Applicability of Nonlinear Static Procedures To RC Moment-Resisting Frames

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Applicability of Nonlinear Static Procedures to RC Moment-Resisting


Conference Paper · April 2011

DOI: 10.1061/41171(401)192


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3 authors:

Michalis Fragiadakis Dimitrios Vamvatsikos

National Technical University of Athens National Technical University of Athens


Mark Aschheim
Santa Clara University


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Application of Nonlinear Static Procedures
for the Seismic Assessment of Regular RC
Moment Frame Buildings
Michalis Fragiadakis,a) M.EERI, Dimitrios Vamvatsikos,b) M.EERI, and
Mark Aschheim,c) M.EERI

The applicability of nonlinear static procedures for estimating the seismic

demands of typical regular RC moment-resisting frames is evaluated. This
work, conducted within the framework of the ATC-76-6 project, shows the
degree to which nonlinear static methods can characterize global and local
response demands vis-à-vis those determined by nonlinear dynamic analysis
for three RC moment-frame buildings. The response quantities (engineering
demand parameters) considered are peak story displacements, story drifts,
story shears, and floor overturning moments. The single-mode pushover methods
evaluated include the N2 and the ASCE-41 coefficient methods. Multi-modal
pushover methods, such as modal pushover analysis and the consecutive
modal pushover method, were also evaluated. The results indicate that the rela-
tively good performance of the single-mode methods observed for low-rise build-
ings rapidly deteriorates as the number of stories increases. The multi-modal
techniques generally extend the range of applicability of pushover methods,
but at the cost of additional computation and without ensuring the reliability
of the results. [DOI: 10.1193/111511EQS281M]

Nonlinear static procedures (NSPs) are popular for the evaluation of buildings subjected to
earthquake loading, and are being considered for use in the design of new buildings in
the proposed updates to ASCE 31 and ASCE 41. However, nonlinear response history analysis
(NRHA) is generally recognized as the most rigorous analysis method available. The attrac-
tiveness of NSPs is attributed to the greater computing cost of NRHA, the difficulty of select-
ing appropriate ground motions and scale factors, and the fact that NSP is closer to the simpler
elastic-static methods traditionally used for seismic design in building codes worldwide.
For a single-story, lightly damped, single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) structure, the dif-
ference in the results of a NSP and NRHA is expected to be small. However, as the number of
stories—and thus the number of the natural modes of vibration—increase, the prominence of
the first mode of response generally diminishes. Dispersion in response quantities results due
to the varying frequency content of ground motion excitations and the timing of interacting
modal responses. Additionally, the sensitivity of response quantities to higher-mode content

School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, [email protected]
School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, [email protected]
Department of Civil Engineering, Santa Clara University, CA, [email protected]

Earthquake Spectra, Volume 30, No. 2, pages 767–794, May 2014; © 2014, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

varies with the response quantity and location within the structure. The notion of a “mode”
can be applied to structures undergoing nonlinear response (e.g., Aschheim et al. 2002) and
accommodates the influence of material inelasticity on the instantaneous mode shape and
Questions about the accuracy and utility of nonlinear static methods have been raised in
recent years. For example, limitations of nonlinear static procedures were identified in the
ATC-55 project (FEMA 440 2005), but the multistory building models considered were too
few in number to allow the domain of applicability of these procedures to be accurately
characterized. Thus, one objective of this study, conducted under the auspices of the
ATC 76-6 project (NIST 2010) is to evaluate error, relative to nonlinear dynamic analysis
results, in order to better identify the domain of applicability of single and multi-mode push-
over procedures. The procedures include common NSPs, such as those identified in the
ASCE/SEI 41-06 (2007) guidelines and also more elaborate NSPs that attempt to enhance
the capability of the typical NSP in order to provide results closer to those of NRHA. Given
the inherent inability of simple nonlinear static methods of analysis to reflect the diversity of
response apparent in NRHA, the accuracy of the NSP methods is evaluated relative to the
central tendency (mean or median) of the chosen response parameters.



Linear static methods of analysis (e.g., the equivalent lateral force procedure) have been
used successfully for design. However, where accurate analysis results are needed, such as in
the evaluation of existing and potentially deficient structures, the applicability of nonlinear
static methods merits examination because their theoretical basis is not robust. The assump-
tion that the response of a multiple-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) system is directly related to
the response of an equivalent SDOF system depends on the sensitivity of the response para-
meter of interest to higher modes of vibration and the degree to which these modes are
excited. Also, peak values of different response parameters, also termed engineering demand
parameters (EDPs), may occur at different times in the NRHA due to the nature of the ground
motion excitation and its effects on modal interaction in the context of potentially inelastic
and possibly degrading component response. Peak values of the same EDP at different loca-
tions in the structure also may occur at different times and be more or less sensitive to con-
tributions from each mode.
The inherent simplicity of conventional NSPs limits their ability to represent these effects
well. In the simplest NSPs, the lateral load pattern is applied without taking into consideration
member yielding, the resulting modification of dynamic properties with changes in compo-
nent stiffness, and the potential interaction of multiple modes. Improved NSPs, including
multi-modal methods, attempt to improve the estimate obtained using nonlinear static ana-
lysis methods at the expense of complicated computations (Fragiadakis et al. 2007). How-
ever, these approaches tend to involve simplifying assumptions derived more on engineering
judgment and intuition rather than being conceptually robust and numerically justified.
Nevertheless, NSP is a valuable tool that is useful in conjunction with a NRHA in order
to gain a sense for the response characteristics of the structure and to check the numerical

Kunnath and Erduran (2008) have shown that not only are the results of NRHA affected
by modeling choices, but the evaluation of adequacy of an approximate method is a function
of these modeling choices. Divergence in the story drifts determined by different analysis
methods were observed depending on whether P-Δ effects were modeled or not. Similarly,
record-to-record variability was shown to affect story drift demands determined by NRHA
differently from those determined by pushover analysis. One explanation for these observa-
tions might be that these modeling and ground motion choices affected the inelastic mechan-
ism that developed during response. Clearly, an evaluation of the accuracy of pushover
methods relative to results obtained by NRHA is conditioned on assumptions made in
Nonlinear dynamic response of structures involves fairly complex interactions among the
evolving modes of the structure (Aschheim et al. 2002, Haselton and Deierlein 2007). The
development of different inelastic mechanisms will increase dispersion in the values of at
least some EDPs of interest. Nonlinear static methods generally are incapable of representing
the development of alternative inelastic mechanisms and the variety of modal interactions
and timing that produce maxima in the NRHAs. There are cases where nonlinear static meth-
ods may tend to exaggerate deformation demands at locations where mechanisms are deter-
mined to occur, while underestimating deformation demands that occur at other locations in
nonlinear dynamic analysis.


