Sach Ielts Writing 2016 by Ngoc Bach Ver 0

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Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 1

OPINION ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
(25/07/2015) As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or
disagree? ................................................................................................................................................... 6
(07/11/2015) Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question of luck. To what
extent do you agree or disagree? ............................................................................................................. 10
(12/12/2015) People should follow the customs and traditions when people start to live in a new
country. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ................................................................................ 14
(19/09/2015) Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a
healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree? .................................................................................................. 20
(21/11/2015): Many people go to university for academic study. More people should be encouraged to
do vocational training because there is a lack of qualified workers such as electricians and plumbers.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?............................................................................................... 24
(31/01/2015) Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given in the
protection of wild animals and birds. Do you agree or disagree about this opinion? ............................. 29
DISCUSS .................................................................................................................................................... 31
Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while
others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views .............................. 32
DISCUSS OPINION ................................................................................................................................... 36
(17/01/2015) Some people think that there should be some strict controls about noise. Others think that
they could just make as much noise as they want. Discuss both views and give your opinion. ............. 37
(18/4/2015) Some people think that schools should reward students who show the best academic
results, while others believe that it is more important to reward students who show improvements.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ..................................................................................... 41
(21/03/2015) Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations
draws attention to problems. Others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both
views and give your opinion ................................................................................................................... 45
(06/12/2014): Some people think that it is best to live in a horizontal city while others think of a
vertical city. Discuss both views and give your opinion. ........................................................................ 49
(09/05/2015) Developments in technology have brought various environmental problems. Some
believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental problems. Others, however,
believe technology is the way to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion. ..... 52
(12/07/2014) Nowadays more and more young people hold the important positions in the government.
Some people think that is a good thing while others argue that it is not suitable . Discuss both views
and give your own opinion. .................................................................................................................... 56
(08/11/2014) Some people believe that crime is a result of social problems and poverty, others think
that crime is a result of bad person‟s nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. .............. 59

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 2
PROBLEMS SOLUTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 62
(30/05/15) Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country. What are the
reasons? Solutions to change negative attitudes. .................................................................................... 63
(14/11/2015) The consumption of the world's resources (oil, and water etc.) is increasing at a dangerous
rate. What are causes and solutions? ....................................................................................................... 68
(11/4/2015) The older people who need employment have to compete with younger ones. What
problems can this create? What are some solutions? .............................................................................. 70
2 PART QUESTION .................................................................................................................................. 73
(07/02/2015) Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people.
Why is this the case and what can be done to attract more local people to visit these places?............... 74
(21/05/2015) Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What are the
reasons? What are the effects on society and family life? ...................................................................... 77

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 3
Xin chào các bạn,

Có thể các bạn đã biết, để tăng điểm IELTS Writing có 2 cách:

+ Cách 1: Luyện cách triển khai ý logic, mạch lạc

+ Cách 2: Luyện để nâng cao vốn từ vựng liên quan đến chủ đề

Cuốn sách của mình sẽ giúp các bạn nâng trình Writing bằng cả 2 cách một cách đơn giản và hiệu quả
nhất có thể. Nội dung của cuốn sách sẽ bao gồm:

- Toàn bộ tất cả các bài task 2 do mình viết . Ưu điểm khi các bạn tham khảo các bài viết của mình là :
mình viết thống nhất 1 phương pháp, 1 cách tiếp cận, bố cục đoạn văn, cách sắp xếp ý từ bài đầu tiên đến
bài cuối cùng -> khi follow 1 phương pháp cho mọi bài, mọi người sẽ thấy bắt chiếc viết theo rất dễ. Nếu
tham khảo bài mẫu của nhiều thầy, cô khác nhau -> dễ bị loạn vì mỗi thầy, cô có 1 phương pháp riêng

- Các bài viết sẽ đi kèm phần brainstorming ý hoặc nhận xét của giám khảo bản xứ -> để mọi người hiểu
hướng đưa ra câu trả lời với từng bài, cách triển khai ý như thế nào

- Như thường lệ. các từ vựng tốt trong bài sẽ được giải thích cụ thể kèm ví dụ minh họa chi tiết

- Các bài viết đều được review bởi giám khảo bản xứ đảm bảo đủ tốt để đạt band điểm tối đa (Mình dùng
từ "đủ tốt" bởi các giám khảo khác nhau có thể sẽ có quan điểm chấm khác nhau một chút)

Lưu ý :

- Nếu được, các bạn có thể tham gia khoá học Writing offline hoặc online của mình (xem thông tin trên
trang để được mình trực tiếp giảng, hiểu kỹ lưỡng về phong cách viết, cách tiếp cận của
mình với từng dạng câu hỏi -> áp dụng phương pháp viết trong sách của mình 1 cách hiệu quả nhất

- Một số bài (thường là bài khó) được dịch chỉ là dịch ý để mọi người hiểu bài viết được dễ dàng hơn.
Mình đã nhờ một học sinh của mình thực hiện phần này để mọi người tham khảo.

- Viết ielts task 2, mọi người KHÔNG cần phải đưa ra ý sáng tạo hay đặc sắc, ý đưa ra chỉ cần liên quan
đến câu hỏi đề bài, dùng từ vựng tốt để diễn đạt các ý đó là ok. Với mỗi bài, mình luôn cố gắng chọn ra
hướng đơn giản nhất để đưa ra câu trả lời (không cần sử dụng kiến thức xã hội phức tạp) -> dễ học hơn.

Với các bạn đăng ký mua sách Writing, các bạn sẽ được update bài viết của mình trong 1 năm (dự kiến
sách sẽ gồm ít nhất là 60 bài essay kèm phân tích, giải thích từ vựng chi tiết ).

Hy vọng cuốn sách sẽ là một tài liệu tham khảo tốt giúp mọi người đạt mục tiêu IELTS Writing nhanh
chóng và hiệu quả !

Cám ơn mọi người rất nhiều !

-Ngọc Bách-

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 4

Mở bài:

+ Nêu chủ đề của bài viết

+ Nêu quan điểm của bạn (đồng ý hoặc là không đồng ý) hoàn toàn

Thân bài 1: “First reason” giải thích cho giám khảo tại sao quan điểm của bạn

Thân bài 2: “Second reason” giải thích cho giám khảo tại sao quan điểm của bạn

Kết luận: nhắc lại quan điểm của bạn (chú ý paraphrase lại toàn bộ câu 2 ở phần
mở bài )


Mở bài:

+ Nêu chủ đề của bài viết

+ Nêu quan điểm của bạn là đồng ý một phần

Thân bài 1: Một mặt, bạn đồng ý vì…

Thân bài 2: Mặt khác, bạn không đồng ý vì….

Kết luận: nhắc lại quan điểm của bạn là đồng ý một phần

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 5
(25/07/2015) As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you
agree or disagree?

The idea that, besides making money, enterprises also need to have public responsibilities
remains a source of controversy. In my opinion, while generating profit is the top priority for
each company, they should also conduct their business in a socially responsible manner.

On the one hand, the efforts of companies to maximise their profits may have some benefits for
society as a whole. Firstly, the higher the profits earned by enterprises, the more taxes they pay
to the government. As a result, authorities may have more revenue to spend in key fields,
including education and health care, which leads to an improvement in the quality of life of the
whole community. Secondly, by earning huge profits companies have the opportunity to grow
their business. For example, firms could use their capital to expand their production, creating
new job opportunities within the community.

On the other hand, there are strong reasons why businesses should also accept that they have
social responsibilities. The first reason is that their activities have an effect on the environment.
Without controls, production processes may result in serious environmental degradation, such as
global warming stemming from factory emissions or the irresponsible disposal of industrial
waste. For example, if factories installed waste treatment systems instead of discharging
chemical wastes into rivers, water pollution could be controlled. Another reason is that
enterprises should help those who are less fortunate, since they have the money to do so. For
example, big corporations such as Unilever and Vinamilk have enhanced their public image
through philanthropic actions such as providing scholarships and giving charitable donations.

In conclusion, although I recognise that making profits is the fundamental principle of business, I
would argue that all businesses should profoundly reflect upon their social responsibilities.

290 words


You answered the task question fully, Bach. You related the success of business to the generation of
more tax revenues for governments to spend. This developed your argument fully. The second point : if
businesses make big profits, they can re-invest, expand and create more jobs. This would illustrate a
link between making profits and social responsibility and develop your argument fully.

The arguments in the rest of the essay were well explained and supported with a relevant example. I
understood your position throughout and you expressed it consistently. Thorough planning to produce a
logical and clear essay structure is always a feature of your writing. Your topic sentences enabled me to
understand immediately the main idea in each paragraph. You then helped me to identify each of your
points immediately by using Firstly/Secondly/The first reason is that/Another reason is that/ Of course, I
always find that the structure of Idea-Explain-sometimes Example which you used here is very effective.
You applied this structure consistently, which led to a very organised discussion of what could be a very
abstract and unstructured essay in less skilled hands.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 6
Dịch đại ý

(25/07/2015) Cũng giống như việc kiếm tiền, các doanh nghiệp cần phải có trách nhiệm đối
với xã hội. Bạn có đồng ý hay không?


Ý kiến cho rằng bên cạnh việc kiếm tiền, các doanh nghiệp cũng cần phải có nghĩa vụ đối với
cộng đồng vẫn đang là vấn đề tranh cãi. Theo tôi trong khi việc tạo ra lợi nhuận là ưu tiên hàng
đầu đối với mỗi công ty, họ cũng nên điều hành công việc kinh doanh một cách có trách nhiệm
đối với xã hội.

Một mặt, những nỗ lực của các doanh nghiệp để tối đa hoá lợi nhuận có thể mang đến một số lợi
ích cho toàn xã hội. Thứ nhất, lợi nhuận mà các doanh nghiệp đạt được càng cao thì họ càng trả
nhiều thuế cho chính phủ. Nhờ đó, các nhà chức trách có nguồn thu để chi cho các lĩnh vực thiết
yếu bao gồm giáo dục và sức khoẻ, hướng tới nâng cao chất lượng cuộc sống toàn xã hội. Thứ
hai, nhờ việc kiếm được nguồn lợi nhuận dồi dào, các công ty có thêm cơ hội phát triển công
việc kinh doanh. Ví dụ như các doanh nghiệp có thể dùng nguồn vốn để mở rộng sản xuất, tạo
thêm cơ hội việc làm cho xã hội.

Mặt khác, có nhiều lý do quan trọng giải thích tại sao các doanh nghiệp nên thừa nhận việc có
trách nhiệm với xã hội. Lý do đầu tiên đó là những hoạt động của họ gây tác động đến môi
trường. Khi không được kiểm soát, các hoạt động sản xuất có thể gây huỷ hoại môi trường
nghiêm trọng, như là sự nóng lên toàn cầu bắt nguồn từ khí thải nhà máy hoặc việc xử lý rác thải
công nghiệp thiếu trách nhiệm. Ví dụ, nếu các nhà máy đều lắp đặt hệ thống xử lý rác thải thay
vì xả chất thải hoá học ra sông ngòi thì việc ô nhiễm nguồn nước có thể được kiểm soát. Lý do
tiếp theo đó là các doanh nghiệp nên giúp đỡ các doanh nghiệp kém may mắn hơn bởi họ có đủ
tiền để thực hiện điều này. Ví dụ, những công ty lớn như Unilever hay Vinamilk đã nâng cao
hình ảnh trong mắt công chúng bằng các hoạt động nhân đạo như cấp học bổng hay quyên góp từ

Tóm lại, mặc dù tôi nhận thấy tạo ra lợi nhuận là nguyên tắc cơ bản của kinh doanh, tôi vẫn cho
rằng các doanh nghiệp nên suy ngẫm một cách sâu sắc về trách nhiệm với xã hội.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 7

 to generate (tạo ra) = to produce or create something. We use it to talk about

„generating electricity‟ as well as „generating profits‟.

 to maximise (tối đa hoá) = to increase something, such as profits, as much as possible.

So, for instance we might „maximise our chances of passing IELTS by studying as much
as possible.

 enterprises, companies, businesses, corporations and firms (công ty, doanh nghiệp) =
are all used in this essay as different words which have almost the same meaning.

 degradation (sự huỷ hoại) = this describes a process in which something becomes worse
or is damaged. The term „environmental degradation‟ is a common word combination to
describe what happens when land, rivers or the sea become polluted or damaged in some

 revenue (nguồn thu) = the money that the government receives from taxes and it can then
spend this revenue on whatever priorities it has.

 priority (tiên quyết, ưu tiên) = a priority is something which you think is more important
than other things and should therefore receive attention first. So, for companies, making
money is the priority, it is the most important thing.

 global warming (sự nóng lên toàn cầu) = is the increase in temperature of the
atmosphere of the Earth, and factories contribute to this by releasing some gases into the

 stemming from (bắt nguồn từ) = this means to be the result of something. In the essay,
global warming stems from [or is the result of] factory emissions.

Written by Ngoc Bach

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 emissions (khí thải) = these are simply gases that are sent out into the atmosphere – in
this case by factories. We can also talk about car emissions and again cars send out gases
into the air, increasing pollution.
 irresponsible (vô trách nhiệm) = is the opposite of responsible. It is useful to know some
prefixes like this, examiners notice them when scoring for „lexical resource‟ in the exam.

 disposal (xả (rác thải)) = is the act of throwing something away or „getting rid of‟
something. We often refer to „waste disposal‟.

 waste (rác thải) = is another word for rubbish or „garbage‟ in American English. In this
essay, the materials that are not wanted by factories are thrown away – they are „waste‟.

 install (lắp đặt) = to install something is to fix it into a position where it can be used. So,
a system to deal with waste and to make it safe can be installed, or „put into position in
order to be used‟.

 to discharge (xả (rác) ra sông ngòi) = to make something go into the sea or a river. It is
usually something which is waste, or not needed, for example as a result of industrial

 philanthropic actions (hoạt động từ thiện, nhân đạo) = are actions that help poor people,
especially by giving them money.

 charitable donations (quyên góp từ thiện) = money given to organizations which help
poor people or people in need of help.

 fundamental principles (nguyên tắc căn bản) = are the basic ideas on which a company
carries out its business, in this essay this is the idea that the function of the company is to
make profits.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 9
(07/11/2015) Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question of luck.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that some people‟s success is mostly attributable to luck instead of their own hard
work. However, I completely disagree with this opinion.

I believe that only determined and industrious people will be successful in whatever they do.
Hard-working people usually attain their goals. For instance, Steve Jobs spent thousands of
hours coding and experimenting to bring out the great Macintosh operating system that we use
nowadays. Another clear case of success through determination is Nick Vujicic, an Australian
motivational speaker, who suffered from a rare disorder which resulted in the absence of four
limbs. Despite not having any hands or legs, Vujicic earned a bachelor degree with a double
major in accountancy and financial planning; he had his own family, and now he travels around
the world to inspire people as a motivational speaker.

On the other hand, by contrast, luck is only a small factor in determining one‟s achievement.
Firstly, people cannot solely be dependent on luck to become successful. If a student does not
study for an exam, chances are he or she will fail, no matter how lucky he or she may be.
Secondly, luck only contributes to short-term fortune. For instance, a person who wins a lottery
is definitely lucky because winning a lottery does not require you to do anything to earn it. It
purely depends on luck; yet, he or she cannot win the lottery for the rest of his or her life.

In conclusion, for the reasons I have mentioned above, I strongly believe that in order to achieve
objectives in life, one must be extremely determined and hard-working to follow his or her
passion till the end.

278 words


This essay should score band 9 for task response. I liked the clear and consistent statement of your
strong view and the way in which you developed the justification for your opinion.

Your paragraph 2 is all about the value of determination and industry in order to achieve the objectives
that we set in life. I will say more about this paragraph in the next section of the marking criteria. The
good point to make here is that you fully explained this argument and you developed and supported it
with two relevant examples. The examples, in fact, were absolutely vital to your defence of the need to
work hard and never quit. [I have learnt about Vujicic from you, and researched more of his ideas on the
Internet – thanks, Bach. He is an inspirational man in many ways].

