Swimming Pool Chlorine

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Chlorination Building design is based on the recommendations of


o IS 10553 (Part I) 1983 Requirements of Chlorination equipment


For installation, safe handling, storage and use of chlorination equipment and containers.


Shipping containers and equipment containing chlorine should be located indoors, in a suitable fire-
resistant building. If a separate building is not provided, the chlorine containers and equipment
should be located in an isolated room having floors and walls of fire-resistant construction.


Storage area should be cool, dry, well ventilated, clean of trash and protected from external heat
sources. It should be remote from elevators, gangways or ventilating systems, because in the event
of a chlorine leak, dangerous concentration of chlorine may spread rapidly.

Ventilation must be sufficient to prevent accumulation of vapour pockets. The fan intake should
be located near the floor and exhaust fan must be sufficient to ventilate the whole
area. All fan switches should be outside the storage area.
As far as possible, the building for the storage of chlorine should be entirely of non-combustible
construction and separate from other buildings. In case the storage is not in a different building, it
should be on ground floor, with at least two exits opening outside, and separated from other parts of
the building by fire resisting walls and floors.
Standard firewalls may be needed to separate chlorine equipment from flammable
materials. Subsurface locations should be avoided. Not less than two means of exit should be
provided from each separate room or building in which chlorine is stored, handled, or used. All exit
doors should open out.

Careful consideration should be given to methods of handling containers, such as height of ceilings
for overhead hoists or strength of floors for mechanical handling equipment, to ensure their
adequacy. Suitable roller supports for storing containers for easy rotation and alignment for
withdrawal of chlorine, lifting beams, hoist and weigh scale must be provided.
The gross weight of the container is 1,600 Kg. It is recommended to have 2 ton monorail hoist
electrically or manually operated with traveling trolley along with lifting beam to lift the
container. Also attach a load indicator to indicate the full/empty condition of the container.
The lifting arrangement must be given suitably for directly lifting from transport lorry which can
stationed below the monorail for hoisting the tonner to a storage position.

In designing a ventilating system, the consequences of a chlorine leak should be considered. In
some cases natural ventilation may be adequate. In others, ventilation by means of a suitable fan
should be provided. A one to four minute rate of air change may be required in an
emergency. Precautions must be taken to avoid discharging chlorine into areas where it can cause
damage or injury.
If ducts are not necessary a wall-type exhaust fan may be satisfactory if it can be located near the
floor on outside wall. Where ducts are required to bring air to the fan and carry it to a safe point of
discharge outside the building, a pressure type fan is needed. Switches for all ventilating fans should
be provided outside of chlorine rooms or buildings even when an inside switch is installed.

Chlorine gas is heavier than air and has a tendency to collect at floor level. The suction of ventilating
fans should be located at or near floor level. Fresh air inlets should be located to provide cross
ventilation and to prevent developing a vacuum in the room. Multiple fresh air inlets and fan suctions
may be necessary to exhaust air from some equipment areas.


Store chlorine cylinders up-right and secure them so that they cannot fall.

Ton containers should be stored on their sides on rails, a few inches above the floor. They
should not be stacked or racked more than one high.

Keep enough room between containers so that all are accessible in case of emergency.

Store the containers in a covered shed only. Keep them away from hot sun or any other
source of heat like hot water, steam, direct flame and furnace, because excessive heating
may tremendously increase the chlorine pressure inside the container resulting in its bursting.

Do not store chlorine containers with explosives, acids, turpentine, ether, anhydrous
ammonia, finely divided metals or other flammable materials.

Do not store containers in wet and muddy areas.

Cylinders should be stored on a cement floor sloping towards a pit capable of collecting all
the liquid in the cylinders. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to run on to the
chlorine in this pit.

Use cylinders in the order of their receipt, as valve packing can harden during prolonged
storage and cause gas leaks when cylinders are finally used.

Filled and empty cylinders should be stored separately.

Protective covers for valves should always be secured, even when the cylinders are empty

No oil or any lubricant shall be used on any valve of the containers.

Badly fitting connections should not be forced and the correct tool should not be used for
opening and closing valves, they should never be hammered.

When being emptied, the key should be opened fully; it should not be used at any time to
regulate the flow of chlorine.

Implements and other equipment used for emptying the cylinders should be clean and free of
grease, dust or grit.

Cylinders should never be lifted by means of the metal cap, nor should rope slings, chains or
magnetic devices be used. The ton containers should be handled with a suitable cradle with
chain slings combinations with a hoist or crane having at least 2 metric tonnes capacity.
Never use cylinders as a roller to move other equipment.

Never tamper with any fusible plugs of tonners or apply heat to them.

In case of large leaks first escape is try to stop the flow of liquid by closing the valves.

Try to contain the spilled liquid by making bunds of sand.

Ensure that the escaped liquid chlorine does not enter the drains.

After containing the liquid one can use fluoro protein foam to prevent evaporation of the

In case of large leakages the alternative solution is to absorb the chlorine in an alkaline
medium such as caustic soda, soda ash or lime slurry.


Keep the supply of caustic soda, soda ash or lime available. Do not push the leaking container in the
alkali tank. Connect the container to a hose pipe and put the pipe in alkali tank.


If a container commences leak during transport it should be carried on to its destination or

manufacturer, whichever is nearer. Keeping the vehicle moving will prevent accumulation of high
Only specially trained and equipped workers should deal with emergency arising due to major
leakage. Checks should be made at least daily for any possible leakage of chlorine. Leakage must be
attended immediately or it will become worse. In case the leak in the equipment in which it is being
used, STOP the valve on the container at once. It is on the cylinder valve itself and cannot be
stopped quickly, efforts should be made to shift the container to a safe open area.
Pinhole leaks in the walls of a damaged cylinder or tonner can sometimes be stopped by driving a
hardwood peg or metal pin into the hole. (Do not forget to mark that area). This is only a temporary
measure and the container should be emptied as soon as possible.


When the leak from a chlorine ton container cannot be arrested then the contents must be disposed
safely. The first priority must be to prevent chlorine gas from spreading. The best method would be
to enclose the leaking container with a FRP hood. The hood is connected with a flexible hose to the
scrubber system.
The scrubber system may be of venturi-ejector type or of absorption column. In both cases the
leaked chlorine is sucked from the hood and delivered to venturi or absorption column where chlorine
is neutralized counter currently with caustic solution.


Air breathing apparatus with cylinder For attending chlorine leaks

For attending minor leaks and during changing of

Cannister gas mask
ton containers

Emergency kit For handling leaks minor nature in ton container,

piping and valves

Leak detector For sensing chlorine leaks

Eyewash shower For washing the eyes when exposed to chlorine leak.

Wind sack For gauging the direction of wind

For the operating personnel used during arresting

Protective clothing, gloves, goggles
leaks and changing containers

Ventilation fans For removing leaked chlorine from the room

Lime pit For absorbing chlorine leak from one ton container.


According to the Compressed Gas Cylinder Act Government of India, it is necessary to obtain a
storage license when five or more containers are to be stored. For obtaining the storage license
safety equipments are essential along with scrubber system. Also the building has to be constructed
as per norms suitable for storing toxic gas cylinders with adequate ventilation systems and handling


o Leak detector with audible alarm.

o Disaster plan for operation during emergency leak of chlorine.

o One or more Hydrant point with adequate pressure near the premises.

o At least one air breathing apparatus and 2 cannister gas masks.

o Ammonia torch.

o Weather cock.

o Emergency kit .

o Lime pit with gas manifold leading to pit .

o Suitable plant layout as per statutory requirements.

Chlorine house should have to following features:

The chlorine cylinders and feeders should be housed in an isolated room from the Water
treatment plant, easily accessible, close to point of application and convenient for truck loading
/ Unloading and safe container handling

The floor of the water treatment plants chlorine house should be at least 15 cm above
surrounding ground and drainage.

Chlorine house should have at least two exit doors for cross ventilation that allows an
approximate air change in 10 minutes.

For small installations, provision of ventilator opening at the bottom, one opposite the other is

A satisfactory ventilation scheme involves a combination of fresh air and exhaust system,
consisting of fans that force the fresh air into the room through the opening near the ceiling with
exhaust fan to clear away any chlorine contaminated air near floor level.

Cylinder containing chlorine should be handled gently. They should not be bumped, dropped or
rolled on the ground and no object should be allowed to strike them with force.

The protective hood over the valve should always be kept in place except when the cylinders are
in use.

Cylinders should not be stored in open or damp places.

Empty cylinders should be stored away from full cylinders.

Mar 17, 2016 10:02:00 AM

For a commercial HVAC contractor, designing a system for a natatorium or building containing a
swimming pool can be especially challenging. Indoor pool areas tend to be cavernous, covering a lot
of square footage and have extremely high ceilings. They also face three sources of moisture: the
pool itself, the people using it, and intake air.

The goal for the HVAC contractor is to provide comfortable conditions for swimmers, staff and
spectators while maintaining good air quality. Here are eight reasons why thats a big challenge that
requires a custom HVAC solution:

1. Pool uses differ and require different HVAC solutions. If a pool is going to be used for
therapy, the water temperature will probably be above 90F, so the room temperature would
have to be lower than the water temperature to ensure the comfort of staff and observers. In
a non-therapy setting like a high school or YMCA, the water is often kept at 80F to 82F,
allowing for the room temperature to be set a few degrees higher so swimmers are
comfortable when they get out of the water. The desired temperature differential between
water and air affects air-handling design.

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2. The facility may have zones with differing HVAC needs. Building operators may want
the pools spectator area to be a few degrees cooler than the pool deck because parents
watching their childrens swim lessons will be fully dressed; possibly wearing coats. Areas
near a hot tub require ventilation that differs from the actual pool area because the heat and
rapid water movement cause moisture and chemicals to be released into the air at a rapid
rate. Ventilation needs can also vary from the wet pool deck area closest to the water to the
dry pool deck areas.
3. Chemicals in the air can cause breathing issues. Chemicals are used to keep pool water
free of harmful bacteria. When someone jumps into the water at an outdoor pool causing
chemicals to disperse into the air its not a problem. With an indoor pool, however, those
chemicals are trapped, which is why pool areas often smell like chlorine. Without proper
ventilation, there can be an unpleasant odor, and worse, inhaling the chemicals can cause
respiratory problems. Chemical concentrations are the highest at the waters surface where
swimmers breathe so a properly ventilated pool area must balance air distribution. There
should be some airflow over the water to reduce the chemical concentration where swimmers
breathe but not so much as to dramatically increase evaporation. In addition, good air must
get to people throughout the building.

4. Outdoor temperatures have a big impact. The HVAC system requirements for an indoor
pool facility in Maine will be vastly different from those for a pool in Southern California. It is
a costly challenge to heat outdoor winter air in a far northern climate to 82F, but it can be
just as expensive to prevent a natatorium from becoming overheated in a southern climate.

5. A moist environment. Moisture is unavoidable in a natatorium, but it must be controlled for

the health and comfort of the facilitys users and to prevent mold growth and corrosive
damage to the building. Moisture will condense quickly on cool surfaces like windows, fire
doors and skylights. Areas like these must be identified so the system can be designed to
supply enough warm air and air movement to prevent condensation. This means duct design
is also vital in preventing condensation throughout your space.

6. The amount of usage can vary. A colleges pool could host a swim meet for hundreds of
swimmers and hundreds more spectators one day but then see little or no usage for a week
when students are gone on break. Similarly, a hotels pool area could be significantly busier
during peak tourist season or on weekends than other times of the week or year. An effective
HVAC system will be designed to handle both extremes.

