Remote Runway Operations BAE146

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The document discusses the capabilities of the BAe 146/Avro RJ aircraft for operating on remote or underdeveloped runways. It highlights the aircraft's ability to deliver goods and services to remote areas due to its performance in challenging scenarios.

Some challenges discussed include unpaved runway surfaces with low California Bearing Ratios, narrow paved runways, steep approaches, and adverse climates.

Modifications discussed to optimize performance on remote runways include the use of low pressure tires, increasing fuel capacity through auxiliary tanks, and software to calculate take-off data and cost indexes in different conditions.

Remote Runway Operations

A guide for BAE Systems Regional Aircraft Operators of the

BAe 146 and Avro RJ

2 Remote Runway Operations

Remote Runway Operations - Preface

This publication gives an overview of potential The information provided in this brochure is It should be emphasised that this document
operations of the BAe 146/Avro RJ series intended to promote understanding of the does not provide a means of approval of
of aircraft on remote or under-developed types of environment the aircraft might be operation outside the Aircraft Flight Manual,
airfields. Whilst it is impossible to control the exposed to in remote areas. It also advises AFM 5.1. This document is intended to
geographical locations of areas of commercial how the aircraft may be modified to optimise promote the capabilities of the aircraft, those
attractiveness, the capabilities of the BAe 146/ performance in such environments. Topics capabilities being realised through Flight
Avro RJ allow for optimum performance in even covered include Unpaved Runways, Narrow Manual amendments, appendices, FCOM
the most challenging of scenarios. Runways, Steep Approach Operations, High information, or other approved means.
Altitude Airfield Operations, Adverse Climates
The ability of the aircraft to deliver goods and and Island Operations. Please contact Flight Operations Support
services to remote areas sets it apart from at [email protected] for any further
other jet aircraft types, further proving the A further section on Operating Independence information or advice.
quality of the original design. delivers information on equipping the aircraft
for airfields where there is little or no ground
support. Possibilities for aircraft Fuel Capacity
Improvements are discussed along with
information on the Performance Software
options available to Operators.

Access to Remote Runways can

support key Industries Worldwide
Remote Runway Operations 3

4 Cold Operations 20
Hot Operations 21
Pavement Strength Classification Methods 6 General Considerations 22
Runway Slope 8 Hot and High Operations 22
Paved Runway Operations with Low Pressure Tyres 8 High Altitude Modifications 23
Operating in Mountainous Regions 23
Unpaved Runway Surfaces 10 ISLAND OPERATIONS 24
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) 11 Allocating Sufficient Fuel for an Island Operation 24
Unpaved Runway Operations with Low Pressure Tyres 12 Extended Over-water Operations 25
Landing on an Unpaved Runway with Low Pressure Tyres 13
Take-off from an Unpaved Runway with Low Pressure Tyres 13 FUEL CAPACITY IMPROVEMENTS 26
Auxiliary Fuel Tanks 26
NARROW PAVED RUNWAY OPERATIONS 14 Range Extension Performance 27
Landing 14
Ground Handling 14 PERFORMANCE SOFTWARE 28
Take-off 14 Take-off Data calculation Software (ToDc) 28
Pacelab CI OPS Cost Index Software 29
Flyaway Kit Option 18 APPENDIX GLOSSARY 31
Modifications for Operating Independence 19
4 Remote Runway Operations

The fundamental capabilities of the BAe Many years after the early design stages, The high wing keeps the engines clear of the
146/Avro RJ series of aircraft can be traced Regional Aircraft are still finding new and runway surface helping to mitigate ingestion
back to the original design influences. The exciting roles for the highly capable BAe 146/ of loose gravels, dust or Foreign Object Debris
aircraft was initially intended for short field Avro RJ. The company endeavours to support (FOD). The engines themselves, of modular
operations where it could fully capitalise on its customers in their operations while providing design, are comparatively easy to maintain
remarkable Short Take-Off and Landing (STOL) dynamic solutions and certification to new with singular change times reported to be
abilities on rough or unprepared runways concepts for the aircraft. It is therefore no one tenth of the time expected for a larger
around the World. Such early influences are surprise to see it performing in the kinds of twin engine aircraft. The three engine ferry
distinguishable in the aircrafts characteristic challenging environments it was designed to capability from paved remote runways allows
configuration of high wing, T-tail, four engines, operate in. One might even suspect that as the Operator to ferry the aircraft on three
large Fowler flaps and clam type tail mounted it proves its revenue earning potential in new engines to a maintenance base, significantly
airbrakes. This configuration allows the aircraft markets, more and more customers may opt to reducing the potential for downtime or
to have a relatively low approach speed use the aircraft to support their operations to service disruption. Fast turnaround times,
which when combined with the airbrakes and remote runways, wherever they may be. characteristic of this aircraft type, may also
spoilers, results in the short landing capability. be possible in remote areas with the APU-
The four engines make it ideally suited for As our industries change or develop in the powered systems, waist-high baggage holds
short take-offs where even with one engine most remote of areas in countries far and and optional integral airstairs.
inoperative, the aircraft still retains three wide, customers need a cost and time efficient
quarters of its performance. Such features means to directly place their goods or their In short, this really is the right aircraft for
have allowed the aircraft to perform uniquely services into the right places. The BAe 146 or this role. Augmented by a dedicated support
in its class with years of niche operations Avro RJ can meet this need. team who work to optimise and improve
into London City airport contributing to its operations, the BAe 146/Avro RJ will continue
exemplary service history. The aircraft design itself is well suited to to demonstrate its versatility and adaptability
remote runway operations. Whether it is a for future roles in young and developing
Consequently, the BAe 146 and Avro RJ have cargo or a passenger operation, the aircraft markets. In the sections which follow, the
continued to find commercial success in a exhibits a good balance between capacity and suitability of the aircraft for this developing
variety of diverse operational scenarios while performance. Operators of the aircraft benefit remote operations market is explained along
maintaining the capability to explore some from a combination of impressive short field with recommendations for aircraft modification
less conventional environments or remote and performance and competitive still air range. or application of best practice procedures.
challenging terrain. That success has allowed The steep approach capability, available as a
Operators to cover a uniquely wide range of modification, may also support operations into
markets, perhaps best proven by the global remote airfields where the approach may be
presence of some 222 aircraft reported in restricted by obstacles or high ground.
service with 63 Operators Worldwide in 2011.1

The BAe 146/Avro RJ has a global

operating market base making it...

Ascend Online Database, February 2011, as presented at the 2011 Flight Operators Conference
Remote Runway Operations 5

...the right aircraft for

the right routes
6 Remote Runway Operations

Understanding Remote Runways

Remote airfields exist all over the World. This might be especially true of operations to
They are remote in the fact that they exist in remote mines, drilling sites or scientific sites.
areas often far from civilisation and hard to Although the list is not exhaustive, Todays
reach by ground based means of transport. In examples can be found in Australia, Canada,
some countries, these kinds of airfields may Africa, South America and Antarctica.
be common due to the nature of movements
between rural towns and cities or the lack
of suitable infrastructure to support a full
air transportation service. In fact, transport
movements to a particular location might
be so infrequent or specific to one group of
individuals that it is just not economically
viable to develop an airport link.

Runway Surface Types Pavement Strength Classification Methods

The runway surface type is often a Tarmacadam Pavement - Uniformly sized Aircraft Classification Number (ACN)/Pavement
consequence of the geographical location stones rolled or compacted in-place, and Classification Number (PCN)
and should be a key consideration for any usually sealed by an asphalt treatment that The Aircraft Classification Number (ACN)/
aircraft operator wishing to access a remote penetrates into the uppermost portion of the Pavement Classification Number (PCN) is a
airfield. Runway surfaces can be considered surface, or coated with tar or bitumen. Usually method of reporting the pavement strength
to be either paved or unpaved. The following such surfaces are thin by typical airport and the relative effect of an aircraft on that
information discusses paved runways. standards, on the order of 1 to 2 inches (2 to pavement.
Unpaved runways are discussed later in this 5 centimetres) thick.
publication. Agreed in the 1980s by the International Civil
Flexible (Asphalt Pavement) - A runway, taxiway, Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and the member
Paved Runways or ramp that is surfaced with a mixture of states, the rating system applies to the
A paved runway is a sealed hard surface asphaltic materials (asphalt and aggregate) bearing strength of paved runways intended
such as tarmac or concrete and is capable of of from 3 to 5 inches (8 to 13 centimetres) or for aircraft of apron (ramp) mass greater
supporting the operational weight of an aircraft more in thickness. than 5,700 kg (12,566 lbs). Information
for the intended period of use. The following contained within the BAE Systems Airplane
are standard definitions for paved runway Rigid (Concrete Pavement) - A runway, taxiway, Characteristics for Airport Planning Manual
surface types.2 or ramp that is surfaced with a mixture of or AFM 5.1 give reference to the PCN values
concrete materials of from 6 to 20 inches (15 relating to paved covered surfaces such as
to 51 centimetres) or more in thickness. tarmacadam or concrete and also ACN values
for each aircraft sub-type.

