Evaluation of Aesthetic, Functional, and Environmental Effects On The Design of Urban Open Spaces: A Case Study of İstanbul Şişhane Park, Turkey

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Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs

2020, Volume 4, Number 2, pages 67– 86

Original scientific paper

Evaluation of Aesthetic, Functional, and

Environmental Effects on the Design of Urban Open
Spaces: A Case Study of İstanbul Şişhane Park, Turkey
M.A. Samar Hamameh 1 , * Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 2
1 and 2 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Istanbul Aydın University, Istanbul, Turkey
1 Email: [email protected] , 2 Email: [email protected]

Article history: Urban spaces reflect the reality of city life, like a mirror. This research aims to examine
Received 8 July 2019 and analyze the advanced aesthetic, functional, and environmental performance of urban
Accepted 25 August 2019
Available online 8 September
public spaces by assessing the current situation and highlighting the role of creativity in
2019 developing these spaces. To clarify the research scope, Şişhane Park in İstanbul, Turkey
was studied to define the requirements of creative standards, evaluate these competencies
Keywords: and choose the appropriate architectural style and urban furniture. In addition, to learn
Urban Public Spaces;
ways of preserving those elements for longer life. The analytical descriptive approach was
Architectural Style; the research method utilized in order to arrive at a set of results that ascertain the reality
Aesthetic; of the aesthetic, functional, and environmental performance of urban public spaces, and
Functional; the reflection of the contemporary role in developing these spaces, which can contribute to
Environmental addressing weaknesses and bolster the strong points in the formation of public urban
Performance. spaces around the world.

This work is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution -
NonCommercial - NoDerivs 4.0.


This article is published with Open https://doi.org/10.25034/ijcua.2020.v4n2-7
Access at www.ijcua.com
Copyright © 2019 Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Urban spaces are considered one of the The lack of sufficient green recreation space has
essentials of the city's urban structure because of garnered the attention of urban planners to
their great importance to the community and create new recreational spaces.
human communication, to conduct many
activities that can't be carried out within the *Corresponding Author:
residential area, and to achieve physical and Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and
psychological comfort in squares and parks to suit Design, Istanbul Aydın University, Istanbul, Turkey
the community of diverse ages and socio- Email address: [email protected]
economic levels (Al-Dweikat, 2009).

How to Cite this Article:

Hamameh, S and Caymaz, G. F. Y. (2020). Evaluation of Aesthetic, Functional, and Environmental Effects on the Design of Urban Open Spaces: A
Case Study of İstanbul Şişhane Park, Turkey. Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 4(2), 67-86. https://doi.org/10.25034/ijcua.2020.v4n2-7