7. Pools can be energy hogs. It takes a lot of energy to maintain water temperature, air
temperature and air quality in a natatorium. A properly designed HVAC system can make a
huge difference in the carbon footprint and utility bills for any building housing a swimming

8. Location of Equipment. It is very important that the air handler not be located directly
above the swimming pool. Warm moist air migrating into the system can cause operational

As an HVAC contractor, youll want to work with manufacturers who have experience with equipment
for natatorium applications. Ask the facilities manager or building owner a lot of questions about the
pool and its usage before recommending an HVAC system. The more information you have the more
effective and efficient the equipment you propose can be. Regular maintenance for the system is a
very important aspect that needs to be addressed. Making sure the system is always adjusted for
peak performance will result in lower energy and maintenance costs in the long run. This may present
an opportunity for you to sell a maintenance contract.

Chlorine is used in pools and other chlorinated aquatic venues to kill germs, but when it binds to the
body waste swimmers bring into pools (for example, sweat and urine) it can form chemicals called
chloramines. Chloramines in the water, like dichloramine and trichloramine, irritate skin, eyes, and the
respiratory tract (including the nose) when they off gas from the water and into the air above,
particularly indoors . In addition, chloramines can also contribute to corrosion of metals around the
aquatic venue and in air handling systems.

What can pool operators do to prevent or get rid of chloramines? expanded

Chloramines are a type of combined chlorine that form in water and then off gas into the air above
the water. Most city, county, and state health departments limit the amount of combined chlorine in
the water to 0.4 ppm or less.

Chloramines can build up in the water, which means they can build up in the air if there is not
enough fresh air surrounding pools and other places people swim in chlorinated water 1. This is
particularly true for indoor aquatic facilities where air handling systems are not bringing in enough
fresh air and exhausting enough chloramine-polluted air, which is common during winter months
when heating costs increase. Chloramines that off gas from the water are heavier than air. This
means they settle on top of the waters surface where they can cause negative health effects in
swimmers and spectators.

Three things cause the buildup of chloramines in the air:

Disturbing the waters surface (for example, when swimmers move in the water or the water is
sprayed through aquatic features),

Limiting movement of fresh air over the waters surface, and

Using air handling systems to limit the amount of fresh air brought into the swimming area
and limit the amount of air polluted with chloramines exhausted out of the swimming area. This
is common during winter months when heating costs are high.

Air handling systems might remove moisture from the air, but they dont necessarily bring in enough
fresh air or exhaust enough air polluted with chloramines; pool operators need to consult with
technical representatives on how to maximize the use of their air handling system to reduce
chloramine accumulation while keeping heating costs down. If chloramines are not exhausted to the
outside, then the recirculated air flowing over the water can become loaded with chloramines. If the
air surrounding the water is full of chloramines, chloramines cant off gas in the surrounding air. This
means chloramines will build up in the water and cause health effects in the swimmers.
Steps pool operators should take to prevent and get rid of chloramines in the water and
surrounding air collapsed


1. Chen L, Dang B, Mueller C, Dunn KH, Almaguer D, Ernst JL, Otto CS. Health hazard evaluation
report: investigation of employee symptoms at an indoor waterpark.[PDF - 64 pages] Cincinnati,
OH: US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC, National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health. 2008.

2. Jacobs JH, Spaan S, van Rooy GBGJ, Meliefste C, Zaat VAC, Rooyackers JM, Heederik D.
Exposure to trichloramine and respiratory symptoms in indoor swimming pool workers. Eur Respir
J. 2007;29(4):690-8.

3. Safranek T, Semerena S, Huffman T, Theis M, Magri J, Trk T, Beach MJ, Buss B. Ocular and
respiratory illness associated with an indoor swimming poolNebraska, 2006. MMWR Morb
Mortal Wkly Rep. 2007;56(36):929-32.
Indoor swimming pools continuously produce large quantities of chlorine laden water vapour through
the process of pool evaporation.

The effects of this evaporation are magnified by the fact that the construction industry keeps building
more energy efficient tighter structures.

When water vapour has no escape from these air tight structures, it causes numerous problems such
as: rust, blistering of paint, deterioration of structural supports and many other negative comestic
effects on your building.
As a result repair or replacement of damaged items can be very costly and time consuming. Patrons
and staff of indoor pools must also endure an unpleasant environment. They are surrounded in the
physical discomfort of high humidity. The mould, mildew, bacteria and fungi that grow in these moist
conditions can effect their health. These growths give off low-molecular weight volatile organic
compounds (VOCs), many of which are poisonous and have potent odours.
Bathhouses, mechanical equipment rooms, storage areas and indoor swimming pool enclosures shall
be ventilated, either by natural or mechanical means. Room ventilation shall prevent direct drafts on
swimmers and shall minimize condensation. A minimum of two air changes per hour shall be provided
for indoor pool areas. Heating units shall be kept from contact with swimmers. Fuel-burning heating
equipment shall be installed and vented to the outdoors in accordance with the Uniform Code.



In general , it may be said that a mechanical ventilation rate of 1 ACH (one air change per hour) of
the pool enclosure will be sufficient to maintain reasonable relative humidity levels when a pool cover
is used regularly. However, the ventilation system should be capable of supplying 2 (two) ACH for
maintenance of good air quality in all operating conditions.


The amount of water evaporated from a pool depends on:

a) the surface area of the pool;

b) the water temperature;
c) the indoor air temperature and relative humidity;
d) the amount of air movement over the pool surface.

In short, the following principles apply:

1) The larger the water surface area, the greater the amount of water evaporated. Therefore, using a
pool cover to reduce the surface area of water exposed reduces the amount of water evaporated;

2) The higher the water temperature, the higher the evaporation rate;

3) The lower the indoor air temperature, the higher the evaporation rate;

4) The lower the indoor relative humidity the higher the evaporation rate;

5) The greater the air movement over the pool area, the higher the evaporation rate. Thus,
activity in the pool area will increase the evaporation rate.


After calculating the mechanical ventilation rate required for the pool enclosure, it is necessary to
consider the distribution network for both the supply and exhaust air streams.

Proper duct design will:

1. minimize air flow requirements;

2. ensure a comfortable recreation environment;
3. optimize humidity control , including elimination of condensation on windows.
Please refer to Sketch I and 2, enclosed, for typical layouts.
In general, please note that:

1. The airflows and duct lengths Indicated on the sketches are meant as examples only - actual
performance may differ;
2. Supply air should be discharged near exterior windows. If the supply air is being heated, the
supply grills may be close to the ground - otherwise, discharge height should be at least
eight feet.
3. Return grills and lines should be located near the ceiling;
4. Maintain a reasonable distance (at least eight feet) between supply and return grills, to
prevent short circuiting.
Reheating of Supply Air:

Although the air-to-air heat exchanger will recover up to 80% of indoor air temperature, the incoming
fresh air supply may be uncomfortably cool. Therefore it may be desirable to add an heater to heat
the incoming air.

Rules for economical solution of residential pool design

choose a building envelope with the best thermal insulation and technical parameters avoid
unnecessary large glazing (mainly in pool roofs) totally eliminate thermal bridges design perfect vapor
barriers for walls and roofs design rectangular pool shapes to easily install rolling foil covers, possibly
insulating cassettes made of polyurethane design connections to house only through a tight door,
preferably through separately ventilated corridor in respect to possible losses and condensation in
ducts locate the ventilating unit as close as possible to pool

Rules for ventilation and heating of residential pools

The rules come from experience with many newly built or retrofitted pools in recent years:

ensure thorough ventilation of the whole space; avoid poorly ventilated corners with possible
condensation always ensure supply of dry warmair with low RH value on glazing with sufficient speed
and reach keep the whole space in negative pressure (min. 95 %) to avoid risk of water vapor
escaping into adjacent spaces or into a structure through an incorrectly made vapor barrier
always design the ceiling distribution ductwork in the pool made of stainless material with slot or
nozzle outlets; possibly of aluminumfinished polyurethane, with slot outlets without control (due to
complicated access) ensure perfect tightness of stainless floor ductwork, sloping towards a
condensate drain, access for cleaning and excelent thermal insulation design air distribution ductwork
outside the pool of tight duct (e.g. Polyurethan), sloping towards a condensate drain, and thermaly
insulated. Never install exhaust grilles in false ceiling through a cut vapor barrier! design suction grille
centrally opposite the glazing, under the space ceiling design the air distribution for very small spaces
(e.g. with only one window or in a basement) only by a central jet air outlet (adjustable) always
isolate the pool air-handling systemfromthe one serving the house, including supply and exhaust
ducts, to avoid drafts (backdraft dampers do not guarrantee continuous and trouble-free opeartion)
due to unsteady residential pool opeartion (e.g. 1 2 hours a day) it is ideal to install the air-handling
systemwith warm-air heating to achieve required air temperature quickly, in just several dozens of
minutes (with thermal insulation and vapor barrier on the wall inside).
air-handling units for pools must be suitable for aggresive environmet (chlorine), i.e. With heat
recovery core made of stainless or plastic material, condensate drain pan of stainless steel or with a
special finish it is recommended that as a basic heating system a floor distribution system be installed
with connection to a low-temperature heat source (HP, solar energy), possibly a system of floor-
standing convectors under windows, with excelent anticorrosive finish with a special design to avoid
human injury

Another sample pool air change calculation

Another sample pool air change calculation (excel table by GEA)

Pool Dehumidifiers


Good indoor air quality can be a challenge in an indoor pool. However, designers that follow ASHRAE
guidelines as well as those addressed in this manual should have every expectation of a great space
condition and pleasant overall experience for the patrons of the facility. There are steps a design
engineer must take in their design to minimize the chances that a patron experiences a foul smelling
pool odor and stinging eyes. There are many factors that impact the IAQ in a natatorium: pool water
chemistry problems, inadequate outdoor air, air stagnation, poor air distribution, high humidity, mold,
mildew, condensation and corrosion.

Four of the five key factors having the most direct impact on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) are
under the control of the design engineer.

Pool water chemistry

Poor air distribution: No Airflow in the Breathing Zone.

Outdoor air ventilation

Exhaust air

Air change rate

Chemical off gassing from the pool water is the pollutant that causes all the IAQ issues in
a natatorium. A successful HVAC design will adequately remove these chemicals and
provide good IAQ by properly addressing the four key airside design requirements.

Pool Water Chemistry

Pool Water Chemistry is the key variable that impacts IAQ and is not under the responsibility of the
design engineer.

Good pool water chemistry by the building operator is critical in order to achieve levels of human
comfort and health. Also by maintaining optimal pool water conditions you will have the best possible
indoor air quality and ensure optimal performance from the mechanical system.

Poor water chemistry is the single biggest source of indoor air pollution and corrosion
problems in a Natatorium.

Ultraviolet light (UV) treatment of pool water has shown to have a very positive impact on the water
chemistry and can help reduce, if not totally eliminate chloramines. This approach to enhance water
treatment is gaining popularity and as positive data continues to come should become more and
more common.

Chlorine Smell

When you walk into an indoor pool and smell a strong chlorine odor, you naturally think it's caused by
too much chlorine in the water. The odor is actually caused by chloramines (combined chlorines) off
gassing from the pool water surface. Chloramines are formed in the pool water when there is
insufficient free chlorine in the pool to address the nitrogen-containing compounds brought into the
pool water by the swimmers. These nitrogen compounds are naturally-occurring and contained in
sweat, urine, body oils and other proteins that get released into the pool water. If the introduction of
these nitrogen compounds outpaces the introduction of free chlorine the chlorine becomes combined
with the nitrogen compounds rather than fully oxidizing them. The chloramine (combined chlorine)
levels increase in the water, resulting in an increase in chloramine off-gassing, which creates the odor
of chlorine in the room. There are three different types of chloramines that can form:
monochloramine, dichloramine and trichloramine. Trichloramine is the most volatile and will off-gas
most quickly.