Paragraph 3 then dealt with another essential aspect of the task, the role of luck. You make two points –
luck is clearly not enough to achieve things like passing exams, for example. Secondly, luck is rarely
repeated – as indicated by your example of the lottery winner.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 10
Dịch đại ý

(07/11/2015) Con người liệu có thể đạt được mục tiêu của mình mà chỉ dựa phần lớn vào
sự may mắn. Anh/chị đồng ý hay không và như thế nào?


Có ý kiến cho rằng thành công của một số người đa phần do may mắn thay vì nỗ lực của chính
họ. Tuy nhiên, tôi hoàn toàn không đồng ý với quan điểm này.

Tôi tin rằng chỉ những con người quyết tâm và cần mẫn mới thành công trong mọi việc. Người
chăm chỉ thường đạt được những mục tiêu của mình. Ví dụ, Steve Jobs dành ra hàng ngàn giờ
đồng hồ mã hoá và nghiên cứu để tạo ra hệ điều hành Macintosh tuyệt vời mà chúng ta đang sử
dụng hiện nay. Một câu chuyện thành công rõ ràng nữa nhờ lòng quyết tâm đó là Nick Vujicic,
một diễn giả truyền cảm hứng người Úc, anh ấy phải đã phải chịu đựng một căn bệnh hiếm gặp
khiến cho cơ thể mất đi tứ chi. Bất chấp việc không còn chân tay, Vujicic vẫn tốt nghiệp đại học
với tấm bằng kép chuyên ngành kế toán và tài chính; anh ấy lập gia đình và hiện đang chu du
vòng quanh thế giới để thuyết giảng và truyền cảm hứng cho mọi người.

Mặt khác, sự may mắn trái lại chỉ là một yếu tố nhỏ quyết định sự thành công. Trước hết, người
ta không thể chỉ dựa vào may mắn để trở nên thành công. Nếu một sinh viên không học bài
chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi, sinh viên đó sẽ trượt dù cho có may mắn thế nào. Thứ hai, may mắn chỉ có ý
nghĩa trong một vài thời điểm. Ví dụ như việc trúng xổ số hoàn toàn là nhờ vào may mắn bởi
điều này không đòi hỏi bất cứ công sức gì. Điều này hoàn toàn dựa vào may mắn, tuy nhiên
người đó không thể trúng xổ số cả cuộc đời còn lại.

Tóm lại, với tất cả những lý do tôi đã nêu ở trên, tôi hoàn toàn tin tưởng rằng để đạt được những
mục tiêu trong cuộc sống, người ta phải vô cùng quyết tâm và chăm chỉ để theo đuổi đam mê đến

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 11

 attributable (do) [adjective] caused by the thing mentioned. In this context, success is
the result of luck.
Example: Obesity is attributable to a poor diet and a lack of exercise.

 industrious (chăm chỉ, bận rộn) [adjective] hard-working, busy.

Example: Steve Jobs worked with a team of industrious people to develop „Apple‟.

 attain (đạt được) [verb] We often use this verb with „attain a goal/an ambition/an
objective‟. It means to succeed in getting something, usually after a lot of effort.
Example: The university only considers students who have attained high marks in the
entrance exams.

 code (mã hóa) [verb] to write a computer program by putting one system of numbers,
words and symbols into another system.
Example: Coding information into numbers and symbols requires advanced computer

 motivational (truyền cảm hứng, tạo động lực) [adjective] making somebody want to do
something, especially something which requires a lot of effort.
Example: Many celebrities are not motivational speakers, however, it is their talents
which inspire people rather than their words.

 suffer from (chịu đựng) [phrasal verb] to be badly affected by a disease, pain, sadness or
a lack of something.
Example: In cities with a lot of air pollution, many people suffer from health problems.

 disorder (căn bệnh) [noun] an illness that causes a part of the body to stop functioning
Example: He suffers from a rare disorder of the liver, so many doctors had not seen a
case like this before.

 limbs (tứ chi, chân tay) [noun] arms and legs.

Example: After the car accident, she lost the use of her limbs; now, however, she can
walk and use her hands normally.

 accountancy (kế toán) [noun] the profession of an accountant, dealing with figures for
tax or other purposes.
Example: A degree in mathematics in essential for a career in accountancy.

Written by Ngoc Bach

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 dependent (phụ thuộc) [adjective] needing something in order to survive or to be
Example: You can‟t be dependent on your parents all your life.

 lottery (xổ số) [noun] a way of raising money by selling tickets. The tickets have
numbers on them which people have chosen. Numbers are chosen by chance and the
people with those numbers win prizes.
Example: I always go to the shop every week to buy lottery tickets, but I never win.

 purely (hoàn toàn) [adverb] completely, entirely, only.

Example: The organisation depends purely on contributions from the public, it does not
make any profits.

 passion (đam mê) [noun] a very strong interest in something and enthusiasm for it.
Example: A passion for computer technology drove Steve Jobs to overcome many

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 13
(12/12/2015) People should follow the customs and traditions when people start to
live in a new country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


I have indicated the key words in the task question in red colour.

Note for students: in each main paragraph, the topic sentence is followed by the sentences
which develop from plan to paragraph. The number in the plan is shown in the paragraph.
This is how your plan can develop into your paragraph.

Planning the ideas

Based on our identification of the key words, our plan will be something like this:

Introduce idea: many people hold this opinion. I completely agree with it.

Paragraph 2: [Problems if local customs are not followed]

[1] Difficulties for new residents who do not follow customs and traditions of host country –
example: if they start a business, they have to know local business customs in order to be

[2] Some actions will be illegal in the host country and will make local people angry, too –
example: Singapore.

Paragraph 3: [Benefits of following local customs and traditions]

[1] Local people will accept newcomers who do this – more integration, easier to make friends.

[2] New immigrants will enjoy the traditions and be able to take part in community life –
example: enjoy festivals.

Conclusion: repeat, using some different words.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 14

Many people argue that foreigners should adapt to the local customs and traditions when they
come to reside in a new country. I completely agree with this view.

Newcomers will certainly face difficulties if they do not conform to the norms of social
behaviour in the host country. Firstly, it will become almost impossible for them to blend into
their new environment. For example, an entrepreneur who comes to live in a new country and
starts up a business must be aware of the business practices of that country. There are bound to
be many pitfalls, not only legal ones but also simply in terms of winning and keeping customers.
Secondly, recent immigrants might fall foul of the law if they do not respect the behaviour and
customs of locals. In Singapore, for instance, residents will consider newcomers dirty and ill-
mannered if they litter the street or spit gum in public places.

There are also many benefits for foreigners when they do adopt the customs and traditions of
their new country of residence. One advantage is that local people will be more welcoming
when they feel that the newcomers are showing respect for the local way of life. The
establishment of closer links with the host community might lead to greater integration and
mutual understanding. Another benefit is the richness of the experience which newcomers will
gain from enjoying aspects of local customs and traditions, enabling them to participate in
community life and avoid social isolation. During festivals and national holidays, especially,
they will feel like they „belong‟ in their new country.

In conclusion, I would argue that it is essential for new residents to follow the traditions and
habits of locals in the host community in order to integrate fully into society.

293 words


The idea is this: Opinion – completely agree. Paragraph 2 – pitfalls for foreigners if they do NOT follow
local customs and traditions. Paragraph 3 – benefits if foreigners DO follow local customs and traditions.

Dịch đại ý

(12/12/2015) Mọi người nên tuân theo phong tục tập quán khi họ bắt đầu sống ở một đất
nước khác. Anh/chị đồng ý hay không và như thế nào với quan điểm này?



Nhiều người cho rằng người nước ngoài nên thích nghi với phong tục tập quán của địa phương
khi họ tới cư trú ở một quốc gia khác. Tôi hoàn toàn đồng tình với quan điểm này.

Những người mới đến sẽ buộc phải đối mặt với những khó khăn nếu như họ không tuân theo các
quy tắc hành xử trong xã hội của nước sở tại. Trước hết, họ sẽ không thể hoà nhập với môi

Written by Ngoc Bach

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trường mới. Ví dụ, một doanh nhân đến sống ở nước ngoài và khởi nghiệp kinh doanh buộc phải
chú tâm đến các thông lệ kinh doanh của nước đó. Có rất nhiều rủi ro, không chỉ về luật pháp mà
đơn giản là việc lôi kéo và giữ chân khách hàng. Thứ hai, người mới đến có thể phạm pháp nếu
họ không tôn trọng lối sống và phong tục của người dân bản địa. Ví dụ như tại Singapore, những
người ta sẽ bị coi là bẩn thỉu và thô lỗ nếu xả rác ra đường hoặc nhổ kẹo cao su nơi công cộng.

Có rất nhiều lợi ích đối với người nước ngoài khi họ chấp nhận quen với phong tục tập quán của
đất nước họ đang cư trú. Một điểm lợi đó là dân địa phương sẽ trở nên hiếu khách hơn khi họ
cảm thấy người mới đến đang tỏ ra tôn trọng với lối sống của địa phương. Việc hình thành các
mối liên kết chặt chẽ với cộng đồng địa phương sẽ dẫn dến hội nhập sâu hơn và hiểu biết lẫn
nhau. Một điểm tốt nữa đó là những kinh nghiệm dồi dào mà người mới đến có được từ việc nếm
trải các khía cạnh khác nhau của phong tục tập quán địa phương sẽ khiến cho họ gia nhập vào
đời sống cộng đồng và tránh việc bị cô lập với xã hội. Trong các dịp lễ hội cũng như các ngày lễ
của quốc gia, họ sẽ đặc biệt cảm thấy mình “thuộc về” đất nước mới này.

Tóm lại, tôi cho rằng việc người nước ngoài cư trú tuân theo phong tục tập quán của địa phương
ở nước sở tại là điều thiết yếu để có thể hội nhập hoàn toàn với xã hội.


 the norms of social behaviour: standards of behaviour that are typical of and accepted
within society.
Example: The norms of social behaviour in Muslim countries include not drinking
alcohol in public places.

 host country: a country which receives visitors or new residents.

Example: Refugees who escape from war zones often face difficulties in a new host

 blend into: to look very similar to the surrounding people or things, so that it is difficult
to distinguish what is new.
Example: Wearing the same clothes as local people, they blended into the crowd of
people waiting to enter the cinema.

 an entrepreneur: a person who makes money by starting or running a business.

Example: A few famous entrepreneurs have started by running a small business, selling
things in the street.

 bound to (be): certain, or likely, to be.

Example: When you start a new business, there are bound to be risks.

 pifalls: a hidden danger or difficulty, which it is not easy or possible to see at first.
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Example: When you buy a car, go with a mechanic to avoid any pitfalls which will
cause problems later.

 fall foul of the law: to get into trouble with the police because you are doing something
Example: In most countries, if you drink and drive, you will fall foul of the law.

 newcomers: a person who has only recently arrived in a place.

Example: Australia is a friendly country, where newcomers and older residents mix

 integration: the process of mixing people who have previously been separated.
Example: The aim of the European Community is the integration of the people of many
different countries to cooperate economically and politically.

 mutual understanding: the feelings which two or more people share equally.
Example: If newcomers live in separate communities, they will never achieve mutual
understanding with residents of the host country.

 social isolation: the state of being alone in society.

Example: Some elderly people experience social isolation, unless they have good
friends or a loving family.

 ‘belong’: to feel comfortable and happy in a particular situation or with a particular

group of people.
Example: A newcomer who learns the language of the host country is more likely to feel
that he/she belongs in the new community.

Written by Ngoc Bach

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Many people argue that foreigners should observe the local customs and traditions when they
come to reside in a new country. I completely agree with this view.

There are important reasons why people should follow the customs when they settle in a foreign
country. Firstly, if newcomers behave according to the local norms, the resident population will
accept them much more readily, they will make friends more easily and they will earn respect.
For example, an entrepreneur who comes to live in a new country and starts up a business must
be aware of the business practices of that country. There are bound to be many pitfalls, not only
legal ones but also simply in terms of winning and keeping customers by observing the local way
of doing business. Secondly, recent immigrants are likely to be shunned if they upset local
sensibilities. In Singapore, for instance, residents will consider them dirty and ill-mannered if
they litter the street or spit gum in public places.

In their adopted homeland, newcomers should also adopt the traditions which local people
observe. The principal benefit is the richness of the experience which new residents will gain
from enjoying aspects of local traditions, enabling them to participate in community life and
avoid social isolation. During festivals and national holidays, especially, they will feel like they
„belong‟ in their new country. For example, Chinese people in the UK not only celebrate
Chinese New Year, but they often attend the local New Year celebrations and fireworks in
London and other major cities.

In conclusion, I would certainly argue that people who settle in a new country should follow
local customs and embrace the traditions which local people observe.

281 words


The idea is this: Opinion – completely agree. Paragraph 2 – the reasons why people should follow the
customs when they settle in a foreign country. Paragraph 3 –the reasons why people who go to live in
another country should adopt the traditions

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 18
Dịch đại ý


Nhiều người cho rằng người nước ngoài nên làm theo phong tục tập quán địa phương khi họ đến
cư trú tại một quốc gia khác. Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với quan điểm này.

Có nhiều nguyên nhân quan trọng để người ta tuân theo phong tục khi họ lập nghiệp ở nước
ngoài. Trước tiên, nếu người mới đến hành xử theo lối sống của địa phương, người dân sẽ dễ
dàng chấp nhận họ, họ sẽ kết bạn nhanh chóng và nhận được sự tôn trọng. Ví dụ một doanh nhân
đến sống ở một đất nước khác và khởi nghiệp buộc phải chú tâm đến các thông lệ kinh doanh
của đất nước đó. Có rất nhiều khó khăn cạm bẫy, không chỉ liên quan đến luật pháp mà đơn giản
chỉ là lôi kéo và giữ chân khách hàng bằng việc tuân theo các cách làm ăn kinh doanh của địa
phương. Thứ hai, người mới nhập cư sẽ rất có thể bị xa lánh nếu làm cho dân địa phương không
hài lòng. Ví dụ như tại Singapore, người dân sẽ coi họ thật bẩn thỉu và thô lỗ nếu họ xả rác ra
đường hoặc nhổ kẹo cao su ở nơi công cộng.

Ở đất nước mà họ chọn sinh sống, người mới đến nên quen với tập quán mà dân địa phương tuân
theo. Lợi ích chủ yếu đó là những kinh nghiệm dồi dào mà người mới đến có được đến từ việc
nếm trải các khía cạnh của tập quán địa phương, khiến họ có thể gia nhập vào đời sống cộng
đồng và tránh việc bị xã hội cô lập. Trong các dịp lễ hội cũng như ngày lễ quốc gia, họ sẽ đặc
biệt cảm thấy mình thuộc về đất nước mới này. Ví dụ như, người Trung Quốc sống ở Anh không
chỉ chào đón Tết âm lịch mà còn đón mừng Tết dương lịch theo địa phương và ngắm pháo hoa
tại London cũng như các thành phố lớn khác.

Tóm lại, tội hoàn toàn cho rằng những người đến lập nghiệp lại một quốc gia nên tuân theo
phong tục địa phương và chấp nhận những tập quán mà người dân địa phương đang làm.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 19
(19/09/2015) Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to
have a healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree?


Many people choose to become vegetarians since a vegetarian diet is believed to be better for
the human body. Although I agree that eating only plant foods provides us with a healthier diet,
I do not believe that everyone should stop eating meat in order to enjoy good health.

There are a variety of reasons why becoming a vegetarian is beneficial. Firstly, science has
proven that vegetarians have lower risks of developing several chronic illnesses such as heart
disease, diabetes, some forms of cancer and obesity. This is due to the fact that a healthy
vegetarian diet is typically low in fat and high in fiber. Secondly, eating vegetables properly
gives us adequate nutrition to support our bodies. For example, raw spinach is a great source of
Vitamins A, K, E as well as calcium. As a result, instead of eating many kinds of food to get
these vitamins, we only need a bowl of spinach.

