 50
Voltage protection level Up at In kV 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA kV 0.9 1.3 0.9 0.9
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 650 / 690 / 450 / 450 /
Response time ns 100 100 100 100
Residual current IPE A 1000 10 10 10
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 125 125 125 125
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 125 125 125 125
Pluggable cartridge No No No No
Integrated thermal disconnector
State indicator Yes No No No
Safety reserve No No No No
Auxiliary contact No No No No
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.550 2.550 2.550 2.550
Stranded wire mm 2.535 2.535 2.535 2.535
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 15 15 15 15
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 17.8 x 70.8 90 x 35 x 64.8 90 x 35 x 64.8 90 x 70.4 x 64.8
inches 3.34 x 0.70 x 2.78 3.54 x 1.38 x 2.55 3.54 x 1.38 x 2.55 3.54 x 2.77 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 90 x 88 x 64.8
inches 3.54 x 3.46 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 23

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 23 17/09/2012 15:57:33

OVR Type 1 surge protective devices
TNC 230 V networks

Type 1 and Type 1+2 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any de-
struction of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 s wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1+2 ABB surge protective devices have a high impulse current withstand capacity with ensuring a low
protection level (Up).
Type 1 and Type 1+2 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection
of the electrical installation.
Ordering details
Nb of Impulse Follow Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles current current protection voltage cont. code
OVR T1 3L 25-255
interrupting level operating Pkg
Iimp rating voltage (1 pce)
10/350 Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Follow current interrupting rating 50 kA

3 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 3L 25-255 2CTB815101R1300 510907 0.94
3 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 3L 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R0600 510952 1.00

Main dimensions mm
105 122.5

OVR T1 3L 25-255 OVR T1 3L 25-255 TS

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T1 3L 25-255 105.0 4.13
OVR T1 3L 25-255 TS 122.5 4.82

24 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 24 17/09/2012 15:57:34

OVR Type 1 surge protective devices
TNC 230 V networks

General technical data

Types OVR T1 3L 25-255
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T1 3L 25-255 TS
Technology Spark-gap Spark-gap
Wiring diagram


Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T1 / I T1 / I
Protected lines 3 3
Types of networks TNC TNC
Type of current AC AC
Nominal voltage Un V 230 / 400 230 / 400
Maximum continuous operating voltage Uc V 255 255
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) kA 25 25
Maximum impulse current Tot. Iimp (10/350) kA 75 75
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 25 25
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi kA 50 50
Voltage protection level Up at In kV 2.5 2.5
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA kV 0.9 0.9
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 450 / 450 /
Response time ns 100 100
Residual current IPE A 10 10
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 125 125
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 125 125
Pluggable cartridge No No
Integrated thermal disconnector
State indicator No Yes
Safety reserve No No
Auxiliary contact No Yes
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.550 2.550
Stranded wire mm 2.535 2.535
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 15 15
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 3.5 3.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 90 x 105 x 64.8
inches 3.54 x 4.13 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 90 x 122.5 x 64.8
inches 3.54 x 4.82 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 25

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 25 17/09/2012 15:57:34

OVR Type 1 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N networks

Type 1 and Type 1+2 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any de-
struction of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 s wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1+2 ABB surge protective devices have a high impulse current withstand capacity with ensuring a low
protection level (Up).
Type 1 and Type 1+2 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection
of the electrical installation.
Ordering details
OVR T1 1N 25-255 Nb of Impulse Follow Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles current current protection voltage cont. code
interrupting level operating Pkg
Iimp rating voltage (1 pce)
10/350 Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Follow current interrupting rating 50 kA

1+1 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 1N 25-255 2CTB815101R1500 510921 0.53
1+1 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 1N 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R1000 510976 0.64

Main dimensions mm
70.4 88

OVR T1 1N 25-255 OVR T1 1N 25-255 TS

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T1 1N 25-255 70.4 2.77
OVR T1 1N 25-255 TS 88.0 3.46

26 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 26 17/09/2012 15:57:35

OVR Type 1 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N networks

General technical data

Types OVR T1 1N 25-255
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T1 1N 25-255 TS
Technology Spark-gap Spark-gap
Wiring diagram


Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T1 / I T1 / I
Protected lines 1+1 1+1
Types of networks TNS / TT TNS / TT
Type of current AC AC
Nominal voltage Un V 230 / 400 230 / 400
Maximum continuous operating voltage Uc V 255 255
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) kA 25 25
Maximum impulse current Tot. Iimp (10/350) kA 50 50
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 25 25
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi kA 50 50
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kV 2.5 / / 2.5 2.5 / / 2.5
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kV 0.9 / / 0.9 0.9 / / 0.9
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 450 / 1200 450 / 1200
Response time ns 100 100
Residual current IPE A 10 10
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 125 125
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 125 125
Pluggable cartridge No No
Integrated thermal disconnector
State indicator No Yes
Safety reserve No No
Auxiliary contact No Yes
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.550 2.550
Stranded wire mm 2.535 2.535
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 15 15
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 3.5 3.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 90 x 70.4 x 64.8
inches 3.54 x 2.77 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 90 x 88 x 64.8
inches 3.54 x 3.46 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 27

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 27 17/09/2012 15:57:35

OVR Type 1 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V 3Ph+N networks

Type 1 and Type 1+2 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any de-
struction of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 s wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1+2 ABB surge protective devices have a high impulse current withstand capacity with ensuring a low
protection level (Up).
Type 1 and Type 1+2 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection
of the electrical installation.
Ordering details
OVR T1 3N 25-255-7 Nb of Impulse Follow Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles current current protection voltage cont. code
interrupting level operating Pkg
Iimp rating voltage (1 pce)
10/350 Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Follow current interrupting rating 50 kA

4 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 4L 25-255 2CTB815101R1400 510914 1.16
4 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 4L 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R0800 510969 1.26
3+1 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 3N 25-255 2CTB815101R1600 510938 1.16
3+1 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 3N 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R0700 510983 1.26

Follow current interrupting rating 7 kA

3+1 25 7 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 3N 25-255-7 2CTB815101R8800 514127 0.84

Main dimensions mm

140 157.5

OVR T1 4L 25-255 OVR T1 4L 25-255 TS

OVR T1 3N 25-255 OVR T1 3N 25-255 TS

OVR T1 3N 25-255-7

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T1 4L 25-255 140.0 5.5
OVR T1 4L 25-255 TS 157.5 6.2
OVR T1 3N 25-255 140.0 5.6
OVR T1 3N 25-255 TS 157.5 6.3
OVR T1 3N 25-255-7 89.0 3.5

28 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 28 17/09/2012 15:57:37

OVR Type 1 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V 3Ph+N networks

General technical data

Types OVR T1 4L 25-255 OVR T1 3N 25-255 OVR T1 3N 25-255-7
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T1 4L 25-255 TS OVR T1 3N 25-255 TS
Technology Spark-gap Spark-gap Spark-gap
Wiring diagram


Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T1 / I T1 / I T1 / I
Protected lines 4 3+1 3+1
Types of networks TNS TNS / TT TNS / TT
Type of current AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un V 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400
Maximum continuous operating voltage Uc V 255 255 255
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) kA 25 25 25
Maximum impulse current Tot. Iimp (10/350) kA 100 100 100
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 25 25 25
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi kA 50 50 7
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kV 2.5 2.5 / 2.5 / 2.5 2.0 / 2.0 / 2.0
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kV 0.9 0.9 / 0.9 / 0.9 0.9 / 0.9 / 0.9
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 450 / 450 / 1200 650 / 1200
Response time ns 100 100 100
Residual current IPE A 10 10 1000
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 125 125 125
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 125 125 125
Pluggable cartridge No No No
Integrated thermal disconnector
State indicator Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes
Safety reserve No No No
Auxiliary contact Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) No
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.550 2.550 2.550
Stranded wire mm 2.535 2.535 2.535
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 15 15 15
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 3.5 3.5 3.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 90 x 140 x 64.8 90 x 140 x 64.8 85 x 89 x 70.6
inches 3.54 x 5.51 x 2.55 3.54 x 5.51 x 2.55 3.35 x 3.50 x 2.78
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 90 x 157.5 x 64.8 90 x 157.5 x 64.8
inches 3.54 x 6.20 x 2.55 3.54 x 6.20 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 29

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 29 17/09/2012 15:57:37

OVR Type 1 surge protective devices
Single pole neutral

Type 1 and Type 1+2 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any de-
struction of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 s wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1+2 ABB surge protective devices have a high impulse current withstand capacity with ensuring a low
protection level (Up).
Type 1 and Type 1+2 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection
of the electrical installation.
Ordering details
OVR T1 100 N Nb of Impulse Follow Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles current current protection voltage cont. code
interrupting level operating Pkg
Iimp rating voltage (1 pce)
10/350 Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Type 1 Neutral
1 25 - 4 400/690 690 OVR T1 25 N 2CTB815101R9700 517043 0.15
1 50 - 1.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 50 N 2CTB815101R0400 510853 0.29
1 100 - 2 230/400 255 OVR T1 100 N 2CTB815101R0500 510860 0.29

Main dimensions mm

OVR T1 25 N OVR T1 50/100 N

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T1 25 N 17.8 0.70
OVR T1 50 N 35.6 1.40
OVR T1 100 N 35.6 1.40

30 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 30 17/09/2012 15:57:38

OVR Type 1 surge protective devices
Single pole neutral

General technical data NEW

Types OVR T1 25 N OVR T1 50 N OVR T1 100 N
with auxiliary contact (TS)
Technology Gas discharge tube (GDT) Gas discharge tube (GDT) Gas discharge tube (GDT)
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T1 / I T1 / I T1 / I
Protected lines 1 1 1
Types of networks Neutral Neutral Neutral
Type of current AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un V 400 / 690 230 / 400 230 / 400
Maximum continuous operating voltage Uc V 690 255 255
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) kA 25 50 100
Maximum impulse current Tot. Iimp (10/350) kA 25 50 100
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 25 25 25
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi kA 0.1 0.1 0.1
Voltage protection level Up at In kV 4 1.5 2
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA kV 0.9 0.9
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V / 1200 / 1200 / 1200
Response time ns 100 100 100
Residual current IPE A 10 10 10
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A
Pluggable cartridge No No No
Integrated thermal disconnector
State indicator No No No
Safety reserve No No No
Auxiliary contact No No No
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.550 2.550 2.550
Stranded wire mm 2.535 2.535 2.535
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 15 15 15
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 3.5 3.5 3.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement
Minimum load
Maximum load
Connection cross-section mm
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 35.6 x 64.8 85 x 35.6 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 1.40 x 2.55 3.35 x 1.40 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm

ABB System pro M compact | 31

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 31 17/09/2012 15:57:39

OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices
Single pole

Type 1 and Type 1+2 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any de-
struction of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 s wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1+2 ABB surge protective devices have a high impulse current withstand capacity with ensuring a low
protection level (Up).
Type 1 and Type 1+2 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection
of the electrical installation.
Ordering details
OVR T1+2 15-255-7
Nb of Impulse Max. Follow Voltage Nominal Max. cont. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles current discharge current protection voltage operating code
current interrupting level voltage Pkg
Iimp Imax rating (1 pce)
10/350 8/20 Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg
1 7 70 - 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T1+2 7-275s P 2CTB815101R3900 513403 0.15
1 15 140 - 1.4 230/400 440 OVR HL 15-440s P TS 2CTB815201R0800 509802 0.32
1 25 60 15 1.5 230/400 255 OVR T1+2 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R0300 510884 0.27

Follow current interrupting rating 7 kA

1 15 60 7 1.7 230/400 255 OVR T1+2 15-255-7 2CTB815101R8900 514134 0.14

Main dimensions mm

OVR T1+2 7-275s P OVR HL 15-440s P TS


OVR T1+2 25-255 TS OVR T1+2 15-255-7

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T1+2 7-275s P 17.8 0.70
OVR HL 15-440s P TS 35.6 1.40
OVR T1+2 25-255 TS 35.0 1.38
OVR T1+2 15-255-7 17.8 0.70

32 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 32 17/09/2012 15:57:40

OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices
Single pole

General technical data

Types OVR T1+2 7-275s P OVR T1+2 15-255-7
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR HL 15-440s P TS OVR T1+2 25-255 TS
Technology Varistor Varistor Spark-gap + varistor Spark-gap
Wiring diagram
OVR T1+2

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T1+T2 / I+II T1+T2 / I+II T1+T2 / I+II T1+T2 / I+II
Protected lines 1 1 1 1
Types of networks TNC / TNS / TT IT / TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT
Type of current AC AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un V 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400
Maximum continuous operating voltage Uc V 275 440 255 255
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) kA 7 15 25 15
Maximum impulse current Tot. Iimp (10/350) kA 7 15 25 15
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 70 100 60 60
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 7 5 25 15
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi kA 15 7
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kV / / 1.4 / / 1.4 / / 1.5 / / 1.7
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kV / / 0.8 / / 1.2 / / 1.0 / / 0.9
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 334 / 440 / 334 / 650 /
Response time ns 25 25 100 100
Residual current IPE A 50 50 10 1000
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 50 50 125 125
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 50 50 125 125
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes No No
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve Yes Yes No No
Auxiliary contact No Yes Yes No
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.550 2.550 2.550
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.535 2.535 2.535
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.5 15 15 15
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2 3.5 3.5 3.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 VAC - 1 A 250 VAC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 70.8
inches 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.79
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 90 x 35.6 x 65 93 x 35 x 58
inches 3.54 x 1.40 x 2.56 3.66 x 1.38 x 2.28

ABB System pro M compact | 33

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 33 17/09/2012 15:57:41

OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices
TNC 230 V networks

Type 1 and Type 1+2 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any de-
struction of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 s wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1+2 ABB surge protective devices have a high impulse current withstand capacity with ensuring a low
protection level (Up).
Type 1 and Type 1+2 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection
of the electrical installation.
Ordering details
Nb of Impulse Max. Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
OVR HL 3L 15-440s P TS poles current discharge protection voltage cont. code
current level operating Pkg
Iimp Imax voltage (1 pce)
10/350 8/20 Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg
3 15 100 1.4 230/400 440 OVR HL 3L 15-440s P TS 2CTB815401R0400 509833 0.94
3 7 70 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T1+2 3L 7-275s P 2CTB815101R4000 513410 0.48

Main dimensions mm

OVR HL 3L 15-440s P TS OVR T1+2 3L 7-275s P

Type Width
mm inches
OVR HL 3L 15-440s P TS 106.8 4.2
OVR T1+2 3L 7-275s P 53.4 2.1

34 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 34 17/09/2012 15:57:43

OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices
TNC 230 V networks

General technical data

Types OVR T1+2 3L 7-275s P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR HL 3L 15-440s P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram
OVR T1+2 OVR T1+2 OVR T1+2

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T1+T2 / I+II T1+T2 / I+II
Protected lines 3 3
Types of networks IT / TNC TNC
Type of current AC AC
Nominal voltage Un V 230 / 400 230 / 400
Maximum continuous operating voltage Uc V 440 275
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) kA 15 7
Maximum impulse current Tot. Iimp (10/350) kA 45 20
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 100 70
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 5 7
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi kA
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kV / / 1.4 / / 1.4
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kV / / 1.2 / / 0.8
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 440 / 334 /
Response time ns 25 25
Residual current IPE A 150 150
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 50 50
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 50 50
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes
Safety reserve Yes Yes
Auxiliary contact Yes No
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.550 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.535 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 15 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 3.5 2
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 53.4 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 2.10 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 90 x 106.8 x 65
inches 3.54 x 4.20 x 2.56

