Study of Seasonal Variation in Lake Water Quality of Byadagi Taluka
Study of Seasonal Variation in Lake Water Quality of Byadagi Taluka
Study of Seasonal Variation in Lake Water Quality of Byadagi Taluka
ISSN 2250-3153
Abstract- Groundwater is one of the major resources of the of industrialization. Human health is threatened by most of the
drinking water in Byadagi taluk (India.). In this study 11 agricultural development activities particularly in relation to
sampling station were selected for the investigations on 11 excessive application of fertilizers and unsanitary conditions.
chemical parameters. The work was carried out during different Rapid urbanization,especially in developing countries like India,
months of the premonsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons has affected the availability and quality of groundwater due to its
in June 2009 to June 2010. pH values recorded were alkaline in overexploitation and improper waste disposal, especially in urban
nature. Correlation between EC, TDS, Total hardness and related areas. According to WHO organization, about 80% of all the
results clearly indicated the degree of acceptance of results diseases in human beings are caused by water. Once the
documented. Water samples were found to be rich with groundwater is contaminated, its quality cannot be restored by
phosphorus. High sodium content was noticed in all the stations. stopping the pollutants from the source. It therefore becomes
Results of principal component analysis evinced that all the imperative to regularly monitor the quality of groundwater and to
parameters equally and significantly contribute to groundwater device ways and means to protect it. Water quality index is one
quality variations. Significant variation of physico-chemical of the most effective tools [5-8] to communicate information on
parameters of surface water were observed; various physico- the quality of water to the concerned citizens and policy makers.
chemical parameters for the water samples were within highest It, thus, becomes an important parameter for the assessment and
desirable limit (HDL) prescribed by WHO for drinking purposes management of groundwater. WQI is defined as a rating
for all seasons except for pH in summer, total alkalinity and Fe reflecting the composite influence of different water quality
contents in spring, autumn and winter; total dissolved solids in parameters. WQI is calculated from the point of view of the
winter, turbidity in all seasons. suitability of groundwater for human consumption. The objective
of the present work is to discuss the suitability of groundwater
Index Terms- Physico-chemical, Chemical parameters, Byadagi for human consumption based on computed water quality index
taluka and seasonal variations etc values.
Water is an indispensable natural resource on earth. All life
including human being depends on water. We have enormous
I. INTRODUCTION resource on the earth amounting to about 13, 481, 96000 Km3 of
water. Due to its unique properties water is of multiple uses for
G ood drinking water quality is essential for the well-being of
all people which has affected the health and economic
status of the populations. Groundwater is the major source of
living organisms. In India 77% of water is used in agricultural
sector . Human being depends on water for almost every
water for drinking, agricultural and industrial desires[1]. In this developmental activity. Water is used for drinking, irrigation,
study, concentrations of chemical parameters such as pH, DO, washing, and Industrial purposes. Although water is very
BOD, COD, alkalinity, chloride, o-phosphate, nitrate, TDS, abundant on this earth, yet it is very precious. Out of the total
conductivity, TH, fluoride, ammonia and iron in groundwater water reserves of the world, about 97% is salty water and only
samples were determined by using standard analytical 3% is fresh water. Even this small fraction of fresh water is not
methods[2]. Water is the principal need of life on earth, and is an available to us as most of it is locked up in polar ice caps and just
essential component for all forms of lives, from micro-organism 0.003% is readily available to us in the form of ground water and
to man. The unplanned urbanization and industrialization [3] has surface water. The fresh water resources now a day as
resulted in over use of environment [4] in particular of water consequences of population explosion coupled with
resource. A kind of crises situation has made getting clean water industrialization, urbanization, and green revolution. In
a serious problem. It is a known fact that when pure water is reservoirs, which are formed at the back of the relieved and
polluted its normal functioning and properties are affected. accumulated structures on the running water, new organisms
Ganges is a sacred river of India. The increased anthropogenic come into existence with the effects of different morphological
activities due to industrialization have contributed to decline in structures. (Fair et al., 1971). In order to benefit from our
water quality of Ganges. reservoirs, lakes, ponds, dam lakes and rivers, we have to know
Groundwater is used for domestic and industrial water the characteristics of these waters and the algae which are the
supply and irrigation all over the world. In the last few decades, first link of the food chain with regards to ecology and
there has been a tremendous increase in the demand for fresh taxonomy. In comparison with natural lakes and marshes,
water due to rapid growth of population and the accelerated pace reservoirs have the following features: (1) the water level varies
irregularly, which physically destabilizes the lake shoreline, and
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 2
ISSN 2250-3153
(2) the hydrogeological structure of dam lakes is complicated and and 2003, Zafer and Sultana 2007 reported pH range of 7.6 and
could change easily because the water level is regulated 7.55 respectively for monsoon season[11].
