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Basin Research (2000) 12, 285305

Propagation history and passive rotation of mesoscale

normal faults: implications for synrift stratigraphic
I. R. Sharp,*1 R. L. Gawthorpe,* B. Armstrong and J. R. Underhill
*Basin and Stratigraphic Studies Group, Department of
Earth Sciences, The University, Oxford Road, Manchester
M13 9PL, UK
Department of Geology and Geophysics, The University of
Edinburgh, Grant Institute, The Kings Buildings, West Mains
Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JW, UK

Field data from onshore exposures of the Oligo-Miocene Gulf of Suez Rift in the Sinai
document the passive rotation of early formed mesoscale synthetic and antithetic faults and
associated half-graben due to long-lived activity on large displacement (25 km) block-
bounding faults. Early formed small-displacement (<350 m) mesoscale antithetic faults and
half-graben within regional-scale fault blocks underwent progressive steepening due to
footwall uplift, rotational faulting and footwall flexing on large-displacement, block-bounding
faults. In contrast, mesoscale synthetic faults were progressively rotated to shallower angles.
Analysis of palaeohorizontal surfaces within synrift sediments deposited in half-graben
adjacent to the mesoscale faults indicate passive rotations of up to 25 about horizontal axes
since deposition. Passive burial and in-filling of early formed mesoscale faults and half-graben
by synrift sediments is consistent with extension being transferred from numerous mesoscale
faults to few block-bounding macroscale faults as extension preceded. Furthermore, this
transfer of extension appears to be associated with a marked change in basin configuration,
synrift sediment dispersal patterns and facies development. Identification of early formed,
passively rotated normal faults and half-graben is important for correctly reconstructing the
early stages of basin palaeogeography and sediment dispersal, and for addressing models of rift
basin evolution.

of the North Sea and Suez Rifts; Roberts et al., 1990,

1993; Colletta et al., 1988; Patton et al., 1994; Bosworth,
The incremental rotation of normal faults and fault blocks 1995; McClay et al., 1998). Several authors have shown
in areas undergoing crustal extension is well documented, that the majority of extensional faults associated with
typically resulting in a decrease of fault angle with block-rotation and coseismic deformation are steeply
increasing extension (e.g. Wernicke & Burchfiel, 1982; dipping planar structures with fault planes dipping
Jackson & McKenzie, 1983; McKenzie & Jackson, 1986; between 60 and 40 (e.g. Jackson et al., 1988). Once a
Barr, 1987; Mandl, 1987; Jackson et al., 1988; Davison, fault rotates to angles of less than 40, the energy involved
1989). The resulting rotated faults and domino fault- to continue normal faulting becomes too great, and a
block arrays have been widely described from rift basins new set of high-angle faults develop cutting the earlier
and are essentially scale independent, occurring at any- fault set. This results in the passive rotation of the older
thing from local outcrop scale affecting individual sedi- faults to shallower angles (e.g. Morton & Black, 1975;
mentary horizons, to basin-wide scale defining large, Jackson & McKenzie, 1983).
regionally significant fault blocks (e.g. tilted fault blocks The majority of studies of fault rotation in extended
terranes have addressed synthetic faults and fault-block
arrays. What is less well documented is the effect of
1 Correspondence: Ian R. Sharp. Current address: Norsk Hydro
Research Centre, Sandsliveien 90, N-5020, Bergen, Norway. rotation of long-lived crustal-scale (macroscale) faults
Tel.: +47 55 99 67 55; fax: +47 55 99 57 04; e-mail: on early formed, medium-displacement (mesoscale)
[email protected] antithetic- and synthetic-fault arrays. In this paper we

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Fig. 1. Plate tectonic setting of the Gulf of Suez region, with the onshore parts of the Suez and Red Sea rifts shown in darker
shading. Lines XX, YY and ZZ refer to cross-sections in Fig. 1(B) and are 151 (re-drawn from Patton et al., 1994). Arrows
in (B) indicate the present Gulf of Suez coastline. The study area marked in (A) is shown in detail in Fig. 2.

describe several examples of moderate-displacement as extension was transferred from numerous closely
(<350 m displacement), antithetic and synthetic faults spaced mesoscale faults to few, widely spaced macroscale
and associated half-graben located within regional-scale faults as rifting proceeded. These data have important
(<25 km wide) fault blocks bounded by crustal-scale implications for models of rift basin evolution and indi-
(25 km displacement) faults. We demonstrate that crus- cate that significant shifts in the style and polarity of
tal extension and the consequent rotation of the block extension, and hence synrift sediment dispersal and
bounding faults coupled with footwall flexing resulted in stacking patterns, can occur during the progressive evol-
progressive passive steepening of mesoscale antithetic ution of rift basins.
faults and associated half-graben during domino faulting.
In contrast, mesoscale synthetic faults were rotated to R EGIONAL SE TTING
shallower angles. Furthermore, we postulate that the The Gulf of Suez Rift is the NW extension of the Red
mesoscale fault population was progressively abandoned Sea rift which developed in the Oligo-Miocene due to

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Rotation of mesoscale normal faults

