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From the Vice-Chancellor 3 International Mobility Programs 21

About UKM 4 Sports @ UKM 22
Faculties 6 Performing Arts 24
Research Institutes 7 Faces of UKM 26
Global Outreach 8 Recognition & Achievements 29
Teaching & Learning 10 Alumni 30
Research Niches 12 Scholarship & Financial Aid 31
Research & Innovation 13 Facts & Figures 32
Industry & Community Engagement 19 Facilities 33
Student Excellence 20

From the Vice-Chancellor
Changing times demand new approaches for institutions
of higher learning. At Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, we
are cognizant of these changes and take efforts to address
them. We prepare students through innovative teaching
and forward-looking curriculum suited for new economies.
We foster research that provides solutions to pressing
problems. We engage with the community and industry
for sustainable national and international development.

As guardian of the nation, shaped by the history of our

origin and sensitive to the needs of the 21st century,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia inspires futures and
nurtures possibilities.

The years ahead at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia are

exciting and challenging. Come and join us in meeting
these challenges that develop personal attributes, enhance
professional qualifications, boost entrepreneurial skills, and
groom leaders of tomorrow.

Prof. Datuk Dr. Noor Azlan Ghazali

Inspiring Futures, Nurturing Possibilities 3

Since its establishment on May 18, 1970, Universiti One is through e-Learning to prepare students through
Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) has not only fulfilled the innovative teaching and forwardlooking curriculum to
vision of its founding fathers to accord Bahasa Melayu meet demands of the new economic needs. It nurtures
as the language of learning and scholarship but has also research to provide solutions to pressing problems while
successfully produced intellectuals and scholars who are also engaging with the community and industry, to strive
among the nations pride. for sustainable development both at the national and
international levels.
Starting out with only three faculties, it has since grown
into 13 faculties, 13 research institutes of excellence and
two commercial entities, UKM Holdings Sdn. Bhd. and
UKM Technology Sdn. Bhd. It has thus grown not just
in size, but also stature, becoming a research institute
in various fields of study including operating various
research centres.

Aware of the changes taking place in the academic

landscape, UKM is taking steps to address them.

44 UKM
UKM is committed to be
ahead of society and time
in leading the development
of a learned, dynamic and
moral society.

Inspiring Futures,Nurturing
Possibilities 55
Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Islamic Studies
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Information Science and Technology
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Faculty of Law
UKM-Graduate School of Business

Institute of the Malay World and Civilisation (ATMA)
Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI)
Institute of Systems Biology (INBIOSIS)
Fuel Cell Institute (SELFUEL)
Institute of Islam Hadhari (HADHARI)
Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA)
Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS)
Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI)
Institute of Climate Change (IPI)
Institute of Visual Informatics (IVI)
Institute of Ear, Hearing and Speech (HEARS)

Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN)
UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute (UMBI)

Inspiring Futures, Nurturing Possibilities 7



North America

Central America


South America

As a research university, UKM continuously strives to reach out and be relevant to all parts of the
world. UKM has many MOU and MOA partners and affiliates, the latest being with universities in
Uzbekhistan, Latvia, Romania and Georgia. These agreements comprise working together in areas
of student and staff exchanges and training as well as research collaborations. To date, UKM has
produced more than 170,000 alumni who continue to contribute and help in the development
of the country. It has attracted students from 53 nations, thus, bringing about the mingling of
diverse cultures, religions and languages on campus.