between science and art, to achieving

In addition, there is a clear deterioration in urban functionality and meeting community needs.
and visual perception such as lack of creating a 2. Methods and Materials
distinctive urban design, lack of arrangement Relying on the inductive analytical approach,
and equipment with appropriate fixtures, and the concept of integrated urban open space will
visual and noise pollution spread due to traffic be presented in this research. It highlights the
jams, neglecting climate factors and not most important standards and requirements to
satisfying them with sufficient vegetation and reach an efficient urban open space selected
water elements, places filled with rubbish, from published books and research by important
covered with graffiti, filled with unsightly, poorly authors in the urban design world. To make these
maintained buildings, unsafe by the homeless at practical, this paper analyses successful urban
night. Moreover, there is an emergence of open spaces that meet the standards and
psychological problems caused by social requirements, while aptly demonstrating the
diseases due to poor interaction between human integration of aesthetics, function, and the
and landscape (the relationship between environment:
observer and landscape), the neglect of the • "Sound Wave" in China, characterized by
important role of art in our modern world, and its unique aesthetic characteristics, a new
social diseases are caused by a lack of design idea, the use of appropriate
understanding of how urban spatial structure materials, attractive colour selection, and
affect the psychological well-being of people revitalization of the country's heritage
who use urban space. The need for attention through traditional Chinese music for
and clear intention to the urban environment has visitors.
become greater and more important than ever • "Superkilen" in Denmark notable for its
because it is the most important place in our success in meeting a variety of functional
cities, where the greatest human communication needs including containment of many
and interaction occurs (Tibbalds, 1992). recreational activities that can be
performed, respect for all categories of
1.1 Significance of this Research and Its people, embrace of many different
Objectives nationalities in one urban open space,
The significance of this study is to describe some and the application of new taken ideas
of the most important problems and challenges from the civilizations of different countries.
plaguing urban open spaces around the world, • "Victor Civita Plaza" in Brazil is based on an
and Turkey in particular. These include the innovative approach to revitalizing a
wasting of visual and aesthetic elements enjoyed polluted urban area and preserving the
in urban spaces, the lack of attractive elements environment, creating a new sustainable
that meet the needs of the population, solution, and continuing this approach by
unavailability of comfort and social activities, providing visitors with greater
lack of intentional design to serve and promote environmental awareness.
the obvious interaction between the community Additionally, this paper analyses the
and nature, and the lack of a satisfying response demonstration of the standards by the case
to the social, psychological, and behavioural study of "Şışhane Park" in Istanbul, Turkey
needs of the users of these urban spaces. between the date of its establishment in 2014
The aim of this research is to improve the and July 2019. Comprehensive assessment of
aesthetic, functional, and environmental these characteristics was conducted through
efficiency of urban open spaces by inspiring the visits to the site, review of changes to the urban
possibility of addressing some aspects of the space, and photos illustrating the current
imbalance in space configuration. Upgrades to situation. The analysis of Şışhane Park asks:
this configuration must match the importance of - Have all the requirements of an efficient
historical and touristic cities, thus this research urban open space been met?
seeks to demonstrate the role of urban open - Did the passage of time affect the quality
spaces in the aesthetic, functional, and and performance?
environmental appearance of the city by - What are the most affected elements?
presenting global examples that succeed in
achieving the most important conditions required 3. Literature Review
to reach the desired effect. Lastly, this study - Urban spaces include a huge amount of
emphasizes the importance of the integration activities and movement and large
between the design process and urban planning, numbers of a city's population. The
importance of urban spaces lies in their

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 68


influence on the lives and behaviour of spaces in any urban configuration can be
individuals in the urban environment, considered as the remaining non-built areas of
which serves multiple functions that are the city, whether planned or unplanned, and
considered to be at the heart of the these spaces include roads, public squares,
public’s best interest. It can be a place of green areas, and playgrounds (Krier, 1991).
comfort and psychological balance for Urban spaces can focus representation of
the urban population, stimulating social important parts of the city’s culture and show the
relations among the community, and relationships and ratios among its different parts
instilling a sense of belonging and (Figure 2). They even can form the city, serving as
familiarity to their residential areas, while population assembly points and cross-sections of
also providing aesthetic touches to the movement, and the city supports these spaces
urban environment (Figure 1). through the good organization of its surroundings
- Through the intentional design of urban and good guidance for the paths leading to
open spaces, they can preserve the them (Lynch, 1960). Regardless of the diverse
environment in thoughtful ways, for uses of urban spaces, these urban spaces are
example by use of certain materials that places where the physical elements are defined
are harmless to the environment. Its by the human activities conducted in them,
usefulness is each having a key role to influence how they are
- also greater and more comprehensive if used.
it meets all the aesthetic, functional, and -
environmental required terms and is
designed with creative ideas, keeps
pace with modernity and technology to
reach the highest level to achieve its
Figure 2: Left: Skaters exploring the urban
microgeography, Melbourne; middle: performing as
‘statues’, Leicester Square, London; right: Play interrupts
instrumental flows, entry to Flinders Street Railway Station,
Melbourne (Stevens, 2006).