Non-adaptive multimodal pushover methods such as modal pushover analysis (MPA;
Chopra and Goel 2002) and its variant, modified modal pushover analysis method
(MMPA; Goel and Chopra 2005), as well as adaptive single and multi-modal pushover meth-
ods, have been developed as enhanced methods that promise more accurate response-
quantity estimates. MMPA was conceived in order to avoid difficulties posed by reversals
in higher-mode capacity curves observed in the FEMA P-695 (FEMA 2009a) project and
makes the simplification of assuming that higher modes remain elastic, while energy-based
pushovers (e.g., Hernández-Montes et al. 2004) provide alternative means to consider non-
linearity in the modal pushovers. When presented by Chopra and Goel (2002) and Goel and
Chopra (2005), the MPA and MMPA were suggested for estimating peak floor (or roof)
displacements and story drifts; inaccuracy in the estimation of peak plastic hinge rotations
was recognized early on. A subsequent modification extended the MPA method to determine
member forces and moments by imposing computed deformations on the structural model in
a second analysis phase (Goel and Chopra 2005); this was necessary for those cases in which
modal combinations in the MPA and MMPA procedures resulted in forces in excess of mem-
ber capacities (e.g., beam shears exceeding the shears that occur when plastic hinges develop
at the ends of a beam). Nevertheless, practitioners and researchers seem reluctant to perform
this additional analysis step and usually determine all response quantities in a single applica-
tion of the MPA or MMPA procedure using the square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS)
combination of the response quantities obtained in each independent modal pushover

Önem (2008) considered various single and multiple-mode pushover methods as applied
to moment frames and dual systems. Of note are some procedures that combine multi-modal
effects at each step in the pushover analysis, such as incremental response spectrum analysis
(IRSA; Aydinoglou 2003) and displacement adaptive pushover (DAP; Antoniou and Pinho
2004). Önem (2008) confirms that first mode pushover analysis produced accurate estimates
of peak floor displacements for low- and mid-rise structures, but tends to overestimate peak
displacements for taller structures. More complex methods sometimes provided better esti-
mates relative to the estimates obtained using the simpler pushover procedures, but no
method was identified that could provide consistently reliable estimates for every EDP
and building considered.
Diotallevi et al. (2008) applied various single-load vectors (first mode, triangular, and
SRSS), adaptive pushover methods, and MPA to reinforced concrete (RC) frames. MPA
resulted in the least average error of all methods considered for estimates of story shears
for nearly every building (regular and irregular) examined. However, the best method to
use for story drifts was less clear, as some methods were better than others for particular
buildings. Kalkan and Kunnath (2007) considered RC moment frames and report that the
FEMA 356 procedure underestimates interstory drifts in the upper stories and overestimates
story drifts in the lower stories, while the MMPA method may underestimate or overestimate
interstory drifts in the upper stories. They also report that the MMPA was inconsistent in its
ability to identify yielding in potential plastic hinges.
The preceding studies leave a mixed impression as to the ability of the MPA and MMPA
procedures to provide accurate estimates of peak floor displacements, story drifts, plastic
hinge rotations, and story shears. Results reported in FEMA 440 (FEMA 2005) illustrate
that the accuracy of the MMPA procedure varies with structural system/configuration
and drift level (or intensity of inelastic response). The accuracy of the MMPA estimates
of story shears and floor overturning moments degraded significantly as the three-story
steel moment frame was driven to higher drifts and was poor at a peak roof drift of 4%.
The introduction of a weak story into a nine-story steel moment frame caused the accuracy
of the MMPA estimates of story shears to degrade substantially. Goel (2005) reports that the
MPA procedure does not lead to a reasonable estimate of the response where a soft first story
A complete literature review on NSP methods can be found in Appendix H of NIST
(2010). Of particular interest are the classic paper by Krawinkler and Seneviratna (1998)
and the papers on bridges by Pinho et al. (2007, 2009). Moreover, an interesting contribu-
tion comes from Kunnath (2007) who investigates the evolution of force patterns during
nonlinear response history analysis in order to identify appropriate modal lateral load pat-
terns. The applicability and the accuracy of different pushover methods are also discussed
and compared in Kalkan and Kunnath (2007), Isaković and Fischinger (2011), Causevic
and Mitrovic (2011), and Lagaros and Fragiadakis (2011). Finally, the topic of plan-
irregular structures has been looked at by Bhatt and Bento (2012). Despite this abundance
of studies on the validity of the NSP, a consensus has not yet been reached regarding its
range of applicability. This was the driving force behind the ATC-76-6 project (NIST
2010), the most significant results of which pertaining to reinforced concrete buildings
are presented in the following.


