1 Proforma 20182019 BBA ISMPV Pemesinan Am

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Information contained in this proforma is true at the time of printing and the University

has the right to make any ammendment according to needs.

All rights reserved. No part of this proforma may be reproduced in any form or by any
means, electronic, photocopying, recording, visual, or otherwise, without prior written
permission of the Vice Chancellor of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.

Centre for Academic Development and Training

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
August 2018

Foreword from the Vice Chancellor 4

Foreword from the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International) 5
Foreword from the Dean of the Faculty of Technical & Vocational Education 6
University Vision 7
University Mission 7
University Education Philosophy 7
University Logo 7
Chancellor 8
Pro Chancellor 8
University Board of Directors 9
University Senate Members 10
Faculty of Technical & Vocational Education 12
Faculty Vision 12
Faculty Mission 12
Faculty Staff Directory 16
Programme Aims 25
Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) 25
ProgrammeLearningOutcomes (PLO) 26
Curriculum Structure 27
Synopsis of the University Courses 29
Synopsis of the Faculty Courses 31
Career & Further Education Prospect 67
Foreword from the Vice Chancellor

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

and Greetings

Congratulations and welcome to all new students.

We appreciate your trust in us and thank you for
choosing to be with UTHM in continuing your
endeavour for success in your future careers and
prosperous lives.

In line with the message given by the YBhg. Minister

Ministry of Education Malaysia that wish to
transform the process of teaching and learning more
flexible, organic, dynamic and effective, several
initiatives and innovations in delivery methods have
been and will be implemented at UTHM by combining conventional methods with
on-line / virtual meetings by introducing Full Online Classroom (FOC), Smart Class
Room, Flip Learning, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and more. In fact, the
approach through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) will
be enhanced to uphold the science and technology in line with the development of
the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Additionally, elements such as fun, happiness,
affection and courtesy will be applied in all curriculum at UTHM to ensure learning
and teaching processes can achieve the University's aspirations in producing
emotional, mental and physical equilibrium students based on the paradigm of

For your knowledge, the top University's leadership continues to seek, design and
adapt effective and efficient approaches that can have a big impact towards making
UTHM a renowned Higher Education Institution. The achievement of four stars in
the "QS STAR RATING 2017" and UTHM was recognized as Top 300 in QS World
University Ranking by Subject 2017 in Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing
Engineering and Electrical and Electronic Engineering categories, proving that
UTHM continues to create excellence. These achievements convince us that they
were the results of our effort in continuously strengthening and aligning the
University mission and vision.

Lastly, I believe that you are the ones who will continue the University tradition of
excellence. Also, when you graduate later you will be members of the community
who are not only able to apply knowledge that has been acquired but also able to
contribute efforts, deeds and expertise for the glory of Religion, Nation and Country.


Your Sincrely,


Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

Foreword from the Deputy of Vice Chancellor
(Academic and International)

Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

and Greetings

It gives me great pleasure to congratulate all the new

students who have been successfully selected to
continue their studies in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn
Malaysia (UTHM) for this 2017/2018 session.
Congratulations to the Centre for Academic
Development and Training for publishing this
proforma that will function as a guide for students to
plan their studies from the first semester until the

For your information, higher education in Malaysia has evolved from

teacher/lecturer-centred learning to student-centred learning. Several initiatives
have been conducted by the Ministry and the University to develop holistic
graduates who are balanced in their knowledge and morale. In order to achieve
UTHM mission and vision, a number of initiatives have been implemented such as
introducing the iCGPA system, which is an integrated mechanism that combines
assessment, achievement report and student’s development that takes into account
improvements in manners, knowledge and performance. Additional measures have
also been taken to upgrade the teaching and learning quality by incorporating
elements of Industry 4.0 and 2U2i in the curriculum content. This is to ensure the
academic programmes offered in UTHM remain relevant to the requirements of the
industry and current job market. In addition, knowledge and experience sharing
sessions by local and international industrial leaders with students and the local
community are carried out through the CEO@Faculty programme.

Other than that, online learning known as Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
has been introduced. The Full Online Classroom (FOC), which is implemented
every semester, serves as a new initiative to give students the opportunity to
explore knowledge without having to come to lecture rooms. Students also have the
opportunity to leave the University for a certain period of time to participate in the
Gap Year programme, which gives them the opportunity for self-reflection and
exploration through volunteerism, entrepreneurship and sports programmes.

I hope the variety of initiatives that have been and will be implemented by UTHM
will provide you with valuable experiences in your endeavour for knowledge and
develop you to be holistic and balanced students. To ensure UTHM aspirations are
achieved, it is hoped that this proforma will help you plan your studies and achieve
the best results and attain excellence. Lastly, I wish you all the best and pray for
your success in your studies here, with the hope that you will be able to contribute
to the development of Religion, Nation and Country.


Your Sincrely,


Deputy of Vice Chancellor (Academic and International)
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

Foreword from the Dean of Faculty of Technical & Vocational
Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan Greetings

As the starting point, I would like to congratulate all new students at the Faculty of
Technical and Vocational Education (FPTV) UTHM for the 2018/2019 academic
session. All of you are very fortunate to be selected to enter this University compare
to many other candicates who have submitted an application to enter to this
university, and still seeking for the opportunity to persue their studies. Therefore,
you should be grateful and remember that being selected to this university is a great
privilege that should not be wasted.

In order to accomplish the University’s and FPTV missions which are to produce
and train competitive professionals and future teachers of high ethical values, you
will be guided by qualified, committed, and responsible academic staff. FPTV offers
academic programmes based on four major areas in the field of civil, electrical and
mechanical engineering as well as hotel-catering programme. Various educational
knowledge skills that will practice in technical and vocational education institutions,
nationaly and internationaly. Soft skills and gereric skills will be part of the trainings
to ensure that students are fully responsible to their learning and instill with the high
ethical and good values. To enhance students’ understanding and creativity, the
faculty provides laboratories equipped with the latest equipment and assisted by
well-trained technicians. Students will also have to undergo practical work in the
field relevant to the current technical and vocational education needs.

Therefore, you must take this opportunity to work extremely hard in order to achieve
the aspirations of not only your parents but also the community and the country.
Systematic planning of teaching and learning will produce outstanding and
dedicated graduates.


Your Sincrely,


Faculty of Technical & Vocational Education
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


Towards a world class university in engineering, science and technology for

sustainable development


UTHM is committed to generate and disseminate knowledge, to meet the needs of

industry and community and nurturing creative and innovative human capital, based
on tauhidic paradigm

University Education Philosophy

The education and training in this university is a continuous effort to lead in the
market oriented academic programmes. These programmes are student-focused
and are conducted through experiential learning in order to produce well trained
human resource and professionals who are catalysts for a sustainable development

University Logo

The logo of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) is the pride, identity and
idealism of the members of UTHM community. UTHM logo displays a Proton, Book,
Tiered Mortar Board, Book Rest and Shield.

The whole concept of the logo symbolises UTHM as an Institution of Higher

Learning which supports the growth and development of knowledge at all levels in
fields of Science and Technology.

Blue represents a close-knit circle of members of UTHM community which ensures

the success and enhancement of its educational and research programmes and
activities for the benefits of mankind.

Red symbolises the courage of UTHM in the exploration of new fields as the
pioneer in science and technology applications, which reflects the spirit and self-
esteem of the members of UTHM community.

Red: Courage
Blue: Co-operation/Loyalty
Silver: Quality/Prestige
Book Rest: Repository of knowledge
Proton: Science and technology
Book: Knowledge
Mortar board: Levels of study
Shield: Confidence


Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar

Sultan of Johor

D.K., D.K. (Pahang), SPMJ, SSIJ, S.M.N., S.P.M.T., S.M.P.K., P.I.S.

Pro Chancellor I

Duli Yang Amat Mulia Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim

Tunku Mahkota of Johor (TMJ)


Pro Chancellor II

YBhg. Tan Sri Dr. Ali Hamsa

Chief Secretary to the Government of Malaysia

University Board of Directors


YBhg. Tan Sri Dato' Sri Sufri bin Hj Mohd Zin

Group Managing Director, TRC Synergy Berhad

YBhg. Professor Ts. Dr. Wahid bin Razzaly

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

YB Dato’ Haji Nooh bin Gadot

Advisor, Majlis Agama Islam Johor

YBhg. Datuk Dr. Pang Chau Leong

Alumni Representative, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

YBhg. Dato' Zainal Abidin bin Mat Nor

Deputy Secretary of Public Asset Management Division, Ministry of Finance

YBhg. Datuk Mat Noor bin Nawi

Chairman, Exim Bank Berhad

YBhg. Dato’ Dr. Ir. Haji Abdul Rashid bin Maidin

Akademi Profesional Koperasi Serbaguna Anak-anak Selangor Berhad (KOSAS)

YBhg. Professor Dr. Mustafa bin Mat Deris

Professor Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

YBhg. Professor Dr. Arham bin Abdullah

Director, Industrial Relation Division, Department of Higher Education
Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia

Alternative Member

Mdm. Mazula binti Sabudin

Director of Student Enrollment Management Division
Department of Higher Education
Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia


Mr. Abdul Halim bin Abdul Rahman

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

Senate Members


Professor Ts. Dr. Wahid bin Razzaly

Vice Chancellor


Professor Dr. Ismail bin Abdul Rahman

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International)

Professor Ts. Dr. Ruzairi bin Abdul Rahim

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation)

Associate Professor Dr. Asri bin Selamat

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni)

Professor Dato’ Dr. Abdul Razak Hj. Omar

Provost of UTHM Pagoh Branch Campus

Associate Professor Dr. Wan Fauziah binti Wan Yusoff

Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Financial Sustainability)

Associate Professor Dr. Afandi bin Ahmad

Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Strategic Planning and Corporate Relations)

Professor Dr. Ahmad Tarmizi bin Abd Karim

Dean Centre for Graduate Studies

Associate Professor Dr. Abd Halid bin Abdullah

Dean Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dr. Rosli bin Omar

Dean Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Associate Professor Dr. Shahruddin bin Mahzan @ Mohd Zin

Dean Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Lizam Bin Mohd Diah

Dean Faculty of Technology Management and Business

Professor Ts. Dr. W Mohd Rashid Bin W Ahmad

Dean Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education

Associate Professor Dr. Nazri bin Mohd Nawi

Dean Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Kamarulzaki bin Mustafa

Dean Faculty of Applied Science and Technology

Associate Professor Dr. Ishak bin Baba

Dean Faculty of Engineering Technology

Associate Professor Dr. Mohamad Zaky bin Noh
Dean Centre for Diploma Studies

Professor Dr. Azme bin Khamis

Director Centre for Academic Development and Training

Professor Dr. Rosman bin Md. Yusoff

Dean Centre for liberal and co-currricular studies

Professor Dr. Noraini Binti Kaprawi

Director International Office

Ir. Shamrul-Mar bin Shamsuddin

Director Development and Mainteance Office

Professor Ir. Dr. Amir Hashim bin Mohd Kassim

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Professor Dr. Sulaiman bin Hj Hassan

Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Professor Dr. Maizam binti Alias

Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education

Professor Dr. Jailani bin Md Yunos

Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education

Professor Dr. Hj. Mustafa bin Mat Deris

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

Professor Dr. Rosziati binti Ibrahim

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

Professor Datin Dr. Maryati binti Mohamed

Faculty of Applied Science and Technology

Professor Dr. Rosman bin Md Yusoff

Faculty of Applied Science and Technology

Mr. Abdul Halim bin Abdul Rahman


Mdm. Azizah binti Nasri


Mr. Hj. Bharun Narosid bin Mat Zin

Chief Librarian

Faculty of Technical & Vocational Education

Faculty Vision

To become a world class resource and referral centre on Technical and Vocational
Education Training through research, continuous development as well
as technological based teaching and learning processes, in line with the Philosophy
of the National Education system to realize the Vision 2020.

Faculty Mission

To educate and train world class, competitive professional human capital in the
various discipline, within the technical and vocational education, to explore, expand
and applyknowledge and modern technologies, based on the concept of Tauhid.

Faculty Background

The Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education (FPTV) of the Universiti

Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), was formally known as the Faculty of
Technical Education (FTE). Our inception began in September 27th, 2000, as the
Department of Technical and Vocational Education (DTVE) under the auspices of
the Faculty of Engineering Technology, Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn

Our renowned excellences in Teachers Training in Technical and

Vocational Education and Training (TT-TVET) niche areas is traceable back to the
year 1993 when we started as one of the core departments of the Polytechnics
Staff Training Centre (PSTC) that produced qualified polytechnics lecturers and
instructors. PSTC was upgraded and renamed as Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun
Hussein Onn (KUiTTHO) on May 1998. On May 27th. 2000, the department was
restructured and renamed as the Department of Technical and Vocational
Education (DTVE) under the auspices of the Faculty of Engineering Technology,
KUiTTHO. On May 1st. 2004, the department was upgraded as the Faculty of
Technical Education with the dissolution of Department of Engineering Technology.
The rebranding of the faculty to the present new name, is endorsed by the Ministry
of Higher Education on June 23rd. 2011, to reflect our continuous and significant
contributions to the rapid changes and transformation of the Technical and
Vocational Education (TVET) Systems, both locally and abroad.

Today, FPTV has developed to become the major provider and referral
centre of high quality TT-TVET programmes, researches and consultancies. Since

2002, UNESCO-UNEVOC Bonn entrusted the faculty to carry the role as UNESCO
-UNEVOC Associate Centre and ultimately in 2005, the faculty has become
UNESCO-UNEVOC centre in Malaysia. FPTV does not stand alone in making
reputation to its credentials. Collaborations and networking with regional and
international organizations such as Southeast Asian Ministers of Education
Organization Regional Centre for Vocational and Technical Education and Training
(SEAMEO VOCTECH), Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and
Training (KRIVET), Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education
Philippines (CPSC), The National Centre for Career and Technical Education USA
(NCCTE), European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
(CEDEFOP) and others have been made as initiatives to upgrade the quality and
credibility of technical and vocational education for the benefit of all.
FPTV is the professional faculty with niche in TT-TVET. The faculty offers a
range of quality academically balanced and practical-oriented programmes to meet
the changing needs of the teaching and training sectors of the economy. Our
programmes of study are dynamics that leads the rapidly transformation of TVET
both regional and worldwide. Our qualified and experienced academias and
supporting staffs are dedicated to providing a high standard and state-of-the-art
theoretical and practical knowledge in a stimulating and innovative learning

The faculty, consisted of four (4) departments and a research center that is
led by a Dean and assisted by three (3) Deputy Deans. Organisation chart of FPTV
is depicted the diagram overleaf.

Faculty Staff Directory


Prof. Dr. W Mohd Rashid Bin W AhmadAhmad Bin Esa
Ph.D (Technical Education) (University of Birmingham), Master (Tech. Industry) (University of
Wisconsin-Stout), Bachelor (Tech. Industry) (University of Wisconsin-Stout), Dip. (Vocational
Education)(Centennial College of Applied Arts & Tech.Canada)

Deputy Dean (Academic & International)

Associate Prof. Dr. Abdul Rasid Bin Abdul Razzaq
Ph.D (Town & Regional Planning) (UTM), Master of Tourism Planning (UTM), Bachelor of Business
Management (UUM), Dip. (Maktab Perguruan Teknik, KL)

Deputy Dean (Research, Development & Publication)

Associate Prof. Dr.Badaruddin Bin Ibrahim
Ph.D (Colorado State Uni.), Master (Technical Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Mechanical
Engineering) (ITTHO)

Deputy Dean (Student Affairs & Alumni)

Dr. Jamil Bin Abd Baser
Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTM), Master (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTM),
Bachelor (Technical & Education) (UTM), Cert (Maktab Perguruan Teknik, KL)

Office Secretary

Mrs. Mollyza Binti Abd Majid

Diploma (UiTM)

Office Secretary
Mrs. Laily Mariana Binti Samsudin
Diploma (Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah)

Senior Asst. Registrar

Mr. Ahmad Khirul Nizam Bin Ali
Bachelor (UIA)

Asst. Admin. Officer (Finance & Asset)

Mrs. Suzana Binti Ojudah
Bachelor (OUM), Diploma (UiTM)

Asst. Admin. Officer (Academic & Student Affairs)

Mrs. Norina Binti Alwee
Diploma (UiTM)

Senior Asst. IT Officer (Multimedi & Data Management)

Mrs. Farizah Binti Sudin
Diploma (Information Tech.) (UiTM)

Senior Clerk
Mr. Hazni Bin Md Harith
SPM (SM Dato Onn, Batu Pahat)

Senior Clerk
Mrs. Ruzehan Binti Md. Shah
Cert. (Kolej Komuniti Yayasan Pelajaran Johor), STPM (SM Tun Sardon), SPM (SM Tun Sardon)

Mrs. Nor Afizah Binti Omar
STPM (SM (P) Temenggong Ibrahim), SPM (SM (P) Temenggong Ibrahim)

Mrs. Norlizawati Binti Ahmad
SPM (SMK Sultan Abdul Jalil)
Mr. Mohd Raimi Bin A. Samat
Cert. (Mech. Eng), SPM (SMK Tinggi Kluang)

General Office Asst.