The method distinguishes between pavement

type, subgrade strength category, maximum
allowable tyre pressure category and pavement
evaluation method as follows3:

2 Boeing Runway Pavement Surface Type Descriptions
Remote Runway Operations 7

Subgrade Flexible Pavements

Strength CBR* Standard CBR* Range
Category (%) (%)
A (High) 15 >13
B (Medium) 10 8 to 13
C (Low) 6 4 to 8
D (Ultra Low) 3 <4

Pavement Classification Number (PCN) Code n The fourth part is a letter which defines
The pavement classification number, used Pavement Class Maximum Tyre Pressure
the maximum allowable tyre pressures that
in conjunction with the Aircraft Classification the pavement can support. The scale W (High) No Pressure Limit
Number, helps to protect an aircraft ramp, ranges from W to Z and is shown opposite.
runway or taxiway from overloading or X (Medium) 1.5MPa (217psi)
excessive wear. PCN is expressed as a 5 part n The fifth and final letter gives an indication
Y (Low) 1.0MPa (145psi)
code as follows: of the evaluation method used to classify
the pavement. The letter T indicates that a Z (Ultra Low) 0.5MPa (72psi)
n The first part of the PCN code is a number specific technical evaluation of the
relating to the assessed strength of the pavement was conducted and that pavement
pavement. behaviour technology was applied as part of
that evaluation. The letter U indicates that
n The second part of the code refers to the
the evaluation is conducted Using Aircraft
pavement type. A rigid (concrete design)
Experience, representing knowledge of a ACN-PCN Method Example
pavement is defined by a letter R.
specific type and mass of aircraft
A Flexible (asphalt design) is defined by a PCN 50/F/B/W/T
satisfactorily being supported under regular
letter F. The above code reports that the runway of flexible
(asphalt) design, and resting on a medium strength
n The third part is a letter from A to D. This subgrade, has been assessed by technical evaluation
letter defines the bearing strength of the to be of PCN 50 and with no tyre pressure limitation.
subgrade soil beneath the pavement. A
letter A defines the strongest subgrade For ACN < 50, the aircraft can operate without weight
material and a letter D defines the weakest restriction.
subgrade. Further information on subgrade For ACN > 50, the aircraft must operate at reduced
category strength is provided in the table weight or agree a dispensation.

Subgrade Flexible Pavements Rigid Pavements

Strength CBR* Standard CBR* Range Strength Standard Strength Range
Category (%) (%) (MN/m3) (MN/m3)

A (High) 15 >13 150 >120

B (Medium) 10 8 to 13 80 60 to 120
C (Low) 6 4 to 8 40 25 to 60
D (Ultra Low) 3 <4 20 <25
* Refer to Unpaved Runway Operations section for information on CBR

3 ICAO Annex 14, Volume I, Aerodrome Design and Operations, Fourth Edition, July 2004, Section 2.6

Pavement Class Maximum Tyre Pressure Reduction in Take-off

8 Remote Runway Operations

Runway Slope

Aircraft Classification Number (ACN) Code Load Classification Number (LCN) As stated in the Limitations section of AFM
The Aircraft Classification Number (ACN) is a The Load Classification Number (LCN) method 5.1 (section 2-024-10, page 1), the maximum
number expressing the relative effect of an of evaluating pavement strength was adopted effective runway slope uphill or downhill is
aircraft on a pavement for specified subgrade in 1956 as one of the ICAO standards for 2%. An appendix to the Flight Manual can be
strength. The procedure forFlexible Pavements
calculating Rigid Pavements
rating pavement strength. 6
considered for runway slope greater that 2%.
Strength CBR* Standard CBR* Range Strength Standard Strength Range
ACN is given in the ICAO Aerodrome Design
Category This would be subject to the capability of the
(MN/m3) 3
Manual, Part 3.4 The ACN (%) (%)
value for an aircraft To use the system, must) be
An LCN value(MN/m aircraft to operate from the particular airfield
is calculated
A (High) by taking into
15 account the >13 provided for both 150 the pavement and >120the considering aspects such as runway length,
aircraft Centre of Gravity 10
B (Medium) (CG) location, the 8 to 13 aircraft. The pavement
LCN can60 only
elevation and any other pertinent physical
tyre pressure, tyre size and tyre spacing.5 reported if some surface specific information characteristics of the airfield.
ACNC (Low)
values for the BAe 146 6 or Avro RJ can 4 to 8 is known. For a40 flexible pavement, 25 the
to 60total
be Dfound
(Ultra in the Airplane Characteristics
Low) 3 for <4 pavement thickness 20 is required and<25for a rigid For further information or advice, contact
Airport Planning Manual which can be accessed pavement, the radius of relative stiffness (or Flight Operations Support at:
through iSAPPHIRE. L-Value) is required. [email protected]

If the ACN for an aircraft is lower than or equal LCN of the aircraft is related to tyre pressure,
to the reported PCN for an
Pavement Class
airport pavement,
Maximum Tyre Pressure
contact area, pavement thickness and Reduction in Take-off
Unpaved Runway CBR
the aircraft can operate without weight Equivalent Single Wheel Load (ESWL). If the Distance Available
W (High)on that pavementNo subject toLimit
Pressure any LCN of the aircraft is less
than or equal to the No Reduction
limitations such as maximum allowable tyre LCN of the pavement, then the aircraft can
X (Medium) 1.5MPa (217psi) 60 This method was Reduce by 0.5%
pressure. If the ACN is higher than the PCN, operate on that pavement.
it mayY (Low)
be that the operator can agree
1.0MPa a PCN
(145psi) superseded by the ACN-PCN
50 method in 1983 Reduce by 1.0%
dispensation with the airport0.5MPa
Z (Ultra Low) authority, possibly
(72psi) as the official ICAO pavement rating system.
40 Reduce by 1.5%
with conditions attached relating to airframe
and runway inspections. The operator may also 30 Reduce by 2.0%
reduce the aircraft weight to comply with the Minimum Permitted CDB is 30
PCN limitation.

ACN-PCN Method Example

PCN 50/F/B/W/T
The above code reports that the runway of flexible
(asphalt) design, and resting on a medium strength
subgrade, has been assessed by technical evaluation
to be of PCN 50 and with no tyre pressure limitation.

For ACN < 50, the aircraft can operate without weight
For ACN > 50, the aircraft must operate at reduced
weight or agree a dispensation.

Typically, Pavement Classification Number

(PCN) is not used for unpaved runways. For
the strength rating of unpaved runways, the
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is used and
this ratio is described in the Unpaved Runway
Operations section of this publication.

4 ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 3, Pavements, Document 9157

5 Boeing 'Description of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) ACN/PCN Pavement Strength Rating System' (
6 Boeing Precise methods for Estimating Pavement Classification Number, document number D6-82203 (
Remote Runway Operations 9

Paved Runway Operations with Low Pressure

In situations where the aircraft is fitted with Landing on Paved Runways with Low Pressure Take-off from Paved Runways with Low
low pressure tyres and is to be operated on Tyres Pressure Tyres
a paved runway, operators should purchase For landing on paved runways with low A take-off from a paved runway with low
AFM 5.1 Appendix 29, entitled Operation pressure tyres there is a correction made to pressure tyres does carry with it a slight
with Low Pressure Tyres on Paved or Unpaved the Landing Distance Available (LDA) due to performance penalty in comparison to that
Runways. For more information on obtaining a performance penalty. The penalty is due to achieved with standard tyres. The penalty is
this appendix, contact the modifications a slight deterioration in braking performance a reduction in Take-off Distances Available of
department at: such that the LDA is reduced by around 3%. An about 1%. This is due to the fact that braking
[email protected] equivalent LDA which accounts for this penalty performance is slightly deteriorated.
can be established using charts in AFM 5.1
Part 1 of this appendix deals specifically with Appendix 29 Part 1. It should also be noted that low pressure tyres
paved runway operations with low pressure heat up more quickly than standard tyres so
tyres. It should be noted that the information The maximum landing weight for Landing fast taxi speeds and high brake temperatures
contained within the appendix is advisory and Distance Available can then be calculated with should be avoided wherever possible.
does not act as a means of approval. Such reference to the appropriate chart in AFM 5.1,
approval must be obtained from the relevant Chapter 6.
National Aviation Authority, in accordance with
the operators flight operations procedures.
Some operational points from Part 1 of the
appendix are given in this section.

If low pressure tyres are installed on the

aircraft, larger wheel rims must also be fitted
to accommodate the larger tyres. Two common
wheel rim types are the AHA 1490 and the
AHA 1900 and the correct choice of wheel rim
depends on the aircraft sub-type.