The powerful chlorine smell that is often associated with indoor pools is NOT the result of
too much free chlorine in the water; it is TOO LITTLE free chlorine that is the culprit!
To avoid chloramines it is imperative to maintain proper free chlorine and pH levels as outlined in
table 5. Off-gassed chloramines also have a strong attraction to the airborne humidity which will
combine with moisture in the air. Consequently, any condensation of the space humidity will become
corrosive. An example of this can sometimes be seen at pools with chloramines problems where the
ladder rails outside the water corrode while the portion under water does not.

Foul Odor in the Pool Area

When you walk into an indoor pool and smell a strong chlorine odor, you naturally think it's caused by
add to much chlorine. The odor is actually caused by insufficient amounts of chlorine, better known
as combined chlorines and can lead to high levels of algae and bacteria growth in the pool water. To
avoid foul odor it is imperative to maintain proper levels of chlorine and pH as seen in table 5.
Airborne chloramines also have a strong affinity to pure water such as condensate. Consequently any
condensation will become corrosive and further damage the structure.

Pool Water Chemistry Parameters Recommended by NSPI

Pools Whirlpools

Desirable Range Desirable Range

pH 7.4 - 7.6 7.4 - 7.6

Alkalinity 80 - 100 PPM 80 - 100 PPM

Free Chlorine 2.0 - 3.0 PPM 3.0 - 4.0 PPM

Combined Chlorine 0 PPM 0 PPM

Dissolved Solids 100 - 300 PPM 100 - 300 PPM

Total Hardness 225 - 250 PPM 175 - 275 PPM

Table 5 - National Spa and Pool Institute Recommended Levels for Water Quality

The proper balance of outdoor air and room exhaust air along with air movement at the water
surface is also crucial to ensuring chemical concentration levels are maintained within acceptable

Pool pH Levels

High pH levels (alkaline range) encourage scale formation, which reduces pool water heater
efficiency. With low pH levels the water is acidic and corrosive. This may damage the metal parts in
pump, water heaters and piping. Maintaining pH levels between 7.2 and 7.6 will ensure the longest
life for the pool equipment.

Total Dissolved Solids

It is imperative that pool water filters are routinely back washed and that total dissolved solids
monitored. High quantities of total dissolved solids will overrun the free chlorine levels and form
A proper pool water test kit should monitor the parameters seen in table 5.

Humidity and Corrosion

As previously mentioned, off-gassed chloramines have a strong attraction to the airborne humidity
and will combine with moisture in the air. Consequently any condensation of the space humidity will
become corrosive. It is critical that the space humidity levels be controlled such that condensation is
prevented as it will damage the building and mechanical system.

Seresco units are built for a pool environment. All electrical and refrigeration components are out of
the pool air and in a protective service vestibule. The components in contact with the pool air stream
are protected with the best possible corrosion resistant paints, coatings and materials. Seresco units
are built to last!

By design, indoor pool environments are warmer and have higher moisture levels
compared to traditional spaces.

Engineers and architects must understand the consequences of this and pay special attention to the
special requirements on the entire HVAC system and building envelope.

Outdoor Ventilation Air

The amount of outdoor air to be introduced to the facility is determined by construction codes. Most
codes adopt ASHRAE Standard 62. Outdoor air is critical towards diluting airborne chemicals and
maintaining good indoor air quality.

Facilities that introduce outdoor air per ASHRAE Standard 62 and have proper air
distribution have the best IAQ.

More outdoor air than required by ASHRAE Standard 62 is not recommended (except water

Outdoor air requires a significant amount of heating energy in the winter and must be
included in heat load calculations.

Heat recovery should be considered between the exhaust air and outdoor air streams.

Exceeding code amounts is not recommended, as it creates extremely high operating

expenses. Engineers must ensure condensation is avoided. Wintertime outdoor air is cold
and in summer it can be very humid. Both scenarios can lead to condensation.

Introduce the outdoor air at the factory provided intakes on the air handlers

Locate outdoor air intakes away from sources of airborne contamination such as exhaust fans
or plumbing vents.

The outdoor air must be preheated to 65F - If more than 20% of the total airflow is outdoor
air or if the winter design temperature is below 10F

A certified air-balancing contractor must balance the system airflow.

All Seresco units are equipped with an outdoor air connection, filter and balancing damper. Motorized
dampers and time clocks are also available.

Exhaust Air
ASHRAE recommends the room be maintained at 0.05-0.15" WC negative pressure relative to
surrounding spaces.

Ten percent more exhaust air than outdoor air is a good rule of thumb.

More exhaust air than recommended by ASHRAE will not reduce or stop moisture migration through
the building envelope to outdoors in cold weather. Vapor migrates based on vapor pressure
differential. There is effectively a 10 WC pressure differential between indoors and outdoors on cold
winter days. There is no amount of negative airside pressure you can put into a space to stop vapor
migration. The building envelope must be designed by the architect to adequately deal with this by
placing vapor retarders in appropriate locations in the entire building envelope.

Figure 5 illustrates how the strategic location of the exhaust grille can also significantly improve the
air quality in the space. A spa or whirlpool should have the exhaust air intake grille located directly
above it. This source captures and extracts the highest concentration of pollutants before they can
diffuse into the space and negatively impact the room air quality.

Figure 5 - Exhaust Air

Air Change Rate

ASHRAE recommendations for proper volumetric air changes per hour are important, ensuring that
the entire room will see air movement. Stagnant areas must be avoided, as they will be prone to
condensation and air quality problems.

Short circuiting between supply and return air must also be avoided as it significantly reduces the
actual air changes within the space.
ASHRAE recommends:

4-6 volumetric air changes per hour in a regular natatorium

6-8 volumetric air changes per hour in facilities with spectators

A quick calculation will determine the supply air requirement.

Supply air required (CFM) = room volume (ft3) x desired air changes / 60


Chloramines, also known as combined chlorine, are formed when free chlorine reacts
with ammonia like compounds called amines. Chloramines are poor disinfectants and
greatly reduce the disinfection power of free chlorine, irritate mucous membranes, cause
eye stinging and red eyes and irritate respiratory systems.

Last updated: 10 April 2013

The importance of indoor swimming pool maintenance

Swimming pools must be well designed, maintained and operated to prevent the spread of disease
and be comfortable for swimming. Pools need disinfection to destroy micro-organisms and filtration to
remove pollutants. Effective ventilation is also essential to remove any air impurities and reduce

Indoor swimming pools and chloramines

Chlorine is the most common form of swimming pool disinfection. When chlorine is added to water
free chlorine is formed. Free chlorine is the active disinfectant chemical form of chlorine. Chloramines,
also known as combined chlorine, are formed when free chlorine reacts with ammonia like
compounds called amines.

Free chlorine + ammonia compounds = nuisance chloramines (combined chlorines)

"Free Chlorine" is measured by the use of DPD#1 tablets . "Total Chlorine" is measured when DPD#3
tablet is the added and the colour deepens after a few minutes. The difference between "free
chlorine" and "total chlorine" is "combined chlorine" otherwise know as "chloramines".

Amines are introduced into the pool mainly by urine and perspiration. Chloramines are poor
disinfectants and greatly reduce the disinfection power of free chlorine, irritate mucous membranes,
cause eye stinging and red eyes, and irritate respiratory systems. The strong chlorine odour often
smelled at poorly operated pools is caused by chloramines not free chlorine.

To limit the formation of chloramines pool operators should limit the amount of ammonia entering the
pool by encouraging swimmers to use the toilet and to shower with soap before entering the pool.
This is particularly important for infants who are not toilet trained and incontinent people.

Chloramines must be "burnt out" or oxidised by adding more oxidiser such as chlorine. Another way
to prevent a build up of chloramines is to ensure that there is a large excess of free chlorine to
combined chlorine to constantly burn out chloramines.
Legally combined chlorine (chloramine) must not exceed 1mg/L in any public swimming pool and spa
pool, and pool operators should ensure as best practice that combined chlorine never exceeds half of
the concentration of free chlorine.

Controlling chloramine problems

Continuous breakpoint chlorination

Continuous or daily breakpoint chlorination is a technique which burns out chloramines over-night so
that breakpoint is reached by morning. Continuous breakpoint chlorination is best practice in
swimming pool operation. There is a separate fact sheet which thoroughly explains the continuous
breakpoint process.

Shock super chlorination (shock breakpoint chlorination)

Shock super chlorination is a technique used to control a severe excess of chloramines. However, if it
is not performed correctly it can result in even more problems for the pool operator. Super
chlorination must be carried out after the pool is closed to swimmers for that day. Maximum
ventilation must be provided to remove all chloramines that form and volatilise into the air. Regular
fortnightly super chlorination may be necessary dependent upon the amount of ammonia into the
pool and whether continuous breakpoint chlorination is practised.

Shock super chlorination is practiced by adjusting the pH to 7.5 or lower and by the addition of
sufficient chlorine to achieve a free chlorine concentration ten times the combined chlorine
concentration. The pool circulation and filtration systems must be operated over-night. By morning
the chloramines are oxidised and when all of the total chlorine is free chlorine then breakpoint is
reached. A pool consultant should be engaged initially to ensure that shock super chlorination is
carried out in a safe and efficient manner.

Shock dosing with oxygen shock products

Hydrogen peroxide and potassium mono-persulphate are two common oxygen shock products that
can be used to control chloramines in heavily used pools. These products lower the chlorine demand
by oxidising pool contaminants thereby allowing free chlorine to better perform its disinfection role.
Their use may lead to false high total chlorine measurement in the pool water for about one to two
days after addition.

Ultra violet light systems

Medium pressure lamp ultra violet (UV) light systems reduce chloramine concentrations significantly.
Recent evidence suggests that UV light systems, besides providing additional disinfection, also
inactivates chlorine resistant micro-organisms such as the parasitic protozoans Cryptosporidium
parvum and Giardia lamblia. Because UV light does not impart a residual disinfectant to the pool
water chlorine must still be used at recommended concentrations.


Ozone may be used to control chloramines and has good disinfection properties. Ozone may be used
in addition to, but not instead of, chlorination. Pools utilising ozone must quench the ozone using a
granular activated carbon filter before the water is returned to the pool. The exception is the use of
low dose ozone (up to 2g/hour) where the ozone is pumped with air through a venturi into a mixing
chamber and reaction vessel in the circulation system after the pool water has been filtered. Provided
the ozone is thoroughly mixed and dissolved, it reacts rapidly to destroy chloramines and disinfection
by-products to reduce tastes, odours and eye stinging compounds.

Dilution with fresh water

Town mains water can be used to dilute chloramines and will also reduce total dissolved solids (TDS).
However, incoming mains supply water may contain monochloramine and should be tested to
determine its concentration. The presence of high concentrations of monochloramine may not reduce
chloramines in the pool. The use of water from rainwater tanks to top-up swimming pools is
recommended, provided first flush systems and other controls are in place to protect public health.
Rainwater does not contain chloramines and is very low in TDS.


Ventilation is essential for efficient removal of chloramines and other air impurities. Chloramines when
given off from a pool in the form of a gas will redissolve in the pool unless removed by an efficient
ventilation system. A ventilation system needs to be well designed without causing drafts, to expel
stale air, induce fresh air and lower humidity. The use of pool blankets at night prevent chloramines
from escaping and they may reform in the pool.

Further information

The Public Swimming Pool and Spa Pool Advisory Document provides detailed explanations and
information on disinfection, pool chemistry, risk assessment and other issues relevant to swimming
pool operation.

Public swimming pool issues may be discussed with an environmental health officer at a local Public
Health Unit: or your local council.

In NSW call 1300 066 055 to talk to your local Public Health Unit.