Recent documents and guidelines discuss the application of alternative analysis methods,
including NSP procedures. In general, according to their complexity, a hierarchy among the
methods is proposed. The possible analysis methods are linear static procedure (LSP), linear
dynamic procedure (LDP), nonlinear static procedure (NSP), and nonlinear dynamic proce-
dure (NDP). This terminology is adopted by ASCE/SEI 31-03 (2003) and FEMA 440
(FEMA 2005), while ASCE/SEI 7-10 (2010) and FEMA P750 (2009b) suggest equivalent
lateral force (ELF; approximately equivalent to LSP), modal response spectrum analysis
(MRSA; approximately equivalent to LDP), and seismic response history (SRH; approxi-
mately equivalent to NRHA or NDP). Guidance is provided in these documents to facilitate
the choice of analysis procedure with regard to parameters including: (1) building height,
(2) number of stories, (3) first-mode period, and (4) demand-to-capacity ratio (DCR).
For example, ATC-40 (1996) recommends that linear analysis procedures are acceptable
for “simple” structures, while for buildings with T > 1 sec, NRHA must be adopted.
ASCE-31 recommends that more elaborate methods (LDP, NSP or NDP) should be used
when T ≥ 3.5T s , where T s is the corner period (at the junction of the constant acceleration
and constant velocity portions of the design spectrum). Restrictions with respect to irregula-
rities (in plan and/or elevation) are also identified.
According to FEMA 440 (2005), linear elastic analysis may be adopted where the structure
is expected to remain elastic or nearly elastic, or where the design results in nearly uniform
distribution of nonlinear response throughout the structure. Moreover, it is stated that “the
dividing line between buildings for which reliable results can be obtained using NSPs and
those for which the results cannot be relied upon is nebulous” (FEMA 440 2005, p. 9-11).
Thus, the NSP method should be applied when criteria that cover a series of parameters are met:
• EDP of interest: The method is adequate for story drifts for low-rise buildings and
wall buildings. It is stated that “for virtually all cases the simplified procedures pro-
duce unreliable estimates for story shears and overturning moments” (FEMA 440
2005, p. 9-11).
• Degree of inelasticity: NSP is adequate for slight or moderate levels of inelasticity.
• Period of vibration: The threshold on periods is set to 2T s . The limit is smaller when
story shears are sought.
• Structural system type: The NSP may not be as reliable for shear wall structures.
• Post-elastic strength: The NSP may not be as reliable where significant P-Δ effects
or strength loss are present in the form of post-elastic negative tangent stiffness. This
is measured with the Rmax quantity, that is, a conservative estimate of the available
collapse capacity of the system expressed in terms of a maximum allowable reduc-
tion factor and calculated from the properties of the NSP capacity curve.
• Inelastic mechanism: Forces associated with the second and higher modes may
affect the inelastic mechanism. Thus, NSP may not identify the governing mechan-
ism correctly. This is readily apparent where different collapse mechanisms occur
under different ground motion excitations (e.g., Haselton and Deierlein 2007).
ASCE-41 (2007) suggests that linear procedures (LSP and LDP) are not permitted for
buildings with one or more significant irregularities and one or more component demand-
capacity ratios (DCRs) that exceed 2. ASCE-41 also states that modal response spectrum

analysis must be performed using modes that achieve at least 90% modal participation, or, in
other words, as many modes should be included as required so that the sum of their modal
contribution factors is equal to or greater than 90%. This criterion is intended to capture situa-
tions in which higher modes are significant. However, FEMA 440 identified cases where the
first mode achieved greater than 90% modal participation but NSP results were poor.


In current practice, enhanced multi-modal methods are being used to augment NSPs. The
enhanced methods aim to improve the accuracy of nonlinear static analysis, ultimately aim-
ing to avoid NRHA. Generally, experience with these methods is quite limited, and their
relative complexity is a barrier to implementation. Furthermore, the increased complexity
and potential for inconsistent reliability has to be weighed relative to the use of NRHA.
For example, as reported in FEMA 440, NRHA using even a single ground motion was
generally more reliable than the single and multi-modal pushover methods considered in
that project. Nevertheless, in addition to the MPA, the consecutive modal pushover
(CMP; Poursha et al. 2009) was selected for further exploration. Other promising methods
reported in the literature (e.g., Aydinoglou 2003, Antoniou and Pinho 2004) were not
included for brevity, but also, in many cases, due to their need for specialized software.
The NSPs evaluated are briefly summarized below:
ASCE/SEI 41-06
This standard, aimed at the assessment of existing buildings, puts forward a basic push-
over procedure. The buildings are “pushed” with a first-mode lateral load pattern until a target
displacement is obtained, defined as:

T 2e
d t ¼ C 0 C 1 C 2 C 3 Sa ðT e Þ g (1)
4π 2

where C0 , C1 , C2 , and C 3 are modification factors; T e is the effective fundamental period of

the building; and Sa ðT e Þ is the elastic acceleration response spectrum at T e . More specifically,
C 0 is considered here equal to the modal participation factor of the first mode. C 1 is obtained
with the improved ASCE/SEI 41-06 relationship: C 1 ¼ 1 þ ðR  1Þ∕aT 2e , where R is the
strength reduction factor R ¼ C m Sa W∕F y g ≥ 1. In the numerical examples that follow, a ¼
130 (for site class B) and Cm ¼ M n ∕W is the first mode modal contribution factor. C 3 con-
siders P-Δ effects and herein is taken to equal 1. The coefficient C 2 takes into consideration
the effect of hysteretic behavior and is calculated as C 2 ¼ 1 þ ð1∕800ÞððR  1Þ∕T e Þ2 .
Eurocode/N2 Method
The N2 method was initially proposed by Fajfar and Fischinger (1988) and was later
expressed in a displacement-acceleration format Fajfar (1999). Recently, the method was
included in the Eurocode 8 (CEN 2004) standards, while it has been extended to account
for higher-mode effects recently by Kreslin and Fajfar (2011). Conceptually, in its typical
code-format, it is a variation of the capacity spectrum method that instead of highly damped
spectra uses an R-C 1 -T relationship. The method, as implemented in Eurocode 8 (EC8), con-
sists of the following steps: (i) Perform pushover analysis and obtain the capacity curve in base-
shear versus roof displacement (V b -ur ) terms, (ii) Convert the pushover curve of the MDOF

system to the capacity diagram of an equivalent SDOF system and approximate the capacity
curve with an idealized elastic-perfectly plastic relationship to determine the period T e of the
equivalent SDOF system, (iii) estimate the displacement of the MDOF system simply as
d t ¼ C 0 d t , where d t is the target displacement of the corresponding inelastic SDOF system.
Only a first-mode lateral load pattern has been considered. Different expressions are suggested
for short and for medium-to-long period ranges; for the latter case, d t is equal to the displace-
ment of the corresponding elastic SDOF system, calculated as:
d t ¼ Sa ðT e Þ e
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e2;62;554 (2)

Modal Pushover Analysis (MPA)