Mr. Mohamad Ayob Bin Arsad
SPM (SM Tengku Mahmud Iskandar)

Professional Education Department

Academic Staff
Head of Professional Education Dept.
Associate Prof. Dr. Mimi Mohaffyza Binti Mohamad
Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTM), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Technical & Education) (UTM)

Prof. Dr. Wahid Bin Razzaly

Ph.D (Engineering Education) (Univ. Manchester), Master (Highway & Transport)
(UTM), Bachelor (Civil Eng.) (Univ. College Swansea), Diploma (Education) (UKM)

Prof. Dr. Noraini Binti Kaprawi

Ph.D (Higher Education) (Univ. Manchester), Master (Technology Management)
(UTM), Bachelor (Physic) (Univ. of Aston)

Prof. Dr. Maizam Binti Alias

Ph.D (Technology Education) (Univ. Surrey), Master (Civil & Structure) (UKM),
Bachelor (Civil Eng.) (Univ. College Cardiff), Diploma (Education) (Maktab
Perguruan Pulau Pinang)

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Bin Esa

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education) (UTM), Bachelor (UUM), Dip. (Maktab Perguruan Temenggong Ibrahim)

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Jailani Bin Md Yunos

Ph.D (Education) (Univ. Sheffield), Master (Education) (Univ. Wisconsin-Stout),
Bachelor (Industrial Technology) (Univ. Wisconsin-Stout)

Associate Prof. Dr. Asri Bin Selamat

Ph.D (Evaluation and Assessment) (UTM), Master (Evaluation and Assessment)
(UTM), Bachelor (Sastera) (USM), Cert. (Maktab Perguruan Bahasa, KL)

Associate Prof. Dr. Abdul Rasid Bin Abdul Razzaq

Ph.D (Town & Regional Planning) (UTM), Master of Tourism Planning (UTM),
Bachelor of Business Management (UUM), Dip. (Maktab Perguruan Teknik, KL)

Associate Prof. Dr. Wan Azlinda Binti Wan Mohamed

Ph.D (Vocational Industrial Education) (Pennsylvania State Univ.), Master
(Vocational Industrial Education) (Pennsylvania State Univ.) Bachelor (Industrial
Engineering) (Kansas State Univ.)

Associate Prof. Dr. Mohd Yusop Bin Ab. Hadi

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM), Master (Technology
Management) (UTM), Bachelor (Counseling) (UPM), Cert. (Maktab Perguruan Ilmu

Associate Prof. Dr. Kamarolzaman Bin Md Jidi

Ph.D (Education) (Universiti Selangor), Master (UTM), Bachelor (USM)

Dr. Lee Ming Foong
Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTM), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Technology Education) (UTM)

Dr. D’oria Islamiah Binti Rosli

Ph.D (Computer Science) (UTM), Master (Computer Science) (Univ. of Western
Australia), Bachelor (Science) (UMS)

Dr. Azita Binti Ali

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTM), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education) (UTHM), Bachelor (Komunikasi Data dan Perangkaian Maklumat)
(UiTM), Diploma (UiTM)

Dr. Wan Hanim Nadrah Binti Wan Muda

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTM), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education) (UTHM), Bachelor (UMT)

Dr. Fadzlinda Binti Ab. Halim

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UPM), (Technical & Vocational Education)
Master (UTHM), Bachelor (UiTM), Diploma (UiTM)

Dr. Alias Bin Masek

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education) (UTHM), Bachelor (Electrical Engineering) (KUiTTHO)

Dr. Arihasnida Binti Ariffin

PhD (Technical & Vocational Education ) (USM), Master (Rekabentuk Instruksional
dan Teknologi) (UTHM), Bachelor (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM).

Dr. Norhasyimah Binti Hamzah

Ph.D (Education Technology) (UTM), Bachelor (Computer Science with Mathematic
Education) (UTM), Diploma (Computer Science) (UTM)

Dr. Hashima Binti Hamid

Ph.D (Technology Management) (UTHM), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education) (UTHM), Bachelor (Information Technology) (UM)

Dr. Tee Tzee Kiong

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Civil Engineering Education) (UTM)

Dr. Nurul Hidayah Liew Binti Abdullah

Ph.D (Technology Management) (UTHM), Master (Environmental Management)
(UKM), Bachelor (Arts) (UKM)

Dr. Suhaizal Bin Hashim

Ph.D (Technology Education) (UTM), Master (Technology Education) (UTM),
Bachelor (Mathematic) (UTM)

Mr. Mohd Noor Bin Hashim

Master (Vocational Education) (Univ. of Manchester), Bachelor (UPM), Cert. (Maktab
Perguruan Temenggung Ibrahim, JB)

Mrs. Hjh Sarebah Binti Warman

Master (Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Economy) (UM), Diploma (education) (UM)

Mrs. Hajah Zurina Binti Yasak

Master (Technology Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Computer Science) (UTM)

Mr. Mohamad Ali Bin Baba

Master (Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Human Ecology) (Ohio State University)

Ms. Zanariah Binti Ahmad
Master (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM), Bachelor (Technical &
Vocational Education) (UTHM)

Asst. Engineer
Mr. Daud Bin Ahmad
Cert.of Elect. Communication (Politeknik Ungku Omar, Ipoh).
Mr. Natijau @ Mohd Hazizul Bin Silam
Cert.of Elect.Power (Politeknik Batu Pahat).
Mrs. Noor Hayati Binti Mustafa
Cert.of Elect. Communication (Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Kuantan).

Mr. Omar Bin Motaji

Cert.of Elect. Communication (Politeknik Ungku Omar, Ipoh).

Mr. Mansor Bin Mordi

Cert.of Elect. Communication (Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Kuantan).
Mr. Yushadi Bin Muslim
Cert.of Elect. Communication (Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Kuantan).

Mrs. Zanariah Binti Ahmad

Cert.of Elect. Communication (Politeknik Sultan Ahmad Shah).

Engineering Education Department

Academic staff
Head of Engineering Education Department
Dr. Saifullizam Bin Puteh
Ph.D (Computational Intelligence) (Nottingham Trent University), Master (Technical
Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Electrical Engineering) (UTM), Cert.(POLISAS).

Associate Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rizal Bin Madar

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTM), Master (Education) (KUiTTHO),
Bachelor (Elect. Eng), (KUiTTHO), Diloma (UTM)

Associate Prof. Dr. Razali Bin Hassan

Ph.D (Education) (Univ. Of Warwick), Master (Vocational Education) (UPM),
Bachelor (Elect. Eng) (UTM)

Associate Prof. Dr. Mohamad Hisyam Bin Mohd Hashim

Ph.D (Technology Education) (UPSI), Master (UTM), Bachelor (Elect. Eng.)

Associate Prof. Dr. Badaruddin Bin Ibrahim

Ph.D (Colorado State Uni.), Master (Technical Education) (UTM), Bachelor
(Mechanical Engineering) (ITTHO)

Associate Prof. Dr. Mimi Mohaffyza Binti Mohamad

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTM), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Technical & Education) (UTM)

Associate Prof. Dr. Halizah Binti Awang

Ph.D (Curriculum) (USM), Master (Education) (ITTHO), Bachelor (Civil Engineering)
(UTM), Cert.(PPD)

Associate Prof. Dr. Lai Chee Sern

Ph.D (Engineering Education) (Universitat Bremen, Germany), Master (Technical
Education) (KUiTTHO), Bachelor (Mechanical Engineering) (KUiTTHO)

Associate Prof. Dr. Nor Lisa Binti Sulaiman

PhD (Education & Human Resource) (Colorado State University), Master
(Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Electrical Engineering) (UTM), Cert. (PPD)

Dr. Azman Bin Hasan

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTM), Master (Technical Education)
(KUiTTHO), Bachelor (Civil Engineering) (ITTHO)

Dr. Kahirol Bin Mohd. Salleh

PhD (Education & Human Resource) (Colorado State University), Master
(Technical Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Mechanical Engineering) (UTM),

Dr. Yusmarwati Binti Yusof

Ph.D (Education) (Uni. of East London), Master (Education) (ITTHO), Bachelor (Civil
Engineering) (ITTHO), Cert (Civil Engineering) (POLISAS)

Dr. Johnson Lim Soon Chong

Ph.D (Industrial and System Engineering) (Hong Kong Polytechnic Uni.) Master
(Technical Education) (KUiTTHO), Bachelor (Mechanical Engineering) (KUiTTHO)
Dr. Jamil Bin Abd Baser
Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTM), Master in Technical & Vocational
Education (UTM), Bachelor (Technical & Education) (UTM), Cert (Maktab Perguruan
Teknik, KL)

Dr. Nur Sofurah Binti Mohd Faiz

Ph.D (Education) (Univ.Of South Australian), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education) (KUiTTHO), Bachelor (Material Engineering) (USM)

Dr. Hasyamuddin Bin Othman

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTM), Master (Technical Education)
(UTM), Bachelor (Manufacturing Engineering) (ITTHO)

Dr. Yee Mei Heong

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Technology with Education) (UTM)

Dr. Marina Binti Ibrahim Mukhtar

Ph.D (Evaluation and Assessment) (UKM), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education) (KUiTTHO), Bachelor (Civil Eng.) (KUiTTHO)

Dr. Rohayu Binti Roddin

Ph.D (Town & Regional Planning) (UTM), Master (Tourism Planning) (UTM),
Bachelor (Town & Regional Planning) (UTM)

Dr. Nurfirdawati Binti Muhamad Hanafi

Ph.D (Evaluation) (UPSI), Master (Vocational Education) (KUiTTHO), Bachelor
(Building Technology) (UiTM)

Dr. Noorazman Bin Abd. Samad

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM), Master (Curriculum & Pedagogy)
(UKM), Bachelor (Public Management) (UUM), Diploma (Edu. Management) (UM)

Dr. Mohd Hasril Bin Amiruddin

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UKM), Master (Technology Education)
(UPM), Bachelor (Technical & Vocational Education ) (UTHM), Diploma (PSA)

Dr. Normah Binti Zakaria

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UPM), Master (Technical &
Vocational Education) (UTHM), Bachelor (Electric Microelectronic
Engineering) (UTM), Diploma (UTM)

Dr. Marlina Binti Mohamad

Ph.D (Business-Instructional Design) (Melbourne Royal Institute of
Technology University), Master (Information Technology) (UTM), Bachelor
(Computer) (UTM), Diploma (UTM)

Dr. Lutfiah Natrah Binti Abbas @ Ahmad

Ph.D (Education) (Nova Southeastern University), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education ) (UTHM), Bachelor (Technology Management) (UiTM), Diploma (UiTM)

Dr. Aini Nazura Binti Paimin @ Abdul Halim

Ph.D (Engineering) (The University of Melbourne), Master (Technical & Vocational
Education) (KUiTTHO), Bachelor (Mechanical Engineering) (KUiTTHO)

Dr. Faizal Amin Nur Bin Yunus

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UKM), Master (Technical Education)
(UTHM), Bachelor (Mechanical Engineering) (UTHM)

Dr. Tamil Selvan A/L Subramaniam
Ph.D (Resource & Information Technology) (UKM), Master (Instructional Design
&Technology) (UTHM), Bachelor (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM)

Dr. Irwan Mahazir Bin Ismail

Ph.D (Resource & Information Technology) (UKM), Master (Instructional Design
&Technology) (UTHM), Bachelor (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM)

Dr. Mohd Bekri Bin Rahim

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UKM), Master (Technical Education)
(UTHM), Bachelor (Refrigeration Technology And Air Conditioning) (UniKL/MFI)

Dr. Noor Dina Binti Md. Amin

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM), Master (Landscape Architecture)
(USM), Bachelor (Architecture) (USM)

Dr. Affero Bin Ismail

Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM), Master (Human Resource Dev.)
(UPM), Bachelor (Computer System & Communication) (UPM)

Dr. Mohd Erfy Bin Ismail

Ph.D (Education), Master (Mechanical Engineering) (UTHM), Bachelor (Mechanical
Engineering) (UniMAP)

Dr. Siti Nur Kamariah Binti Rubani

Ph.D (Education Technology) (USM), Master (Instructional Design &Technology)
(UTHM), Bachelor (Technology Education) (UTM)

Dr. Nurhanim Saadah Binti Abdullah

Ph.D (Education Technology & Multimedia) (USM), Master (Technical
Education) (UTHM), Bachelor (Electric & Electronic Engineering) (UMP)

Mr. Hj. Mohamad Zaid Bin Mustafa

Master (Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Electrical Engineering) (UTM)

Mr. Mohd Safiee Bin Idris

Master (Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Electrical Engineering) (ITTHO)

Mr. Tan King Hiyang

Master (Technology Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Hotel Management) (Univ.
Strathclyde, Scotland), Cert. (MPT, KL)

Mrs. Azmanirah Binti Ab Rahman

Master (Vocational Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Electrical Engineering) (UTM)

Mrs. Maziana Binti Yaakob @ Mohamed

Master (Vocational Education) (KUiTTHO), Bachelor (Civil Engineering) (USM)

Mrs. Anizam Binti Mohamed Yusof

Master (Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Electrical Engineering) (UTM)

Mr. Hairuddin Bin Harun

Master (Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Hospitality Management) (The Ohio State

Mrs. Masita Binti Misdi

Master (Education) (UTM), Bachelor (Hospitality Management) (The Ohio State
University), Diploma (ITM)

Mr. Nizamuddin Bin Razali
Master (Mechanical Engineering) (UM), Bachelor (Automotive Engineering ) (UTM)

Mrs. Siti Hajar Binti Zakariah

Master (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM), Bachelor (Hotel Management)

Mrs. Nor Aziah Binti Ahmad

Master (Food Services Management) (UiTM), Bachelor (Food Services
Management) (UiTM)

Mr. Wong Kah Leong

Master (Civil Engineering) (UTM), Bachelor (Technology with Education) (UTM)

Mrs. Siti Suraya Binti Hussin

Master (Technical Education) (UTHM), Bachelor (Electrical Engneering) (UTM)

Asst. Engineer
Mr. Khairul Fahmi Bin Haji Ali
Dip. (Politeknik Johor Bharu), Cert. (Politeknik Ungku Omar).

Mrs. Johanisah Binti Afandi

Cert.of Elect. Communication (Politeknik Kota Bharu).

Mr. Mohd Idrus Bin Abd Samad @ Sahmad

Dip. (Politeknik Johor Bharu), Cert.of Mech. Eng (Politeknik Port Dickson)

Mr. Aminuddin Bin Abas

Dip. (Politeknik Johor Bharu), Cert.of Mech. Eng (Politeknik Port Dickson)

Mr. Mohamad Rafi Bin Rahhim

Cert.of Elec. Power (Politeknik Port Dickson)

Mr. Muhammad Muzammil Bin Noruddin

Dip. (Politeknik Merlimau), Cert.of Mech. Eng (Politeknik Merlimau).

Mr. Mohd Razali Bin Mohd Muksin

Cert. (Politeknik Sultan Salahudin Abdul Aziz Shah, Shah Alam).

Mr. Mohd Syah Hafiz Bin Masrol

Cert. (Electric & Electronic) (Politeknik Johor Bharu)

Mrs. Maizathul Sahida Binti Othman

Dip. (Electronic Computer), Cert. (Electric & Electronic Eng.) (Politeknik Johor Bharu)

Mrs. Manisah Binti Suriati @ Suriat

Dip. (Electronic ), Cert. (Electric & Electronic Eng) (Politeknik Johor Bharu)

Mr. Azahari Bin Rosly

Cert.(Civil. Eng) (Politeknik Kota Melaka).

Mr. Khairul Nizam Bin Mohd Nazri

Cert. (Mechanical Eng.) (Politeknik Kota Melaka).

Mrs. Noor Fariza Binti Tubi

Dip. (Civil Engineering) (Politeknik Port Dickson), Cert. (Civil Eng.) (Politeknik

Vocational Education Department.

