Chaitanya Mangala

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Table of Contents


Vandana: Offering Obeisances, page 1

Grantharambha: The Book Begins, page 12


Janma-lila: Birth Pastimes, page 74

Balya-lila: Balya (Ages 1-5) Pastimes, page 81

Pauganda-lila: Pauganda (Ages 6-10) Pastimes, page 110

Kishora-lila-Vivaha: Kishora (Ages 11-15) Pastimes - The

Lords Wedding, page 132

Kishora-lila-Prabhura Banga-vijaya: Kishora Pastimes - The

Lords Glorious Journey to East Bengal, page 146
Kishora-lila-Prabhura Dvitiya-vivaha: Kishora Pastimes - The
Lords Second Wedding, page 157

Kishora-lila-Prabhura Gaya-yatra: Kishora Pastimes - The

Lords Pilgrimage to Gaya, page 17


Song 1, page 1

Mukundera prati Kripa: Mercy to Mukunda, page 18

Advaita-tattwa-kathana: Description of the Truth of Lord

Advaita, page 26

Nityananda-milana: Meeting Lord Nityananda, page 36

Advaita-Haridasa-milana: Meeting Advaita and Haridasa,

page 44

Bhakta-gana-saha-vihara o Jagai-Madhai-uddhara:
Pastimes with the Devotees and the Deliverance of Jagai
and Madhai, page 51

Mahaprabhur Bhagavad-bhave Vichitra-lila:

Lord Mahaprabhus Extraordinary Pastime of Manifesting
Lord Nrisimhas Form, page 63

Kushtha-vyadhira papa-mochana o Baladevavesha:

The Lord Frees a Leper From Sin and Manifests the
Ecstasies of Lord Balarama, page 73

Mahaprabhur Vividhaveshe Prema-vitarana: Mahaprabhus

Manifestation of Various Divine Forms and His Distribution
of Ecstatic Spiritual Love, page 78

Sannyaser Purvavastha: Before Accepting Sannyasa, page 90

Sachi-matar shoka: Mother Sachis Grief, page 101

Vishnupriya-vilapa: Vishnupriyas Lament, page 118

Prabhur Sannyasa: The Lords Sannyasa, page 125

Prabhur Shantipure Agamana: The Lords Arrival in

Shantipura, page 138

Prabhur Nilachala-gamana o Danda-bhanga-lila:

The Lords Journey to Nilachala and the Pastime of
Breaking His Danda, page 144

Sarvabhauma-sammilana: Meeting Sarvabhauma, page 154


Prabhur Dakshinatya-bhramana: The Lord Travels in South

India, page 1

Prabhur Vrindavana-darshana: The Lord Sees Vrindavana,

page 184

Prabhur Nilachale-pratyavartana: The Lords Return to

Nilachala, page 215

Shesha-lila: This Books Concluding Pastimes, page 224



Offering Obeisances

Song 1
(Patha-manjari raga)

1. Obeisances, obeisances, obeisances to the saintly

demigod Ganesha, who destroys all obstacles, who has a
single tusk, who is stout, and who helps all auspicious
projects. Glory, glory to Parvatis son!
2. Folding my palms, I bow my head before Gauri and
Shiva. Falling at their feet, I serve them. They are the
creators of the three worlds. They are the givers of devotion
to Lord Vishnu. They are all the gods and goddesses.
3. I bow my head before Goddess Sarasvati. O goddess,
please play on my tongue. Please give me many songs
praising Lord Gaurahari, wonderful songs like nothing
known in the three worlds.
4. With a voice choked with emotion, I beg: O spiritual
masters, O demigods, please place no obstacles before me. I
dont want money. I am an unimportant person. I want only
that no obstacles will stop this book.
5. I bow down before the devotees of Lord Vishnu,
devotees who are very fortunate, devotees whose virtues
purify the whole earth, devotees who are merciful to
everyone, devotees who love everyone, devotees whose
pastimes bring auspiciousness to the three worlds.
6. I am worthless. I dont know right from left. I want to
climb and grab the sky. I am a blind man who wants to find
a splendid jewel, even though I have no power to see even a
mountain. What will become of me? I do not know.
7. There is but one hope. The Lord accepts any person,
high or low, that sings His glories. He is merciful to
everyone. To everyone He gives the shade of His feet. He
does not worry whether the people are worthy to receive
His mercy.
8. Please hear the glories of the Vaishnavas. Without
any ulterior motive they are merciful to everyone. They live
to benefit others. To others they give even their ornaments.
Their hearts become happy when they do good to others.
9. Narahari Thakura is my life. I am his servant. His
feet are my hope of hopes. Although I am fallen, I yearn to
sing Lord Gauras glories. That is the hope of Lochana Dasa.
10. By the mercy of his feet I will be able to sing these
songs. That is the hope in my heart. His two feet, which
fulfill all desires, I always hold in my heart.

Song 2
(Kodara raga)

11. Glory, glory to Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya and Lord

Nityananda! Glory to Lord Advaitachandra! Glory to all the
devotees of Lord Gaura!
12. Glory to Gadadhara and Narahari, who are the
masters of my life. O masters, please be kind and cast an
auspicious glance upon me.
13. Lord Gauras fair form is splendid like gold and
filled with mercy. Falling down before the reddish soles of
His cooling feet, I will sing His glories.
14. O devotees, let us sit down together and touch the
coolness of Lord Gauras feet.
15. Let us bow down before Sachis son, our Lord. O
Lord, for even a single sesame seeds worth of time, please
give us Your glance of mercy.
16. Advaita Acharya Gosai is the crest jewel of all
masters. By the mercy of His feet this world has become
17. I bow down and sing: O Advaita, O master of Sitas
life, please be merciful. With folded palms I stand before
18. I bow down before the saintly avadhuta Lord
Nityananda, who is Balarama Himself. He is not different
from Lord Chaitanya.
19. Falling down at his feet, I sing the glories of
Gargacharya, who is Lord Gauras maternal grandfather. He
is very proud of Lord Gauras virtues and glories.
20. I offer my respectful obeisances to Jagannatha
Mishra, who is Lord Vishvambharas father. I offer my
respectful obeisances to Sachi Thakurani, who is the Lords
21. I offer my respectful obeisances to Lakshmi
Thakurani, who is the Lords wife. She was bitten by the
snake of separation from the Lord.
22. I offer my respectful obeisances to Mother
Vishnupriya, who lives in Navadvipa. The reddish soles of
Lord Gauras feet are the ornament she wears.
23. I offer my respectful obeisances to Pundarika
Vidyanidhi. Lord Mahaprabhu happily called his name.
24. With a single heart I offer my respectful obeisances
to Sri Pandita Gosai. I offer my respectful obeisances to the
feet of Ishvara Puri and Madhavendra Puri.
25. I offer my respectful obeisances to Govinda Gosai
and to Vrakreshvara. They are like two wild bumblebees at
the lotus flower of Lord Gauras feet.
26. Placing their feet on my head, I offer my respectful
obeisances to Paramananda Puri, Vishnu Puri, and
Gadadhara Dasa.
27. I offer my respectful obeisances to Murari Gupta. To
him I pray: If you place your mercy in my thoughts, I will
earnestly and joyfully sing Lord Gauras glories.
28. I offer my respectful obeisances to Srivasa Thakura
and Haridasa Thakura. I yearn to attain the feet of
Mukunda Datta and Vasudeva Datta.
29. I offer my respectful obeisances to Ramananda
Raya, the abode of spiritual love. Eternally I offer my
respectful obeisances to Jagadananda Pandita.
30. I offer my respectful obeisances to Rupa Gosvami,
Sanatana Gosvami, and Svarupa Damodara Gosvami. Many
times I offer my respectful obeisances to Raghava Pandita
31. I offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Rama,
Sundarananda, Gauridasa, and all the other associates of
Lord Nityananda.
32. I offer my respectful obeisances to Narahari
Thakura, the spiritual master of my family. He is my
worshipable deity. He is my protector in this world and the
33. I offer my respectful obeisances to Narahari
Thakura. But for him I have no friend in this world. He is an
ocean of Lord Gauras glories.
34. Falling to the ground, I fold my hands and offer my
respectful obeisances to Govinda Ghosha, Madhava
Ghosha, and Vasu Ghosha.
35. With a single heart I offer my respectful obeisances
to Sri Vrindavana Dasa Thakura, whose song Chaitanya-
bhagavata charms the worlds.
36. O my brothers, at every moment I bow down before
and sing the glories of the Deity in Sri Raghunandanas
37. As a boy Ragunandana would feed laddus to his
Deity. Who dares think Raghunandana an ordinary person?
38. I offer my respectful obeisances to Raghunandanas
father, Sri Mukunda Dasa. His faith in the path of Lord
Chaitanyas philosophy is pure and spotless.
39. Whether I know their names or not, I offer my
respectful obeisances to all the devotees. They are the jewels
I wear on my head.
40. I offer my respectful obeisances to the mahantas
and their followers. I sing the glories of their feet.
41. In my heart I do not think one devotee is first and
another is last. There is no reason I offered obeisances to
some first and others later.
42. If by mistake I did not mention someones name, I
offer my respectful obeisances to him a hundred times. In
that way I will wash away my offense to him.
43. I offer my respectful obeisances to the devotees who
live on Earth and the devotees who living in the worlds
above. One by one, I bow down before the feet of every
44. Yearning to attain spiritual love for Him, everyone
please sing the glories of Lord Gaura. With a happy heart
this Lochana Dasa sing this song.

Song 3
(Varadi raga - Disha)

Refrain: Dear friends, again and again I beg you. O

great souls, I beg for your blessings, so I may be able to sing
Lord Gauras glories.

45. How can I, a lowly person, a pile of ashes,

understand the spiritual truth? How can I sing the glories of
Lord Gauras virtues and pastimes?
46. Not understanding these truths, I will talk foolishly.
Then I will be embarrassed before the great souls.
47. I am not qualified. I am a fool. Still, I yearn to taste
the sweetness of Lord Gauras glories.
48. Sri Murari Gupta lived in Navadvipa. He always
stayed near Lord Gaurachandra.
49. Who has the power to describe his glories. The
people in this world say he is Hanuman himself.
50. Jumping the ocean, he set Lanka afire. He carried
Sitas message and repeated it to Lord Rama.
51. Bringing the vishalya-karani herb, he saved
Lakshmanas life. That same Hanuman became Murari
Gupta and lived in Nadiya.
52. He knows all the Lords secrets. He is very wise and
very devoted to Lord Gauras lotus feet.
53. He described Lord Gauras loving pastimes from
birth through childhood, from beginning to end
54. Damodara Pandita asked him to describe all these
pastimes from beginning to end.
55. In this way Murari Gupta wrote a book in Sanskrit
verse, a book that bears the title Gauranga-charita (the
Pastimes of Lord Gauranga), a book that came from Murari
Guptas mouth as He conversed with Svarupa Damodara.
56. Hearing this book, I became very pleased. That is
why I now write of Lord Gauras pastimes in these Bengali
verses in the meter panchali.
57. I am not qualified. I make many mistakes. Still,
please dont rebuke me. Dont become angry.
58. Who does not like to taste nectar when he sees it? I
foolish child will wish to grasp the moon in the sky.
59. I yearn to speak of Lord Gauras glories. That is
why I now need the Vaishnavas mercy.
60. I bow down before the Vaishnavas feet. My heart
yearns to sing Lord Gauras glories.
61. Narahari Thakura is my lord and master. I humbly
offer obeisances to him. I beg him: Please fulfill my desire.

Song 4
(Marahati raga - Disha)
Refrain: Lord Hari, who is the two Ramas, and who is
now the moon among the brahmanas, is my very life.

62. First I will tell a wonderful story, the story of how

Advaita Gosai offered obeisances to Lord Gaura when the
Lord was still an unborn child in his mothers womb.
63. Accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons,
and confidential companions, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, the master of the three worlds, was born on
64. The Lords mother and father happily performed
His anna-prashana (first grain) and nama-karana (name-
giving) ceremonies for their son.
65. Now I will describe the boy-Lords pastimes. Even
when He wore not anklets, the people still heard the sound
of tinkling anklets on His feet.
66. He would touch unclean things. Then He would
speak bewildering words of philosophy.
67. To test His powers, the village ladies asked Him to
bring a coconut. Very quickly He brought it.
68. The Lord played with a puppy. Seeing this,
everyone was pleased.
69. Murari Gupta saw that boy playing on the street
with His friends.
70. With His friends the boy sang the names of Lord
Hari and danced. Seeing this, everyone became blissful at
71. The father placed a piece of writing chalk in the
boys hand. Anyone who hears this pastime finds that
sufferings and inauspiciousness flee far away.
72. Please carefully listen as I tell how the boy
Vishvambhara played with His brother Vishvarupa.
73. Those two brothers were like Indra and Vamana. I
will tell these stories and you will hear them.
74. I will tell how Vishvarupa accepted sannyasa and
how Visvambhara consoled His mother and father.
75. I will describe Vishvambharas pastimes, how He
played with the other boys and how He did mischief.
76. The boys would meet and play on the Gangas
sandy banks. Once the Lords father followed the footprints
he saw in the sand.
77. Seeing his son there, the Lords father became
unhappy at heart. Taking Him home, the father loudly
rebuked his son.
78. Later, the Lord gave His mercy in a dream. I will tell
all these stories. Please hear them with a single heart.
79. With a joyful heart I will tell of the Lords karna-
vedha (ear-piercing), chuda-karana (hair-cutting), and upavita
(sacred thread) ceremonies.
80. When His childhood ended, the Lords teenage
years entered. Day by day, the Lords spiritual Love became
more completely manifest.
81. Then He studied at His teachers house. He would
make fun of the way people spoke in East Bengal.
82. He commanded His mother to observe ekadasi. At
the proper times I will describe many things.
83. Then Jagannatha Mishra went to the other world.
Stricken with grief, the Lord wept for His father.
84. I will tell many other wonderful stories. I will tell of
the shoreless ocean of bliss at the Lords wedding.
85. Please hear how the Lord and His bride secretly
exchanged glances at the Gangas bank. I must tell that
86. I will tell how the Lord traveled to East Bengal and
how Lakshmipriya ascended to the spiritual world.
87. Returning to West Bengal, the Lord married again,
taught His students, and traveled to Gaya.
88. One by one I will tell all these stories. Everyone
please hear them. You will taste many blisses. Please do not
turn away.
89. I will tell how the Lord returned to West Bengal,
manifested ecstatic spiritual love, and was always plunged
in the nectar of the spiritual rasas.
90. O my brothers, the stories in this books Madhya-
khanda are filled with many blisses. They are filled with
nectar. When you hear them, the hairs on your bodies will
stand erect.
91. By telling these stories to the devotees, I will feel
ecstatic love. Even before I tell them I feel joy arise in my
92. O my brothers, the stories of Madhya-khanda
describe the Lords pastimes in Nadiya. These pastimes,
where the Lord preached the religion of ecstatic love, are
like flooding streams of nectar.
93. The Lord manifested very wonderful pastimes. In
the four yugas no devotee had heard of such wonders.
94. In the Madhya-khanda I will tell these wonderful
stories of the Lords pastimes in Nadiya, of the Lords
preaching the religion of devotional service.
95. I will tell how every day the devotees would gather.
I know how to describe those pastimes.
96. First I will tell how Sachi attained the gift of ecstatic
love. I will tell how, walking on the street, the Lord heard
flute music.
97. Then the Lord was overcome with ecstatic love, and
then a divine voice suddenly spoke from the sky.
98. Being kind to Murari Gupta, the Lord assumed the
role of Varaha. Brahma and the demigods saw the Lord
assume that role.
99. Then Shuklambara Brahmacari attained ecstatic
love. I will tell all these stories. Please hear them with all
100. By the Lords mercy Sri Gadadhara Pandita was
overcome with ecstatic love. Day and night he wept.
101. One by one the Lord gave ecstatic love to
everyone. I will tell all these stories.
102. Being kind to the devotees, the Lord planted a
mango seed. Any doubts that may stay in the heart of a
person who hears that story will perish.
103. Concealing His original spiritual identity, the Lord
manifested ecstatic spiritual love. By following
impersonalist jnana no one can understand Him. He reveals
Himself to His own associates.
104-108. Then I will tell the wonderful stories of the
first sight of Lord Nityananda, the first meeting with
Haridasa, the first meeting of Advaita Acharya and Lord
Nityananda, how Jagai and Madhai were delivered, how
the Lord was merciful to a brahmana and his son, how the
lord was a merciful to a person singing Lord Shivas glories,
how the Lord became unhappy to hear a brahmanas
misdeeds, and how the Lord then jumped into the Ganga.
Anyone in the three worlds who hears these stories will feel
his heart tremble.
109. You will also hear the wonderful story of how the
Lord cleaned a temple.
110. You will hear many very wonderful stories. The
Lord cured a leper. That was very wonderful.
111. I will tell the story of Lord Gaura assuming the
mood of Lord Balarama. All who hear that story feel endless
112. At Chandrashekaras house the Lord manifested
ecstatic love that cast a shadow over the land and sky.
113. I will tell many secrets, the secrets of the Lords
wonderful renunciation.
114. Seeing Keshava Bharati in Nadiya-nagara, the Lord
felt joy in His heart. Then He decided to accept sannyasa.
115. At this all the devotees grieved. Sachi and
Vishnupriya fell into an ocean of grief.
116. To accept sannyasa, the Lord left Navadvipa. With
Keshava Bharatis help, He accepted sannyasa.
117. I will tell these stories in detail. Then Lord Gaura
went to Lord Advaita Acharyas house.
118. Then comes the story of the Lord meeting the
devotees. Comforting everyone, the Lord began His travels.
119. Then the Lord went to see Jagannatha Puri. Then I
will tell the confidential story of the Lords pastimes at
120. One by one I will tell of the Lords pastimes as He
traveled on the path. Anyone who hears these stories will
become filled with bliss and love.
121. I must tell the stories of the Lords secret pastimes
at Ekamra-nagara on His way to Yajapura.
122. With a single heart you will hear the story of Lord
Gaura seeing Lord Jagannatha and the story of Lord Gaura
revealing His true identity to Sarvabhauma.
123. O my brothers, this Madhya-khanda is sweeter
than nectar. Then I will speak the Shesha-khanda. Please
hear it also.
124. At Madhya-khandas end, Lord Gaura manifests
ecstatic spiritual love. With a blissful heart Lochana Dasa
speaks these words.

Song 5
(Dhanasri raga - Tarajachanda)

125. Glory, glory to You, O Sri Krishna Chaitanya, who

personally descended to this Earth, who are the
auspiciousness of the worlds, whose feet are the Earths
ornament, who are dearly loved by the whole Earth!
126. The lamp that lights up the worlds has come to
Navadvipa. Now He shines with His light of mercy.
Thirsting to receive the gift of ecstatic love, after many days
the devotees ran to Him.
127. The devotees were like black bees flying to nectar-
laden blossoming lotus flowers, or like chakora birds gazing
at the moon, or like chataka birds gazing at rainclouds and
wildly singing Piu! Piu!
128. Overcome with ecstatic love, Lord Gaura danced.
He showered a great monsoon of ecstatic love. He roared
like a lion. Like poverty-stricken men who are suddenly
rich, the devotees followed Him, worshiped Him, and wept.
129. As wild elephants jump into a nectar lake to escape
a forest fire, so the devotees jumped into the nectar of
ecstatic spiritual love to escape the burning sufferings of
this world.
130. Someone called out, Lord! Someone else slapped
his arms. Filled with the bliss of ecstatic love, the devotees
forgot even themselves. The ecstatic love that Goddess
Lakshmi begs for with folded palms, Lord Gaura freely
gave to all.
131. What more can I say? Even Lord Ananta was
overwhelmed by tasting the sweetness of that ecstatic love.
Lord Ananta Shesha, who holds all the worlds on His head,
came to the earth and assumed the name Nitai.
132. Overcome with bliss, He did not know who was a
friend and who was not. He walked like a maddened
elephant. The soles of His feet made the Earth tremble.
133. Now hear of another wonder. Lord Shiva, whose
glories are beyond conception, assumed the name Advaita.
Talking with Lord Chaitanya about the nectar of ecstatic
love, Lord Shiva forgot all about yoga and jnana.
134. Staying among the rasika devotees, Lord Advaita
and Lord Nityananda gave them ecstatic love without any
restriction. Without these two Lords, Lord Gaura would not
have given His mercy. They came to this world with Lord
135. Glory, glory to the auspicious moment when the
people of the world will chant Hari! and when everyone
will yearn to attain ecstatic spiritual love, when everyone
will desire to attain the ecstatic spiritual love even the
demigod Brahma finds only with difficulty. Smiling,
Lochana Dasa speaks these words.
The Books Beginning

Song 1
(Varadi raga - Disha)

Refrain: O! O! O! I place many offerings before Lord

Gaura. I sing of the virtues and glorious form of Lord
Gaura, who to the whole world freely gave the gift of
ecstatic spiritual love.

1. Glory, glory to Sri Krishna Chaitanya and Sri

Nityananda! Glory, glory to blissful Advaita Acharya!
2. Glory to Gadadhara Pandita! Glory to Narahari
Thakura! Glory, glory to Srinivasa, who is worthy to
perform pure devotional service!
3. In my heart I offer respectful obeisances to the dear
devotees of Lord Chaitanya.
4. Now I will speak the stories of Lord Gaura. Please
hear them carefully. In private, Damodara Pandita asked:
5. Why did Lord Gauranga descend to this world? You
give the answer and I will hear it. My heart is filled with
bliss to hear that answer.
6. Why did the Lord turn away from His dark color and
accept a fair-colored form? Why, when the holy names are
sung, does He roll on the ground and allow His limbs to be
covered with dust?
7. Why did He renounce the garments of a householder
and accept sannyasa? Why, alas, did He wander from
country to country?
8. Why did He weep, calling out, Radha! Radha!
Govinda! Why, visiting home after home, did He freely
give the gift of ecstatic love?
9. Now I will repeat the confidential answers to these
questions. Even a fool who hears these answers will be
10. Hearing these questions, Murari Gupta said, Please
hear, O Pandita. I will answer all your questions.
11. The Dharma-shastras say religion is completely
manifest in Satya-yuga. I tell you religion is three-fourths
manifest in Treta-yuga.
12. I tell you religion is half-manifest in Dvapara-yuga
and one-fourth manifest in Kali-yuga. That is the opinion of
the Dharma-shastras.
13. As sin increases, religion wanes. As people neglect
their duties, varnashrama wanes.
14. The Kali-yuga is filled with the blinding darkness of
horrible sins. Everyone is drowning in sin. Everyone is
devastated by sin.
15. Seeing no true religion present, the great sage
Narada kindly decided to rescue the Kali-yuga.
16. He thought, The black snake of Kali-yuga has
devoured everything. He thought, Religion should be
17. Without Lord Krishna no one has the power to
establish religion. Therefore I must quickly bring Lord
Krishna to the Kali-yuga.
18. What the devotees desire, Lord Krishna also
desires always. That is the opinion of the Vedas and Agama-
19. If I, a servant of Lord Krishna, desire to do it, I can
bring Lord Krishna to the Kali-yuga.
20. First I will observe the activities of Kali-yuga. Then
I will bring Lord Krishna, who is religion itself.
21. Then I will bring all the demigods. They will be
Lord Krishnas associates. They will be His associates,
servants, weapons, and confidential companions.
22. In this way Narada and the sages, Brahma and the
demigods, and Durga and the goddesses all took birth on
the earth.
23. By their expansions the members of the Yadu
dynasty in Dvaraka also took birth on Earth.
24. Now I will tell everything of how the Supreme Lord
descended to Earth. Please listen with care.
25. Gaura-avatara is the best of all avataras. No other
avatara is merciful like Him.
26. Feeling unhappy for the sufferings of others, the
great sage Narada sang nectar descriptions of Lord Krishna
day and night.
27. He traveled in the world of birth and death eagerly
singing the glories of Lord Krishna, but the people would
not listen to Lord Krishnas holy name. They wanted only
things of the material world.
28. Overcome by tasting the sweet nectar of Lord
Krishnas glories, Narada spoke with a choked voice. One
moment he wept. The next he loudly laughed.
29. Playing his vina, he sang Lord Krishnas glories.
Tears streamed from his eyes. Within and without Narada
Muni was plunged in the nectar of Lord Krishnas glories.
30. His every limb filled with the bliss of ecstatic
spiritual love, as he wandered in the material world,
Narada did not hear anyone chant the holy name of Lord
31. Sad at heart, the sage was very surprised. He did
not see any way to save the people of the world.
32. Everyone was bitten by the black snake of Kali-
yuga. Everyone was always aflame with pride and
33. Devoted only to their bellies and genitals, everyone
was bewildered. They had forgotten Lord Krishna.
34. Their hearts were always splashed by greed,
illusion, lust, anger, intoxication, and pride. They thought
that splashing was just like nectar.
35. They were needlessly troubled by thoughts of It is
I and It is mine. Who am I? What is mine? That they
did not know.
36. Seeing the unhappy situation of the people, worried
Narada began to think within his heart. He thought and
37. He did not see any way to rescue the people of the
horrible Kali-yuga. Wandering and wandering, he finally
came to the gate of Dvaraka City.
38. Lord Krishna, who is the crest jewel of the masters
of the demigods, and who is the King of Dvaraka, passed
the whole night happily enjoying pastimes in Queen
Satyabhamas palace.
39. When the sun rose He performed His morning
duties. Then He hinted that He would visit Queen
Rukminis palace.
40. Hearing of her good fortune, Queen Rukmini could
not keep still. Her every limb trembled.
41. She carefully cleaned her palace and then decorated
her body with exquisite garments. A band of many different
instruments played. Everything was blissful.
42. At the time of the Lords auspicious arrival there
were many auspicious full Water-pots. Many ghee lamps
43. Overcome with bliss, Mitravinda, Nagnajita,
Sushila, and Subala offered arati to the Lord.
44. Bringing scented water, Queen Rukmini washed the
Lords feet.
45. Placing the Lords glorious feet to her breast, with
great love Rukmini gazed at her Lord. For a moment she
held the Lords feet at her breast.
46. Holding the Lords feet, Rukmini wept. Surprised,
Lord Krishna asked:
47. I do not know why you weep. Why do you weep?
O My Queen, please tell Me.
48. To Me You are more dear than life. That the whole
world knows. Who is more dear than you? Tell Me.
49. Did I defame you? Did I not obey your command?
You do not speak. O My Queen, what wrong did I do?
50. Only once did I tease you. You became very
unhappy at heart.
51. How many times did I earnestly beg forgiveness?
Your hard heart never softened.
52. Hearing these cruel words come from the Lords
mouth, with sweet anger Rukmini said:
53. My heart is hard. It is not soft. Still, I am fortunate
in one way: You are my very life.
54. Your feet are more dear to me than life. Tasting the
madhvika nectar of Your feet, even Lord Shiva dances, wild
with bliss.
55. You know the whole world perfectly. Still, You
cannot understand the words of one who loves Your feet.
56. If You place in Your heart the love Radha feels for
You, then You will understand the love Your devotees feel
for You.
57. Hearing these words, the Lord felt great wonder in
His heart. He said: What did you say? What did you say?
O My Queen, please say it one more time.
58. What you said I did not hear very well. What was
it? I did not understand it.
59. Hearing your rare words, I feel drawn to you. My
heart is filled with wonder.
60. What is this rare thing so hard to find in the three
worlds? I think it would be very wonderful to hear about it,
or perhaps to see it.
61. From your mouth I have heard of something even I
do not understand. How can I understand the bliss that
now fills My heart?
62. O My Queen, please tell Me about this thing. Tell
Me. Tell Me.

In this way Lochana Dasa faithfully describes the

glories of Lord Krishnas feet.

Song 2
(Dhanashi raga - Dirgha-chanda)

63. Queen Rukmini said: O Lord decorated with the

jewels of virtues, please listen. In Your heart You cannot
understand. Although You know everything else, you
cannot understand My explanation of why I weep.
64. You do not understand the power that resides in
Your lotus feet. Eventually You will take Your feet from My
palace and go somewhere else. That is why my heart weeps.
65. The fragrance of Your lotus feet fills all directions.
Wherever it goes it chases away old age and death. What
are day, night, and passing seasons to one who spends his
life drinking the honey of Your lotus feet?
66. I fall at the feet of anyone who lovingly grasps the
ruby lotus of Your feet. Weeping and my heart agitated, I
tell You of that persons glories.
67. You are the master of all. Who in this world can be
the master of You? Anyone who loves your feet and tastes
the sweet nectar there I praise before You.
68. Radha alone knows the sweetest nectar of love.
She alone tastes the bliss of love. Day and night hearing of
the nectar of Her love, how can the devotees not become
filled with wonder?
69. Brahma and all the demigods and goddesses,
including Goddess Lakshmi who serves Your feet, all yearn
to taste that nectar of love for You. Goddess Lakshmi,
whose hands are like lotus flowers and who is overcome
with deep love for You, begs for the nectar of Your lotus
70. I am Goddess Rama. I rest on Your chest. I sleep
with You in the same bed. I see You face to face. Still I yearn
to attain the sweetness at Your feet. Who has the power to
describe the glories of Your feet?
71. Goddess Lakshmi yearns to attain love for Your
feet. Only Radha, who enjoyed pastimes with You in
Vrindavana, knows the true glory of Your feet. The path of
Her good fortune never ends.
72. Radha fills the world with wonder. With the ropes
of Her virtues She binds You. Even now You have not
turned away from Her. Your heart pines for Her. The sound
of Radhas name makes tears stream from Your eyes. I see
that this shows the power of Radhas love for Your feet.
73. Now that You are in my house my heart is filled
with joy. But I still weep, for we will be separated again. I
know this shows the power of Your lotus feet.
74. You are the devotees meditation. You are the
devotees rapt thinking of You in trance. You are the
devotees only friend in every situation. The devotees are
Your servant. They yearn to attain Your feet. You are the
wonderful great enchantment that charms them.
75. Lakshmi is the maidservant at Your feet. She
yearns to serve You. You are her master. Her master, You
pay no attention to her glorious virtues. By ignoring her it is
as if You have pushed an iron spear into her heart.
76. Anyone who thirsts to attain the honey of Your
lotus feet finds an eternal ocean of honey that will never be
lessened or lost. I think Lakshmi and Sarasvati are truly
fortunate, for they serve You. They have placed themselves
under Your dominion.
77. Even from the corner of his eye a devotee will not
glance at the four kinds of liberation beginning with salokya-
mukti. Plunged in the nectar of ecstatic love for You, a
devotee will not desire anything but You. Even residence in
Vaikuntha or any other glorious place they think
78. Folding my palms, I beg: O master, please make
me a bumblebee at the lotus flower of Your feet. I fear that
You will leave me. Weeping, this sinner begs: Please do not
leave my palace.
79. Please listen to Queen Rukminis description of
Lord Krishnas lotus feet. With these words she revealed her
pure love for Him. His heart overcome with love, by the
Lords mercy Lochana Dasa sings the Lords glories.

Song 3
(Dhanashi raga - Madhya-chanda)

Refrain: O! O! O! O! O! Please hear more songs about

Lord Gauras glories, songs full of wonderful words, songs
that bring auspiciousness to the ears.

80. Hearing these words of Rukmini, Lord Krishna felt

great joy in His heart. He floated in the stream of
compassionate tears that flowed from the red lotus flowers
of His eyes.
81. Gently He came close to Rukmini. He sat on His
throne, and placed Rukmini on His lap.
82. With His right hand He touched her chin. He gazed
at her. In this way He made great waves in the nectar ocean
of ecstatic spiritual love.
83. He said: Never have I heard such wonderful
words. Never has anyone suggested I should taste the bliss
of ecstatic love.
84. At that moment Narada Muni unexpectedly
arrived. His face was marked with sorrow. His heart was
85. Queen Rukmini at once rose and respectfully
offered padya and arghya, offered him a seat on the throne,
and asked about his welfare.
86. Lord Krishna also rose, tightly embraced Narada,
and greeted him with sweet words.
87. Tears of love flowed from Naradas eyes. He
trembled. His voice was choked up.
88. The tears from his eyes streamed over his body. He
tried to speak. He had no power to say a word.
89. Lord Krishna asked him: O sage, please say what
is in your heart. Why are you so devastated? What worry
fills your heart?
90. You are more dear to Me than life. To you I am like
your own life. When I see you unhappy I almost fall
91. Narada said: O Lord, what shall I say? You are the
master of all masters. You are the Supersoul in every heart.
92. Singing Your glories is my ambrosia food. Eager to
tell other of Your glories, I traveled in the world of birth and
93. As I traveled in the world of birth and death I did
not hear the name Krishna. Intoxicated with pride, the
people have forgotten You.
94. Everyone is bewildered with pride. I saw the
people are not interested in Krishna. That is my sorrow.
95. I do not see any way to deliver the people. Again
and again I think these thoughts.
96. Now I have revealed the sorrow in my heart. Only
by the mercy of Your feet can anyone become happy.
97. Smiling, Lord Krishna said: Listen, O great sage.
You forget what has already happened.
98. You forgot that Goddess Katyayani vowed to Lord
Shiva that she would distribute My maha-prasada.
99. Also, now that I have heard wonderful words from
Rukmini, I have become agitated and I also will speak a
100. I vow I will taste the ecstasy of spiritual love and
I will make the people of the material world taste it also. I
will become a humble person in the Kali-yuga.
101. Accompanied by devotees, I will engage in
devotional service. I, the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
will give to the people ecstatic love for Me.
102. I will manifest the sankirtana movement of
chanting My glories. In will take birth in Sachis womb in
103. I will manifest a tall fair form with arms that
reach My knees. My peerless form will be glorious like
Mount Sumeru.
104. Speaking and speaking in this way, Lord Krishna
manifested the form of Lord Gaura. Gazing at that form,
Narada was overcome with ecstatic love.
105. That form glorious like Mount Sumeru was filled
with ecstatic spiritual love. In this way Lochana Dasa
describes the first time the form of Lord Gaura was

Song 4
(Sri raga - Disha)

Refrain: Glory, glory to Lord Gauranga! Alas! Alas!

Why do I not taste the nectar of ecstatic love for Lord

106. With a happy heart Narada Muni gazed at Lord

Gauras form. A thousand flooding streams of tears flowed
from Naradas eyes.
107. Lord Gauras form was glorious like ten million
moons or ten million suns. He was more handsome than
Kamadeva himself.
108. Narada had no power to gaze at Lord Gauras
effulgent form. The sage closed his eyes and trembled.
109. Covering His effulgence, the Lord glanced at
Narada and loudly called: Look, O Narada.
110. Regaining consciousness, the sage became rapt in
meditation on Lord Krishnas form. With thirsty eyes he
yearned to see again the form of Lord Gaura.
111. The Lord said: Listen, O fortunate sage. You may
go wherever you wish. No one can stop you. Wherever you
go you will be loved.
112. In Shivaloka, Brahmaloka, and the other celestial
planets make a proclamation that into the Kali-yuga I will
descend in a golden form.
113. There I will manifest the sankirtana movement of
chanting My holy names and glories. There I will preach the
bliss of tasting the nectar of loving devotional service to Me.
114. On the path of devotional service there are now
hundreds and hundreds of branches. There is no end to the
branches. There should be only one branch in the world.
Therefore I will preach the glories of ecstatic spiritual love
115. Accompanied by My own associates and
devotees, I will take birth on Earth. I desire to engage in
loving devotional service (prema-bhakti).
116. Hearing these words from the Lords graceful
mouth, Narada felt all his sorrows break into pieces by the
mercy of the Lords feet.
117. Narada Muni sounded his vina and departed. His
thoughts filled with the nectar of these words:
118. What a wonderful fair form I saw! What a
wonderful form with reddish eyes and great mercy I saw!
119. What a form sweeter than nectar I saw! What a
sweet smile I saw!
120. Of all the avataras, this avatara is the best. Never
have I seen such a great glory of ecstatic spiritual love.
121. On this day my life has borne its fruit. On this
day my eyes have borne their fruit. Now I have seen the
blissful, glorious, merciful face of Lord Gaura.
122. Never have I seen such an ocean of mercy. My
heart will never forget Him. My eyes yearn to see Him.
123. Thinking and thinking in this way, Narada Muni
traveled on the path. Arriving at Naimisharanya, he met his
friend Uddhava.
124. First standing up and then offering padya and
arghya, Uddhava fell to the ground like a stick before
Narada Munis feet.
125. He thought: I am fortunate. This is an auspicious
day. At an auspicious moment I have come to
126. Narada picked up Uddhava, embraced him, kissed
him, and smelled his head.
127. Uddhava offered him a sitting place. Smiling and
smiling, he spoke what was in his heart.
128. He said: This day is glorious. Now my birth in
this world has borne its fruit. Now I will tell you of a desire
that has long stayed in my heart.
129. Here in Naimisharanya, in ancient days Vyasa
compiled the Vedas. Still he could not destroy the illusion in
his heart.
130. Then, by your mercy, he heard the secret of
spiritual life and wrote Srimad-Bhagavatam to deliver the
131. You alone know the truth. O master, you know
the heart of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Please tell
me what will happen in the future.
132. My heart yearns to deliver the people of Kali-
yuga. In Kali-yuga the people are filled with sins. Their eyes
and hearts are blind.
133. In the Satya, Treta, and Dvapara yugas the people
knew religion, but in the horrible Kali-yuga no one knows
religion. Everyone is a sinner.
134. If you feel compassion for me, please destroy my
doubts and fears. No one is more compassionate than you.
135. Smiling with a happy heart, Narada Muni said: O
Uddhava, O servant of Lord Hari, the question you ask is
136. I will tell you a great secret. In my heart I also felt
a great sorrow like yours.
137. However, now I know the people in Kali-yuga are
very fortunate. The people in Kali-yuga are very fortunate.
Others are not fortunate like them.
138. In Satya-yuga and the other yugas the religion of
the age (yuga-dharma) is very harsh. But in Kali-yuga the
religion of the age is only chanting the holy names of Lord
139. In Kali-yuga simply by chanting the holy names
and glories of Lord Hari the people are released from
material bondage. Simply by singing and dancing, they no
longer fear Yamaraja.
140. Please carefully listen to other wonderful news,
news of what in Dvaraka I saw with my own eyes.
141. With words like nectar, Lord Krishna told
Rukmini: In My heart I have decided to freely distribute to
the people ecstatic love for Me.
142. As Lord Krishna, Queen Rukmini on His lap, sat
on His throne, I, my heart filled with sorrows, approached
143. Seeing that I was sorrowful, Lord Krishna asked:
As I look at you, I must ask: Why have you become like
144. Approaching the lords feet, I told Him the
thoughts in my heart. Happily smiling, the Lord said:
145. Rukmini talk Me the glories of ecstatic love for My
feet. Hearing her words I, even though I am the Supreme
Lord Himself, have become overwhelmed by the greatness
of that love.
146. I will taste the bliss of that ecstatic love, and I will
make the whole world taste it also. Assuming a humble
nature, I will manifest in the Kali-yuga.
147. The Kali-yuga is horrible. It is filled with sins.
Religion is not present in it. Therefore, becoming humble, I
will teach the world.
148 - 149. Speaking and speaking in this way, Lord
Krishna manifested a fair form splendid like gold, a form
filled with ecstatic spiritual love, a form with a broad chest
and two arms that touched His knees. Then He vowed: I
will widely distribute ecstatic spiritual love for Me.
150. I tell you: that is what I saw and heard. Now I
will travel in the world of birth and death to tell the others.
151. Eager to taste the ecstasy of loving devotional
service, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will take birth
on Earth. Manifesting a wonderful form, He will come to
the Kali-yuga.
152. Hearing Naradas words, Uddhava was overcome
with ecstasy. Falling at Naradas feet, he wept with joy.
153. He said: These wonderful words have placed life
into my lifeless body.
154. Your words have brought coolness to be feverish
body. Sounding his vina, Narada then happily departed.
155. Hearing this conversation of Narada and Uddhava
in the Jaimini-bharata, Lochana Dasa is now wild with bliss.
156. If you do not believe my words, then read it
yourself in the 32nd chapter of that book.

Song 5
(Bhatiyari raga - Disha)

Refrain: Lord Gaurachandra is my very life.

157. Playing his vina, Narada continued his journey.

Hearing his description of the Lords glories, and his heart
overcome with bliss, again and again he fell.
158. One moment he would lament, another moment
he would loudly laugh, another moment he would tremble,
another moment he would speak with broken words.
159. Another moment he would loudly call out, another
moment he would slap his arms, and another moment he
would say, Gaura! Gaura! and weep. His heart was
overcome with ecstatic love.
160. He had no power to forget Lord Gauras form, a
charming form filled with ecstatic love, a glorious form
splendid like the sun.
161. His heart overcome with bliss and love, he had no
power even to walk. Even so, in the blinking of an eye he
arrived at Lord Shivas abode in Mount Kailasha.
162. Thinking, Soon I will see Lord Shiva, he was
filled with bliss. He thought, I will tell him of the plan
Lord Krishna described.
163. There are no such blissful words anywhere in the
three worlds. He who is the treasure of Vrindavana will
appear in the Kali-yuga.
164. The ecstatic spiritual love that Brahma, Shiva, and
Ananta beg to attain, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
will distribute in the Kali-yuga to even the lowest of
165. These wonderful words I will tell to Lord Shiva.
When he hears them he will be very pleased.
166. By Goddess Katyayanis mercy I will get the dust
of Lord Shivas feet. By the mercy of his feet I will chant the
holy names of Lord Hari.
167. Thinking and thinking in this way, Narada came to
the gate of Lord Shivas abode. Seeing him, the bull Nandi,
who was like time personified, respectfully stood up.
168. After offering respectful obeisances, Nandi went to
the inner palace where Parvati and Shiva stay.
169. He informed his masters that Narada had come
and was waiting at the door. With blissful hearts Parvati
and Shiva went to greet him.
170. Seeing them, Narada smiled and said, O my
masters, falling at their feet. Narada is a very intelligent
171. Lord Shiva knew very well the glory of a
Vaishnava. Narada, filled with ecstatic love, was very
respectful to Lord Shiva.
172. Lord Shiva tightly embraced Narada and made
him sit as his own side. Narada happily fell at Goddess
Parvatis feet.
173 - 174. Affectionate like a mother, Goddess
Katyayani asked Narada: Dear great sage, please tell us of
your auspicious and glorious life. You know everything in
the fourteen worlds. Your arrival is auspicious. From where
have you come?
175. Narada replied: You are our mother and father.
Your intent is to deliver the worlds. Please hear these
auspicious words.
176. A great secret you heard in ancient times you
have now forgotten. Grasping your feet, I will now remind
you of it.
177. I will tell this story from beginning to end. When
you hear it I request that you be kind to me.
178. In ancient times Uddhava asked Lord Krishna:
When You become invisible, what will happen to Earth?
179. Will any devotees remain on Earth? Hearing
these words, Lord Krishna described the science of yoga.
180. He said: I am water. I am land. I am the Earth. I
am the trees. I am the demigods and gandaharvas. I am the
yaksas and raksas.
181. I am creation and annihilation. I am the life in all
living beings. I am everything. How can I become
182. Hearing Lord Krishnas words, Uddhava struck
his hand to his chest and spoke his heart.
183. He said: Master, You are everything. That I know.
Anything separate from You is only suffering.
184. With my mouth I have no power to properly
describe the great souls who fall down to offer respects to
the glistening moons that are Your toenails.
185. In Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.6.46) Uddhava tells Lord
vaso lankara-carcitah
ucchishta-bhijino dasas
tava mayam jayema hi

My dear Lord, the garlands, scented substances,

garments, ornaments, and other such things that have been
offered to You may later be used by Your servants. By
partaking of these things and eating the remnants of food
You have left, we will be able to conquer the illusory

186. Uddhava said: By enjoying the remnants of what

You have left, this servant of Lord Hari will conquer your
illusory energy. Therefore I yearn to honor what You leave
as remnants.
187. When I hear these words Uddhava spoke to Lord
Krishna, my heart becomes wild with bliss.
188. For so many days I have walked on the path of
devotional service. Still, until today I did not know the
importance of honoring the Lords remnants.
189. By the power of Lord Krishnas remnants,
Uddhava became very powerful. In Lord Krishnas
presence he honored the Lords remnants.
190. I never honored the Lords maha-prasadam in
that way. In my heart I thought: The Lord has cheated me.
191. Then I devised a plan to please Lord Krishna and
thus obtain His maha-prasadam remnants.
192. Filled with the nectar of these thoughts, I went to
Vaikuntha. For many days I served Goddess Lakshmi.
193. Pleased, the goddess offered me a boon, She said:
Ask, and I will grant your boon. I vow I will give it.
194. Hearing her words, I repeated the desire of my
195. Folding my palms and becoming very serious, I
said: For many days a strong desire has stayed in my heart.
196. Everyone knows that I, Narada, am your servant.
Still, I have never tasted maha-prasadam remnants.
197. Please give me one handful of the Lords
prasadam. That is the boon I wish. I wish that you please
place your auspicious glance upon me.
198. Hearing these words, Goddess Lakshmi was very
surprised. She shyly said:
199. The Lord commanded me not to give His
remnants to anyone. Still, I will jump over His command
and give you some of His remnants.
200. Please wait. After some time I will gather the
maha-prasadam and give it to you.
201. Understanding my situation, the goddess spoke
these sweet words.
202. One day, as They were enjoying nectar pastimes,
the Lord took the goddess hand and made her sit by His
203. Without permission, and her heart trembling in
fear, the goddess smiled and sweetly said:
204. I bow down before You and speak this request:
My heart is afraid. I tremble in fear.
205. O master, please destroy my fear. Please protect
Your maidservant. Grasping Your feet, I say: Please listen to
these glorious words.
206. As Lakshmi spoke these frightened words, the
Lord smiled with surprise and cast a glance at His
207. Sudarshana trembled. In a choked voice he said:
My Lord, Goddess Lakshmi is afraid. I dont know why.
208. Lakshmi said: It is not Sudarshanas fault. It is
Naradas words that make me wither with fear.
209. Although no one knows it, Narada served me for
twelve years. Pleased, I spoke to him this vow:
210. Ask a boon, and I will grant it. What I say is the
truth. It is the truth. O sage, I vow that I will keep my word.
211. Then Narada asked Your remnants as the boon he
wished. How do I have the power to grant that boon? To
grant it I must jump over Your command.
212. Those words I spoke have placed me in great
danger. O master, please save Your maidservant. Please
destroy this calamity that has fallen upon me.
213. Hearing these words, the Lord said: O Lakshmi,
please listen. Your words were a great mistake.
214. Secretly, without My knowledge, you may give
My remnants to him. Hearing the Lords command,
Lakshmi became joyful.
215. After some days Goddess Lakshmi, the mother of
the worlds, called for me and gave me that maha-prasadam.
216-217. In this way, by Goddess Lakshmis mercy, my
desire was fulfilled and I tasted the Lords wonderful maha-
prasadam, prasadam more glorious and effulgent than ten
million moons, ten million suns, and ten million
218. Touching that maha-prasadam, I became
hundreds of times more glorious and effulgent. Sounding
my vina, I happily came to Mount Kailasha.
219. Seeing me, Lord Shiva asked about me. Smiling, I
said: Today I got something very wonderful.
220. Seeing my wonderful effulgence, Lord Shiva was
surprised. How did you get a form like that?, He asked.
221. Then I told him the whole story, from beginning
to end. Hearing it, Lord Shiva scolded me.
222. He said: O sage, you attained that rare maha-
prasadam, and you ate it all, and you did not bring any for
223. With great love you came here to see me again.
Why did you not bring any of that rare treasure?
224. Hearing Lord Shivas words, I became ashamed. I
lowered my head. I saw some maha-prasadam still stuck to
my fingernail. I placed my finger before Lord Shiva.
225. I happily offered him that single crumb of maha-
prasadam. He did not hesitate. At once Lord Shiva placed
the maha-prasadam in his mouth.
226. Then saintly Lord Shiva began to joyfully dance.
With every step he took, the ground shook.
227. He became wild with bliss. Mount Sumeru
trembled. The earth shook. Fear was everywhere.
228. Lord Shiva, the great King of yoga, trembled with
ecstatic love. He forgot himself. His heavy steps pushed the
Earth down to Rasatalaloka.
229. Lord Anantas hoods now rested on Lord
Kurmas back. Sticking His neck out of His shell, Lord
Kurma stared at Lord Ananta.
230. The elephants bearing the directions bent their
necks. The cauldron of the universe began to crack.
231. Unable to bear Lord Shivas weight, the Earth
Goddess ran to his city.
232. Folding her palms, she approached Goddess
Katyayani and said: Because of the weight of Lord Shivas
dancing I will lose my life.
233. If you wish to save the world, please stop him. I
see the whole world is about to fall into chaos.
234. Hearing Goddess Earths anguished words,
Goddess Parvati ran to Lord Shiva.
235. Filled with the nectar of ecstatic love, Lord Shiva
danced. Speaking harsh words, the Goddess broke Lord
Shivas ecstasy.
236. Returning to external consciousness, Lord Shiva
became sorrowful. Seeing Goddess Parvati, with a hard
heart he said:
237. What have you done? What have you done? O
Goddess, it is very wrong. You broke my ecstatic trance.
Breaking it is like death for me.
238. But for you I have no enemy in the three worlds.
Why did you destroy my bliss?
239. Hearing Lord Shivas anguished words, Goddess
Parvati said: Master, please look at Goddess Earth, who
now stands before you.
240. The pressure from your feet pushed her down to
Rasatalaloka. The material creation is on the verge of
destruction. That is why I spoke harshly.
241. I committed an offense. O great master, please
forgive my offense. Smiling, Lord Shiva forgave the
242. Then the Goddess humbly asked: O master,
please dispel my doubt.
243. Every day You dance, rapt in tasting the nectar of
love for Lord Krishna. Why did you today push the Earth
down to Rasatalaloka?
244. Today your form shines like ten million suns. The
material universe cannot bear such brilliant light.
245. Why today did you manifest such wonderful
endless bliss? O glorious master, please tell me.
246. Lord Shiva said: Please hear the blissful news.
Narada Muni gave me some of Lord Narayanas prasadam.
247. Lord Vishnus prasadam is very rare. It is difficult
to find in the three worlds. It is the nectar touched by the
Lords lips. Even the Vedas do not know the glories of the
Lords prasadam.
248. I ate the maha-prasadam offered to the Lord. Now
my life has borne its fruit. Today is the auspicious moment
of my life.
249. By Naradas mercy I touched the Lords maha-
prasadam. Lord Shiva thus spoke these auspicious,
glorious, and nectarean words.
250. Hearing Lord Shivas words, Goddess Parvati,
who is Mahamaya herself, said: All these days I thought
you were a kind and generous person.
251. Your thinking I was like half your body was only
a trick. Your love for me was only a pretense.
252. Attaining such rare maha-prasadam, you ate it all
yourself. You did not give any to me.
253. Ashamed, Lord Shiva said: O Parvati, you are
not worthy to receive such a treasure.
254. Hearing these words she became furious and
said: I am called by the name Vaishnavi. I also serve Lord
Vishnu with devotion.
255 - 256. Standing in the assembly of saintly persons I
vow that if in His heart Lord Vishnu is merciful to me, then
I will give His maha-prasadam to everyone in the three
worlds. I vow that even the dogs and jackals will attain that
257. Hearing Goddess Katyayanis vow, Lord
Narayana, the master of Vaikuntha, came at once.
258. The goddess respectfully stood and then bowed
down. Tears in her eyes, she offered prayers to the Lord.
259. Sighing, and her heart overwhelmed, she began
to speak. With a joyful heart Lochana Dasa speaks these

Song 6
(Vibhasha raga - Tripadi)

260. Lord Narayana gently said: Goddess, do not be

unhappy. What you wish will happen. By your ropes of
maya everyone is blinded. Through you I create the world
of birth and death.
261. You are My first potency. You know the truth of
devotional service. You are My personified material energy.
I am never outside of you. Still, I say you are outside of me.
The mercy of which you spoke I give to you.
262. The whole world worships Shiva and Gauri,
thinking them the same as Me. Shiva and Gauri are My own
forms. When you are pleased at heart, you destroy all
illusions. You destroy the illusion that you are independent
of Me.
263. I make this vow to you: In the assembly of saintly
persons I will freely give you My prasadam remnants. By
the sweet fragrance of that maha-prasadam the saints and
sages will become free of all material shackles. They will
give up their stubbornness in debate.
264. Hearing Lord Narayanas words, Goddess
Katyayani said: If in Your heart You are indeed merciful to
me, then You must give me Your prasadam remnants. Then
every living entity in the world will eat that prasadam.
Everyone in the three worlds will easily attain that
265. Decorated with the jewels of all virtues, Lord
Narayana said, I will keep My vow. I will tell you an
ancient secret, a secret that will destroy all fears of the
flames of repeated birth and death.
266. No one knows this secret. When, using Mount
Mandara as the churning rod and the serpent Ananta as the
rope, the demigods churned the milk ocean, the kalpa-
vriksha tree was born from the friction of churning.
267. The kalpa-vriksha grants every desire anyone
many ask, every desire in the heart. Whatever opulence a
person requests, it grants. It does not turn its face from any
268. The kalpa-vriksha tree, which is the glorious,
effulgent, and beautiful King of trees, comes from the form
of Sri Chaitanya. It is My own form. It is the King of mercy.
It has no equal.
269. I will descend to Earth as Sri Chaitanya. I will
become a sannyasi. I will enjoy many pastimes. I, the master
of the three worlds, will stay on Earth and mercifully preach
the truth.
270. Manifesting a humanlike form, I will preach the
sankirtana movement in Kali-yuga. My form will be
splendid like gold. I will keep My vow. I will preach the
highest spiritual love.
271. Now I have revealed My heart to you. Please keep
that secret hidden in your heart also. In Kali-yuga I will
come as Lord Gaura, the best of incarnations, and with My
own glories I will deliver the world.
272. This conversation of Goddess Katyayani and Lord
Vishnu is revealed in the Brahma Purana, Utkala-khanda. King
Prataparudra, who is an ocean of transcendental virtues,
distributed many copies of this passage,
273. Smiling and smiling, Narada Muni said, Why
should you not remember these words in your heart? The
Supreme Lord commanded me to announce that He will
descend to the earth in the Kali-yuga.
274. Arriving in the Kali-yuga, He will take birth on
Earth. Thus the master of all the worlds will take birth in a
brahmana family. He will be surrounded by His personal
275. Hearing Naradas words, Goddess Katyayani and
Lord Shiva became joyful. Lord Shivas abode became filled
with bliss. Everyone called out, Hari! Hari! A great tumult
of blissful sounds arose.
276. Sounding his vina, Narada Muni departed. The
sound of his vina was sweet like nectar. It was a stream of
nectar that filled every ear. It delighted the hearts of the
people in the three worlds.
277. Forgetting himself, Narada had no power to walk.
His face was red with ecstatic love. Although his forehead
was covered with drop after drop of perspiration, he did
not feel tired from traveling. In this way he came to the
demigod Brahmas abode.
278. Seeing him, Brahma was both very afraid and very
delighted at heart. Brahma rose to greet him. Falling at
Brahmas feet, Narada offered obeisances. Brahma picked
him up and embraced him.
279. Brahma asked about his welfare. He said, I think
your arrival is auspicious. For a long time I have wished to
see you. That desire was in my heart. Now I see your
glorious face. Now I will proclaim the secret of your good
280. When the nectar words flow from your mouth
and enter my ear, my feverish heart will become cool. Please
speak, and I will listen. Please speak of the worlds you
visited. Please sing songs glorifying the Supreme Lord.
Whom did you see? What did you hear?
281. In this way Brahma spoke. Narada was overcome.
His lips trembled. His limbs swayed. Tears streamed from
his eyes. His face was reddish. By seeing this, the bliss at the
beginning of his words became doubled.
282. He said: Please hear very wonderful words. You
are the Creator of the whole material world. From Your
name the word brahmanda (the material universe) has
come. The different yuga-dharmas (religion for the ages) are
appropriate for their respective yugas. In Kali-yuga sin is
very powerful.
283. At Dvapara-yugas end the people become filled
with suffering and grief. I thought: Kali-yuga will soon
come. In my heart I will suffer greatly. I will go to the Lord.
I will ask Him about it.
284. I will ask Him: O Lord, please tell me how to
deliver the sinful people in the Kali-yuga. In Kali-yuga the
brahmanas do not study the Vedas, and everyone is
impious. This great doubt stays in my heart.
285. Hearing my anguished words, the Supreme Lord,
who is a jewel of transcendental virtues, said: Throw all
these worries far away from your heart. I will deliver the
people of Kali-yuga. I will teach them devotion to Me. I will
descend in the Kali-yuga.
286. The benefits that come from charity, vows,
austerities, varnashrama-dharma, and pious deeds all come
from chanting Lord Haris holy names. You will see that
Kali-yuga is full of faults. Still, you should write that it has
one great virtue: Simply by performing sankirtana of
chanting My holy names and glorifying Me the conditioned
souls are released from the prison house of repeated birth
and death.
287. Tell this to Shiva, Brahma, and the others. Tell
them they should all take birth in the Kali-yuga.
Manifesting a form of mercy personified, I will also take
birth on the earth. Manifesting My form of Lord Gaura, I
will enter the Kali-yuga.

Song 7
(Shubha-chanda Pahida raga - Disha)

Refrain: Glory, glory to the moon of Lord Gauranga, a

moon that has risen in Nadiya during Kali-yuga. Please
hear these words: My master is never defeated. His glories
fill the three worlds with light. O! O! O! O! Please hear these
words: Lord Gaurangachandra will never be defeated.
288. When he heard these words, the nectar sprout of
ecstatic love grew in Brahmas heart.
289. Tears streamed down Brahmas cheeks. Overcome
with bliss, he placed Narada on his lap.
290. Brahma said: Please hear, O great sage. By your
mercy my heart is now filled with bliss.
291. The people are shackled by maya. They are blind
with desire for material sense objects. By your mercy they
can become free of those shackles.
292. Your only concern is to deliver the people. I will
tell something that happened to me.
293. Sanaka and my other saintly sons approached me
and spoke.
294. They said to me: You are the Supreme Lords
dear son. We have some questions. Please answer them.
295. The Supreme Lord is inconceivable, eternal,
spiritual, eternally blissful, the most subtle, the master of all
masters, all-pervading, and religion personified.
296. He is limitless, free from the material modes,
untouched by matter, and without any material form. No
intelligence can find His beginning, middle, or end.
297. Still the Lord takes birth on Earth. Although He is
unborn, He is born and dies according to the laws of matter.
298. In Vrindavana forest He enjoys the rasa dance
with the gopis. He acts as if He were a lusty conditioned
soul eager to taste the nectar of sexual pleasures.
299. He is the Supersoul present in all living entities,
male or female. Why, unsatisfied with that role, does He
become the lover of young girls?
300. This great doubt stays in our hearts. O Brahma,
please describe to us the truth. Please sweep this rubbish
doubt from our hearts.
301. Hearing this doubt expressed by Sanaka and my
other sons, I felt great wonder in my heart.
302. My heart became anxious, and sadness marked
my face. The Supreme Lords actions were beyond my
303. The Supreme Lords actions lie on the father
shore of the ocean of Vedanta. Who understands them?
Hundreds and hundreds of Brahmas know as little as I.
304. As I expressed these thoughts to them, the
Supreme Lord, manifesting the form of a swan, came before
305. In that form the Lord explained to me the four
nutshell verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Then I gave that
explanation to my sons, the four sages.
306. The sages became satisfied and the doubt in their
hearts went to its destruction.
307. To me these four nutshell verses are like a great
reservoir of nectar. No one in this material universe truly
understands them.
308. Writing the Mahabharata and the Puranas, Vyasa
stayed for many days at Naimisharanya.
309. Even after he had written these books the sadness
in his heart would not disperse.
310. In the middle of the forest Vyasa became
distraught. When the Supreme Lord became aware of all
this, compassion took birth in His heart.
311. Summoning me, the Supreme Lord gave me the
four nutshell verses and said to me: Take the four nutshell
verses and go to Vyasa.
312. Vyasa does not understand the truth of My
activities. Following these four nutshell verses He should
write Srimad-Bhagavatam.
313. You (Brahma) then explain the Srimad-Bhagavatam
to Narada. Goddess Sarasvati will speak using his tongue.
314. Now I will tell you (Narada) something. Please
listen, O best of the sages. Yuga after yuga please be
merciful to all living entities.
315. You are a great soul whose only interest is the
deliverance of other souls. Srimad-Bhagavatam is a sublime
scripture. There is no treasure like it.
316. Srimad-Bhagavatam is perfectly spiritual. Matter
never touches it. Fools do not understand this truth.
317. In Srimad-Bhagavatam, at the time of Garga Munis
performing Lord Krishnas name-giving ceremony, the Lord
Krishnas incarnations are described.
318. In that passage of Srimad-Bhagavatam Garga Muni
describes the Lords incarnations in the four yugas. He says
(S.B. 10.8.13):
asan varnas trayo hy asya
grihnato nu-yugam tanuh
shuklo raktas tatha pita
idanim krishnatam gatah

Your son, Krishna, appears as an incarnation in every

millennium. In the past He assumed three different colors-
white, red, and yellow. Now He has appeared in a blackish

320. In Satya-yuga the Lord appeared in a white color.

In Treta-yuga His form was red and His name Yajna.
321. As Nandas son He has a black color. That leaves
only the color yellow remaining.
322. The sequence of the descriptions in this verse
leaves some readers in doubt. They think there are four
yugas and the Lords incarnations have only three colors.
323. Actually this verse describes four colors. The
colors are white, red, yellow, and black. These colors are
manifested during the four yugas. They are not all manifest
in one yuga.
324. Now we will consider this question: In what yuga
does Lord Gaura manifest? This doubt is not quickly
resolved with only a few words.
325. Now I will explain this truth. Please listen. Even
fools will be able to understand the truth from my words.
326. In Srimad-Bhagavatams Eleventh Canto (11.5.19)
Maharaja Nimi asks Karabhajana Muni:

kasmin kale sa bhagavan
kim varnah kidrishaih nribhih
namna va kena vidhina
pujyate tad ihocyatam

What colors does the Supreme Personality of Godhead

assume in the different yugas? What are His names? By
what process and by what kind of people is He worshiped.
Please describe all this.

328. This verse says: What colors does the Supreme

Personality of Godhead manifest in the different yugas?
What are His names in the different yugas?
329. By what religious process do what kind of people
worship Him in the different yugas? By what actions is He
330. To these questions Karabhajana Muni replied
(S.B. 11.5.20-22):
kritam treta dvaparam cha
kalir ity eshu keshavah
nanaiva vidhinejyate
In the Satya, Treta, Dvapara, and Kali yugas Lord
Krishna manifests in different forms with different colors
and He is worshiped in different ways.

krite shuklas chatur-bahur
jatilo valkalambarah
bibhrad danda-kamandalu

In Satya-yuga the Lord appeared in a body colored white

with four arms and matted hair. He wore tree bark and bore
a black antelope skin. He wore a sacred thread and a
garland of rudraksha beads. He carried a rod and a Water-
pot, and He was a brahmachari.

manushyas tu tada shanta
nirvairah suhridah samah
yajanti tapasa devam
shamena cha damena cha

In that yuga the peaceful, non-envious, friendly,

equipoised people worship the Lord by controlling their
minds and senses.
333. In these verses Karabhajana Muni tells Maharaja
Nimi: Please listen carefully. How is the Lord worshiped in
the Satya-yuga and the other yugas?
334. In the Satya-yuga the Lord has a white
complexion and His name is Hamsa. He has four arms,
matted hair, and tree-bark garments. His process of religion
is the performance of austerities.
335. He has a danda, kamandalu, black deerskin, and
sacred thread. The people then are by nature peaceful, non-
envious, and equipoised.
336. The Lords incarnation in the Treta-yuga is
described in these words of Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.24-25):

tretayam rakta-varno sau

chatur-bahus tri-mekhalah
hiranya-keshas trayy-atma

In Treta-yuga the Lord appeared in a body that had a

reddish hue and four arms. There were three distinctive
lines on His abdomen, and His hair was golden. His form
manifested the Vedic knowledge, and He bore the symbols
of a sacrificial spoon, ladle, and so on.

tam tada manuja devam
sarva-devamayam harim
yajanti vidyaya trayya
dharmishtha brahma-vadinah

With the knowledge of the three Vedas the religious

and spiritual people in that yuga perform yajnas to worship
the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who contains within
Himself all the demigods.

