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Process Safety and Environmental Protection x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxxxxx
C. Arun, P. Sivashanmugam
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 620015, Tamil Nadu, India
a b s t r a c t
The decomposable waste thrown into the environment can be used to produce value added bio-product which in
turn reduces the production of greenhouse gas. Garbage enzyme is one such value added product produced by
fermentation of organic solid waste. In the present study enzyme activity and disinfectant potential of garbage
enzyme was evaluated and its inuence on reduction of total solids, suspended solids and pathogens in dairy waste
activated sludge were studied. The result showed the garbage enzyme possesses protease, amylase and lipase activity
and reduced 37.2% of total solids, 38.6% of suspended solids and 99% of pathogens in dairy waste activated sludge.
This signicant result may be helpful for researchers to compare the effectiveness of earth-friendly garbage enzyme
treatment of industrial sludge with various physical and chemical pre-treatment methods to improve the biogas
production from the sludge digestion unit.
2014 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Decomposable waste; Fermentation; Value added product; Garbage enzyme; Disinfectant; Waste activated
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 431 2503106; fax: +91 431 2500133.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C. Arun), [email protected] (P. Sivashanmugam).
Received 24 May 2014; Received in revised form 4 September 2014; Accepted 15 October 2014
0957-5820/ 2014 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Arun, C., Sivashanmugam, P., Investigation of biocatalytic potential of garbage enzyme and its inuence on sta-
bilization of industrial waste activated sludge. Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2014.10.008
PSEP-492; No. of Pages 8
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In biological method microbial hydrolytic enzymes play impor- waste mixed, from that mixture 3 parts of waste were taken
tant role in dewatering and reduction of solids content of sludge by and mixed with 1 part of molasses and 10 parts of water in air-
reducing the organic compounds, remove pathogenic organisms and tight containers (Joean oon, 2008). The container was placed in
odour. Thus the biological method improves the stability of sludge a cool, dry and well-ventilated area for complete degradation
for further utilization or disposal (Godfrey and West, 1996; Ayol and
of organic matter; the fermentation was conducted for three
Dentel, 2005; Roman et al., 2006). Direct addition of microorganisms
months. After three months the solution was ltered and char-
for stabilization will contribute to a large amount of biomass, which
acteristics of pure garbage enzyme solution were analyzed.
increases the sludge volume; instead it can be reduced by adding
enzyme directly, which is responsible for the degradation (Parmar et al., The parameters like pH, total solids (TS), TDS (total
2001b; Wawrzynczyk et al., 2007). Parmar et al. (2001a) stated that treat- dissolved solids), BOD (biological oxygen demand), COD
ment of sewage sludge with the addition of alkaline protease along (chemical oxygen demand) and MPN (Most probable num-
with lipase and cellulase at 50 C showed benecial effects in pathogen ber) were analyzed as per procedures in standard methods
reduction. Dean and Ward (1991) reported alkaline protease from Bacil- (APHA, 2005). Lowry protein assay (Lowry et al., 1951) was
lus sp. is responsible for the lysis of E. coli cell wall. Researchers till now used for quantitative determination of protein concentration
used commercial hydrolytic enzymes for sludge stabilization, but pur- in garbage enzyme. In this tyrosine in protein was allowed to
chasing such enzyme for the treatment are not economical. So there is a
react with Folins Ciocalteau reagent and the CuSO4 solution
need to nd an alternative cheap source of enzymes available through-
to produce a blue colour with absorption maximum around
out the year. Enzymes are generally produced from animals, plants or
620 nm. The concentration of protein was estimated by refer-
microbes. Among them enzymes from plant source is relatively cheaper
and have easier extraction and purication step.
ring to a standard curve obtained at the same time using a
Restaurants, vegetable markets, fruit markets and food processing known concentration of bovine serum albumin.
