Ch2 - Structure and Stratigraphy of The Gulf of Suez

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Chapter 2 + Structure and Stratigraphy of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt Karsten I. Schiitz Conaco inc. Houston, Texas, ULS.A. INTRODUCTION Since 1886 when the first oil was discovered and subsequently produced in the Middle East on Gemsa Peninsula, the Gulf of Suez has challenged the imagi- nations of geologists and continues to do so. The Gulf of Suez stretches over 300 km between the city of Suez and Ras Mohamed (Figures 1-3). The modern sea inundates only one-third of the geologic graben feature between the Sinai basement uplift and the Eastern Desert mountains. For simplicity, the whole graben system onshore and offshore is referred to as, Gulf of Suez or “Clysmic Gulf” (“Clysma” being the Roman name of Suez) (Hume, 1921; Heybroek, 1965). The water body of the Gulf of Suez is rather shal- low with a water depth of meters. Only in the south- ‘em part off Ras Mohamed does a deeper trench enter the gulf from the Red Sea. We define the southern end. of the gulf as the line from Ras Mohamed to Shadwan Island and Hurghada. This line follows approximately a 200-m water-depth contour, where the Red Sea begins. The Gulf of Suez is the northern extension of the 2000-km-long Red Sea rift system, which is a Cenozoic structure slicing through the once-continu- ous Arabo-African craton. Geologically, the Gulf of Suez is a complex graben/half-graben system located between two basement uplifts—the Sinai and the Eastern Desert mountains. The graben cuts through older structural trends having ages from Precambrian to Eocene. The structure of the Gulf of Suez is domi- nated by normal faults and tilted fault blocks, which were formed after the Oligocene, mainly during Miocene time. The axial portion of the gulf underwent the most subsidence and contains the thickest deposits of lower Miocene sediments and middle/upper Miocene evaporites. In contrast to the Red Sea graben system, where motion is presently occurring along its entire length, the Gulf of Suez experienced extension primarily during Miocene time. “The origins of rifts, whether by lithospheric stretching (passive) or as grabens over sites of man- tle upwarps (active) is currently controversial, par- ticularly in the interpretation of ancient ‘failed’ rift + 37 systems. .. . Although it is now generally accepted that rifts reflect tension, there are divergent opinions as to what causes the tensional regime. Until relative- ly recently rift grabens were viewed as fault-bounded basins initiated at the crest of lithospheric domes or upwarps .... sited over mantle plumes. ... Therefore, they have often been interpreted in plate tectonic terms . . . even though many such rifts are wholly confined to continental areas. . ..” (Sellwood and Netherwood, 1984, p. 43, 44). This is particularly true for the Gulf of Suez because, similar to other African grabens, itis located entirely inside a cratonic area. ‘Toward the north, the African continent, including the Sinai, extends far into the eastern Mediterranean, Sea, which is underlain by a thick section of Cenozoic, Mesozoic and, in part at least, Paleozoic sediments on a continental crust (Orwig, 1982; Hinz, 1974; Morelli, 1978; Harsch et al,, 1981). Toward the south, the Gulf of Suez meets the Red Sea, which is clearly a nascent ocean basin. However, the northern part of the Red Sea is still underlain by tilted basement blocks. “An axial trough is not present north of about 25°N” (Drake and Girdler, 1964) “. . . and the large, linear magnetic anomalies associated with the axial trough {in the southern Red Sea] are not present” (Cochran, 11983, p. 55). Only south of 21°N can oceanic crust with magnetic anomalies parallel to the central trough be found (Cochran, 1983, p. 41, 55). The Gulf of Suez graben was formed after the Eocene, as shown by structural trends and sediment distribution of the Cretaceous and lower and middle Eocene. Pre-Eocene or even Carboniferous origin is not supported by the geological evidence. Pre- Miocene sediments were deposited on a craton or in epicontinental seas. Sedimentation was controlled, at least during the Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Neogene, by east-west-trending faults (Figures 4, 5). Rifting began in the Gulf of Suez after the Oligocene, and is, documented primarily by an upper Oligocene plana- tion surface on both sides of the Gulf of Aqaba and the southern Gulf of Suez (Quennell, 1984). In addi- tion, basalt intrusions and flows in the Gulf of Suez 58 Figure 1. Major tectonic elements of northern Egypt and Sinai. AF = Alamein fault, BF = Alam el Bueib fault, KH = Kattanyia Horst, PF = Pelusium fault, jebel Maghara fault, NG = Northern Galala Plateau, WA = Wadi Araba, are all dated as earliest Miocene (20 to 23 Ma; Garfunkel and Bartov, 1977). The basalts at Gebel Qatrani and in the Western Desert (Williams and Small, 1984) are age equivalent. The sea invaded the Gulf of Suez area again during, the early Miocene. The basal Nukhul Formation con- tains conglomerates, limestones, and evaporites. Differential erosion is limited to the crest of fault blocks, indicating that initial phases of rifting occurred near sea level. Initial faulting, therefore, was small scale, with displacement in the 10-m range Subsidence and sedimentation, however, accelerated shortly after Nukhul and contemporaneous with Rudeis Formation (Burdigalian) deposition, concur- rent with uplift of the graben shoulders. Erosion reached basement at Gebel Zeit during the Burdigalian, as shown by Globigerina limestones directly on basement. These Globigerina limestones were deposited on a submerged basement ridge, which originally had experienced subaerial erosion a Figure 2. Location map. A.R. = Abu Rudeis, A.S. = Ain Sukna, BEL = Belayim, G.A. = Gebel Araba, G.Z. = Gebel Zeit, N.G. = Northern Galala Plateau, S.G. Southern Galala Plateau, S.A. = Saint Anthonys Monastery, S.P. = Saint Paul's Monastery, 1 = Ras Budran oil field, 2 field, 3 = Belayim Marine oil field, 4 = July oil field, 5 = Ramadan oil field, 6 = Morgan oil field. Structure and Stratigraphy of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt 59 MAJOR FAULT > 2000 m FAULT /|& onFeLo |G easeuenr Figure 3, Structural features map. Tectonic activity slowed several times during the Miocene. Major quiescent events occurred during, deposition of the mid-Rudeis (marking the transition from synrift to postrift sedimentation), at the base of the Kareem, and throughout the Belayim. After the Langhian, block-faulting decreased and subsidence occurred ‘on a more regional