It should be noted that the wheel rim type

influences the aircraft Maximum Take-Off
Weight (MTOW) when operating from a paved
runway. For more information or advice on
operating restrictions for low pressure tyres
on a paved runway, please contact Flight
Operations Support.
10 Remote Runway Operations

Unpaved Runway Operations

An unpaved runway differs from a paved runway

in that its surface is not sealed or covered with
a rigid pavement material. Unpaved runway
surfaces may therefore have surface stones
or soils which are free to displace and the
load bearing characteristics of such runways
may be somewhat different from their paved

Unpaved Runway Surfaces

Operation from an unpaved runway requires Laterite and Lateritic Soils Gravel Runways
the surface condition to be well compacted Laterites are soil types formed in hot and A gravel runway consists typically of a mixture
and the bearing strength to be adequate to humid areas by the extensive weathering of of compacted soils and stones, with a surface
support the weight of the aircraft under the pre-existing rocks. The soils are characterised that is not bound by any additives such as
climatic conditions, for the intended period of by the presence of iron or aluminium oxides or asphalt or cement. As the loose surface
use. There should be no standing water, deep hydroxides and can be red, brown or yellow in material is free to displace, aircraft operations
ruts, large stones or deep loose gravel on the colour. Land areas covered with laterite may may alter the surface condition of the runway.
runway. The following are some typical unpaved be found between the tropics of Cancer and Frequent surface inspections may therefore be
runway surface types: Capricorn on the flat planes of Africa, in parts required.
of South America or in Australia. The image
below shows the terrain in Niger. Depending on the surface type, the ability of
an unpaved runway to bear load may be lower
Murrum is an example of a lateritic soil that than that experienced on a paved runway.
can be compacted to give a mechanically This load bearing capacity is measured by the
stable material. Operation from hard, smooth California Bearing Ratio (CBR).
unpaved runway surfaces such as murrum or
laterite is permitted so long as the surface is
dry and the bearing strength of the runway is
shown to be adequate to support the weight of
the aircraft.
Remote Runway Operations 11

California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

The California Bearing Ratio was developed by Strengthening of Unpaved Runways sealants may be applied to the runway surface
the California Department of Transportation for Perhaps the simplest way of increasing the to bind the soils together. The procedures may
determining the load bearing capacity of soils bearing strength of an unpaved runway is by result in the raising of the runway surface CBR,
used as the foundation for building roads. The compacting the runway surface such that the a reduction in dust and fines displacement and
ratio has since been used to measure the constituent materials form a hard packed a smoother runway surface.
strength of unpaved runway surfaces or the top layer. Since the materials are not bound or
bearing strength of soils under paved runways. sealed in any way, continued runway inspection The bearing strength and fatigue life of an
The ratio is found by comparing the pressure and maintenance may be necessary. There unpaved runway may also be increased by
required to penetrate a soil sample with the are however some more permanent ways of placing a ground reinforcing grid under the
pressure needed to achieve equal penetration strengthening an unpaved runway. runway surface. This reinforcing grid works by
of a standard material (crushed California interlocking and confining granular materials
Limestone of CBR 100). Aircraft operation from unpaved runways can to provide a more robust surface capable of
cause the surface loose stones or soils to be supporting heavier loads.
The relationship, expressed as a percentage, displaced. Potholes and rutting can develop
is shown here: from continued use and small surface gravels
Measured Force or dust particles known as fines can be
CBR = x 100% blasted from the runway resulting in impeded
Standard Force pilot vision and an increased need for aircraft
Operational points relating to California and runway maintenance procedures. Resinous
Bearing Ratio are described later. or asphaltic fluid binding materials or spray
12 Remote Runway Operations

Unpaved Runway Operations with Low

Pressure Tyres
Operators wishing to make use of unpaved Condition of Aircraft from stone damage by embodiment of
runways should purchase AFM 5.1 Appendix The appendix advises that the aircraft should modifications. The recommended modifications
29, entitled Operation with Low Pressure be fitted with both nose and main gear low depend on the aircraft certifying authority and
Tyres on Paved or Unpaved Runways. For pressure tyres. While there is no appreciable aircraft type. Although the list is by no means
more information on obtaining this appendix, difference in construction between low exhaustive, the modifications may generally fit
contact the modifications department at: pressure tyres and the standard tyres normally into the following categories:
[email protected] installed, the slightly larger and wider main n Nose and Main Gear Stone Guards
gear low pressure tyres provide a greater tyre n Undercarriage component guards
Part 2 of this appendix, dealing specifically footprint. This allows the aircraft load to be
with operations on unpaved runways with low spread over a greater surface area helping to n Antennae Protection
pressure tyres, is summarised in this section. prevent excessive runway damage. The main n Improved Paint Protection
gear tyres require that larger wheel rims are n Mesh Protection for anti-collision beacon
It should be noted that the information also installed and the choice of wheel rim type n Protection of electrical or hydraulic lines
contained within the appendix is advisory and depends on the aircraft sub-type.
does not act as a means of approval. Such Kit options are also provided which encompass
approval must be obtained from the relevant The appendix also advises that when operating a combination of these modifications. The
National Aviation Authority, in accordance with from surfaces where there are loose stones unpaved runway protection kit, fitted via
the operators flight operations procedures. or gravel, that the aircraft should be protected a Service Bulletin (SB) may mitigate the
possibility of damage to aircraft components
and may decrease the likelihood of costly
maintenance repairs. The kit includes nose
and main gear low pressure tyres, larger main
gear wheel rims, a nose gear stone guard,
lower fuselage and main gear protective paint,
an anti-collision beacon mesh cover as well as
Unpaved Runway Protection Kit protection for main landing gear hydraulic lines
and the installation of more durable antennae.
Main Landing
Gear Abrasive Paint A full listing of the kit components is shown in
the diagram:
Fairing Protection

Lower Fuselage Protective Paint

Protection to Main Landing Gear Hydraulic Lines

Anti Collision Beacon Mesh Cover
Low Pressure Tyres and Wheels
Antennae Protection

Nose Wheel Stone Guard

Remote Runway Operations 13

Landing on an Unpaved Runway with Low Take-off from an Unpaved Runway with Low
Pressure Tyres Pressure Tyres
Weight Limitations For landing on unpaved runways with low Start Up Area
Depending upon the certifying authority and pressure tyres, there are charts within AFM A start up area is a dedicated paved or
aircraft type, there could be limitations with 5.1 Appendix 29 Part 2 that give a maximum covered surface located adjacent to an
Maximum Ramp Weight, Maximum Take-off landing weight for landing distance available. unpaved runway to allow an aircraft to perform
Weight or Maximum Landing Weight when the These charts are to be used instead of the engine start and run-up procedures. Jet
aircraft is fitted with Low Pressure tyres and charts in chapter 6 of AFM 5.1. blast from the engines can cause significant
operating on an unpaved runway. displacement of the surface materials on
The resulting weights will be less that achieved an unpaved runway, not only degrading the
These weight restrictions are driven by either when landing on a paved runway with standard surface covering of the runway but potentially
structural limitations or tyre rolling speed limits tyres but the weight penalty will be variable causing excessive fatigue to the aircraft
at a given tyre deflection value. Higher tyre dependant on runway length and elevation. fuselage. By performing the spooling up of
deflection values result in a flatter tyre which The landing distances are based upon a flap the engines in a designated start-up area,
in turn causes a greater footprint and a greater setting of 33 degrees. damage to the airframe from debris thrown up
friction requiring higher take-off speeds. The by the jet efflux could be significantly reduced.
deflections of 32% and 35% are generally
used for operation from unpaved runways. Take-off
Take-off from a gravel or unpaved runway
General Operational Points carries with it a penalty of around 10% in
The following points are extracted from AFM comparison to a paved runway of similar
5.1 Appendix 29 Part 2 and apply to unpaved length. AFM 5.1 Appendix 29 Part 2 contains
runway operations with low pressure tyres: a chart that allows equivalent distances for
1. Operation of the aircraft is only permitted Take-off Distance, Take-off Run and Accelerate
from: Stop Distance to be determined which take
account of the penalty.
n Unpaved surfaces, when wet or dry,
without standing water, deep ruts or
These equivalent distances should then be
areas of deep loose gravel deficient in
used to calculate the take off performance
with reference to Chapter 6 of AFM 5.1. The
n Hard, smooth, unpaved surfaces such charts are based upon a CBR of 70 and so
as murrum or laterite, when dry further corrections to runway distances would
n Unpaved surfaces with a minimum need to be made for CBR values less than
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of 30. 70, down to a recommended minimum value
of 30. Equivalent Take-off Distance, Take-off
2. The anti-skid must be operative and Run and Accelerate Stop Distance should
selected ON. be reduced by 0.5% for each incremental
reduction of CBR = 10 as shown here:
3. Fast taxi speeds and high brake
Reduction in Take-off
temperatures should be avoided where Unpaved Runway CBR
Distance Available
possible because low pressure tyres heat
up more quickly than standard tyres. 70 No Reduction
60 Reduce by 0.5%
4. Brake temperatures at the start of the
50 Reduce by 1.0%
take-off roll must not be above 200C.
40 Reduce by 1.5%
5. The maximum and minimum aerodrome 30 Reduce by 2.0%
altitudes for take-off or for landing are
8,000 ft and -1,000 ft respectively. Minimum Permitted CDB is 30
For altitudes above 8,000 ft, contact
Flight Operations Support.
14 Remote Runway Operations

Narrow Paved Runway Operations

Body text
The Limitations section of AFM 5.1 for the Any such TOR would be airfield and runway
BAe 146/Avro RJ (section 2-024-10, Page 1) specific. The declared airport data would
states the minimum runway width for take-off be required including the runway width. A
and landing is 30 metres (100 ft). Subject to statement of what lies at the sides of the
certain conditions, a Technical Operational runway, such as any ridge at the edge that
Response (TOR) may be issued for operation might damage tyres or wheels if run over,
on a paved narrow runway, stating No Technical would be sought. The TOR would then be
Objection. The TOR would represent a offered with advice and instruction for an
deviation from the Type Design Standard, and operator wishing to use that paved narrow
as such would require the agreement of the runway. In recent times, runway widths down
local Airworthiness Authority. Therefore the to 23 metres have been addressed. The
responsibility for operations from paved narrow following gives examples of the types of advice
runways of width less than 30 metres would which may be offered:
lie with the operator and the approval would lie
with the local authority.