This procedure, initially proposed by Chopra and Goel (2002), makes use of two or more
pushover curves obtained in separate analyses using load patterns based on the first, second,
and possibly third mode. Although subsequently Chopra and Goel (2005) recommended a
second analysis phase to determine member forces, this investigation follows the process
more common among practitioners and researchers in which all response quantities are deter-
mined in a single application.
The steps of the modal pushover analysis (MPA) method are summarized as follows:
(1) Calculate the natural frequencies, the mode shapes and the lateral load patterns
si ¼ mφi . (2) Analyze with only the gravity loads and obtain the corresponding response
quantities r g . (3) For the ith mode, develop the base shear-roof displacement curve,
V bi -urn , using the si distribution of lateral forces. (4) Idealize the pushover curve as a bilinear
curve and compute the target displacement δt for each independent modal analysis using the
ASCE/SEI 41-06 R-C1 -T relationship. (5) From the pushover results (Step 3), extract values
r 1þg of desired response quantities due to the combined effects of gravity and lateral loads.
(6) Repeat Steps 3–5 for as many modes as required (as discussed in Chopra and Goel 2002),
thus two modes for the two-story RCMRF and three modes for the four- and the eight-story
RCMRF buildings. (7) Compute the dynamic response due to the ith mode as r i ¼ r iþg -r g .
Determine the total response (demand) by combining gravity response and the modal
responses using the SRSS rule: r ¼ r g þ ðΣr 2i Þ1∕2 .
Consecutive Modal Pushover (CMP)
This procedure, initially proposed by Poursha et al. (2009), uses invariant load patterns
for up to three modes, applied consecutively in stages in a single pushover analysis. The
method would appear to have an advantage over the MPA method in that nonlinear inter-
actions among the modes are explicitly modeled, and capacity limits on demands (e.g., shear
forces in hinging beams) are inherently represented in the analyses. Gravity loads are applied
prior to the application of the quasi–first mode load pattern. In this approach, (1) the inter-
action of multiple modes is considered in a way that may cause different inelastic mechan-
isms to form, and (2) the member forces resulting from the analysis are consistent with
member capacity limits (e.g., beam shears do not exceed the shears associated with devel-
opment of a plastic mechanism).
The CMP considers up to three modes, applied consecutively in stages in a single push-
over analysis. In this way, it may come closer to representing the higher-mode responses that

take place when the peak displacement response is realized dynamically. The first stage of the
pushover analysis uses a quasi–first mode load pattern, consisting of an inverted triangular
load pattern for medium-rise buildings and a uniform load pattern for high-rise buildings. The
second stage consists of a sequence of quasi–first and second mode forces. The quasi–first
mode forces are applied until the roof displacement equals a1 δt , where a1 is the modal con-
tribution factor of the first mode, and δt is the target displacement determined for the first
mode. Upon reaching a1 δt , incremental forces are applied that follow a second mode pattern.
The incremental displacement used for this analysis stage is ð1-a1 Þδt . The third stage,
required only for buildings with fundamental periods of 2.2 seconds or higher, consists
of a sequence of quasi–first, second, and third mode forces. As before, the quasi–first
mode forces are applied until the roof displacement equals a1 δt . Upon reaching a1 δt , incre-
mental forces are applied that follow a second-mode pattern until the roof displacement
increases by a2 δt . At this point, incremental forces that follow a third-mode pattern are
applied until the roof displacement increases by ð1-a1 -a2 Þδt . After the last step of each sepa-
rate stage is completed, the peak value of any EDP of interest is retained, and the final EDP
estimate is obtained from the maximum value of the three stages.

Modal Response Spectrum Analysis (MRSA)

When applied to structures in the nonlinear range of response, modal response spectrum
analysis (MRSA) relies on simple extrapolations of linear behavior and thus approximately
represents the equal displacement rule for deformation-related quantities. The demands are
calculated by linear-elastic analysis using lateral load patterns proportional to the modes of
vibration, which are similar to those of the MPA procedure. For the numerical study that
follows, the target displacements were calculated using the C 1 and C 2 relationships of
ASCE/SEI 41-06, while C3 was taken equal to 1.0. The EDP values obtained using
every mode-proportional lateral load pattern are then combined using the SRSS rule to obtain
the final response estimates.

The structural systems considered are a two-story, a four-story, and an eight-story
reinforced concrete moment-resisting frame (RCMRF) building, originally designed as
“archetype” buildings in FEMA P695 (2009a). All three buildings have three bays and
are completely regular and symmetric. A generic description of the three buildings is
shown in Figure 1. All buildings have bay width 9.1 m (30 ft) and story heights 4.6 m
(15 ft) for the first story and 4.0 m (13 ft) for the stories above. The three buildings
form a simple basic test for the static pushover methods. For such low- and mid-rise struc-
tures, NSPs are expected to perform well, especially in the near post-nominal-yield region.
The buildings were designed as special RC moment frames following the provisions of
the 2003 IBC (IBC 2002). Beam sizes were determined by minimum size requirements. Col-
umn strengths were determined to follow strong-column-weak-beam requirements, reflected
in required column-to-beam flexural strength ratios and joint shear requirements. The selec-
tion of the beam stirrups was controlled by shear capacity design, while the column trans-
verse reinforcement was based on confinement requirements. The design of the frames is
described in FEMA P695 (2009a).

Figure 1. Generic description of the three RC moment resisting frame buildings (reproduced
from Haselton and Deierlein 2007).

Models of the buildings were created for structural analysis. Planar two-dimensional
(2-D) models were used, incorporating one-dimensional line-type elements, as discussed
in FEMA P695. Component models simulated the nonlinear degrading response of
beams, columns and joints. The hysteretic model used for modeling the cyclic behavior
in NRHA is the “bilin” material available in the OpenSees software platform (McKenna
and Fenves 2001). This is a peak-oriented model with a piecewise linear envelope that is
able to incorporate stiffness and strength degradation. According to Haselton and Deierlein
(2007) and Haselton et al. (2011), the model consists of three branches: an initial elastic
branch, a strain hardening branch, and a descending branch that terminates at an ultimate
chord rotation equal to 0.1 radians. This ultimate rotation value is considered to be conser-
vative given the paucity of test data (Haselton et al. 2011). The load combination used to
represent gravity loads was 1.05ðDeadÞ þ 0.25ðLiveÞ; the gravity load was considered to
remain constant throughout the loading history. The flexural strengths of the members
were based on calibration with test data from columns and beams with low-to-moderate
axial load and ductile detailing. The analytical models do not have the capability to represent
shear strength; thus shear failure modes are not represented in the structural models. More
details about the models can be found in FEMA P-695, Haselton et al. (2011) and Lignos and
Krawinkler (2009). No post-simulation evaluation of potential shear failure modes was made.
This mode of failure is not expected for such well-behaved capacity-designed buildings, and
probably is not expected even close to collapse (Haselton and Deierlein 2007).
Tributary gravity loads act on seismic framing. In addition, a “leaning column” is used to
capture P-Δ effects caused by the gravity load acting on the internal gravity frames. Rayleigh
damping in the first and third mode of vibration was set equal to approximately 5% of critical
damping. The resulting first-mode periods of the two-, four-, and eight-story frames were
0.625, 0.855, and 1.80 sec, respectively.