Fig. 2. Simplified geological map of the Hammam Faraun and El Qaa fault blocks, Sinai margin of the Gulf of Suez rift
(modified after Moustafa, 1993). This study concentrates on the Wadi Wasit, Thal Ridge, South Wadi Thal, Wadi Nukhul and
West Wadi Baba mesoscale faults located 14 km east of the block-bounding Coastal Fault Belt (CFB). Location of cross-sections
in Fig. 3 and sketch of south Wadi Baba region (Fig. 13) indicated.

the separation of the Arabian plate from Africa (Fig. 1A, normal faults which define a classic en echelon extensional
Robson, 1971; Colletta et al., 1988; Patton et al., 1994; fault array. The dominant rift-parallel faults strike
Bosworth, 1995). The rift is up to 300 km long and NWNNW and are linked by subordinate NNE, EW
80 km wide. In plan view the rift comprises segmented and N-S trending faults. In cross-section (Fig. 1B) the

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Fig. 3. Cross-sections of the Hammam Faraun and El Qaa fault blocks (modified from Moustafa, 1993). The South Wadi Thal,
Wadi Nukhul Half Graben, and West Wadi Baba mesoscale faults are highlighted. See Fig. 2 for location of cross-sections.

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Rotation of mesoscale normal faults

prerift outcrops in both fault blocks, and are interpreted

to have been subhorizontal prior to extension. The
topographically highest exposure of prerift strata in the
western part of both blocks is in the footwall of the
Hammam Faraun and Nezzazat faults. Elevation
decreases towards the east defining a long dipslope
extending down to the hangingwall of the EBFB (Figs 2
and 3). The Hammam Faraun and El Qaa fault blocks
are thus interpreted to have developed due to eastwards
rotation about horizontal axes during extension on the
CFB and EBFB. Fault block rotation does not appear to
have been totally rigid. For example, the northern part
of the Hammam Faraun and Nezzazat fault blocks show
broad folding/flexing (Fig. 3, sections AA & DD).
Folding and flexing is most prevalent in the immediate
footwall of the fault blocks (14 km east of the CFB).
Folding and flexing of pre- and synrift strata is also
evident adjacent to intrafault block mesoscale faults
(Moustafa & Abdeen, 1992), and asymmetric hangingwall
synclines are developed adjacent to the EBFB. The latter
have been interpreted as being related to fault-
propagation folding and ductile deformation of prerift
lithologies during Oligo-Miocene extension (Patton, 1984;
Moustafa, 1987; Withjack et al., 1990; Gupta et al., 1999;
Sharp et al., 2000).
Prerift Eocene strata in both fault blocks is uncon-
formably overlain by a clastic synrift succession of Oligo-
Miocene nonmarine (Abu Zenima Formation), marginal
marine (Nukhul Formation) and open marine (Rudeis
Formation) strata (Fig. 4). The Abu Zenima and Nukhul
Fig. 4. Composite stratigraphic section of the Hammam
Formations are interpreted to have been deposited during
FaraunEl Qaa region, Western Sinai (after Robson, 1971;
Moustafa, 1987). This study concentrates on the rift initiation the proto-rift or rift-initiation period, whilst the Rudeis
Abu Zenima and Nukhul Formations, and rift climax Rudeis Formation is interpreted to have been deposited during
Formation. T & S in synrift refer to terrace and sequence the rift-climax (Garfunkel & Bartov, 1977; Evans, 1988;
nomenclature of Krebs et al. (1997). Dates in Myr are from Steckler et al., 1988; Prosser, 1993; Patton et al., 1994;
Patton et al. (1994). Krebs et al., 1997; Gupta et al., 1999).
The focus of this paper is several mesoscale antithetic
and synthetic faults and associated half-graben located
NWNNW trending faults bound major half-graben and within the Hammam Faraun and El Qaa Fault blocks.
rotated fault blocks up to 40 km long and 25 km wide. These faults include, from north to south, respectively,
In this paper we concentrate on two fault blocks on the the Wadi Wasit, Thal Ridge, South Wadi Thal, Wadi
eastern side of the Suez Rift, the Hammam Faraun and Nukhul and West Wadi Baba faults (Fig. 2). These faults
El Qaa Fault blocks (Fig. 2). Both blocks dip moderately and associated half-graben synrift fills are described
(2030) towards the east and are bounded by large- below.
displacement (25 km) down-to-the-west normal faults:
the Coastal Fault Belt (CFB) and Eastern Boundary Fault
Belt (EBFB) to the west and east, respectively. The CFB
comprises the Hammam Faraun and Nezzazat fault seg-
ments, whilst the EBFB comprises the Thal, Baba-Sidri, Mesoscale faults are defined here as medium-
Hadahid and Gebah fault segments (Figs 2 and 3, displacement (50350 m displacement) faults, which
Moustafa, 1992, 1993, 1996; Garfunkel & Bartov, 1977; occur within the Hammam Faraun and El Qaa fault
Moustafa & Abdeen, 1992; Patton et al., 1994; Sharp blocks. They are typically planar in cross-section, and
et al., 2000). can be defined as antithetic and synthetic with relation
Prerift strata in both fault blocks comprise Precambrian to the block-bounding, large-displacement (25 km dis-
metamorphic basement overlain by a thick Palaeozoic placement, macroscale) CFB and EBFB. In map view
Eocene mixed carbonateclastic sequence (Figs 2 and 4). the mesoscale faults comprise curvilinear strands of
Massive limestones and subordinate mudstones of differing trends defining an en echelon fault array. Strands
CretaceousEocene age typically form the uppermost trending NNWNW and NS are typically the longest

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Fig. 5. Sketch map and sections of the Wadi Wasit region, outlining the segmented, en echelon nature of the mesoscale faults.
Note strike variation in fault displacement, and the development of relay structures (partly breached). See Fig. 2 for location.
Line of correlation panel in Fig. 15 also indicated.

