Safety Integrity Level (SIL) - 2012 Lettersize

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Safety Integrity Level (SIL)

For Safety Critical Systems

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) is the discrete level for specifying the integrity requirements of safety functions
to be allocated to the Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Systems safety related systems
where SIL 4 has the highest level of safety integrity and SIL 1 the lowest.

Why SIL?

Process plants are operated with many sophisticated process control systems. These systems are required for safe and reliable
operation of the plant and address the safety functions such as process sectioning, fire & gas detection, process protection and
blow down. These safety functions are often designed combining various E/E/PES technologies and other external risk-reducing
devices. In addition, computer and software intensive systems are increasingly being used as part of the system. A malfunction of
these systems can lead to loss of life, damage to assets and impact to the environment.


VELOSI uses a number of techniques assisted by software tools and models to manage safety critical equipment. These are
organized according to the Life Cycle model recommended for the safety critical equipment by IEC 61508. This Life Cycle model
covers the project phases from concept to decommissioning and can be grouped into three distinct phases:

1. Design
2. Maintenance planning
3. Operation & Monitoring
Optimize the management of
IEC-61508 Process Model your safety critical system &
instrumented protective
function inline with the
industry best practices with
comprimising safety.

Layer of protection in a process model

VELOSI Services for Managing Safety Critical Software tool used for SIL study
Systems VELOSI can provide customized RCM training technology trans-
fer for both management and nominated RCM team. Training
Design sessions include:
Maintenance Planning
VAIL-SIL is a VELOSI in-house developed Safety Integrity Level
Operation & Monitoring
calculation tool with a unique and versatile identity. This software
product was developed by using the Standard ANSI/ISA S84.01,
SILS versus reliability IEC - 615011, IEC 61508 as reference documents. Various
While the main focus of the SIL ratings is the interpretation of a methodologies are available for assessment of target SILs.
process inherent safety, an important by-product of the VELOSI has implemented three different methodologies:
statistics used in calculating SIL ratings is the statement of a Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
products reliability. To determine if a product can be used in a Risk Matrix
given SIL environment, it must be shown to BE AVAILABLE to Risk Graph
perform its designated task at some predetermined rate. In
other words, how likely is it that the device in question will be up
VAIL-SIL is not limited to calculating or finding out target SILs
and functioning when needed to perform its assigned task?
only - it also includes:

Reliability numbers: What do they mean? Dynamic SIL reporting

Comparison summary of SILs with respect to all three above
It seems that every organization has its own special way of mentioned methodologies
characterizing reliability. However, there are a few standards in
Target PFD calculation(s)
the world of reliability datum, as indicated below:
Testing interval calculation(s)
Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD) Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
The Probability to Fail on Demand is a statistical measurement of Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
how likely it is that a process, system, or device will be operating SIL Study Session Teams Record Management
and ready to serve the function for which it is intended.

Table: Safety Integrity Level : Probability of Failure on Demand

Safe Failure Fraction (SFF)

The maximum rated SIL environment in which the device(s) can
be used.
A statistical representation of the likelihood of a component,
device, or system to fail. The value is expressed as a period of
time (i.e. 14.7 years).
Mean Time To Repair is the average time to repair a system, or
component, which has failed. This value is highly dependent
upon the circumstances of the systems operation.

LOPA study overview screen Copyright applusvelosi. All rights reserved.

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