By Caitlin Daday, Swimming World College Intern

At the 2013 USA Swimming Winter Junior National Championships in Greensboro, North Carolina,
2016 Olympian Caeleb Dressel was hospitalized in the middle of the meet. The reason? The air

The Greensboro Aquatic Center is just one of myriad pools across the nation that repeatedly leaves
swimmers struggling to catch their breath. Violent coughing, burning eyes, and dry and blotchy skin
afflict almost any swimmer who has ever swum in an indoor pool.

Yet although poor air quality in indoor pools affects nearly all swimmers at some point in their
careers, little effort has been made to seriously address the problem. In fact not a single study has
been done to see what effects prolonged exposure to bad air has on swimmers even after they hang
up their goggles.

Photo Courtesy: Shanda Crowe/ProSwimVisuals.com

Aimee Schmitt is a former member of the USA Swimming National Team and now serves as vice
president of sales for Swim Spray, a product developed to help eliminate chlorine from swimmers
bodies. Today, Schmitt is highly allergic to chlorine. She and her husband, also a former swimmer,
cannot even be in an indoor pool for more than 15 minutes to watch their daughter swim before the
chlorinated air begins to affect them.

Weve moved forward with improved suits, training, blocks, caps, goggles, you name it, Schmitt
says. But our approach to the water hasnt changed.

Air quality issues in indoor pools are not being properly addressed. In a sport like swimming, Schmitt
says, having healthy air to breath is incredibly important.

Schmitt says that awareness is the first step to solving the problem. At this point there are still many
unanswered questions about the size and scope of the issue. There are people searching for a
solution, but at this point they still do not know all the answers.

The next step is understanding the source of the problem.

Fortunately for swimmers the issue is not pure chlorine, Andrew Chadeayne, the creator of Swim
Spray, says. Chlorine by itself is essentially a chemical weapon, so chlorine alone would be deadly.
What swimmers actually breathe in is a collection of molecules.

The number one offender is pee in the pool because of a chemical called urea, Chadeayne says.

Urea has two nitrogen molecules in it, which react with chlorine to create chloramines, he says. Other
oils on our bodies help to form chloramines as well. Chloramines are the culprit. When they are
agitated, such as when swimmers are in the water, they begin to cause coughing and irritation.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, chloramines are most concentrated just above the
surface of the water. The gas they release is heavier than air, which means that the bulk of the
chloramines settle right where they can cause the most problems for swimmers.

Facilities managers contribute to the problem by not being wary of the actual amount of chlorine in
the pool, Chadeayne says. Free chlorine molecules react with each other and become combined.
Combined chlorine is what throws managers off.

When a facilities manager measures the chlorine in the pool, they are only looking at free chlorine
levels, Chadeayne says. If the chlorine molecules are combined, the free chlorine reading looks low.
They then add more chlorine, only making the issue worse. Now there is too much chlorine in the
pool, and even more chloramines are able to form.

Many coaches or facilities managers attempt to improve the situation for their athletes by turning on
fans or opening up doors. To the dismay of many, these very short term solutions do little.

Its like in your dorm in the corner you have a can of rotten eggs and put a fan in but keep the eggs
there, Chadeayne says. The smell keeps coming out just as fast as the fan is going.

Open doors are just as useless. In fact doors can even cause more harm if they are letting cold air in,
Chadeayne says. Cold air entering the building will create a cloud or vapor above the pool rather than
getting the chloramines out.

Mick Nelson, facilities director for USA Swimming, says the only cure is to get swimmers in the
showers and to get them to stop peeing in the pool. When meets get bad, a lot of the problems can
be tied back to how bathers have treated the pool in the last week.

One person not taking a shower can affect the pool for nine days, Nelson says. The people that
complain are the ones causing the problems.

At this point fixing the problem is dependent upon swimmers and coaches being educated enough to
enforce showering before swimming and getting out to use the bathroom, Nelson says. By rinsing off
all the sweat and oils on their bodies and not using the pool as their personal toilet, swimmers can
help improve their own situation by preventing the creation of chloramines. The cure, however, is
difficult to enforce.

At big meets such as the Junior Nationals in Greensboro, it is getting harder and harder to encourage
swimmers not to pee in the pool. Tech suits are too hard to get on and off, and when you have to go,
well, you have to go. Telling an athlete not to pee in the pool is almost hopeless.

There is also the fact that all the big names are doing it. Even Michael Phelps admits that he pees
in the pool. How can you teach young kids not to do something when the greatest of all time admits
to doing it?

Photo Courtesy: Maddie Kyler

The only way to mitigate the effects is to get an ultraviolet filter system, Nelson says. In UV systems,
a steel tube with UV in it is placed in the pools filter. When the water goes through, it gets zapped by
UV. The UV then destroys any chloramines and viruses that may be in the water.

UV systems are great for daily use, Nelson says. But for big meets, they are not quick enough. The
whole process takes six hours, so when there are hundreds of swimmers in the pool, the air quality
begins to deteriorate rapidly.

There are other solutions out there, but they too are largely ineffective. Its like putting a filter on a
cigarette and saying its healthier, Nelson says. There is no way a system can bring in enough fresh

The CDC recommends setting up a system that not only brings in fresh air but also pumps out
enough of the bad air. If fresh air is only being brought in, the contaminated air will build up.
Likewise, facilities also need to continue to bring in fresh air even when it is cold, despite the
increased cost. Otherwise the negative health effects will increase.
While there are ways to handle air quality issues, the problems still persist. Even the best facilities in
the nation can bring about trouble. If the problem is so widespread, what is being done about it?

At this point, not really anything.

Schmitt says the air quality issues are among the more taboo topics of the swimming worldno one
has really had a chance to talk about it yet. There are clearly problems, but they are largely under

Still today, in 2016, no one really knows how bad constant exposure to contaminated pool air is for
swimmers, Chadeayne says. The short term effects are obvious. It is bad when athletes are
constantly unable to breathe. It is bad when athletes cannot sleep because they are up coughing so
much. It is bad when violent coughing leads to vomiting.

If these are only the short term effects, what about down the road, later in life? That still remains to
be seen, Chadeayne says. There is the potential relation to asthma and other respiratory problems,
but as there have been no studies, these links cannot be definitively proved.

As of now, there are two pending law suits involving the connection between respiratory problems
and bad air quality, Nelson says. The way things are going, these are likely only the beginning.

The air quality problem is not going away. Until it is properly addressed, swimmers will continue to
train and compete in pools that literally take away their ability to breathe, with little knowledge of
what damage will be done to their future health.

All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming
World Magazine nor its staff.


Posted on 20 August 2015.

Indoor swimming pools provide exercise and recreational fun for all ages. To ensure swimmers are
submerged in crystal clear, sanitary water, a disinfectant maintenance program using Chlorine, or
Chlorine & Ozone are commonly followed to treat the pool water. Chlorine is a powerful, corrosive
disinfectant and in both gas and liquid forms it is toxic and hazardous to living beings at
concentrations as low as 1 ppm. Ozone is created by exposing oxygen to a high voltage or ultraviolet
radiation. It is more powerful than Chlorine and when used in conjunction with Chlorine it helps
provide an odourless, clear water environment. Less Chlorine is required when Ozone is used as part
of a swimming pool sanitization program.

The areas for potential gas leaks of Chlorine and Ozone are found around the equipment in the
Chlorine Feed Room and the Ozone Generator Room. In a typical swimming pool application where
only Chlorine is being used to disinfect the pool water, we suggest a controller or transmitter
with a display, audible alarm and relay outputs, be mounted outside the Chlorine Feed Room beside
the inspection window so it can provide a visual confirmation of the gas level readings prior to entry.
If there is a Chlorine leak, the controller or transmitter will alarm and trigger the relays to shut down
the ventilation system until it is safe to exhaust the gas from the contaminated area, or activate the
ventilation system depending on the local regulation codes. Inside the Chlorine feed room should be
mounted a remote transmitter with a Chlorine sensor that provides continues monitoring for leaks
and communicates with the controller outside the room. Chlorine is heavier than air and tends to
collect in low-lying areas, so the gas detector inside the room should be mounted 6 inches above the
floor, close to the area of a potential leak, but away from the ventilation fans and any pockets of air

Similarly, in a typical swimming pool application that uses Chlorine & Ozone to disinfect the pool
water, in addition to the aforementioned gas detection system for Chlorine, we suggest a similar set-
up for the Ozone Generator Room. A controller with a display, audible alarm and relay outputs should
be mounted outside the room to provide confirmation of the gas levels inside the room prior to entry.
A remote transmitter with an Ozone sensor should be mounted inside the generator room, near the
equipment and between the generator and the destructor. Pure Ozone is slightly heavier than air but
does not necessarily settle to the floor. If additional reaction tanks or destructors are more than 16 ft
(5 m) away from the existing sensor, an additional sensor may be required. If there is an Ozone leak,
the controller will alarm and trigger relays to activate the emergency air exhaust system.

For both applications a remote visual alarm device such as a strobe should be mounted on the ceiling
or wall inside the pool area to provide an additional visual alert in the event of a leak inside either
There are outside influences that affect the operation of gas detectors and the equipment with which
they interface. In addition, sensors change characteristics as they age; they have a set lifespan and
deteriorate over time. Regular maintenance of the gas detection system by a qualified technician is as
important as a proper installation. For a newly installed system or as part of a very thorough
maintenance schedule it is recommended that a bump test be done every 30 days. A bump test
basically follows the same procedure as a calibration, but it normally uses less gas and requires less
understanding of the intricate workings of the gas detector. A bump test tells you if the detector is
malfunctioning or operating normally, if the sensors are responding to the gas as they should and if
the low, mid and high alarms are being triggered. This level of upkeep allows you to determine that
the daily readings are accurate and the devices are working correctly. If the system malfunctions or
goes into fault, patrons and workers would be unprotected if a leak was to occur during that time.

If a bump test fails, a full calibration is required. Calibration is more time consuming than a bump test
and should be done by a qualified technician. It is recommend that a full calibration be done every 6
months, regardless of the performance or type of gas detection device. Calibration is like resetting the
parameters of the device, in terms of telling what it should be doing at what level. It could be
compared to a reset button. As the sensors age, their sensitivity to the gas decreases. Calibration
allows you to compensate for that deterioration and keep the sensor detecting the gas at the
appropriate levels so that the low, mid and high alarms go off as they should.

It is important to keep a maintenance log with dates and services performed. After a full calibration, a
service sticker should be place on the device indicating when the next calibration should be done.

When bump testing or calibrating a Chlorine or Ozone sensor, there are a few things to keep in mind.
Both Chlorine and Ozone are considered to be one of the sticky gases, meaning they adhere to
surfaces and as a result, decrease in concentration. During the flowing of the gas over the sensor, the
gas will adhere to the inside of standard tubing and the lengthier the tubing the less gas is left to hit
the sensor. Using Teflon lined tubing is recommended, as is a length of tubing no longer than 2 to 3
feet so the gas flow concentration doesnt lessen over the distance from the gas cylinder to the
Last but not least, when calibrating a Chlorine sensor, to ensure you get true readings, it is
recommended that you use a Chlorine gas generator rather than a cylinder of Chlorine gas. The
stability and quality of the chlorine gas is much higher from a generator, making calibration easier
and accurate.

For suggestions on gas detection systems, indoor air quality monitors and calibration, please
visit www.critical-environment.com

Written by Rebecca Erickson


Ozone Safe Work Practices, 2006 ed. WorkSafe BC


Chlorine Safe Work Practices, 2002 ed. WorkSafe BC

By Jacque Wilson, CNN

Updated 1114 GMT (1914 HKT) September 22, 2011

It's important for swimmers to minimize the amount of contaminants in the water by showering

Story highlights

Researchers trying to determine the long-term effects of the chemicals in pool water

Contaminants mix with chlorine to form chloramines, which give off a strong odor

Swimming in indoor chlorinated pools has been linked to asthma and bronchitis in children

Catherine Garceau doesn't go to the pool anymore. The former Olympic swimmer has trained at many
fitness centers over the years that smelled strongly of chlorine. While most would assume that means
the water is clean, Garceau now knows it's just the opposite.