The researchers Kevin Lynch (1960), Jane Jacobs

(1961), Allen Jacobs & Appleyard (1987), Francis
Tibbalds (1992), Rob Krier (1979), and Carmona &
others (2010) were interested in one of the urban
space characteristics - aesthetics, function, or
Figure 1. Anish Kapoor’s Cloud Gate, in Chicago’s the environment. They elaborated on only one
Millennium Park, 2004 [URL1; URL2] aspect, without explaining the relationship
between the characteristics of urban space and
The city is described as an element representing their impact on each other (Table 1).
the social and spiritual culture of society. Urban
Table 1: Classification of aesthetic, functional, and environmental criteria for urban space from the perspective of several
Aesthetic Aspect of Urban Space Source Functional Aspect of Urban Source Environmental Aspect of Source
Space Urban Space
Compatibility and harmony Kevin Lynch, Method of organizing public Rob Krier, Climate Turner,
1960 1979 1980
between urban elements spaces. Geology and Earth Form
Proportionality Nature of activities. Water and discharge
Ability to sense and communicate Outdoor open space. Topography
Understanding the place Entertainment. Vegetation and ecological
Vitality, similarity, color, shape, Sports events. nature
transparency, simplicity Vehicles’ and pedestrian’s Natural visual features
Organization of the movement movement. Social welfare
Urban hygiene and reduction of Environmental awareness
pollution in all its forms.
Vitality Jane Jacobs, The multiplicity of uses the urban Francis Ethics and respect for Ekhart
Flexible spaces availability 1961 Tibbalds, Hahn,
space. individual
Linking users socially 1992 1987
The multiplicity of activities that Participation and
To be able to carry out various
can be carried out within this democratization
space. Structuring through
Accessibility for all people. networks

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 69


Creating clear and permanent The natural world and

environments. sensory experience
Encouraging and organizing the Urban density
pedestrian movement. Respect for a spirit of place
Ecology and economy

Visual perception Allen Jacobs General criteria Kevin Lynch, Achieve multiple urban Williams
& Appleyard, Taking into account site topography. 1994 & others,
Achieving joy and social spaces
1987 Nature of soil and climate. 2000
communication Social interaction
Provide an adequate share of the
Maintain the identity of the place Giving vitality to the
individual's activities and services.
Originality Achieving communication between neighborhood unity
Influence on the old architectural Francis Link and sense of place
the elements of the urban space and
thought the surrounding environment. Integration of land uses,
The link between past and present Maintain it as a continuous natural which promotes social,
Human scale and Proportionality resource. economic and
Clarity Protect it from noise and pollution.
environmental returns
Spiritual criteria
Texture Focus on mass transport
Urban image quality Punter & (public) taking into
Influence on the old architectural Visual perception. consideration (private
thought Excellence and unique personality. transport)
Clarity Support positive behavior. Integrations between
Imagination Users the cultural and social traditional principles with
contemporary needs
Visibility of cultural identity Nasar, 1998 Special criteria
Achieving sustainability
The urban space should be natural By type of activity.
Achieving privacy. goals
Shape, lines, color, materials
Appropriate guidance.
Movement organization.
Simplicity Borton & Movement and activity. Carmona & Direct the spaces according Carmona
Mitchell, others, 2010 & others,
Harmony Organizing the movement of to sunlight and shade
2006 2010
Clarity of visual perception vehicles and pedestrians. The sunshine penetrate the
Excellence Communication and optical urban spaces which makes
Comforts permeability. it more enjoyable places
Security Activities in public space. Mobilize and assemble
Ratio and proportionality. Hani Al Social communication. buildings
Farran, 2010
The human scale. Privacy. Fountains to enhance
Movement. Population density. natural cooling
Lines and shapes. Environmental design. Environmental pollution
Colors, Texture, Items, Materials. Open public space. Air and wind movement
Design for walking. Supply of potable water
Benefit from the infrastructure of Good drainage of
the place. wastewater
Trash disposal

things, through which the individual is pleased,

3.1. Aesthetic Classification Criteria for Urban and with such pleasure and enjoyment that the
Open Space individual self has felt of the value of his/her
Aesthetics is the study of sensations, concepts, existence. Architecture, sculptural art, music,
and judgments of people, derived from our and other things that the individual, and society
understanding of art (Blackburn, 1994). It is in general, enjoy are products created by
essential to clarify there is a disparity between creative thought, so the outcome is a concrete
beauty and aesthetics. The term "beauty" is the form to be dealt with, to please an innate need
peculiar attribute of an object, place, or element of humans (Abdullah, 2009). The relationship
that the human senses experience as pleasure, between the location and how to understand
satisfaction, and acceptance; but the term the population needs is an important factor for
"aesthetics" refers to the philosophical side of enhancing the urban life quality, which is why
beauty and its appreciation (Nia and Atun, aesthetics science has a key role in the
2015). The aesthetic concept refers to the development of space through the
importance of recognizing beautiful elements understanding of psychological sentiment
and images at several levels such as visual and (Alyari, 2018). To create a delightful urban space,
auditory, as well as spiritual cognition, to reach many features are proposed, such as vibrancy,
the reality of any phenomenon that affects richness, multi-use environment, interactive, and
emotions. Aesthetics are also the sensory value full of people at night and on weekends, visually
that an individual feel about the contours of
MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 70