Academic Staff
Head of Vocational Education Department.
Dr. Mohd Hasril Bin Amirudin
Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UKM), Master (Technology Education)
(UPM), Bachelor (Technical & Vocational Education ) (UTHM), Diploma (PSA)

Mr. Saiful Hadi Bin Masran

Master (Mechanical Engineering) (UTHM), Bachelor (Mechanical Engineering)

Mr. Mohd Fairuz Bin Marian

Master (Mechanical Engineering) (UTHM), Bachelor (Mechanical Engineering)
Mr. Muhammad Amin Bin Hj Ab Ghani
Master (Civil Engineering) (UTHM), Bachelor (Civil Engineering) (KUiTTHO),
Diploma (Civil Engineering) (KUiTTHO)

Mr. Md Azani Bin Sham

Bachelor (Computer Engineering & Communication) (USM)

Mr. Suhaimi Bin Mohamad

Bachelor (Electrical Engneering) (UTM)

Mrs. Rosnee Binti Ahad

Bachelor (Electrical Engneering) (UTHM)


Academic Staff
Head of ACTIVE
Associate Prof. Dr. Lai Chee Sern
Ph.D (Engineering Education) (Universitat Bremen, Germany), Master (Technical
Education) (KUiTTHO), Bachelor (Mechanical Engineering) (KUiTTHO)

Post Doctoral
Dr. Tahira Anwar Lashari
Ph.D (Technical & Vocational Education) (UTHM)

Programme Name
Bachelor Degree in Vocational Education (General Machining) with honours

Programme Aims

The program is designed to be in line with the vision and mission of the University.
Through this program, graduates are expected to become part of the skilled worker
which is capable in driving the growth of the country accordance with the aspirations
of Vision 2020. This will be done with the course emphasizing new technologies,
which also include theoretical and practical skills. In addition, this program will also
expose students to a variety of activities that can increase the generic skills and

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

These are the PEOs for Bachelor Degree in Vocational Education (Welding And
Metal Fabrication) with honours:

PEO 1 : Knowledgeable and skilled in the field of vocational education in line with
the country's education industry needs.

PEO 2 : Ability to manage the organization resources of vocational school and

stakeholders based on regulations and circulars prevailing and the
Education Development Blueprint.

PEO 3 : Be ethical and professionalism of the obligations to the creators,

customers, communities, industries and countries with communication
skills and excellent leadership.

PEO 4 : Competent in applying technology to improve the efficiency and

skills training according to the needs of the Ministry of Education.

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO)

These are the PEOs for Bachelor Degree in Vocational Education (General
Machining) with honours:

PLO 1 : Using the knowledge and skills of science, mathematics and vocational
in education based on the National Education Philosophy and
Philosophy of Teacher Education.

PLO 2 : Applying the teaching skills in the field of creative multimedia through a
variety of approaches, methods, strategies and techniques.

PLO 3 : Communicate effectively through speech, writing and the use of ICT.

PLO 4 : Practicing the scientific methods and problem solving skills in

management education and vocational education.

PLO 5 : Work together in groups to demonstrate effective leadership.

PLO 6 : Cultivating lifelong learning needs in vocational education.

PLO 7 : Develop opportunities for entrepreneurship in vocational education.

PLO 8 : Demonstrate the professional ethics of educators in fulfilling social

needs, culture and environment.

PLO 9 : Analyzing and designing the educational needs of using the knowledge
and skills in the management process of vocational education.


Table 1: Summary of curriculum for the Bachelor of Vocational Education (General Machining) with

Year Semester Subject Credit Total
UWA 10102/
Islamic Studies/Moral Education 2
UWA 10202
UWB 1**02 Foreign Languages 2
Nationhood and Current Development in
UWS 10103 3
1 I 16
BBM 10303 Mathematics 1 3
BBP 10203 Electrical Technology 1 3
BBM 10103 Material Selection 3
UHB 10100 English for Higher Education CA
UWA10302 Islamic and Asian Civilisations 2
UWS 10202 Ethnic Relation 2
BBD 10102 Philosophy of Education 2
BBD 1**01 Uniformed Bodies Co-Curriculum 1
BBP 10102 Information Technology in Education 2
BBM 10403 Mathematics 2 3 17

BBM 10203 Workshop Technology 3

BBP 10402 Creativity and Innovation 2
BBD10400 Character Building for Teachers (1 week) CA
BBD10500 School Orientation Planning (2 weeks) CA
UHB 20102 Essential Academic English 2
BBD 20102 Pedagogy 2
BBD 20202 Educational Psychology 2
I BBD 20302 Educational Technology 2 16
BBP 20202 Occupational Safety and Health 2
BBP 20203 Engineering Graphics 3
BBM 20103 Machining Technology 3
2 UQ* 1**01 Cocuriculum 1 (Sports and Games) 1
BBP 20102 Human Resource Management 2
BBD20403 Micro teaching 3
II BBP20302 Leadership and Supervision 2 16
BBP 20402 Project Management 2
BBM 20203 Thermodynamics 3
BBM 20203 Machining Skills I 3
III BBD20504 Teaching Practice I (8 week) 4 4

BPK20802 Entrepreneurship 2
BBD30102 Educational Management 2
BBD30202 Measurement and Evaluation in Education 2
BBP 30102 Industrial Design 2
I 19
BBM 30303 Fluid Mechanics 3
BBP 30103 Laboratory And Workshop Management 3
BBM 30203 Fitting Skills 3
3 UHB 30102 English for Technical Purposes 2
BBD 30302 Guidance and Counseling 2
BBD 30402 Educational Data Reasoning 2
BBD 30502 Educational Sociology 2
II 14
BBP30202 Research Methodology 2
BBM 30303 Solid Mechanics 3
BBM 30903 Computer Assisted Machining Technology 3
III BBD30404 Industrial Training 4 4
BBD4**01 *Cocuriculum For Club And Society 1
BBP 40102 Final Year Project I 2
Machining Design and Blueprint
BBM 40102 2
I BBM 40202 Metrology 2 15

BBM 40304 Computer Assisted Machining Skills 4

UHB 40102 English for Occupational Purposes 2
BBM 40402 Production Control 2
UQ1**01 Cocuriculum 2 (Track Event) 1
BBD40102 Cocuriculum Management 2
II BBP40204 Final Year Project II 4 11
BBM 40501 Engineering Practice 1
BBM 40604 Machining Skills II 3
III BBD40204 Teaching Practice II (8 week) 4 4
Total credits 136


CA : Compulsory Attendance

UWA10102 Islamic Studies

Prerequisite Course(s): None

This course explains about Islamic concept as ad-deen. It discusses the
study of al-Quran and al-Hadith, Sunnism, schools of Islamic theology,
development of schools of Fiqh, principles of muamalat, Islamic Criminal
Law, Islamic work ethics, issues in
Islamic family law and current issues.


1. Harun Din (Dr.) (2001), Manusia Dan Islam, cetakan pertama, Kuala
Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. [BP174. M36 1990]
2. Mustafa Abdul Rahman (1998), Hadith 40, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan
Fajar.[BP135. A2 M87 1998]
3. Ismail Haji Ali, (1995), Pengertian dan Pegangan Iktikad yang benar: Ahli
Sunnah Wal Jamaah: Kuala Lumpur: Penerbitan al-Hidayah. [BP166.78.
P46 1995]
4. Paizah Haji Ismail (1991), Undang-undang Jenayah Islam, Kuala
Lumpur: Dewan Pustaka Islam, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia. [BP144.
P35 1991]
5. Mustafa Haji Daud (1989), Institusi Kekeluargaan Islam, Kuala Lumpur:
Dewan Pustaka dan Bahasa. [BP188.3. F3.M87 1989]

UWA 10202 Moral Studies

Prerequisite: None

Prerequisite Course(s): None

This course explains on concepts of moral, aspects of moral and its
importance in daily lives, Western moral theories and moral values of great
religions of the world, moral values in work and current moral issues.


1. Mohd Nasir Omar. (2010). Falsafah Akhlak, Penerbit Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi. [BJ1291 .M524 2010].
2. Hussain Othman. (2009). Wacana Asasi Agama dan Sains. Batu Pahat:
Penerbit UTHM. [BL 240.3 H87 2009ª].
3. Hussain Othman, S.M. Dawilah Al-Edrus, Berhannudin M. Salleh &
Abdullah Sulaiman. (2009). PBL Untuk Pembangunan Komuniti
Lestari.Batu Pahat: Penerbit UTHM. [LB 1027.42 P76 2009a].
4. Eow Boon Hin. (2002). Moral Education. Longman. [LC268 .E48 2008].
5. Ahmad Khamis. (1999). Etika Untuk Institusi Pengajian Tinggi. Kuala
Lumpur: Kumpulan Budiman. [LC315.M3 .A35 1999].

UWB 10602 French Language

Prerequisite Course: None


This course is designed for students to learn the basic of French. Students are
exposed to the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing with basic vocabulary,
grammar and structure. Students are also exposed to the real daily situations which
will help them to communicate using French.

1. Booth, Trudie Maria, (2008). French Verbs Tenses. McGraw-Hill. Call no.: [PC
2271, U66 2008].
2. Heminway, Annie, (2008). Complete French Grammar. McGraw-Hill. Call no.:
[PC2112, H45 2008].
3. Price, Glanville, (2003). A Comprehensive French Grammar. Blackwell
Publishing. Call no.: [PC2112. P74, 2003].
4. Hatier. (2002). Le Nouveau Bescherelle 12,000 French Verbs. English Edition.
Paris: Librairie Hatier.
5. Hatier, (1995). Le Nouveau Bescherelle Complete Guide 12 000 French Verbs.
Paris: Librairie Hatier.
6. Kaneman-Pougatch, Massia et al, (1997). Méthod de français: Café Crème 1.
Paris: Hachette F.L.E.
7. Grégoir, Maïa et al, (1995). Grammaire Progressive du Français avec 500
exercices. Paris: CLE International.
8. Miquel, Claire Leroy et al, (1995). Vocabulaire Progressive du Français avec
250 exercices. Paris: CLE International.
9. Capelle, Guy et Gidon, Noëlle, (1995). Méthod de français: Le Nouvel Espaces
1. Paris: Hachette F.L.E.
10. French Dictionary (1999). The New Collins Robert 5th Edition. Paris: Harper
Collins Publishers.

UWB10902 Mandarin Language

Prerequisite Course: None

This course is designed for students to learn the basic of Mandarin. Students are
exposed to the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing with basic vocabulary,
grammar and structure. Students are also exposed to the real daily situations which
will help them to communicate using Mandarin Language.

1. Lim Hong Swan, Yeoh Li Cheng, (2010). Mandarin Made Easy Through English.
Batu Pahat: Penerbit UTHM. [PL1129.E5 .L554 2009 a]
2. Liu Xun (2010). New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook. China: Beijing
Language and Culture University Press. [PL1129.E5 .L58 2010]
3. Kang Yuhua (2007). Conversational Chinese 301:Vol. 2. China:Beijng Language
and Culture University Press. [PL1121.C5 .K364 2007]
4. Liping Jiang (2006). Experiencing Chinese. China: Higher Education Press.
[PL1129.E5 .T59 2006]
5. Kang Yuhua (2005). Conversational Chinese 301. China: Beijing Language and
Culture University Press. [PL1121.C5 .K36 2005]

UWB11002 Malay Language

Prerequisite Course: None

This course is designed for students to learn the basic Malay language. Students are
exposed to the skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing with basic
vocabulary, grammar and structure. Students are also exposed to the real daily
situations which will help them to communicate using Malay language.


1. Ainun Mohd (2011). Tesaurus Bahasa Melayu.PTS Professional Publishing.

[PL5123 .A364 2011]
2. Kamaruddin Saad (2009). 105 karangan bahasa melayu UPSR. Minerva
Publishing. [PL 5108 KAM 2009]
3. Nik Safiah Karim (2008). Tatabahasa Dewan. [DBP. PL5108 .T37 2008 r]
4. Asmah Hj. Omar (1993). Susur Galur Bahasa Melayu. [DBP: KL. PL5127 .A85
1993 N1]
5. Asmah Hj. Omar (1993). Nahu Melayu Mutakhir. [DBP: KL. PL5137 .A85 1993]
6. Asmah Hj. Omar (1985). Kamus Ayat. Eastview. [PL5091 .A85 1985 rd]

UWB11202 Arabic Language

Prerequisite Course: None

This course is designed for students to learn the basic of Arabic. Students are
exposed to the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing with basic vocabulary,
grammar and structure. Students are also exposed to the real daily situations which
will help them to communicate using Arabic.

1. Mohd Hisyam Abdul Rahim; Ahmad Sharifuddin Mustapha; Mohd Zain Mubarak
(2008). Bahasa Arab UMR 1312. Batu Pahat: Penerbit UTHM. [PJ6115 .M445
2008 a]
2. Abu 'Amiir 'Izzat. (2008). Kamus adik: bahasa Melayu-bahasa Inggeris-bahasa
Arab. Kuala Terengganu: Pustaka Darul Iman. [PJ6640 ABU 2008]
3. Ab. Halim Mohammed; Rabiyah Hajimaming; Wan Muhammad Wan Sulong.
(2007). Bahasa Arab Permulaan. Serdang: Penerbit UPM. [PJ6065 .A32 2007]
4. Abdullah, Mustaffa Siti Rohaya Sarnap Siti Sujinah Sarnap. (2006). Cara
mudah belajar Bahasa Arab.Singapore: Jahabersa. [PJ6106 .A22 2006]
5. Mohd Hisyam bin Abdul Rahim. (2005). Senang Berbahasa Arab. Batu Pahat:
Penerbit KUiTTHO. [PJ6115 .M44 2005 a]
6. Mohd Azani Ghazali, Abdul Aziz Hassan @ Yahya. (2000). Kamus ringkas
Bahasa Melayu- Bahasa Arab. Johor Bahru: Jahabersa. [PL5091.8 .A7 .M393
2000 rd]
7. Fuad Ni'mat. (1973). Mulakhass qawa'id al-lughatul 'arabiyyah. Damsyik: Darul

UWB10802 Japanese Language

Prerequisite Course: None


This course is designed for students to learn the basic Japanese language. Students
are exposed to the skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing with basic
vocabulary, grammar and structure. Students are also exposed to the real daily
situations which will help them to communicate using Japanese language.

1. Surie, Network (2010). AE Minna no Nihongo 1-2 Elementary: Translation and
Grammatical Notes, Tokyo: 3A Corporation. [PL539.3 .M57 2010]
2. Surie, Network (2010). AE Minna no Nihongo 1-1 Elementary: Main Textbook,
Tokyo: 3A Corporation. [TK7885.7 .V44 2000r]
3. Surie, Network (2009). AE Minna no Nihongo 1-1 Elementary: Translation and
Grammatical Notes, Tokyo: 3A Corporation. [PL539.3 .M567 2009]
4. Surie, Network (2009). AE Minna no Nihongo 1-2 Elementary: Main Textbook,
Tokyo: 3A Corporation. [PL539.3 .M569 2009]
5. Rosmahalil Azrol Abdullah, (2008) : Bahasa Jepun (UMJ 1312): Learning Module
(2nd Edition), Batu Pahat. Penerbit UTHM. [PL539.3 .R67 2008a].
6. Surie Network, (2000). Minna no Nihongo: Kaite Oboeru, Tokyo: 3A Corporation.
[PL539.3 .M56 2000]
7. M. Rajendran, (1991) Malay Japanese English Dictionary, Petaling Jaya:
Pelanduk Publications. [PL5125 .R34 1991rd].
8. Surie Network, (1998). Minna no Nihongo: Main Textbook - Shokyu 1, Tokyo: 3A
Corporation. [PL539.3 .M574 1998]
9. Yoshida, Masatoshi Nakamura, Yoshikatsu, (1996). Kodansha's Furigana
English-Japanese dictionary: the essential dictionary for all students of
Japanese, Tokyo: Kodansha International. [PL679. Y67 2006rd]
10. The AOTS, (1977). Shin Nihongo no Kiso: Japanese Kana Workbook, Tokyo: 3A
Corporation. [PL539.3 .S54 1977]

UWB10702 German Language

Prerequisite Course: None


This course is designed for students to learn the basic German language. Students
are exposed to the skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing with basic
vocabulary, grammar and structure. Students are also exposed to the real daily
situations which will help them to communicate using German language.

1. Astrid Henschel, (2006). German Verb Tenses. New York: McGraw-Hill.
[PF3301. H46 2006]
2. Gabriele Kopp, Siegfried Büttner, (2004). Planet 1: Deutsch für Jugendliche:
Kursbuch. Ismaning: Germany: Hueber Verlag. [PF3129. K664 2004]
3. Gabriele Kopp, Siegfried Büttner, (2004). Planet 1: Deutsch für Jugendliche:
Arbeitsbuch. Ismaning: Germany: Hueber Verlag. [PF3129. K664 2004]
4. Heiner Schenke, (2004). Basic German: a grammar and workbook. London:
Routledge. [PF3112.5. 35 2004]
5. Robert Di Donato (2004). Deutsch, Na Klar! Boston: McGraw-Hill. [PF3112.

UWB 11102 Spanish Language

Prerequisite Course: None


This course is designed for students to learn the basic Japanese language. Students
are exposed to the skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing with basic
vocabulary, grammar and structure. Students are also exposed to the real daily
situations which will help them to communicate using Japanese language.