After winning bronze in 2000 with the Canadian synchronized swimming team in Sydney, Australia,
Garceau was a "mess." Her digestive system was in turmoil, she had chronic bronchitis and she
suffered from frequent migraines.

Garceau retired in 2002 and began looking into holistic medicine. Experts suggested detoxifying her
body to rid it of chemicals, including what fellow teammates used to jokingly refer to as "eau de
chlorine -- the swimmer's perfume."

"As part of my journey to determine the factors that affected my health, I delved into the possible
effects of chlorine and discovered some shocking facts," Garceau writes in the appendix of her
upcoming book, "Heart of Bronze."

Outdoor pool season is ending in many parts of the country, and competitive swimmers are heading
indoors for their workouts and team meets. But how safe are the waters they're diving into?
Researchers are examining the longterm effects of the chemicals in pool water.

Catherine Garceau retired from competitive swimming in 2002 and began looking into holistic

Chlorine inactivates most disease-causing germs within a fraction of a second. That's why it's found in
our drinking water as well as 95% of pools in the United States, said Dr. Tom Lachocki, the CEO of
the National Swimming Pool Foundation.
As Lachocki points out, access to clean water is what often separates first and third world countries.
Without chlorine, swimmers are at risk of contracting many dangerous waterborne illnesses. But the
chemical compounds formed in pools have some scientists worried.

"When you open up a tap and pour yourself a glass of water, you don't normally put someone's
backside in it," Lachocki said. "But in a pool there are people getting into that water. Every time a
person gets in they're adding contaminants."

Those contaminants -- sweat, hair, urine, makeup, sunscreen, etc. -- combine with chlorine to form
chloramines, said pool consultant and researcher Alan Lewis. Chloramines are what bathers smell
when they enter a pool area; a strong smell indicates too many "disinfectant byproducts," or DBPs, in
the water.

Indoor pools create an additional a danger because of the enclosed atmosphere. Volatile chemicals
from the water are transferred, often via vigorous activity like a swim team's kicks, to the air. Without
a proper ventilation system, the chemicals can hang around to be inhaled by coaches, lifeguards or

Some DBPs, like chloroform, are known as trihalomethanes, and are considered carcinogenic, Lewis
said. They've been linked specifically to bladder and colorectal cancer.

Dr. Alfred Bernard is a professor of toxicology at the Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels and
one of the world's leading researchers on aquatic environments. He has published a series of studies
documenting the effects of chlorine and its byproducts in swimming pools.

In June, Bernard published a study in the International Journal of Andrology linking chlorine with
testicular damage. Swimming in indoor, chlorinated pools during childhood was shown to reduce
levels of serum inhibin B and total testosterone, both indicators of sperm count and mobility. Bernard
notes in the study summary that the "highly permeable scrotum" allows chlorine to be absorbed into
the body.

Bernard has also substantiated previous studies' claims of a link between swimming in indoor
chlorinated pools and the development of asthma and recurrent bronchitis in children. His 2007 study
showed airway and lung permeability changes in children who had participated in an infant swimming

Reading these studies, it's easy to forget that swimming itself is a great aerobic exercise that puts
less stress on your joints than activities like running. In fact, it's a sport often recommended for
children with asthma because the humid, moist environment makes it easier for athletes to inhale and
the breathing techniques can improve lung function.

"There's an opportunity to throw the baby out with the bathwater," Lachocki said. "Is chlorine
perfect? The answer is no. [But] it's fabulous, and if anyone comes up with something better they'll
be a millionaire."

Dr. Ernest "Chip" Blatchley studies water disinfection systems with his team at Purdue University in
Indiana. In their research, the team analyzes DBPs and other chemicals formed when chlorine and
contaminants mix in pools. A swimmer himself, Blatchley believes the answer lies in finding a better
system for water disinfection.

"The fact that these chemicals are being formed is, to me, a cause for concern," Blatchley said. "A lot
of this chemistry is just not known, and we need to do a better job at defining that chemistry."
Blatchley is currently studying the effects of UV radiation on pool water. Other alternatives include
ozone or salt water pools. But even salt water pools contain chlorine -- the salt is used to generate
chlorine in the water instead of a pool operator adding chlorine directly. While it reduces the danger
of storing chemicals in the facility, the water chemistry is very similar, he said.

Perhaps the simplest solutions, Blatchley and Lachocki agree, can come from pool operators and
patrons. Chlorine is effective when used in proper amounts and tested regularly. The National
Swimming Pool Foundation offers training for professional and personal pool owners.

It's also important for swimmers to minimize the amount of contaminants in the water. Almost 85%
of the urea found on human skin can be dispelled by showering with soap before getting in the pool.

"It's a public education thing," Blatchley said. "Swimmers and the general public need to recognize
that there's a link between their hygiene habits and the health of everyone who uses the pool."

And of course, the other preventive measure is common sense (although you'd be surprised how
many people admit to doing it).

"If you don't pee or poop in the pool, that's cool too," Lachocki said.

It is not my intention to scare, or even suggest you stop using chlorine in your swimming pool. I have
outlined some of the risks, and at the bottom of this article I have mentioned ways to reduce or even
eliminate those risks. You will understand the negative health effects of chlorine, and how you can
prevent them.

The majority of swimming pools in the United States are using chlorine as their primary means of
sanitation. The health effects of chlorine are vast and can be negative. Many studies show increased
risk of developing breathing problems such as asthma, and even link chlorine to bladder cancer.
These negative health effects may result from drinking chlorine, absorbing high doses of it, or by
breathing Chloramines while at the pool.


The first health risk doesnt even require you to be in the pool. Chloramines are a gas you have
probably smelled before (smells like chlorine). This gas is produced by chlorine combining with sweat,
sunscreens, germs and urine or other waste in the pool. Chlorine oxidizes as it sanitizes into a gas,
and it is especially dangerous for indoor pools with poor ventilation.

Chloramines can cause symptoms such as coughing, and more serious symptoms like wheezing and
aggravating asthma. According to the CDC (center for disease control): breathing of irritants may
increase sensitivity to other types of irritants such as fungi and bacteria.

Another study: Increased Asthma cases based on hours spent in chlorine swimming pool. Article:
Impact of Chlorinated Swimming Pool Attendance on the Respiratory Health of Adolescents

Bladder Cancer Risk Health Effects Of Chlorine

I have read a number of studies that link the use of Chlorine to sanitize drinking water to increased
risk of bladder cancer. In this study by the Oxford Journal Of Medicine they also speak about
swimming pool absorption as a risk.

Lowering Exposure & lowering Risk

Chlorine In Drinking Water

There are studies that prove a safer levels of chlorine. Studies show drinking water with chlorine
levels under .05 ppm safer than higher doses. I dont live in a third world country, and dont need to
tolerate any chlorine in my drinking water. I test my drinking water yearly and have an under the sink
reverse osmosis filter in my kitchen. So I refuse to drink any level of chlorine

Chlorine in Swimming Pools

By using an inline Ultra Violet system to sanitize your pool water you can reduce or eliminate the
need for chlorine and dangerous chemicals altogether. These systems were used in the Beijing
Olympics, and they kill germs and bacteria the same as chlorine without the health risks.

UV systems stabilize your PH also reducing the need for Muriatic acid when lowering PH.


Showering before getting into the pool will remove sweat, dirt and germs. This will reduce the risk of
Chloramines and cut down on the need of chlorine.


If you swim in an indoor pool, make sure there is ventilation or and exhaust fan. If possible open
some doors and windows. When opening your pool for the season, consider adding chlorine last.
Pools that have been closed for the winter usually are dirty and contain algae. By waiting to add the
chlorine, you dont have to be around the pool as it sanitizes and emits Chloramines.

Removing Chloramines

You need to shock your pool properly with enough new chlorine to kill chloramines. The only other
way to reduce chloramines is through water replacement. Shocking, otherwise known as super-break
point chlorination, requires more than throwing in a little shock every now and then. It requires a
measurable dose to do it properly. Use our free calculator to see if your pool needs shocking click
Evaporation from the wave pool and spa areas of the water park, combined with people gain, created
the demand for incoming air to absorb 944 lbs/hr of water to maintain proper conditions.
Once it was determined that condensation was not a concern, the next step was to figure out exactly
how much moisture would be generated internally and need to be removed. To calculate the amount
of water that would evaporate due to the various pools and people, the following equation was used:

(Equation 3) wp = 0.1A x (pw pa) x Fa

wp = Evaporated moisture (lb/hr)
A = Area, (sq ft)
pw = Saturation pressure, evaporated water vapor, (in. of mercury)
pa = Partial pressure, water vapor, in ambient air, (in. of mercury)
Fa = Activity factor, (from ASHRAE 1999 Table)

In the case of the Alaska water park, the following data was used: Saturated vapor pressure, spa: ps
= 2.11661 in. Hg. at 103; saturated vapor pressure, wave pool: ps = 2.17608 in. Hg. at 84;
saturated vapor pressure, air: pa = 1.25388 08 in. Hg. at 86; room air dewpoint = 74.5, ps

Then for each of the components, the contributed moisture was calculated as follows:

Vapor produced by the spa:

wp = 0.1 x 354 x (2.11661-0.855) x 1.0 = 44.66 lb/hr

Vapor produced by the wave pools:

wp = 0.1 x 15,335 sq ft x (1.17608 0.855) x 1.5 = 738.6 lb/hr

People Gain

wp = 0.325 lb/hr x person x 200 occupants = 65 lb/hr

Total vapor produced = 44.66 + 738.6 + 65 = 944 lbs/hr

This means that the incoming air must be capable of absorbing 944 lbs/hr water, without exceeding
the 86, 60% rh indoor conditions recommended by ASHRAE1.

Having defined the amount of moisture that needed to be removed from the atmosphere, the next
step was to define the method of calculating just how much air would be required to accomplish this.

From the psychrometric chart:

Indoor moisture content at 86, 60% rh = 0.016 lb/lb of air

Outdoor moisture content at 71, 60 wb = 0.086 lb/lb of air

The available humidity pick-up between outside ambient conditions in the summer and indoor
ambient conditions is the difference between these two values = 0.0074 lb/lb of air.

Density of air at standard temperature and pressure = 13.5 cu ft/lb

D moisture = 0.0074-13.5 = 0.000548 lb/cu ft of air

In order to calculate the quantity of air necessary to absorb 944 lb/hr of moisture, the following
calculation was performed:

(Equation 4) cfm = 944 lbs/hr/0.000548 lb/cu ft/ 60 min/hr = 28,710 cfm

As this calculation was performed using data from the peak design condition for summer, (when
incoming air would be at peak humidity, and therefore have the least absorption capability), the
28,710 cfm represents the maximum outside air needed for dehumidification. It should be noted that
in the winter, a mere 14,000 cfm of outside air is adequate for fully dehumidifying the space; there is
very little water vapor in the air at temperatures below ing.

. Another special concern was avoiding stratification of heat and humidity inside the 50-ft tall
structure. To keep the hot air flowing throughout, the engineering solution was to supply most of the
air via a below-floor plenum (Figure 1). As this was already excavated volume, with one wall being
the foundation itself and the other the vertical side of the lazy river, using it as a plenum was a
creative idea, which did not add any construction costs. This use of an underground concrete supply
air plenum gave the water park a clean, uncluttered look, delivering hot air that migrates up to the
return air grilles mounted high at the roof peak.

In essence, the airflow creates a very efficient delivery pattern, one that minimizes stratification and
reduces pockets of humidity in the space. Any water that splashes from the floor grilles is collected in
sumps and pumped out to avoid standing puddles, which could create a health hazard.