motivating, and attractive for residents and to make the user feel comfortable and
visitors (Figure 3) (Shaftoe, 2008). belonging to the place.
The aesthetics of urban open space also deals
with texture, color, and materials. The texture has
a clear effect on the perception of the space.
Nature is characterized by a blend of colors, so
choosing the appropriate colors, suitable for the
place, and the way they blend with each other
in the urban open space attracts users and make
a good impression. Successful selection of
specific materials when making any urban open
space has a role in highlighting its identity, the
beauty of ugliness of the place.
Figure 3: Jaworznickie Planty Water Playground, Jaworzno, Aesthetics are affected by lighting, visual, and
Poland [URL3] audiovisual perceptions. For the lighting factor,
sun lighting and natural lighting adopt an
By studying the opinions of the authors whose
important role in the formation of urban open
names were mentioned in Table 1, the essential
space, as well as the distribution of artificial
aesthetic characteristics were chosen for their
lighting and optical dots at night. These have a
importance, and analysis was conducted on the
prominent role in the completion of its overall
best example of the required criteria for
aesthetic image. As well, the visual and
aesthetics in “Sound Wave” in China, and the use
audiovisual perception factor of urban open
of the designer's approach to this distinctive
space and the surrounding area has a role in
urban open space, as shown in Table 2. There
raising its efficiency, so they must be studied and
are ten essential aesthetic elements to consider
considered carefully in design.
when designing and analyzing an open urban
For the element of urban space coordination, all
space: harmony of design elements, ratios and
elements should be linked together smoothly and
measures, texture, color, materials, lighting, visual
dynamically to facilitate the movement of
perception, audiovisual perception, urban
visitors, and generate feelings of joy and the
space coordination, and psychological effect.
desire to discover the place. After incorporating
As the lack of interdependence of the elements
all the above elements, the question arises about
of urban open space negatively affects the
the generated psychological effect within the
aesthetics clearly, the user will inevitably feel this
users – feelings of belonging or discomfort,
imbalance, so the harmony of design elements is
positive or negative impression, and the desire to
crucial for design. The aspect of ratios and
return to the same urban open space again or
measures were chosen because the human
scale should be regarded when designing an
urban open space, to be usable for all ages, and
3.1.1. Analysis of the Aesthetic Elements in the Study Area; Sound Wave in China
Table 2: Selection of the most prominent Aesthetic elements in "Sound wave" (analyzed by the authors) (Figures source: URL4)
Aesthetic Elements "Sound Wave" In China
(Defined and selected by authors)
The Harmony of design elements
The "Soundwave" represents the entrance to a large garden. The music, rhythm, and
dance with the surrounding landscape were the main landmarks that makeup it.

Ratios and measures

These fins kept the human scale according to their various heights, this urban space
can be used by all age groups.

These fins suggest lightness, agility, and harmony in addition to their beautiful shape.

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 71


The fins have vibrant colors, holds four degrees from the purple color.

The fins that make up the rhythm of the statue are covered with stainless perforated
purple plates, through the process of electrocoagulation (oxidized), the panels are
painted so that they maintain their main characteristics without defect and to resist
corrosion. Light brightness and music volume are controlled by motion sensors around
the site and are activated by pedestrian movement.
The fins are located in four ponds of water, so the lamps are shining through the small
holes in the steel at night, lighting the entrance and reflecting on the existing ponds of
water to create a magnificent spectacle.

Visual perception
The statue consists of more than 500 perforated steel fins with vitality colors and
varying in height, and the statue creates a visual milestone for the region.

Audiovisual perception
When visitors enter the Myrtle Tree Garden, they are surrounded by a lot of fins that
spread like trees in the landscape, so that the speakers installed in some columns will
play traditional Chinese music.