ABB System pro M compact | 35

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 35 17/09/2012 15:57:43

OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N and 3Ph+N networks

Type 1 and Type 1+2 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any de-
struction of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 s wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1+2 ABB surge protective devices have a high impulse current withstand capacity with ensuring a low
protection level (Up).
Type 1 and Type 1+2 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection
of the electrical installation.
Ordering details
OVR T1+2 1N 7-275s P Nb of Impulse Max. Follow Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles current discharge current protection voltage cont. code
current interrupting level operating Pkg
Iimp Imax rating voltage (1 pce)
10/350 8/20 Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg
1+1 7 70 - 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T1+2 1N 7-275s P 2CTB815302R1000 515728 0.32
3+1 7 70 - 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T1+2 3N 7-275s P 2CTB815502R1000 515735 0.63
4 7 70 - 0.9 230/400 275 OVR T1+2 4L 7-275s P 2CTB815101R4100 513427 0.60
4 15 100 - 1.4 230/400 440 OVR HL 4L 15-440s P TS 2CTB815503R0400 509840 1.20

Follow current interrupting rating 7 kA - 2 poles (1Ph+N)

3+1 15 60 7 1.7 230/400 255 OVR T1+2 3N 15-255-7 2CTB815101R9000 514141 0.84

Main dimensions mm

OVR T1+2 1N 7-275s P OVR T1+2 3N 7-275s P OVR T1+2 4L 7-275s P

OVR HL 4L15-440s P TS OVR T1+2 3N 15-255-7

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T1+2 1N 7-275s P 35.0 1.38
OVR T1+2 3N 7-275s P 71.2 2.80
OVR T1+2 4L 7-275s P 71.2 2.80
OVR HL 4L15-440s P TS 142.4 5.60
OVR T1+2 3N 15-255-7 89.0 3.50

36 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 36 17/09/2012 15:57:44

OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N and 3Ph+N networks

General technical data

Types OVR T1+2 1N 7-275s P OVR T1+2 3N 7-275s P OVR T1+2 4L 7-275s P OVR T1+2 3N 15-255-7
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR HL 4L 15-440s P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor Spark-gap
Wiring diagram
OVR T1+2 OVR T1+2
OVR T1+2 OVR T1+2 OVR T1+2 OVR T1+2 OVR T1+2 OVR T1+2 OVR T1+2 OVR T1+2 OVR T1+2

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T1+T2 / I+II T1+T2 / I+II T1+T2 / I+II T1+T2 / I+II T1+T2 / I+II
Protected lines 1+1 3+1 4 4 3+1
Types of networks TNS / TT TNS / TT TNS TNS TNS / TT
Type of current AC AC AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un V 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400
Maximum continuous operating voltage Uc V 275 275 275 440 255
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) kA 7 7 7 15 15
Maximum impulse current Tot. Iimp (10/350) kA 15 30 30 60 50
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 70 70 70 100 60
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 7 7 7 5 15
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi kA 7
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kV 0.9 / 1.4 / 1.4 0.9 / 1.4 / 1.4 - / - / 1.4 - / - / 1.4 1.7 / 1.5 / 1.7
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kV 0.8 / 0.8 / 0.8 0.8 / 0.8 / 0.8 - / - / 0.8 - / - / 1.2 0.9 / 0.9 / 0.9
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 334 / 1200 334 / 1200 334 / - 440 / - 650 / 1200
Response time ns 25 25 25 25 100
Residual current IPE A 10 10 200 200 1000
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 50 50 50 50 125
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 50 50 50 50 125
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes Yes -
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Auxiliary contact No No No Yes No
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.550 2.550
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.535 2.535
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.5 12.5 12.5 15 15
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2 2 2 3.5 3.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 35 x 64.8 85 x 71.2 x 64.8 85 x 71.2 x 64.8 85 x 89 x 70.8
inches 3.35 x 1.38 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 3.50 x 2.79
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 90 x 142.4 x 65
inches 3.54 x 5.60 x 2.56

ABB System pro M compact | 37

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 37 17/09/2012 15:57:45

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
Single pole 57 V networks

Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment against
indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their capacity to safely
discharge current with 8/20 s wave form.
Ordering details
Nb of Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles discharge discharge protection voltage cont. code
3 current
current level operating
(1 pce)
OVR T2 15-75 P 8/20 In Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Type 2 pluggable - Uc 75 V
1 15 5 0.3 57 75 OVR T2 15-75 P 2CTB803851R2800 518446 0.12
1 15 5 0.3 57 75 OVR T2 15-75 P TS 2CTB803851R2700 518453 0.12
2 15 5 0.3 57 75 OVR T2 2L 15-75 P 2CTB803852R1700 518484 0.23
2 15 5 0.3 57 75 OVR T2 2L 15-75 P TS 2CTB803852R1600 518477 0.23

Main dimensions mm

OVR T2 15-75 P OVR T2 2L 15-75 P

OVR T2 15-75 P TS OVR T2 2L 15-75 P TS

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T2 15-75 P 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 15-75 P TS 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 2L 15-75 P 35.6 1.40
OVR T2 2L 15-75 P TS 35.6 1.40

38 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 38 17/09/2012 15:57:46

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
Single pole 57 V networks

General technical data

Types OVR T2 15-75 P OVR T2 2L 15-75 P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 15-75 P TS OVR T2 2L 15-75 P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 1 1 2 2
Types of networks TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT
Type of current AC - DC AC - DC AC - DC AC - DC
Nominal AC voltage Un V 57 57 57 57
Max. cont. operating AC voltage Uc V 75 75 75 75
Max. cont. operating DC voltage Uc V 100 100 100 100
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 15 15 15 15
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 5 5 5 5
Voltage protection level Up at In kV 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA kV 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 75 / - 75 / - 75 / - 75 / -
Response time ns 25 25 25 25
Residual current IPE A 25 25 50 50
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 16 16 16 16
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 16 16 16 16
Pluggable cartridge No No No No
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No No No
Auxiliary contact No Yes No Yes
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 88 x 17.8 x 64.8 88 x 35.6 x 64.8
inches 3.46 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.46 x 1.40 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 96 x 17.8 x 64.8 96 x 35.6 x 64.8
inches 3.78 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.78 x 1.40 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 39

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 39 17/09/2012 15:57:47

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
Single pole 120 V and 230 V networks

Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment against
indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their capacity to safely
discharge current with 8/20 s wave form.
Ordering details
Nb of Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles discharge discharge protection voltage cont. code
3 current current level operating Pkg
OVR T2 20-150 Imax voltage (1 pce)
8/20 In Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Type 2 unpluggable
1 20 5 1.0 120/240 150 OVR T2 20-150 2CTB804200R0700 518057 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 120/240 150 OVR T2 40-150 2CTB804201R0700 518064 0.12
1 20 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 20-275 2CTB804200R0100 514882 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 40-275 2CTB804201R0100 514103 0.12

Main dimensions mm

OVR T2 20-150
OVR T2 40-150
OVR T2 20-275
OVR T2 40-275

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T2 20-150 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 40-150 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 20-275 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 40-275 17.8 0.70

40 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 40 17/09/2012 15:57:47

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
Single pole 120 V and 230 V networks

General technical data

Types OVR T2 20-150 OVR T2 40-150 OVR T2 20-275 OVR T2 40-275
with auxiliary contact (TS)
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 1 1 1 1
Types of networks TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT
Type of current AC AC AC AC
Nominal AC voltage Un V 120 / 240 120 / 240 230 / 400 230 / 400
Max. cont. operating AC voltage Uc V 150 150 275 275
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 20 40 20 40
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 5 20 5 20
Voltage protection level Up at In kV 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.4
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA kV 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 334 / - 334 / - 334 / - 334 / -
Response time ns 25 25 25 25
Residual current IPE A 25 25 25 25
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 50 50 50 50
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 50 50 50 50
Pluggable cartridge No No No No
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No No No
Auxiliary contact No No No No
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.5 12.2 12.2 12.2
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement
Minimum load
Maximum load
Connection cross-section mm
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 41

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 41 17/09/2012 15:57:48

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
Single pole 230 V networks

Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment against
indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their capacity to safely
discharge current with 8/20 s wave form.
Ordering details
Nb of Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles discharge discharge protection voltage cont. code
3 current
current level operating
(1 pce)
8/20 In Up Un Uc
OVR T2 40-275 P
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Type 2 pluggable - Uc 275 V

1 15 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 15-275 P 2CTB803851R2400 512840 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 40-275 P 2CTB803851R2300 512833 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 40-275 P TS 2CTB803851R1700 514363 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 40-275s P 2CTB803851R2000 512826 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 40-275s P TS 2CTB803851R1400 512802 0.12
1 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 70-275s P 2CTB803851R1900 512819 0.12
1 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 70-275s P TS 2CTB803851R1300 512796 0.12

Type 2 Neutral
1 70 30 1.4 230/400 255 OVR T2 70 N P 2CTB803953R1900 516862 0.12

Main dimensions mm

OVR T2 40-275 P OVR T2 40-275 P TS

OVR T2 40-275s P OVR T2 40-275s P TS
OVR T2 70-275s P OVR T2 70-275s P TS
OVR T2 70 N P

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T2 40-275 P 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 40-275 P TS 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 40-275s P 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 40-275s P TS 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 70-275s P 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 70-275s P TS 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 70 N P 17.8 0.70

42 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 42 17/09/2012 15:57:49

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
Single pole 230 V networks

General technical data

Types OVR T2 15-275 P OVR T2 40-275 P OVR T2 40-275s P OVR T2 70-275s P OVR T2 70 N P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 40-275 P TS OVR T2 40-275s P TS OVR T2 70-275s P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor Gas discharge tube (GDT)
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 1 1 1 1 1
Types of networks TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT Neutral
Type of current AC AC AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc V 275 275 275 275 255
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 15 40 40 70 70
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 5 20 20 30 30
Voltage protection level Up at In kA 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.4
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA kA 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 334 / - 334 / - 334 / - 334 / - - / 1200
Response time ns 25 25 25 25 100
Residual current IPE A 25 25 50 50 10
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 50 50 50 50
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 50 50 50 50
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No Yes Yes
Auxiliary contact No Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) No
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 96 x 17.8 x 64.8 96 x 17.8 x 64.8 96 x 17.8 x 64.8
inches 3.78 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.78 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.78 x 0.70 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 43

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 43 17/09/2012 15:57:50

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
Single pole 400 V networks

Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment against
indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their capacity to safely
discharge current with 8/20 s wave form.
Ordering details
Nb of Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles discharge discharge protection voltage cont. code
3 current
current level operating
(1 pce)
OVR T2 120-440s P TS
8/20 In Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Type 2 unpluggable - Uc 440 V

1 20 5 1.3 230/400 440 OVR T2 20-440 2CTB804200R0200 518071 0.12
1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 40-440 2CTB804201R0200 518088 0.12

Type 2 pluggable - Uc 440 V

1 15 5 1.3 230/400 440 OVR T2 15-440 P 2CTB803851R1100 512772 0.12
1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 40-440 P 2CTB803851R1200 512789 0.12
1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 40-440 P TS 2CTB803851R0500 514370 0.12
1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 40-440s P 2CTB803851R0800 512765 0.12
1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 40-440s P TS 2CTB803851R0200 512741 0.12
1 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 70-440s P 2CTB803851R0700 512758 0.12
1 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 70-440s P TS 2CTB803851R0100 512734 0.12
1 120 60 2.5 230/400 440 OVR T2 120-440s P TS 2CTB803951R1300 517067 0.25

Main dimensions mm

OVR T2 20-440 OVR T2 40-440 P TS OVR T2 120-440s P TS

OVR T2 40-440 OVR T2 40-440s P TS
OVR T2 15-440 P OVR T2 70-440s P TS
OVR T2 40-440 P OVR T2 120-440s P TS
OVR T2 40-440s P
OVR T2 70-440s P

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T2 20-440 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 40-440 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 15-440 P 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 40-440 P 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 40-440 P TS 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 40-440s P 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 40-440s P TS 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 70-440s P 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 70-440s P TS 17.8 0.70
OVR T2 120-440s P TS 35.6 1.40

44 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 44 17/09/2012 15:57:51

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
Single pole 400 V networks

General technical data

Types OVR T2 20-440 OVR T2 40-440 OVR T2 15-440 P OVR T2 40-440(s) P OVR T2 70-440s P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 40-440(s) P TS OVR T2 70-440s P TS OVR T2 120-440s P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 1 1 1 1 1 1
Types of networks TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT TNC / TNS / TT
Type of current AC AC AC AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400
Max. cont. operating AC voltage Uc V 440 440 440 440 440 440
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 20 40 15 40 70 120
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 5 20 5 20 30 60
Voltage protection level Up at In kA 1.3 1.9 1.3 2.0 2.0 2.5
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA kA 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 440 / - 440 / - 440 / - 440 / - 440 / - 440 / -
Response time ns 25 25 25 25 25 25
Residual current IPE A 25 25 25 25 (50 for s option) 50 50
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 50 50 50 50 50 50
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 50 50 50 50 50 50
Pluggable cartridge No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No No Yes (s option) Yes Yes
Auxiliary contact No No No Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.2 12.2 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 96 x 35.6 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.78 x 1.40 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 45

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 45 17/09/2012 15:57:51

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNC 230 V networks

Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment against
indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their capacity to safely
discharge current with 8/20 s wave form.
Ordering details
Nb of Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles discharge discharge protection voltage cont. code
3 current
current level operating
(1 pce)
8/20 In Up Un Uc
OVR T2 3L 20-275 kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Type 2 unpluggable - Uc 275 V

3 20 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 20-275 2CTB804600R0400 515957 0.35
3 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 40-275 2CTB804601R0400 515964 0.35
Type 2 pluggable - Uc 275 V
3 15 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 15-275 P 2CTB803853R3400 512987 0.35
3 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 40-275 P 2CTB803853R2400 513366 0.35
3 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 40-275 P TS 2CTB803853R2500 514400 0.35
3 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 40-275s P 2CTB803853R2200 512963 0.35
3 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 40-275s P TS 2CTB803853R2300 512970 0.35
3 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 70-275s P 2CTB803853R4100 512994 0.35
3 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 70-275s P TS 2CTB803853R4400 513007 0.35

Main dimensions mm

OVR T2 3L 20-275 OVR T2 3L 40-275 P TS

OVR T2 3L 40-275 OVR T2 3L 40-275s P TS
OVR T2 3L 15-275 P OVR T2 3L 70-275s P TS
OVR T2 3L 40-275 P
OVR T2 3L 40-275s P
OVR T2 3L 70-275s P

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T2 3L 20-275 53.4 2.10
OVR T2 3L 40-275 53.4 2.10
OVR T2 3L 15-275 P 53.4 2.10
OVR T2 3L 40-275 P 53.4 2.10
OVR T2 3L 40-275 P TS 53.4 2.10
OVR T2 3L 40-275s P 53.4 2.10
OVR T2 3L 40-275s P TS 53.4 2.10
OVR T2 3L 70-275s P 53.4 2.10
OVR T2 3L 70-275s P TS 53.4 2.10

46 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 46 17/09/2012 15:57:52

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNC 230 V networks

General technical data

Types OVR T2 3L 20-275 OVR T2 3L 40-275 OVR T2 3L 15-275 P OVR T2 3L 40-275(s) P OVR T2 3L 70-275s P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 3L 40-275(s) P TS OVR T2 3L 70-275s P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 3 3 3 3 3
Types of networks TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC
Type of current AC AC AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400
Max. cont. operating AC voltage Uc V 275 275 275 275 275
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 20 40 15 40 70
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 5 20 5 20 30
Voltage protection level Up at In kA 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.4 1.5
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA kA 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 334 / - 334 / - 334 / - 334 / - 334 / -
Response time ns 25 25 25 25 25
Residual current IPE A 75 75 75 75 (150 for s option) 150
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 50 50 50 50 50
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 50 50 50 50 50
Pluggable cartridge No No Yes Yes Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No No Yes (s option) Yes
Auxiliary contact No No No Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option)
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 53.4 x 64.8 85 x 53.4 x 64.8 85 x 53.4 x 64.8 85 x 53.4 x 64.8 85 x 53.4 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 2.10 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.10 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.10 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.10 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.10 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 96 x 53.4 x 64.8 96 x 53.4 x 64.8
inches 3.78 x 2.10 x 2.55 3.78 x 2.10 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 47