338. These verses mean: In the Treta-yuga the Lord

has a red color, four arms, and a triple belt. He carries a sruk
(.. ) and srava (.) in His hands.
339. The hair on His head is the color of molten gold.
The Supreme Lord, within whom all the demigods are
manifest, is worshiped by performance of yajna.
340. The Lord is the three Vedas personified. Therefore
His name is Yajna. The people who know the truth of
religion worship Him according to the religious rules
described in the Vedas.
341. The Lords incarnation in the Dvapara-yuga is
described in these words of Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.27, 28,
and 31):
dvapare bhagavan shyamah
pita-vasa nijayudhah
srivatsadibhir ankaish cha
lakshanair upalakshitah
In the Dvapara-yuga the Personality of Godhead
appears in a blackish hue. He is dressed in yellow, He holds
His own weapons, and He is decorated with the Kaustubha
jewel and marks of Srivatsa. That is how His symptoms are

tam tada purusham martya
yajanti veda-tantrabhyam
param jijnasavo nripa

O King, following the Vedas and Tantras, persons who

yearn to know the Supreme worship Him as a King in the

iti dvapara urv-isha
stuvanti jagad-ishvaram
kalat api tatha srinu

O King, in this way the people in Dvapara-yuga

glorify the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Following the
various Tantras, the people in Kali-yuga also glorify the
Lord in that way.
344. These verses mean: In Dvapara-yuga the
Supreme Personality of Godhead has a black color. He has
the Srivatsa and Kaustubha jewel. Yellow garments are on
His body.
345. Bearing the qualities of a King of kings, He is
glorious. Persons who are fortunate worship Him according
to the rules on the Vedas and Tantras.
346. In every yuga the Supreme Lord appears as a
yuga-avatara. The Lord thus induces the people of each
yuga to follow the appropriate yuga-dharma.
347. The three yugas: Satya, Treta, and Dvapara have
already passed. In these yugas the Lords color was first
white, then red, and then black.
348. The sage explained that the Lord manifested
these three colors in these three yugas. Please carefully hear
these words of Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.32):

krishna-varnam tvishakrishnam
yajnaih sankirtana-prayair
yajanti hi su-medhasah

In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform

congregation chanting to worship the incarnation of
Godhead who constantly sings the name of Krishna.
Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krishna
Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants,
weapons, and confidential companions.

350. In this verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam the word

krishna-varna means the two syllable Krishna.
351. Now everyone please hear the explanation of the
word akrishnam, which means of light color. This word
refers to Lord Gaura.
352. The word sangopangastra-parshadam means
Accompanied by His associates, the Lord descends to this
353. Here the word anga refers to Lord Balarama, and
the word upanga refers to the Lords ornaments.
354. The word astra refers to the Lords Sudarshana-
chakra and other weapons. The word parshada refers to
Prahlada, Narada, and all the other personal associates of
the Lord.
355. The devotees who were the Lords servants and
maidservants when He previously descended to the
material world again become His angas and upangas when
He descends as Lord Gaura.
356. Someone will describe all these great Vaishnavas
and tell what there names are in Lord Krishnas pastimes.
357. The common people will not understand these
descriptions. How will the lowly people believe them?
358. For this reason Karabhajana Muni said only
intelligent people (sumedhasah) will understand.
359. Sankirtana (congregational chanting of the Lords
holy names) is the yuga-dharma in Kali-yuga. Intelligent
people will delight in sankirtana.
360. Now I will explain to you what the ordinary
people do not understand: Why in Srimad-Bhagavatam
10.8.13 only three colors are given to describe the Lords
incarnations in the four yugas.
361. In Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.5.32 the word krishna-
varnam may mean either He whose color is black or He
whose name is Krishna. A different color is not seen in
these two (Dvapara and Kali) yugas.
362. In the two yugas Dvapara and Kali the Lords
incarnation has the same color. The Lords incarnations
have the same color in these two yugas. That is the heart of
the explanation.
363. In Satya and Treta yugas the Lords incarnations
have a red and white color respectively. In Dvapara and
Kali yugas the Lords incarnations both have the same color.
364. Why is the sequence of colors broken in Garga
Munis description? The sequence is not broken. Please very
happily hear my explanation.
365. This description refers to past, present, and
future. The four yugas here fit into these three phases of
366. In this verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam the Satya and
Treta yugas are in the past, and the Dvapara-yuga is in the
present. In Dvapara-yuga Lord Krishnas incarnation bears
the name Krishna.
367. By speaking the word idanim (now) in this verse
Garga Muni refers to the near future.
368. I say that the use of the present tense here is truly
intended to refer to the near future.
369. Sanskrit panditas agree that the present tense
may be used to refer to the near future. The near future is
then hinted in this verse.
370. In this verse Garga Muni uses the word tatha (in
that way). Why, after describing the Lords white and red
incarnations, does Garga Muni then use the word tatha.
371. The word tatha is used here to mean: As (yatha)
the Lord previously appeared in white and red
incarnations, in the same way (tatha) Lord Krishna will
appear in a yellow color in Kali-yuga.
372. At the present, in the Dvapara-yuga, the Lord has
appeared in a black color. In this way Garga Munis
description of the Lords incarnations in the four yugas refer
to the three phases of time.
373. If someone does not accept my explanation then
he must say why Srimad-Bhagavatam uses the word tatha in
this verse.
374. I will now explain all this. Please hear my words. I,
Lochana Dasa, will explain. Please do not ignore my words.
375. Please hear another wonderful explanation of this
verse. This explanation is the most conclusive evidence.
376. Here someone may lodge a surprising protest. He
may claim that because He is a yuga-avatara, Lord Krishna
cannot be the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, the
source of all incarnations.
377. In truth it is said in Srimad-Bhagavatam that the
other yuga-avatara are all plenary portions (amsha) or
portions of the plenary portions of Lord Krishna, and Lord
Krishna Himself is the original Supreme Personality of
378. This explanation is found in these words of Srimad-
Bhagavatam (1.3.28):

ete chamsha-kalah pumsah

krishnas tu bhagavan svayam
indrari-vyakulam lokam
mridayanti yuge yuge

All the above-mentioned incarnations are either

plenary portions or portions of the plenary portions of the
Lord, but Lord Sri Krishna is the original Personality of
Godhead. All of Them appear on planets whenever there is
a disturbance created by the atheists. The Lord incarnates to
protect the theists.

379. Why do I say that Lord Krishna is a yuga-avatara?

Why does Srimad-Bhagavatam refer to Him as a yuga-
380. Lord Krishna, the moon of Vrindavana, is not a
mere yuga-avatara. Rather He is the prefect and complete
original Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is what
Srimad-Bhagavatam says.
381. Now I will explain why Lord Krishna is the
original Supreme Personality of Godhead. Please do not
mock me. Listen carefully.
382. In Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.8.13) it is said:

asan varnas trayo hy asya

grihnato nu-yugam tanuh
shuklo raktas tatha pita
idanim krishnatam gatah

Your son Krishna appears as an incarnation in every

millennium. In the past He assumed three different colors-
white, red, and yellow-and now He has appeared in a
blackish color.

383. In this verse Garga Muni speaks very profound

truths. How can I explain those truths? I am only a fool.
384. If one is intelligent he becomes a devotee of the
Lord. Only intelligent people can understand the truths
given in Srimad-Bhagavatam.
385. Garga Muni explained that in each of the four
yugas the Lord appears in incarnations of four different
colors. In discussing these different yugas Garga Muni
refers to the three phases of time: past, present, and future.
386. Thus in this verse Vyasa describes the four yugas
according to the three phases of time.
387. He says that in the four yugas: Satya, Treta,
Dvapara, and Kali, the Lord descends as avataras that are
white, red, yellow, and black.
388. The four yugas are all mentioned here, but only
three of the yuga-avataras are mentioned in this verse.
389. The intention here is that as there are four yugas,
so there are also four yuga-avataras.
390. Thus it may be seen that in this verse the sequence
of the avataras is interrupted. The truth is that by speaking
the word tatha (in the same way) Garga Muni hints at the
appearance of the Lords avatara in the future.
391. Who are the yuga-avataras? They are described as
having four colors. Who is the avatari (the origin of the
avataras)? That we must consider.
392. Lord Krishna, who descended to Earth and took
birth in the Yadu dynasty, is the avatari. All the other
avataras are plenary portions of Him.
393. Someone may doubt: Why make a distinction
between the avatara and the source of avataras? There are
two reasons for that:
394. The avataras that appear in the four yugas are all
plenary portions (amsha) of the original Supreme
Personality of Godhead. They appear in specific colors in
each yuga, one after the other.
395. Their purpose is to establish religion and destroy
irreligion. In every yuga these plenary portions (amsha) of
the Supreme Lord descend as avataras.
396. However, in Dvapara-yuga Lord Hari descended
in His original form. He is the crest jewel of all avataras. He
is above them all.
397. The meaning of Garga Munis words is that
generally in the Dvapara-yuga the incarnation of the Lord is
dark and handsome like Krishna, but He is not the original
form of Lord Krishna Himself.
398. Generally in the Dvapara-yuga the avatara is dark
like Lord Krishna, and bears the name Krishna, but He is
only a plenary portion of Krishna. Now please hear the
heart of this matter.
399. When Lord Krishna Himself personally descends
in the Dvapara-yuga, in the following Kali-yuga Lord
Gaurachandra makes His appearance. These two Lords
who appear in the Dvapara and Kali yugas are not
400. Although They descend in two different yugas,
They are the same. Vyasa explains this.
401. In the Brihat-sahasra-nama-stotra it is said:

tam aradhya tatha shambho

grahishyami varam sada
dvaparadau yuge bhutva
kalaya manushadishu

svagamaih kalpitais tvam cha

janan mad-vimukhan kuru
mam cha gopaya yena syat
srishtir evottarottara

In Kali-yuga, .. (????????)
mislead the people in general by propounding imaginary
meanings of the Vedas to bewilder them.

402. Now I will tell you something else. Please listen. In

Bhagavad-gita (4.8) these words came from Lord Krishnas
paritranaya sadhunam
vinashaya cha dushkritam
sambhavami yuge yuge

To deliver the pious and annihilate the miscreants, as

well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself
advent millennium after millennium.

404 - 405. These words mean: To protect the pious,

establish religion, and destroy impiety, I take birth in one
yuga and then in another yuga. Thus in two yugas I
personally take birth.
406. Here I speak first of one yuga and then of another
yuga. I speak the word yuga as a noun, a noun modified by
an adjective.
407. When I speak it the word yuga is preceded by an
adjective. The first yuga is the Dvapara-yuga, and the
second yuga is the Kali-yuga.
408. Why do you say that the words yuge yuge in this
verse of Bhagavad-gita refers to the four yugas? The Krishna-
avatara is the perfect and complete original Supreme
Personality of Godhead. Why do you say He is only a
plenary portion (amsha) of the Supreme Lord?
409. In other places in the Scriptures the four yugas are
mentioned. Please be attentive and I will quote such a
410. In Bhagavad-gita (4.7) Lord Krishna declares:

yada yada hi dharmasya

glanir bhavati bharata
abhyutthanam adharmasya
tadatmanam srijamy aham

Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious

practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise
in irreligion then I descend Myself.
411. In this verse the Supreme Lord says: At whatever
time, and in whatever yuga, religion is destroyed and
irreligion arises, then I take birth.
412. Then only, I appear Myself. Manifesting My
plenary portion (amsha), I thus descend in every yuga.
413. Now I will tell you one thing. Please hear My
words. I, Lochana Dasa will explain this. Please do not
disregard my words.
414. Here the Supreme Lord says: I, Lord Krishna, take
birth as Lord Gaura in Kali-yuga. Please crush to death
any doubts you may have about this.
415. Please hear the wonderful secret truth of the Kali-
yuga. In the Kali-yuga the religion of sankirtana
(congregational chanting of Lord Krishnas holy names) will
deliver the entire world.
416 - 417. Sankirtana brings the same results attained
by charity, vows, austerity, yajnas, study, sense-control, and
following rules that restrict ones contact with sense objects
and material desires. This truth I have heard in the Sruti-
shastra. Still, the people are all shacked by maya, have all
become blinded, have all become worthless like heaps of
ashes, for they do not know the glories of the Supreme
Lords holy names and qualities.
418. Bound by the ropes of karma and wandering from
place to place, the conditioned souls will not engage in
renunciation. Neither will they perform pious deeds.
419. At the time of cosmic annihilation the ropes of
karma that bind them are cut. Only when the ropes of
karma are cut can they ask about Lord Krishna.
420. Therefore sankirtana is the yuga-dharma (religion of
the age) for Kali-yuga. Still, people who have committed
horrible sins cannot understand this secret truth.
421. How can the yuga-dharma, which is sankirtana, be
destroyed? Who, but the Lord Himself, has the power to
establish religion?
422. In Bhagavad-gita the Supreme Lord promises that
He will descend to this world and protect religion.
423. He says (Bg. 4.8):

paritranaya sadhunam
vinashaya cha dushkritam
sambhavami yuge yuge

To deliver the pious and annihilate the miscreants, as

well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent
Myself millennium after millennium.

424. In this verse the Lord says: To protect the

devotees, destroy irreligion, and establish religion, I Myself
appear in every yuga.
425. In Kali-yuga the yuga-dharma is sankirtana. In
Kali-yuga the Lords avatara is Lord Gaura. There is no
426. After Lord Brahma had spoken these same words,
Sanaka and the other three sages joyfully embraced each
other. Brahma was so overcome with bliss he did not even
know who he was.
427. Then he spoke one more truth about Lord Gauras
glories. His every sense filled with bliss, he said:
428. Please hear another explanation. In the Sahasra-
nama-stotra, in the description of two of the Lords holy
names, it is said (Mahabharata, shanti-parva):

suvarna-varno hemango
varangash chandanangadi
sannyasa-kric chamah shanto

In His early pastimes He appears as a householder

with a golden complexion. His limbs are beautiful, and His
body, smeared with the pulp of sandalwood, seems like
molten gold. In His later pastimes He accepts the sannyasa
order, and He is equipoised and peaceful. He is the highest
abode of peace and devotion, for He silences the
impersonalist non-devotees.
430. This verse means: Lord Gauras body is effulgent
like gold. He accepts sannyasa and He is very noble-
431. Please hear the following words from the
Bhavishya Purana, where three times the Lord vows that He
will take birth in Kali-yuga.
432. In this verse of the Bhavishya Pyrana, the Supreme
Lord declares:

ajayadhvam ajayadhvam
ajayadhvam na samshayah
kalau sankirtanarambhe
bhavishyami sachi-sutah

I shall take birth. I shall take birth. I shall take birth. Of

this there is no doubt. In the age of Kali, when the
sankirtana movement is inaugurated, I shall descend as the
son of Sachi-devi.

433. Please carefully hear some other wonderful

explanations. With an attentive heart please try to
understand the secret of the yuga-dharma in Kali-yuga.
434. In Kali-yuga everyone is sinful. Irreligion is
manifest and religion is diminished.
435. Harinama-sankirtana (chanting Lord Krishnas
holy names) is the yuga-dharma in that age. In truth,
chanting Lord Krishnas holy names is the essence of all
436. By once chanting the Lords holy name one easily
attains the results of charity, vows, austerity, yajna, jnana,
and japa, and one also easily attains liberation.
437. A hedonist addicted to sense pleasures may give
some attention to chanting the holy names. At first he may
remain a hedonist, but in the end he will become rapt in
devotion to Lord Krishna.
438. If he chants the glories of Lord Krishna, a faithful
person will spurn all material pleasures and run to Lord
439. Thus chanting Lord Krishnas names and glories
is the true religion in the sinful Kali-yuga.
440. In this way I have described the nature of Kali-
yuga and its yuga-dharma. This is the highest religion in the
sinful age of Kali.
441. If someone say that the sins in Kali-yuga are very
difficult to cut into pieces, then I say that one should simply
bring out the great sword of sankirtana.
442. Why do the people who live in the Satya-yuga
and other yugas pray to take birth in Kali-yuga? Because in
Kali-yuga the people are very devoted to chanting Lord
Haris holy names.
443. In Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.38) it is said:

kritadishu praja rajan

kalat icchanti sambhavam
kalau khalu bhavishyanti

O King, the residents of Satya-yuga and the other

yugas yearn to take birth in Kali-yuga, for in Kali-yuga
there will be many devotees of Lord Narayana.

444. Why, when He descended to this world with all

His powers, did Lord Krishna not give prema-bhakti
(loving devotional service) to even the sinners?
445. Please tell me: What incarnation in what yuga
would be so merciful that He would give ecstatic spiritual
love (prema) even to condition souls that do not engage in
devotional service?
446. Religion, pious deeds, and holy places destroy
sins. Do you know anything like them?
447. Some great souls know that Kali-yuga is the best
of all yugas, for within it is the religion of sankirtana. In
Kali-yuga there is no other religion.
448. In this way Brahma spoke. Hearing these words,
Narada struck his vina and made a shower of sweet sounds.
449. Hearing this nectar conversation of Brahma and
Narada, Lochana Dasa finds that his heart is filled with

Song 8
(Sindhuda raga)

450. Narada said: Brahma, what can I say? You have

already spoken what was in my heart.
451 - 453. Shacked by past karma, for how many kalpas
does the conditioned soul wander and wander in this
world? If somehow such a person renders a small service to
a Vaishnava and if somehow he hears from that Vaishnava
the confidential truths of spiritual life, and if then he
carefully strives to attain spiritual perfection, then the
shackles of maya that bind him will be opened. Then he will
become devoted to Lord Krishna. Then he will not even lift
a finger to grasp any of the four kinds of liberation that
begin with salokya-mukti.
454. Who is qualified to attain the ecstatic love the
gopis felt? Of that I will talk.
455. The Supreme Lord is conquered by that love,
which is superficially like the love of a woman for her
456. Who can describe that love? He so admired their
virtues that Uddhava prayed to become a bush or a creeper.
457. In Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.47.61) he said:

asam aho charana-renu-jusham aham shyam

vrindavane kim api gulma-lataushadhinam
ya dustyajam svajanam arya patham cha hitva
bhejur mukunda-padavim shrutibhir vimrigyam
The gopis of Vrindavana have given up the association
of their husbands, sons, and other family members, who are
very difficult to give up, and they have forsaken the path of
chastity to take shelter at the lotus feet of Mukunda,
Krishna, which one should search for by Vedic knowledge.
Oh, let me be fortunate enough to be one of the bushes,
creepers, or herbs in Vrindavana, because the gopis trample
them and bless them with the dust of their lotus feet.

458 - 461. The same Supreme Personality of Godhead

on whose feet Brahma and Shiva meditate, whom the kings
of the yogis and the kings of the sages seek but cannot find,
whose feet the many goddesses of fortune serve, the sweet
glory of whose feet words have no power to describe,
whose great glories the four Vedas always sing, whose
limitless glories have no end, who rests on the bed that is
Lord Ananta Shesha, that same Lord has become a servant
of the gopis.
462. How many hundreds and hundreds of devotees
are like them, are followers of the gopis and have also
conquered Lord Krishna and brought Him under their
463. Who is Lord Krishna? He is the all-pervading
Supreme Personality of Godhead. Who are the gopis? They
are girls overcome with deep love for Krishna, girls who ran
into the forest to meet Krishna.
464. I wish to describe these truths of devotional
service. The greatest secrets are the secrets of pure
devotional service. There are no other great secrets.
465. In Kali-yuga the Supreme Personality of Godhead
will preach these secrets of pure devotional service, secrets
even Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ananta Shesha have never
466. O Brahma, please tell everyone in your assembly
to take birth, by their plenary portions (amsha), in the Kali-
467. Speaking these words, the great sage Narada, his
heart filled with bliss, departed. Lochana Dasa speaks these

Song 8
(Mallara raga - Tripadi)

468. Narada Muni departed. He sounded his vina. The

music was sweet and auspicious. It was like a shower of
nectar on the hearts of the worlds people. It was a
wonderful of bliss in the three worlds.
469. Plunged in bliss, Narada sang: Jaya! Jaya!
Haribol! These words of His fell on the three worlds:
Accompanied by His weapons and associates, Lord Gaura
will happily take birth in the Kali-yuga.
470. Please be merciful to me. Please cast your glance
on me. Please sprinkle your nectar words on my body. Jaya!
Jaya Jagannatha! Accompanied by His devotees, the master
of the universes will preach the glories of devotional service
offered to Him.
471. The people of Kali-yuga are fortunate, fortunate.
The people are all fortunate. The Supreme Lord will
descend to the earth in the place called Nadiya. Fortunate is
Purandara Mishra, in whose home Lord Gauraraja will take
472. Aha! Accompanied by His devotees, Lord Gaura
will sing of Lord Krishnas glories. The mridangas, conch-
shells, and karatalas will all sound. A nectar shower of
ecstatic spiritual love will fall on the fourteen worlds. Lord
Gaura will preach the glories of glorifying Lord Krishna.
473. Lord Gaura will personally distribute the power
to taste the sweet nectar rasas of Vrindavana. He will give it
to the demigods, nagas, and human beings, including even
the chandalas. He will give it to everyone.
474. Please hear the blissful, blissful, auspicious,
auspicious glories of the Lord. Now the great treasure of
Vrindavana is openly manifest. The master of all the worlds
has taken birth on the earth. Now Lochana Dasa is
delirious with bliss.

Song 10
(Varadi raga)
Refrain: O my master! O my very life! Lord
Gaurachandra has come to this world!

475. Hearing these words, Indra, Chandra, the

demigods, and the kings of yogis and sages all danced with
476. Filled with bliss, Narada continued his travels. He
saw that the people were like dead trees now alive with a
host of new sprouts.
477. Returning unannounced to Earth, he saw the
peoples religious practices were in chaos.
478. Everyone had turned away from charity, vows,
and austerities. With their bodies, words, and hearts they
worshiped only their wives.
479. Seeing all this, Narada decided: This is the Kali-
yuga. There is no doubt of that.
480. My announcement fell on the three worlds. Now
the Kali-yuga has come.
481. Narada sat down and became rapt in thought.
Suddenly from the sky a divine voice said:
482. I am Lord Jagannatha. In My spiritual form of
wood I reside by the oceans shore in Nilachala to deliver
the people.
483. You do not remember what happened before. I
promised I would keep Goddess Katyayanis vow.
484. Go. Go, O King of the sages, to Jagannatha Puri.
Obey Lord Jagannathas command.
485. His heart filled with bliss, Narada traveled there.
The sound rising from his vina cooled the feverish people of
the world.
486. With great love calling out, O! O Jagannatha! he
ran to Jagannatha Puri. Arriving there he gazed at the
graceful moonlike face of Lord Jagannatha, the Ruler of the
three worlds.
487. Lord Jagannatha is the resting place of all divine
incarnations. His blissful face is the abode of all nectar and
all gracefulness.
488. Narada fell at Lord Jagannathas feet. Folding his
hands, he said: O Lord Jagannatha, please be merciful.
Now the age of Kali has come.
489. Now everyone has fallen into a host of horrible
sins. Everyone is devoted only to their bellies and genitals.
They are all bewildered with great lamentations.
490. Hearing these words, Lord Jagannatha smiled and
spoke. Touching Naradas hand, in that secluded place the
Lord said:
491. I will tell you a great secret. By My command you
should now go to the spiritual world of Goloka.

Song 11
(Pahida raga - Tripadi chanda)

492. Lord Jagannatha revealed to Narada: Above

Vaikuntha is the world of Goloka, where Sri Gaurasundara
is King. In that place are Radha, Rukmini, and a host of
women. There Lord Hari is the only male (adi-purusha).
Everyone in Goloka is full of bliss.
493. There Radha and Rukmini are the two Queens.
The other women are Their expansions. Following
hundreds and hundreds of branches of devotion, these
personified potencies engage in devotional service.
494. Satyabhama is also a Queen there. Her beauty
and virtues have no peer. She has the greatest intelligence
and sweetness. Her playfulness, beauty, artistic talent, and
good fortune are glorious. She is the most beautiful and
charming girl in the three worlds.
495. In the realm of Goloka are singing and music at
the rhythms of drums. In that realm are the spiritual
vibrations of the Vedas including the fifth Veda. In that
realm sublime intelligence is everywhere present.
496. In Goloka are many expansions of the Supreme
Lord and many hosts of exalted Vaishnavas. That nectar city
bears the name Ranga-puri. Why has the power to describe
the glory of that realm? Having only a single mouth, I have
no power to describe it.
497. In that realm, in Vrindavana forest, Lord Krishna
enjoys the rasa dance with Sri Radha and a host of gopis. In
that realm, in Dvaraka City, many women, the followers
and servants of Queen Rukmini, taste the nectar of ecstatic
spiritual love.
498. No one there lacks devotion. Everyone there
always sings the glories of the Lord. Although they are all
free and independent, everyone there voluntarily submits to
the Lords will. Everyone in Goloka is liberated. Still, they
humbly engage in devotional service as if they were
conditioned souls in the world of matter.
499. The four kinds of liberation, which begin with
salokya-mukti, are all potencies of Vaikunthas master. The
master of Vaikuntha is never conquered by persons who
have no devotion. He possesses all opulences. He is no
fallen and lowly. He is conquered only by pure devotion.
500. Sugar has no power to taste its own sweetness.
Only others can taste it. Liberation is an obstacle on the path
of devotional service. Loving devotional service is the
highest attainment.
501. In Goloka, Dvaraka City is beyond the
jurisdiction of the demigod Brahma. It is My home. Out of
compassion Sri Chaitanya, the master of all, will come here.
His form will be tall and fair. When you see Him the
troubles in your heart will perish.
502. I Myself will be the Sri Chaitanya you will see. I
will preach the chanting of My own glories. I will destroy
everyones sufferings. I will preach the bliss of ecstatic
spiritual love. I will deliver the people of Kali-yuga.
503. Hearing these wonderful words, Narada Muni
departed. He thought, Now I will see the world of Goloka,
a world higher than Vaikuntha, a world beyond what the
Vedas can see, a world whose praises are sung in all the
504. The secret truths I heard from the devotees about
liberation, what is beyond liberation, and what is neither
known nor manifest to the Vedas and the material world,
today I will see directly.
505. Filled with love, Narada flew to the spiritual
world. Hearing the sound of his vina, the residents of
Vaikuntha became joyful. Filled with bliss, and singing
auspicious songs glorifying the Supreme Lord, Narada
arrived at the gate of Vaikuntha.
506. Surrounded by His associates, Lord Narayana, the
master of Vaikuntha saw Narada and offered him a seat on
a jewel throne. Falling at the Lords feet, Narada offered
respectful obeisances. The Lord picked him up and
embraced him.
507. Smiling and smiling, Lord Narayana said: What is
in your heart? O great sage, please tell. I will grant whatever
wish is in your heart. What you do not know I will reveal.
508. Folding his palms, Narada Muni said: You are the
Supersoul present in every heart. What need I explain to
You? What in Your spiritual form of wood You described to
me I will soon see with my own eyes.
509. Then Lord Narayana, Who is decorated with the
jewels of all virtues, said: The form I secretly described to
you is My original form (Sri Chaitanya). Maya is that forms
shadow. Hundreds and hundreds of avataras come from
that form [Chaitanya Mahaprabhu]. Worship of that form is
the noblest endeavor.
510. I am a plenary expansion of that form. I am
present everywhere. I am Lord Vishnu, from whom
everything has come. I am everything of everything.
Goddess Lakshmi is My follower. The four kinds of
liberation also follow Me. What I tell you is the truth.
511. I, Lord Vishnu, am His plenary expansion.
Goddess Lakshmi is His potency of opulence. This
Vaikuntha realm is the plenary expansion of His original
Vaikuntha realm. The liberation here is only a shadow of the
liberation in His realm. There pure devotional service is
present everywhere. Lord Narayana serves Him, the master
of that Vaikuntha.
512. In His realm Sri Radha is the only potency. Her
form is filled with ecstatic spiritual love. She brings the
Supreme Personality of Godhead under Her control. His
realm is one of the Vaikuntha worlds. It is called Maha-
Vaikuntha. It is three-quarters of all existence.
513. What I say is the truth. Lord Gaura-Hari is
beyond the touch of maya. He is a kalpa-vriksha tree of
compassion. O sage, go to Him. Go. Go to Mahaprabhus
place. He is the shiksha-guru (instructing teacher) of all the
514. Sounding his vina and singing sounds glorifying
Lord Hari, Narada, the King of the kings of the sages,
departed. His limbs trembled in ecstasy. From head to foot
the hairs of his body stood erect. Tears of spiritual love
streamed from his eyes.
515. He became wild with ecstatic love. One moment
he was filled with wonder. Another moment he called out:
Gauranga! Another moment he stumbled. Another
moment he fell backwards. Another moment he wept.
Another moment he eagerly ran.
516. Suddenly a breeze blew upon him, a breeze that
brought coolness to his whole body. Then came an
effulgence glorious like ten million moons. Then he smelled
the fragrance of the Supreme Lords graceful lotus feet.
Then Naradas whole body was overwhelmed with ecstasy.
Then he gazed on a person more glorious than Kamadeva.
517. Many Kamadevas served that person. No one
there saw Him without feeling great love. They did not
know whether it was day or night. They did not see Narada
as different from them. Everyone there was filled with bliss
and free of grief.
518. Their walking was playful dancing. Their words
were graceful songs. Their eyes were drawn to Lord
Gauranga. No limb of their bodies was not filled with bliss.
No one of them has lacking in ecstatic spiritual love. Their
bodies were made of nectar.
519. Every body was made of knowledge and bliss. The
ground was made of chintamani jewels. Every tree was a a
kalpa-vriksha tree. Every cow was a kamadhenu cow. This
was the realm where Uddhava and other great devotees
yearn to become a bush or a vine.
520. Every tree there was a kalpa-vriksha tree. In that
realm was a peerless jewel platform. On a golden throne
there Lord Gauranga Raya, with a smile sweeter than
nectar, sat.
521. The Lords left big toe touched an auspicious
Water-pot near the throne. A jewel lamp shone like the sun.
If filled that whole realm with light.
522. Radhika was on the Lords right. Her followers
were at Her side. In their hands were jewel Water-pots.
Rukmini was on the Lords left. Her friends were at her
side. In their hands were gold Water-pots with jewel water.
523. Nagnajita placed a Water-pot in Mitravindas
hand. Mitravinda placed it in Sulakshanas hand.
Sulakshana placed it in Rukminis hand. From that pot
Queen Rukmini poured celestial Ganga water on Lord
Gaurangas head. In this way the Lords abhisheka (personal
bathing) was performed.
524. Tilottama placed a Water-pot in Madhupriyas
hand. Madhupriya placed it in Chandramukhis hand.
Chandramukhi placed it in Radhikas hand. From that pot
Queen Radhika poured celestial Ganga water on the Lord
Gaurangas head. In this way the Lords abhisheka was
again performed.
525. In her hands Satyabhama brought splendid scents,
garlands, garments, and ornaments and placed them in the
hands of her maidservants Lakshana, Subhadra, and
526. In the four directions hundreds and hundreds of
goddesses brought splendid divine gifts. With their own
hands repeatedly they offered clusters of precious jewels to
the Lord. Loudly they sang auspicious songs of Jaya!
527. In this way they performed the abhisheka of Lord
Gauranga, the master of Goloka. It was He and no other.
The Scriptures meditate on Him with rapt attention. His
form is fair like gold. He is worshiped with a four-syllable
mantra. When He is the King of Vaikuntha His form is dark.
528. When he manifests His dark form of Vaikunthas
King He has four hands that hold four weapons. When He
has a form splendid like gold, His every limb is like gold.
Then He has two arms and He speaks gently. Please hear
the truth of this.
529. Gazing then at Lord Gaura decorated with the
jewels of transcendental virtues, Narada Muni, overcome
with ecstatic spiritual love, fell at the Lords feet. With
unblinking eyes he gazed at the Lord. With his tears he
bathed the Lords feet.
530. Bathed in this way, Lord Gaura gently smiled,
picked up Narada, and placed him in His lap. Now
Naradas doubts and fears all perished. The anguish in his
heart was crushed into dust. Then Narada, who is very dear
to the Lord, gently, gently spoke.
531. Narada Muni said: O Lord Mahaprabhu, never
have I seen or heard of a form wonderful like Yours. Now
my birth has borne its fruit. Now I see a flood of nectar.
Now I know that I am fortunate, fortunate.
532. Brahma and the demigods do not understand
You. Therefore I say You and Your avataras are beyond the
knowledge of individual souls. Some say You are a spiritual
effulgence. Others say no words coming from any mouth
can ever describe You. No one can speak any metaphor or
simile that will give a true idea of You.
533. Some say You are greater than the greatest, the
Supreme Person. No one has the power to describe You
completely. Gazing only on Your all-pervading energies one
does not attain liberation. Your actions are beyond our
534. Speaking with a thousand tongues in a thousand
mouths, Lord Ananta Shesha still cannot come to the end of
Your glories. O Lord Gaura, it is only by Your mercy that I
have seen You.
535. They who have single-pointed intelligence offer
arati to You and serve Your feet. Their intelligence is not
diverted into many paths. Some say You are an all-
pervading something subtly worshiped by the sankhya-yogis
and grossly worshiped by the devotees.
536. Some follow varnashrama-dharma in the Vedas
and perform their prescribed duties. Some follow Vedanta.
They do not come to any firm conclusion. Not
understanding You in truth, they become the followers of
many different philosophies.
537. Why do they ferociously debate amongst
themselves? Logic gives them no power to understand You.
Some of them say all is one. I do not understand Your heart.
Your words are completely beyond my understanding.
538. Now that I have attained the mercy of Your feet,
my life-breath weeps without stop. Please allow me to give
up this material body and take birth again in the family of
Your devotees. Then I will be able to worship you with
loving devotion (prema-bhakti).
539. Hearing Naradas words, Lord Narayana, who is a
plenary expansion of Lord Gaura, and is decorated with the
jewels of all transcendental virtues, said: Go. Go. Go, O
King of sages. I will deliver the people of Kali-yuga. I will
preach pure devotion offered to Me. I will take birth
amongst the devotees in Nadiya.
540. Go to Earth [Bhumi or Bhouma-dhama]. I stay
always at Svetadvipa [within the Brahmanda]. Balarama is
My brother. Ananta Shesha is His plenary expansion. Shiva
and the eleven Rudras worship and serve Him.
541. He enjoys pastimes with beautiful Revati. He
stays on an island in the midst of the milk ocean. From Him
the avataras come. He helps Me. He goes first and does My
542. Go to Him. Go, O King of sages. Serve Him and
tell Him these words: By Your plenary expansion take birth
on Earth and accept the name Nityananda.
543. Hearing the Supreme Lord Narayanas words,
with a happy heart Narada Muni said: Haribol! Lochana
Dasa describes this, the conversation of those two. Whoever
hears these words will be tossed by waves of bliss.

Song 12
(Kshudra-chanda - Dhanashi raga)

Refrain: I will take shelter of the Lords reddish lotus

feet. Go. Go and freely distribute ecstatic spiritual love. I
will make the world wild with ecstatic love.

544. Bidding farewell to Narada, the Supreme Lord sat

down. Then a thought sprouted in His heart.
545. He said: I will take birth on Earth. Now I will tell
the reason. Everyone please carefully hear.
546. Surrounded by His associates, the Supreme Lord
spoke His heart. The Supreme Controller [Narayana] of all
controllers was worried about Earth.
547. On His right was Radhika. On His left was Queen
Rukmini. All around Him were the most important gopis
and queens.
548. All around Him were His dear associates. All
around Him were His followers.
549. The Lords dear associates, for whom He is more
dear than life, were eager to hear Him. Millions and
millions of eyes gazed at His handsome face.
550. As chakora birds yearn after a single moon, so the
Lords associates yearned to drink the nectar rays of the
Lords moonlike face.
551. The Lord said: Yuga after yuga I take birth on
Earth. I protect the devotees and I also protect the principles
of religion. That is My mission.
552. I establish the principles of religion. Still, the
people do not understand. Sin has greatly increased. The
people are now addicted to sin.
553. In Treta-yuga sin increased. Then there was more
sin than in Satya-yuga. Then in Dvapara-yuga sin increased
even more. That made Me very sorrowful.
554. Then came horrible Kali-yuga filled with blinding
darkness. Not the smallest particle of true religion
remained. Seeing everyones sufferings, I felt very
555. What is My duty when irreligion increases? To
destroy irreligion I must descend to the material world.
556. Compassion has now taken birth in My heart. To
show the people the ecstatic spiritual love the devotees feel
for Me, I will now take birth in the material world.
557. I will show the people rare ecstatic loving
devotional service (prema-bhakti). I will teach them what is
true religion and what is not.
558. In Navadvipa, in Jagannatha Mishras house near
the Ganga, I will take birth in Sachis womb.
559. This avatara will not be like the other avataras. In
the other avataras I conquer Earth to kill the demons.
560. Then My form is great, My weapons are great,
and My demon adversaries are great. Fighting great battles,
I kill the demons. I crush them to powder.
561. However, now everyone is a demon at heart.
Now I will not cut them to pieces with My sword. How can
I attack them with My weapons?

nama-guna-sankirtana vaishnavera shakti
prakasa karibe ami nija prema-bhakti
I will show them My holy names, My glories and
transcendental qualities, My sankirtana movement, and
the power of My Vaishnava devotees, I will show them
the glory of the ecstatic spiritual love the devotees feel for
ei mate kali-papa karibe sanhara
sabe chala age pache na kara vichara
In this way I will destroy the sins of Kali-yuga. All of
you please go there before Me. Go, and I will follow.
Dont hesitate.
ebe nama sankirtana tikshna khadaga
laiya antara asura jivera phelibe katiya
Wielding the sharp sword of nama-sankirtana (chanting
the holy names), I will cut to pieces the demonic desires in
their hearts.
yadi papi chadi dharma dure deshe
yaya mora senapati-bhakta yaibe tathaya
If some sinful people escape and giving up religious
principles go to far off countries, then my Senapati-
bhakta (My Military Field Commander-devotee) [A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada] will come at that time
to give them Krishna consciousness.
566. I will plunge the whole world in the nectar of
ecstatic spiritual love for Me [Gauranga Mahaprabhu].
Not a single particle of suffering or grief will remain.
567. Into that nectar I will plunge the demigods and
all the moving and unmoving beings. Hearing these
words, Lochana Dasa is now filled with bliss.

Song 13
(Varadi raga)

568. Sounding his vina, Narada Muni traveled. Then he

could no longer move his hands or feet. His eyes filled with
tears, he no longer saw the way to go. He trembled and
stumbled like a drunkard.
569. When he took two or four steps forward, again he
took the same steps back. His voice choked with emotion,
he wildly chanted the Lords holy names. Ten million times
he fell to the ground and with great effort stood again.
Rivers of tears streamed from his eyes.
570. One moment he became like a madman. He roared
like a lion. In his heart he was rapt in thinking of Lord
Gaura. Of the outside world he was not aware. He knew
neither himself nor others. He thought only of Lord Gaura.
571. With his body, glorious like ten million suns,
Narada flew in outer space. In a moment he came to
Svetadvipa, the effulgent abode of Lord Balarama.
572. There he gazed at a wonderful city effulgent like
millions of millions of cooling moons. A gentle breeze
fragrant with the scent of many glorious flowers, blew.
Every door was made of glorious elephant pearls.
573. Everyone was in pure goodness. There was no old
age, death, or grief. Everyone was a friend. Every person he
saw was sweet and charming. The milk ocean was glorious
like Lord Balarama Himself.
574. Gazing at all this, Narada thought within his heart:
I am fortunate. Very fortunate. With my own eyes I will
soon see the master of the three worlds. Weeping, I will fall
at His feet.
575. Yuga after yuga, Lord Balarama descends to the
material world and helps Lord Krishna. He enjoys limitless
pastimes. He kills a host of demons.
576. Manifesting His plenary expansion, Lord
Balarama manifests in three spiritual abodes. There He
pleases Lord Krishna with His service. He is the beginning,
middle, and end. In His expansion of Lord Ananta, He
holds the Earth on one of His many hoods.
577. He is the Supreme Lord enjoying many blissful
pastimes in Svetadvipa. Going to the highest spiritual abode
of Goloka, with wonderful happiness He serves Lord
578. When Lord Mahaprabhu walks, Balarama
becomes His parasol. When Lord Mahaprabhu sits,
Balarama becomes His cloth for sitting. At the time of
cosmic annihilation, Balarama becomes a banyan leaf for
Lord Mahaprabhu. During great battles, Balarama becomes
a host of divine weapons. In these many ways Balarama
serves Lord Mahaprabhu.
579. In one expansion He serves Lord Mahaprabhu. In
another expansions He holds up the Earth. That is my Lord
Balarama. Soon I will see Lord Balarama, the Master of the
three worlds as He sits in the midst of the milk ocean. Soon
I will receive His command.
580. These two Lords are like a King and his minister.
with one will They protect the Earth. Accompanied by Lord
Shiva and by the expansions of Their expansions, They will
both descend to Earth.
581. Filled with these thoughts, Narada Muni joyfully
entered the city. There, surrounded by His associates, he
saw wonderful Lord Balaramachandra, the Master of the
three worlds.
582. Lord Balarama sat on a great white throne like a
snow-covered mountain peak. His smile was sweet like
nectar. His eyes were like red lotus flowers. His glance was
sleepy with intoxication. The words on His mouth were
half-spoken babbling.
583. Their pupils like black bees, His eyes were half-
closed. His necklace glistened with jewels, pearls, and coral.
One could not see all the ornaments on His body.
584. Relaxed, He sat on a soft pillow. His left hand
rested on His head. His right hand held Revatis hand.
Preparing betel-nuts, Revati placed them in Lord
Balaramas mouth. Speaking words of love, she gazed at
585. In the four directions were many maidservants.
Their bracelets and ornaments tinkled. Some smiled and
waved chamaras. Some played the vina or the flute. Some
sang songs. Some beautiful girls gracefully played on
586. There were hundreds and hundreds of
maidservants, each engaged in her own duties. Narada
Muni sounded his vina. Lord Balarama suddenly glanced at
587. Overcome with bliss, Narada Muni trembled and
fell to the ground. Lord Balarama picked him up and
embraced him. The Lord gazed at Him with eternal love.
He spoke pleasing, cooling words.
588. Smiling, Lord Balarama said: From whence have
you come? Please tell Me. Tell Me your secrets. Tell what
you have done. Tell what is in your heart. Floods and floods
of bliss now rise up within Me.
589. Narada Muni respectfully said: What can I say? I
know very well that You are the Supersoul present in every
heart. Whatever I think, whatever I would say, You already
know, O Lord.
590. The people of Kali-yuga are very sinful. Seeing
that they have no hope of deliverance, You felt compassion
for them in Your heart, O Lord. That is why now You will
descend to Earth. You will protect Your devotees. You will
establish the true religion.
591. You hinted to me that now irreligion will perish
and the true religion will be established. You commanded
me to proclaim this news. Hearing this news, the worlds
became joyful.
592. Feeling Radhas love within Your heart, and
manifesting Radhas complexion outside on Your form,
within and without You will become like Radha.
Accompanied by Your gopa and gopi associates and by
numberless other devotees also, You will make everyone
wild, intoxicated by tasting the blissful love the people of
Vraja feel for You.
593. Accompanied by Your associates, servants, and
confidential companions, You will take birth on the earth.
You will accept the name Nityananda. Your body, heart, and
deeds will not stay invisible to the people of the earth. All
this Lord Gauranga commanded me.
594. Hearing this words, Lord Nityananda Raya
joyfully glanced in the four directions. Then He loudly,
loudly laughed. His laughter was like thunder. He was very
wonderful to see. Overcome with the bliss of ecstatic love,
He forgot Himself.
595. Lord Balarama said: Command your followers to
take birth on Earth. By the Lords order deliver the people.
O Narada Muni, you also go. Take birth on Earth. What
formerly was invisible to the people of Earth I will now
make visible to their eyes.
596. Everyone please attentively hear these nectar
words, these songs filled with the glories of Lord Gaura.
Lord Gaura is the best of avataras. In a fair form He
descended to the Kali-yuga. O people, please remember
Him in your hearts.
597. Placing a straw between my teeth, and feeling
great anguish in my heart, I beg you: Please do not neglect
the glories of Lord Gaura. Dont fix your thoughts on this
world of birth and death. Instead please fall in love with
Lord Krishna. Then you will escape the cycle of repeated
births and deaths.
598. Lord Gaura, who had never come before, will
descend to this world. He will bring to life they who are on
the verge of death. He will show the true path to they who
are blind. This Lochana Dasa sings His glories.

Song 14
(Bhatiyari raga)

Refrain: Sing, O my brothers! Sing the glories of Lord

Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda!

599. Thus following Lord Mahaprabhus command, by

their plenary portions (amsha), all the Lords associates took
birth on Earth.
600. Lord Shiva was the first. He took birth in a
brahmanas family. His name was Kamalaksha.
601. Reading and hearing, he became very learned. In
this way he was given the title Advaita Acharya.
602. Lord Shiva is situated in the mode of pure
goodness. Still, the foolish people of this world say he is in
the mode of ignorance.
603. They do not know what is in his heart. Seeing only
his external activities, they say he is in the mode of
604. In his heart Lord Shiva always meditates on Lord
Krishna. That is why Lord Shiva is called Hari-hara (He
who always keeps Lord Krishna within himself). Rather it is
the materialistic people who are in the mode of ignorance.
Instead of Lord Krishna, they keep the mode of ignorance in
their hearts.
605. It is the materialistic devotees that are in the mode
of ignorance. I say it is they who are lowly and fallen. It is
they who are foolish, who have only very little knowledge.
606. How can they say Lord Shiva is in the mode of
ignorance? Please do not disrespect Lord Shiva in this way.
Do not speak or hear any criticisms of Lord Shiva.
607. Carefully considering everything in my heart, I say
this: Lord Gaura is the best of avataras.
608. Then Lord Balarama, with whose help all the
avataras enjoy Their pastimes, took birth on Earth.
609. He took birth in a brahmanas family. Following the
yuga-dharma, He was always filled with eternal bliss.
610. In His plenary expansion He becomes Lord
Ananta, Who has a thousand hoods. With only one of those
hoods He holds up the Earth and protects the entire
material creation.
611. This very Lord Balarama took birth in Padmavatis
womb. His father was Hadai Ojha, who was also called by
the name Paramananda.
612. Lord Balaramas father and mother gave Him the
name Kuvera Pandita. When He accepted sannyasa, Lord
Balarama accepted the name Nityananda.
613. In the month of Magha, on the shukla-trayodashi,
at an auspicious moment, He very happily took birth on
614. Then Goddess Katyayani also took birth in a
brahmanas family. Her name was Sita.
615. She married Advaita Acharya. Together they both
manifested great love and devotion for Lord Krishna.
616. I have very little intelligence. How can I know the
truth? How can I explain the identities of the devotees who
descended to Earth?
617. What I have heard from the mouths of the great
souls I will not repeat. I am too shy.
618. I have no power to say their original identities. I
will only list their names.
619. I will not consider who is most important and
should come first, and who is less important and should
come last. How can I know? Neither will I give them in
alphabetical order.
620. There were Sachi-devi and Jagannatha Mishra
Purandara. Lord Chaitanya took birth in their home.
621. There were Gopinatha and Kashi Mishra Thakura.
They delighted all who followed Lord Chaitanyas path.
622. There were Sri Gadadhara Pandita, Gadadhara
Dasa, Murari, Mukunda Datta, and Srinivasa.
623. There were Ramananda Raya, Vasudeva Datta,
Haridasa Thakura, and Govindadasa.
624. There were Ishvara Puri, Madhavendra Puri,
Vishnu Puri, Vakreshvara, and saintly Paramananda Puri.
625. There were Jagadananda Pandita, Vishnupriya,
Raghava Pandita, and many others who stayed on Earth.
626. There were Ramadasa, Gauridasa, glorious
Krishnadasa, Purushottama, and Sri Kamalakara.
627. There were Kala Krishnadasa and Uddharana
Datta. These great souls were among the twelve gopalas in
628. There were Parameshvara Dasa, Vrindavana Dasa,
Kashishvara, Srila Rupa Gosvami, and Srila Sanatana
629. There were Govinda, Madhava Ghosha, and Vasu
Ghosha. All these met together on Earth.
630. There were Damodara Pandita and his five
brothers. They took birth in the same family on Earth.
631. There were Purandara Pandita and Paramananda
Vaidya. Some devotees came to Earth earlier and other later.
632. There was also Narahari Thakura, who is my
master. I will especially describe his glorious character and
633. How can I describe his glorious character and
activities? As far as the power of my intelligence allows, I
will describe them.
634. O my heart, please dont be proud. Simply bow
down before my spiritual masters feet.
635. O my master, by the mercy of your feet even a
person like myself, a person worthless like a pile of ashes,
can describe your glories.
636. I am Sri Naraharis servant. He is my master. In the
community of physicians he is glorious and famous.
637. His love for Lord Krishna has no limit. His body is
filled with Lord Krishnas potency. To his followers he
explains the truth of ecstatic spiritual love for Lord Krishna.
638. His heart is overcome with compassion for the
numberless conditioned souls. His heart is always restless
with ecstatic love for Lord Krishna.
639. When ecstatic love arose within him it was as if his
body was plunged in the nectar of love for Sri Sri Radha-
640. In this way, moment after moment plunged in Sri
Sri Radha-Krishnas nectar glories, he lived in the village of
641. He became known as Narahari Chaitanya.
Without his feet I have no good future.
642. One moment he was plunged in ecstatic love for
Sri Krishna. Another moment he was plunged in ecstatic
love for Sri Radha. He was personified nectar love for Sri Sri
643. He purely walked on the path taught by Lord
Chaitanya. He was the incarnation of the peerless nectar of
spiritual love.
644. He is appropriately affectionate to all the
Vaishnavas. His pure fame is manifest throughout the
645. In the spiritual world of Vrindavana he is the gopi
Madhumati, who is Sri Radhas dear friend, and who is a
great reservoir of sweetness.
646. During the Kali-yuga he became Narahari, a
personal associate of Lord Chaitanya. He is perfectly
qualified to taste the great reservoir of ecstatic love for Sri
Sri Radha-Krishna.
647. His nephew is Sri Raghunandana Thakura, whose
fame is very great in this world.
648. He fed laddus to his Deity, and his Deity
personally ate them. What fool dares to say Sri
Raghunandana is an ordinary unintelligent person?
649 - 650. Such persons cannot know what is in a true
Vaishnavas heart. He would talk with his Krishna Deity,
and His Deity would talk to him. How can anyone know his
true glories?
651. Lord Chaitanya said to him: You are my very
life. Abhirama Gosvami revealed his true identity.
652. Seeing Lord Chaitanya embracing him, everyone
thought he must be an incarnation of Kamadeva.
653. When the power of Lord Krishna entered (avesha)
him, he danced, his dancing enchanted the hearts of
everyone in the world. He did not make distinctions. He
loved everyone equally.
654. The words he spoke were always sweet. He never
listened to harsh words.
655. He was intelligent, expert, playful, charming, and
handsome. His body was like a flood of nectar. He was the
most fortunate person in the world.
656. His father was the noble-hearted Mukunda Dasa,
who had pure faith in the path Lord Chaitanya taught.
657. Seeing a peacock-feather fan in the royal assembly,
he fainted, overcome with ecstatic love for Lord Krishna.
658. What kind of nectar pastimes did he enjoy in Lord
Chaitanyas company? Who knows? Only Lord Ananta
Shesha, and the other personal associates of the Lord know.
659. How can a conditioned soul knows Lord Krishnas
powers and glories? One who knows Lord Krishna can see
Him directly.
660. What more can I say? The Lords weapons and
personal companions came to Earth. How many of them
can I name?
661. Perhaps I could measure the ocean by draining it
with water-pots, one by one. Perhaps I could one by one
count the particles of dust on Earth.
662. Perhaps I could have the power to count the stars
in the sky. Even if I could do all this, I still could never have
the power to write down all the glories of the Lords Gaura-
663. I am very unintelligent. What more can I say. How
can a fool understand the Vedas?
664. How can a blind man see a glistening jewel? How
can a dwarf reach up a touch the moon?
665. How can a proud lame man jump over a
mountain? How can a tiny ant carry a great mountain on its
666. In the same way my heart yearns to describe Lord
Gaura-avataras pastimes.
667 - 668. Folding my hands, I say: Everyone, please
hear. By the Lord Gauras glory a dumb man can become an
eloquent speaker, and a person without a tongue can speak
very wise words, and a fool who has never studied books
can describe the Supreme Lord.
669. Taking birth on Earth, the great, great devotees of
the Lord describe the secret truths of Lord Krishna.
670. Without any selfish motive they are companions to
all the conditioned souls. They are like a mother who takes
care of a mischievous child.
671. Seeing it has no limit, I, a very fallen person, long
to attain the nectar of the Lords mercy.
672. The body of Sri Narahari Dasa is filled with
compassion. Seeing this, I, a sinner, love him without limit.
673. Seeing I was a wicked, blind, very ill-behaved
sinner who had no shelter, Sri Narahari felt compassion for
674. By the power of his mercy and the mercy of the
other Vaishnavas, this fool hopes to complete this book.
675. Folding my hands, I speak these plaintive words: I
offer myself at the feet of the Vaishnavas.
676. In this world no one is more fallen than me. Only
by the Vaishnavas mercy will I be able to complete my task.
677. Placing a straw between his teeth, Lochana Dasa
humbly bows down and says: Please fulfill my desire.
678. Now the Sutra-khanda of this book has come to its
end. Everyone please hear. Now I will speak the Adi-
khanda describing Lord Gaura-avatara.
679. The Sutra-khanda has now ended. With a happy
heart Lochana Dasa will now describe the Lords pastimes
of ecstatic love.

Thus ends the Sutra-khanda



Birth Pastimes

Song 1
(Danashi raga - Disha)

Refrain: O master of the lives of Gadadhara and

Narahari! O Supreme Lord! Please cast Your merciful glance
on all the conditioned souls. O Lord Gaurachandra, glory,
glory to You!

1. Glory, glory to Lord Gauranga! Glory to Gadadhara

and Narahari! Glory to all-powerful Lord Nityananda!
2. Glory, glory to Advaita Acharya, who is Lord Shiva
himself! Glory, glory to the great devotees of Lord
3. I place my head in the dust of all their feet. Now I
will speak the Adi-khanda. Please listen attentively.
4. When the Lords personal associates had taken birth
on Earth, a great proclamation was sounded.
5. It said: Everyone go to Earth. Dont delay. Our Lord
will soon take birth from Sachis womb.
6. Then sounds of Glory! Glory! filled the universe.
Filled with ecstatic love, the demigods, nagas, and human
beings all watched to see.
7. Some said: It is the eternal spiritual effulgence.
Others said: It is Lord Narayana, Who is greater than the
greatest and smaller than the smallest.
8. Others said: It is the Supreme Brahman, Who is
greater than the greatest and smaller than the smallest. In
this way the people described the Lord Who had entered
Sachis womb.
9. Filling with air, Sachis womb grew larger and larger.
Seeing this, everyone felt increasingly spiritual love.
10. One, two, three, four, five, and six months passed.
Great bliss was manifest in Sachis womb.
11. Day by day Sachis body grew more and more
effulgent. Seeing this, everyone felt great joy in their hearts.
12. No one knew Who it was that had entered Sachis
womb. In house after house everyone speculated on that
persons identity.
13. When the sixth month ended, the effulgence in
Sachis womb filled her body and her entire house with
14. Then there was a wonderful event. Advaita Acharya
unexpectedly came there.
15. Seeing Advaita Acharya, Jagannatha Mishra
respectfully stood up.
16. Advaita Acharya Gosai is the abode of all
transcendental virtues. In all the three worlds no one is
fortunate and glorious like him.
17. Seeing him, Jagannatha Mishra respectfully offered
a sitting place to his guest.
18. On his own head he placed the dust from Advaita
Acharyas feet. He was very humble and respectful.
19. Sachi-devi washed Advaita Acharyas feet with
water. As she respectfully gazed at her, Advaita Acharya felt
ecstatic spiritual love arise within himself.
20. His two lotus eyed became reddish with ecstatic
love. Tears flowed from his eyes. His face also became
21. His limbs trembled. He spoke broken words. He
had no power to restrain himself.
22. He circumambulated Sachi, and then he bowed
down before her. Seeing these unusual activities, Sachi was
very surprised.
23. Sachi was surprised, and Jagannatha Misra was full
of doubt. Unhappy at heart, he said: Why do you do this?
24. Jagannatha Mishra said: Please hear, O Advaita
Acharya. I do not understand your actions.
25. If you are kind to me, then please dispel my doubt.
Do not allow my body to burn in the flames of worry.
26. Then Advaita Acharya said: Please hear, O
Jagannatha Mishra. In the future you will understand it all.
That was his reply.
27. Then Advaita Acharya, learned in all the Scriptures,
and the hairs on his body erect, anointed Sachis glorious
womb with fragrant sandal paste.
28. Seven times he circumambulated her. Then he
bowed down. He said nothing. Then he left for his own
29. Sachi and Jagannatha wondered: Why did he bow
down before my womb?
30. In this way Advaita Acharya bowed down before
Sachis womb. Now her womb became a hundred times
more effulgent. Sachi forgot herself.
31. She saw that everything was fill of bliss. She saw no
sufferings. She saw all the demigods were now standing
before her.
32. Brahma, Shiva, Sanaka, and all the demigods now
offered prayers to her womb.
33. They said: Glory, glory You, O limitless, eternal
Supreme Lord who has no rival! Glory, glory to You, O
Supreme Lord whose bliss is eternal and who rescues His
34. Glory to You, who are beyond the material modes
of goodness, passion, and ignorance. Glory to You, O Lord
Maha-Vishnu, who reside in the Karana Ocean.
35. Glory to You, O very glorious master of the
spiritual sky! Glory to You, O Lord beyond material
goodness, O Lord whose form is made of spiritual
36. Glory to You, who are the master of Goloka and
the lover of Radha! Glory, glory to You, O king of limitless
Vaikuntha worlds!
37. Glory, glory to You, who are playful and graceful!
Glory, glory to You, O Nandas son, who charm the
hearts of all!
38. In the Kali-yuga You have now entered Sachis
womb. You have come here to enjoy pastimes.
39. Glory, glory to You, O Supreme Lord, O giver of
transcendental bliss. No one is compassionate like You.
40.In the Kali-yuga You come and giveYourself. You
do not consider whether the people are worthy or not to
receive Your mercy.
41. Even though repeatedly we begged for it, we
demigods could not attain even the slightest fragrance of
ecstatic spiritual love.
42. Now You will give the sweet nectar of that love to
everyone, even the chandalas. They will all taste it. You will
not see anyone has any faults.
43. O Lord, please allow us to taste a small particle of
that love. Please allow us to sing Sri Sri Radha-Krishnas
glories in Your company.
44. Glory, glory to You, O Sri Gaura-Hari, O Lord who
gives the gift of sankirtana! After speaking these words,
the demigods all performed circumambulation.
45. With his four mouths the demigod Brahma spoke
many prayers. Sachi-devi was frightened. Her heart was full
of wonder.
46. Mercy to all living entities made its appearance in
Sachis heart. Aware of the spiritual truth, she was kind to
everyone. She did not think anyone an outsider.
47. Now she was ten months pregnant. Wherever she
went, her heart was full of bliss. She forgot herself in bliss.
48. During the month of Phalguna, on an auspicious
day, on an auspicious tithi, on an auspicious full-moon
night, at an auspicious moment, the cooling moon shone.
49. Then, with surprising power, Raghu suddenly
devoured the moon. At that moment a great cry of Hari!
Hari! rose in the four directions.
50. A sweet divine fragrance filled with four directions.
Then ten directions became clear and blissful. A gentle,
gentle breeze blew.
51. Then the six seasons appeared simultaneously. At
that auspicious moment the Supreme Personality of
Godhead was born on Earth.
52. Yearning to see Lord Gauras form, the demigods
flew their airplanes through outer space.
53. Then Hari! Hari! was the only sound anyone
heard. In this way my Lord took birth.
54. At that time the glory of Vaikuntha entered Sachis
courtyard. Overcome with bliss, Sachi called out in a voice
choked with emotion.
55. To Jagannatha Mishra, who was near at hand, she
called: Now our births have borne their fruit. Look at your
sons face!
56. The village ladies happily called out, Jaya! Jaya!
Seeing the newborn infant, everyone was overcome with
57. The demigods, Vedas, and Naga girls all came.
Seeing Lord Gauranga, they all called out, Jaya! Jaya!
58. Lord Gauras fragrance filled the worlds. His every
limb was an endless flood of nectar.
59. Gazing and gazing at Him, every eye felt cooling
bliss. In every heart arose the thought: This boy must be
Lord Krishna, the very life of Vrajas girls.
60. Never have I seen or heard of such a boy. What
happens to my heart when I gaze at Him?
61. Never have I seen any person like Him. A
beautiful demigoddess said: Later we will know the truth
of this boy.
62. Overcome, Jagannatha Mishra gazed at his sons
face. The universe had no power to contain the bliss he felt
in his heart.
63. How many rising moons do I see in His face? I say
His face is like the petal of a blooming lotus.
64. His raised nose is like a sesame flower, I think. His
fair limbs are like a flood of nectar light.
65. Gazing at His red lips, splendid graceful cheeks,
and graceful chin, I feel great love arise within me.
66. His neck is like a lions neck. His shoulders are like
an elephants shoulders. His chest is broad. His arms reach
to His knees. His body is made of nectar.
67. His hips are broad. His thighs are like banana trees.
His feet are like two red lotus petals.
68-69. On his soles are the marks of a flag, thunderbolt,
elephant goad, lotus, chariot, parasol, chamara, svastika,
jambu fruit, urdhva-rekha, triangle, elephant, and Water-
pot. No form is like His. His form is the sweetest nectar.
70. Never had such a wonderful form come to Earth.
His glory is more than the glory of the greatest kings of
71. Indra and Chandra, as well as many devas,
gandharvas, and kinnaras all came then to Earth. Why did
they become filled with such bliss and wonder?
72. Every eye became anointed with nectar. With
eternal love everyone gazed at dear Lord Gaura.
73. How long did the people gaze at the newborn
infant, gaze at Him as if He were a very old friend?
74. His every limb was a great flood of nectar. In their
hearts what did the people feel as they gazed at Him with
their eyes?
75. As they gazed at the infant boy, the people felt their
hearts tremble with bliss. Why did the ladies look at Him
with languid eyes? Why did their tight belts become
76-77. Everyone gazed at the newborn infant. Thinking,
How many Kamadevas does this boy conquer? everyone
called out, Jaya! Jaya! Sachis divine son is not a mortal.
78. Sachis son is the new Kamadeva. When this
nectar comes to my ears, I weep.
79. The master of Goloka has descended to this
world. Considering everything, the ladies came to this
80. The master of all the worlds came to Earth.
Overcome with bliss, Lochana Dasa speaks these words.

Song 2
(Mangala-gurjari raga)

Refrain: Jagannatha Mishra was overcome. His words

were choked with emotion. Quickly he invited his relatives
and performed a great festival for his son. He earnestly
tried to make everything auspicious. Bliss filled Sachis
house. No one had the power to stop singing Lord Gauras

81. Glory! Glory! Glory! The four directions were filled

with bliss. The whole city melted with bliss. Hundreds and
hundreds of saintly ladies came. They brought gifts of rice
paste and red sindura.
82. With love and bliss placing her son on her lap, in a
voice choked with emotion Sachi-devi said: Please give us
the dust of your feet. Please give us your blessings. Bless us,
saying: May this child live long.
83. Saying: Even though He is not our child, we still
think of Him as our very own, all the ladies gave their
blessings. Saying: To protect His sweeter than nectar body
from any calamity, He should be named Nimai, they
named Him.
84. On the eighth day ashta-kalai gifts were given to
please the children. On the ninth night was a blissful
festival with joyful music.
85. Day by day Sachis son grew. He was like a full
moon walking on Earth. His two eyes were splendid with
black kajjala. He was graceful with gorochana tilaka.
86. He crawled on His hands and knees. He smiled
gently. With unblinking eyes, Sachi and Jagannatha watched
their wonderful son.
87. Sachi regularly washed her sons body and anointed
it with turmeric and scented oil. Her heart filled with love,
she kissed His cheeks. Saintly Sachi was very fortunate.
88. Day by day, moment by moment, the bliss grew in
the Nadiyas villages. No one knew what day of the month
it was, or what day of the week, or whether it was day or
night. Overcome with ecstatic spiritual love, people forgot
89. House after house in Nadiyas villages became
filled with bliss. No one was mindful of who was a man,
who was a woman, or who was a child, an elder, or blind.
Everyone was overcome with love. Everyone was wild with
peerless bliss.
90. Thinking Lord Gauras face was like a full moon
and His form had conquered Kamadeva, the young girls
would wildly leave their duties at their homes.
91. Three times a day the village girls ran to see the
infant Lord Gaura. let me see! Let me see! they said.
Placing the infant Lord on their laps, the hairs of their
bodies would stand erect.
92. In this way, day by day, moment by moment,
everyone was full of bliss. Lochana Dasa, whose only hope
and only desire is the feet of Sri Narahari Dasa, thus sings
the glories of Lord Gaura.