scale, predominantly along the major graben-shoulder faults. In summary, after continental erosion and minor deposition of red beds in the Oligocene, the first Schiitz Stratigraphy FIED, SEA Me roman s Holocene Post a eee = zeit SEBEL HGRA Prices m SERA Upper te zat em. south foe SINAL so Gharib Fm. Middle im Fi e Miocene Belayim Fm. Swan ARAB Kareem Fim A FETA \ Lower Ate Miocene [=Ez=]—-Rudeis Fm. eat fromsany 422 2 is [ARABIA ra Z : mares a JIN ae fom Be E ttm es N Eocene beaten. anew Z tome EY Thebes Fm. ea Vip, : ix UASSSISS acca Emam Maastricht. ot . FES} sudrFm. Figure 5, Postulated pre-Miocene fault pattern. $lcampanian Brow Let i Santonian 3 |coniatan Matulla Fm. breakup started in the earliest Miocene, accelerated 2 during the early Miocene, quieted in middle Miocene | Wata Fm. ate Langhian and Serravallian), resumed deposition Turonian To during the late Serravallian, and continued during the § Abu Gece Fm. | Tortonian; however, on a broader scale, the whole (Cenomar Raha Fm. Gulf of Suez subsided as one graben along the main re[Apt-Albian ["**-] < graben faults. This indicates that extension had wanarm. | $ decoupled the two sides of the graben, In the Gulf of Jurassic 2 Suez, major uplift and rifting clearly occurred simul- pam taneously. Because the uplift is believed to indicate ia heating and expansion of the lithosphere, timing rela- _ 3 tive to the faulting and subsidence is crucial to under- icarssuararars 2 standing the rifting process (Le Pichon et al, 1982). 4 Since 1962, when Said’s Geology of Egypt was pub- Devonian lished, many kilometers of seismic new exploration o wells, LANDSAT, and several mapping projects have Suren eee é increased our geological knowledge. The best way to ondovean g proceed seems to be to present a regional compilation 3 of generally agreed upon facts, add our new oil explo- Cambrian ration data, and document, via stratigraphic fine-tun- — ing, the geologic history of the Gulf of Suez. The aim of the first part of this chapter is to present the state- Figure 4. Stratigraphic column of the study area. of-the-art of the structural interpretation of the Gulf of Suez; the second part of this chapter shows that, prior Structure and Stratigraphy of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt 61 to the Eocene, the stratigraphic units in the Gulf of Suez correlate well with those in the Western Desert and the Sinai, because they were deposited on the same part of the African craton. From the Miocene, a marine environment prevails and extensional tecton- ics controlled sedimentation in the Gulf of Suez. ‘The figures in this chapter were prepared using, logs of more than 100 exploration wells and more than 2000 km of mainly marine seismic data. STRUCTURE Regional Tectonic Framework and Pre-Miocene Fault Pattern A tectonic interpretation of the Gulf of Suez has to include the regional structural configuration includ- ing the Western Desert, the eastern Mediterranean Sea, the Sinai, the Gulf of Aqaba, and the Red Sea This interpretation also should include the underlying pre-Oligocene fault pattern, which can be studied much easier outside the Gulf of Suez, for example in the Western Desert, where it is not overprinted by Miocene faulting I consider the northern part of Africa, the eastern Mediterranean, and Sinai, inciuding the Gulf of Suez, as one major block that, since the Cretaceous, has changed relatively little in comparison to Arabia, where motion presently is occurring along the entire length of the Red Sea. Geophysical investigations (seismic refraction profiling) in the Herodotus Basin and in the Levantine Basin in the eastern Medit. ranean area (Morelli, 1978) show that the Moho di continuity lies at 26 to 27 km. “The results clearly demonstrate the continental nature of the entire region south of the allochthonous nappes and thrust sheets of the Alpine orogenic zone (i.e., south of Cyprus and Turkey)” (Orwig, 1982, p. 4). “Compar- able data were reported by Ben-Avraham et al. (1976) for the Levantine Basin, although these authors main- tain that the crust is a composite of oceanic and cont rental fragments. Granted that this may be so, the age of the crust is nevertheless pre-Jurassic and probably pre-Carboniferous. For all practical purposes, since the time of the formation of the crust, the region has evolved structurally and stratigraphically upon a rigid crustal block whose properties and thicknesses are within limits defined as continental. The signifi- ‘ance of this conclusion is vital for the understanding, of structural evolution and style, and especially in evolution of hydrocarbon prospectiveness” (Orwig, 1982). In addition, it now seems that the Turkish= African plate boundary is not related to a subduction zone, but to an accretional continental margin. "The nature of the assumed Turkish-African plate bound ary is investigated in the light of new seismological and geologic-tectonic data. . . . From the observed relationship between extensional, compressional and strike-slip deformation, it is concluded that the ‘Turkish-African convergence results in a sort of com- plex crustal welding within a broad and diffuse zone rather than in active consumption of African lithos- phere beneath the Cypriote-Tauride arc” (Harsch et al, 1981). “The crust of the Levantine Sea, according to new interpretations of geophysical data, is continental rather than oceanic. Thickness of the crust is about 20 km to the north of the Nile Cone and increases up to 30 km beneath the Mediterranean Ridge” (Harsch et al, 1981, p. 374) Taking these interpretations into account, one should consider the eastern Mediterranean, northern Egypt, and Sinai as part of one plate (in the sense of plate tectonics), that is, 8 part of Africa The opening of the Gulf of Suez is certainly related to the initial opening of the Red Sea. Based on the sed- iment and evaporite record in both basins, this is probably one event. During most of carly and middle ‘Miocene, all subbasins of the gulf were in full marine connection with each other and with the major basin to the south, the Red Sea. Exploration wells drilled on both sides of the northern Red Sea document similar Miocene sediment and evaporite sequences as occur in the Gulf of Suez, and, hence, a comparable tectonic history. Wells (Quseir B-1X, RSO B”’95-1, RSO Z°95-1) south of Hurghada and on the Saudi Arabian side (argan-2) encountered equivalents to the Kareem and Rudeis formations under a thick Miocene evapor- ite cover. Likewise, lower(?) and middle Miocene lithothamnium carbonates bordering the western scarp of the Gulf of Suez and the Red Sea prove a uni- form, long, coastline, which