industries produce decomposable waste such as fruits, vegetables
and its peels, etc. in huge quantities. Management of these organic 2.2. Biocatalytic activity of garbage enzyme
waste is currently a major issue all over the world. The disposal of
these decomposable wastes either in the landll or by composting The organic molecules like proteins, carbohydrates and lipids
produces greenhouse gases like methane and nitrous oxides. Hence commonly found in larger quantity in sludge, can be degraded
the decomposable waste which is thrown into the environment can by enzyme protease, amylase and lipase respectively. Hence
be used to produce value added bio-product which in turn reduces
the protease, amylase and lipase activity in garbage enzyme
the production of greenhouse gas from it. One of such products was
were determined.
developed by researcher Dr. Rosukon from Thailand using organic solid
waste in the year 2006 and named the solution obtained as garbage
enzyme. This enzyme is a complex organic substance of protein chains 2.2.1. Proteolytic activity
(enzyme), organic acids and mineral salts produced easily by fermen- Proteolytic activity was determined according to the method
tation of waste fruits, vegetables or its peels, sugar (brown sugar or of Tsuchida et al. (1986) by using casein as a substrate.
molasses sugar) and water. The garbage enzyme functions similarly to Casein Digestion Unit (CDU) is the amount of enzyme which
enzymes in achieving a high degree of degradation within a shorter produces 1 g of tyrosine per minute in a 1% solution of casein.
time. Researchers suggested that this enzyme can function in four Casein (25 ml) was treated with an enzyme solution (3 ml)
categories: decompose, compose, transforms and catalysis (Joean oon, in 1 M sodium phosphate buffer for 15 min and the reaction
2008). It can be utilized as a low-cost alternative to improve wastewa-
was stopped by the addition of 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
ter treatment processes through the removal of impurities, harmful
(25 ml). The precipitated material from each reaction mix-
sludge and bacteria, which in turn promotes recycling of waste back
ture was removed by centrifugation and the supernatant was
into the earth (Bhavani Prakash, 2011). Nazim and Meera (2013) pro-
duced garbage enzyme for treatment of synthetic grey water using 5
assayed by Lowrys method (Lowry et al., 1951). The garbage
and 10% garbage enzyme solution. They also characterized the envi- enzyme obtained after three months of fermentation was l-
ronmental properties of garbage enzyme alone. Till now no work has tered, centrifuged and stored in refrigerator. 5 numbers of
been reported on characterization of biocatalytic property (i.e. enzyme 100 ml conical asks were taken and to them 10 ml of garbage
property), antimicrobial and disinfectant property of garbage enzyme. enzyme was added. Among them the pH was adjusted to
And also, no work has been reported on using garbage enzyme in sludge 6, 7, 7.5, 8 using sodium phosphate buffer in four conical
stabilization process. asks and only one conical ask (pH 3.6) was not adjusted.
The prime objective of this study is to analyze the biocatalytic activ- An appropriate solution was prepared and absorbance val-
ity of garbage enzyme by changing the pH of garbage enzyme produced
ues at 620 nm were measured with reference to the blank
by fermentation of fruit peels, vegetable dregs, molasses and water.
using spectrophotometer (Model: Spectroquant Pharo 300
Successively antimicrobial potential of garbage enzymes on four major
UV/VIS spectrophotometer, Make: Merck). The absorbance val-
pathogenic microorganisms Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp., Staphylococ-
cus aureus, Candida albicans were studied and the phenol coefcient of ues were correlated to calculate the specic activity of the
garbage enzyme were determined to examine the disinfectant poten- protease using casein as substrate. The specic activity is
tial. Subsequently the effect of garbage enzyme to stabilize the dairy nothing but the activity of protease per milligram of protein
industry waste activated sludge obtained from the milk processing unit per minute.
was investigated.
