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SBE16-Cairo 2016
Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban Spaces

Ahmedy. Y, Mahmoud. A, Refaat. M .

Human Behaviour and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban

A case study of downtown Cairo

Ahmedy. Y1, Mahmoud. A2, Refaat, M3.

British University in Egypt, Department of Architecture and Urban Design
El Sherouk City, Suez Desert Road, Cairo 11837 -, Egypt
e-mail: [email protected]
Cairo University, Department of Urban Design
Gamaet El Qahera St. Giza, Egypt
e-mail: [email protected]
Ain Shams University, Department of Architecture
Cairo, Egypt
e-mail: [email protected]


The paper discusses the needs and characteristics of human behavior that should be applied
practically to the design of urban space, in Cairo, the second largest capital and congested
pattern international wide, Aiming to reform a decision matrix that assists local urban designers
in shaping up and designing urban spaces that respond adequately to human physical and
psychological needs. The analysis of the behavioral influential factors that underlie and shape
up the impact of different spaces are analyzed, and the behavioral elements that people expect
from local urban spaces are discussed in terms of a questionnaire study.
El Attaba Square and Abd El Aziz Street are studied using behavioral mapping techniques
through using drawings, photographs, design data, interviews and surveys which could be
indispensable data to any architect interested in urban designs, who wants to create places that
really work for people.
The outcome is a set of criteria that could be measurable, meeting the psychological needs of
locals in urban spaces. Thus creating a place identity that creates a sense of belonging
between local people and the urban spaces, in addition to the presence of social activities to
anchor people to their urban experience and upgrade the social interaction, coming up with
basic recommendations to have better local urban places that satisfy human psychological

Keywords: Environmental behaviour, Environmental psychology, Place identity, Urban place

SBE16-Cairo 2016
Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban Spaces

Ahmedy. Y, Mahmoud. A, Refaat. M .

The study will start by defining and showing the importance of environmental psychology and
stating the different aspects of environmental psychology that include place theory that consists
of place identity and attachment in addition to other physical attributes. In addition to the quality
criteria needed to have a successful urban place. Analysis took place in one of the famous
streets in Egypt which is Abd El Aziz Street located in El Attaba Square, Surveys and interviews
took place in the studied area to understand and evaluate the level of satisfaction and the needs
of people in an urban place. And finally a group of recommendations were conducted in addition
to a matrix showing the hierarchy of needs of people in an urban space which is considered the
main finding of this research.

2.1. Introduction
The paper will study different elements that make a public space more appealing to the human
being like place familiarity, presence of clear paths, nodes and landmarks, place identity that
create a sense of belonging between people and the urban space, in addition to the presence of
social activities to attract people to the urban spaces to upgrade the social life and interaction
and also applying different techniques to keep the human being within his environmental
comfort zone.

2.2. Literature Review

2.2.1. Human and their surroundings (Environmental Psychology):

Historically, the first discipline to express a concern not simply with physical space, but
with the way physical space is related to or influenced by human activities, is Environmental
Psychology in the 1960s (Bannon,2004) .
Environmental Psychology (EP) study is generated as an area of study due to the increasing
interest on psychological studies as the connections between behavior and physical
surroundings. Environmental Psychology is concerned with the quantification of environmental
stimuli and with establishing a functional relationship between such stimuli and behavior
(Bannon, 2004).
Although it is difficult to establish "patterns" of behaviour and their one-to-one connection to
features of the space interesting findings have been generated from early EP studies. One
important issue is the occurrence of discrepancies between the rational planning of physical
settings and their actual use: this shows that people's perception and reactions to a space might
be unexpected and different from the planners intentions. This draw the attention to the
importance of focusing not only on the plain physical structure and features of the environment,
but also on the connection between the space and it inhabitants, and also the necessity of
undertaking empirical studies of how actual spaces are used. Another interesting observation
made by Proshansky highlights the fact that: the physical settings and the broader structures
that encompass them are themselves expressions of correspondingly inclusive social systems.
The physical space is integral part of social practice (Proshansky, 1969). The continuing social
SBE16-Cairo 2016
Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban Spaces

Ahmedy. Y, Mahmoud. A, Refaat. M .