indicates that the Gulf of ‘Suez and the early Red Sea were flooded at essentially the same time The Agaba/Dead Sea rift is considered a transform plate boundary between the Arabian plate and the Sinai/Levant plate without uniformity along its length (Quennell, 1984). The origin of the Aqaba/Dead Sea rift generally has been linked with that of the Red Sea. The widening of the Red Sea caused strike-slip in the Gulf of Aqaba, ceating a rhomb-shaped pull-apart graben very different from the Gulf of Suez. “The Red Sea occupies an elongate escarpment- bounded depression 250 to 450 km wide between the uplifted Arabian and African shields. Morphologi- cally, the Red Sea consists of shallow continental shelves, a wide ‘main trough’ which extends from about 15°N to the tip of the Sinai peninsula (28°N) at a depth of 600 to 1000 m, and a narrow ‘axial trough’ found from 15°N to 24°N which is about 2000 m deep, usually less than 50 km wide, and is character- ized by steep walls and irregular bottom topogra- phy... . The axial trough is associated with large-amplitude magnetic anomalies, which have been identified as sea floor spreading anomalies . and have led to a general acceptance of the fact that the axial trough has been generated by sea floor spreading over the past 3 to 5 my... . The origin and nature of the crust underlying the main trough and shelves is much less certain. Seismic reflection studies showed a strong reflector (reflector S) at about 0.5 s below the surface of the main trough. This reflector was later demonstrated by DSDP Cy Schiitz drilling to be the top Miocene evaporite deposit, which underlies all of the main trough” (Cochran, 1983, p. 41). Cochran further proves that in the north: ern Red Sea, north of 24°N, where there is no evi- dence of mid-ocean ridge tectonics, the main trough is underlain in general by tilted fault blocks of continen- tal crust hidden under the extremely thick salt. The magnetic anomalies north of 24°N coincide with grav- ity anomalies and thus are interpreted as intrusive bodies and not as sea-floor spreading anomalies "The geological and geophysical data of the Red Sea suggest that oceanic crust in the Red Sea is limited to the axial trough and the main trough is underlain by faulted and intruded continental crust. This, how- ever, does not necessarily mean that only a minimal amount of motion has occurred between Africa and Arabia, In fact, significant non-sea floor spreading extension is required by the documented motion on the Dead Sea transform’ (Cochran, 1983, p. 42). The geological results from the Gulf of Suez, and especial- ly from the Gebel Zeit and the Hurghada/Islands areas, strongly support this view. ‘Africa moved from the Triassic to the Cretaceous some 2000 km eastward in relation to Europe Wrenching due to an unknown resistance (probably collision and accretion of microcontinents) at its northern margin occurred, and major blocks on the continent were sheared off along regional wrench faults. These wrench faults are well documented in the Western Desert and near the Gulf of Suez (Figures 1,5) and are as follows (fault direction or position is, in parentheses): Alamein fault (northeast-southwest), Pelusium line continuing in the Kattanyia fault, corre- sponding northwest-southeast Alam el Bueib/Wadi Natrun fault, Gebel Maghara fault (northeast-south- west), Wadi Araba faults (parallel to the Pelusium line), Ain Sukna fault (possible ancient continuation of the Natrun fault), and Belayim, Morgan, and Ranim faults (Figure 5). Considerable changes of sediment thickness in the Jurassic accompany these major fault lines, e., at the Kattanyia fault west of Cairo, in the Abu Gharadig basin in the Western Desert, and in the Darag Basin of the Gulf of Suez. ‘The Pelusium line is an important limit of the Sinai block, especially during the Oligocene as a major hinge line downthrown to the north, and as a bound- ary between continental sedimentation in the south and marine sedimentation in the north. It has a mod- em left-lateral component of more than 1 km. In the Gulf of Suez, only the Ain Sukna fault and the Wadi Araba structure are well known enough to show the Jurassic/Cretaceous origin. However, simi- lar tectonic elements exist in the Belayim Marine high, north of Morgan field and farther south at Gebel Zeit, proven by thickness and facies changes in Cretaceous sediments (Figure 5) Determining the time of active faulting is difficult. ‘The Ain Sukna fault and the Gebel Maghara fault certainly were active during the Jurassic, as is indi- cated by the enormous increase in the thickness of the Jurassic toward the north. The Wadi Araba fault ‘was reactivated several times because it controlled deposition of the Paleozoic Nubia sandstones and the Sudr, Esna, and Thebes formations. In the Western Desert, strike-slip motion is documented in the subsurface by flower structures in post- Cretaceous horizons, for example at the Alam el Bueib fault. Horizontal offsets of 1-10 km at these major faults exist (Figure 1). In comparison, no strike-slip motion is evident on seismic in the Gulf of Suez. On the surface, the Wadi Araba fault, with right-lateral offset, seems to be the only possible site of strike-slip motion. Gulf of Suez Structural Features Gulf of Suez Subdivision The Gulf of Suez can be subdivided into a series of subbasins and platforms that, to some degree, have their own structural and sedimentary history (Figures 6,7). The onshore subbasins are the West Bakr basin, Zeit Bay basin, Sinai onshore area with Wadi Gharandal and the El Qaa basin, The offshore sub- basins are the Darag Basin, Issaran-October-Abu Zenima basins, South Belayim Basin, Morgan Basin, Gebel Zeit Basin, and Hurghada /Islands area These basins are generally large half-grabens and are separated by structural highs. They are generally bounded on one side by a major fault with a displace- ment of 1 km to a maximum of 5 km. Complications occur when the regional dip of the half-grabens changes from southwest to northeast. Previous work- ers have recognized the dip changes and have accord- ingly subdivided the gulf into dip regimes; however, not all workers have realized the importance of cross faults, which separate these dip regimes. Basement and Onshore Plateaus The Gulf of Suez is bounded by two major base- ment massifs, the Eastern Desert basement and the Sinai basement (Figures 3, 6,7). These two massifs are plunging to the north and are bounded by major faults on the gulf side. The Eastern Desert basement is slightly tilted to the west. The Sinai basement is trian- gular and dips northward. Basement structures gen- erally trend east-west