I choose UKM for its good
standing among Asian and
world universities. UKM
has excellent and dedicated
academic staffs and conducive
teaching and learning facilities.
I will definitely recommend
UKM to all my friends.
Malek M.Y Injas
(Postgraduate student from Palestine)
Institute of Malaysian and International
Studies (IKMAS)
UKM has chosen Teaching and Learning as its number Case-Studies
one priority in its Key Result Areas (KRA 1). UKM strives Labs and Studio Learning
to produce graduates who are proudly Malaysian, Fieldwork in Workplace Settings: Faculty-Professional
creative, competitive, employable, imbued with Collaboration
excellent communication skills and relevant to industry Co-operative Learning: Focus on CAP (Cognitive,
and community. Affective and Psycho-motor)
To achieve this objective, innovative pedagogical best Competition Base
practices have been introduced and implemented. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
The traditional face-to-face classroom has been re-
designed to give the current Gen-Y students a more In developing holistic and employable graduates, UKM
engaging learning reality. UKMs e-learning portal, the offers liberal arts and general studies to complement
I-Folio, complements this changing landscape. UKM their academic disciplines. Interdisciplinary and value-
implements the following innovative approaches in added courses such as foreign languages, traditional
teaching and learning: arts and culture and soft skills development are also
Blended learning offered.
Flipped Classroom
Experiential Learning
Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

10 UKM
Excellent infrastucture and
innovative pedagogy approaches
will drive UKM forward
Prof. Dato Ir. Dr. Riza Atiq O.K. Rahmat
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Academic & International Affairs

Possibilities 11
Nation Building
Regional Sustainable Development
Research at UKM contributes
Renewable Energy significantly to the economic and
Health Technology and Medicine social development through an
Climate Change ecosystem that fosters intellectual
Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials
Biodiversity for Biotechnology Development
discovery, innovation,dissemination
Content-Based Informatics and application of knowledge.
Economic, Finance and Business Prof. Datuk Dr. Noor Azlan Ghazali
Education and Civilizations Vice-Chancellor, UKM
Politics and Security
Rural Transformation

Research and innovation

in UKM provide solution to
national and regional problems
and are drivers to sustainable
Prof. Dato Dr. Mazlin Mokhtar
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Research and Innovation, UKM

12 UKM
UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute (UMBI) is a leading institute
on molecular medicine in Malaysia. UMBI was chosen by the Ministry
of Science, Technology and Innovation to lead The Malaysian Cohort
project, a large-scale population studies in Malaysia to date. The project
screened 106,527 participants complete with data on health, lifestyle
and environment and biophysical measurements. Their biospecimens
are kept in TMC Biobank which is arguably the largest bio-repository
in South East Asia. In 2009, UMBI became a Higher Institution Centre
of Excellence (HICOE) which is a recognition given by the Ministry of
Education. UMBI is currently conducting research to identify risk factors,
to study gene-environment interaction and to discover biomarkers for
the early detection of cancers and other diseases.

Malaysias First Fuel Cell Car

Malaysias first indigenous Hydrogen Fuel Cell vehicle
was built by UKMs Fuel Cell Institute. It is a golf
buggy powered by a fuel cell engine using a system
known as a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel
Cell/Supercapacitor Hybrid Power. The electrical
power is produced by a stack of fuel cells generated
by electrochemical reaction between hydrogen and
oxygen from the air at low temperatures that produces
water as a by-product. Fuel cell vehicles thus have zero
emission and are clean, green, environmentally friendly
and sustainable. UKM was given the mandate by the
Education Ministry to lead the project to develop a zero
emission vehicle using indigenous fuel cells with a grant
of RM7 million for 3 years.

Keyhole Surgery
UKM made history with keyhole surgery with a 14-day
old baby to remove 95% of his pancreas, making the
pancreatectomy surgery the first of its kind in the world
for patients below 30 days old.

Inspiring Futures, Nurturing Possibilities 13

Solar Energy Research
UKMs Solar Energy Research Institute was established in July 2005, aimed at finding
alternatives to fossil fuel which has contributed to global warming and environmental
degradation. SERI undertakes research and development to develop renewable energy
technology and expertise in the challenging field. SERI has won numerous awards as
it conducts world-class research in solar energy and renewable energy technology and
management for economic and environmental sustainability. SERIs contributions in
renewable energy research has won recognition from various sources including winning
the gold medal in the Green Tech Awards 2012 in the Greentech University category.