Nonlinear response history analysis was performed using the suite of 22 pairs of ortho-
gonal horizontal ground components (for a total of 44 records) that comprise the FEMA P695
(FEMA 2009a) far-field data set. The mean and median response spectra of the ground
motion records are shown in Figure 2. A fairly elaborate scheme was devised in FEMA

Figure 2. Mean and median response spectra of the ground motion set considered.

P695 (FEMA 2009a) to ensure the suite of records contains a realistic level of record-to-
record dispersion. In short, the orthogonal ground motions are normalized according to
PGVPEER , as discussed in FEMA P695. PGVPEER is the geometric mean (square root of
the product) peak ground velocity (PGV) of two orthogonal components considering differ-
ent record orientations. The PGVPEER values adopted were taken directly from the PEER
NGA database. All ground motions are far-field recordings and they are applied in their
recorded orientations. The 22 pairs of ground motions are first scaled so that their
PGVPEER values match the median PGVPEER value of the whole set of unscaled records.
The records were further scaled using scale factors (SFs) equal to 0.5, 1, and 2. These
scale factors result in median elastic response spectra that correspond to ground motion
at a Los Angeles, California site with mean recurrence intervals of approximately 100,
400, and 2,475 years, respectively. Each record of the scaled pair is applied independently
in a planar analysis.

A series of numerical results comparing the performance of the different NSP methods
follows. The comparison is performed with respect to the peak values of different engineering
demand parameters (EDPs). The term “peak” denotes the maximum absolute value of the
EDP over the entire response history. The EDPs considered include both displacement
and force-based quantities; intermediate-level EDPs (e.g., drifts) are emphasized over
component-level quantities (e.g., chord rotations). This is done because intermediate-level
EDPs correlate well to component-level quantities, but are less sensitive to the fine details
of the component models, and thus may serve as global damage indicators. The relationship
between intermediate and component-level EDPs is examined further in the ATC-76-6 report
(Appendix B) (NIST 2010). Therefore, the EDPs presented here are peak values of story
displacement, story drift ratio, story shear force, and story overturning moment. The peak
story drift ratio is defined as the maximum of the absolute value of the difference of the hor-
izontal displacement of adjacent stories over time, normalized by the height of the story.


Figures 3 and 4 present selected results from nonlinear response history analysis
(NRHA). The curves shown correspond to story-wise profiles of the median response quan-
tities plotted for each of the three scale factors. The results for these structures indicate:
• The maximum of the median peak floor displacements over the height of the frames
typically appears at the top story (Figure 3a).
• The median of peak story drift demands is highest at the lower stories (usually at the
second story) and lowest at the top story for these regular frames (Figure 3b, 3c).
• According to Figure 4, median peak story shears do not follow the lateral load pat-
tern used to design the structure. The median peak story shears also do not follow
the pattern resulting from lateral forces applied in a first-mode based pushover ana-
lysis. Median peak story shears in the upper stories are significantly larger than
would be expected from these load patterns. Median peak story shears in the
upper stories increase disproportionately with an increase in scale factor.
• Median peak overturning moments tend to follow the concave pattern associated
with the lateral load patterns used in design or first-mode pushover analysis
(Figure 4c).
• Median peak story shears and overturning moments tend to “saturate” as the scale
factor increases. This reflects limits on demand associated with reaching the max-
imum moment capacity in the component models (Figure 4).
The above observations suggest that a single static analysis cannot both represent median
peak overturning moments, which tend to follow the pattern obtainable in a first mode

SF=0.50 SF=0.50
SF=1.00 SF=1.00
SF=2.00 8 SF=2.00

4 4 7




3 3 5

2 2 3

SF=0.50 2
1 1 1
0 10 20 0 0.01 0.02 0 0.01 0.02
Peak Story Displacement (cm) Peak Story Drift Ratio Peak Story Drift Ratio
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3. NRHA profiles of: (a) peak story displacement (four-story), (b) peak story drift
(four-story), and (c) peak story drift (eight-story).

SF=0.50 SF=0.50 SF=0.50

SF=1.00 SF=1.00 SF=1.00
SF=2.00 8 SF=2.00 8 SF=2.00

4 7 7

6 6


3 5 5

4 4

2 3 3

2 2

1 1 1
0 2000 4000 0 500 1000 1500 0 5 10
Peak Story Shear (kN) Peak Story Shear (kN) Peak Overturningx 104
Moment (kNm)
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4. NRHA profiles of: (a) peak story shear (four-story), (b) peak story shear (eight-story),
and (c) peak overturning moment (eight-story).

pushover analysis, and median peak story shears, which deviate significantly from readily
obtainable patterns. Moreover, higher modes appear to have an appreciable effect on story
drift and story shears, but not on floor displacements or overturning moments, as discussed in
Aschheim et al. (2007). Figures 3 and 4 display curviness in the drift and the shear profiles in
the mid-height stories, showing apparent departure from a first mode–dominated response
even for these regular frames.
Since this is a practice-oriented study, we choose not to provide exact height-wise dis-
persion values. However, average dispersion values are 0.3–0.4 for peak story displacements,
0.25–0.45 for peak story drift ratio, 0.05–0.30 for peak story shears, and 0.10–0.25 for peak
overturning moments. As dispersion, we define the standard deviation of the natural loga-
rithms of the height-wise EDP values.


Figure 5 shows the capacity curves obtained in first-, second-, and third-mode pushover
analyses of the three RC moment frames. Also shown on this figure are the target displace-
ments determined using the formulas of ASCE/SEI 41-06 and the N2 method of Eurocode 8
(CEN 2004). Target displacements were determined using the mean elastic response spec-
trum of the 44 normalized records, scaled by the relevant scale factor. Roof displacements at
yield are observed to occur at target displacements about 0.5% to 0.6% of the building’s
height. Both methods produce nearly identical target displacement estimates for the three
moment frames; for this reason, only the ASCE-41 target displacements were used to esti-
mate response quantities in subsequent first mode analyses. Target displacements for a scale
factor of 0.5 are in the elastic regime, those for the records scaled by 1.0 are nearly elastic, and

(a) (b)


Figure 5. Static pushover curves and target displacement estimates for the two-, four-, and eight-
story RCMRFs, for ground motion scale factors of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0. ASCE-41 and N2/EC8 meth-
ods produce nearly coincident target displacement estimates.