(15 km) and are linked by shorter (500 m to 1 km) and EBFB. They have a down-to-the east sense of
strands trending NENNE and WNW. Variations in displacement, typically of the order of 50350 m, and
fault displacement along strike are clear, often associated juxtapose massive prerift Eocene limestones and subordi-
with displacement transfer between individual fault nate mudstones in the footwall against Eocene limestones
strands. In the Wadi Wasit region, for example, decreasing and synrift clastics of the Abu Zenima, Nukhul and
displacement on the Thal Ridge fault corresponds with Rudeis formations in the hangingwall (Figs 3 and 5). At
increasing displacement on the adjacent Wadi Wasit fault all localities fault surfaces are planar (vertical profile/
(Fig. 5). A monoclinal flexure or relay ramp is evident in cross-section) and associated with locally well-developed
the area of fault overlap (Moustafa & Abdeen, 1992; slickensides, indicating predominantly down-to-the-east
Armstrong, 1997). Zones of tectonic transfer between the dip-slip to minor oblique-slip displacement (minimum
mesoscale faults are either marked by unfaulted relay rake of 80). Fault-plane dips are typically greater than
ramps/flexures or breaching transfer faults. The 60 towards the east, commonly of the order of 7090
example shown in Fig. 5 can be interpreted as a hang- (Fig. 6). Vertical and (very rare) steep (>85) west-
ingwall breached relay zone (sensu Trudgill & Cartwright, dipping fault planes are also present in the Wadi
1994; Cartwright et al., 1996). This pattern of segmented WasitWadi Thal region (Figs 5 and 6). These west-
normal faults with strike variations in displacement and dipping faults can be traced along strike into vertical and
trends is identical to that of the major block-bounding ultimately steep east-dipping faults (Fig. 5). The apparent
faults (CFB and EBFB; Moustafa & Abdeen, 1992; sense of offset of the west-dipping faults hence implies a
Patton et al., 1994; Moustafa, 1996; Sharp et al., 2000), steep-dipping reverse fault, although along strike the
and extensional fault systems as a whole (e.g. Morley sense of offset implies a steep-dipping normal fault.
et al., 1990; Schlische, 1992; Gawthorpe & Hurst, 1993). Loss of displacement on the mesoscale antithetic faults
up-section (i.e. within stratigraphically younger units)
is well developed on both the South Wadi Thal and the
Antithetic mesoscale faults
West Wadi Baba faults. At these two localities age-
The Wadi Wasit, Thal Ridge, South Wadi Thal and equivalent synrift sediments are present in both the
West Wadi Baba faults are steeply dipping mesoscale footwall and the hangingwall (Figs 79). Offset of the
faults developed within the Hammam Faraun and El Qaa prerift/synrift unconformity at the northern end of the
fault blocks. They are developed 14 km east of the CFB West Wadi Baba fault is approximately 5060 m. Moving
(Figs 2, 3, 5 and 6), and can be defined as antithetic up section the fault has progressively less offset, with the
structures with relation to the main block-bounding CFB uppermost synrift sediments (pro-delta facies of the

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Rotation of mesoscale normal faults

Fig. 6. Lower hemisphere stereographic plots of the Wadi Wasit, Thal Ridge, South Wadi Thal and West Wadi Baba antithetic
mesoscale faults. Note the steep-dipping (>60) to locally overturned (Wadi WasitWadi Thal region) attitude of the faults. The
dip of originally horizontal bedding surfaces from both prerift and early synrift strata are also plotted.

Lower Rudeis Formation) showing minimal (10 m) or no limestones, fluvial conglomerates and palaeosols (Abu
displacement (Fig. 7B). Similarly, the South Wadi Thal Zenima Formation) and a upper package of bioturbated
fault has approximately 40 m of displacement at the and cross-bedded tidally influenced sandstones, siltstones
prerift/synrift unconformity, whilst the uppermost expo- and mudstones interpreted to have been deposited in a
sures (upper part of the Nukhul Formation, sandstone mesotidal estuarine setting (Nukhul Formation).
packages FS3 & FS4, Figs 8 and 9) extend as a continu- Conglomerates and tidal channel sandstones in both pack-
ous, unfaulted sheet from the hangingwall to the footwall. ages thicken, amalgamate and cut down to the south-west,
This indicates that the South Wadi Thal half-graben i.e. into the hangingwall, and thin and pinch out to the
topography was filled at the time of deposition of these north-east, where they are replaced by finer grained
upper units. lithologies (palaeosols, lacustrine limestones, tidal-flat
Synrift sediments in the hangingwall to antithetic faults mudstones and heterolithics). Thinning and pinch-out to
define divergent wedge-shaped bodies in cross-section, the north-east is associated with intraformational onlap
with individual synrift units thickening and diverging into and overstep (sensu Schlische & Anders, 1996) of younger
the hangingwall and thinning and onlapping away from synrift strata (Fig. 9). Similar geometrical relationships
the faults. This situation is particularly well exposed in are evident adjacent to the West Wadi Baba fault, with
south Wadi Thal, where a 1-km-long dip section exposes shallow marine and pro-delta conglomerates, sandstones
the entire synrift hangingwall fill to the South Wadi Thal and heterolithic facies of the Nukhul and Lower Rudeis
antithetic fault (Figs 8 and 9). The fill comprises a lower Formation thickening and amalgamating into the hang-
nonmarine package of rock-fall breccia, lacustrine marls, ingwall of the fault, and pinching out away from the fault.