Green Rose
The Green Rose program is a community-based program initiated by the Faculty of
Social Sciences and Humanities involving primary school students and teachers. This
outreach program has been successfully conducted with various industry partners. To
date, the Green Rose program has been implemented in over 90 schools nationwide
and over 3000 students. The program introduces the ROSE approach reduce, offset,
substitute and enhance-to inculcate green values among young children, their families
and the school community.

The objective of this program is to raise awareness among young children and
emphasizes on the importance of acting as an individual and as a community to make
a difference on issues relating to climate change. It is also to empower the young
children, their families and the school community by providing the knowledge and
tools for monitoring and measuring their energy consumption and reducing their
energy footprint through multimodal environmental literacy materials and eco-science-
based activities.

14 UKM
Inspiring Futures, Nurturing Possibilities 15

Living Labs
Living labs are UKMs satellite learning and research centres. UKM has set up living labs
at Tasik Chini, Mersing, Frasers Hill, Lata Jarum, Sungai Pulai, Langkawi Geopark and
UKM Bangi Permanent Forest Reserve that includes a Fernarium and an Herbarium.

These living labs are open to visitors who get to see the conservation efforts for the
environment, plants and animals by UKMs scientists and researchers.

Langkawi Geopark
The Langkawi Geopark is Malaysias first established geopark. It is located in the far
northwestern corner of Peninsular Malaysia. It is unique in the sense that it comprises
99 islands that form the legendary Langkawi archipelago. The Langkawi Geopark is
an area with geological heritage of international significance in promoting sustainable

Mersing EKOMAR
UKMs Marine Ecosystem Research Centre (EKOMAR) conducts research related to the
marine ecosystem and resources with the aim of preserving and conserving the marine
ecosystem. The EKOMAR research team comprises researchers from many other local
universities, and from The National Oceonography Directorate, The Department of
Fisheries and Marine Parks, Malaysia.

16 UKM
UKM has the third largest fern garden
in the world. It gives the opportunities
to students to experience and gain
knowledge about ferns in its natural

Inspiring Futures, Nurturing Possibilities 17


18 UKM
Community & Industry Strategic
Alliances & Engagement
In the quest to develop, maintain and sustain UKM as the leading player in the establishment of mutually
beneficial partnerships between university, industry and community, structured governance and innovative
policy has been established for effective implementation. This is true at national, regional and global level.

UKM is building strategic alliances and network with the community surrounding the university area in
Bangi, Selangor and also communities around the living labs located in various parts of Malaysia. Among
the humanitarian activities work done include or were helping flood victims in Johor, Kelantan, Terengganu,
Pahang, Perak and adopting several schools and communities for academic and community sustainability.
We also rendered assistance to national disaster management effort through our counselling experts.

One of UKMs successful projects with the community is Crystal (Creative Youths Through Innovative
Learning) by the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment and Faculty of Information Science and
Technology that focus on guiding the students in schools to enhance their creativity via the use of
microchips. The UKM students are mentors and facilitate the creativity of the students. UKM is the first
public university to provide free legal service to public through the UKM legal aid clinic. It has successfully
assisted members of the public who have limited resources lawyers who handle the cases pro bono.

UKM has established good relations with industry and has signed several MoUs and MoAs, for example
with Sime Darby Foundation for the development of sport facilities, CIMB Foundation in organizing
conferences and events, UEM and PINTAR Foundation for research and development. Such innovative
industry and community engagement partnerships support and strengthen research, education and service
at UKM.

UKM will also establish Malaysias first Health Technopolis at its medical and health campus where cutting
edge medical research and development can be carried out. The huge amount of data from the medical
and health science faculties in UKM will be merged and integrated to form the basis of Health Technopolis.

Through such partnerships UKM continues to work with industries such as Sime Darby, FELDA, MK Land and
AGA Zone as part of its initiatives in preserving nature, marine life and the environment.