practices shared by the users of a space influence the space in addition to contributing to its
shaping (Bannon, 2004).
Consequently, this link between the physical environment and the social environment, made the
organization of the physical setting a dynamic one. Seeing the environment as an open,
dynamic system is not only limited to its connection with people, but it also spreads to the
relationships amongst its elements (Proshansky, 1969).Environmental psychology has different
elements that define it. According to Garling and Golledge (1993), Kaplan and Kaplan (1982)
these elements are:
Attention: Firstly it is needed to understand how people perceive their surrounding environment
to understand their behavior which includes what the human being notices willingly or
Perception and cognitive maps: The natural and the built environment is one of the fundamental
feature of environmental psychology as data is stored in the human beings brain in the form of
cognitive maps which creates a link of experiences with what an individual perceives the
ongoing ideas, emotions and actions.
Ideal environments: Individuals tend to look for places that make them feel self-assured and
make them familiarized with the environment. It is researched that it is important to make people
have a sense that things work together in the environment in addition to walking in an
environment without being lost. In order to have an ideal environment it must enhance his/her
behavioral effectiveness and his/her sense of well-being.
Environmental stress and managing: Research has recognized various behavioural and
cognitive results including poor physical health, reduced selflessness and weaknesses, as well
as paying no attention to the environment. Individuals can adjust their physical or social
surroundings to create a more supportive environment (e.g. smaller scaled settings, territories,
privacy, personal space) where they can supervise the course of information or stress inducing
stimuli. Individuals can also seek to understand or make sense of circumstances as a way to
resolve its stressful effects, often sharing these interpretations with other individuals as a part of
their culture.

2.2.2. Place Theory

Place is used to examine the environment and breaking it down into conceptual components.
Since space and environment is too general then it is difficult to examine (Tolley,
2012).Environmental psychology could be understood when; the meaning of place theory is
established as people interaction with their physical environment is a principal. The place theory
is concerned with three features which are human activities ,physical attributes and conceptions
(Canter, 1997).
A place is considered to be a form of a harmony which is the resultant of the relation between
the physical attributes of the environment and conceptions and human activities. However,
Castello (2006) states that place is a unit where physical form and human experiences and are
bonded together, creating a united context There is a vibrant relationship between place and
people which could be figured out from the concepts of place attachment and Place identity .In
fact the interaction between people and their environment create a sort of a link that gives a
specific meaning to their environment (Castello, 2006).

2.2.3. Place Identity

SBE16-Cairo 2016
Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban Spaces

Ahmedy. Y, Mahmoud. A, Refaat. M .

Human identity could be formed by many factors as identity is a result of the psychical
environment (Hauge, 2007). Place identity, according to Proshansky (1987), can be defined as"
a sub-structure of the self-identity of the person consisting of broadly conceived cognitions
about the physical world in which individuals live".
The places where people belong to may increase their environmental preferences and self-
esteem. Place attachment could be a result of place identity, as individuals feel attached to the
same environment as an individual define himself within the environment (Dixon & Durrheim

2.2.4. Place attachment

Every person has his own bond that is developed towards certain places throughout a specific
period of time. Place attachment varies according to the level of belonging of the individual and
is different from one place to the other (Knez 2005). Therefore, the level of attachment a person
has to a specific place determines the level of satisfaction of the person and his/her perception
to a certain place. Although the attachment to a certain place grows over time yet still there
should be an interaction with the community and a positive one to keep and increase this
attachment (Tolley, 2012).
According to Milligan (1998) place attachment could be defined as: Place attachment occurs
when a particular interaction was accompanied by significant meaning" However place
attachment, according to Knez (2005), can be defined as:"The affective positive bond between
a person and a place; more specifically, a strong tendency of that person to maintain closeness
to such a place".
It is therefore clear from the definition that place attachment is meant to be an emotional bond
that the individual form to a physical setting due to the meaning given to the location through the
interactions between the person and the environment (Casakin & Kreitler, 2008).
According to Halpenny (2005), could be formed place attachment when place satisfaction of
individuals with their environments is present therefore they protect that place more. Payton
(2003) and Warzecha et al (2000) state that place attachment is divided into two main theories
which are functional place attachment and emotional place attachment.
Functional Place Attachment
It is to what extent resources meet the needs or targets of individuals. Furthermore, functional
place attachment is linked to the kinds of activities that users track as some activities are
general while others are more complex and need specific aspects (Warzecha et al, 2000).
Emotional Place Attachment
It is meant to be the emotional features of a person-place relationship and how that place itself
helps in shaping an individuals identity. In fact emotional place attachment is based on
emotional bonds and links to a certain place and increases over a certain period of time through
many interactions with the environment. According to Warzecha et al (2000), emotional place
attachment may also be expressed as an identity with a symbolic meaning or idea.