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Rotation of mesoscale normal faults

A conglomeratic interval within the Lower Rudeis the dip of palaeohorizontal surfaces within synrift strata
Formation in Fig. 7(B) shows this divergence particularly from Wadi Wasit, south Wadi Thal and west Wadi Baba.
well. These data show that syntectonic divergent wedge- Data from all three areas indicate eastward rotation of
fills can be identified in the hangingwalls to both the up to 25 about horizontal axes since deposition of the
South Wadi Thal and the West Wadi Baba mesoscale Abu Zenima and Nukhul Formations. These data include
antithetic faults. In both cases the sediments were clearly measurements of palaoehorizontal surfaces which overlie
deposited contemporaneously or shortly after fault activity and seal both the South Wadi Thal and the West Wadi
as they fill the half-graben that faulting created. The faults Baba faults, implying that rotation occurred after cess-
also strongly influenced sedimentary architecture, with ation of activity on the antithetic faults.
channellized bodies preferentially developed in the hang-
ingwall immediately adjacent to the fault.
Synthetic mesoscale faults
Palaeocurrent data from the Abu Zenima, Nukhul and
Lower Rudeis formations at both the South Wadi Thal Synthetic mesoscale faults in the Hammam Faraun and
and West Wadi Baba fault localities are orientated pre- El Qaa fault blocks display similar length-displacement
dominantly parallel to the adjacent or underlying fault profiles to the antithetic faults and define en echelon fault
trace, indicating a significant structural control on sedi- arrays in map view. In vertical profiles (cross-section)
ment dispersal. The orientation of soft-sediment defor- mesoscale synthetic faults dip towards the west (i.e.
mation features (linear deformation ridges, elongate flame synthetic to the main block-bounding CFB and EBFB)
structures, water escape features and small growth faults) and were consistently found to have shallower dips than
within tidal facies of the Nukhul Formation is comparable mesoscale antithetic faults (dips between 45 and 70
to the orientation of fault arrays in the underlying and towards the west). The best exposed example of a
adjacent prerift units (Figs 10 and 11). Furthermore, the synthetic mesoscale fault and associated synrift half-
Nukhul Formation is locally highly convoluted, often graben fill is the Wadi Nukhul fault and half-graben in
associated with spectacular dewatering features and sand the southern part of the Hammam Faraun fault block
volcanoes. These convoluted intervals appear to occur (Figs 2 and 3, section CC). The Wadi Nukhul fault is
with a relatively regular spacing in vertical measured segmented in map view and loses displacement from a
sections in the Wadi Wasit, Wadi Thal and Wadi Nukhul maximum in the south to a well defined tip point and
regions (Fig. 12). They are most prevalent in close associated fault-tip fold in the north (Fig. 2, Moustafa &
proximity to mesoscale faults (e.g. Wadi Wasit, Thal Abdeen, 1992; Sharp et al., 1998). The synrift fill
Ridge, South Wadi Thal and Wadi Nukhul faults), comprises a thick (120 m) section of the Abu Zenima
although they can also be identified adjacent to the block- and Nukhul formations. These formations diverge and
bounding EBFB (e.g. in the eastern part of Wadi thicken in the hangingwall (towards the east) and thin
Nukhul). We interpret these features as evidence for and onlap towards the west. Section divergence and
periodic coseismic deformation and fault propagation expansion is also evident towards the south, i.e. parallel
during deposition of the earliest synrift sediments. to increasing fault displacement, whilst intraformational
Indicators of the palaeohorizontal are abundant in all onlap and overstep is evident towards the north, i.e.
studied pre- and synrift outcrops, including such features parallel to decreasing fault displacement (Moustafa &
as topsets to cross-beds, algal laminae within lacustrine Abdeen, 1992; Sharp et al., 1998). Folded strata evident
limestones, planar lamination and primary depositional adjacent to the fault indicates an element of ductile
bedding (prerift and synrift). Palaeohorizontal surfaces deformation during fault growth (fault propagation fold-
in the synrift units now dip at up to 25 towards the ing, Sharp et al., 2000). There are no synrift units
east, being most obvious in the south Wadi Thal and preserved in the footwall, so it is difficult to constrain
west Wadi Baba regions (Figs 79). Figure 6 illustrates when the fault ceased to move.

