Image Security Using Linear Feedback Shift Register

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Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 2165

Image Security Using Linear Feedback Shift

Krishnapriya P V Smitha Suresh
MTech CSE,Department of CSE Assoc. Professor,CSE Dept.
Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering , SNGCE,Kadayirippu,Kerala
Kadayirippu, kerala,India [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract- Encrypting data is a way to protect the data or to prevent Here we are introducing a new method for encryption using a
the unauthorized access of data by others and these data can be Linear Feedback Shift Register[4], for encrypting the data before
text, image audio, video or anything. In order to protect data from it is transferred to the communication channel.
unauthorized access a new concept is introduced and this is based
on linear feedback shift register method. In this method two step
encryption is provided to give more security to the data. The
encrypted image can be decoded in the decryption stage. In the II. LITERATURE SURVEY
encryption stage the LFSR will generate random numbers to Many researchers are introduced various techniques for
reorder positions of each pixels in the row of the image . After row encryption. These encryption methods have many applications in
encryption, column need to be encrypted by again generating the real world applications such as the medical imaging , military
random numbers using LFSR to reorder each pixels in the column communication, internet communication and so on.
of the image . Then we use XOR operation to shuffle all pixels to get
the final encrypted image. To decrypt the image , reverse operation
of encryption is performed . First step in the decryption process is Sivakumar et al [2] proposed a novel approach for image
XOR execution and then decrypt the column encrypted image and encryption using scan based pixels position permutation and
finally decrypting row encrypted image to reconstruct the original random key stream. Namitha Tiwari [6] proposes a method
image. which uses using two levels of encryption for encrypting an
image. Two different techniques are used for this proposed
KeywordsLinear Feedback shift Register, Encryption, Decryption, encryption scheme. Mazumdar et al [7] proposes an efficient and
XOR, Random generator. secure method to modify the plain text into an encoded cipher
text. This can provide about 80-85% data security as decoding of
I. INTRODUCTION data involves inverting the feedback function produced by linear
Today, the demand of internet has made the transmission of feedback shift register or generating the binary sequence which
digital media much easier and faster. Open nature of the internet, will help in retrieving the data after some recombination
risks of illegitimate accessing and unauthorized tempering and operation. Another method for image encryption is proposed by
access with transmitted data is increased day by day. Protection Huang et al.[3], proposes a chaotic system which is adopted as
of secret information from unauthorized users in a public the fundamental base and combined with row, column shuffling,
network has become an important issue in the internet world. As and gray-level encryption.
the cyber crimes are increased day by day, network security
alone is not sufficient for securing data. Security is measured as a III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
critical factor which is to be taken care of while transferring The proposed system has got many advantages such as it
confidential data on the Internet. Since text, images, audio, video reduces the risk involved in the implementation of other
are the part of digital data that are transferred over open public encryption algorithms. It also provides more security than other
network so there is need to protect this digital data. From the last methods as it generates the random numbers using the random
few decades, various methods have been developed and number generator[5]. Random generators use XOR operation to
implemented to impose security in various types of applications produce a random or periodic sequences. Previous sequence is
in the network. given as the input bit to the linear function.

Encryption is a way to ensure security to the image or data. a) Methodology

Encryption process allows the data or information access to the
authorized parties only [9]. Encryption can be achieved with Here we are considering the image encryption. This new method
some encryption algorithms. of image encryption is based on a linear feedback shift
register(LFSR). In order to encrypt the given plain image we
need to make use of the linear feedback shift register , which
generates the random numbers used in the encryption process.
Since we use the random number generator , the attacker cannot

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Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 2165

guess the next number in the sequence, even if he/she have some
idea about some numbers in the generated sequence.

This method proposes a new technique to encrypt the color

image using LFSR to generate random numbers used in the
reorder position of the image pixels. The method is divided in to
two stages , namely, encryption and decryption. In the encryption
stage uses two phases of encryption. First phase involved in the
encryption stage is the row level encryption and the second phase
is the column level encryption. Finally we need to apply the
XOR operation to complete the encryption stage . since we use
the XOR operation we need to convert the image into a binary
format before encryption. So that we can perform a smooth
encryption process. To decode or decrypt the image we need to
do the reverse operation of encryption

b) Encryption

Encryption is the process of encoding the data to protect it from

unauthorized access. The information can be text, image, audio,
video, graphics or anything . The main and only concern is to
provide security to these information before it is transferred into
a communication channel. To provide more security to the data
we use two level of encryption.[1] That is row wise encryption
and the column wise encryption. Before encrypting the color
image we need to convert this original color image into a binary
image format which needs to be encrypted using the explained

