The Role of Translation in A Multilingual Society
The Role of Translation in A Multilingual Society
itself on the western civilizational lines.
In the last few years the process is vigourously pursued by
the players of the global consumer culture who by appropriating,
and co-opting all our cultural diversities are bent on creating an
analogous, homogenized and monolithic Indian culture with the
help of mostly American inputs.
liberating the scriptures from the monopoly of a restricted class of
people and also reorganizing the society.
At the same time inter-lingual translations especially from
different Indian languages into Hindi commenced in a big way.
Translation into Hindi that time was considered to be a national act
and also a part of anti-colonial struggle.
By the end of the First World War, the Indian cultural scene
was changing very rapidly. A large number of Indian soldiers had
returned home after getting an exposure to European Culture other
than the British. The newly instituted Nobel Prizes seem to have
afforded non-English writers a level of visibility and circulation
which they otherwise might not have achieved. The Indian regard
for the Nobel Prize was considerably reinforced after Tagore
received the prize in 1913 for his book Gitanjali, which a
translation done by him of his Bengali songs in English. As a
result Indian translators began to go beyond in order to reach out to
works from other languages. Premachand translated into Urdu two
Nobel Prize winners, Belgian writer Maurice Maeterlinck and
English writer John Galsworthy. It now seemed to be part of a new
sprit of literary independence to welcome, through translation non-
English writers into the Indian languages. It was during that time
Mahatma Gandhi had entered the political scene in India creating a
new national awareness.
find a unified approach emerging because of this idea of India and
translations were done for the promotion either of the colonial
hegemony or for dramatization of a certain kind of resistance
against colonialism of which the best examples are original or
inter-lingual translated novels, a new genre borrowed from the
West. Unlike the western novel, which had for its dominant theme
the rapture between individual and society, the Indian novel-
authored by the newly educated class dealt on the recasting of
social identity in the confrontation with a colonizing power.
Translation here acts as a part of anti-colonial struggle.
In fact, it was a continuation of what was started in the
medieval time by the translator-writers like Tulasi, Jnandev,
Krittivasa and others who rendered the original Sanskrit texts into
their languages without any inhibitions as they rarely maintained a
word-for-word, line-for-line discipline. The poets and writers who
attempted a trans-created rendering of Sanskrit texts into Indian
languages treated both the languages as their own languages.
They had a sense of possession in respect of the Sanskrit heritage.
But in translating Sanskrit texts they sought to liberate the
scriptures, as said earlier, from the monopoly of a restricted class
of people. Hence, these translations became a means of liberating
and reorganizing the society.
and that it should be taught in the bhasas, in Indian languages.
To fully comprehend and appreciate the function of
translations in post-independence India, it is imperative that we
accept translation as a socio-political necessity in the context of
cultural pluralism and the multilingual situation in India. We need
not emphasize that multilingualism is an all-pervading element in
the Indian atmosphere, affecting every aspect of the countrys life.
From the Western point of view, a multiplicity of languages,
regions and races is regarded as leading to fragmentation, even
though, in fact, such multiplicity gives importance to every part of
the whole. It is rather the monolithic structures that may create
fragmentation of life, of man and of knowledge undermining the
unity of living.
Saursheni, Maharastri and Magadhi Prakrits, indicates that a
literary text could be produced in a complex multilingual situation,
where different languages did not drive people into exclusive
groups, but could encourage people to interact with one another,
and to transcend linguistic barriers. Experience shows that it is not
the recognition, but the non-recognition of languages that has led
to divisive movements. Translation is accepted as one of the ways
of reconciling the interests of various groups.
has created a crisis relating to the preservation of multilinguality in
this post-colonial era, because colonialism still survives in a new
avatara in an altered form.
creativity for the vast majority of Indians.
complementary nations and domesticating the work either into pan
Indian or into a universalist mode for identifying a plurality of
linguistic ex-pressions and cultural experience and also for
understanding the remarkable unity underlying them.