Fig. 7. (A) West Wadi Baba mesoscale antithetic fault. Field photograph looking north from the entrance to Wadi Baba. In the
foreground the fault juxtaposes massive limestones of the prerift Eocene Thebes Formation in the footwall (light coloured rocks
on left) against early synrift clastics of the Nukhul Formation in the hangingwall. The prerift Darat Formation is also locally
exposed in the hangingwall, unconformably onlapped by the Nukhul Formation. The trace of the West Wadi Baba fault is clearly
visible in the background within sediments of the Rudeis Formation. Note the regional easterly dip (towards the right) due to
rotational faulting on the CFB (Nezzazat fault) and EBFB (Baba-Sidri fault). The Thebes Formation is also folded into a broad
anticline in the footwall to the CFB. The photograph approximately corresponds to section DD, Figs 2 and 3. (B) Field
photograph of the West Wadi Baba antithetic fault exposed approximately 2 km north of Wadi Baba and Fig. 7(A). View is
towards north. Prerift limestones of the Thebes Formation and synrift Nukhul Formation (foreground, left of photograph) are
juxtaposed against synrift Nukhul Formation and prodelta facies of the Lower Rudeis Formation (right of photograph). Offset is
of the order of 5060 m at wadi level. Note how the channellized conglomerate (Lower Rudeis Formation, right of fault, centre
of photograph) diverges towards the fault, and has been subsequently rotated towards the right/east. Also note that the fault
loses displacement up-section, with offset of the thick sandstone package on the skyline being 10 m, and reducing to 0 m just
beyond the skyline. This thick cliff-forming sandstone is also visible in Fig. 7(A).

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Fig. 8. (A) Field panorama and sketch of the South Wadi Thal mesoscale antithetic fault and half-graben. Note regional dip of both footwall and hangingwall units towards the right (NE). The
synrift Abu Zenima and Nukhul Formations form a divergent wedge fill into the hangingwall of the South Wadi Thal fault. Note thickening and downcutting of individual units towards the
left, and thinning, pinching out, onlap and overstep towards the right. Logs AF are presented on Fig. 9 with a detailed interpretation. See Fig. 2 for location. (B) Simplified restoration of the
South Wadi Thal fault and half-graben using palaeohorizontal surfaces defined in Figs 8(A) and 9. Restoration of these surfaces to horizontal implies up to 25 of eastward rotation about
horizontal axes.
Rotation of mesoscale normal faults

Fig. 9. Sedimentological interpretation of the South Wadi Thal half-graben. Note that the Abu Zenima Formation is only
present in the hangingwall, and thins out dramatically to the NE. In contrast, the Nukhul Formation is present in both the
footwall and the hangingwall. Thinning to the NE is associated with onlap and overstep (sensu Schlische & Anders, 1996) of
successively younger synrift units. Divergence and section expansion towards the SW is associated with preferential stacking of
fluvial and tidal channels. These channels are orientated parallel to the fault trace. Note also broad NW trend of palaeocurrent
data within the Nukhul Formation from the logged sections. Location of sedimentological logs is shown in Fig. 8.

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Fig. 10. Trend/strike of soft sediment deformation features (linear deformation ridges, elongate flame structures and small
growth faults) within tidal facies of the Nukhul Formation in the Hammam Faraun block. All data come from tidal flat and
estuarine channel facies in the middle part of the Nukhul Formation. These units can be regarded as approximately age
equivalent in the Hammam Faraun fault block. Note that the trends are comparable to fault trends in the underlying and
adjacent prerift units (Fig. 6). The swing to NESW trends in the southern part of the Hammam Faraun block (Wadi Nukhul
region) is attributable to activity on the Baba-Markha transfer fault. These data are interpreted as evidence for periodic coseismic
deformation and fault growth during deposition of the earliest synrift sediments.

In south Wadi Baba a number of small displacement profile/cross-section) and throughgoing structures at the
synthetic faults are well exposed within sandstones of the scale of the outcrop. The Nukhul Formation also shows
Nukhul Formation (Fig. 13). The synthetic faults are small divergent wedge fills adjacent to the synthetic
located approximately 1.5 km east of the block-bounding faults, indicating that the faults were active slightly before
CFB (Nezzazat fault), and less than 30 m east of the or during Nukhul Formation deposition.
West Wadi Baba antithetic fault. The West Wadi Baba Present dip attitude of the fault surfaces are very
fault at this locality dips very steeply (up to 80) towards shallow (2022) towards the west, whilst primary depos-
the east (Figs 6 and 13). itional bedding in prerift limestones and unconformably
The synthetic faults offset the prerift/synrift contact overlying Nukhul Formation sandstones dips steeply
between 5 and 10 m, have a dip- to slightly oblique-slip, towards the east (between 45 and 70 in the prerift and
down-to-the-west sense of displacement and form a small 32 and 37 in the synrift). Angular discordance between
en echelon array of relatively local extent (traceable along the prerift and synrift strata is on average between 12
strike for up to 300 m). The faults are planar (vertical and 15, but can be as much as 33. Examination of

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Rotation of mesoscale normal faults

Fig. 11. Bedding plane photograph of an elongate flame

structure/linear deformation ridge within tidal sandstones of
the Nukhul Formation, Wadi Nukhul. These features are
interpreted to have resulted from seismic shock, and their
orientations are often directly comparable to faults within both
prerift and synrift strata (Figs 6 and 10). The ridge is 5 m long
(extent of outcrop). Note book for scale.