2.2.5. The Three groups of Quality Criteria in urban spaces:

Based on pioneering research by Professor Jan Gehl the quality criteria for a successful public
space are divided into three groups: Protection, comfort and enjoyment and they vary from the
human scale to details of the physical environment.
SBE16-Cairo 2016
Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban Spaces

Ahmedy. Y, Mahmoud. A, Refaat. M .

It concentrates on how to decrease unpleasant experiences as unpleasant climate conditions,
traffic accidents and crime.
It focuses on the quality of stay and walking in a specific place. It is concerned with sitting,
standing and walking in addition to talking, playing, seeing, and hearing.
It is concerned with the human scale; it is about the positive aspects of the experience and the
climate and how to enjoy it (Gehl.J, 2006).

2.3. Research methodology

The methodology of study consists of both qualitative and quantitative in order to collect and
analyse data. In this study, data were collected during the analysis phase to have more valuable
findings .Behavioural mapping, Surveys and interviews were conducted. The research will study
the relation between human behaviour and urban spaces design. A matrix of psychological
factors in an urban space will be generated through the literature review then questionnaires,
surveys and observational mapping were conducted to update the matrix.
Literature review

Matrix (based on literature review)

Surveys, questionnaires on studied areas

Updated matrix


2.3.1. Criteria of Case study Selection:

The study area of the case study will El Attaba square, focusing on Abd El Aziz Street one of
the most famous streets in Cairo, Egypt. This area and especially this street have been chosen
due to:
Presence of landmarks as Omar effendi old commercial store.
Being a commercial street made it easier to deal with different people of different social
Being in the heart of Cairo.
Being a well-known place that has a place identity.
Being a street of a unique character and has locational challenges.
Considered an interactive place where different activities take place.
SBE16-Cairo 2016
Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban Spaces

Ahmedy. Y, Mahmoud. A, Refaat. M .

Analysis was made of Abd el Aziz Street in El Attaba square. It is unique in its character, urban
fabric and landmarks. Nevertheless, it has many problems in orientation, and is full of locational
difficulties. It shows another example of an area with several highdensity residential districts as
shown in fig1.

Figure 1: Maps showing the urban fabric and street analysis of el Abd El Aziz Street and its
surrounding (Ahmedy.Y, 2013)
Land use study concluded that the street composes of different buildings. Most of the buildings
are mixed use. It has commercial stores in lower floor and residential in upper floors. There is a
minimum area of green spaces as shown in fig2. Although the regulations prohibit the use of
side walks for goods display yet still most of the shops display their goods at the side walks.

Mixed Use

Figure 2: Land use map of Abd El Aziz Street (Ahmedy.Y, 2013)

SBE16-Cairo 2016
Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban Spaces

Ahmedy. Y, Mahmoud. A, Refaat. M .

Data were collected on days with temperatures between 28C and 36C from late April through
early August in 2013.Observations were carried out between 7:00 AM and 11:00 PM spread out
on weekdays and weekends as shown in fig3.

Figure 3: Behavioural map and Sketch of Abd El Aziz street of

different nodes (Ahmedy.Y, 2013)
After observation it was deducted that the main problem for
the street is that there is no walkways for people to walk but
cars and people both move in the street itself. There are no
crossings for pedestrian which threatens pedestrian safety in
addition to lack of presence of parking lots as shown in fig4.
There are no delivery stops as trucks stop in the same street
where cars are moving.
Key: Low Dense Cars
High Dense Cars
Figure 4: Pedestrian and traffic map of Abd el Aziz Street
(Ahmedy.Y, 2013)
SBE16-Cairo 2016
Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban Spaces

Ahmedy. Y, Mahmoud. A, Refaat. M .

A survey in Abd El aziz street was conducted it was developed to measure peoples attitude
towards different environmental factors. It is an 18 item questionnaire used to evaluate the
beliefs about nature and society, and the importance of different environmental factors.
Respondents are asked to rate the extent to which they agree or disagree on certain items. The
scale responses are answered on a 5-point scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5
(strongly agree). In addition interviews were also conducted in the studied area.

2.4. Discussion and conclusion

2.4.1. Social Activities

Walk-by on weekends and weekdays figured out that almost two-thirds of the people in the
studied area were engaged in social activities either talking, eating or drinking, window-
shopping or vending. There was a solid relationship between the locations with stationary social
activities and locations with stationary activities. Therefore in order to design successful
neighborhood commercial streets it has to be able to afford social activities.