However, there are some disadvantages to take into consideration before becoming a
vegetarian. Perhaps the principal one is that if a vegetarian‟s daily meals are not properly
balanced , he or she might suffer from a lack of calories to meet his or her energy needs.
Consequently, they will feel lethargic and unable to do anything energetic. In addition, food
which is eaten raw, steamed or stir-fried retains more vitamins and minerals than that which is
boiled in water or deep-fried. So, culinary traditions such as those in Vietnam are the most
advisable ones to follow in preparing vegetarian meals. Vegetarians brought up using Western
cooking methods should, therefore, either change their cooking style or else adopt a non-
vegetarian diet.

In conclusion, although healthy, a vegetarian diet is not for everyone and it requires care in the
choice of foods and preparation of meals.

You linked sentences and developed ideas in such a way that ‘it attracts no attention’. logical
paragraphing and sequencing of ideas and information; a clear central topic in each paragraph, indicated
clearly and concisely by your topic sentences; the use of a variety of appropriate linking words, avoiding
their over-use.

Written by Ngoc Bach

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Dịch đại ý

(19/09/2015) Mọi người nên ăn chay bởi vì để có chế độ ăn uống tốt cho sức khoẻ người ta
không cần thiết phải ăn thịt. Anh/ chị có đồng ý hay không?


Nhiều người quyết định ăn chay vì chế độ ăn chay được cho là tốt hơn đối với cơ thể con người.
Mặc dù tôi đồng ý rằng thức ăn có nguồn gốc thực vật cung cấp cho chúng ta chế độ ăn uống
lành mạnh hơn, tôi không cho rằng mọi người nên ngừng ăn thịt để có được sức khoẻ tốt.

Có nhiều lý do khác nhau giải thích tại sao ăn chay lại có lợi. Trước hết, khoa học đã chứng minh
rằng người ăn chay có nguy cơ mắc các bệnh mãn tính như bệnh tim mạch, tiểu đường, một số
dạng ung thư và béo phì thấp hơn. Có được điều này là nhờ trên thực tế một chế độ ăn chay lành
mạnh thường ít chất béo và giàu chất xơ. Thứ hai, việc ăn nhiều rau củ cung cấp cho chúng ta
dinh dưỡng đầy đủ để hỗ trợ cho cơ thể. Ví dụ, rau bina tươi là một nguồn vitamin A, K, E cũng
như canxi vô cùng dồi dào. Do đó, thay vì ăn rất nhiều loại thực phẩm để hấp thu những vitamin
này, chúng ta chỉ cần một bát rau bina là đủ.

Tuy nhiên, có một vài nhược điểm cần xem xét trước khi ăn chay. Có lẽ điều đầu tiên đó là
những bữa ăn chay hàng ngày không thực sự cân bằng, người ăn chay có thể bị thiếu calo để đáp
ứng những nhu cầu năng lượng cần thiết. Do vậy, họ sẽ cảm thấy mệt mỏi và không thể hoạt
động mạnh. Thêm vào đó, thực phẩm ăn sống, hấp hay xào giữ được nhiều vitamin và khoáng
chất hơn là luộc và rán. Do đó, cách nấu nướng truyền thống như Việt Nam được khuyến khích
nên áp dụng cho việc chế biến các món ăn chay. Những người ăn chay sử dụng phương pháp nấu
nướng kiểu phương Tây do vậy nên thay đổi cách thức nấu ăn hoặc chấp nhận một chế ăn độ ăn
uống khác.

Tóm lại, chế độ ăn chay mặc dù có lợi cho sức khoẻ nhưng không phải ai cũng phù hợp và nó đòi
hỏi cần phải cẩn thận trong việc lựa chọn thực phẩm cũng như cách chế biến món ăn.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 21

 a vegetarian diet (chế độ ăn chay): a diet without meat or fish.

 Become (trở nên): this is different from „turn into‟, which is used when something
changes its form: ‘The princess kissed the frog and it turned into a prince’.
 a balanced diet: see vocabulary below.
 Energetic (mạnh, năng động): the examiner is often impressed by your ability to use
energy/energetic or other noun/adjective/adverb/verb vocabulary. In the same way, the
examiner is impressed by your knowledge and use of suffixes and prefixes.
 the human body (cơ thể con người): the entire structure of all human beings is referred
to commonly as „the human body‟, even though we are referring to all humans.
 plant foods (thực phẩm từ thực vật): these simply refer to a number of types of food
which are obtained from plants. According to one website: plant foods are rich in
antioxidants and provide a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and other health-
promoting nutrients.
 chronic illnesses (bệnh mãn tính): this is an illness which lasts for a long time and is
difficult to cure. For example: A high percentage of old people who live in Scotland
suffer from chronic arthritis.
 Diabetes (tiểu đường): this is a chronic illness which makes the patient produce a lot of
urine and feel thirsty. For example: Some people who suffer from diabetes have to take
medicine every day.
 Obesity (béo phì): the fact of being very fat, in an unhealthy way. For example: Obesity
can increase the risk of heart disease.
 high in fiber (giàu chất xơ): types of food which have a lot of fiber move other foods
quickly through the human body. For example: Dried fruits contain a lot of fiber/Dried
fruits are high in fiber.
 raw spinach (rau bina tươi, sống): this is a type of green vegetable which is often eaten
raw = uncooked. For example: My weekly diet always includes some raw spinach.
 a source of (nguồn): a person, place or thing that you get something from. In this
sentence, spinach is the plant from which you get these minerals.
 becoming a vegetarian (bắt đầu ăn chay): starting to be a vegetarian.
 Balanced (cân bằng): having different types of things in the correct amounts. So, in this
sentence a vegetarian diet must have different types of food in the right quantities to

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ensure good health. For example: Healthy eating habits depend on a person having a
balanced diet.
 Steamed (hấp): food which is steamed is cooked in the vapour which is produced when
water boils. So, the food is not in contact with the boiling water and it keeps more
minerals and vitamins. For example: One of my favourite meals is steamed fish.
 stir-fried and deep-fried (xào, rán): when food is stir-fried, it is cooked very quickly in
a little oil in a shallow cooking pan, called a wok in China. In contrast, deep-fried food,
such as chips, means that the food is completely covered by oil in a deep pan and the
cooking time is longer.
 adopt a non-vegetarian diet (sử dụng một chế độ ăn uống khác): to use a different type
of diet. We usually use it in the sense of „to adopt a child‟ = to take someone‟s child into
your family and become its legal parents.

Written by Ngoc Bach

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(21/11/2015): Many people go to university for academic study. More people should be
encouraged to do vocational training because there is a lack of qualified workers such as
electricians and plumbers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

I have indicated the key words in the task question in red colour.

Note for students: in each main paragraph, the topic sentence is followed by the sentences which
develop from plan to paragraph. The number in the plan is shown in the paragraph. This is how your
plan can develop into your paragraph.

Planning the ideas

Based on our identification of the key words, our plan will be something like this:

Introduce idea: many young people study academic subjects at university. This is necessary, but more
vocational training is also needed.

Paragraph 2: two reasons why more vocationally-trained workers are required:

[1] electricians, plumbers and other trades are vital when buildings are constructed or need maintenance
– example: schools, hospitals, museums – safety of public buildings in general.

[2] too many academic graduates in some countries – resulting in graduate unemployment.

Paragraph 3: more vocational training must be provided to meet society‟s needs.

[1] schools must make changes in the curriculum and provide workshops to teach practical skills.

[2] parents should encourage their children to consider learning a skilled trade as a good alternative to
university, with good job prospects when they qualify.

Conclusion: repeat using some different words.

Written by Ngoc Bach

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It is true that many people prefer to pursue academic studies at university rather than to follow a
vocational training course. While nobody can deny the need for university graduates, I totally
agree that we should encourage more people to qualify as electricians, plumbers or other
essential manual workers.

There are two important reasons why more workers must be trained in skilled professions such
as plumbing or electrical work. Firstly, such workers are vital when new buildings are
constructed or when existing buildings have to be renovated or simply maintained. Indeed, in
many countries, a permanent maintenance staff of skilled tradesmen is employed in hospitals,
schools or museums, ensuring the safety of all who use the buildings. Secondly, in some
developed countries, there is an existing imbalance in the economy, resulting in graduate
unemployment, while at the same time there is a shortage of skilled labour. Governments in
those countries need, therefore, to work with employers to ensure that extra vocational training is

More people must be encouraged to attend vocational training courses. [1] The onus is on
schools to incorporate relevant subjects into the curriculum, so that not all the emphasis is placed
on preparation for academic study at university. Many boys and girls are not academically
inclined, but this does not mean that schools should consider them as failures. For example,
workshops in schools could provide an opportunity to learn „hands-on skills‟, adapting the theory
of the physics lessons to practical applications. [2] Parents should also help their children to
choose vocational careers, explaining the good employment prospects and remuneration for
manual workers with qualifications and skills

In conclusion, I agree that it is vital that we encourage more people to do vocational training
because without such skilled workers, society cannot function effectively.

279 words

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 25
Dịch đại ý

(21/11/2015): Có nhiều người học đại học để nghiên cứu và học tập. Cần khuyến khích
nhiều người hơn nữa đi học nghề bởi hiện ta đang thiếu những người thợ lành nghề như
thợ điện hay thợ sửa ống nước. Bạn đồng ý hay không và như thế nào?


Thực tế là có nhiều người muốn theo đuổi con đường học tập ở trường đại học hơn là theo học
một khoá đào tạo nghề. Trong khi không ai có thể phủ nhận nhu cầu đối với các cử nhân đại học,
tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý rằng ta nên khuyến khích nhiều người học nghề hơn ví dụ như thợ điện, thợ
sửa ống nước hay những công việc lao động chân tay thiết yếu khác.

Có hai lý do chính giải thích tại sao cần nhiều lao động được đào tạo tay nghề chuyên môn ví dụ
như công việc sửa sang lắp đặt hệ thống điện, nước. Trước hết, những người công nhân làm công
việc nói trên đóng vai trò thiết yếu khi các toà nhà mới được xây dựng hoặc các toà nhà hiện tại
cần được cải tạo hay chỉ đơn giản là duy trì. Thực tế tại nhiều nước, một nhân viên bảo trì làm
việc dài hạn được tuyển trong số các lao động lành nghề vào làm tại các bệnh viện, trường học
hay viện bảo tàng để đảm bảo an toàn cho những người sống và làm việc tại toà nhà. Thứ hai, ở
các nước phát triển, sự mất cân đối hiện tại trong nền kinh tế gây nên tình trạng thất nghiệp của
cử nhân đại học, trong khi các lao động có tay nghề chuyên môn lại thiếu hụt. Chính phủ ở các
nước nói trên do đó cần phải làm việc với các nhà tuyển dụng để đảm bảo việc đào tạo nghề
được yêu cầu thêm.

Nhiều người hơn phải được khuyến khích đến các khóa đào tạo nghề. Nhiêm vụ của trường học
là kết hợp các môn học liên quan vào chương trình giảng dạy, để không phải tất cả nhấn mạnh
vào sự học học thuật ở trường đại học. Nhiều cô bé, cậu bé không giỏi thiên về lý thuyết nhưng
điều đó không có nghĩa là trường học nên coi họ không thành công. Ví dụ workshop ở trường có
thể cung cấp cơ hội để học các kỹ năng thực hành, áp dụng lý thuyết của các bài học vật lý vào
ứng dụng thực tế. Cha mẹ cũng có thể giúp trẻ em chọn nghề, giải thích cho chúng triển vọng
việc làm, thù lao cho công nhân làm việc chân tay với bằng cấp và kỹ năng.

Tóm lại, tôi tán thành việc chúng ta khuyến khích mọi người học các khoá đào tạo nghề vì nếu
thiếu đi những người thợ lành nghề, xã hội không thể vận động một cách hiệu quả được.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 26

 renovate (sửa sang): to repair something so that it is in good condition again.

Example: After the damage caused by the war, many houses were renovated so that
people could return to live in them.

 Imbalance (thiếu cân bằng): a situation in which two things are not the same size, in a
way that causes problems.
Example: The government is trying to encourage more exports. Imports are much higher
at the moment, so the government is trying to correct this imbalance.

 Callout (gọi thợ sửa): an occasion when someone is called to do repairs.

 in all weathers (trong mọi điều kiện thời tiết): if the weather is good or bad.

 vocational training (đào tạo nghề): training in the skills and knowledge that you need
in order to do a particular job.

 Accountant (kế toán): a person whose job it is to keep or check financial records.

 manual work (lao động chân tay): a type of work in which you use you use your hands
and your physical strength.

 white-collar jobs (công việc văn phòng): jobs in which you work in an office.

 blue-collar jobs (công nhân): jobs in which you work in a factory or other work site.

 fulfill their dreams (thực hiện ước mơ): to do or to achieve what they hoped to do.

 Potential (tiềm năng): qualities that exist and can be developed.

Example: He has the potential to become a world-famous artist.

 skill set (tập hợp các kỹ năng): a person‟s range of abilities.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 27
Example: If you want to be an accountant, your skill set must include an ability to
understand mathematics.

 Tradesmen (thợ): skilled men, especially those who work with their hands in some
professions. A woman is referred to as a „tradesperson‟.
Example: Several types of tradesmen were involved in the construction of the ship,
including engineers, metal workers and electricians.

 Sanitation (thiết bị, hệ thống vệ sinh): the equipment and systems that keep places
clean and free from all types of waste.
Example: When sanitation is bad in a city, many diseases result.

 Lift (thang máy): the Americans say „elevator‟ – a machine that carries people or goods
up or down to different levels in a building.

 Glazier (thợ lắp kính): a person who fits glass into windows.

 hospital ward (phòng bệnh): a room in a hospital where patients are in bed.
Example: He worked as a nurse on the children‟s ward.

 operating theatre (phòng phẫu thuật): a special room in a hospital where doctors
perform operations on patients.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 28
(31/01/2015) Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given in
the protection of wild animals and birds. Do you agree or disagree about this opinion?


It is argued that protecting wild animals and birds is drawing/attracting too much concern and
too many resources of society. Personally, I totally agree with this point of view.

There are two main reasons why I think people have paid too much attention to the protection of
animals. One reason is that many non-governmental organizations have been established in order
to protect animals all over the world. However, they are too concerned about animal-related
activities in many parts of the world. For example, it is unreasonable that PETA, an animal-
protecting (2) organization, accused Katy Perry of using tigers and elephants in her own music
video „Roar‟ for commercial purposes while she did not. Furthermore, news about wild animals
can be shared rapidly on the Internet. If a bear is imprisoned somewhere, this news will be
widespread on social networks such as Facebook on a large scale immediately.

In addition, people have also spent too many resources protecting wild birds. Firstly, a great deal
of money is required to carry out any project to protect wild birds, in which infrastructure and
research are the two most expensive. The more difficult research to preserve the DNA of wild
birds is, the more it costs. Secondly, the expenditure for this protection is quite unnecessary to
some extent. While funds should be raised to improve the living standards in some regions,
investment in bird protection appears to be a waste of money.

In conclusion, it seems to me that both concern and resources are focused too much on the
protection of wild animals and birds in this modern world.