palaeohorizontal sedimentary structures and bedding in Fig. 12. Simplified sedimentological log of the rift initiation
the synrift strata indicates that onlap onto the prerift/ Abu Zenima and Nukhul formations 3 km north of Wadi Thal,
synrift unconformity was originally very low angle Hammam Faraun fault block. The vertical facies transitions
(510; cf. Gawthorpe et al., 1997; Sharp et al., 1998, indicate a back-stepping transgressive sequence from
2000). These data thus indicate that the originally low- nonmarine to open-marine environments. The contact to the
angle depositional dip at the time of deposition of the rift climax Rudeis Formation is associated with transgressive
Nukhul Formation has subsequently been passively ravinement and significant section condensation. Note the
rotated, such that bedding now dips steeply towards the regular occurrence of soft sediment deformed horizons within
the Nukhul Formation. These features often show a
east. If the Nukhul Formation is restored to its approxi-
preferential orientation (Figs 10 and 11). T00 to T10 refer to
mate original dip the synthetic faults can be calculated nomenclature of Krebs et al. (1997).
to have had a dip of between 45 and 60 towards the
west at the time of deposition of the Nukhul Formation.
25 since development and deposition. We interpret this
passive eastward rotation to have occurred due to a
DI S CU S S I O N combination of two factors:
1 Long-lived (ongoing) activity and eastwards rotation
Passive rotation of early formed faults
about horizontal axes on the down-to-the-west, large-
By utilizing palaeohorizontal data from the pre- and displacement CBF and EBFB which bound the Hammam
synrift strata it is clear that mesoscale antithetic and Faraun and El Qaa fault blocks (Fig. 14).
synthetic faults and pre- and synrift strata have been 2 Footwall flexing and flexural domino faulting local to
rotated towards the east about horizontal axes by up to the CFB (cf. Anders et al., 1993).

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Fig. 13. Field sketch and section in south Wadi Baba of the West Wadi Baba antithetic fault and associated small displacement synthetic faults. Note the steep-dipping attitude of the West Wadi
Baba fault, and the very shallow-dipping attitude of small-displacement synthetic faults. Note also the regional dip towards the east, related to activity on the block-bounding CFB and EBFB.
Offset on the synthetic faults (510 m) is constrained by marker horizons A and B in the Nukhul Formation. See Fig. 2 for location and text for more details.
Rotation of mesoscale normal faults

Fig. 14. Cartoon to explain the passive tilting of early formed half-graben and faults in the Hammam Faraun and El Qaa blocks:
(A) addresses antithetic mesoscale faults only and is based on exposures in the south Wadi Thal region, whilst (B) addresses both
antithetic and synthetic mesoscale faults. Stage i: rift initiation phase (Abu ZenimaNukhul Formation). The early rift structure
is characterized by closely spaced intrafault block mesoscale faults which are filled by sediments of the Abu Zenima and Nukhul
Formation. Facies distribution is controlled by local structure. Block-bounding faults are relatively small-displacement structures.
Stage ii: rift climax phase (Rudeis Formation). Fault linkage and concentration of extension on major block-bounding faults.
Facies distribution reflects macroscale fault blocks (Hammam Faraun & El Qaa). During this stage passive burial and overstep of
early formed half-graben by sediments of the Lower Rudeis Formation occurs, indicating that the faults ceased to be active.
Furthermore, large-scale fault block rotation and footwall flexing is interpreted to have resulted in passive rotation of the
mesoscale faults, with antithetic faults rotated to steeper angles and synthetic faults to shallower angles.

In very rare and extreme cases (e.g. Wadi Wasit region) These observations indicate that regional eastwards
rotation and footwall flexing is interpreted to have rotation of macroscale fault blocks resulted in the pro-
resulted in overturning of originally steep-dipping anti- gressive rotation to shallower angles of intrafault block
thetic faults so that at outcrop they have an apparent west-dipping synthetic faults and steepening and local
high-angle reverse character. Our limited observations of overturning of east-dipping antithetic faults (Fig. 14).
synthetic (i.e. down-to-the-west) intrablock mesoscale The majority of rotated mesoscale faults occur within
faults indicate that they are noticeably shallower dipping the footwall of the CFB, typically between 1 and 4 km
than the intrablock antithetic mesoscale faults. As yet, from the CFB. Broad folds are also evident in this area
we have not documented steep or overturned synthetic (e.g. open anticline in west Wadi Baba, Fig. 7A), often
faults. associated with areas of steeper dips. Moving further east

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I. R. Sharp et al.

Fig. 15. Simplified correlation panel of the rift initiation Abu Zenima and Nukhul formations and rift climax Rudeis
Formation based on detailed logging of synrift strata which approximately parallel the Thal Ridge fault in the Hammam Faraun
block. Correlation is towards the northern tip of the Thal Ridge fault (see Figs 2 and 5 for section location). The vertical facies
transitions indicate a back-stepping transgressive sequence from nonmarine to open-marine environments (cf. Fig. 12). The
lateral facies transitions also indicate a SENW onlapping and overstepping transgressive relationship towards the northern tip of
the Thal Ridge fault (i.e. parallel to decreasing fault displacement, Fig. 5). Note erosive based, attached shoreface sandstones at
the northern end of the section. The panel is hung on the composite flooding event at the NukhulRudeis boundary (T10).
Palaeocurrent and soft sediment deformation structures in this section (Fig. 10, Mid and North Wadi Thal data) are broadly
NWSE, i.e. parallel to the dominant fault trends.