2.4.2. Behavior Settings for Interaction, Play, and Relaxation

Some shops at the street created behavior settings that supported social activities and
behaviors, which could be extended to the street. The presence of too many shops that offer
different services, along with the patterns of organization and configuration of buildings, floor,
provided the opportunity for social activities and behaviors on the street.

2.4.3. Accessibility and Use of Physical Elements

There were three distinct zones of activity, the first zone was along the edges of buildings and
was essentially used for entering and exiting, window-shopping. The second zone was were
omar effendi commercial store was located which is considered now a landmark in the street in
addition to being a central space for intersecting streets while the third zone is lowest in density
where an unused garden is located. The presence of more than one entrance and exists
created ease of accessibility which is one of the fundamental factors of a successful public
space. Also according to the survey that was conducted to rate different items the results
indicated the importance of clear paths and presence of landmarks in way finding.

2.4.4. Sense of Belonging: Community Places

Through interviews in the studied areas people showed that the identity and history of place and
the presence of old buildings as Omar effendi departmental stores made them have a kind of
sense of belonging to this place as being one of the famous commercial streets in Cairo that
offer different services. Therefore place identity; place attachment and presence of landmarks
are important in having a successful urban space. According to the survey results indicated the
importance of having a place identity and familiarity of space.

2.4.5. Environmental Comfort on the Street

Since the street is not exposed to direct sunlight and shade is provided due to the presence of
buildings that provide shade, the vending process is almost taking place throughout the whole
day especially before sunset and more people are engaged in different social activities.
Accordingly, observations proved that temperature caused by direct sunlight should be with the
human being comfort zone to be present in a space and shaded areas should be maintained.
SBE16-Cairo 2016
Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban Spaces

Ahmedy. Y, Mahmoud. A, Refaat. M .

2.4.6. Pedestrian-friendliness.
In the interviews it was stated that the major problem of the street was traffic and absence of
pedestrian walkways. Since shops put their good on pavement and there is no roam for people
to walk therefore they walk in the street with cars. The level of pedestrian friendliness of a street
was an important factor in determining the level of physical comfort it provided to its users.

2.4.7. Sense of Safety on the Street

According to the walk by observations, it was obvious that there were many people occupying
and spending time in the street throughout the whole day and none of the properties was
vacant. Interviews were conducted on the level of security in the street but people didnt mention
major cases threatening security but mentioned that security is one of the needed issues in the

2.4.8. Attractiveness and Interesting Appearance

The articulation of the building faade, the openings at street level the presence of Omar effendi
commercial store of its unique architectural elements made it an interesting and attractive
landmark in the street leading to an ease in way finding and creating nodes for social

Environmental psychology discovers the communications between people both individuals and
groups and their physical setting, it concentrates on both the effects of environmental
circumstances on behavior and how the individual perceives and acts upon, environmental
psychologist believe that psychological processes are always place related and also place
According to Salmi (2002) there are key points to look out for in organization of space. These
points include:
Cognitive experience is increased through the Architectural features of buildings.
Findings paths is important and therefore connecting spaces must be there to assist in
connecting large spaces.
Fine places for walking and staying should be delivered, so that the design can satisfy the
needs of the people. Public spaces should be welcoming for all users passing through good
interaction while sitting or standing or even walking and interacting with other people. Therefore
in order to have successful urban spaces three aspects should be satisfied which are protection,
comfort and enjoyment that have been mentioned before as a set of quality criteria.
When these criteria are fulfilled in the design of a space, then an improved place has been
formed for environmental psychological satisfaction.. In fact after the analysis of Abd El Aziz
street and the answers of the interviews and the walk by observations in addition to the results
of the survey that showed a high level of agreement on the proposed factors it has been proven
that place identity familiarity and emotional attachment , safety and control, noise and pollution
control, surrounding architecture and buildings arrangement, landmarks, clear paths and nodes
in addition to other factors are fundamentals in the process of psychological satisfaction of
people in a place.
SBE16-Cairo 2016
Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban Spaces

Ahmedy. Y, Mahmoud. A, Refaat. M .