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 47 17/09/2012 15:57:53

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNC 400 V networks

Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment against
indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their capacity to safely
discharge current with 8/20 s wave form.
Ordering details
Nb of Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles discharge discharge protection voltage cont. code
3 current
current level operating
(1 pce)
8/20 In Up Un Uc
OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Type 2 pluggable - Uc 440 V

3 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 3L 40-440 P 2CTB803853R2600 516879 0.45
3 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 3L 40-440 P TS 2CTB803853R2700 516886 0.45
3 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 3L 70-440s P 2CTB803853R4200 516893 0.45
3 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 3L 70-440s P TS 2CTB803853R4300 516909 0.45
3 40 20 3.0 400/690 440 OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P 2CTB803853R4500 515629 0.48
3 40 20 3.0 400/690 440 OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P TS 2CTB803853R4600 515636 0.48

Main dimensions mm

OVR T2 3L 40-440 P OVR T2 3L 40-440 P TS

OVR T2 3L 70-440s P OVR T2 3L 70-440s P TS
OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P TS

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T2 3L 40-440 P 53.4 2.10
OVR T2 3L 40-440 P TS 53.4 2.10
OVR T2 3L 70-440s P 53.4 2.10
OVR T2 3L 70-440s P TS 53.4 2.10
OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P 53.4 2.10
OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P TS 53.4 2.10

48 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 48 17/09/2012 15:57:54

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNC 400 V networks

General technical data

Types OVR T2 3L 40-440 P OVR T2 3L 70-440s P OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 3L 40-440 P TS OVR T2 3L 70-440s P TS OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 3 3 3
Types of networks TNC TNC TNC
Type of current AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 230 / 400 230 / 400 400 / 690
Max. cont. operating AC voltage Uc V 440 440 440
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 40 70 40
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 20 30 20
Voltage protection level Up at In kA 1.9 2.0 3.0
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA kA 1.3 1.2 2.1
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 440 / - 440 / - 440 / -
Response time ns 25 25 25
Residual current IPE A 75 (150 for s option) 150 75
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 50 50 50
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 50 50 50
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No Yes No
Auxiliary contact Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) No
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.5 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 53.4 x 64.8 85 x 53.4 x 64.8 85 x 53.4 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 2.10 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.10 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.10 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 96 x 53.4 x 64.8 96 x 53.4 x 64.8 96 x 53.4 x 64.8
inches 3.78 x 2.10 x 2.55 3.78 x 2.10 x 2.55 3.78 x 2.10 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 49

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 49 17/09/2012 15:57:54

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNS 230 V networks

Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment against
indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their capacity to safely
discharge current with 8/20 s wave form.
Ordering details
Nb of Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles discharge discharge protection voltage cont. code
3 current
current level operating
(1 pce)
8/20 In Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg
OVR T2 4L 20-275
Type 2 unpluggable - Uc 275 V
4 20 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 20-275 2CTB804600R0500 515971 0.45
4 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 40-275 2CTB804601R0500 515988 0.45

Type 2 pluggable - Uc 275 V

4 15 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 15-275 P 2CTB803853R6000 513038 0.45
4 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 40-275 P 2CTB803853R5600 513274 0.45
4 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 40-275 P TS 2CTB803853R5200 514417 0.45
4 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 40-275s P 2CTB803853R5400 513021 0.45
4 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 40-275s P TS 2CTB803853R5000 513014 0.45
4 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 70-275s P 2CTB803919R0200 513045 0.45
4 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 70-275s P TS 2CTB803919R0400 513052 0.45

Main dimensions mm

OVR T2 4L 20-275 OVR T2 4L 40-275 P TS

OVR T2 4L 40-275 OVR T2 4L 40-275s P TS
OVR T2 4L 15-275 P OVR T2 4L 70-275s P TS
OVR T2 4L 40-275 P
OVR T2 4L 40-275s P
OVR T2 4L 70-275s P

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T2 4L 20-275 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 4L 40-275 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 4L 15-275 P 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 4L 40-275 P 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 4L 40-275 P TS 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 4L 40-275s P 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 4L 40-275s P TS 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 4L 70-275s P 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 4L 70-275s P TS 71.2 2.80

50 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 50 17/09/2012 15:57:55

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNS 230 V networks

General technical data

Types OVR T2 4L 20-275 OVR T2 4L 40-275 OVR T2 4L 15-275 P OVR T2 4L 40-275(s) P OVR T2 4L 70-275s P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 4L 40-275(s) P TS OVR T2 4L 70-275s P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 4 4 4 4 4
Types of networks TNS TNS TNS TNS TNS
Type of current AC AC AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400
Max. cont. operating AC voltage Uc V 275 275 275 275 275
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 20 40 15 40 70
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 5 20 5 20 30
Voltage protection level Up at In kA 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.4 1.5
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA kA 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 334 / - 334 / - 334 / - 334 / - 334 / -
Response time ns 25 25 25 25 25
Residual current IPE A 100 100 100 100 (200 for s option) 200
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 50 50 50 50 50
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 50 50 50 50 50
Pluggable cartridge No No Yes Yes Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No No Yes (s option) Yes
Auxiliary contact No No No Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option)
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 71.2 x 64.8 85 x 71.2 x 64.8 85 x 71.2 x 64.8 85 x 71.2 x 64.8 85 x 71.2 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 96 x 71.2 x 64.8 96 x 71.2 x 64.8
inches 3.78 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.78 x 2.80 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 51

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 51 17/09/2012 15:57:56

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNS 400 V networks

Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment against
indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their capacity to safely
discharge current with 8/20 s wave form.
Ordering details
Nb of Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles discharge discharge protection voltage cont. code
3 current
current level operating
(1 pce)
8/20 In Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg
OVR T2 4L 40-440 P
Type 2 pluggable - Uc 440 V
4 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 4L 40-440 P 2CTB803853R5100 516916 0.48
4 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 4L 40-440 P TS 2CTB803853R5300 516923 0.48
4 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 4L 70-440s P 2CTB803853R7000 516930 0.48
4 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 4L 70-440s P TS 2CTB803853R7100 516947 0.48

Main dimensions mm

OVR T2 4L 40-440 P OVR T2 4L 40-440 P TS

OVR T2 4L 70-440s P OVR T2 4L 70-440s P TS

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T2 4L 40-440 P 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 4L 40-440 P TS 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 4L 70-440s P 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 4L 70-440s P TS 71.2 2.80

52 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 52 17/09/2012 15:57:57

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNS 400 V networks

General technical data

Types OVR T2 4L 40-440 P OVR T2 4L 70-440s P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 4L 40-440 P TS OVR T2 4L 70-440s P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 4 4
Types of networks TNS TNS
Type of current AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 230 / 400 230 / 400
Max. cont. operating AC voltage Uc V 440 440
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 40 70
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 20 30
Voltage protection level Up at In kA 1.9 2.0
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA kA 1.5 1.2
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 440 / - 440 / -
Response time ns 25 25
Residual current IPE A 100 200
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 50 50
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 50 50
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes
Safety reserve No Yes
Auxiliary contact Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option)
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 71.2 x 64.8 85 x 71.2 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 96 x 71.2 x 64.8 96 x 71.2 x 64.8
inches 3.78 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.78 x 2.80 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 53

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 53 17/09/2012 15:57:57

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N networks

Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment against
indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their capacity to safely
discharge current with 8/20 s wave form.
Ordering details
Nb of Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles discharge discharge protection voltage cont. code
3 current
current level operating
(1 pce)
8/20 In Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg
OVR T2 1N 15-275 P
Type 2 pluggable - Uc 275 V
1+1 15 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 15-275 P 2CTB803952R1200 513106 0.25
1+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 40-275 P 2CTB803952R1100 513250 0.25
1+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 40-275 P TS 2CTB803952R0500 514387 0.25
1+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 40-275s P 2CTB803952R0800 513090 0.25
1+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 40-275s P TS 2CTB803952R0200 513076 0.25
1+1 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 70-275s P 2CTB803952R0700 513083 0.25
1+1 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 70-275s P TS 2CTB803952R0100 513069 0.25

Main dimensions mm

OVR T2 1N 15-275 P OVR T2 1N 40-275 P TS

OVR T2 1N 40-275 P OVR T2 1N 40-275s P TS
OVR T2 1N 40-275s P OVR T2 1N 70-275s P TS
OVR T2 1N 70-275s P

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T2 1N 15-275 P 35.6 1.40
OVR T2 1N 40-275 P 35.6 1.40
OVR T2 1N 40-275 P TS 35.6 1.40
OVR T2 1N 40-275s P 35.6 1.40
OVR T2 1N 40-275s P TS 35.6 1.40
OVR T2 1N 70-275s P 35.6 1.40
OVR T2 1N 70-275s P TS 35.6 1.40

54 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 54 17/09/2012 15:57:58

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N networks

General technical data

Types OVR T2 1N 15-275 P OVR T2 1N 40-275 P OVR T2 1N 40-275s P OVR T2 1N 70-275s P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 1N 40-275 P TS OVR T2 1N 40-275s P TS OVR T2 1N 70-275s P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
Types of networks TNS / TT TNS / TT TNS / TT TNS / TT
Type of current AC AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400
Max. cont. operating AC voltage Uc V 275 275 275 275
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 15 40 40 70
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 5 20 20 30
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kA 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0 1.4 / 1.4 / 1.5 1.4 / 1.4 / 1.5 1.5 / 1.5 / 1.7
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kA 0.9 / 0.9 / 0.9 0.9 / 0.9 / 0.9 0.9 / 0.9 / 0.9 0.8 / 0.8 / 0.8
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 334 / 1200 334 / 1200 334 / 1200 334 / 1200
Response time ns 25 25 25 25
Residual current IPE A 10 10 10 10
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 50 50 50 50
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 50 50 50 50
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No Yes Yes
Auxiliary contact No Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option)
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 35.6 x 64.8 85 x 35.6 x 64.8 85 x 35.6 x 64.8 85 x 35.6 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 1.40 x 2.55 3.35 x 1.40 x 2.55 3.35 x 1.40 x 2.55 3.35 x 1.40 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 96 x 35.6 x 64.8 96 x 35.6 x 64.8 96 x 35.6 x 64.8
inches 3.78 x 1.40 x 2.55 3.78 x 1.40 x 2.55 3.78 x 1.40 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 55

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 55 17/09/2012 15:57:59

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V 3Ph+N networks

Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment against
indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their capacity to safely
discharge current with 8/20 s wave form.
Ordering details
Nb of Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles discharge discharge protection voltage cont. code
3 current
current level operating
(1 pce)
8/20 In Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg
OVR T2 3N 15-275 P
Type 2 pluggable - Uc 275 V
3+1 15 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 15-275 P 2CTB803953R1200 513151 0.45
3+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 40-275 P 2CTB803953R1100 513267 0.45
3+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 40-275 P TS 2CTB803953R0500 514394 0.45
3+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 40-275s P 2CTB803953R0800 513144 0.45
3+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 40-275s P TS 2CTB803953R0200 513120 0.45
3+1 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 70-275s P 2CTB803953R0700 513137 0.45
3+1 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 70-275s P TS 2CTB803953R0100 513113 0.45

Main dimensions mm

OVR T2 3N 15-275 P OVR T2 3N 40-275 P TS

OVR T2 3N 40-275 P OVR T2 3N 40-275s P TS
OVR T2 3N 40-275s P OVR T2 3N 70-275s P TS
OVR T2 3N 70-275s P

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T2 3N 15-275 P 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 3N 40-275 P 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 3N 40-275 P TS 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 3N 40-275s P 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 3N 40-275s P TS 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 3N 70-275s P 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 3N 70-275s P TS 71.2 2.80

56 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 56 17/09/2012 15:58:00

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V 3Ph+N networks

General technical data

Types OVR T2 3N 15-275 P OVR T2 3N 40-275 P OVR T2 3N 40-275s P OVR T2 3N 70-275s P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 3N 40-275 P TS OVR T2 3N 40-275s P TS OVR T2 3N 70-275s P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 3+1 3+1 3+1 3+1
Types of networks TNS / TT TNS / TT TNS / TT TNS / TT
Type of current AC AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400
Max. cont. operating AC voltage Uc V 275 275 275 275
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 15 40 40 70
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 5 20 20 30
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kA 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0 1.4 / 1.4 / 1.5 1.4 / 1.4 / 1.5 1.5 / 1.4 / 1.7
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kA 0.9 / 0.9 / 0.9 0.9 / 0.9 / 0.9 0.9 / 0.9 / 0.9 0.8 / 0.9 / 0.8
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 334 / 1200 334 / 1200 334 / 1200 334 / 1200
Response time ns 25 25 25 25
Residual current IPE A 10 10 10 10
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 50 50 50 50
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 50 50 50 50
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No Yes Yes
Auxiliary contact No Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option)
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 71.2 x 64.8 85 x 71.2 x 64.8 85 x 71.2 x 64.8 85 x 71.2 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 96 x 71.2 x 64.8 96 x 71.2 x 64.8 96 x 71.2 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 57

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 57 17/09/2012 15:58:01

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 400V 3Ph+N networks

Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment against
indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their capacity to safely
discharge current with 8/20 s wave form.
Ordering details
Nb of Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles discharge discharge protection voltage cont. code
3 current
current level operating
(1 pce)
8/20 In Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg
OVR T2 3N 15-440 P
Type 2 pluggable - Uc 440 V
3+1 15 5 1.3 230/400 440 OVR T2 3N 15-440 P 2CTB803953R1300 516800 0.48
3+1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 3N 40-440 P 2CTB803953R1400 516817 0.48
3+1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 3N 40-440 P TS 2CTB803953R1500 516824 0.48
3+1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 3N 40-440s P TS 2CTB803953R1600 516831 0.48
3+1 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 3N 70-440s P 2CTB803953R1700 516848 0.48
3+1 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 3N 70-440s P TS 2CTB803953R1800 516855 0.48

Main dimensions mm

OVR T2 3N 15-440 P OVR T2 3N 40-440 P TS

OVR T2 3N 40-440 P OVR T2 3N 40-440s P TS
OVR T2 3N 70-440s P OVR T2 3N 70-440s P TS

Type Width
mm inches
OVR T2 3N 15-440 P 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 3N 40-440 P 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 3N 40-440 P TS 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 3N 40-440s P TS 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 3N 70-440s P 71.2 2.80
OVR T2 3N 70-440s P TS 71.2 2.80

58 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 58 17/09/2012 15:58:02

OVR Type 2 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 400V 3Ph+N networks

General technical data

Types OVR T2 3N 15-440 P OVR T2 3N 40-440 P OVR T2 3N 70-440s P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 3N 40-440 P TS OVR T2 3N 40-440s P TS OVR T2 3N 70-440s P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 3+1 3+1 3+1 3+1
Types of networks TNS / TT TNS / TT TNS / TT TNS / TT
Type of current AC AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400
Max. cont. operating AC voltage Uc V 440 440 440 440
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 15 40 40 70
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 5 20 20 30
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kA 1.5 / 1.3 / 1.5 1.9 / 1.4 / 1.9 1.9 / 1.4 / 1.9 2.0 / 1.4 / 2.3
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kA 1.3 / 1.2 / 1.3 1.3 / 1.2 / 1.3 1.3 / 1.2 / 1.3 1.3 / 1.2 / 1.3
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 440 / - 440 / - 440 / - 440 / -
Response time ns 25 25 25 25
Residual current IPE A 10 10 10 10
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50 50 50
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 50 50 50 50
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 50 50 50 50
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No Yes Yes
Auxiliary contact No Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option)
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 71.2 x 64.8 85 x 71.2 x 64.8 85 x 71.2 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 96 x 71.2 x 64.8 96 x 71.2 x 64.8 96 x 71.2 x 64.8
inches 3.78 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.78 x 2.80 x 2.55 3.78 x 2.80 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 59