Landing Ground Handling

Landing on a narrow runway is to be carried The runway should be bordered by a hard strip Take-off from a narrow runway is to be carried
out in dry runway conditions only and the with a bearing strength able to support the out in dry runway conditions only. A rolling take
crosswind component should be less than weight of the aircraft. The aircraft should only off is not recommended and it is important that
10 knots. Landing with an inoperative engine perform 180 degree turns in the turning circles the aircraft is correctly lined up on the runway
is not advisable, and a diversion should be at the runway ends, and the turning circle prior to take-off. The crosswind component
carried out to a more suitable airfield. The and runway edge borders should be checked should be less than 10 kts and the spoilers,
aircraft spoilers, anti-skid and Nose Wheel relative to wing and engine overhang and engine anti skid and NWS must be serviceable.
Steering (NWS) must be serviceable and the ingestion of loose objects. The minimum turning
autopilot should not be used for landing on a circle for an Avro RJ85 based on a straight The handling pilot must be in control of the
narrow runway. approach and a 180 degree turn is 22.3 NWS and this must be the primary means of
metres, as shown in the turning radii diagram steering the aircraft up to V1. The pilot must
The handling pilot must be in control of the overleaf. Specific turning radii information may be prepared to use NWS in the event of engine
NWS which must be used as the primary be viewed in either the BAe 146 Series or BAe failure on take-off. In order to address potential
means of steering the aircraft once the nose- RJ Series Airplane Characteristics for Airport controllability issues, three engine ferry take-off
wheel is on the ground. Care must be taken Planning Manual, Section 3, pages 6-8.7 should not be carried out from Narrow runways.
not to over control when using the NWS at
high speed. A narrow runway may lead to Take-off
depth perception problems for those unused For narrow runway operations, the decision
to landing on such runways. When landing speed should be set equal to the rotation
on a narrow runway, there may be a tendency speed for take-off, and the Regulated Take-off
for pilots to feel that they are much higher Weight should be computed for this. Setting
than they are, and this could lead to heavy V1 = VR helps ensure the Minimum Control
landings. Speed on take-off is met.

7 BAE SYSTEMS Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning Manual

Manual Reference APM 146.1 and APM RJ.1
Remote Runway Operations 15

Full Steering Angle (70O) There are currently no known BAe 146/Avro
Normally Allows Aircraft to RJ narrow runway operations onto unpaved
Pivot Around This Point
runways. This would introduce further
considerations and possible performance
Towing Pivot Point penalties. Flight Operations Support should be
with 90O Steering Angle contacted for advice at:
[email protected]

Main Wheel
Wheel Turn
Turn Nose
Nose Wheel
Wheel Turn
Turn Minimum
Minimum Runway
Aircraft Type
Type Radius
Radius X
X (m)
(m) Radius
Radius Y
Y (m)
(m) Width*
Width* (m)

BAe 146-100
146-100 and
7.594 11.53
11.53 21.35
Avro RJ70

BAe 146-200
146-200 and
and 22.35
7.594 12.55
12.55 22.35
Maximum Avro
Avro RJ85
BAe 146-300
146-300 and
and 24.45
Angle 70O 8.28
8.28 13.97
13.97 24.45
Avro RJ100

Note: All
All values
values given
given above
above are
are based
based on
on a
a 70
70 degree
degree left
left steering
steering angle
** Assumption
Assumption isis straight
straight approach
approach and
and 180
180 degree
degree turn
16 Remote Runway Operations

Steep Approach Operations

The steep approach capability of the BAe 146/ The feature is applicable to operations onto If the aerodrome is approved for a screen
Avro RJ is one of the fundamental factors runways where the approach may be restricted height of 35 ft, and a PAPI (associated or
contributing to its commercial success. The by obstacles or high ground. Steep approach not to an ILS) is in use, the landing distance
ability to combine its characteristic quiet is available through modification and permits available may be increased by an amount
operation with a steep approach made the glideslopes of up to 6 increased from the depending on the aircraft type and whether
aircraft suitable for niche operations into noise standard 3 where approach aids are available. the runway is wet or dry. This landing distance
regulated inner city airports. The most notable It should be noted that the maximum permitted available may be used to establish the
example of this is the operations into London glideslope depends on the aircraft sub-type permissible landing weight by reference to
City airport involving a short runway and a and certifying authority. the chart entitled Maximum Landing Weight
unique steep approach. for Landing Distance Available - Flap 33 in
AFM 5.1 Appendix 7 contains the approved AFM 5.1 Section 6. It should be noted that in
limitations, information and performance all other cases, the actual distance available
data required when the aircraft is operated must be used.
in a steep approach configuration. Operators
intending to conduct such approaches should Operators should review the appendix in full to
purchase the appendix and the associated determine the approved limits for their aircraft
aircraft modifications. Information on obtaining sub-type.
the appendix is available by contacting the
modifications department at:
[email protected]
Remote Runway Operations 17

The BAe 146/Avro RJ continues to be the

dominant aircraft at London City Airport
due to its steep approach and take-off
obstacle clearance capability
18 Remote Runway Operations

Operating Independence

Remote airfields in sparsely populated areas The engineer would be qualified to deal with
may be less likely to have personnel available maintenance problems or could conduct
to carry out standard ground handling tasks. aircraft technical inspections. Even having
Operators may therefore wish to consider deemed a component unserviceable, the
carrying their own ground handling crew engineer could fit spare parts preventing the
possibly consisting of a maintenance engineer costly grounding of the aircraft or the need
and a loadmaster. This would nominally add to send an engineer from the operator home
200kg to the Operating Weight Empty (OWE) base. Spare parts are normally carried in
of the aircraft, which would now include a crew the form of a flyaway kit as described in the
of 4 plus any flight attendants. The carriage of following section.
the ground crew, although adding weight, would
facilitate the capability to carry out tasks that
a standard flight crew of pilots may be unable
or unqualified to conduct.

Flyaway Kit Options

A flyaway kit is a collection of spare parts If the repairs required on the aircraft are such a paved runway. This capability may prevent
which may be carried in the aircraft hold for the that they cannot be carried out in the remote significant downtime or service disruption and
purposes of providing the means to conduct airfield, it may be possible to conduct a ferry sets the BAe 146/Avro RJ series of aircraft
remote maintenance or repairs. The carriage flight to a suitably equipped aerodrome for apart from many other aircraft types.
of the kit requires a maintenance engineer maintenance. Such ferry flights are to be
to be part of the crew to conduct the repairs. conducted from paved runways and it should Ferry Flight with Landing Gear Down
The contents of the kit very much depend be noted that the aircraft shall fly only for In the case where the aircraft landing gear
on the operation and so a list of pertinent the purposes of reaching the maintenance retraction mechanism is unserviceable, or
spare parts might change from operator to aerodrome. No persons other than the where one or both of the main gear doors has
operator. Common spare parts which might be required flight crew members are permitted been removed, the aircraft may be ferried to a
recommended for a remote operation include: on the flight. Such procedures are provided maintenance base for repairs. Appendix 2 to
main and nose gear tyres, an engine starter as appendices to AFM 5.1. For operations AFM 5.1 details the pertinent limitations and
motor and Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU), in remote areas where ferry flights might performance data applicable to this procedure.
engine components and oils, hydraulic oils be required, Operators should ensure they
and radio equipment. Also required would be have the relevant flight manual appendices. Ferry Flight with Flaps up
the appropriate tools to carry out the tasks The ferry flight options are described in the Appendix 3 to AFM 5.1 entitled Ferry Flight
such as landing gear jacks and spanners, a sections which follow. For more information in which Flaps are Inoperative and Retracted
mechanics tool kit, or a three engine ferry kit. on purchasing the associated appendices, Before Start of Take-off details the procedural
The most comprehensive flyaway kits could contact the modifications department at: information and performance data applicable
weigh up to as much as 200 kg and would [email protected] to such ferry flights with flaps up. Prior to
take up space in the aircraft hold. take-off, the flaps must be set to ensure
Three Engine Ferry from a Paved Runway they remain in the fully retracted position
To permit wheel changing or undercarriage If a BAe 146 or Avro RJ is operating from a throughout the flight. The aircraft must not be
maintenance procedures, jacking points are paved runway in a remote location lacking operated over water at a horizontal distance of
provided on each of the nose and main gear technical support facilities, and that aircraft more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest
legs. These points may allow such procedures experiences a problem with an engine, the shore line.
to be conducted at weights up to maximum 3 engine ferry capability may allow for the
ramp weight. Any remote maintenance should aircraft to be flown back to a maintenance
be conducted in accordance with approved base for repairs to be conducted. Appendix 4
methods printed in the Aircraft Maintenance to AFM 5.1 entitled Ferry Flight in Which One
Manual (AMM). For more information on Engine is Inoperative Before Start of Take-off
remote maintenance procedures or flyaway contains the approved limitations, procedures
kits, contact Customer Engineering on: and performance data applicable to ferrying
[email protected] the aircraft with one engine inoperative from
Remote Runway Operations 19