Proteolytic activity = (Absorbance at 620 nm)
2. Materials and methods (protein concentration)
Please cite this article in press as: Arun, C., Sivashanmugam, P., Investigation of biocatalytic potential of garbage enzyme and its inuence on sta-
bilization of industrial waste activated sludge. Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2014.10.008
PSEP-492; No. of Pages 8
Process Safety and Environmental Protection x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxxxxx 3
5 numbers of 100 ml conical asks were taken and to them PDA medium for bacteria or fungi respectively. The test organ-
10 ml of garbage enzyme was added. Among them the pH was ism was inoculated on a solidied agar plate with the help of
adjusted to 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8 using sodium phosphate buffer in micropipette, spread and allowed to dry for 10 min. The sur-
four conical asks and only one conical ask (pH 3.6) was faces of medium were inoculated with bacteria/fungi from a
not adjusted. 0.5 ml of 1% starch was incubated with 0.5 ml broth culture. A sterile cotton swab was immersed into a stan-
of garbage enzyme with 1 ml of phosphate buffer. The reac- dardized bacterial or fungi test suspension and used to evenly
tion mixture was incubated for 10 min. Reaction was stopped inoculate.
by the addition of 0.5 ml DNS colour reagent, incubated in S. aureus (Gram positive), E. coli (Gram negative), Salmonella
a water bath for 30 min. The reaction mixer was cooled and typhi (Gram negative) and C. albicans were used as test microor-
2.5 ml of distilled water was added. The absorbance was read ganisms in this study and these were obtained from the
at 540 nm with the help of a spectrophotometer against malt- Microbiology Laboratory of the Thanjavur Medical College
ose as the standard. One unit of enzyme activity is estimated Hospital, Thanjavur, India.
as the amount of enzyme which releases 1 mol of reducing Inoculums containing E. coli, S. aureus and S. typhi were
sugar as maltose per minute, under the assay conditions. spread on nutrient agar plates and C. albicans was spread on
potato dextrose agar. In this process control standard used
mg of maltose released Dilution factor to compare the test solution was Chloramphenicol (25 mg/ml
Amylase acticity =
Volume of garbage enzyme distilled water 30 l) for bacteria and Nystatin (25 mg/ml dis-
(2) tilled water 30 l) for fungi.
Whattman lter paper (No: 1) was used to prepare discs
approximately 6 mm in diameter, and these were placed in hot
air for sterilization. After sterilization, the discs were loaded
2.2.3. Lipase activity
with control standards and 50 l, 100 l and 150 l of garbage
The garbage enzyme obtained after three months of fermen-
enzyme (5, 10 and 15% with pH adjusted to 7 and without
tation was ltered, centrifuged and stored in refrigerator. 5
adjusting the pH 3.6). Prepared disc was kept under refrigera-
numbers of 100 ml conical asks were taken and to them
tion for 24 h. Using sterile forceps, the above prepared sterile
10 ml of garbage enzyme was added. Among them the pH
lter papers (6 mm diameter) containing the garbage enzyme
was adjusted to 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8 using sodium phosphate buffer
and standard were laid down on the surface of the inoculated
in four conical asks and only one conical ask (pH 3.6) was
agar plate. The plates were incubated at 37 C for 24 h for the
not adjusted. Lipase activity was determined by a titrimetric
bacteria and at room temperature for 48 h for fungi strains.
method (Pinsirodom and Parkin, 2001). 2.50 ml of ultra-pure
Each sample was tested in triplicate.
water, 1 ml of Tris HCl buffer and 3 ml of olive oil were taken
in blank and test conical ask and 1 ml of the garbage enzyme
solution was added to test ask alone. Both the test and blank
solution were mixed well and incubated at 37 C for 15 min.