265 words


It was interesting, Bach, to see how you interpreted the task question. You focused on these key words:
attention/resources/animals/birds. I had not considered discussing animals and birds separately, but I
think that it is possible to defend this approach.
I also focused on the key words „attention/resources‟. You wrote one paragraph on each of these, which
I also did.
The introduction and conclusion were concise and clear – we are in no doubt about your opinion. I think
the strong position that you took in the essay helped you to present your case clearly. In paragraph 2, you
offer two arguments. In the first, you say that many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are over-
sensitive on this issue of animal protection. You supported this point with a relevant example [I had not
followed this Kate Perry story]. Secondly, you say that any form of animal abuse already receives too
much attention because of Internet publicity.
In paragraph 3, you focus on resources. You consider this in relation to the protection of wild birds.
Your first point is the expensive involved in research and your second point is the need to spend resources
to meet vital human needs.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 29
Throughout your essay, you follow the technique of Idea-Explain-sometimes Example, correctly limiting
the number of ideas in order to use this technique. So, while I was surprised that you chose to discuss
animals and birds separately, you can argue that this is a key part of the question and the examiners would
find difficulty in denying the validity of this approach.
I have referred to your logical paragraph structure and there is further evidence of planning and
organisation in this essay. For example, I cannot improve on your two topic sentences, which indicate
precisely the central idea of each paragraph. Each argument is clearly identified for the benefit of the
reader and the examiner using: One reason/Furthermore/Firstly/Secondly...
The links between sentences are fluent when you are explaining each argument. We can argue that you
have sequenced the information and ideas logically [band score 8++], because your topic sentences
indicate exactly what the paragraph will be about. As in the case of task response, the application of the
exam techniques is of a very high standard and the essay is undeniably well-organised.

Dịch đại ý

(31/01/2015) Một số người nói rằng ta đang quá quan tâm và dành quá nhiều nguồn lực cho việc
bảo vệ các loại chim cũng như động vật hoang dã. Bạn có đồng ý hay không?


Người ta cho rằng việc bảo vệ các loài chim và động vật hoang dã đang thu hút quá nhiều sự
quan tâm cũng như nguồn lực của xã hội. Cá nhân tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với quan điểm này.

Tôi nghĩ có hai lý do chính giải thích tại sao người ta quá chú tâm đến việc bảo vệ động vật. Lý
do đầu tiên đó là có rất nhiều các tổ chức phi chính phủ trên khắp thế giới được thành lập để bảo
vệ các loài động vật. Tuy nhiên, họ lo lắng thái quá về các hoạt động có liên quan đến động vật ở
các lĩnh vực khác nhau trên thế giới. Ví dụ như PETA, một tổ chức bảo vệ động vật đã khá vô lý
khi lên án nữ ca sĩ Katy Perry khi cô sử dụng hình ảnh hổ và voi trong video ca nhạc của mình
mang tên “Roar” cho mục đích mua bán trong khi cô ấy không hề có ý như vậy. Hơn thế nữa,
các bài báo viết về động vật hoang dã có thể được chia sẻ chớp nhoáng trên mạng Internet. Nếu
một chú gấu bị bắt ở đâu đó, những bài viết này sẽ ngay lập tức lan tràn rộng rãi trên các mạng
xã hội như Facebook.

Thêm vào đó, người ta đã dành quá nhiều nguồn lực để bảo vệ các loài chim hoang dã. Thứ nhất,
bất cứ dự án bảo vệ chim hoang dã nào cũng cần yêu cầu một số tiền không hề nhỏ để có thể
thực hiện được, trong đó cơ sở hạ tầng và nghiên cứu là hai thứ tốn kém nhất. Các nghiên cứu để
bảo tồn DNA của các loài chim hoang dã càng khó khăn thì chi phí càng nhiều. Thứ hai, việc chi
tiêu cho các dự án bảo vệ này ở một mức độ nào đó là tương đối không cần thiết. Trong khi
nguồn vốn này có thể được gây dựng để nâng cao chất lượng cuộc sống ở một số địa phương thì
việc đầu tư vào bảo vệ loài chim có thể coi là lãng phí tiền của.

Tóm lại, đối với tôi thì trong thế giới hiện đại ngày nay người ta quá chú tâm cũng như đầu tư
quá nhiều nguồn lực vào việc bảo vệ các loài chim và động vật hoang dã.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 30
Mở bài

+ Nói về topic (paraphrase lại câu của đề bài)

+ Giới thiệu rằng view 1 đúng, view 2 cũng có ý đúng

Thân bài 1: nêu nguyên nhân giải thích tại sao view 1 đúng

Thân bài 2: nêu nguyên nhân giải thích tại sao view 2 đúng

Kết luận

Nhắc lại ý nêu ra ở câu 2 mở bài

Lưu ý:

Tuyệt đối không nêu quan điểm bản thân ở bất cứ phần nào trong bài vì đề bài
không yêu cầu

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 31
Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful
career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both


Upon graduating from high school, the young often wonder whether they ought to keep on
studying further or not. Many people believe that continuing to study at a university or college
will be the best way to guarantee a successful career, whereas others believe that working right
after school is a better option.

Working straight after graduation is beneficial in some ways. Firstly, by working, young people
will be able to earn money as soon as possible, and since they will likely be mature enough,
they will be able to live independently on their own income. It is also common knowledge that
having a job leads to even more maturity. Secondly, a person who chooses to get a job instead of
pursuing higher education is likely to progress rapidly in their career. This may help them to
obtain a lot of real experience and skills in their chosen profession.

On the other hand, there are a variety reasons why people tend to choose to continue their
education after high school. First, a college education prepares young people to meet higher-
level qualifications, which is what most employers expect these days. University graduates
usually get a much higher salary than those without a university education. Furthermore, the job
market is becoming more and more competitive and nowadays people are well-advised to get a
degree, as hundreds of applicants often chase the top jobs. Having a degree is an obvious
advantage that university graduates have. In Vietnam, students who graduate with an
engineering degree are highly paid and have an easy time getting a good job.

In conclusion, it seems evident that both working right after school and choosing to continue
higher-level studies each have their own unique advantages.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 32
Dịch đại ý

Một số người cho rằng học tập tại các trường đại học hay cao đẳng là con đường tốt nhất
để có một sự nghiệp thành công trong khi đó những người khác cho rằng có công ăn việc
làm ngay sau khi rời ghế nhà trường thì tốt hơn. Hãy thảo luận cả hai quan điểm này.


Ngay sau khi tốt nghiệp cấp ba, các bạn trẻ thường tự hỏi liệu họ nên tiếp tục học cao lên hay
không. Nhiều người cho rằng tiếp tục đi học đại học hay cao đẳng sẽ là con đường tốt nhất để
đảm bảo cho một sự nghiệp thành công, trong khi đó nhiều người tin rằng đi làm ngay sau khi tốt
nghiệp là một lựa chọn đúng đắn hơn.

Làm việc ngay sau khi tốt nghiệp có nhiều lợi ích ở một số điểm. Thứ nhất, nhờ có đi làm mà các
bạn trẻ có khả năng kiếm tiền sớm, và vì chúng đủ trưởng thành, chúng sẽ có khả năng tự lập
bằng chính thu nhập của mình. Hiển nhiên rằng có một công việc khiến cho người ta trưởng
thành hơn. Thứ hai, một người lựa chọn làm việc thay vì theo đuổi bậc học cao hơn có khả năng
thăng tiến nhanh hơn trong sự nghiệp. Điều này giúp cho họ có được nhiều kinh nghiệm thực
tiễn cũng như kỹ năng trong ngành nghề mà họ chọn.

Mặt khác, có nhiều lý do khiến cho mọi người có ý định lựa chọn tiếp tục học sau khi tốt nghiệp
phổ thông. Thứ nhất, bậc giáo dục cao đẳng, đại học trang bị cho các bạn trẻ đáp ứng được công
việc đòi hỏi trình độ cao, điều mà đa số nhà tuyển dụng trông đợi hiện nay. Hơn thế nữa, thị
trường việc làm đang ngày càng trở nên cạnh tranh và hiện nay mọi người đều được khuyến cáo
phải có bằng cấp bởi hàng trăm ứng cử viên thường xuyên tranh đua để đạt những công việc tốt
nhất. Có một tấm bằng đó là một lợi thế rõ ràng mà các cử nhân có được. Ở Việt Nam, những
sinh viên tốt nghiệp với tấm bằng về kỹ thuật được trả lương cao và dễ dàng có được công việc

Tóm lại, ta có thể thấy rõ là làm việc ngay sau khi tốt nghiệp phổ thông hay lựa chọn tiếp tục bậc
học cao hơn đều có những lợi ích đặc biệt nhất định.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 33

 upon graduating from (ngay sau khi tốt nghiệp từ): you use upon to talk about once
you have finished doing something, in this case graduating from a school; “upon
graduating from university, she took a job with Google”

 guarantee a successful career (đảm bảo một sự nghiệp thành công): to ensure that
someone has a good career; to make sure someone has success in their career; “he thinks
that getting a degree from Stanford will guarantee a successful career”

 straight after (ngay sau khi): when you do something directly after another thing; right
after; “he went to the concert straight after dinner”

 to earn money (kiếm tiền): to make money; to be paid for your work; “he hopes to earn
money this summer by working at his father‟s store”

 to live independently (tự lập): to live on your own, outside of your parents‟ home; “he is
looking forward to the time when he will be able to live independently and do what he

 leads to (dẫn đến): to go from one state to another; something that causes a change that
makes you go from one state to another; something causes another thing; “they say that
working hard leads to success”

 pursuing higher education (theo đuổi bậc học cao hơn): to continue to study at higher
and higher levels; “the teacher encouraged his student to pursue higher education in
science and math”

 progress rapidly (thăng tiến nhanh chóng): to improve very quickly; “because he is
studying so much, he will definitely be able to progress rapidly through all the course

 to obtain a lot of real experience (có nhiều kinh nghiệm thực tiễn): to obtain means to
get and real experience means real-life experience in the real word versus just learning
things from textbooks or lectures; “he decided that he would obtain a lot of real
experience by working during the summer”

 chosen profession (nghề nghiệp đã chọn): the career that a person chooses is their
chosen profession; “his chosen profession was accounting, and he wasn‟t happy with it”

 to tend to do something (có ý định làm gì): to usually do a certain thing; “they tend to
go swimming on a hot day”

 to meet higher-level qualifications (có khả năng đáp ứng những công việc đòi hỏi
trình độ cao): to be able to do higher-level jobs; the qualifications are the things that you

Written by Ngoc Bach

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are supposed to be able to do if you want a specific job; “he didn‟t get the job because he
did not meet the higher-level qualifications required for the position”

 chase the top jobs (tìm kiếm công việc tốt nhất, có vị trí quan trọng nhất): to go after
the best jobs; to try to get the most important positions; “he said that he would not chase
the top jobs, but rather start his own business”

 to have an obvious advantage (có lợi ích rõ ràng): to have a clear advantage; to be
clearly better at something than another; “Germany‟s soccer team had an obvious
advantage over Mexico‟s team”

 it seems evident that (hiển nhiên rằng, rõ ràng là): to appear clear that something is
true; “it seems evident that after graduating from Harvard with straight As, he will be
offered a top job with the firm”

 unique advantages (những lợi ích đặc biệt): special, one-of-a-kind advantages; things
that make you better than another; “the unique advantages that our company has over
other startups include awesome perks like free ice cream all day long and free tickets to
basketball games”

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 35
Mở bài

+ Câu thứ nhất: giới thiệu chủ đề của đề bài một cách ngắn gọn (bằng cách
paraphrase lại câu của đề bài)

+ Câu thứ hai: đề cập đến cả 2 quan điểm và đưa ra quan điểm của bạn (ví dụ
bạn theo quan điểm 2)

Thân bài

+ Nêu các ý hỗ trợ cho quan điểm 1

+ Nêu các ý hỗ trợ cho quan điểm 2 (thể hiện rõ ràng là bạn ủng hộ quan điểm

Kết luận

Tóm tắt cả 2 quan điểm và ý kiến của của bạn

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 36
(17/01/2015) Some people think that there should be some strict controls about noise.
Others think that they could just make as much noise as they want. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.

It is argued that some essential measures should be applied to control noise. While some
individuals say that they have the freedom to make noise as they like, I would argue that it
would be better to reduce noise.

On the one hand, some people like to make as much noise as they want for various reasons.
Firstly, many of them feel more comfortable and free when creating noise from different
activities while working or entertaining. For example, turning the volume louder to enjoy
favourite songs makes them feel relaxed after a long busy day, although it may disturb their
next-door neighbours. Secondly, people often consider noise as a part of the industrialization
and modernization process, therefore it is unavoidable. Traffic noise or engine noise seems to
have become more familiar to urban citizens. As a result, they feel that there are no particular
reasons to control noise.

On the other hand, I believe that it is more beneficial to impose some laws to strictly control
noise. The first reason is that noise has harmful impacts on people„s health. For instance, some
of my friends cannot sleep at night because of intrusive sounds from a nearby industrial zone .
If this situation lasts for a long time, it will definitely lead to a deterioration in their mental and
physical health. Furthermore, the productivity of work may be reduced as a consequence of
noise. A lot of white-collar workers report that they cannot fully concentrate on their tasks
because of the constant noise from vehicles in the street.

In conclusion, it seems to me that noise should be limited in order to have a better life, although
some people insist on making a lot of noise without any consideration for others.

291 words


This essay is an ideal length – 291 words. You give a clear opinion which relates directly to the question.

The essay is balanced - 2 main paras which relate to the question.Your points are all relevant and varied
and you could give support with clear examples and explanations to your points.

Your conclusion rounds the essay off effectively.There is a clear progression of the essay and ideas are
arranged coherently – it‟s easy to read and follow your message. You use a variety of simple and complex
linkers accurately and appropriately. Paragraphs are very well constructed.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 37
Dịch đại ý

(17/01/2015) Một số người nghĩ rằng nên có sự kiểm soát chặt chẽ mức độ tiếng ồn. Những
người khác lại cho rằng họ có thể gây tiếng ồn bất kể họ muốn như thế nào. Hãy thảo luận
cả hai quan điểm trên và nêu ý kiến của riêng anh/chị.


Người ta cho rằng nên áp dụng một vài biện pháp nhất định để kiểm soát tiếng ồn. Trong khi đó
có những cá nhân cho rằng họ có quyền tự do gây ồn ào theo ý thích. Tôi thì cho rằng tiếng ồn
giảm thì sẽ tốt hơn.

Một mặt, có nhiều lý do để người ta thích được gây ồn ào theo ý muốn. Thứ nhất, có nhiều người
cảm thấy thoải mái và tự do hơn khi gây tiếng ồn trong lúc làm việc hay giải trí. Ví dụ như bật
tiếng loa lớn hơn để thưởng thức âm nhạc khiến họ cảm thấy thư giãn sau một ngày làm việc dài
bận rộn, mặc dù điều đó có thể làm phiền đến hàng xóm láng giềng. Thứ hai, nhiều người thường
cho rằng tiếng ồn là một phần của công nghiệp hoá và hiện đại hoá, do vậy điều này là không thể
tránh khỏi. Tiếng ồn giao thông hay tiếng động cơ dường như đã trở nên quen thuộc với người
dân đô thị. Do vậy, họ cảm thấy không có một lý do cụ thể nào để phải kiểm soát tiếng ồn.

Mặt khác, tôi cho rằng sẽ có nhiều lợi ích hơn nếu đặt ra các luật lệ nghiêm khắc để kiểm soát
tiếng ồn. Lý do thứ nhất đó là tiếng ồn gây ảnh hưởng xấu đến sức khoẻ của con người. Ví dụ
như một vài người bạn của tôi không thể ngủ vào ban đêm chỉ vì những tiếng ồn khó chịu từ khu
công nghiệp lân cận. Tình hình này nếu kéo dài sẽ dẫn đến nguy hại về sức khoẻ cả về mặt thể
xác lẫn tinh thần. Thêm vào đó, năng suất công việc có thể giảm sút bởi tiếng ồn. Rất nhiều
người giới văn phòng kêu ca rằng họ không thể tập trung vào công việc bởi những tiếng ồn
không ngừng nghỉ phát ra từ các phương tiện giao thông trên đường phố.