1. Nurul Sabrina Zan, (2010). Hola! Hablo español First Edition Batu Pahat:
Penerbit UTHM. [PC4445 .N72 2010a]
2. Salina Husain, (2005). Vamos a aprender español lengua extranjera Batu Pahat:
Penerbit UTHM. [PC4121 .S24 2005a]
3. Bey, Vivienne (2004). Spanish verbs drills. Mc. Graw Hill. [PC4271 .B49 2004]
4. Terrell, Tracy D. (2003). Dos mundos. Mc. Graw Hill. [PC4129.E5 .D67 2003]
5. O’Connor, Niobe (2002). Caminos 1. Nelson Thornes. [PC4121 .O36 2002]
6. Vox modern Spanish and English dictionary: English-Spanish/Spanish-English
(1986) National Textbook. Co. XX(131882.1)

UWB11302 Javanese Language

Prerequisite Course: None


This course is designed for students to learn the basic Javanese language. Students
are exposed to the skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing with basic
vocabulary, grammar and structure. Students are also exposed to the real daily
situations which will help them to communicate using Javanese language.

1. Purwanto, Eko (2011). Pepah Bahasa Jawi. Cara mudah belajar cepat dan
tuntas bahasa Jawa. Diva press. XX(131748.1)
2. Majendra, Maheswara (2010). Kamus lengkap Indonesia-Jawa, Jawa-Indonesia/
Majendra Maheswara. Pustaka Mahardika. XX(131732.1)
3. Budhi Santosa, Iman. (2010). Nguri-uri paribasan Jawi = Melestarikan
peribahasa Jawa. Intan Pariwara.XX(131751.1)
4. Yrama, Widya (2008). Cara belajar membaca dan menulis huruf jawa, jilid
1. Yrama Widya. Publication info:, 2008 XX(131738.1)
5. Yrama, Widya (2008). Cara belajar membaca dan menulis huruf jawa, jilid

UWS 10103 Nationhood and Recent Development in Malaysia

Prerequisite Course(s): None

This course will provide students a fundamental concept, the processes of formation
and development of Malaysia. The topics covered include the concept of state,
Malacca Kingdom, implication of imperialism and colonization, spirit of patriotism and
nationalism, independence and formation of Malaysia. Besides, students will also be
exposed to the constitution of Malaysia, Malaysian Government System, Economic
and Social Development Policy as the main policy in the national development. At the
end of the course students will able to appreciate the roles and responsibilities of a
good citizen to the country.

1. Zahrul Akmal Damin, Fauziah Ani, Lutfan Jaes, Khairunesa Isa, Siti Sarawati
Johar, Harliana Halim, Khairul Azman Mohd Suhaimy, Shamsaadal Sholeh
Saad, Ku Hasnan Ku Halim dan Mohd Akbal Abdullah (2009). Kenegaraan &
Pembangunan Malaysia. Batu Pahat: Penerbit UTHM.
2. Ruslan Zainudin, Mohd Mahadee Ismail & Zaini Othman. (2005). Kenegaraan
Malaysia. Shah Alam: Fajar Bakti. [JQ715 .R87 2005].
3. Nazaruddin Mohd Jali, Ma’rof Redzuan, Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah & Ismail
Mohd Rashid. (2005). Pengajian Malaysia. Petaling Jaya: Prentice Hall.
[DS596.6 .P46 2001 N2].
4. Mohd Ashraf Ibrahim. (2004).Gagasan Bangsa Malayan yang Bersatu 1945-57.
Bangi: Penerbit UKM. [DS597 .M37 2004].
5. Noor Aziah Mohd Awal. (2003). Pengenalan kepada Sistem Perundangan di
Malaysia. Petaling Jaya: International Law Book Services. [KPG68 .N66 2003].

BBM 10303 Mathematics I

Prerequisite course (s): none


This course introduces students to mathematical knowledge needed in the

technology field. The topics discussed are Cartesian Coordinate: Distance between
two points, slopes and line equations. Perpendicular distance from a point to a line
and bisect of two lines. Quadratic equations: Quadratic equations with single
variable, properties of the quadratic equations. Inequalities: solving inequalities,
partial fractions. Trigonometry: trigonometric identities, addition and subtraction
formulas, double-angle formulas and factor formulas, general solution of
trigonometric equation. Solution of system of linear equation: Determinants and
cofactor, inverse matrices, Cramer’s rule, Gauss elimination method. Complex
numbers: polar form, Euler’s form, De Moivre’s theorem, nth root of complex
numbers. Vectors: operations including dot product and cross product in 2 and 3
dimensions. Planes and lines equation. Conic section: circle, parabola, ellipse,


1. Nafisah@Kamariah Md Kamaruddin & Norhaidah Mohd Asrah (2006).

Modul Pengajaran: Algebra. UTHM.
2. R. N. Aufmann, V. C. Barker & R. D. Nation (2005), College Algebra and
Trigonometry. 5th. Ed. Houghton Mifflin Company, New York. No. Panggilan:
QA154.3 .A93 2005.
3. Dwyer, David & Gruenwald, Mark (2000). Algebra for College Students, 2nd.
Ed. Pacific Grove, CA : Brooks/Cole. No. Panggilan: QA152.2 .D89 2000.
4. R. Larson et. al. (2008) Algebra and Trigonometry: A graphical Approach,
Houghton Mifflin Company, New York. No. Panggilan: QA154.3 .L37 2008.
5. Stewart, J., Redlin, L. and Watson, S. (2004). College Algebra, 4th Ed.
Belmont, CA : Brooks/Cole. No. Panggilan: QA152 .S73 2004.

BBP 10203 Electrical Technology 1

Prerequisite Course(s): None


Source of electricity: chemical, magnetic, friction, heat and light. Conductor and
insulation: conductor and the types of conductors, insulators and other types of

insulation, factors affects the conductor resistance and calculation. Passive
components: resistors: definition of resistor and resistance, function of resistors,
resistor structures and properties, types of resistors, resistor color code, resistor in
series circuits, parallel and complex circuits. Inductor passive component:
understanding the meaning of the inductor and inductance, inductor standard units
and symbols, types of inductor and functions, factors affects induction, inductor in
series and parallel, self-inductance and mutual inductance, test and inductor
damage. Capacitance Passive Components: understand the capacitor and the
capacitance, standard units and capacitor symbols, color code and capacitor rates,
types and capacitance functions, the factors influenced the capacitance, the
capacitance in series and in parallel, the process of charging and discharging, testing
and capacitor damage. Basic electromagnetism: principles, concepts, factors that
affect the electromagnetic force, electromagnetic induction and induced
electromotive force. Ohm's law: definitions, current, voltage, resistance, power
circuits in series, parallel and series-parallel circuit E.T. Kirchhoff’s law: the law of
Kirchhoff’s current and voltage. Basic electric machines: principles, construction and
operation of the generator, Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, Law of the
right-hand and left-hand rotation DC motor based on the Law (Power) amperes and
the equation F = BIL, The D.G.E concepts, operating principles transformer and
operating principles construction of the transformer, the losses in the transformer, the
transformer ratio of the voltage, current and transformer windings.


1. Azli Yusop, Siti Amely Jumaat & Megat Azahari Chulan (2007). Electrical
Technology (DEE 1113). Batu Pahat: Penerbit UTHM. No. Panggilan: TK146
.A94 2007.
2. Giorgio Rizzoni (2007). Principles and applications of electrical engineering. 5th
Ed. Boston McGraw-Hill. No Panggilan: TK146 .R59 2007
3. Gupta J. B. (2004). Electrical Technology. New Delhi S.K Kataria. No Panggilan:
4. Cotton, H.(2004). Electrical Technology 7th Edition. New Delhi CBS Publisher.
No. Panggilan: XX(79171.1).
5. Bird, J. (2001). Electrical circuit theory and technology. 2 nd Ed. Oxford:
Newness. No Panggilan: TK454 .B57 1997

BBM 10103 Material Selection

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course explains about the materials used in engineering. The scope covers
introduction to materials; introduction to engineering materials, latest development in
materials, introduction to metals, classification of metals. Fe-Carbon dan Fe-Carbide
system; Alloy; lightweight alloy, aluminium, heat treatment, Ceramics; Polymers;
polymer structure, stiffness and strength of the polymer, Composites classification
(focus on composite polymer matrix). Methods of forming materials and materials
selection methodology.


1. Askeland, Donald R.; Pradeep P. Phulé (2006). The Science & Engineering of
Materials.Thomson-Engineering. LC Call Number: TA403.D87 2010
2. Callister, Jr., William D. (2010). Materials Science and Engineering - An
Introduction. John Wiley and Sons. LC Call number: TA403 .C33 2011
3. Lewis, P.R., Reynolds, K. & Gagg, C. (2003). Forensic Materials Engineering:
Case Studies. Boca Raton: CRC Press. LC Call number: TA219 .L48 2004
4. Mathews, F.L. & Rawlings, R.D. (1999). Composite Materials: Engineering and
Science. Boca Raton: CRC Press. LC Call number: TA418.9.C6 .M37 1999
5. Neville, A. M. (2010). Concrete technology. Harlow, England; New York :
Prentice Hall. LC Call Number: TA439 .N46 2010

UHB 10100 English for Higher Education

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course exposes students to English language learning in higher education and
enhances their study skills. Students have opportunities to learn about using
technological affordance in listening to lectures, note taking, library and internet
research, conducting academic group discussions, preparing and delivering
presentations and writing academic report.The course also provides opportunities for
student to acquire learning skills that facilitate the transition to tertiary education.
Aspects of English language oral and written skills that are most relevent to students
in their academic work will be reinforced.


1. Agosti, M. (2008). Information Access through Search Engines and Digital

Libraries. Berlin : Springer Science & Business Media. Z699. I534 2008.
2. Galanes, G.J. (2013). Effective group discussion: Theory and Practice
(14th edition). New York : Mc Graw Hill. HM736. G34 2013.
3. Lim, P.L. (2014). Listening and notetaking skills 2 (4th edition). Boston:
National Geograohic Learning. PE1128. L55 2014
4. Wong, L. (2012). Essential study skills (7th edition). Boston, MA:
Wadsworth Cengage Learning. LB1049. W66 2012.
5. Zhang, F. (2012). Computer enhanced and mobile assisted language
learning: Emerging issues and trends. Hershey, PA: Information Science
Reference. P53.28. C65 2012.

UWA10302 Islamic and Asian Civilisations

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course discusses on the civilization, its development, interaction between

civilizations, the Islamic civilization, Islam in Malay civilization; contemporary
civilization issues and the principles of Islam Hadhari.


1. Saifullah Mohd Sawi (2009), Sejarah dan tamadun Islam di Asia Tenggara,
Shah Alam. Karisma Publications, BP63.A785 .S24 2009
2. Sazelin Arif, (2007), Tamadun Islam dan tamadun Asia, Shah Alam,
Selangor: McGraw Hill. BP190.5 .T35 2007
3. Abu al-Fida al Hafiz Ismail ibn Kathir ; penterjemah Zaidah Mohd Nor ... [et

4. (2005), Sejarah tamadun Islam Ibn Kathir, Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa
dan Pustaka. DS36.85.I32 2005 v.1
5. Mohd Liki Hamid, (2003), Pengajian tamadun Islam, Bentong : PTS
Publications and Distributors. DS36.85 .P46 2003
6. Lok, Chong Hoe, (1998), Tamadun Cina : falsafah, pandangan hidup dan
aspek-aspek kesenian, Kuala Lumpur : Pusat pembangunan dan Pendidikan
Komuniti (CEDC) dan Sekretariat Falsafah dan Sains Islam. Universiti Sains
Malaysia. DS721 .L64 1998
7. Rajakrishnan Ramasamy, M Rajantheran, (1994), Pengantar tamadun India,
Kuala Lumpur : Penerbit Fajar Bakti. DS425 .R34 1994

UWS 10202 Ethnic Relation

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on the conceptual and practicality of the ethnic relation in the
Malaysian context. The discussions comprise of fundamental concepts of ethnic
relation and the history of the construction of a plural society, constitution as the core
of the societal life, relationship between development and the ethnicity in the aspects
of economy, politics and social based on the government and society top-down and
bottom-up approaches.


1. Lembaga Penyelidikan Undang-undang (2003).Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Petaling Jaya:
2. International Law Book Services. [KPG 1744.51963.A3.A4 2003 rw]
3. Mansor Mohd. Noor, Abdul Rahman Abdul Aziz dan Mohamad Ainuddin
Iskandar Lee
4. (2006). Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia. Petaling Jaya: Prentice Hall. [DS595.m37
5. Nazri Muslim& Nasruddin Yunus. (2006). Hubungan Etnik. Selangor: Fulson
Trading Co. [UTHM Library request]
6. Shamsul Amri Baharuddin (2007). Modul Hubungan Etnik. Shah Alam: Universiti
7. Teknologi MARA. [Modul Hubungan Etnik]
8. Zaid Ahmad, Ho Hui Ling, Sarjit Sing Gill, Ahmad Tarmizi Talib, Ku Halim Ku
Arifin, Lee
9. Yok Fee, Nazri Muslim dan Ruslan Zainuddin(2006). Hubungan Etnik di
10. Shah Alam : Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. [UTHM Library request]
11. Wan Hashim. (2011). Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur : Institut
Terjemahan Negara Malaysia. [XX (1302391]

BBD 10102 Philosophy of Education

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on understanding of philosophy: general philosophy, what is

philosophy, what is education. Branches of philosophy: the concept and function,
metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic. Mainstreams of western
philosophies: idealism, realism, pragmatism, existentialism. Western educational
philosophy: essentialism, perennials, progressivism, reconstructionist. The
philosophy of Islamic education: policy and objectives, scope and field of Islamic
education, Islamic education curriculum. The National Education Philosophy (FPN):
the descriptions of FPN, a brief history of the formation of FPN, the elements and the
role of FPN, the National Education Philosophy (FPK): the concepts, values in FPK,
the importance of the application of values in the education system, the implications
FPK for the country's education system, the development of policy and the national
education system. Teacher Education Philosophy (FPG): insights on education, the
development of teacher education and training, the ethics of teaching profession
through FPG. Teachers and the Environmental Education: teaching scenario in
Malaysia, professionalism: the concept and needs, ethics and responsibility of
teachers, motivation, job satisfaction and teacher performance.


1. Abd Rahim Abd Rashid (2003). Falsafah Budaya Dalam Pendidikan. Kuala
Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya.. No. Panggilan : LA132 .F34 2003
2. Abu Bakar Nordin dan Ikhsan Othman (2008). Falsafah pendidikan dan
kurikulum. Perak: Quantum Books. No. Panggilan : LB1570 .A22 2008
3. Abdul Fatah Hasan (2001). Pengenalan Falsafah Pendidikan. . Kuala
Lumpur: PTS Publications & Distributors Sdn. Bhd. No. Panggilan :
LA21 .A32 2001
4. Sufean Hussin (2004). Pendidikan di Malaysia: sejarah, sistem dan
falsafah. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. No.Panggilan :
LA1236 .S93 2004
5. Abdul Rahman Arof & Zakaria Kasa (1995). Falsafah dan Konsep
Pendidikan. . Kuala Lumpur: Fajar Bakti. No. Panggilan : LB19 .A72

BBD 1**01 Co-Curriculum and Uniformed Bodies

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course is offered in various forms of activity options for students of Bachelor and
Diploma level. Eight of the activities offered are Public Speaking, Entrepreneurship,
Sports, Community Service, Volunteerism, Leadership, Culture and Innovation.


1. Ab. Alim Abd Rahim (2004). Pengurusan gerak kerja kokurikulum. Shah
Alam : Penerbit Fajar Bakti. No. Panggilan : LB3605 .A44 2004.
2. Abu Bakar Nordin dan Ikhsan Othman (2008). Falsafah pendidikan dan
kurikulum. Perak: Quantum Books. No. Panggilan : LB1570 .A22 2008.
3. Saifullizam Puteh (2006). Pengurusan Kokurikulum: Modul Pengajaran.
Batu Pahat: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. No Panggilan : LB3605
.S24 2006 a.
4. Mohd Sofian Omar Fauzee, Aminuddin Yusof dan Borhan Yusof (2002).
Kokurikulum : peranan dan implikasi. Kuala Lumpur : Utusan Pub.. No
panggilan : LB3605 .M76 2002.
5. Mok, Soon Sang (2008). Pengurusan Kokurikulum dan Pendidikan Sukan.
Puchong : Penerbitan Multimedia. No panggilan : LB3605 .M64 2008.

Hoboken, NJ : Wiley. No. Panggilan: QA303.2 .A57 2010
2. Peng, Yee Hock (2007). Kalkulus Permulaan. Serdang : Universiti Putra
Malaysia. No Panggilan: QA300 .P46 2003.
3. Abd Wahid Md Raji et. al, (2002), Matematik Asas. Skudai: Penerbit UTM.
No. Panggilan: QA37.2 .M37 2002 N1
4. Abu Bakar Musa, (2001), Kalkulus awalan: untuk pelajar-pelajar sains dan
kejuruteraan, Serdang : Universiti Putra Malaysia. No Panggilan: QA303
.A28 2001.
5. Smith R. T. and Minton R.B. (2006), Calculus: Concepts and Connections.
Boston: McGraw Hill. No Panggilan: QA303.2 .S64 2006.