or, like many of the dikes, northeast-southwest. Some possible Najd-trending faults (north-northwest-south-southeast) are present in the Wadi Feiran area, Three smaller elongate basement blocks inside the Gulf of Suez acted as relatively stable highs during the Miocene. These are the Esh el Melaha range and. Gebel Zeit on the western side, and the Gebel Araba on the Sinai side. They are tilted fault blocks with major faults bounding the blocks toward the gulf Fault displacements range between 1000 m at Esh el Melaha and 5 km at Gebel Zeit. The pre-Miocene sedi- mentary cover dips with the same angle as basement and reaches 45° at Gebel Zeit (Figures 8, 9, 10). These surface fault blocks are used as analogs for the sub- surface, about which we have much less information. Structure and Stratigraphy of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt 3 22 RAS BUDRAN FIELD 3 OCTOBER FIELD 4= ABU RUDEIS FIELD ‘5=SIDRI FIELD Figure 6. Structure of the northern Gul ‘The main faults at these basement ridges generally are linear, but are cut and offset by transverse faults, which dissect main faults into segments that are not necessarily aligned (Figures 3, 6). This misalignment is very obvious at the Gebel Araba block, where major Gulf of Aqaba parallel fault offsets the base- ment in a left lateral direction. Farther north at Gebel ‘Abu Durba and Gebel Nazzazat, other Aqaba parallel transverse faults have displacements of about 2000 m down to the north (Figures 6, 7) Similar transverse faults are present at the southern end of Gebel Zeit and at Esh el Melaha; however, the offsets are not so obvious and probably smaller scale. ‘The Aqaba trend seems to have less influence on the If of Suez. west side of the gulf, which is the more stable African block. In general, very little lateral displacement or shear is visible in the Gulf of Suez. The observation of transverse faults (or cross faults) in outcrops and on LANDsar has been used to help interpret the subsurface structure Sultan and Schiitz, 1984) (Figures 3,6, 7). Gebel Zeit Gebel Zeit (Figures 2, 7-10) is the crest of the steeply dipping pre-Miocene flank of the Zeit Bay basin and is one of the prominent basement outcrops along the Gulf of Suez coast. The main Gebel Zeit has a maximum ele- vation of 456 m above sea level. Excellent outcrops of all strata allow a detailed interpretation of the tectonic 64 Schiitz 28° 30" LINE OF DIP CHANGE E BELAYIM MARINE FIELD 2=WULY FIELD 3 = RAMADAN FIELD {4 = MORGAN FIELD 5= AMAL FIELD 6 = ZEIT BAY FIELD Figure 7. Structure of the southern Gulf of Suez. history (Zankl and Klitzsch, 1985). A large area, prob- ably bounded by old Jurassic east-west-trending faults, was gently tilted northward during the pre- Miocene and the southern elevated areas were erod- ed. “Encrustation of an irregular pre-Miocene relief by silica indicates a long-lasting influence of ascend: ing solutions during an arid period of time. Depressions are filled with residual material, mainly cherty conglomerates and boulders” (Zankl and Klitzsch, 1985, p. 32). During the early Miocene, the formation of elon- gated, narrow, gulf-paralle! blocks was initiated. In the Aquitanian, a shallow-marine sea transgressed the initially gently tilted blocks. Shallow-water car- bonates cover the remaining relief in the northwest- em part of the main Gebel Zeit and little Gebel Zeit. ‘The block of the little Gebel Zeit was down-faulted in relation to the southern edge of the main Gebel Zeit. In the lower Miocene, the tectonic activity increased and the Gebel Zeit block was further rotat- ed to the west. Its crest, for a short time, was uplift ed, subaerially exposed, and extensively eroded down to basement. During Rudeis deposition, the block was rapidly down-faulted and submerged. Submarine canyons developed along fractures per- pendicular to the elongation of the blocks. On sub- marine relief directly on the basement, thin pelagic Globigerina limestones were deposited indicating rel- atively deep water. Pelagic marls (“Globigerina Mar”) fill the relief of the Rudeis sea. Over the sub merged high of the Gebel Zeit a relatively thin Rudeis Formation (several meters to 20 m) was deposited in contrast to adjacent lows, where the Rudeis Formation reaches over 1000 m. The Gebel Zeit high remained submerged, but received only reduced sedimentation during deposition of the EE wren Figure 8. Gebel Zeit geological map. Structure and Stratigraphy of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt 6 Kareem and Belayim, and the evaporite deposition. Uplift and subsequent erosion of Miocene strata to basement occurred only after the Pliocene, as Pliocene-age shallow-water carbonates on the west- ern flank prove. During the Miocene, Gebel Zeit was continuously tilted westward, as the dip increase in the various for- mations demonstrate. Pre-Miocene strata attain dips of up to 45°. The evaporites strata dip approximately 15-20° and Pliocene sediments dip at least 5°. The enormous uplift of Gebel Zeit is due to isostatic movement. Displacement on the east-bounding fault is in the range of 5 km from the top basement on Gebel Zeit down to basement in the Gebel Zeit Basin Figures 8-10). Esh El Melaha Range ‘The Esh el Melaha Range is a smaller, but longer, edition of Gebel Zeit. Esh el Melaha is not uplifted as much as Gebel Zeit and possibly stayed with its crest SW zersay Basin sw WESTERN GEBEL ZEIT GEBEL ZEIT NE GEBEL GEBEL ZEIT BASIN niaua._BASIN Figure 10. Geological cross section E-E’. 66 Schiitz, near sea level for long time intervals as the fringing Miocene reefs on its eastern side prove. Parts of the crest of Esh el Melaha were exposed subaerially dur- ing the early Miocene as the onlapping Miocene reefal limestones and granite boulder conglomerates within the limestones demonstrate. The recent uplift ranges between 50 and 100 m. On the western side, a thin layer of Paleozoic Nubia sandstones and Cretaceous sediments is present. Gebel Araba/Gebel Abu Durba (Sinai) Gebel Araba/ Gebel Abu Durba (Figures 2, 7) is the largest, exposed, tilted fault block inside the Gulf of Suez graben. Basement is exposed along the coast over a distance of nearly 40 km, Well-exposed easter- ly dipping Nubia and Cretaceous sediments trail the high over 60 km as far north as Gebel Nazzazat. The basement is segmented by Aqaba-trending faults, which are the best-exposed transverse faults in out- crop. These faults, however, show very little horizon- tal displacement. The fault north of Gebel Abu Durba, in fact, dies out in the Upper Cretaceous sediment section south of Gebel Ekma. ‘The amount of exposure of this block during the Miocene is difficult