Tóm lại, cá nhân tôi cho rằng để có cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn thì tiếng ồn nên được hạn chế., mặc dù
có nhiều người vẫn mặc nhiên gây rất nhiều tiếng ồn mà không quan tâm đến những người xung

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 38

 essential measures (biện pháp thiết yếu): to create a rule or law that is necessary or
important to promote or stop some type of behavior
Example: The mayor decided to enact a few essential measures to stop further air
pollution in the city.

 reduce noise (giảm tiếng ồn): to lessen the amount of noise from some source, like from
traffic, machines, clubs, etc
Example: The city council decided to reduce noise in the downtown area by limiting
traffic to only a few streets and turning some roads into pedestrian areas only.

 various reasons (nhiều lý do khác nhau): a variety of reasons why you might do
something, different reasons
Example: He was not able to attend this morning‟s meeting for various reasons, one of
them being that his plane landed 30 minutes late.

 next-door neighbours (hàng xóm láng giềng): people who live right next to you in a
neighborhood or in an apartment building
Example: My next-door neighbors painted their house blue.

 modernization process (quá trình hiện đại hóa): the things that people do as they
modernize their economy
Example: As part of the modernization process, the city purchased 10 new electric cars
that will be used by city government officials.

 urban citizens (cư dân đô thị): people who live in cities, in urban areas vs in rural areas
Example: Transportation is an important issue for urban citizens.

 particular reasons (lý do cụ thể): certain or specific reasons why you do or don‟t do
Example: I am not sure about the particular reasons why she decided to cancel the show.

 harmful impacts (tác động có hại): when something causes a negative effect on
Example: One of the harmful impacts of tourism is environmental degradation.

 intrusive sounds (âm thanh gây khó chịu): sounds that negatively affect your
Example: The noise from the factories represent some of the types of intrusive sounds
that worry citizens who live near industrial areas.

 consideration for others (để tâm tới người khác): caring about what another thinks
about something or how it might affect them

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 39
Example: The businessmen did not understand that they needed to have consideration for
others in planning the construction of a new stadium in the downtown area.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 40
(18/4/2015) Some people think that schools should reward students who show the best
academic results, while others believe that it is more important to reward students who
show improvements. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Note for students: in each main paragraph, the topic sentence is followed by the sentences
which develop from plan to paragraph. The number in the plan is shown in the paragraph.
This is how your plan can develop into your paragraph.

Planning the ideas

Based on our identification of the key words, our plan will be something like this:

Introduce idea: there are different views. My opinion – reward students who show

Paragraph 2: [View I disagree with]

[1] rewards = competition among students. Result: children try harder to get good scores at

[2] rewards = the best students are identified. They can be given special attention to develop
their abilities. Personal example: my own school.

Paragraph 3: [View I agree with]

[1] equal chance for all students to receive rewards. Result: all children are motivated to try

[2] promotes learning for enjoyment and understanding, not to gain high scores. Reduces exam
pressure and cheating to score high marks.

Conclusion: repeat using some different words.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 41

It is true that the question of whether to reward students with excellent academic results or those
showing great improvements remains a source of controversy in the education field. While a
number of people believe that only students achieving the highest grades deserve rewards, I
would argue that praising students who achieve improvements is much more reasonable.

On the one hand, there are a variety of reasons why awards should be given to students having
excellent academic performances. [1] Firstly, this could create a highly competitive studying
environment at school, seeing that students often desire to win prizes. As a consequence, school
children could be encouraged to put their effort into studying for the highest scores. [2]
Secondly, by adopting this approach, gifted students who are outstanding could be given
opportunities to nurture their abilities. My secondary school, for instance, selects students with
the best results for extra classes to develop their capabilities in order to take them to national

On the other hand, I believe that giving encouragement to those who make strides in their
studies results in more favourable outcomes. [1]The first benefit is that this could give equal
chances for every student to receive awards, rather than only focus on the highest achievers.
Instead of feeling disappointed when competing with their top classmates, students who are
recognized for their effort during semesters will feel motivated if they are rewarded for making
significant progress. [2] Another benefit is that this form of recogniton follows the holistic
principle of learning, which is to access the world of knowledge, not just to gain high scores.
Consequently, several common phenomena which occur when examinations approach, including
pressure, anxiety and cheating, would be reduced.

In conclusion, although rewarding students with the highest scores is advantageous to some
extent, it seems to me that it is better to give encouragement to those who have improved their
level of academic performance.

318 words


Correctly, you discussed both views at approximately equal length.

You maintained a consistent and clear position throughout the response [in the introduction, the
conclusion and at the beginning of paragraph 3]. You certainly sequenced information and ideas logically.
I like the fact that you used paragraph 3 to discuss the view which YOU personally agree with. This
method then provides the perfect link to what you wrote in your conclusion.

Your excellent topic sentences provided a clear indication of the central idea in each main paragraph, and
I always like the use of On the one hand/On the other hand when we have to „discuss both views‟. Of
course, we both agree that Firstly/Secondly is useful to identify arguments in one of the main paragraphs.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 42
Dịch đại ý

(18/4/2015) Nhiều người cho rằng trường học nên khen thưởng những học sinh đạt được
kết quả học tập tốt nhất trong khi những người khác nghĩ rằng việc khen thưởng những
học sinh có kết quả tiến bộ quan trọng hơn. Hãy thảo luận cả hai quan điểm trên và nêu ra
ý kiến của cá nhân bạn.

Đưa ra lý do cho câu trả lời của bạn bao gồm những ví dụ thích hợp từ kinh nghiệm và
kiến thức của bản than.


Ở lĩnh vực giáo dục, câu hỏi được đặt ra là liệu có nên khen thưởng những học sinh đạt thành
tích học tập xuất sắc hay những bạn có sự tiến bộ rõ rệt vẫn đang là vấn đề tranh cãi. Trong khi
một số người tin rằng chỉ những học sinh sinh viên đạt điểm số cao nhất mới xứng đáng được
khen thưởng, tôi cho rằng sẽ hợp lý hơn khi biểu dương những học sinh đạt được những tiến bộ
trong học tập.

Một mặt, có rất nhiều lý do khác nhau để khen thưởng những học sinh có thành tích học tập xuất
sắc. Trước hết, điều này tạo nên môi trường học tập có tính cạnh tranh gắt gao ở trường học bởi
các em học sinh thường mong muốn giành lấy phần thưởng. Do đó, các em được khuyến khích
nỗ lực vào việc học để đạt được điểm số cao nhất. Thứ hai, bằng các áp dụng phương pháp này,
những học sinh có tố chất và nổi bật có được nhiều cơ hội hơn để bồi dưỡng năng khiếu. Ví dụ
như tại trường cấp hai của tôi, những bạn học sinh có kết quả cao nhất được chọn lựa để học tại
các lớp bồi dưỡng giúp phát triển khả năng để tham gia vào các kỳ thi cấp quốc gia.

Mặt khác, tôi cho rằng việc khen thưởng động viên cho các em học sinh có những bước tiến
trong học tập sẽ dẫn đến nhiều kết quả đáng mong đợi. Lợi ích trước tiên đó là các em học sinh
có cơ hội bình đẳng như nhau để được nhận khen thưởng, không chỉ chú trọng vào những em có
thành tích tốt nhất. Thay vì cảm thấy thất vọng khi phải ganh đua với các bạn học sinh giỏi nhất
lớp, các em học sinh được ghi nhận có nỗ lực trong học kỳ sẽ cảm thấy có động lực nếu các em
được khen thưởng nhờ những tiến bộ vượt bậc. Một ưu điểm nữa đó là hình thức ghi nhận này
dựa vào đúng nguyên tắc toàn diện trong việc học tập, tiếp cận thế giới tri thức chứ không chỉ là
đạt được điểm số cao. Do đó, một vài hiện tượng xảy ra khi các kỳ thi đến gần như áp lực, căng
thẳng và gian lận sẽ được giảm thiểu.

Tóm lại, mặc dù việc khen thưởng các em học sinh có điểm số cao nhất là có lợi ở một mức độ
nào đó, cá nhân tôi cho rằng sẽ tốt hơn nếu khen thưởng động viên cả những em học sinh có tiến
bộ trong việc học tập.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 43

 a source of controversy = a subject of public discussion, about which people strongly

Example: The decision of the President to declare war is still a source of controversy

 highly competitive = a situation in which people or organisations have to compete

against each other.
Example: Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market.

 nurture their abilities = to develop their capacity to learn or do things while they are
Example: Her music teacher recognised and nurtured her abilities, and as a result she
became a famous pianist.

 make strides in = to make great improvements in the way that something is developing.
Example: Scientists are making strides in the discovery of cures for different types of

 the highest achievers = the students who have the most success and the highest marks.
Example: The highest achievers in my secondary school all went to university when
they left.

 the holistic principle of learning = considering education as a whole thing, rather than
as separate facts or subjects.
Example: The holistic principle of learning is a belief that the education of young
people involves more than simply preparing them for a career.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 44
(21/03/2015) Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid
organizations draws attention to problems. Others think celebrities make the problems less
important. Discuss both views and give your opinion

It is argued that well-known people‟s involvement in global aid organizations attracts
the attention of the community. While some people suppose that their participation may
downplay the significance of problems, I would argue that this trend could bring about
enormous and positive changes to society.
On the one hand, famous people can lessen the importance of problems. One reason is
that most people often consider the main purpose of celebrities‟ support as a way to enhance
their reputations. In an effort to attract the attention of society, a number of important people
try to be involved in as many volunteer projects as possible without any particular passion or
interest in those. Furthermore, the association with celebrities may trivialize the serious work of
international aid organizations since the focus of the public may be shifted away from this
endeavour to the fame and public image of the celebrity concerned. Consequently, we sometimes
have to question their motives for involvement.
On the other hand, I strongly believe that celebrities can bring meaningful changes to
social activities. Firstly, they have a huge number of fans who are inspired by their actions. For
example, when My Tam- a Vietnamese legendary singer - took part in a project to help
underprivileged children in mountainous areas, thousands of youngsters from her fan clubs
joined in this project by donating money and working as volunteers thanks to her
encouragement. Secondly, celebrities are often trusted by both local and international
communities, which may lead to success in raising the profile of aid organizations. As a result ,
more people learn about projects and donate money or volunteer to help either practically or in
In conclusion, although there are some drawbacks to celebrity participation in
international aid organizations, it seems to me that it is more advantageous for the community
that they take part in voluntary activities.

309 words

I consider that you answered the task fully, Bach. You certainly discussed both views and you stated your
own position clearly throughout the essay. I liked the way that you referred to your own opinion again at
the beginning of paragraph 3.

In paragraph 2, you discussed the view that celebrities may make issues seem less important or serious
when they become involved in support for international aid organisations. Firstly, you questioned their
motives, using these famous organisations just to bring attention to themselves and raise their own
profiles. Secondly,

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 45
In paragraph 3, you again explained two ideas and you provided a relevant example to support the first
one. Here, of course, I can imagine that My Tam has some personal involvement in the work with poor
children in mountainous areas. It was good that you included an example in paragraph 3
Dịch đại ý

(21/03/2015) Một số người cho rằng sự ủng hộ của người nổi tiếng đối với các tổ chức viện
trợ quốc tế thu hút sự quan tâm tới các vấn đề. Những người khác lại cho rằng những
người nổi tiếng khiến cho các vấn đề trở nên ít tầm quan trọng hơn. Hãy thảo luận cả hai
quan điểm và đưa ra ý kiến cá nhân bạn.

Người ta cho rằng sự tham dự của những người nổi tiếng vào các tổ chức viện trợ toàn
cầu thu hút sự chú ý của cộng đồng. Trong khi đó một số người khác cho là sự tham gia của họ
có thể hạ thấp tầm quan trọng của vấn đề, tôi cho rằng xu hướng này có thể mang lại sự thay đổi
tích cực và to lớn đối với xã hội.
Một mặt, người nổi tiếng có thể làm giảm bớt tầm quan trọng của vấn đề. Một lý do đó là
hầu hết mọi người thường coi mục đích chủ yếu cho sự ủng hộ của người nổi tiếng là một cách
để đánh bóng tên tuổi. Với nỗ lực thu hút sự quan tâm của xã hội, một số lượng lớn những nhân
vật quan trọng cố gắng tham gia vào càng nhiều dự án tình nguyện càng tốt mà không hề có sự
thích thú cũng như niềm đam mê đặc biệt nào. Thêm vào đó, sự kết hợp với người nổi tiếng có
thể tầm thường hoá những công việc nghiêm túc của các tổ chức viện trợ quốc tế bởi sự chú tâm
của công chúng có thể bị chuyển từ sự nỗ lực này sang danh tiếng cũng như hình tượng của
những người nổi tiếng có liên quan. Do đó, chúng ta thường phải đặt câu hỏi liệu đâu là động cơ
để họ tham gia.
Mặt khác, tôi tin chắc rằng người nổi tiếng có thể mang lại những thay đổi có ý nghĩa đối
với hoạt động xã hội. Thứ nhất, họ có một lượng người hâm mộ rất lớn, những con người được
họ truyền cảm hứng. Ví dụ, khi nữ ca sĩ huyền thoại của Việt Nam, ca sĩ Mỹ Tâm, tham gia vào
dự án giúp đỡ trẻ em có hoàn cảnh khó khăn ở các vùng cao, hàng ngàn bạn trẻ đến từ các fan
club nhờ có sự kêu gọi của cô ấy đã tham gia vào dự án này bằng cách quyên góp tiền bạc và làm
các công việc tình nguyện. Thứ hai, người nổi tiếng thường được cả cộng đồng trong và ngoài
nước tin cậy, điều đó dẫn tới thành công trong việc gây dựng tiếng tăm cho các tổ chức viện trợ.
Do vậy, nhiều người biết đến các dự án và đóng góp tiền bạc và làm tình nguyện kể cả về vật
chất lẫn tinh thần.
Tóm lại, mặc dù còn nhiều hạn chế đối với việc người nổi tiếng tham gia vào các tổ chức
viện trợ quốc tế, tôi cho rằng sẽ có lợi hơn cho cộng đồng nếu họ tham gia vào các hoạt động
tình nguyện.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 46

 global aid organizations (tổ chức viện trợ toàn cầu): international organizations that
provide money and specific types of assistance to areas around the world
Example: She hopes to work for an important global aid organization after graduating.

 attracts the attention of (thu hút sự quan tâm/chú ý của): to get the attention of, to do
something in a way that makes people look
Example: Lady Gaga‟s antics always attracts the attention of the press.

 downplay the significance of (hạ thấp tầm quan trọng của): to make something seem
like it isn‟t that important
Example: The company tried to downplay the significance of their financial shortfall this
last quarter.

 enormous and positive changes (thay đổi tích cực và lớn lao): changes that are big,
important or significant and good
Example: They hope that the new laws will make enormous and positive changes toward
addressing issues caused by climate change.

 famous people (người nổi tiếng): people who are known for something, like musicians,
actors, politicians
Example: She likes to invite famous people to her parties. It makes her feel special.

 enhance their reputations (đánh bóng tên tuổi, nâng cao danh tiếng): to make people
think good thoughts about you so that you have a good reputation
Example: Some celebrities think that donating large sums of money enhances their
reputations as generous people.

 important people (người quan trọng): people who play important roles in society for
some reason or another
Example: Some of the most important people in technology and finance will be meeting
this weekend in San Francisco.

 volunteer projects (dự án tình nguyện): projects that volunteers work on, like feeding
the homeless
Example: As a senior, she must participate in a variety of volunteer projects in her

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 47
 question their motives (đặt câu hỏi về động cơ của họ): to wonder why someone is
doing something, to question the motivation for why someone will do something
Example: The police offer questioned their motives, but the couple said that they were
just trying to help.

 huge number of (một lượng lớn): a large amount of something

Example: A huge number of Taylor Swift fans lined up outside the radio station to try to
win tickets to her concert.

 underprivileged children (trẻ em có hoàn cảnh khó khăn): children who don‟t have a
lot of money, education or opportunities
Example: The underprivileged children in my town can apply to receive free lunches at

 voluntary activities (hoạt động tình nguyện): activities that people do on a voluntary
basis, without getting paid, they do it volunteers
Example: Good citizens participate in a variety of voluntary activities throughout the

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 48
(06/12/2014): Some people think that it is best to live in a horizontal city while others think
of a vertical city. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Some people believe that living in a horizontal city is the best, while the opponents of this idea
prefer to settle in a vertical city. While there are benefits to residents who dwell in a city which
consists of low-rise construction, I would argue that cities with skyscrapers and high-rise
buildings offer more advantages.