Elements of urban space coordination

This square is used during the evening by the local people for group dancing, the fins
contain lines of lamps to produce the orchestra of 500 fins lighting connected to the
square sound system and react in a direct and fast way with the movement in the

Psychological impact
When entering the square, the color and light will attract visitors in a sensual way to
the landscape of Myrtle Tree Garden, to give visitors and local dance groups an
opportunity to revive Soundwave during the day and night.

3.2. Functional Classification Criteria for Urban functional necessity that integrates with the multiple
Open Space uses of residential areas (Elmashad, 2011).
The integration between the aesthetic and function The Superkilen in Denmark was analyzed through
in the urban space is one of the most important the essential elements of functional space in Table
conditions of successful design seeking to create 3. The essential elements for function were selected
the civilized development of any city. The efficiency for their association with the capacity of urban
of designing and coordinating urban spaces open space to achieve its function efficiently, and
depends on a set of functional criteria that any include the method of organizing the public space,
urban space should acquire to be able to perform diversity, special character, traffic movement,
its function at the highest degree of efficiency. sports activities, communication and visual clarity,
The functional urban space can be defined as the entertainment, comforts, and support of positive
space in which it is possible to practice diverse behaviour. The way in which urban space is
activities according to the quality of the space and organized and the choice of a diverse style in the
meeting the human needs from the space. These design of its elements to include sports activities and
spaces are characterized by dynamism and entertainment, clearly affect its function. Space
movement, in which all forms of human activity should also be characterized by a unique
interact with and through them. Functional urban character that distinguishes it from other public
spaces are formed as a result of the distribution of a places. Preferably traffic within and through space
set of buildings in a specific urban area, and its non- is considered in the design to be easy for all users.
random spaces without a target, but it is a Lastly, space should create a sense of comfort for

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 72


users and raises their morale to do positive


3.1. Analysis of Functional Elements in the Study Area; Superkilen in Denmark

Table 3: Selection of the most prominent Functional elements in "Superkilen" (analyzed by the authors) (Figures source: URL5)
Functional Elements " Superkilen" in Denmark
(Defined and selected by authors)
The method of organizing the public space
“Superkilen” is an urban open space in Nørrebro located in the Quarter of Mimersgade
in one of the most ethnically diverse and socially cohabited neighbourhoods in
Denmark. It can be considered as a diverse exhibition of best urban practices, which
come from 60 different nationalities of people living in residential areas around it.
“Superkilen” is a park that promotes diversity, it will be like a world exhibition filled
with interesting things from around the world; including benches, lampposts,
garbage cans, plants, and water fountains, as well as a variety of activities that can be

Special Character
The main idea of Superkilen's design is to the park is divided into three main areas:
The Red Square, The Black Market, and The Green Park. While Red Square designates
the modern, urban life with café, music, and sports. The Black Market is the classic
square with fountain and benches. The Green Park is a park for picnics, sports and
walking the dog.
Traffic movement
The traffic regulation in the park has been taken into account, the current cycling paths
will be reorganized, and new links will be established linking the surrounding
neighborhoods, including full traffic development in the Norrebro area.

Sports activities
There is a kind of integration among the local population through meetings and
participation in physical activities, and entertainment shows held in the central square.

Communication and visual clarity

There is a high open space next to the large facade towards Norrebrogade, which
enables visitors to enjoy stunning views, In addition to the cultural and sports facilities.

The square is covered with a multifunctional rubber surface to enable ball games,
markets, parades, skating rinks in winter, and other activities. Portable platforms in
Norrebrohallen can be moved there for open-air movie/outdoor sports performances.
To the north, visitors will enjoy basketball courts, parking spaces, and an outdoor
fitness area.
This park has included inspired furniture by different cultures; to attract different
segments of the population; Such as the Moroccan fountain, Iranian Cuban and Swiss
benches, Japanese cherry trees, Norway maple, Thai boxing bags, Indonesian swings,
British litter bins, bollards painted with the Ghanaian flag and Irish manhole covers.
On weekdays, tables, and permanent barbecue facilities serve as an urban living room
for the table game and chess players.
Support positive behavior
There is a playground where families with children can meet for picnics, sunbathing
on the grass, as well as for hockey, badminton, and exercise. Many of the park’s
components were suggested by the residents themselves. In brief, Superkilen park
might inspire many other cities as an example of how to approach the cultural diversity
of their neighborhoods.

