Study Guide - NEW WRT 7 - 09

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Study Guide Water Damage Restoration/Applied Structural Drying (WRT/ASD) This study guide is provided to you to complement the

e lecture and hands-on learning environment of the WRT/ASD courses. Please use this guide to become familiar prior to class with terms, formulas and basic information. When combining this pre-course study guide with classroom instruction and homework assignments, your exam should be easier with higher retention. Category of Water: (source of the water) Category 1 (a.k.a. clean) - originates from a sanitary water source Category 2 (a.k.a. gray) contaminated; may cause discomfort or sickness Category 3 (a.k.a. black) grossly contaminated; includes toxins, pathogens Special Situations regulated or hazardous materials

Class of Water: (quantity; anticipated evaporation rate; initial dehumidifier calculations) Class 1 least amount of water, absorption and evaporation Class 2 - large amount of water, absorption and evaporation (carpet; cushion; base of walls) Class 3 greatest amount of water, absorption and evaporation (ceiling; walls; insulation; flooring) Class 4 specialty drying (hardwood; plaster; concrete) deep pockets of saturation Principles of Drying: Remove excess / evaporation / dehumidification (ventilation) / temperature control Extraction tools: Light wand perimeter of water loss; extract glue-down carpets Stationary tool (e.g., Water claw) subsurface tool; extract carpet and cushion Self-propelled tools (e.g., Rover; Xtreme Xtractor) riding tool; multi-speed; extract carpet and cushion Vacuum squeegee concrete; hardwood; vinyl; laminate

Evaporation tools: Airmovers centrifugal (laminar); axial (high-amperage; low amperage; focus ability) o placement 1 for every 10-16 linear ft. of wall area; 15-45 degree focus; almost touching wall o safety screens intake and output areas; clean with compressed air; do not block intake o electrical safety lightweight extension cords; three-prong plugs; maintain electrical cord safety Structural Cavity Drying Systems (SCDS) o vented (e.g., Turbovents 18-48 widths; Octi-dry; Omni-dry; Air Wolf) o injected (e.g., Injectidry; Dri-Force; Direct-it In) Floor Drying Systems o vented (e.g., Air Wolf) o injected negative air mats (e.g., Dri-Force; Injectidry) Air Filtration Devices AFDs (negative air machines - NAM; air scrubbers; HEPA filters)

Dehumidification equipment: AHAM rating pints removed at 80 F / 60% RH in 24 hours

Type Type Dehumidifier Standard refrigerant Conventional Low Grain Refrigerant (LGR) Desiccant (with silica gel) Reduced Performance Temperature 68 F. / 20 C 33 F. / 1 C 40 F. / 4 C 32 F. / 0 C below Relative Humidity 60% 40% 30% 10% - below Specific Humidity (gpp) 55-60 55-60 28-35 10-15 - below

Refrigerants Most efficient operating conditions 70 - 90 F. (most energy efficient) Desiccants most efficient with incoming air from coolest/driest air possible; capable of creating pressure differentials; produces low specific humidity required to dry Class 4 materials Uses - closed-drying environments; multiple layers of materials; security limitations; high outside (and inside) humidity conditions; no ventilation ports; basement areas

Initial dehumidification calculations (psychrometric readings dictate further requirements after first day)

Type Conventional LGR Desiccant

Class 1 100 100 1 ACH

Class 2 40 50 2 ACH

Class 3 30 40 3 ACH

Class 4 N/A 50 2 ACH

Electrical / Heat / Energy: Amperes (amperage or amps) the amount of electricity (current) flowing in a circuit Voltage the force of electricity flow in a circuit Watts the amount of electricity an electrical device uses when operating British Thermal Units (BTUs) heat generated by electrical device o Formula amps x volts x 3.4 = British Thermal Units (Btu) per hour o HVAC unit removes 12,000 Btu per ton Residential v. commercial - generally, residential 15 amp / commercial 20 amp 220 splitters use where there is limited amperage or fuses Use no more than two, five-amp airmovers per 100 ft., 12 gauge extension cord Power consumption formula volts x amps x 24 hours = watts 1000 = kw x cost per kw per day