One constant feature to be found at any great water park is the lazy river. H2Oasis has its own lazy
river called the Never Ending River. The water stream flows at 5 miles per hour, in a channel 575-ft
long, along the perimeter of the 40,500-sq-ft building. H2Oasis uses the Never Ending River to
promote fitness and fun together, by offering a program called Riverwalk. The program allows guests
to exercise against the current of the Never Ending River. More than 200,000 gal of water are filtered
for the Never Ending River everyday.

Elsewhere, the water parks wave pool reaches a depth of 6 ft, sloping to 1 ft at the shallow end. This
feature can generate up to 4-ft waves. The shallow part of the pool has a mushroom water drop;
the mushroom rains down water from its brim.

Another special feature of H2Oasis is the childrens lagoon. What makes this lagoon unique is the Sea
Dragon Pirate Ship. This pirate ship consists of six water cannons, four on the ship and two on the
beach. The pirate ship extends 40-ft in length, inside a 12-in. deep pool. There are seven slides on
the pirate ship for children to play on. About 400 gpm of water race through the ship.

After years of planning and construction, Alaska has its very own water park. Many people were
skeptical of the idea that a water park could be sustained, let alone the technical challenges of
building one. Numerous people inside and outside the state of Alaska pulled together to build one of
the most unique water parks in the world, making H2Oasis the fifth largest indoor water park in the
United States.

Printable Design Checklist

A printable design checklist has been created for your convenience to summarize the details below.
Download Checklist

Process Checklist

At the core of every successful natatorium design is a system that provides the operator the year
round conditions they expected while meeting ASHRAE design standards, satisfying local codes and
being as energy efficient as possible.

This design guide has covered many important aspects to consider and putting it all together
properly can become a daunting task. The Seresco team has worked on thousands of indoor pools
and developed a helpful checklist to help ensure all vital aspects are considered during the design
process. Seresco understands also that product flexibility is essential to allow the designer to work
around all the project-specific issues while not compromising their design, and offers the most
flexible product line in the industry. The overall performance of a Natatorium will be directly
impacted by the number of deviations and compromises taken in its design.

Once all the design parameters have been established, the only remaining decisions will be: what
would they like incorporated into their Seresco dehumidifier and what they want provided
externally. Unit mounted heating coils, exhaust fans, heat recovery packages, weatherproof outdoor
cabinets and heat rejection to cooling towers/dry-coolers/outdoor condensers are some of the
configurations available from Seresco. The project specific details generally dictate what is the most

Key Design Concerns for Traditional* Pools

The back cover of this manual is a handy checklist that covers the Key Design Considerations.

* Please contact factory for Waterparks and pools heavy with water features. Design standards have
been established for traditional bodies of water and do not adequately address the special needs of
these facilities.

Step 1: Operating Conditions

Do not guess. Get the desired pool water temperature, room temperature and relative humidity in
writing from the owner.

Operating conditions have a tremendous impact on the entire design and cannot be changed by a
large degree after the fact. It is critical that the designer educate the customer on the implications
of their operating temperature choices. Maintaining the room air temperature 2F - 4F above the
pool water temperature will help reduce evaporation but the temperature must still be comfortable
to the patrons. Reduced evaporation in turn reduces the pool water heating requirement.

Step 2: Supply Air

Calculate the supply air requirement of the space based on the room volume. Your target air change
rate per ASHRAE is 4-6 volumetric air changes per hour, with a 6-8 air change rate in spectator
areas. This is a calculation and sets up the entire air handling systems.

Supply air must get down into the Breathing Zone. It is critical for comfort and good IAQ
that the treated supply air get down to the pool deck and occupants.

Ensure the return duct location compliments the supply air duct location and promotes a
good air pattern. In a large natatorium, several return air grilles might be required to
achieve a good air pattern is the space.
Be careful to avoid air short circuiting or placing supply diffusers too close to the return duct
opening. This can ruin the effectiveness of the supply air and give any return duct mounted
sensors false readings.

Step 3: Outdoor Ventilation Air per Standard 62-2004

Most localities have adopted Standard 62 as their local code. The baseline outdoor ventilation air
requirement is:

0.48 CFM/ft of water surface area and wet deck for regular pool. Wet Deck is a maximum 6-
8 foot perimeter around the pool.

If you have a spectators seating area, add 7.5 CFM per spectator during swim meets.

Introducing more outdoor air than codes is not recommended. In winter it will increase space
heating and pool water heating costs significantly. Too much outdoor air in winter can also lower
the relative humidity levels to uncomfortable levels for the patrons.

Outdoor air must be filtered.

Ensure the airflow is balanced when the system is commissioned.

Serescos glycol heat recovery loop taking heat out of the energy rich minimum exhaust air
stream and preheating the minimum outdoor air is an effective means of reducing outdoor
air heating costs and generally has a very attractive payback.

Thermally insulate the exterior of the outside air duct.

Step 4: Exhaust Air

The room should have a slight negative pressure. ASHRAE recommends 0.05 to 0.15 inches of
water column. A good rule of thumb is to exhaust 110% of the outdoor air CFM. A well located
exhaust fan can significantly improve the air quality in the space. If the space has a spa or
whirlpool, the exhaust air intake grille should be located directly above it. This source captures and
extracts the most contaminant-laden air before it can diffuse into the space and negatively impact
the room air quality.

The exhaust fan can be installed remotely or within the Seresco unit.

Energy recovery from the energy rich exhaust air to outdoor air should be considered.

Step 5: Load Calculations

The Natatorium needs to be heated, cooled and dehumidified. Accurate calculations need to be
carried out to establish the requirements to accomplish each.

Latent load (Pool evaporation, Outdoor Air (summer) and Spectators)

Building envelope sensible cooling load that includes Outdoor Air.

Building envelope heating load that includes Outdoor Air.

A majority of designers prefer to place the space heating coil inside the dehumidifier. The coils in a
Seresco unit are fully coated and suitable for a pool environment. Seresco offers a full range of unit
mounted control valves as well.
Care must be taken when considering gas heating. If chlorine from the natatorium is allowed to mix
with combustion gases, hydrochloric acid (HCl) forms and is very corrosive. All Serescos gas heat
options have been engineered so that are fully protected from this ever happening.

Step 6: Condensation and Vapor Migration

Establish the space dew point temperature based on the owners desired space conditions. Once
done, the designer must identify all potential condensation spots in the building. A typical pool
design of 82F 50-60% RH has a peak dew point of 67F. Therefore, any surface with a
temperature below 67F will condense moisture.

A vapor retarder is a material that restricts the rate of water vapor diffusion through the ceilings and
walls of a building when below dew point temperature occurs. Failure to install the vapor retarder in
the proper location will result in condensation within the structure and lead to tragic structural
failure. Always ensure the vapor retarder is sealed at all the seams.

The Vapor retarder must be on the warm side of the dew point temperature in all walls,
ceilings and floors.

All exterior windows, doors and skylights must be fully blanketed with warm supply air. 3-5
CFM/ft is recommended.

Step 7: Energy & LEEDs Considerations

The energy consumption and performance implications of the building type and operating conditions
must be discussed with the owner.

Operating conditions
Operating conditions have a tremendous impact on operating costs. It is critical that the owner
understand that at the same water temperature a pool in a room at 78F 50% RH will evaporate
almost 35% more than that exact same pool in an 85F 50% RH room. The pool room should be
kept as warm as possible but still be comfortable to the patrons. Reduced evaporation in turn
reduces the dehumidifier size and runtime as well as reduces the pool water heating requirement.

Heat recovery pool water heating

The dehumidifier's pool water heating option should be considered. It is site recovered energy and
has a very attractive payback period. This process has an impressive COP of close to 8! The use of
the pool water heating option also satisfies ASHRAE Energy Standard 90.1.

If it is chosen ensure that the pool water circuit is designed to allow water to be delivered to the
unit reliably.

Provide a separate circulating pump.

Use the controls provided by the Seresco unit to control the auxiliary water heater operation.

Install the auxiliary pool water heater downstream of the dehumidifier for backup heating.

Ensure the pool water chemicals are introduced downstream of the unit, auxiliary heaters and

Outdoor Ventilation Air

Outdoor ventilation air is essential for maintaining good IAQ in the pool and is a code requirement.
The natatorium also needs to be maintained at a slight negative air pressure, so warm energy rich
air needs to be exhausted. These two airstreams at vastly different conditions present a perfect
opportunity for heat recovery.

Seresco provides unit mounted heat recovery between these two air streams using a glycol run-
around loop. This approach to heat recovery offers the best performance and design flexibility while
staying in the smallest possible cabinet. They are also easily sized to meet the specific requirements
of your facility. The result is a compact, cost effective heat recovery option that actually fits into a
mechanical room.

Adding the glycol run around loop heat recovery option to your Seresco unit in a
northern installation will typically realize a one year payback on your investment!

The heat recovery device should be suitably protected from corrosion and freezing.

Condensate Reclaim

Verify with local codes whether condensate return to the pool is allowed. While condensate is
generally considered gray water, this condensate is actually cleaner and if introduced upstream of
the filters and chemical treatment can help realize considerable water savings on site.

If allowed by local codes, the condensate reclaim from your Seresco unit can be the
equivalent of one pool fill annually!

Refrigerant Reduction

Serescos new Protocol design reduces the refrigerant system charge compared to a traditional
compressorized direct expansion type unit by a whopping 75% There is no operation penalty to this
new design and is quickly becoming the new industry standard.

The Protocol units refrigerant charge is so low that no special ventilation may be required in
the mechanical room!
Pool Water Balancing Calculator

Enter "current levels" into calculator to get recommended adjustments

Pool Volume: Gallons

Alkalinity: PPM


Free Chlorine: PPM

Total Chlorine: To see if shocking is needed

Calcium: PPM

Cyanuric Acid: PPM

How To Balance Pool Water

Alkalinity is low (Ideal range is 80 - 120 PPM) Recommended adjustment:

Add 50.40 pounds of sodium bicarbonate.


Free chlorine is high (Ideal range is 2 - 4 PPM) Recommended adjustment:

Add 4.55 pounds of sodium thiosulfate.

Calcium is low (Ideal range is 200 - 400 PPM) Recommended adjustment:

Add 102.60 pounds of calcium chloride 100%.

Cyanuric acid is low (Ideal range is 30 - 50 PPM) Recommended adjustment:

Add 9.10 pounds of cyanuric acid.
WAC 246-260-041
For more general design, and construction requirements that pertain to all pools, see WAC 246-

(1) Location. Owners shall ensure pump houses, planters, balconies, landscape features, trees, and
structures are located fifteen feet or more horizontally away from any swimming pool, or provide
barriers or other means to prevent diving or ready access to a pool from the structures. These
structures do not include:

(a) Building walkways above the second story;

(b) Inaccessible roofs eight feet or more in height; or

(c) Any barriers provided to prevent unauthorized pool access (e.g., fencing).

(2) Walking deck surfaces. Owners shall design and maintain walking deck surfaces as follows:

(a) For pools less than fifteen hundred square feet, walking deck surfaces must be at least four
feet wide around the entire perimeter of pools;

(b) For pools less than fifteen hundred square feet, walking deck surfaces must be at least:

(i) Six feet wide at the shallow end of a variable-depth pool; and

(ii) Six feet wide on a minimum of twenty-five percent of the deck space of free form pools.

(c) For pools fifteen hundred square feet or larger, walking deck surfaces must be at least six feet

(i) Around the entire perimeter of outdoor pools;

(ii) On fifty percent of the perimeter of indoor pools; and

(iii) The remaining fifty percent perimeter of the indoor pool must be a minimum of four feet

(d) For pools fifteen hundred square feet or more, walking deck surfaces must be at least sixteen
square feet per bather. To determine maximum bather load see subsection (10) of this section. If the
owner provides maximum facility occupancy loading less than that of subsection (10) of this section,
and the occupancy limit is posted and enforced, that loading may be used in lieu of the maximum
bather load figure as described under subsection (10) of this section; and

(e) General use pools may not have sand and grass areas within the pool enclosure unless these
areas are separated to prevent direct access from the pool area and the facility provides a means for
cleansing bather's feet before reentering the pool and deck area.