to judge. The block probably was not eroded down to basement during the Miocene; however, it acted as major barrier for coarse clastic sediment transport to the west. The block kept most sands in the Qaa basin and sheltered the South Belayim Basin from sand input. Only at Belayim field was the barrier breached and sands deposited in upper Rudeis strata and later in Kareem strata at Belayim Marine field, providing additional hydrocar- bon reservoirs. South of the Gebel Araba block near El Tor, a high amount of clastics was transported out into the Morgan Basin during Rudeis and Kareem deposition (Figures 11, 12). At its eastern flank and southern end, lithothamnion limestones, probably deposited at the same time as the upper Rudeis, Kareem, and Belayim formations, were deposited in a shallow-marine environment. Onshore Plateaus On the African side of the gulf, north of the Eastern Desert basement, are four major structural units (Figures 2, 6): Southern Galala Plateau, Wadi Araba, Northern Galala Plateau, and the Zafarana Platform. ‘The most striking character of these units are their cast-northeast-trending boundaries, perpendicular to the gulf axis. The four units appear to be shifted toward the east, one in respect to the other. This apparent right-lateral shifting corresponds with the east-northeast-trending boundaries, thereby indicat- ing an important control of the larger overall struc- ture by an east-northeast trend, perpendicular to the lysmic trend (Figure 5) Southern and Northern Galala Plateaus: The Northern and Southern Galala plateaus are mostly covered by Eocene limestone, Both plateaus are slightly tilted to the south as the modern drainage pattern suggests. Originally, these blocks were flat or even tilted to the north as an older drainage pattern proves, Most of the faults visible on the plateaus are of Gulf of Suez. trend, but have no apparent throw. Only the faults closer to the gulf show displacements down to the east The Northern Galala Plateau is bounded on the north by a series of faults trending east-west and east- northeast, which intersect the clysmic trend. The east- em boundary is the major Ain Sukna fault Wadi Araba: The Wadi Araba east-northeast~ west-southwest-trending “horst” (Figures 3, 13) crosses the Miocene clysmic gulf at nearly a right angle. The Wadi Araba is bounded to the north and. south by the two Galala escarpments. The base of the Wadi is Nubian sandstones mainly belonging to the Carboniferous. The wadi, although strongly modified by erosion, appears flat and the dips of the Nubia sandstones are always very gentle. In the westernmost part, the Nubia shows steep dips and small folds, which appear related to local faulting. The southern boundary of the horst is marked by a fault that separates the Southern Galala Plateau from the valley. Along this fault, especially close to the St. Anthony Monastery, near-vertical dips in Cretaceous sediments south of the fault indicate drape over the fault, which is downthrown to the south (Figure 13) The origin of this cross trend is obvious when examining the Western Desert structural trends, such as the North Qattara ridge, the Abu Gharadig basin, and Bahariya, but it is best expressed in the Kattaniya horst west of Cairo. These Western Desert structural features are clearly of Jurassic age, which also is true for the Wadi Araba (Figure 1). Wadi Araba, similar to the Kattaniya horst, was a high block throughout the Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Neogene that shed sediments to the north and south. This shedding is best documented south of Gebel Galala near Thelemet and St, Paul Monastery by the Eocene limestone conglomerates and reworked shal- low-water nummulitic sediments in a basinal lime- stone; these sediments document a paleoslope away from Wadi Araba. These sediments were slump masses that accumulated south of the major fault bounding the Wadi Araba to the south. On top of the Wadi Araba during the Eocene, a shallow-water environment must have existed, as the large ‘Nummulites in the slumps prove. In some layers, Iarge Nummulites are mixed with small Nummulites or occasionally are sorted (only large species float in a lime-mud matrix). Similar slump masses with synsedimentary folds are present at the base of the Eocene and within the Sudr Chalk, proving a strong relief during the Late Cretaceous, also. The Wadi Ataba seemed to act as a transport barrier for Nubia sediments as well. South of Wadi Araba, thick Nubia “A” sandstones occur and are present only in reduced thickness north of it. Today, the Wadi Araba horst is a geomorphologi- cal depression. The core of the horst is eroded down to the Carboniferous Nubia Formation (Figure 13). The bounding fault south of Wadi Araba is well defined. Steeply dipping Cretaceous marls and EE o-100m £2) 100-200m| [> 200m ZZ sosenr Figure 11. Upper Rudeis sand isopach map. Structure and Stratigraphy of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt o FEB > 200 m EZ. sesenr Figure 12. Kareem sand isopach map. N NORTHERN GALALA GSS WADIARABA Figure 13. Geological north-south cross section Wadi Araba. limestones mark the fault at the outcrops near the St. Anthony Monastery. Vertical displacement today seems to be 500 m. During geological time, this dis- placement was possibly greater, but was readjusted after the Miocene(?). The fault probably has a left- lateral wrench component of several hundred meters. Zafarana Platform: The Wadi Araba possesses a slightly eastward-dipping axis and extends into the offshore. There, it is called the Zafarana Platform, Which is relatively well known now as a result of sev- eral exploration wells. The Zafarana Platform has a very thin Miocene and post-Miocene cover without Miocene evaporites; however, nullipore-type lime- stone/ dolomite facies or sands are present. ‘The pre-Miocene on the Zafarana Platform is gen- erally not deeply eroded, but we assume deep karst erosion of Eocene carbonates because this area must have been exposed for long periods during the Miocene. Nubia sandstones are generally preserved and provide an excellent migration path for oil out of the basin and for freshwater inflow from Wadi Araba. Nondeposition or erosion took place during the Miocene. Near the rim of the Zafarana Platform, thick sands occur in the Rudeis and Kareem forma- tions as observed in well GS 114-1A (Figure 6) These sands originated in the Wadi Araba and were shed from the west to the east and southeast (Figure 11). During the Miocene, the Zafarana Platform extended farther eastward to the southern continua- tion of the Ain Sukna fault. After the middle Miocene, this fault line was set back westward in a zigzag pattern near well GS 114-1A. The southern limit of the Zafarana Platform is a N60°E cross fault, which extends from St. Paul Monastery northeast- ward near well Thelemet-1. This fault has a dis- placement of 250-500 m down to the south and, due to its significant throw, is one of the most visible cross fauilts on seismic in the Gulf of Suez (Sultan and Schiitz, 1984), Strong Miocene facies changes (shales to nullipore limestones /dolomites) accom- pany this fault line (Figure 14) In conclusion, the Wadi Araba/Zafarana structure is a positive feature throughout time, and played a major role in blocking the southern part of the Gulf of Suez and the Red Sea from the eastern Mediterranean during the middle and late Miocene. 