those for a scale factor of 2.0 cause moderate inelastic response, developing system ductilities
of 2–3, when viewed from a first-mode pushover perspective. Target displacement estimation
may introduce additional error on the results of NSPs. In our case, the nearly perfect bilinear
shape of the first-mode capacity curves (Figure 5) resulted in insignificant mean errors
(Appendix E, NIST 2010).
Figures 6 and 7 show the ratios of estimates from the pushover analyses and the medians
from NRHA over the height of each frame for scale factors of 0.5 and 2.0, respectively. The
estimates are reasonably accurate for all three EDPs for the two-story RCMRF, for which the
error is less than 20% (relative to the NRHA median). For the four-story frame, the accuracy
of estimates of story drifts, story shears and overturning moments degraded as the scale factor
increased from 0.5 to 2.0. This is attributed to the tendency of equivalent SDOF systems to
overestimate peak displacements of MDOF systems with increasing severity of nonlinear
response, as has been recognized previously. This tendency for ASCE-41 target

SF=0.5 SF=0.5 SF=0.5

8 8 8

7 7 7

6 6 6


5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6. All buildings: ratios of ASCE-41 NSP and NRHA. (a) Peak story drifts (SF ¼ 0.5),
(b) peak story shears (SF ¼ 0.5), and (c) peak overturning moments (SF ¼ 0.5).

SF=2 SF=2 SF=2

8 8 8

7 7 7

6 6 6


5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7. All buildings: ratios of ASCE-41 NSP and NRHA. (a) Peak story drifts (SF ¼ 2.0),
(b) peak story shears (SF ¼ 2.0), and (c) peak overturning moments (SF ¼ 2.0).

displacements to overestimate actual MDOF response with increasing inelasticity and

increasing numbers of stories is subtly apparent in Figure 7. The degradation in accuracy
with an increase in scale factor was small for story shears and overturning moments, and
greater for the drift profiles. The accuracy of NSP estimates also degraded with an increase
in scale factor for the eight-story frame, where the error in the story shears and overturning
moments of the top stories was on the order of 60%. Peak story drifts were grossly under-
estimated at the top stories and overestimated at the bottom stories at higher scale factors.
This is attributed to the constant shape of the lateral loading scheme.


Target displacements for higher modes were determined using the coefficients provided
in ASCE/SEI 41-06 and the N2 method of Eurocode 8 (CEN 2004) applied to the scaled
mean elastic response spectrum. The capacity curves are shown in Figure 5. Target displace-
ments for modes other than the first are not shown, since they all lie in the elastic range, where
both methods produce identical displacement estimates. As noted earlier, SRSS combinations
were taken of the individual modal contributions for every response quantity of interest.
Selected results for the three buildings are shown in Figures 8–10. In addition to the MPA
estimates, the peak responses for the individual records and their mean and mean  one stan-
dard deviation values are also presented. Furthermore, ratios of NSP estimated values and
NRHA medians are plotted over the height of each frame in Figure 11 and Figure 12 at scale
factors of 0.5 and 2.0, respectively. Note that when only the first mode is considered, the
results coincide with those of the ASCE/SEI 41-06 method.
SF=2 SF=2


2 2

1 1
0 0.02 0.04 400 600 800 1000
Peak Story Drift Ratio Peak Story Shear (kN)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8. Two-story RCMRF: Profiles of (a) peak story drift (SF ¼ 2), (b) of peak story shears
(SF ¼ 2), and (c) peak overturning moments (SF ¼ 2).

SF=0.5 SF=2

4 4


3 3

2 2

1 1
0 750 1500 2250 3000 1000 1750 2500 3250 4000
Peak Story Shear (kN) Peak Story Shear (kN)
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 9. Four-story: Profiles of (a) peak story drift (SF ¼ 2), (b) peak story drift (SF ¼ 0.5),
(c) peak story shears (SF ¼ 2).

SF=2 SF=2

8 8

7 7

6 6


5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0 375 750 1125 1500
Peak Story Drift Ratio Peak Story Shear (kN)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 10. Eight-story, profiles of (a) peak story drift (SF ¼ 2.0), (b) peak story shears (SF ¼ 2),
and (c) peak overturning moments (SF ¼ 2).

SF=0.5 SF=0.5 SF=0.5

8 8 8

7 7 7

6 6 6



5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 11. All buildings: Ratio of MPA and NRHA. (a) peak story drifts (SF ¼ 0.5), (b) peak
story shears (SF ¼ 0.5), and (c) peak overturning moments (SF ¼ 0.5).

SF=2 SF=2 SF=2

8 8 8

7 7 7

6 6 6


5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 12. All buildings: Ratio of MPA results and NRHA. (a) Peak story drifts (SF ¼ 2.0),
(b) peak story shears (SF ¼ 2.0), and (c) peak overturning moments (SF ¼ 2.0).

For the two-story frame, second-mode contributions to story drifts and overturning
moments were negligible, and reasonably accurate estimates of these quantities were
obtained with the first-mode estimates (Figure 8). While story shears were estimated accu-
rately for a scale factor of 0.5 (Figure 6a, Figure 8a), the inclusion of second-mode contribu-
tions in the MPA procedure did not sufficiently increase the story shears to result in an
accurate estimate at a scale factor of 2.0 (Figure 8b). This suggests a relatively severe con-
straint on the reliable application of both single-mode and simple multimodal pushover
For the eight-story frame, second-mode contributions to story drift were not negligible
and improved the story drift estimates, but accuracy varied with location and scale factor
(Figure 10). Moreover, as shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12, the accuracy of story drift
estimates improved with an increase in scale factor at the upper stories, while story drift
estimates became less accurate as the scale factor increased at the lower stories. The over-
estimation observed at the lower stories is attributed to the constant shape of the lateral load
pattern. As for story drifts, the accuracy of story shear estimates varied with location and
scale factor. Both second- and third-mode contributions to story shears were appreciable.
At the lower stories, story shear estimates were most accurate at a scale factor of 0.5
(Figure 11); an increase in scale factor led to significant overestimates (Figure 12). In con-
trast, at the upper stories, the story shears were underestimated at a scale factor of 0.5, were
estimated with reasonable accuracy at a scale factor of 1.0 (not shown), and were signifi-
cantly overestimated at a scale factor of 2.0. Second-mode contributions to overturning
moments were not negligible and improved the estimates; overturning moments tended
to be underestimated at a scale factor of 0.5, and were overestimated at a scale factor of 2.0.