artificially (Nakashima et al., 2007). In recent years, activities to Again the correlation between EC, TDS, Total hardness
preserve the water quality and ecosystem of reservoirs and lakes and related salts clearly indicated the degree of acceptance of
have been encouraged. For example, research on the results documented. The highest TDS concentration of 645 mg / l
classification of the water quality of reservoirs and lakes and the during Pre monsoon 2 was recorded in sample collected at
effects of its use on land have been carried out. Mattur village, Correspondingly TDS of this sample during Pre
monsoon - 1 and Post monsoon was respectively 641 mg / l and
566 mg / l . The water sample collected from subsurface water
II. STUDY AREA source at Kerudi village exhibited lowest concentration of TDS,
the values being 393 mg / l (Pre monsoon -1), 343 mg / l (Post
Byadagi (Kannada: ) is a town in Haveri district in monsoon ) and 395 mg / l (Pre monsoon -2). The highest and
the state of Karnataka, India. Its around 18 km north west of the lowest concentrations of total hardness during Pre monsoon - 2 at
famous business center Ranebennur. The town is famous for the Mattur and Kerudi villages were respectively 335 mg / l and 210
red Byadagi chilli. The surrounding areas of Byadagi produce mg / l.
chilli ( red in color & long ) which is dried in sunlight and sent to Hardness is an important parameter in decreasing the toxic
different markets. This spicy chilli is one of the common effect of poisonous element. The total hardness is relatively high
ingredients used in Udupi cuisine.Today the use of this chili is in some samples due to the presence of calcium, magnesium and
seen in abroad also. chloride and sulphate ion. The hardness is greater than
Byadagi is located at 14.68N 75.48E. It has an average permissible limit(300 mg/l) in premonsoon-1 and 2 respectively.
elevation of 601 metres (1971 feet). As of 1nTotal hardness in premonsoon-1, postmonsoon and
2001 India census,[2] Byadagi had a population of 25,658. Males premonsoon-2 ranged from 209 to 333mg/l,182 to 294mg/l and
constitute 51% of the population and females 49%. Byadagi has 210 to 335 mg/l respectively. Total hardness was recorded
an average literacy rate of 67%, higher than the national average comparatively highest in premonsoon and lowest in postmonsoon
of 59.5%; with male literacy of 74% and female literacy of 60%. is reported.[12]. Hardness more than permissible limit leads to
13% of the population is under 6 years of age. heart diseases and kidney stone formation[13].Acidity was
detected in monsoon seasons in three locations only( 20,31 and
42mg/l), while in post monsoon acidity varied from 128mg/l to
Groundwater samples were collected from 11 locations Nitrogen percolates easily into the groundwater through the
during pre-monsoon1,2 and post monsoon period. Each of the soil along with rainwater recharge or irrigation water. As a result,
groundwater samples was analyzed for 11 parameters such as the shallow aquifers are more likely than deeper ones to initially
pH, electrical conductivity, TDS, total hardness, acidity, suffer from contamination problems [1415].Within practical
alkalinity, chloride, sodium. phosphorus, and potassium, using limitations of analysis the nitrogen content in subsurface waters
standard procedures recommended by APHA[9]. The water during all the seasons considered for study was found to be same
samples were collected from different sites in plastic bottles and and it ranged from 10 mg / l to 18 mg / l.
transported to the laboratory in an icebox jars to avoid Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen and ozone to
unpredictable changes in parameters of water samples and were some extent are the primary causes of acid rain. These pollutants
compared with standard values recommended by World Health originate from human activities such as combustion of burnable
Organization[10], for drinking purposes. waste, fossil fuels in thermal power plants and automobiles.