Modifications for Operating Independence

There are various modifications available which for engine start without the need for ground Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)
are specifically designed to allow the aircraft personnel support. An Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) is a computing
to operate independently. Having landed in a platform which allows flight crews the
remote location, these modifications may allow LED Navigation Lights opportunity to access navigational charts,
the aircraft to carry out a dispatch sequence A single Service Bulletin incorporates both operating manuals, performance material and
and be prepared for a departure without the wingtip and tail LED Navigation Lights which weather all on a single dedicated screen. It is
normal level of ground or technical support. may be advantageous for remote operations designed to improve operational flexibility and
due to their increased reliability compared reduce pilot workload. Crews can plan and
Forward and/or Rear Integral Airstairs to standard filament types. The operational operate from the most remote location while
The forward and/or rear airstairs give the advantages of this modification are clear cutting down on paper and reference materials
means for independent loading and unloading where ground services are lacking in remote in the cockpit. Data may also be sent direct to
of passengers. Where ground crews would areas. The LED lights have a mean time the aircraft from the operations headquarters
normally dock airstairs to the aircraft, the between failures of approximately 10,000 allowing pilots to be adequately prepared for
internally stored stair unit may be extended hours compared to 50 hours for the filament even the most remote airfields. Benefits may
from the fuselage. This modification is types and offer the potential for maintenance also include the ability to conduct weight and
applicable under any circumstances at and financial advantages. The greater balance calculations or other associated flight
any airport and is designed for operational reliability means a lower likelihood of aircraft planning tasks. For additional information
flexibility. downtime for parts replacement. Grounding contact: [email protected]
of the aircraft due to unserviceable navigation
Dual Ni Cad Battery/Internal Engine Start lights can prove costly.
When no external power facilities are available HF Communications
or assistance is limited, the Dual Nickel Remote airfields often have restricted
Cadmium battery provides an additional communications due to surrounding terrain
method of main engine start. The battery or geographical location. The High Frequency
needs to be installed with an accompanying Communications modification allows for
aircraft modification which allows the aircraft greater flexibility in voice communications
to perform an internal engine start. The power by extending the range of receivable radio
for main engine start is usually provided by signals compared to that available with a VHF
a Ground Power Unit (GPU) or the aircraft radio. An HF Communications radio has the
internal Auxiliary Power Unit (APU). In a remote advantage of a global coverage. This may allow
location where a GPU may not be present or for voice communications with home bases
in the event of the APU being unserviceable, from further afield.
the battery modification provides the means
20 Remote Runway Operations

Adverse Climates

For operations to some remote areas, the

climate might impose some additional
challenges which would not be expected
in milder climates. Naturally, the operator
must understand the expected conditions
before planning such an operation and must
take all necessary steps to ensure that
the operating procedures are suitable and
implemented safely. The following section
focuses on extremes of climate and delivers
some recommendations for both cold and hot

Cold Operations
The main challenges associated with Approach and Landing on Contaminated the braking action is medium to poor. This
operations in cold climates may be the Runways should only be done whenever it is safe and
restrictions caused by the environment and If severe icing conditions exist or if residual ice convenient to do so when the aircraft is under
the environments effect on the airframe. is visible on the airframe, the approach should control and the speed is less than 60 knots.
We have already published a substantial be adjusted to cross the threshold at VREF + 7
technical brochure on icing conditions and cold knots. Additionally, if landing with residual ice Brake temperatures should be maintained
operations entitled Think Ice! on the airframe, the maximum landing weight above 50C in cold conditions to prevent
should be reduced in accordance with AFM brakes freezing on. This could occur following
Whilst it is recognised that aircraft operating 5.1. The field lengths required and landing the retraction of the landing gear after take-
in remote areas may not have access to weights achievable on contaminated runways off from a runway where slush or moisture
the ground support for providing full anti- can be obtained for a particular contaminant could be deposited on the brakes. It is
icing or cold environment protection, it is type and depth using AFM 5.1 charts or recommended that brake fans should be
recommended that operators take note of operational performance software. More selected as follows to minimise brake icing:
the points raised in Think Ice! and take the information on the available software may be
necessary steps to follow cold operations Brake Temperature Indicator fitted:
found on page 28 of this publication.
procedures wherever possible. AFM 5.1 n Select brake fans as required to maintain
Limitations section (2 - 024 - 10, Page 2) Taxiing minimum brake temperature of 50C. It
states that the minimum temperature for If icing conditions exist on the ground, engine may be necessary to warm the brakes to
dispatch is either -40C or -50C, depending anti-ice should be selected ON. Wing and 50C with brake applications while taxiing,
on the aircraft sub-type. The minimum tail anti-ice system must not be used during exercising caution when braking on low
temperature for a particular aircraft may be ground operations or for take-off. friction surfaces
found on the flight deck placard. n Select BRK FANS to either auto (if fitted) or
Prolonged engine running at ground idle in ON for take-off and landing
Some key points for various flight phases have icing conditions can result in ice accretion on n After landing, select OFF when brake
been adapted from Appendix I of the Think Ice! the fan, possibly indicated by unusual airframe temperature falls below 200C.
20108 brochure and are summarised here. vibration. The ice can be shed by periodic
increases of thrust which should be timed to Brake Temperature Indicator not fitted:
prevent a heavy build up. An increase of N1 to n If brakes are suspected to be below 50C
60% will usually be sufficient. prior to taxiing for take-off, it is
recommended that the brake fans are
As described in FCOM Volume 3, Part 1 selected OFF. To warm brakes, use
(Chapter 6, Topic 3, page 4) there may be symmetric braking of approximately 500
some advantage in shutting down the outboard psi, sufficient to slow the aircraft from
engines to reduce residual thrust when normal taxi speed on at least three

8 BAE Systems Think Ice! brochure, document reference pwk_0161, September 2010
Remote Runway Operations 21

Hot Operations
occasions, exercising caution when braking When operating in hot climates, the conditions the conditions. The most limiting time for
on low friction surfaces might impose some degradation to aircraft operations in hot climates is likely to be
n performance. Extended periods of high
Select BRK FANS to either auto (if fitted) or during the hottest part of the day, perhaps
ON for take-off and landing. ambient temperatures might also influence between mid-morning and mid-afternoon. The
the conditions of the airfield or the runway. most limiting case in terms of performance
Take-off from Contaminated Runway or Low AFM 5.1 Limitations section (2 024 10, might be where the operator is planning an
Friction Surface Page 2) states that the maximum ambient air operation from a high elevation airfield in a
Take-off weights from contaminated runways temperature for take-off and landing is +50C hot climate. In such instances, the operator
(allowing for the failure of one engine) can be at altitudes below 2525 feet and ISA +40C might wish to plan the operation for early in
calculated using AFM 5.1 charts or operational at altitudes above 2525 feet. The section also the morning or after the hottest part of the
performance software. Particular attention states that the maximum en-route ambient air day. During such times, the more favourable
should be paid to the value of V1 required temperature is ISA +35C. conditions will result in a greater payload
for contaminated surfaces and flexible thrust carrying capability.
should never be used. A flap setting of 30 Aircraft Performance
degrees must be used for take-off and a Air densities will be lower in high elevation Performance software is available to help
rolling take-off is recommended for low friction airfields, in high ambient air temperatures, Operators plan their operations and is
surfaces. Lift Spoilers, airbrakes, anti-skid and combinations of these, commonly known described on page 28 of this publication.
and all wheel brakes must be serviceable. as hot and/or high airfields. This results in
Continuous ignition should be selected ON for poorer engine performance and poorer wing lift Flight Deck Boost Air
the duration of the take-off if standing water, characteristics. The fundamental expression For operations to remote runways in climates
slush, ice or snow is present on the runway. of an aircrafts performance capability is given of high humidity, the flight crew might
Engine bleed air is not to be used for cabin air by the WAT chart for the given flap setting. be exposed to extended periods of high
conditioning during take-off if slush, snow or The Weight Altitude and Temperature (WAT) temperatures. In the most remote of areas,
water is present on the runway in significant charts, available in AFM 5.1 Section 6, allow the airfield might simply consist of a purpose
quantities. the operator to determine operating weights built runway, with no normal airfield facilities
based on altitude and temperature. These are or buildings. Consequently, the crew might
particularly important in climates where the be constrained to the aircraft while they plan
operating temperatures might limit the aircraft their re-departure on a warm flight deck. The
performance and potentially lessen the climb Flight Deck Boost Air modification allows the
gradients achievable by the aircraft. flight crew to work in a more comfortable
environment. The modification provides
If an operator is limited by the field length, increased airflow to the flight deck which is
the operation may need to be tailored around selectable while the aircraft is on the ground.
22 Remote Runway Operations

High Altitude Airfield Operations

General Considerations

At airfields of high elevation, the performance

of an aircraft will be degraded compared to that
experienced at ISA sea level conditions. This
can be explained by the fact that air density
decreases with altitude resulting in poorer
aerodynamic performance. Consequently,
at a high elevation airfield, an aircraft will
require greater runway distances to take-off
and will experience a poorer rate of climb. The
Indicated Airspeed (IAS) at high altitude will be
lower than the True Airspeed (TAS). A landing
approach will therefore be faster than that
experienced at sea level and the landing roll
will be longer. Care should also be taken during
the faster take-off run to ensure that tyre
speed limits are not exceeded.

