Development of Fragility Curves For Confined Masonry Buildings of Lima

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16th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE 2017

Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017

Paper N 4058
Registration Code: S-T1464131582



N. Tarque(1), H. Lovon(2), V. Silva(3), S. Santa-Cruz(4)

(1) Associate Professor, Pontificia Universidad Catlica del Per, [email protected]
(2) M.Sc. Candidate, Pontificia Universidad Catlica del Per, [email protected]
(3) Risk Director, Global Earthquake Model - Pavia - Italia, [email protected]
(4) Associate Professor, Pontificia Universidad Catlica del Per, [email protected]

The informal buildings construction is associated to Limas population growth, especially at the sub-urban areas. In
Peru, confined masonry is the most common structural system used for buildings. It is fair to state that these buildings may
have a poor structural performance during an earthquake of medium or high intensity. Therefore, it is important to know their
structural behavior.
Fragility curves must be calculated in order to know the probability of exceeding a certain limit state due to a given
ground motion and are obtained through the comparison between the structural capacity and the seismic demand. In this study
the structural capacity of each masonry building is represented by a simplified capacity curve. For that, the Simplified
Pushover-based Earthquake Loss Assessment (SP-BELA) methodology has been adapted to assess capacity curves for
confined masonry buildings. Some field data gathered by previous studies at the PUCP was used to generate a database which
contains statistical information about structural characteristics of the buildings. Then, a random population of buildings is
generated using Montecarlo simulation and capacity curves are computed.
The seismic demand is represented by a set of ground motion records. Subduction records are selected from the
database of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center in order to satisfy the seismological characteristics of Lima.
The set of records is applied to each SDOF in order to calculate the displacement demand. From the comparison between the
displacement demand and the displacement capacity, the probability damage matrix is calculated, and then the cumulative
matrix. This last expresses the probability of exceedance of a given damage limit state for a given intensity level (fragility
curves), which could help to compute vulnerability curves.
The results show the necessity to improve the seismic capacity of confined masonry buildings in Lima, this considering
the 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years (a return period of 475 years), between 12% and 57% of collapses is expected
in cases of 1-story and 2-story buildings, respectively.

Keywords: Fragility, Confined Masonry, Limas buildings.

16th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE 2017
Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017

1. Introduction
Confined masonry (CM) has been the traditional structural system in the Peruvian coast for massive construction
of buildings. The informal construction of buildings is associated to Limas population growth, especially at the
sub-urban areas. Most of these buildings are built without following adequate construction practices due to the
low risk awareness of the population. It is fair to state that these buildings may have a poor structural performance
during an earthquake of medium to high intensity. Around 84% of the total buildings in the metropolitan area of
Lima are built with brick or cement blocks [1].
After Piscos earthquake (2007) close to 76 000 buildings had to be rebuilt. Although, most of the collapsed
constructions in Pisco were earthen structures, an important number of confined masonry buildings also collapsed.
Constructions practices from Pisco are very similar to Limas practices: 2 story buildings, long walls in one
direction, lack of walls in the direction parallel to the street, use of non-adequate bricks, no technical supervision,
etc. A typical confined masonry building is shown in Fig.1.

Fig. 1 Typical CM building

Seismic vulnerability is a measure of how prone a building is to damage for a given severity of the ground
shaking. Physical seismic vulnerability can be expressed through probability damage matrices and vulnerability
curves. The first one describes the vulnerability as a discontinuous relationship, and the second as a continuous
The objective of this article is to derive fragility curves for confined masonry (CM) buildings of the
metropolitan area of Lima, in order to assess their vulnerability in further studies. Fragility curves express the
probability of exceeding a limit state for a given intensity motion level. In this study, a random population of CM
buildings has been generated through Montecarlo simulation, starting from 120 buildings registered in previous
studies carried out at the PUCP. Then, the SP-BELA method [2] has been adapted to calculate the simplified-
pushover capacity curve for the SDOF system of each confined masonry buildings. To compare the capacity with
the demand, the extending of the DBELA method proposed by Silva et al. [3] has been implemented. The demand
considered for this study consists of a set of records of subduction motions records provided by the Pacific
Earthquake Engineering Center Research (PEER).