On the one hand, it is beneficial for residents to live in a horizontal city based on a few financial
and security reasons. Firstly, people have to pay less for building services. If residents settle in a
private house, they may save a great deal of money since they won‟t have to pay for building
services. Secondly, living lower to the ground is safer for inhabitants when emergencies occur.
For example, if a fire starts in the home, they can quickly escape from the dangerous areas
because the building is not too high off the ground and it won’t take much time to leave.

On the other hand, it seems to me that living in a vertical city is the best choice. A city with
skyscrapers will have more space for public usage because there will be less land used for
residential areas due to the amount of people who can live in high buildings. As a result, the
government would be able to use this land to build hospitals, schools or places for entertainment.
Furthermore, it is much more convenient for residents to live in an apartment in a tall building
which offers a wide range of goods and services, thanks to shopping malls and service centers
on lower floors.

In conclusion, while living in a horizontal city does have some benefits, it seems to me that the
advantages of life in a city with skyscrapers makes living in a vertical city the better choice.

329 words


This was an interesting task question. To be honest, I have not seen this topic before. You answered the
question fully. I cannot improve on the technique which you used. You stated your position clearly in
the introduction and consistently throughout the essay. The beginning of paragraph 3 and your
conclusion were the ideal places to re-state your opinion.

You also discussed both views. I also like the technique that you used here. I would also use paragraph 2
to discuss the view that I disagree with, saving paragraph 3 to deal with the view that I agree with. You
gave two reasons to support each of these views, which is an ideal number. It enabled you to explain each
of these views fully. It would have been useful to mention a city as an example of one which is „vertical‟,
but I agree that it is difficult to think of a valide example. I might, however, mention Hong Kong in my
introduction: ‘...I would argue that cities such as Hong Kong with skyscrapers and high-rise buildings

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 49
offer more advantages’.This is, however, a very minor suggestion, because you gave an example to
support your safety argument in paragraph 2.

All the points which you mentioned were relevant and fully developed and I have to give a score of 9

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 50
 opponents of this idea (ý kiến trái chiều): opponents are people who disagree with an idea;
they are against an idea, a policy or a rule; they don‟t support it; they want something else to
happen‟ “the opponents of this idea believe that it won‟t be good for the public”

 to settle in (sinh sống/định cư tại): to decide to live in a specific place; to decide to move to
an area and stay there; “they have decided to settle in New York”

 based on (dựa trên): to be the reason for something; “their decision was based on years of

 financial and security reasons (những lý do về an ninh và tài chính): financial refers to
money issues, like paying fees; security refers to safety, like being safe in your own home in
terms of crime or emergencies

 private house (nhà riêng): private describes the fact that you own the house, and therefore
you make all decisions about it and pay for repairs and maintenance yourself, versus paying
apartment or condo fees

 lower to the ground (gần với mặt đất): to be close to the ground, which makes it easy to get
out in case you need to leave the house quickly due to an emergency

 dangerous areas (khu vực nguy hiểm): an area that is not very safe, that is not secure, for
various reasons

 to take much time to (mất nhiều thời gian để…): this phrase talks about how long
something takes to do; it will or will not take much time to do something

 best choice (sự lựa chọn tốt nhất): the thing that you should choose to do because it is the
best option

 to have more space for public usage (có nhiều không gian cho khu vực công cộng): to
have more land available for building public buildings, like government offices or parks, etc.

 due to (bởi vì): the reason for something; “due to the overwhelmingly positive responses, the
company decided to release another version of the iPhone”

 much more convenient for (thuận tiện hơn nhiều cho…): used to describe when something
is much easier for somebody to do compared to something else; “it‟s much more convenient
for them to come to my house first and then go with us to the restaurant”

 thanks to something or somebody (nhờ có điều gì hoặc ai đó): used to express the idea that
something is good because of something specific; “thanks to my dad‟s help, we were able to
purchase a new home”; “they were able to finish the project on time, thanks to the assistance
they received from their boss”; “she got an A on her paper, thanks to the feedback she got
from her tutor”

 the better choice (lựa chọn tốt hơn): used when you are comparing things, there may be
several good choices, but one is clearly the better choice, better than all the others; can be
used interchangeably with the best choice
Written by Ngoc Bach
Page: Page 51
(09/05/2015) Developments in technology have brought various environmental problems.
Some believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental problems.
Others, however, believe technology is the way to solve these problems. Discuss both views
and give your opinion.

Note for students: in each main paragraph, the topic sentence is followed by the sentences
which develop from plan to paragraph. The number in the plan is shown in the paragraph.
This is how your plan can develop into your paragraph.

Planning the ideas

Based on our identification of the key words, our plan will be something like this:

Introduce idea: advances in technology have harmed the environment. Some people think we
must lead simpler lives, but I agree with those who think technological solutions can be found
for environmental problems. Conclusion: repeat using some different words.

Paragraph 2: [View I disagree with]

[1] People consume too much energy by overusing technological devices – examples of such
devices. Consequences for the environment.

[2] Farming – modern technology harms the water and soil. Organic farming relies on simpler
traditional methods of food production.

Paragraph 3: [View I agree with]

[1] Technology is already enabling us to exploit more renewable energy sources – example of
Japan. Good results for the environment.

[2] Cleaner technologies in waste treatment and recycling – example of recycled products.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 52

It is true that certain advances in technology have had negative impacts on the environment.
While there are strong arguments that some environmental problems should be tackled by
adopting simpler lifestyles, I believe that the solutions lie in technologies that have been and are
being developed.

On the one hand, enjoying life with less sophisticated technology means that people inflict less
damage on the ecosystems on which all living things depend. [1] Firstly, people consume
energy through overuse of devices such as air-conditioning, water heaters and the private car. If
they decrease their energy consumption, this will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, but
this will certainly involve leading simpler lives. [2] Secondly, organic farmers do not pollute the
water or the soil which results from the application of chemical fertilisers and weedkillers.
They encourage a diversity of plants and wildlife on their farms.

On the other hand, I agree with those who argue that technological achievements play a pivotal
role in environmental protection. [1] One reason is that the use of renewable energy sources is
already starting to grow. This raises the prospect of decreasing dependence on fossil fuels,
cleaner air and the reversal of the trend of global warming. Countries such as Japan are leading
the way, for example, in developing more eco-friendly cars, buses and lorries. [2] Another
reason is that cleaner technologies, such as waste treatment, are being introduced into many
industries, and technology is enabling plastics and other products to be recycled.

In conclusion, although living simpler lives can certainly help in tackling environmental
problems, it seems to me that advances in technology are already providing many solutions and
this trend will gather pace in the future.

278 words.


Correctly, you provided several examples to support your arguments. Limiting your ideas to two in each
main paragraph was the key to this good response, and you focused on energy and pollution in both
paragraphs, so your essay had a logical development. Finally, you gave your own opinion clearly and
consistently throughout the essay.Your topic sentences both indicated the main idea in each paragraph.
You identified your arguments clearly for the examiner. You continue to achieve an exemplary standard
of grammatical accuracy and to use a satisfactory range of structures, such as correct conditional
sentences, adverb clauses and relative clauses

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 53

 sophisticated technology: technology that is clever and complicated in the way that it
Example: Medical techniques rely increasingly on sophisticated computer technology.

 inflict damage on: make something, such as the environment, suffer something harmful.
Example: The earthquake inflicted damage on many homes and farmland.

 ecosystems: all the plants and animals living in various areas, considered in relation to
their environment.
Example: The ecosystems of rainforests are very diverse, because millions of different
plants and animals live there.

 the emission of greenhouse gases: the release into the air of gases which cause the
temperature of the earth to rise.
Example: The governments of the world have agreed to reduce the emission of
greenhouse gases.

 chemical fertilisers: chemical substances added to the soil to make plants grow.
Example: Modern farming relies on chemical fertilisers, which are harmful if they are
used near rivers.

 weedkillers: chemical substances that are used to destroy wild plants, especially among
farm crops.
Example: Many farmers use weedkillers, so that farm workers are not required in order
to destroy the wild plants which grow among the crops.

 play a pivotal role: a role which is very important, because other things depend on it.
Example: Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the economy of many Asian countries.

 renewable energy sources: sources of energy which are replaced naturally, such as
power from the sun or the wind.
Example: Modern technology is responsible for the development of renewable energy
sources such as wind, solar and wave power.

 dependence on fossil fuels: fuels such as coal or oil, that were formed over million of
years from the remains of animals or plants, on which some countries rely for much of
their energy production.
Example: Dependence on fossil fuels has the environmental disadvantage that
greenhouse gases are released when these fuels are burned.
Written by Ngoc Bach
Page: Page 54
 global warming: the increase in the temperature of the earth, caused by the increase of
greenhouse gases.
Example: Greater use of renewable energy resources is necessary in order to combat
global warming.

 eco-friendly: not harmful to the environment.

Example: As a result of modern technology, we can now find more eco-friendly
products in the shops.

 waste treatment: the treatment of materials that are no longer needed and are thrown
Example: In modern processes of waste treatment, environmentally harmful substances
can be removed.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 55
(12/07/2014) Nowadays more and more young people hold the important positions in the
government. Some people think that is a good thing while others argue that it is not
suitable . Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

I have indicated the key words in the task question in red colour.

Note for students: in each main paragraph, the topic sentence is followed by the sentences
which develop from plan to paragraph. The number in the plan is shown in the paragraph.
This is how your plan can develop into your paragraph.

Planning the ideas

Based on our identification of the key words, our plan will be something like this:

Introduce idea: more young people occupy important government positions. Some people
think there are serious drawbacks, but I agree that there are more benefits.

Paragraph 2: [View I disagree with]

[1] Argument 1: many older people think young people lack the necessary qualifications to
have such responsible positions [the economy/foreign policy] – example: Eastern countries.

[2] Argument 2: younger people don‟t have enough experience – they may make important

Paragraph 3: [View I agree with]

[1] Young people often have creative and modern ways of looking at problems: result – new
styles of management and new policy ideas.

[2] The young have many years of possible service to give in the future, provided they have the
same abilities/qualifications as older people.

Conclusion: repeat using some different words.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 56

It is true that the number of young people who hold highly responsible posts in the government is
growing. While some people are opposed to this idea, I support the view that this trend is
beneficial at present.

On the one hand, this trend has some notable drawbacks. [1] The main issue is that it is really
hard for the young to make older people accept their leadership, especially in some Eastern
nations. Young leaders are always thought to have insufficient capabilities to manage such
aspects of policy as the economy or international affairs. [2] In addition, all of them are short of
real experience. If they have not faced many challenges in their career, they are more likely to
make mistakes, which can affect the lives of many people.

On the other hand, it seems to me that young people are becoming an increasingly important part
of the government and bring a lot of benefits . [1] One reason is that their youth is a huge
advantage which allows them to be creative and up-to-date. This is likely to result in many
innovative breakthrough policies and styles of management. [2] Furthermore, the young have a
very long period of time to contribute to their nations. For example, with the same abilities and
qualifications, a younger candidate is more likely to be elected than an older counterpart in
some countries because of his longer anticipated time of devotion to public service in the future.

In conclusion, although there are strong arguments for both views, it seems to me that on the
whole it is beneficial that more young people are being selected to play some key roles in the

276 words


Your opinion is clear in the introduction and the conclusion.The essay discusses you opinions well and
you make relevant points for both sides of the argument, which are well supported by specific examples
and explained well.

There is a clear overall progression in the writing and ideas are arranged coherently. Paragraphs and
sentences are well constructed. Good topic sentences.You use a range of linkers throughout the essay.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 57

 notable drawbacks = disadvantages which are important to note.

Example: Although the latest Iphone is very attractive, it has notable drawbacks, including the

 faced many challenges = had to deal with many difficult problems and overcome them.
Example: The U.S. and Soviet scientists and engineers responsible for the space programme
faced many challenges when they built the Space Station.

 creative and up-to-date = using skill and imagination to produce something new and modern.
Example: Creative and up-to-date techniques are used to produce modern online video games.

 innovative breakthrough policies = policies which are new and revolutionary different from
previous policies.
Example: The company specialises in developing innovative breakthrough policies that will
lead to new business.

 counterpart = a person [or thing] which has the same position or function as someone [or
something] else in a different place or situation.
Example: The President of the USA is having discussions with his Chinese counterpart.

 devotion to public service = to give a lot of time and effort to serving the community when
working for an official or government organisation.
Example: The President thanked his staff for their devotion to public service in dealing with the
recent flood disaster.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 58
(08/11/2014) Some people believe that crime is a result of social problems and poverty,
others think that crime is a result of bad person’s nature. Discuss both views and give your
own opinion.

I have indicated the key words in the task question in red colour.

Note for students: in each main paragraph, the topic sentence is followed by the sentences
which develop from plan to paragraph. The number in the plan is shown in the paragraph.
This is how your plan can develop into your paragraph.

Planning the ideas

Based on our identification of the key words, our plan will be something like this:

Introduce idea: many people think crime is a result of the bad nature of some individuals. My
own opinion – I agree with those who think that it is a result of social conditions.

Paragraph 2: [View I disagree with]

[1] cruel people commit crime – example: children who bully others at school often become
violent criminals later in life.

[2] lazy and greedy people commit crime to get what they want without working hard –
example: stealing from others.

Paragraph 3: [View I agree with]

[1] social problems lead to crime – example: unemployment

[2] poverty also leads to crime – people who don‟t have enough money steal, or rob others, in
order to survive.

Conclusion: repeat using some different words.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 59

Many people consider that innate characteristics are responsible for the fact that some people
choose to turn to a career of crime. While I accept that crime may result from individual
characteristics of violence or greed, I would argue that it is largely a consequence of social issues
and poverty

There is a belief that a person‟s nature determines whether or not they become a criminal. [1]
Firstly, some argue that an individual who is cruel turns to crime more easily than a kind person.
For instance, a child bullying other boys or girls at school may turn into a violent criminal in
the future. [2] Secondly, bad characteristics such as laziness or selfishness could also breed
future offenders, who seek to acquire easy money without working for it. A number of
youngsters choose to steal from others, instead of working hard to make an honest living.
These are strong reasons for thinking that those who have an inborn bad nature are more likely to
break the law.

Nevertheless, it seems to me that social issues and poverty are the main causes behind crime.
There are many problems in society which might lead to an increase in the crime rate. [1] For
example, unemployment pushes people into resorting to crime because they simply cannot find
a job. As a consequence, the number of offenders has climbed in many countries over recent
decades. [2] Another reason is that, more broadly, poverty in general leads to a rise in crime. If
people do not have enough money to make ends meet, they will be tempted to pursue illegal
activities just to support themselves and their families.

In conclusion, although both views certainly have some validity, it seems to me that the principal
causes of crime are a result of social conditions and problems.

291 words

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 60

 bullying = using strength to frighten or hurt weaker people.

Example: In many schools, bullying is a problem which teachers must take seriously.

 turn into = become.

Example: When he changed to a different school, he turned into a model student.

 breed future offenders = influence people [especially youngsters] in such a way that
they later commit crime.
Example: The bad influence of adult criminals will breed future offenders if honest
people in the community take no action.

 easy money = money that you get without working hard for it.
Example: Some criminals steal from banks or houses as a way to make easy money.

 make an honest living = getting money to buy the things that you need without
committing crime.
Example: Although he was a criminal, now he makes an honest living as an assistant in a

 break the law = do something illegal.

Example: If you smoke cigarettes during a flight, you will break the law.

 the crime rate = a measure of the number of crimes committed in a particular area
during a certain period.
Example: As a result of increased security, the crime rate in the city centre is falling.

 resorting to crime = to use crime because there is no other solution.