Inspection equipment:

Moisture sensor senses moisture in materials over 17% MC; helps determine perimeter of water damage; unable to determine which layer is wet or when dry Thermo-hygrometer determines temperature / RH in all required atmospheric areas of inspection; helps determine open or closed drying system; further determines dehumidifier requirements after initial placement

Moisture meters invasive and non-invasive; determines moisture content; establish, monitor and determine when dry standards are met Miscellaneous infrared camera and thermometer; manometer; borescopes; data loggers

Chemicals / biocides (antimicrobials) Sterilizer; disinfectant; sanitizer Provide written informed consent to customer; advise occupants to leave during application; document Government-registered disinfectants document application details; apply only per label directions EPA Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. federal agency with regulatory control over biocides) F.I.F.R.A. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act U.S. federal regulations administered by EPA Floorcovering carpet: installation methods stretch-in, direct glue-down, double glue-down drying methods in-place, full float, partial float construction woven Axminster, Wilton; usually natural fibers; tufted primarily synthetic delamination separation of primary - secondary backings; laminate strength loss up to 85% when wet Category 3 must remove and dispose; IEP may be required for testing Floorcovering cushion (also known as padding, underlay): types foam (prime, bonded urethane); rubber; felt (hair/jute, synthetic); porous and non-porous Category 2 and 3 - must remove and dispose; if Category 2 hot water extraction of carpet Floorcovering wood (strip wood, plank wood, engineered laminated wood, parquet) non-destructive (non-rotting) fungal growth - over 16% MC destructive (dry rot) fungal growth over 20% MC fiber saturation (wet rot) 28 30% MC damages from moisture - (cupping; crowning; buckling; heaving) dry within 2-4 percentage points of EMC drying goal Floorcovering (laminate; resilient, tile) limitations (trapped water, potential asbestos, ceramic tile sealed grout; trapped water) layers of floorcovering; dry flooring as a system Microbiology (fungus; bacteria; virus) conditions for growth o organic food source (cellulose) o moisture (or high humidity) o temperature (most prolific 68-86 F. / 20-30 C.) o stagnant air o time (some 1-2 days; others up to 10-12 days in chronic conditions) ANSI/IICRC S520 Standard and Reference Guide for Professional Mold Remediation Indoor Environmental Professional (IEP) specialized experts may be required Mycotoxin a potentially harmful metabolite produced by some fungi, especially molds. Endotoxin a portion of the outer cell wall of some gram-negative bacteria. When ingested or respired, endotoxins can cause fever, changes in white blood cell counts, increased airway resistance, shock and even death.