Hot and High Operations

For operations to airfields at high pressure n The use of flexible thrust is not permittedThe combination of high altitude and high
altitude (between 8,000 ft and 14,000 ft), n A high altitude warning switch must be temperatures provides the conditions for a
operators should purchase AFM 5.1 Appendix installed to provide an alternative warning reduction in both the aerodynamic performance
36. For more information on obtaining at 14,000 ft cabin altitude of an aircraft and the efficiency of its engines.
this appendix, contact the modifications Under such conditions, take-off distances may
department at: n 18 degree flap must be used for take-off be greatly increased and climb performance
[email protected] n 24 degree flap must be used for landing reduced. This becomes particularly pertinent
n Landing with flaps up is not permitted for operations in mountainous regions or
The appendix contains the limitations, where obstacle clearance is required on the
n The maximum airfield pressure altitude for
procedures and performance data necessary take-off climb. Flight crews should be aware of
take-off and landing is 14,000 ft
to permit operation of the aircraft between the conditions in which they are operating and
these airfield pressure altitudes. Operators n The maximum tailwind component for should make use of the latest performance
should review the appendix in full if they intend landing between 8,000 ft and 14,000 ft software.
to operate from high altitude airfields. The airfield pressure altitude is 10 knots
following general operational advice should be n The temperature range for operations For more information on the ToDc performance
considered: between 8,000 ft and 14,000 ft airfield software contact Flight Operations Support at:
n All engines must be operating at the start pressure altitude is -10C to +30C. [email protected]
of the approach
n The main wheels must be fitted with high
speed tyres capable of a ground rolling
speed of 210 mph
n A 24 or 33 degrees for landing switch must
be installed
Remote Runway Operations 23

High Altitude Modifications Operating in Mountainous Regions

There are a number of modifications available operators may access airfields up to 14,000 Mountainous regions pose some unique
for BAe 146/Avro RJ aircraft to allow ft altitude without encountering the problem. challenges for flight crews wishing to access
operations to high altitude airfields (up to It should be noted that not all aircraft types remote airfields. The weather in such regions
14,000 ft). Such modifications are described are fitted with an automatically deployed may be both restrictive and unpredictable.
here: passenger oxygen system and other systems Flight crews should plan extensively for high
may require different modifications. For further altitude operations in mountainous regions.
High Speed Landing Gear Tyres advice please contact: Operations might only be permitted in Visual
To deal with the higher tyre speeds [email protected] Meteorological Conditions (VMC).
encountered at high altitude, main wheel tyres
capable of a ground rolling speed of 210 mph Cabin High Altitude Warning Switch Mountain Waves
must be fitted to the aircraft. The nose wheel When the cabin reaches a high pressure When wind flow is perpendicular to a mountain
tyres are rated to a maximum speed of 190 altitude, there is a high altitude warning and above about 20 knots, the air flow can
mph. This is sufficient because the possible annunciation on the flight deck. The warning form waves on the leeward side. These waves
higher touchdown speed will be on the main annunciation would normally initiate at 9,300 might be composed of very strong updraughts
wheels. The aircraft speed will have dropped by ft pressure altitude. The high altitude warning and downdraughts and rotating columns of
the time the nose wheel comes in contact with switch allows the flight crew to switch to a air known as rotors may also form. Lenticular
the runway. 14,000 ft cabin pressure altitude datum for clouds give a visual indication of mountain
the annunciation. waves and rotor turbulence and such clouds
Cabin Oxygen Modification may be reported in weather information as
If operating to a high elevation airfield up to Flap Control Systems Altocumulus Standing Lenticular (ACSL) or
14,000 ft and the aircraft is installed with To allow for non-standard landing flap settings Cirrocumulus Standing Lenticular (CCSL).
an automatically deployed passenger oxygen at high altitude airfields, Appendix 36 advises
system, the standard barometric valve should the installation of the 24 or 33 degrees for
be replaced with an alternative valve which landing switch which allows a flight crew to
allows the cabin to reach a pressure altitude select the 24 degree flap setting for landing
of 14,000 ft. The modification is designed without warning. The modification to allow
to prevent the inadvertent deployment of the 24 degree flap setting can be purchased
passenger oxygen masks on an approach to a from the modifications department. For more
high altitude airfield where the cabin pressure information, contact:
altitude levels out with the destination ambient [email protected]
pressure. With this modification installed,
24 Remote Runway Operations

Island Operations

There are few efficient ways of placing goods Either due to limitations in their operating
and services into remote islands. In fact, the envelope or lack of ability to operate to
transportation of payload to remote islands short unprepared runways, there may be few
may only be carried out by aircraft or by ship. aircraft able to access remote islands. The
Delivery of goods by ship may be slow and capabilities of the BAe 146/Avro RJ series
would require additional local ferrying of may be exploited by operators wishing to reach
the goods if suitable docking facilities are these areas. Such operators may wish to
unavailable. The advantage of accessing consider the following points relevant to such
remote islands by air is that it may allow operations:
the placement of payload exactly where it is
needed, in a quick and efficient manner, and
at a frequency which may be unrivalled by any
other means of transport.

Allocating Sufficient Fuel for an Island Operation

Fuel Policy fuel. Appendix 1 to OPS 1.255 Fuel Policy Point of No Return (PNR)
EU-OPS 1.255 of the Official Journal of the describes the procedure an operator should The Point of No Return (PNR) for a flight is the
European Union9 sets out the standard basic take for an isolated aerodrome as follows: point at which an aircraft holds just enough
fuel policy requirements for operators of EASA If an operators fuel policy includes planning fuel, plus any planned reserves, to return back
certified aircraft. The Appendices to OPS 1.255 to an isolated aerodrome, the last possible to the departure airfield and make a landing.
give further detail of fuel policy requirements point of diversion to any available en-route Specific to island operations, or where the
for various operational scenarios. The alternate aerodrome shall be used as the aircraft is routing over an ocean without
equivalent requirements for operators of FAR pre-determined point. For routing direct from diversion airfield options, the point of no
certified aircraft are given by FAR 121.639-645. departure to destination aerodrome via this return is the point past which the option to
point, the procedure states that the amount of turn back no longer remains a possibility. The
Given below are some points which may useable fuel, on board for departure shall be diagram opposite illustrates the case where
be pertinent to island operations. The the sum of: an aircraft has additional fuel to fly for two
commentary, extracted from EU-OPS 1.255, hours at normal cruise consumption above the
should not be considered a full guide to fuel a) Taxi fuel; and destination aerodrome.
policy and operators are advised to consult b) Trip fuel from the departure aerodrome
the appropriate regulatory documents in full to to the destination aerodrome, via the
plan their particular fuel policy. pre-determined point; and
c) Contingency Fuel; and
Isolated Aerodrome Procedure d) Additional fuel if required, but not less
An aerodrome may be considered isolated than, for aeroplanes with turbine
if the fuel required (diversion plus final) to engines, fuel to fly for two hours at
the nearest adequate destination alternate normal cruise consumption above the
aerodrome is more than, for aeroplanes destination aerodrome. This shall not be
with turbine engines, fuel to fly for two hours less than final reserve fuel; and
at normal cruise consumption above the e) Extra fuel if required by the commander.
destination aerodrome, including final reserve

9 Official Journal of the European Union (20.9.2008); Commission Regulation (EC) No 859/2008
Remote Runway Operations 25

Extended Over Water Operation

As stated in AFM 5.1, Section 2-024-10, Fuselage Strengthening Modifications EU-OPS 1.820 states the minimum
page 7, extended over-water operations are BAE Systems provide modifications which requirements for the carriage of ELT devices.
not approved unless the aircraft is altered by introduce strengthening to the centre and Operators are advised to refer to this
the embodiment of dedicated modifications. rear fuselage sections to meet ditching document in full to understand how they can
Specifically, without the alterations, EASA requirements. The modifications consist of comply with the regulations.
certified aircraft must not be operated for the new sub frames, strengthening of existing
purposes of public transport, over water at a frames and reinforcing of skin panels. In some The Kannad 406AP triple frequency ELT is
horizontal distance of more than 400 nautical cases, this strengthening may have been offered as a modification and is approved on
miles from the nearest land suitable for included at the manufacture stage. Operators the BAe 146 and Avro RJ. The device may be
making an emergency landing. are advised to check that their aircraft is installed on the aircraft and configured to meet
suitably equipped for extended over-water customer requirements. For full details on the
FAA certified aircraft must not be operated for operations. Additional information on these various options for ELT installations, contact:
the purpose of public transport over-water at modifications may be obtained by contacting: [email protected]
a horizontal distance of more than 50 nautical [email protected]
miles from the nearest shoreline without the
modifications. Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
An Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) is a
Operators intending to conduct extended device installed on an aircraft which provides
over-water operations are advised to seek satellite aid to search and rescue operations
the approval of their National Airworthiness in the event that an aircraft should get into
Authority. The following aircraft modifications distress.
are available for such operations: 2 Hours Holding