UKM engages with various communities at home and abroad in issues that include disaster management,
sustainability, human well-being and economic development.

A university that engages both industry

and community brings about mutual
benefits to enhance intellectual, social
and economic well-being.
Prof. Dr. Imran Ho Abdullah
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Industry and Community Partnerships

Inspiring Futures, Nurturing Possibilities 19


Space Law Moot

The Faculty of Law debate team won the Space Law Moot
Competition in 2014. Winning this renowned international event
shows that UKM students are globally competitive. This signifies the
very true potential of our future law graduates.

Robot Soccer UKM

The Robot Soccer UKM team from the Faculty of Information Science and
Technology won the National level FIRA Malaysia Cup 2014. They also
won both the Mirosot and Androsot Category by winning 3 golds and 1
bronze. They are Malaysian representatives at the FIRA Robo World Cup

20 UKM
The strong ties between Universiti Kebangsaan UKM-Global Student Mobility Partnerships (UKM-GSMP) is an
Malaysia and Mexico has been established since the annual UKM summer inbound mobility program that takes
signing of various MoU and LoIs with a few Higher place between July August. The program started in 2009
Learning Institutions in Mexico since 2011. Among and aimed at promoting awareness on sustainable ecology
the relationships established are with Universidad and indigenous culture of Malaysia as well as to promote
Intercultural Del Estado De Mexico [UiEM], El Colegio Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Malaysia itself as
De Mexico [COLMEX), Universidad De Ixtlahuaca the world class international educational hub.
[CUI] and Universidad Nacional Autonoma [UNAM].
Students can participate in either one of the following courses:
The cooperation was further strengthened with SKZA 2014 Indigenous Communities of Malaysia (ICM) or
the signing of MoU between UKM and Ministry STPD 4044 Sustainability of Tropical Heritage (STH).
of Education, Gobierno del Estado de Mxico
With the theme Building Bridges for International
[EDOMEX]. The support from the Malaysia
Understanding and Friendship, international and local
Ambassador in Mexico alongside with the Minister
students embark on a three-week educational tour
of Education of Estado de Mexico enhances the
around Malaysia. Students are given experience to live
cooperation and enables lots of activities between
with indigenous communities, visit ancient land mass with
the participating institutions.
amazing ecology and explore the various unique flora and
Over the years, UKM has hosted the short-term fauna not seen in other parts of the world.
mobility program 100 Mexico Mobility to Malaysia
Students will discover knowledge on related issues and acquire
[MM2M100] which ran from 15 May 5 June 2013.
first-hand experience when they conduct studies during their
Due to the success of the first program, EDOMAX
field-trips to the relevant sites in Peninsular Malaysia (such as
emulated the program and welcomed 19 Malaysian
the National Park) and East Malaysia (Borneo Island).
students to experience the program in Mexico.
The students were from nine public universities To date, this program has received participants from
in Malaysia and UKM was the coordinator. The Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong,
students participated in the Malaysia-Mexico Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, The Philippines,
Exchange Program (MPMEX 2015) from 26 January South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, The United
15 February 2015. States of America and Uzbekistan among others.

Inspiring Futures, Nurturing Possibilities 21


The UKM Cricket Team

The UKM Cricket Team has won the Malay Shield Cricket Championship for three
years in a row. They were also the winner of the Ministry of Education 2014
competition. Four members of UKM cricket team represented Malaysia at the
World Cricket League Division Four team in Singapore. In the recent Asian games
in Incheon, Korea, six of the UKM players represented Malaysia. This illustrates
the sporting talents of our local students at national and international levels.

The UKM Soccer Team

Winning the IPTA Ministry of Education
League Football Championship in 2014
shows how education through sports is
very important. The UKM soccer team
has proven that the key to success
is through discipline, commitment,
great teamwork and having the right
strategies. These values are not only
practiced on the soccer field but also
in their respective daily lives.