away from the CFB footwall, highly rotated mesoscale

Progressive abandonment of mesoscale
faults were not encountered. An alternative mechanism
to explain rotated faults local to the CFB footwall is thus
the flexural domino model of Anders et al. (1993), At two of the studied localities (south Wadi Thal and
which predicts steeper dips local to, and in the footwall west Wadi Baba) it can be demonstrated that the meso-
of, major block-bounding faults. scale faults are passively overlain and sealed by progress-
The correct identification of steep dipping mesoscale ively younger synrift strata (typically the Rudeis
faults as rotated normal faults and not originally steep- Formation), and that the faults show progressive loss of
dipping normal faults, inversion-related reverse faults, or displacement up stratigraphic section. These data can be
low-angle extensional faults, is of clear importance when interpreted in a number of ways. The most obvious is
trying to reconstruct basin evolution and palaeostress that the faults were most active during the early synrift
analysis. period (Abu Zenima and Nukhul formations) and became

Fig. 16. Summary palaeocurrent data from the extreme northern part of the El Qaa fault block (Wadi Baba). See Fig. 2 for
location. Data from the rift initiation Nukhul Formation is shown in (A) and from the rift climax Lower Rudeis Formation in
(B). Synrift units are shaded. Darker shaded unit in (B) represents Lower Rudeis proximal fan deltas and shoreface sediments.
Note dominance of flow towards the NW within the Nukhul Formation, essentially parallel to the main structures. These data
are interpreted to reflect deposition of the Nukhul Formation in a NWSE orientated elongate tidally dominated marine
embayment. The dominance of flow towards the NW is related to dominant flood tidal currents. This situation contrasts
markedly to palaeocurrent data from the Lower Rudeis Formation, where a clear input from the NE and flow towards the
S/SSW is evident. This is associated with the development of a 1-km-thick suite of proximal stacked aggrading fan deltas in
the immediate hangingwall to the Baba-Sidri fault (NE Wadi Baba) which pass in to distal prodelta mudstones facies in west
and south Wadi Baba. These data are interpreted to reflect establishment of the Baba-Sidri fault (EBFB) as the main basin-
bounding element during Rudeis times, and to a major change in basin physiography.

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Fig. 17. Cartoon outlining the differing structural and depositional styles during rift initiation (Abu Zenima and Nukhul
formations) and rift climax (Rudeis Formation). The rift initiation period is interpreted to be associated with numerous closely
spaced mesoscale faults and a dominance of axial palaeoflow within semi-isolated lacustrine, tidal and marine embayments. The
rift climax is associated with the establishment of regional-scale rotated fault blocks and facies distribution characterized by thick
aggrading hangingwall fans, a central mudstone dominated basin and fringing hangingwall shorelines.

inactive during deposition of the Rudeis Formation as can also profoundly influence thickness and preservation
sediments of this age passively overlie the faults and of stratigraphic section. These considerations thus limit
show no thickness variation or offset over the faults. If the degree to which the field observations can be utilized
this interpretation is correct then the main period of in establishing a detailed propagation history. However,
propagation and growth on both the South Wadi Thal the fundamental observation that the mesoscale fault tips
and West Wadi Baba faults can be constrained to between (vertical section) are passively overlain by synrift sedi-
25 and 19.5 Ma (based on age data discussed in Patton ments allows identification of the last offset/faulting
et al., 1994), i.e. they were most active during the rift event. This, coupled with the rotated attitude of the
initiation period. mesoscale faults and synrift strata which passively overlie
This interpretation is too simplistic, however, and or seal them, clearly indicates that the faults were early
makes a number of assumptions. For example, the pos- formed features which were subsequently abandoned
sibility of several fault propagation events separated by and rotated.
depositional episodes should be addressed. This scenario
would result in greater offset of older synrift stratigraphic
units and minimal offset of younger stratigraphic units.
Thus the loss of fault displacement up stratigraphic
section does not necessarily reflect decreasing fault
activity, but rather that the uppermost stratigraphic units Several authors (Garfunkel & Bartov, 1977; Patton et al.,
have only been offset by the last earthquake event. 1994, and references therein) have noted marked spatial
Furthermore, during a single propagation event a fault variations in facies and thickness between sediments of
would lose displacement radially towards the fault tips the rift initiation Abu Zenima and Nukhul formations,
from the fault segment centre (e.g. Walsh & Waterson, and the rift climax Rudeis Formation in the Suez Rift.
1987; Dawers & Anders, 1995). In the latter case the These variations have been related to slow subsidence
centre of the fault segment would have to be identified during the rift initiation period resulting in the depos-
to accurately constrain its propagation history in relation ition of non- and shallow-marine sediments, followed by
to the synrift strata. Variations in the rate of sedimentation rapid subsidence during the rift climax period resulting

302 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Basin Research, 12, 285305

