Christopher Kloman Pedophile Support Ken Starr Alice Starr PDF

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~ptember 17, 2013

The Honorable Jan l. Brodie

Fairfax County Orcuit Court
4110 O.ain Brid&e Road
Fairfax. VA 22030

Dear Judge Brodie,

My husband and I raised our three children in Mclean, Virginia from 1978- 2004. We moved
to Malibu, California In 2004 when Ken became Dean of Peppcrdlne Law School and
subsequently In 2010 to waoo, Texas, when? Ken now serves as President of Baylor University.

we were pleased with the education our children received at The Potomac School. All three of
our children were -Ufer1" (K12). Our oldest child, Randy, now 36 years old, married and the
!other of tw0 yeor old twins, was in the Intermediate School at Potomac ('I'" ands"' grodes)
from 1990-1992. O.ris Kloman was the Head of the Intermediate DMslon and his son, Peter,
was in the same grade as Randy. Randy was truly shocked to learn of the charges against Mr.
Klomin because thtre was no evidence of any iibuse when he attended lntennediate school.

Our daughter, Corolyn, ls 33 year old, married and the mother of 4 delightful children in Falls
Church, Virginia. She was In Potomac's Intermediate School from 1992-1994. Mr. Kloman
selected Corolyn to receive the Hehm Seth Smith Award a speclal award for having good
grades, a servant heart and being kind to other students. She too was distressed to learn of
Mr. kloman's past behavior as she admired him very much as head of the Intermediate School.

Our third child, Cynthia, was In Junior high al Potomac from 1997 - 1999. I do not believe Mr.
Kloman ~s head of the Intermediate Division at that time and that he had left the school a few
years before. However, Cynthia was e-specially upset about hearing the charges against Mr.
Kloman beca~"' when she was a ~nlor at Potomac In the fall of 2002, Mr. Kloman's wife Pam
tutored her at their home a couple of evenings-a week In prep.aratk>n for the Math SA.Ts.
Cynth~ would arrive a few minutes early, and Mr. Kloman was atwoys there helping tound the
house and 1etttln1 dinner redv He took the ti~ to chat with C'ynthiJI, on elCh occasion and
could not have been more gracious or friendly. She felt very close to both Mr. and Mrs. Kloman
and expel'ienced no untoward behavior from Mr. kloinan. ~

t personally have known Mr. Kloman since 1982, as we both served on the Oaude Moore-
Colooial Farm Boord in Md.ean for thirty years together. He wos very helpful to the farm for
special projects and martet days and had an excellent ropport with all the board members. Not
once, in the thirty years I have known him, has Mr. Kloman demonsttated any abus/Ye behavior.

My husband Ken atways found trim to be a gentleman and sincerety Interested in our children's
education and wellbeln1 during parent-teacher conferences each year. We would
occasionally see Mr. and Mrs. Kloman on social occasions, and again, there was no evidence
whatsoever of inappropr1ote behavior.

In short, all of us In the Starr family have admired Mr. and Mrs. Klomon for many years. We do
not know of any occasion when he was abusive to women or children. Thus It ls possible that
once Mr. Kloman hod children of his own in tho 1970s and once he was promoted to head tho
intermediate dMslon, he made a concerted effort to corTl!ct his behavior of the past.

Althouah we In no way condone Mr. Kloman's actions, we are aware that his family has
suffered the consequences of his pm behavior, indudina his wife belna fin.d from her job,
even thouah sl>e had no knowledge of his misdeeds. Since Mr. Klaman has apparently
conducted hlmS<?tt In an accel)table manner for more than thirty vers, with no other violtions,
and he has cooperated with the police and accepted responsibmtv for his actions, we hope the
Court will provide leniency In his sentence.

Mr. l<loman Is currcntty repenting for his past sins and will continue to do~ If given 1 chance to
serve his community and netghbors. Community service would be a far better punishment
than having him languish In jail.

Judge Brodie, thank you for your service on the Fairfax County Circuit Court. You have to make
tough decisions each and every day. We trust you will do what is best for the situation at hand.

Sincerely yours,

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