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 73


3.3. Environmental Classification Criteria for that contain unique natural elements (Turner,
Urban Open Space 1980).
Urban planners currently face the challenge to
revitalize neglected urban neighborhoods in
ways that raise the level of health and promote
equality (Corbum, 2009). They have the most
important role in promoting a healthy
environment to not only improve the quality of
life of people living now, but also to plan for the Figure 4: Usaquén Urban Wetland, Bogota, Colombia [URL6]
health of future generations through the design
of the environment in urban spaces (Barton & There are five essential elements to consider in
Tsourou 2000). Natural factors such as sunlight, urban space planning and design related to the
shade, temperature, humidity, wind, noise, environment: providing sustainable solutions, use
pollution, and weather conditions affect the of natural lighting and good ventilation, pollution
utilization of urban environments (Carmona & treatment, return to nature and the sensory
others, 2010). As for global sustainable experience and raising the environmental
development, multi-disciplinary environmental awareness of the users. It was found to obtain a
ideas are applied to start with urban planning healthy urban open space and to preserve the
and land use, aiming to improve living conditions environment, urban planners should consider
of the urban population through achieving a sustainable solutions to the current
balance between technological progress and environmental issues of the location. Spaces
improving the health conditions of urban spaces should consider relying on sun lighting and
(Gauzin-Müller and Favet, 2002). Taking into natural ventilation for creating comfortable
account environmental, social, and economic spaces over the use of energy-consuming
dimensions, the application of environmental solutions to reduce the carbon footprint. Urban
standards in urban spaces improves the quality open spaces should seek to decrease
of urban space and raises the environmental environmental pollution through the activities of
reality through the transfer of best practices in the users. Further, it should be a space that gives
environmental architecture field and urban people the desire to return to nature through
planning to achieve sustainable development of positive sensory experiences. Lastly, space
cities. It achieves important objectives such as: should promote the development of
reducing the impact of urban development and environmental awareness and a sense of
technology on the natural system, preserving responsibility to space and the overall
natural resources and discovering renewable environment (Figure 4).
energies, and attention to environmental areas

3.3.1. Analysis of the Environmental Elements in the Study Area; Victor Civita Plaza in Brazil
Table 4: Selection of the most prominent environmental elements in "Victor Civita Plaza" (Analyzed by the authors) (Figures source:
Environmental Elements "Victor Civita Plaza" In Sao Paulo, Brazil
(Defined by Authors)
Provide a sustainable solution
Located in a central urban area, the site of the garbage dump is
also an innovative idea to revitalize a polluted urban area. A
large wooden surface on the site was constructed without

Natural lighting and good ventilation

Natural lighting is relied upon and take advantage of sunlight for
a more energetic feeling, and choosing the right direction to take
advantage of the wind appropriately

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 74


Pollution treatment
A new design has been proposed that addresses the problem of
pollution through the application of a sustainable solution that
integrates social, political, cultural and environmental elements.

Return to nature and sensory experience

Approved and recycled Brazilian hardwoods were selected over
the site, supported by a steel structure, to reduce contact with
contaminated soil, such as the frame of a ship.
The surface floats at a height of three feet above the original
terrain and extends in a long diagonal shape. Exhibit panels
explain the various sustainable processes in the plaza, including
the recycling of wood.

Environmental awareness by users

This environmental project aims to promote community
participation and development. Visitors will be able to learn
about the organic water recycling system used in the plaza; in
pursuit of increasing their environmental awareness.