Rotation of mesoscale normal faults

in the deposition of the deep-marine Rudeis Formation facies pass into a central basin fill of deeper-water (water
(Evans, 1988; Richardson & Arthur, 1988; Steckler et al., depths <50 m) mudstones and sandstones, which thin,
1988; Patton et al., 1994; Gupta et al., 1998). onlap and amalgamate westwards up the hangingwall
Field mapping and logging of synrift sediments dipslope towards the footwall crests of the CFB. Low-
throughout the Hammam Faraun and El Qaa fault blocks angle hangingwall dipslope depositional systems are
confirmed marked facies and thickness variations between characterized by offlapping linear fringing shorefaces
the Abu Zenima/Nukhul formations and Rudeis developed slightly down flank eastwards of the Hammam
Formation. The rift initiation Abu Zenima and Nukhul Faraun and Nezzazat footwall crests (e.g. Asl Formation
formations are often thickest in the central part of the of the El Qaa fault block Patton et al., 1994). Sediment
Hammam Faraun and El Qaa fault blocks. The thick dispersal was both axial and at high angles to the strike
sections typically occur in the hangingwall of mesoscale of the rift structures (Fig. 16B). Volumetrically significant
synthetic and antithetic faults (e.g. Wadi Wasit, South fan delta complexes are also evident at low-relief transfer
Wadi Thal, Wadi Nukhul and West Wadi Baba faults, zones along the EBFB (Gawthorpe et al., 1990; Moustafa,
Gawthorpe et al., 1997; Sharp et al., 1998, 2000). Both 1996; Gupta et al., 1999; Young et al., 2000; Sharp et al.,
westward (South Wadi Thal, West Wadi Baba faults) and 1998, 2000). Thickness and facies relationships during
eastward (Wadi Nukhul fault) thickening and diverging deposition of the Rudeis Formation are thus more typi-
fills into half-graben are present. Away from these local cal for a rift basin comprising large (25 km wide, 40 km
depocentres the Abu Zenima and Nukhul formations long) tilted fault blocks (e.g. Leeder & Gawthorpe, 1987;
show clear depositional thinning and onlapping relation- Leeder & Jackson, 1993; Gawthorpe et al., 1994;
ships, both towards the EBFB and towards the CFB Gawthorpe & Leeder, 2000). Thickness and facies vari-
(Sharp et al., 2000). ations around mesoscale intrablock faults are less pro-
Vertical stratigraphic sections (Figs 9 and 12) indicate nounced during this period.
that hangingwall basins associated with mesoscale faults We interpret these markedly different thickness and
were initially dominated by fluvio-lacustrine deposition stacking patterns to reflect two distinct stages during rift
(Abu Zenima Formation), and pass upwards into tidal basin evolution (Fig. 17). The rift initiation period of
estuarine (Nukhul Formation) and ultimately fully marine extension was typified by the development of a complex
deposits (top Nukhul to Rudeis Formation). Local thick- array of closely spaced mesoscale (50350 m displace-
ness and facies variations are marked, and show a clear ment) synthetic and antithetic faults which exerted a
relationship to mesoscale fault-related physiography, in strong control over facies and thickness distribution of
particular to variations in fault displacement along strike. the Abu Zenima and Nukhul formations. Block-bounding
This situation is apparent when facies tracts are walked faults were small-displacement or blind upward propa-
out below regionally correlatable flooding surfaces (e.g. gating features at this time (Evans, 1988; Patton et al.,
Thal Ridge area, Fig. 15). In this example lateral facies 1994; Gawthorpe et al., 1997; Gupta et al., 1999; Sharp
transitions from fluvial to tidal to open marine facies are et al., 2000). This situation differs from the dramatic
developed parallel to the fault, with marine influence expansion of the rift-climax Rudeis and younger
increasing to the south-east. Increasing section thickness Formations into the immediate hangingwall of both the
and marine influence appears to correlate with increasing CFB and the EBFB block-bounding faults. This marked
displacement on the Thal Ridge fault toward the south- expansion of hangingwall sequences is accompanied by
east. A similar situation is developed in hangingwall more regional, fault block-wide facies relationships typical
sections parallel to the Wadi Nukhul and West Wadi of mature rift basins (Leeder & Gawthorpe, 1987;
Baba mesoscale faults (Sharp et al., 1998). In all three Gawthorpe & Leeder, 2000), and is interpreted as evi-
areas synrift strata onlap and overstep (sensu Schlische & dence that the block-bounding faults had now become
Anders, 1996) towards the fault tips, and diverge and the active, large-displacement, faults defining a regional
expand toward fault segment centres. Analysis of palaeo- palaeogeography of macroscale (25 km wide, 40 km long)
current data in these hangingwall basins indicates a rotated fault blocks.
predominance of axial palaeoflow (NWSE), i.e. parallel Gupta et al. (1998), using numerical modelling and
to the structural grain (Figs 12 and 16A). subsidence data from the Suez and North Sea rifts,
In marked contrast to the Abu Zenima and Nukhul argued that the initial stages of continental rifting and
formations, the rift climax Rudeis Formation has its extension are characterized by numerous closely spaced
thickest development (up to 1.5 km) in the hangingwall faults and isolated depocentres. With ongoing crustal
of the EBFB, and thins and onlaps towards the footwall extension originally isolated fault strands begin to propa-
highs of the CFB (Garfunkel & Bartov, 1977; Patton gate towards each other and link to form larger displace-
et al., 1994). Rudeis Formation and younger depositional ment block-bounding fault segments which accommodate
systems in the hangingwall of the EBFB are characterized the majority of ongoing extension. They argued that this
by stacked aggrading footwall-derived fan deltas and switch of activity appears to correspond with the Nukhul
prodelta muds and turbidites (Garfunkel & Bartov, 1977; Rudeis transition in the Suez rift. Data presented in this
Gawthorpe et al., 1990; Patton et al., 1994; Moustafa, paper are in broad agreement with this model, with
1996; Gupta et al., 1999; Sharp et al., 1998, 2000). These studied mesoscale intrafault-block faults becoming inac-

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