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 59 17/09/2012 15:58:03

OVR Type 3 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V networks

Type 3 surge protective devices shall be installed as close as possible from the sensitive equipment to
protect. Tested with a 1.2/50 - 8/20 current combination wave generator, they ensure a very low protection
Ordering details
Nb of Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
poles discharge discharge protection voltage cont. code
3 current
current level operating
(1 pce)
8/20 In Up Un Uc
OVR 3N 10 275 kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Type 3 non-pluggable - Uc 275 V

1+1 10 3 0.9 230/400 275 OVR 1N 10 275 2CTB813912R1000 509208 0.27
3+1 10 3 0.9 230/400 275 OVR 3N 10 275 2CTB813913R1000 509215 0.48

Main dimensions mm

OVR 1N 10 275 OVR 3N 10 275

Type Width
mm inches
OVR 1N 10 275 35.6 1.40
OVR 3N 10 275 71.2 2.80

60 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 60 17/09/2012 15:58:04

OVR Type 3 surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V networks

General technical data

Types OVR 1N 10 275 OVR 3N 10 275
with auxiliary contact (TS)
Technology Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T3 / III T3 / III
Protected lines 1+1 3+1
Types of networks TNS / TT TNS / TT
Type of current AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 230 / 400 230 / 400
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc V 275 275
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 10 10
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 3 3
Combination wave Uoc kV 6 6
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kA 0.9 / 1.4 0.9 / 1.4
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kA 0.9 / 0.9 0.9 / 0.9
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 334 / 440 334 / 440
Response time ns 25 25
Residual current IPE A 10 10
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 10 10
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A 25 25
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 10 10
Pluggable cartridge No No
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No
Auxiliary contact No No
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement
Minimum load
Maximum load
Connection cross-section mm
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 / -40 to +70 -40 to +80 / -40 to +70
Degree of protection IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 35.6 x 64.8 85 x 71.2 x 64.8
inches 3.35 x 1.40 x 2.55 3.35 x 2.80 x 2.55

ABB System pro M compact | 61

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 61 17/09/2012 15:58:04

OVR Plus - Autoprotected surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V networks

OVR PLUS N3 20 and OVR PLUS N3 40 for commercial and industrial applications:
Auto-protected: Backup miniature circuit breaker integrated and fully coordinated with the surge protective
Easy installation: Fully coordinated unit with easy wiring with the complete ABB pro M modular range.
High discharge capacity: With Imax 20 and 40 kA the OVR Plus N3 insure the protection of your low
voltage installations and electric equipment.
High reliability: No welding inside the module and specific thermal disconnection with the "bilame" sensor.
OVR PLUS N1 40 for residential applications:
Auto-protected: Backup miniature circuit breaker integrated and fully coordinated with the surge protective
OVR PLUS N3 20 Compact: Only two modules (36 mm width), means more space and easy wiring with the complete ABB
OVR PLUS N3 40 DIN rail range.
High discharge capacity: With Imax 20 and 40 kA the OVR PLUS N1 can protect your electric equipment
against high surges.
High reliability: No welding inside the module and specific thermal disconnection.
Ordering details
Protected Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
lines discharge current protection voltage cont. code
current level operating Pkg
Imax voltage (1 pce)
8/20 In Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Type 2 autoprotected
1+1 20 5 1.3 230/400 275 OVR PLUS N1 20 2CTB803701R0700 521286 0.28
1+1 40 20 1.8 230/400 320 OVR PLUS N1 40 2CTB803701R0100 517005 0.28
3+1 20 5 1.3 230/400 320 OVR PLUS N3 20 2CTB803701R0400 517081 0.84
3+1 40 20 2.0 230/400 320 OVR PLUS N3 40 2CTB803701R0300 517074 0.84

Main dimensions mm

OVR Plus N1 20 OVR Plus N3 20

OVR Plus N1 40 OVR Plus N3 40

Type Width
mm inches
OVR PLUS N1 20 35.6 1.40
OVR PLUS N1 40 35.6 1.40
OVR PLUS N3 20 106.8 4.20
OVR PLUS N3 40 106.8 4.20

62 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 62 17/09/2012 15:58:05

OVR Plus - Autoprotected surge protective devices
TNS/TT 230 V networks

General technical data NEW

Types OVR Plus N1 20 OVR Plus N1 40 OVR Plus N3 20 OVR Plus N3 40
with auxiliary contact (TS)
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 1+1 1+1 3+1 3+1
Types of networks TNS / TT TNS / TT TNS / TT TNS / TT
Type of current AC AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400 230 / 400
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc V 275 320 320 320
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 20 40 20 40
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 5 20 5 20
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kV 1.3 / - / 1.3 1.6 / - / 1.8 1.3 / 1.3 / 1.3 2.0 / 1.5 / 2.0
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) kV 1.1 / - / 1.1 1.1 / - / 1.1 1.1 / 1.1 / 1.1 1.1 / 1.1 / 1.1
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s / N-PE: 200ms) V 334 / 1200 334 / 1200 334 / 1200 334 / 1200
Response time ns 25 25 25 25
Residual current IPE A 10 10 10 10
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 15 15 10 15
Backup protection
Fuse (gG - gL) A integrated integrated integrated integrated
Circuit breaker (B or C curve) A integrated integrated integrated integrated
Pluggable cartridge No No No No
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No No No
Auxiliary contact Yes (S2C-H6R / 2CDS200912R0001)
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 11 11 11 11
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement
Minimum load
Maximum load
Connection cross-section mm
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +70 / -25 to +55 -40 to +70 / -25 to +55 -40 to +70 / -25 to +55 -40 to +70 / -25 to +55
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 91 x 35.6 x 74.6 91 x 35.6 x 74.6 100.8 x 106.8 x 74.6 100.8 x 106.8 x 74.6
inches 3.58 x 1.40 x 2.94 3.58 x 1.40 x 2.94 3.97 x 4.20 x 2.94 3.97 x 4.20 x 2.94

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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 63 17/09/2012 15:58:06

OVR PV surge protective devices
Photovoltaic networks

Specifically designed for photovoltaic DC installations, the OVR PV family provide a safe and reliable surge
and lightning protection of solar panels and converters.
The OVR PV surge protective devices comply with UTE C 61-740-51 and prEN 50539-11.
Ordering details
Protected Impulse Max. Nominal Voltage Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
lines current discharge current protection cont. code
3 current level operating Pkg
Iimp Imax voltage (1 pce)
OVR PV T1 6.25-600 P TS 10/350 8/20 In Up Ucpv
kA kA kA kV V 3660308 kg

Type 1 PV
2 6.25 - 6.25 1.9 670 OVR PV T1 6.25-600 P TS 2CTB803953R5700 518361 1.10
2 6.25 - 6.25 2.5 1000 OVR PV T1 6.25-1000 P TS 2CTB803953R6700 518378 1.10

Type 2 PV
2 - 40 20 1.4 670 OVR PV 40-600 P 2CTB803953R5300 516510 0.38
2 - 40 20 1.4 670 OVR PV 40-600 P TS 2CTB803953R5400 516527 0.39
2 - 40 20 3.8 1000 OVR PV 40-1000 P 2CTB803953R6400 516534 0.38
2 - 40 20 3.8 1000 OVR PV 40-1000 P TS 2CTB803953R6500 516541 0.39
OVR PV 40-600 P

Main dimensions mm

OVR PV T1 6.25-600 P TS
OVR PV T1 6.25-1000 P TS

OVR PV 40-600 P OVR PV 40-600 P TS OVR PV 40-1000 P OVR PV 40-1000 P TS

Type Width
mm inches
OVR PV T1 6.25-600 P TS 160.2 6.31
OVR PV T1 6.25-1000 P TS 160.2 6.31
OVR PV 40-600 P 53.4 2.10
OVR PV 40-600 P TS 53.4 2.10
OVR PV 40-1000 P 53.4 2.10
OVR PV 40-1000 P TS 53.4 2.10

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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 64 17/09/2012 15:58:07

OVR PV surge protective devices
Photovoltaic networks

General technical data NEW NEW

Types OVR PV 40-600 P OVR PV 40-1000 P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR PV T1 6.25-600 P TS OVR PV T1 6.25-1000 P TS OVR PV 40-600 P TS OVR PV 40-1000 P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard UTE C 61-740-51 / prEN 50539-11
Type / test class T1 / I T1 / I T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 2 2 2 2
Types of networks Photovoltaic Photovoltaic Photovoltaic Photovoltaic
Type of current DC DC DC DC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 600 1000 600 1000
Max. cont. operating voltage Ucpv V 670 1000 670 1000
Impulse current Iimp (10/350) 6.25 6.25
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 40 40
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 6.25 6.25 20 20
Voltage protection level Up at In kV 1.9 / 1.9 2.5 / 2.5 2.8 / 1.4 3.8 / 3.8
Response time ns 25 25 25 25
Residual current IPE A 75 75 10 75
Short-circuit DC current Iscwpv A 100 100 100 100
Disconnector If Iscwpv >100 A If Iscwpv >100 A If Iscwpv >100 A If Iscwpv >100 A
Fuse 10AgPV (E90PV) 10AgPV (E90PV) 10AgPV (E90PV) 10AgPV (E90PV)
Circuit breaker - - S802PV-S10 S804PV-S10
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integrated specific thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No No No
Auxiliary contact Yes Yes Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option)
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 88 x 53.4 x 65 88 x 53.4 x 65
inches 3.46 x 2.10 x 2.56 3.46 x 2.10 x 2.56
with auxiliary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 88 x 160.2 x 65 88 x 160.2 x 65 88 x 53.4 x 65 88 x 53.4 x 65
inches 3.46 x 6.31 x 2.56 3.46 x 6.31 x 2.56 3.46 x 2.10 x 2.56 3.46 x 2.10 x 2.56

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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 65 17/09/2012 15:58:08

OVR WT surge protective devices
Wind turbine networks

Due to their height, wind turbines have especially high exposure to lightning, they need high capacity and
reliable lightning and surge protection.
The OVR WT family takes into consideration the specificity of wind installations with a high peak repetitive
voltage withstand (Urp up to 3 kV) ensure a safe protection to Wind applications.
It can be DIN mounted with the OVR WT 3L 690 P TS or fixed close to the equipments to protect with the
OVR WT 3L 690 enclosure solution.
3 OVR WT 3L 690 P TS Ordering details
Protected Impulse Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Type Order code EAN Weight
lines current discharge current protection voltage code
current level Pkg
Iimp Imax (1 pce)
10/350 8/20 In Up Uc
kA kA kA kV V 3660308 kg

Type 1+2 WT
3 2 40 20 6 400/690 OVR WT 3L 690 2CTB235401R0000 517050 2.56
3 2 40 20 6 400/690 OVR WT 3L 690 P TS 2CTB235402R0000 518507 1.67

OVR WT 3L 690

Main dimensions mm

OVR WT 3L 690 P TS

Type Width
mm inches
OVR WT 3L 690 275.0 10.82
OVR WT 3L 690 P TS 178.0 7.01

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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 66 17/09/2012 15:58:09

OVR WT surge protective devices
Wind turbine networks

General technical data NEW

with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR WT 3L 690 OVR WT 3L 690 P TS
Technology Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram
25N 25N

Electrical features 3
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T1+2 / I+II T1+2 / I+II
Protected lines 3 3
Types of networks TNC TNC
Type of current AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 400 / 690 400 / 690
Peak repetitive voltage withstand Urp (L-PE/L-L) V 3000 / 3400 3000 / 3400
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc (L-PE / L-L) V 1260 / 2520 1260 / 2520
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) kA 2 2
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 40 40
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 20 20
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi kA - -
Voltage protection level Up at In kV 6 6
Voltage protection level Up at 3kA kV 4.4 4.4
Response time ns 100 100
Residual current IPE A 10 10
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 50 50
Backup protection
fuse (gG - gL) A 125 125
circuit breaker (B or C curve) A 125 125
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No
Auxiliary contact Yes Yes
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 2.525 2.525
Stranded wire mm 2.516 2.516
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 11 11
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section mm 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 220 x 275 x 140 100 x 178 x 65
inches 8.67 x 10.82 x 5.51 3.94 x 7.01 x 2.56

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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 67 17/09/2012 15:58:10

OVR TC surge protective devices
Data networks

The OVR TC family offers a reliable surge protection to dataline networks for datacenters, water treatment
installations or wind turbine installations.
With the RJ11 and RJ45 bases they allow a flexible and easy installation.
Ordering details
Protected Max. Nominal / Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
lines discharge rated protection voltage cont. code
3 current current level operating Pkg
OVR TC 200FR P Imax voltage (1 pce)
8/20 In / IL Up Un Uc
kA kA / mA kV V V 3660308 kg

Dataline protection modules

1 pair 10 5 / 140 15 6 7 OVR TC 06V P 2CTB804820R0000 515230 0.07
1 pair 10 5 / 140 20 12 14 OVR TC 12V P 2CTB804820R0100 515247 0.07
1 pair 10 5 / 140 35 24 27 OVR TC 24V P 2CTB804820R0200 515254 0.07
1 pair 10 5 / 140 70 48 53 OVR TC 48V P 2CTB804820R0300 515261 0.07
1 pair 10 5/ 700 200 220 OVR TC 200V P 2CTB804820R0400 515278 0.07
1 pair 10 5 / 140 400 200 220 OVR TC 200FR P 2CTB804820R0500 515285 0.07

BASE OVR TC RJ11 2CTB804840R1000 515599 0.07
BASE OVR TC RJ45 2CTB804840R1100 515605 0.07

Main dimensions mm


Type Width
mm inches
OVR TC 06V P 12.0 0.47
OVR TC 12V P 12.0 0.47
OVR TC 24V P 12.0 0.47
OVR TC 48V P 12.0 0.47
OVR TC 200V P 12.0 0.47
OVR TC 200FR P 12.0 0.47

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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 68 17/09/2012 15:58:10

OVR TC surge protective devices
Data networks

General technical data

with auxiliary contact (TS)
Connection configuration Serial Serial Serial Serial Parallel Serial
Wiring diagram


Electrical features
Standard IEC/EN 61643-21
Type / test class C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Protected lines 1 pair 1 pair 1 pair 1 pair 1 pair 1 pair
Types of networks MIC/T2 - RS422/485 RS232 LS - 4/20mA RNIS ADSL RTC / Analogue
Type of current DC DC DC DC DC DC
Nominal voltage Un V 6 12 24 48 200 200
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc V 7 14 27 53 220 220
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 10 10 10 10 10 10
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 5 5 5 5 5 5
Voltage protection level Up at In kV 15 20 35 70 700 400
Response time ns 1 1 1 1 100 1
Rated current IL mA 140 140 140 140 - 140
Series resistance 10 10 10 10 - 10
Cut frequency MHz 10 2 4 6 100 3
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator - - - - - -
Safety reserve No No No No No No
Auxiliary contact No No No No No No
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm 1.5 / 2.5 1.5 / 2.5 1.5 / 2.5 1.5 / 2.5 1.5 / 2.5 1.5 / 2.5
Stranded wire mm - - - - - -
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm 6/7 6/7 6/7 6/7 6/7 6/7
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 0.2 / 0.4 0.2 / 0.4 0.2 / 0.4 0.2 / 0.4 0.2 / 0.4 0.2 / 0.4
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement
Minimum load
Maximum load
Connection cross-section
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 85 x 12 x 64 85 x 12 x 64 85 x 12 x 64 85 x 12 x 64 85 x 12 x 64 85 x 12 x 64
inches 8.67 x 0.47 x 1.57 8.67 x 0.47 x 1.57 8.67 x 0.47 x 1.57 8.67 x 0.47 x 1.57 8.67 x 0.47 x 1.57 8.67 x 0.47 x 1.57