BBM 10203 Workshop Technology

Prerequisite Course(s): None


The course will involve students in the process of interactive teaching and learning in
the subject of General Safety in Workshops, Management Workshop, Tools Marking,
Measuring and Testing, Tooling, Grinding Machine, Drill Machine, Screw Threads,
Chainsaws Power, Tools Fasteners, Materials Engineering, Cutting Fluids,
Connection Process and Heat Reaction.


1. Chapman, W.A.J. (1972). Workshop Technology. Edward Arnold. LC Call

Number: TJ1160 .C53 1972
2. Krar, Stephen F. (2011).Technology of Machine Tools - 7th ed. Mc Graw-Hill
Publishing Company. LC Call Number: TJ1185 .K72 2011
3. Kalpakjian, Serope, Schmid, Steren R. (2001). Manufacturing Engineering and
Technology - 4th ed. Prentice Hall International. LC Call Number: TS176 .K34
4. Timings, R.L. (2000). Manufacturing Technology. Longman. LC Call Number:
TS176 .T55 2000 J2N1
5. Fellers, William O. (2001). Manufacturing Processes for Technology. Prentice
Hall International. LC Call Number: TS183 .F44 2001

BBD 10400 Character Building for Teachers

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on teacher chracter building. Teachers and Community

Relations. Teacher Professionalism and Accountability. Physical Training. Water
Activities Orienteering. Travel. Performing Group. Camping. Teachers ethics.
Accountability. Trust. Creativity. Innovative. Customs and Culture Society. Patriotism.
Social ethics. Protocol. Public speaking. Politeness. Effective listening skills. Ordered
dinner table. Managing official ceremonies. Dress code, Teachers and legislation.
Mandate. Acts of 550 (1996 ). Professional Circular. Service Circular. The function of
the State Education Department ( NRD ) and sectors and functions. The role of
District Education Officer ( DEO ) / Zone / Division and PKG. Benchmarking.
Leadership and management of the school. School climate. Infrastructure curriculum
and co-curricular activities in school. The religious event. speech/ Moral Activities.
Community. Education Service to the Community. Association of Teacher Training .


1. Buddy Lee, (2007), Jump Rope Training. New York:: SportsBooks.

2. Mike Stroud, (2007), Survival of the Fittest. New York: SportsBooks.
3. Khairul Azman Arshad (2006). Asas Perkhemahan Dan Ikhtiar Hidup. Shah
Alam: Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd.
4. Mok Soon Sang (2008). Pengurusan Kokurikulum Dan Pendidikan Sukan.
Puchong: Penerbitan Multimedia.
5. Amzan Abd Malek dan Hazira Hamzah A (2007).Persatuan Bulan Sabit
Merah Malaysia. Wangsa Melawati: PTS Professional Publishing Sdn. Bhd.

BBD 10500 School Orientation Planning

Prerequisite Course(s): None


School History : administration , building , department , public relations . School :

school location , school plans , infrastructure and school facilities . Vision and
mission of the school : the vision , mission , charter , pledge , song , badge . School's
administrative organization : organizational , administrative , academic organization ,
curricular organization . School activities : academic , co-curricular activities ,
activities hem , Textbook Loan Scheme , projects of excellence , ICT , special
program . School and community : Parents and Teachers Association (PIBG) ,
school council consensus , the board of management of the school , the teachers
council / council school principals , National Union of Teaching Profession ( NUTP ) .


1. David Hopkins. (2008). A teacher's guide to classroom research.

Maidenhead: Open University Press. No. Panggilan: LB1028.24 .H66 2008
2. Zol Azlan Hamidin (2000). Strategi Pengajaran : pendekatan sains
teknologi masyarakat. Selangor: Pearson. No. Panggilan: LB1532.M3 .Z64
3. James Nolan, Jr. , Linda A. Hoover. (2011). Teacher supervision and
evaluation: theory into practice. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. No. Panggilan:
LB2838 .N64 2011
4. James Raths and Amy C. McAninch. (2003). Teacher beliefs and
classroom performance: the impact of teacher education. Greenwich, CT:
Information Age Publishing. No. Panggilan: LB1775.2 .T43 2003
5. John C.Daresh. (2002). Teachers mentoring teachers: a practical approach
to helping new and experienced staff. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
No ISBN: 0761945768, 9780761945765.

UHB 20102 Essential Academic English

Prerequisite Course: English for Higher Education


This course enhances student's English language skills, emphasising listening and
reading skills necessary for academic contexts. The course provides opportunities for
student to learn the strategies to help them understand information from
documentaries, lectures and paper presentations and develop analytical listening to
differentiate between facts and oppinions. This course also provides opportunities for

students to develop skill to critically respond to academic materials such as journal


1. Bowen, E. (2010). Listening In: Broadcasts, Speeches, and Interviews.

Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
2. Fairbairn, G.J (2011). Reading, Writing and Reasoning: A guide for
students. Maidenhead: Open University Press. LB2395. F34 2011
3. Shipside, S (2007). Effective communication: Get your message across
and learn how to listen. London : Dorling Kindersley. HF5718. S4 2007.
4. Smith, L.C (2005). Exploring content 1: Reading for Academic Success.
White Plains, NY: Longman. PE1122. S64 2004
5. Kaur, H.(2005). Explore MUET. Kuala Lumpur: Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd.
6. Koh, S.L. (2005). MUET Moments: Malaysia University English Test.
Selangor: Pearson. PE1128 .K63 2005
7. Richards,C. (2009). Longman Text MUET : A Strategic Approach.
Petaling Jaya: Pearson Malaysia. PE1128 .K97 2009

BBD 10302 Pedagogy

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on the understanding of teaching and learning: definition of

teaching, the differences between pedagogy and andragogy, teaching as an art and
science, and reflection on teaching and learning insight. Teacher: Who teacher, the
role of teachers, teacher personality, ethics of teaching profession, teachers and the
community. Brief description on Models of Teaching: The Sim, Glaser, Taba,
Suchmen, Systems Approach, Classroom Teaching, Laboratory and workshop
Teaching Models. Teaching approaches: the teacher-centered, student-centered,
content, tools & teaching materials-centered, inductive and deductive teaching.
Science Process Skills Education, Technical and Vocational Education: the scientific
method, science process skills, manipulative skills, thinking skills, reflective skills,
behaviorism, objectivism and constructivism, Learning Skills: reading and
communication, concept mapping, using journal and portfolio, develop teaching
modules, individual learning , Teaching methods: selecting teaching methods, the
diversity of teaching methods, The lectures, practical methods, demonstration
workshops , project method, problem-based teaching methods, teaching
computerized, andragogy teaching, simulation methods, interactive methods
(discussions, brainstorming, buzz group) , schools and sites visits, teaching
strategies and collaborative techniques in vocational teaching and training. Teaching
skills: proficiency in questioning and answering skills, set induction skills, closing
skills, strengthening skills, practices in learning outcomes, various stimulus skills,
skillful in selecting media and teaching aids. Instructional design: effective teaching,
teaching planning definition, curriculum and syllabus, Determining specification for
teaching schedules, Planning semester teaching, teaching planning weekly, daily
lesson plan, teaching assessment: assessment through reflections, supervision,
clinical supervision, teaching assessment instruments, peer-assessment.


1. Barell, John (2007) Problem-Based Learning: An Inquiry Approach.

Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks. No ISBN:141295004X, 9781412950046.
2. Joel Spring, (2006). Pedagogies of globalization: the rise of the
educational security state. Mahway, NJ: L. Erlbaum. No.Panggilan: LC71
.S67 2006.
3. Shahabuddin Hashim, Rohizani Yaakub dan Mohd. Zohir Ahmad
(2003). Pedagogi: Strategi dan Teknik Mengajar Dengan Berkesan.
Pahang: PTS Publications. No.Panggilan LB1775.2 .S52 2003.
4. Mok Soon Sang (2002). Pedagogi: Untuk Kursus Diploma Perguruan
Semester 3, Kuala Lumpur: Kumpulan Budiman. No.Panggilan: LB1025.3
.M65 2002.
5. Abd Aziz Abd Talib (2000). Pedagogi Bahasa Melayu: Prinsip, Kaedah
dan Teknik. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications and Distributors.
No.Panggilan: PL5105 .A29 2000 n.5.

BBD 20202 Educational Psychology

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on the Introduction to Psychology and Educational Psychology:

What is psychology?, What is educational psychology?. Why study psychology,
understanding the basic concepts of psychology, fields of psychology. Human nature:
the meaning of human needs, various kinds of needs, motivation and relevance to
the needs, behavior problems that arise when the requirements are not met, the
potential, strength and human weakness. Theories of development: the notion of
growth, meanings of development, development theory, the implications of the
concept of growth and development of teaching and learning in the classroom,
growth theory, the implications of the growth and development of teaching and
learning in the classroom. Individual differences: understanding individual
differences, aspects of individual differences, the factors that cause individual
differences in terms of cognitive, social, emotional and psychomotor effects of
individual differences on schooling progress of students, teachers face the problem
of how individual differences of students in school. Personality: the difference
between the personality, charactesr and traits, the classification of personality,
factors that influence personality and learning style. Self-Concept: Ideas about self-
concept, types of self-concept, the factors that cause a negative self-concept, self-
defense tricks, how teachers help children form a positive self-concept, behavior
problems and behavior modification. Behavioral psychology: understanding
developmental tasks, the main features of the development task, the task of
development in Havighurst, the problems in the achievement of developmental tasks,
how teachers help children cope and achieve developmental tasks in accordance
with the ranking, behavioral modification. Teaching and Learning: the definition of
teaching, teaching models, a definition of learning, types of learning, learning styles,
learning style model, the relationship between teaching and learning styles, learning
process: the willingness, motivation, perception and responsiveness, memory and
forgetting, transfer of learning, learning styles, learning styles implications in the
teaching and learning process. Learning theories: cognitive learning theory,
behaviorism learning theory, social learning theory, learning theory humanist.
Thinking: the concept and process of thinking, reflective thinking, relationships with
educational psychology and teaching supplies.


1. Sahizan Hasan, Tsai Chen Chien dan Saw Hooi Chin. (2004). Intrapersonal
dan Interpersonal Untuk Remaja. Bentong: Publications and Distributors. No.
Panggilan: BF637.C45 .S52 2003.
2. Mohamed Hatta Shaharom. (2003). Psikologi dan Kaunseling Remaja.
Bentong Publications and Distributors. No. Panggilan: HV1421 .M42 2003.
3. Noraini Ahmad. (2003). Kaunseling Remaja. Selangor: Utusan Publication
and Distributors Sdn. Bhd. No. Panggilan: BF637.C6 N67 2003.
4. Corbin, Barry. (2008). Unleashing the potential of thr teenage brain: 10
powerful ideas. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. No. Panggilan: LB1060
.C68 2008.
5. Metcalf, Linda. (2008). Counseling Toward Solutions : A Practical Solution-
Focused Program for Working With Students, Teachers and Parents. 2nd ed.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. No. Panggilan: LB1027.5 .M47 2008.

BBD 20302 Educational Technology

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on the introduction of educational technology: the definition of

"technology" and "education", educational technology and instructional technology.
Designs and models of teaching: learning theory, instructional model, Dick & Carey
model, ADDIE model, ASSURE model, instructional design, teaching strategies,
motivation (ARCS), 9 levels of learning (Gagne). The effectiveness and the selection
of materials: the use of tools in teaching, teaching materials selection criteria.
Provision of space: a display, presentation tools, presentation strategies. Visual is not
Impression: natural objects, models, photos and graphics. Visual Impressions:
overhead projector, slides, films, multimedia system. Photography: original format,
digital format, the presentation of the computer. Media audio: audio concepts and
wave audio, analog and digital, audio use as teaching material, examples of the use
of audio in education. The use of video in education: The basic concept of the video,
camera control, script writing, video role in education, the benefits of using video in
education, preparation of video in the classroom. Computers in Education: The main
role of the computer, the computer in teaching and learning, computers in
administration and management. Learning via the web and tele conference: the
definition of learning through the web, use the web as a medium of instruction, video
teleconferencing computer teleconference. Center source: School Resource Center,
Teachers' Centre, the Centre for Electronic Resources. Telecommunication systems:
applications in education, communication function of education, current issues of
communication technology in education.


1. Heinich, R., Molenda M., Russell, J.D., & Smaldino, S.E. (2002). Instructional
Media and Technologies for Learning: 7th Edition. New Jersey: Merrill Prentice
Hall. No panggilan: LB1028.3 .H44 2002.
2. Smaldino, Sharon E. (2005). Instructional technology and media for learning.
New Jersey: Pearson. No panggilan: LB1028.3 .I57 2005.
3. Januszewski, Alan (2008). Educational technology : a definition with
commentary. Mahwah, NJ : L. Erlbaum Associates. No panggilan: LB1028.3
.J36 2008.
4. Kemp, J.E. & Smellie, D.C (1994). Planning, Producing and Using Instructional
Technologies: 7th Edition. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers. No
5. Zol Azlan Hamidin (2000). Strategi Pengajaran : Pendekatan sains teknologi
masyarakat. Selangor : Pearson. No panggilan: LB1532.M3 .Z64 2000.

BBP 20202 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course introduces students to the knowledge and skills in occupational safety
and health (OSH) in the workplace. The scope of study includes the management of
Health, Safety and Environment: Introduction to OSH, OSHA, 1994 (Act 514), FMA
1967, EQA 1974, the safety management system and occupational health, safety
culture, health and the environment; Management and Risk Assessment: introduction
to risk management, risk assessment techniques, HIRARC; Physical injury and
Controls: introduction to physical injury, construction works, electrical, mechanical,
and that involves chemicals; Health hazards: an introduction to health and hygiene,
the dangers of chemical, physical, biological, and hygiene; Accident Investigation and
Reporting: identification, accident investigation, the cause of the incident, incident
analysis and data collection methods.


1. Occupational Safety and Health Act and Regulations. MDC Publishers

Printer Sdn. Bhd. 2001. Nombor panggilan: KPG1390.M34 2001 rw N2.
2. Factories and Machinery Act & Regulations. MDC Publishers Printer Sdn.
Bhd. 2001. Nombor panggilan: KPG1390.A31967 .A4 2001 rw N1.
3. Ismail Bahari (2006). Pengurusan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan.
Edisi ke-2. McGraw Hill Education (Malaysia). Nombor panggilan: T55.I85
4. Davies, V. J. & Tomasin K. (2006). Construction Safety Handbook. 2nd ed.
London: Thomas Telford. Nombor panggilan: TH443.R43 2006.
5. Anton, Thomas J. (2009). Occupational Safety and Health Management. 3rd
ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Nombor panggilan: T55.A57 1989.

BBP 20203 Engineering Graphics

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course encompases the topics of introduction to engineering drawing, the use of
drafting tols, lettering and lines, dimension, scale and size of paper. Geometrical
drawing; the constructions of geometry, polygon and elypse. Projection drawing:
projection, orthographic, isometric, obligue. Additional projection drawing: additional,
axis and elevations in additional drawings, curves, circles and sectional in additional
drawings. Computer aided drawing: introduction to computer aided drawing, basics
operations in instruction system, the use of CAD LI, printing and plotting machines


1. Atan Hj Hussein, Jailani Mohd Yunos & Saifullizam Puteh (2007). Grafik
Kejuruteraan, Batu Pahat: Penerbit UTHM. No Panggilan: T353.A82 2007a.
2. Bertoline G.R (2000). Engineering Drawing Workbook. Boston: McGraw Hill.
No. Panggilan: T385. B473 2000 ca.
3. Kirkpatrick, James N (2004). The AutoCAD book: Drawing, Modeling and
Applications Using AutoCAD 2004. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. No.
Panggilan: T385. K57 2004.

4. Siddiquee, Arshad N, Zahid Akhtar Khan and Mukhtar Ahmad (2004).
Engineering Drawing with a Primer on AutoCAD. New Delhi, Prentice Hall. No.
Panggilan: TA174.S52 2004.
5. Spencer, Henry Cecil (2000). Basic Technical Drawing. 7th Ed. New York, Mc
Graw Hill No.Panggilan T353.S63 2000 N1

BBM 20103 Machining Technology

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course explains about machining technology. The scopes of the course are
Safety Practices and Features of machine workshop; Workshop Management,
Control and maintenance practice for lathe machine and milling machine, Making
decision in types of maintenance to be used, machine drawings and reading
blueprint; Interpret drawings based on standard, Manual drawing, Draw orthographic
drawings and figures, Interpret blueprint for machining works, Interpret drawing
components, Fitting Machining Materials Process Practice; Drills and drilling
operation; Yarn threading components machining workpiece, Milling machining and
principle; Primary principle of two types of milling machine; Spur gear machining,
Prepare a custom machining project. Grinding machine operation process; Quality
control; Hoursinan quality in general machining operation, Working procedure in
general machining operation, Procedure implementation in general machining


1. Robert Quesda, 2005, Computer Numerical Control Machining & Turning

Centers, Prentice Hall. Call number: TJ1189 .Q83 2005
2. Peter Smid, 2008, CNC Programing Handbook, Industrial Press. Call
number: TJ1189 .S64 2008
3. John A. Schey, 2000, Introduction to Manufacturing Process, McGraw-
Hill International.
4. Call number: TS183 .S34 2000 N2
5. Ibrahim Zeid, 2003, CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill
International. Call number: TS155.6 . Z45 2003
6. James A. Rehg, 2005, Computer-Intergrated Manufacturing, Prentice
Hall International. Call number: TS155.63 .R43 2005

UQ* 1**01 Cocuriculum 1

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course is offered in various forms of activity options for students of Bachelor and
Diploma level. Eight of the activities offered are Public Speaking, Entrepreneurship,
Sports, Community Service, Volunteerism, Leadership, Culture and Innovation.