These constituents interact with reactants present in the
atmosphere and result into acid deposition. The natural sources
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of sulphur pollutants are oceans and to much smaller extent from
volcanic eruptions. The man-made sources of SO2 emissions are
The values of various physic-chemical parameters in the burning of coal and petroleum and various industrial
different seasons of Bydagi lake water are presented in Table.1,2 processes (Cullis and Hischler, 1980)[16].
and 3 respectively. The pH of water is important because many Alkalinity of water samples ranged from 198 to317, 182 to
biological activities can occur only within a narrow range. Thus, 222 and 200 to 319 mg/l in premonsoo-1, postmonsoon and
any variations beyond an acceptable range could be fatal to a premonsoon-2 respectively. The mild alkalinity may be due to
particular organism.pH values recorded exhibited alkaline nature more seepage of effluent, domestic sewage etc.
of subsurface water. Further the water was found to be more Phosphorous concentration ranging from 24 mg / l to 37 mg
alkaline during Pre monsoon - 2 followed by Pre monsoon - 1 / l (Pre monsoon - 1), 21 to 33 mg / l (Post monsoon) and 25 to
and Post monsoon season. Acidity and alkalinity values recorded 40 mg / l (Pre monsoon - 2) were observed. Most critical single
were found to have good correlation with pH hence inferred that element in maintaining aquatic productivity is phosphorus,
the results of analysis are acceptable. pH of waters varied from throughout is one of the most limiting factors of production in
8.09 to 8.80 and 8.14 to 8.86 during Pre monsoon - 1 and Pre Indian reservoirs[17].
monsoon - 2 respectively. On the other hand the pH ranging from Maximum potassium concentration of 7.0 mg / l was
7.16 to 7.95 was observed during Post monsoon season. In 2002 observed at station SSB4 followed by SSB7 (6.2 mg / l ) ,
followed by SSB3 (4.1 mg / l ) , followed by SSB6 (3.9 mg / l),
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 3
ISSN 2250-3153
followed by SSB2 ( 3.0 mg / l), followed by SSB8 (2.5 mg / l ) [10] World Health Organization, Guidelines for drinking water quality-
I,Recommendations,2nd edn Geneva WHO, 1993.
,followed by SSB5 (2.1 mg / l ) , followed by SSB1 (1.3 mg / l ),
[11] Zafer A and Sultana N, Seasonal Analysis in water Quality of River Ganga
followed by SSB10 (1.1 mg / l ) than by SSB9 (0.8 mg / l ) Disaster Ecology and Environment, Arvind Kumar (ed) Day Publishing
These values corresponds to Pre monsoon - 2. accordingly the House, India,2007,57-62.
concentrations in samples during Pre monsoon - 1 were [12] Standard drinking water Sphecifications (First Revision) IS-10500:199.
respectively 6.8 mg / l , 6.0 mg / l , 4.0 mg / l ,3.8 mg / l , 3.3 BES,New Delhi,India.
mg / l, 2.9 mg / l , 2.4 mg / l, 2.0 mg / l, 1.7 mg / l, 1.3 mg / l [13] Lalthas and Barani A.V, Indian J Envirn Protect,2004,24(12),925.
and 0.8 mg / l . On the other hand potassium concentration [14] Naik PK, Tambe JA, Dehury BN, Tiwari AN (2008) Impact of urbanization
ranged from 0.7 mg / l to 6.0 mg / l during Post monsoon. Thus, on the groundwater regime in a fast growing city in central India.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 146: 339 373. doi:
the excess amount of potassium present in the water sample may 10.1007/s10661-007-0084-6.