ABB System pro M compact | 69

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 69 17/09/2012 15:58:11

LOVOS 5 surge arresters
Single pole

Most of distribution transformers are protected on the primary side with surge arresters. Representing
substantial capital investment and being a key component for reliable and continuous electricity supply, the
transformer should always be protected against surge damage or deterioration on the secondary side with
low voltage surge arresters.
The Lovos 5 family proposes a fine surge transient protection of distribution transformers.
Ordering details
3 LOVOS-5/280. Protected Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
lines discharge current protection voltage cont. code
current level operating Pkg
Imax voltage (1 pce)
8/20 In Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Protection of low voltage overhead lines

1 25 5 1.1 230/400 280 LOVOS-5/280 0.18
1 25 5 1.8 230/400 440 LOVOS-5/440 0.18
1 25 5 2 400/690 500 LOVOS-5/500 0.18
1 25 5 2.5 400/690 660 LOVOS-5/660 0.18
1 25 5 4 690/1000 1000 LOVOS-5/1000 0.18

Ordering example
LOVOS 5 / 660 + 1701 + 2711
LOVOS 5 / 660-2 + 1701 + 2719
Earthing accessories
Line terminal accessories
1 - with disconnecting device (digit "1" can be omitted);
2 - without disconnecting device
Maximum continuous operating voltage 660 V
Nominal discharge current 5 kA
Type name

Information and orders shall be sent to:

PLABB-HV department
Attention to Bozena Trajer

Main dimensions mm

Type Width
mm inches
LOVOS-5/280 49.0 1.93
LOVOS-5/440 49.0 1.93
LOVOS-5/500 49.0 1.93
LOVOS-5/660 49.0 1.93
LOVOS-5/1000 49.0 1.93

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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 70 17/09/2012 15:58:12

LOVOS 5 surge arresters
Single pole

General technical data

Types LOVOS-5/280 LOVOS-5/440 LOVOS-5/500 LOVOS-5/660 LOVOS-5/1000
with auxiliary contact (TS)
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 1 1 1 1 1
Type of current AC AC AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 230/400 230/400 400/690 400/690 690/1000
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc V 280 440 500 660 1000
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 25 25 25 25 25
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 5 5 5 5 5
Voltage protection level Up at In kV 1.1 1.8 2 2.5 4
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s./N-PE: 200 ms) V 400/1440 400/1440 400/1440 400/1440 400/1440
Response time ns 25 25 25 25 25
Residual current IPE A 160 160 160 160 160
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 3 3 3 3 3
Energy absorption capability J 1800 3000 3200 4000 6400
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm
Stranded wire mm 6 and 16 6 and 16 6 and 16 6 and 16 6 and 16
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm from 10 up to 40 from 10 up to 40 from 10 up to 40 from 10 up to 40 from 10 up to 40
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 10 10 10 10 10
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +70 -40 to +70 -40 to +70 -40 to +70 -40 to +70
Degree of protection IP06 IP06 IP06 IP06 IP06
Degree of protection with insulated accessories IP66 IP66 IP66 IP66 IP66
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0

ABB System pro M compact | 71

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 71 17/09/2012 15:58:12

LOVOS 10 surge arresters
Single pole

Most of distribution transformers are protected on the primary side with surge arresters. Representing
substantial capital investment and being a key component for reliable and continuous electricity supply, the
transformer should always be protected against surge damage or deterioration on the secondary side with
low voltage surge arresters.
The Lovos 10 family propose a high surge transient protection of the distribution transformers.
Ordering details
3 LOVOS-10/280 Protected Max. Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code EAN Weight
lines discharge current protection voltage cont. code
current level operating Pkg
Imax voltage (1 pce)
8/20 In Up Un Uc
kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Follow current interrupting rating 50 kA

1 40 10 1.1 230/400 280 LOVOS-10/280 0.18
1 40 10 1.8 230/400 440 LOVOS-10/440 0.18
1 40 10 2 400/690 500 LOVOS-10/500 0.18
1 40 10 2.5 400/690 660 LOVOS-10/660 0.18
1 40 10 4 690/1000 1000 LOVOS-10/1000 0.18

Ordering example
LOVOS 10 / 660 + 1701 + 2711
LOVOS 10 / 660-2 + 1701 + 2719
Earthing accessories
Line terminal accessories
1 - with disconnecting device (digit "1" can be omitted);
2 - without disconnecting device
Maximum continuous operating voltage 660 V
Nominal discharge current 10 kA
Type name

Information and orders shall be sent to:

PLABB-HV department
Attention to Bozena Trajer

Main dimensions mm

Type Width
mm inches
LOVOS-10/280 49.0 1.93
LOVOS-10/440 49.0 1.93
LOVOS-10/500 49.0 1.93
LOVOS-10/660 49.0 1.93
LOVOS-10/1000 49.0 1.93

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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 72 17/09/2012 15:58:13

LOVOS 10 surge arresters
Single pole

General technical data

Types LOVOS-10/280 LOVOS-10/440 LOVOS-10/500 LOVOS-10/660 LOVOS-10/1000
with auxiliary contact (TS)
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Wiring diagram

Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11
Type / test class T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II T2 / II
Protected lines 1 1 1 1 1
Type of current AC AC AC AC AC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) V 230/400 230/400 400/690 400/690 690/1000
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc V 280 440 500 660 1000
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) kA 40 40 40 40 40
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) kA 10 10 10 10 10
Voltage protection level Up at In kV 1.1 1.8 2 2.5 4
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut
(L-N: 5s./N-PE: 200ms) V 400/1440 400/1440 400/1440 400/1440 400/1440
Response time ns 25 25 25 25 25
Residual current IPE A 300 300 300 300 300
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr kA 3 3 3 3 3
Energy absorption capability J 2200 3300 3900 4500 7800
Wire range (L, N, PE)
Solid wire mm
Stranded wire mm 6 and 16 6 and 16 6 and 16 6 and 16 6 and 16
Stripping length (L, N, PE) mm from 10 up to 40 from 10 up to 40 from 10 up to 40 from 10 up to 40 from 10 up to 40
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) Nm 10 10 10 10 10
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature C -40 to +70 -40 to +70 -40 to +70 -40 to +70 -40 to +70
Degree of protection IP06 IP06 IP06 IP06 IP06
Degree of protection with insulated accessories IP66 IP66 IP66 IP66 IP66
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0

ABB System pro M compact | 73

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 73 17/09/2012 15:58:14

OPR external air terminal lightning protection
30 s and 60 s efficiency

The unique efficiency of the OPR early streamer emission air terminal (ESEAT) is based on the difference (T),
measured in a laboratory, in between the emission time of the OPR and the one from a simple rod.
The OPRESE air terminal is composed of a striking point connected to two down conductors to conduct the
lightning to the ground.
During a storm the ambient electric field may rise from 600 V to 10-20 kV/m. When the electric field reaches
this level representing a minimum risk for a lightning, the OPR begins to get activated and generates high
voltage pulses, helping to create and propagating an upward leader.
3 OPR 30
After a strike on the OPR, the lightning current is driven to ground by the down conductor to the earth termi-
nation system.
The radius of protection (Rp) of the OPR is calculated according to the NFC17-102 (edition 2011). It
depends on the OPR efficiency (T) expressed in micro-seconds. The maximum value for T is 60 s by
The risk assessment shall be calculated according to the NF C17-102 Annex A / IEC 62305-2 and will define
the protection level (LPL I, II, III or IV) which will be used in the determination of the OPR radius of protection.
Ordering details
OPR L Description Type Order code EAN Weight
efficiency code
T (1 pce)
OPR 60
s mm 3660308 kg
30 216.5 OPR 30 without mast OPR 30 2CTB899800R7000 514172 2.19
60 216.5 OPR 60 without mast OPR 60 2CTB899800R7100 514189 2.36
2300.0 Mast support for OPR Mast 2M30 2CTH070002R0000 521668 3.30

Main dimensions mm



OPR 30 OPR 60 30Mast

s 2M30 60 s

Type Width
mm inches
OPR 30 without mast 216.5 8.52
OPR 60 without mast 216.5 8.52
Mast 2M30 2300.0 90.55

mt 1 m

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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 74 17/09/2012 15:58:16

OPR external air terminal lightning protection
30 s and 60 s efficiency

General technical data

OPR radius of protection
Level of protection LPL I LPL II LPL III LPL IV
Rolling sphere radius r (m) 20 30 45 60
Types OPR 30 OPR 60 OPR 30 OPR 60 OPR 30 OPR 60 OPR 30 OPR 60
h (m) Radius of protection Rp (m)
2 19 31 22 35 25 39 28 43
3 29 47 33 52 38 58 43 64
4 38 63 44 69 51 78 57 85 3
5 48 79 55 86 63 97 71 107
6 48 79 55 87 64 97 72 107
8 49 79 56 87 65 98 73 108
10 49 79 57 88 66 99 75 109
15 50 80 58 89 69 101 78 111
20 50 80 59 89 71 102 81 113
45 43 76 58 89 75 105 89 119
50 40 74 57 88 75 105 89 120
55 36 72 55 86 74 105 90 120
60 30 69 52 85 73 104 90 120

Rp1 Rp2 Rp(h) : Protection radius at a given height (h)
Rp(h) = 2rh - h2 + (2r + ) (for h 5 m)
h1 h2 For 2 m h < 5 m, refer to the table above

h3 h : Height of the OPR tip above the surface(s)

to be protected

r(m) : Standardized striking distance (depends on

LPL level)

(m) = 10 6 .T (OPR efficiency)

OPR Designer software


ABB System pro M compact | 75

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 75 17/09/2012 15:58:17

Surge and lightning protection solutions
Selection table

Protected lines Impulse Max. Nominal Follow current Voltage Nominal Max. cont. Type Order code EAN Pkg Weight
current discharge current interrupting protection voltage operating code qty (1 pce)
current rating level voltage
Iimp Imax
10/350 8/20 In Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kA kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Type 1 OVR
Iimp 25 kA
1 25 25 50 2.5 400/690 440 OVR T1 25-440-50 2CTB815101R9300 514929 1 0.31
1 25 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 25-255 2CTB815101R0100 510877 1 0.31
2 25 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 2L 25-255 2CTB815101R1200 510891 1 0.63
2 25 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 2L 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R1100 510945 1 0.64
4 3 25 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 3L 25-255 2CTB815101R1300 510907 1 0.94
3 25 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 3L 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R0600 510952 1 1.00
4 25 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 4L 25-255 2CTB815101R1400 510914 1 1.16
4 25 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 4L 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R0800 510969 1 1.26
1+1 25 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 1N 25-255 2CTB815101R1500 510921 1 0.53
1+1 25 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 1N 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R1000 510976 1 0.64
3+1 25 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 3N 25-255 2CTB815101R1600 510938 1 1.16
3+1 25 25 50 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 3N 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R0700 510983 1 1.26
1 25 25 7 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 25-255-7 2CTB815101R8700 514110 1 0.16
3+1 25 25 7 2.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 3N 25-255-7 2CTB815101R8800 514127 1 0.84
1 25 25 4 400/690 690 OVR T1 25 N 2CTB815101R9700 517043 1 0.15
1 50 50 1.5 230/400 255 OVR T1 50 N 2CTB815101R0400 510853 1 0.29
1 100 25 2 230/400 255 OVR T1 100 N 2CTB815101R0500 510860 1 0.29

Type 1+2 OVR

Iimp 25 and 15 kA
1 25 60 25 15 1.5 230/400 255 OVR T1+2 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R0300 510884 1 0.27
1 15 60 15 7 1.7 230/400 255 OVR T1+2 15-255-7 2CTB815101R8900 514134 1 0.16
3+1 15 60 15 7 1.7 230/400 255 OVR T1+2 3N 15-255-7 2CTB815101R9000 514141 1 0.84
1 15 100 5 1.4 230/400 440 OVR HL 15-440s P TS 2CTB815201R0800 509802 1 0.32
2 15 100 5 1.4 230/400 440 OVR HL 2L 15-440s P TS 2CTB815303R0400 509826 1 0.63
3 15 100 5 1.4 230/400 440 OVR HL 3L 15-440s P TS 2CTB815401R0400 509833 1 0.94
4 15 100 5 1.4 230/400 440 OVR HL 4L 15-440s P TS 2CTB815503R0400 509840 1 1.26
1 15 230/400 440 OVR HL 15-440s C 2CTB815250R0300 509857 1 0.02
Iimp 7 kA
1 7 70 7 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T1+2 7-275s P 2CTB815101R3900 513403 1 0.17
3 7 70 7 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T1+2 3L 7-275s P 2CTB815101R4000 513410 1 0.48
4 7 70 7 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T1+2 4L 7-275s P 2CTB815101R4100 513427 1 0.63
1+1 7 70 7 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T1+2 1N 7-275s P 2CTB815302R1000 515728 1 0.32
3+1 7 70 7 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T1+2 3N 7-275s P 2CTB815502R1000 515735 1 0.63
1 7 230/400 275 OVR T1+2 7-275s C 2CTB815101R3800 513458 1 0.07
1 7 230/400 255 OVR T1+2 70 NC 2CTB815101R5100 515742 1 0.07

Type 2 OVR monobloc

1 20 5 1.0 120/240 150 OVR T2 20-150 2CTB804200R0700 518057 1 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 120/240 150 OVR T2 40-150 2CTB804201R0700 518064 1 0.12
1 20 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 20-275 2CTB804200R0100 514882 1 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 40-275 2CTB804201R0100 514103 1 0.12
3 20 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 20-275 2CTB804600R0400 515957 1 0.35
3 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 40-275 2CTB804601R0400 515964 1 0.35
4 20 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 20-275 2CTB804600R0500 515971 1 0.45
4 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 40-275 2CTB804601R0500 515988 1 0.45
1 20 5 1.3 230/400 440 OVR T2 20-440 2CTB804200R0200 518071 1 0.12
1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 40-440 2CTB804201R0200 518088 1 0.12
1 20 5 1.0 120/240 150 OVR T2 20-150 (x20) 2CTB804200R1700 519405 20 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 120/240 150 OVR T2 40-150 (x20) 2CTB804201R1700 519436 20 0.12
1 20 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 20-275 (x20) 2CTB804200R1100 519382 20 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 40-275 (x20) 2CTB804201R1100 519412 20 0.12
3 20 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 20-275 (x6) 2CTB804600R1400 519443 6 0.35
3 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 40-275 (x6) 2CTB804601R1400 519467 6 0.35
4 20 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 20-275 (x5) 2CTB804600R1500 519450 5 0.45
4 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 40-275 (x5) 2CTB804601R1500 519474 5 0.45
1 20 5 1.3 230/400 440 OVR T2 20-440 (x20) 2CTB804200R1200 519399 20 0.12
1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 40-440 (x20) 2CTB804201R1200 519429 20 0.12

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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 76 17/09/2012 15:58:18

Surge and lightning protection solutions
Selection table

Protected lines Impulse Max. Nominal Follow current Voltage Nominal Max. cont. Type Order code EAN Pkg Weight
current discharge current interrupting protection voltage operating code qty (1 pce)
current rating level voltage
Iimp Imax
10/350 8/20 In Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kA kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg

Type 2 OVR pluggable

Uc 75 V
1 15 5 0.3 57 75 OVR T2 15-75 P 2CTB803851R2800 518446 1 0.12
1 15 5 0.3 57 75 OVR T2 15-75 P TS 2CTB803851R2700 518453 1 0.12
2 15 5 0.3 57 75 OVR T2 2L 15-75 P 2CTB803852R1700 518484 1 0.23
2 15 5 0.3 57 75 OVR T2 2L 15-75 P TS 2CTB803852R1600 518477 1 0.23
Uc 275 V
1 15 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 15-275 P 2CTB803851R2400 512840 1 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 40-275 P 2CTB803851R2300 512833 1 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 40-275 P TS 2CTB803851R1700 514363 1 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 40-275s P 2CTB803851R2000 512826 1 0.12
1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 40-275s P TS 2CTB803851R1400 512802 1 0.12
1 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 70-275s P 2CTB803851R1900 512819 1 0.12
1 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 70-275s P TS 2CTB803851R1300 512796 1 0.12
3 15 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 15-275 P 2CTB803853R3400 512987 1 0.35
3 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 40-275 P 2CTB803853R2400 513366 1 0.35
3 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 40-275 P TS 2CTB803853R2500 514400 1 0.35
3 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 40-275s P 2CTB803853R2200 512963 1 0.35
3 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 40-275s P TS 2CTB803853R2300 512970 1 0.35
3 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 70-275s P 2CTB803853R4100 512994 1 0.35
3 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 3L 70-275s P TS 2CTB803853R4400 513007 1 0.35
4 15 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 15-275 P 2CTB803853R6000 513038 1 0.45
4 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 40-275 P 2CTB803853R5600 513274 1 0.45
4 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 40-275 P TS 2CTB803853R5200 514417 1 0.45
4 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 40-275s P 2CTB803853R5400 513021 1 0.45
4 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 40-275s P TS 2CTB803853R5000 513014 1 0.45
4 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 70-275s P 2CTB803919R0200 513045 1 0.45
4 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 4L 70-275s P TS 2CTB803919R0400 513052 1 0.45
1+1 15 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 15-275 P 2CTB803952R1200 513106 1 0.25
1+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 40-275 P 2CTB803952R1100 513250 1 0.25
1+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 40-275 P TS 2CTB803952R0500 514387 1 0.25
1+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 40-275s P 2CTB803952R0800 513090 1 0.25
1+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 40-275s P TS 2CTB803952R0200 513076 1 0.25
1+1 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 70-275s P TS 2CTB803952R0100 513069 1 0.25
1+1 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 1N 70-275s P 2CTB803952R0700 513083 1 0.25
3+1 15 5 1.0 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 15-275 P 2CTB803953R1200 513151 1 0.45
3+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 40-275 P 2CTB803953R1100 513267 1 0.45
3+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 40-275 P TS 2CTB803953R0500 514394 1 0.45
3+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 40-275s P 2CTB803953R0800 513144 1 0.45
3+1 40 20 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 40-275s P TS 2CTB803953R0200 513120 1 0.45
3+1 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 70-275s P 2CTB803953R0700 513137 1 0.45
3+1 70 30 1.5 230/400 275 OVR T2 3N 70-275s P TS 2CTB803953R0100 513113 1 0.45

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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 77 17/09/2012 15:58:19

Surge and lightning protection solutions
Selection table

Protected lines Impulse Max. Nominal Follow current Voltage Nominal Max. cont. Type Order code EAN Pkg Weight
current discharge current interrupting protection voltage operating code qty (1 pce)
current rating level voltage
Iimp Imax
10/350 8/20 In Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kA kA kA kV V V 3660308 kg
Uc 440 V
1 15 5 1.3 230/400 440 OVR T2 15-440 P 2CTB803851R1100 512772 1 0.12
1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 40-440 P 2CTB803851R1200 512789 1 0.12
1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 40-440 P TS 2CTB803851R0500 514370 1 0.12
1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 40-440s P 2CTB803851R0800 512765 1 0.12
1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 40-440s P TS 2CTB803851R0200 512741 1 0.12
4 1 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 70-440s P 2CTB803851R0700 512758 1 0.12
1 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 70-440s P TS 2CTB803851R0100 512734 1 0.12
1 120 60 2.5 230/400 440 OVR T2 120-440s P TS 2CTB803951R1300 517067 1 0.25
3 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 3L 40-440 P 2CTB803853R2600 516879 1 0.45
3 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 3L 40-440 P TS 2CTB803853R2700 516886 1 0.45
3 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 3L 70-440s P 2CTB803853R4200 516893 1 0.45
3 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 3L 70-440s P TS 2CTB803853R4300 516909 1 0.45
4 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 4L 40-440 P 2CTB803853R5100 516916 1 0.48
4 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 4L 40-440 P TS 2CTB803853R5300 516923 1 0.48
4 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 4L 70-440s P 2CTB803853R7000 516930 1 0.48
4 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 4L 70-440s P TS 2CTB803853R7100 516947 1 0.48
3+1 15 5 1.3 230/400 440 OVR T2 3N 15-440 P 2CTB803953R1300 516800 1 0.48
3+1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 3N 40-440 P 2CTB803953R1400 516817 1 0.48
3+1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 3N 40-440 P TS 2CTB803953R1500 516824 1 0.48
3+1 40 20 1.9 230/400 440 OVR T2 3N 40-440s P TS 2CTB803953R1600 516831 1 0.48
3+1 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 3N 70-440s P 2CTB803953R1700 516848 1 0.48
3+1 70 30 2.0 230/400 440 OVR T2 3N 70-440s P TS 2CTB803953R1800 516855 1 0.48
3 40 20 3.0 400/690 440 OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P 2CTB803853R4500 515629 1 0.48
3 40 20 3.0 400/690 440 OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P TS 2CTB803853R4600 515636 1 0.48
1 70 30 1.4 230/400 255 OVR T2 70 N P 2CTB803953R1900 516862 1 0.12
1 15 57 75 OVR T2 15-75 C 2CTB803854R1400 518491 1 0.12
1 15 230/400 275 OVR T2 15-275 C 2CTB803854R1200 513168 1 0.12
1 40 230/400 275 OVR T2 40-275 C 2CTB803854R1000 513182 1 0.12
1 40 230/400 275 OVR T2 40-275s C 2CTB803854R0900 513199 1 0.12
1 70 230/400 275 OVR T2 70-275s C 2CTB803854R0700 513229 1 0.12
1 15 230/400 440 OVR T2 15-440 C 2CTB803854R0600 513175 1 0.12
1 40 230/400 440 OVR T2 40-440 C 2CTB803854R0400 513205 1 0.12
1 40 230/400 440 OVR T2 40-440s C 2CTB803854R0300 513212 1 0.12
1 70 230/400 440 OVR T2 70-440s C 2CTB803854R0100 513236 1 0.12
1 70 230/400 255 OVR T2 70 N C 2CTB803854R0000 513243 1 0.07

Type 2 autoprotected
1+1 20 5 1.3 230/400 275 OVR PLUS N1 20 2CTB803701R0700 521286 1 0.28
1+1 40 20 1.8 230/400 320 OVR PLUS N1 40 2CTB803701R0100 517005 1 0.28
3+1 20 5 1.3 230/400 320 OVR PLUS N3 20 2CTB803701R0400 517081 1 0.84
3+1 40 20 2.0 230/400 320 OVR PLUS N3 40 2CTB803701R0300 517074 1 0.84

Type 3 OVR
Combination wave Uoc 6 kV
1+1 10 3 0.9 230/400 275 OVR 1N 10 275 2CTB813912R1000 509208 1 0.27
3+1 10 3 0.9 230/400 275 OVR 3N 10 275 2CTB813913R1000 509215 1 0.48

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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 78 17/09/2012 15:58:20

Surge and lightning protection solutions
Selection table

Protected Impulse Max. Rated Nominal Nominal Voltage Max. Short-circuit Peak Type Order code EAN Pkg Weight
lines current discharge current current voltage protection cont. DC current repetitive code qty (1 pce)
current level operating withstand voltage
voltage withstand
Iimp Imax 8/20 IL In Un Up Uc(pv) Iscwpv Urp
kA kA mA kA V kV V A V 3660308 kg

Type 1 OVR photovoltaic

2 6.25 6.25 1.9 670 100 OVR PV T1 6.25-600 P TS 2CTB803953R5700 518361 1 1.10
2 6.25 6.25 2.5 1000 100 OVR PV T1 6.25-1000 P TS 2CTB803953R6700 518378 1 1.10

Type 2 OVR photovoltaic

2 40 20 1.4 670 100 OVR PV 40-600 P 2CTB803953R5300 516510 1 0.38 4
2 40 20 1.4 670 100 OVR PV 40-600 P TS 2CTB803953R5400 516527 1 0.39
2 40 20 3.8 1000 100 OVR PV 40-1000 P 2CTB803953R6400 516534 1 0.38
2 40 20 3.8 1000 100 OVR PV 40-1000 P TS 2CTB803953R6500 516541 1 0.39
6.25 600 OVR PV T1 6.25-600 C 2CTB803950R1000 518978 1 0.24
6.25 1000 OVR PV T1 6.25-1000 C 2CTB803950R1100 518989 1 0.24
40 600 OVR PV 40-600 C 2CTB803950R0000 516558 1 0.12
40 1000 OVR PV 40-1000 C 2CTB803950R0100 516565 1 0.12
OVR PV MC 2CTB803950R0300 516756 1 0.12

Type 1+2 OVR wind turbine

3 2 40 20 400/690 6 1260 3000 OVR WT 3L 690 2CTB235401R0000 517050 1 2.56
3 2 40 20 400/690 6 1260 3000 OVR WT 3L 690 P TS 2CTB235402R0000 518507 1 1.67

Dataline OVR protection

1 pair 10 140 5 6 15 7 OVR TC 06V P 2CTB804820R0000 515230 1 0.07
1 pair 10 140 5 12 20 14 OVR TC 12V P 2CTB804820R0100 515247 1 0.07
1 pair 10 140 5 24 35 27 OVR TC 24V P 2CTB804820R0200 515254 1 0.07
1 pair 10 140 5 48 70 53 OVR TC 48V P 2CTB804820R0300 515261 1 0.07
1 pair 10 5 200 700 220 OVR TC 200V P 2CTB804820R0400 515278 1 0.07
1 pair 10 140 5 200 400 220 OVR TC 200FR P 2CTB804820R0500 515285 1 0.07
BASE OVR TC RJ11 2CTB804840R1000 515599 1 0.07
BASE OVR TC RJ45 2CTB804840R1100 515605 1 0.07
10 5 6 7 OVR TC 06V C 2CTB804821R0000 515292 1 0.04
10 5 12 14 OVR TC 12V C 2CTB804821R0100 515308 1 0.04
10 5 24 27 OVR TC 24V C 2CTB804821R0200 515315 1 0.04
10 5 48 53 OVR TC 48V C 2CTB804821R0300 515322 1 0.04
10 5 200 220 OVR TC 200V C 2CTB804821R0400 515339 1 0.04

LOVOS surge arresters

1 25 5 230/400 1.1 280 LOVOS-5/280 0.18
1 25 5 230/400 1.8 440 LOVOS-5/440 0.18
1 25 5 400/690 2 500 LOVOS-5/500 0.18
1 25 5 400/690 2.5 660 LOVOS-5/660 0.18
1 25 5 690/1000 4 1000 LOVOS-5/1000 Place orders to: 0.18
1 40 10 230/400 1.1 280 LOVOS-10/280 PLABB-HV department 0.18
Attn.: Bozena Trajer
1 40 10 230/400 1.8 440 LOVOS-10/440 0.18
1 40 10 400/690 2 500 LOVOS-10/500 0.18
1 40 10 400/690 2.5 660 LOVOS-10/660 0.18
1 40 10 690/1000 4 1000 LOVOS-10/1000 0.18

OPR air terminal

OPR L Description Type Order code EAN Pkg Weight
efficiency code qty (1 pce)

s mm 3660308 kg
30 216.5 OPR 30 without mast OPR 30 2CTB899800R7000 514172 1 2.19
60 216.5 OPR 60 without mast OPR 60 2CTB899800R7100 514189 1 2.36
2300.0 Mast support for OPR Mast 2M30 2CTH070002R0000 521668 1 3.30

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Dataline protection

5 External lightning protection

OPR 60 + mast 2M30
2CTB899800R7100 +

Main-distribution board
OVR T1 3N 25-255 TS

Sub-distribution board
OVR T2 3N 40-275 P TS
Distribution transformer
LOVOS 10/440

Equipment protection in industrial market

Description Impulse Follow current Max. discharge Nominal discharge Nominal voltage Protection level
current current current
Iimp (10/350) Ifi Imax (8/20) In Un Up
OVR T1 3N 25-255 TS 25 kA 50 kA 25 kA 230 V 2.5 kV

OVR T2 3N 40-275 P TS 40 kA 20 kA 230 V 1.4 kV


OVR TC 48V P 10 kA 5 kA 48 V 70 V

LOVOS 10/440 Please contact your ABB High Voltage 40 kA 10 kA 230 V 1.8 kV

OPR 60 Please contact us and ask for leaflet 1TXH000134B0201

stainless steel with mast
2CTB899800R7100 +

80 | ABB System pro M compact

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 80 17/09/2012 15:58:28

Commercial building, apartment building

PV String boxes External lightning protection

OVR PV 40-600 P OPR 30 + mast 2M30
2CTB803953R5300 2CTB899800R7000 +

exchange protection Sub-distribution board

Telephone Interphone
protection protection Main-distribution board
OVR TC 200FR P OVR TC 24 V P OVR T1 3N 25-255 TS
2CTB804820R0500 2CTB804820R0200 2CTB815101R0700

Equipment protection in commercial market

Description Impulse current Follow current Max. discharge C2 nominal Nominal voltage Protection level
current discharge current
Iimp (10/350) Ifi Imax (8/20) In Un Up
OVR TC 24V P 10 kA 5 kA 24 V 35 V

OVR TC 48V P 10 kA 5 kA 48 V 70 V

OVR T1 3N 25-255 TS 25 kA 50 kA 25 kA 230 V 2.5 kV


OVR PLUS N3 40 40 kA 20 kA 230 V 1.6 kV


OVR PV 40-600 P 40 kA 20 kA 670 V 1.6 kV


OPR 30 Please contact us and ask for leaflet 1TXH000134B0201

stainless steel with mast
2CTB899800R7000 +

ABB System pro M compact | 81

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 81 17/09/2012 15:58:36


PV String boxes

OVR PV 40-600 P

Distribution board


Telephone protection


Equipment protection in the residential market

Description Max. discharge current C2 nominal Nominal voltage Protection level
discharge current
Imax (8/20) In Un Up

OVR TC 200FR P 10 kA 5 kA 200 V 400 V


OVR PLUS N1 40 40 kA 20 kA 230 V 1.5 kV


OVR PV 40-600 P 40 kA 20 kA 670 V 1.4 kV


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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 82 17/09/2012 15:58:39