2.5. Determination of phenol coefcient
After that 3 ml of 95% ethanol solution and 34 drops of thy-
The phenol coefcient is the value obtained by dividing the
molphthalein indicator were added to both test and blank
highest dilution of the test solution (garbage enzyme) by the
solution. Both the test and blank solution were titrated with
highest dilution of phenol that sterilizes the given culture
NaOH till the appearance of light blue colour. Under the assay
of bacteria under standard conditions of time and temper-
conditions, one unit of lipase activity was estimated as the
ature (Reybrouck, 1998; Gardner and Peel, 1991). In this test
amount of enzyme which releases 1 mol of fatty acids per
procedure the phenol was diluted from 1:100 to 1:120 and
(Volume of NaOH used for test Volume of NaOH used for blank) Dilution factor
Lipase activity = (3)
Volume of garbage enzyme
Please cite this article in press as: Arun, C., Sivashanmugam, P., Investigation of biocatalytic potential of garbage enzyme and its inuence on sta-
bilization of industrial waste activated sludge. Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2014.10.008
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4 Process Safety and Environmental Protection x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxxxxx
2.7. Stabilization of sludge using garbage enzymes 3.2. Determination of biocatalytic activity in garbage
enzyme solution
The sludge stabilization method aims to reduce organic ingre-
dients and improves hygiene by reducing the pathogen in
3.2.1. Protease activity
them. Solid reduction is the major parameter which reveals
Proteolytic activity of garbage enzyme (pH 3.6, 6, 7, 7.5, 8) was
the stability of sludge and same is used widely for analysing
determined using casein as a substrate and the result obtained
the effectiveness of a sludge stabilization method (Uma Rani
is presented in Fig. 1a. From Fig. 1a it is observed that the pro-
et al., 2012). Therefore the reduction of TS, SS and the pathogen
tease specic activity is higher for garbage enzyme with pH
are measured to identify the performance of garbage enzymes
6.5 and lower for garbage enzyme with pH 3.6. In general the
on industrial sludge.
optimal pH for protease will be within the range pH 67. The
Different concentration of garbage enzyme 5, 10, 15 and
catalytic ability of the protease is so tightly linked to the spe-
20% were prepared and the pH of the solutions was adjusted to
cic shape and chemical properties of its active site; alteration
7 with sodium phosphate buffer. 90 g of well mixed dairy waste
of normal ionic bonding patterns within the protein tends to
activated sludge were taken in a beaker and 50 ml of garbage
reduce catalytic function. Because of this reason the protease
enzyme solution was added into the same beaker. After addi-
activity of garbage enzyme is higher at pH 6.5 and lower at
tion the beaker was incubated on an orbital shaker for 5 days
pH 3.6. This result indicates that to achieve higher proteoly-
at 37 C (250 rpm). Simultaneously in another beaker 90 g of
tic activity the pH of the garbage enzyme solution should be
sludge and 50 ml of distilled water were added and kept in
maintained between the ranges 6.5 and 7.
orbital shaker as a blank (untreated sludge). At regular time
intervals (12 h) parameters like TS, TSS and MPN were esti-
mated and the experiments were repeated to determine the
consistency in the result determined. 3.2.2. Lipase activity
A garbage enzyme with various pH (3.6, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8) were
used to investigate lipase activity. Commonly the maximum
3. Results and discussion
lipase activity was obtained at pH 8 and decreased signi-
cantly when pH was increased from 8 to 12 (Shu et al., 2006). In
3.1. Garbage enzyme composition
the present study lipase activities were determined using olive
oil as substrate and the analyzed result is shown in Fig. 1b.
Garbage enzyme was prepared using 3 parts of waste mixture,
From Fig. 1b it is observed that the lipase activity is gradually
1 part of molasses and 10 parts of water in airtight containers.
increasing from pH 3.6 to 8, because the optimal pH range for
After three months, the solution was ltered and separated
most of the lipase falls within the range 710 (Shu et al., 2006).
from solid residues. The solution obtained was centrifuged
The observed result shows that the higher lipolytic activity of
for 30 min with 3000 rpm. The supernatant was separated and
the garbage enzyme solution can be achieve by maintaining
used as the garbage enzyme source. The characteristics of the
the pH between the ranges 7 and 8.
garbage enzyme solution obtained after three months of fer-
mentation were analyzed and is shown in Table 2.