a location with historical importance, be

4. Case Study: "Şışhane Park" in Istanbul, Turkey attractive for quality social life and make people
Architects SANALarc interact with natural materials like wood rails and
Location Bereketzade Mh., Büyük Hendek others. The design is elliptical so the users don't
Caddesi No:50, 34200
Beyoğlu/Istanbul, Turkey lose visual and cognitive comfort. It is an open
GPS Coordinates 41° 1´ 41.3364" and 28° 58´ 22.3248" public space that has been formed as a park
Design Team Orkun Beydagi - Cibeles Sanchez connected by vertical turnover lines connected
Llupart - Leo Pollor - Begüm Öner by ramps and stairs. The park contains a
Area 30000.0 m2
playground, seating areas, walking trails, and six
Project Year 2014
Budget $10M – 50M floors for parking where each floor is
characterized by a different colour, so the user
"Şişhane Park" is located adjacent to the has different spatial experiences (Tay and
historical area of Galata Suriçi in the European Canbay Türkyilmaz, 2018).
part of Istanbul between the southwest corner of
Beyoğlu and Tarlabaşı streets. The aims of the
park are: to reduce the entry of cars into the
historic area and to reroute traffic density to
enable users to experiment with alternative
public spaces. Şişhane Park cuts through the
city's streets with alternative approaches and
unconventional elements compared to other
Figure 5: "Şışhane Park" Site Plan [URL8]
parks in Istanbul. It aims to have distinctive lines in

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 75


Table 5. Highlight the strengths and weaknesses of "Şışhane Park"; (Improved by author; Figures source: by authors).
Strengths of Şışhane Park Weaknesses of Şışhane Park

The location of the park gave it great importance and a beautiful Having an outdoor café within the main square of the park is
view of Istanbul city. thoughtless and reduced the importance of the main square.

The gradient method of heights is good for the best view. Putting the chairs and tables of the outdoor cafe in the middle
of the main road for the park.

The presence of closed garage. The elements of the Şışhane park are vulnerable to different
weather conditions.

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 76


There are many elevators that link the closed garage's floors There is no urban furniture that protects users from sun, rain or
clearly. any sudden weather fluctuations, reducing usability
throughout the year.

Each floor in the garage has a distinctive colour.

The entertainment corner in the Şışhane park is unusable
because of damage to the used materials.

Garden paths link with each other well. The material in the entertainment corner has deteriorated and
is left unmaintained.

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 77


Distribution of the stairs within Şışhane Park was acceptable. Ground floor tiles are short-lived and of poor quality.

The shape of the planting ponds is suitable for the park elements. The quality of the used wood materials in the park is very poor
and needs maintenance.

The gradient colours of plants were appropriate. The plants in Şışhane park need attention and care. More
thoughtful landscaping with a diversity of types.

The assessment of the Aesthetic elements of have become worse over time. The
Şışhane Park (2014- 2019) has revealed that most psychological impact now is weaker due to
of the aesthetic characteristics of this park have neglect of the park's maintenance.
deteriorated. The harmony of the elements of the
design existed previously, but the addition of the
exterior cafe has not been studied. The harmony
between the elements of the park has been
weakened. The characteristics of the scale,
texture, colour, materials and visual perception

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 78


Table 6. Analysis of "Şışhane Park" according to derived aesthetic standards; (Improved by author); figures source (Before: URL8,
after: by authors)
BEFORE (2014) AFTER (2019)
The Harmony of Design

√ ×

There is an additional outdoor cafe at the core of the park.

Ratios and Measures

√ √

There is no equal access for disabled persons in the park.


√ ×

Most of the textures have deteriorited.


√ ×

Good variation in color accents. Only plants provide accent color in the park environment.


√ ×
Wood and concrete
Most of the textures have deteriorated.

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 79



√ √

Visual Perception

√ ×

Audiovisual Perception City noises can be heard. The highway traffic can be heard prominently, and wooden
elements don't absorb sound to reduce echo.
× ×
Elements of Urban
Space Coordination

√ ×

The option to add the outdoor cafe was not successful.

Şışhane Park offers a large public open space for

cultural events as well as smaller intimate spaces
for resting, enjoying the shade of trees, playing,
and spending time in groups. It also features well
designed and visually engaging underground
parking for up to 1000 vehicles which partly
connects with some of nature in the park above.
It is a place to experience the urban context of
Istanbul while having a strong connection with
the surrounding natural environment.

It was observed that the functional

characteristics of Şışhane Park were slightly
affected by the deterioration of the aesthetic
properties of its elements. For the characteristics
of diversity, traffic movement, communication,
entertainment, comfort, and the support of
positive behaviour, these characteristics have
not weakened over time. However, the method
of organizing the public space is worse because
of the external cafe on its main road. There is no
possibility of doing sports activities there.