2. Typology construction of confined masonry buildings in Lima

In order to characterize the buildings, a database was created based on existent surveys related to inspections made
by previous researches [4]. The inspections were carried out in Limas districts with high concentration of CM
buildings. The recollected data has information about the important characteristics like number of stories, age,
walls dimensions, confinement dimensions, inter-story system, blueprints of wall distribution (Fig.2), among
others. For this study, 120 surveys from buildings were processed. Typologies selected for this study are related
to 1-story buildings and 2-story buildings.

16th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE 2017
Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017

Fig. 2 - Plan view of one CM buildings. 1st floor (left) 2nd floor (right)
The majority of CM buildings walls are built with non-solid partially industrialized bricks. These bricks
are characterized to have openings of around 40 to 50% of the total area. Walls width is 150 or 250mm. Inter-
story system consists in a lightened slab of 200mm thick except in the last floors, in this case the roof consists on
zinc sheets, wood, etc. From previous studies it is well known that these kinds of buildings have a large wall
density in the perpendicular direction to the street, while in the parallel direction they have a poor wall density.
Most of these buildings present horizontal and vertical irregularities.
Some variables have been defined in order to characterize the CM buildings. The mean values, standard
deviations, and distribution laws of these variables are presented in Table 1 and 2. All of them were computed
from the database described before. The purpose is to generate a random population of capacity curves of CM
buildings based on the simplified procedure [2]. Montecarlo simulation has been used to generate all these random
variables. It is important to state that the variables values can be calculated depending on the number of floors.
The x-x direction is defined as parallel to the street, and the y-y direction is defined as perpendicular to the street.
During the review, masonry walls with an important percentage of openings were found, as were for doors and
windows. Due to the strength reduction that it signifies, these walls are considered Partially Confined walls.

3. Simplified capacity curve for confined masonry

The main component of the SP-BELA method is the definition of the capacity curve for a given structural system
using a simplified methodology. The capacity curve is defined in terms of the collapse multiplier and the lateral
displacement, and both are defined for a given collapse mechanism.

16th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE 2017
Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017

3.1 Collapse mechanism

Borzi et al. [2] have originally developed SP-BELA method for reinforced concrete buildings. Then, Borzi et al.
[5] presented the SP-BELA method for unreinforced masonry buildings (URMB) based on the collapse multiplier
proposed by Benedetti and Petrini [6]. In this article, the SP-BELA for URMB has been adapted to be used for
confined masonry buildings.
Masonry buildings have been largely studied by many authors. They agree that the concentrated damage is
the most common collapse mechanism for masonry buildings as is shown in Fig.3. It means that the inelastic
behavior occurs in one sole story. Some experimental studies show that this mechanism is a good representation
of the behavior of CM buildings. In some cases the out of plane failure of walls is considered, but in the case of
CM this is not necessary since walls are confined by the concrete piers.

Fig. 3 - Collapse mechanism: Concentrated damage first floor (left), second floor (right) (adapted from [7])

3.2 Lateral load resistance

Lateral resistance of CM buildings is given mainly by the density and the resistance of the walls. The lateral force
can be withstand by a combination of flexure, shear and rocking mechanisms [7]. The collapse multiplier will be
used to quantify the lateral resistance of the buildings. The collapse multiplier is the relationship between the
lateral resistance force and the weight of the building. In the case of CM buildings, it can be assumed that the
lateral resistant force is given by the superposition of the lateral resistant force of their individual walls. For a
given displacement, squat walls will have bigger shear force contribution than slender walls; therefore, for this
case study, walls with length less than 1m were not considered.
Tomaevi et al. [8], Alcocer et al. [9], Riahi et al. [10] have studied lateral resistance of confined masonry
walls. They agree in defining the capacity curve through 3 control points as in Fig.4. Number 1 corresponds to the
cracking; number 2 to the maximum shear force; and number 3, to the ultimate lateral force.