The first phase of the encryption stage , is to load the color image Fig .1 Different stages in Encryption
which needs to be encrypted . Then we need to generate the
random numbers used for reordering the row wise pixel values of c) Decryption
the intended image. This random numbers can be generated with
the help of linear feedback shift registers. The seed value which Decryption is the process of decoding the encoded for encrypted
is set to the LFSR can be used as the key value for the encryption image to obtain the original input image which will in the form
process. This same key is used at the decryption stage but the of human readable or can be understood by machines. Decoding
random generated matrix will be different. After shuffling the process is normally done at the receiver end to make the data
row wise pixel values with the random numbers , we can obtain a readable to the intended receiver. Using the corresponding
row level encrypted image. That is almost 50 percent of the pixel decryption algorithm and decoding key we can decrypt the cipher
values of the original image got changed or encrypted. This can text back to the original format. The decryption process is not a
be verified by calculating the NPCR value of the encrypted and complex process, if we have the key for decoding it is very easy
the plain image. to decrypt the information. Here we need to perform two level of
decryption because at the encryption stage we perform a two
The second phase of encryption is the column level encryption. level encryption. So in order to achieve the original data it
We need to do the same steps as done in the row level requires two times decryption.
encryption, instead of row the process needs to be applied in
column wise. For column encryption again we need to generate a In the decryption stage , the reverse operation of the encryption
sequence of random numbers and these random numbers needs process is performed. In the encryption stage we follow the
to be converted into a matrix . This process is done to rearrange
processes in an order of row encryption, followed by column
or swap the pixel values of the image with the random matrix. encryption and finally performed an XOR operation. So in order
The column wise encryption is done on the row encrypted image. to decrypt these operations needs to be reversed. First we need to
After the pixel reordering we can obtain a column encrypted perform the XOR operation followed by column decryption and
image. To complete the encryption step , finally we apply the finally row decryption.
XOR operation to the encrypted image which results in a
complete encrypted image. The detailed representation of the
Therefore the first stage in the decryption process of the image
encryption process is shown in Fig.1 [1]. is to perform the XOR operation, in which the column and the
row pixel values of the image get XOR ed. The outputted image
after the XOR operation is subjected to column decryption. In the

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Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 2165

column decryption step , it is necessary to generate the random IV. RESULT AND ANALYSIS
numbers for each column using the linear feedback shift register.
In the column decryption, we use the key seed value used in the
column encryption stage of the image. By combining the seed
value and the randomly generated matrix we can decode each
column of the encrypted image.

After this process, half of the decryption is completed. To obtain

the remaining half we need to perform the row wise decoding ,
which will achieve the complete decrypted image.

To decrypt each row of the encrypted image , process performed

to obtain the column decrypted image needs to be repeated with
the row order. Again this process needs to call the linear
feedback function to generate a sequence of random numbers
which is converted to a matrix. With the random matrix and the
key , we will be able to generate the row decrypted image. After
performing the row level decryption , there obtained the original
input image. The detailed representation of the decryption
stage is shown in Fig.2.[1]
Fig .3 Original image and its Histogram

This method is successfully implemented on the standard test

image lena and flower. Encryption and decryption are applied
on these standard test images. The following figures shows the
different stages of encryption and decryption of these images.
Figure 3 shows the original image and its histogram to the RGB
components of the image pixel . Before encrypting the image ,
the original image is transformed to a binary format which is
shown in figure 4 . Figure 5 shows the different phases of the
encryption performed on the input image shown in fig 4, namely
,the row encryption, column encryption and XOR operation.

Fig 4 Input image

Fig.2 Decryption Stages

Fig. 5 Encrypted Image

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Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 2165

Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing,

Networking and Informatics, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 43,
October 2016.

[5]. Vishal Kapur Surya Teja Paladi Navya Dubbakula , Two Level Image
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Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 115 No. 12, April 2015

[6] Arihant Kr. Banthia Namita Tiwari , Image Encryption using Pseudo
Fig. 6 Decrypted Image Random Number Generators , International Journal of Computer Applications
(0975 8887) Volume 67 No.20, April 2013
Fig 6 shows the different levels of decryption in the encrypted
image. First step shows the image after XOR ing then it is [7]. Subhra Mazumdar , Tannishtha Som , Data Encryption with Linear
followed by the column and row wise decryption. Feedback Shift Register, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering
Research Volume 3, Issue 6, June-2012 .

The Number of Pixel Change Rate(NPCR) is also calculated for [8]. Yue Wu, Joseph P. Noonan, and Sos Agaian, NPCR and UACI randomness
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using the formula [8] which is given as follows: and Technology, Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications, pp.31-38,
NPCR= , 100% [9].

Where H is the height of the image and W is the width of the

image. The pixel positions (i,j) and X1(i,j) and X2 (i,j) , an array
Z(i,j) is defined as : if X1(i,j)= X2 (i,j) then Z(i,j)=0, otherwise
Z(i,j)=1. Based on this the NPCR value is calculated.

The NPCR value is obtained by comparing the encrypted image

and the original image pixel values. By using the image
encryption based on the linear feedback shift register method ,
NPCR value obtained is 99.5832. , which is an acceptable result
using this method.


We use cryptography methods to provide an improved security to

the data. This linear feedback shift register method provides a
good level of security to the image. Since the security level is
high, no one able to access the image data in the communication
channel. The image or information obtained after encryption
using this LFSR method is completely different from the original
image. This can clearly understood by looking the NPCR value.
By using this method the NPCR value obtained is 99.582
percent, which is an acceptable value and this shows that the high
level of encryption that is the encrypted image is completely
different from the original image in the range of around 100


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[4]. Bhaskar Mondal, Nishith Sinha and Tarni Mandal, A Secure Image
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