Balya (Ages 1-5) Pastimes
Song 3
(Sindhuda raga)

93. Day by day Sachis son grew. To Sachi He was like a

shower of nectar.
94. To what shall I compare Him? I will not compare
Him to anything. I have no power to do it. Still, my restless
heart says: I will give a comparison.
95. His face was like an eternally full moon. Even
persons blind from birth would run to see Him.
96. On His lips a half smile rested. He was like waves in
an ocean of nectar.
97. His reddish eyes were flooded with nectar. The
nectar black kajjala decorating them were dams build to
keep that flood of nectar from overflowing.
98. Saintly Sachi and fortunate Jagannatha lovingly
gazed at their sons face.
99. One moment He laughed. Another moment He
cried. Another moment He wanted something. Another
moment He sat on Sachis lap. Another moment He rode on
a swing.
100. Keeping His feet on Sachis breasts, like a golden
vine moving in the wind He swung back and forth.
101. His eyes were very long. His loud laughter was
charming. On His lips flowed a stream of nectar.
102. His nose was charming like a parrots beak. His
symmetrical cheeks were effulgent.
103. One, two, three, four, five, and six months passed.
Then came the day of the nama-karana (name-giving)
ceremony and anna-prashana (first-grain) ceremony.
104. Jagannatha Mishra performed a great festival for
his son. With many ornaments he decorated his sons
golden body.
105. Lord Gaura wore bracelets on His hands, armlets
on His arms, a pearl necklace on His neck, a golden belt on
His waist, and anklets on His feet.
106. His palms and soles were anointed with red
hingula. His lips were like a bandhuli flower. His eyes were
like red lotus flowers.
107. His fair limbs seemed washed with lightning. His
limbs are so effulgent I have no power even to look at them.
108. He was given the name Vishvambhara, which
means the maintainer of the worlds. The learned
followers of Goddess Sarasvati say this word is a name of
the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
109. On moment, holding His mothers and fathers
hands, He took two unsteady steps and then fell.
110. He made a childs experiment in a few half-spoken
syllables. His broken words were like nectar waves in an
ocean agitated by the moons rising.
111. Day after day He walked in the courtyard. To the
world He brought a soothing coolness. He destroyed the
worlds feverish sufferings.
112. His feet worshiped by Goddess Lakshmi now rest
in the Earths lap. Filled with love, Goddess Earth now
forgets herself.
113. In the sky one moon shines, but on Earth ten
moons now shine. Because of their light even the blind now
have eyes.
114. Those ten moons are Lord Gauras fingertips.
Seeing them, the blind-hearted sinners have become
115. Of how many millions of moons is Lord Gauras
face-moon the King? Offering them his bow, Kamadeva
worships Lord Gauras eyebrows.
116. What more can I say? The moon of Lord Gauras
mercy cuts the darkness in the heart into pieces. That
darkness has no power to resist.
117. Who has the power to describe Lord Gauras
childhood pastimes? Although they seem like the actions of
an ordinary child, they purify the whole Earth.
118. In a short time Lord Gauras saintly elder brother,
Vishvarupa, became learned in all the Scriptures.
119. Who has the power to describe His glories? His
younger brother is Vishvambhara, Lord Mahaprabhu.
120. Day by day Lord Gaura manifested His mercy.
Hearing of it, Lochana Dasa feels his heart become filled
with bliss.

Song 4
(Varadi raga)

Refrain: O moon! Moon, moon up in the sky. Come

down. Ill wash away your spots and make you a wonderful
ornament on Gauras cheeks.

O! O! O, my golden son Nimai! You cry a great

complaint. One thing You demand. Your demands are
sweeter than nectar.

121. Nimais father will come with bananas and milk.

Look, father will come. O bad boy, stop complaining. Close
Your eyes.
122. O boy whose face is a golden lotus, O boy whose
eyes are red lotuses, O boy whose half-closed eyes are
glistening stars. Your eyes are two black bees swimming in
an ocean of sweet honey.
123. After preparing the soft bed with cotton quilts,
Sachi, holding her son in her arms, lay on her side and slept.
124. From one breast He drank with His mouth while
the other He grasped with His fingers. Lochana Dasa says:
The crest jewel of all the demigods acted like a small boy.
Song 5
(Dhanashi raga)

Refrain: O! O! O! O! O! O! O! O! Please hear these songs

of Lord Gauras glorious, songs full of wonderful stories,
songs full of holy names auspicious for the ears!

125. Please carefully hear another story, a story of what

happened on another day, a story of how Lord Gaura
revealed His true identity.
126. In one room was Jagannatha Mishra, and in
another room Sachi, her son in her arms, happily slept.
127. How many soldiers filled the empty room? Seeing
them, Sachi was frightened.
128. From Sachis arms these demigods took Lord
Gaura. They placed Him on a jewel throne.
129. They performed an abhishek and various kinds of
worship. Then they circumambulated Lord Gaura, fell
down before Him, and grasped His feet.
130. Repeatedly they sounded bells and conch-shells.
They made a great sound of Jaya! Jaya Hari!
131. Glory, Glory to the master of the worlds, the
protector of the devotees! In Kali-yuga You have come to
rescue people like us.
132. Please give us the nectar treasure of Vrindavana.
O Lord Vishvambhara, this we beg at Your feet.
133. Again and again Sachi watched all this. She was
shocked. Son! Son! She called. She was very afraid.
134. She was not afraid for herself, but only for her son,
who was her very life. She grabbed the boy and took Him to
Jagannatha Mishra.
135. She said: There are no demigods in the room
where Your father sleeps. Go there and happily sleep in his
136. On His mothers words, Vishvambhara went there.
Although He wore no anklets, Sachi heard the tinkling of
anklets as He walked.
137. When Lord Gaura, the crest-jewel of the demigods,
left the room, all the demigods followed Him with folded
138. Then Lord Gaura said: Dont stare at Me, O
demigods. Sing the pastimes of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.
That He said to them.
139. Gathering the demigods, He made them sing
about ecstatic love for Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. Touching
them, Lord Gaurachandra filled them with bliss.
140. He wept and He made the demigods weep also. In
the courtyard Lord Gaura called out: Radha! Radha!
141. He called out: Kalindi! Yamuna! Vrindavana!
Then the demigods very joyfully called out: Radha!
142. Watching her sons pastimes, Mother Sachi fell
unconscious. Hearing all the noise, Jagannatha Mishra
became agitated.
143. Jagannatha Mishra called out: Sachi! Whats that
noise I hear? Frightened Sachi screamed.
144. Jagannatha ran outside. His son hugged both
father and mother. Then, seeing his sons feet had no
anklets, Jagannatha forgot herself.
145. At that moment Lord Krishnas pastimes came into
his thoughts. Then Sachi described what she had seen.
146. She said: Brahma, Shiva, and other demigods
came here on celestial airplanes and served our son.
147. Our son sang Radha! Krishna! while the
demigods danced in our courtyard. I heard all this. I think it
was like a dream.
148. Seeing all this, I became afraid. Then I sent Him
to you. His feet had no anklets. Still, I heard the tinkling of
anklets as He walked.
149. Our boy has such a glorious form. I dont know
what I should do.
150. Seven of our daughters have died. If this boy
leaves us I will not live any longer.
151. I dont have five or seven children. Nimai is the
star of my eye. As a walking stick is a blind mans greatest
treasure, He is my greatest treasure.
152. As the body cannot live without the precious
soul, so I cannot live without my Gaurachandra.
153. Please think of some way to protect Him from
dangers, some way where the demigods, from first to last,
all bring auspiciousness to Him.
154. In this way the night passed. Then the sun rose.
Sachis son then went to play with the other boys.
155. For some moments rolling on the ground in the
courtyard, He was covered with dust. Seeing this, unhappy
Sachi said:
156. Your glorious body is like a golden statue. I
cannot compare it to anything. It is like the moon in the sky.
157. Why do you roll your beautiful body in the dust?
That is like biting your mothers head.
158. After saying these words, Sachi washed the dust
away and then kissed her sons face. The hairs of her body
stood erect. Her eyes were red.
159. On another day Sachis son went wandering with
the other boys His age.
160. Under a tree by the Gangas bank they played like
monkeys. They stood on one foot.
161. Hearing of this, Sachi went to the Gangas bank to
get Lord Gaura-Hari.
162. With one knee up and the other knee down, He
stood on one foot. Seeing this, Mother Sachi loudly called to
163. Seeing His mother, Lord Gaura fled. Like a
maddened elephant He ran.
164. Catch Him! Catch Him! Sachi called. My Lord,
the jewel of the brahmanas, continued to run.
165. Sachi pursued, but could not catch Him. Lord
Gaura ran home.
166. Once home, He grabbed every pot and every
vessel. He threw and broke every one.
167. She rested her finger on the side of her nose, Sachi
wanted to punish Him. Lord Vishvambhara bowed His
head in shame.
168. His whole body trembled in shame. As He bowed
His head, tears streamed from His eyes.
169. His face was like the moon. His eyes were like
restless khanjana birds. His tears were like strings of pearls.
170. Gazing at Lord Gauras face, Sachi became filled
with love. Hugging Him, she said, My bad boy.
171. Holding Him in her arms, Sachi said: I must wash
you, and all these things from the house.
172. In this way Lord Gaura-Hari enjoyed many
pastimes. Sachi had no power to understand her sons
173. The shoreless ocean of His pastimes is beyond the
knowing the Vedas or of the world. Sachi had no power to
understand His wild arrogance.
174. She knew her son Nimai was very restless and
mischievous. With an unhappy heart she meditated on the
Supreme Lord.
175. One day, meeting with the other women, she
placed before them a question and a request.
176. She said: My son is very frivolous. He acts
whimsically. He does not use his intelligence.
177. He does one thing and says another. I have no
power to understand him. He does not consider whether his
actions are pure.
178. Hearing this, the ladies sadly wept. Meeting Lord
Gaurachandra, they hugged him and said:
179. Why, why, O child, do you act so badly? Hearing
these words, Lord Gaura became very restless and
180. Seeing this, the ladies became sad at heart. They at
once saw what Sachi had described.
181. The ladies asked, When did he start to act like
this? Sachi said: I dont know what to say.
182. One night, as I held my son in my arms, all the
demigods entered my room.
183. They placed my Nimai on a throne. Falling like
sticks, they bowed down before him.
184. Rising from sleep, I saw all these wonders. From
that time my son has been very independent.
185. Hearing this, everyone truthfully said: We think
one of those demigods has entered his body.
186. Assembling all the brahmanas, Jagannatha
Mishra should perform a yajna where all the demigods are
called by name.
187. In the part of the yajna where blessings are asked,
he should ask blessings for his son. When the demigods are
worshiped in this way, the demigod that now haunts your
son will leave and return to his home.
188. Sachi, dont worry. This we say for certain: If you
worship the demigods you will become fearless.
189. Taking the dust from their feet, Sachi bid farewell
to the ladies. Then she approached Jagannatha Mishra and
told him all that had happened.
190. Hearing all this, Jagannatha Mishra became
worried. Calling all the brahmanas, he performed the yajna.
191. Then Sachi took Lord Gaurachandra for a bath in
the Ganga. She thought: Now his mischievousness is
192. Lord Vishvambhara went ahead and Sachi
followed. She watched and watched as the Lord went to an
unclean place.
193. He touched some rejected pots, and then
continued on. Seeing this, Mother Sachi said: Alas! Alas!
194. Now my son is even more mischievous. He stays
far away from good deeds.
195. Then she angrily called to Him: Bad! Bad!
Hearing her words, Lord Vishvambhara compassionately
196. What is pure and impure? What is religious and
not religious? Not knowing the answers to these questions,
the whole world is on the verge of destruction.
197. This material world is made of earth, water, air,
fire, ether, and form. Here is nothing else.
198. There is no religion but Lord Krishnas feet. The
heart of religion says: Lord Krishna is the Master of all
masters of all masters.
199. Hearing these words, Sachi became filled with
wonder. Taking Lord Gauranga with her, she bathed in the
200. Returning home, she said to Jagannatha Mishra:
O saintly one, please hear what our boy has done.
201. Our son is all yajnas personified. He knows the
conclusion of religion. He alone, and no one else, knows it.
202. He went to an unclean place and then he spoke
words I never heard a child speak.
203. Hearing these words, Jagannatha Mishra hugged
his son. He said: Maybe you touched an unclean place, but
all is good now.
204. You are the lamp of my family, the star of my eye.
As the body cannot live without the soul, so I cannot live
without you.
205. When these words were spoken, Sachi and
Jagannatha Mishra both gazed at their sons face. Overcome
with love, they forgot themselves.
206. A hundred streams of tears flowed from their
reddened eyes. The hairs of their bodies stood erect. They
spoken with broken words.
207. Smiles were born on both their faces. Lochana
Dasa thus happily sings the glories of Lord Gaura.

Song 6
(Sriraga - Disha)

Refrain: Glory, glory to Lord Gauranga! Glory, glory to

Lord Gauranga! Alas! Why do I not taste the nectar bliss of
love for Lord Gauranga?

208. Day by day, moment by moment, Lord Gauras

body grew. He became like Mount Sumeru.
209. His sweet words were like flooding streams of
nectar. Hearing them, Mother Sachi felt her heart become
filled with wonderful bliss.
210. Sometimes she would tell Him something, and
Lord Gaura would reply: I cant hear your words.
211. Then She would playfully shout the words. Still,
forest-flower-garlanded Lord Gaura only said: I cant
212. Mother Sachi was completely overcome with a
mothers love. Wild with anger, she picked up a stick as if to
chase Him.
213. Proud boy! You cannot hear me? she called out.
When I am old you will not give me even a grain of rice.
214. In this way she spoke. Sachis son still insisted: I
cannot hear my mothers words.
215. Then Sachi became very angry. One glance was
enough. Lord Gaura fled. Stick in hand, Sachi chased Him.
216. Lord Gaura ran to an unclean place where rejected
clay pots were thrown.
217. Seeing this, Mother Sachi put her hand to her head.
Ha! Ha! she angrily said.
218. Now she was even more angry at Lord
Vishvambhara. To the top of the heap of rejected pots He
219. Hearing her angry words, He did the exact
opposite. Realizing this, Sachi happily and affectionately
220. Come. Come, dear son. Give up these horrible
acts. It is not right. You should follow a brahmanas
221. You are a brahmanas boy. You were born in a
very good family. What will the people say when they hear
about your horrible acts?
222. Come. Come, dear son. Bathe in the Gangas
waters. Your mothers life is cracking. Come and give me a
223. If you dont, I will die. I will jump in the Ganga
and drown. Then youll only stay at home, walk from room
to room, and cry and cry.
224. Your body is like the purest gold. Why do you
rub ashes on your beautiful body?
225. My dear boy, please leave this horrible unclean
place. The ashes on your body are like the spots on the
226. Hearing these words, Lord Vishvambhara became
angry. Repeatedly He said: You dont understand.
227. When you speak the words clean and unclean
you are not speaking very intelligently. What is clean? What
is unclean? Try to understand my questions.
228. After speaking these words, Lord Gaura picked up
a piece of brick in His hand. With the brick He struck His
mothers head.
229. With that blow Mother Sachi pretended to fall
unconscious. Calling out, mother! mother! Lord Gaura
wept again and again.
230. Hearing the Lords weeping, the village ladies ran
231. They sprinkled Ganga water on Sachis face. She
became conscious again. When she became conscious, she
called out, Vishvambhara!
232. Holding her son in her arms, Sachi again fell
233. Looking at His mother, Vishvambhara wept. Then
a smiling glorious woman spoke to Him.
234. Touching His chin, she said to Vishvambhara:
Bring two coconuts for Your mother.
235. Then You will bring her back to life. Hear my
words. If You do not, she will die.
236. Hearing this, Lord Vishvambhara became happy.
In a moment He returned with two coconuts.
237. In a moment He affectionately gave the two
coconuts to His mother.
238. Seeing this, the ladies were astonished. From
where did the boy get two coconuts in a single moment?
239. Then one very glorious and graceful lady gently
asked Lord Vishvambhara:
240. Child, from were did You get the coconuts? From
You actions I can know a little of Your true nature.
241. Hearing these words, Lord Vishvambhara cried
out and hugged His mothers neck.
242. Returning to consciousness, Sachi hugged her son.
Millions and millions of times she kissed His lotus face.
243. With the edge of her garment she wiped His face
and limbs. Then she bathed His body in the Gangas waters.
244. Bathing Him, she performed an abhisheka with the
Gangas waters. Her heart filled with wonder, she gazed at
her sons face.
245. He was deep like the ocean. He glistened like ten
million suns. His ten fingernails and ten toenails were more
glorious than ten million moons lighting up the night.
246. His graceful form defeated ten million Kamadevas.
His playful curved eyebrows were bows held by the archer
247. Gazing at her son, Who is the Master of all the
worlds, the Supreme Lord now manifest on Earth, Mother
Sachi felt fear in her heart.
248. She remembered the secret of how when she was
pregnant she saw many demigods arrive in their airplanes.
249. Then she remembered her sons other activities.
250 - 253. She decided: The effulgent, eternal,
untouched by matter Supreme Lord Narayana, Whose form
is not material, Who is everything, Who possesses all
powers, Who is self-satisfied, Who is the peerless object of
the yogi-kings meditations, and Who is worshiped by
everyone has now become my son. Brahma, Shiva, and all
the demigods do not know how fortunate I have become.
Thinking and thinking in this way, she hugged Lord Gaura
254. Hugging Him, Sachi-devi forgot all thoughts of
Lord Gaura-Haris supreme power and opulence. Again she
became convinced that He was only her small son.
255. Filled with wonder, Sachi returned home. What
demigod has entered my son?
256. In this way she worried. To protect Him, she
placed her hand on His body. She chanted: O Lord
Janardana, Lord Hrishikesha, Lord Govinda.
257. May the Sudarshana-chakra protect your head.
May Lord Narayana protect your eyes, nose, and mouth.
258. May Lord Gadadhara protect your chest. May
Lord Giridhari protect your arms.
259. May Lord Damodara protect your belly. May
Lord Nrisimha protect your navel.
260. May Lord Trivikrama protect your two knees.
May Lord Dharadhara protect your two feet.
261. Then Mother Sachi blew air on every part of Lord
Gauras body. She was completely convinced that Lord
Gaura was her son.
262. In this way a blissful day passed. Then an
auspicious sunset came.
263. Sachi gave the servants and maidservants their
sunset duties. Then, taking Lord Gaura-Hari with her, she
went to the courtyard.
264. After the sun set a full moon rose in the sky.
265. Then Lord Gaura, who knows everything, acted as
if He were a foolish child. Mother! mother! He called out.
266. Sachi said: Dont cry at sunset. Hear my words.
Whatever you want I will give you.
267. Then Lord Gaura said: Bring the moon down here
and give it to me. Laughing and laughing, Sachi said: Ha!
you dont understand.
268. Alas! Alas, that such a son is in my house. Who
has the power to grasp the moon in the sky?
269. Then the Lord said: You said you would give
whatever I wanted. Why did you say that?
270. My heart wants the moon. Speaking these
words, Lord Gaura loudly cried.
271. Grasping His mothers sash, He wept and spoke
many different demands. He stomped His feet. He rubbed
His eyes.
272. Clinging to His mothers neck, Lord Gaura Raya
wept. He wanted to play with the moon in the sky.
273. One moment He made His demand. The next
moment He rolled on the ground. Then He pulled His
mothers hair. His body was covered with dust. With His
hand He struck His own head.
274. Seeing all this, Mother Sachi said: Son, you dont
understand. I am very surprised to see what you have done.
275. Who has the power to grasp the moon up in the
sky? How many moons now shine on your own body?
276. Look. As he watches you, the moon has become
ashamed. That is why it is dark now. The moon is ashamed
to appear before you.
277. Aware that you are present, the moon of
Navadvipa is not manifest. Ashamed, he hides behind the
278. He is afraid that you are now in Navadvipa.
Please hear my words. Dont cry, dear child. You are my
very life.
279. Speaking these words, Sachi hugged and kissed
her son. She gazed at His face. Filled with ecstatic spiritual
love, she forgot herself.
280. In this way Sachi was overcome with bliss. Alas!
Alas! I did not see Lord Gauras childhood pastimes.
281. Her heart overcome with bliss, Sachi spoke broken
words. In this way Lochana Dasa joyfully sings Lord
Gauras glories.

Song 7
(Dhanashi raga - Madhya-chanda)

Refrain: Glory, glory, glory to Sachis son! He is the

youthful root of all bliss. Accompanied by a host of other
boys, He happily played. In this way He enjoyed His
childhood pastimes.

282. With many playful boys He played many games.

With many boys He enjoyed childhood pastimes, blissful
and wonderful pastimes.
283. Playing and playing, He suddenly met two or four
puppies. Very happy, Lord Gaura-Hari chose one of them.
284. Then one of His companions said: Listen
Vishvambhara. You chose the best puppy and left the ugly
ones for us. You go home. We wont play with you.
285. Then Lord Vishvambhara said: This puppy
belongs to all of us. Come to my house and well all play
with him.
286. Speaking these words, and taking the puppy with
Him, Lord Gaura went to His house. Arriving home, He put
a rope around the puppys neck and tied him to the
287. All this time Lord Vishvambharas mother was
busy with household chores. Then, accompanied by the
village ladies, she went to bathe in the Ganga.
288. Now the house was empty. Accompanied by the
boys, Lord Vishvambhara played many games with the
puppy. They all became covered with dust.
289. As they played and played, a quarrel was born
among the boys. One boy praised Lord Gaura-Hari, and
another boy rebuked Him.
290. Lord Gaura said: Every day you come, and every
day you pick a fight. Why do you act like that? The other
boy said: I know what youre like. You stole the puppy.
291. Angry at heart, that boy ran off. Meeting Mother
Sachi, with a voice choked with anger he called out:
292. Listen! Listen! Your Vishvambhara has a pet
puppy. One moment he hugs the puppy. The next moment
he holds the puppys neck. Go and see for yourself.
293. Hearing the boys words, Sachi hurried home. She
saw the puppy in Lord Vishvambharas lap.
294. Putting her hand to her head, Mother Sachi said:
Why do you play like this? I do not know. There are so
many ways you could play. Still you play with a puppy. You
are very mischievous.
295. Your father is very religious. You are his son.
What will the people say? What happiness do you think
you will find by playing with a puppy?
296. You are a brahmanas son, but you do not even
slightly act like one. What good words will I speak to
defend you? Ah, the words I will hear will be like an iron
spear pushed into my heart.
297. What happiness do you find by covering your
beautiful form with dust? I bow my head to speak such
words. I feel that flames burn in my mouth.
298. How many moons does your face defeat? Your
limbs are like lightning. You do not wear nice garments.
Instead you cover your limbs with dust and stay among
low-class boys.
299. Angrily pressing her teeth to her lip, Sachi-devi
rebuked all the boys. To Lord Gaura she said: Go to your
room and take your puppy with you. You can renounce
your mother and father.
300. After speaking these words, she looked at her sons
face. She was overcome with bliss. Then she said: Come.
Dear one, come and sit in my lap. Be quiet. I will kiss your
301. Leave your dog, O dear one, and bathe in the
Gangas waters. Six hours of the day have already passed.
And you are not hungry? How much trouble do you give to
302. Tie up your puppy, and go take your bath. Later
you can play with your puppy. Now you should eat some
303. As a golden lotus wilts in the hot sunshine, so Lord
Gauras face wilted. On the tip of His nose a drop of
perspiration awakened. Gazing at her son, Sachi felt her life
breath split apart.
304. Hearing Mother Sachis words, Lord
Vishvambhara smiled and said: I will go to bathe.
305. Speaking these words, the Lord hugged His
mothers neck and prepared for His bath. Wiping the dust
from His face, Mother Sachi anointed the Lords limbs with
scented oil.
306. For His bath Lord Vishvambhara went to the
Gangas bank. He happily played with His friends in the
Gangas waters.
307. Lord Vishvambharas form was wonderful and
immovable like Mount Sumeru. As a wild elephant plays in
the water with its companions, so Lord Vishvambhara
played in the water with His friends.
308. Meanwhile Sachi-devi set the puppy free. She said:
I do not know where the puppy went. Perhaps the puppy
ran to his own mother.
309. One of the boys was there at that time. He ran to
the Gangas bank and said: Vishvambhara, your mother
set the puppy free.
310. Hearing the boys words, the Lord ran home. He
saw that the puppy was gone.
311. He looked in the four directions. He did not see the
puppy. His heart burned with flames of anger. He wept. He
rebuked His mother. He was overcome with grief for His
312. He said: Listen, O foolish mother. Why did you
do that? You gave me great suffering. That puppy was very
beautiful. Why did you do that?
313. Sachi said: I did not know what happened to your
puppy. Perhaps some boys came and stole him.
314. Why must you cry for a puppy? Tomorrow I will
search in forest after forest. I will find your puppy and bring
him back.
315. Dont lament. Stop your lament. I will bring back
your puppy. I promise. Dont weep. Please dont weep
316. After speaking these words, she wiped the tears
from her sons face and hugged Him. Gazing at His face,
she became filled with bliss. She kissed Him millions and
millions of times.
317. She wiped His limbs, pretending to make Him a
little more clean, and then she bathed Him with the Gangas
waters. Then she fed Him many delicious sandesha,
modaka, kshira, and kadalaka candies.
318. She tied His hair in a topknot and she decorated
His eyes with splendid black kajjala. She made Him
completely splendid.
319. Around His waist she tied a red sash that hung to
His toes. On His chest she rested a string of pearls. On His
forehead she placed sandal tilaka.
320. She decorated Him with bracelets and armlets of
priceless jewels. On His feet she placed anklets. Grasping
kshira and ladu candies in His hands, He went to play with
the boys.
321. His graceful walking defeated the graceful wild
elephants. His voice was like thick honey. Surrounded by
the boys, Lord Gaura, the King of the brahmanas, was like a
moon surrounded by stars.
322. Gazing at the Lord as He played, the demigods all
smiled. Seeing that Lord Gaura touched even cats and dogs,
Lochana Dasa is filled with wonder.

Song 8

323. By Lord Gaurangas touch a dog became fortunate.

Abandoning his dogs nature, he became filled with
transcendental knowledge.
324. Calling out, Radha-Krishna! Govinda! the dog
danced. Everyone in Nadiya ran to see him.
325. Everyone watched as the dog manifested signs of
ecstasy. The hairs of his body stood erect. His eyes were
filled with tears.
326. That soul suddenly renounced his dogs body and
went to Lord Krishnas abode of Goloka.
327. A divine airplane suddenly arrived and took that
soul on the path in the sky.
328. Decorated with jewels and pearls, that golden
airplane glistened like a thousand-rayed sun.
329. Millions and millions of bells chimed. Hosts and
hosts of karatalas sounded.
330. Hearing the sounds of the conch-shells and the
calls of Jaya! and Hari! the gandharvas an kinnaras
sang the glories of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna.
331. The airplane was decorated with hosts of flags. It
glistened like the circle of the sun.
332. In the middle of the airplane the handsome,
splendid, charming newly-liberated soul sat on a jewel
333. He was pleasant with coolness that defeated ten
million moons. He chanted, Radha-Krishna! Gauranga!
334. A host of siddhas fanned him with chamara
whisks. In this way he traveled on the path to Goloka.
335. Brahma, Shiva, Sanaka, and a host of others stood
before him with folded hands. Surrounding him on the
airplane, they all sang the glories of Lord Gauranga.
336. They sang: Glory, glory to Sachis son, Who is an
ocean of mercy! O Lord, why are You not merciful to us in
this way?
337. You delivered a dog, gave him a spiritual body,
and took him to Goloka. Why will You not do the same for
338. Glory, glory to Lord Gaura-Hari, the shelter of the
shelterless! Glory, glory to Him, the best of all avataras!
339. By Your mercy the souls who live in Kali-yuga
will be delivered. What other wonderful pastimes will You
340. When will we demigods become fortunate? When
will we attain the mercy of Your feet?
341. By touching him, You delivered a dog. Even when
You were Lord Krishna You were not kind in this way.
342. When will we become fortunate? You gave
perfection to a dog. We pray that we may become fortunate
like him.
343. Obeisances, obeisances to You, O Lord Gaura
Raya, whom only the pure and faultless may see!
Obeisances, obeisances to Your two graceful feet!
344. We demigods are all the Lords followers and
servants. When will we attain Lord Gaurachandras feet?
345. In this way that very fortunate soul went to
Goloka, and the great devotees sang the glories of lord
346. In this way very wonderful pastimes of Lord
Gaurachandra were manifest. With great joy Lochana Dasa
describes them.

Song 9

347. One day Sachi-devi in her heart decided to follow

a vow of worshiping Goddess Sashthi. Accompanied by the
village ladies, she observed that vow under a banyan tree.
348. She prepared nice offerings of food, covered them
with the edge of her garment, she happily carried them to
the banyan tree.
349. At that moment Lord Vishvambhara Raya was
playing and playing on the path. Seeing His mother, He ran
to her and asked: What do you carry in your hands?
350. Extending His arms, He blocked the path. He
wanted to stop His mother. What is it? What offering do
you carry? I want it. He demanded.
351. She said: I carry food offerings to worship the
demigods. I am going to a banyan tree to worship Goddess
Sashthi. Now you go and play.
352. Listen, dear son. Later I will come back and give
you sandesha and banana. Now I will worship the goddess.
I will ask a boon from her. With her boon I will destroy all
your sufferings.
353. In this way she spoke. Aware of what was in His
mothers heart, Sri Vishvambhara gently spoke. Words like
nectar came to His mouth.
354. He said: Repeatedly I tell you, O foolish mother,
that you do not understand. Great flames burn in my
stomach. I will eat the offering now.
355. Speaking these words, Lord Gaura-Hari grabbed
the offering and pushed it into His mouth. Seeing this,
Mother Sachi said: Alas! Alas! Flames of suffering now
burn in my heart.
356. I have seen my Vishvambhara eat the sweets
meant to be offered to the demigods, sweets made of honey
and milk and ghee. Flames burned in Sachis heart. Tears
of anger streamed from her eyes.
357. She said: Foolish son, how many times have I
tried to teach you? Still you do not honor the demigods! You
are a brahmanas son. Still you act badly. Because of you I
will die of suffering.
358. Hearing His mothers words, the jewel that is Lord
Gaura became angry. Flames burned in His heart. He said:
You dont know anything. The words you speak to Me are
359. Listen, foolish mother. I know everything. I am
the most exalted person in the three worlds. I Myself am the
whole world. The three worlds are not something different
from Me.
360. As by watering a trees root one waters all the
branches, and as by feeding the stomach one protects all the
senses, so it is written of Me (Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.31.14):

yatha taror mula-nishechanena
tripyanti yat-skandha-bhujopashakhah
pranopaharach cha yathendriyanam
tathaiva sarvarhanam achyutejya
As pouring water on the root of a tree energizes the
trunk, branches, twigs, and everything else, and as
supplying food to the stomach enlivens the senses and
limbs of the body, simply worshiping the Supreme
Personality of Godhead through devotional service
automatically satisfies the demigods, who are parts of the
Supreme Personality.

362. After speaking these wise words, Lord Gaura-Hari

hugged His mothers neck. Her heart filled with wonder,
Sachi went to worship Goddess Sashthi.
363. In many was she served Goddess Sashthi. With a
voice choked with emotion she begged: O goddess, my son
is very mischievous. Please forgive his offenses.
364. You gave him to me. Why should you take his
offenses seriously. Please give auspiciousness to my son.
Please dont be angry with him.
365. I do not have five or seven sons. Nimai is my
great treasure. Please be merciful to him. Let no calamity
befall him. O goddess, this boy is yours.
366. After speaking these words, Sachi fell at the feet of
the elder ladies. Humbly bowing before them, she begged:
Please give a blessing.
367. Please give the dust of your feet so I may place it
on my sons head. Then my very mischievous son will
become sober and intelligent.
368. Placing a straw between her teeth, Sachi spoke
these words. Worshiping the elder ladies feet, she prayed:
Please bless my son Vishvambhara that he will live a long
369. Thus completing her worship of Goddess Sashthi,
Sachi-devi, holding her sons hand, returned home. Later to
Jagannatha Mishra she revealed what was in her heart.
370. What more can I say? Lord Gaura is the Master of
all the demigods. Manifest on Earth, He enjoyed many
pastimes playing with a host of boys. Thus says Lochana

Song 10
(Varadi raga - Dirgha-chanda)

371. On another day Sachis son was playing in the dust

of the royal path. His body was like a golden mountain
covered with dust. He was accompanied by His friends.
372. Child after child played in the dust. One moment
they hurled insults at each other. They next moment, their
bodies clothed only by the four directions, they fought in
the battlefield of dust. They were all the same age. All
together, their hearts beat as one. Because of the great effort
they put into their playing, they were covered with drops of
373. Together they played and played. They would
hide, and then suddenly appear on the path. Then,
accompanied by his followers, a pandita learned in the path
of jnana walked down that path.
374. Gesturing with his hands and moving his head, he
was explaining the yoga-shastras. Seeing this, Lord
Vishvambhara, imitating his words and gestures, followed
behind him.
375. From the corner of his eye glancing at the Lord, the
physician Murari continued his explanation of yoga. To
Lord Vishvambhara he spoke about yoga. He spoke as if his
hand was stuck in his mouth.
376. Repeatedly Lord Gaura-Hari and the boys mocked
him. Seeing that he was being mocked, the physician
Murari angrily said:
377. Who says this boy is well-behaved? I see this is
Jagannatha Mishras son. Everywhere I have heard of His
glories. His name is Nimai.
378. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura-Hari, out of
kindness to His followers, became angry. Knitting His
eyebrows, eloquent Lord Gaura-Hari said: When you take
your meal I will teach you something.
379. Hearing these words, Murari thought within his
heart. His heart filled with wonder, he returned to his home.
Absorbed in his household duties, he forgot what had
happened. Then the time for his meal came.
380. Lord Vishvambhara-Hari clad Himself in opulent
garments, tied a sash about His waist, tied His hair in a
triple topknot, and placed about His neck a string of tulasi
beads and another string of great pearls.
381. He anointed His eyes with black kajjala, tied His
hair five times, and decorated His body with glistening
golden ornaments. On His feet he placed anklets. Carrying
kshira-ladus in His hands, Lord Vishvambhara walked.
382. He walked to Murari Guptas house. The King of
physicians was taking his meal. With a voice like a
thundering cloud the Lord compassionately called out:
383. Hearing that sound, Murari remembered what
Lord Vishvambhara had said. His heart was filled with
wonder. Asking, What are you doing? What are you
doing? Lord Gaura-Hari approached.
384. He said: Dont be frightened. It is only I. Continue
with your meal. As Murari ate, slowly the Lord
approached. Suddenly Lord Gaura passed urine, filling the
385. Ah! Ah! What, what are You doing?, Murari
cried as he jumped up. Clapping his hands, Lord Gaura
chanted: You walked away from the path of devotion.
Waving your hands and moving your head, you talk about
386. Give up karma and jnana! With all your heart
worship Lord Krishna! Become learned in tasting the nectar
of devotional service. Become filled with spiritual bliss. He
who sees only matter cannot make progress in devotion. He
is fool. His intelligence has no power to understand
387. Lord Hari is supremely merciful. He has all
powers. He is the father of all souls. From Him the eternal
Brahman is manifest. He is the lifes treasure of the gopis.
Why do you not dedicate your life to worshiping Him?
388. Where did jewel-like Lord Gaura go after He spoke
those words? I have no power to say. All of a sudden Murari
Gupta had no power to see Him. Again and again in his
heart Murari thought: He is not different from the Lord!
Sachis son is the Supreme Lord Himself!
389. Thinking in this way, Murari Gupta hurriedly left
his house. He had no power to walk on the regular path.
His heart was overcome with bliss. Somehow he arrived at
Jagannatha Mishras house.
390. Sachi and Jagannatha Mishra were caressing their
son. To Him they said: You are our nectar treasure.
Wherever we go, whatever sufferings we feel, we forget
them all when we gaze at the moon of your face.
391. Speaking these words, they both kissed His two
cheeks. At the same moment they both hugged Him. At that
moment Murari Gupta arrived. Overcome with bliss, he did
not speak a word.
392. Seeing him, Sachi and Jagannatha Mishra became
alarmed. They at once stood up before their physician
guest. Murari did not say anything. He had forgotten
everything. He only gazed at Lord Gaurachandras face.
393. From his head to his feet the hairs of his body
stood erect. Flooding streams of tears flowed from his eyes.
His reddish eyes were filled with love. He spoke with
broken words.
394. He fell like a stick before Lord Gauras feet.
Repeatedly he bowed down. Watching him, and acting as if
He did not understand, Lord Gaura sat in His mothers lap.
395. Sachi and Jagannatha Mishra said: Ah! What
happened? What happened? We see you are like a demigod.
Please bless our son. Did he do something very bad?
396. O great shudra-muni, you teach the whole world.
Did our boy offend you? Let whatever is destined to
happen to us happen, but let only good fall on our son.
Saying may he live long please bless our son.
397. Speaking these words, Sachi and Jagannatha
Mishra grasped Muraris hand and humbly bowed down
before him. Smiling, Murari Gupta said: Your son
Vishvambhara is the Master of the masters of the demigods.
398. In the future you will know your sons true
identity. No one is fortunate like you. In your hearts
remember my words: Your Vishvambhara is the Supreme
399. Saying these words, Murari Gupta spoke no more.
He quickly left. His heart filled with bliss from having seen
Lord Gauras feet, he went to Advaita Acharyas home.
400. Advaita Acharya is the abode of all transcendental
virtues. He is the siksha-guru of all living entities. Humbly
falling at the Acharyas feet, Murari said: To the devotees,
You are like a kalpa-vriksha tree.
401. I have seen a great wonder. Jagannatha Mishras
son Vishvambhara Nimai Pandita, Who plays like a child
with other children, is the most exalted person in the
402. Hearing these words, Advaita Acharya, who is the
jewel of the brahmanas, made a great roaring sound. On
every limb of his body the hairs stood erect. He said: I will
tell you the secret of secrets. He is the Supreme Lord. His
body is the goddess of fortunes resting place. He tastes the
nectar of transcendental love.
403. When these words were spoken, the two of them
made a great roaring sound. Overcome with bliss, They
forgot everything. Only fools do not believe this story. The
truth is that the master of all the worlds mercifully
descended to Earth. In this way Lochana Dasa sings the
glories of Lord Gaura.

Song 11
(Bhatiyari raga - Disha)

404. Hearing how He had filled the four directions with

sounds of Hari! Haribol! Lord Gaura, the jewel of the
brahmanas, chanted Jaya! Jaya!, clapped His hands, and
405. Assembling all the boys, Lord Gaura made a game
of chanting Lord Haris holy names.
406. Surrounding Him on four sides, the boys chanted,
Hari! Hari! Overcome with bliss, Lord Gaura rolled on
the ground
407. With a voice like thundering clouds He called,
Chant! Chant! Replying, He has come! He has come!
the boys embraced Him.
408. Touching Lord Gauras graceful limbs, the boys
forgot themselves. Overcome, they fell to the ground and
409. From head to foot the hairs of the bodies stood
erect. Flooding streams of tears flowed down their necks.
Clapping their hands, the boys chanted, Hari! Hari!
410. Surrounded on four sides by the boys, Lord Gaura
was like a lion, or like a bumblebee madly flying in a nectar
lotus flower.
411. At that moment two or four panditas came
walking down the path and saw Lord Vishvambhara
enjoying these pastimes.
412. Seeing the boys wonderful pastimes, Lord Gaura
placed forest-flower garlands around their necks.
413. Everyone clapped their hands and chanted Hari!
Hari! Lord Gaura-Hari joyfully danced in their midst.
414. Forgetting themselves, the panditas joined the
boys. They also clapped their hands and chanted Hari!
415. Then some women carrying water-pots came on
the path and saw all these pastimes.
416. Hearing the chanting of Hari! Hari! the women
chanted Jaya! Jaya! Hearing all this chanting, other people
came to watch.
417. Hearing the chanting, Sachi suddenly came there.
She saw her son Nimai and she also saw the panditas.
418. Calling out, Son! Son! Sachi hugged Nimai.
Seeing all the people, she spoke harsh words.
419. She said: You panditas are all like this. You turn
others sons into madmen. You made them dance like
420. Hearing her harsh words, in their hearts everyone
thought: Why does she speak like that? Why?
421. Taking her son with her, Sachi returned home.
Lochana Dasa joyfully sings these songs glorifying Lord

Song 12
(Sindhuda raga)

Refrain: A moon with no dark spots has risen in


422. Now I will describe a conversation of Murari

Gupta and Damodara Pandita.
423. Damodara Pandita asked Murari Gupta: I would
like to ask one question I have long considered in my heart.
424. Dear Murari Gupta, this question I ask you: How
did the Lords brother, Vishvarupa, leave home and accept
425. This question I respectfully ask about His
qualities and pastimes. With a happy heart Murari Gupta
426. Please listen. Listen, O Damodara, O best of the
panditas, and I will tell whatever I know.
427. Vishvarupa was Lord Vishvambharas elder
brother. He was the abode of transcendental virtues. How
can I describe all His virtues and pastimes?
428. In a short time He became learned in all the
Scriptures. He was devoted to duty and detached from
429. He was happy at heart. He was devoted to His
spiritual master, the Supreme Lord, and the brahmanas. He
very affectionately served His mother and father.
430. He understood the conclusion of Vedanta. He
knew the secret heart of all duties. He knew that no pious
deed is separate from devotional service to Lord Vishnu.
431. He was loved by everyone. He was very perfect.
In his heart lived renunciation, spiritual knowledge,
spiritual faith, and true intelligence.
432. One day as, a book in his left hand, he conversed
with a fellow student as they walked on the royal path,
Jagannatha Mishra noticed Him.
433. Jagannatha Mishra thought: My son is 16 years
old. Now, in the prime of his youth, he should be married.
434. Father Jagannatha Mishra thought in his heart: I
should consider what girl will be suitable for Vishvarupa.
435. Thinking and thinking, the brahmana Jagannatha
Mishra returned to his home. In his heart he was thinking of
Vishvarupas marriage.
436. At that moment the brahmana Vishvarupa also
returned home. His father was surprised to see Him.
Vishvarupa knew what was in His fathers heart.
437. Glancing at him, the great brahmana Vishvarupa
knew what His surprised father was planning.
438. In His heart Vishvarupa thought: He is thinking
how to arrange My marriage.
439. It is not right for Me to marry. But if I dont marry,
mother will be very unhappy.
440. As He thought of all this, night turned to sunrise.
Then, a book in His left hand, He left home.
441. Saintly Vishvarupa crossed the Ganga and
accepted sannyasa.

Song 15
(Patha-manjari raga)
442. In their hearts Mother Sachi and Father
Jagannatha Mishra thought: Nine hours have passed. Why
has our son not returned? Jagannatha Mishra searched for
Him. He went to every house, but he did not find His son.
443. From person to person, from ear to ear, the news
circulated: Vishvarupa accepted sannyasa. The news went
to you and also to me. Finally hearing it himself, Father
Jagannatha Mishra fell unconscious.
444. When Sachi-devi heard it, she also fell
unconscious to the ground. For them a blinding darkness
covered the three worlds. Vishvarupa!, Sachi called out.
Son, come back. We want to gaze on you. Why did you
leave home and accept sannyasa?
445. Your limbs are so beautiful! Your feet are so
beautiful! How can you travel on long journeys, walking on
the roads? You cannot let even three hours pass without
eating. Now you will not find even a single sesame seed.
Before whom will you place your requests now?
446. Now that my son has gone there is no peace in my
heart. Moment after moment I yearn for his return. When I
go to bathe, I am not peaceful. I think: My Vishvarupa may
447. When you call out mother! that sound is more
dear to me than millions and millions of treasures. When I
gaze at your face I forget myself. What sufferings did you
feel that now you throw fire at my face, that now you have
become a poverty-stricken sannyasi? I do not know.
448. O father of Vishvarupa, wherever Vishvarupa
went, go there. Go and bring my son home. Let the people
say whatever they say. Bring my son back. Again I will
arrange for His sacred-thread ceremony.
449. Then Jagannatha Mishra said: O goddess, O
Queen Sachi, please listen. Please be peaceful at heart. Dont
lament any more. This whole material world is a lie.
Vishvarupa is a very exalted person.
450. Good fortune has now come to our families.
Vishvarupa is a very good son. From childhood He was
always a sannyasi in spirit. Please give him your blessings.
Bless him that he will be always steady on the spiritual
path, that he will easily maintain his vow of sannyasa.
451. Listen. Dont think of calamity or good fortune.
Dont lament without reason. When a man accepts sannyasa
he delivers ten million of his relatives. Vishvarupa is a jewel
among men.
452. Hearing Jagannatha Mishras words, Sachi again
said: What did you say? Please say it again, O saintly one.
Jagannatha Mishra repeated: When a man accepts sannyasa
he delivers ten million of his family members. Therefore our
son has done good.
453. In this way the two of them felt both grief and joy
in their hearts. How can I describe their glories? Their good
fortune has no end. They had Vishvarupa as their son.
454. Murari Gupta then said to Damodara Pandita:
Now you have heard the story of Vishvarupa accepting
sannyasa. Repeating the conversation of those two,
Lochana Dasa sings this song glorifying Lord Vishvarupa.
455. Then, Lord Vishvambhara sat on His mothers lap.
She gazed at her dear sons face. He said: Where did my
brother go? Listen. Listen, O mother and father. I will
protect you.
456. Hearing these words, Jagannatha Mishra and
Sachi-rani hugged their son. Gazing at Lord
Vishvambharas face, they forgot all their sorrows. Lochana
Dasa recounts this story.

Pauganda (Ages 6-10) Pastimes

Song 14
(Dhanashi raga)

457. On another day Jagannatha Mishra saw Lord

Vishvambhara and thought about Him in his heart.
458. On an auspicious day, during an auspicious tithi,
when an auspicious star was prominent, at an auspicious
moment Jagannatha Mishra first placed a writing chalk in
his sons hand. That was a wonderful moment.
459. Day by day Lord Gaura, the Guru of all the words,
pursued His studies. Seeing this, Sachi and Jagannatha
Mishra forget themselves in bliss.
460. Sachi and Jagannatha Mishra decided: Now his
days of only playing are gone.
461. They decided to perform the Lords haircutting
ceremony. They assembled their relatives.
462. They decided on an auspicious day and an
auspicious moment for the haircutting ceremony.
463. In house after house in Nadiya everyone was filled
with bliss. At the ceremony the brahmanas and saintly
persons were duly worshiped.
464. The brahmanas recited the Vedas, and the singers
sang songs. The yajna was rightly done.
465. The ladies chanted, Jaya! Jaya! They gave gifts of
fragrances, sandal, and betel-nuts to the guests.
466-467. Many kinds of musical instruments were
sounded. The bliss everyone felt was like an ocean that had
no shore. Conch-shells, dundubhi drums, bheri drums,
kahala flutes, mridangas, patahas, kamsyas, karatalas, and
sanais were all sounded. The music was very sweet.
468. Sounds of Hari! reverberated in the sky in the
four directions. In this way Lord Gauras chuda-karana
(haircutting) and karna-vedha (piercing ear lobes for
earrings) ceremonies were performed.
469. Everyone in Nadiyas villages became filled with
bliss. Gazing at Lord Vishvambharas face, they forgot
470. In the marketplaces, pathways, river-ghatas, and
wherever they went, two by two the people gathered and
described Lord Gaurachandras glories.
471. They said: Sachi and Jagannatha Mishra are very
fortunate to have such a son. When we see Him, our hearts
are overcome with bliss.
472. Navadvipa is fortunate. The Earth planet is
fortunate. Every eye that sees Lord Gauras form is
fortunate and glorious.
473. On another day Lord Gaura played with the boys
on a ghata by the sandy banks of the Ganga.
474. Let us play a game of following the birds
footprints in the sand.
475. These words Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu spoke.
All the boys played that game with great enthusiasm.
476. Anyone who skipped a birds footprint was at once
477. The boys who ran first to the riverbank were the
winners. The winners were carried about on the losers
478. As they rode on the losers backs, the winners hit
them with sticks. In this way they ran towards the ghata.
479. In this way the boys became exhausted by playing
in the sand. Streams of perspiration flowed down their
480. At that moment Jagannatha Mishra went to the
Gangas bank for his bath.
481. When he saw his son, anger took birth within him.
Seeing his son exhausted from playing, Jagannatha Mishra
felt his heart burn with anger.
482. Lord Gauras perspiration-filled face was like a
golden lotus flower, a lotus flower simultaneously dripping
nectar and wilting in the hot sunshine.
483. Shouting and shouting, Jagannatha Mishra ran
after his son. Seeing His father, Lord Vishvambhara became
very embarrassed.
484. Embarrassed, the Lord did not lift His face. In His
heart was fear. The pandita Jagannatha Mishra went to Lord
Gaurachandras side.
485. Taking his son by the hand, he departed. All the
boys went to their homes.
486. Jagannatha Mishra bathed in the Ganga and then
returned home. Once home, he severely rebuked Lord
487. He said: Like a low person youre cheating on
your studies. Why do you foolishly spend every moment
wandering about?
488. You dont act like a brahmanas son. Now I will
give you the proper fruit of your actions.
489. Speaking these words, Jagannatha Mishra moved
to hit the Lord with a stick in his hand. Rebuking him, Sachi
grabbed Jagannatha Mishras hand.
490. She said: Dont hit my son. He wont play any
more. He will stay with you and study always.
491. Lord Vishvambhara ran to his mothers embrace.
I wont play. I wont play, He softly said.
492. Jagannatha Mishra became like a bolted door
preventing his sons exit. Dont hit my child. Hes dying in
fear of you.
493. Speaking these words, Sachi sheltered her son in
her arms. With the edge of her garment she wiped the tears
from her sons eyes and limbs.
494. Let my son not study. Let him become a fool. Let
him be a fool and live a hundred years.
495. Hearing these words of Sachi-devi, Jagannatha
Mishra angrily said:
496. If our son becomes a fool, how will he earn a
living? Why would any brahmana give his daughter to
497. Then Jagannatha Mishra looked at his sons face.
With frightened eyes the son Lord Gaura looked at His
498. In his heart Jagannatha Mishra was melting. But
on the outside he was hard. Now he was filled with love.
The hand raised to hit his son now he put down.
499. Tears in his eyes, he hugged his son. To his son he
sweetly said:
500. Dear son, if you listen and study the people will
praise you. And I will give you a banana.
501. In this way the remainder of that day passed
happily. After sunset Jagannatha Mishra went to bed.
502. In the ninth hour of the night he had a dream. In
the dream Jagannatha Mishra saw that he was now in
503. At sunrise he rose and called for everyone. I saw a
dream, he told everyone.
504. In the dream I saw a great brahmana. He was
effulgent like the sun.
505. His splendid body was decorated with jewel
ornaments. I had no power to look at him. He was the
abode of great effulgence.
506. With a voice like a thundering cloud he said to
me: I am your son Vishvambhara. Why do you not honor
507. I am the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That
you do not know. Why do you think I am only your son?
508. An animal does not know what comes from a
sparshamani jewels touch. You think that I am your son.
That is very bold of you.
509. I know all the Scriptures. I am the Guru of all the
demigods. Why, to force Me to study, will you strike Me
with a stick in your hand?
510. This dream I saw last night. My heart does not
know its meaning.
511. With happy hearts Sachi and everyone else gazed
at Lord Vishvambharas face.
512. Their hearts filled with bliss, Sachi and Jagannatha
Mishra hugged their son. They said: This is our son
Vishvambhara Gaura-Hari.
513. His glories have no end. Even the Vedas do not
know where they end. In their meditations even Lord Shiva,
Sanaka-kumara, and all the demigods and sages have no
power to know where they end.
514. Who knows His great, great glories? This fair
divine person took birth as our son.
515. Speaking and speaking in this way, Sachi and
Jagannatha Mishra felt their love. The love of parents for
their son, grow increasingly strong. As that love grew, their
awareness that their son is the Supreme Personality of
Godhead fled far away.
516. When they heard of this dream, everyone became
filled with joy. Lochana Dasa joyfully sings this song
glorifying Lord Gaura.

Song 15
(Varadi raga-Disha)

Refrain: Lord Gaurachandra is my very life!

517. A very blissful day came. The villages of Nadiya

floated in an ocean of bliss.
518. Who has the power to describe even a single
sesame seeds worth of that bliss? No one in the whole
material world was fortunate like Sachi and Jagannatha
519. One day, accompanied by his friends, Jagannatha
Mishra suddenly noticed that his son had become very
520. In his heart he thought: My son is nine years old.
He is very qualified. At an auspicious moment I will give
him a sacred thread.
521. Returning home, he explained all this to Sachi.
Bringing an astrologer to his house, he selected an
auspicious day.
522. To his relatives he sent invitations that said: I will
give Vishvambhara a sacred thread.
523. To his house Jagannatha Mishra brought Lord
Advaita Acharya, who was a famous pandita learned in the
Vedas and in the performance of yajna.
524. To the brahmanas Jagannatha Mishra gave betel-
nuts, sandal, and garlands. Hundreds and hundreds of
saintly ladies were anointed with red sindura.
525. To every guest saintly Sachi gave khadi, bananas,
oil, and turmeric.
526. There was a tumultuous sound of Jaya! Jaya! and
of conch-shells sounding. There was a sweet fragrance. At
sunset the adhivasa ceremony was performed.
527. The brahmanas chanted auspicious verses. The
poets recited poems. They gave blessings. In this way the
ritual was performed.
528. When the night turned into sunrise Jagannatha
Mishra gracefully performed the nandimukha-shraddha
529. He worshiped the brahmanas and offered them
padya and achamana. Then the time came to begin the
530. When Sachi-devi brought her son, wonderful bliss
entered the ceremonies.
531. She anointed Lord Vishvambharas limbs with oil
and turmeric and His head with fragrant amalaki oil.
532. Then she bathed Him with Ganga water. Tossed by
waves of bliss, she forgot herself.
533. Conch-shells, dunsubhis, bheris, kahalas,
mridangas, padahas, kamsyas, and karatalas were sounded.
534. Eight miles away travelers on the path could hear
the rumbling sounds of dudadubhi from the dhaka
drums. Hearing the sounds of the sanais, everyone felt their
hearts become soothed and cooled.
535. A band of vinas, venus, kupilas, vamshis, rababs,
upangas, and pakowajas played in unison.
536. Dancers danced. Singers sang. At an auspicious
moment Lord Gauras head was shaved.
537. His limbs were decorated with ornaments, fragrant
garlands, and sandal paste.
538. As the brahmanas chanted Vedic hymns, Sachis
son entered the yajna arena.
539. He was dressed in saffron garments. A sacred
thread was placed on His body. Gazing at His handsome
form, everyone was overcome. He was like Kamadeva
540. In Lord Vishvambharas ear Jagannatha Mishra
repeated the Gayatri mantra. In Lord Vishvambharas hand
he placed a staff. Seeing Lord Vishvambhara, sin
personified was filled with fear.
541. Begging alms, Lord Vishvambhara acted as if He
were in the sannyasa-ashrama, the best of ashramas.
542. When His head was shaved He thought, To
preach the yuga-dharma I will accept sannyasa.
543. Rapt in thought, He decided, I will destroy the
sufferings of everyone in Kali-yuga.
544. On every limb, from head to foot, the hairs of His
body stood erect. The standing hairs defeated the glory of
the filaments of kadamba flowers.
545. His long eyes were reddish and kind. His effulgent
limbs were like the rising sun.
546. He gave a great roaring shout of ecstatic spiritual
love. Gazing at Him, every brahmana was filled with
547. The prominent panditas headed by Sudarshana
gathered and discussed what had happened.
548. Together, all the panditas agreed: Sachis son is
not a mortal.
549. Among them was born the conclusion that Lord
Gaura has a demigods effulgence. But the truth is that only
Lord Krishna, and no one else, has an effulgence like His.
550. What can I know of the Lords character and
activities? I know only as much as my intelligence allows.
551. One person there said: Please hear my words. I do
not understand the Supreme Lords actions.
552. Still, I will say something that is in my heart.
Please hear it. To deliver the people, the Supreme Lord
takes birth yuga after yuga.
553. Thus He manifests different avataras according to
different missions He wishes to fulfill. Thus He manifests
four avataras, one for each yuga.
554. He is manifest in this world to establish religion,
destroy irreligion, and protect His devotees.
555. His mission also includes killing demons and
performing other activities. An avatara that fulfills these
missions (karya) is called karya-avatara.
556. Considering the nature of Lord Ramachandra and
other avataras, it is seen that they were karya-avataras, for
they all came to fulfill a certain mission.
557. In Treta-yuga the avatara has a red color. His
dharma is yajna. Then the Lord also appears in a form,
which is dark like durva grass. In that avatara His mission
is to kill the demons.
558. Lord Ramachandra, who enjoys pastimes of
befriending the monkeys and killing Ravana, does not
appear in every Treta-yuga.
559. Only in the fourteenth chatur-yuga does Lord
Ramachandra come and kill Ravana. He comes only in
some Treta-yugas. That is written in the Scriptures.
560. Some Scriptures indeed say that Lord
Ramachandra does not appear in every Treta-yuga. Only
sometimes does He come to fulfill His mission.
561. In Satya-yuga the avatara is white, His dharma is
austerity, and His name is Hamsa. Lord Nrisimha and other
avataras are also counted among the karya-avataras.
562. According to the different yugas some avataras
manifest a specific appropriate color and engage in specific
appropriate activities to establish religion. These avataras
are called yuga-avataras.
563. With one single heart please hear the description
of Lord Krishna, who appears in ther Dvapara-yuga. He is
the only original Supreme Personality of Godhead. There is
no other.
564. He is both a karya-avatara and a yuga-avatara.
He is the perfect and complete original Supreme Personality
of Godhead. All other avataras are His plenary portions. He
is the son of Maharaja Nanda.
565. He is the perfect and complete Supreme
Personality of Godhead. This everyone says. Please know
He is the gopis paramour in Vrindavana.
566. The Krishna-avatara is the crest jewel of all
avataras. The Dvapara-yuga where He appears in the best
of all Dvapara-yugas.
567. In other Dvapara-yugas there are two avataras.
One is a karya-avatara and the other a yuga-avatara.
568. The Dvapara-yuga where the avatara is Lord
Krishna is followed by a Kali-yuga where the avatara is
Lord Gaurachandra.
569. Lord Gaurachandra is like Lord Krishna. The two
yugas when these Two appear are different from all
other yugas.
570. Lord Krishna does not manifest His pastimes in
every Dvapara-yuga. Neither does Lord Gaura descend to
every Kali-yuga.
571. In the Satya, Treta, Dvapara, and Kali-yugas, the
avatara is generally a plenary portion (amsha) of the
Supreme Lord.
572. The Dvapara and Kali-yugas where Lord Krishna
and Lord Krishna Chaitanya appear are very fortunate.
573. They descend to this world only once in Brahmas
day. In only one Dvapara and Kali-yuga do They manifest
Their pastimes.
574. Lord Krishna and Lord Gaura descend to this
world during the Vaivasvata-manvantara. In that Dvapara-
yuga the yuga-dharma is puja (Deity worship), and in that
Kali-yuga the yuga-dharma is sankirtana (chanting the
Lords holy names).
575. Fortunate, fortunate is that Kali-yuga. It stands
above all other yugas. In that yuga the people are able to
perform the sankirtana-yajna.
576. O merciful Lord Gaurachandra, by performing
sankirtana even the lame, dull, and blind can cross to the
farther shore of the ocean of repeated birth and death.
577. You dont believe my words? I ask you: Say what
you think?
578. In each yuga the Lord manifests an avatara with a
specific color, dharma, and mission.
579. In Dvapara-yuga the yuga-avatara is Lord
Krishna. He teaches the yuga-dharma of Dvapara-yuga.
580. The Scriptures say that Deity worship is the yuga-
dharma in Dvapara-yuga. How did Lord Krishna establish
the dharma of Deity worship?
581. Dont be disrespectful. Only one person should
speak at a time. What I speak is very reasonable. Dont
disrespect my words.
582. Our Lord Krishna is the independent Supreme
Personality of Godhead. How did He fulfill His mission of
establishing the yuga-dharma? Everything is maintained by
583. His mission was indeed to establish the yuga-
dharma. He fulfilled it in every way. Please know His
activities are wonderful.
584. Sri Sri Radha-Krishna descended to this world
and manifested Their pastimes. Sri Radha is independent.
She is Lord Krishnas transcendental potency in person.
585. As the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His
transcendental potency, Sri Radha and Sri Krishna manifest
two forms. Originally they have one form, but to enjoy
Their pastimes They manifest two different forms. This I
586. Chanting Sri Radhas name and worshiping Lord
Krishna, the gopis engage in devotional service.
587. Loving devotional service (prema-bhakti) has
hundreds and hundreds of branches. Still, every branch
originally comes from a single source. That source is Sri
Radha, the original form of the Lords transcendental
588. To Lord Krishna Sri Radha offers Her very self.
The deep and passionate love She feels for Him is eternally
new and fresh.
589. No one understands the devotional service She
performs. This all the devotees say.
590. In other Dvapara-yugas the Supreme Lord
manifested His plenary portion (amsha) and taught the truth
of religion. Still, the people did not understand the heart of
what He taught.
591. He taught them the religion of charity, vows, and
austerities. That dharma He gave to everyone.
592. To teach the people the Supreme Lord personally
manifested in this world. Even so, the people still did not
understand the seed from which sprouts the difference
between religion and irreligion.
593. In Kali-yuga the Supreme Lord personally
manifests as Lord Gaura. He is the yuga-avatara. His
mission is to teach ecstatic spiritual love (prema).
594. His fair limbs are the color of Sri Radha. In His
heart is the nectar of ecstatic love Sri Radha feels.
595. He is the crown of all who taste spiritual nectar.
Feeling the ecstasy of the love Sri Radha feels, He weeps.
Appearing like the filaments of kadamba flowers, the hairs
of His body stand erect in His ecstasy.
596. Overwhelmed with ecstatic love, He becomes like
a wild man. He shouts and roars. He weeps and weeps.
597. Hearing His shouts, the unconscious people of
Kali-yuga awaken. They all become filled with bliss.
598. Chanting Radha-Krishna!, He dances, weeps,
and laughs. His presence makes the blinding darkness of
ignorance flee far away.
599. In Dvapara-yuga Lord Krishna takes birth in His
dark form. In Kali-yuga He takes birth in a fair form. He
awakens the unconscious people of Kali-yuga.
600. Assuming the role of a humble devotee, the Lord
reveals the truth of ecstatic spiritual love (prema). He
personally gives Himself to the people.
601. He does not consider who is worthy or who is not
worthy to receive His gift. He freely gives it to everyone. In
this way He displays His supreme power and
602. Some people say Lord Gaura is a yuga-avatara. In
truth He is the origin of all avataras.
603. In other Kali-yugas the avatara is Lord Narayana.
That avatara has a name of two syllables. That name is
604. The Scriptures say that avatara has a complexion
like a parrots wing. The commentator on that verse
explains that His color is dark like a sapphire.
605. Lord Gaurachandra is the original Supreme
Personality of Godhead. The other avataras are all
expansions of Him. That is the heart of the Scriptures
606. Lord Chaitanya is the original form of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is an ocean of mercy.
No one is like Him.
607. Only in certain Kali-yugas does Lord Gaura, the
original Supreme Lord, manifest. Then He becomes both
karya-avatara and yuga-avatara.
608. In Kali-yuga the Supreme Lord appears in a
yellow color and preaches the yuga-dharma of sankirtana.
Sachis son Vishvambhara is that form of the Supreme Lord.
He, and no one else, is that Lord.
609. Discussing all these points, every pandita there
became firmly convinced in his heart that Sachis son
Vishvambhara is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
610. Within a single sesame seeds worth of time the
word spread that Vishvambhara Gaura-Hari is in truth the
Supreme Personality of Godhead.
611. From one ear to the next the wonderful news
spread to every person. About this news there were five or
seven opinions.
612. Some people were filled with wonder. Others still
had doubts in their hearts. Who amongst them could see
Lord Vishvambharas true nature?
613. They who heard this news about Lord
Vishvambhara directly saw the Creator of all the worlds.
614. Filled with bliss, the whole town chanted, Jaya!
Jaya! Fortunate Lochana Dasa sings this song glorifying
Lord Gaura.

Song 16
(Sri raga - Disha)

Refrain: Glory, glory to Lord Gauranga! Love for Lord

Gauranga is for me the sweetest nectar bliss. Glory, glory to
Lord Gauranga!