During fermentation, carbohydrates were converted into
volatile acids and in addition, organic acids present in waste 3.2.3. Amylase activity
Amylase activity was considerably decreased at low acidic as
well as at high basic pH while studying the effect of pH on
Table 2 Characteristic of garbage enzymes. amylase activity (Smitha, 2010). In the present study a garbage
enzyme with various pH (pH 3.6, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5 and 8) were used
Parameters Value
to determine the amylase activities using starch as substrate.
pH 3.6 Fig. 1c reveals that the amylase activity is higher for garbage
TDS 1040 mg/l enzyme with pH 6.5 and lower for garbage enzyme with pH 3.6.
BOD 79 mg/l
This is because commonly the catalytic property of amylase
COD 158 mg/l
was higher at pH range 67. The observed result signies that
Total protein 42 mg/l
MPN (CFU/ml) <3 to achieve higher amylase activity the pH of garbage enzyme
should be maintained between 6 and 6.5.
Please cite this article in press as: Arun, C., Sivashanmugam, P., Investigation of biocatalytic potential of garbage enzyme and its inuence on sta-
bilization of industrial waste activated sludge. Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2014.10.008
PSEP-492; No. of Pages 8
Process Safety and Environmental Protection x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxxxxx 5
0.03 1000
0 0
pH 3.6 pH 6.5 pH 7 pH 7.5 pH 8 3.6 6 6.5 7 7.5 8
pH of Garbage Enzyme pH of Garbage Enzyme
(c) 3.5
Amylase Actvity (U/ml)
3.6 6 6.5 7 7.5 8
pH of Garbage Enzyme
Fig. 1 (a) Determination of protease activity present in garbage enzyme with different pH (3.6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8). Determination
of (b) lipase and (c) amylase activity present in garbage enzyme with different pH (3.6, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8).
3.3. Antimicrobial potential of garbage enzyme enzymes from the organic waste materials into the solution
during fermentation (Bhavani Prakash, 2011). These extra-
The antimicrobial potential of garbage enzyme for the four cellular enzymes are likely responsible for the lytic action
microorganisms was measured by the zone of inhibition towards the pathogen like E. coli, Salmonella sp., etc. which are
around the disc placed on the inoculated agar plate. Chloram- commonly found in waste activated sludge (Straub et al., 1993).
phenicol was used as the standard for bacteria and showed The activity of such enzymes was suppressed when garbage
17 mm, 18 mm and 13 mm zone of inhibition for E. coli, S. aureus enzyme solution was acidic in nature. When the pH of the
and S. typhi respectively. Nystatin was used as the standard for garbage enzyme increased from 3.6 to 7 the activity of such
fungi and showed 16 mm zone of inhibition for C. albicans. extracellular enzymes present in garbage enzyme solution got
The antimicrobial activity of garbage enzyme on bacteria increased which in turn enhances the antimicrobial activity
and fungi are shown in Tables 3a and 3b respectively. When (Puupponen-Pimi et al., 2008). This observation conrms that
compared with positive control standards, the bacterial and garbage enzyme possesses pathogen killing/inhibiting prop-
fungal zone of inhibition for 150 l of 15% garbage enzyme erty.