Fig. 4 - Control points to define lateral resistance force of CM walls

16th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE 2017
Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017

According to the analytical model proposed by Alcocer et al. [9], Eq. (1), Eq. (2) and Eq. (3) are proposed
to calculate the collapse multiplier for one floor and one direction. These formulas consider that the shear stress
and the vertical loads are uniformly distributed in all walls, that there is a rigid diaphragm, and that there is not
torsional effect.
1 =
[0.5 + 0.3 (1+ ] (1)

2 = 1 +
[1.26 2 ] (2)


3 = 0.8 2 (3)

where is the collapse multiplier in the -control point (1, 2 or 3) for the -story in the -direction, is the
total weight of the building, is the weight of the -story calculated as the weight per unit area and the total area
of the building, is the height of a -story, is the total shear wall area in the -direction in the -story, is
the diagonal compression resistance of the masonry, is the ratio between and with being the
maximum area between the area of shear walls in the loaded direction and in the orthogonal direction, is the
efficiency factor related to the confinement columns, is the total number of columns in the loaded direction
and in the -story, is the diameter of the reinforcement bars, is the compression resistance of the concrete,
is the yielding stress of the reinforcement steel. Random values used in the previous equations are shown in
Table 1 and Table 2.

Table 1 Random variables for 1-story buildings

Variable Description Units Mean Distribution
Shear area confined wall x-x m2 1.35 0.89 Lognormal
Shear area confined wall y-y m2 4.57 2.32 Lognormal
Shear area partially confined wall
m2 1.16 0.86 Lognormal
Shear area partially confined wall
m2 0.97 0.96 Lognormal
Height (i-interstory) m 2.58 0.12 Normal
Number of confinement columns NA 5 2 Gamma

Number of confinement columns NA 12 4 Gamma
Diagonal compression masonry MPa 0.47 0.05 Normal
(1 and 2-stories)
Area (1 and 2-stories) m2 103.55 43.24 Lognormal
Vertical load (1 and 2-stories) kN/m2 7.1 0.7 Normal

16th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE 2017
Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017

Table 2 - Random Variables for 2-story Buildings

Story Variable Description Units Mean Distribution
Shear area confined wall
m2 1.71 0.85 Lognormal
Shear area confined wall
m2 5.77 2.85 Lognormal

Shear area partially
m2 1.55 1.11 Lognormal
confined wall x-x
1 Shear area partially
m2 0.89 0.3 Lognormal
confined wall y-y
Number of confinement
NA 5 2 Gamma
columns x-x

Number of confinement
NA 12 4 Gamma
columns y-y
1 1st story Height m 2.58 0.12 Normal
Shear area confined wall
m2 1.77 1.14 Lognormal
Shear area confined wall
m2 4.70 2.30 Lognormal

Shear area partially
m2 1.37 0.92 Lognormal
confined wall x-x
2 Shear area partially
m2 0.71 0.35 Lognormal
confined wall y-y
Number of confinement
NA 5 2 Gamma
columns x-x

Number of confinement
NA 12 4 Gamma
columns y-y
2 2nd story Height m 2.56 0.12 Normal

For the calculation of the shear wall area, the partially confined walls were considered affected by 0.45
times the total area. This reduction factor was proposed after the comparison of the shear capacity of walls with
large openings and completely confined walls presented in Yaez et al. [11], who studied the behavior of confined
masonry shear walls with large openings. The lower collapse multiplier of each direction and of all stories
determines one that is used for the complete structure.

3.3 Displacement capacity

The SP-BELA method proposes the definition of a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system, which is equivalent
to the multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) system in terms of mass, stiffness and displacement capacity. The SDOF
is defined in terms of the collapse multiplier and the displacement.