6 Schiitz NULLIPORE LIMESTONE OCCURRENCE IN SUBSURFACE AND OUTCROPS Figure 14. Nullipore limestone. ‘Miocene Subbasins Northern Gulf Darag Basin: The Darag Basin is a large, south- west-dipping half-graben that covers the whole northern part of the Gulf of Suez. The basin is as deep as the other Gulf of Suez half-grabens, but has an sy HURGHADA independent history and simple structural style. It is bounded to the southwest by a major fault, the Ain ‘Sukna fault, which has a displacement in the range of 3600 m, The long southwest-dipping flank is broken by the Sudr-CS 9-1 trend (Figure 15). Unique to the Darag Basin is the presence of Jurassic sediments that thicken from several meters in A ck ZAFARANA SW, PLATFORM Figure 15. Geological cross section A- the southern part near Ras Abu Darag to several hun- dred meters in the north near well GS 24-1, Ayun Musa-2, and North Sinai (Figures 5, 6). South of the Darag Basin, Jurassic marine sediments are absent and continental sediments are very thin and generally not well documented. Coarse clastic material is scarce in the lower Miocene Rudeis section (Figures 15, 16). The extreme- ly thin Kareem/Belayim/South Gharib section and the lack of thick evaporites indicate a time of nonsub- sidence and low deposition in the middle Miocene (Figure 15). During this interval, the Darag Basin was probably cut off from the rest of the Gulf of Suez by the Zafarana Platform, which acted as a barrier between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. A nar- row strait probably existed during the entire Miocene between Ras Sudr and Lagia, connecting the Mediterranean with the Gulf of Suez and the Red Sea (Mitla Strait, Garfunkel and Bartov, 1977). During evaporite deposition in the Gulf of Suez and the Red Sea this marine connection was cut off. After the Miocene, the Darag Basin subsided again with high sedimentation rates, but was cut off again during the Pliocene, as the Pliocene evaporites in the Darag Basin confirm, ‘Ain Sukna Fault: The Ain Sukna fault is a major, important, old structural element in the Gulf of Suez. It is only a part of a much longer fault system, which cuts through the Gulf of Suez to the southeast along, the west coast of Sinai near Lagia and farther into the Sinai basement up into Wadi Feiran (Figures 5, 6) This fault is probably an older Jurassic fault, but reac- tivation occurred during the early Miocene, resulting, in major displacement. The Ain Sukna remained rela- tively inactive during middle and late Miocene, but subsided again 2000 m after the Pliocene. An element important in understanding this fault is the compli- cated fault system offshore Lagia, where the fault reverses its throw (Figure 17). The original depocenter was located northeast of Lagia with Rudeis sediment having a thickness of 1300 m, whereas southwest of Lagia (wells GS 101-1, CLB-1) relatively thin Rudeis, sediments with a thickness of less than 300 m were laid down. The area southwest of Lagia was part of the Zafarana Platform during the early Miocene. The throw of the fault was reversed during the middle Structure and Stratigraphy of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt 6 DARAG BASIN Miocene and has continued up to the Holocene, downdropping sediments to the southwest, with a displacement of up to 1800 m at base evaporites. This point near Lagia was a critical point during the mid- dle Miocene (starting in the Langhian, important dur- ing Belayim and South Gharib deposition) for the marine conditions of Gulf of Suez. because it provided a barrier between the Darag Basin (and Mediter- ranean Sea) and the southern part of the Gulf of Suez and the Red Sea so that the large evaporite basins could develop. is fault is remarkable for the volcanic dikes ass0- ciated with it that were penetrated by well Galala-1 and were found in outcrops near Abu Zenima, as well as hot springs at Ain Sukna on the west coast and at Hamman Faraun, south of Lagia on the east coast. Central Gulf The central Gulf of Suez includes the Issaran- October and Abu Zenima basins, the West Bakr Basin, the South Belayim Basin, and the El Qaa basin (Figures 6, 7). These half-grabens show northeasterly dips at the pre-Miocene level and the Miocene sequence developed similarly. The stratigraphy (Figure 4) is representative for most of the central and. southern parts of the Gulf of Suez. The pre-Miocene section is without anomalies as described in the stratigraphy, except that the Eocene has a depocenter in this area exceeding a thickness of 300 m (Figure 18), The Miocene section starts with the generally thin conglomeratic Nukhul formation with some sand streaks, but without an anhydrite member. The Rudeis Formation is generally thick (300-600 m) and contains nearly no sand except along the margin of the basin. The Kareem Formation consists of a thin anhydrite member (Markha Member) and a 60- to 300-m-thick Shagar Shale Member. ‘The Belayim Formation is typical for its four-fold subdivision: Hamman Faraun Member, Feiran Member, Sidri Member, and Baba Member. During Belayim deposition, the Gulf of Suez remained tectonically relatively quiet and thicknesses range from 150 to 300 m with very little lateral litho- logical variations The South Gharib Formation in the Issaran— October-Abu Zenima basins is a series of intercala- 7” Schiite OARAG BASIN ABU ZENA BASH ocTOBER WH woLocene woLocane post. Ba zr post. 0 a 7 ‘ZET FM. oe TAYIBA oa PLIOCENE wanoan Be vreen ruocene | | etasmes — zon en a =< soon ee 3 a ca SEAT coun sn a Ghar svn FEE cnanwrn | MOP we ree, oon ee seve Ft asymm. Fer ectarmra|wocene AREEM Fu REN A a re a Town =| Karcon Fe -E uren Ea ruoeis ra, |ocene RUDEIS FM “THEBES FM.” | EOCENE| = Ee Rudeis Fm. = / sara |e w Sooa Fi 7 eS ==! WATULLAFM | 4. 