Example: After losing their jobs, the men resorted to crime to get money.

 make ends meet = to earn just enough money to buy the things you need.
Example: During the economic crisis, many families are struggling to make ends meet.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 61
Mở bài

+ Nói về topic (paraphrase lại câu của đề bài)

+ Trả lời câu hỏi đề bài một cách chung chung

* Nếu đề bài hỏi nguyên nhân gây ra hiện tượng & cách giải quyết: Chỉ nêu chung
chung là có một số nguyên nhân gây ra hiện tượng này và có một số cách để giải
quyết nó (không cần đưa cụ thể là nguyên nhân gì và giải pháp gì).

* Nếu đề bài hỏi hiện tượng gây ra vấn đề gì & cách giải quyết: Chỉ cần nêu chung
chung là có một số vấn đề được gây ra và có một số cách để giải quyết nó

Thân bài 1: Giải thích các “reasons”/"problems"

Thân bài 2: Giải thích “solutions”

Kết luận

Nhắc lại nhấn mạnh có các nguyên nhân gây ra hiện tượng này và các cách để giải
quyết nó (chú ý paraphrase). Chỉ cần viết ngắn gọn, đơn giản.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 62
(30/05/15) Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country.
What are the reasons? Solutions to change negative attitudes.


It is widely argued that global tourism has a negative impact on destination resorts and countries.
While there is a strong case for this view, solutions must be applied to resolve some of the
serious issues which have arisen.

There are two primary reasons why local residents often consider international tourism as a cause
of serious problems in their countries. One reason is that it may have an adverse impact on
traditional customs and indigenous practices, because tourists may be insensitive towards the
feelings of local residents. For example, some western holidaymakers visiting developing
Southeast Asian countries may be rowdy or wear unsuitable clothes, which might have an
undesirable influence on local young people who copy immodest or provocative behaviour and
fashions. Another reason is that tourists often pollute or litter beauty spots and several famous
beaches in Vietnam, such as Cua Lo and Sam Son, have been spoiled by this lack of respect for
the local environment.

Measures must be taken by governments and international bodies to change negative attitudes.
Firstly, the undoubted economic benefits of international tourism for local economies ought to be
more widely promoted through the official media. International tourists spend money in shops
and restaurants and create jobs in service industries and this aspect must be publicised. At the
same time, tourist agencies should urge visitors to respect the local customs and culture of their
hosts. Secondly, bodies such as the World Tourism Organisation must enforce strict regulations
on the tourism industry, ensuring that local operators are responsible for clearing litter and
disposing of waste in ways that do not harm the environment, and issuing international Blue
Flags to indicate clean beaches.

In conclusion, only by addressing the concerns of local people will negative attitudes to
international tourism be changed.

295 words


Certainly, Bach, this essay meets most of the criteria for a very high band score. I would characterise
your response as „well-developed, with relevant, extended and supported ideas‟. Correctly, you did not
try to discuss too many reasons for the problem [you focused on two important reasons in paragraph 2].

In paragraph 2, I found your example of the environmental problems of litter on some Vietnamese
beaches really excellent to support your point. I would like to see another „real-life‟ example in
paragraph 3.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 63
Of course, the essay had a good balance between „reasons‟ and „solutions‟. Ironically, in paragraph 3
your reference to one benefit of international tourism contradicts one point which you made in paragraph
2, Bach. It is true that a mixture of cultures can foster tolerance and understanding. However, as you
correctly noted in paragraph 2, such a mixture can also lead to conflict. In Muslim cultures, such as Bali
in Indonesia, local people were shocked at first by the sight of Australian youngsters in the street and in
shops wearing bikinis or swimming costumes.

As always, Bach, you provided a well-organised essay. The logical paragraph structure is supported by
precise topic sentences and clearly identified arguments.

Dịch đại ý

(30/05/15) Nhiều người tin rằng việc tiếp đón du khách quốc tế là điều không tốt đối với đất
nước họ. Lý do là gì? Hãy nêu các giải pháp để thay đổi thái độ tiêu cực này.


Nhiều người cho rằng việc du khách đến thăm gây ảnh hưởng xấu đến các khu nghỉ mát trong
nước. Mặc dù quan điểm này còn khá nặng nề, một vài biện pháp nên được áp dụng để giải quyết
những vấn đề hệ trọng nảy sinh.

Có hai lý do chính trả lời cho câu hỏi tại sao người dân thường cho rằng việc tiếp đón khách du
lịch nước ngoài gây ra vấn đề nghiêm trọng cho đất nước họ. Lý do đầu tiên đó là điều này gây
bất lợi cho các phong tục truyền thống và tập quán bản địa bởi khách du lịch thường vô tâm đối
với cảm nhận của người dân địa phương. Ví dụ như khách du lịch phương tây khi đi thăm các
nước đang phát triển vùng Đông Nam Á họ gây mất trật tự hoặc mặc các trang phục không phù
hợp, dẫn đến các ảnh hưởng không mong muốn đối với lớp trẻ, khiến chúng bắt chước những
hành vi cũng như lối ăn mặc khiếm nhã hoặc khiêu gợi. Một lý do tiếp theo đó là khách du lịch
thường gây ô nhiễm hoặc xả rác ra các danh lam thắng cảnh cũng như các bãi biển nổi tiếng tại
Việt Nam như Cửa Lò hay Sầm Sơn, những bãi biển này đã bị ô nhiễm nặng bởi sự thiếu ý thức
đối với môi trường.

Chính quyền cũng như các tổ chức quốc tế nên có những biện pháp để thay đổi thái độ tiêu cực.
Trước hết, các lợi ích kinh tế không thể chối cãi của các du khách quốc tế đối với nền kinh tế
trong nước nên được tuyên truyền rộng rãi trên các phương tiện thông tin đại chúng. Khách du
lịch nước ngoài chi tiêu cho các cửa hiệu và nhà hang cũng như tạo công ăn việc làm cho ngành
dịch vụ và khía cạnh này phải được công chúng biết đến. Trong khi đó, các cơ quan ban ngành
du lịch nên kêu gọi du khách nên tôn trọng các phong tục văn hoá địa phương nước sở tại. Thứ
hai, các tổ chức như Tổ chức Du lịch Thế giới phải thực thi các quy định nghiêm ngặt đối với
ngành du lịch để chắc chắn rằng các nhà điều hành địa phương có trách nhiệm thu dọn và xử lý
rác thải theo các cách để không gây tổn hại đến môi trường, đồng thời cắm Lá Cờ Xanh theo
chuẩn quốc tế để đánh dấu cho thấy các bãi biển sạch đẹp.

Tóm lại, chỉ với việc giải quyết các vấn đề của người dân địa phương, thái độ tiêu cực đối với
việc tiếp đón các du khách nước ngoài sẽ được cải thiện.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 64

 widely argued (được nhiều người cho rằng): widely refers to how many people have
argued this same thing; if something has been widely argued, it means that lots of people
have said the same thing about something; “it is widely argued that the key to success is
to focus on specific goals and use your time wisely”

 to have a negative impact on (có tác động tiêu cực đến): to have a negative effect on
something; this means that it is not good for you; “procrastinating can have a negative
impact on your level of productivity”; “spending all day on Facebook can have a negative
impact on your ability to finish your work”

 destination resorts (khu du lịch, nghỉ mát): a place where tourists like to visit on
vacation; a destination is the place (like Hawaii) and a resort is the specific hotel or
accommodation where people stay

 behind this point of view (lý do đằng sau quan điểm này): the reason for having this
point of view; the underlying explanation for something; the reason why someone thinks
the way they do; “behind this point of view is the understanding that success happens to
those who are focused on the most important results”

 oppositional attitudes (thái độ chống đối, đối lập, phản kháng): having an oppositional
attitude means that you are against something, you don‟t support an idea, a policy or
regulation; an attitude is how you think about something; “the Democrats try hard to
change the oppositional attitudes of the Republicans towards Obamacare”

 a cause of serious problems (nguyên nhân của vấn đề hệ trọng): the reason why
something terrible happens (the cause); serious (important, significant); problem
(something bad); “smoking is known to be the cause of serious health problems”

 to have an adverse impact on (gây ảnh hướng xấu/bất lợi đến): to have a negative/bad
effect on something; “the war had an adverse impact on the environment, due to all the
chemicals that were sprayed”

 indigenous practices (tập quán bản địa, phong tục địa phương): indigenous refers to
the people who are native to a local area; in the U.S. the indigenous people are the Native
Americans; practices are the traditions and customs of a culture; the things they do;
“some modern people don‟t understand certain indigenous practices”

 insensitive (vô tâm): not sensitive to somebody or something; it means that you don‟t
notice what you are doing and the effect that it is having on a person or a place; “his
father was insensitive to the fact that he was disappointed at not being able to travel with
him to Japan”

 rowdy (ồn ào, ầm ĩ, mất trật tự): noisy, loud, rough; “the boys were too rowdy last night
and they got in trouble by the police”; “the athletes were so rowdy that the referees had to
warn them several times”
Written by Ngoc Bach
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 unsuitable clothing (trang phục không phù hợp): not suitable, inappropriate, not the
correct or acceptable type of thing; “in the Middle East, you will get in trouble if you
wear unsuitable clothing, showing too much of your body”

 to have an undesirable influence on (có sự ảnh hưởng không mong muốn đến): to
have an unwanted influence on somebody or something; to do something so that it
influences someone in a way that is not wanted by somebody else; “the teachers were
concerned that going to bars would have an undesirable influence on their students”

 provocative behaviour and fashions (hành vi và lối ăn mặc khêu gợi, khiếm nhã):
provocative means to cause annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction on purpose, like
that is what you want to do with your behavior or clothing; provocative can also mean
that it arouses sexual desire or interest; fashion refers to the clothing that you wear; “the
young person was punished for her provocative behavior and fashions while attending

 to be spoiled by (bị tổn hại, hư hỏng): to be ruined by; when something spoils
something else, it means that it destroys it or makes it worse; “the lake was spoiled by the
oil spill”

 lack of respect for (thiếu ý thức, tôn trọng): to have no respect for someone or
something; to not pay attention to agreed upon rules or customs; “young people these
days have a lack of respect for the old ways”

 unquestionable (không thể chối cãi): without question; not able to be disputed or
doubted; to describe when there is no question that something is a certain way; “knowing
how to program computers is an unquestionable skill to have these days”

 widely promoted (tuyên truyền rộng rãi): promoted in a big way; thoroughly or
broadly; when you promote something widely you let a lot of people know about it; “the
company widely promoted the release of the new xBox”

 to urge visitors to respect (kêu gọi du khách nên tôn trọng, có ý thức): to advocate
earnestly the doing, consideration, or approval of something; to press for; to try to get
someone to do something; you urge someone to do or not do something; “they urged the
visitors to respect the rules and not feed the animals”

 to enforce strict regulations on (thực thi các luật lệ nghiêm ngặt): to enforce means to
make sure that people follow the laws or regulations by punishing them if they don‟t;
strict means tough or tight; to enforce strict regulations on something means to make sure
an punish people if they do something against the regulation;
 “the police had to enforce strict regulations on the people so that they would stop
polluting the river”

 disposing of waste (xử lý rác thải): to get rid of the waste or garbage, usually by taking
it to the dump or landfill; “the company was told that they were not disposing of waste
properly, and they were fined $25,000”

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 harm the environment (gây ô nhiễm môi trường): to have a negative impact on the
environment, like on the lakes, rivers, the air, etc; “everybody knows that chemicals from
factories can harm the environment”; “if your company continues to harm the
environment in this way, we will have to shut you down”

 addressing the concerns of local people (giải quyết các vấn đề của người dân địa
phương): to listen to what the people are concerned about and then do something about
it; to address means to deal with or do something about something; a concern is a worry,
something that you have negative thoughts about and you want something to change;
local refers to the people who live in the town or area; “the politicians said that they
would start addressing the concerns of the local people related to the high levels of air

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 67
(14/11/2015) The consumption of the world's resources (oil, and water etc.) is increasing at
a dangerous rate. What are causes and solutions?


It is true that global natural resources such as oil and water are being depleted at an alarming
rate. There are a number of reasons behind this phenomenon and several solutions should be
adopted to solve the problem.

There are two primary reasons why the world‟s resources are being over-exploited. Firstly,
developing countries nowadays are heavily dependent on natural resources to drive their
economy, especially in transportation and energy fields. As their citizens are getting wealthier,
their demand for energy consumption is increasing to the level of demand in developed
countries, in terms of gas for cars, and electricity for bigger homes and offices. Secondly, it is
easier to use natural resources rather than spending money to develop and convert sustainable
alternatives, like solar or wind energy. Politicians fear to risk unpopularity by raising energy
prices to fund such developments.

Some measures should be taken to mitigate the problem of overconsumption of these resources.
One step is that governments must impose a higher tax on the use of natural resources to reduce
the demand. By raising tax, people‟s pockets are affected directly, thus, they will use these
resources more responsibly. Another essential measure is to develop and introduce renewable
sources like solar or wind energy as alternatives.. These clean energies not only minimize
human reliance on the Earth‟s natural resources but also help protect the environment.
Furthermore, individuals must be educated to use vital resources sparingly and wisely. Even
simple things like not leaving taps running or leaving lights switched on unnecessarily can all
help reduce consumption.

In conclusion, the overuse of the world‟s resources is a big problem for all countries and
solutions should be implemented urgently to tackle this issue.

282 words

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Page: Page 68

 depleted: [verb] reduced by a large amount, so that there is not much left.
Example: Food supplies were severely depleted as a result of the dry weather.

 phenomenon: [noun] a fact or event – in nature or society – that is not fully understood.
Example: Globalisation is a phenomenon of this century, but it is a process which is
difficult to explain.

 adopt: [verb] to accept a suggestion or a policy.

Example: The government adopted a policy of increasing the tax on tobacco.

 drive: [verb] to influence something and cause it to move in a certain direction.

Example: Money from international banks is the main factor driving investment in this

 sustainable: [adjective] involving the use of natural products or energy in a way that
does not harm the environment.
Example: Sustainable management of our forests depends on planting more native trees
than we cut down.

 renewable: [adjective] replaced naturally or controlled carefully to ensure that

something is never completely destroyed.
Example: Because the sun will always shine and the wind will always blow, solar and
wind energy are both renewable energy sources.

 minimize: [verb] to reduce something – especially something bad – to the lowest

possible level.
Example: Clean conditions in hospitals help to minimize the risk of infections.

 sparingly: [adverb] in a way that is careful only to use a little of something.

Example: We should use water sparingly, because it is a resource that is essential to
sustain life.

 leaving taps running: [verb phrase] in the kitchen or bathroom, we leave taps running
when we do not close them and the water continues to come out.
Example: When we clean our teeth, we should not leave taps running – it is a waste of

 implement: [verb] to make something that has been officially decided start to happen.
Example: A new work programme for young people will be implemented by the

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 69
(11/4/2015) The older people who need employment have to compete with younger ones.
What problems can this create? What are some solutions?

Planning the ideas

Based on our identification of the key words, our plan will be something like this:

Introduce idea: there is competition between younger and older people for jobs. This creates
problems for older workers, but measures can be taken to help them – government and
individuals can act. Conclusion: repeat using some different words.

Paragraph 2:

[1] Problem 1: age discrimination – older people – difficulty in finding jobs.

[2] Problem 2: younger people adapt more easily to changes in work practices - result: stress
of coping with these changes affects health of older workers.

Paragraph 3:

[1] Measure 1: government can stop discrimination against older workers by passing laws –

[2] Measure 2: older individuals can adopt positive attitudes to changes at work – young
colleagues can help them.

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Page: Page 70

It is true that fierce competition in the job market between older people and their younger
counterparts has become an increasingly widespread concern. Several problems have resulted
from this tendency and they should be tackled by a number of effective solutions from both
individuals and the government.