Psychrometry definitions: Psychrometry study of the relationship between air, humidity and temperature and their effect on various materials and comfort levels Psychrometric chart chart consisting of lines and curves that shows the relationship between air volume, temperature and relative humidity, and from which a variety of other information (specific humidity, dew point, vapor pressure, etc.) relating to drying may be determined Dew point the temperature at which humidity in air reaches saturation (100% RH) and will condense from that air to form condensation or dew on surfaces. Evaporation the process of changing a liquid to a vapor Primary damage damage sustained as a result of direct exposure with water. Secondary damage damage sustained from indirect or prolonged exposure to disaster contaminants Relative Humidity (RH) the amount of moisture in a given volume of air, expressed as a percentage of the total moisture holding capacity of that volume of air, at a given temperature. As temperature increases, humidity relative to the total air volume decreases; conversely, as temperature decreases, RH increases. Humidity ratio (specific humidity) the weight of suspended moisture in air expressed in grains per pound (gpp) of dry air (14 cubic feet of dry air equals one pound). 7000 grains of water vapor equals one pound of water. As specific humidity (humidity ratio) changes, there is a corresponding change in vapor pressure on the surrounding environment. Grains of moisture per pound (gpp) unit to measure specific humidity (humidity ratio), or the weight of moisture in air, expressed in grains per pound (gpp) of dry air. Balanced drying ideal drying situation in which the rate of evaporation is equal to or slightly less than the rate of dehumidification or ventilation. Dehumidification / ventilation reducing (exchanging) moisture content of air Dry bulb temperature temperature registered by a thermometer Hygroscopic material that readily absorbs and retains moisture or water vapor from air in an attempt to reach equilibrium. Moisture content (MC) weight or percentage of moisture in materials, as compared to the weight of oven-dried, like material. (Wood with 10% MC indicates that 100 pounds of that wood contains 10 pounds of water and 90 pounds of wood). Permeance a measure of water flow through material(s) of specific thickness. Sublimation phase-transition in which a solid is transformed into a gas while bypassing the intermediate liquid phase (e.g., dry ice; freeze drying). Vapor pressure pressure on surfaces exerted by substances in a gaseous state; directly related to (reduced through) dehumidification. Vapor barrier material through which moisture cant readily pass (permeance factor of 1 or less). Saturation point at which air or materials can absorb no more moisture; point at which drying stops; point at which air temperature has reached dew point (100% RH). Grain depression reduction of specific humidity (grains; gpp) as noted in difference from ambient air to output on dehumidifier, and as well noted in other area differentials (e.g., inside air outside air; affected air unaffected air; ambient air HVAC register output) showing moisture removal Balanced drying characteristics: Humidity, airflow and temperature HAT work together and when managed, enable achieving target time for drying HAT all influence movement toward equilibrium wet seeks dry; hot seeks cold; high vapor pressure seeks low vapor pressure Vapor pressure is directly related to humidity ratio (specific humidity) and dew point

As heat is applied to a material, energy is added; raising the temperature of a wet material increases the rate of evaporation, further releasing moisture from the material, changing the internal vapor pressure The greater the difference between ambient temperature and dew point temperature, the greater the potential for faster and more efficient drying. Open drying intentionally exchanging indoor with outdoor air without using dehumidifiers o requires constant monitoring; above 80F/ 27C microbial growth highly probable o requires rapid exhausting of wet air; concerns of reaching dew point temperature Closed drying use of mechanical dehumidification Heat drying systems creates lower RH; requires rapid and massive ventilation of wet air to the exterior; increases rate of evaporation by increasing the surface temperature of wet materials

Common items to all drying jobs: Proper authorization (contract, payment terms, responsible parties) Protect contents from further damages; identify primary, secondary, and pre-existing damages Activation of site assets (ceiling fans, whole-house fans, exhaust vents, HVAC, open drying) Initiate extraction procedures (contain migrating water; remove excess moisture) Set up evaporation and dehumidification (ventilation) equipment to promote drying Customer communication; determine drying goals Project monitoring (frequency, activities, forms, documentation) Completion procedures (e.g., clean flooring; demolition; reconstruction, as required) Other Common Industry Acronyms: AHAM Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers ANSI American National Standards Institute CRI Carpet and Rug Institute NADCA National Air Duct Cleaners Association OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration PLRB Property Loss Research Bureau SCRT (ISCT) Society of Cleaning and Restoration Technicians WLI Water Loss Institute ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers ACH air changes per hour ACM asbestos containing material BBP bloodborne pathogen gpp grains per pound (g/kg) grains per kilogram HEPA filter High Efficiency Particle Air filter IH industrial hygienist LKQ Like Kind and Quality MVOC microbial volatile organic compound EMC equilibrium moisture content ERH equilibrium relative humidity MSDS material safety data sheet aw water activity Special emphasis pages in manual: 13-16, 20, 21, 27-30, 35, 36, 38, 40, 58, 90-92, 97, 98, 134, 137, 138

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