Selected results obtained by the application of consecutive modal pushover (CMP) ana-
lysis to the three RCMRFs are shown in Figures 13 to 16. In addition to the single-record and
NRHA curves, the figures show with dashed lines the profiles of the two CMP stages and
with a solid line their envelope. Ratios of estimated values and NRHA medians are also
For the two-story frame, story drifts were estimated with reasonable accuracy (Figure 15a).
Story shears were significantly overestimated at a scale factor of 0.5 (Figure 15b) and signifi-
cantly underestimated at a scale factor of 2.0 (Figure 13a and Figure 16b). For the four-story
frame, the accuracy of estimates of story drift, story shear, and overturning moments varied with
location and scale factor. For example, while story drifts at the upper stories were overestimated
at a scale factor of 0.5 (Figure 15a), relatively accurate estimates of story drift were obtained over
the height of the building at higher scale factors (Figure 14b and Figure 16a). As well, story shears
in the upper stories were significantly overestimated at a scale factor of 0.5 (Figure 15b), and
story shears over the height of the building were significantly underestimated at a scale factor of
2.0 (Figure 13b, Figure 16b).
For the eight-story frame, peak displacements were overestimated at a scale factor of
2.0 (Figure 16a), just as occurred with the first-mode and multiple-mode pushover analyses.
As for the four-story frame, the accuracy of estimates of story drift, story shear, and floor
overturning moments varied with location and scale factor. Although these results were not

SF=2 SF=2

4 7


3 5

2 3

1 1
1000 1750 2500 3250 4000 0 375 750 1125 1500
Peak Story Shear (kN) Peak Story Shear (kN)
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 13. Peak story shears obtained with the consecutive modal pushover method: (a) Two-
story (SF ¼ 2), (b) four-story (SF ¼ 2), (c) eight-story (SF ¼ 2).

SF=2 SF=2


2 3

1 1
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Peak Story Drift Ratio Peak Story Drift Ratio
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 14. Peak drift profiles obtained with the consecutive modal pushover method: (a) Two-
story RCMRF (SF ¼ 2), (b) four-story RCMRF (SF ¼ 2), (c) eight-story RCMRF (SF ¼ 2).

SF=0.5 SF=0.5 SF=0.5

8 8 8

7 7 7

6 6 6



5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 15. All buildings: Ratio of CMP and NRHA. (a) peak story drifts (SF ¼ 0.5), (b) peak
story shears (SF ¼ 0.5), and (c) peak overturning moments (SF ¼ 0.5).

SF=2 SF=2 SF=2

8 8 8

7 7 7

6 6 6


5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 16. All buildings: Ratio of CMP and NRHA. (a) Peak story drifts (SF ¼ 2.0), (b) peak
story shears (SF ¼ 2.0), and (c) peak overturning moments (SF ¼ 2.0).

especially promising, the authors speculate that a revised version of the CMP might be devel-
oped in which loading is applied using sequential modes, considering permutations in the
signs of the modes and possibly considering adaptive load vectors.


Estimates of response quantities were also made by elastic modal response spectrum
analysis using SRSS combinations of the modal values made on the basis of linear elastic
response extrapolated to the spectral accelerations obtained using scale factors of 0.5, 1.0,
and 2.0. Thus, peak floor and roof displacements represent the “equal displacement rule”,
with drift profiles being proportional to the elastic distributions. Where drift patterns obtained
in modal pushover analyses resemble the elastic distributions, displacement and story drift
estimates made using elastic modal response spectrum analysis will resemble those obtained
with modal pushover analysis, given consistent target displacements (e.g., obtained using the
equal displacement rule). Story shear and overturning moment distributions at low scale fac-
tors will also resemble those obtained with modal pushover analysis. Of course, at high scale
factors, these force-related quantities will be significantly overestimated by the elastic
For the two-story frame, peak story drifts were estimated accurately just as occurred
with first-mode and multiple-mode pushover analysis. While story shears and overturning
moments were estimated accurately at a scale factor of 0.5 (Figures 17b, 17c and 18b, 18c),
the assumption of linear elastic response in every mode led to overestimation of story shears
and overturning moments at higher scale factors (Figures 19b, 19c and 20b, 20c). For elastic
SF=0.5 SF=0.5

4 7


3 5

2 3

1 1
0 750 1500 2250 3000 0 300 600 900 1200
Peak Story Shear (kN) Peak Story Shear (kN)
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 17. Selected results for the modal response spectrum analysis method: (a) Eight-story
peak story drift (SF ¼ 0.5), (b) four-story peak story shear (SF ¼ 0.5), and (c) eight-story
peak story shear (SF ¼ 0.5).

SF=0.5 SF=0.5 SF=0.5

8 8 8

7 7 7

6 6 6


5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 18. Ratio of elastic MRSA results and NRHA for the eight-story: (a) Peak story drifts
(SF ¼ 0.5), (b) peak story shears (SF ¼ 0.5), and (c) peak overturning moments (SF ¼ 0.5).

SF=2 SF=2

4 7



3 5

2 3

1 1
0 2500 5000 7500 10000 0 750 1500 2250 3000
Peak Story Shear (kN) Peak Story Shear (kN)
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 19. Selected results for the modal response spectrum analysis method: (a) Eight-story
peak story drift (SF ¼ 2.0), (b) four-story peak story shear (SF ¼ 2.0) and (c) eight-story
peak story shear (SF ¼ 2.0).

SF=2 SF=2 SF=2

8 8 8

7 7 7

6 6 6


5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 20. Ratio of elastic MRSA and NRHA for the eight-story: (a) Peak story drifts
(SF ¼ 2.0), (b) peak story shears (SF ¼ 2.0), and (c) peak overturning moments (SF ¼ 2.0).

response and inelastic response where the equal displacement rule applies (C 1 ¼ 1.0), elastic
modal response spectrum analysis and multiple mode pushover analysis provide identical
estimates of peak displacements and drifts. For the four-story frame, accurate estimates
of floor displacements and story drifts were obtained at all scale factors. Story shears
were underestimated at the upper stories at a scale factor of 0.5 and were overestimated
at scale factors of 1.0 and 2.0. Overturning moments were slightly underestimated at the
lower floors at a scale factor of 0.5 and are grossly overestimated at scale factors of 1.0
and 2.0. For the eight-story frame, story drifts were underestimated at a scale factor of
0.5, estimated reasonably accurately at a scale factor of 1.0, and overestimated at the
upper stories at a scale factor of 2.0. Story shears and overturning moments were generally
underestimated by modal response spectrum analysis at a scale factor of 0.5, and generally
are overestimated at scale factors of 1.0 and 2.0.
These results suggest the possibility of a more efficient application of multimodal push-
over analysis for regular frames that have relatively uniform story drift demands. Therein,
drift profiles are determined using elastic modal response spectrum analysis based on extra-
polations to spectral amplitudes large enough to cause yielding in a nonlinear static pushover
analysis, and these drift profiles are applied in a pushover analysis to estimate forces and
moments, as suggested in Goel and Chopra (2005).