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 80


Table 7. Analysis of "Şışhane Park" according to derived functional elements; (Improved by author) (Figures source: Before- URL8,
after- by authors).
BEFORE (2014) AFTER (2019)
The Method of
Organizing the
Public Space

√ ×

There is an outdoor café on the main circulation road of the


√ √


√ ×


√ √

Activities ×
and Visual

√ √

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 81



√ ×


√ ×


√ √

Galata and other Beyoğlu neighbourhoods as

The intention behind Şışhane Park is to revitalize well as to promote social life in Kasımpaşa. The
the level of interaction of residents and visitors upper terrace creates a view surface through
with the natural characteristics of this unique Haliç which enhances the dense and noisy area
urban environment. of the Tarlabaşı road consisting of six lanes. The
Energy + Natural Light/Ventilation: center creates a protected outer space, and the
The motion sensor system for lighting and LED third allows the flow of natural light and
lighting makes it possible to supply the park with ventilation to the entrance level near the parking
sustainable power. The upper level of parking is area. Both upper and lower seats are formed in
open to the air and natural light while the five the face of moderation and summer solstice
lower levels are ventilated by cross ventilation while plants and terraces ease noise pollution in
and an automatic fan system. Also, the drawings the city center.
of a walking man encourage people to take the
stairs for more movement.

Water Recapture, Stormwater + Heat Island

The water restoration system for the large green
roof panel does not require maintenance. This
reduces the surface of the landscape, wooden
floors and light granite options by 30% of the
damage to the heat island effect. These features
also reduce the project's impact on stormwater
infrastructure in the historic region.
It was observed that most of the environmental
characteristics of Şışhane Park were not
achieved except to provide a sustainable
solution, natural lighting, and good ventilation.
This project aims to form the Şişhane Park gate to

MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 82


Table 8. Analysis of "Şışhane Park" according to derived environmental elements; (Improved by author); figures source (Before:
URL8, after: by authors).
BEFORE (2014) AFTER (2019)
Provide a Damage to the park has weakened its environmental
Sustainable √ performance ×
Lighting and

√ √

Treatment ×
Return to
nature and ×
sensory ×
al Awareness ×
by Users ×

Table 9. Analysis of "Şışhane Park" according to derived aesthetic, functional and environmental standards; (Improved by authors).
Before After Before After Before After

The Harmony of √ × The Method of √ × Provide A √ ×

Design Elements Organizing the Sustainable
Public Space Solution

Ratios and √ √ Diversity √ √ Natural Lighting √ √

Measures and Good
Texture √ × Special Character √ × Pollution × ×
Color √ × Traffic Movement √ √ Return to nature × ×
and sensory
Materials √ × Sports Activities × × Environmental × ×
Awareness by
Lighting √ √ Communication √ √ Users
and Visual Clarity

Visual Perception √ × Entertainment √ ×

Audiovisual × × Comforts √ ×
Elements of √ × Support Positive √ √
Urban Space Behavior
Psychological √ ×

6. Results and Discussion prominent researchers on this subject to identify

This research highlights the main characteristics essential elements to efficient and successful
of successful urban open space in terms of urban open spaces. For further verification, the
aesthetics, function, and the environment, the previously inferred Standards (aesthetic,
importance of their integration, and their close functional, and environmental) have been
association with each other. This was achieved applied to successful global examples that have
through the study of established views by met these criteria and received numerous
MA. Samar Hamameh and Dr. Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 83

architectural awards, as well as people- and failure. Although “Şişhane Park” has won many
user- satisfaction. awards for its unique design, the current state it
These examples were presented and analyzed to has become very poor. It has lost many of its
clarify the main reasons for their construction and advantages over time. It becomes clear that the
the successful methods of dealing with the application of urban open space standards to
imbalance in the place. Lastly, this research the design and planning of any urban open
provided an analysis of the essential design space will result in a truly aesthetically pleasing,
elements for urban open spaces in "Şışhane Park" functionally successful, and environmentally
to display the strengths and weaknesses, to raise respectful space that preserves the environment
the quality of public spaces in the world and is used by people.
generally, and in Istanbul in particular.
Overall the condition of the Şışhane Park was Acknowledgement
previously better and has shown severe This research did not receive any specific grant
deterioration over time (5 years) that has from funding agencies in the public, commercial,
affected the park’s efficiency and use by the or not-for-profit sectors.
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