1. Ab. Alim Abd Rahim (2004). Pengurusan gerak kerja kokurikulum. Shah
Alam : Penerbit Fajar Bakti. No. Panggilan : LB3605 .A44 2004.
2. Abu Bakar Nordin dan Ikhsan Othman (2008). Falsafah pendidikan dan
kurikulum. Perak: Quantum Books. No. Panggilan : LB1570 .A22 2008.
3. Saifullizam Puteh (2006). Pengurusan Kokurikulum: Modul Pengajaran.
Batu Pahat: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. No Panggilan : LB3605
.S24 2006 a.
4. Mohd Sofian Omar Fauzee, Aminuddin Yusof dan Borhan Yusof (2002).
Kokurikulum : peranan dan implikasi. Kuala Lumpur : Utusan Pub.. No
panggilan : LB3605 .M76 2002.
5. Mok, Soon Sang (2008). Pengurusan Kokurikulum dan Pendidikan Sukan.
Puchong : Penerbitan Multimedia. No panggilan : LB3605 .M64 2008.

BBP 20102 Human Resource Management

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on the introduction of Human Resource Management.

Conceptualizing Management & Organization. Understanding human resource
management. Classical Theories in Human Resource Management. The importance
of human resource management. Legal environment. Human resource management
and human resource development. Human resource management and today’s labor
market. Human Resource Management and Global Strategic Relations. Human
resources management and global developments. Managing a team. Managing
diversity. Globalizing care. Managing changes. Human Resource Planning,
Employee Selection and consumption. Principles of human resources management.
Human resource planning processes. Models of human resource planning. Job
analysis. Equal employment opportunity law. Recruitment. Employee selection
process. Planning and career development. Training and Development. Employee
orientation. Training needs analysis. Training methods. To design an effective
workout. Assessment exercise. Employee development. Career management.
Performance Management. Needs and performance evaluation purposes. Principles
and basis of valuation of workers. Evaluation form. Evaluation and development of
the organization. Motivation and productivity. Reward & Compensation. The form of
wages and salaries. The structure and level of wages and salaries. Compensation
strategy. Rewards. Welfare. Police promotions, transfers and gratuities. Legal issues.
Workers and Trade Unions. Legal and notarial employee. Trade Unions. Ethics in
human resource management. Definitions and principles of ethics. Ethics in human
resources and impact. Organizational Development. Challenges and Issues in
Human Resource Management .Membincangkan challenges and issues related to
human resource management, whether global or a global issue.


1. Alan ,P. (2011). Human Resource Management. Andover : Cengage

Learning. Call number HF5549 .P744 2011
2. Maimunah Aminuddin. (1995). Human Resource Management.
Selangor: Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd. Call number : HF5549.H9 .M34 2008
3. Thompson, R. (2002). Managing People. Oxord: Butterworth
Heinemann Ltd. Call number : HF5549 .T46 2002
4. McGuire, D and Jorgensen, K. Molbjerg. (2011). Human Resource
Development: theory and practice. Thousand Oaks. Call number :
HF5549.M48 2011
5. Ganihar, N. Noorjehan and Nayak, V. Shivanand. (2007). Human
Resource Development and teacher education . 2nd edition. New Delhi :
Discovery Publishing House. Call number: LB2806.45 .G36 2007

BBD 20403 Micro Teaching

Prerequisite Course(s): BBD20102 Pedagogy


This course focuses on micro-teaching.Curriculum Analysis, Planning, Teachings

Aids / Tools, Documentation, Micro Teaching Theory and Practice (Specialization).
Induction Skills, Teaching Skills, Skills in closing / ending the teaching sessions, and
reflecting skills.


1. Zol Azlan Hamidin (2000). Strategi Pengajaran : Pendekatan sains teknologi

masyarakat. Selangor : Pearson. No panggilan: LB1532.M3 .Z64 2000.
2. Castaeda, Carmelita Rosie (2004). Teaching and Learning in Divers
Classrooms, New York: Routledger Flamer. No panggilan: LC1099.3 .C37
3. Siow Heng Loke (2005). Pedagogi Merentas Kurikulum. Kuala
Lumpur:Universiti Malaya. No panggilan:LB1025.3 .P42 2005.
4. Walker, Melaine (2006). Higher Education Pedagogies: A capabilities
approach. New York: Open University Press. No panggilan: LB2322.2 .W34
5. Spring, Joel (2006). Pedagogies of Globalization:Tthe rise of the educational
security state. Mahway, NJ: Erlbaum. No panggilan: LC71 .S67 2006

BBP 20302 Leadership and Supervision

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on undertaking of supervisor’s tasks. Defining supervision. Who

is supervisor? Where does supervisor comes from? Supervisory functions. The
nature of supervisor’s environmental change. Supervision: The key linkage to
productivity, Making decisions - good and creative versus problem solving, Steps in
decision making process, Group decision making, Practical decision making in
avoidance of various ploys.Kinds of decision making -creative decision making,
organizational ethics and politics, ethics at work, Codes of Conduct, dealing with
dishonesty amongst employees, building a foundation of supervisory authority,
association amongst members of the organization, supervision planning, organization
- how to planning, planning of supervisoryfunctions, what and how supervise plan,
contingency planning, policies, rules and regulations, general supervision planning
activities. This course also elaborate on Management By Objectives (MBO) that
touches on Group Work, Formal and Informal Working Groups, Individual pressure In
group, Supervision and Working Groups. Employee performance assessment, and
what is performance? Job Description and Specifications of work, The Meaning of
Performance Assessment, Performance Evaluation Methods, Frequency
Performance Assessment, Supervisory bias and unfairness In a performance
assessment. Handling weak performer. This course also deliberates on
Communication skills. What is communication? Improvising communication skills,
communication with superior, and organizational communication. Current employee
motivation would wrap up this course that coverthe understanding of motivation?
public perception, basic motivationtheories in the context of building up excellent
supervisors and employees job satisfaction.


1. Rue W.L. and Byars L. L. (2007). Supervision: Key Link to Productivity. 9,h
Edition. Irwin: McGraw Hill. No panggilan: HF5549.12 .R83 2007.
2. Certo C. S. (2002). Supervision: Concept and Skill-Building. 4th Edition.
Irwin, McGraw Hill.
3. John Newstram & Lester R. Briffel. (2007). Supervision : managing for
results. Buston. McGraw Hill. No panggilan: HF5549 .N49 2007.
4. Goetsch L. D. (2002). Effective Supervision: A Guidebook for Supervisors, 1
earn Leaders and Work Coaches. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice
Hall. No panggilan: HF5549.12.G63 2002.5.
5. Hilgert L. R. and Leonard C. E. Jr. (2007). Supervision: Concepts and Practices
of Management". 10lh Edition. South-Western College: Publishing Thomson
Learning. No panggilan: HF5549.12 .L46 2007

BBP 20402 Project Management

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course is to equip students with the knowledge and project management skills to
enhance teaching and learning in providing human capital development at par with
global technological developments. This course exposes students to the planning
and control cycle in project management, project plan development, project plan
execution, monitoring project progress, project control, integration costs, scheduling
information and the findings and make a report and briefing.


1. James P. L. (2008). Fundamental of Project Management. 2nd. Edition.

O'Reilly Media, Inc. HD69.P75 .L485 2007
2. Sunny Baker, Kim Baker, & G. Michale (2008). The Complete Idiot's Guide
to Project Management,.3rd. Edition. O'Reilly Media, Inc. HD69 T54 . B34
3. Scott. B. (2008). Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management.
1st. Edition. O'Reilly Media, Inc. BF774 .B37 2007

BBM 20203 Thermodynamics

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course explains about basic theories in thermodynamics. The scopes in this
course are basic concepts; Thermodynamic properties, Temperature, Work done,
Heat. First Law of Thermodynamics; Non-flowing process ; Energy equilibrium and
irreversible concept, Isobaric process, Polytropic process, Adiabatic process,
Isothermal process. Flow process; Unsteady flow process, Cycle with steady flow
process. Second Law of Thermodynamics; Efficiency cycle, Second law of
thermodynamics, Entropy features, The sequence of second law for steady flow
process, The validity and limits of thermodynamics laws.

1. Cengel, Yunus A. (2008). Thermodynamics- An Engineering Approach - 6th ed.
McGraw-Hill Higher Education. LC Call Number: TJ265 .C464 2008
2. Moran, Micheal J & Shapiro. (2010). Fundamentals of Engineering
Thermodynamics - 6th ed. John Wiley & Sons. LC Call Number: TJ265 .M67
3. Sonntag, Richard Edwin, Borgnakke, C. & Van Wylen, G.J. (1998).
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics - 6th ed. John Wiley & Sons. LC Call Number:
TJ265 .S66 1998 N1
4. Myers, Glen.E. (1989). Engineering Thermodynamics. Prentice-Hall. LC Call
Number: TJ265 .M93 1989
5. Whalley, P. B. (1992). Basic Engineering Thermodynamics. Oxford University.
LC Call Number: TJ265 .W42 1992

BBM 20203 Machining Skills I

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course explains about machining skills. The scopes of the course are Safety
Practices and Features of machine workshop; Workshop Management, Control and
maintenance practice for lathe machine and milling machine, Making decision in
types of maintenance to be used, machine drawings and reading blueprint; Interpret
drawings based on standard, Manual drawing, Draw orthographic drawings and
figures, Interpret blueprint for machining works, Interpret drawing components, Fitting
Machining Materials Process Practice; Drills and drilling operation; Yarn threading
components machining workpiece, Milling machining and principle; Primary principle
of two types of milling machine; Spur gear machining, Prepare a custom machining
project. Grinding machine operation process; Quality control; Hoursinan quality in
general machining operation, Working procedure in general machining operation,
Procedure implementation in general machining operation.


1. Robert Quesda, 2005, Computer Numerical Control Machining & Turning

Centers, Prentice Hall. Call number: TJ1189 .Q83 2005
2. Peter Smid 2000, CNC programming handbook : a comprehensive guide to
practical CNC programming, Industrial Press. Call number: TJ1189 .S64 2008
3. John A. Schey, 2000, Introduction to Manufacturing Process, McGraw-
Hill International. Call number: TS183 .S34 2000 N1
4. Ibrahim Zeid, 2003, CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill
International. Call number: TS155.6 . Z45 1991
5. James A. Rehg, Henry W. Kraebber, 2005, Computer-Intergrated
Manufacturing, Prentice Hall International. Call number: TS155.63 .R43 2005

BBD 20504 Teaching Practice 1

Prerequisite Course(s): BBD 20403 Mikro Teaching


This course focuses on preparing of teaching: writing lesson plans for teaching;
writing lesson plans, syllabus, the teaching schedule, the annual teaching plan,
weekly lesson plan and daily lesson plan. Implementation of the teaching plan.
Teaching: pre-teaching skills, set induction skill, presentation skills, questioning skills
and evaluation skills to use teaching aids, classroom control, closing. Reflection:
teaching oral feedback from mentors / supervisors, feedback from mentors /
supervisor through assessment instruments, teaching (LM), writing in planning book
and teaching reflection. Routine work: management and administration, inspection
work / student work, continuous assessment, laboratory and workshop
management, other tasks as directed, the provision of teaching and training


1. David Hopkins (2008). A teacher’s guide to classroom research.

Maidenhead : Open University. No panggilan: LB1028.24 .H66 2008.
2. Zol Azlan Hamidin (2000). Strategi Pengajaran : Pendekatan sains teknologi
masyarakat. Selangor : Pearson. No panggilan: LB1532.M3 .Z64 2000.
3. James Nolan, Jr., Linda A. Hoover (2011). Teacher supervision and
evaluation: Theory into practice. Hoboken. NJ: John Wiley. No panggilan:
LB2838 .N64 2011.
4. James Raths and Amy C. McAninch (2003). Teacher beliefs and classroom
performance: The impact of teacher education. Greenwich, CT: Information
Age Publishing. No panggilan: LB1775.2 .T43 2003.
5. John C.Daresh. (2003). Teachers mentoring teachers: A Practical Approach
To Helping New and Experience staff. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
No ISBN: 0761945768, 9780761945765

BPK 20802 Entrepreneurship

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course exposes students to the basic aspects of entrepreneurship. This course
includes four modules, namely fostering an entrepreneurial culture, opportunities and
business plans, practical entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activity report


1. Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (2007) ‘Asas Pembudayaan

Penerbit UUM;.
2. Marc J. Dollinger. – 3rd ed. (2003), ‘Entrepreneurship; Strategic and
Prentice Hall Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
3. UiTM Entrepreneurship Study Group (2004), ‘Fundamentals of
Prentice Hall Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
4. Carol Yip (2007) ‘Smart Money-User’ Kanyin Publication.
5. Agensi Kaunseling and Pengurusan Kredit (2009) ‘Money Sense-Getting
Smart with Your Money. 2nd Edition
6. Agensi Kaunseling and Pengurusan Kredit (2009) ‘Celik Wang-Pengurusan
Wang secara Bijak
7. Ministry of Domestic Trade & Consumer Affairs, www.kpdnhep.gov.my
8. Personal Money (the Edge Magazine), www.theedgemalaysia.com
9. Agensi Kaunseling and Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK), www.akpk.org.my

BBD 30102 Educational Management

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on the concepts, principles and theories of management

education in Malaysia: concepts of management, principles and theories of education
management, educational management practices. Introduction of management
education: history of education in Malaysia, the role of InstitutAminuddinBaki in the
management and administration of the school. Administration of the public education
system: the administrative system of public education and its rationale, role and
contribution to teaching and learning in schools, private education administration
system: the administrative system of private education and the rationale, role and
contribution to teaching and learning in schools. The organization and administrative
structure: the concept of organization, school organization, the administrative
hierarchy and relationship with the school organization, administration and
management of schools: office, curriculum and co-curriculum and school finance.,
Vision Education: unity, perkhidmatanpenyayang, empowerment, knowledge culture,
science, caring school , budayacemerlang, skills as a manager and administrators in
education: responsibility, tasks and role of the headmaster, accountability and
leadership styles of headmaster, skills and competencies of headmastersas
administrators and managers. Reflection: effectiveness and challenges in the
management and administration of education in Malaysia: issues management and
administration of education: past, present and future.


1. Hoy,W.K.& Miskel,C.G.(2008).Educational Administration:Teory,Research and

Practice.8th.Edition.Boston: McGraw-Hill. No Panggilan: LB2805 .H69 2008.
2. Lunnenburg,F.C. & Ornstein,A.C.(2004).Educational Administration:Concept
and Practices. 4th.Edition.Belmont, CA : Thomson Learning. Call no: LB2805
.L86 2004.
3. Robbins,S. & Decenzo, D.(2004). Fundamentals of Management-Essential
Concept And Applications.4th.Edition.Upper Saddle River: NJ: Pearson
Education. Call no: HD31 .R63 2004
4. Carayannis,E.G.(2001).Strategic Management of Technological Learning.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Call no: HD58.82 .C37 2001 n.1.
5. Ahmad Kilani Mohamed (2003).Pengurusan Pendidikan Di Sekolah:Huraian
Menurut Perspektif Islam.Skudai:PenerbitUTM. Call no: LB2831.8 .A35 2003.

BBD 30202 Measurement and Evaluation in Education

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on the concept of testing, measurement, evaluation and

assessment. Its covers type of evaluation; classification of test; characteristics of test;
item skill level; development of objective and subjective item; planning of test;
scoring scheme; administration of test; analysis and interpretation of the question;
basic statistical evaluation; current issues of educational evaluation.

1. Bhasah Abu Bakar (2003). Asas Pengukuran Bilik Darjah. Tanjung Malim:
Quantum Books Perak.
2. Mohd Isha Awang (2005). Pengujian, Pengukuran dan Penilaian. Sintok: Azizi
3. Kubiszyn, T dan Borich (2007). Educational Testing And Measurement:
Classroom Application and Practice. 8th ed. Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley. No.
Panggilan: LB3051.K82 2007.
4. Anderson, Lorin W. (2003). Classroom Assessment: Enhancing the Quality of
Teacher Decision New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. No. Panggilan:
LB3051 .A52 2003.
5. Linn, R and Gronlund, N. E (2000). Measurement and Assessment in Teaching.
8th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. No. Panggilan: LB3051 .L54 2000.