615. One day Lord Gaura, sitting at home, was rapt in

thinking within His heart.
616. His entire body was then flooded with nectar light.
His body was so effulgent no one at home could bear to
look at it.
617. Glancing at His mother, Lord Gaura said: Hear
My words. I see that you have committed a great offense.
618. Do not eat grains on ekadashi. Carefully obey
what I have now told you.
619. With a voice like a thundering cloud, Lord Gaura
spoke these words to His mother. Hearing them, Mother
Sachi felt great awe and wonder in her heart.
620. Her body was filled with awe and love. Softly,
softly she said: I will obey Your command.
621. Hearing His mothers words, Lord Gaura was
pleased at heart. In this way the kind-hearted Lord taught
the principles of religion.
622. At that moment a pure-hearted brahmana
unexpectedly arrived. He gave some betel-nuts to Lord
623. Smiling, Lord Gaura began to chew those betel-
nuts. The next moment He called for His mother.
624. To His mother Lord Gaura said: I will go home.
Take care of this person. He is your son now.
625. Half a moment after speaking these words, Lord
Gaura became motionless. Like a stick He fell to the ground.
626. He made not a sound. Sachi was terrified. Her
heart beating quickly, she placed some Ganga water in her
sons mouth.
627. Then next moment the Lord became conscious
again. The effulgence of His body filled the room with light.
628. To His mother Lord Gaura said: I will go home.
Who has the power to understand these words?
629. Sri Murari Gupta is a confidential devotee of the
Lord. He knows all spiritual truths. He is a very expert
630. Damodara Pandita asked him: O great soul,
please explain those words to me.
631. Were these words only a trick by the Lord? What
is the power behind these words? Please give me your
632. Murari Gupta replied: Hear. Hear, O saintly one.
How can I know everything in Lord Krishnas heart?
Whatever my intelligence can understand I will explain to
633. If what I speak according to my intelligence is
reasonable, then you may accept it.
634. When a devotee hears about the Lord, gazes at
His Deity form, meditates on Him, or chants His holy
names, the Lord enters that devotees heart.
635. The Lords body is not material. It is free from the
touch of the material modes.
636. Thus the Supreme Lord places His own body
within the body of His devotee. There the Lord enjoys
pastimes as He wishes.
637. The Lord thinks the worship of His devotees is
more important than the worship of Him. In His heart He
thinks of ways to worship His devotees.
638. In this way the Lord places Himself under the
dominion of His devotees. Some people say these are
ordinary material activities of the Lord and His devotee.
639. Why does the Supreme Personality of Godhead
think the devotees are more important than Him? The
residents of the material world have no power to
understand the answer to this question.
640. The Lords form is graceful and handsome. It is
made of spiritual nectar. It possesses all opulences.
641. It is never without playful, glorious, blissful
pastimes. Who is the person, a person worthless like a pile
of ashes, that will insult the Lord by saying: the Supreme
Lord has no attributes.
642. Stopped by maya, these persons do not attain the
Lord. Still, the Lord always enjoys pastimes in His devotees
643. When the devotee eats, sleeps, relaxes, or plays,
Lord Krishna feels happiness.
644. Lord Krishna is equal to the devotees and the
non-devotees. Still, only the devotees see Lord Krishna
within their own bodies.
645. Even if somehow they see Lord Krishna, the non-
devotees think He is an ordinary human being. They say:
Who is this Krishna? He must be an ordinary human being.
After all, I can see Him with my own eyes.
646 - 647. The truth is that Lord Krishna is the original
Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Master of all masters
of all masters. He is the Supreme Brahman, untouched by
the modes of material nature. Persons who say, Lord
Krishna is an ordinary human being with a material body, a
human being who performs ordinary material actions, are
the lowest of men. They do not understand the truth about
Lord Krishna. In truth Lord Krishna manifests His own
body within the bodies of His devotees.
648. That is the understanding in my heart. Please try
to understand it with your heart and become happy.
649. Therefore I say a true Vaishnava has a body
within which Lord Krishna Himself resides. This I have
heard in the Vedas, Puranas, and Srimad-Bhagavatam.
650. As the Ganga and other holy places purify the
pilgrims, so the dust of a devotees feet purifies everyone.
651. The lowly people who think a devotees body is
ordinary, like the bodies of the ordinary people, does not
understand the truth. He commits an offense.
652. With happy hearts Murari Gupta and Damodara
Pandita discussed the spiritual truth in this way.
653. The Supreme Lord does not distinguish between
His body and the body of His devotee. He thinks the
devotees body is His own.
654. Hearing the discussion of these two devotees,
Lochana Dasa is now filled with joy as he sings this song.

Song 17
(Vibhasa raga-Disha)

Refrain: Never lost, his life is never lost!

655. Everyone please hear another wonderful story.

When you hear it the sufferings in your heart will perish.
656. One day, after studying the Vedas at his gurus
ashrama, Jagannatha Mishra, the jewel of the brahmanas,
returned to his home.
657. Pushed by destiny, the flames of a fever began to
burn in his body. When he saw the fever was very severe,
fear arose within him.
658. Seeing this, agitated Sachi wept. Speaking the
spiritual truth, Lord Gaura consoled her.
659 - 660. He said: Mother, death will come for
everyone. Brahma, Shiva, the ocean, the mountains, the
Himalayas, Indra, Varuna, and Agni must all die in due
course of time. Why do you fear death?
661. Gather all our friends and relatives. Together we
will chant Lord Krishnas holy names.
662. At the time of death is the duty of friends and
relatives to help one remember Lord Krishna, the jewel of
the Yadus.
663. Hearing these words, all the friends and relatives
came. They gathered around Lord Gaura and Jagannatha
664. The friends and relatives debated what should be
done. Seeing the time was near, Lord Gaura spoke to them.
665. Lord Vishvambhara said: Mother, why is there a
delay? This moment I will go with the friends and
666. After speaking these words to His mother, Lord
Gaura, accompanied by the friends and relatives, took His
father to the Gangas bank.
667. Grasping His fathers feet, Lord Vishvambhara
wept. Tears filled His eyes. With a choked voice He said:
668. O father, if you leave Me, where will I go? Never
again will I be able to call out to you, O father!
669. From today My house is a desert. O father, never
again will I see your feet.
670. Today the ten directions are a great desert. They
are filled with a terrible blinding darkness. Never again will
I study under you. Never again will I hold your hand.
671. Hearing these nectar words, Jagannatha Mishra
had no power to reply.
672. In a choked voice he said: Listen, Vishvambhara. I
will tell you what is in my heart.
673. I place you at Lord Ramachandras feet. After
some time you will forget me.
674. Then Jagannatha Mishra chanted, Hari! Hari!
and meditated on the Lord. Then all the brahmanas bathed
him with Ganga water.
675. Around his neck they placed a tulasi necklace.
Surrounding him on four sides, the friends and relatives
chanted Lord Haris holy names.
676. On his four sides there was sankirtana of Lord
Haris holy names. At that moment Jagannatha Mishra, the
best of the brahmanas, went to Vaikuntha.
677. Entering a celestial chariot, Jagannatha Mishra
went to Vaikuntha. Sachis weeping made the Earth split
into pieces.
678. Grasping her husbands feet, Sachi wept. She
rolled on the ground. Please dont leave me. Take me with
679. For a long time I served you. Now you have gone
to Vaikuntha. And I must stay behind on Earth.
680. When you ate and when you slept I served you.
For me the ten directions have now become a desert. They
are filled with blinding darkness.
681. Now I am a widow. I have only your small son.
Where will Nimai stay? Into whose face will he gaze?
682. A son like Nimai is very difficult to find in this
world. Forgetting everything, my master has now left us.
683. Seeing His fathers death and His mothers
weeping, Lord Gaura also wept. Tears flowed from His
684. The large tears flowing from His eyes to His chest
were like a string of enormous elephant pearls.
685. The devotees, friends, and relatives lamented, Ha!
Ha! When Lord Gaura wept the whole world wept with
686. To pacify the Lord the people sweetly said: O
Lord, Your crying will make the whole world perish.
687. The ladies consoled Sachi-devi: Sri, look at
Vishvambhara and forget about all this.
688. Controlling His grief, the Lord became peaceful.
When the time came He performed the funeral ceremony.
689. Surrounded by His relatives, He performed the
Vedic ritual for His fathers funeral.
690. Lord Gaura, who dearly loved His father,
performed His fathers yajna. One after another He
performed all the rituals. Then He worshiped the
691. Lord Gaura, who was devoted to His father, gave
to the brahmanas pots of water, dishes of food, and many
other gifts.
692. This is the story of Jagannatha Mishras journey to
Vaikunchandraha. Lord Vishvambharas father, Jagannatha
Mishra, was the best of brahmanas.
693. Faithful persons who hear this story and die by the
Gangas banks will certainly go to Vaikuntha.
694. Gazing at Lord Gaurachandra, Sachi sighed. She
feared raising her fatherless son.
695. If he dives into the nectar of scholarship, then my
son will be happy at heart, she thought.
696. Everyone please hear these wonderful stories. In
this way Lochana Dasa narrates Lord Chaitanyas pastimes.

Song 18
(Dhanashi raga - Disha)

Refrain: O! O! O!

697. One day Sachi took Lord Gaura-Hari by the hand

and brought Him to pastimes of scholarship.
698. She took Her son to all the panditas and humbly
said to them:
699. O saintly ones, please teach my son. Give him
shelter. Please dont reject him.
700. Please be affectionate to my fatherless son. Please
think of him as your own son.
701. Hearing these words, the panditas hesitated in
their hearts. They humbly said:
702. Dear mother, on this day our good fortune is
born. Today we have attained the person who is loved by
millions of Sarasvatis.
703. To everyone He will teach His own spiritual love
and His own holy names. He is the best of the brahmanas,
the Guru of all the worlds.
704. Dear mother, please know for certain that it is we
who will learn from Him.
705. Hearing these words, Sachi-devi humbly said: I
will leave him with you. Then she returned home.
706. In those days Lord Vishvambhara would go to
Vishnu Panditas home to study.
707. To bless them, Lord Gaura, the Guru of the worlds,
also studied under Sudarshana Pandita and Gangadasa
708. Manifesting a form deceptively like that of an
ordinary mortal, Lord Gaura acted like an ordinary person.
Merciful to the people, he studied and taught.
709. One day, at Sri Sudarshana Panditas house, Lord
Gaura was joking with His classmates.
710. Speaking charming joking words, sweet like
nectar, the Lord imitated the speech of East Bengal.
711. Some days passed in this way. Then the Lord
decided to visit Vanamali Acharya.
712. The Lord went to his ashrama to see him. Seeing
him, Lord Gaura bowed down and then respectfully stood.
713. Taking him by the hand, they both walked on the
pathways. Talking and talking, they spoke of many
wonderful and secret things.
714-715. At that moment Lord Vishvambhara suddenly
saw Vallabhacharyas beautiful, virtuous, saintly daughter,
a girl who was the most fortunate in the three worlds, a girl
who, surrounded by her girl friends, was walking to a
bathing place by the Ganga.
716. The Lord glanced at her and smiled. From that one
glance, the memory of why He had taken birth in this world
was born in the Lords thoughts.
717. Lord Gaura understood the hint that girl, Goddess
Lakshmi herself, had given Him with that glance. In her
thoughts Goddess Lakshmi placed Lord Gauras feet on her
718. Very intelligent Vanamali Acharya understood
what had happened. A confidential thought then sprouted
in his heart.
719. On another day, with a joyful heart Vanamali
Acharya went to Sachis house.
720. Smiling, he bowed down before Sachis feet and
then sweetly said:
721. I know a girl who is very suitable for your son.
She is beautiful, virtuous, and saintly. She is the most
fortunate girl in the three worlds.
722. She is the very well-behaved daughter of
Vallabhacharya. If you wish, you may reveal what you
think in your heart.
723. Hearing Vanamali Acharyas words, Sachi-devi
said: My son is still young. Let him study.
724. My son has no father. Let him study for some
days. Let him grow a little older and become a learned
pandita. Then you may try again.
725. Hearing these words, Vanamali Acharya was not
happy. His face marked with disappointment, he walked
726. He was restless. He was agitated at heart. He wept
and wept. He called out: O! O Gaurachandra!
727. O purifier of the fallen, You refuse to make me
fortunate. Why, then, do You accept the name Vancha-
kalpa-taru (He who is like a desire-tree)?
728. If You will not fulfill my desire, why do You
accept the name Vancha-kalpa-taru?
729. O Lord who rescued Draupadi from fear and
infamy, glory, glory to You! O Lord who rescued Gajendra
from a crocodile, glory, glory to You!
730. O Lord who rescued Ajamila from the
Yamadutas, glory to You! O father of everyone, please
rescue me also!
731. At that moment Lord Gaura was at His teachers
house. Fully aware of what was in Vanamali Acharyas
heart, the Lord became unhappy that His devotee was in
732. Lord Gaura hastily packed up His books, spoke to
His teacher, and left.
733. He gracefully walked like a maddened elephant.
Ornaments glistened on His fair form.
734. His curly hair charmed everyone. His lips were
like bandhuli flowers. His teeth were like pearls.
735. His charming limbs were anointed with sandal
paste. The fine garments gracing His form charmed every
736. Of how many millions of Kamadevas was Lord
Gaura-Hari the King? His graceful form agitated the saintly
737. Lord Gaura quickly went to Vanamali Acharyas
house. He went quickly because He bears the name Vancha-
738. Weeping, Vanamali Acharya walked on path after
path. Raising his arms, he called out: O! O Gaurachandra!
739. At that time Lord Gaura had just come from His
teachers house. Walking, He suddenly saw Vanamali
740. Like a stick Vanamali Acharya fell at Lord Gauras
feet. Smiling and smiling, the Lord picked him up.
741. Then Lord Gaura offered obeisances to Vanamali
Acharya. Embracing him, the Lord sweetly asked: From
where have you come?
742. Vanamali Acharya replied: Listen. Listen, O
Vishvambhara. I have come from Your home.
743. I visited Your saintly mother. To her I spoke what
was in my mind.
744. I told her of a girl that is very suitable for You.
That girl is Vallabhacharyas fortunate, all-virtuous
745. Hearing these words, Your mother did not take
them seriously. Disappointed at heart, I am now returning
746. Hearing these words, the Lord did not speak. With
a playful smile He returned home.
747. Seeing the Lords wise, graceful, sweet, gentle
smile, Vanamali Acharya knew in his heart that his desire
would be fulfilled.
748. He thought: My mission will be fulfilled. Again
in his heart he thought: The Lord will marry her.
749. Vanamali Acharya joyfully returned to his home.
In his heart he thought of Lord Gauras pastimes.
750. Returning to His home, Lord Gaura asked His
mother: What did you say to Vanamali Acharya?
751. I met him on the street. He was very unhappy at
heart. I could not cheer him with My words.
752. Why did you make him so unhappy? Seeing his
sorrow I became sorrowful also.
753. Hearing the Lords words, in her heart intelligent
Sachi at once understood the Lords hint.
754. At once she sent a messenger to bring Vanamali
Acharya. Hearing the messengers words, Vanamali
Acharya came at once.
755. His body flooded with bliss and his words choked,
he bowed down before Sachi.
756. Falling down like a stick, he touched the dust at
Sachis feet. O goddess, why have you called for me? he
757. You may arrange for what previously you spoke.
To please everyone I sanction Vishvambharas marriage.
758. You love Vishvambhara more than I. Please
arrange everything. What more need I tell you?
759. You spoke of Vishvambharas marriage. Now
please arrange it. This I tell you.
760. Hearing these words, Vanamali Acharya said: I
will obey your command.
761. After speaking these words, he went to
Vallabhacharyas house. Vallabhacharya respectfully rose to
greet him.
762 - 263. Vallabhacharya humbly offered a sitting
place. Thinking of his own good fortune, Vallabhacharya
smiled and said: I am very fortunate that you have come.
What is your mission? Please tell it.
764. Hearing Vallabhacharyas words, Vanamali
Acharya spoke some words of graceful introduction and
then described the mission in his heart.
765. He said: You were always very friendly to me.
Controlled by the friendship of others, I have come to your
766. Jagannatha Mishra had a son named
Vishvambhara. That son has good family, good character,
and a host of virtues. His every limb is handsome.
767. How can I describe all His virtues? The creating
demigod Brahma has placed every virtue in this person.
768. How can I describe Vishvambharas glories? Soon
every mouth will chant His glories. Everyone will hear His
769. Vishvambhara would be the perfect husband for
your daughter. If in your heart you agree, then it will all be
770. Hearing these words, Vallabhacharya thought in
his heart. He said: These words you speak bring great
good fortune to me.
771. I have no wealth. I cannot give any dowry. I can
give only my beautiful daughter.
772. If you accept this offer, then I will give my
daughter to Vishvambhara, the jewel of sons-in-law.
773. When I give my daughter in marriage to
Gaurachandra, then there will be great bliss in the planets of
the demigods, sages, and pitas.
774. This event has come as the result of my many
past austerities. To me no one is a better friend than you.
This my heart says.
775. Of the possibility of this marriage I have thought
day and night. Now it will happen. It is not too much to
hope for.
776. In this way the two of them concluded their
conversation. Returning to Sachis house, Vanamali Acharya
told her everything.
777. Hearing the news, Sachi-devi became very
pleased. To Vanamali Acharya she gave her blessings.
778. She gathered her relatives and told them the news.
Her body was filled with bliss. She was very joyful.
779. To all her relatives she told her decision. Thinking
it over, everyone agreed: It is good. It is good.

Kishora (Ages 11-15) Pastimes - The Lords Wedding

Song 19
(Varadi raga-Disha)

Refrain: He who is the moon of the brahmanas is my

very life!

1. Smiling and gazing at her sons face, Sachi sweetly

2. Listen. Listen, O Vishvambhara, my golden son.
Vallabhacharyas daughter is very wonderful.
3. In my heart I know it is right that you marry her.
How fortunate I am to have her as my daughter-in-law!
4. Think about it. Please accept this wonderful
opportunity. Please gather the appropriate things, so
everything will be rightly done.
5. Hearing His mothers words, Lord Vishvambhara
Raya gathered all the appropriate things. Everything was
6. A very learned astrologer was called. He marked the
auspicious moment for the wedding.
7. On that auspicious day, at that auspicious time, all
the brahmanas, elegantly dressed for the occasion, came.
8. All the villages of Nadiya were filled with bliss. The
ocean of ecstatic spiritual love rose. Everyone forgot
9. Sachi and the fortunate married ladies made all thew
auspicious arrangements. In this way everything was
wonderful in the Lords adhivasa ceremony.
10. In the four directions brahmanas chanted the Vedas.
Conch-shells and mridangas were sounded. Everything was
marked with auspiciousness.
11. The directions were decorated with lamps, flags,
and flower garlands. Scented with fragrances, sandal paste
and flower garlands, the place was charming.
12. In this way all the brahmanas performed the Lords
adhivasa ceremony. Lord Gauras form was glorious like ten
million Kamadevas.
13. Lord Gauras limbs glistened with great splendor.
Gazing at Him, all the brahmanas became filled with
14. To the brahmanas He gave fragrances, sandal paste,
and flower garlands. When He gave them glorious betel-
nuts they were very pleased.
15. Vallabhacharya arranged for the brides adhivasa
ceremony. That very auspicious ritual was performed by the
best brahmanas.
16. Fragrant scents, garlands, and sandal were
exchanged. In the adhivasa ceremony Lord Gaura was
decorated like the jewel of sons-in-law.
17. In this way the adhivasa and the night both ended.
Saying, Now we will go and collect Ganga water, the girls
were filled with bliss.
18. Making waves of music, the instruments sounded
in unison. The saintly ladies ended the adhivasa ceremony.
19. Tossed by the nectar waves of Lord Gaurangas
wedding, the young girls of Nadiya became wild with bliss.
20. Walking in group after group, the brahmana girls
were like groups of moons decorating the Earth.
21. Their eyes were like does eyes. Their walking was
like elephants graceful steps. The splendor of their limbs
defeated Kamadeva.
22. Their hair, garments, and ornaments were peerless.
They could conquer the most powerful sages hearts.
23. They smiled and laughed. They glistened like
lightning. Their words were nectar. They laughed and
joked. Walking along, they nodded and nodded with the
desire to sleep.
24. With sweet words they chanted Lord Gaurangas
glories. Their limbs, splendid like Kamadeva, trembled.
25. Waves of pearls decorated their noses and
garments, pearls like a host of stars falling to Earth during
the reddish sunrise.
26. These saintly girls went to Sachis home. Sachi gave
them gifts of fragrances, sandal, and betel-nuts.
27. The girls went to collect Ganga water. House after
house they flooded with the nectar of auspicious bliss.

(Sung in Tudi-raga)

28. Their faces like moons lighting up the night, with

sweet voices the girls sang songs praising Lord Gauras
pastimes. They sang:

Refrain: Whoever went, first sang songs of Lord

Gauras pastimes, thus they went to collect Ganga water.
Their hearts were all filled with bliss. Who amongst them
had the power to remain calm and peaceful?

29. Some wore glorious silk garments. Others wore

garments of yellow. As they walked they fanned Lord
Gauras glorious limbs.
30. Placing Sachi in front, they walked behind her. They
waited for Lord Gaura. They tried to get close to Him.
31. On the pretext of offering Him fragrances, sandal,
and flower garlands, they touched Lord Gauras limbs.
32. Carefully they placed betel-nuts and camphor in
Lord Gauras hand.
33. Finally they met the married ladies. Filled with the
nectar of wonderful bliss, they all performed the ritual of
collecting Ganga water. In this way Lochana Dasa sings the
glories of Lord Gaura.

Song 20
(Bhatiyari raga)

34. In this way night blissfully turned into dawn. With

happy hearts everyone performed these rituals.
35. The rituals of bathing and giving gifts were rightly
done. The demigods and pitas were worshiped.
36. The Vedic rituals of nandimukha and shraddha
were performed. When all was concluded, gifts and a feast
were offered to the brahmanas.
37. Gifts were given to the dancers and poets. The
guests were all satisfied with many gifts.
38. In their hearts everyone thought the sweet words of
the hosts were far more important than the gifts. Gazing at
the moonlike face of Lord Gaura, everyone felt their heart
become pleased and cooled.
39. In this way Lord Gaura rightly performed this
portion of His marriage ritual. Then He bathed again.
40. Then a barber came and did his barbers work.
Then the assembled saintly ladies washed the Lords
graceful limbs.
41. Musical instruments made a sweet sound. In the
four directions was a great tumult of Jaya! Jaya!
42. Then Sachi-devi and the married ladies performed
rituals of worship. All was rightly done.
43. To the friends and relatives that had come to her
home, Sachi revealed her heart. She said:
44. I am worthless like a pile of ashes. My husband is
gone, and now my son is fatherless. I am poor and lowly.
How can I properly honor you all?
45. With a voice choked with emotion Sachi spoke these
words. Tears flowed from her eyes to her chest.
46. Hearing His mothers anguished words, Lord
Gaura lowered His head.
47. He thought: Where has My father gone? His heart
was aflame. He was very sad.
48. Tears like strings of pearls flowed from His eyes.
Seeing this, Sachi-devi became afraid.
49. Seeing Lord Gaura weep, the saintly ladies began to
weep also.
50. Why? O father, why do I see your sad face even
now? Even during this auspicious ceremony you still make
me weep.
51. You are the whole world to me. You are my only
treasure. When you gave up your life you were very sad.
52. Hearing His mother speak these words, Lord Gaura
became very sad. His voice became choked with emotion.
53. His face became like a moon fading at dawn. His
voice rumbled like a new thundering cloud.
54. To His mother Lord Gaura said: Please hear my
words. Why is your heart so filled with grief?
55. What wealth is not yours? Why are you
distraught? Why do you grieve as if you were abandoned
and alone?
56. You remind me I will never see my father again.
Now my heart grieves like yours. What can I say to you?
57. To the guests at our door please give gifts of sandal
and betel-nuts. Please absorb your heart in giving gifts.
58. With fragrant sandal paste please anoint our
guests limbs. Please do not fill your heart with grief.
59. Dont treat our guests in this way. This hint I give
to you.
60. Hearing her sons words, Sachi calmly, calmly
spoke. With sweet words she pacified Lord Vishvambhara.
61. All the brahmanas were pleased by these words
Lord Vishvambhar spoke.
62. At the same time, in his own house, and
accompanied by a host of brahmanas, Vallabhacharya
worshiped the demigods and pitas.
63. He gave his daughter many ornaments. He
decorated her with garlands, sandal, and fragrant scents.
64. At an auspicious moment he sent a brahmana to
bring the bridegroom.
65. Meanwhile Lord Vishvambhara was surrounded by
His friends. They dressed His graceful limbs with very
wonderful garments.
66. They anointed His limbs with fragrances and
sandal. On His forehead they placed a tilaka mark glorious
like moonlight
67. On His cheeks they placed glistening shark-shaped
earrings. His chest they decorated with a string of pearls.
68. His reddish eyes they anointed with splendid black
kajjala. His eyebrows were like two bows held by the archer
69. He was decorated with glistening jewel rings,
bracelets, and armlets. He was so glorious and effulgent no
one could bear to look at Him.
70. He was decorated with a splendid flower garland
and a garment with a red border. The breeze from His limbs
was very fragrant.
71. He was splendid like a full moon or a golden
mirror. The people gazed at Him. Their hearts had no
power to remain aloof from Him.
72. Gazing at His handsome form, the young girls were
overwhelmed. With unblinking eyes the grown ladies gazed
at His handsome form.
73. At the auspicious moment the Lord offered
obeisances to His mother and then departed. Great
auspicious sounds of Jaya! and of Lord Haris holy names
74. Surrounded by his friends, the Lord ascended a
glorious vehicle. Before Him singers sang and dancers
75. Brahmanas chanted the Vedas and poets recited
poems. Trumpets, horns, flutes, and drums sounded.
76. Damamas, dagadas, patahas, mridangas, dosaris,
and moharis also sounded. Hearing the music, everyone
became filled with bliss.
77. Sounds of Hari! Haribol! and Jaya! Jaya! were
heard. The people of Nadiya were wild with bliss.
78. Pushing and shoving, everyone ran. No one had the
power to stay on the pathways. The townspeople were all
filled with wonder.
79. Some had untied hair. Others were not completely
dressed. Breathing heavily, all ran to see.
80. They did not whisper in each others ear. They sent
no hints or signals. They were not shy or reserved. Loudly
calling to each other, everyone in Nadiya ran.
81. Proud ladies threw their pride far away and joyfully
ran to see Lord Gauranga.
82. Demigods flying celestial airplanes in outer space
also looked. Filled with love, they flew closer to gaze at
Lord Gauras limbs.
83. Goddesses gazed at Lord Gauras face. In the four
directions goddesses sang Lord Gauras auspicious glories.
Song 21
(Vihagada raga)

Refrain: During Lord Gaurangachandras wedding

sounds of Jaya! Jaya! filled the four directions. The saintly
ladies gathered and made a tumult of auspicious sounds.
Joyfully they sang auspicious songs glorifying the Lord.

84. Decorate your hair. Dress in a silk sari. Decorate

your eyes with black kajjala. We will assemble and go
together to Sri Vishvambharas wedding.
85. Quickly decorate yourself with necklaces, bracelets,
armlets, anklets, and tinkling ornaments. In the place where
your hair is parted place a line of red sindura. On your
forehead place dots of sandal.
86. Place betel-nuts on your lips. Place betel-nuts in
your left hand. Walk with playful, languid grace. When we
see Vishvambhara, who is like Kamadeva himself, we will
have no power to remain peaceful and serene.
87. Many different musical instruments are sounded. A
hundred concshells are blown. Mridangas, patahas, kahalas,
dundubhis, dindimas, and muharis make a sweet and joyful
88. The vinas make playful sounds. The flutes softly
speak. The pakowajas are sounded. in Nadiya bliss fills
home after home. Auspicious music is played everywhere.
89. Gazing at Lord Gaurachandras face, everyone in
Nadiya is filled with bliss. No one is shy. Everyone gazes at
Lord Gaura, whose glory defeats ten million Kamadevas.
90. How many women, forgetting their husbands and
children, flowers falling from their disheveled braids, and
their garments in disarray, wildly ran?
91. Glorious! Glorious! Glorious!, the beautiful girls
called. No other sound could be heard. From the four
directions the ladies ran to see Lord Gaura.
92. Some played the vina. Others sang songs. Others
joyfully ran. The four directions were filled with asupicious
glory and with sounds of Jaya! Jaya! This says Lochana

Song 22
(Bhatiyari raga-Disha)

Refrain: O my heart, please gaze at the wonderful Deity

of Navadvipa, a Deity I worship with every breath.

93. In this way Lord Gaura went to Vallabhacharyas

home. The sky was filled with sounds of Jaya! Jaya!
94. Hundreds and hundreds of lamps glistened. The
whole earth was effulgent. Lord Gauras limbs glistened
with great splendor.
95. Vallabhacharya greeted Him with padya and
arghya, escorted Him into the house, and offered auspicious
blessings to Him.
96. Then Lord Mahaprabhu stood on a platform under
a canopy. He was effulgent and joyful.
97. His face defeated the full moon. His sweet smile
was filled with nectar.
98. His limbs glistened like molten gold. His tall body
was like Mount Sumeru.
99. On His arms and hands were jewel armlets,
bracelets, and rings. The palms of His hands were glorious
like red lotus flowers.
100. A celestial garland of jasmine flowers swung on
His fair limbs. It was like waves of the Ganga cascading
down Mount Sumeru.
101. A splendid crown touched His forehead. Gazing at
Him, ten million Kamadevas are overcome with
102. Earrings swung on His ears. To what can I
compare them? They cast far away any other desire that
may remain in the hearts of proud women.
103. As Lord Mahaprabhu stood under the canopy, the
married ladies performed the ritual of welcoming the
104. They wore wonderful ornaments and glorious
garments. Glistening lamps were in their hands and
glorious joy in their hearts.
105. The married ladies were in the fore. Behind them
was the brides mother. In this way the glorious ladies
performed the ritual of welcoming the bridegroom.
106. Bearing seven lamps in their hands, they
circumambulated Him seven times. With happy hearts they
washed His feet with yogurt.
107. In this way they performed the ceremony of
welcoming the bridegroom. Then the auspicious moment of
dusk arrived.
108. Then the glorious brahmana Vallabhacharya
commanded that his daughter be brought at once.
109. The beautiful girl sat on a glorious throne. The
splendor of her limbs filled all the earth with light.
110. On her four sides jewel lamps glistened. Her face
defeated the splendid full moon.
111. Her every limb was glorious with ornaments of
jewels and gold. Her effulgence cast the darkness far away.
112. Seven times she circumambulated her master.
Folding her hands and bowing her head, she offered
obeisances to Him.
113. Then a curtain was drawn around Them. The two
of Them gazed at each other. As They gazed at each other,
Their eyes danced.
114. They were like Candra and Rohini meeting. With
Their glances They shot arrows of flowers at each other.
115. They were like Shiva and Parvati meeting. In this
ritual first meeting behind a curtain They both trembled,
overcome with bliss.
116. In the four directions were great sounds of Jaya!
Jaya! and Hari! Hari! Wild with bliss, everyone danced.
117. Then Lord Vishvambhara, who is in truth Lord
Narayana, the goddess of fortunes husband, sat down. His
bride was on His left.
118. Her face bowed with shyness, she sat down beside
Him. Then Vallabhacharya worshiped his son-in-law. All
this was rightly done.
119-127. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose
lotus feet the demigod Brahma worshiped with arghya, by
whose mercy Brahma attained the power to create the
material universe, from whose feet the Ganga flows to the
earth and gives liberation to all, whose three steps traversed
the universe, to whom Maharaja Bali completely
surrendered, the dust of whose lotus feet Maharaja Bali
placed on his head, by chanting the glories of whose feet a
certain great yogi became the demigod Shiva, whose feet
the goddess of fortune joyfully serves, whose plenary
expansion (amsha-avatara) is Lord Vishnu, whose plenary
expansion Adi-Varaha rescued the earth, whose avataras
Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Nrisimha, Vamana, Parashurama,
Ramachandra, Buddha, Vyasa, and others are described in
the eighteen Puranas, whose ten avataras are glorified with
many songs, who yuga after yuga descends to the material
world to deliver the conditioned souls, and whose glories
cannot be completely described by anyone in the three
material worlds, became Vallabhacharyas son-in-law.
128. Songs that glorify Lord Gauranga are floods of
nectar. Anyone who hears descriptions of Lord Gauranga
destroys the offenses in his heart.
129. To Lord Gaurangas lotus feet, the worship of
which destroys the darkness that fills this world of birth
and death, Vallabhacharya offered arghya.
130. To Lord Gauranga, who gave a royal throne to
King Indra, Vallabhacharya offered a brahmanas seat.
131. To the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is
arrayed in celestial yellow garments, Vallabhacharya
offered a simple cloth. To hear of it I tremble with fear.
132. Beginning with the yajna, the rituals were
performed one after the other. At the end everything was
133. No one is fortunate like Vallabhacharya. He gave
his daughter to the master of Vaikuntha.
134. How can I describe Vallabhacharyas great good
fortune? In his home the Supreme Personality of Godhead
enjoyed a feast of the five kinds of delicious foods.
135. Alone together in a private room, the bride and
groom enjoyed a feast. In that room eventually hundreds
and hundreds of saintly ladies gathered.
136. Group after group of young girls stayed at the
Lords side. They were in front and also behind. They
completely surrounded Lord Vishvambhara.
137. Seeing the smiling moon of the Lords face rise
before them, the girls felt the darkness of their shyness flee
far away.
138. In that wedding meeting one girl spoke playful
puns. Overcome by Lord Gauras glories, everyone joked
and laughed.
139. One girl said: Listen, O Vishvambhara. Give these
betel-nuts to Lakshmipriya just as she is about to fall asleep.
140. Personally place them in her mouth. Now all her
friends may look at her with happy hearts.
141. Another girl said: Who is fortunate like
Lakshmipriya? She has Vishvambhara for her husband.
142-143. What austerities did she perform? What vows
did she follow? What charity did she give? How did she
worship the devas? How did she struggle to attain spiritual
knowledge? How was she saintly and chaste that now on
this earth she may gaze on Vishvambharas handsome
144. Vishvambharas handsome face defeats
Kamadeva. He is the thief that has stolen the jewel heart of
the proudest and most glorious girl.
145. His strong arms defeat Kamadevas staff. Filled
with longings, His beautiful bride rests on His chest.
146. Lakshmipriya will enjoy glorious pastimes on His
every limb. But when will I be able even to touch Him?
147. My desire is that someday I will become the
maidservant of Gauranga and Lakshmipriya. Then I will
serve my Lord Gaurangachandra.

Song 23
(Varadi raga)

Refrain: O! Lord Gaurangachandra is my very life!

148. The Lord and His associates enjoyed many

pastimes in this way. Then dawn came. The Lord performed
His morning duties.
149. On the day after His wedding the Lord performed
the kushandika ritual. He offered a great feast to the
brahmanas. Then He performed His own brahminical
150. All this He did on that day. On the following day
He returned to His home. The narration is spoken in that
151. With a happy heart Lord Gaura returned to His
home, where He worshiped His relatives with offerings of
gold and silver.
152. Lord Gaura sat. Lakshmipriya sat by His side on
the same seat. The ladies surrounded Them on four sides.
153. Vallabhacharyas heart was both happy and sad.
When They left his house, he blessed the bride and groom.
154. To his son-in-law he gave durva grass, grains,
fragrances, garlands, betel-nuts, and sandal. Then he said:
155. I have no wealth. I am worthless like a pile of
ashes. I am not fortunate. What proper gift can I give to
You? How can I be worthy to be Your kinsman?
156. Your mercy to me is my only virtue. By accepting
my daughter You have made me fortunate.
157. O Lord, what can I say to You? How can I be
worthy to be Your kinsman? By Your own glorious mercy
You have become my son-in-law.
158. Now that I have taken shelter of Your fearless
lotus-feet, Yamaraja will never trouble me.
159. Now that I have given my daughter to You, the
devas and pitas are certainly pleased with me.
160. The feet I now worship Brahma, Shiva, and all the
demigods worship in a trance of meditation.
161. Now I will say something more. Please listen, O
Vishvambhara. As he spoke these words his throat became
choked with emotion.
162. Tears pushed by emotion flowed from his eyes.
Taking Lakshmipriyas hand, he placed it in Lord
Vishvambharas hand.
163. I give Lakshmipriya to You. From today on she is
Yours. Please know this. Now it is for You to maintain and
protect her.
164. In my home she was always like a queen. From
today on she is Your maidservant.
165. In my home she was always very free and
independent. From her mother she would always demand
very opulent foods.
166. In my home she was always affectionately
hugged by her mother and father. She came and went as she
167. Everyone was always very affectionate to
Lakshmipriya. I had no son. In my home my one daughter
is everything to me.
168. What can I say? I am Your follower. Overcome
with a fathers love, I have spoken these words.
169. With a bewildered heart I spoke these words.
What could I do? I was bewildered by maya, by the maya of
which You are the master.
170. In the three worlds no girl is fortunate like my
Lakshmipriya. Overcome with love, I speak these words.
171. His lamenting eyes red like the rising sun,
Vallabhacharya spoke these words.
172. His beloved on His left, Lord Vishvambhara
departed. Accompanied by Lakshmipriya, He ascended a
173. Conch-Shells and dundubhi drums sounded.
There were shouts of Jaya! Jaya! Many different musical
instruments were sounded. Everyone was tossed by waves
of bliss.
174. Brahmanas chanted the Vedas. Poets recited
poems. Before the Lord dancers danced. Everyone was
plunged in an ocean of bliss that had no shore.
175. Surrounded by His friends, the Lord proceeded on
the pathway. Flying in outer space in their celestial
airplanes, the demigods followed as the Lord proceeded.
176. Sachi and the married ladies were filled with bliss.
With joy and wonder Sachi celebrated a great festival for
her son.
177. Auspicious Water-pots with twigs and coconuts
adorned her door.
178. At an auspicious moment Lord Gaura returned
home. With glistening ghee-lamps He was offered arati.
179. The ladies offered arati to Him. There was singing,
dancing, and a great tumult of Jaya Jaya!
180. Many different musical instruments were played.
Everyone was plunged in an ocean of bliss that had no
shore. Sachis home was filled with delight.
181. Auspicious sounds arose. The bliss was great.
Holding Lakshmipriyas hand, Lord Gaura entered His
182. Sachi-devi embraced her son and daughter-in-law.
Offering Them a gift of grains and durva grass, she said:
May you both live long.
183. She kissed her sons face and drank in the sight of
her new daughter-in-law. Then she kissed her daughter-in-
laws face and gazed at her son.
184. Sachis home was filled with bliss. In this way
Lochana Dasa sings this song glorifying Lord Gaura.

Kishora-lila-Prabhura Banga-vijaya:
Kishora Pastimes - The Lords Glorious Journey to East

Song 24
(Sri raga)

Refrain: O, please gaze at the wonderful Deity of


1. Everyone please hear this story of another day. Lord

Vishvambharas glories are eternally new and fresh.
2. Accompanied by His friends Lord Vishvambhara
went at sunset to the beautiful riverbank to see the Ganga.
3. On both banks of the river brahmanas and saintly
devotees again and again offered obeisances and prayers to
the Ganga.
4. Water-pots at their hips, the village ladies came. With
open mouths they gazed at Goddess Ganga.
5. A shoreless sea of Mishras, Acharyas, Bhattas, and
panditas came. How many saintly, pious men came?
6-7. Many people came to the Gangas banks, fell down
like sticks to offer obeisances, and gazed at the Gangas
pure waters. With many offerings of flowers, fragrances,
sandal, garlands, and splendid bananas, Goddess Ganga
was worshiped by children, adults, and teenage boys and
8. Goddess Ganga, who purifies the three worlds,
flowed with great speed and force. Overcome with love for
Lord Gaura, Goddess Ganga could not restrain herself.
9. Goddess Ganga rose. Her waters increased. All along
her banks she made a great sound. She touched Lord
Gauras body.
10. Yearning to touch Lord Gaura again and again,
Goddess Ganga overflowed. Thinking of these events, the
people began to doubt.
11. They thought: Every day I see the Ganga, but
today it is unusual. It is very powerful. I hear it roaring.
12. There are no rainclouds, but still the water has
risen. The current is very swift.
13. Everyone thought in this way. Amongst them was a
certain brahmana who was a great devotee of Goddess
14. By Goddess Gangas mercy this pure-hearted
brahmana knew everything about the past, present, and
15. Seeing that the Ganga was celebrating a great
festival, this brahmana became joyful. He thought and
thought of what was then occurring.
16. Suddenly he saw Lord Vishvambhara and His
friends approach the Ganga.
17. With great love the Lord gazed at the Ganga. The
hairs of His body stood erect. It was as if His body had
18. Tears flowed from the Lords merciful eyes reddish
like the rising sun. Seeing this, the brahmana gazed into his
own heart.
19. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is
no other. Thinking and thinking in this way, he
approached the Lord.
20. Approaching the Lord, the brahmana fell down like
a stick to offer obeisances. He saw that the Lord was
overcome with love for Goddess Ganga.
21. Again and again the Lord remembered the Ganga in
His heart. Approaching, the Ganga touched the Lords
22. By touching the Lords hands, Goddess Ganga felt
her desires were not satisfied. On the pretext of making a
sudden wave, Goddess Ganga then spoke words of greeting
to welcome Lord Gauras feet.
23. Filled with ecstasy, Lord Gaura shouted: Haribol!
Overcome, and taking His associates with Him, Lord Gaura
embraced Goddess Ganga.
24. Filled with love, Lord Gaura was now red like the
rising sun. Standing erect, the hairs of His body defeated
the filaments of the kadamba flowers.
25. Filled with love, Goddess Ganga embraced Lord
Gaura to her chest. The tears from her eyes flowed towards
the ocean in a hundred currents.
26. From pore after pore of the Supreme Lords body,
the water of the Ganga flows. The people say it is the
Supreme Lords perspiration. The Ganga is a rising ocean of
ecstatic spiritual love. The Ganga is the Supreme
Personality of Godhead Himself in a form of water.
27. In the four directions all the people shouted: Hari!
Haribol! With blissful waves the Ganga became a rising
ocean of ecstatic love.
28. The people of Nadiya were all filled with wonder.
Only the brahmana devotee of the Ganga understood the
truth of these actions.
29. That brahmana saw that Vishvambhara is the
Supreme Personality of Godhead and that the Ganga
overflowed as she gazed at Him with ecstatic love.
30. Falling at Lord Vishvambharas feet, the brahmana,
in a voice choked with emotion, said: On the this day
Goddess Ganga has truly given her mercy to me.
31. With my own eyes I now see the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, whom even the kings of the yogis
and the kings of the sages cannot see in their trance of
32. He rolled on the ground. He loudly wept.
Overcome with the ecstasy of love, that brahmana forgot
33. In the four directions all the people fell down like
sticks. With open mouths they repeated what the brahmana
had said.
34. Casting a glance at the brahmana overcome with
ecstatic love, Lord Gaura, His heart filled with joy, returned
to His own home.
35. Everyone please hear what the brahmana then
spoke, his words describing Goddess Gangas birth.
36. He said: I will tell why Goddess Ganga has now
risen so high. Please listen carefully.
37. One day Lord Shiva, chanting Lord Krishnas
glories, was filled with bliss.
38. Narada Muni came and also chanted Lord
Krishnas glories. Then Ganesha came and played on a
musical instrument. From head to feet the hairs of their
bodies stood erect.
39. The three of them together sang Lord Krishnas
glories. The waves of spiritual sounds that came from them
broke the covering of the material universe.
40. Narada Muni played his vina, Ganesha played a
musical instrument, and Lord Shiva sang. Then Lord
Krishna personally came there.
41. Overcome with ecstasy, Lord Krishna came there.
Then Lord Shiva, Narada Muni, and Ganesha together sang
Lord Krishnas glories.
42. Lord Krishna said: Please dont sing like this. Lord
Shiva, please listen. You dont know what happens when
you sing like this.
43. When you sing like this my body cannot remain
stable. My body will melt.
44. Hearing Lord Krishnas words, lord Shiva laughed
and said: I will see if that is the truth.
45. Then Lord Shiva began to sing with even more
fervor. His singing filled the sky and the ground. It filled the
whole material universe.
46. Then Lord Krishnas body began to melt.
Frightened, Lord Shiva stopped singing.
47. He stopped singing. He became peaceful and
composed. The part of Lord Krishna that melted became
famous in the worlds as the water of Lord Krishnas mercy.
48. That water of Lord Krishnas mercy became
known as drava-brahma (the water form of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead). Lord Krishna affirms that spiritual
water is a very holy place where pilgrims gather.
49. That water is very rare, very rare in this world.
Lord Brahma carefully kept that water in his kamandalu.
50. Later Lord Krishna mercifully gave that water to
Maharaja Bali, who is a great devotee of the Lord.
51. Lord Krishna begged for as much land as He could
walk in three steps. However, with His first two steps Lord
Krishna covered the three worlds.
52. Lord Krishna then placed His third step on Bali
Maharajas head. Only Lord Krishna is merciful in this way.
No one else is merciful like Him.
53. Please hear the wonderful glories of Lord Krishna,
who took three steps in this way. His mercy made everyone
in the three worlds fortunate.
54. The water flowing from His toenails filled the
material universe. With great spiritual love the demigod
Brahma offered padya to that water.
55. Bowing his head, Brahma worshiped that water
flowing from Lord Krishnas lotus feet. The people of this
world therefore call the Ganga Tripada-sambhava (the
water born from Lord Krishnas third step).
56. With your own eyes everyone please gaze at Lord
Vishvambhara Mahaprabhu, who is the Supreme Lord
57. Seeing the Lord, Goddess Ganga remembered
these pastimes. That is why, filled with love, she overflowed
her banks.
58. With eyes of love Lord Vishvambhara, whose fair
limbs are sweeter than nectar, gazed at the Gangas waters.
59. Then, on the pretext of making great waves,
Goddess Ganga touched Lord Vishvambharas feet.
Goddess Ganga explained all this to me.
60. Hearing these words, everyone became filled with
joy. Thus Lochana Dasa joyfully sings the glories of Lord
Song 25
(Dhanashi raga - Disha)

Refrain: Circling and circling, the bees that are the

Lords devotees fly and land on the sweet lotus flowers of
our Lord Gauras feet.

Please hear these songs of Lord Gaura, songs full of

wonderful stories, songs filled with the Lords holy names
so auspicious to hear.

61. In this way Lord Gaura passed many days in happy

pastimes with His friends and relatives.
62. One day He suddenly thought: To bring
auspiciousness to the people I should visit East Bengal.
63. Everyone says that country is the place rejected by
the Pandavas. Even though the Ganga certainly flows there,
there the people do not call her by the name Ganga.
64. By My touch the Padmavati River there will
become glorious and fortunate. Except for Me, no one
knows her glories.
65. In His heart thinking in this way, Lord Gaura said to
His mother: I will go to gather wealth.
66. Accompanied by His associates, Lord Gaura went to
East Bengal. In this way He made Mother Sachis heart
restless and anxious.
67. Her heart troubled, Sachi said to her son: One
request I ask of you.
68. To gather wealth you will go to a far country. I will
not see you. How will I live?
69. A fish cannot live without water. How can I live
without you?
70. Dear one, if I cannot see your moonlike face I will
surely die.
71. Hearing His mothers words, the Lord gently
reassured her:
72. Dont be afraid we will be separated. I will come
73. Smiling, He said to Lakshmipriya: Devotedly serve
74. The Lord did not hear any more from His mother.
Gently, gently smiling, He proceeded on His journey.
75. Accompanied by His associates, Lord Mahaprabhu
began His journey. With a happy heart He traveled.
76. Wherever the Lord went, the people that saw Him
became overwhelmed.
77. Never had their eyes seen anyone like Him. One
person said: I will gaze at Him day and night.
78. Seeing His face, the village ladies said: Now our
lives have borne their fruit. Now our eyes have borne their
79. What fortunate mother carried Him in her womb?
Never have I seen any form handsome like His.
80. What fortunate girl, by worshiping Shiva and
Parvati, had the good fortune to have Him as her husband?
81. The splendor of His limbs conquers new gold. The
stature of His body defeats Mount Sumeru.
82. Never has a form like His been manifest on this
earth. He is so gracefully decorated with a brahmanas
83. Gazing at Lord Gauras handsome smiling face, the
ladies were overcome with love. He invaded their hearts.
There He stayed.
84. One fortunate lady learned in the rasas could
understand the truth of Lord Gaura. She said:
85. His long graceful eyes conquer the lotus flowers.
Wonderful are His graceful charming glances.
86. When I gaze at Him I see He is like Radhas
beloved Krishna, but I see now His limbs have Radhas
87. When He bathed in the Padmavati, the touch of His
feet made it like the Ganga.
88. Very gracefully decorated with many fish, turtles,
and crocodiles, the Padmavati very forcefully flowed
between her banks.
89. On the banks stood all the brahmanas and saintly
devotees. At the ghatas divine men and women bathed.
90. When Lord Vishvambhara bathed in her waters the
Padmavati became sanctified. When the people then bathed
in her waters, all their sins were washed away.
91. If they did not blaspheme Vaishnavas, the people
who bathed in the Padmavati all attained pure loving
devotion to Lord Krishnas lotus feet.
92. Gazing at Lord Gaurachandra, the people on the
Padmavatis banks made their eyes glorious and fortunate.
93. Wherever Lord Gaura-Hari wandered on the
Padmavatis banks, the people, touching the ground where
the Lord had placed His feet, all became pure devotees of
the Lord.
94. By the touch of the Lords cool feet, the earth
goddess became cooled and refreshed. The hairs of her
body stood erect with joy. All inauspiciousness fled far
95. In this way the Lord carefully delivered the land of
East Bengal. The stigma brought by the Pandavas not
visiting it was thrown far away.
96. Lord Gaura personally gave the chanting of Lord
Haris holy names to the chandalas, saints, sinners, lowly
people, and everyone else. He begged them all to take it.
97. He did not consider whether they were pure or
impure, whether their actions were good, or whether they
were thoughtful and learned. Everyone He carried to the
farther shore of the ocean of birth and death.
98. Everyone he invited on His boat of nama-sankirtana
(chanting of the holy names). He took them all to the farther
shore of the ocean of birth and death. He begged them to
99. Anyone who tried to run away and escape, He
grabbed and held in His arms. Placing them on His boat, He
carried them to the farther shore of the ocean of birth and
100. In what yuga was such mercy given? I never heard
of such mercy. What avatara begged the people to give Him
their sins?
101. Lord Gaura made them all equally pure. He made
them all qualified to attain pure ecstatic love for Sri Sri
102. He gave them all transcendental knowledge. In a
month or half a month He made them all learned panditas.
103. Lord Gaura is the master of all the worlds. He is an
ocean of kindness. By His mercy all the people became pure
at heart.
104. As Lord Gaura was thus surrounded by saintly
devotees, Lakshmipriya and Sachi-devi remained in
105. Lakshmipriya was chaste and devoted. Her
husband was her whole life. She happily served Sachi-devi.
106. She cleaned the house. She dressed and decorated
the family Deity. To the Deity she offered incense, lamps,
food, scents, garlands, and sandal paste.
107. Lakshmipriya kept everything in the Deity room
very clean. Pleased by the virtues of her daughter-in-law,
Sachi forget herself with joy.
108. Lakshmipriya was affectionate to Sachi-devi and
pleased by her association. The hairs of her body stood erect
with joy.

Song 26
(Vibhasa raga)

109. In this way Sachi stayed with Lakshmipriya. Still,

what destiny commands no one can break into pieces.
110. Unable to see her husband, Lakshmipriya was
anguished at heart. Separated from Him, she always
111. That anguished separation then took the form of a
serpent. This truth saintly Lakshmipriya knew in her heart.
112. That great serpent bit Lakshmipriyas ankle. Sachi-
devi became frantic.
113. Lakshmipriya burned with fever. Seeing this,
Sachi-devi knew the danger was great.
114. She called for a snake-bite doctor, a doctor who
knew many mantras, herbs, and tantras.
115. He tried again and again. The doctor could not
remove the poison. Sachi became very frightened. She was
filled with grief.
116. Seeing the time of death had come, she carefully
took Lakshmipriya to the Gangas waters and chanted Lord
Haris holy names.
117. Around Lakshmipriyas neck she placed a tulasi
necklace. Surrounding Lakshmipriya on four sides, many
people chanted Lord Haris holy names.
118. Then Lakshmipriya went to the Lords spiritual
abode. The people did not understand the events of that
moment. Then everyone saw a great wonder.
119. Traveling on the pathways of the sky, a gandharva
brought a celestial airplane to that place. Chanting
Haribol!, Lakshmipriya left her body and went to the
spiritual world.
120. Lakshmipriya, who was a plenary expansion of
Goddess Lakshmi, returned to Vaikuntha. Seeing all this,
everyone was filled with wonder.
121. Arriving in the city of Vaikunthas King,
Lakshmipriya went to her own palace. She was effulgent
with glorious beauty. She was endowed with all opulences.
122. Stricken with grief, Sachi-devi wept. The ladies
around her chanted Lakshmipriyas glories.
123. Tears streaming from her eyes soaked her bodice.
Striking her head with her hands, she sighed with grief and
124. Lakshmipriya had all virtues, all noble character,
and all beauty. In the villages of Nadiya no girl was her
125. How can I return home alone? First you touched
me with your mercy. Now you have forgotten me.
126. You carefully served our Deities. You were always
faithful and obedient to me. How can I return home without
127. From today my house is a barren desert. You
married Vishvambhara. Now you are no longer at his side.
128. O sinful snake, where are you now? Instead of my
daughter-in-law, why did you not bite me?
129. Commanding my daughter-in-law to serve me,
my son went to a far-away country.
130. Now I am very unfortunate. How will I look at
my sons face? How, now unable to see my daughter-in-law,
will I remain alive?
131. Seeing her stricken with grief, Sachi-devis friends
said to her: Sachi-devi, please stop lamenting.
132. When the destined moment comes, then one must
die. This whole material world and every material body in
it are all made of the Lord illusory potency.
133. Who must explain all this to you? You know all
this. Hearing these words and understanding them, why do
you not awaken your heart from its slumber of grief?
134. What person who has a material body will not
die? Even Brahma and the demigods must die.
135. Some die soon and others late, but all must die.
Everyone is born and dies.
136. Lord Krishna is the only eternal reality. This we
know from the Vedas. Anyone who does not worship Lord
Krishna is a fool.
137. Speaking these words, Sachis friends consoled her.
Together chanting Haribol!, they stopped her weeping.
138. After performing the appropriate pious rituals, the
women returned to their homes.
139. Weeping and weeping, Sachi returned to her
home. Her friends gathered there and consoled her.
140. After staying for some days in East Bengal, with a
joyful heart Lord Vishvambhara returned home.
141. Bringing gifts of silver, gold, pearls, coral, and
costly garments, He worshiped the Vaishnavas without end.
142. Bringing great wealth, the Lord returned to His
home. He happily gave all that wealth to His mother.
143. First the Lord bowed down. Then He gazed at His
mothers face. Her face withered with grief, Sachi spoke not
a word.
144. Taking the dust from her feet, Lord Vishvambhara
again gazed at His mothers withered face and then spoke
some words.
145. To His mother He offered the wealth He had
brought. Filled with wonder, the Lord gently, gently said:
146. Why do I see that your face is withered with
grief? When I see your face withered with grief, my hear
becomes alight with flames of suffering.
147. Hearing these words, Sachi tried to speak, but her
voice was choked with grief. Tears streaming from her eyes
soaked her bodice.
148. She had no power to say even a word. Her voice
was choked with grief. Finally she said: My daughter-in-
law went to Vaikuntha.
149. Hearing these words, the Lord felt His heart
become withered with grief. Tears of grief flowed from His
150. To His mother the Lord said: Please hear my
words. I will tell you why she took birth in this world.
151. One time, by the arrangement of destiny, one of
Indras apsaras stumbled as she danced.
152. The rhythm of the dance broken, Indra cursed the
dancer, saying: Go to the earth and take birth in a human
153. After speaking this curse, Indra became
compassionate and said: You wont suffer. You have a great
mission to fulfill.
154. The Supreme Personality of Godhead will
descend to the earth. You will become His bride. This
benediction I give to you.
155. When your mission is fulfilled, you will return to
Indrapuri. Now I have told you everything. Lakshmipriya
is a beautiful dancing girl in Indras court.
156. Therefore please dont lament any more. O
mother, please listen. No one can rub out what fate has
157. Carefully hearing her sons words, Sachi did not
lament any more in her heart.
158. Comforted, Sachi had a change of heart. Staying
amongst the devotees, the Lord told of His journey.
159. After He spoke Lord Vishvambhara became
thoughtful. He spoke of many things, but He carefully
concealed those thoughts in His heart.
160. I, Lochana Dasa, speak these words. Please hear
this wonderful account of Lord Gaurangas pastimes, an
account that includes this description of Lakshmipriyas
ascension to Svarga.

Kishora-lila-Prabhura Dvitiya-vivaha:
Kishora Pastimes - The Lords Second Wedding

Song 27
(Sri raga - Disha)

Refrain: In the villages of Nadiya arose many joyful

sounds of O jewel of Lord Gaura! O moon of the

Glory, glory to Lord Gaura!

1. In Navadvipa Lord Vishvambhara happily passed

some days as Sachis unmarried son.
2. He happily stayed amongst His friends and relatives.
Still, sadness came to Sachis heart.
3. Seeing there was no daughter-in-law in her home,
she became very sad. In her heart she decided to arrange for
Lord Vishvambharas marriage.
4. In her heart she decided: If there is a suitable girl,
that would be good.
5. Meeting in private with a brahmana named
Kashinatha, Sachi revealed the thoughts in her heart. She
said to him:
6. Please go to Sanatana Panditas house and tell him
these words I now say to you.
7. My son has good character and all virtues. He
would, if you agree in your heart, be a good husband for
your daughter.
8. Hearing Mother Sachi speak these words, the
brahmana Kashinatha quickly departed.
9. The great brahmana Kashinatha went to visit
Sanatana Pandita at his house.
10. Come in. Come in. Sanatana Pandita said. He
offered his guest a seat. Smiling and smiling, he said: What
is your mission?
11. Kashinatha said: Listen. Listen, O pandita. I will
tell you everything, everything that is right.
12. You are learned in all the Scriptures. You are the
most fortunate person on the earth. What remains unknown
to you?
13. You are very religious. You are devoted to Lord
Vishnu. You are intent on performing your duties as a
14. Vishvambharas mother, Sachi, knows all this. She
called for me and told me what was in her heart.
15. She sent me with a message for you. Please listen
carefully and I will repeat her words.
16. To you I will repeat what was at the heart of her
words. Please listen and do what you think is right.
17. Vishvambhara would be a very suitable husband
for your daughter. Now I have told you everything. Please
give your reply.
18. Hearing these words, Sanatana Pandita considered
them in his heart. Then he discussed them with his
19. Finally Sanatana Pandita said to Kashinatha
Pandita: Now I will say what is in my heart. Please listen,
O great soul.
20. Day and night I thought of this in my heart, but I
had no courage to speak of it.
21. Today is very auspicious. Today Lord
Vishvambhara, who is a great treasure of virtues, will
become my son-in-law.
22. When Sachi-devi personally gives her consent,
then I will know that I have become truly fortunate.
23. Who is fortunate like me? I will offer my daughter
to Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
24. By offering Him my daughter, I will worship the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose lotus feet Brahma
and Shiva worship.
25. Please go and place these words before Sachi-
devis feet:
26. When the proper day is decided I will send a
brahmana with the news. Then you may arrange for the
auspicious ceremony.
27. When Sanatana Pandita spoke these words, the
great brahmana Kashinatha quickly departed.
28. Bowing before Sachis feet, he told her everything.
29. Delighted, Sachi heard his words. Smiling, she
began to arrange for her sons wedding.
30. Fortunate Sachi gathered many different articles for
the wedding. On various pretexts she went to see her
prospective daughter-in-law.
31. After some days Sanatana Pandita sent a brahmana
with the news.
32. To the brahmana he said: Before Sachis feet please
place these words:
33. If you accept my proposal, I will become fortunate.
Let this ceremony soon be performed.
34. By giving my daughter to the Supreme Personality
of Godhead, Lord Krishna, who has now become Sachis
son, I will become liberated from this world of birth and
35. After hearing these words, the brahmana went to
Sachis house. Approaching Sachis feet, he said:
36. Sri Sanatana Pandita sent me to give you this
message from his heart:
37. If you accept my proposal, I will become fortunate.
I will give my daughter to your son Vishvambhara.
38. Hearing this, delighted Sachi siad: Excellent.
Excellent. I agree. Please quickly arrange it.
39. Hearing these words, the delighted brahmana
sweetly said:
40. By attaining a husband like Vishvambhara,
Vishnupriya (dear to Lord Vishnu) will become worthy of
her name
41. In her heart she knows that she has now become
like Rukmini, who attained Lord Krishna as her husband.
42. Hearing these words, Sachi was delighted. Then the
brahmana returned and repeated her words to Sanatana
43. Sri Sanatana Pandita was very pleased. He began to
gather all that was needed for the wedding ceremony.
44. That noble-hearted soul gathered the ornaments
and various articles needed for the adhivasa ceremony.
45. Calling for an astrologer, he humbly said: i will
arrange Vishnupriyas wedding. Please determine the right
46. The astrologer said: Listen. Listen, O pandita. As I
was coming here, I accidentally met Vishvambhara.
47. Seeing him, I became joyful at heart. Joking, I said
to Him:
48. Soon Your auspicious adhivasa ceremony will be
performed. Then will come Your wedding. Please hear my
49. Hearing these words, Vishvambhara said: Where
will be this wedding? Who are the bride and groom?
50. These words He directly spoke to me. Please
consider them and then decide what you should do.
51. Hearing these words from the astrologers mouth,
Sanatana Pandita was no longer calm and peaceful.
52. Sanatana Pandita was very noble and generous.
Gathering his relatives, he considered what to do.
53. He said: I gathered many ornaments and articles
for the ceremony. How can I be faulted for what I did?
54. I committed no offense. For no reason Lord Gaura-
Hari has rejected my offer.
55. Speaking these words, he manifested the sadness
that was then born birth in his heart. Flames burned in his
heart. Then his wife spoke to him.
56. She was modest, saintly, chaste, devoted to her
husband, and born in a very respectable family. She had all
virtues and good character. She was devoted to Lord
57. Seeing her husbands sadness, she also became sad.
Renouncing all shyness, she approached her husband and
58. Because Vishvambhara will not consent to this
ceremony, why would the people of Nadiya find fault with
59. If Vishvambhara, who is Lord Hari Himself, will
not consent, what power have you to convince Him?
60. He is the supremely independent Personality of
Godhead. He is the master of all. Brahma, Shiva, Indra, and
all the demigods are His servants.
61. Why would He become your son-in-law? Please
meditate on Lord Krishnas teachings and be peaceful at
62. You have no power to change things. You are sad
for no reason. Please kill your sadness. I fear to speak these
63. When his wife spoke these words, Sanatana Pandita
covered his sadness.
64. Consulting with his friends and relatives, he said:
Vishvambhara does not agree. How am I at fault?
65. Saying this, he spoke no further. The brahmana and
his wife were both sad at heart.
66. As he thought, sadness again was born in his heart.
He thought: O! O Lord Vishvambhara, You have
embarrassed me.
67. Glory, glory to the Supreme Lord who removed
Draupadis embarrassment and fear! Glory, glory to the
Supreme Lord who rescued Gajendra from the crocodiles
68. Glory, glory to the Lord who protected the
Pandavas, rescued Rukmini, and freed Ahalya from her
69. In this way the brahmana spoke many prayers.
Lord Gauranga, the master of the worlds, knew all that had
70. Hearing these prayers, Lord Vishvambhara thought:
Why should he suffer like this in his heart?
71. Two of My devotees are very unhappy at heart.
Smiling and smiling, the Lord then playfully spoke these
72. From amongst His friends, he selected one
especially dear friend. In private the Lord revealed His
heart to him.
73. Please go to Sanatana Panditas house. Pretend just
to have a chat with him. What he will say I do not know.
74. Tell him I was only joking when I told the
astrologer I knew nothing of the wedding. Ask him: why
are you so upset?
75. I have not rejected this wedding. It is not right that
you are both so sad at heart.
76. I agree to the proposal he gave to my mother. Why
should I do otherwise?
77. The idea that the wedding is cancelled is a lie. The
sadness in your heart is not right. Please arrange for the
wedding. That is what is right.
78. Lord Gaura sent the brahmana with that message.
The brahmana repeated it all to Sanatana Mishra

Song 28
(Ramakeli raga - Disha)

Refrain: O Hari! O Rama! O Narayana! O Sachis son

splendid like gold!