Starting from the collapse mechanism for CM buildings proposed in 3.1, a deformed shape will be assumed
for each control point in order to define the equivalent SDOF system of the building as shown in Fig.5:

16th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE 2017
Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017

Fig. 5 a) Concentrated damage mechanism collapse, b) deformed shape assumed for the MDOF, c)
equivalent SDOF (Adapted from [2])
A deformed linear shape can describe correctly the elastic behavior of the structure. The control point 1 of
the building represents the elastic behavior, then, the displacement capacity of the SDOF for the assumed shape is
given by the following equation:

= 1 (4)

where is the total height of the MDOF system, 1 is the relationship between the total height of the MDOF and
the height of the SDOF system in the elastic range, and is the maximum drift for the elastic behavior.
To calculate the displacement capacity in the non-elastic control points, it is necessary to add the
concentrated non-elastic displacement of the weakest story as detailed in Eq. (5):

= 1 + 2 ( ) (5)

where 2 is the relationship between the total height of the MDOF and the height of the SDOF system in the
inelastic behavior; is the height of the weakest story (defined as the story that has the lowest collapse multiplier),
is the drift for the -control point.
The drifts for each limit state were adapted from Astroza and Schmidt [12], according to the definition of
the limit states proposed herein. These values are shown in the Table 3. The first control point defines the elastic
limit state, the second defines the maximum resistance strength of the CM wall, and the third defines the last
resistance strength of the CM wall before collapse.

Table 3 Definition of drifts (percentage) for each control point.

Control Point Drift %
1 0.14
2 0.62
3 0.86

Restrepo-Velez [13] proposed the values for 1 and 2 that are shown in Table 4 according to the number
of stories.
Table 4 Values for and factors according to the number of floors
Number of Floors
1 0.790 0.967

2 0.718 0.950

16th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE 2017
Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017

The damping value used for the dynamic analysis has been taken from Priestley et al. [14].

= 0.05 + / ( 1)/ (6)

where is the equivalent viscous damping coefficient of the SDOF system and is a coefficient proposed by
Naveed et al. [15], which was obtained through nonlinear regression of experimental data results of masonry piers,
and is the ductility for a given limit state as the ratio between the displacement at one given limit state, and the
displacement at the yielding point.

3.4 Definition of the limit states

The first two limit states (LS) for CM buildings have been defined according to the proposal of Lagomarsino and
Giovinazzi [16], who proposes the slight and moderate damage at 0.7 and 1.5 times the yielding displacement
respectively. The extensive damage state and collapse have been defined according to the drifts reached in the
cyclic test of CM walls for the maximum strength and the collapse displacement; these values are shown in Table

Table 5 Damage States associated to Damage Threshold

Damage State Damage Threshold

Slight 0.71
Moderate 1.5 1
Extensive 2
Collapse 3

where 1 is the pseudo-displacement at the yielding point, 2 is the displacement for the extensive damage state,
that is associated to the maximum strength. 3 is related to collapse. These limit states can be associated to the
control points defined in 3.2 and 3.3, as shown in Fig.6.

Fig. 6 - Damage States associated to Damage Threshold in the capacity curve

Using Montecarlo simulation, a sample of 100 capacity curves were generated corresponding to buildings
of 1-story and 2-stories (Fig.7) according to the formulas proposed in 3.2 and the properties described in Table 1
and Table 2. For the derivation of the capacity curves, 1000 capacity curves were generated for each building

16th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE 2017
Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017