The accuracy (or inaccuracy) of the NSP predictions may be assessed relative to the full
distribution of NRHA results. For example, a 25% error in the median estimate of a given

response quantity may initially seem excessive, but becomes perfectly adequate if the cor-
responding NRHA results show a 40% dispersion. To facilitate a fair comparison for all
cases, we turn to the concept of confidence intervals (Benjamin and Cornell 1970). For
each EDP, the minimum number of records (i.e., sample size) is determined that establishes
a 90% confidence interval that contains the NSP result, centered on the NRHA median.
Formally, each interval is estimated as:
E DP50 expð∓t0.95;43 · βEDP ∕ N Þ;
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e3;41;566 where N ¼ 1; : : : ; 44 (3)

EDP50 is the median value of the 44 values of EDP response and βEDP is the corresponding
standard deviation of the log of the data. The quantity t 0.95;43 ≈ 1.6811 is the 95% variate
(i.e., the inverse of the cumulative distribution function) of the Student’s-t distribution with
44-1 degrees of freedom. In each case, the maximum equivalent number of records N is
sought such that the NSP response remains within the above limits.
The results, expressed as the median number of records over all stories and SF ¼ 1, 2 are
shown for each EDP type in Figure 21. Values less than or equal to 7, the minimum require-
ment of modern seismic codes, are judged to be of low quality. Mediocre accuracy is
achieved up to 16 records, while good predictions correspond to higher numbers. Anything
above 30 records is considered to be near-perfect. For the two-story, the results are good, as
expected, for all NSPs. Regarding the four-story, while locally some responses may not be
perfectly captured, all methods achieve good performance for displacements and story drifts.
However, results are worse for story shears and overturning moments; MPA and CMA at
least provide mediocre performance. When moving to the eight-story, only displacements are
consistently estimated at a mediocre or better level; drifts, shears, and moments are estimated
relatively poorly, with the MPA performing best for shears and overturning moments.

(a) (b)

Figure 21. The accuracy in the NSP predictions expressed in terms of the equivalent number
of records needed for NRHA to achieve the same accuracy. For each building and EDP type
the median number of records is calculated over all stories and SF ¼ 1, 2. (a) Four-story,
(b) eight-story.

Finally, it is remarkable that MRSA achieves a near-perfect estimation of displacements and

drifts regardless of the number of stories. Still, this should not be generalized as it can be
attributed to the regularity of the buildings and the absence of any significant localization of
It should be noted that the approach described above excels at judging the results of the
NSPs relative to those of NRHA. However, important limitations should be recognized:
(1) For quantities with relatively little dispersion in NRHA (e.g., overturning moments), rela-
tively small absolute departures from the NRHA median will be identified as a poor result
(i.e., comparable to NRHA using few records); (2) the sign of the error, as well as the poten-
tial consequences, are not considered. Underestimation may result in unrecognized damage
which may or may not be significant, while overestimation may result in needless retrofit
measures; and (3) since medians over all stories for scale factors of 1 and 2 are taken, locally
significant errors may be missed. Nevertheless, the results of Figure 19 clearly indicate the
potential inaccuracies associated with different response quantities and the influence of the
number of stories (or the presence of higher modes).
Considering the results from a different perspective, some important limitations on NSPs
can be identified: (1) Higher modes have very little contribution to some quantities such as
floor displacements, and hence very good estimates of peak floor displacements can be
obtained with single-mode pushover analyses; and (2) many other response quantities
have appreciable higher-mode contributions, and as a result, the peak values of various
response quantities occur at different times and may deviate significantly from the first-
mode estimates. Thus, it may not even be possible for single-mode static pushover analyses
to capture the dynamics of the response. For example, NRHA peak story drifts, when
summed over the height of the structure, can greatly exceed the peak roof drift. Moreover,
the patterns of peak story shears and overturning moments, if considered statically, are incon-
sistent. That is, integration of the peak story shears produces a moment diagram that differs
significantly from the empirical peak moment diagram. Thus, a single-mode static pushover
method that is tuned to give good results for some response quantities will undoubtedly
give poor estimates for other response quantities. Finally, we note that different modeling
choices—for example, lumped or distributed plasticity elements—may produce different
estimates of response. To the extent that such differences do not result in the develop-
ment of different inelastic mechanisms, they are not expected to affect qualitatively our
relative findings of NSP against NRHA, especially for the pre-collapse intensity levels

A comparison between results obtained using various NSP methods and nonlinear
response history analysis has been presented. It is shown that the accuracy of NSP methods
depends on the properties of the building, the EDP of interest, and the level of inelastic
demand. Standard, first mode–based, and more elaborate NSPs were included in the com-
parison. The buildings considered form a simple basic test for the static pushover methods.
For such low- and mid-rise structures, all NSPs were expected to perform well, especially in
the near post-nominal-yield region. However, it is concluded that no simple method exists
that is consistently reliable and generally applicable to multistory buildings; therefore,
NRHA remains the most viable approach for detailed seismic performance evaluation.

NSPs can be used to provide insight into a building’s characteristics and potential vulner-
abilities, helping the engineer to understand how the system will respond from a global
perspective, and remain useful for preliminary design to limit displacement demands in
performance-based earthquake engineering. Moreover, engineers must always have in
mind that any analysis results may vary from the “exact” due to the large uncertainty inherent
in the problem and the limitations of their numerical models and software. All in all, while
important conclusions can be derived from NSP results, appropriate care is advised in all
applications of NSP methods when used for the quantitative, rather than the qualitative, esti-
mation of a structure’s seismic performance. Such application is being considered for the
2013 updates to ASCE 31 and 41.

This paper relies, in part, on results obtained under Task Order 6 of the NEHRP Con-
sultants Joint Venture (a partnership of the Applied Technology Council and Consortium of
Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering), under Contract SB134107CQ0019,
Earthquake Structural and Engineering Research, issued by the National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology. The views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the orga-
nizations represented above. The authors also gratefully acknowledge Dr. Curt Haselton for
providing the OpenSees input files of the RC moment frames.

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