79. Sanatana Pandita became joyful at heart. Happily he

determined the auspicious day and time.
80. Learning of Lord Gauras decision, he called an
astrologer to his home and determined the auspicious day.
81. After careful analysis, the astrologer determined the
auspicious day, time, lagna, tithi, and star.
82. At the time of the adhivasa ceremony, the saintly
sadhus, brahmanas, and saj-janas met to bless Lord Gaura.
83. Delighted Sachi-devi met with the married ladies.
To celebrate her sons wedding, she gave them many gifts.
84. She gave them oil and turmeric. On their foreheads
she placed red sindura. She gave them bananas, sandesha,
khadira, and betel-nuts.
85. The married ladies sang auspicious songs. The
brahmanas also attended Lord Gauras adhivasa ceremony.
86. The brahmanas recited the Vedas. Conch-Shells
were sounded. Mridangas, patahas, and other musical
instruments were played.
87. From the four directions the ladies chanted, Jaya!
Jaya! The Lords adhivasa ceremony was very glorious.
88. The brahmanas were worshiped with gifts of
glorious ornaments, fragrances, garlands, sandal paste, and
betel-nuts mixed with camphor.
89. At that time faithful Sri Sanatana Pandita was very
joyful at heart.
90. By sending some saintly brahmanas and their wives
as his representatives, in his heart he observed the adhivasa
ceremony of his prospective son-in-law.
91. Then he observed his daughters adhivasa
ceremony. Her limbs glistened with many jewel ornaments.
92. At the time of the adhivasa ceremony he rightly
worshiped the devas and pitas. The calls of jaya! Jaya!
had no end.
93. The brahmanas recited the Vedas. Conch-Shells
were sounded. Mridangas, patahas, and other musical
instruments were played.
94. In this way the two adhivasa ceremonies were
performed. At dawn of the next day Lord Gaura arose.
95. He performed His morning duties, bathed in the
Ganga, and performed the nandimukha and shraddha
96. He carefully worshiped the devas and pitas. Then,
to prepare for His wedding, He bathed again.
97. A barber came and did his barbers work. The
saintly ladies anointed His limbs with fragrances.
98. Bliss filled Nadiyas villages. Everything was very
auspicious for Lord Vishvambharas wedding.
99. Then the limbs of Lord Vishvambhara Raya
Mahaprabhu were dressed in glorious garments.
100. He was decorated with glistening jewel ornaments
and dressed in garments with a red border. A very fragrant
breeze came from Lord Gauras limbs.
101. His limbs were naturally fragrant. To that many
other glorious fragrances were added. The forehead on His
glorious moonlike face was decorated with sandal tilaka.
102. His fingernails and toenails shone like a line of
moons. Rings glistened on His fingers. His body was so
effulgent no one could bear even to look at Him.
103. His thighs were graceful. His lips were like bimba
fruits. Flower earrings rested on His ears and cheeks.
104. He wore bracelets, armlets, and anklets. Gazing at
Hin, the ladies felt their hearts tremble.
105. Meanwhile, in his house Sanatana Pandita
decorated his daughter with many jewel ornaments.
106. She was dressed in exquisite garments, decorated
with flower garlands, and anointed with sandal and
fragrances. Even without ornaments her limbs were
glorious and effulgent.
107. Vishnupriyas limbs defeated millions of golden
arrows. She was like lightning personified.
108. Her braids defeated the most glorious black
serpents. She had the power to enchant the hearts of the
greatest sages. Who can speak any metaphor that can
properly describe the red sindura anointing her head?
109. Her charming eyebrows defeated the bow held by
the archer Kamadeva. Her graceful nose defeated the
parrots beak.
110. Her eyes defeated the does eyes. Her ears defeated
the gridhini birds ear.
111. Her peerless glorious lips defeated the bandhuli
flower. Her glistening teeth defeated pearls.
112. Her neck, which charmed every heart in the world,
defeated the conch-shell. Her graceful neck defeated the
lions neck.
113. Her arms defeated the splendid grace of golden
lotus stems. Her palms defeated the red lotus flower.
114. Her charming fingers defeated champaka buds.
Her glistening fingernails and toenails defeated a host of
115. Her graceful breasts defeated Mount Sumeru. Her
hair defeated the lions mane.
116. Her hips defeated the great wheels on Kamadevas
chariot. Her thighs defeated the graceful banana trees.
117. Her great beauty defeated everything created by
Brahma in the three worlds. Her glorious hands and feet
defeated the red lotus flowers.
118. Her splendid fingernails and toenails defeated a
host of spotless moons. Glistening splendor took its birth on
her eyes and on her limbs.
119. She was decorated with splendid garments and
with garlands, fragrances, and sandal. Even without
ornaments, the splendor of her limbs filled the whole
120. She charmed the three worlds. She defeated even
Goddess Parvati. Her limbs and ornaments filled the earth
with light.
121. At the appropriate auspicious moment, Sanatana
Pandita sent a brahmana messenger to bring the
122. Standing before the Lord Gaura, the brahmana
messenger humbly spoke.
123. Gazing at Lord Gauras effulgent limbs, the
brahmana thought of how he and Sanatana Pandita had
become very fortunate.
124. The brahmana said: Please listen, O
Vishvambhara. The auspicious moment has come. Please
125. What can I say as I stand before You? You are the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. I now see the Supreme
Lord standing before me.
126. Gently, gently smiling, Lord Vishvambhara sat on
a palanquin and, at the auspicious moment, departed.
127. Sachi and the married ladies gave Him their
blessings. The Lord took the dust from his mothers feet and
placed it on his head.
128. Conch-Shells, dundubhis, bheris, kahalas,
dandimas, muharis, and dindimas all sweetly sounded.
129. Vinas, flutes, vilasas, rababs, upangas, and
pakhowajas joyfully sounded together.
130. Padahas, mridangas, kamsyas, karatalas, bugles,
and shanais all sounded together.
131. Many different musical instruments were played. I
do not know all their names. Before the Lord, dancers
danced and reciters, recited the Vedas.
132. Singers sang songs, and poets recited poems.
Accompanied by His friends, the Lord proceeded.
133. From home after home the people, waving their
arms, ran to see Lord Gaura.

Song 29
(Vihagada raga)

134-135. Wearing glorious silk saris and glorious silk

bodices, glorious earrings on their ears, their hair gracefully
tied, wearing necklaces of pearls and gold, and rejecting red
cosmetics, the beautiful, beautiful, beautiful young girls of
Nadiya were plunged in an ocean of bliss. Running to see
Lord Vishvambharas wedding, they sang very auspicious
136. Some had glorious silk garments in disarray. Some
had a regal-scented champaka flower decorating an ear.
They were graceful like regal elephants. With doe eyes they
cast crooked glances in different directions. They did not
know where to go.
137. Decorated with black anjana, their restless eyes
were like khanjana birds. Their anointed with the ointment
of Lord Gauras form, they would not go anywhere but to
138. Hearing them coming, in village after village the
girls ran behind them. Some still had a comb in their hair.
Some had not finished arranging their garments.
139. The girls abandoned their pearl-like husbands.
They abandoned their families and kin. They paid no
attention to their garments and ornaments. They became
like wild women.
140. They were like a host of stationary lightning
flashes, or swans, or autumn moons. Row after row after
row, they held hands.
141. Men and women ran. As if they had only one
mouth, no one spoke what was in his heart. Pushing and
shoving, they ran like wild people to see Lord Gaurangas
142. The young, old, blind, lame, frail, and sick all
yearned to see Lord Gaura. They were not shackled to each
other. Still, the friends continued to hold each others hands
as they ran.
143. Filled with Kamadevas desires, the girls gazed at
Lord Gauras face. They became wild to see Him. Row after
row of birds and animals stood, gazing at Lord Gaura.
144. Lord Gaura was surrounded by His friends. He
was decorated with glistening ornaments. A crown was on
His forehead. Lochana Dasa says: The girls were delirious.
The doors of their hearts were broken open.

Song 30
(Varadi raga-Dhulapelajata)

145. In this way Lord Vishvambhara arrived at

Sanatana Panditas house. Now become like an ocean of joy,
the pandita approached the Lord and offered padya and
arghya. Glorious, glorious was Sachis son.
146. After offering padya and arghya he placed Lord
Gaurachandra under a canopy. Everyone chanted: Hari!
Though hundreds and hundreds of lamps shone brilliantly,
Lord Gauras glorious body defeated their splendor.
147. The married ladies made a joyous tumult. Conch-
Shells, dundubhis, and musical instruments sounded.
Dressed in splendid silk saris, the married ladies
circumambulated the Lord.
148. The married ladies stood before the Lord and
offered arati. Then the bride was brought before Him.
Gazing at Lord Vishvambhara, who was decorated with the
jewels of all transcendental virtues, the ladies became filled
with bliss. They thought their feet no longer touched the
150. In her heart Vishnupriyas mother thought of Lord
Gaura-Hari. She thought: My daughter Vishnupriya is
very suitable for Him.
151. One married lady offered arati with a jewel lamp.
Lord Gauras limbs shone with great splendor. Smelling the
fragrance of the Lords limbs, the ladies struggled to keep
their hearts from going wild with bliss.
152. Seven times the ladies circumambulated Lord
Gaurachandra. With yogurt they washed His lotus feet.
Sanatana Pandita gave gifts of splendid garments and
splendid ornaments to the bridegroom.
153. The bridegrooms limbs he anointed with splendid
fragrances and sandal. On the bridegrooms neck he placed
a malati garland.
154. The Lords body was graceful like a Mount
Sumeru with the celestial Ganga cascading in two streams
down both its sides. Gazing at His body decorated with a
malati garland, the Sanatana Pandita felt the hairs of His
stand erect with joy.
155. Then Sanatana Pandita, the jewel of the
brahmanas, commanded that his daughter be brought there.
Sitting on a jewel throne, she was the most beautiful girl in
the three worlds. Her limbs were effulgent like lightning.
156. Vishnupriya, who charmed the hearts of the world,
and whose namesake was Goddess Maha-Lakshmi, was
brought before the Lord. With restless crooked glances she
gazed at Lord Gaurangas face. She gently, gently smiled.
She was beyond compare.
157. Seven times she circumambulated the Lord. With
folded hands she offered obeisances. When a curtain was
drawn around Them, They gazed at each other with Their
four eyes. Then They enjoyed flower pastimes.
158. From everyone joyous shouts of Hari! Hari!
arose. The bride and groom stood under a canopy. Everyone
said: Glorious! They are glorious! Someone said: They
are like Chandra and Rohini. Someone else said: They are
like Sita and Parvati.
159. Gently smiling, Lord Vishvambhara then sat on a
throne. Then Sanatana Pandita offered his daughter to the
Lords lotus feet.
160. Everything was rightly done. Many gifts were
given. The bride and groom sat on the throne together.
During that wedding ritual in Sanatana Panditas home, the
bride and groom enjoyed a meal together.
161. Joyful at heart, the married ladies offered Them
betel-nuts and camphor. With their eyes they gazed at Sri
Gaurangachandra Hari as He sat in that room.
162. In their hearts the ladies thought: Today
Vishvambhara and Vishnupriya sit in this house.
Vishnupriya is actually Goddess Lakshmi, and
Vishvambhara is actually Lord Vishnu. They have both
come to this earth.
163. The ladies thought many thoughts like this. Many
splendid garlands they placed around Lord Vishvambharas
neck. The Lord fulfilled every desire in their hearts.
164. One lady anointed the Lords limbs with sandal
and fragrances. Touching the Lord, she became wild with
bliss. Another lady enjoyed a conversation with the Lord.
Overcome with bliss, another lady fell to the ground. The
desires of her life were all fulfilled.
165. Another lady offered betel-nuts to the Lord.
Another lady offered a handful of flowers to the Lords feet.
In her heart she thought: Birth after birth I offer myself to
You, O Lord.
166. In this way the night passed. The Supreme Lord,
who is adorned with the jewels of all virtues, was thus
gloriously manifest before the married ladies. At dawn Lord
Vishvambhara, who possesses the treasure of all virtues,
performed His morning duties. On that day He performed
the kushandika ritual.
167. On the following day the Lord sat down and said:
Now I will return to My home. On the pretext of offering
gifts, the Lords associates worshiped Him. There were
sounds of conch-shells and great sounds of Jaya! Jaya!
168. Sanatana Pandita and his wife offered gifts of
sandal paste, betel-nuts, and flower garlands to the newly
married couple. On the couples heads they placed durva
grass and rice paddy. Saying, May You both live long,
they offered their blessings.
169. Her heart trembling, Goddess Vishnupriya gazed
at her mother and father. She humbly spoke in a voice filled
with emotion.
170. Sad at heart, Sanatana Pandita said to the Lord:
What can I say to You? It is only by Your mercy that I may
give my daughter to You. How can I be qualified to give any
gift to You?
171. This I say: I am fortunate to have You as my son-
in-law. My whole house is fortunate. Today I place my
Vishnupriya at Your lotus feet. With a voice choked with
emotion he spoke these words.
172. Tears streamed form his eyes. His eyes and face
were red. He spoke with a choked voice. Into Lord
Vishvambharas hand he placed Vishnupriyas hand. Tears
streamed from his eyes.
173. Then, at an auspicious moment, the Lord ascended
a palanquin. Everyone was joyful at heart. Many musical
instruments played. Mridangas and conch-shells sounded.
Calls of Hari! filled the sky.
174. Dancers danced before the newlyweds. The
virtuous people were all there. As the people chanted Jaya!
Jaya!, the Lord traveled on His palanquin. Finally He came
to His own home.
175. Joyful Sachi and the married ladies offered arati to
the newlyweds. Everyone made auspicious sounds of Jaya!
Jaya! Everyone chanted Hari! They all offered many
176. Auspicious pots were placed before the Lord. Poets
recited poems. Brahmanas chanted the Vedas. At the
auspicious moment, taking Vishnupriya by the hand, the
Lord entered His home.
177. Overcome with bliss and love, Sachi embraced
Vishvambhara. She kissed His moonlike face. Surrounded
by the married ladies, and overcome with bliss, Sachi
embraced her daughter-in-law.
178. She could not contain the bliss she felt. The people
offered many gifts. Seeing that Vishvambhara and
Vishnupriya were now together, everyone was delighted
and satisfied. In this way Lochana Dasa sings Lord Gauras

Kishora-lila-Prabhura Gaya-yatra:
Kishora Pastimes - The Lords Pilgrimage to Gaya

Song 31
(Varadi raga - Disha)

Refrain: O! He who is the moon of the brahmanas is my

very life!

1. Lord Mahaprabhu joyfully stayed with His friends

and relatives.
2. Talking amongst themselves, the brahmanas of
Navadvipa agreed that Vishvambhara is glorious, glorious.
3. Lord Vishvambhara, the jewel of persons, taught His
students and performed the rituals followed by a pious
4. In philosophy and debate Vishvambhara defeated
even Brihaspati. Vishvambhara was the Supreme
Personality of Godhead Himself. Who has the power to
praise Him enough?
5. Who has the power to describe the glories of His
students? They studied under the guru of all the worlds.
6. Lord Vishvambhara is the beloved of millions of
Sarasvatis. By His mercy everyone tasted the nectar of
scholarship and became a pandita.
7. In this way Lord Vishvambhara taught the people.
Then in His heart He thought: I will go to Gaya.
8. I will go to Gaya and offer pinda to My ancestors. I
will bow down before the Deity of Lord Gadadhara and
before the footprints of Lord Vishnu.
9. As the Lord thought in this way, a group of
brahmana pilgrims came to Navadvipa.
10. Flames rose in Sachis heart. She approached her
son. She sighed heavily. Her words were choked with
11. She said: Vishvambhara, please listen. If you go on
pilgrimage, then I will not see you. Then blinding darkness
will fill my house.
12. I am a blind person and you are the star that lights
my eyes. You are the soul and I the body. I cannot live
without you.
13. You will go to deliver your ancestors. What can I
say to you?
14. When Mother Sachi said this, the Lord comforted
her with sweet words:
15. The Lord said: Mother, please know I will stay
with you at every moment.
16. Every son must offer pinda. Please be kind and
give me permission. Dont lament. Then Sachi said to him:
17. With a happy heart you may join these pilgrim
brahmanas. In this way Lord Vishvambhara went on
pilgrimage to Gaya.
18. On whatever path Sachis son walked, all who saw
Him felt their eyes filled with cooling pleasure.
19. Young, old, lame, and foolish all ran to see Him.
Even the birds and beasts ran to see Him. Tears streamed
from every eye.
20. Abandoning their families, saintly ladies ran to see
Him. Everyone said: Look! Look! There is Lord Hari of
21. Saying this, they ran after the Lord. They did not
bind their hair. They became like wild people. This
happened as the Lord traveled from place to place.
22. On every path everyone ran after Him in this way.
Everyone floated in a nectar ocean of ecstatic love.
23. In one place Lord Gaura-Hari saw a stag and a doe
24. Seeing the stag and does playing, the Lord gave out
a mocking, mocking laugh, as if He were mocking the
actions of ordinary men.
25. He said: Animals are wild with greed, illusion,
lust, and anger. Any human who does not worship Lord
Krishna is like those animals.
26. Surrounded by His companions, the Lord mocked
humans whose intelligence is like that of the animals.
27. He said: In an animals body knowledge of
Krishna is not possible. Any human who does not worship
Lord Krishna is an animal. This I say.
28. Teaching in this way, the guru of the worlds
traveled on the path. Lord Vishvambhara was like a kalpa-
vriksha tree.
29. Coming to the river that bears the name Chira, the
Lord bathed and performed pious rituals.
30. Happily He worshiped the demigods and pitas.
Then He entered a temple to see the Deity.
31. After worshiping the Deity, Lord Vishvambhara
quickly descended a hill. Near the hill was a brahmanas
32. Then one of the brahmanas in the Lords group of
pilgrims, seeing the brahmanas of that place, in his heart
found fault with them.
33. Although the actions of the brahmanas in that place
were certainly proper and righteous, when he saw them,
that brahmana thought these people were not true
34. Seeing this person did not respect the brahmanas,
Lord Vishvambhara revealed the devotion his heart bears
for the brahmanas.
35. Suddenly a great fever blazed in the Lords body.
Seeing the fever, everyone became afraid at heart.
36-37. The Lord said: Listen. Listen everyone. Fid I
commit an offense when I worshiped the demigods and
pitas? I do not know. Did I offend one of My fellow
pilgrims? When offenses mar auspicious deeds the result is
great suffering.
38. Something must be done to stop this fever. If I
drink water that has washed a brahmanas feet, My body
will become cool again.
39. Water that has washed a brahmanas feet removes
all sins. It will kill this fever. How can I cure this fever by
My own power?
40. A brahmana from that place stood up and washed
his feet.
41. When Lord Vishvambhara drank the water that had
washed that brahmanas feet, the fever fled far away. In this
way the Lord revealed to all His great devotion to
42. The brahmana who offended the brahmanas of that
place then wisely said: You saved Me from the great
sufferings that would have come from the offense I
committed in My heart.
43. I thought these brahmanas acted wrongly, and
therefore I offended them in my heart. You saved me from
the sufferings that would have come from the offense in my
44. You revealed Your great devotion for the
brahmanas. I am an offender. Please forgive my offense.
45. You are the Supreme Lord who dearly loves the
brahmanas. You are the person most qualified to be a
devotee of the brahmanas. On Your chest You bear the mark
of Bhrigu Munis foot.
46. With Your own mouth You preach the glory of
devotion to You. In this way You deliver the world.
47. Glory to dear Lord Vishvambhara! Glory to the
King of the brahmanas! They who serve you attain all
48. Obeisances to merciful Lord Gaura-Hari, who is
dearly loved by the brahmanas! Obeisances to the Lord who
establishes the true religion!
49. Hearing these words of His fellow pilgrim, the Lord
forgave the offenses of all the pilgrims there.
50. He said: The brahmanas of this place worship Lord
Krishna. Do not shun them. Do not stay far away from
51. Anyone who does not worship Lord Krishna is not
a true brahmana. The Puranas teach:

chandalo pi muneh shreshtho
vishnu-bhakti-vihinas tu
dvijo pi svapachadhamah

A so-called outcaste who is devoted to Lord Vishnu is

the best of sages, but a so-called brahmana who has no
devotion to Lord Vishnu is the lowest outcaste.

53. After speaking these words, the Lord showed that

He was satisfied with His brahmana companion. He kindly
forgave that brahmanas offense.
54. In this way the Lord showed His devotion to the
brahmanas. Again and again crossing holy rivers, the lord
proceeded on His journey.
55. At these rivers He would bathe, worship the devas,
perform pious rituals for His fathers benefit, and then
continue on His journey.
56. Then He came to a very holy place named Rajagiri.
There He bathed at Brahma-kunda and gave charity.
57. There He worshiped the devas and pitas. Then He
hurried to see Lord Vishnus footprints.
58. There He met a sannyasi who was a great devotee
of the Lord, a sannyasi named Ishvara Puri.
59. To Him Lord Vishvambhara offered obeisances and
said: I am very fortunate to see your two feet.
60. Falling sown before that sannyasis feet, and
overcome with emotion, the Lord spoke these words. Tears
streamed from the Lords merciful reddish eyes.
61. How will I be able to cross the ocean of repeated
birth and death? Please give Me devotion to Lord Krishnas
lotus feet.
62. I do not see any way to attain that devotion but by
accepting initiation from a great devotee of Lord Krishna.
All the words spoken by the Puranas and by the mouths of
the great devotees bear witness to this truth.
63. Hearing these words, in a secluded place Ishvara
Puri repeated to the Lord the maha-mantra.
64. Thus attaining Lord Krishnas maha-mantra, Lord
Vishvambhara felt bliss in His heart. The hairs of His body
stood erect.
65. Tears streamed form His eyes. The hairs of His body
stood erect. He called out: Radha! Radha! He was tossed
by waves of bliss.
66. His heart became rapt in thinking of Vraja. His heart
was plunged in the sweet nectar of madhurya-rasa.
67. His body became wild with the love Radha feels for
Lord Krishna. Loudly He called: Krishna! Krishna!
68. He called out: Vrindavana! Govardhana! and
laughed. With great joy He roared: Kalindi! Yamuna!
69. One moment He called out: Balarama! Sridama!
Sudama! The next moment He called out: Nanda!
70. White and dark surabhi cows! He roared in a
deep voice. The next moment He called out: Gopi friends!
The Lord had became wild.
71. One moment He placed a straw between His teeth
and became like a servant. The next moment He was filled
with pride. I am He, He declared.
72. I lifted Govardhana Hill. I killed Aghasura. I killed
Putana and a host of demons.
73. The next moment He manifested a three-fold-
bending form, a form with a flute at His mouth. From the
four directions all who saw were filled with wonder.
74. Tears streamed from His eyes. His voice was choked
with emotion. With sweet words He said to His guru:
75. By your mercy I have attained the goal of My life.
From today My life of materialism has fled.
76. In this way the Lord showed the perfect example of
devotion for ones guru. Then the Lord proceeded on His
journey. Seeing the Phalgu River, he gently, gently smiled.
77. Remembering the pastimes He enjoyed there in
ancient days, He felt both happy and said. Remembering
Sita-devi, He became wild with emotion.
78. He worshiped the devas and pitas. He bathed and
gave charity. He offered pinda to his ancestors.
79. To a brahmana He gave the remnants of what was
offered to the pitas. Going South, He visited Udichi.
80. Going North, He visited Jihva-lola. There He
worshiped the devas and pitas. He gave wealth in charity.
81. Happy at heart, He then came to Gaya. He was very
anxious to see Lord Vishnus footprints.
82. On sixteen altars the Lord offered pinda. He longed
to see Lord Vishnus footprints.
83. Having performed all these rituals, with a happy
heart He hurried to see Lord Vishnus footprints.
84. With a happy heart He thought: With My own eyes
I will see Lord Vishnus footprints.
85. In this way He approached Lord Vishnus
footprints. Joyfully falling down like a stick, He offered
respectful obeisances.
86. Lord Gauranga said: Listen. Listen, everyone. In
what way does My heart now gaze at Lord Vishnus
87. With My eyes I now see Lord Vishnus footprints.
Why, as I see Them, does ecstatic spiritual love not arise
within Me?
88. Saying these words, with a happy heart Lord
Mahaprabhu performed an abhisheka of Lord Vishnus
89. Then Lord Vishvambhara Hari manifested ecstatic
devotion. O great devotees, please hear the ecstatic
symptoms He manifested.
90. At the beginning of His manifestation of ecstatic
love, He trembled and the hairs of His body stood erect.
Then flooding rivers of tears flowed from His eyes. The next
moment He became stunned.
91. Overcome with ecstatic love, Lord Vishvambhara
gazed at Lord Vishnus footprints. Celebrating a great, great
festival of ecstatic love, He danced.
92. Thus after offering pinda at Gaya and after seeing
Lord Vishnus footprints, Lord Vishvambhara joyfully
danced with His brahmana companions.
93. The next day in His heart He firmly decided to go
on a journey to Mathura.
94. To His brahmana companions He said: You should
all go to see Vrindavana.
95. Hearing this, the companions were stunned. They
had little money to make the journey.
96. The Lord said to them: A human being who tries to
enjoy material pleasures must again be born in the material
world. Not knowing this truth, the materialists are very
eager to act for their material benefit.
97. If one worships Lord Krishna, then ones human
life is a great success. If one does not worship Lord Krishna,
then one drowns in an ocean of sorrows.
98. After giving these instructions, Lord Gaura-Hari left
Gaya and began His journey to Vrindavana.
99. As He was traveling with His companions, a voice
spoke from the sky.
100. Rumbling like a new cloud, to enlighten Lord
Vishvambhara, the voice spoke these words:
101. Listen. Listen, O Mahaprabhu Vishvambhara.
Dont go to Vrindavana. Return to Your home.
102. When You accept sannyasa You will travel to
many holy places. At that time You will go to Vrindavana.
103. With His own ears hearing this message from the
demigods, Lord Vishvambhara ended the journey with His
brahmana companions.
104. Lord Mahaprabhu journeyed to His own home.
Walking and walking, His feet carried Him to Nadiya.
105. Bidding farewell to His pilgrim companions, He
entered His home. He bowed down before Mother Sachis
106. With a joyful heart Sachi embraced her son. Tears
of love and joy streamed from her two eyes.
107. The people of Nadiyas villages joyfully ran to see
the Lord. They trembled. The hairs of the bodies stood erect.
108. Waves of bliss tossed Vishnupriyas heart. She had
no power to hold the bliss that filled her body. The bliss in
her body had no end.
109. In this way Lord Gaura joyfully returned to His
own home. Lochana Dasa sings this song praising Lord
Gauras pastimes.

Song 32
(Varadi raga)

Refrain; O! O moon of the brahmanas!

110. The stories of the Lords pastimes in Navadvipa

are very wonderful. Songs glorifying Lord Gaurachandra
are filled with nectar.
111. The Lords pastimes in Nadiya are beyond the
touch of both the Vedas and ordinary custom. Simply by
hearing them everyone attains auspiciousness, ecstatic
spiritual love, and spiritual joy.
112. Lord Shiva, Shukadeva Gosvami, Narada Muni,
Goddess Lakshmi, and Lord Ananta think themselves
fortunate to hear Lord Gauras pastimes.
113. I myself am worthless like a pile of ashes. I am
very unintelligent. I do not know the difference between
good and bad, between day and night.
114. My deeds are like animals deeds. I am the lowest
person. This I say. This I write of myself.
115. The Gaura-avatara is the best of all avataras. In the
towns of Nadiya He preached the gospel of ecstatic spiritual
116. Bowing before the Vaishnavas feet, I beg: Please be
kind. Please give me the power to describe Lord Gauras
117. Please dont hold me in contempt, saying: You are
very fallen. This fallen person takes shelter of you all.
118. Out of your own natural kindness, please be kind
to me. Please be kind. Please give me the power to sing
Lord Gauras glories with my own mouth. Please fulfill my
119. I bow down before Lord Gauras lotus feet and
pray: Please give me a single sesame seeds worth of Your
mercy. Please allow me to see You with my own eyes.
120. Sri Narahari Dasa is my master. O master, I
faithfully sing your glories.
121. I am lower than the lowest. I am a sinner. I am
worthless like a pile of ashes. How can I be qualified to sing
your glories?
122. I am not qualified. Please give me your mercy
anyway. I yearn to sing your glories.
123. What will be, will be. That I must say. I carefully
sing the glories of the Lords confidential pastimes in
124. I may understand them, or I may not understand
them. Still, I yearn to describe the Lords pastimes. In this
way Lochana Dasa concludes the Adi-khanda.
Thus ends the Adi-khanda



Song 1

1. O life master of Narahari and Gadadhara, please be

kind to me. Please make Your auspicious glance fall upon
2. The Adi-khanda is concluded. Now the Madhya-
khanda will begin. Whoever hears it will quickly attain a
great treasure of ecstatic spiritual love.
3. Now I will speak the Madhya-khanda, which is full
of nectar, and which describes the Lords Nadiya pastimes
of preaching the gospel of ecstatic love.
4. In the Madhya-khanda the Lord delivered the
sinners Jagai and Madhai and gave them a gift of ecstatic
spiritual love even the demigod Brahma finds difficult to
5. In the Madhya-khanda the Lord openly manifested
the Harinama-sankirtana movement of chanting Lord
Krishnas holy names, and in that khanda, to deliver the
fallen people, the Lord accepted sannyasa.
6. I will tell all these stories. The Madhya-khanda is full
of nectar. Any person who hears it will find that the offenses
in his heart are all destroyed.
7. With a happy heart the Lord returned to Nadiya.
Happily He stayed with His friends and relatives.
8-9. To the brahmana boys of Navadvipa, boys whose
actions were pure, boys who were the most pious and
fortunate in the three worlds, Lord Vishvambhara
personally gave transcendental knowledge.
10. To these boys, His students, Lord Gaura-Hari one
day kindly said:
11. Lord Krishnas feet are the only truth you should
study. One who knows that truth has devotion for Lord
12. Do not study any other truth the shastras describe,
any truth other than devotion to Sri Sri Radha-Krishna.
13. Persons intoxicated with pride in their learning,
wealth, and honorable families do not attain Lord Krishna.
Only by devotional service does one easily attain Lord
Krishna, the King of the Yadus.
14. Lord Krishna is conquered by the nectar of
devotional service. To prove this I quote these words from
the shastras (Padyavali 8):
vyadhasyacharanam dhruvasya cha vayo vidya gajendrasya kim
kubjayah kim u nama rupam adhikam kim tat sudhamno dhanam
vamshah ko vidurasya yadava-pater ugrasya kim paurusham
bhaktya tushyati kevalam na cha gunair bhakti-priyo madhavah

Where was the hunter Dharmas piety, Dhruvas

maturity, and Gajendras knowledge? Where was Kubjas
beauty? Where was Sudamas wealth? Where was Viduras
noble birth? Where was Ugrasenas chivalrous strength?
Lord Madhava is pleased only by devotional service and
not by material qualifications.

16. Teaching His students in this way, the Lord

manifested the ecstatic spiritual love and bliss He felt.
17. One time, as He lay sleeping in His own home, He
wept in the ecstasy of love for Lord Krishna.
18. Overcome with the love Radha feels, the Lord called
out: Now that he has gone to Mathura, a weapon is
plunged into my heart! Now I am dead!
19. Wretch Akrura, it was you who took my Krishna
away! Speaking in this way and weeping, the Lord was
overcome with feelings of ecstatic love.
20. Wicked-hearted Kubja, you took my Krishna away.
Ah! Krishna was always a rake, a cheater, a thief of young
girls hearts.
21. Speaking in this way, the Lord wept, His weeping
like a great rumbling roar. The hairs of His body stood erect.
His manifestation of ecstatic love was astonishing.
22. Astonished, Sachi asked Lord Vishvambhara: Dear,
why do you weep? Why are you unhappy?
23. The Lord heard his mothers words, but gave no
reply. He only wept. He was overcome with ecstasy.
24. In her heart Sachi-devi thought: By Lord Krishnas
mercy he manifests the symptoms of ecstatic love.
25. Very fortunate Sachi knew all the truths of spiritual
life. Facing her son, she sweetly said:
26. Listen. Listen, my dear, my golden son. I see that
you have something very wonderful, something very rare
in all the worlds.
27. Whatever wealth you find in your journeys you
always bring to me.
28. In Gaya you found a great treasure of ecstatic love
for Lord Krishna, a treasure more valuable than priceless
jewels, a treasure even the demigods cannot attain.
29. If you truly have kindness in your heart, then
please give to me that treasure of ecstatic love for Lord
Krishna, a love that I fear to look upon.
30. In this way Sachi-devi spoke. His heart melting, the
Lord gazed at his mother and said:
31. Mother, by the mercy of the Vaishnavas you will
attain that ecstatic love. Please know this for certain. What I
say is the truth.
32. Hearing these words, Sachi became very joyful at
heart. That moment she attained ecstatic love and devotion.
33. The hairs on her limbs stood erect. Her body
trembled. Endless flooding rivers of tears flowed from her
34. With a joyous heart she called out: Krishna!
Krishna! In this way Lochana Dasa describes the first time
Lord Gaura manifestation of ecstatic love.

Song 2
(Sri raga - Disha)

35. In this way the Lord was overcome with ecstatic

love. There was a brahmana named Shuklambara
36. At his house the Lord was overcome with ecstatic
love. There flooding rivers of tears always flowed from the
Lords eyes.
37. Mucous always flowed from the Lords nostrils. The
brahmana Shuklambara always cleaned the mucous from
the Lord.
38. Day and night the Lord rolled on the ground and
wept. Overcome, He would ask what the time was.
39. During the day He would ask: How far has the
night progressed? Everyone would say: It is day. It is not
40. In this way the Lord was overcome with love.
Overcome with ecstasy, repeatedly He wept.
41. When three hours of the night had passed, He
would ask what time of day it was. He was given the
answer: It is not daytime.
42. He was so overcome with love He did not know
whether it was day or night. If He heard the holy name of
Lord Krishna come from any mouth, He would fall to the
43. If he heard someone sing songs of Lord Krishnas
names or glories, He would roll on the ground and weep.
44. One moment He would fall to the ground like a
stick. The next moment He would loudly sing Lord
Krishnas names.
45. The next moment He would speak with a voice
choked with emotion. His body trembled. The hairs
standing erect on His limbs defeated the glories of the
kadamba flowers filaments.
46. He was always in ecstasy. Some moments He was
calm and peaceful. In those moments, on His friends
entreaties, He would bathe and give charity.
47. Then He would worship His Deity and offer food.
Then He would honor the maha-prasadam.
48. As the days passed He enjoyed pastimes of ecstasy
in this way. Every evening He sang and danced with great
49. In this way the days and nights happily passed. The
Lord tasted the nectar of ecstatic love. He also taught the
50. Everyone please hear these words: To taste the
nectar of love for Himself was the Lords primary purpose
in coming to this world.
51. To deliver the conditioned souls was His secondary
purpose. This I know. That is why I say He is the crest jewel
of all avataras.
52. All the avataras remain in Lord Gauras body. All
the avataras are His companions. They are all His servants.
53. When Lord Gaurachandra was manifest in
Navadvipa, the blinding darkness in the hearts of the
worlds peoples fled far away.
54. The effulgence of His mercy extinguished the flames
of suffering burning in the hearts of Kali-yugas peoples.
55. The devotee associates of the Lord became like
chakora birds overwhelmed by drinking the nectar
moonlight of ecstatic love.
56. Gadadhara Pandita became an associate of the Lord.
Narahari Thakura stayed with the Lord.
57. Srinivasa, Murari, Mukunda, Vakreshvara, and
Sridhara Pandita all had homes in Navadvipa.
58. Sriman, Sanjaya, Dhananjaya Pandita,
Shuklambara, Nilambara, and many other great souls were
also there.
59 - 60. Sri Rama Pandita, Mahesha Pandita, Haridasa,
saintly Nandana Acharya, Rudra Pandita, Damodara
Pandita, and many others were all followers of Lord
61. I cannot write all their names. I cannot name them
all, for then this book would become an ocean without any
62. From many different places the devotees came and
gathered at Lord Gauras feet.
63. To the people of this world giving the great treasure
of ecstatic love, these devotees became wild with ecstatic
64. The Lord was equally kind to all the conditioned
souls. With the devotees Lord Gaura enjoyed pastimes of
ecstatic love.
65-66. One day, accompanied by Srivasa Pandita and
his brothers, the Lord walked on the path. Then He
suddenly heard the sound of a flute. He did not know who
made the music.
67. Hearing this flute music, the Lord was overcome
with the love Sri Radha feels. He wept and wept. He roared
and roared.
68. Overcome, He fell like a stick to the ground. He
wept. He manifested many symptoms of ecstatic love.
69. The Lord was now completely wild. His loud
laughter was a great blessing to His followers.
70. One moment He spoke to His students things
beyond the touch of this world. The next moment He
became like a wild man. The next moment He became
71. Accompanied by Srivasa Pandita, Rama, Narayana,
and Mukunda, the Lord went to Srivasas house.
72. Within the house, the devotees filled with the four
sides. In the midst was Lord Gaura-Hari. He was wild with
love for Sri Sri Radha-Krishna.
73. One moment He stood up. The next moment He fell
to the ground. Then He rolled on the ground. Calling out,
Hari! Hari!, He loudly wept.
74. Day and night He was filled with the ecstasy of
spiritual love. The hairs of His body stood erect. He spoke
only of Lord Krishna. He spoke nothing else.
75. In His own home one time He was overcome with
ecstatic love. He loudly wept. Five or seven flooding rivers
of tears streamed from His eyes.
76. What will I do? Where will I go? What is the way?
How will I become able to give my heart to Sri Krishna?
77. Speaking these words, He wept in despair. Hearing
His anguished words, everyone else wept also.
78. At that moment a divine voice respectfully said:
Please hear, O Vishvambhara. You Yourself are the
Supreme Personality of Godhead.
79. To reveal the ecstasy of spiritual love You
descended to the earth. To others You will mercifully teach
the ecstasy of spiritual love.
80. To establish the true religion on the earth You will
begin the movement of chanting the holy names. Dont
lament. Begin Krishna-sankirtana (the chanting of Lord
Krishnas holy names).
81. By Your mercy everyone in Kali-yuga will be
delivered. To everyone You will give the ecstasy of love for
Yourself. In this way everyones sorrows will perish.
82. Dont doubt. Please hear these words: Throw Your
sorrows far away, and perform sankirtana (chanting) of
Your own holy names.
83. Hearing these words from a demigods mouth, the
Lord became joyful at heart. He did not speak a word.
84. Please hear the wonderful story of what happened
on another day. The songs of Lord Vishvambharas glories
are filled with nectar.
85. One day the Lord went to Murari Guptas house.
The Lord was marked with the symptoms of ecstasy. The
hairs of His body stood erect.
86. Entering the Deity room, the Lord was overcome
with ecstasy. He began to speak.
87. Flooding rivers of tears flowed from the oceans of
His eyes. His tears were like the celestial Ganga flowing
from Mount Sumeru.
88. Everyone said: Look! Look at that wonderful form.
A form like a great mountain, the form of a boar, now
stands before us.
89. Look! Look at the very powerful form of Lord
Varaha! With His great tusks He yearns to kill us!
90. With His two tusks the boar will kill us! Saying
these words, everyone ran into the Deity room.
91. In this way the Lord again manifested the ecstasy of
Lord Varaha. On His hands and feet He paced the ground.
92. His form was enormous. His eyes were red. His
steps were powerful. His roaring was ferocious.
93. He came upon a brass pot. Picking it up in His
tusks, He lifted His head. For a moment held the pot aloft.
94. Discarding the pot, He opened His mouth. He
asked Murari: This is My form.
95. I am the Supreme Lord. In this form I rescued the
Vedas. I tell you I am the master. I am the Supreme Person.
96. What is this form of Mine? Do you know it? Say
something about it. Murari said: Lord, how can I know
97. Falling like a stick to the ground, Murari offered
obeisances. Lord, even the demigod Brahma does not
understand Your nature and Your pastimes.
98. Then Murari quoted a verse from Bhagavad-gita. I
will repeat it here. Everyone please hear these words.
99. In Bhagavad-gita (10.15) it is said:
svayam evatmanatmanam
vettha tvam purushottama
bhuta-bhavana bhutesha
deva-deva jagat-pate

Indeed You alone know Yourself by Your own

potencies, O origin of all, Lord of all beings, God of gods, O
Supreme Person, Lord of the universe.

100. This verse means: O Supreme Personality of

Godhead, You alone know Yourself. No one else knows
101. Then Lord Gaura-Hari again said: Do the Vedas
have the power to know Me?
102. In a voice choked with emotion, Murari replied:
Even thousand-headed Lord Ananta Shesha has no power
to know the truth about You.
103. How can the Vedas know the truth of Your
pastimes? O Lord, no one knows Your glories.
104. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura again said: The
Vedas mocked Me. Listen to these words (Svetashvatara
Upanishad 3.19):

apani-pado javano grahita
pashyaty achakshuh sa srinoty akarnah
sa vetti vedyam na cha tasyasti vetta
tam ahur agryam purusham mahantam

Learned transcendentalists explain that God is the

greatest, the original person. He has no material hands, but
He can take anything. He has no material legs, but He can
travel faster than anyone. He has no material eyes, but He
sees everything. He has no material ears, but He hears
everything. He knows everything, but no one knows Him.

106. The Vedas say I have no hands and legs. Others

do not mock Me like these Vedas.
107. After speaking these words, the Lord laughed. His
face was cheerful and kind. The Vedas do not know Me.
He said.
108. The physician Murari bowed down and said:
Lord, please be kind. Please give me the gift of ecstatic
spiritual love.
109. The Lord again said: Listen, Murari. You already
love Me. Ecstatic spiritual love is already yours.
110. You should worship the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, the Lord with a humanlike form, the Lord whose
three-fold-bending form is dark like sapphires, the Lord
who holds a flute in His hands.
111. The root of His potencies bears the name
Vrishabhanusuta (Sri Radha, Vrishabhanus daughter). Her
glorious complexion breaks the pride of new gorochana.
112. Of how many beautiful gopis is Lord Krishna the
beloved? Dedicate your body to Nandas son Krishna. Then
you will attain Him.
113. In a land of chintamani jewels, in a jewel palace,
on a jewel altar surrounded by kalpa-vriksha trees,
handsome Krishna sits on a throne.
114. He is surrounded by kamadhenu cows. His
powers are beyond conception. His every desire is at once
fulfilled. Give your love to Him.
115. The effulgence of His limbs is the impersonal
Brahman. Know that Krishnas sweetness is the greatest of
all truths.
116. In the presence of all the devotees Lord Gaura
spoke these words. Hearing these words, everyone felt their
hearts become filled with bliss.
117. Hearing these words, Murari said before the Lords
feet: Lord, please allow me to see Lord Ramachandra with
my own eyes.
118. The moment he spoke these words, Murari saw
Lord Ramachandra, whose form is dark like durva grass,
and who is the life of Sita-devi.
119. Lord Rama was accompanied by Lakshmana,
Bharata, Shatrughna, and a host of others. Gazing at the
Lord, Murari became filled with bliss.
120. His external consciousness fled far away. He fell
and rolled on the ground. With a gesture of His lotus hand,
Lord Rama gave a blessing of peace to him.
121. Lord Rama gave this blessing: You will be filled
with ecstatic spiritual love. You are Hanuman. I am Your
122. After speaking these words, the Lord departed for
the temple. On another day Lord Gaura went to Srivasas
123. Sitting amongst His associates, He described the
truth of ecstatic spiritual love for Himself.
124. With a joyful heart He called out: Hari! Hari! To
His personal associates He said: Listen. Listen to these
wonderful words.
125. With one heart listen to the words I speak, words
that say how one may attain Sri Sri Radha-Krishna.
126. Then the Lord recited a verse of Naradiya Purana.
No one else there understood the heart of that verse.
127. That verse was (Naradiya Purana 38.126):

harer nama harer nama

harer namaiva kevalam
kalau nasty eva nasty eva
nasty eva gatir anyatha

In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy the only means of

deliverance is chanting the holy name of the Lord. There is
no other way. There is no other way. There is no other way.
128. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the same
as His name. In the Kali-yuga the Lord is manifest in the
form of His holy name. This the fools do not know.
129. Please know that the Supreme Personality of
Godhead is identical with His holy name. That truth is
shown in this verse by the word kevalam. In this verse
Vyasa three times refutes the idea that the Lord is different
from His name.
130. To emphasize this truth to the misled sinners,
three times he repeats it.
131. By Lord Haris holy name alone one attains
liberation. Here please know that the word kevalam means
132. The holy name here refers even to namabhasa
(the dim light of the holy name). Even by namabhasa one
attains liberation. This all the Scriptures teach.
133. By namabhasa one attains liberation. These
truthful words the Scriptures speak. When the holy name
itself rises, then one attains ecstatic spiritual love. This the
Puranas affirm.
134. To teach the demigod-worshipers that there is no
other way, this truth is three times stated in this verse.
135. Chanting the holy name of Lord Hari is the same
as meditating on Lord Krishna surrounded by His cows,
gopas, and gopi associates. Please know that the holy name
contains all the truths of the Vedas.
136. Rapt in the ecstasy of Lord Varaha, Lord Gaura
spoke these words. Then, filled with ecstatic spiritual love,
He danced in nama-sankirtana (chanting of the holy
137. Ecstatic love for Lord Krishna quickly takes birth
in anyone who hears of Lord Gauras glorious pastimes in
138. Holding a straw between my teeth, I, Lochana
Dasa, declare: Lord Gauras feet are my only treasure. I have
no other.

Song 3

139. Shining like a full moon in Navadvipa, Lord Gaura

always manifested a flooding nectar stream of ecstatic love.
140. The devotees became like chakora birds, always
drinking the nectar effulgence of the moons of His feet.
With limitless mercy the Lord revealed the truth of ecstatic
spiritual love.
141. Please hear the wonderful story of the Lords
pastimes on another day. The Lord was sitting in His home,
His effulgent form more glorious than the forms of ten
million Kamadevas.
142. His neck was like a lions neck, or like a conch-
shell. His eyes were like lotus flowers. In a voice deep like
rumbling clouds He said:
143. Why do I see men with four, five, and six faces in
My house? My heart is filled with wonder to see them.
144. Staying at the Lords side, and hearing these
words, Srinivasa Pandita gave this reply:
145. All the demigods have come to see You. The
beings with four, five, and six faces are Brahma and the
146. You are an ocean of ecstatic spiritual love. Your
form is a great treasure of ecstatic spiritual love. All the
demigods have come to beg from You a gift of that treasure
of ecstatic spiritual love.
147. Lord Mahaprabhu sat on a glittering throne. On
one devotees body He rested His body. Another devotee
was at His feet.
148. Falling down before His feet, Srinivasa and the
other devotees wept and said:
149. We would ask of You a boon. O master of the
highest limit of mercy, please give us the nectar honey of
love for Your lotus feet.
150. In a voice like a thundering cloud Lord
Vishvambhara said: Everyone lick up that nectar honey. I
give you the mercy of ecstatic spiritual love.
151. At that time all the demigods attained ecstatic
spiritual love. Their bodies were filled with ecstatic love.
They were struck with wonder.
152. Calling out, O Radha-Govinda!, the demigods
danced. Seeing this, the Vaishnavas became joyful at heart.
153. The demigods and goddesses danced. Tears
flowed from their eyes. The hairs of their bodies stood erect.
They perspired. They were tossed by waves of ecstatic
spiritual love.
54. One moment they rolled on the ground and fell
before the Lords feet. Another moment they called at the
top of their voices, Haribol! and danced.
155. Another moment they offered prayers to Lord
Gaura-Govinda. Another moment they fell like sticks before
the Lords feet.
156. Another moment the demigods placed their heads
at the Lords feet and begged: Please keep Your feet in our
157. Again and again the Lord replied: So be it. The
demigods became filled with the treasure of ecstatic
spiritual love.
158. Having attained the treasure of ecstatic spiritual
love, the demigods departed for their own abodes. Seeing
all this, the devotees became blissful at heart.
159. This shows why the people say the Lord loves His
devotees. Seeing the Lords mercy, Shuklambara Brahmacari
spoke some words.
160. Shuklambara Brahmacari was very pure. His body
was purified by many pilgrimages. His nature was gentle
and sweet.
161. He approached the Lord and spoke some words.
He was not afraid. Yearning to attain ecstatic spiritual love,
he spoke what was in his heart.
162. O! O, Lord Gaura! O Supreme Lord! Please hear.
Please hear. Today with my own eyes I have seen Your
163. I have traveled to many holy places, but still I am
unhappy. Why I do not know.
164. I traveled to Mathura and Dvaraka, but still I was
unhappy. Please give me the treasure of ecstatic spiritual
165. Hearing these words, the Lord replied: Please
hear, O Shuklambara, My words.
166. How many dogs and jackals live in that forest?
What am I to them? Thus spoke the Lord.
167. If Lord Krishna does not stay in ones heart, one
cannot attain the mercy of the holy places.
168. Love for Lord Krishna is the only true religion.
There is no other. Look, the Scriptures declare:

minah snana-parah phani pavana-bhunmesho pi parnashanah
shashvad bhramyati chakrigaur api bako dhyane sada
garte tishthati mushiko pi gahane simhah sada vartate
tesham phalam asti hanta tapasa sad-bhava-siddhim vina
Fish intently bathe. Snakes eat only air. Sheep eat only
grass. The ox circling the grinding wheel always walks.
Cranes are rapt in meditation. Mice live in holes. Lions live
in the forest. A person who, without love for Lord Krishna,
practices austerities like the austerities of these animals,
attains a result like what these animals attain.

170. In the Narada-pancaratra (2.6) it is said:

aradhito yadi haris tapasa tatah kim

naradhito yadi haris tapasa tatah kim
antar bahir yadi haris tapasa tatah kim
nantar bahir yadi haris tapasa tatah kim

If one can understand the Supreme Personality of

Godhead and engage in His service, there is no more need
of severe austerities, penances, and so on. However, if after
performing severe austerities and penances, one does not
understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, such
practices are useless.

171. Hearing these words, the brahmana Shuklambara

fell to the ground. Distraught, he wept, and his devotion for
the Lord grew.
172. Lord Gaura could not tolerate His servants grief.
His fair form became reddened with compassion. It was red
like the rising sun.
173. I give you ecstatic spiritual love! I give you
ecstatic love! the Lord called out in a voice choked with
grief. In this way Shuklambara attained the mercy of
ecstatic spiritual love.
174. When Shuklambara attained ecstatic spiritual love
his body trembled. The hairs of his body stood erect. Tears
streamed from his eyes.
175. Joyfully he chanted the Lords holy names. Seeing
this, everyone became very joyful at heart.
176. Sri Gadadhara Pandita was the abode of all
virtues. He stayed at the Lords side. He always chanted the
holy names.
177. One night he took rest in the Lords room.
Glancing at him, the Lord was pleased and said:
178. Tomorrow at dawn you will attain rare ecstatic
spiritual love. By the Vaishnavas mercy your desire will be
179. Speaking these words, the Lord took the flower
garland from His own body and placed it around
Gadadharas neck. At dawn everyone came to see the Lord.
180. The Lord told everyone His words of the previous
night. By those words Gadadhara attained ecstatic spiritual
181. With a happy heart Gadadhara bathed in the
Ganga. Overcome with ecstatic spiritual love, his body
182. He worshiped Lord Jagannatha, and then he
worshiped his own master, Lord Gaura.
183. He anointed Lord Gauras limbs with fragrant
sandal paste, placed a splendid flower garland on the
Lords neck, and recited many prayers.
184. Every day he worshiped the Lord in this way. He
slept in the Lords bedroom.
185. He slept at the Lords feet. His heart was always
filled with devotion and faith.
186. The words he spoke to the Lord were always sweet
like nectar. Hearing these words, Lord Vishvambhara felt
bliss in His heart.
187. His words were like nectar showers in the Lords
heart. When He went to dance, the Lord held his hand.
188. With Narahari at one hand and Gadadhara at the
other, the Lord danced the rasa dance pastime in Srivasas
189. Then the devotees saw Lord Gaura manifest the
dark form of Lord Krishna and Gadadhara manifest the
form of Sri Radha.
190. Then Narahari manifested the form of Madhumati
gopi. Seeing all this, the Vaishnavas called out: Hari!
191. Then the land of Vrindavana was manifest in that
place. There Sachis son stood, surrounded by cows, gopas,
and gopis.
192. Then the Lords personal associates manifested
their original forms as gopas and gopis. The Lord and His
devotees tasted the nectar of the different rasas.
193. Sri Raghunandana is the eternally new Kamadeva.
He is counted among the spiritual Kamadevas.
194. Surrounded by these devotees, who stood in front
and on every side, the Lord danced.
195. Seeing the Lord and the devotees in their Krishna-
lila forms, everyone wept. In this way Lord Krishna, Who is
the moon of Vraja, was manifest in Navadvipa.
196. One moment Lord Gaura danced with Gadadhara.
The next moment They were transformed into handsome
dark Lord Krishna and Sri Radha in the nectar rasa-dance
197. Gazing at these wonders, the devotees called out:
Hari! Hari! Jaya! Jaya! They made a sound like
thundering clouds.
198. As a beautiful sunset filled the horizon and
daytime ended, rainclouds suddenly filled the circle of the
199. The rainclouds rumbled deeply. Seeing them, the
Vaishnavas became anxious.
200. Seeing a disturbance had come, they became
unhappy. How cane we escape this disturbance?, they
201. Actually the rainclouds had come to taste the
nectar of ecstatic love. Watching Lord Gauras pastimes,
they thundered with ecstatic love.
202. Then Lord Mahaprabhu began to play karatalas.
Loudly He chanted the holy names.
203. In their hearts the demigods felt that their lives
had then become successful. Craning their necks, they
eagerly gazed at Lord Gaura from the sky.
204. Then the rainclouds fled. The sky became clear,
and the Vaishnavas became joyful.
205. A spotless moon shone in the evening sky. As the
devotees sang the Lords glories, Lord Gaura danced.
206. Manifesting humanlike forms, the clouds came by
the Lords side. Following the devotees, they danced.
207. What more can I say of these clouds? Lord Gaura
gave ecstatic spiritual love to everyone in the three worlds.
Lord Gaura-Hari did not consider to whom He should give
the gift of love and to whom He should not give it.
208. In the midst of the devotees the Lord danced.
Surrounded by everyone, Sachis son danced.
209. Overcome with love, the great King of dancers
danced. The anklets on His lotus feet made a great
melodious sound.
210. The saintly brahmanas happily chanted Jaya!
Jaya! From the sky the demigods eagerly watched.
211. Overcome with ecstatic love, all the devotees
danced. What austerities did they perform in how many
births that they were able to join in these pastimes? I do not
212. Somehow they were able to dance with Lord
Gaura. Filled with bliss, they had attained the treasure of
ecstatic spiritual love.
213. The Lord filled the earth and the sky with His
mercy. Hearing all this, Lochana Dasa is filled with bliss.
Lochana Dasa speaks these words.

Mercy to Mukunda

Song 4
(Shyamagada raga)

Refrain: His handsome tall form is like Mount

Sumerus summit. He trembles, overcome with ecstatic
spiritual love. From head to foot the hairs of His body stand
erect. Tears stream from His eyes. Overcome with bliss,
Sachis son dances in Nadiyas villages.

1. Srinivasa and his four brothers joyfully sang

auspicious songs. Haridasa called out: Hari! Hari! There
was a great roar of songs comparing Lord Gaura to the
teenage couple of Vraja. Everyone was tossed by waves of
ecstatic spiritual love.
2. Without stop Murari and Mukunda Datta sang songs
glorifying the Lord. The hairs on their bodies standing erect
in ecstasy, they sang. Yearning to taste the nectar of ecstatic
spiritual love, like intoxicated bumblebees the devotees
surrounded the lotus flower of Lord Gauras feet.
3. On all four sides came calls of Jaya! In the middle
danced Lord Gaura, effulgent like gold. Everyone there was
overcome with bliss. Wherever anyone looked everyone
was filled with bliss. The weeping of ecstatic love filled the
ten directions.
4. Whenever two devotees met, they embraced in the
ecstasy of spiritual love. Poets recited poems. Falling down
before the Lords feet, panditas and gosvamis recited
prayers. The devotees created what was like a marketplace
of the holy name.
5. The hairs of His body erect with ecstasy, Lord Gaura
seemed decorated with pearls and gold. His face was
reddened with ecstatic love. He smiled a gentle nectar
smile. Then He revealed the treasure in His heart.
6. On moment He spoke wildly like a drunkard. The
next moment He declared: I am the Supreme Personality of
Godhead. The next moment He bowed down to offer
obeisances. The next moment He spoke blessings. The next
moment He gave boons to His followers.
7. No man or woman in the seven continents had ever
seen the ecstatic love the Lord revealed. Gazing at Lord
Gauras ecstasy of love, Lochana Dasa also is overcome with

Song 5
(Tarajabandha-dhanashi raga)

Refrain: How did the demigod Brahma create Lord

Gaurangas handsome form? How can anyone, even a
person with a heart hard like stones and wood, gaze at Lord
Gauras form and not melt with love?

8. Who churned what nectar to make the butter that

fashioned Lord Gauras limbs? Who kneaded the nectar of
the worlds to fashion the nectar of love Lord Gaura feels?
9. Who, mixing together the nectar of love and the
yogurt of infatuation, fashioned Lord Gauras two eyes?
Who, gathering the sweetest honey, fashioned Lord Gauras
soft, soft words and gentle, gentle smile?
10. Who, stirring together many flooding streams of
sweet nectar, fashioned Lord Gauras golden complexion?
Who, gathering many sweet pheni candies, fashioned Lord
Gauras limbs?
11. Who anointed Lord Gauras limbs with the paste of
lightning? Who anointed Lord Gauras face with paste of
the moon? What sculptor fashioned Lord Gauras
wonderful form from the clay of exquisite handsomeness?
12. Overwhelmed by the fragrance of the lotus flowers
that are Lord Gauras hands and feet, the shining moons of
all the full-moon nights weep. The twenty nails on Lord
Gauras fingers and toes fill the world with light, light that
gives eyes to persons blind from birth.
13. Where do I not see Lord Gaura? Gazing at Lord
Gauras form filled with the wonderful pastimes of ecstatic
spiritual love, the women wept. How could they tie up their
hearts to keep them safe from Lord Gaura?
14. What heart is not delighted by Lord Gauras playful
pastimes, which are the sweetest nectar of nectars? Who
anointed Lord Gauras face with the paste of amorous
playfulness? Unable to see His face, I weep.
15. Who placed on Lord Gauras forehead the rainbow
and the half-moon? Beautiful and saintly girls yearn to
touch Lord Gauras form with their hands.
16. Who fashioned the jewel palace that is Lord Gauras
form? Seeing Lord Gauras playful pastimes, the saintly
girls, overcome with desire, weep.
17. The girls cannot always gaze on Him, even from the
corners of their eyes. Now the birds of their eyes fly to Lord
Gaura. Seeing their thirst to gaze at His face, graceful Lord
Gaura walks very slowly.
18. Saintly girls flee from their homes. The lame run.
The atheists and offenders sing Lord Gauras glories.
Rolling in the dust, everyone weeps. No one is peaceful and
composed. Lord Gauras glories have sweetness without
19. Some call out: Run! Run to see Him! Some
embrace in the bliss of spiritual love. Some dance. Some
loudly laugh. Attracted by the breeze bearing the fragrance
of Lord Krishnas form and glories, many saintly ladies say:
Go to see Him!
20. Gazing at the moon of Lord Gauras face, the girls
of Nadiyas villages wept, tears repeteadly streaming from
their eyes. Their hearts became filled with love. The hairs of
their bodies stood erect. In their hearts they kept a vigil,
always thinking of Lord Gaura.
21. Overcome, the kings of the yogis and sages
meditate day and night on Lord Gaura in their hearts. He
who is the King of all the planets now rolls in the dust,
weeps, and calls out Radha! Radha!
22. Renouncing His pastimes with Goddess Lakshmi,
He now yearns to enjoy pastimes of spiritual love. His two
eyes are now red with love. Meditating on Radha in His
heart, He does not reveal His true identity. Now His form is
fair like Hers.
23. Look! Look, O people of the world, at the wonderful
love the master of the three worlds now manifests. Why is
He surrounded by people who have no wealth? I do not
know. What treasure does He hope to find? Why, overcome
with bliss, does He dance in this way?
24. Glory! Glory! Glory! Lord Gaura Raya has broken
open the treasure house of the nectar of ecstatic spiritual
love. Now He distributes that nectar to everyone. He brings
life to the lifeless. He gives cripples the power to leap over
mountains. Lochana Dasa joyfully sings His glories.

Song 6
(Varadi raga - Disha)

Refrain: Hari! Rama! Narayana! Sachi-dulal! Gaura!

25. Please hear the wonderful story of another days

pastime. The pastimes of Sachis son are eternally new and
26. This story is very wonderful. The like of it has never
been heard in this world. Still, the fallen people will not
believe it in their hearts.
27. In this pastime Lord Gaura revealed the secret truth
about Himself. To His personal associates He said: Please
see this world of birth and death is maya.
28. Saying this, He spoke of other things. Then,
forgetting all the worlds, He became rapt in chanting Lord
Haris holy names.
29. Chanting His own holy names, He became wild at
heart. Rolling on the ground, He wept. His spiritual love
was very strong.
30. Suddenly He stood up, clapped his hands, and to
His personal associates revealed His true identity, the truth
that He is indeed the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
31. Look! Look! I now plant a mango seed. The seed I
plant will now grow into a tree.
32. Saying these words, Lord Gaura planted a mango
seed. At once it sprouted.
33. As everyone watched and watched, the tree quickly
grew. On the top branches buds and flowers formed.
34. As everyone watched and watched there was a
great wonder. Everyone saw the flowers turn into mangoes.
35. In a moment the mangoes became ripe. With a
finger Lord Gaura pointed to one of the fruits.
36. Someone picked that fruit and brought it to the
Lord. Everyone watched. Then he offered it to the Lord.
37. Suddenly no one in three worlds could see that tree.
Only the fruit remained. The tree was an illusion.
38. Please see that it was only maya, the Lord said to
everyone. Aware that this world is maya, do not be
overcome by lamentation in this world of birth and death.
39. By the power of My maya this world of birth and
death is created. Unaware of this truth, the people claim this
world is their property.
40. How will one get the power to cut the ropes of My
maya? There is only one path. Following it, one can conquer
41-42. If one desires to attain liberation as a result of
the actions he does with his material body, then one should
dedicate ones body to Lord Krishnas lotus feet. Such a
person is not bound by pious deeds or neglect of pious
deeds, or by what, in material terms, is auspicious and what
is not.
43. Therefore I consider that devotional service to
Krishna, offering everything to Krishna, is the highest truth.
When one offers everything to Krishna, one cannot stay
aloof from Him.
44. A person who offers everything to Lord Krishna
attains Lord Krishna in all respects. The Bhagavad-gita,
Srimad-Bhagavatam, and in all the Puranas sing this truth.
45. A person who does not offer everything to Lord
Krishna lives in vain. A person who offers everything to
Lord Krishna attains the most valuable treasure one can
find in this world of birth and death.
46. In this way Lord Gaurachandra revealed a very
wonderful truth. Hearing it, Lochana Dasa becomes filled
with bliss. Lochana Dasa tells this story.

Song 7
(Sri raga)

Refrain: Glory to You, O Lord Gauranga! Glory to You!

47. Seeing the physician Mukunda, Lord Mahaprabhu
smiled and said:
48. You know the truth of Brahman. This I have heard.
O Mukunda Datta, I will now explain that truth to you.
49. Speaking these words, the Lord recited a verse.
Their herts beating quickly, everyone listened.
50. The Lord said:

ramante yogino nante

satyanande chid-atmani
iti rama-padenasau
param brahmabhidhiyate

The mystic yogis derive unlimited transcendental

pleasures from the Absolute Truth, and therefore the
Supreme Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, is also
known as Rama.