BBP 30102 Industrial Design

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on history of the development design and human needs,
research and development based on ergonomic factors, functions of design,
aesthetics and materials. Design of the project is to identify the problems involved,
situation, description, classification, solutions, validity of the design and testing
involved. The assessment of goal achievement, seminars, reports presentations and
proposal design.


1. Ulrich, K.T., Eppinger, S.D., 2003, Product Design and Development, Third
Edition,New York, Mc Graw Hill International
2. Ullman, D.G. 1997. The Mechanical Design Process. 2nd ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill International.
3. Pugh, S. 1990. Total Design: Integrated Methods for Successful Product
Engineering. Cornwall UK: Addison Wesley.
4. Cross, N. 1994. Engineering Design Methods: Strategies for Product Design, 2nd
ed. West Sussex UK: John Wiley and Sons.
5. Dieter, G.E. 1991. Engineering Design: A Materials And Processing Approach.
New York: McGraw-Hill International.

BBM 30103 Fluid Mechanics

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course explains about the basic theories and mechanical analysis of fluid. The
scope of this course include Dimensions, Units and Physical Quantities, Sheer Stress
in Moving Fluids, The Continuum Concept of a Fluid, Statics of Fluids, Pressure
Variation in a Fluid at Rest, Manometry, Hydrostatic Force on a Plane Surface, Fluid
Dynamics, Bernoulli Equation, Flow Rate Measurements, Viscous Flow in Pipes,

Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Energy Equation, Major and Minor Losses in Pipe Flow,
Dimensional Analysis, Buckingham Pi's Theorem, Modeling and Similitude.


1. Yunus A. Cengel. 2003. Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach. New York:

McGraw Hill. LC Call number: QC320 .C46 2003
2. Yildiz Bayazitoglu and M. Necati Ozisik. 1988. Elements of Heat Transfer.
New York: Mc Graw Hill. LC Call number: TJ260. B38 1988
3. J. P. Holman. 2010. Heat Transfer. New York: Mc Graw Hill. LC Call
number: QC320 .H64 2010
4. Ahmad Fuad Idris, 2007, Mekanik bendalir asas, Penerbit Universiti Tun
Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2007. LC Call number: TA357 .M45 2007 a
5. Durst, F., 2007, Fluid mechanics: an introduction to the theory of fluid flows,
Springer. LC Call number: TA357 .D87 2010

BBP 30103 Laboratory And Workshop Management

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course will introduce pre service instructors in the field of Technical Education to
management perspective. Introduction to Industry Management; introduction,
definitions of management, approach to management, total quality management
(TQM), legislation under the act, Lab and Workshop Safety; Review of health, early
detection of disease at work, industry safety of act, OSHA Regulations Act 1996 and
1997, Safety measures, installation; The design and layout of the plant, contract
specifications, Industrial Organization, Management; Functions and objectives of
management, personnel management, staff management, Disciplining staff, handling
plant, Inspection and air pollution, preparation of equipment and materials;
Identification, preparation of equipment and materials, workshops, laboratories and
field, storage of chemicals, environmental safety, Organization and Management
Workshop; The meaning and purpose of the organization, scope of the organization
and management workshops, workshop layout according to the needs and safety,
storage and handling; Storage of materials and equipment, equipment and material
concepts, techniques of quantitative management, operation, maintenance;
Maintenance management, maintenance categories, implementation of maintenance,
asset management; Procurement procedures (see related circulars), asset
management procedures and disposal procedures.


1. C.Ray Asfahl (2003) Industrial Safety and Health Management (5th Edition)
:Amazon. T55 .A83 2004
2. Kamal Halili Hassan (2001) Undang-undang Keselamatan Industri di
Malaysia.Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. HD7262.5.M3 .K35
3. Manuele, Fred A (2003) On The practice of Safety 3rd Edition : Hoboken
John Wilet. T55 .M36 2003
4. Mohamad Khan Jamal Khan (200 5) Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan
dalam Organisasi. Petaling Jaya : Prentice Hall/Pearson. T55 .M53 2005
5. Aldershot : Ashgate (2004) Teaming up : Components of Safety Under High
Risk : Industrial Safety Congress

BBM 30203 Fitting Skills
Prerequisite Course(s): BBM 10203 Workshop Technology

This course explains about fitting skills. Among the scopes in this course are: Safety
Rules and Features practice; Workshop safety rules and features, Safety practice
and work place, First aid method, Fire drill, Electrical accident practice, Prepare
accident report. Interpret workshop drawings; Recognize symbol and signs, Interpret
workpiece drawing, Determine the dimensions and tolerance, Demonstrate free hand
drawings techniques accurately. Build multiple connections process skills; Prepare
workpiece and consumable materials,The selection of the metal fabrication
workpiece. Demonstrate skills in Design, The establishment of parallel lines stretch,
The establishment of triangulation lines stretch, The establishment of combination
lines stretch. Quality Control Practices, Conduct monitoring process, Check the
measurement on the complex workpiece (CMM), Prepare work schedule and work
process, Prepare timetable for machining works according to the available number of
machines and operators, Review the material and equipment needs, Ensure the
equipment and machines regularly maintained.

1. Raj, Baldev Shankar, V. Bhaduri, A. K.2006, Welding Technology for
Engineers, Oxford : Alpha Science. Call number: TS227 .W45 2006
2. John A. Schey, 2000, Introduction to Manufacturing Process, McGraw-
Hill International. Call number: TS183 .S34 2000 N1
3. Ibrahim Zeid, 1991, CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill
International. Call number: TS155.6 . Z45 1991
4. James A. Rehg & Kraebber, Henry W. 2003, Computer Intergrated
Manufacturing, Prentice Hall International. Call number: TS155.63 .R43 2001 n.1

UHB 30102 English for Technical Purposes

Pre-requisite Course(s): UHB 20102 Essential Academic English


This course aims to prepare students with the skills to write reports and express
ideas or opinions competently. Students will be equipped with persuasive strategies
that can be applied to write technical reports. The course will also enable them to
practice these techniques by drafting and collaborating to produce assigned tasks.
The students also expected to orally present their proposals and written report before
an audience or panel of examiners.


1. Chandra, S. (2013). Research methodology. Oxford U.K. : Alpha Science Int.

Ltd. H62. C42 2013.
2. Newby, P. (2014). Research methods for education. Abingdon: Routledge.
LB1028. N48 2014.
3. Sekaran, U. (2013). Research methods for business: A Skill Building Approach.
Chichester. HD30.4. S44 2013
4. Joan van Emden, L. (2004). Presentation skills for students. New York:
Palgrave Macmillan.

BBD 30302 Guidance and Counseling

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on the basic concept of guidance and counseling: What is
counseling, the development of guidance and counseling services in Malaysian
schools. The philosophy of guidance and counseling services: the need for rational
guidance and counseling services in the context of national education philosophy and
technical and vocational education for the school and the community and the country.
The qualities of a counselor: acceptance and warmth, do not punish (non-
judgmental), the authenticity, accuracy (specificity). Procedure counseling processes:
provide sessions, building relationships, exploring the problem, identify the cause of
the problem, seeking and discussing alternatives for action, and ending the session.
Basic counseling skills: listening, empathy: to understand the emotions and feelings,
reflecting, explaining and paraphrasing, questioning and confronting, formulating and
roll, counseling theories: comparison of western and Islamic counseling,
psychoanalytic theory, the theory of convergence of the client (Client -Centered
Therapy), Alfred Adler's theory, theory of behavior, theory of reality. Counseling
services in schools: individual inventory, providing information, guidance / counseling
groups, individual counseling, placement, drug use prevention, consultation and
referral sources, subject areas: education counseling, career guidance, personal and
social counseling. The use of tests in the guidance: the selection and administration
of the tests, the validity of the tests, reliability tests, advantages and limitations in the
use of the test, a sample-exam tests such as intelligence, aptitude test (talent and
inclination), interest test, personality test. Ethics Counseling: Counseling ethical
concepts, ethical counseling in Malaysia by Malaysia Counselor Association


1. Ainon Mohd dan Abdullah Hassan (2002). Guru Sebagai Pendorong Dalam
Bilik Darjah. Bentong, Pahang: PTS Publication & Distributors.
2. Jensen, Eric. (2008). Brain-Based Learning. 2 nd Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA :
Corwin. No Panggilan: LB1060 .J46 2008
3. Parsons, R.D. Hinson, S.L & Sardo-Brown, D. (2001). Educational
Psychology: A Practitioner-Research Model of Teaching. Victoria : Thomson
Learning. No Panggilan: LB1051 .P37 2001
4. Saedah Siraj, Zainun Ishak dan Tunku Mohani Tunku Mokhtar. (1996).
Motivasi Dalam Pendidikan: Siri Pengajian dan Pendidikan Utusan. Kuala
Lumpur: Utusan Malaysia Publicfation & Distributors.
5. Santrock, John, W. (2011). Educational Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill.
No Panggilan: LB1051 .S26 2011

BBD 30402 Educational Data Reasoning

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on the basics statistics: measuring nominal, ordinal and interval,
descriptive statistics: mean, median and mode, standard deviation, population and
sampling, distributions: normal, skewed, graphs and charts. Application statistics: an
introduction to test significant, probability and significance, the general procedure is a
significant test, chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U, correlation, statistical software:
interface design and data input, data manipulation, data display: table, histograf,

graphs, pie charts, commentary and interpretation of data: data, analyze data,
formulate findings, the findings justify.


1. Latifah Mohd. Nor(2005). Statistics Made Simple (2nd Ed.). Kuala Lumpur:
2. Islamic University. No. Panggilan: HA29 .L37 2005.
3. Marija,J.N.(2002).SPSS 11.0 Guide to Data Analysis: SPSS Inc..New
Jersey:Prentice Hall.
4. Huck,S.(2000).Reading Statistics and Research. Needham Heights: Allyn
and Bacon. No. Panggilan: QA276 .H82 2008.
5. Levin,J.,Fox,J.(2007).Elementary Statistics in Social Research. Needham
Heights:Allyn And Bacon. No Panggilan: HA29 .L494 2007.
6. Mohd.Salleh Abudan Zaidatun Tasir.(2001). Pengenalan Kepada Analisis
Data Berkomputer SPSS10.1 for Windows. Kuala Lumpur:Venton Pub.
No. Panggilan: HA32 .M64 2001

BBD 30502 Education Sociology

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course exposes students to the Introduction to Sociology, Definition of

sociology, sociology as a discipline and its importance, development sociology.
Prominent sociologist and its contribution: Auguste Comte, Herbert Spenser,
Durkheim, Spenser, Lester. Theories of Sociology, theory of functionalism, conflict
theory, interactionism theory. Sociology in the context of Malaysia's education
system, the sociological role of Technical Education. Sociology as a means of social
control. Cultural dissemination tools, Tools and ideological unity of the State, social
stratification tool, Education System as Social Institutions. Structure and organization
of educational institutions. Educational institutions and the community. Interaction in
the education system. Community Services. And the difference equation. Differences
and similarities in education. Education as a national ideology developer, Technical
Education and Social Mobility. Factors of social mobility, the Technical Education and
social impact on the socio-economic status, Social Effects of Technical Education
Achievement. Environmental factors, socioeconomic status, values and culture of the
school, Aspirations school, peer group and social opportunities, education system in
Malaysia. The historicalperspectives and development of education in Malaysia.
State education system evolution patterns before and after the British occupation: the
vernacular Chinese, Indian and English. National education policy, development of
technical and vocational education, university education, Technical Education and
National Development, Role of technical education in the national aspiration.
Development of Technical Education in Malaysia, System of Higher Education,
higher education functions, theory approach to higher education, Reform and
Planning In the education system, dynamics change, perspectives change, strategies
for school changes. Roles played by sociologists in education and changes in
educational policies. Reform as a natural progression in education, liberalization and
corporatization of liberalization and corporatization of education, education
administration system: central, state and district levels.


1. Ellen Brantlinger(2003). Dividing classes: how the middle class negotiates and
rationalizes school advantage. London: RoutledgeFalmer. No. Panggilan:
.B72 2003.
2. Jeanne H. Ballantine &Joan Z. Spade (2004), Schools and society : A
sociological approach to education, 2nd ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson.
No Panggilan: LC191 .S33 2004.
3. Walter Feinberg, Jonas F. Soltis (2004), School and society. 4th ed. New
York: Teachers College Press. No Panggilan: LC191 .F44 2004.
4. Alex Moore (2006). Schooling, society and curriculum. London: Taylor and
Francis. No Panggilan: LC191.8.G7 .S33 2006.
5. Alan R. Sadovnik (2007). Sociology of education: A critical reader. New
York: Routledge. No. Panggilan: LC191.2 .S52 2007.

BBP 30202 Research Methodology

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on the basics of Research. Why carry out research in
education? Research in technical and vocational education. Scientific methods in
research. Determining the best criteria in research. Ethics in research. Preparing a
research proposal. How to write research proposal? How to write a research
proposal content. How to determine research problems, motivation in research,
understanding the field of research, objective of research, literature, concept, model
or theory. Review the findings of previous studies, review past studies methods,
research methods, survey design, survey instruments and data analysis.


1. Methods in educational research : from theory to practice / Marguerite G.

Ladico, Dean T. Spaulding and Katherine H. Voegtle by Lodico, Marguerite
LB1028 .L62 2006
2. Educational research / K. Swarna Jyothi ; editor Digumarti Bhaskara Rao
LB1028.J96 2007
3. Educational research in practice : making sense of methodology /edited by
Joanna Swann and John Pratt LB1028 .E38 2003
4. Understanding and Evaluating qualitative educational research / editor, Marilyn
Lichtman LB1028 .U52 2011
5. Introduction to educational research / Craig A. Mertler, C.M. Charles LB1028
.M46 2008

BBM 30303 Solid Mechanics

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course explains about solid mechanics. Among the scopes are: Analysis theory
of Shear and Stress; Concept and definition of shear and stress, Types of loading,
Modulus of elascity and plastic elascity, Thermal Stress and strain, Poisson’s ratio
and horizontal stress, Types of beams and supports, Types of beam loads, Shear
forces, Shear force diagram, Maximum bending moment, Stress in beams; Bending
theory, bending moment and shear seperation, Torsion; Torsion stress and strain in
round and hollow bars, Composite bar, Shaft design and load combination. Thin
Cylinder, Pressure in thin cylinder, Complex torsion; Combination of stress and strain
in two-dimensional system, Main stress and strain, Maximum shear stress and


1. Ryder, G.H. (1983). Kekuatan Bahan. Macmillan. LC Call number: TA405 .R92
2. Howell, Peter. (2009). Applied Solid Mechanics. Cambridge University Press. LC
Call number: TA404.8 .H68 2009
3. Shames, Irving H. (2004). Introduction to Solid Mechanics- 3rd Ed. Prentice Hall.
LC Call number: TA405 .S52 2004
4. Parnes, Raymond. (2001). Solid Mechanics in Engineering. John Wiley. LC Call
number: TA417.6 .P37 2001
5. Lemaitre, Jean.(1997). Mechanics of Solid Material. Press Syndicate of the
University of Cambridge. LC Call number: TA405. L38 1990 N1

BBM 30903 Computer Assisted Machining Technology

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course explains about the theory of computer assisted machining technology.
Among the scopes in this course are: General Safety in Machining Workshop;
Forming Machines, technology, handling and maintenance of milling, CNC lathe
machine, CNC milling machine, CNC Grinding Machine, EDM Wire Cutting and EDM
Die sinking.


1. Robert Quesda, 2005, Computer Numerical Control Machining & Turning

Centers, Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780130488671
2. Peter Smid 2008, CNC Programing Handbook, 3rd Ed, Industrial Press. ISBN:
3. John A. Schey, 2000, Introduction to Manufacturing Process, 1st Ed, McGraw-
Hill International. ISBN: 9780070311367
4. Ibrahim Zeid, 1991, CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, 3rd Ed, McGraw-Hill
International. ISBN: 9780070728578
5. James A. Rehg, 2005, Computer Intergrated Manufacturing, 3rd Ed, Prentice
Hall International. ISBN: 9780131134133

BBP 30404 Industrial Training

Prerequisite Course(s): Students need to complete the all related core courses


This course focuses on the planning. Throughout planning Period of Industrial

Training. Monthly Planning. Weekly planning. Project planning. Daily Duties. Briefing
Supervisors. Implementation Assignment. Communication. Log book. The scope of
the project. Task Completion. Learning. Reflection. Studies Organization.
Organisational structure. Communication Channels. Climate Organization. Current
development of Organization. Practices and Work Procedure. Report Writing. Writing
format. Presentation. Documents Attachment and Presentation Materials.


1. Panduan Latihan Industri Universiti

2. Panduan Latihan Industri Fakulti
3. Peraturan Akademik Universiti

BBD 4**01 Cocuriculum For Club And Society

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course is offered in various forms of activity options for students of Bachelor and
Diploma level. Eight of the activities offered are Public Speaking, Entrepreneurship,
Sports, Community Service, Volunteering, Leadership, Culture and Innovation.