Competing with the young, the older generation has to face up to two main issues. [1] Firstly,
due to age discrimination, older people often suffer more disadvantages when seeking the
same positions as young candidates, even when they have similar abilities and qualifications. As
a result, a number of them become unemployed, which prevents them from meeting basic
human needs. [2] Secondly, old employees might be under strong pressure, stemming from the
fact that their young colleagues seem to be more creative and adapt themselves to changes at the
workplace more easily than they could do. This may lead to both physical and psychological
problems, including heart disease and depression.

Since such issues are serious, the government and individuals should take steps immediately to
address these problems. [1] The first solution is that the government should encourage
enterprises to apply the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 in order to protect
employees who are 40 years old or more from employment discrimination based on age. As a
result, they would be given greater opportunities to find suitable jobs and earn a living. [2] On
an individual level, older workers should be willing to update their skills through attending
training courses. If younger colleagues also help them to adapt to changes in the working
environment, older workers will gain confidence and improve their work performance.

In conclusion, there are various negative consequences of increasing rivalry between the old and
the young in the job market and appropriate steps need to be taken to tackle these problems, not
only by the government but also by individuals.

307 words

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 71

 counterpart = a person who has the same position or function as someone else in a
different place or situation.
Example: The President is having discussions with his Chinese counterpart.

 age discrimination = the practice of treating older people unfairly compared with young
Example: The government passed a law prohibiting age discrimination by employers.

 stemming from = resulting from.

Example: The present crisis in health care stems from the lack of funding by the

 depression = an illness, when a person feels very sad or anxious.

Example: He suffered from depression after losing his job.

 earn a living = to get money for the work that you do.
Example: He was out of work for many years, but now he earns a living by selling hot

 update [verb] = to make something more modern.

Example: The company decided to update its computer software.

 rivalry = a situation in which people are competing for the same thing.
Example: In Spain, there is a great rivalry between the football teams of Madrid and Barcelona.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 72
Mở bài

+ Giới thiệu topic (paraphrase lại câu của đề bài)

+ Trả lời cả 2 câu hỏi nêu ra ở đề bài. Chỉ cần trả lời chung chung không cần nêu
chi tiết, cụ thể

Thân bài 1: Trả lời chi tiết câu hỏi 1

Thân bài 2: Trả lời chi tiết câu hỏi 2


Nhắc lại ý nêu ra ở câu 2 phần mở bài

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 73
(07/02/2015) Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local
people. Why is this the case and what can be done to attract more local people to visit these

It is true that tourists from many parts of the world pay more visits to museums and historical
places than local inhabitants. There are many reasons for this, but this situation should be
addressed by attractinglocals in some practical ways.

There are two main reasons why museums and historical sites are preferred more by tourists than
by local residents. One reason is that museums are too familiar to the locals. If museums do not
change anything, there will be nothing new for the locals to discover. Like eating the same dish
every single day, they feel bored with visiting the same places. Furthermore, entrance tickets at
some historical sites are expensive for the local inhabitants to afford. For example, in Dien Bien,
a province in northwestern Vietnam, it is rather hard for the residents to make ends meet, let
alone to spend money on visiting some famous historical attractions there.

The government should take some measures/steps to tackle this issue effectively. Firstly,
museums ought to be invested in more by the authorities to refresh the exhibits . The fresher
the exhibitions are, the more local residents will be interested in them. Secondly, historical relics
need to be free for all the local people. Without worrying about additional expenditures,
residents will pay more to visit historical sites in order to broaden their knowledge about their
home towns.

In conclusion, there are some known reasons for this trend. However, something should be done
by the authorities to attract more visitors from the local areas.

252 words


We could consider it a „2-question essay‟ or a „problem-solution essay‟. In practical terms, it makes no

difference. You did the correct thing – you used one paragraph to answer each question.

You put forward two clear and strong reasons why more locals do not visit museums and historical sites.
You explained both of these and used a great example [Dien Bien]. In paragraph 3, you suggested
solutions for both of these problems in turn. I cannot think of any better or clearer arguments than those
which you used, Bach.This was the other part of your essay. The techniques that you used showed that
you had planned and organised your answer carefully.

Again, there is nothing that I would change: the paragraph structure [as we have already noted] is logical
and the topic sentences indicate perfectly the main idea in each paragraph. Your arguments are
signposted clearly for the examiner: you used One reason/Furthermore in paragraph 2 and
Firstly/Secondly in paragraph 3.

As you developed your explanations, the sentences linked perfectly with each other, using varied sentence
structures and natural, fluent language.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 74
Dịch đại ý

(07/02/2015) Nhiều bảo tàng cũng như các di tích lịch sử hầu hết được khách du lịch tham
quan chứ không phải người dân địa phương. Lý do tại sao và chúng ta có thể làm gì để thu
hút thêm nhiều người dân đến tham quan những địa điểm nói trên?


Thực tế cho thấy du khách từ khắp nơi trên thế giới đến thăm các di tích lịch sử cũng như viện
bảo tàng nhiều hơn so với cư dân bản địa. Dù đây là hệ quả từ nhiều nguyên nhân, tình trạng này
có thể được cải thiện bằng việc thu hút người dân nhờ các hành động thiết thực.

Có hai lý do chính khiến cho viện bảo tàng cũng như các di tích lịch sử được khách du lịch ưu ái
hơn là người dân địa phương. Lý do đầu tiên đó là viện bảo tàng quá quen thuộc đối với người
dân. Nếu các viện bảo tàng không có sự đổi mới, người dân sẽ không thấy được những điều mới
lạ để khám phá. Giống như việc ăn đi ăn lại một món mỗi ngày, họ cảm thấy chán nản khi tham
quan đi tham quan lại những địa điểm không có gì thay đổi. Hơn thế nữa, vé vào cửa tại các khu
di tích lịch sử khá đắt so với khả năng chi trả của người dân địa phương. Ví dụ như ở Điện Biên,
một tỉnh vùng Tây Bắc Việt Nam, người dân kiếm đủ ăn đã khó, nói gì đến việc chỉ dành tiền
cho việc tham quan các di tích lịch sử nơi đây.

Các cấp chính quyền nên có những biện pháp để giải quyết vấn đề này một cách hiệu quả. Thứ
nhất, các viện bảo tàng cần được đầu tư nhiều hơn bởi các nhà chức trách để cập nhật thêm các
hiện vật trưng bày. Viện bảo tàng càng đổi mới thì càng nhiều người dân quan tâm hứng thú đến
nó. Thứ hai, các di tích lịch sử cần được mở cửa miễn phí cho dân. Không phải lo lắng về chi
phí, người dân sẽ tham quan thêm nhiều di tích lịch sử hơn nữa để mở rộng hiểu biết về chính
quê hương họ.

Tóm lại, có rất nhiều lý do rõ ràng dẫn đến xu thế này. Tuy nhiên, các nhà chức trách cần làm
một số việc để thu hút thêm nhiều du khách hơn nữa.

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 75

 pay more visits (tham quan nhiều hơn): to pay a visit just means to go to some place, to
make a visit, to visit
Example: They have been paying more visits to museums ever since they decided to learn
more about art.

 historical places (di tích lịch sử): places that have historical value due to some important
events in the past
Example: On their trip to Cambodia, they visited a variety of historical places, including
Angkor Wat.

 local inhabitants (dân địa phương): the people who live in the town
Example: The local inhabitants do not enjoy having so many tourists in their town.

 practical ways (biện pháp thiết thực): a way of doing something that has practice value,
that is rational or logical
Example: The book I read talked about many practical ways to lose weight. I am going to
try some of them.

 rather hard (tương đối khó khăn): quite difficult, used express that something is indeed
Example: I find it rather hard to study more than four hours per day.

 make ends meet (kiếm ăn kiếm sống): to make enough money to pay all the bills
Example: He has been having a hard time making ends meet over the last few months.

 take some measures/steps (có các biện pháp): to do something to address an issue, like
to create a rule, a law or a regulation
Example: The government needs to take some measures to reduce air pollution in the

 refresh the exhibits (cập nhật các hiện vật): bring in new works of art or other to show
to the public
Example: The museum curator likes to refresh the exhibits every two months.

 additional expenditures (các chi phí phụ thêm): expenses that are in addition to other
basic expenses
Example: The additional expenditures will total $10,000 by the end of the project.

 broaden their knowledge about (mở rộng hiểu biết): to learn more about something
Example: The students will broaden their knowledge about other cultures by traveling to
other countries.

 known reasons (lý do quen thuộc): reasons that people already know about, that they are
familiar with

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Example: There are many known reasons for the lack of interest in electoral politics, like
the fact that only rich people can run for president.

 attract more visitors (thu hút thêm nhiều khách du lịch): to get more people to come
to visit
Example: One of the goals of the museum this year is to attract more visitors from
neighboring towns and villages.

(21/05/2015) Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life.
What are the reasons? What are the effects on society and family life?


In recent years, the decision of parents to start a family later in life has become an increasingly
popular trend. There are a number of reasons for this trend, which is having a significant
impact on both family life and on the community as a whole.”

There are two important reasons why more people nowadays are deciding against having
children when they are young. Firstly, rather than embarking on parenthood, many individuals
consider that building their own successful careers is top-priority. If they had to split their
time between working and bringing up their offspring when they were in the early stages of
their careers, their performance at work and promotion prospects could be negatively affected.
Secondly, delaying childbirth could give young people countless opportunities to enjoy their
lives. For example, this choice may let young couples have a richer social life, pursue their
interests and hobbies or even to travel the world.

However, this tendency could have negative consequences in terms of both family life and
society. An important concern for a family is that raising children could be a huge challenge
for older parents. Even though they might have a high socioeconomic status, as well as great
experience and knowledge, it may not be easy for them to communicate with and relate to their
children, due to the generation gap. Another negative factor is that getting pregnant after 35
years of age oftentimes carries more potential health risks. Specifically, this could increase
the danger of having a miscarriage or stillbirth for older mothers, and babies might be at greater
risk of having Down’s syndrome. Consequently, this could negatively affect the quality of the
future workforce.

In conclusion, there are a number of reasons why more and more people prefer giving birth later
in life. As a result, there could be negative influences on individual families and the society at

312 words

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 77
This is an excellent essay with a lot of strong points. I have never seen this topic before. It is a
very interesting one. I hope that you don‟t mind if I e-mail Simon with this topic question [not
your essay, of course]. Let me know.

In paragraph 2, you suggested two very relevant reasons for this trend. You explained both of
them fully and you supported your second point with an example. In paragraph 3, you focused
exclusively on negative impacts. You argued both point convincingly and at length, again giving
real-life examples to support your ideas.

The topic sentences were ideal. You identified your arguments perfectly in paragraph 2. In
paragraph 3, you referred first to ‘the first impact’. I think that the identification of your second
argument will be clearer if you write: ‘Another impact is....‟ This would be more effective than
‘Furthermore, ....’

As your sentences were also linked very smoothly, my score for task response is 9 and for
coherence/cohesion my score is 9.


 to start a family later in life (lập gia đình muộn): to begin a family later rather than
earlier; in the past couples used to start their families at younger ages, like 22, 23 or 24;
nowadays they are having babies, which is how you start a family, in their late 20s or
even 30s and 40s; “They decided to start a family later in life, preferring to work on their
careers during their 20s and early 30s. They finally had their first baby when they were
both 38 years old.”
 increasingly popular trend (xu hướng phổ biến ngày càng gia tăng): increasingly
means more and more so, as in something is happening more often, popular means that a
lot of people are doing it; and a trend is something that a lot of people do at once, like a
fad or a style; in this case it means that something is being done by more and more people
at this time; “Taking a gap year before going to university is an increasingly popular
trend among young people.”
 having a significant impact on (có ảnh hưởng sâu sắc/lớn tới): significant means to be
important or notable; to have an impact on means to affect something in some way, either
positively or negatively; “This heat is having a significant impact on our ability to work
outside. It‟s just too hot!”
 community as a whole (cộng đồng chung): a community is a group of people, can refer
to a small or large group of people, like a neighborhood, school or church community or
as a large group of people, like a city, a culture, a nation of people; “The mayor wants to

Written by Ngoc Bach

Page: Page 78
work with the community as a whole, rather than with just a few special interest groups
here and there.”
 deciding against (quyết định không…): to decide means to make a decision or a choice
about something; against means to make a decision not in favor of something; “They are
deciding against going to Europe this summer. Instead, they are going to stay home and
take summer school classes.”
 embarking on parenthood (bắt đầu trở thành bậc cha mẹ): to embark on something
means to start something; in this case it means to become a parent; parenthood is what
you call the role of being a parent; you are always a parent once you have children, but
this refers to the time you spend raising them; childhood is they time period when you
were a child; “They will be embarking on parenthood this summer, when their new baby
is born.”
 top-priority (ưu tiên số 1): top means the highest point and priority means something
that you want to do more than other things, so top-priority means the thing you want to
do the most, above everything else; “They think that making money is the top-priority in
their lives right now.”
 to split their time between (chia sẻ thời gian cho…): to split means to break into parts;
in this case it means to spend some of your time doing one thing and some of your time
doing another thing, splitting your time into parts; “They split their time between New
York and Los Angeles.”
 bringing up their offspring (nuôi nấng/chăm sóc con cái): to bring up means to raise;
this is what you do as a parent with your children; you educate them, nurture them, etc.;
offspring refers to your children; “They are bringing up their offspring in a very strict
 huge challeng (thách thức lớn): huge means large or giant in this case; the challenge is
very big; it‟s difficult or tough; “Raising children and working is a huge challenge that
not everyone wants to undertake.”
 high socioeconomic status (tình trạng tài chính tốt, vững chắc): your socioeconomic
status refers to how much money you have and therefore your status or place in society; if
it‟s high, it means you have a lot of money: “Even though they have a high
socioeconomic status, they really aren‟t that smart.”
 generation gap (khoảng cách thế hệ): the experience of not understanding your parents
or grandparents and them not understanding you due to being raised during different time
periods, in a different cultural setting; “They were able to bridge the generation gap by
watching old and new movies together and discussing them.”
 negative factor (nhân tố tiêu cực): negative meaning not good; factor is something that
affects something else; a negative factor is like something that you have to consider
because it might not be good; “The one negative factor about this job is that I have to get
up so early.”
 oftentimes carries more potential health risks (luôn mang tới những rủi ro sức khỏe
tiềm ẩn): oftentimes just means often or many times; to carry more potential risk means
that it is possible to have health problems because of something; in this case, it is possible

Written by Ngoc Bach

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that a woman can suffer a health problem if she has a baby later in life, like after 35;
“Undergoing certain procedures oftentimes carries more potential health risks than doing
 Specifically (đặc biệt): used when you want to provide something specific, certain details
about something or you want to say something very clearly; “She specifically said she did
not want to work full time, just part time.”
 having a miscarriag (sẩy thai): this is what happens when a woman does not carry the
fetus to full term (a baby), it usually happens early on in the pregnancy; “She isn‟t
worried about having a miscarriage.”
 Down’s syndrome (Hội chứng Down): a genetic chromosome 21 disorder causing
developmental and intellectual delays; “Even though their child has Down‟s syndrome,
they are so happy to be parents and they love her very much.”
 Consequently (Vì vậy, do đó): used to say something that happens because of something
else; something is a consequence or result of something else; “She didn‟t study for her
test; consequently, she failed.”
 future workforce (lực lượng lao động tương lai): refers to the fact that young people
will be workers in the future; “The future workforce will face new challenges never
experienced before.”
 negative influences on individual families (ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới các tế bào gia
đình): negative meaning bad; influences meaning effects; on individual families refers to
each nuclear family - a couple and their children, rather than families in general; “Based
on the research, the negative influences on individual families could be lessened with
more support from the government.”
 the society at large (toàn xã hội): people in general; the community as a whole;
“Violating human rights doesn‟t just affect individuals, it affects the society at large.”

Written by Ngoc Bach

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