3 wana / /// gi ° J witara | § 8 = teabee Fn /// | Law RAMA G ° = ee / wna: [Loner rpen . Tea wows // =//// = - one. atl Fm. uae = an mma | - je // / 10. am 4500, = / ‘wus / 270m ru / EOCENE, ewes ae TD. 4750m Figure 16. Type log correlation of Darag Basin, Abu Zenima Basin, October hi; Structure and Stratigraphy of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt n B wo ZAPARANA anata pLateorm ‘41 GS SOUTHERN DARAG BASIN [oF MIDDLE EOCEN FAQ areas wm cocene parry on conpLeTELY £2000 BASEMENT Figure 18, Total Eocene isopach map (after Breman, 1984), tions of anhydrite, salt, and thin shales with a thick- ness averaging 300 m. In the Zeit Formation, the evaporite depositional environment continues, however, with much less salt deposition, The topmost salt Jayer (the “first” salt) contains a potassium salt layer of 1-3 m, which allows for good log correlation. The Zeit Formation thickness ranges from 400 to over 600 m. Issaran-October-Abu Zenima Basins: These three parallel adjoining basins are located in the broadest part of the Gulf of Suez and provide the most typical type of deep basins structurally and sedimentological- ly in the Gulf of Suez. All three basins are half- grabens with northeasterly-dipping long flanks (Figure 6). The crests of the flanks, the October high and the northern extension of the Amer-Bakr-Gharib high, are penetrated by many exploration wells and are geologically and seismically well known. On the flanks, only limited geological information is avail- able, and from the deeper parts of the basin only the ‘Abu Zenima Basin possesses two deep exploration wells, GS 138-1 and C3A-1. The deepest part of the October Basin is untouched by drilling and, hence, practically unknown. The Issaran Basin is bounded to the west by a fault and to the east by the GG-83 trend. To the south, the basin terminates in the GG-83 area along a major cross fault (Figure 6). Only a narrow graben leads south into the West Bakr basin. To the north, the basin is limited by the Zafarana Platform. The Issaran Basin is relatively shallow, with its deepest part west of the GG-83 area where the top Eocene reaches 3000 m thick ‘The October Basin is the largest and probably the deepest of all basins in the Gulf. This basin adjoins the Issaran Basin to the east, where the 20-km-broad flank plunges to the east down to more than 5000 m at top Eocene (or 6000 m at top basement). The October Basin is bounded to the east by the DD 83-1-October trend. A structural high at Belayim Marine field forms the southern limit of the basin; however, during the Miocene, this crossing high block did not exist in these proportions. To the north, the basin narrows and ends south of the Zafarana Platform near GS 114- 1A. The deeper portion of the October Basin is the least well known because it does not have any deep wells. A magnetic anomaly is present in the deepest part, west of Feiran, possibly as a result of the pres ence of a basalt. The nearest basalt dikes are known. n Schiite c OCTOBER BASIN ABU ZENIMA BASIN wW mmeuener cain caine p83 Figure 19. Geological cross section C-C’. from Ras Budran field and outcrops at Aba Zenima. The low axis west of the October high is offset at sev- eral points indicating cross elements (Sultan and Schiitz, 1984), The Abu Zenima Basin is the eastern deep basin with northeast-dipping fault blocks. Top Eocene is located as deep as 4500-5000 m at the eastern limit near the Abu Zenima fault. Seismic mapping of the pre-Miocene horizons in the basin north of the Res Budran high shows right-lateral offset of the pre- Miocene fault blocks and the Miocene low axis. ‘Agaba-parallel faults delineate and create the north- east-dipping fault blocks of the Ras Budran field. October High: The October high trend is similar to the “B’-trend in the southern part of the Gulf of Suez, one of the best-known subsurface high trends. The October high plunges from a depth of 3000 m at the top of the Eocene near the October field to more than 4000 m north of well DD 83-1 (Figures 3, 6, 19). The high is bounded to the west by a major clysmic fault, which is downthrown to the west with a maximum displacement of 2000 m. Several intermediate fault blocks, 100-250 m wide, accompany the main fault. The trend is cut by several major transverse faults. One major east-west-trending transverse fault delineates the October trend to the south and offsets the main fault eastward to the Feiran area. This offset is not associated with a strike-slip com- ponent, but probably represents an older (Jurassic?) structural direction. North of the October field, sev- eral Gulf of Aqaba-parallel faults cut the high and are left-laterally offset. The same faults can be traced into the Ras Budran field. Other N60°E— trending faults cross the trend and displace the southern block downward, forming traps for oil migrating along the trend. West Bakr Basin: The West Bakr basin is located between the Western Desert basement outcrops and the coast (Figure 3). Toward the north, the basin shal- ows and is bounded by the South Galala mountains. To the south, the West Bakr continues west of Gebel Zeit into the Zeit Bay basin. The boundary between these two basins is defined by the dip change from northeasterly dips in the West Bakr basin to south- westerly dips in the Zeit Bay basin. This line passes from north of Morgan field through Shukheir Bay, onshore toward Gebel Gharamul (Figure 7). Structurally, the basin is complex and consists of narrow horsts and half-grabens with northeast-dip- ping flanks. Remarkably, this onshore basin is still actively subsiding, as Sabkha depressions west of Ras Amer and south of Ras Gharib show. As a base- ment-bordering basin, it contains large amounts of coarse clastic material, mainly sand throughout the Miocene section. In the Rudeis Formation, gross sand thicknesses in wells west of Ras Gharib field reach 300 m. ‘Amer-Bakr-Gharib High: A broad, high, horst- type block, the Amer-Bakr-Gharib high separates the West Bakr basin from the October and South Belayim basins and acted as an important barrier for sediment transport from the west during the Miocene. At its crest, the top pre-Miocene rises to 600 m near Ras Gharib (Figures 3, 7), 1000 m near Ras Bakr, and 750-1000 m at Amer field. The high was severely eroded, exposing Nubia sandstones during the early Miocene at Ras Gharib and Bakr fields, and it stayed high throughout the Miocene, Nukhul, Rudeis, and Kareem formations are very thin and commonly con- tain limestones. During Belayim deposition, mullipore carbonates were deposited on the highest parts east of the Ras Gharib field at Ras Fanar and at Bakr field Over the high, only anhydrite was laid down during. Belayim, South Gharib, and Zeit formation deposi- tion, and strong facies changes occur surrounding the