lead nervous and digestive disorder [18]. Very high sodium [15] Gao Y, Zhu B, Wang T, Wang YF (2012) Seasonal change of non-point
content in the water samples at all the three stations was noticed. source pollution-induced bioavailable phosphorus loss: a case study of
Again higher sodium content in water sample during Pre Southwestern China. Journal of Hydrology 420421: 373379. doi:
monsoon - 2 followed by Pre monsoon - 1 and Post monsoon 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.12.029.
were recorded. The ranges were respectively 23.1 mg / l to 173.6 [16] Cullis, C. F. and M.M. Hischler: Atmospheric sulphur: Natural and man
made sources. Atmos. Environ., 14, 1263-1278 (1980).
mg / l , 22.0 mg / l to 165.0 mg / l and 18.5 mg / l to 103.3 mg
[17] Das A.K (2000) Limno-Chemistry of some Andra Pradesh reservoirs. J
/ l . Sodium and potassium if compression to chloride is high Inland Fish.Soc.India,32:37-44.
because of the present of salt in groundwater. The chloride and [18] Tiwari T.R, Indian J Environ Health,2001,43(1),176.
fluoride are correlated with each other. [19] World Health Organization, Geneva, Guideline for Drinking Water Quality.
Chlorides concentration ranging from 79 mg / l to 135 mg 1993, 1, p. 56, 124.
/ l (Pre monsoon - 1), 69 mg / l to 119 mg / l (Post monsoon)
and 81 mg / l to 136 mg / l (Pre monsoon - 2) were observed,
indicating non-pollution status of water body. These values AUTHORS
exceeded the permissible limit proposed by WHO. It is the
First Author P.Shiva Keshava Kumar, Department of Civil
indicator of contamination with animal and human waste. The
Engineering, S.T.J Institute of Technology, Ranebennur, India,
high concentration of chloride gives an undesirable taste to water
and beverages. Taste thresholds for the chloride anion depends
on the associated cation and are in the range of 200300 mg/l for Second Author K.Manjunatha, Department of Studies in Civil
sodium, potassium, and calcium chlorides [19]. No health-based Engineering, University B.D.T College of Engineering
guideline value is proposed for chloride in drinking water.
Third Author N.T.Manjunath, Department of Studies in Civil
However, chloride concentrations in excess of about 250mg/l can
Engineering, University B.D.T College of Engineering
give rise to detectable taste in water [19].
Analysis of Byadagi taluka lakes water in three seasons
revealed that, some lake water samples are not suitable for
purposes like irrigation and potable purposes.
The authors are thankful to management and staff members
of S.T.J. Institute of Technology, Ranebennur, for
encouragement and facilities.
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Technol., 2010, 4(8), 526-534.
[2] Ilangeswaran D, Kumar R and Kannan D, E-J Chem., 2009, 6(3), 898-904.
[3] Singh S.P., Pathak D. and Singh R.Eco. Env. And Cons., 2002,8(3),:289-
[4] Petak W.J. Environ. Managem.1980, 4, 287-295.
[5] Mishra P C and Patel R K, Indian J Environ Ecoplan., 2001, 5(2), 293-298.
[6] Naik S and Purohit K M, Indian J Environ Ecoplan., 2001, 5(2) 397-402.
[7] Singh D F, Proc Acad Environ Biol., 1992, 1(1), 61-66.
[8] Tiwari T N and Mishra M A, Indian J Environ Proc., 1985, 5, 276-279.