22 UKM
Our students are ready to serve
through UKMs uniform groups.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Prof. Datin Noor Aziah Mohd Awal
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Students & Alumni Affairs

Inspiring Futures, Nurturing Possibilities 23

UKM has been a powerhouse in promoting arts and culture.
Students are actively exposed to the spectacular world of
performing arts: dances, theater, cultural performances. UKM
realizes appreciation of the arts into the academic experience.
Among the activities that take centre stage in UKM include
the Arts and Theater Workshops, The Royal Inaugural Concert,
Merdeka Eve Night of Culture, The Arts Centre Stage and Arts
Appreciation Night.

24 UKM
UKM Orchestra

The UKM Orchestra is a household name within the

music scenario. The orchestra ensembled performances
provide a platform for the new generation to explore and
appreciate music. The UKM orchestra works with Dato
Dr. Johari Salleh, a world-renowned music Maestro and
UKM Fellow, in performing the Annual Royal Concert.

Inspiring Futures,Nurturing
Possibilities 25
Distinguished Prof. Datuk Dr. Shamsul Amri
Director, Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA)
A renowned social anthropologist in Southeast Asia, he has devoted his
research on issues related to reconciliation between different ethnic
groups, resolution of religious conflicts, and poverty mitigation.
26 UKM
Prof. Dr. Ishak Hashim
Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM
(The Worlds Most Influential Scientific Minds 2014)

Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor

UKMs Academic Staff
(First Malaysian Astronaut)

Prof. Dato Dr. Sharifah Mastura

UKM-YSD Chair for Climate Change
Institute of Climate Change, UKM
(Langkawi Award 2014)

Prof. Dato Dr. Halimah Badioze Zaman

Institute of Visual Informatics, UKM
ICT Cluster
National Professor Council (MPN)

Prof. Dato Dr. Teo Kok Seong

History, Heritage and Social Cultural Cluster
National Professor Council (MPN)

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Amin Embi

Centre for Teaching and Learning Technologies, UKM
(National Academic Award 2013,
Flipped Learning Award 2015)

Prof. Dr. Mansor Mohd Noor

Principal Research Fellow
Institute of Ethnic Studies, UKM
The National Unity Cluster
National Professor Council (MPN)

28 UKM
UKM academics have done us proud:


International Exposition on Syariah Compliant Idea, Invention,

Innovation & Design 2014 Award

5th Exposition on Islamic Innovation 2014 (i-Inova 2014) Award 2014

The Outstanding Contributions Award 2014
Innovation Around My Campus Award 2014
Arcasia Gold Medal Award for Architecture 2014
Best Performance Award, 5th ISICAS 2014 2014
Asean Energy Award 2014
Most Influential Scientific Mind Cited Research 2014
National Academic Award 2014
National Book Award 2014
Bitara Melayu Award 2014
MAPIM Award 2012, 2013, 2014

Langkawi Award
1994, 1998, 2004,
2009, 2014
Top Research Scientists Malaysia (TRSM) 2013 2013


Ranked 259th QS World University Rankings 2014

Ranked 87
th Times Higher Education
Top 100 Asia University Ranking
Ranked 19th QS Top 50 World Universities Under 50

Ranked 31st QS Top 50 World Universities Under 50


Ranked 58th QS Asian University Rankings

Ranked 261 th QS World University Rankings

Ranked 98th Times Higher Education (THE)

100 World Universities Under 50 Years

Inspiring Futures, Nurturing Possibilities 29


UKM has produced many leaders who are highly respected and referred
to nationally and internationally.