1. Ab. Alim Abd Rahim (2004). Pengurusan gerak kerja kokurikulum. Shah Alam :
Penerbit Fajar Bakti. No. Panggilan : LB3605 .A44 2004.
2. Abu Bakar Nordin dan Ikhsan Othman (2008). Falsafah pendidikan dan
kurikulum. Perak: Quantum Books. No. Panggilan : LB1570 .A22 2008.
3. Saifullizam Puteh (2006). Pengurusan Kokurikulum: Modul Pengajaran. Batu
Pahat Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. No Panggilan : LB3605 .S24 2006
4. Mohd Sofian Omar Fauzee, Aminuddin Yusof dan Borhan Yusof (2002).
Kokurikulu : peranan dan implikasi. Kuala Lumpur : Utusan Pub. No panggilan :
LB3605 .M76 2002.
5. Mok, Soon Sang (2008). Pengurusan Kokurikulum dan Pendidikan Sukan.
Puchong Penerbitan Multimedia. No panggilan : LB3605 .M64 2008.

BBP 40102 Final Year Project l

Prerequisite Course(s): Has taken all the core courses from year 1 to year 3


This course focuses on Chapter 1 Introduction (Introduction, research background,

problem statement, research objective, research question, conceptual framework,
significance of the research, scope and limitation of the research and definition of
terms), Chapter 2 Literature Review (Introduction, related previous research:
concepts, theory, model, finding and summary) and Chapter 3 methodology
(Introduction, research design, population and sample, sampling procedures:
probability or nonprobability sampling, instruments, data analysis, expected findings,
chronology of product development studies (analyzing the needs of the research,
design selection, analysis and modification, testing and evaluation) and summary.


1. Methods in educational research : from theory to practice / Marguerite G.
Ladico, Dean T. Spaulding and Katherine H. Voegtle by Lodico, Marguerite
LB1028 .L62 2006
2. Educational research / K. Swarna Jyothi ; editor Digumarti Bhaskara Rao
LB1028 .J96 2007
3. Educational research in practice : making sense of methodology /edited by
Joanna Swann and John Pratt LB1028 .E38 2003
4. Understanding and Evaluating qualitative educational research / editor,
Marilyn Lichtman LB1028 .U52 2011
5. Introduction to educational research / Craig A. Mertler, C.M. Charles LB1028
.M46 2008
6. Panduan Perlaksanaan Projek Sarjana Muda Universiti.
7. Panduan Perlaksanaan Projek Sarjana Muda Fakulti.
8. Peraturan Akademik Universiti.
9. Panduan Penulisan Tesis Universiti

BBM 40102 Machining Design and Blueprint Intepretation

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course explains about the design for machining operation and blueprint
intepretation. Among the scopes in this course are: Technical drawings and machine
drawings, Computer Aided Design (CAD); Section and detailed drawings.
Component modeling and installation; Construction of surface model and
documentation; Advanced 3D modeling, Blueprinting process; Scaling, lines and
symbols, Plane, angle view and sectional view, Blueprinting for machining projects.


1. Robert Quesda, 2005, Computer Numerical Control Machining & Turning

Centers, Prentice Hall. ISBN:9780130488671
2. Peter Smid 2000, CNC Programing Handbook, 1st Ed, Industrial Press. ISBN:
3. John A. Schey, 2000, Introduction to Manufacturing Process, 1st Ed, McGraw-
Hill International. ISBN:9780070311367
4. Ibrahim Zeid, 1991, CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, 3rd Ed, McGraw-Hill
International. ISBN: 9780070728578
5. James A. Rehg, 2003, Computer Intergrated Manufacturing, 3rd Ed, Prentice
Hall International. ISBN: 9780131134133

BBM 40202 Metrology

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course explains about the theory of metrology. Among the scopes in the course
are: Basic concepts in measurement; The needs of measurement, Precision and
accuracy, Durability, Measurements errors, causes and types. Measuring
engineering components, Comparators, slip gauges, rollers, limit gauges, Design and
application, Dekkor angle, Auto colliminator, Telescope alignment, Sine bar, Bevel
protractors. Shape Measurement; Measuring screw threads and gears, Measuring
circumference, Measuring surface finish, roundness and flatness measurement,
Laser measurement; Laser interferometer, Coordinate Measuring machine (CMM),
Functions of CNC CMM, Coputer-aided inspection, Application in metrology..

1. Hume K.J (1963) Engineering Metrology, Macdonald and Co

2. Support technical Paper, 1998 by SCHMITT INDUSTRY
3. R.K.Jain, " Engineering Metrology ", Khanna Publishers, 1994.
4. Gaylor, Shotbolt and Sharp, " Metrology for Engineers ", O.R.Cassel, London,
5. Thomas, " Engineering Metrology ", Butthinson & Co., 1984.

BBM 40304 Computer Assisted Machining Skills

Prerequisite Course(s): BBM 30903 Computer Assisted Machining Technology

This course explains about the skills of computer assisted machining. Among the
scopes in this course are: General Safety in Machining Workshop; Forming
Machines, technology, handling and maintenance of milling, CNC lathe machine,
CNC milling machine, CNC Grinding Machine.

1. Robert Quesda, 2005, Computer Numerical Control Machining & Turning
Centers, Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780130488671
2. Peter Smid 2000, CNC Programing Handbook, 1st Ed, Industrial Press. ISBN:
3. John A. Schey, 2000, Introduction to Manufacturing Process, 1st Ed, McGraw-
Hill International. ISBN: 9780070311367
4. Ibrahim Zeid, 1991, CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, 3rd Ed, McGraw-Hill
International. ISBN: 9780070728578
5. James A. Rehg, 2005, Computer Intergrated Manufacturing, 3rd Ed, Prentice
Hall International. ISBN: 9780131134133

UHB 40102 English for Occupational Purposes

Prerequisite Course(s): UHB 30102 English for Technical Purposes


This course employs a task-based learning approach and focuses on developing

student's delivery of speech in oral interactions and job interviews and presentations.
Particular emphasis will be given to promote mastery of self-directed learning,
teamwork, research, oral presentations, reasoning and creativity. This course also
enable students to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for conducting and
participating in meetings, which includes writing meeting documents and event
proposals based on specific themes. Students will also be exposed to interview


1. Haynes, Marion. F (2009). Meeting Skills for Leaders: Make Meetings More
Productive. Rochester, NY: Axzo Press. HD30.3. H39 2009.
2. Peberdy, Duncan (2009). Brilliant Meetings: What to know, say and do to
have fewer, better meetings. Harlow: Prentice Hill. HF5734.5. P42 2009
3. Wendleton, Kate. (2014). Mastering the Job Interview: And Winning the
Money Game. Boston: Cengage Learning. HF5549.5. I6. W46 2014.
4. Wrathall, Jeff (2011). Event Management: Theory and Practice. North Ryde,
N.S.W: McGraw-Hill. GT3405. W72 2011.

BBM 40402 Production Control

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course explains about production control. Among the scopes are: Introduction to
Production Control and Manufacturing; Types of manufacturing process,
Components in a production system, Product Engineering process and planning
process; Planning process in production, decision trees in decision making, Capacity
process, Work presentation process, Project management and planning; Quality
management, Workforce planning and time study, Supply chain and inventory
management, Inventory Model, Material requirements planning, Production Planning
and Control System; Forecasting, Workforce planning, Aggregate planning, MRP and
Scheduling, Just-In-Time and Lean Operations.


1. Waters T.F. (1996). Fundamentals Manufacturing for Engineers. CRC Press. LC

Call Number: TS183 .W37 1996.
2. Vollmann, Thomas E. (1992). Manufacturing Planning And Control System.
Irwin. LC Call Number: TS176. V65 1992.
3. Mikell P, Groover. (2007). Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing – 2nd ed. John
Wiley. LC Call Number: TS183 .G76 2007.
4. Kalpakjian, Serope, Schmid, Steren R. (2001). Manufacturing Engineering and
Technology - 4th ed. Prentice Hall International. LC Call Number: TS176 .K34
5. Crowson, Richard. (2006), The Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering. Taylor
and Francis. LC Call Number: TS183 .H36 2006 v.1.

UQ* 1**01 Cocuriculum 2

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course is offered in various forms of activity options for students of Bachelor and
Diploma level. Eight of the activities offered are Public Speaking, Entrepreneurship,
Sports, Community Service, Volunteerism, Leadership, Culture and Innovation.


1. Ab. Alim Abd Rahim (2004). Pengurusan gerak kerja kokurikulum. Shah
Alam : Penerbit Fajar Bakti. No. Panggilan : LB3605 .A44 2004.
2. Abu Bakar Nordin dan Ikhsan Othman (2008). Falsafah pendidikan dan
kurikulum. Perak: Quantum Books. No. Panggilan : LB1570 .A22 2008.
3. Saifullizam Puteh (2006). Pengurusan Kokurikulum: Modul Pengajaran.
Batu Pahat: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. No Panggilan : LB3605
.S24 2006 a.
4. Mohd Sofian Omar Fauzee, Aminuddin Yusof dan Borhan Yusof (2002).
Kokurikulum : peranan dan implikasi. Kuala Lumpur : Utusan Pub.. No
panggilan : LB3605 .M76 2002.
5. Mok, Soon Sang (2008). Pengurusan Kokurikulum dan Pendidikan Sukan.
Puchong : Penerbitan Multimedia. No panggilan : LB3605 .M64 2008.

BBD 40102 Cocuriculum Management

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course focuses on the introduction of co-curricular activities: definition and

concept of curriculum management, curriculum goals and objectives, types of
curriculum. Handling general meeting: the general meeting agenda, minutes of the
general meeting. Planning extra-curricular activities: working papers, reporting
papers, working papers feedback from the lecturers, the management of the
organization. The implementation of activities, activities of uniformed bodies, sporting
events, club activities, association activities, fun and games. Dissolution members:
procedure and dissolution activities.


1. Ab. Alim Abd Rahim (2004). Pengurusan gerak kerja kokurikulum. Shah
Alam : Penerbit Fajar Bakti. No panggilan : LB3605 .A44 2004
2. Saifullizam Puteh (2006). Pengurusan Kokurikulum: Modul Pengajaran. Batu
Pahat: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. No panggilan : LB3605 .S24
3. Alpha Sigma (2002). “Panduan Tugas Staf Sekolah Menengah.” Petaling
Alpha Sigma Sdn. Bhd. No. Panggilan: LB2831.585.M4 .P36.
4. Lavallee, D. dan Wylleman (2000). “Career Transitions in Sport:
International perspectives.” USA: Fitness Information Technology, Inc.
5. National Intramural-Recreational sports Association (2004). “The Value of
Recreational Sports in Higher Education.” United States: Human Kinetics

BBP 4204 Final Year Project II

Prerequisite Course(s): BBP 40102 Degree Project l


This course focuses on Chapter 1 Introduction (Introduction, research background,

problem statement, research objective, research question, conceptual framework,
significance of the research, scope and limitation of the research and definition of
terms), Chapter 2 Literature Review (Introduction, related previous research:
concepts, theory, model, finding and summary), Chapter 3 methodology
(Introduction, research design, population and sample, sampling procedures:
probability or nonprobability sampling, instruments, data analysis, expected findings,
chronology of product development studies: analyzing the needs of the research,
design selection, analysis and modification, testing and evaluation and summary),
Chapter 4 Data Analysis of Engineering/Product/social science (Introduction,
findings, analysis of material design (Implementation of components, materials
testing), analysis of product design ( implementation and testing) and chapter 5
Discussion , Conclusions and Recommendations (Introduction, summary of research,
discussion and interpretation of findings, significance of the study, recommendations
for further research and conclusion.


1. Methods in educational research : from theory to practice / Marguerite G.

Ladico, Dean T. Spaulding and Katherine H. Voegtle by Lodico, Marguerite
LB1028 .L62 2006
2. Educational research / K. Swarna Jyothi ; editor Digumarti Bhaskara Rao
LB1028 .J96 2007
3. Educational research in practice : making sense of methodology /edited by
Joanna Swann and John Pratt LB1028 .E38 2003
4. Understanding and Evaluating qualitative educational research / editor,
Marilyn Lichtman LB1028 .U52 2011
5. Introduction to educational research / Craig A. Mertler, C.M. Charles LB1028
.M46 2008
6. Panduan Perlaksanaan Projek Sarjana Muda Universiti.
7. Panduan Perlaksanaan Projek Sarjana Muda Fakulti.
8. Peraturan Akademik Universiti.
9. Panduan Penulisan Tesis Universiti

BBM 40501 Engineering Practice

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course explains about practical engineering. Among the scope in this couse are:
Introduction; Basic concept of safety, basic concept of engineering practice, basic
concept in doing experiment, writing technical report. Material science; Non-
Destructive Test (NDT), Vickers and Brinell. Metrology; Usage of measuring
instruments. Thermodynamics; heat transfer. Fluid mechanics; Pneumatic, hydraulic,
electro-pneumatic. Solid mechanics; Izod Test.


1. Engineering Industry Training Board. (1988). Basic engineering training guide:

welding. LC Call Number: TS227. W44 1988.
2. Haynes, Tom. (1987). Basic Welding. McGraw Hill. LC Call Number: TS227. H38
3. Mikell P, Groover. (2007). Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing – 2nd Ed.
John Wiley. LC Call Number: TS183 .G76 2007.
4. J. P, Holman. (2010). Heat Transfer- 8th Ed. Mc Graw Hill. LC Call Number:
.H64 2010.
5. Yildiz Bayazitoglu, M. Necati Ozisik.. (1988). Elements of Heat Transfer. McGraw
- Hill. LC Call Number: TJ260. B38 1988.

BBM 40604 Machining Skill II

Prerequisite Course(s): None


This course explains about advanced skills of machining. Among the scopes in this
course are: General Safety in Machining Workshop; Forming Machines, technology,
handling and maintenance of milling, CNC lathe machine, CNC milling machine,
CNC Grinding Machine, EDM Wire Cutting, EDM Die Sinking, CNC EDM machining


1. Robert Quesda, 2005, Computer Numerical Control Machining & Turning

Centers, Prentice-Hall. ISBN: 9780130488671
2. Peter Smid 2008, CNC Programing Handbook, 1st Ed, Industrial Press.
ISBN: 9780831133474
3. John A. Schey, 2000, Introduction to Manufacturing Process, 1st Ed, McGraw-
Hill International. ISBN: 9780070311367
4. Ibrahim Zeid, 1991, CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, 3rd Ed, McGraw-
Hill International. ISBN: 9780070728578
5. James A. Rehg, 2005, Computer Intergrated Manufacturing, 3rd Ed, Prentice
Hall International. ISBN: 9780131134133

BBD 40204 Teaching Practice II

Prerequisite Course(s): BBD20403 Mikro Teaching


This course focuses on the preparation of teaching - writing lesson plans for
teaching: writing lesson plan, syllabus, schedule of teaching, annual lesson plans,
weekly lesson plans , daily lesson plans, implementation of the Plan of teaching -
teaching skills of pre teaching, induction set skill, presentation skills, questioning
skills and evaluation skills to use teaching aids, classroom control, closing.
Reflection: teaching oral feedback from mentors / supervisors, feedback mentor /
supervisor through teaching assessment instruments, reflection writing in lesson
planning book.


1. David Hopkins(2008).Ateacher’s guide to classroom research. Maidenhead :

Open University. No panggilan: LB1028.24 .H66 2008
2. Zol Azlan Hamidin (2000). Strategi Pengajaran : Pendekatan sains
teknologi masyarakat. Selangor : Pearson. No panggilan: LB1532.M3 .Z64
3. James Nolan,Jr.,Linda A.Hoover(2011).Teacher supervision and evaluation:
Theory into practice. Hoboken.NJ:John Wiley. No panggilan: LB2838 .N64 2011.
4. James Raths and Amy C. McAninch(2003).Teacher beliefs and classroom
performance: The impact of teacher education. Greenwich,CT: Information Age
Publishing. No panggilan: LB1775.2 .T43 2003.
5. John C.Daresh.(2003).Teachers mentoring teachers: A Practical Approach To
Helping New and Experience staff.Thousand Oaks,CA:Corwin Press. No ISBN:
0761945768, 9780761945765

Career & Further Education Prospect

Graduates have career opportunities in the public and private sector, particularly as
educators in the field of machining practice. In addition to being an educator,
graduates can also get involved in industry such as in the field of mechanical
engineering that focuses on the work of advanced machining, computer-aided design
and manufacturing.

Graduates have the potential to become entrepreneurs in related areas of design and
manufacturing. Graduates also have the opportunity to continue their studies at post-
graduate level in areas related to technical and vocational education through
programs such as Master of Technical and Vocational Education.

Prospects for Contuining Education

Source: Malaysian Qualification Framework

Source: Malaysian Qualification Framework


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