solution is higher. From Tables 3a and 3b it is observed that
when using 150 l of 15% garbage enzyme solution (pH 3.6), 3.4. Phenol coefcient of garbage enzymes
zone of inhibition for E. coli, S. aureus, S. typhi and C. albicans are
14, 12, 12 and 12 mm respectively and when using 150 l of 15% In general disinfectants that are more effective than phenol
garbage enzyme solution (pH 7), zone of inhibition for E. coli, S. have a coefcient greater than 1; those that are less effective
aureus, S. typhi and C. albicans are 20, 18, 19 and 22 mm respec- have a coefcient less than 1. In this study the growth of test
tively. This observation clearly reveals that garbage enzyme organisms in subculture plates were noted at intervals of 2, 4,
adjusted to pH 7 has the highest power to reduce or inhibit 6, 8 and 10 min and tabulated in Table 4. The result showed that
the pathogen than with not adjusted (pH 3.6) because the after 6 min exposure the test organism was killed completely
acidic nature of garbage enzyme helps to extract extracellular by the garbage enzyme at a dilution of 1:400 and by phenol
5% 10% 15% 5% 10% 15% 5% 10% 15% 5% 10% 15% 5% 10% 15% 5% 10% 15%
50 6 9 11 7 11 18 7 10 9 12 16 5 7 8 10 13
100 6 10 12 9 13 18 5 8 10 10 15 16 8 10 10 12 13
150 8 12 14 9 16 20 8 11 12 10 18 19 8 12 10 14 15
Please cite this article in press as: Arun, C., Sivashanmugam, P., Investigation of biocatalytic potential of garbage enzyme and its inuence on sta-
bilization of industrial waste activated sludge. Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2014.10.008
PSEP-492; No. of Pages 8
6 Process Safety and Environmental Protection x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxxxxx
Candida albicans
pH 3.6 pH 7
50 10 8 12 19
100 8 12 8 15 19
150 11 12 10 18 22
Phenol 1:100 G G G NG NG
1:105 G G G NG NG
1:110 G G NG NG NG
1:115 G G G G NG
1:120 G G G G NG
at a dilution of 1:110. Hence the phenol coefcient of garbage SS in sludge are decreased gradually with time when treated
enzyme was calculated as follows with 5, 10 and 20% but lower when compared with 15% diluted
garbage enzyme solution. Also, it is observed that the sludge
1 : 400
Phenol coefcient of garbage enzyme = = 4 (approx.) treated with 15% garbage enzyme collected after 120 h showed
1 : 110
37.2 and 38.6% reduction of TS and SS respectively.
Above result indicates that garbage enzyme can be diluted
four times as much as phenol and still it possesses equivalent
3.6. MPN reduction
killing power of the test organism.
35 10%
Suspended solids reduction %
20% 35
30 15%
25 20%
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (hours) Time (hours)
Fig. 2 Reduction % of TS in waste activated sludge with Fig. 3 Reduction % of SS in waste activated sludge with
time for different concentration of garbage enzyme (5%, time for different concentration of garbage enzyme (5%,
10%, 15% and 20%) for 5 days at 37 C (250 rpm). 10%, 15% and 20%) for 5 days at 37 C (250 rpm).
Please cite this article in press as: Arun, C., Sivashanmugam, P., Investigation of biocatalytic potential of garbage enzyme and its inuence on sta-
bilization of industrial waste activated sludge. Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2014.10.008
PSEP-492; No. of Pages 8
Process Safety and Environmental Protection x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) xxxxxx 7
The MPN reduction percentage was found to be 99%, when
sludge treated with 10, 15 and 20% garbage enzyme. Thus
log scale
the result conrms that the garbage enzyme has the poten-
tial to kill/inhibit the pathogen in the sludge.
100 5%
10% The results obtained in this study identied that garbage
10 15% enzyme has both biocatalytic and pathogen inhibiting prop-
20% erty. Therefore it has the potential to enhance the stability of
1 sludge by removing the solids and suppressing the activity of
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 microbes in the sludge.
Time (hours)
Please cite this article in press as: Arun, C., Sivashanmugam, P., Investigation of biocatalytic potential of garbage enzyme and its inuence on sta-
bilization of industrial waste activated sludge. Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2014.10.008
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Please cite this article in press as: Arun, C., Sivashanmugam, P., Investigation of biocatalytic potential of garbage enzyme and its inuence on sta-
bilization of industrial waste activated sludge. Process Safety and Environmental Protection (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2014.10.008