Technical definitions

SPD terminology: Surge Protective Device U cpv: Maximum continuous operating voltage.
Device designed to limit transient overvoltages and divert It is the maximum DC voltage that can be applied to the PV
lightning current. When they comply with IEC 61643-11, prod- SPD terminals.
uct standards for low-voltage SPDs, they are classified into
three main categories (Type I, Type II and Type III). Up: Voltage protection level.
Protection level of the SPDs, the Up is tested at the nominal
Type 1 SPD: SPD tested under Class I tests carried out with discharge current (In).
the impulse discharge current (Iimp - 10/350s). Surge protec-
tive device designed to divert direct lightning surge current for U T: Temporary overvoltage (TOV).
installation at service entrance (LPZ 0A to 1). Test done to give the maximum voltage that the SPD can
withstand during a certain time.
Type 2 SPD: SPD tested under Class II tests carried out
with nominal current (In - 8/20 s). Surge protective device IL: Rated load current.
designed to limit indirect transient overvoltage from lightning Maximum continuous r.m.s. current that can be permanently
strike or from switching operations mainly for installation in conducted through a device. Only relevant for SPDs in serial
sub-distributions boards (LPZ 1 to 2, ...) when there is not a connection.
risk of direct lightning surge current on the installation.
IPE: Residual current.
Type 3 SPD: SPD tested under Class III tests carried out with This value gives the current measured at the PE terminals
a combined wave (Uoc 1.2/50 - 8/20 s). Surge protective when the SPD is connected under nominal voltage.
device designed for fine transient overvoltage protection.
IP: Prospective short-circuit current of the power supply at the
10/350 s current wave form: Current wave form which SPD location.
simulate the surge current of a direct lightning strike. The
rising front time is 10 s and the time to reach half value is Isccr: Short circuit current rating.
350s. Used in the Class test for Type I SPDs. Maximum prospective short circuit-current from the power
system for which the SPD is configurated in conjunction with
8/20 s current wave form: Current wave form which simu- the recommended back-up protection.
late the surge current of an indirect transient overvoltage.
The rising front time is 8 s and the time to reach half value is I fi: Follow current interrupting rating.
20s. Used in the Class test for Type 2 SPDs. Prospective short-circuit current that an SPD (using gas-tube
or spark-gap technology) is able to cut without the use of a
I imp: Impulse discharge current for Class I tests. Peak cur- back-up disconnector.
rent value with a 10/350s current wave form for Type I SPDs
designed to divert lightning surge current. Ng: Lightning flash density usually given per square km and
per year.
I n: Nominal discharge current for Class II tests. Peak current
value for SPDs with current wave of 8/20s. Used for SPD LPS: Lightning Protection System.
preconditioning in the Class I tests. Complete system used to protect damages due to lightning
and transient overvoltages.
Imax: Maximum discharge current value for Type II SPDs with a
current wave form 8/20 s. LPL: Lightning Protection Level.
From I to IV, it is used to define the lightning and transient
U n: Nominal voltage of the system to be protected. surges protection measures.
For each LPL, a surge current value is given to enable
Uoc: Open circuit voltage of the combination wave. Used in lightning and surge protection calculation:
Class III tests for Type 3 SPDs. LPL I => Peak level 200 kA
LPL II => Peak level 150 kA
Uc / MCOV: Maximum continuous operating voltage. LPL III and IV => Peak level 100 kA
It is the maximum r.m.s. voltage value that can be applied
to the SPD terminals. This must be chosen according to the
nominal voltage of the system.

ABB System pro M compact | 83

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 83 17/09/2012 15:58:39

Norms and standards

Product standards Installation standards

IEC 61643-11 Refers to surge protective devices (SPDs) IEC 61643-12 Selection and application principles for SPDs
connected to low voltage power systems. The scope of this connected to low voltage power systems. This standard gives
standard is to define a test method for SPDs with the aim to information to evaluate, in according with IEC 62305 Parts
protect direct and indirect effects of lightning or other transient 1 to 4, the need for using SPDs in low voltage systems and
overvoltages. It defines three classes of tests: provides information about the characteristics useful for their
The Class I test, simulates partial conducted lightning current selection.
impulses (Iimp with 10/350 s current impulse) for surge
protection for high exposed locations, e.g. line entrances to IEC 61643-22 It describes the principles for the selection,
building protected by a lightning protection system (LPS). application, location and coordination of SPDs connected to
The Class II and III tests method are subjected to impulses of telecommunication and signalling networks.
shorter duration (respectively, In with 8/20 s current impulse
and Uoc with combined waves).
IEC 62305 is compiled in four parts and takes account of
IEC 61643-21 Refers to SPDs connected to telecommunication varied aspects of the structure and its contents to offer a
and signalling networks. The surge protective devices are tested complete lightning and surge protection to the structure and
with specific waveforms which depend on the categories type electrical equipments.
chosen from A1 (slow rate of rise) to B, C and D (high energy). IEC 62305-1 Provides the general principles to be followed in
the protection against lightning of on a structure, including their
UL 1449 3rd edition The North American ANSI/UL standard installations and contents as well as persons or, and services
covers SPDs designed for limiting transient voltages on 50-60 connected to a structure.
Hz power circuits not exceeding 1,000 V. It defines 5 types IEC 62305-2 Is applicable to risk assessment for a structure or
categories based on installation location within an electrical for a service to due to lightning flashes. It provides a procedure
system. While Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 categories refer for the evaluation of such a risk.
to different types of SPDs that can be installed at specific IEC 62305-3 Deals with the protection, in and around a
locations, Type 4 and Type 5 categories refer to components structure, and against physical damage.
used in an SPDs configuration. IEC 62305-4 Provides surge protection information for
electrical and electronic system within structure.
UTE C 61-740-51 Refers to SPDs connected to photovoltaic
generators. It introduces the idea of testing the behaviour of
photovoltaic surge protective devices on end of life for the IEC 61400-24 Provide information on lightning protection of
safety of the equipments and defines specific characteristics to wind turbine generators and wind power systems. It defines
be given for PV SPDs (Ucpv, Iscwpv). requirements for the protection of blades, other structural
components and electrical and control systems against direct
prEN 50539-11 Also refers to surge protective devices and indirect effects of lightning.
connected to photovoltaic generators.
EN 50539-12 Selection and application principles to SPDs
NF C17-102-2011 Refers to Early Streamer Emission Air connected to photovoltaic generators.
Terminal (ESEAT) which protect facilities and open areas
against direct lightning impact. It is characterized by a better
efficiency (t) and a higher radius of protection (Rp) compared
to a conventional simple rod lightning protection.

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Order code classification
Order code Type Page Order code Type Page Order code Type Page

2CTB235401R0000 OVR WT 3L 690 66 2CTB803854R1400 OVR T2 15-75 C 78 2CTB804601R1500 OVR T2 4L 40-275 (x5) 76
2CTB235402R0000 OVR WT 3L 690 P TS 66 2CTB803919R0200 OVR T2 4L 70-275s P 50 2CTB804820R0000 OVR TC 06V P 68
2CTB803701R0100 OVR PLUS N1 40 62 2CTB803919R0400 OVR T2 4L 70-275s P TS 50 2CTB804820R0100 OVR TC 12V P 68
2CTB803701R0300 OVR PLUS N3 40 62 2CTB803950R0000 OVR PV 40-600 C 79 2CTB804820R0200 OVR TC 24V P 68
2CTB803701R0400 OVR PLUS N3 20 62 2CTB803950R0100 OVR PV 40-1000 C 79 2CTB804820R0300 OVR TC 48V P 68
2CTB803701R0700 OVR PLUS N1 20 62 2CTB803950R0300 OVR PV MC 79 2CTB804820R0400 OVR TC 200V P 68
2CTB803851R0100 OVR T2 70-440s P TS 44 2CTB803950R1000 OVR PV T1 6.25-600 C 79 2CTB804820R0500 OVR TC 200FR P 68
2CTB803851R0200 OVR T2 40-440s P TS 44 2CTB803950R1100 OVR PV T1 6.25-1000 C 79 2CTB804821R0000 OVR TC 06V C 79
2CTB803851R0500 OVR T2 40-440 P TS 44 2CTB803951R1300 OVR T2 120-440s P TS 44 2CTB804821R0100 OVR TC 12V C 79
2CTB803851R0700 OVR T2 70-440s P 44 2CTB803952R0100 OVR T2 1N 70-275s P TS 54 2CTB804821R0200 OVR TC 24V C 79
2CTB803851R0800 OVR T2 40-440s P 44 2CTB803952R0200 OVR T2 1N 40-275s P TS 54 2CTB804821R0300 OVR TC 48V C 79
2CTB803851R1100 OVR T2 15-440 P 44 2CTB803952R0500 OVR T2 1N 40-275 P TS 54 2CTB804821R0400 OVR TC 200V C 79
2CTB803851R1200 OVR T2 40-440 P 44 2CTB803952R0700 OVR T2 1N 70-275s P 54 2CTB804840R1000 BASE OVR TC RJ11 68
2CTB803851R1300 OVR T2 70-275s P TS 42 2CTB803952R0800 OVR T2 1N 40-275s P 54 2CTB804840R1100 BASE OVR TC RJ45 68
2CTB803851R1400 OVR T2 40-275s P TS 42 2CTB803952R1100 OVR T2 1N 40-275 P 54 2CTB813912R1000 OVR 1N 10 275 60
2CTB803851R1700 OVR T2 40-275 P TS 42 2CTB803952R1200 OVR T2 1N 15-275 P 54 2CTB813913R1000 OVR 3N 10 275 60
2CTB803851R1900 OVR T2 70-275s P 42 2CTB803953R0100 OVR T2 3N 70-275s P TS 56 2CTB815101R0100 OVR T1 25-255 22
2CTB803851R2000 OVR T2 40-275s P 42 2CTB803953R0200 OVR T2 3N 40-275s P TS 56 2CTB815101R0300 OVR T1+2 25-255 TS 32
2CTB803851R2300 OVR T2 40-275 P 42 2CTB803953R0500 OVR T2 3N 40-275 P TS 56 2CTB815101R0400 OVR T1 50 N 30
2CTB803851R2400 OVR T2 15-275 P 42 2CTB803953R0700 OVR T2 3N 70-275s P 56 2CTB815101R0500 OVR T1 100 N 30
2CTB803851R2700 OVR T2 15-75 P TS 38 2CTB803953R0800 OVR T2 3N 40-275s P 56 2CTB815101R0600 OVR T1 3L 25-255 TS 24
2CTB803851R2800 OVR T2 15-75 P 38 2CTB803953R1100 OVR T2 3N 40-275 P 56 2CTB815101R0700 OVR T1 3N 25-255 TS 28
2CTB803852R1600 OVR T2 2L 15-75 P TS 38 2CTB803953R1200 OVR T2 3N 15-275 P 56 2CTB815101R0800 OVR T1 4L 25-255 TS 28
2CTB803852R1700 OVR T2 2L 15-75 P 38 2CTB803953R1300 OVR T2 3N 15-440 P 58 2CTB815101R1000 OVR T1 1N 25-255 TS 26
2CTB803853R2200 OVR T2 3L 40-275s P 46 2CTB803953R1400 OVR T2 3N 40-440 P 58 2CTB815101R1100 OVR T1 2L 25-255 TS 22
2CTB803853R2300 OVR T2 3L 40-275s P TS 46 2CTB803953R1500 OVR T2 3N 40-440 P TS 58 2CTB815101R1200 OVR T1 2L 25-255 22
2CTB803853R2400 OVR T2 3L 40-275 P 46 2CTB803953R1600 OVR T2 3N 40-440s P TS 58 2CTB815101R1300 OVR T1 3L 25-255 24
2CTB803853R2500 OVR T2 3L 40-275 P TS 46 2CTB803953R1700 OVR T2 3N 70-440s P 58 2CTB815101R1400 OVR T1 4L 25-255 28
2CTB803853R2600 OVR T2 3L 40-440 P 48 2CTB803953R1800 OVR T2 3N 70-440s P TS 58 2CTB815101R1500 OVR T1 1N 25-255 26
2CTB803853R2700 OVR T2 3L 40-440 P TS 48 2CTB803953R1900 OVR T2 70 N P 42 2CTB815101R1600 OVR T1 3N 25-255 28
2CTB803853R3400 OVR T2 3L 15-275 P 46 2CTB803953R5300 OVR PV 40-600 P 64 2CTB815101R3800 OVR T1+2 7-275s C 76
2CTB803853R4100 OVR T2 3L 70-275s P 46 2CTB803953R5400 OVR PV 40-600 P TS 64 2CTB815101R3900 OVR T1+2 7-275s P 32
2CTB803853R4200 OVR T2 3L 70-440s P 48 2CTB803953R5700 OVR PV T1 6.25-600 P TS 64 2CTB815101R4000 OVR T1+2 3L 7-275s P 34
2CTB803853R4300 OVR T2 3L 70-440s P TS 48 2CTB803953R6400 OVR PV 40-1000 P 64 2CTB815101R4100 OVR T1+2 4L 7-275s P 36
2CTB803853R4400 OVR T2 3L 70-275s P TS 46 2CTB803953R6500 OVR PV 40-1000 P TS 64 2CTB815101R5100 OVR T1+2 70 NC 76
2CTB803853R4500 OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P 48 2CTB803953R6700 OVR PV T1 6.25-1000 P TS 64 2CTB815101R8700 OVR T1 25-255-7 22
2CTB803853R4600 OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P TS 48 2CTB804200R0100 OVR T2 20-275 40 2CTB815101R8800 OVR T1 3N 25-255-7 28
2CTB803853R5000 OVR T2 4L 40-275s P TS 50 2CTB804200R0200 OVR T2 20-440 44 2CTB815101R8900 OVR T1+2 15-255-7 32
2CTB803853R5100 OVR T2 4L 40-440 P 52 2CTB804200R0700 OVR T2 20-150 40 2CTB815101R9000 OVR T1+2 3N 15-255-7 36
2CTB803853R5200 OVR T2 4L 40-275 P TS 50 2CTB804200R1100 OVR T2 20-275 (x20) 76 2CTB815101R9300 OVR T1 25-440-50 22
2CTB803853R5300 OVR T2 4L 40-440 P TS 52 2CTB804200R1200 OVR T2 20-440 (x20) 76 2CTB815101R9700 OVR T1 25 N 30
2CTB803853R5400 OVR T2 4L 40-275s P 50 2CTB804200R1700 OVR T2 20-150 (x20) 76 2CTB815201R0800 OVR HL 15-440s P TS 32
2CTB803853R5600 OVR T2 4L 40-275 P 50 2CTB804201R0100 OVR T2 40-275 40 2CTB815250R0300 OVR HL 15-440s C 76
2CTB803853R6000 OVR T2 4L 15-275 P 50 2CTB804201R0200 OVR T2 40-440 44 2CTB815302R1000 OVR T1+2 1N 7-275s P 36
2CTB803853R7000 OVR T2 4L 70-440s P 52 2CTB804201R0700 OVR T2 40-150 40 2CTB815303R0400 OVR HL 2L 15-440s P TS 76
2CTB803853R7100 OVR T2 4L 70-440s P TS 52 2CTB804201R1100 OVR T2 40-275 (x20) 76 2CTB815401R0400 OVR HL 3L 15-440s P TS 34
2CTB803854R0000 OVR T2 70 N C 78 2CTB804201R1200 OVR T2 40-440 (x20) 76 2CTB815502R1000 OVR T1+2 3N 7-275s P 36
2CTB803854R0100 OVR T2 70-440s C 78 2CTB804201R1700 OVR T2 40-150 (x20) 76 2CTB815503R0400 OVR HL 4L 15-440s P TS 36
2CTB803854R0300 OVR T2 40-440s C 78 2CTB804600R0400 OVR T2 3L 20-275 46 2CTB899800R7000 OPR 30 74
2CTB803854R0400 OVR T2 40-440 C 78 2CTB804600R0500 OVR T2 4L 20-275 50 2CTB899800R7100 OPR 60 74
2CTB803854R0600 OVR T2 15-440 C 78 2CTB804600R1400 OVR T2 3L 20-275 (x6) 76 2CTH070002R0000 Mast 2M30 74
2CTB803854R0700 OVR T2 70-275s C 78 2CTB804600R1500 OVR T2 4L 20-275 (x5) 76
2CTB803854R0900 OVR T2 40-275s C 78 2CTB804601R0400 OVR T2 3L 40-275 46
2CTB803854R1000 OVR T2 40-275 C 78 2CTB804601R0500 OVR T2 4L 40-275 50
2CTB803854R1200 OVR T2 15-275 C 78 2CTB804601R1400 OVR T2 3L 40-275 (x6) 76

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1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 86 17/09/2012 15:58:39