51. Then Lord Gaura-Hari again mercifully said to the

physician Mukunda:
52. In your heart you think worship of four-armed
Lord Narayana is the best worship. But you have very little
knowledge of meditating on two-armed Lord Krishna.
53. Please look at this treasure, the best of all treasures,
that now stands before you. Please see what is truly
auspicious for you. Please worship two-armed Lord
Krishna. Plunge your heart in thinking of Lord Krishna.
54. It is from Lord Krishna that the form of Narayana
has come. This the Scriptures say. Never do the Scriptures
say the form of Lord Krishna has come from Narayana.
55. Lord Vishvambhara spoke these kind words.
Hearing them, the physician Mukunda respectfully bowed
his neck and said:
56. I will bathe in the Ganga, and then I will do as You
wish. For me the dust of the Vaishnavas feet as the greatest
57. Your lotus feet are an umbrella placed over my
head. Please bathe me in a shower of service to You. That is
my only wish.
58. O Lord, how can I know what is good and what is
bad? Within and without I am like a drunken blind man.
59. O Lord, please be merciful to me. Please mercifully
give the gift of being able to render service to You.
60. You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the
master of all masters. Your form is made of transcendental
bliss. You are Lord Krishna. You are the root from where all
the avataras have sprouted.
61. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura became satisfied
at heart. With His lotus foot He touched Mukundas head.
62. At that moment the hairs on every limb of
Mukundas body stood erect. Tears filled his eyes. His voice
became choked with emotion. In this way the physician
Mukunda manifested the symptoms of ecstatic spiritual
63. With a voice choked with emotion he spoke many
prayers. He said: O Supreme Personality of Godhead, O
master of all masters, O first cause of all causes, all glories to
64. Glancing at Mukunda, Lord Mahaprabhu
Vishvambhara Hari said:
65. O physician, please listen. Listen to My words. In
your heart you chew and chew the spiritual message of
66 - 67. If you wish to attain what is truly good for the
spirit soul, if you yearn to attain the bliss of pure love for
Lord Krishna, then please stop chewing and chewing the
Bhagavad-gitas words. Instead, with great love chant the
holy names of Lord Krishna.
68 - 69. Instead, worship Lord Krishna, whose
handsome dark form glistens like sapphires, who is the
crown of all dancers, who holds a flute in His hand, whose
garments are yellow, whose neck is adorned with a garland
of forest flowers, and who is surrounded by a host of
70. Hearing the Lords command, the physician
Mukunda was overcome. The tears he wept fell to the
71. Humbly offering prayers at the Lords feet, he said:
O Lord, I have no power to escape the inescapable world
of birth and death.
72. Even Brahma, Shiva, Lakshmi, and Ananta have
no power to defeat Your undefeatable maya.
73. Without Your mercy, who has the power to defeat
Your supremely powerful maya? Please listen, O Lord
74. O Lord, I am very lowly and fallen. What power
have I to defeat the world of birth and death and worship
Your feet?
75. O Lord, if, seeing how unhappy I am, You feel
merciful to me, then please become like mercy personified
to me.
76. O Lord, please be merciful and give me the secret
treasure of ecstatic spiritual love.
77. Please make my heart like a bumblebee filled with
love for the honey-pollen of the lotus flower of Your feet.
78. Please splash me with the ocean of Your mercy.
Please dont hate me. I am very fallen and unimportant.
79. Hearing this anguished appeal, the Lord felt great
mercy in His heart.
80. Smiling, the Lord said: Listen, Mukunda. Soon you
will attain your wish.
81 - 82. Then, accompanied by his brothers, the wise
and very pure-hearted devotee Srinivasa Pandita served
Lord Krishna. Then, with great love, he worshiped Lord
Vishvambharas feet.
83. Again and again he chanted the Lords holy names
and praised His glories. His younger brother Sri Rama was
very affectionate to him.
84. Sri Rama Pandita was very devoted to his older
brother. Together the two brothers would sing the Lords
85. Srivasa and Sri Rama were both very dear to Lord
Gaura. With a joyful heart the Lord enjoyed many pastimes
with them.
86. In their house the Lord danced with His personal
associates. At those times Lord Gaura seemed like Lord
Kapila surrounded by a host of sages.
87. In their house Lord Gaura passed many days
happily teaching hundreds and hundreds of students.
88. There the Lord met and taught student after
student. Amongst them one student was a very great fool.
89. That foolish son of a brahmana said: I say Sri
Krishna is only a manifestation of maya.
90. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura covered His ears
with His hands and ran to bathe in the Ganga.
91. Accompanied by His associates, and still wearing
His clothes, the Lord bathed in the Ganga. Then, roaring
like thunder, and the hairs of His body erect with ecstasy,
Lord Gaura chanted the holy names of Lord Hari.
92. My ears were contaminated by the wicked words
of that sinful and degraded offender who is worthless like a
pile of ashes.
93. After speaking these words, Lord Gaura, His voice
like thundering clouds, chanted Lord Haris holy names.
Thus Lochana Dasa describes the splendor of Lord Gauras

Description of the Truth of Lord Advaita

Song 8
(Bhatiyari raga)

Refrain: Lord Gaurachandra, who is Sachis son, and

who is also the Supreme Personality of Godhead known as
Hari and Narayana, in His heart decided on a plan to catch
in the trap of ecstatic spiritual love the souls in mayas

1. Now I will tell another wonderful story. Everyone

please turn your thoughts from other things, and listen with
great care.
2. The hairs of my body stand erect as I sing Lord
Gauras glories. The splendor of Lord Gauras glories is a
limitless flood of the sweetest nectar.
3. Accompanied by Srivasa and many devotees and
students, Lord Gaura happily went to see Advaita Acharya.
4. Some sang songs. Others chanted Lord Haris holy
names. Others called out: Hari! Hari! Nothing was like
that procession.
5. The devotees sang, and Lord Gaura personally
danced. The Lord forgot Himself. He was overcome with
the splendor of ecstatic spiritual love.
6. From head to foot the hairs of His body stood erect.
His eyes were red. Gazing at Lord Gauras, face, everyone
became restless with ecstatic love.
7. Lord Gaura slapped His arms and loudly called out.
Everyone rolled on the ground and wept.
8. As to see Lord Advaita they walked on the path,
everyone was overcome with ecstasy in this way.
9. When they saw Lord Advaita Acharya Gosai, they all
fell to the ground like sticks.
10. With great respect Lord Advaita fell before Lord
Gauras feet. His voice choked with emotion, He spoke
humble prayers.
11. Saying, You are the crest jewel of ten million
Advaitas, Lord Advaita offered obeisances and rolled on
the ground.
12. Finally Lord Gaura and Lord Advaita embraced.
They sprinkled each other with tears from Their eyes.
13. Then Lord Gaura sat down and spoke graceful
words, words that remove sins, words that bring the gift of
pure devotional service.
14. Hearing these words, Lord Advaita said: Your two
reddish eyes will make even the offenders melt with ecstatic
15. The offenders say there is no devotional service in
Kali-yuga. With their own eyes they should see My Lord
Chaitanya Gosai.
16. When Lord Gaura heard these words His lips
trembled. With a deep voice like a thundering cloud He
17. There is no devotional service in Kali-yuga? What
else exists in Kali-yuga? Devotional service is all that exists
in Kali-yuga. Devotional service is all that exists in this
world of birth and death.
18. Persons who say, there is no devotional service in
Kali-yuga are born in vain. Everyone please listen.
19. In Kali-yuga the great mercy of devotional service
to Lord Krishna is very prominent. No other yuga is
merciful like Kali-yuga.
20. Anxious at heart, Srivasa Pandita then said:
21. Lord, look. Standing before us is such an offender
brahmana. He will be a great obstacle in the festival of
glorifying Lord Krishna.
22. That person was a great offender. His actions were
evil. He was very proud of his learning.
23. To that person Lord Mahaprabhu said: Demon,
dont stay in this place.
24. That brahmana bewildered by maya did not stay.
With a happy heart Lord Mahaprabhu then enjoyed His
25. Lord Gaura took Srivasas hand in His right hand
and Gadadharas hand in His left hand.
26. He leaned on Naraharis body. Glancing at
Raghunandanas face, He wept.
27. He placed His lotus feet on Sri Rama Panditas
body. In this way Lord Mahaprabhu enjoyed pastimes in
Advaita Acharyas presence.
28. On the four sides the Vaishnavas sang the holy
names. In the middle Sachis son danced.
29. As Lord Krishna had danced with the gopis in the
great festival of the rasa dance, so Lord Gaura gracefully
danced in the kirtana of chanting the holy names.
30. As the dancing continued, Advaita Acharya and Sita
became joyful.
31. Then Lord Gaura accepted a meal in Advaitas
house. Advaita placed a garland on Lord Gauras body and
anointed Lord Gauras graceful limbs with fragrant sandal
32. Advaita Acharya considered Himself very
fortunate. The Lord is merciful to Me, He thought.
33. Falling down before Lord Vishvambharas feet,
Lord Advaitas associates wept. Picking them up, Lord
Vishvambhara embraced each one.
34. As His own holy names were sung, Lord Gaura
sang and danced. Then, accompanied by His own
associates, Lord Gaura returned to His own home.
35. Day after day Lord Gaura enjoyed pastimes in this
way. Hearing of these pastimes, Lochana Dasa has become
blissful at heart.

Song 9
(Varadi raga)

Refrain: Chasing away all inauspiciousness, Lord

Gaura gave to the world the treasure of ecstatic spiritual

36. Sitting in His own home, Lord Mahaprabhu

explained the spiritual truth of the Supreme Personality of
37. He said: There is only one Supreme Lord. He is
Lord Krishna. He is the creator and maintainer of the
worlds. He is the Supersoul present everywhere in this
38. Speaking these words, the Lord made a fist.
Everyone watched.
39. Again He said: Everyone listen. Only a person who
has devotion can understand the truth of Lord Krishna.
40. Without devotion to Lord Krishna one may
struggle and struggle, but one will not attain liberation.
41. If he thinks he is the same as Lord Krishna, a
conditioned soul cannot become free from the prison of
repeated birth and death.
42. Without being liberated one cannot understand
Lord Krishna in truth. Saying this, Lord Gaura continued:
Listen to this example.
43. Look! Look at the five fingers of My hand. One
finger may be anointed with honey. The other four fingers
may be anointed with something horrible.
44. The four fingers with a foul smell one will not even
look at with his eyes. But the one finger anointed with
honey one will try to lick with his tongue.
45. The one finger is Lord Krishna. A person whose
interest lies only in Lord Krishna and nowhere else is truly
46. With these words Lord Gaura, Who is a treasure
house of transcendental virtues, described the philosophy
of jnana-yoga in many way. Then He was silent for a
47. Then Lord Gaura kindly said: Devotional service
to Lord Krishna is the best of all truths. There is no other
48. The people think that by cultivating transcendental
knowledge one may attain Lord Krishna. But the truth is
that rendering loving devotional service to Lord Krishnas
lotus feet is the best way to attain Lord Krishna.
49. One who knows the truth keeps his heart attached
to Lord Krishna. A person whose heart is attached in that
way develops unalloyed devotion to Lord Krishna.
50. Such a person meditates on Lord Krishnas lotus
feet. Chanting Hari! Hari!, he always thinks of Lord
Krishnas lotus feet.
51. Lord Krishnas dark three-fold-bending form is
spiritual, eternal, and full of bliss. Lord Krishna always
stays with Sri Radha. Lord Krishna is more enchanting than
Kamadeva. He is the best of dancers. He enjoys many
52. In Vrindavana forest, in a palace of nine kinds of
jewels, charming Lord Krishna is surrounded by beautiful
53. Vrindavana is beautiful with many cuckoos,
peacocks, parrots, bumblebees, and many kinds of
blossoming flowers.
54. In Vrindavana the land is made of chintamani
jewels, the trees are all kalpa-vriksha trees, and the cows are
all kamadhenu cows.
55. Beautiful Vrindavana is surrounded by the
Yamuna. Seeing the sweet beauty of Vrindavana, Goddess
Lakshmi yearns to go there.
56. As Goddess Lakshmi gazed at Vrindavana, a flood
of tears rose in her two reddish eyes, and the hairs of her
body stood erect.
57. One moment she laughed. The next moment she
wept. The next moment she sang and danced. Addressing
everyone, Lord Gaura said in a voice choked with emotion:
58. In this way My great devotees mercifully purify
the three worlds.
59. After speaking these words, Lord Gaura became
very joyful at heart. He danced and He made His devotees
dance also.
60. In this way Lord Gaura happily enjoyed pastimes in
Navadvipa. He would meet His devotees by the Gangas
61. On another day Lord Advaita Acharya Gosai came
to Navadvipa to see Lord Vishvambhara.
62. At that time Lord Mahaprabhu had gone to
Srivasas house. Waiting for Lord Mahaprabhus return,
Lord Advaita bathed and performed worship.
63. At Srivasas house, with a happy heart Lord
Mahaprabhu placed flowers on a stick and said:
64. To kill the demons I worship this stick. In My
hands this stick will become like a lion to protect the
65. With this stick I will punish the demons. To
everyone the Lord said:
66. One demon especially hates My devotees. For
many births he will be afflicted with leprosy.
67. I will make him live in a hell of witches and
goblins. He will become a stool-eating pig.
68. I will punish his students. With this stick I will kill
all the offenders.
69. In My heart I decided: I will enter the jungle. To
Me this world is a great jungle.
70. Some people here are like tigers. Others are like
boulders. Others are like trees. Others are like blades of
71. Some people I consider ferocious animals.
Therefore I say that to Me this world is like a great jungle.
72. Hearing that Lord Advaita had come, Lord Gaura
thought: I was not there to greet Him. I should go to greet
73. At that moment Lord Advaita arrived at that place
and came before Lord Gaura.
74. Placing a gift before Lord Gauras lotus feet, Lord
Advaita offered obeisances, falling like a stick to the
75. Grasping Advaitas hand, Lord Gaura said: It is
because of You that I came to this world.
76. You bowed Your head before My lotus feet. You
offered Me tulasi-manjaris. You worshiped Me and wept.
77. With the heart of a true devotee You loudly called
for Me. It is because of Your love for Me that I came here
with My devotees.
78. Saying these words, Lord Mahaprabhu sat on a seat.
Dance! He commanded Advaita Acharya.
79. Singing the dasha-avatara prayers, the great
brahmana Lord Advaita Acharya danced very elaborately.
80. Overcome with bliss, Srivasa and the other devotees
sang the holy names of Lord Hari.
81. Watching all this Lord Gaura Mahaprabhu became
happy. He smiled and said to Lord Advaita:
82. Your children always pray that I give them ecstatic
spiritual love. I will give it. I will give them the gift of
ecstatic loving devotion. This I tell to You.
83. Hearing these words, Lord Advaita Acharya
became pleased. In His heart He thought: Now My
mission is successful.
84. Then Advaita Acharya said: Lord, please hear My
words. These people are all devoted to Your lotus feet.
85. You love Your devotees. You are an ocean of mercy.
Please give them a great treasure of ecstatic spiritual love.
Please protect Your devotees.
86. The devotees all approached the Lord. Sitting on all
sides, they surrounded Him.
87. Lord Gaura was like a moon filling the evening sky
with glorious light. Glancing at Advaita Acharya, Lord
Gaura said:
88. O lotus-eyed Advaita, You are My greatest
devotee. It is because of You that I came here.
89. You happily sing My glories and dance. Everyone I
see here is intent on devotional service.
90. Hearing these words, Srivasa Pandita approached
Lord Gaura and with a happy heart said:
91. I have one request. Please hear my words. I am
afraid to speak. My heart is in turmoil.
92. I have one doubt in my heart. Therefore I ask this
question: Is Advaita Acharya a devotee of Yours?
93. When Lord Gaura heard these words His face
became flushed with anger. His eyes red with anger, He
spoke this rebuke:
94. Uddhava and Akrura are both very dear to Me.
You think Advaita Acharya is less than them?
95. Of all My devotees in Bharata-varsha, who is equal
to Advaita Acharya?
96. Brahmana, you are very foolish to speak these
words. None of My devotees is equal to Advaita Acharya.
97. He is the King of the Vaishnavas. He is My very
self. This I say. He is the creator of all the worlds. He has
come here to deliver the people of Kali-yuga.
98. He whom the Scriptures call Maha-Vishnu has
assumed the role of a devotee, descended to this world, and
become Advaita Acharya.
99. Therefore I very emphatically say to You: Glorify
Advaita Acharya with prayers. At every moment serve Him
with devotion.
100. Hearing these words, the brahmana Srivasa felt
fear in his heart. He remained silent. No word came to his
101. Then Lord Gaura-Hari again said: Dont again
chew the ideas of impersonalism.
102. If again you hear and gaze on the ideas of
impersonalism, I will not again give ecstatic spiritual love to
you and your followers.
103. Only persons who turn away from karma and
jnana attain ecstatic love for Lord Krishna. Knowing this,
dont take shelter of karma or jnana.
104. Hearing these words, Srivasa Pandita said: Please
grant me this boon: That my heart will forget everything
about impersonalism.
105. Murari said: I do not know anything about
impersonalism. Lord Gaura said: From lotus-eyed
Advaita Acharya you may learn the actual truth.
106. With a pure heart earnestly engage in devotional
service to Lord Krishnachandra. Liberation is a maidservant
serving devotional service.
107. Hearing these words, everyone became joyful at
heart. In their hearts the devotees thought: I will obey this
108. Wild by tasting the honey at Lord Krishnas lotus
feet, and glorious like a host of demigods, the devotees
joyfully danced.
109. The stories of Lord Gauras pastimes in Nadiya are
all glorious like this story. In this way Lochana Dasa
describes Lord Gauras preaching the philosophy of ecstatic
spiritual love.
Song 10
(Sindhuda raga)

110. His eyes are red lotus flowers. His moving glances
are restless birds. He is plunged in the nectar honey of
compassion for others. His face is a full moon. Its moonlight
makes every heart weep with ecstasy. How much spiritual
love has he brought to this world?

Refrain: Trembling with ecstatic spiritual love, the

moon that is Sachis son joyfully dances in Nadiyas
villages. Everyone sings auspicious songs of Jaya! Jaya!
Gazing at Him, everyone is filled with wonder. He is
handsome like Kamadeva. He is the King of dancers.

111. The hairs on His body stand erect, hairs like the
filaments on golden kadamba flowers. His body is covered
with perspiration. His body is filled with ecstatic spiritual
love. He is is glorious like the newly risen sun. On His
conch-shell neck choked with emotion, half-spoken words
112. On His fragrant lotus feet glisten ten toenail moons
and a pair of golden anklets. He glistens like a moving
lightning flash. He fills the demigods with wonder.
113. In the midst of the seven continents of the earth
rest the nine islands of Navadvipa. In Navadvipa Lord
Gaura-Hari manifests ecstatic spiritual love. Chanting the
holy names of Lord Hari, Lord Gaura-Hari fills with bliss
the land and sky.
114. He is graceful like a lion cub. His deep voice is like
thundering rainclouds. He is tossed by the waves in the
ocean of spiritual love. He chants: Hari! Haribol! He
makes the whole world overcome with bliss. On both sides
the saintly girls drink the sight of Him.
115. His limbs are effulgent like glistening lamps or like
the shining sun. His pastimes are glorious. His graceful
form defeats ten million Kamadevas grasping bows and
arrows of flowers. He has brought ecstatic spiritual love to
this world.
116. The graceful sandal-paste moons on His face
defeated hundreds of thousands of full moons in the sky.
The swiftly flowing streams of tears from the corners of His
eyes gave to the people of the world, people bewildered
from birth, the gift of ecstatic spiritual love.
117. He was graceful like an intoxicated elephant. He
was overcome with ecstatic love. Gazing at Him, everyone
became filled with wonder. He charmed the beautiful girls.
Gazing at Him, they forgot their homes. Gazing at Him,
they became filled with the longings of Kamadeva.
118. How can I speak any metaphors or similes to
describe my Gaura Raya? His graceful form was filled with
kindness. He filled the people of Nadiya with such ecstatic
spiritual love they no longer knew whether it was day or
night. Lochana Dasa joyfully sings this song.

Meeting Lord Nityananda

Song 11

Refrain: O! O! Lord Gaurachandra is my very life!

1. In His home Lord Gaura sat on a splendid seat. On

the four sides He was surrounded by His devotees.
2. Glancing at Srivasa, Lord Gaura said:
O you know the meaning of your name?
3. You are the abode of devotional service. Therefore
you have the name Srivasa.
4. Glancing at Gopinatha, Lord Gaura said: You are
very devoted to Me. Wherever I go, you follow.
5. Glancing at Murari, Lord Gaura said: Recite your
stanzas. I will hear them.
6. Hearing these words, intelligent Murari recited the
stanzas he had written. As Lord Gaura listened, Murari

udyad-brihaspati-kavi-pratime vahantam
dve kundale nka-rahitendu-samana-vaktram
ramam jagat-traya-gurum satatam bhajami

Again and again I worship Lord Ramachandra, the

master of the three worlds. His effulgent jewel crown fills
the directions with light. His two earrings are the forms of
Brihaspati and Shukra. His face is like a spotless moon.

netram su-bimba-dashana-cchada-charu-nasam
ramam jagat-traya-gurum satatam bhajami

Again and again I worship Lord Ramachandra, the

master of the three worlds. His eyes are two lotus flowers
blossoming wide in the glistening sunlight. His lips are
bimba fruits. His nose is graceful. His charming smile
defeats the glistening moon.

9. After hearing these verses of the Raghuvir-ashtaka,

Lord Gaura wrote a word on Muraris forehead.
10. Writing the word Ramadasa on Muraris
forehead, Lord Gaura said: By My mercy you are
Ramadasa (Lord Ramas servant).
11. Without Lord Rama you cannot live for even a
single sesame seeds worth of time. I am your Lord Rama.
Please know that for certain.
12. Speaking these words, Lord Gaura manifested His
form as Lord Ramachandra. He was accompanied by Sita-
devi, and by all His companions and associates.
13. Murari recited many prayers before the Lords feet.
He said: Glory, glory to Lord Ramachandra, who has now
become Sachis son!
14. Repeatedly Murari recited prayers. Then he rolled
on the ground. Then he again spoke many different kinds of
15. Then Lord Gaura mercifully said to Murari: Please
do not know anything but devotion to Me.
16. If that is your desire, I will be Lord Ramachandra
to you. I will be Lord Ramachandra, and you will taste the
nectar of service to Me.
17. Still, in this sankirtana movement you must chant
the glories of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. In this way please
render devotional service to Me. Please hear these words
with all your heart.
18. After speaking these words, Lord Gaura recited a
stanza. He said: O brahmana Srivasa, please listen as I
recite this stanza (Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.14.20):

na sadhayati mam yogo
na sankhyam dharmam uddhava
na svadhyayas tapas tyago
yatha bhaktir mamorjita

My dear Uddhava, neither through ashtanga-yoga

(the mystic yoga system to control the senses) nor through
impersonal monism or an analytical study of the Absolute
Truth, nor through study of the Vedas, nor through practice
of austerities, nor through charity, nor through acceptance
of sannyasa can one satisfy Me as much as one can by
developing unalloyed devotional service unto Me.

20. After reciting this verse, Lord Gaura said:

Everyone please hear. Please follow My instruction.
21. Following Srivasa Panditas advice, please serve
Me with devotion. Then you will become very happy.
22. O! Sri Rama Pandita, please hear My words. Please
serve your elder brother. That is the same as service to Me.
23. All of you please understand this. All of you please
serve Srivasa. Then you will attain the splendor of My feet.
24. To everyone Lord Gaura, who dearly loves His
devotees, spoke these words. Tears came from His reddish
by mercy eyes.
25. Then intelligent Srivasa Pandita offered Lord Gaura
some milk. The Lord happily drank it.
26. Then he offered the Lord fragrances, sandal,
garlands, fragrant betel-nuts, incense, and a lamp.
27. With a happy heart Lord Gaura accepted the
offerings and then gave the remnants of them as gifts to His
28. In this way the night happily passed. At sunrise the
Lord returned to His own home.
29. The devotees also returned to their homes. They
bathed, worshiped their Deities, and again went to see Lord
Gauras lotus feet.
30. Smiling, Lord Gaura said to them: Listen, a great
wonder has come. Sripada Nityananda Avadhuta has come
31. Who has the power to describe His glories? We are
very fortunate. We must have performed many past pious
deeds that today We will see His feet.
32. Rama, Narayana, Mukunda, and Murari, quickly
find the answer to this question: Where is Nityananda?
33. When the Lord gave this command, they at once
went searching in the southern part of the city.
34. They searched, but they could not find Him. Then
they returned to Lord Gauras lotus feet.
35. Folding their hands, they said to the Lord: We
searched, but we could not find Him.
36. Lord Gaura said: Everyone please hear. Everyone
should search their own homes.
37. On the Lords command they all rushed to their
38. At dusk they again met before Lord Gaura.
39. Seeing him walking on the path, the Lord called
out: Murari! Murari replied: Lord, I did not find the
Avadhuta. Then Lord Gaura gently smiled.
40. Then the Lord confidently said: The great saint is
at Nandana Acharyas house. Let s go there.
41. Hearing these words, the devotees became joyful.
Chanting Jaya! Jaya! they walked with the Lord.
42. Walking on the pathways, they made a great tumult
of Hari! Hari! The hairs on Lord Gauras body stood
upright. His voice was choked with emotion.
43. Tears streamed from Lord Gauras eyes in five or
seven flooding rivers. Overcome with ecstatic love, His
golden youthful form had no power to walk.
44. One moment He strode like a powerful lion. The
next moment, wild with ecstasy, He stumbled and fell,
motionless, to the ground.
45. His deep voice was like a thundering raincloud.
Wild with bliss, He roared.
46. Overcome with bliss, Lord Gaura walked in this
way. Then He suddenly saw Avadhuta Lord Nityananda
47. Lord Nityananda had a glorious ruddy fair
complexion. He was very handsome. Glistening ornaments
graced His limbs.
48. A glorious yellow garment graced His hips. On His
head was a loosely tied turban the color of a yellow
champaka flower.
49. As He walked, the anklets on His feet jingled.
Hearing that sound, beautiful doe-eyed girls felt their hearts
50. His smiling like glistening lightning robbed the
beautiful girls of their shyness.
51. His deep voice was like the rumbling of rainclouds.
Hearing the lions roar of His voice, the wild elephant of
Kali-yuga was at once defeated.
52. His graceful walking was like the graceful walking
of an intoxicated elephant. Flooding streams of ecstatic
spiritual love flowed without stop on His cheerful face.
53. He was flooded with ecstatic love. The hairs of His
body stood erect. He trembled, perspired, and manifested a
host of ecstatic symptoms. He was filled with the desire to
taste the nectarean rasas of ecstatic love.
54. In His hand He held a golden staff to crush Kali-
yugas pride. His graceful palms were like red lotus flowers.
55. He wore bracelets, armlets, necklaces, and a host of
jingling ornaments. On His cheeks were earrings. He was
glorious like the sun.
56. He stumbled and fell. Then He fell again. Then He
stood up. Someone said: Hold Him up. Then He asked
the assembled devotees: Where is Gopala Krishna?
57. He was like a divine child, a being not of this world.
One moment He wept. The next moment He laughed. The
next moment He addressed Revati: Give Me some honey.
58. One moment He jumped and jumped with His two
feet. The next moment He spoke words no one could
59. The fragrance of His limbs filled the young girls
with bliss.
60. Falling to the ground, Lord Gaura offered
obeisances to Him. With sweet words Lord Gaura spoke
auspicious prayers.
61. Then Lord Nityananda fell before Lord Gauras feet.
They both tried to touch each others feet.
62. They embraced. They wept and wept. How many
times did They embrace? They talked and laughed. They
gazed at each others graceful faces.
63. I wandered the whole earth. Where were You? I
could not find You.
64. Finally I heard that Nandas son was hiding in
Navadvipa in Gauda-desha.
65. I came to catch the thief. Now I have Him in My
grasp. Where will He flee to now?
66. Saying these words, Lord Nityananda laughed,
wept, and danced. Lord Gauranga joyfully danced at
Nityanandas side.
67. Lord Nityananda will crush Kali-yugas pride. He
will deliver the fallen, lame, blind, foolish, and everyone
68. Lord Nityanandas power will purify the three
worlds. The fools, sinners, and offenders do not know His
69. Everyone will fall into Lord Nityanandas trap.
Lord Gaurachandra spoke these words.
70. Then Lord Gaura happily performed sankirtana of
chanting Lord Haris holy names. He danced and Lord
Nityananda danced with Him.
71. When the dancing ended, They sat down together.
Filled with bliss, everyone fixed their eyes on Them.
72. Then Lord Gaura took the dust from Lord
Nityanandas feet and placed it on the devotees heads.
73. When the dust of Lord Nityanandas feet was
placed on thee devotees heads, their hearts became filled
with ecstatic spiritual love. Tears streamed from their eyes.
74. In this way the Lord enjoyed blissful pastimes
moment after moment. Finally Lord Gaura, Sachis son,
returned to His own home.
75. Walking on the paths, He described Lord
Nityanandas glories. He said: No one in the three worlds
can compare with Lord Nityananda.
76. Everyone hear. Please hear My words.
Nityanandas love and devotion for Lord Krishna is not
77. First, knowledge is born. After that, devotional
service is born within one. After that, detachment from
sense pleasures takes its birth.
78. In this way, day by day, gradually, gradually one
falls in love with Lord Krishna. Then one becomes
advanced in spiritual life.
79. On another day Lord Mahaprabhu invited Lord
Nityananda, the best of sannyasis, to His home.
80. Repeatedly Lord Gaura offered alms to Lord
Nityananda. He anointed His limbs with sandal paste,
offered Him a splendid garland, and rightly worshiped
81. Gazing at Lord Nityananda, Sachi felt her eyes
become filled with cooling pleasure. Again and again
gazing at His face, she became wild with ecstatic love.
82. Lord Gaura said to her: Know that Nityananda is
your true son. Please take care of him better than you take
care of me.
83. Loving Him like a son, Sachi gazed at Lord
Nityanandas face. You are my son, Sachi-devi said.
84. Please always be kind to my Vishvambhara. From
today on you are both my sons.
85. As she spoke and spoke in this way, tears flowed
from her eyes. Loving Him like a a son, Sachi embraced
Lord Nityananda.
86. Loving her like a mother, Lord Nityananda fell like
a stick before Sachis feet. He sweetly said:
87. You say you are my mother, and that is the truth. I
am your son. Please now that for certain.
88. A mother never takes seriously her sons mischief.
I am your son. Please know that is true in every way.
89. Sachi was filled with a mothers love for Lord
Nityananda. Tears flowed from her eyes. Her voice was
choked with emotion.
90. In this way Sachi tasted the nectar of a mothers
love for her two sons. As she gazed at her two sons, her
heart became filled with cooling pleasure.
91. On another day Srivasa Pandita invited Lord
Nityananda for a meal. Avadhuta Lord Nityananda came to
his home.
92. Lord Nityananda enjoyed the meal. Srivasa Pandita
pleased Him in many ways. In that way the day passed.
93. At that moment smiling Lord Gaura Mahaprabhu
entered Srivasas courtyard.
94. Entering the temple-room and sitting down on the
Deitys throne, Lord Gaura said: Look with your eyes at
95. Hearing these words, Lord Nityananda, the best of
sannyasis, respectfully gazed at Lord Gauras body.
96. What was Lord Gauras intention? Lord Nityananda
did not exactly know.
97. Glancing at His associates, Lord Vishvambhara
Mahaprabhu said:
98. Everyone leave the temple room. On My command
everyone leave the temple room.
99. What did Lord Gaura say to Lord Nityananda when
They were alone? Who knows the heart of that secret?
100. Lord Gaura said: Look at Me. You struggled so
greatly to find Me.
101. Then Lord Gaura manifested a six-armed form,
then a four-armed form, and finally a two-armed form.
102. Gazing at these very wonderful forms, Lord
Nityananda Avadhuta remembered the pastimes They both
had enjoyed before.
103. As Lord Nityananda watched, my Lord Gaura
manifested, in a single form, three avataras.
104. Lord Nityananda saw Lord Ramachandra, Lord
Krishna, and Lord Gauranga combined in a single glorious
divine form. Then He saw the eternally young teenage
couple Sri Sri Radha-Krishna.
105. Lord Nityananda joyfully danced. His bliss had no
end. He was flooded with an ocean of ecstatic spiritual love,
an ocean that had no horizon.
106. Everyone please hear this wonderful story.
Lochana Dasa sings this song glorifying Lord Gaura.

Meeting Advaita and Haridasa

Song 12
Refrain: Lord Gaura weeps. May Lord Gaura be
manifest in my heart.

1. Now I will tell another wonderful story. No one has

seen or heard of these pastimes of Lord Gaura.
2. Lord Gaura is the master of all the worlds, the
Supreme Personality of Godhead now descended to the
3-4. Persons who are offenders at heart, who are
worthless like piles of ashes, whose intelligence is
destroyed, and whose hearts are made dull and stunted by
Lord Vishnus maya, will all become pure and holy saints
when they hear of Lord Gauras glories. They will become
saints because their disease of materialism will die.
5. Once, during the ninth hour of the night, Lord Gaura
suddenly began weeping.
6. Surprised, Sachi asked her son: Dear one, why do
you weep? Will you not tell me.
7. Hearing you weep, I could not be peaceful. I felt as
if my body had burst into flames, or as if an arrow was shot
into my heart.
8. Hearing His mothers words, Lord Gaura was silent.
Then, sitting on His bed, He described what He saw in a
9. He said: I saw a person with a body handsome and
glorious like a dark monsoon cloud. His crown was of
peacock feathers. His effulgence was wonderful.
10. He wore bracelets, armlets, necklaces, and anklets.
On His forehead were sandal-paste moons. He was very
11. He wore yellow garments and held a flute in his
left hand. With a joyful heart I gazed at his handsome
12. Lord Gaura wept. A flood of tears streamed from
His eyes. Dont tell anyone. No one should hear of this,
He said.
13. Hearing these nectar words from Lord
Vishvambharas mouth, Sachi became filled with bliss.
14. The hairs on Lord Vishvambharas body stood erect.
His body was effulgent.
15. At that moment Lord Nityananda Raya arrived
from Srivasas house.
16. Lord Nityananda saw Lord Vishvambhara manifest
a very handsome form, an effulgent form with great arms
and a deep navel.
17. In His right hand was a club, and in His left a flute.
In another right hand was a lotus, and in another left hand
was a bow.
18. His complexion was like molten gold. On His chest
was a Kaustubha gem. A pair of shark-shaped earrings
glistened at His cheeks.
19. A necklace of emeralds glistened on His chest.
Avadhuta Nityananda Raya gazed at this wonderful form.
20. Lord Nityananda gazed at this four-armed form.
Suddenly there were no bow, no flute, and no four arms.
21. In a moment He was a two-armed form, a form very
merciful to the people, His form of Lord Gaura.
22. Lord Nityananda gazed at Lord Gaura, embraced
Him, and then began to sing and dance.
23. Overcome, He wildly danced. He was plunged in a
great ocean of ecstatic spiritual love.
24. Lord Gaura said: Taking Srivasa, Narayana, Sri
Rama and Murari with You, please depart.
25. Go, O Avadhuta, to Advaita Acharyas house. Tell
Him of these wonders.
26. Hearing Lord Gauras command, They all became
joyful at heart.
27. Accompanied by Lord Nityananda, with joyful
hearts they hurried to Advaita Acharyas house.
28. Bowing down, they told everything. Hearing their
words, Advaita Acharya danced, overcome with bliss.
29. Two by two, They joyfully embraced. Nityananda
and Advaita joyfully danced.
30. They were plunged in an ocean of bliss. Tossed by
the waves of that ocean, They called out like thundering
31. Nityananda and Advaita talked of Lord Gaurangas
confidential pastimes. Talking and listening, They both
became wild at heart.
32. Two days blissfully passed in this way. The
Vaishnavas blissfully sang Lord Gauras glories.
33. After first placing their request at Lord Advaitas
feet, the devotees quickly left to see Lord Gaura-Hari.
34. Approaching Lord Gaura, they all offered respectful
obeisances. Folding his palms, Murari recounted
35. He described the confidential pastimes at Lord
Advaitas home. Hearing these pastimes, Lord Gaura
became joyful. A smile took birth upon His face.
36. Then next day Advaita Acharya came to see Lord
Gauras lotus feet.
37. Sitting in the temple room at Srivasas home, Lord
Gaura gently smiled.
38. Then Lord Gaura joyfully sat on the Deitys throne.
The effulgence of His body filled the room with light.
39. His body was effulgent like molten gold. Then,
filled with the passion of ecstatic spiritual love, His body
became reddish like the morning sun.
40. His ornaments, garlands, and fragrant sandal all
glistened. He was glorious like the full moon.
41. Gadadhara and Narahari stood there. Sri
Raghunandana gazed at the graceful moon of Lord Gauras
42. The devotees surrounded Lord Gaura on four sides.
Glorious like a moon surrounded by a host of stars, Lord
Gaura, the King of the brahmanas, smiled.
43. Filled with the bliss of ecstatic love, Lord
Nityananda sat down before Lord Gaura. Gazing at Lord
Gauras face, Lord Nityananda boisterously laughed and
deeply wept.
44. Then Lord Advaita also gazed at Lord Gaura. Lord
Advaita Acharya, the moon of the brahmanas, loudly
roared like a lion.
45. From head to foot, the hairs of Lord Advaitas His
body stood erect. The whole world could not contain the
bliss in His heart.
46. Lord Advaita offered prayers and many gifts. He
placed splendid new cloth before Lord Gauras lotus feet.
47. Offering tulasi-manjaris, He worshiped Lord Gaura.
He offered fragrant sandal and a fragrant jasmine garland.
48. Falling down like a stick, He offered respectful
obeisances. Lord Gaura picked Him up and embraced Him.
49. Lord Gaura accepted the offerings and then
distributed the remnants of them to the devotees.
50. The garments and ornaments adorned His graceful
body. Calling out, Hari! Hari! He danced with the
51. Lord Advaita Acharya, Lord Nityananda Raya,
Srivasa, Murari, and Mukunda sang Lord Gauras glories.
52. All the Vaishnavas there were filled with bliss.
Forgetting themselves, they tasted the nectar of rasa.
53. Praising each other, they said: You are fortunate!
Fortunate! They thought the happiness of impersonal
nirvana was very pathetic and unimportant.
54. Filled with the bliss of spiritual love, they did not
know if it was day or night. Their hearts were overcome
with bliss.
55. At sunrise their dancing began. When night came
they continued to dance. When the sun rose again they were
still dancing.
56. Overcome with the bliss of spiritual love, they
passed day and night in this way. Finally Lord Gaura
commanded them to stop dancing.
57. He said: Return to your homes, bathe, and worship
your Deities. After you have taken your meals, return here.
58. When these duties were completed, the devotees
met again at Lord Gauras feet.
59-61. Then the great soul Haridasa, who with a joyful
heart always chanted Lord Krishnas holy names, who was
like a bumblebee intoxicated by tasting the pollen of Lord
Krishnas lotus feet, and who, wild by tasting the nectar of
the spiritual rasas was like a lion cub, unexpectedly came to
Navadvipa. Happily smiling, Lord Gaura said: He has
come. He has come.
62. With great love Lord Mahaprabhu embraced
Haridasa and offered him a sitting place.
63. Wise Haridasa bowed down to offer respects. The
Lord grasped his hand and picked him up.
64. The Lord anointed his body with fragrant sandal
paste. The Lord placed His own prasadam flower garland
on Haridasas body.
65. Then the Lord commanded him to eat. He offered
him abundant maha-prasadam food.
66-67. In this way, accompanied by Haridasa, Advaita
Acharya, Nityananda, Srivasa, and a host of devotees, with
a joyful heart Lord Mahaprabhu enjoyed sankirtana
pastimes of chanting Lord Haris holy names.
68. Day and night passed in these blissful pastimes. At
the end, saying, Now please go home, Lord Gaura bid
farewell to Advaita Acharya.
69. Obeying Lord Gauras command, Advaita Acharya
returned to His home. Whoever saw or heard these
pastimes was overcome with bliss.
70. Then Lord Gaura bid farewell to Avadhuta Lord
Nityananda Raya.
71. Walking a few steps with Him, Lord Gaura was
overcome with ecstatic love. He did not allow Him to go
very far.
72. Lord Nityananda could not bring Himself to depart,
even though Lord Gaura had bid Him farewell.
73. As He was bidding Him farewell, Lord Gaura said
to Him: Please give a portion of Your kaupina to these
74. On Lord Gauras word, Avadhuta Lord Nityananda
gave a wonderful portion of His kaupina to the devotees.
75. Accepting that portion of the kaupina, Lord Gaura
smiled and gave it to His personal associates.
76. Accepting that kaupina-prasadam, the devotees
wrapped portions of it around their heads.
77. Finally bidding farewell to Lord Nityanandas lotus
feet, Lord Gauras associates returned to their homes.
78. Their hearts filled with despair, they all returned to
their homes. As they sat in their homes, tears streamed from
their eyes.
79. For some moments they bathed and worshiped
their Deities. But at dusk they all went to see Lord Gaura-
80. Lord Nityananda went to Lord Advaita Acharya
Gosais home. Day and night They happily talked of Lord
81. Everyone please hear the story of another days
pastimes. When you hear it you will attain ecstatic devotion
for Lord Krishnas feet.
82. Songs glorifying Lord Gaura are the sweetest nectar.
The wonderful stories they tell are beyond what the world
or the Vedas have the power to know.
83. Lord Gaura gazed at His associates and embraced
them. Hearing the chanting of His own glories, He danced
in ecstasy.
84. On the four sides everyone joyfully sang and
danced. In the center Lord Gaura Raya danced, overcome
with bliss.
85. Taking Srivasas hand in His, Lord Vishvambhara
suddenly departed. Where did He go? I dont know.
86. In the four directions the devotees sang and danced,
but Lord Mahaprabhu was not in their midst. No one could
see Him.
87. Fear took birth in the devotees hearts. Distraught,
everyone wept.
88. They rolled on the ground and wept. No one was
peaceful and composed. Everyone in Nadiya wept.
89. They all ran. They searched house after house. They
did not find the Lord. Tears streamed from their eyes.
90. Where did my Lord go? I will drink poison and
91. Everyone lamented in this way. Hearing these
laments, Sachi fell unconscious.
92. Her garments were not neatly arranged. Her hair
was untied. Striking her breasts and running about, she was
like a wild woman.
93. Son! Dear son! she called out. Vishvambhara!
Come home! Six hours have already passed!
94. You are the lamp of our family! You are the moon
of Nadiya! You are the star of my eyes. Unable to see you, I
will go blind!
95. Seeing how everyone was now overcome, Lord
Gaura, who dearly loves His devotees, suddenly came
before them.
96. As a rising sun suddenly appears in the blinding
darkness, so Lord Gaura suddenly appeared in the
Vaishnavas hearts.
97. Falling before the Lords feet, the devotees loudly
wept. Gazing at His graceful face, they wildly danced.
98. Someone said: Lord Mahaprabhu, when our eyes
could not see You, the ten directions became filled with
blinding darkness.
99. Now becoming wild, Sachi embraced her son.
Millions of kisses she placed on his lotus face.
100. I am a blind woman, and you are My walking-
stick. You are the stars shining in my eyes. You are the soul
that keeps my body alive. You are all I have. I have nothing
but you.
101. My whole world became a barren desert. But now
the rising moon of Gaura has killed the blinding darkness.
102. Murari, Mukunda Datta, and Haridasa humbly
said: O Srivasa, please hear our words.
103. The Lord thinks no servant is more dear than you.
It is by your mercy the Lords feet now stand before us.
104. What can we say to you? Please be merciful to
105. After speaking these words, everyone sang the
glories of Lord Hari. Wild with ecstatic spiritual love, Lord
Gaura Raya danced.
106. Everyone please hear this wonderful story, the
story of how in Navadvipa Lord Gaura revealed the jewel
of ecstatic spiritual love.
107. Pure ecstatic love and devotion is very rare in the
three worlds. Who has the power to attain it?
108. Even Lakshmi, Ananta, Shiva, and Sanat-kumara
do not know the heart of pure ecstatic devotion.
109. Lord Gaura revealed the truth about pure ecstatic
love and devotion. With a joyful heart Lochana Dasa speaks
these words.

Bhakta-gana-saha-vihara o Jagai-Madhai-uddhara
Pastimes with the Devotees, and the Deliverance of Jagai
and Madhai

Song 13
(Dhanashi raga)

Refrain: O! O! He who has a wonderful golden form

dances in Nadiya.

1. Forgetting Himself, Lord Gaura manifested the

ecstasy of spiritual love. In this way He enjoyed pastimes in
2. Although He is supremely independent, He agrees to
be controlled by His devotees. Very humble, He begs His
devotees for the gift of ecstatic spiritual love.
3. The people of this world cannot understand the ways
of His pastimes. Only His personal associates understand
His intentions.
4. Understanding His intentions, Srivasa, Haridasa,
Murari, and Mukunda sang. They were overcome with the
bliss of spiritual love.
5. Overcome with bliss, the Lords personal associates
sang and danced. Then Avadhuta Lord Nityananda Raya
6. Someone said: Avadhuta Lord Nityananda has
come! There were greetings of Jaya! Jaya! Everyone
joyfully sang auspicious songs.
7. Lord Nityananda walked slowly like an intoxicated
person. But when He heard the sounds of Hari! Hari! His
heart was overcome.
8. He stopped. He became unsteady. His two feet
walked and then stopped. He looked in the four directions.
9. From head to foot the hairs of His body stood erect,
hairs that defeated the glory of the kadamba flowers
10. He tilted His neck. With two reddish eyes He
intently looked about. Then He became wild. He screamed
and He ran.
11. He ran to the hundreds and hundreds of devotees.
Overcome with bliss, He ran to Lord Gaura Raya.
12. Seeing Lord Nityananda, Lord Gauranga tightly
embraced Him. They were both overcome with spiritual
13. From Their eyes tears of spiritual love and bliss
flowed. Overcome with bliss, Their bodies trembled.
14. They blissfuly danced with Their associates. They
were like Krishna and Balarama surrounded by the
cowherd boys.
15. When the dancing ended, Lord Gaura announced:
Now please wash Lord Nityanandas feet.
16. On your heads accept the water that has washed
Lord Nityanandas feet. Then you will be tossed by waves
of spiritual bliss and love.
17. Hearing Lord Gauras command, everyone felt their
hearts become filled with bliss.
18. They said: We accept the Lords command. On our
heads we will place the water that has washed Lord
Nityanandas feet.
19. Hearing Lord Gauras command, Lord Nityananda
wept in ecstatic love. Tears fell from His reddish eyes.
20. He joyfully embraced everyone. Everyone was
tossed by blissful waves in the ocean of spiritual love.
21. Overcome with spiritual love, everyone wept. They
held Lord Nityanandas feet to their hearts.
22. There was an endless festival of spiritual love.
Within their hearts everyone was effulgent with love.
Outwardly on their bodies were the various symptoms of
ecstatic love.
23. Seeing this, Lord Gaura was pleased at heart.
Smiling, He watched.
24. Surrounding Him on four sides, the devotees spoke
many prayers. At that moment Haridasa suddenly arrived.
25. A glistening jewel necklace rested on his neck, and
anklets of gold and jewels rested on his reddish feet.
26. The hairs of his body stood erect. His eyes were
filled with tears. His body trembled in ecstatic love. He
roared in ecstasy.
27. He danced ecstatically before the Lord. The whole
world could not contain the bliss and love he felt.
28. To Lord Gaura Haridasa offered padya, arghya, and
achamana. Then Lord Gaura asked him to accept some
29. At that moment Advaita Acharya suddenly arrived.
Approaching Lord Gaura, He offered respectful obeisances.
30. Lord Gaura picked Him up and then offered
obeisances to Him. Everyone stood respectfully and then
bowed down to offer respects.
31. Manifesting the form of Lord Brahma, Haridasa
danced and danced. Then he fell like a stick before Lord
Gauras feet.
32. With his four mouths he loudly recited many
prayers from the Vedas. Saying, Be as you were before,
Lord Gaura picked him up and embraced him.
33. Manifesting his form as Haridasa again, he wept,
laughed, and danced. He floated in a limitless ocean of
spiritual bliss and love, an ocean that had no horizon.
34. Respectfully placing Lord Gauras command on his
head, Advaita Acharya Gosai also honored prasadam.
35. Accompanied by all His associates, Lord Gaura sat
down in a private room. He gently smiled.
36. To His associates Lord Gaura talked about Himself.
He told them of His plan to save the world.
37. Lord Gaura said: I will taste the sweet nectar of
ecstatic love. I will destroy irreligion. I will establish the
true religion. I will manifest the nama-sankirtana movement
of chanting the Lords holy names.
38. In country after country, in home after home, I will
manifest the ecstasies of Vraja: the dasya, sakhya, vatsalya,
and Sringara rasas.
39. I will enjoy the great treasure of love for Sri Sri
Radha-Krishna. I will enjoy it Myself and I will distribute it
to the three worlds. I will make everyone enjoy it.
40. I will give that treasure of ecstatic spiritual love to
the devotees and demons, to the chandalas, yavanas, fools,
women, and children.
41. The bliss of Vrindavana I will bring to Nadiya. In
country after country I will make every person taste that
42. In this one book I will tell these wonderful
narrations, the narrations of Lord Gauras pastimes in
43. Gadadhara and Narahari sat at Lord Gauras two
sides, and Sri Raghunandana happily sat at the Lords feet.
44. Lord Advaita Acharya and Lord Nityananda Raya
sang songs glorifying Lord Gaura.
45. Murari, Mukunda Datta, Srivasa, Haridasa, and the
other devotees were all the abodes of ecstatic spiritual love.
46. Shuklambara, Vakreshvara, Sriman Sanjaya,
Sridhara Pandita, and many others were all great souls.
47. Who has the power to glorify all the great souls
properly? They accompanied Lord Gaura when He
descended to this earth.
48. With a joyful heart Lochana Dasa declares: Nothing
is equal to Lord Gauras pastimes in Nadiya.

Song 14
(Sri raga - Disha)

Refrain: Lord Gaura is my very life! O! O! O! The

Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is known as Hari,
Rama, and Narayana, has now become Sachis son effulgent
like gold!
49. Everyone please listen. I will tell a very wonderful
story. Anyone who hears this story will become free of all
50. Making His home in Navadvipa, Lord
Gaurachandra enjoyed many pastimes with His students.
51. The devotees would assemble and, with great love
and bliss, chant the holy names in sankirtana.
52. Smiling, Lord Gaura told the devotees: In house
after house please chant the holy names of Lord Hari.
53-54. Teach the children, adults, chandalas,
unfortunates, saints, sinners, and everyone else in
Navadvipa how to chant the holy names of Lord Hari. Then
everyone will easily cross over this world of birth and
55. Hearing these words, the devotees said to the Lord:
We have no power to chant Lord Haris holy names from
house to house.
56. In Navadvipa dwell two very wicked persons.
Their sins have no end.
57. They are two brothers. Though they are
brahmanas, they are great sinners. They have great power
in Navadvipa. Their names are Jagai and Madhai.
58. They will not leave any woman, be she a
brahmani, a yavani, or a gurus wife, in peace. They drink
wine. They turn from any pious deed.
59. Repeatedly they violently attack the brahmanas,
gurus, and Deities. If they do not see their victims outside,
they invade their homes and attack them there.
60. Hundreds and hundreds of times they have
murdered brahmanas, women, and cows. How many are
their sins? I have no power to count them.
61. Though they live by the Gangas bank, they never
bathe in her waters. In this birth they have never worshiped
the Supreme Lord.
62. Again and again they hurt even their friends and
relatives. They are great offenders. They hate Sri Krishna-
sankirtana, the chanting of Lord Krishnas holy names.
63. On that day the devotees spoke these words to Lord
64. When He heard everyone speak these words, Lord
Gaura became angry in His heart.
65. His two eyes became red like the rising sun. In His
heart He thought:
66. A sinner-brahmana named Ajamila spoke at the
moment of his death the word Narayana.
67. Though he spoke the word Narayana only out of
love for his son, that brahmana attained a spiritual body
and went to Vaikuntha.
68. But Jagai and Madhai are more sinful than
Ajamila. How will I deliver them?
69. When I think of them I fell unhappy at heart.
Then the Lord openly spoke. He said: Everyone please
hear My words.
70. Harinama-sankirtana, the chanting of Lord Haris
holy names, is the kali-yuga-dharma, the religion for Kali-
yuga. By chanting the holy names one performs all pious
71. Everyone should gather with his friends and
relatives and chant the holy names.
72. There should be a fragrant breeze of song. There
should be mridangas and karatalas. There should be sweet
loud chanting of the holy names.
73. I will fill the city with kirtana, the chanting of the
holy names. When the people hear it, they will all come and
join the chanting.
74-76. Lord Advaita Acharya and His followers, the
smiling Avadhuta Lord Nityananda, Haridasa, and Srivasa
with his four brothers, as well as Murari, Mukunda Datta,
Gadadhara Pandita, Sri Chandrashekara Acharya,
Shuklambara, and all the other personal associates of the
Lord assembled at Lord Gauras house.
77. By Lord Gauras command all the devotees
assembled there.
78. Everyone began a great kirtana of chanting the holy
names. Then Lord Gaura led them in a procession.
79. Tossed by waves of bliss, they walked through the
neighborhoods of Nadiya. Their chanting of Hari! Hari!
rose and filled the sky.
80. Meanwhile Jagai and Madhai slept in their house.
Drunk with wine, the two brothers slept.
81. Lord Gaura brought His kirtana along the path to
their house. Everyone in Nadiya ran to watch.
82. There was a tumultuous kirtana with karatalas,
mridangas, and other musical instruments. In the four
directions Hari! Hari! were the only sounds anyone could
83. The tumultuous kirtana wakened the two brothers.
Raising their heads, they looked. Then they screamed with
84. With eyes red with rage, they watched. When they
heard the kirtanas sound it was like an iron club striking
their ears.
85. The kirtanas sound was like an iron lance pushed
into their hearts. If you wish to stay alive, then please be
86. These words the people in the neighboring houses
said: Please stop at once. Who is it that has made these
powerful men so angry?
87. We command you: Go at once. We forbid you to
sing. By whose power have you come by this path?
88. The neighbor-messenger said to Jagai and Madhai:
Accompanied by a host of brahmanas, the brahmana
Nimai Pandita, who is Jagannatha Mishras son, performs
kirtana of chanting the holy names.
89. Jagai and Madhai said: Forbid him to sing. Make
him walk on another path. If he wishes to remain alive, he
should be quiet.
90. If he does not understand, if he continues this
senseless uproar, then with my own hands I will take away
his caste, his relatives, and the breath that keeps him alive.
91. Saying these words, Jagai and Madhai sent the
messenger back to the devotees. The messenger said to Lord
Gaura: Please listen, O son of Sachi.
92. Raising Your arms, You chant the holy names of
Lord Hari from house to house.
93. In this way You double the spiritual love and bliss
in the world. Your chanting of Hari! Haribol! touches the
94. Meanwhile, unable to tolerate the sound of the
kirtana, the two sinful-hearted brothers rushed out the door
of their house.
95. Their faces and eyes were red with rage. Their
garments fell and fell from their limbs.
96. They trembled as they walked. They were almost
unconscious with rage. Their voices roared with a host of
threats and curses.
97. They looked in the four directions. They walked up
to Lord Gaura. Be smart and get out! they screamed.
98. Ha! Ha! Brahmana, You should try to save yourself
a lot of trouble. Then they spoke a host of threats and
99. Seeing this angry outburst, the people of Nadiya
looked at each other in the four directions. They were
100-101. Accompanied by Lord Advaita Acharya Gosai,
Lord Nityananda, Haridasa, Srivasa, Murari, Mukunda, and
all His associates, Lord Vishvambhara again sang the holy
names of Lord Hari.
102. They happily sang Lord Haris holy names. They
never tired of singing Them. At this point Jagai and Madhai
became wild with rage.
103. Grabbing a stick, one of them smashed a clay pot
into pieces. Then the two brothers ran toward the devotees.
104. They angrily pelted the devotees with fragments
from the broken pot. One of those pieces struck Lord
Nityanandas head.
105. Where the pot fragment struck blood began to
flow. Seeing this, the devotees said: Alas! Alas!
106. Seeing this, Lord Gaura became filled with sorrow.
To the two sinners He shouted:
107. No one is more sinful than you. Reports of your
sins fill the whole earth.
108. You have done what no one else dare do. Look at
what you have done!
109. Saying these words, Lord Gaura went to Lord
Nityananda. With cloth from His own garment Lord Gaura
bandaged Lord Nityanandas wound.
110-111. Lord Gaura knew the great glory of Sripada
Nityananda. If a single drop of Lord Nityanandas blood
had fallen to the ground, great inauspiciousness would
have come to the earth. Therefore with care and fear Lord
Gaura, with cloth from His own garment, bandaged the
wound on Lord Nityanandas head.
112. Then Lord Gaura angrily called for His
Sudarshana-chakra, With folded hands the Sudarshana-
chakra respectfully stood before the Lord.
113. The Sudarshana-chakra said: Glory, glory to Lord
Mahaprabhu, to Sachis son! O master, what is Your
command for me?
114. Lord Gaura said: Kill Jagai and Madhai. They
wounded Lord Nityananda and brought great sorrow to My
115. Hearing these words, the Sudarshana-chakra burst
into flames, the same flames that destroy the universe when
the worlds are all destroyed. Then the flaming Sudarshana-
chakra charged at Jagai and Madhai.
116. Seeing the flaming Sudarshana-chakra attacking
them, Jagai and Madhai felt their hearts fill with fear. Their
bodies trembled.
117. Glancing at the Sudarshana-chakra, Lord
Nityananda smiled and said: Lord, why reveal Your
powers in this way?
118. We have kindly come here to deliver all the fallen,
wretched, pathetic sinners in the three worlds.
119. We should deliver Jagai and Madhai. We should
be the friends of the fallen. Then We will protect Our good
reputation as the purifiers of the fallen (patita-pavana).
120. Speaking these words, Lord Nityananda fell at
Lord Gauras feet. Before Lord Gauras feet He placed this
humble request:
121. Lord, please give these two sinners to Me. Then
the people will call Us by the name Patita-pavana (the
purifiers of the fallen).
122. In other yugas We killed many demons. But these
two sinners We should deliver. We should deliver them,
body and soul.
123. Hearing Lord Nityanandas words, merciful Lord
Gaura said: Glory to You, Nityananda! Glory to You, O son
of Rohini!
124. I am Your submissive servant. This all the
Scriptures say. I agree with all You have said.
125. Anyone who just once in his life speaks the word
Nityananda becomes purified. He becomes My pure
126. Then, accompanied by His personal associates,
Lord Gaura returned to His own home. Filled with wonder,
Jagai and Madhai stood there.
127. The sound of sankirtana and the sight of Lord
Mahaprabhu filled them with wonder. Stunned, they stared
128. Repeatedly in their hearts they tried to understand
the meaning of Lord Mahaprabhus words.
129. There is no sin that we have not done, that we
have not done. We attacked a sannyasi.
130. As they thought in this way repeatedly, their hearts
became pure and free from sin. Look! Look at the power of
Lord Mahaprabhus mercy!
131. Filled with sorrow and repentance, the two
brothers ran. Seeing them, the people of Nadiya became
filled with wonder.
132. Finally coming to Lord Mahaprabhus door, they
called out: Lord! Lord!
133. Sitting at home amongst His associates, Lord
Gaura said: Who calls for Me? Please see who is at the
134. Murari, please bring the visitors here to Me.
Following the Lords command, Murari embraced the two
brothers and brought them before the Lord.
135. Seeing the Lord, the two brothers made a great
sound of grief and repentance. They fell to the ground
before the Lords feet. They wept. They said:
136. You are the purifier of the fallen. You are an ocean
of mercy, the master of the worlds, the friend of the fallen.
137. You are an ocean of mercy. O Lord, Your heart is
filled with mercy. Seeing the two brothers anguished
repentance, Lord Gaura melted with mercy.
138. Picking them up, Lord Gaura asked them: Listen,
O Jagai and Madhai. Why have you come to My place?
Why do you weep?
139. You are the two great masters of Navadvipa. You
are very wise and learned. Why do you weep?
140. Hearing the Lords words, Jagai and Madhai said:
It is only because of Your mercy that we have come to You.
141. How many cows have we killed? How many
women? How many men? How many sins have we
committed. No one can count them.
142. Fie on us, the so-called masters of Navadvipa. We
have killed many brahmanas and many gurus.
143. How many girls from brahmana, yavana, and
chandala families did we not leave in peace? How many
gurus wives did we not leave in peace?
144. To the people of the world we gave nothing but
violence. We did no pious rituals to peace the demigods or
145. We are worthless, like piles of ashes. What more
can we say to You? The number of hairs on our heads does
not equal the number of our sins.
146. Everyone say the person named Ajamila was a
great sinner. Still, they do not say he was not more of a
sinner than us.
147. When Ajamila spoke the name Narayana, Lord
Narayana delivered him. Lord Narayana did not come and
deliver us.
148. People like us are never delivered. Why do You
feel compassion for us?
149. Hearing these words of sincere sorrow and
repentance, Lord Gaura said: I give My mercy to you.
150. When He sees the sorrows of sorrowful souls, the
Supreme Lord also feels sorrow. Therefore He is mercy
personified. His form is filled with mercy.
151. He is an ocean of mercy. He shows great mercy.
Taking the two brothers with Him, the Lord then went to
the Gangas bank.
152. The people of Nadiya ran there to see the great
wonder. There Lord Gaura manifested very wonderful and
ecstatic spiritual love.
153. Respectfully standing, the brahmanas and saintly
devotees watched. In their presence Lord Gaura spoke these
merciful words:
154. Now I will take upon Myself all your sins. Please
give all your sins to Me.
155. Speaking these words, Lord Gaura extended His
hand to accept a tulasi leaf. Frightened, the two brothers
would not give the tulasi leaf.
156. Then Lord Gaura, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, mercifully said: Jagai and Madhai, now you
must give your sins to Me.
157. Jagai and Madhai said: Lord, please listen. No
one can even count our sins.
158. We are the lowest of lowly persons, the most
sinful of sinners. At the thought of giving our sins to You,
our hearts tremble in fear.
159. When Lord Gaura heard these words, tears
streamed from His eyes. Then, in a voice like thundering
cloud, He said: Haribol!
160. Again Lord Gaura extended His hand to accept
their sins. Then Jagai and Madhai placed the tulasi leaf in
Lord Gauras hand.
161. From the four sides came a great tumult of Hari!
Haribol! Then Lord Gaura embraced Jagai and Madhai.
162. Touching them, Lord Gaura delivered Jagai and
Madhai. He took all their sins upon Himself.
163. Overcome with ecstatic spiritual love, Jagai and
Madhai spoke half-formed words with a choked voice. The
tears from their eyes drenched their garments.
164. They trembled. The hairs on their bodies stood
erect. Before the Lords feet they fell to the ground. They
spoke many prayers filled with anguished repentance.
165. In this way Lord Gaura delivered them and many
others also. Lord Gaura is an ocean of mercy. He is the great
purifier of the very fallen.
166. In this way Lord Gaura delivered Jagai and
Madhai from their sins. Filled with ecstatic spiritual love by
the touch of Lord Gauras glorious graceful body, Jagai and
Madhai danced.
167. Thus taking on Himself all of Jagais and Madhais
sins, Lord Vishvambhara, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, also danced.
168. Who is glorious and supreme like Lord Gaura? He
is an ocean of mercy. He does not see faults. He loves
169. Happy to have delivered some fallen souls, Lord
Gaura danced. This pastime brings great hope to Lochana
Dasa, who remains shackled in the prison of maya.