Point of
No Return

Departure Airfield Island Destination

26 Remote Runway Operations

Fuel Capacity Improvements

Aircraft operations may be limited by the Once installed and operational on the
Fuel Tank Applicability Additional Fuel Additio
amount of fuel that the aircraft can carry. aircraft, these solutions may unlock the Configuration Load (kg) Load
Based on fuel policy and planning, some revenue earning potential of some previously
operations of interest might become unexplored routes whilst preventing the Standard All 0
unfeasible if the required range is over and wasted downtime associated with refuelling
above that possible with the fuel load on stops. Some of the solutions for fuel capacity Standard +
Pannier All 936 11
board. Remote operations might also mean improvements are described in more detail in
that en-route aerodromes with refuelling this section. 146-100 &
Standard + 2615 32
opportunities are sparse or even non-existent. Avro RJ70
In such instances, fuel capacity improvements Pannier Tanks Pannier +
Rear Bay 146-200, 300 &
may provide an ideal means to extend range 3047 38
Avro RJ85, 100
and allow for non-stop operations. Engineering
solutions may be available on request which Standard +
Pannier + 146-200, 300 &
may be tailored to an operators requirements 4342 54
Rear Bay + Avro RJ85, 100
and specifications. Front Bay
Front Bay Tanks Rear Bay Tanks

146-200, 300 &

Auxiliary Fuel Tanks Avro RJ85, 100

Pannier Tanks Baggage Bay Auxiliary Fuel Cells Structural

Pannier tanks are additional fuel tanks which BAe 146/Avro RJ aircraft may be modified Fuel Tank Type Applicability
Weight (kg)
can be installed as a retrofit mod on the BAe to allow for significant fuel capacity
146/Avro RJ. The tanks provide an increased improvements. Auxiliary fuel cell installations Pannier Tanks All 146.5
fuel capacity leading to an extended range. The in the front and rear baggage bays may (73.25 kg per tank)
extra capacity for trip fuel and reserve fuel may be used in addition to pannier tanks to 146-100 &
significantly extend range. Such capabilities Pannier + 550.2
be particularly useful for longer range remote Avro RJ70
locations where there are fewer alternates or prevent wasted downtime or inconvenient Rear Bay Tanks 146-200, 300 &
refuelling opportunities. stoppages with the potential of landing fees. Avro RJ85, 100
Pannier +
Rear Bay + 146-200, 300 &
The pannier tanks increase the useable fuel Some routes deemed unviable with a standard 931.2
Front Bay Tanks Avro RJ85, 100
by 936kg. Payload range charts are shown fuel load may become possible with this
in the sub-section entitled Range Extension modification.
Performance. The charts clearly show the amount of payload which may be carried by an
operational advantages of the installation. It should be noted that for long range routes, operator. However, this modification may be
any increase in fuel load may decrease the particularly suited to those operators who wish
to carry lower payloads over a greater range.
The picture opposite shows a rear baggage bay
Fuel Tank Applicability Additional Fuel Additional Fuel Total Fuel Total Fuel fuel cell installation.
Configuration Load (kg) Load (Litres) Load (kg) Load (Litres)
For further information on the engineering
Standard All 0 0 9362 11701 solutions available contact the modifications
Standard +
team at:
Pannier All 936 1170 10298 12871 [email protected]
146-100 & 2615 11977 14971
Standard + 3270
Avro RJ70
Pannier +
Rear Bay 146-200, 300 & Conversions
3047 3810 12409 15511
Avro RJ85, 100
1 US Gallon = 3.785 Litres
Standard + 1 US Gallon = 6.68lbs
Pannier + 146-200, 300 &
4342 5430 13704 17131 1 Imperial Gallon = 4.546 Litres
Rear Bay + Avro RJ85, 100
Front Bay 1 lb = 0.45 kg
Conversions above are based on Specific Gravity (SG) of Jet A1 Fuel of 0.8
146-200, 300 &
Avro RJ85, 100

Fuel Tank Type Applicability
Weight (kg)
Remote Runway Operations 27

s BAe 146-100 Avro RJ70
yyage Bay Tanks
Tanks Tanks
age Bay Tanks
12000 12000
12000 12000
12000 12000
12000 12000
12000 12000 12000
10000 10000
10000 10000
10000 MTOW: MTOW:kg
MTOW: 38,102
MTOW: 38,102 kg
38,102 kg 10000 10000
10000 10000
10000 MTOW: 38,102
MTOW:kg38,102 kg 10000 10000
MZFW: kg
31,071 kg

MZFW: 31,071

MZFW: 31,071

MZFW: 31,071
31,071 kg


31,071 kg

8000 8000
8000 8000 OWE: 23,500 kg 8000 8000
8000 8000
8000 OWE: 23,500
OWE: 23,500
OWE: 23,500 kg
23,500 kg
OWE: kg kg 8000 8000

MTOW: 43,091 43,091 kg

6000 6000 6000 MTOW:
6000 6000


6000 6000 MTOW: 43,091
6000 6000 6000
6000 6000 MTOW:
MTOW:kg43,091 kg
MZFW: kg
33,794 kg
MZFW: 33,794
33,794 33,794
MZFW:kg33,794 kg
nks 4000 4000 4000 OWE:
4000 4000
4000 4000
4000 4000 4000
4000 4000 OWE: OWE: kg
OWE: 24,000
24,000 kg
OWE: kg
24,000 kg
ay Bay Tanks
y Tanks Tanks 2000
2000 2000 2000
2000 2000
gage Bay Tanks 2000
2000 2000 2000
2000 2000
00 00
0 0400
00 00
0 0400
00 400
800 800
1200 1200
1600 2000
1600 2000
2400 2400
2800 2800 800 1200 2000 2800
0 00400
400 400
400 1200 1200
800 1600
1200 2000 2000
1600 1600
1600 2400
2000 2800 2800
2400 2400
2400 2800 00
0 00400 400
400 400
800 800
1200 1200
2000 2000
1600 1600 2400
2800 2800
2400 2400
2400 2800
Range Range
Range (nm)
Range (nm)
(nm) (nm) Range Range
Range Range (nm)
(nm) (nm)
Range Range (nm)
Range (nm)

BAe 146-200 Avro RJ85

12000 12000
12000 12000 12000
12000 12000
12000 12000 12000
10000 10000
10000 10000
10000 10000 10000
10000 10000





8000 8000
8000 8000 8000
8000 8000
8000 8000 8000
42,184 42,184 kg


MTOW:kg43,999 kg

6000 6000
6000 MTOW: 43,999
43,999 kg
6000 6000

MTOW: 42,184

6000 MTOW: 42,184
42,184 kg 6000 MTOW: 43,999
6000 6000 MTOW:
MTOW:kg42,184 kg
MZFW: kg
34,745 34,745 kg
6000 MTOW:
MTOW:kg43,999 kg
MZFW: kg
35,834 35,834 kg
MZFW: 34,745
34,745 34,745
MZFW:kg34,745 kg MZFW:
MZFW: 35,834
MZFW: 35,834 35,834
4000 OWE:
4000 4000 4000 MZFW:kg35,834 kg
4000 OWE: kg
OWE: 24,500
OWE: 24,500 kg
24,500 kg 4000
4000 4000
4000 4000OWE: OWE: OWE:
25,000 25,000
kg kg
4000 OWE: 24,500
OWE: kg24,500 kg OWE:
OWE: 25,000
25,000 25,000
25,000 kg
OWE: kg kg
2000 2000
2000 2000 2000
2000 2000
2000 2000 2000
00 00
0 0400
00 00
0 0400
0 400
800 800 800
1200 1200
1600 2000
1600 2000 2400
2400 2400 2800 1200 2000 2800
00 00400 400
400 800
400 1200 1200
800 1600
1200 2000 2000
1600 1600
1600 2400
2000 2800 2800
2400 2800 00
0 00400 400
400 400
800 800
1200 1200
2000 2000
1600 1600 2400
2800 2800
2400 2400
2400 2800
Range Range
Range Range
Range (nm)
(nm) (nm)
(nm) Range Range
Range Range (nm)
(nm) (nm)
Range (nm) Range (nm)
Range (nm)

BAe 146-300 Avro RJ100

12000 12000
12000 12000
12000 12000 12000
12000 12000
12000 12000
10000 10000
10000 10000
10000 10000 10000
10000 10000