(3) Pool general floor and wall dimensional design.

(a) Owners shall ensure pool dimensional designs for floors and walls provide for safety,
circulation and quality of water;

(b) Pool floors must have uniform slopes with:

(i) A maximum slope of a one-foot drop in twelve feet of run at pool depths to five or less in
pools fifteen hundred square feet or more; and
(ii) Floor slopes not intruding into the area designated as the diving envelope.

(c) Pool sidewalls may not curve or intrude into the pool beyond the vertical more than twelve
inches at three and one-half feet and eighteen inches at a depth of five feet. The radius of curvature
of wall-floor junctions may not exceed the maximum radius designated in Table 041.1 of this section
for depths over five feet. Vertical means walls not greater than eleven degrees from plumb:

Table 041.1

Maximum Radius Coving or Pool Intrusion Dimensions Between Pool Floor and Wall*

POOL DEPTH 3' 3'6" 5' Greater than 5'

MINIMUM SIDEWALL DEPTH 2'2" 2'6" 3'6" At 3'6"


MAXIMUM RADIUS OF 10" 12" 1'6" **Maximum radius equals pool depth
CURVATURE minus the vertical wall depth

*Note: For pool depths falling between the depths listed, values can be interpolated.

For pool depths less than three feet and greater than five feet, values shall be

Radius of coving shall not intrude into pool within diving envelope.

(d) Pool configuration must have a transitional radius from wall to floor where floor slopes join
walls so that:

(i) The center of the radius not less than the minimum vertical depth specified under Table 041.1
of this section below the water surface level;

(ii) The arc of the radius is tangent to the wall; and

(iii) The maximum radius of coving, or any intrusion into the pool wall/floor interface, is
determined by subtracting the vertical wall depth from the total pool depth.

(4) Ledges. In new construction or alterations to existing construction, ledges are prohibited in
swimming pool sidewalls, except as specified in WAC 246-260-091(3).

(5) Specific design requirements for pools furnishing areas for diving. Owners shall ensure
areas designated for diving activities include a diving envelope meeting minimum requirements in:

(a) D-8.01, Table 1, APHA Public Pool Regulations, 1981, if the pool user would enter from the
deck level twelve inches or less from water surface level.

(b) CNCA standard configuration in areas where user would enter from the deck level over twelve
inches from water level, or has a platform or diving board provided at a height of less than one-half
meter (twenty inches). This requirement is based on a standard described under CNCA publication
Swimming Pools: A Guide to Their Planning, Design, and Operation 1987, Fourth Edition. Human
Kinetics Publisher, Inc., Champaign, Illinois, Figure 8.1; or
(c) Dimensions for Diving Facilities, FINA facility rules, 2000-2001, if the pool user enters from
the diving board or platform at a height of twenty inches (one-half meter) or greater from water
surface level.

(6) Pool appurtenances.

(a) If a swimming pool contains diving boards and/or diving platforms, owners shall ensure that
the boards and platforms:

(i) Are installed according to manufacturer's instructions;

(ii) Have slip-resistant tread surfaces;

(iii) Have steps and ladders leading to diving boards with handrails; and

(iv) Are protected with guardrails and one intermediate rail, both extending at least to the water
edge when one meter or more above the water.

(b) Owners shall ensure starting blocks:

(i) Are firmly secured when in use; and

(ii) If water depth is less than nine feet, starting blocks must be removed or covered with
protective equipment unless used by competitive swimmers trained in proper use of starting blocks.

(c) Owners shall ensure that water slides conform with requirements of chapter 246-262 WAC.

(7) Turnover. Owners of swimming pools shall design and maintain water treatment recirculation
rates to completely turn over the entire pool water volume of pool in six hours or less.

(8) Pool depth markings. Owners shall provide water depth markings in feet:

(a) Located on the pool vertical wall at or above the water level so as to be easily readable from
the water, in numbers at least two inches high. If overflow channels do not allow for placement of
vertical wall markings above the water level, they are not required;

(b) Located on the horizontal surface of pool coping or deck of pools within eighteen inches of
the water's edge, easily readable while standing on the deck facing the water, in numbers at least
four inches high;

(c) Placed at the maximum and minimum water depths and at all points of slope change;

(d) Spaced at increments of water depth of two feet or less;

(e) Spaced along sides of pools at horizontal intervals of twenty-five feet or less;

(f) Arranged uniformly on both sides and ends of pool;

(g) Placed on all major deviations in shape;

(h) Applied in a contrasting color; and

(i) Made of slip-resistant material on decks.

(9) Safety line or marking line.

(a) Owners shall provide either safety float lines or marking lines separating areas where the pool
bottom breaks from a uniform slope in the shallow area leading to deeper water. Neither float lines or
marking lines are required in pools with uniform floor slopes not exceeding one foot of slope for every
twelve feet of horizontal floor length.
(b) Safety float lines, when used, must:

(i) Be kept in place at all times, except when the pool is used for a specific purpose such as
lap swimming or competitive use;

(ii) Be placed one foot toward the shallow end away from the break point line;

(iii) Be strung tightly allowing bathers to hold onto the line for support;

(iv) Provide floats on the line at a minimum distance of every four feet; and

(v) Have a receptacle for receiving the safety line either recessed into the wall or constructed
so as not to constitute a safety hazard when the safety line is removed.

(c) Marking lines, when used, must:

(i) Be placed on pool sides and bottoms at the break point line; and

(ii) Be of a contrasting color to the background color of the pool sidewalls and floor.

(d) In pools with uniform slopes not exceeding one foot of drop in twelve feet of run from the
shallow end to the deep end, a safety float line or marking line is not required.

(10) Bather load. Owners shall ensure maximum number of bathers in the pool facility at any one
time do not exceed a number determined by the formula noted under Table 041.2.

Table 041.2

Swimming Pool Maximum Bathing Load*

Value B
Value A (**SF Maximum bather
Shallow (SF Deep load

Type of pool (5 ft. or less)) ( 5 ft.)) Value A + B

Indoor SF/25 SF/30

Outdoor SF/15 SF/30

*This formula will be used in determining certain features of pools

as noted elsewhere in these rules and regulations.

**SF means square feet of surface area.

(11) Emergency equipment. Owners shall provide first aid and have emergency equipment readily
available at swimming pool facilities during operating hours, including:

(a) A telephone within the facility for general use pools;

(b) A telephone accessible within one minute for limited use pool facilities;

(c) A suitable area to accommodate persons requiring first-aid treatment;

(d) A standard 16-unit first-aid kit (see Appendix C, Table); and

(e) A blanket reserved for emergency use.

(f) For facilities with lifeguards:

(i) A rescue tube or rescue buoy at each pool lifeguard station; and

(ii) A backboard with means to secure a victim to a board and immobilize head, neck, and

(g) For pool facilities without lifeguards:

(i) A reaching pole at least twelve feet long with a double crook life hook;

(ii) A reaching pole at least twelve feet long for every fifteen hundred square feet of pool
surface area; and

(iii) A throwing buoy, throw-rope bag, or other similar device with a rope the width of the
pool or fifty feet long, whichever is less, for reaching and retrieving a victim.

(h) No later than June 1, 2008, owners of existing pools with single main drains shall install
emergency equipment to shut off all pumps hooked to the recirculation lines for the pools. This
emergency equipment must be placed within twenty feet of the pool and marked with an emergency
shutoff sign. The shutoff switch must include an audible alarm which can be heard by those in the
area, or have an alarm that goes to a point where staff is always present during the periods the pool
is open.

(i) Pools providing dual main drains meeting the requirements of this section, or other
acceptable methods of providing equivalent protection to the emergency shutoff switch, are
exempt from this requirement.

(ii) The owner shall check the shutoff switch at least twice annually to determine it is properly

(iii) The department will develop a guidance document to aid owners and designers in
potential options to the emergency shutoff switch and audible alarm.

(12) Foot baths. Foot baths at water recreation facilities are prohibited. This does not preclude the
construction and use of foot showers, if the area is well drained.

[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.90.120. WSR 05-09-004, 246-260-041, filed 4/7/05, effective 5/8/05.
Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.90 and 43.20 RCW. WSR 04-18-096, 246-260-041, filed 9/1/04,
effective 10/31/04.]
Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

Last Thursday at my local YMCA, I almost couldn't complete my workout because I could not control
my coughing towards the end. I have been swimming at this Y without any issues for a year.
Yesterday (Tuesday), I had the same thing happen. I swam outdoors on Sunday, and had no issues.
I ran this morning outdoors and had no issues. This is twice now that this particular Y has caused me
to stop swimming because of coughing in the past week. The lifeguards say the water levels are fine.

I hear others complaining of high pH levels in this saline pools which produces higher chlorine levels.
I am not a chemist, so I am only repeating what I have heard.

Are there any respitory issues that I could be subjecting myself to by swimming this poorly ventilated

July 22nd, 2009, 02:03 PM #2


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

Many swimmers not born with asthma have developed it after years of swimming in poorly ventilated
pools. I have several friends that were diagnosed in their thirties with asthma and all the doctors
were of the opinion that swimming in a poorly ventilated pool was a big factor.
Bring your problem to the attention of the Y director. Perhaps something is wrong with the ventilation
system and/or chemical balance of the pool. By bringing it to his/her attention, perhaps the problem
can be corrected. I have to bring it to the attention of my Y all the time and they usually try to do
something about it.
Check the water temp because high water temps always seem to aggravate the problem. If lap
swimmers never say anything to the director, the folks that complain when the water is below 86 will
always win out.
When my Y has ventilation problems and it is not getting fixed quickly, I find another pool to swim in
until the problem is corrected. I have asthma, so ventilation/chemical balance is something I have to
consider when I swim. I have to drive a little bit further, but it is worth it. Better to do that then have
to be put on a stiff dose of prednisone because of respiratory problems.

July 22nd, 2009, 02:17 PM #3


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

Thanks for your advice. I just emailed the YMCA branch manager. Hopefully others are experiencing
similar symptoms as mine. In the meantime, I will have to drive futher to my other YMCA.

July 22nd, 2009, 02:34 PM #4


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

I've had the same issue with low Ph, and it was terrible. I kind of doubt the ventilation issue, that
seems to be a red herring. Ph issues can really be painful on the body.

July 22nd, 2009, 02:40 PM #5


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

you are preaching to the choir. since i moved to indoor pools, i constantly cannot breath. i hack, i
wheeze . btw, i am asthmatic. i do fine in the ocean, skiing etc. but something about indoor pools
gets me. poor ventilation, mold you name it. Bromine sets off some people. as a matter of fact,today
i had really bad breathing problems.

July 22nd, 2009, 02:59 PM #6


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

Interesting that you should post this todaythe New York Times has a "Well" column that addresses
exactly this issue. Here's the url:
There's a lot of valuable information here, some of it speculative, and it's worth reading to the end.
My own particular issue with pools is that I experience explosive sneezing fits after swimming, but
only when I swim in certain pools. My current pool is several degrees cooler than average and not
nearly as intensively chlorinated, and I experience no such symptoms now.

July 22nd, 2009, 03:06 PM #7


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

You would think that pool people would stay on top of this kind of stuff ???