Dato Sri Liow Tiong Lai

Minister of Transport, Malaysia (2014-present)
Minister of Health (2008-2013)

Prof. Emeritus Dato

Dr. Ibrahim Komoo
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)

Langkawi Award (2009)

Tan Sri Dr. Jemilah Mahmood

President of the Malaysian Medical Relief
Society (MERCY Malaysia) (1999-2010)

Chief of The World Humanitarian Summit

Secretariat (2014-present)
Member of United Nation Advisory Group
of CERF (2008-present)

Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai

Director/Chief Executive Officer
of The Star Media Group

Reuben Thayaparan a/l

Kathiripillai (K.Reuben)
Malaysian Footballer (2012-present)

The Malaysian Armed Forces Football

Association (ATM FA) (2012-present)

30 UKM
Postgraduate students can apply for financial aid through its Research Assistance Scheme
or Graduate Research Assistance. Students who excel academically and in extracurricular
activities are eligible to be nominated for the Royal Education Award, the Vice-Chancellors
Award, Deans Award and the Book Prize.

We offer the following scholarships to Other forms of funding opportunities
outstanding students Graduate Research Assistant
Zamalah Yayasan Canselor Postdoctoral Fellowship
Zamalah Universiti Penyelidikan
Zamalah UKM
Zamalah High Flyers

Inspiring Futures, Nurturing Possibilities 31

About the University
MAJOR MILESTONES 18 May 1970 2006 2010 2012
Establishment Research University Self-accreditation Autonomy Status

UKM Campus Size


Kuala Lumpur Campus

GO 20 hectares

UKM Medical Centre
22 hectares

Bangi Main Campus
SE 1,100 hectares

Faculties (Year of Establisment) Institutes (Year of Establisment)

18 May, 1970 Faculty of Islamic Studies Institute of The Malay World and
1 Dec., 1972
18 May, 1970 Civilisation (ATMA)
Faculty of Science and Technology
(Restructured 19 July,1999) Institute for Environment and
1 Oct., 1994
Development (LESTARI)
18 May,1970 Faculty of Social Sciences and
(Restructured 15 Nov., 2001) Humanities Institute of Malaysian and International
1 April, 1995
Studies (IKMAS)
18 May, 1972 Faculty of Medicine
Institute of Microengineering and
1 Jan, 1974 Faculty of Economics and 1 Nov., 2002
Nanoelectronics (IMEN)
(Restructured 11 April, 2004) Management
UKM Medical Molecular Biology
1 Feb., 1984 Faculty of Law 1 July, 2003
Institute (UMBI)
Faculty of Engineering and Built 1 July, 2005 Institute of Systems Biology (INBIOSIS)
1 Nov., 1984
1 July, 2005 Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI)
16 Oct., 1986 Faculty of Education
1 July, 2006 Fuel Cell Institute (SELFUEL)
1 Sept., 1992 Faculty of Health Sciences
1 May, 2007 Institute of Islam Hadhari (HADHARI)
Faculty of Information Science and
1 Oct., 1994 8 Oct., 2007 Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA)
1 April 2011 Institute of Climate Change (IPI)
26 June, 1996 Faculty of Dentistry
1 May 2011 Institute of Visual Informatics (IVI)
10 Oct., 2007 UKM-Graduate School of Business
Institute of Ear, Hearing and Speech
1 June, 2008 Faculty of Pharmacy 2013


STUDENTS *Semester 2014/2015* 2,300
Foreign Students
12,897 Undergraduates 151
14, 064 Postgraduates 2,361
26, 961 TOTAL 2,512 GRADUATES *2014*

32 UKM

Students Residential Colleges Pavilion with Synthetic Track

University Hotel Guest House Bank Post Office Cafeteria Bus Services
Mosque Internet and Wifi Hotspots Sports Facilities Health Centre
Library 24 Hours Security Teres Eko Niaga

Kolej Dato Onn Kolej Ibrahim Yaakub
Kolej Aminuddin Baki Kolej Ungku Omar
Kolej Burhanuddin Helmi Kolej Keris Mas
Kolej Pendeta Zaba Kolej Tun Syed Nasir
Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail, PPUKM Kolej Idris al-Marbawi
Kolej Tun Hussein Onn Kolej Ibu Zain

Inspiring Futures, Nurturing Possibilities 33

The National University
of Malaysia

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