8000 8000
8000 8000
8000 8000
8000 8000
8000 8000

MTOW:kg44,225 kg

MTOW: 44,225
44,225 kg

6000 6000


6000 6000 MTOW: MTOW: 44,225 MTOW:kg

MTOW: 46,040
46,040 46,040 kg
kg kg
MTOW:kg44,225 kg
MZFW: kg
36,514 36,514 kg
kg 6000
6000 6000
6000 6000MTOW:
46,040 46,040
MTOW:kg46,040 kg
MZFW: 36,514
MZFW: 36,514 36,514
MZFW:kg36,514 kg MZFW: MZFW: kg
MZFW: 37,875
MZFW: 37,875 kg
37,875 kg
4000 4000 MZFW: 37,875
MZFW:kg37,875 kg
4000 4000
4000 4000 OWE:OWE: OWE:
OWE: 25,500
25,500 25,500
OWE: kg
kg 4000
4000 4000
4000 4000OWE: OWE:
26,000 26,000
kg kg
25,500 kg 4000 OWE:
OWE: 26,000
OWE: 26,000 26,000
26,000 kg
OWE: kg kg
2000 2000
2000 2000 2000
2000 2000 2000 2000
2000 2000
00 00
0 0400
00 00
0 0400
1200 2000 2800 400
800 800
1200 1200
1600 2000
1600 2000
2400 2400
2800 2800
0 00
400 400
400 400 800
800 800
1200 1200
2000 2000
1600 1600 2400
2800 2800
2400 2400
2400 2800 00 00400
400 400
400 1200 1200
800 1600
1200 2000 2000
1600 1600
1600 2400
2000 2800 2800
2400 2400
2400 2800
Range Range
Range Range (nm)
(nm) (nm) Range Range
Range Range
Range (nm)
(nm) (nm)
Range (nm)
Range (nm) Range (nm)

Range Extension Performance Standard Aircraft

Pannier Tanks
Structural Weights Assumptions Pannier Tanks + Rear Baggage Bay Tanks
The above payload range diagrams have been The charts above show the aircraft range for a Pannier Tanks + Forward and Rear Baggage Bay Tanks
created using the CAPECS software. This given payload and the effect of adding various
software is used to conduct route studies and supplementary fuel tanks to a standard The structural weight of the additional fuel
is a good source of aircraft performance data fuel tank configuration. They were created tanks adds to theStandard AircraftWeight Empty

Payload (kg)
(OWE) of the aircraft andTanks
thus slightly reduces
and worldwide airfield data. assuming the highest typical Maximum Take-
Pannier Tanks
Off Weight (MTOW) and a typical Operating the maximum payload. This
+ Rear Baggage isBay
clear in the
The software has the capability to provide the Weight Empty (OWE) for each aircraft sub-type. charts by the difference in payload between
Pannier Tanks
fuel, distance, time and payload for any route Other operational assumptions are given below each of the lines +
a given aircraft
and Rear sub-type.
Baggage Bay Tanks
and uses fuel burn data extracted from FCOM and the legend for the charts is shown on the
Volume 2 (Performance). The user can also right:
select from a number of operating conditions
such as temperature and flap setting. n ISA, Still Air
Operators wishing to use such software to n Long Range Flight Technique
understand the feasibility of routes of interest
n Sea Level Airfields
should contact Flight Operations Support at:
[email protected] n Fuel Tank Structural Weights as shown
Payload (kg)

n Fuel Loads as shown opposite.

Above: baggage bay auxiliary fuel cell

Payload (kg)

Above: rear bay tank installation

28 Remote Runway Operations

Performance Software

Take-off Data Calculation Software (ToDc)

The Take-off Data Calculation Software (ToDc)
is a Navtech product with the BAE Systems
Manufacturers Module (MM) as its core. The
MM datasets for each sub-type of BAe 146
and Avro RJ are directly representative of the
AFM 5.1 performance charts for that sub-type.
The ToDc can generate Regulated Take-off
Weight (RTOW) and Regulated Landing Weight
(RLW) charts for dry, wet, contaminated,
unpaved and narrow runways for the available
flap settings. The software may be used to
calculate aircraft performance for airfield
elevations up to 14,000 feet. Datasets can be
provided for high altitude airfields and for the
cases of three engine ferry, flaps up ferry and
gear down ferry.
For more information on the ToDc performance
software contact Flight Operations Support at:
[email protected] or Navtech on: info@
Navtech product information may also be
accessed through their website at: Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Navtech ToDc as used by BAE Systems Regional Aircraft
Remote Runway Operations 29

Pacelab CI OPS Cost Index Software

The Pacelab CI OPS is an advanced cost
index operations software designed by PACE
Aerospace Engineering and Information
Technology and is now available for the Avro
RJ. It may be used during the flight planning
stages or to support real-time tactical on-board
decision making. The software is designed to
optimise flight phases by calculating airspeeds
and trajectories to minimise fuel burn and
Pacelab CI OPS will run on a variety of electronic
devices including Electronic Flight Bags and may
be particularly applicable for optimising longer
range remote routes such as island operations.
PACE state that the CI OPS software may reduce
fuel burn and emissions by at least 2 percent
compared to constant Mach speeds.10
More information on the Pacelab CI OPS
software may be obtained from Flight Operations
Support at: [email protected] or by
contacting: [email protected]
PACE CI OPS example graphical output
PACE product information may also be accessed
through their website at:

Use the latest Performance

Software to plan your operations
10 Pacelab CI OPS Product Data
30 Remote Runway Operations

This publication is intended to outline If you intend to conduct a remote operation, For additional information on any of the
the suitability of the BAe 146/Avro RJ for you should consider the following points: subjects described in this publication, please
remote runway operations. The capabilities do not hesitate to contact us:
described in each of the sections may
n Check your AFM 5.1 for the appropriate
be realised either through Flight Manual Flight Operations Support Service
appendices to conduct procedures outside
amendments, appendices, FCOM information, [email protected]
the flight manual. Appendices may be
or other approved means. Such capabilities,
obtained by contacting the modifications
contributing to the versatility of the aircraft, Customer Engineering
are summarised here. [email protected]
n Ensure your aircraft is fitted with the
appropriate modifications in accordance Modifications Department
with the relevant appendices [email protected]
n Understand the environment you are
Technical Publications
intending to operate in and how it may
[email protected]
alter your standard procedures
n Ensure your operations are approved by the
relevant local Airworthiness Authority
n Consider aircraft fuel capacity
improvements for longer range operations
n Use the latest performance software to
plan your operations and consider using an
Electronic Flight Bag solution.
Remote Runway Operations 31

Appendix Glossary
ACN Aircraft Classification Number List of AFM 5.1 Appendices
ACSL Altocumulus Standing Lenticular
AFM Aircraft Flight Manual AFM 5.1 Appendix 2 Ferry Flight with Landing Gear Retraction Mechanism
Unserviceable or with One, or Both, Main Gear Doors Removed
AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual
APM Airport Planning Manual AFM 5.1 Appendix 3 Ferry Flight in which Flaps are Inoperative and Retracted Before
APU Auxiliary Power Unit Start of Take-off
BRK FANS Brake Fans
AFM 5.1 Appendix 4 Ferry Flight in Which One Engine is Inoperative Before Start of
CBR California Bearing Ratio
CCSL Cirrocumulus Standing Lenticular
CG Centre of Gravity AFM 5.1 Appendix 5 Operations from Contaminated Runways
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency AFM 5.1 Appendix 7 Steep Approaches
EFB Electronic Flight Bag
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter AFM 5.1 Appendix 12 Use of 33 Flap for Take-off
ESWL Equivalent Single Wheel Load AFM 5.1 Appendix 16 Operation Through La Paz Airport, Bolivia
EU European Union
FAA Federal Aviation Administration AFM 5.1 Appendix 18 High Altitude Net Take-off Flight Path Data
FAR Federal Aviation Regulations AFM 5.1 Appendix 29 Operation with Low Pressure Tyres on Paved or Unpaved

FCOM Flight Crew Operations Manual AFM 5.1 Appendix 36 Operations between 8,000 ft and 14,000 ft Airfield Pressure
FOD Foreign Object Damage Altitude
GPU Ground Power Unit
HF High Frequency
IAS Indicated Airspeed
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
LCN Load Classification Number
LDA Landing Distance Available
OWE Operating Weight Empty
PSI Pounds per Square Inch
MPH Miles Per Hour
MTOW Maximum Take-Off Weight
NWS Nose Wheel Steering
PCN Pavement Classification Number
PNR Point of No Return
RJ Regional Jet
SB Service Bulletin
SG Specific Gravity
STOL Short Take-Off and Landing
TAS True Airspeed
ToDC Take-off Data Calculation
TOR Technical Operational Response
V1 Take-Off Decision Speed
VR Take-Off Rotate Speed
VREF Threshold Airspeed
BAESystemsRegional Aircraft
Prestwick International Airport
United Kingdom
Telephone +44 (0)1292 675225
Fax +44 (0)1292 675432
E-mail: [email protected]

pwk_0561 - May 2011

2011 BAE SYSTEMS. All rights reserved. Produced by Robbie Wils, Flight Operations Support Service, Prestwick
All rights reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy
of the information contained in this document at the time of publication no This document has been created as a reference guide to a feature
warranty is given in respect thereof and the authors specifically exclude presentation of the same name at the 2011 Operators Conference. This
their liability for any use made of the document to the fullest extent under presentation together with a digital copy of this document can be downloaded
any applicable law. This publication is intended only as an informative guide. from the BAE Systems Regional Aircraft Customer Portal at:
For definitive guidance, reference must be made to Manuals as appropriate,
particularly the Aircraft Flight Manual AFM 5.1..
Design and artwork by the Graphics and Media Team. BAE Systems Regional
BAE SYSTEMS is a registered trade mark of BAE Systems plc. Aircraft, Prestwick. Tel: 01292 675042 Email: [email protected]

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