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6.) 2 W


The moisture content of a saturated clay is 160.0 %. The specific gravity of the
soil solids Gs is 2.40. What are the wet and dry densities of the saturated clay?

solution :

m = 160.0% or 1.60, Gs = 2.40, Sr=1.0 (saturated clay)

Wet Density:
e = (mGs/Sr) = 1.6 2.4/1 = 3.84
sat = (Gs+Sre)/(1+e)w
=(2.4 + 1.6 2.4)/(1+3.84) 1000 = 1289 kg/m3

Dry Density:
d = Gs/(1+e)w
=2.4/(1+3.84) 1000 = 496 kg/m3

7. 3

A saturated sample of clay has a volume of 0.224x10-4 m3 and weighs 0.0367 kg.
After oven drying, the volume is 0.140x10-4 m3. The weight of dry soil is 0.0232 kg. For
the soil in its natural state, find:
a. Water content m, %
b. Specific gravity, Gs
c. Void ratio e
d. Saturated density sat
e. Dry density dry


VT: 0.224x10-4 m3 ; MT : 0.0367 kg; after drying, VVT: 0.140x10-4 m ; Ms:0.0232 kg.

A.) m = Mw/Ms = (0.0367 - 0.0232)/0.0232 = 0.5818 or 58.18%

E.) d = 0.0232/0.224x10-4 = 1036 kg/m3

D.) sat = 0.0367/0.224x10-4 = 1638 kg/m3

E.) sat = (Gs+e)/(1+e) w = Gs/(1+e) w + e/(1+e) w =d + e/(1+e)w

then, 1638 = 1036 + n1000
n = (1638-1036)/1000) = 0.602
e = n/(1-n)=0.602/(1-0.602)= 1.513

B.) Gs=Sre/m = 11.513/0.5818 = 2.60

8. 5
A soil has a bulk density of 1810 kg/m3. The moisture content was found to be 16.1 %.
Assume Gs=2.7, find:
a. Void ratio e
b. Dry density d
c. Degree of saturation Sr, %

Solution :

A.) b : 1810 kg/m3; m = 16.1%; Gs = 2.7

void ratio,e : b =(Gs + mGs)/(1+e)w
then, e = 0.731

B.) d = b/(1+m) = 1810/(1+0.161) = 1559 kg/m3

C.)Degree of saturation Sr = mGs/e = 0.1612.7/0.731 = 0.59427 = 59.47%

A soil specimen with a volume of 0.60x10-4m3 weighs 0.105 kg. Its dry weight is
0.0802 kg, and Gs is 2.65. Compute
a. Water content m, %
b. Void ratio e and porosity n
c. Degree of saturation Sr, %

Solution :

a.) VT=60x10-4m3; MT : 0.105 kg; Ms : 0.0802 kg; Gs = 2.65

Water Content m = Mw/Ms = (MT - Ms)/Ms = (0.105 - 0.0802)/0.0802 = 0.3092
= 30.92%

b.) Void ratio e :

d = Ms/VT = 0.0802/0.60x10-4 = 1336.7 kg/m3
d = Gs/(1+e) ?w
then 1336.7 = 2.65/(1+e) ?1000
1+e = 1.982
thus, e = 0.982
and, n = e/(1+e) = 0.4955 = 49.55%

c.) Degree of saturation Sr : mGs/e = 0.3092 ?2.65/0.982 = 0.8344 = 83.44%

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