Fig. 7 - Random Population of CM buildings

4. Derivation of fragility curves for confined masonry buildings in Lima

Once the synthetic random population of buildings was generated, the demand should be defined and then
compared. In this step, the modified DBELA method proposed in Silva et al. [3] has been used. One important
advantage is to consider the effect of the record-to-record variability of the seismic input to get more realistic
The selection of the ground motion records is a key parameter to establish the demand. This database should
comprise a variety of records in order to consider local seismic hazard properties as magnitude and peak ground
acceleration range, common fault failure mechanism, frequency content, duration and epicentral distance.
For a given SDOF and a given record, the displacement demand is calculated as the maximum displacement
obtained by the dynamic analysis. A Probability Damage Matrix (PDM) should be assembled based on the number
of buildings that achieve a given limit state. These operations will be repeated for each record. From the PDM is
possible to get the Cumulative Probability Damage Matrix (CPDM) in terms of percentage, and associating each
record to one intensity measure level it is possible to fit a fragility curve set from a point cloud.
A second process is to find the best period of pseudo-acceleration to represent the intensity motion level in
the fragility curves. For this purpose, the correlation factor between the cumulative percentages of buildings that
exceeds a given limit state in the PDM, and so, obtaining the displacement demand of each ground motion record
in a given period. This process is carried out for a set of periods, and for each limit state. Then, the best period is
obtained by looking for the closest correlation factor to one (Fig.8). Once the scale is well defined, the demand
should be expressed in terms of pseudo-acceleration at the period with the best correlation coefficient. The best
correlation coefficient is 0.90 for a period of 0.14 s for 1-story buildings and 0.92 for a period of 0.22 s for 2-story
buildings. The next step is to create a point cloud, which expresses the demand in pseudo-acceleration, and the
cumulative probability of exceeding a damage level. Furthermore, the points for each damage level are fitted to a
log-normal cumulative probability function, which has been establish in many studies as a good approach to
represent fragility functions (Fig.9).

Fig. 8 - Correlation factors for each limit state along the periods 1-story buildings (left), 2-story buildings (right)

16th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE 2017
Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017

Fig. 9 Fragility curves for CM buildings

In order to compare the results obtained for 1-story and 2-story buildings, the curves that represent the
collapse (Limit state 4) for both types of buildings were plotted in terms of PGA in Fig.10. The correlation factor
for the limit state 4 in 1-story building when plotting in PGA was 0.85, and 0.82 for the 2-story buildings. Collapses
expected for 1-story buildings are less than the ones expected for 2-story buildings.

Fig. 10 Limit state 4 (collapse) for 1, and 2-story buildings

5. Conclusions
A mechanics based procedure has been proposed for the computation of simplified pushover curves for CM
buildings based on the work presented by Borzi et al. [2,4]. In addition, the probabilistic framework herein, and
then extended by Silva et al. [3], has been used to calculate fragility curves for CM buildings.
The procedure relies on a probabilistic framework, in this way it is possible to consider material and
geometric uncertainties. At the same time, it is possible to assess fragility curves for other building population by
the inclusion of their characteristics. This method includes the record-to-record variability of the input according
to the seismic characteristics of the studied area. Hence, this method provides a quick, accurate and realistic
procedure for the assessment of fragility curves.
According to the Seismic Resistant Peruvian Code, a pseudo acceleration of 1.125g (0.45g times 2.5
amplification factor) is expected in coastal areas such as Lima. 1 and 2-story CM buildings may expect to suffer
that acceleration since their period of vibration is less than the corner period (Tc) of the Peruvian spectral
acceleration. Therefore, according to Fig.9, around 12% and 57% of collapses is expected for 1-story and 2-story
buildings, respectively.

6. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), to the National
Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC) and the 027-2015-FONDECYT
agreement, to the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) for the financial aid, without this work could not have

16th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE 2017
Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017

To all PUCPs students, who gathered the information from different locations in Lima about CM buildings.
All of this done during the course of their undergraduate and graduate studies, and under the direct supervision of
Dr. Marcial Blondet, and such information has been used in this study.

7. Copyrights
16WCEE-IAEE 2016 reserves the copyright for the published proceedings. Authors will have the right to use
content of the published paper in part or in full for their own work. Authors who use previously published data
and illustrations must acknowledge the source in the figure captions.

8. References
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