The attitude of people towards public spaces, their behavioral responses and perceptions were
examined in this research. It also tried to attempt to understand the elements of the physical
setting, the different nature of urban spaces in addition to places that has communitys collective
meanings. As a result an exploration of different ways to understand, management and the
design, of these public spaces is there.
In fact, it is important to understand that public spaces need more than just the basic needs like
for example shades to protect people from direct sun light or comfortable seating it has to go
beyond this, it has to consider the enjoyment part of the human being to make visiting these
public space a journey in itself resulting in increasing the level of joy of the human being leading
to a high level of psychological satisfaction and comfort. The research also showed that the
surrounding architecture and the building arrangements are considered a visual preference that
affect peoples preference for an environment.
In public spaces people need to have a sense of safety, a sense of belonging, a sufficient level
of environmental and physical comfort, in addition to a sense of belonging and attachment and a
level of social interaction and pleasure. In order to have a satisfactory urban place these needs
should be there.
A survey was conducted to ask people of different backgrounds to what extent they agree that
the presence of the factors deducted from the literature review is important in their psychological
satisfaction. According to their level of agreement the hierarchy of importance of these factors
was deducted.
Table 1: Matrix for urban spaces Characteristics (Ahmedy.Y, 2014)
SBE16-Cairo 2016
Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban Spaces

Ahmedy. Y, Mahmoud. A, Refaat. M .

Figure 5: Psychological Factors affecting urban spaces (Ahmedy.Y, 2013)

4. Recommendations:
4.1. Protection:
In order to satisfy the aspect of protection control and surveillance on urban spaces should be
there in addition to pedestrian security. For places to be safe there have to be people around
engaged in different activities in order to have lights from windows and people nearby
throughout the whole day.
Another factor that deals with protection against unpleasant experiences is environmental
pollution and noise pollution. Having green areas absorbing carbon dioxide emissions from
spaces and laws to regulate noise could be a solution to achieve the aspect of protection.

4.2. Comfort
Comfort deals with the quality of staying in an urban space. It involves presence of social
activities to attract more people as people attract people, presence of adequate seats, presence
of shaded areas for environmental comfort in addition to the emotional comfort like having a
sense of belonging and clear path and way finding strategies. In fact presence of landmarks
could also help in place identity which is one of the fundamentals factors of satisfaction.
In order to satisfy the aspect of comfort there should be
No narrow sidewalks or obstacles.
No blank walls.
SBE16-Cairo 2016
Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban Spaces

Ahmedy. Y, Mahmoud. A, Refaat. M .

No long boring distances.

Main gateways: to influence people to identify it as a distinct entity
Nodes for social activities
Shades for environmental control.
Presence of an adequate urban space.
Presence of appropriate seats.
Landmarks should be highly visible and distinctive.
Preserve buildings that make good landmarks.
Landmarks should be placed at major decision points in the road system.

4.3. Enjoyment
Enjoyment is indicated through exceeding the human satisfaction of a place, Presence of
positive and creative aspects of climate, experience and joy through design and activities
occurring in space. Details are an important factor to satisfy the enjoyment aspect. In order to
satisfy the aspect of enjoyment there should be:
Good organization of different building forms.
Creative utilization of attractions in an urban space.
Create spaces on a human scale, with fine details, good materials and good street
Fine views and vistas with an aesthetically pleasing surrounding architecture.
Having written quotes on walls that deliver hope, joy and happiness could touch the
emotional part in the human being and could create a kind of space attachment.
After deducting different elements that should be there for psychological satisfaction in a space,
these elements could be categorized according to the different aspects of quality criteria.
Table 2: Table for different categories of psychological aspects according to quality criteria
SBE16-Cairo 2016
Human Behavior and Psychological Needs in Cairos Urban Spaces

Ahmedy. Y, Mahmoud. A, Refaat. M .

4.4. Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research

There are practical limitations of time and resources that were considered as constraints in the
research. In this study, the analysis was limited to only one neighborhood Commercial Street.
The street is in an urban area that has a high population density. Although it was perceived as
being mostly safe yet it has transit problems and lacks the entertainment part that needs to be
found in a successful urban space.
Additionally, although the people observed on the neighborhood commercial street represent a
wide range of age, gender, and class but still the social standard of people occupying the street
made them do not really look for the enjoyment part and see it as luxury which could be a
different vision if the study was conducted in another street of different social standard.
The social interaction that took place in the street, which was the case study doesnt indicate the
cultural behavioral patterns worldwide. There are different variations according to different
cultures due to differences in race, gender, climatic conditions social standards and class.
Therefore in order to have more validated findings then more commercial streets should be
studied in different cities and towns as they will be located in different cultures taking into
consideration cultural variations.
Finally this study does suggest some factors that emerged from the findings and found that they
are critical in the understanding of neighborhood commercial streets or any other urban space
and in achieving a quality of neighborhood public space that is conducive to stationary,
lingering, and social activities. Further, this study may help in understanding the public
environment and therefore designing and managing different spaces the meet peoples needs.

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