Mahaprabhur-bhagavad-bhave Vicitra-lila:
Lord Mahaprabhus Extraordinary Pastime of Manifesting
Lord Nrisimhas Form

Song 15
(Dhanashi raga)

Refrain: O Lord Gaura, O moon of the brahmanas, O

Lord who, to free the people from the world of birth and
death, set various traps to catch the fallen souls.
1. Glory to Lord Gauranga! Glory to Gadadhara and
Narahari! Anyone who hears Lord Gaurangas glories
attains ecstatic spiritual love.
2. Please hear the story of another days wonderful
pastimes. Lord Gaura brought the most precious treasure to
3. Surrounded by His associates in His own home, Lord
Gaura placed very gentle words on the lotus-like flower of
His mouth.
4. The words He spoke were like flooding rivers of
nectar. Bathing in those rivers, the devotees became wild
with bliss.
5. As Lord Gaura was enjoying these wonderful blissful
pastimes, a wandering mendicant unexpectedly arrived.
6. This mendicant was named Vanamali. He came with
his son. He had been born in a brahmana family in East
7. Seeing Lord Vishvambhara surrounded by His
devotees, the brahmana and his son became filled with joy.
8. The brahmana and the boy could not speak. In a
voice choked with ecstasy the brahmana said:
9. I am afflicted by poverty. Although I am poor, I
always remained pure and upright.
10. I know for certain that Vishvambhara is the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. This I see directly. He is
no other.
11. Now my birth in this world has borne its fruit, for I
have seen fair Lord Vishvambhara, who is a treasure house
of all transcendental virtues.
12. Now that I gaze at Him, I feel my heart filled with
cooling pleasure. Now the horrible flames of my poverty
are all extinguished.
13. By tasting nectar food, one is pleased within. In the
same way when I gaze at Lord Gaurachandra I feel my
body is sprinkled with showers of nectar.
14. With merciful eyes Lord Gaura glanced at the two
15. The two brahmanas then happily sang the glories of
Lord Hari. By Lord Gauras mercy they attained the
treasure of ecstatic spiritual love.
16. The brahmana and his son joyfully danced. In a
moment the size of a single sesame seed the ropes that
bound them to the world of birth and death were cut.
17. Lord Gaura Mahaprabhu is an ocean of mercy. No
one else is a a greater friend of the poor and fallen.
18. On another day Lord Vishvambhara, the King of
dancers, danced in the midst of sankirtana.
19. At that time the two brahmanas again came.
Watching, the boy became filled with wonder.
20. Where His fair form once was, Lord Gaura now
manifested a dark form. His hips were decorated with a
yellow cloth. In His hands was a flute.
21. The peacock feather in His crown fluttered in the
breeze. Gazing at this form, the devotees began to sing.
22. In this way everyone saw Lord Krishna, whose
form is dark and who is the King of dancers, manifest with
Sri Radha in Vrindavana forest.
23. They saw the Yamuna, Govardhana Hill,
Bahulavana, Bhandiravana, Madhuvana, and many other
places also.
24. They saw the cows, gopis, and gopas. In Navadvipa
they saw Lord Krishna, the cowherd boy handsome like
25. Seeing all this, the brahmana fell unconscious. The
hairs of his body stood erect. Tears filled his eyes.
26. Then he roared like a thundering cloud. He slapped
his arms. He called out: Krishna! Krishna! He became like
a brass-pot cymbal making a great din in a noisy
27. Seeing this, the Lord stopped dancing. Hold him.
Hold him still. He said. The devotees held the brahmana.
28. Everyone please hear these songs of Lord Gaura.
Lord Gaura is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is
eternally young.
29. He cuts the shackles of karma. He gives the treasure
of ecstatic spiritual love. Who else is like Him?
30. When there was no material world, He created it.
He is attained only by loving devotion. He is beyond the
touch of the material senses.
31. Repeatedly He mercifully gives to the people the
prasadam remnants of His divine garlands, sandal-paste,
and food. He is not proud. He loves everyone.
32. He is always untouched by matter, yet no spirit soul
in the material world is ever bereft of His company. He
performs no pious rituals, yet it is He who commands that
pious rituals be performed.
33. In the Vedas He declares what actions are right, yet
He feels free to break His own rules any time He pleases.
34. To the people He gives the great treasure of ecstatic
love and devotion to the Supreme Lord, who is Himself. He
is called Nava-vidhata-ratna (the jewel Who is the
eternally young Supreme Personality of Godhead).
35. My Gaura Raya is an ocean of mercy. To everyone
He easily gives the greatest treasure.
36. Lord Gaura gives the great treasure of ecstatic
spiritual love. No one else gives it. Lochana Dasa says this:
Please worship Lord Gaura, the eternally young Supreme
Personality of Godhead.

Song 16

Refrain: Anyone who once sees Lord Gauras form will

not, even till the moment of death, forget Him.

37. Now please hear the wonderful pastimes of another

day. The Lord enjoyed blissful pastimes in Srivasas home.
38. One day Srivasa Pandita performed rituals for the
pitas. With a pure heart he listened to the recitation of
Vishnu-sahasra-nama (thousand names of Lord Vishnu).
39. Then Lord Gaura came to visit. Hearing the
thousand names, Lord Gaura felt His every desire was
40. Listening and listening, Lord Gaura heard the name
Nrisimha. At that moment Lord Gauras two eyes became
red with anger. He shook His hair upward.
41. The hairs of His body stood erect. His body became
red. He roared like a lion.
42. Taking a stick in His hand, He began to run about.
Seeing Him, all the people felt their hearts tremble.
43. Then Lord Gaura began to chase everyone. His hair
was no longer bound. Filled with anger, Lord Gaura had no
power to restrain Himself.
44. Seeing Lord Nrisimha, everyone fled. In a moment
Lord Gaura put down His stick and abandoned His
manifestation of Lord Nrisimha.
45. Sachis son is the seed from where all avataras grow.
Whenever He wishes He can manifest any avatara.
46. Stopping His manifestation of Lord Nrisimha, Lord
Gaura sat down on His seat. Surprised, Lord Gaura said:
47. I dont know what I just did. Did I commit any
offense? What do you think in your hearts?
48. Hearing these words, everyone said: Why do You
speak these words? How can You commit an offense?
49. Srivasa said: Whoever sees You becomes free from
the shackles of material life.
50. Everyone please hear the story of another days
pastimes. One day a persons singing Lord Shivas glories
51. He offered obeisances to the feet of Lord Gaura-
Hari, and then with a happy heart he sang Lord Shivas
52. Shiva! Shiva! he joyfully called out. Pure devotion
for Lord Shiva was manifest in his body.
53. Listening, Lord Gaura became joyful at heart. As He
heard Lord Shivas glories, Lord Gaura felt His joy increase
more and more.
54. Manifesting the nature of Lord Shiva, Lord Gaura
danced. Forgetting himself, the devotee of Lord Shiva was
filled with joy.
55. Then Lord Gaura climbed on that devotees
shoulders. No one is fortunate like that devotee.
56. Carrying Lord Gaura on his shoulders, that devotee
joyfully sang and danced. His eyes now red, Lord Gaura
manifested the form of Lord Shiva.
57. The Lord spoke orders like Lord Shiva. He spoke
words like Lord Shivas words. He played a dambaru drum.
With His mouth He loudly sounded on a horn.
58. Loudly chanting, Rama! Krishna! Lord Gaura
laughed and wept. Filled with the sentiments of Lord Shiva,
Lord Gaura wept.
59. Aware of all spiritual truths, Srivasa Pandita
carefully recited many prayers.
60. Sri Mukunda Datta also recited many prayers.
Aware of all spiritual truths, they joyfully danced.
61. Lord Gaura descended from the singers shoulders.
With great devotion, Lord Gaura sang the glories of Lord
62. Wild with bliss, Lord Gaura danced. Joyfully
singing the glories of Lord Hari, Lord Gaura was plunged
in an ocean of bliss.
63. In this way Lord Gaura, who is an ocean of mercy,
showed great mercy. Hearing of this pastime, Lochana Dasa
is overcome with bliss.

Song 17

Refrain: Lord Gauranga places ecstatic spiritual love in

the living entities hearts. Who will not weep to hear of Lord
Gaurangas glories?

64. Now please hear the wonderful pastime of another

day. Lord Gaura had just completed His pastime of dancing
with His associates.
65. Lord Gaura fell to the ground like a stick. Everyone
joyfully sang: Hari! Hari!
66. At that moment a brahmana came and, smiling,
took the dust of Lord Gauras lotus feet.
67. Seeing this, Lord Gaura suddenly jumped up.
Seeing what the brahmana had done, Lord Gaura became
very unhappy.
68. His face became withered with grief. Filled with
rage, He breathed heavily from His nostrils.
69. Lord Gaura stood up, ran, and jumped into the
Gangas waters.
70. The Lord sank into the waters. No one could see
Him. Everyone jumped in after Him.
71. The people of Nadiya became wild. Everyone wept
with grief.
72. Calling Son! Son! Mother Sachi ran and tried to
jump into the water.
73. Like a wild woman she wept. She wept and wept
and wept. She rolled on the ground.
74. Seeing how everyone was filled with anguish,
Avadhuta Lord Nityananda Raya jumped into the Ganga.
75. Diving into the water, with His hand Lord
Nityananda grabbed Lord Gaura and quickly lifted Him to
the Gangas bank.
76. Seeing this everyone became filled with joy.
Relieved, everyone wept.
77 - 78. Embracing Lord Vishvambhara, Sachi-devi
wept. Gazing at Lord Gauras face, with anxious hearts
Srivasa, Murari, Mukunda, Shuklambara, Haridasa, and the
other devotees all wept.
79. Gazing at Lord Gauras face, they became free of all
grief. Then they happily returned to their homes.
80. Accompanied by His associates, Lord
Vishvambhara hurried to Murari Guptas house.
81. Staying there for a moment, Lord Gaura proceeded
to Vijaya Mishras house.
82. There Lord Gaura passed the night. At dawn He
walked on the Gangas northern bank.
83. There He wandered. No one knew what was in His
heart. Frightened, the devotees followed Him.
84. Among the devotees a saintly brahmana humbly
85. O Lord Gaura, O ocean of virtues and glories,
please be kind. In this age everyone is an offender.
86. O Lord Mahaprabhu. Please be merciful. Please
abandon Your anger. Please forgive Your servants offense.
87. O Lord, O ocean of mercy, O mercy personified, it
was to give Your mercy to the people that You mercifully
descended to this world.
88. Please dont turn Your face from us. How can we
understand all the thoughts within Your heart?
89. Please return home. Please abandon Your anger.
Please look again at Your followers. Please give Your mercy
to them.
90. Hearing these humble words from one of His
followers, Lord Gaura felt His heart melt with mercy.
91. With a joyful heart Lord Gaura returned home.
Accompanied by His followers, Lord Gaura sang the glories
of the Supreme Lord, who is actually Himself.
92. In this way the villages of Nadiya became filled
with bliss. Lochana Dasa joyfully sings this song glorifying
Lord Gaura.

Song 18
(Varadi raga - Disha)

Refrain: O! O! O! To chase away all calamities Lord

Gaura filled the world with the treasure of ecstatic spiritual

93. Renouncing all grief, and accompanied by His

followers, with a happy heart Lord Gaura-Hari went to
Srivasas home.
94. Lord Gaura sat down with Srivasa, Haridasa, and
the other devotees. They all gazed at Lord Gauras face.
95. Then Lord Mahaprabhu spoke to everyone there
confidential words: Everyone please hear.
96. Wealth, youth, and followers are all worthless for a
person who does not worship Lord Krishnas eternal feet.
97. As I stay in this world of birth and death My heart
is scorched by flames of suffering. Although I have attained
a valuable body like this one, I never served Lord Krishna.
98. In this world of birth and death a human body is
very rare and difficult to attain. Why should a man or a
woman worship Lord Krishna?
99. A person who does not worship Lord Krishna
wastes his valuable human body. His comfortable home is
in vain. His activities as a husband, son, father, or mother
are all vain.
100. Someone has secretly told everyone that I will
leave My family. I will go far away.
101. I must stop this rumor. What I have heard will
make me die.
102. Please hear, O Lord Mahaprabhu. No one speaks
this rumor. I have not heard it from any mouth.
103. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, held Murari. He gave him the gift
of an embrace.
104. Embraced by the Lord, the physician Murari was
overcome. He forgot himself.
105. From head to foot the hairs of his body stood erect.
He quoted this ancient verse (Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.81.16):

kvaham daridrah papiyan
kva krishnah sri-niketanah
brahma-bandhur iti smaham
bahubhyam parirambhitah

He said, Who am I? The sinful poor friend of a

brahmana. And who is Krishna? The Supreme Personality
of Godhead full in six opulences. Nonetheless He has
embraced me with His two arms.

107. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura manifested a

form effulgent like ten million suns.
108. Sitting on an asana, Lord Gaura sweetly said: I
am spiritual, eternal, and full of bliss. Dont think I am ever
far from you.
109. Hearing these words, everyone was overcome with
bliss. The hairs of their bodies stood erect.
110. Then saintly Srivasa Pandita performed an
abhisheka ceremony, bathing Lord Gaura with Ganga water.
111. After the abhisheka he rightly worshiped Lord
Gaura. Lord Gaura, who is a treasure-house of all virtues,
was pleased by His worship.
112. Everyone blissfully sang Lord Haris glories.
Glancing at the devotees faces, Lord Gaura Raya danced.
113. Placing Naraharis lotus feet on his head, Lochana
Dasa describes these sweet pastimes of Lord Gauranga.

Song 19
114. Everyone please carefully listen as I tell the
wonderful story of another days pastimes.
115. Lord Gaura, who is an ocean of mercy, a
kalpavriksa tree of loving devotional service, and the
shiksha-guru (instructing teacher) of all the worlds, taught
everyone in the world.
116-119. He acted in such a way as to teach His
followers. Taking with Him Advaita Acharya, Srivasa,
Haridasa, Murari, Mukunda, Gadadhara, Shuklambara,
Rama, Narahari, Raghunandana, Sri Mukunda Dasa, Vasu
Ghosha, Jagadananda, and all the devotees, with a joyful
heart Lord Gaura went to the temple of Lord Krishna.
120. Wearing a kaupina and carrying a broom and
dustpan on His shoulder, Lord Gaura was surrounded by
His associates.
121. Each of the Lords followers was dressed in this
way. Each had his hair tied. Each held a broom and dustpan
in his hands or resting on his shoulders.
122. In this way Lord Gaura went to clean the temple.
Never have I heard of such wonderful pastimes.
123. Having become sweepers for Lord Krishna, the
Vaishnavas went from door to door gathering recruits. In
this way the Vaishnavas assembled and cleaned the temple.
124. By His example Lord Gaura thus taught the people
of the world. Everyone please worship Him. He is
supremely wise.
125. He is the giver of pure love and devotion. No one
is like Him. Aware of these truths, please worship Lord
Gaurangas feet.
126. How many avataras descend to this world yuga
after yuga? They are all manifest from Lord Gaura.
127. No one is like Him. He is the Supreme Lord, the
supreme master. To teach the world how to engage in
devotional service, He carried a broom and dustpan on His
128. He rarely descends to this world. He does not
come in every chatur-yuga. Still, He went from house to
house and begged the people to engage in devotional
129. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the
Supreme Master. This I say to the devotees: No one is His
130. Without considering who is worthy and who not
worthy to receive it, to everyone Lord Gaura happily gave
the great treasure of Vrindavana.
131. Lord Gaura begged everyone to accept the feelings
of pure spiritual love, love that is beyond the pious and
impious deeds of this world. In this way Sachis son
delivered everyone.
132. Neither Brahma, Shiva, Lakshmi, nor Ananta
Shesha have the power to describe all of Lord Gauras
133. With their words they have no power to describe
all of Lord Gauras glories, for Lord Gauras glories are
beyond the conception of the material mind.
134. O my brothers, please worship Lord Gauras
glories. Please do not neglect them. Simply by worshiping
Lord Gaura everyone will escape this world of repeated
birth and death.
135. Lord Gaura is the Supreme Personality of
Godhead. There is no one like Him. I, Lochana Dasa,
declare: All the avataras are manifest from Lord Gaura.

Kushtha-vyadhira papa-mochana o Baladevavesha:

The Lord Frees a Leper From Sin and Manifests the
Ecstasies of Lord Balarama

Song 20

Refrain: Hari! Rama! Narayana! Sachis son is splendid

like gold!

1. Please hear another wonderful pastime of Lord

Gauranga. Anyone who hears this pastime will attain great
spiritual love.
2. Walking on the path with His associates, Lord Gaura
tasted the nectar of talking about Lord Krishna. His limbs
trembled in ecstasy.
3. On that path a leper came and humbly placed some
words before Lord Gauras feet:
4. Falling to the ground, he offered respectful
obeisances. Very agitated and distressed, he humbly said:
5-6. Lord, everyone says You are Lord Janardana, You
are eternal, You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
You are the master of the great demigods, the friend of
everyone in the three worlds. O master, O ocean of mercy,
please deliver me.
7. Hearing that You are the purifier of the fallen, I have
come to You. O master of all, please deliver me.
8. O son of Sachi, O master of the poor and helpless, O
Lord Gauranga, O Lord Gopala, please deliver me.
9. In the three worlds no one is more sinful than me.
Please deliver me from this unbearable leprosy.
10. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura became angry at
heart. With angry eyes He stared at the leper.
11. The Lord said: Listen, O wicked sinner wretched
like a pile of ashes. Why did you blaspheme a Vaishnava?
12. Every living entity in this world of birth and death
is My friend. But anyone who hates a Vaishnava is My
13. When someone insults Me I am not unhappy. But
when someone insults Srivasa Pandita, how can I remain
peaceful and happy?
14. You spoke insulting words to him. Even after a
hundred births you will not be free of your offense.
15. I will not deliver anyone who has offended a
16. Now you may see only the outside of my body. But
inside My heart the Vaishnavas are My life breath. Of this
there is no doubt.
17. If someone hates Me but serves the Vaishnavas,
then I will deliver him. I will kill all his sufferings.
18. But if some fool attacks a Vaishnava, then I will
throw that fool into hell. I will not give him shelter.
19. You are a wretched, wicked sinner. How long will
you suffer in hell? Your sufferings will never end.
20. Hearing these words, the leper fell to the ground
and wept. He wept with anguish. He could not restrain
21. The leper said: In other avataras You are merciful
to your devotees. But in Kali-yuga in house after house
everyone is a wretch and a sinner.
22. If You kill anyone who does not worship You, then
why should You be known as Patita-pavana (the purifier of
the fallen)?
23. Glory to You, O Lord who bear the name
Vishvambhara and who give auspiciousness to everyone!
Glory to You, O mighty-armed Lord who establish the true
24. You build the bridge of the true religion. By
walking on that bridge the people cross the ocean of
repeated birth and death. Lord, O son of Sachi, please do
not reject me.
25. If there is any mercy in Your heart, then please be
merciful to me. Still, I know You are not independent. You
are a servant of the Vaishnavas.
26. After hearing these words, Lord Gaura went o
Srivasas house. Sitting down, He told everything. He said:
27. On the path I saw a leper. For many births he will
suffer the results of his offense.
28. Because he offended you, his whole body is
melting with leprosy. I saw him, but I did not deliver him.
29. Please deliver me! the leper called. How can I
deliver you? You are an offender, I told him.
30. Of course, if you wish to give mercy to him, then
by your mercy you can deliver that sinner.
31. Hearing Lord Gauras description of His activities,
Srivasa smiled and said:
32. You speak of me in this way, but actually I am very
low and fallen. On my wish, please deliver that sinner.
33. Please end any offense he has committed to me.
Please be merciful to him and end his sufferings.
34. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura said: Hari!
Becoming merciful, Lord Gaura delivered that person from
the disease of leprosy.
35. At that moment, on the Gangas bank, that leper
attained the supreme medicine, the medicine of Srivasas
36. At that moment he attained a splendid spiritual
body. Overcome with ecstatic love, and shouting
Gauranga! he ran about.
37. He said: Where is Lord Gaurachandra, the moon of
my heart? He delivered me from the great blindness, from
the disease of material life.
38. At that moment Lord Gaurachandra left Srivasas
house to find the leper and deliver him from his leprosy.
39. The Lord met the leper on the path. The leper fell to
the ground before the Lords feet.
40. Picking him up and embracing him, Lord Gaura
gave that soul the gift of rare ecstatic spiritual love, love
even the demigod Brahma finds difficult to attain.
41. That soul laughed, wept, danced, sang, and rolled
on the ground. Calling out:Krishna, the holder of the club,
is my friend! he danced.
42. Seeing this, all the devotees became joyful. Seeing
this, all of Nadiya was filled with wonder.
43. Everyone please hear of Lord Vishvambharas
pastimes. Anyone who hears of them quickly attains loving
devotional service (prema-bhakti).
44. Overcome with bliss, Lochana Dasa hears Lord
Gauras wonderful pastimes in Nadiya.

45. On another day, as Lord Gaura enjoyed pastimes of

dancing, a brahmana came to His door.
46. The brahmana who came then yearned to see Lord
Gaurachandra dance.
47. That brahmana waited at the door, but he could not
enter. Unable to see the Lord, he became unhappy.
48. Unhappy, the brahmana returned to his home.
Meanwhile Lord Gaura joyfully danced. He did not know
what had happened.
49. The next day that brahmana unexpectedly met Lord
Gaura as the Lord was bathing in the Ganga.
50. As Lord Gaura was bathing in the Ganga, the
brahmana, his body trembling, with angry eyes stared at the
51. Staring at the Lord, he angrily said: I went to Your
house. I wanted to see You.
52. I wanted to see You dance, but a most sinful
brahmana forbade me.
53. As I, not allowed to enter, had to stay outside the
door, so will You also have to stay outside the world of
household life.
54. Speaking these words, that brahmana angrily broke
his sacred thread. He was wild with anger. He was not
55. I cannot bear to be left outside the door. I give You
this curse: You will stay outside the door of household life.
56. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura became happy at
heart. He said: This curse is a great boon for Me.
57. In this way the Supreme Personality of Godhead
accepted the curse. Hearing this, the brahmana became
afraid at heart.
58. He said: What did I just do? O Lord, You made me
speak those words. You are all-pervading. You are the
Supersoul present in every heart.
59. You will deliver the false philosophers. Accepting
sannyasa, You will give them all the gift of ecstatic spiritual
60. People with call You sannyasi and guru. They
will humbly bow before You. Then You will give them the
gift of ecstatic spiritual love.
61. O Lord Gaura-Hari, O crest-jewel of the
philosophers, You will break open the treasure-house of
ecstatic spiritual love and You will freely distribute its
62. You have vowed to plunge the whole universe in
ecstatic spiritual love. What pious or sinful person will You
not deliver?
63. Only I will be cheated of that love. Only I will
remain unwounded by that arrow of ecstatic spiritual love.
O purifier of the fallen, what will become of me?
64. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura said: Your words
were not a curse. They were a blessing for Me. You have
fulfilled My desire. You need not fear.
65. Hearing this, the brahmana fell down before the
Lords feet. Picking him up, Lord Gaura embraced him.
66. Embraced by the Lord, the brahmana was overcome
with ecstatic spiritual love. He trembled with ecstatic love
for Lord Krishna.
67. Lord Gaura fulfilled the desire in that brahmanas
heart. Lord Gaura gave him a gift of ecstatic spiritual love
even the demigod Brahma finds difficult to attain.
68. In this way Lord Gaurasundara enjoyed wonderful
pastimes, pastimes the wicked-hearted have no power to
69. When He spoke these words, Lord Mahaprabhu
became very joyful at heart. Lochana Dasa thus happily
sings the glories of Lord Gaura.

Mahaprabhur Vividhaveshe Prema-vitarana:

Mahaprabhus Manifestation of Various Divine Forms
and His Distribution of Ecstatic Spiritual Love

Song 21
(Vibhasa raga - Disha)

Refrain: Glory, glory to the moon of Lord Gauranga, a

moon that in Kali-yuga has risen in the land of Nadiya.

Please hear this story of Lord Gauras pastimes. The

three worlds are filled with the glories of Lord Gaura.
Please hear this story of Lord Gaurangachandras pastimes.
1. Now I will tell another story. Please hear this very
wonderful story of the Lords very wonderful, eternally-
new pastimes in Nadiya.
2. With a happy heart Lord Gaura sat in His own home.
Surrounding Him on four sides were His associates.
3. Suddenly a sound came from the sky. Give Me
honey, declared a voice like a thundering raincloud.
4. At that moment Lord Gaura manifested the form of
Lord Balarama. His form was like a white mountain-peak.
His garments were blue.
5. His feet were graceful. His eyes were like lotus
flowers. Gazing at His wonderful form, everyone was
delighted at heart.
6. The Supreme Lord who gives to everyone the gift of
ecstatic spiritual love, then Himself enjoyed many pastimes
of ecstatic love. Filled with ecstatic love, the glorious Lord
7. Accompanied by His personal associates, Lord Gaura
sang the holy names of Lord Hari. In this way He went to
the home of Advaita and Murari.
8. Stuttering, Give, give Me honey-wine, Lord Gaura
loudly, loudly laughed.
9. He had become like the King of small boys. Holding
out His hands, He said: Give Me honey-wine. Give.
10. In His hands the devotees placed a cup filled with
water. Thinking it honey-wine, Lord Gaura raised the cup,
drank it, and then hiccuped.
11. Intoxicated with ecstatic love, Lord Gaura trembled
and danced. Again He drank and hiccuped.
12. One moment He fell down. The next moment He
stood up. Then next moment He wept and laughed. The
next moment He placed the sweet liquid to His lips. The
next moment He loudly, loudly laughed.
13. Seeing this, all the devotees offered prayers. Calling
out Haladhara! someone grasped Lord Gauras feet.
14. Then, enjoying the pastimes of Lord Balarama, Lord
Gaura Mahaprabhu spoke peerless words sweet like nectar.
15. I am not Sri Krishna, He cheerfully announced.
Therefore you may bring Me more of this wonderful nectar
16. A certain brahmana was standing there. Saying,
You are a fool, with a finger the Lord pushed him.
17. Pushed by the Lords finger, the brahmana fell far
away. Pushed by the Lord, the brahmana felt ashamed.
18. From morning to evening Lord Gaura enjoyed
pastimes as Lord Balarama.
19. Decorating his head with the lotus flower of
Naraharis feet, Lochana Dasa sings this song glorifying
Lord Gauras glories.

20. Now please hear the wonderful pastimes of another

day. Rapt in the ecstasy of Lord Balarama, Lord Gaura
21. Lord Gaura was suddenly rapt in ecstasy. As He
remembered Lord Balarama, His eyes became reddened.
22. He rolled on the ground. His hair became
disheveled. Saliva flowed from His mouth. Everyone
became distraught.
23. Seeing Gadadhara, Lord Gaura regained external
consciousness. He spoke some garbled words. Gadadhara
could guess what He meant.
24. Lord Gaura said: I know you are My friend. You
are dear as life to Me. O jewel of the brahmanas, please hear.
I am conquered by the love you bear from Me.
25. I am your master, and you are My very life. That is
why it is said that Gauranga is Gadadharas property (gada-
ir Gauranga). Please listen carefully.
26. What I feel is not beyond your understanding.
Your body is My internal potency.
27. Night and day you stay with Me. You do not leave
for even a single sesame seeds worth of time. Except for
you, who understands Me?
28. Please bring all the Vaishnavas who are My dear
friends. I want to see them.
29. Accepting the Lords command, Gadadhara brought
Advaita Acharya and all the devotees.
30. When the devotees came, Lord Gaura gazed at
them. He was overcome with emotion. Tears filled His eyes.
31. Advaita Acharya sweetly asked: Dear one, why
have You called for Us?
32. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura tried to speak, but
He could not. His voice was choked with emotion.
33. Overcome, Lord Gaura spoke half words. He
somehow said: I saw Balarama like a white mountain-
peak. He embraced Me.
34. He was adorned with golden ornaments. He was
splendid like the sun. He glistened with the splendor of
many ornaments.
35. Speaking and speaking in this way, in a vision Lord
Gaura gazed at Lord Balarama, whose form was like a
white mountain-peak.
36. Then Mahaprabhu Lord Vishvambhara Raya
entered the ecstasy of being Lord Balarama. Repeatedly He
sang and danced.
37. The Vaishnavas were overcome with bliss. Everyone
trembled with love for Lord Balarama.
38. On every side everyone was overcome with bliss.
Two days passed. Still Lord Gauras ecstasy did not break.
39. On the next day Lord Gaura was still dancing. On
four sides He was surrounded by saintly devotees.
40. His footsteps made the earth tremble. His half-
closed eyes were red like the rising sun. He spoke in half
41. Like an intoxicated elephant He walked slowly.
Finally He was so overcome with ecstatic love He no longer
had any power to walk.
42. In this way Lord Gaura was overcome with ecstasy.
His companions were also overcome. Overcome with the
ecstasy of being Lord Balarama, Lord Gaura danced.
43. He sang and danced until sunset. Then the scent of
varuni-wine suddenly filled the air.
44. The splendid divine fragrance of varuni-wine
scented the four directions. Filled with wonder, the
devotees gazed at each other.
45. The ten directions were scented with the fragrance
of varuni-wine. With that fragrance the devotees became
intoxicated with the intoxication of ecstatic love.
46. At that time the great brahmana Srivasa Pandita
saw a vision. Please hear what he saw.
47. Many splendid, divine, splendidly-dressed, jewel-
like persons suddenly approached.
48. One had lotus eyes and a lotus on his ear. Another
had earrings and blue garments.
49. Another wore a turban and yellow garments. I have
no power to describe their graceful forms, garments, and
50. A brahmana named Vanamali was there. I will
speak of him. Please listen.
51. He saw a form made of gold, a form decorated with
jewels, and glorious like the peak of Mount Sumeru.
52. Gazing at this form, he felt his heart become filled
with bliss. The hairs of his body stood erect. Filled with
wonder, he looked at everyone there.
53. Rapt in the ecstasy of Lord Balarama, Lord Gaura,
the master of the three worlds, danced with His devotees.
54. With joyful hearts the demigods watched from the
sky. Then, satisfied at heart, the demigods returned to their
own abodes.
55. In this way the day and night passed. Then, smiling
and smiling, Lord Gaura went to bathe in the Ganga.
56. Gathering along, the Vaishnavas also bathed in the
57. Laughing and joking, in the water Lord Gaura
enjoyed wonderful nectarean pastimes with His associates.
58. When His bathing ended, the Lord quickly rose
from the water. Offering obeisances to the Lord, the
devotees returned to their own homes.
59. Then Lord Gaura also happily returned to His own
home. At dawn everyone again came before the Lord.
60. Please hear what Lord Gaura said. Speaking half
words in a voice choked with emotion, He said:
61. Lord Varaha embraced Me. Then Lord Balarama
entered My heart.
62. The black anjana on My eyes is the flute-player
Krishna. Lord Gaura spoke nectarean words. Everyone
please listen.
63. Seeing Srivasa, Lord Mahaprabhu said: Give Me
My flute. Then He held out His graceful hand.
64. Then the very intelligent and saintly devotee
Srivasa said to the Lord:
65. Listen. Listen, O Lord Mahaprabhu. Rukmini, the
daughter of Bhishmaka, now holds Your flute in Your own
66. Tonight when You close Your door You will regain
Your flute. This I tell to You.
67. Moment after moment Lord Gaura enjoyed blissful
pastimes in this way. His pastimes in Nadiya are very
68. Anyone who understands the nectar of Lord
Krishna will understand the heart of these descriptions. The
descriptions of Lord Gauras pastimes in Nadiya are the
greatest treasure.
69. To everyone who does not know of Lord Gaura I
humbly say: Please do not turn away from Lord Gaura.
Give all your heart to hearing of Lord Gauras glories.
70. O my brother, please give your heart to hearing of
Lord Gaura. What else is there to do in this world? By
hearing of Lord Gaura in this way you will soon hold Lord
Krishna, the master of the three worlds, in your hand.
71. They who do not worship the Lord will not, not, not
attain deliverance. Lochana Dasa says this again and again.

72. On another day Lord Gaura, sitting on a divine seat,

said to the devotees:
73. All the Scriptures declare the glories of My
sankirtana-yajna (chanting the glories of Lord Krishna).
74. Sankirtana is the best of all spiritual activities.
Please know that especially in the Kali-yuga it is the best
75 - 76. This truth is revealed in the fifth Veda (the
Mahabharata), where it is said that with his five mouths Lord
Shiva sings Lord Krishnas glories without stop, Narada,
playing his vina and dancing, also sings them, and the great
sages headed by Shukadeva and Sanaka-kumara also sing
77. The Vedas describe Sri Sri Radha-Krishna in
Vrindavana. Filled with ecstatic love, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna
dance with the gopis.
78. Eternally Sri Sri Radha-Krishna stay in the
spiritual world of Vrindavana. Filled with great ecstatic
spiritual love, Lord Shiva chants Their glories.
79. Although he always sings of Them, Lord Shiva can
never come to the end of Sri Sri Radha-Krishnas glories.
These truths the Vedas reveal in Kali-yuga.
80. Anyone who chants Lord Krishnas glories attains
spiritual enlightenment. Appearing as that glorification, the
Vedas bestow their mercy on that person.
81. The living entities ears are sacrificial openings. The
tongue is a sacrificial ladle. The sound of Lord Krishnas
glories is charming sacrificial ghee.
82. When the ladle of the tongue pours that ghee into
the openings of the ears, the ghee enters the heart. In the
heart the ghee adds fuel to the fire of ecstatic love. It makes
that fire burn with great flames. The flames of that fire make
the body tremble. They make the bodys hairs stand erect.
83. Freed from sin in this way, the living entities
dance. Salokya and the other kinds of liberation follow
behind them.
84. However, the living entities will not cast even a
sidelong glance at liberation. Instead, tasting the sweet
nectar of Lord Krishnas glories, they joyfully dance.
85. The Vaishnava Acharyas all perform this yajna.
Please know that sankirtana-yajna is the best of all yajnas.
86. In this way the great treasure of ecstatic spiritual
love takes birth in the heart. Lord Nityananda is the master
of that treasure.
87. Gadadhara Pandita is the goddess that controls
that ecstatic spiritual love. O jewel-like devotees, please
understand these truths.
88. Advaita Acharya Gosai brought Me here.
Therefore it is He who firmly establish the sankirtana-yajna.
89. Srivasa, Narahari, and the other devotees also
helped establish the sankirtana-yajna.
90. In Kali-yuga please take this sankirtana-yajna from
house to house. In this way please deliver all the fallen
91. Hearing these words, the devotees wept and wept.
Falling down before the Lords feet, repeatedly the devotees
offered respectful obeisances.
92. Each one of them Lord Gaura, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, picked up and embraced. Filled
with bliss by hearing of these pastimes, Lochana Dasa sings
this song.

Song 22
(Varadi raga - Dhula Khela-jata)

93. Please hear another wonderful song describing

Lord Gauras glories, a song beyond anything the people or
even the demigods know. Lord Gaura, who is decorated
with the jewels of all virtues, who is filled with ecstatic love,
and who is mercy personified, preached the glories of
bhakti-yoga (devotional service).
94. Please listen with all your heart, and I will tell
another story. Accompanied by His associates, Lord
Vishvambhara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, went
to Chandrashekaras house.
95. With a voice choked with emotion, Lord Gaura
glorified the gopis. Tears flowed from His reddened eyes.
He manifested the ecstasies of the transcendental rasas.
96. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the
gopis master, and whose feet Goddess Lakshmi is wildly
eager to serve, became filled with feelings of devotion.
Simply by describing devotional service, Lord Gaura
became rapt in ecstasy.
97. Manifesting the features of a gopi, and now
overcome with bliss, Lord Vishvambhara, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, danced in Sri Chandrashekaras
house. Then Srivasa manifested the features of Narada
98. Bowing down before Lord Gauras feet, Srivasa
humbly said: Please think of me as Your servant. After
speaking these words, the great sage Narada said to
Gadadhara Pandita:
99. Please listen to what I say. You are a gopi. Please
understand who You were before. I describe great wonders.
You are a very exalted a rare person in this world. Please
carefully hear my description of You.
100. Everyone please hear my description. Life after
life You are born in Gokula. Rejecting Your vow of
faithfulness to Your husband, You always serve Lord
Krishna. In this way You stay in Vrindavana.
101. You are Lord Krishnas most important potency.
You are Krishnas potency: Radha. What do I know that I
can describe You?
102. You are the crest jewel of the beautiful gopis. You
deeply love Lord Krishna. How can I describe the truth
about You?
103 - 104. No one understands the great devotion You
feel for Lord Krishna. That devotion is the greatest secret in
the three worlds. Brahma, Shiva, Lakshmi, Ananta,
Prahlada, Narada, Sanat-kumara, and all the sages and
demigods do not understand even a small fragment of the
devotion You feel for Lord Krishna. The Supreme
Personality of Godhead, the master of all the glory and
opulence in the world, desires to feel the love that You feel.
Therefore He has now placed Your fair complexion on His
own limbs.
105. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose
maidservant is Goddess Lakshmi, yearns to feel the
spiritual love You feel. He nows holds that love in His heart.
The master of all the worlds is now overcome by those
feelings of love, the glorious love that You feel.
106. You know the glories of Lord Krishnas heart.
With Your love You bind Him. Uddhava, Akrura, and the
other great devotees serve Your feet. In Your heart please do
not stop being merciful to us.
107. In this way Srivasa, the jewel of the brahmanas,
spoke. Hearing his words, the devotees became blissful. The
Vaishnavas embraced each other. They gazed at Lord
Vishvambharas feet.
108. Overcome with bliss and love, they danced. Then
Haridasa arrived. He held a stick in his hand. He
respectfully stood before the Lord. Then he very joyfully
sang the Lords glories.
109. O my brothers, at every moment please sing the
glories of Lord Hari (hari-guna-sankirtana), he said. Then
he loudly, loudly laughed. As he sang Lord Haris glories,
flooding rivers of tears flowed from his two eyes. He
joyfully looked in the four directions.
110. Hearing Haridasas words, all the jewel-like
Vaishnavas responded by making a great rain-shower of
nectar. They joyfully sang and danced. In the center danced
Lord Gaura Raya. Weeping, the devotees grasped the Lords
reddish feet.
111. Then the devotee who is the King of all the
Vaishnavas, the devotee who is an abode of all
transcendental virtues, the devotee who bears the name
Advaita Acharya, arrived. His handsome glory had never
before been seen on the earth. He stood before Lord Gaura.
He was very powerful. He was born as a plenary expansion
of the Lord.
112. Calling out Hari! Hari! Lord Advaita danced
with bliss and love. From head to foot the hairs of His body
stood erect. Tears flowed from His two eyes. He filled
everyone with wonder.
113. He gazed at Lord VIshvambharas graceful feet. He
roared. He slapped His arms. The kirtana had become like a
great marketplace, a wonderful marketplace of ecstatic
spiritual love.
114. All the Vaishnavas found their hearts filled with
bliss. They were plunged in an ocean of ecstatic spiritual
love. Surrounded by the Vaishnavas, Lord Gaura-Hari
placed spiritual bliss within the world of birth and death.
115. Then Lord Gaura said: Listen. Everyone be
attentive. Then Lord Gaura was suddenly transformed into
a gopi. On His breast was a bodice. On His wrists were
conch-shell bracelets. His two eyes were plunged in nectar.
116. His garments were silk. Anklets adorned His feet.
His waist was slender like a fist. His beauty enchanted the
three worlds. What metaphor can I speak to describe His
form? In this way Lord Gaura manifested the form of a
117. The splendor of His limbs was beyond anything of
this world. The breeze from them was like the fragrant
breezes from the Malaya Hills. He was adorned with a
garland of new jasmine flowers. He was like the peak of
Mount Sumeru. It was as if two flooding celestial Ganga
rivers flowed over Lord Gauras limbs.
118. Tasting the nectar of the rasas, Lord Gaura, the
King of dancers, danced in the midst of the Vaishnavas.
Then Lord Gaura thought of Goddess Lakshmi. Filled with
ecstasy, He entered the Deity room of the temple.
119. In the Deity room Lord Gaura manifested the
divine four-armed form of Goddess Lakshmi. Seeing this,
everyone respectfully stood like sticks. In this form the Lord
walked with graceful half-steps. A veil covered His half-
closed eyes.
120. Falling before the Lords graceful feet, everyone
offered prayers. Overcome with bliss, someone prayed:
This boon I ask: Please give me pure love and devotion.
121. Listening to everyones prayers, the Lord thought
of Goddess Durga. Suddenly He manifested the form of
Goddess Durga. Everyone was filled with wonder. How
many demigods suddenly came and recited how many
122. Sitting on a throne, and pleased with the prayers of
the devotees and demigods, Goddess Durga gently, gently
smiled and said: I have come to see your love and
123. I have come to see you sing and dance. Please
speak the desires in your hearts. Hearing these words,
everyone prayed: Please give us devotion to You.
124. When everyone had asked this boon, Goddess
Durga said: Listen. Listen. Listen, everyone. I am powerful
Goddess Durga. I fulfill everyones desire.
125. Hearing these words, everyone offered obeisances,
falling like sticks to ground. Then Goddess Durga smiled,
took Haridasa by the hand, and placed him on her lap.
126. Placing him on her lap, the goddess rocked
Haridasa to and fro as if he were a five-year old boy. Seeing
this wonder, everyone became joyful at heart. Even the
birds and beasts became joyful.
127. Then someone said: Please cast a merciful glance
at Murari. He is Your servant. Hearing these words, the
Lord smiled with a smile sweeter than nectar.
128. Tears of love and mercy flowed from the Lords
eyes. The moon of His face was red with mercy. Overcome
with bliss and love, Sachi-devi served the Lords graceful
129. In His heart thinking of them as His children, Lord
Gaura as Goddess Durga brought everyone there close to
Him. Loving them like a mother, with eyes filled with tears
of love He looked at everyone.
130. At that moment a brahmana suddenly arrived.
Loudly he called out to the Lord. Seeing the distressed
persons sufferings, the Lord became wild with grief. Tears
flowed from His eyes.
131. Again manifesting his form of Lord Gaura, the
Lord mercifully gave ecstatic spiritual love to that person.
Seeing that the Lord again manifested His form of Lord
Gaura, the devotees offered obeisances. Again and again
they fell down like sticks.
132. In these nectar pastimes the night passed. At dawn
everyone returned to his home. Accompanied by His
associates, Lord Gaura, a stout staff in His hand, walked
133. At that moment merciful Lord Gaura, who is the
master of all the worlds, humbly and mercifully removed
all suffering from the earth.
134. Anyone who hears this wonderful truth will find
that all material sufferings in his heart become destroyed.
Such a person will never perish. Fie on the wretches who
doubt these words!
135. How can a person who, accepting only logic,
scripture, and direct perception as sources of knowledge,
and not having directly seen any of these pastimes, and not
willing to accept them on the basis of logic, and not having
read of them in any scripture, does not accept that these
pastimes are true, become delivered?
136. To give His mercy to others, Lord Gaura
descended to this world. No one is like Him. Let the people
say what they say. I will say what I have directly seen, and
what I know in my mind and my heart.
137. In this way I worry. This worry brings pain to my
heart. My heart weeps. To whom will I tell this? Lochana
Dasa sings this song glorifying Lord Gaura.

Sannyaser Purvavastha:
Before Accepting Sannyasa

Song 23
(Varadi raga)

Refrain: O! O! O! Lord Gaurachandra is my very life!

1. Now I will tell the wonderful story of a pastime no

one in the world has ever seen. No one in the world has
ever seen or heard of such a pastime.
2. Anyone who has even a single sesame seed of doubt
should pay careful attention with all his heart. To benefit
everyone Lord Gaura revealed the truth about Himself.
3. Singing and dancing, joyful Lord Gaura came to
Chandrashekaras house.
4. Sri Chandrashekara Bhattacharya also became joyful.
Please hear of the wonderful pastimes the Lord enjoyed in
his home.
5. Lord Gaura came dancing. His effulgence was like
millions and millions of rising moons.
6. More than nectar His effulgence was wonderful,
glorious, and cooling. No one could look at it. It was as if
lightning filled the four directions.
7. Gazing at the Lord, everyone felt their hearts become
filled with bliss. Tears filled their eyes. The Lords
effulgence was blinding.
8. Gazing at this sight, the people of Nadiya became
filled with wonder.
9. Someone asked the Vaishnavas: What is the
meaning of this? Please tell us.
10. The Vaishnavas replied: What do we know? Lord
Vishvambhara, who is rich in the jewels of transcendental
virtues, has come dancing.
11. That is all we know. We do not know anything
more. His pastimes are beyond the knowledge of the world
and the Vedas.
12. He manifested an effulgent form for seven days
without stop. Because of His effulgence we did not know if
it was day or night.
13. Sachis son, who follows the religion of
compassion, manifests blissful pastimes that are eternally
new and fresh.
14. On another day, speaking from his heart, Srivasa,
the best of brahmanas, asked this question of Lord Gaura:
15. In Kali-yuga the chanting of Lord Haris holy
names brings the perfect and complete fruit of all spiritual
endeavors. What does the chanting of the holy names bring
any lesser result in the other yugas?
16. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura said: Listen, O
Srivasa. Your question is good. I will give a clear answer.
17. In Satya-yuga the perfect religion is meditation. In
Treta-yuga the perfect religion is performance of yajna.
18. In Dvapara-yuga it is said that the worship of Lord
Krishnas Deity form is the heart of religion. However, in
Kali-yuga no one has the power to perform these activities
19. The Supreme Lord is identical with His holy name.
Therefore in Kali-yuga Lord Haris holy name has all power.
20. In the three other yugas the great devotees serve
Lord Narayana by properly performing meditation, yajna,
or Deity worship.
21. In Kali-yuga everybody is very sinful and ill-
behaved. Therefore the Lord feels extreme compassion for
22. Therefore the Lord has arranged that in Kali-yuga
all perfection may be obtained very easily. It is attained
simply by chanting the Lords holy names.
23. In the other yugas one must strive with a great
effort. But in Kali-yuga one may very easily attain the
Lords mercy.
24. Placing Naraharis feet on his head, Lochana Dasa
repeats Lord Gaurangas sweet words.

25. The days happily passed in this way. Then Lord

Gaura suddenly saw this thought in His heart:
26. I cannot stay here. I cannot. I must go to see the
land of Vrindavana.
27. Where is My Yamuna? My Vrindavana? Where is
My Bahulavana? My Bhandiravana? My Govardhana?
28. Where is My Radha? My Lalita and the other
gopis? Where is My Nanda? My Yashoda?
29. Where are My Sridama and Sudama? Where are
My white and dark surabhi cows? Calling out in this way,
Lord Gaura ran about, overcome with ecstatic love.
30. Holding a straw between His teeth and gazing in
the four directions, He wept piteously.
31. How can I continue to pass My time in this world
of birth and death? Where must I go to find the feet of
Nandas son?
32. Speaking these words, He broke the sacred thread
resting on His neck. Separated from Lord Krishna, He was
overcome with grief.
33. He called out, Hari! Hari! He sighed. The shed
flooding rivers of tears. He did not say anything.
34. The hairs of His body stood erect. His body became
red. Seeing all this, Murari said:
35. Listen. Listen, O Mahaprabhu, O Gaura, O
Supreme Personality of Godhead. Nothing is impossible for
36. You have the power to go or stay anywhere. But
please do not go anywhere without first telling me.
37. If You want to go to another county, You may go.
You are independent. You may separate Yourself from the
38. You are independent. You can do whatever is in
Your heart. But if You depart then all the people will again
enter the world of birth and death.
39. Lord, please do not do anything without
considering the results. This I say to You.
40. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura became silent.
Defeated by Murari, He had no power to speak.
41. Then some more days passed happily. His eyes
filled with tears, Lord Gaura gazed at the people of Nadiya.
42. Filling His mothers eyes and heart with a mothers
love, Lord Gaura-Hari enjoyed many pastimes with
43. He enjoyed many happy pastimes with His friends
and relatives. He delighted everyone in Navadvipa.
44. With the Vaishnavas He enjoyed pastimes of
chanting the holy names. Gazing at Him, the citys women
hopelessly sighed.
45. His form is the most wonderful in the three worlds.
His pastimes are the most blissful. He stands at the summit
of all handsome grace.
46. His ornaments glistened. Reaching to His
shoulders, His hair was decorated with jasmine flowers.
47. He was gracefully decorated with sandal tilaka. His
red-bordered garments were the most graceful in the three
48. His associates and everyone else in the city gazed at
49. In this way Lord Gaura was surrounded by His
devotees. Gently, gently smiling, Lord Gaura told every one
of a dream. He said:
50. Listen, everyone. At night I saw a dream. He who
is the jewel of the brahmanas suddenly came before Me.
51. In My ear he spoke the sannyasa mantra. Now that
mantra is manifest in My heart.
52. From the moment that mantra entered, My heart
has been unable to keep its independence.
53. How can I abandon the dear master of My life? If I
abandon Him, what will I do?
54. He is sublimely handsome. His luster defeats the
sapphire. Smiling, He always stays in My heart.
55. Hearing these words, Murari said: You wrote that
mantras sashthi-tatpurusha-samasa.
56. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura said: Your words
do not pacify My heart.
57. I try to become peaceful, but I only weep. Please
dont speak words like those to Me. Instead hear My words.
58. The sound of that mantra is very powerful. What
can I do? I cannot resist it, as you suggest.
59. Hearing these words, everyone became sorrowful at
heart. With a sorrowful heart Lochana Dasa speaks these

60. After some days the great pure-hearted sannyasi Sri

Keshava Bharati arrived.
61. Because in his previous births he had accumulated a
mountain of pious deeds, he was now a very powerful
sannyasi, and a great devotee.
62. Lord Vishvambhara saw him when he arrived.
Seeing Lord Vishvambhara, the sannyasi became joyful.
63. Lord Vishvambhara respectfully stood and then
bowed down before the sannyasis feet. As He gazed at the
sannyasi, tears of ecstatic spiritual love flowed from the
Lords eyes.
64. Seeing Lord Vishvambharas body, the very
intelligent King of the sannyasis understood a little of the
Lords nature.
65. Keshava Bharati Gosvami then said: Are You
Shukadeva? Are You Narada? These questions rest in my
66. Hearing these words, Lord Vishvambhara wept.
Twice as many tears flowed from His eyes.
67 - 68. Very surprised, the sannyasi again said:
Thinking of all this, my heart has come to the conclusion
that You must be the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You
are the life of all the worlds. Of this there is no doubt.
69. Hearing these words, Lord Vishvambhara
continued to weep. He said: After how many days will I
find Lord Krishnas feet?
70. You love Krishna very fervently. Therefore you see
Krishna everywhere.
71. After how many days will I see Krishna? I will
wear garments like yours.
72. To find Krishna I will travel from country to
country. Where should I go to find Krishna, the master of
My life?
73. Speaking these words to the sannyasi, and then
falling like a stick to offer obeisances to him, Lord
Vishvambhara, taking the sannyasi with Him, returned to
His own home.
74. Seeing Srivasa, the Lord said to him: Please take
this sannyasi to your home.
75. Hearing the Lords words, Srivasa took the sannyasi
and fed him very grandly.
76. After taking his meal, the sannyasi passed that day
at Srivasas house. At dawn of the next day the King of
sannyasis departed.
77. That morning Srivasa told the Lord of the
sannyasis departure.
78. Hearing these words, the Lord became sorrowful at
heart. Thinking of the sannyasi, the Lord walked home.
79. Returning home, Lord Gaura-Hari thought and
thought. He decided to accept sannyasa.
80. From various hints understanding the Lords
decision, Mukunda tried to stop Him.
81. All the devotees came. Weeping, Mukunda placed
these words before the devotees feet:
82. Everyone please hear. Hear my words. Lord
Vishvambhara will accept sannyasa.
83. For as long as He stays among us please fill your
eyes with the sight of His form and fill your ears with the
sound of the words from His mouth.
84. The Lord will leave His home and go away. He
will leave His mother and His servants.
85. Hearing these words, everyone became sorrowful at
heart. In their hearts they tried to plan a way for the Lord to
stay amongst them.
86. The Lord is independent. We have no power to
control Him. When these words were spoken, the
frightened devotees fell down.
87. Falling to the ground, they wept. Covered with
dust, they called out: O master of our lives! O Lord
88. O! O Lord Mahaprabhu, where will You go? The
black snake of Kali-yuga will grab and devour us.
89. O Lord, please protect us from the fearful snake of
Kali-yuga. Afraid of You, the snake of Kali will not attack us
in Your presence.
90. Then Lord Vishvambhara arrived there. Seeing
Srivasa, the Lord said:
91. Please hear. Hear, O dear brahmana Srivasa. I will
say something, if you are not afraid to hear My words.
92. To find ecstatic spiritual love I will go to another
country. That love I will bring back and give to you. Please
hear, O best of the brahmanas.
93 - 94. As a man may climb on a boat, travel to a
faraway country, earn wealth, endure many difficulties,
return home and with the wealth he brought maintains his
relatives, in the same way I will gather ecstatic spiritual love
and give it to you.
95. Hearing these words, Srivasa Pandita said: Lord, if
we do not see You, how will we remain alive?
96. A person can maintain his friends and kinsmen
only as long as they remain alive in their bodies. When they
have left their bodies one can only offer shraddha to them.
97. Only if we remain alive can You give us the
treasure of ecstatic spiritual love. If we cannot see You, we
will certainly die.
98. Then Mukunda said: Lord, my body is on fire.
Though flames burn in my heart, my life breath cannot
99. I may be a fallen, wretched sinner. But You are a
crooked-hearted cheater. I know the way You act.
100. Not knowing Your true nature, fools like myself
renounced the material world and took shelter of You.
101. Renouncing religious rituals and duties we took
shelter of Your feet. Why do You now renounce us?
102. You are the purifier of the fallen. This all the
Scriptures declare. That is why we renounced all other
duties and surrendered unto You.
103. Now You will renounce us and go away. Lord, it
is not right. This appeal I place before You.
104. Not knowing how crooked is Your heart, we took
shelter of You. In truth Your heart is very hard. It is like a
105. Outside You are like a fragrant nectar lotus
flower, but inside You are like a thunderbolt. This truth my
heart knows.
106. I know Your heart is very hard. Your heart is like
a pot of poison, poison with a little milk floating on its top.
107. Your heart is like a wooden modaka candy
anointed with camphor. No one knows that candy can
never be eaten.
108. If You go to another country, how will we stay
alive? You enjoy being cruel to us. That is why You act in
this way.
109. If we cannot see Your face for even a single
sesame seeds worth of time, we will die. We will weep and
weep. Then Murari said:
110. Please Listen. Listen, O Lord Gaura, O
Vishvambhara. Fallen Murari speaks. Please pay attention.
111. With Your own finger You planted a wonderful
tree. You watered it. Day and night it grew. It sprouted
112. Day after day You very carefully protected it. You
built a fence around it. Its base You decorated with many
Now, as it is about to give flowers and fruits You want
to cut it down. Now we will all die. Our hearts will break
into pieces.
114. Day and night we know no one but You. When
we dream we see the moon of Your face.
115. We dont want anything in this world of birth and
death. We want only to feel the breeze coming from Your
feet, feet so rare and difficult to find in this world.
116. If You leave us and go to another country, the
tiger of material life will grab and devour us.
117. When these words were spoken, all the devotees
assembled and fell down before Lord Gauras feet.
118. O friend of the fallen, O protector of the
unprotected, O deliverer of the fallen, You are the master of
all the worlds.
119. With a blade of straw between his teeth, one
devotee spoke these words filled with emotion. Another
devotee raised his arms and loudly called out.
120. Lord Gaura said: You are all My servants. I tell
you all: Please listen. Please have faith in Me.
121. As the Lord began to speak, His voice became
choked with emotion. Tears flowed from the red lotus
flowers of His eyes.
122. With an emotion-choked voice He spoke half
words. Finally He could not speak. For a moment He was
123. The fear of being separated from Me torments
you. My body is also tormented, tormented by separation
from Lord Krishna.
124. Thinking you will be happy by doing it, you try
to please Me. How is that love?
125. Separated from Lord Krishna, My heart is on fire.
My senses are burned to ashes. My whole body is aflame.
126. Even my mother is like a blazing fire. All your
words are laced with poison.
127. Life without Krishna is not life. A person who
lives without Krishna is worthless like a pile of ashes. He is
like a bird or a beast.
128. He is like a corpse, or like a dead leaf fallen from
a vine or a tree.
129. Without Krishna religion and pious deeds are like
a brahmana ignorant of the Vedas, or like a girl without a
husband, or like a fish out of water.
130. They are like an unemployed poverty-stricken
man trying to build a house, or like trying to build a
university amongst the illiterates.
131. Without Krishna, My life throbs with pain.
Whatever you say will never enter My ears.
132. Wearing a yogis garments, I will go from country
to country to find the master of My life.
133. Speaking these words, Lord Gaura fell to the
ground and wept. The brahmana-thread on His body He
broke and threw away.
134. Krishna! Krishna! He called out in a voice filled
with pain. In a piteous voice calling out, Master of my
life! He wept.

Song 24
(Vibhasa raga - Tarjjabandha)

Refrain: O! O! O! O!
135. Everyone please hear. This world of birth and
death is very horrible. It is filled with danger and
uncertainty. The dangerous sense objects are filled with
poison, poison that makes My heart burst into flames.
136. Whatever the senses command, everyone does.
No one can turn away from material desires. The people
think material pleasures are eternally new and fresh. Never
will they give them up.
137. Lust, greed, and illusion never spare the people.
Illusion, pride, and anger rob the peoples hearts. Not for a
single sesame seeds worth of time will the people turn
from these and become enlightened.
138. The people are imprisoned in this external world.
They wander in the world of illusions. Thinking only of
family and caste, they forget Krishna. Wandering and
wandering, and filled with material desires, they commit
many sins.
139. They gaze at the wonders of this world, wonders
behind which hides Lord Krishna. It is only with great effort
that one attains a human birth, a birth where one can
worship Lord Krishna.
140. It is only with great difficulty that one attains this
rare human birth. In such a birth one should worship Lord
Krishna. A soul who attains a human body but turns away
from Lord Krishna perishes. He falls into a world of
141. Everyone please hear. I will describe what is in
My heart. Please give this blessing to Me. Bless Me that I
will attain love for Lord Krishna, and that I will be freed
from the sufferings of this world. This blessing I beg of you
142. Please always sing songs of Lord Krishnas
pastimes. With your eyes gaze at His lotus face. Hold His
feet in your hearts.
143. What will I do? I cannot see Lord Krishna.
Separated from Krishna, my heart has burst into flames. I
am drowning in the ocean of repeated birth and death. My
heart is tortured with sufferings.
144. The devotees should tell others that Lord Krishna
is the true father, the true mother, the true God, the true
teacher, the true friend. The devotees should speak about
Lord Krishna. They should worship Lord Krishnas feet.
145. You are all my friends. You are all great
Vaishnavas. Please do not stop your hearts from giving
mercy to me. I will accept sannyasa. For everyones benefit I
will freely distribute ecstatic spiritual love.
146. After speaking these words, Lord Vishvambhara
rolled on the ground. His hair became disheveled. His fair
limbs became covered with dust.
147. Hari! Hari! He loudly called. Heavily He
breathed through His nostrils. From head to foot the hairs of
His body stood erect. His voice choked with emotion, He
spoke in half words.
148. One moment He wept. One moment He was filled
with grief. One moment His eyes were filled with wonder.
One moment He joyfully leapt into the air. One moment His
body trembled. One moment He was overwhelmed by
feelings of separation from Lord Krishna.
149. One moment He called out, Vrindavana! One
moment He called out, Radha! One moment He slapped
His arms and called out, Hari! Hari! One moment He
struck His hand to His chest.
150. Seeing all this, everyone became anxious at heart.
What more can I say? Everyone was plunged in an ocean of
151. Then Murari said: Please hear, O Lord Gaura-
Hari. You are supremely independent in every way. To teach
the people of the world You kindly manifest these sorrows
of separation from Lord Krishna.
152. Whatever You wish in Your heart You will
certainly do. What more can I say? You know everything.
Every souls destiny is controlled by You.
153. Individual souls like myself do not know what
the future holds. We are like flies or ants. You are an ocean
of mercy, the friend of all. Please do what You think is best.
154. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura smiled and
embraced everyone. Manifesting ecstatic spiritual love, He
addressed everyone. He spoke these words of
155. Everyone please hear the words I speak. Please
do not doubt them. Wherever I go, I will always stay with
you. Please know that for certain.
156. Bidding farewell to all, Lord Gaura returned to His
own home. In His heart He had already accepted sannyasa.
This His mother did not know.
157. Sachis heart throbbed. For her there was no peace.
Lochana Dasa says: How can anyone willingly leave the
association of Lord Gaura, who is like an ocean of spiritual

Sachi-matar shoka:
Mother Sachis Grief

Song 25
(Ahiri raga-Disha)

1. Mother Sachi heard the rumor that her son would

accept sannyasa.
2. It was as if the sky had fallen on her head. Her heart
overcome, Sachi fell unconscious.
3. She became like a wild woman. She went
everywhere in the four directions. Everyone she saw in
Navadvipa she asked about that rumor.
4. She became convinced. Her son would accept
sannyasa. Approaching Lord Vishvambhara, she sighed and
5. You are my son. You are the only eye in my body. If
I cannot see you, I will see only blinding darkness.
6. From the mouths of the people I heard my dear son
will accept sannyasa. This news is like the sky falling and
breaking my head.
7. I am all alone. I have no husband. I have no one but
you. Forgetting everyone, I gaze only on your face.
8. Your eyes are the lamps of my family. Everyone in
Navadvipa tells me: You are fortunate to have such a son.
9. Dont destroy my pride in my son. If you do not
stay, my whole world will be burned to ashes.
10. When they see my face, everyone thinks I am
fortunate. If you go, when they see me everyone will turn
his face away.
11. You are my son. You are my great treasure in this
world of birth and death. If I cannot see you, my whole
world will become a jungle.
12. If you leave me and go away, I will become
unfortunate, filled with sorrows. I will drown in the Ganga.
I will kill myself.
13. How will your soft feet walk on many journeys?
When you are hungry and thirsty from whom will you beg
14. How will your body soft like butter bear the
burning sunshine? That though fills me with sorrow.
15. O my son, my golden Nimai. if you leave me,
where will you go?
16. While you are here I will drink poison and die.
Then with my ears I will never hear that you have accepted
17. Dear son, first I will die, and then you may go to
another country. I will enter a fire and die in its flames.
18. You are merciful to every living entity. Only to me
you are not merciful. Why did the creator Brahma give me
such a terrible fate? I do not know.
19. Son, you are handsome, virtuous, and righteous.
You are glorious in the three worlds. Your appearance
charms all beautiful women. Your hair is graceful.
20. Decorated with jasmine flowers, your graceful hair
falls upon your shoulders. When I see you, your appearance
cools the burning sufferings of my life.
21. Surrounded by friends and a book in your left
hand, you walk on the path. When I see you in this way my
heart becomes pleasantly cool.
22. Dear son, will you leave all your friends? You will
not chant the holy names with your friends?
23. You will not gloriously dance? Seeing you, the
whole world becomes enchanted.
24. You are the life of your dear friends. Your
acceptance of sannyasa will kill them all.
25. I will die. Vishnupriya will die. Their hearts
broken, all the devotees will also die.
26 - 28. Murari, Mukunda Datta, Srivasa, Advaita
Acharya, Haridasa, Gadadhara, Narahari, Sri
Raghunandana, Vasudeva Ghosha, Vakreshvara, Sri Rama,
and the other devotees will all die of they cannot see you.
My dear son, please see all these truths and stop your heart
from thinking of sannyasa.
29. You are a son without a father. Twice I arranged for
your marriage. I still have not seen any children.
30. Sannyasa is not for a young man. Stay as a
householder and perform your duties.
31. Lust, anger, greed, and illusion are all powerful in
youth. How will you be successful in sannyasa?
32. Controlling the heart is not easy in Kali-yuga. A
restless heart destroys sannyasa.
33. A householder is not accountable for sinful
thoughts. But in sannyasa ones thoughts must be always
34. Hearing Sachi-devi speak these words, Lord Gaura
spoke these words of enlightenment to His mother:

Song 26
(same raga)

Refrain: Nectar words flow from the moon of Lord

Gauras mouth. How can the creator Brahma have remained
peaceful after creating Lord Gauras glorious form?
35. Please listen and I will tell the wonderful story of
Dhruvas mother and how Dhruva Maharaja became a great

36. It is said (Padyavali 8):

vyadhasyacharanam dhruvasya cha vayo vidya gajendrasya kim

kubjayah kim u nama rupam adhikam kim tat sudhamno dhanam
vamshah ko vidurasya yadava-pater ugrasya kim paurusham
bhaktya tushyati kevalam na cha gunair bhakti-priyo madhavah

Where was the hunter Dharmas piety, Dhruvas

maturity, and Gajendras knowledge? Where was Kubjas
beauty? Where was Sudamas wealth? Where was Viduras
noble birth? Where was Ugrasenas chivalrous strength?
Lord Madhava is pleased only by devotional service and
not by material qualifications.

37. With a single heart please hear, O mother, the story

of how Dhruva Maharaja attained a very exalted abode.
38. Svayambhuva Manu was a mind-born son of the
demigod Brahma. He was powerful and effulgent as Lord
Brahma himself.
39. He had two sons: Priyavrata and Uttanapada. By
Brahmas mercy they both became great kings.
40. King Uttanapada married twice. Suruchi and
Suniti were his two beautiful wives.
41. From Suruchi were born seven sons headed by
Uttama. From Suniti was born only one son, named
42. Uttamas mother was favored by Uttanapada, but
Dhruvas mother was not favored by him.
43. Beautiful Suruchi was the favored queen. Dhruvas
mother became her maidservant.
44. Though she floated in an ocean of sorrows, Suniti
never complained.
45. Unhusked rice and unsalted vegetables were the
meals given to Dhruvas mother.
46. By the time Dhruva was five years old, his mother
was suffering many troubles.
47. One day King Uttanapada enjoyed pastimes with
Suruchi on a great throne.
48. On that jewel throne the seven brothers headed by
Uttama also enjoyed many pastimes.
49. Meanwhile, five-year-old Dhruva, playing with
other boys, had become covered with dust.
50. Seeing his seven brothers on his fathers lap,
Dhruva began to climb the jewel throne.
51. Reaching the throne, he went to sit in his fathers
lap when his stepmother threw him to the ground.
52. Falling to the ground, Dhruva wept. Controlled by
his wife, the king said nothing.
53. Fallen to the ground, Dhruva wept, his pride
crushed. That he was the son of a mother not in favor he did
not know.
54. Dhruvas stepmother said: You weep for no
reason. Though you are a maidservants son, you tried to sit
on the jewel throne.
55. Birth after birth your mother did not worship Lord
Krishna. Have you no shame? You tried to sit on the jewel
56. You are the son of an unfortunate mother. Your
mother is not a devotee of Lord Vishnu. Why should you
have the right to sit on a jewel throne?
57. These words Dhruvas seven brothers said to him.
Weeping and weeping, Dhruva went to his mother.
58. My stepmother hit me. She threw me from the
59. She said: Your mother never worshiped Lord
Krishna. Are you not ashamed to try and sit on the jewel
60. She spoke very strange words. I did not know you
were a maidservant.
61. Hearing these words, Dhruvas mother wept and
said: Dear son, I never worshiped Lord Krishna. I am very
62. Birth after birth I never worshiped Lord Krishna. I
was never a servant of Lord Krishna. I never served Him.
63. Dont cry. Dont cry, my son, if your stepmother
calls you the son of an unfortunate woman, or the son of a
maidservant, or insults you.
64. As Dhruva wept, his mother spoke to him the
truth of spiritual life. In this way Lochana Dasa joyfully
sings the glories of Lord Gaura.