[9] APHA (American Public Health Association) Standard method for
examination of water and wastewater, NW, DC 20036, 1994.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 4
ISSN 2250-3153
Table: 1 Variations in Characteristics of Lake water Samples in Byadgi Taluk in Pre monsoon - 1
Variations in Quality of Lake water with respect to seasons ( Season : Pre Monsoon - 1 ) Taluk : Byadgi
LB1 Agasanahalli Pre - 1 10.10 823 532 278 0 265 15 25 38.0 6.0 108
LB2 Anur Pre - 1 8.11 819 534 284 38 199 15 25 35.0 7.2 112
LB3 Attikatti Pre - 1 8.56 868 563 296 0 281 17 27 52.4 7.8 114
LB4 Budapanalli Pre - 1 9.48 876 570 296 0 282 17 27 46.0 15.2 115
LB5 Chikkabasur Pre - 1 9.20 935 601 320 0 304 17 28 53.0 8.3 126
LB6 Chikkanajji Pre - 1 8.44 1,069 692 368 0 350 19 33 73.0 2.5 140
LB7 Galapuji Pre - 1 8.35 647 422 219 0 208 12 20 44.0 6.3 89
LB8 Kaginehalli Pre - 1 8.69 879 570 300 0 285 17 27 27.1 5.8 115
LB9 Kerudi Pre - 1 9.07 648 419 223 0 212 12 20 49.3 16.3 85
LB10 Kummur Pre - 1 9.48 630 403 214 0 203 11 19 34.5 8.3 85
LB11 Mattur Pre - 1 8.78 1,245 810 421 0 400 23 38 80.5 51.0 164
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 5
ISSN 2250-3153
Table : 2 Variations in Characteristics of Lake water Samples in Byadgi Taluk in Post monsoon
Variations in Quality of Lake water with respect to seasons ( Season : Post Monsoon ) Taluk : Byadgi
LB1 Agasanahalli Post 8.50 732 474 248 0 235 14 22 45.0 8.7 96
LB2 Anur Post 7.26 735 479 255 209 178 13 23 71.0 10.7 101
LB3 Attikatti Post 8.48 768 500 260 0 247 14 24 134.5 48.5 101
LB4 Budapanalli Post 7.66 782 508 267 128 187 15 24 86.0 15.9 103
LB5 Chikkabasur Post 8.23 828 532 283 14 269 15 25 89.3 17.0 112
LB6 Chikkanajji Post 7.55 884 572 304 150 213 15 27 95.0 16.0 116
LB7 Galapuji Post 7.47 612 399 207 166 145 11 19 122.0 14.8 84
LB8 Kaginehalli Post 7.77 802 520 273 105 191 15 25 82.3 14.2 105
LB9 Kerudi Post 8.11 615 398 212 37 148 11 19 87.5 21.0 80
LB10 Kummur Post 8.48 601 384 204 0 194 10 18 62.0 13.0 81
LB11 Mattur Post 7.86 986 642 334 89 234 18 30 95.0 19.7 130
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013 6
ISSN 2250-3153
Table : 3 Variations in Characteristics of Lake water Samples in Byadgi Taluk in Pre monsoon - 2
Variations in Quality of Lake water with respect to seasons ( Season : Pre Monsoon - 2 ) Taluk : Byadgi
LB1 Agasanahalli Pre - 2 9.56 970 628 328 0 312 18 30 45.2 6.9 127
LB2 Anur Pre - 2 7.68 965 629 335 124 234 18 30 41.9 8.3 132
LB3 Attikatti Pre - 2 8.98 1,033 672 349 0 332 19 32 56.0 17.7 136
LB4 Budapanalli Pre - 2 8.10 1,023 664 349 39 244 20 31 63.2 9.1 134
LB5 Chikkabasur Pre - 2 8.71 1,090 701 373 0 354 20 33 65.4 9.5 147
LB6 Chikkanajji Pre - 2 7.99 1,124 727 387 62 271 20 35 87.8 3.2 147
LB7 Galapuji Pre - 2 7.91 763 497 258 79 181 14 24 55.1 7.5 105
LB8 Kaginehalli Pre - 2 8.23 1,036 672 353 14 336 19 32 34.5 7.0 136
LB9 Kerudi Pre - 2 8.59 764 494 263 0 250 14 24 61.2 18.7 100
LB10 Kummur Pre - 2 8.98 743 474 252 0 240 13 22 43.0 10.1 100
LB11 Mattur Pre - 2 8.31 1,404 914 475 0 451 26 43 98.2 62.3 185