July 22nd, 2009, 03:44 PM #8


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

Originally Posted by cheakamus

Interesting that you should post this todaythe New York Times has a "Well" column that addresses
exactly this issue. Here's the url:
There's a lot of valuable information here, some of it speculative, and it's worth reading to the end.
My own particular issue with pools is that I experience explosive sneezing fits after swimming, but
only when I swim in certain pools. My current pool is several degrees cooler than average and not
nearly as intensively chlorinated, and I experience no such symptoms now.
Thanks for sharing that link. That is dead on. I will try a different YMCA before I go see my doctor.

July 22nd, 2009, 03:54 PM #9

joel schmaltz

Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

You are not alone. The coughing spells happen to me occasionally at our pool. I was told that it had
something to do with the chloramines being at the top of the water and being stirred up by all the
swimmers. It feels like you are going to cough up both lungs and can't inhale at all. I thought warm
water temps. in the pool was bad enough. No fun to swim through jello.

July 22nd, 2009, 04:04 PM #10


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

This used to happen to me when I was a kid and swam indoors. Every once and a while, the PH or
ventilation or something would be off and I would develop some asthma-like symptoms. Usually the
problem was gone by the next day. Hopefully that's your issue too.

July 22nd, 2009, 06:48 PM #11


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

I constantly have a runny nose from swimming at my local Y. Some days are worse than others. I've
never had this problem swimming in other pools. I think it's because my Y uses bromine instead of
chlorine. I am going to try switching to most of my swimming at the IU outdoor pool for the rest of
the summer and see if that makes a difference.

July 22nd, 2009, 11:23 PM #12


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

To those who had coughing swimming in the pools: did it happen only when the pool is crowded and
you were doing intensive workout?

July 23rd, 2009, 12:24 AM #13


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

Originally Posted by nhc

To those who had coughing swimming in the pools: did it happen only when the pool is crowded and
you were doing intensive workout?

Yes. The past two times it has happened, it has been crowded (5 people per lane for all 6 lanes), and
the workouts have been aerobic.

July 23rd, 2009, 10:11 AM #14


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

great article. all i need to do is walk on deck and i tighten up. i was swimming with only one other
yesterday and at probably 85% and i felt like my lungs were being ripped out. i have noticed, i can
smell the pool when i enter the outside doors of the building.

July 23rd, 2009, 01:57 PM #15


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

Now that I read the above article about how the chloramines affect the kids, I'm really going to be a
pain in the #%* until they fix the ventilation problem. None of the ceiling fans that suck the air out
work right now and I have a kid that swims on the team.

July 23rd, 2009, 03:45 PM #16


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

I swam at the other Y today, which is a much bigger Y. While I couldn't smell the pool from the
indoor entrance, once I opened the door to walk out onto the pool deck it hit me. Warm and muggy
Are we really asking too much to have a well ventilated pool?
Anyway, no coughing fit today, but I chose the wrong day for master's swimming. I was the only one
in my lane today at this other Y. I don't like swimming alone. No motivation. I think I'd rather suck
down chlorine gas and swim with friends then swim alone.

July 24th, 2009, 12:32 AM #17


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

I guarantee its mold. I would try to avoid swimming in that indoor pool.

Reply With Quote

July 24th, 2009, 09:01 AM #18


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

The dilemma for some pool operators is that pools are usually more comfortable as warm
environments and the humidity is a natural factor if the building is sealed. Energy can be saved if less
outside air is brought in, since the outside air in cooler months must be warmed-up via some
[expensive] heat source. The building code requires a minimum amount of fresh air be introduced
constantly based on the type of use in the facility. Heat resident in the warm, humid indoor air is
sometimes captured through a dehumidifcation process and recycled back into the pool water, saving
energy pretty effectively. Air circulation is usually not so hot in a pool since the grilles are best located
away from wet areas, which allows the nasty gasses to settle down at the water level. If the air is
forced from above with enough umph to get it to the water level, draftiness becomes a potential
complaint. Condensation on virtually every surface might occur if there is not enough moisture control
and not enough air circulation, so moldy issues are ripe even if all the surfaces are
concrete/tile/metal/plaster. At the best competitive venues the designers have gone to great lengths
to fit all of the puzzle pieces together. At the local lap or training pool it can be hit or miss.
Operationally, management and recommissioning become key since the integrated systems will
eventually go out-of-tune and can be [often?] mis-tuned by folks that might just not care as much as
we do.
blah, blah, blah - I, too, hate a mid-set coughing fit and wonder about long-term effects.

September 14th, 2009, 08:44 PM #19


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

I resurrected this thread because of the following news story:

Is swimming pool chlorine fueling the allergy epidemic?

By Megan Brooks Mon Sep 14, 10:15 am ET
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Swimming in a chlorinated pool may boost the odds that a child
susceptible to asthma and allergies will develop these problems, a study released today indicates.
"These new data clearly show that by irritating the airways of swimmers chlorination products in
water and air of swimming pools exert a strong additive effect on the development of asthma and
respiratory allergies such as hay fever and allergic rhinitis," Dr. Alfred Bernard, a toxicologist at the
Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium, noted in an email to Reuters Health.
"The impact of these chemicals on the respiratory health of children and adolescents appears to be
much more important -- at least by a factor of five -- than that associated with secondhand smoke,"
Bernard noted.
Taken together with his team's prior studies, he added, "There is little doubt that pool chlorine is an
important factor implicated in the epidemic of allergic diseases affecting the westernized world."
In the current study, Bernard and colleagues compared the health of 733 adolescents, 13 to 18 years
old, who swam in chlorinated outdoor and indoor pools for various amounts of time with that of 114
"control" adolescents who swam mostly in pools sanitized with a concentration of copper and silver.
In children with allergic sensitivities, swimming in chlorinated pools significantly increased the
likelihood of asthma and respiratory allergies, the researchers report in the journal Pediatrics.
Among "sensitive" adolescents, the odds for hay fever were between 3.3- and 6.6-fold higher in those
who swam in chlorinated pools for greater than 100 hours and the odds of allergic rhinitis were
increased 2.2- to 3.5-fold among those who logged more than 1000 hours of chlorinated pool time.
For example, among children and teens who swam in chlorinated pools for 100-500 lifetime hours, 22
children out of 369 (6.0%) had current asthma, compared with those who had spent less than 100
hours (2 of 144, 1.8%). The proportions with asthma rose with longer exposure, to 14 out of 221
(6.4%) who had been swimming for 500-1000 hours, and 17 out of 143 (11.9%) who swam for more
than 1000 hours.
The risk of asthma and allergy was not influenced by swimming in copper-silver sanitized pools and
children without allergic tendencies were not at increased risk of developing allergies.
"The only plausible explanation" for these observations, the researchers argue, is that the chlorine-
based toxic chemicals in the water or hovering in the air at the pool surface cause changes in the
airway and promote the development of allergic diseases.
"It is probably not by chance," Bernard told Reuters Health, "that countries with the highest
prevalence of asthma and respiratory allergies are also those where swimming pools are the most
The current findings, he and colleagues conclude, "reinforce" the need for further study on the issue
and to enforce regulations concerning the levels of these chemicals in water and air of swimming
SOURCE: Pediatrics, October 2009.

September 15th, 2009, 02:11 PM #20


Re: Poorly ventilated pool and coughing fits

This whole topic makes me angry!

I have had breathing problems in various pools my whole life. New pools, old pools. Cold pools, hot
pools. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason, but in some pools, I will begin coughing in as little as
30 minutes.
I researched this a few years ago and one of the culprits of the problem was ascribed to chloramines
and the under chlorination at some pools. Reading up on that makes some sense, but it doesn't quite
gibe with the experiences that I have had.
The more likely culprit? Too much recirculation of the air. If a pool is designed to be energy efficient
it will often recirculate the air many more times than other pools in an attempt to keep the heat in a
building longer. The side effect, though, is to keep chloramines around the pool much longer without
bringing in fresh air.
I have two Y's near me. In the old one, I have never had breathing problems. In the new one (less
than 5 years old), I have problems nearly every time that I swim there. I wrote letters, I spoke with
the establishment, but nothing valuable was done.
Like many have pointed out, pool temps, chlorine readings and PH values are often quoted, instead of
getting to the real problem. What is the air quality like? I haven't heard of anyone who has
measurements to describe that, unfortunately.
Oh, and yes, I have had asthma since I was 12. Started swimming competitively at 7.
WinniPEng (Mechanical)

(OP) 18 Apr 07 14:59

Can anyone tell me what an appropriate ventilation rate would be for a small room (3'x8'x10'h) used
to store two liquid chlorine storage tanks? The pool consultant's drawings indicate that ventilation is
required (with no CFM or ACH rate given), with duct inlet at low level. Would this ductwork be
required to be aluminum or SS, as opposed to galvanized?
Thanks in advance.

Compositepro (Chemical) 18 Apr 07 15:17

I worked at a plant that used chlorine but it was all out doors, which is safest. Chlorine is much
heavier than air so exhaust from the room should be at floor level. There is a Chlorine Institute that
may have standards that you need. You may get more response on the Chemical Plant Design forum.

RE: Chlorine storage room ventilation

71713 (Mechanical) 18 Apr 07 17:20

Ten-States Standard requires 1 air change per minute when the room is occupied. This page also
provides some guidelines http://www.deq.state.mi.us/documents/deq-wd-water-fos-tsu-
I would expect the International Mechanical Code to specify some minimum ventilation requirements.

RE: Chlorine storage room ventilation

ChrisConley (Mechanical) 19 Apr 07 12:23

Hi WinniPEng,
In Saskatchewan, the Swimming Pool Regulations guidelines list a required 3ACH continous, and a
30ACH emergency ventilation rates in chlorine rooms. The 30 ACH emergency ventilation is to be
activated by chlorine detector and is to activate alarms outside the room.
You can download the Swimming Pool Regulations at:
Health Canada also regulates pools.

RE: Chlorine storage room ventilation

jimbo1184 (Mechanical) 20 Apr 07 10:30

I agree with Compositepro. I did a chlorine room for a Water Well Building, and we placed the
exhaust fan 12" AFF and the intake louver around 60" AFF (if I recall correctly). The switch was
located outside the room in order to start ventilating before it was occupied.

RE: Chlorine storage room ventilation

stookeyfpe (Specifier/Regulator) 20 Apr 07 18:06

International Fire Code requires 1 CFM/square foot of floor area. The duct must be terminated to
within 6 inches of the floor.
The fire code also requires continuous mechanical ventilation.

RE: Chlorine storage room ventilation

lilliput1 (Mechanical) 21 Apr 07 06:07

Don't forget to provide heating to avoid freezing. Read up un MSDS data on liquid chlorine (google).
It is toxic and you would need to know beforehand how to handle leak.

RE: Chlorine storage room ventilation

WinniPEng (Mechanical)

(OP) 21 Apr 07 18:03

Thanks for all the input.

I think I'll see if I can get a variable speed fan to provide 300 cfm on chlorine detection, and provide
30 cfm continuous. Now, rather than run a duct from outside to this storage room in the basement, I
think it might make more sense to transfer air in from the adjacent pool equipment room - but, does
this then defeat the purpose of having a separate chlorine storage room? Also, would the exhaust
duct from the storage room require the corrosion protection of aluminum of SS ductwork?

RE: Chlorine storage room ventilation

ChrisConley (Mechanical) 24 Apr 07 12:51

Can't use transfer air, has to be outdoor air. Ductwork should be aluminum, SS actually performs very
poorly around chlorine.
Pool chlorine rooms also have to be on an outside wall, as the only door into the room has to be from
the outside. How is this room in the basement?

RE: Chlorine storage room ventilation

WinniPEng (Mechanical)


25 Apr 07 09:57

The location of the chlorine storage room was selected with the input of a pool consultant within our
design team. The room does not have access from the outside. Could you (ChrisConley) please refer
me to the relevant section of a code or standard I could forward on to the pool consultant? I'd like to
think that they are aware of the codes regarding their scope of work. The code would need to be
applicable to British Columbia.
Thank you.

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