Type classification
Type Order code Page Type Order code Page Type Order code Page

BASE OVR TC RJ11 2CTB804840R1000 68 OVR T2 15-275 C 2CTB803854R1200 78 OVR T2 40-275 (x20) 2CTB804201R1100 76
BASE OVR TC RJ45 2CTB804840R1100 68 OVR T2 15-275 P 2CTB803851R2400 42 OVR T2 40-275 C 2CTB803854R1000 78
Mast 2M30 2CTH070002R0000 74 OVR T2 15-440 C 2CTB803854R0600 78 OVR T2 40-275 P 2CTB803851R2300 42
OPR 30 2CTB899800R7000 74 OVR T2 15-440 P 2CTB803851R1100 44 OVR T2 40-275 P TS 2CTB803851R1700 42
OPR 60 2CTB899800R7100 74 OVR T2 15-75 C 2CTB803854R1400 78 OVR T2 40-275s C 2CTB803854R0900 78
OVR 1N 10 275 2CTB813912R1000 60 OVR T2 15-75 P 2CTB803851R2800 38 OVR T2 40-275s P 2CTB803851R2000 42
OVR 3N 10 275 2CTB813913R1000 60 OVR T2 15-75 P TS 2CTB803851R2700 38 OVR T2 40-275s P TS 2CTB803851R1400 42
OVR HL 15-440s C 2CTB815250R0300 76 OVR T2 1N 15-275 P 2CTB803952R1200 54 OVR T2 40-440 2CTB804201R0200 44
OVR HL 15-440s P TS 2CTB815201R0800 32 OVR T2 1N 40-275 P 2CTB803952R1100 54 OVR T2 40-440 (x20) 2CTB804201R1200 76
OVR HL 2L 15-440s P TS 2CTB815303R0400 76 OVR T2 1N 40-275 P TS 2CTB803952R0500 54 OVR T2 40-440 C 2CTB803854R0400 78
OVR HL 3L 15-440s P TS 2CTB815401R0400 34 OVR T2 1N 40-275s P 2CTB803952R0800 54 OVR T2 40-440 P 2CTB803851R1200 44
OVR HL 4L 15-440s P TS 2CTB815503R0400 36 OVR T2 1N 40-275s P TS 2CTB803952R0200 54 OVR T2 40-440 P TS 2CTB803851R0500 44
OVR PLUS N1 20 2CTB803701R0700 62 OVR T2 1N 70-275s P 2CTB803952R0700 54 OVR T2 40-440s C 2CTB803854R0300 78
OVR PLUS N1 40 2CTB803701R0100 62 OVR T2 1N 70-275s P TS 2CTB803952R0100 54 OVR T2 40-440s P 2CTB803851R0800 44
OVR PLUS N3 20 2CTB803701R0400 62 OVR T2 20-150 2CTB804200R0700 40 OVR T2 40-440s P TS 2CTB803851R0200 44
OVR PLUS N3 40 2CTB803701R0300 62 OVR T2 20-150 (x20) 2CTB804200R1700 76 OVR T2 4L 15-275 P 2CTB803853R6000 50
OVR PV 40-1000 C 2CTB803950R0100 79 OVR T2 20-275 2CTB804200R0100 40 OVR T2 4L 20-275 2CTB804600R0500 50
OVR PV 40-1000 P 2CTB803953R6400 64 OVR T2 20-275 (x20) 2CTB804200R1100 76 OVR T2 4L 20-275 (x5) 2CTB804600R1500 76
OVR PV 40-1000 P TS 2CTB803953R6500 64 OVR T2 20-440 2CTB804200R0200 44 OVR T2 4L 40-275 2CTB804601R0500 50
OVR PV 40-600 C 2CTB803950R0000 79 OVR T2 20-440 (x20) 2CTB804200R1200 76 OVR T2 4L 40-275 (x5) 2CTB804601R1500 76
OVR PV 40-600 P 2CTB803953R5300 64 OVR T2 2L 15-75 P 2CTB803852R1700 38 OVR T2 4L 40-275 P 2CTB803853R5600 50
OVR PV 40-600 P TS 2CTB803953R5400 64 OVR T2 2L 15-75 P TS 2CTB803852R1600 38 OVR T2 4L 40-275 P TS 2CTB803853R5200 50
OVR PV MC 2CTB803950R0300 79 OVR T2 3L 15-275 P 2CTB803853R3400 46 OVR T2 4L 40-275s P 2CTB803853R5400 50
OVR PV T1 6.25-1000 C 2CTB803950R1100 79 OVR T2 3L 20-275 2CTB804600R0400 46 OVR T2 4L 40-275s P TS 2CTB803853R5000 50
OVR PV T1 6.25-1000 P TS 2CTB803953R6700 64 OVR T2 3L 20-275 (x6) 2CTB804600R1400 76 OVR T2 4L 40-440 P 2CTB803853R5100 52
OVR PV T1 6.25-600 C 2CTB803950R1000 79 OVR T2 3L 40-275 2CTB804601R0400 46 OVR T2 4L 40-440 P TS 2CTB803853R5300 52
OVR PV T1 6.25-600 P TS 2CTB803953R5700 64 OVR T2 3L 40-275 (x6) 2CTB804601R1400 76 OVR T2 4L 70-275s P 2CTB803919R0200 50
OVR T1 100 N 2CTB815101R0500 30 OVR T2 3L 40-275 P 2CTB803853R2400 46 OVR T2 4L 70-275s P TS 2CTB803919R0400 50
OVR T1 1N 25-255 2CTB815101R1500 26 OVR T2 3L 40-275 P TS 2CTB803853R2500 46 OVR T2 4L 70-440s P 2CTB803853R7000 52
OVR T1 1N 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R1000 26 OVR T2 3L 40-275s P 2CTB803853R2200 46 OVR T2 4L 70-440s P TS 2CTB803853R7100 52
OVR T1 25 N 2CTB815101R9700 30 OVR T2 3L 40-275s P TS 2CTB803853R2300 46 OVR T2 70 N C 2CTB803854R0000 78
OVR T1 25-255 2CTB815101R0100 22 OVR T2 3L 40-440 P 2CTB803853R2600 48 OVR T2 70 N P 2CTB803953R1900 42
OVR T1 25-255-7 2CTB815101R8700 22 OVR T2 3L 40-440 P TS 2CTB803853R2700 48 OVR T2 70-275s C 2CTB803854R0700 78
OVR T1 25-440-50 2CTB815101R9300 22 OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P 2CTB803853R4500 48 OVR T2 70-275s P 2CTB803851R1900 42
OVR T1 2L 25-255 2CTB815101R1200 22 OVR T2 3L 40-440/690 P TS 2CTB803853R4600 48 OVR T2 70-275s P TS 2CTB803851R1300 42
OVR T1 2L 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R1100 22 OVR T2 3L 70-275s P 2CTB803853R4100 46 OVR T2 70-440s C 2CTB803854R0100 78
OVR T1 3L 25-255 2CTB815101R1300 24 OVR T2 3L 70-275s P TS 2CTB803853R4400 46 OVR T2 70-440s P 2CTB803851R0700 44
OVR T1 3L 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R0600 24 OVR T2 3L 70-440s P 2CTB803853R4200 48 OVR T2 70-440s P TS 2CTB803851R0100 44
OVR T1 3N 25-255 2CTB815101R1600 28 OVR T2 3L 70-440s P TS 2CTB803853R4300 48 OVR TC 06V C 2CTB804821R0000 79
OVR T1 3N 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R0700 28 OVR T2 3N 15-275 P 2CTB803953R1200 56 OVR TC 06V P 2CTB804820R0000 68
OVR T1 3N 25-255-7 2CTB815101R8800 28 OVR T2 3N 15-440 P 2CTB803953R1300 58 OVR TC 12V C 2CTB804821R0100 79
OVR T1 4L 25-255 2CTB815101R1400 28 OVR T2 3N 40-275 P 2CTB803953R1100 56 OVR TC 12V P 2CTB804820R0100 68
OVR T1 4L 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R0800 28 OVR T2 3N 40-275 P TS 2CTB803953R0500 56 OVR TC 200FR P 2CTB804820R0500 68
OVR T1 50 N 2CTB815101R0400 30 OVR T2 3N 40-275s P 2CTB803953R0800 56 OVR TC 200V C 2CTB804821R0400 79
OVR T1+2 15-255-7 2CTB815101R8900 32 OVR T2 3N 40-275s P TS 2CTB803953R0200 56 OVR TC 200V P 2CTB804820R0400 68
OVR T1+2 1N 7-275s P 2CTB815302R1000 36 OVR T2 3N 40-440 P 2CTB803953R1400 58 OVR TC 24V C 2CTB804821R0200 79
OVR T1+2 25-255 TS 2CTB815101R0300 32 OVR T2 3N 40-440 P TS 2CTB803953R1500 58 OVR TC 24V P 2CTB804820R0200 68
OVR T1+2 3L 7-275s P 2CTB815101R4000 34 OVR T2 3N 40-440s P TS 2CTB803953R1600 58 OVR TC 48V C 2CTB804821R0300 79
OVR T1+2 3N 15-255-7 2CTB815101R9000 36 OVR T2 3N 70-275s P 2CTB803953R0700 56 OVR TC 48V P 2CTB804820R0300 68
OVR T1+2 3N 7-275s P 2CTB815502R1000 36 OVR T2 3N 70-275s P TS 2CTB803953R0100 56 OVR WT 3L 690 2CTB235401R0000 66
OVR T1+2 4L 7-275s P 2CTB815101R4100 36 OVR T2 3N 70-440s P 2CTB803953R1700 58 OVR WT 3L 690 P TS 2CTB235402R0000 66
OVR T1+2 70 NC 2CTB815101R5100 76 OVR T2 3N 70-440s P TS 2CTB803953R1800 58
OVR T1+2 7-275s C 2CTB815101R3800 76 OVR T2 40-150 2CTB804201R0700 40
OVR T1+2 7-275s P 2CTB815101R3900 32 OVR T2 40-150 (x20) 2CTB804201R1700 76
OVR T2 120-440s P TS 2CTB803951R1300 44 OVR T2 40-275 2CTB804201R0100 40

ABB System pro M compact | 87

1TXH000083C0202_OVR_proM.indb 87 17/09/2012 15:58:40

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OVR DIN rail and NE12 UL range New OVR PLUS range OVR PV: surge protection in photovoltaic plants
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Datasheet Technical paper, March 2011

Surge protective devices Surge Protective Devices

OVR PV range UL 1449 from 2nd to 3rd Edition

New UTE C 61-740-51 on photovoltaic The Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Type 1 "Permanently connected SPDs intended for installa-
tion between the secondary of the service transformer and the
installation standard for Surge Protective Devices line side of the service equipment overcurrent device."
(SPDs) has been the primary safety
Part-51: surge protective devices connected to standard for surge protection since the Type 2 "Permanently connected SPDs intended for installation
photovoltaic generators Performance requirements on the load side of the service equipment overcurrent device."
and testing methods.
first edition was published in 1985, and
updated to the second edition in 1996. Type 3 "Point of utilization SPDs, installed at a minimum
conductor length of 10 meters (30 feet) from the electrical
service panel."
The objective of UL 1449 has always been to increase safety
in terms of surge protection. Thus, major changes have re- Type 4 Component Assemblies "Component assembly
cently been made to the surge protection standard. consisting of one or more Type 5 components together with a
disconnect (integral or external) or a means of complying with
The latest edition, known as UL 1449 3rd Edition, was pub- the limited current tests."
lished on September 29, 2006 and took effect September
2009, and is now also an ANSI standard. A revision was made Type 1, 2, 3 Component Assemblies "Consists of a Type 4
on February 8, 2011. component assembly with internal or external short circuit
To avoid confusion, the objective of this paper is to explain
A new guide on a developing market Using a surge protection not conforms to such specific ap- and summarize the major changes made to the standard. Type 5 "Discrete component surge suppressors, such as
A new document taking account of varied aspects of plication or using AC dedicated SPDs on DC photovoltaic MOVs that may be mounted on a PWB, connected by its

Lightning protection system photovoltaic generators and technologies is available,

designed UTE C 61-740-51, to define specific surge
protection to photovoltaic installations. This document is
installations shall result in fire and equipment damages. The key updates are:
Change in the standards name
leads or provided within an enclosure with mounting means
and wiring terminations."

Early streamer emission air terminal

New ABB photovoltaic OVR surge protection ratings The different Type designations of Surge Protective Devices
for now the only one available worldwide to define surge Complying with the new UTE C 61-740-51, the new ratings of The measured voltage protection level These new categories are by far the major changes applied to
protective devices for photovoltaic installations. our OVR PV range have been defined for an easier selection The Nominal discharge current UL 1449 3rd Edition. SPDs installation location is now taken
and to fulfil requirements of photovoltaic specific networks. into account. The closer an SPD is installed to the equipment,
The New UTE C 61-740-51 defines testing performances and Change in the standards name: From TVSS to SPDs the better the protection is. This is a push in the direction of
safety for specific surge protection to the photovoltaic structure.
Surge arrester OVR PV 40 600 OVR PV 40 1000 Prior to UL 1449 3rd Edition taking effect, the devices this providing stepped protection including external and internal
According to the very specific characteristics of PV generators Maximum operating voltage Ucpv : 670 V U cpv : 1000 V standard covers were known as Transient Voltage Surge Suppres- surge protection.
and PV installations with high voltages and low DC current, Short circuit current Iscwpv : 100 A Iscwpv : 100 A sors (TVSS), operating on power circuits not exceeding 600 V.
the UTE C 61-740-51 introduces the idea of testing the be- With the inception of the 3rd Edition, these devices are now The measured voltage protection level
haviour of photovoltaic surge protective devices on end of life Back-up protection if I scwpv >100 A: known as Surge Protective Devices (SPDs), and may operate on One of the last changes found in the new UL 1449 3rd Edition,
for the safety of the equipments. E90Fuse / 10AgPV / 10AgPV power circuits not exceeding 1000 V. is the modification in the measured voltage protection level. The
MCB / S802PV-S10 / S804PV-S10 Measured Limiting Voltage (MLV) is the maximum magnitude of
PV characteristics This new designation moves the UL standard closer to the Inter- voltage measured at the application of a specific impulse wave
The following information shall be given by the manufacturer: national designation and to IEC standards. The new edition is shape.
PV symbol on the product now renamed UL Standard for Safety for Surge Protective When applying a certain surge current on the SPD the measured
Ucpv maximum continuous operating voltage Devices, UL 1449. voltage at the device terminals is the so called let-through
In nominal discharge current voltage. In UL 1449 2nd Edition, the let-through voltage was
Iimp or I max depending on if it is a Type 1 or Type 2 surge The different Type designations of Surge Protective Devices referred to as Suppressed Voltage Rating (SVR) and was calcu-
protection The new UL 1449 3rd Edition places SPDs into five different Type lated with a 0.5 kA surge wave form at 6 kV.
U p protection level categories based on installation location within an electrical The new designation is Voltage Protection Rating (VPR) and is
I scwpv short circuit DC current withstand. system. While Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 categories refer to calculated with a 3 kA surge wave form at 6 kV.
Only SPDs with the above declared characteristics and with different types of SPDs that can be installed at specific locations,
their conformity declaration are suitable for photovoltaic Type 4 and Type 5 categories refer to components used in an The MLV will allow comparison of different types of SPDs with
installations. SPDs configuration. regards to the let-through voltage. However, it is important to

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Brochure Datasheet Technical paper, March 2011

Lightning protection system Surge protective devices Surge protective devices
Early streamer emission air terminal OVR PV range UL 1449 from 2nd to 3rd Edition
1TXH 000 134 B0201 1TXH 000 043 L0201 1TXH 000 106 L0201

88 | ABB System pro M compact

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