Amer-Bakr-Gharib high. EE 82-FF/GG 83 High: The crestal part of the long, October Basin flank is bounded to the west by a dou- ble fault system, the faults being separated by approx- imately 1 km. The western fault is the older fault and has a displacement down to the west of about 300-600 m (Figures 6, 20). Erosion capped the 1-km-wide block-tilted fault block at its crest near the western fault. In one of the FF/GG 83 exploration wells, ero- sion cut down to the Sudr Chalk. Unlike the Amer-Bakr-Gharib high, the erosion of the pre-Miocene on this high trend is less severe. The eastern fault is younger, has less displacement, and Structure and Stratigraphy of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt 2 OCTOBER BASIN POST-ZEIT Ncroser 681972 FELD E cept ‘ABU RUDEIS Figure 20. Geological cross section D-D’. was probably formed when the tilt of the long flank exceeded a certain amount and the older fault became too flat to release tension, So, a new set of faults with a steeper fault hade formed. (This phenomenon can be observed along many major faults in the Gulf of Suez as blocks commonly are tilted more than 30° and. thereby older faults reach fault hades of less than 55°. When more than 55° is reached, the overburden forces merge both sides of the fault and a new fault is formed. Depending on the amount of throw, a wider or smaller fault block is formed.) The axis of the EE 82-FF/GG-83 high plunges from the north near well Thelemet-I to the south to well FF 83-3. From there, it rises toward the GG-83 area and farther to the HH-82 high, which can be taken as the southern continuation of this trend. Associated, and typical for the EE 82-FF/GG-83 high, is a listric fault in the post-Belayim section. This listric fault was initiated by the deeper fault system and because of increasing tension with the widening gulf, the more brittle anhydrites broke and slid downward on the basal salt layer. This growth fault masks deeper seismic events and creates a problem for seismic interpretation. South Belayim Basin: Originally the October Basin. extended farther south into the Belayim Basin. The South Belayim’s western flank is still unbroken; how- ever, during Kareem deposition, the structure of the Belayim Marine field was uplifted and now separates the two basins (Figure 7). This is documented by sig nificant facies and thickness changes from the Kareem through the Zeit Formation, The Belayim marine high bounds the South Belayim Basin to the north. To the east, the basin is delimited by the Gebel Abu Durba fault. To the west, the South Belayim Basin is bounded by the Amer Bakr-Gharib high. To the south, the basin is open toward the Morgan Basin and the Gebel Zeit Basin. However, the prevailing northeasterly dip of the cen- tral Gulf of Suez changes to southwesterly dips south of the Ramadan and July fields. The dividing line of this important dip change runs north of the Morgan field across the LL 87-1 area toward Shukheir and Gebel Gharamul, where synsedimentary slump mass- es in Cretaceous sediments indicate an old tectonic heritage. A unique feature of the South Belayim Basin is the bending of its western flank near the exploration wells East Bakr M-1 and 2. The northeast-dipping strata change direction to southerly dips and then turn back into northeasterly dips south of the wells, Thus, the flank is offset approximately 2 km. South of the bend, the flank gradually steepens and is replaced by a major fault southeast of Ras Fanar. El Qaa Basin: The Fl Qaa basin is a relatively unex- plored basin; however, seismic and the few bore holes indicate a simple half-graben with a long flank rising up to the Gebel Araba,/Abu Durba and Gebel Nazza- zat (Figures 7, 21). The pre-Miocene is well known along the outcrops west and east of the basin. The Miocene sequence differs from most of the Gulf of Suez basins by its extremely high sand content due to its proximity to the Sinai basement uplift. The Gebel ‘Araba high remained a high throughout the Miocene and trapped sand input from the east, preventing sand transport farther west. Only near El Tor was sand shed to the west into the Morgan area (Figures 11, 12) and. marine ingressions occurred. Another gap, however much shorter lived, existed near Belayim Bay (Figures 11, 12). Structurally, the basin is well defined by faults to the cast and southeast. ‘The main fault bounding the basin along the Sinai basement has a displacement down to the west of 4000-5000 m and is comparable in size to the Gebel Zeit fault. This large displacement results from the large uplift of the southern part of Sinai. Toward Ras Mohamed (Figure 3) the onshore area is underlain by a shallow basement block, which extends as far west as the coast. The basin axis of the Qa basin runs gulf-parallel close to the Sinai basement, and plunges from east of Gebel Nazzazat to its deepest part east of El Tor. There the low turns into a Gulf of Aqaba direction and joins the Morgan Basin south of El Tor. The break of direction is due to a major Aqaba-parallel fault that bounds the basin to the southeast (Figures 3,7). re Sehr ZEIT BAY BASWN GEBEL ZEIT BASIN EL OMA BASIN ep wovoene wouocene 8 oy We Post - Zerr FH 10 SB \\\ puocene == cxaeru \ moa usm \ sm 8 Bom (ood Bevavnr\ | \en 88 soe KAREEM FH \ \ ae \\ \ \ vers \\ \ . woes eu. |\ \ / a aru / || 28 = ge f w Tem cz | / ° EOCENE / ° weoner. sum ff - : ror on | J} won | Ea EOCENE z nie Foran won. E ES uoner Ee Sidrimb. ame et —__ — sau. 8 is ccc \ | veer ¥ ues rf 8 / 3 / |g EE) towen / | uoess Fu, | 3 fe PP / Figure 21. Type log correlation of Zeit Bay basin, Gebel Zeit Basin, El Qaa basin. Southern Gulf The southern Gulf of Suez comprises the Morgan Basin, the Gebel Zeit Basin with the “B’-trend, the Zeit Bay Basin, Gebel Zeit, Esh el Melaha range, and the Hurghada/Islands area (Figures 3, 7). To the south, the Miocene basins continue into the Red Sea The predominant dip of the pre-Miocene fault blocks in this area is to the southwest. The northern limit of, the southwesterly dips crosses the gulf from north of the Morgan field to Shukheir on the west coast and continues toward Gebel Gharamul (Figure 7). This structural boundary is probably of Jurassic origin. Morgan Basin: The Morgan Basin is located between the Sinai coast and the “B’-trend (Figure 7). The northern part of the basin may be the only full graben with two bounding faults in the Gulf of Suez This graben has been an exceptionally fast subsiding depocenter east of the Morgan field, which was rapid- ly filled with sands derived from the El Tor point source. The bounding faults are the Gebel Araba-El

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