Song 27
(Sinduda raga)

65. Dhruva, you took birth from the womb of an

unfortunate woman. I never served Lord Krishna. You are
not loved by your father. When you are born from a woman
who is not so unfortunate, then you may wish to sit on a
66. Dont cry. Dont cry, Dhruva. Ill tell you what I
know. Listen. Listen to my words. In the past your
stepmother worshiped Lord Krishna. That is why she is
67. Why would a person who worships Lord Krishna
even want to sit on a throne? If you want, you can sit on a
throne. If you worship Lord Krishnas feet you can easily
attain the false fame and glory of this world.
68. Why were you forced to leave your fathers lap?
Why will everyone in thee world insult you? Because you
are my son. From birth I am very unfortunate. Hearing
Queen Sunitis words, Dhruva floated in a flood of tears.
69. Dhruva, listen. Listen to my words. O lotus-eyed
one, there is one way you may become free from your
sufferings. Only one and no other way.
70. How many times did Brahma and the demigods
serve Lord Krishna that attained their exalted posts in
Svargaloka? If you worship Lord Krishna you can get a
throne. You can be worshiped by everyone in the three
71. Hearing his mothers words, Dhruva thought and
thought. How will I find Lord Krishna? He asked. His
mother replied: In Madhuvana you can find Lord Krishna.
Somehow go there. This advice I give to you.
72. Go there if you are a true son of Uttanapada, if you
wish to sit on his throne, if the name Dhruva that I gave to
you will truly bring you good fortune, if you truly wish to
sit on the throne.
73. Making the dust of his mothers feet the ornament
of his heads, at an auspicious moment Dhruva departed for
Madhuvana. He was rapt in meditation on Lord Krishna. At
that moment sounds of Jaya! Jaya! resounded in

Song 28
(Suhai raga)

Refrain: Please tell me: Where shall I go to find

handsome dark Lord Krishna?
74. Everyone please hear these wonderful words. Lord
Gaura said: Please hear, O mother Sachi.
75. Bowing down, Dhruva placed on his head the dust
of his mothers feet. Weeping and weeping, he consoled her.
76. Then, his heart yearning to attain a exalted post by
worshiping Lord Krishna, the great saint Dhruva departed
for Madhuvana.
77. If, walking on the path, he was tormented by
hunger, he would eat a sweet ripe fruit that he found
78. If he became thirsty, Dhruva would drink some
sweet-smelling water that he found by the path.
79. Watching him, the demigods were filled with
wonder. Who was this person able to act in this way? They
did not know anything about Dhruva.
80. Approaching Dhruva on the path, Narada Muni
sweetly said:
81. You are a kings son. At your age you should be
playing games. Why are you so proud and angry for no
82. It is not right for you to go to the forest. When you
are old you can worship Lord Krishna, the treasure-house of
transcendental qualities.
83. Dhruva said to him: If I worship Lord Krishna
only when I am old, I may still die in my youth. What will
happen to me then?
84. Hearing these words, the great sage became happy.
To Dhruva he gave the twelve-syllable mantra.
85. Dhruva said: I suffered because in the past I did
not worship Lord Krishna. That is why the arrows of my
stepmothers words wounded my heart.
86. You are very kind and I am very unfortunate.
Please teach me about Lord Krishna. Please cast my
sufferings far away.
87. By the power of serving Lord Krishna I will attain
an exalted post even my father of my grandfather cannot
88. Then Narada Muni said: Dhruva, go to the
Yamunas bank in Madhuvana. Sit down there very calmly.
Stay always calm and determined.
89. Always chant this bija-mantra: Om namo
bhagavate vasudevaya.
90. Always chant japa of this mantra. After seven days
you will attain spiritual realization.
91. Attaining this instruction (shiksha) and spiritual
initiation (diksha), Dhruva became happy. He offered
respectful obeisances to Narada Muni. Then he left for
92. After some days he arrived in Madhuvana. Seeing
the kalpa-vriksha trees there, he became free of all
93. In this way Uttanapadas son arrived in
Madhuvana. Lochana Dasa thus happily sings this song
glorifying Lord Gaura.

Song 29
(Sindhuda raga)

Refrain: The great souls take shelter of Lord Krishnas

feet. They know that great sweetness stays at the Lords
reddish feet.

94. Seeing Madhuvana, Dhruva became joyful.

Observing the fast appropriate for arriving at a holy place,
he passed the night.
95. At dawn he bathed and chanted his mantra. He
had neither hunger nor thirst. He floated in tears.
96. Every five or seven days he ate one badari fruit.
On the other days he accepted only some water touched by
97. Then he would fast for thirty days. Dhruva broke
his fast only once a month.
98. Once he would raise his arms with cupped palms.
Then he would chant japa of the twelve-syllable mantra.
99. His feet up, he stayed under the Yamunas waters.
In the summer he sat with fires on four sides.
100. In the winter he stayed in the Yamunas waters.
During the monsoon he bore much suffering.
101. Dhruva meditated and meditated. He was in a
trance of samadhi. In his meditation he saw Lord Krishna,
whose form bends in three places.
102. Indra and the demigods were surprised. How did
Dhruva become qualified to perform such activities. They
did not know.
103. Brahma said: In the end he will be qualified for
my post. Then Dhruva will sit in Brahmas post. I must do
something to stop him.
104. Kuvera and Varuna said: He will attain our
posts. Lord Krishna will give our posts to him. This we
105. Indra said: Dhruva will attain my post. Lord
Krishna will kindly give it to him.
106. Indra said: Everyone else yearns after my post.
Dhruva, though he does not yearn after it, will attain my
107. All the demigods said: We sit on exalted thrones.
By his great austerities Dhruva will attain our posts.
108. Brahma and the other demigods devised various
strategies to break Dhurvas great austerities.
109. With single-pointed concentration Dhruva
meditated on three-fold-bending Lord Krishna. Brahma,
Indra, and the other demigods came to test Dhruvas
110. One demigod called aloud into Dhruvas ear:
Dhruva, you will die. Did you come here to die?
111. Another demigod said: Dhruva, your father is
dead. Another demigod said: Dhruva, a black snake
112. Another demigod said: Dhurva, your mother is
dead. Another demigod said: Dhruva, quickly flee.
113. Another demigod said: Dhruva, a forest fire
approaches. Another demigod said: Dhruva will die. He
will die.
114. Indras elephant tried to push its tusks into
Dhruvas chest.Then the elephant wrapped its trunk around
Dhruvas waist.
115. Vayus snake tried to devour Dhruva. Suryas
tiger tried to drink Dhruvas blood.
116. With snake ropes the demigods bound Dhruva
and threw him into a fire. Candra tried to drown Dhruva in
the Yamunas waters.
117. What can the bites of ten million snakes do to a
person who keeps Lord Krishnas name on his tongue?
118. How can a person who meditates on three-fold-
bending Lord Krishna become broken. In the end Brahma
and the demigods fled.
119. With single-pointed concentration Dhruva
meditated on Lord Krishnas feet. Lochana Dasa joyfully
sings his glories.

Song 30
(same raga)
Refrain: I take shelter of the reddish feet of the cowherd
boy Krishna, who is kind to the poor and fallen.

120. Your name is Patita-pavana (the purifier of the

fallen). O savior of the fallen, glory, glory, glory to You!
121. Everyone please hear more of this wonderful
story. Narada Muni spoke to Lord Krishna.
122. Sitting with Goddess Lakshmi on a jewel throne,
the Lord listened to Naradas vina music.
123. Gently smiling, Lord Krishna said to Narada:
Why does your heart not pay attention to your vina
124 - 125. Narada Muni replied: Please hear, O lotus-
eyed Lord. My heart does not pay attention to my vinas
music because I am rapt in thinking of one of Your
devotees. My mind thinks of how You are always the
master of the poor and helpless.
126. Hearing Naradas words, lotus-eyed Lord
Krishna said: Who is this devotee on whom you meditate?
Please tell Me.
127. Narada said: He is Uttanapadas very noble-
hearted son, Druva. His saintly-hearted mother is not
favored by her husband.
128. Dhruvas stepmother bears the name Suruchi. One
day she enjoyed many pastimes with her husband on his
129. Her seven sons headed by Uttama also laughed
and enjoyed pastimes on that jewel throne.
130. Seeing his brothers hugged by their father,
Dhruva climbed on that jewel throne.
131. Climbing on the throne, Dhruva sat in his fathers
lap. Then Dhruvas stepmother threw Dhruva to the
132. Falling to the ground, Dhruva wept. Controlled by
his wife, King Uttanapada said nothing.
133. Distraught by his stepmothers words, Dhruva
went to Madhuvana and performed austerities on the
Yamunas banks.
134. Hearing Naradas words, lotus-eyed Lord
Krishna gently smiled and sweetly said:
135. I do not give mercy to persons who are not
initiated. Neither do I take offense with the misdeeds of a
person who is not initiated.
136. Renouncing his father and mother, this boy
performs austerities in Madhuvana. With a vow he
meditates on Me.
137. From a Vaishnavis womb a non-Vaishnava is
never born. Vaishnavas and Vaishnavis are ready to tolerate
all difficulties.
138. I must make a Vaishnavas vow successful. I will
visit Dhruva. I will grant him a boon.
139. The devotees bind Me with ropes of love and
devotion. Bound by the devotees devotion, I have no power
to escape. I have no power to escape from a devotee who
meditates on Me.
140. Narada Muni said: It is not that Dhruva is
uninitiated. Please visit him and be merciful to him. At this
moment it is as if he is burning in a forest fire.
141. Hearing these words from Naradas mouth, lotus-
eyed Lord Krishna climbed on Garuda and flew to
142. Gently smiling, Lord Krishna said to Dhruva: For
your sake I have come from Vaikuntha. I have come to grant
you a boon.
143. Hearing Lord Krishnas words, Dhruva was filled
with bliss. His meditation broken, with folded hands he
stood before the Lord.
144. Dhruva said: O great Lord, what boon shall I
ask? Please be kind to me that I will be able to chant Your
145. Lord Krishna said: I must grant whatever you
wish. Please ask for an exalted post. I will give whatever
post you wish.
146. Why did you come to Madhuvana? Please tell Me.
Your stepmother did not allow you to sit on a throne.
147. If I do not give you an exalted post, then how can
I bear the name Vancakalpataru (He who is like a tree that
fulfills all desires)?
148. Exalted posts are like blades of straw. Your
devotees do not desire them. They are like ashes.
149. Lord Krishna said: I will give you the throne of
every king. I will give you the highest post in the three
150. You are Uttanapadas son. You will become king.
All your subjects will chant My glories.
151. Everyone will talk of Dhruvas realm, which will
be above the worlds of all the sages.
152. Giving this boon, Lord Krishna suddenly
disappeared. Vishvakarma built Dhruvas world of
153. Attaining this boon, Dhruva left Madhuvana.
Lochana Dasa happily sings the glories of Lord Gaura.

Song 31
(same raga)

Refrain: He who is Lord Gaura and the cowherd-boy

Krishna is my very life.

154. Hearing Lord Krishnas words, Dhruva returned

to his own country. Meanwhile King Uttanapadas remorse
had become very great.
155. Even Dhruvas stepmother wept. She lamented:
Where has Dhruva gone? I am very unfortunate. For my
sons sake I pushed Dhruva from the throne.
156. King Uttanapada said: Perhaps my sons death is
already written by fate. How many days must pass before I
see Dhruva again?
157. King Uttanapada said: O mother of Dhruva, now
you are my most important queen. From this day on all my
other saintly queens are your maidservants.
158. Unable to see his son, the King was overcome. He
fell to the ground unconscious.
159. Then seeing Narada unexpectedly arriving, the
King, the heart filled with worry and sorrow, respectfully
stood to receive him.
160. The King offered Narada padya, arghya, and a
sitting place. Revealing his heart, he said:
161. I have a five-year old son. Where did he go? I do
not know.
162. Narada said: Enduring many troubles, Dhruva
attained pure devotion to Lord Krishna. Now he will return
to his own place.
163. It is said:

kulam pavitram janani kritartha

vasundhara sa vasatish cha dhanya
svarge sthitas tatra pitaro pi dhanya
yasyah suto vaishnava-nama loke

A woman whose son is famous as a Vaishnava in this

world is glorious and successful. Her family is purified. Her
home and country are glorious. Her ancestors in Svargaloka
are glorious and fortunate.

yasyasti vaishnava-putrah
putrini sa vidhiyate
janani shukari-sama

A woman whose son is a Vaishnava is the mother of a

glorious son. A woman who has a hundred sons that are not
Vaishnavas is like a mother of piglets.

165. Father, mother, in-laws, and all family members

are delivered when one of their number becomes a
166. Your son purely worshiped Lord Krishna. Now
your son will return. Please know he is a tilaka mark
glorifying your dynasty.
167. Hearing Naradas words, the King became joyful.
Now his desire was fulfilled. He had the royal road
sprinkled with sandalwood perfume.
168. Khadi, yogurt, mangala, durva-grass, kunkuma,
and musk were sprinkled on the path. The path was
splendid with flowers. It was decorated with rows of
glistening lamps.
169. The King ran to greet his lost son. After going
some distance, he found Dhruva.
170. Seeing Dhruva, the King said: Now my life
breath has returned. He embraced his son. He kissed him
millions of times.
171. King Uttanapada brought Dhruva back to the
royal assembly. Hand after hand offered gifts to him.
172. Giving the kingdom to Dhruva, Uttanapada
retired to the forest. After some days every heart in the
kingdom was filled with bliss.
173. With power and valor he conquered many
kingdoms one by one. Untroubled by any thorn-like rival,
he ruled his empire for forty years.
174. To the demigods and gandharvas he proved his
power and valor. Then, accompanied by his mother, Dhruva
went to his own abode, Dhruvaloka.
175. Then Sachi said: I will go with you. I will stay
with you and we will enjoy pastimes of talking about Lord
176. You, my golden son, will shave your head. I will
also shave my head.
177. I will wear saffron robes. I will place an earring in
my ear. I will become a yogini and I will travel with you.
178. Hearing His mothers words, Lord Gaura became
agitated. Worried, He spoke words to enlighten His mother.
179. Sachis son, the crest-jewel of the all-knowing, then
enlightened His mother. Thus says Lochana Dasa.
Song 32
(Varadi raga - Disha)

Refrain: Please hear this song glorifying Lord Gaura,

Sachis moonlike son, a song full of wonderful words, a
song that brings auspiciousness to the ears.

180. Lord Gaura said to Sachi: Dont be agitated.

Please hear my words. Why make your heart become
sorrowful with the false activities of this world?
181. Again and again I tell you: Still you do not listen.
Please know that the greed, bewilderment, anger, and pride
of this world are all illusions.
182. Who are you? Who is your son? Who is the
mother? Who is the son? Please know the words my and
mine are only illusions. Please renounce these illusions.
183. Who is a woman? Who is a man? Who is a wife?
Who is a husband? But for Lord Krishnas feet there is no
auspicious goal.
184. Lord Krishna is the Father. He is the Mother. He is
the Friend and Kinsman. He is the Creator. He is the One
who takes away (Death). He is the only True Wealth.
185. Without Him everything is an illusion. I speak the
Truth. Without Him this whole world is an illusion.
186. The people in this world are captives in the
prison of Lord Vishnus illusory potency Maya. They are
shackled by their own pride and false-ego.
187. The people act selfishly. Later they are bound by
the reactions of those acts.
188. Bound y the ropes of karma, the souls wander in
the material world. They do not know who in truth they
are. Forgetting Krishna, they are bewildered.
189. In all the fourteen worlds a human birth is very
rare and valuable. I tell you the heart of the truth.
190. The sufferings in this world are like an ocean
without a shore. In a single moment all may be destroyed.
Everything in this world is temporary.
191. A person who, aware that this human body is
very rare and difficult to obtain, worships Lord Krishna
becomes free from Maya.
192. Simply by worshiping Lord Krishna, that person
attains everything. Free from Mayas shackles, he falls in
love with Lord Krishna.
193. If you loved Lord Krishna as much as you love
me, how much good fortune would you attain?
194. By loving the things of this world one attains only
death as ones reward. By loving Lord Krishna one attains
liberation from the world of birth and death.
195. He is the true friend, the true mother, the true
father, who gives to his associates the gift of love and
devotion for Lord Krishnas feet.
196. My heart is tormented by separation from Lord
Krishna. I fall at your feet and beg:
197. You loved me deeply. By following your
teachings I became pure at heart.
198. You have always protected me. Please worship
Lord Krishnas feet. Renounce the idea that I am your son.
199. To attain love for Lord Krishna I will accept
sannyasa. In country after country I will distribute the great
treasure of love for Lord Krishna.
200. Other sons bring gold and silver. After enjoying
them, one perishes. They are not the true goal of life.
201. Though one gathers great wealth, in the end he
must suffer. The wealth must go and he must die.
202. The wealth I give is love for Lord Krishna. Lord
Krishnas feet give the greatest wealth and good fortune to
203. That wealth of love for Lord Krishna is not
destroyed in this world or in the next. Mother, these words I
speak to you. In your heart please forgive me.
204. In every birth one gets a mother, father, and host
of associates. It is not in every birth that one finds a spiritual
master and Lord Krishna. Please know this truth in your
205. In a human birth one may find a spiritual master
and Lord Krishna. A human being who has not accepted a
spiritual master I consider like the birds and the beasts.
206. Hearing these words, Sachi was very surprised at
heart. She gazed at the lotus flower of Lord Vishvambharas
207. Now the illusory Maya controlled by the master of
the fourteen worlds was flung far away. Now Sachi saw all
spirit souls with equal vision.
208. At that moment Sachi understood that her
Vishvambhara was in truth Lord Krishna. Though all
illusion was thrown far away, she still spoke the words my
209 - 210. Filled with wonder, she gazed at her son,
who now manifested a dark form defeating a host of new
monsoon clouds, a form bent in three places, holding a
flute, glorious with yellow garments, and surrounded by
hosts of cows, gopas, and gopis in Vrindavana forest.
211. Gazing at her son, Sachi felt great wonder in her
heart. The hairs of her body stood erect. She trembled.
212. She did not renounce the love she felt for her son.
She thought herself very fortunate to have Lord Krishna as
her son.
213. Lord Krishna, Who is very difficult to find in all
the worlds, has become my son. I cannot bring Him under
my control. What power have I over Him?
214. Thinking in this way, Sachi said: You are the jewel
of persons. You are the independent Supreme Personality of
215. Because I was very fortunate, for some days You
stayed under my control. Now, by Your own wish, You will
accept sannyasa.
216. One request I place before You: How can I lose
the priceless treasure that You are?
217. Speaking these words, Sachi wept in a piteous
voice. Five or seven flooding streams of tears flowed from
her eyes to her neck.
218. Saintly Sachi wept and wept. As she wept, Lord
Gaura bowed His head.
219. Again raising His head, Lord Vishvambhara said:
Mother, please hear My words.
220. Any day when you wish to see Me, you will see
Me at once.
221. Hearing these words, Sachi still wept. With a
sorrowing heart Lochana Dasa speaks these words.

Vishnupriyas Lament

Song 33
(Varadi raga - Dhula khela-jata, Karuna-chanda)

1. In this way Sachi spoke her heart. Her heart was

sorrowful. Her face was withered. No words came to her
mouth. From her two eyes tears streamed. Seeing her,
Vishnupriya fell unconscious.
2. Vishnupriya spoke no nectar-sweet words. Her heart
was agitated. From the peoples mouths she had heard
whispered rumors. From hints she could understand the
truth. It was as if she was struck by a thunderbolt. Poor
Vishnupriya fell unconscious.
3. Then Vishnupriya pondered in her heart. At the
days end Lord Gaura cheerfully returned home. He ate and
drank. Then He lay down on His bed. Vishnupriya quickly
approached Him.
4. Touching His lotus feet, she sighed. Her face anxious,
she gazed at Him. Wrapping the vines of her arms around
the feet of Her master more dear than life, she pressed those
feet to her heart.
5. Tears from her eyes soaked her bodice. The flooding
streams of her tears washed the Lords feet. Lord Gaura
suddenly awakened. He asked Vishnupriya what she was
6. You are most dear, most dear to Me. Why do you
weep? O goddess, please tell, He said. He placed her on
His lap. He placed His right hand on her chin. With sweet
words again He asked His question.
7. Goddess Vishnupriya wept. Her heart was broken.
She spoke not a word. The life breath in her heart was filled
with suffering. She felt no longer could she stay in her body.
Tears streamed from her eyes.
8. Repeatedly Lord Gaura asked, but saintly hearted
Vishnupriya never answered. She only held His feet and
wept. Lord Gaura knows every art. With the cloth from His
own body He wiped her tears. Then He asked some
9. Speaking of how They could enjoy many pastimes,
He made the love within her grow. His words could make a
stone burst into flowers. Seeing how eager Lord Gaura was
to enjoy with her, moonfaced Vishnupriya spoke some
words in a voice choked with emotion.
10. She said: Please listen. Listen, O master of my life.
Please place Your hand on my head. Will You not accept
sannyasa? This I heard from the peoples mouths. Now my
heart is broken. I will enter fire.
11. My life, wealth, beauty, youth, garments, grace,
playfulness, love, and skill are meant only to please You. If
You leave me, what will I, worthless like a pile of ashes, do?
My heart will burn in flames of poison.
12. Let my body perish. I have only this to say: How
will You walk on the pathways? Your feet are soft like
shirisha flowers. I fear even to touch them with my hand.
13. When You stumble and fall like a stick to the
ground, my life breath trembles and streams of tears flood
my limbs. How will You place Your reddish feet on the
bramble-filled forest paths?
14. When You do even the slightest action, I see drops
and drops of perspiration on the moon of Your face. The
monsoon will come. Some days rain will come. Other days
the sun will shine. In sannyasa the sufferings are great.
15. I know nothing but Your feet. Why do You throw
me away? Why do You not fear to break the rules of
religion? Why will You leave Your elderly mother Sachi,
who is already halfway to her death?
16. Why will You accept sannyasa? Why will You
leave Murari, Mukunda Datta, Srivasa, Haridasa, Advaita
Acharya, and all the other devotees?
17. You are filled with love. You live in everyones
heart. Still, Your actions are very troublesome. When they
hear You have gone to a faraway country, Murari and all the
devotees will perish.
18. What will I do? I am worthless like a pile of ashes.
I am the material attachment You wish to renounce. It is
because of me that You wish to accept sannyasa. That is my
fear. Very well, I will take one last look at You, and then I
will swallow poison. Then You may happily live in Your
own home.
19. O master, please dont go to another country. There
is no one but You in my world. My heart is on fire to gaze at
Your face. Vishnupriya had no power to say any more
words. Her heart was filled with sorrow. She only grasped
Lord Gauras feet and wept.
20. Hearing Vishnupriyas words, Lord Gaura smiled,
picked her up, and placed her on His lap. With His garment
He wiped the tears from her face. He joked with her in
many ways. Dont be unhappy for no reason, He said.
21. Who said I would leave you and accept sannyasa?
Whatever I do will tell you. Dont perish with this needless
22. After saying these words, Lord Gaura-Hari kissed
and embraced her. With her He enjoyed many wonderful
nectarean pastimes. With unlimited loving pastimes, with
pastimes at the highest point of all grace and beauty, He
satisfied Vishnupriya.
23. With blissful nectarean pastimes They passed the
night. Then, flames again rose in Vishnupriyas heart.
Gazing at the face of her beloved more dear than life, again
she questioned Him.
24. Placing her Lords hand on her breast, Goddess
Vishnupriya asked: Please dont lie to me. Tell me the
truth. Will You leave me?
25. You are the Supreme Master. You will do whatever
You like. You are never controlled by anyone. You will do
whatever You wish. If You wish to accept sannyasa, what can
I say to stop You? Please tell the truth to me.
26. Hearing these words, the Lord gently smiled and
said: Please listen, O dearest beloved. What I say is for
your benefit. Please listen carefully.
27. Whatever you see in this world is an illusion. Only
the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the Vaishnavas
are real. Please know that everything else is an illusion.
28. Children, husband, wife, father, and mother are all
illusions. They are all temporary. Who has a relationship
with whom? Lord Krishnas feet are our only family. We
have no other family in truth. Please see all other family as
the illusions of Maya.
29. Who is a husband and who a wife? Both are spirit
souls. Their relationship is false. It is only the shackles of
material illusion. Lord Krishna is the Husband of all. All are
His wives. This truth no one knows.
30. Seed and egg join, and then an infant is born from
the place where urine flows. Filled with ignorance, the
infant falls to the ground. That infant grows to become a
child, then a youth, and then elder. He suffers many
troubles. Still, he is very proud of his body and his home.
31. For so long he maintained his family, but in his old
age his family only insults him. In old age he has no honor.
Gradually he grows blind and deaf. Despondent, he weeps.
He never worshiped Lord Krishna.
32. He accepted a human body in this world of birth
and death to have an opportunity to worship Lord Krishna.
But, bound by Mayas shackles, he forgets his true purpose.
Intoxicated with pride, he forgets his true Master. At the
end he dies and goes to hell.
33. Your name is Vishnupriya (She who is dear to Lord
Vishnu). Now please make that an appropriate name for
you. Please dont needlessly lament in your heart. This I tell
to you: Throw your worries far away and dedicate your
body and mind to serving Lord Krishna.
34. Then Lord Gaura manifested His power as the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. He threw his illusory
potency Maya far away. He made Vishnupriya joyful at
heart. Her suffering and lamentation fled far away. Her
heart was filled with bliss. Suddenly she saw four-armed
Lord Vishnu standing before her.
35. Even though she saw four-armed Lord Vishnu
before her, Goddess Vishnupriya never abandoned the idea
that Lord Gaura was her husband. Falling down before the
Lords feet, she said: O Lord, please hear the one request I
place before You.
36. I, a person worthless like a pile of ashes, have
taken birth in this world of birth and death. You are the dear
Master of my life. You are my great treasure. I am Your
maidservant. Why then, do I feel like I am falling down into
37. Speaking these words, sorrowing Vishnupriya
wept. She was wild with grief. Seeing His dear devotees
distress, Lord Gaura also wept, the tears flowing from His
eyes. Then He embraced her and gave her His mercy.
38. He said: Please hear, O Goddess Vishnupriya. I
will tell you what is in My heart. Whenever you think of
Me, I will come before you. I solemnly tell you this is the
truth. It is the truth.
39. Hearing Lord Krishnas promise, Vishnupriya
thought for a moment and said: You are the independent
Supreme Lord. You will do whatever You wish. What
power have I to stop You? I will never say anything to stop
40. Vishnupriya bowed her head. Tears flowed from her
eyes. Gazing at her, the Lord spoke sweet words. Listening
to Lord Gauras words and deeds, sorrowing Lochana Dasa
sings this song.

Song 34
(Varadi raga - Disha)

Refrain: O! O! He who is the moon of the brahmanas is

my very life. The sweetness of Lord Gauras form charms
even Kamadeva. May the sight of Lord Gauras form
always be awakened within me.

41. In this way some days and nights passed. Flames

blazed in the devotees hearts.
42. All together, the devotees sang the glories of Lord
Gaura. Weeping, they revealed their hearts.
43. Sachi and Vishnupriya wept day and night. For
them the ten directions were filled with blinding darkness.
For them every place was a lifeless desert.
44. The devotees and people of Navadvipa found no
peace. Walking in the city, they were always anxious and
45. His heart filled with sorrow, Srivasa, the King of the
brahmanas, then spoke to Lord Gaura.
46. He said: I fear to speak. Lord, if You permit, I will
go with You.
47. The others would also go with You. If they cannot
see You, they will not maintain their lives.
48. Amongst them I will be the first to die. Please hear,
O Lord Vishvambhara. I speak what is in my heart.
49. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura gently, gently
smiled and said: Please hear, O Srivasa.
50. Please do not fear that you will ever be separated
from Me. I will never leave the side of you and the
51. I will always stay in the Krishna-temples in your
homes. Please be peaceful at heart.
52. Speaking these enlightening words, Lord Gaura
pacified Srivasa. At dusk the Lord went to Murari Guptas
53. Accompanied by Haridasa, Lord Gaura went to
Muraris home. In the temple room there, Lord Gaura
privately said to him:
54. O Murari, please hear My words. To Me you are
more dear than life. That is why I now speak these words to
55. I will tell you the highest truth. Please listen with
care. I will teach you something for your great benefit.
56. Advaita Acharya Gosai is the most glorious person
in the three worlds. To Me no one is more dear a friend than
57. He is a plenary incarnation of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. He is the guru of everyone.
Anyone who desires his own welfare should serve Him.
58. He is the King of the Vaishnavas. He is the
auspiciousness of the worlds. Therefore you should
worship Him with great devotion.
59. Anyone who worships Him worships Lord
Krishna. Now I will tell you another secret. Please keep this
secret in your heart.
60-61. Please know that I reside in the bodies of
Gadadhara Pandita Gosai, Nityananda, Advaita, Srivasa,
and Ramai. I tell you this secret. Please keep it in your
62. Hearing these words, Murari, the King of
physicians, in his own heart understood the actions of Lord
Gauras heart.
63. Weeping and weeping, he fell before the Lords feet.
He knew very well the Lord was about to accept sannyasa.
64. Then Murari offered obeisances to Haridasa. Like a
shoreless ocean of humbleness, he offered all that he had.
65. Hearing Muraris weeping, Lord Gaura became
very unhappy. He quickly stood up and hurried back to His
own home.
66. With these words He comforted Murari: I will
always stay near you.
67. There is still time before I accept sannyasa. When I
have accepted sannyasa, the words I spoke to you will be
your shelter.
68. Speaking these words, Lord Gaura departed for His
own home. With a heart filled with sorrow Lochana Dasa
sings this song.

Prabhur Sannyasa:
The Lords Sannyasa

Song 35
(Karunasri raga)

Refrain: O! O! O! Lord Gaura! I gaze at the moon of

Lord Gaura!

1. Rising at dawn and performing His morning duties,

Lord Gaura-Hari decided: Now I will accept sannyasa.
2. Keshava Bharati Gosvami now stays in the town of
Katwa. Nimai Pandita will accept sannyasa from him.
3. In His heart Lord Vishvambhara thought in this way.
At the time of beginning His journey He breathed through
His right nostril.
4. Then He walked to the Ganga. Crossing the Ganga,
He left Navadvipa.
5. Offering obeisances to the Ganga, He left Navadvipa.
This act was like a thunderbolt striking the heads of all the
6. Though it was midday, the sun hid. The swans
suddenly abandoned the lakes. Where did they go?
7. The bumblebees were now averse to the lotus
flowers. It was as if the life breath has suddenly left their
8. A great grief of separation filled Navadvipa. It was as
if a mountain of anguish now crushed everyone.
9. Sachi, Vishnupriya, and all the Lords associates
fainted. Their bodies suddenly fell to the ground.
10. Hugging Vishnupriya, Sachi-devi wept.
Vishnupriya fainted and fell to ther ground. There she
stayed. It was as if she were dead.
11. The life breath seemed to have left her limbs. Then
Sachi and Vishnupriya both wept. They rolled on the
12. Calling out, Nimai!, Sachi-devi wept. It was as if
her heart was ablaze with a host of flames.
13. She lamented: Why have the ten directions become
a desert covered by blinding darkness. Why has my home
become filled with horrors?
14. My house is devouring me. The sweet words of my
relatives have become poison.
15. Now no one will call out to me,Mother! No one
remembers me. Even Yamaraja forgets me.
16. Why am I tormented in this way? Why has my son
left me? I had only one son. Now He has abandoned me.
Where did He go?
17. Alas! Alas! My son is merciless. Where did my son
go? Who will bring him back to me?
18. Dear son, when I remember your sweetness, my
heart breaks. O Gaura-Hari, again and again you called out,
Mother! No other word would you call out.
19. Dear son, leaving me without a master to protect
me, where did you go? In Your heart did you think how you
would make your mother suffer? I am filled with sorrows.
20. O son, you read, and listened, and learned so
much. Still you made your mother so unfortunate, a mother
without anyone to protect her.
21. Abandoning Vishnupriya, where did you go? You
did not think of the love the devotees bear for you.
22. Vishnupriya wept. Her heart was no longer wise.
One moment she stood. The next moment she fell down.
Her heart was wild.
23. She placed no garments on her limbs. She did not
tie her hair. She wept and wept. She became wild. She
became a madwoman.
24. She said: Holding to my heart the garland that
touched my Masters body, I will burn in a fires flames.
Thus I will die.
25. Someone said: I have no rope to hang myself, so I
will stab my heart. Another said: This is punishment for
our past misdeeds.
26. Saying, O Lord, Your glories were sweeter than
nectar, everyone wished to enter a fires flames.
27. No one has the power to understand the
confidential pastimes of these devotees. Their hearts now
become blazing fires, they wept, making a great wail of
their grief.
28. The four directions were filled with devotees whose
hearts were tormented with sorrow. How could they
restrain themselves? They had no power to do that.
29. One powerful devotee gently, gently said to the
others: What shall I say to console you? Please be peaceful
at heart.
30. Think of what you have seen and heard of the
Lord, and make your heart peaceful. Everyone do this in
your hearts.
31. Who understands the Supreme Personality of
Godhead? We can only hear of what He has done when He
descended to this world.
32. His activities are beyond what the Vedas or the
people can understand. The very fortunate devotees chant
His holy names.
33. Therefore whatever command the Lord gives
everyone should resolutely obey with all their hearts.
34. Hearing these words, the sorrowful-hearted
devotees checked their weeping.
35. Then Lord Nityananda reasoned with the devotees:
Where did the Lord go? Let us try to understand.
36. One devotee said: Perhaps He went to a
pilgrimage place. Perhaps we can find Lord Gaurachandra
37. Lord Nityananda said: Perhaps He went to
Vrindavana, or Varanasi, or Jagannatha Puri. Many
sannyasis stay in those places.
38. Keshava Bharati Gosvami now stays in Katwa.
Perhaps Nimai Pandita accepted sannyasa from him.
39. That news I heard from Lord Gauras own mouth.
But I do not know for certain that is what He did.
40. Perhaps it is not true that He did that. First I will
go, learn the truth, and then report to everyone.
41. Give me some steady devotees to come with me,
and I will go, find Lord Gauranga, and bring Him back.
42. The devotees agreed. Some of the most prominent
devotees agreed to go with Him.
43. Sri Chandrashekara Acharya, Damodara Pandita,
Vakreshvara, and some others set out at once.
44. After first giving comfort to the hearts of Sachi and
Vishnupriya, Lord Nityananda departed with
Chandrashekara and the others.
45. Meanwhile, walking like a graceful wild elephant,
Lord Gaura-Hari continued to Katwa.
46. Flooding rivers of tears of spiritual love flowed
from His eyes. The hairs on His golden limbs stood erect.
47. His hair was tied. He walked like a wrestler of
48. His was overcome with thoughts of separation from
Sri Radha. He thought: Where is Radha? Where is My
49. One moment He quickly walked. Another moment
He slowly walked. Another moment He slapped His arms.
Another moment He looked in the four directions.
50. Overcome with ecstatic spiritual love, He walked in
this way on the path. He thought: My Lord Jagannatha is
the master of all.
51. In this way Lord Vishvambhara came to Katwa and
approached Keshava Bharati, the best of the sannyasis.
52. With great devotion Lord Vishvambhara bowed
down. The sannyasi respectfully picked up Lord
Vishvambhara. The sannyasi was reminded of Lord
53. They both thought themselves very fortunate. They
talked. Lord Vishvambhara said: Please give Me
54. As these two thus met, Lord Nityananda,
Chandrashekara, and the others suddenly arrived.
55. They offered obeisances to the sannyasi and to Lord
Vishvambhara. Lord Vishvambhara smiled and said: It is
good You have come.
56. Your arrival is auspicious for Me. I will accept
sannyasa. Now My birth in this world will bear its fruit.
57. After speaking these words, the Lord again said to
the sannyasi: I bow down before you. I humbly say to you:
I wish to accept sannyasa.
58. Keshava Bharati replied: Please hear. Hear, O
Vishvambhara. My heart trembles to offer You sannyasa.
59. Your form is handsome. Your age is youth. From
the time of Your birth You have known neither trouble nor
60. You have no children. I will not offer You
61. When You are fifty years old and You have turned
away from the passions of youth, then it will be right to
offer You sannyasa.
62. Hearing these words, the Lord gently said: What
shall I say to you?
63. Please do not bewilder Me. Please hear, O wise
sannyasi. Who but you knows the difference between right
and wrong?
64. In this world of birth and death a human birth is
rare and difficult to attain. In that human birth devotion to
Lord Krishna, the highest religion, is also rare and difficult
to attain.
65. Association with Lord Krishnas devotees is
especially rare and difficult to attain. At any moment, in a
single sesame seeds worth of time, this human body may
be broken into pieces.
66. If I delay, this human body may be lost. How, then,
will I attain the association of another great Vaishnava like
67. Please dont try to bewilder Me. Give to Me
sannyasa. By your mercy I will become Lord Krishnas
68. When the Lord had spoken these words, His eyes
became red with sorrow. Tears of sorrow streamed down
His face.
69. Then, more ferocious than a lion, Lord Gaura
roared. His body was marked with the signs of ecstatic
spiritual love.
70. Hari! Hari!, He called out in a voice like a
thundering cloud. Streams of tears flowed without stop
from His two eyes.
71. Calling out, Flute! Flute! He manifested the
threefold-bending form of Lord Krishna. Then, calling out
Rasa-dance circle! He joyfully jumped.
72. Calling out, Govardhana! Radha-kunda! the Lord
loudly laughed. The sannyasi was filled with wonder. His
heart was afraid.
73. Keshava Bharati, the King of sannyasis, reflected in
his heart. In his heart he thought: What I did was not good.
74. He who is the Master of the worlds, who is the
Guru of the worlds, stands before me with folded hands
and calls me guru.
75. Thinking in this way, the sannyasi Keshava Bharati
said: If You will accept sannyasa, then first return to Your
76. Go to Your mother and get her permission. Go to
Your saintly wife.
77. Go to all Your associates and get their permission.
Inform Your associates. Then return to me.
78. In his heart Keshava Bharati thought: When Lord
Gaurachandra goes to get permission, I will leave this place
and go away.
79. Lord Gaura, who is the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, the Supersoul present in every heart, knew the
thoughts in Keshava Bharatis heart. Smiling, Lord Gaura
said: I will obey Your command.
80. Then Lord Gaura departed for Navadvipa. Seeing
this, the sannyasi Keshava Bharati thought in his heart:
81. The many universes rest in the pores of His body.
To what country will I flee to escape Him?
82. My heart is bewildered. I see but I do not see. He is
the life of everyone. He is the witness who watches
83. Thinking in this way, the sannyasi called out:
Gaura-Hari! I have a humble request to place before You.
84. O Vishvambhara, please hear the words I speak. I
am very afraid to offer You sannyasa.
85. You are the Guru of all the worlds. Who can be
Your guru? Why do You try to trick me and mock me in this
86. Hearing these words, Lord Vishvambhara Raya
wept. He offered arati. He grasped the sannyasis feet.
87. He said: Why do you speak so harshly to a
surrendered soul? If I leave your feel I will die.
88. My heart accepts whatever you say. Still, I have
one request. Please hear My words.
89. Once, at the end of night, I saw a dream. I
brahmana told Me the sannyasa mantra.
90. Is this the mantra, or not? Please look and see.
Saying these words, the Lord whispered the mantra in
Keshava Bharatis ear.
91. By speaking the mantra in the sannyasis ear, Lord
Gaura, the supremely independent Personality of Godhead,
initiated him and became his Guru.
92. Keshava Bharati Gosvami understood all that had
happened. Please hear, O Nimai. I will offer You
sannyasa, he said.
93. Hearing these words, the Lord joyfully danced.
Hari! Hari! He called out in a voice like a thundering
94. The hairs on His fair form stood erect. The
sweetness of His limbs was like a flood of nectar.
95. Tears flowed without stop from His reddish eyes.
Seeing Him, everyone loudly called out, Alas! Alas!
96. The people of Katwa town ran to see Him. Gazing
at Him, their eyes and hearts were filled with cooling bliss.
97 - 98. The elders, the blind, women, men, panditas,
fools, and children all ran to see Him. Running, the
beautiful respectable girls paid no attention to attractive
dress and ornaments.
99. Resting water-pots on their hips, some women
stood still like sticks and gazed at the Lord. They had no
power to move. Grasping staffs, some ran to watch.
100. The lame, the sick, and the pregnant women all
gazed at the Lord. Seeing the Lords graceful limbs, the
people mocked the sannyasi about to offer Him sannyasa.
101. Saying, Glorious! Glorious! the people gazed at
the Lords wonderful form.
102. They thought: Fortunate, fortunate is the mother
that bore Him in her womb. We hear that in her previous
birth she must have been Devaki herself.
103. Who is fortunate like the girl that has Him for her
husband? In the three worlds no girl is fortunate like her.
104. As the people gazed at the Lords form, tears
flowed from their eyes. They could not bear to see the Lord
accept sannyasa.
105. How can His mother continue to live? Simply by
hearing He will accept sannyasa, we girls feel on the verge
of death.
106. Thinking in these ways, everyone wept. Then Lord
Gaura called out to them: Please dont lament.
107. Please bless Me. O, My mothers and fathers,
please hear. I yearn to bow My head before Lord Krishnas
108. Lord Krishna is My master. I yearn to see Him. I
yearn to tie My heart to Him.
109. A person who employs His grace, youth, and
nectar handsomeness to worship His true master attains all
good fortune.
110. Please think in your hearts. Everyone knows that
without serving her husband a young girl wastes her life.
111. In the same way, without serving Lord Krishnas
feet I have no auspicious future. Dedicating My body to His
service, I will worship the master of My life.
112. Speaking these words, Lord Mahaprabhu wept.
For a moment everyone felt stunned at heart.
113. Again Lord Gaura bowed down before Keshava
Bharati, the best of sannyasis. Again He spoke the desire in
His heart.
114. Following His gurus command, on the following
day smiling Lord Gaura prepared for the ritual of accepting
115. When He had prepared everything for the ritual,
with a joyful heart He said: Please offer Me sannyasa.
116. To Keshava Bharati, the jewel of Acharyas, Lord
Gaura offered worship worthy of Lord Krishna Himself.
From the four directions the Vaishnavas called out: Hari!
117. With folded palms standing before His guru, Lord
Gaura offered respectful obeisances and requested the
sannyasa mantra.
118. Now please hear how the Lords head was shaved.
Hearing the Lords head was then to be shaved, the people
felt sorrow in their hearts.
119. The Vaishnavas hearts trembled. As the Lord was
about to be shaved, the people covered their faces with their
120 - 124. Lord Gauras hair, the most graceful hair in
the three worlds, the hair Goddess Lakshmi playfully
fondles, the flower-decorated hair that rests on graceful
elephant shoulders, abundant hair tied in a topknot, the
hair that charms all the worlds, the hair on which the
devotees meditate, the hair that sustains the devotees lives,
the hair that made the gopis renounce their shyness, the
hair that pulled down the gopis fear of losing their families,
honor, and righteousness, the hair Shiva, Brahma, and
Narada glorify with many songs, the hair the devotees in
their hearts think the most glorious of all treasures, that
glorious hair Lord Gaura now wished to shave away.
Everyone wept. They did not stop for a moment.
125. The barber would not place His hand on the Lords
head. The barbers limbs trembled in fear.
126. The men and women of Katwa town wept and
wept. They made a piteous sound.
127. The barber said: Lord, I place these words before
Your feet. Who, after placing his hands on Your head, has
the power to remain alive?
128. I have no power to shave Your graceful curly hair,
hair that charms the three worlds.
129. Gazing at Your hair, every eye and heart becomes
filled with cooling bliss. O, Lord, please do whatever You
wish to do, but please do not shave Your hair.
130. No other person in this universe is like You. You
are the Master of all the worlds. You know what is in every
131. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura was displeased.
Aware of this, the barber was afraid at heart.
132. Again he begged, his heart filled with sorrow:
How can I place my hand on Your head?
133. I fear I will offend You. Who can place a hand on
Your head?
134. What will be the fate of someone who places a
hand on Your head? I am the lowest person. I am born in a
low family. I am worthless like a pile of ashes.
135. Hearing these words, kindhearted Lord Gaura
said: No misfortune will befall you.
136. By Lord Krishnas mercy you will happily pass
this lifetime. At the end you will go to My abode.
137. At the time of shaving His hair Lord Gaura gave
this blessing to the barber. With a sorrowing heart Lochana
Dasa sings this song.

Song 36
(Puravi-sindhuda raga)

138. Seeing the shaving was now done, Lord Gaura

accepted sannyasa on an auspicious day and an auspicious
139. At the junction of Capricorn and Aquarius, the
guru Keshava Bharati recited the sannyasa mantra.
140. As the Vaishnavas in the four directions chanted
Lord Haris holy names, the sannyasi Keshava Bharati
whispered the sannyasa mantra in Lord Vishvambharas
141. When Lord Vishvambhara heard the sannyasa
mantra, the hairs of His body stood erect. He was tossed by
waves of ecstatic love for Lord Krishna, waves that were
now greater by hundreds and hundreds of times.
142. Tears flowed from His reddish eyes without stop.
He slapped His arms. He let out a roar.
143. The sannyasa is done. He joyfully said.
Repeatedly He loudly laughed in the bliss of spiritual love.
144. Then Keshava Bharati said: Please hear, O Nimai.
What shall be Your name?
145. As the Vaishnavas were assembled around him,
that best of the sannyasis considered what name to give.
146. As he was about to speak the name he had chosen
according to his own intelligence, an auspicious voice spoke
from the sky.
147. Hearing this voice, everyone became filled with
wonder. Give Him the name Sri Krishna Chaitanya.
148. Manifesting a dreamlike form, Goddess
Mahamaya has covered all living entities. In this way
everyones intelligence is covered.
149. By her power everyone is asleep and dreaming.
The Supreme Lord will now personally awaken (Chaitanya)
150. This person is Lord Krishna Himself. Because He
is Lord Krishna and will teach everyone about Lord
Krishna, I give Him the name Sri Krishna Chaitanya.
151. Hearing this divine voice, everyone became filled
with bliss. Everyone called out, Hari!
152. Following his command, Lord Gaura happily and
devotedly served His guru Keshava Bharati Gosvami. In
this way the day passed.
153. When evening came the Vaishnavas gathered and
performed sankirtana of chanting Lord Haris holy names.
Dancing with His guru, Lord Gaura enchanted all the
154. Filled with the bliss of spiritual love, Lord Gaura
and Keshava Bharati danced. Everyone chanted, Hari!
155. Filled with the bliss of spiritual love, They both
forgot Themselves. They both thought the bliss of
Impersonal Brahman very insignificant.
156. In this way the night blissfully passed. When
morning rose, Lord Gaura requested permission to depart.
157. He circumambulated His guru. Then He offered
obeisances. If I go to Jagannatha Puri, I will attain an
auspicious situation.
158. Lord Gaura placed this request before His gurus
feet. Keshava Bharatis heart trembled.
159. Tears of sorrow flowed from his eyes. At the time
of bidding farewell, he embraced Lord Gaurachandra.
160. You are the supremely independent Personality of
Godhead. Because You are compassionate, with Your own
feet You will wander this world.
161. You have shown how a disciple should be
devoted to his guru. Now You will establish the religion of
sankirtana (chanting Lord Haris holy names) in this world.
162. Manifesting Your mercy, You will deliver
everyone in the world. You tricked me into offering You
163. O, Lord Vishvambhara, please deliver me also. In
Your heart please agree to my request.
164. After touching His gurus feet, Lord Gaura
departed. Walking on the path, He was overcome with
spiritual bliss and love.
165. With great joy and love He called out, Krishna!
Krishna! One moment He wept. The next moment He
loudly laughed.
166. Like the celestial Ganga flowing from the summit
of Mount Sumeru, a flooding river of tears flowed from His
eyes onto His chest.
167. Defeating the filaments of the kadamba flowers,
the hairs of his body stood erect. From head to foot, His
body seemed adorned with brambles.
168. One moment He wildly ran. Another moment He
sang Krishna! with great love.
169. Another moment He became stunned and fell to
the ground. Another moment He called out Haribol! and
leapt in the air.
170. One moment He felt the ecstasy of the gopis.
Another moment He felt the ecstasy of dasya-rasa (service
to the Lord). One moment He was calm and peaceful.
Another moment He swiftly ran.
171. Overcome with bliss, He did not know if it was
day or night. However, when He came to Radha-desha, He
could not find even the scent of Lord Krishnas holy name.
172. Not hearing Lord Krishnas holy names, Lord
Gaura felt sorrow rise in His heart. At that moment He
decided to enter the water.
173. Seeing this, everyone was struck with grief and
remorse. Lord Gauranga has gone to Goloka. O dear
friends, what will happen now?
174. Then heroic Lord Nityananda said: With My own
power I will rescue Lord Chaitanya.
175. At that moment some boys came, herding cows.
Lord Nityananda entered their hearts.
176. Approaching the riverbank, one boy suddenly
began to call out, Hari!
177. Hearing this, Lord Gaura-Hari ran to the boy,
grasped his hand, and urged him: Chant! Chant! Chant!
178. May the Supreme Lord be merciful to you. By
making Me hear Lord Haris holy name you made My life
179. Now Lord Gaura was joyful. His heart floated in
bliss. Begging alms, He had something to eat, and then He
continued on His journey.
180. Filled with bliss, He did not know if it was day or
night. In this way three days passed until again He placed
some food and water in His mouth.
181. Filled with spiritual bliss and love, the days and
nights passed in this way. Then Lord Gaura bid farewell to
Sri Chandrashekara Acharya.
182. Lord Gaura said: We will see each other again. We
will see each other soon. Please dont be unhappy.
183. Speaking these words, Lord Gaura quickly
departed. Weeping and weeping, Sri Chandrashekara
continued on his path.
184. As if from a single mouth, the people of
Navadvipa heard that Sri Chandrashekara had returned.
185. Lochana Dasa says: I have no power to describe
the scene when Sri Chandrashekara returned to Navadvipa.

Prabhur Shantipure-agamana:
The Lords Arrival in Shantipura

Song 37
(Karunasri raga)

Refrain: O! O! O! O!

1. Chandrashekara Acharya entered Navadvipa.

Flooding rivers of tears flowed from his eyes without stop.
2. Seeing him, the people of Navadvipa felt their hearts
burst into flames. Their hearts trembled.
3. The Vaishnavas gathered around him. They had no
power to check their tears. Their faces were withered with
4. They had no power to speak. No word came to their
mouths. Hearing of Chandrashekaras arrival, Sachi-devi,
her hair disheveled, ran there.
5. Like a wild woman she called out, Acharya! Not
seeing Lord Gauranga, she let out a cry of grief.
6. Where is my Nimai? Where did you take him? Did
he shave his head? To what country did he go?
7. What cruel-hearted sannyasi worthless like a pile of
ashes gave the sannyasa mantra to Vishvambhara. That
sannyasi has no mercy.
8. His hair was so graceful and beautiful to see. Who is
the merciless-hearted barber worthless like a pile of ashes
that shaved his hair?
9. Who is the sinner that touched a razor to his hair?
How can such a cruel, merciless person continue to live?
10. From whose house did my Nimai beg alms? Did
my son truly shave his head?
11. O son, never again will I see your face. For me this
whole world is now filled with blinding darkness.
12. Never again will I cook rice and offer it to you.
Never again will I place my hand on your graceful limbs.
13. Never again will I kiss your graceful face. Who will
understand when you are hungry?
14. In this way Sachi-devi lamented. Then Vishnupriya
came there.
15. Vishnupriyas weeping made the ground crack. It
made the birds, beasts, trees, vines, and stones weep with
16. She said: Alas! Alas! What will become of me?
Without Lord Gaura the whole world is covered with
blinding darkness.
17. Never again will I see His smiles or His charming
handsome form. Never again will I hear His wise and
eloquent words like streams of nectar.
18. You made me a girl without a master or a shelter.
Where did You go? I will always remember Your glories.
This I say to You:
19. How can I be fortunate if I cannot see You? I am
will only weep and weep. The people will only mock me.
20. They will say: Renouncing the embraces of that
unfortunate girl, He went away. Now her household life is
broken. She is unfortunate. Why does she not simply die?
21. With amorous eyes I worshiped Your face. If I
cannot see You, how will I keep my heart alive?
22. Many beautiful girls died out of separation from
You. I am very unfortunate, for still I keep my body alive.
23. I will die. I will die. O handsome Lord Gauranga,
where can I go? My nature is weak. I am a very unfortunate
24. To what country should I go? Where should I go to
find You? If I do not find You I will die.
25. Renouncing helpless me, to what country did You
go? Alas! Where will I find You?
26. No longer will I keep my sinful body alive.
Rolling on the ground, Goddess Vishnupriya called out,
Alas! Alas!
27. Pushed by the grief of separation, she sighed
without stop. Her lips became withered and dry. Her body
28. Her garments and hair became disarrayed. She fell
in the dust. In a moment her body became emaciated. She
fell to the ground. There she stayed.
29. Meditating on Lord Gauras reddish feet, she fell
unconscious. Regaining consciousness, she was tortured by
30. Master! Master! she called out in a voice filled
with pain. Hearing Vishnupriya weep, everyone there wept
31. Many came to comfort her. But when they saw
Vishnupriya, their hearts burst into flames.
32. Everyone said: Look. Listen, O Vishnupriya. How
can we give comfort to you? Please make your heart
33. Your masters actions are not outside your
knowledge. Meditate on them and bring some comfort to
your heart.
34. In this way the devotees comforted her. They talked
about Lord Gaurachandra.
35. They said: By accepting sannyasa He brought us
great suffering. Without any mercy He left us and went
36. How could He leave us? Cruel Lord Gaura left us
all and went away.
37. His name is more kind than He is Himself. By
chanting His name we will attain Him. That is our first
38. He said to all of us: Anyone who chants My name
will attain Me.
39. Thus Sachi, Vishnupriya, and everyone else sat
down and chanted Lord Gauras holy names.
40. Children, youths, and elders all sat down and
chanted Lord Gaurangas holy names.
41. In this way the ferocious lion of Lord Gauranga
became bound by the ropes of His own holy names. In this
way Lord Mahaprabhu was trapped. His journey was
42. Leaning on Lord Nityanandas body, Lord Gaura
wept. Tears flowed from His eyes.
43. He said: O Nityananda, please go to Navadvipa. I
will show Myself to everyone at Shantipura.
44. Hearing this, Lord Nityananda became joyful at
heart. Lord Gaura said: I will show Myself to everyone. It
is the truth.
45. Then Lord Gaurachandra continued His journey.
With a sorrowful heart Lochana Dasa speaks these words.

46. Lord Nityananda continued walking with Lord

Gaura. Then Lord Gaura smiled and bid Him farewell.
47. Lord Gaura said: Please hear My words. Go to
Navadvipa. My friends are in the towns of Nadiya.
48. In the name of Lord Narayana tell everyone I will
go to Advaita Acharyas house.
49. Bring My mother there. She will see Me at Advaita
Acharyas house.
50. After speaking these words, Lord Mahaprabhu
quickly walked, and Lord Nityananda returned to the
towns of Nadiya.
51. The people of Nadiyas towns were half alive and
half dead. Their bodies were bent. No one had a healthy
ruddy complexion.
52. No food was in their stomachs. Their bodies
trembled. Without Lord Gaurachandra they were blind.
53. Lord Nityananda had unexpectedly come to
Nadiyas towns. The word spread. Everyone ran to Him.
54. Trembling, the people had no power to walk on the
paths. Their eyes filled with tears, they could not even see
the paths.
55. Falling at Lord Nityanandas feet, all the Vaishnavas
wept. They had no power to speak. Every mouth was silent.
56. Eager Sachi wildly ran. In her grief it seemed to her
the sky and land had joined and become one.
57. In a voice filled with grief Sachi called out: O
Avadhuta, where is my Nimai, my golden son?
58. Speaking these words, Sachi wept and beat her
chest with her hand. She trembled. She could not even see
the pathway.
59. Seeing Sachi, Lord Nityananda respectfully stood.
Sachi said: How far away is my son?
60. Lord Nityananda said: Please do not be unhappy
at heart. He sent Me to you all with a message.
61. The Lord will stay at Advaita Acharyas house.
Please do not be unhappy. Go to see Him. It is not far.
62. Everyone should go and see the Lord. In this way
everyone at once went on that journey.
63. Children, elders, youths, the dumb, the wise, the
fools, the ascetics, everyone went.
64. Ahead of everyone Sachi went. All the Vaishnavas
joyfully went.
65. Finally they came to Advaita Acharyas house. They
did not see Lord Gaura. Everyone felt broken.
66. Lord Nityananda asked Advaita Acharya: Lord
Gaura said He would come to Your ashrama.
67. He sent Me to tell everyone. What was in His
heart? That I do not know.
68. When He had spoken these words the two of Them
embraced. Hearing that Lord Gauranga had accepted
sannyasa, Lord Advaita became distraught at heart.
69. He said: I am very unfortunate. I did not have His
association. When will I again see the moon of His face?
70. Wild with grief, Sachi asked about her son.
Everyone said to her: Soon the Lord will come.
71. Every heart was filled with longing. At that moment
Lord Mahaprabhu arrived.
72. His body was ten million times more effulgent. It
was anointed with splendid long tilaka marks of sandal.
73. Lord Gaura wore saffron garments. He was
effulgent like the rising sun.
74. Lord Gaura carried a danda. He walked like a lion.
Seeing Him, everyone fell before His feet.
75. Gazing at the effulgence of His body, everyone felt
their hearts become filled with cooling bliss. Everyone
forgot their millions and millions of sorrows.
76. Every heart was filled with ecstatic love. No one felt
any grief or sorrow. With unblinking eyes Sachi gazed at
Lord Vishvambharas face.
77. No sorrow was in her heart. Gazing and gazing at
the Lords face, she felt showered with nectar.
78. Lord Advaita Acharya Gosai felt His heart was
filled with bliss. He offered a splendid asana for Lord Gaura
Raya to sit.
79. He washed the Lords feet and then He dried them
with a cloth. Everyone drank the water that had washed the
Lords feet.
80. Hearing the words Jaya! Jaya! and Hari!
Haribol! every Vaishnava felt his heart tossed by waves of
81. Gazing at the Lords effulgence, Haridasa, Murari,
Mukunda Datta, and Srivasa became filled with bliss.
82. Falling down like sticks, they offered respectful
obeisances. As they gazed at the Lords face, tears flowed
from their eyes.
83. Their voices were choked with bliss. The hairs of
their bodies stood erect. The bodies that were once almost
dead were now filled with life.
84. In this way the devotees gazed at Lord Gaura Raya.
Lord Gauras heart was filled with mercy. With eyes filled
with mercy Lord Gaura glanced at everyone.
85. Someone Lord Gaura touched. With someone He
joked and talked. Someone else He embraced.
86. In this way Lord Gaura filled the desires of each
devotee. Every heart there was filled with ecstatic spiritual
87. Everyone was delighted. All grief fled far away.
Everyone joyfully spoke auspicious words. Everyone
chanted Hari!
88. Lord Advaita Acharya Gosai was a very wise
devotee. At His ashrama Lord Gaura accepted alms.
89. Everyone there was exalted like Lord Advaita. At
His home they all joyfully accepted their meal.
90. That Lord Gaura had accepted sannyasa did not
enter anyones mind. Filled with bliss, everyone passed the
day and night in singing the Lords holy names in
91. In that sankirtana Lord Gaura sang His own holy
names. He danced and He inspired others to dance also.
92. Delighted by tasting the nectar of ecstatic love, all
the devotees danced. Accompanied by His sons, Lord
Advaita Acharya also danced.
93. Every heart was filled with a shoreless ocean of
ecstatic spiritual love. Beginning with tears, trembling, and
standing erect of the bodys hairs, the ecstatic symptoms of
sattvika-bhava were manifested on every body.
94. Every heart was filled with the glistening splendor
of bliss. Hearing of all this, Lochana Dasa has also become
filled with bliss.

Prabhur Nilachala-gamana o Danda-bhanga-lila:

The Lords Journey to Nilachala, and the Pastime of
Breaking His Danda

Song 38
(Bhatiyari raga - Disha)

Refrain: O! O! O! Please sing the glories of Lord Gaura!

O! O! O! Please turn away from all material desires! As long
as you stay in this world, please never turn away from Lord
Mahaprabhus feet!

1. The auspicious night passed in that way. Then the

dawn came. After performing His morning duties, Lord
Gaura sat on His asana.
2. A sannyasa danda in His hand, He seemed like the
Monarch of all kingdoms. On His limbs saffron garments
3. His followers sat around Him. Smiling and smiling,
the Lord said to them:
4. O devotees headed by Srivasa, please return to your
own ashramas.
5. If the smiling-faced Lord is merciful to Me, I will go
to Nilachala to see Lord Jagannatha.
6. Please follow My command. Stay in Navadvipa.
Day and night perform sankirtana of chanting the holy
7. Chant the holy names of Lord Hari. Serve the
devotees. Establish the sankirtana movement. This
command I give to you all.
8. Keep no envy in your hearts. With all your hearts
worship and serve each other.
9. After speaking these words, Lord Gaura at once
stood. He embraced everyone in His arms.
10. Tears of love flowed from His two eyes. His voice
was choked with emotion.
11. At that moment Haridasa, a blade of grass between
his teeth, fell down before the Lords lotus feet.
12. He wept piteously. Every heart broke to hear him.
13. Lord Gaura became filled with emotion. His eyes
were filled with tears. His heart overcome, He said:
14. After how many days will I become fortunate like
you? When will I fall before Lord Jagannathas feet and
weep as you do?
15. When, approaching Lord Jagannathas feet, will I
speak words filled with sincere emotion? When, gazing at
Lord Jagannathas graceful glorious face, will My eyes bear
their fruit?
16. After speaking these words, Lord Gaura fell to the
ground. The devotees around Him on four sides wept.
17. Gazing at her son, Sachi yearned to embrace His
neck. But she did not weep, for in a moment she fell
18. One devotee, his hair in disarray, grasped Lord
Gauras feet and wept. The devotees struggled to control
their emotions.
19. Srivasa, Haridasa, Murari, and Mukunda said to the
20. You are supremely independent. We are under
Your dominion. We are poor, ill-behaved sinners. We have
no true devotion.
21. What power have we to say anything? You have
accepted sannyasa. Now You will leave Your servants and
go away.
22. You are the only Master of us all. How will You
walk on the pathways? When You become hungry or
thirsty, from whom will You get food?
23. You are Sachis dear son. Vishnupriya serves Your
two feet.
24. Your glance is nectar splashed on the devotees
eyes. With Your own hands You planted the tree of spiritual
love and made it grow.
25. Now that tree yearns to bear many fruits of ecstatic
spiritual love. By accepting sannyasa You made that trees
hopes barren.
26. The life breath will not leave our sinful bodies. We
will bid You farewell and we will return to our homes.
27. We, the most fallen, will return to our homes. All
this is not Your true nature. You are the purifier of the fallen
28. Destiny anointed Your form with mercy. Destiny
gave You many treasures of playful, glorious, graceful
29. You are the protector of the individual spirit souls.
You are full of ecstatic spiritual love. Your form is the
greatest wonder in the three worlds.
30. Nothing in the three worlds compares to You. But
when You speak cruel words, the whole world becomes
filled with sorrow.
31. Please do not try to cheat us in this way. Why will
You cut the roots of the tree You Yourself planted?
32. Please take the devotees with You when You go. If
You do not, we will fall into flames and die.
33. Look. Look at Your helpless widowed mother
Sachi. We cannot bear to hear her lament.
34. Vishnupriyas weeping makes the ground crack.
The busy marketplaces of Navadvipa have become a barren
35. The Vaishnavas homes have become barren
deserts. It seems that the Vaishnavas homes are now eight
miles from each other.
36. If we sit down and talk about You, we will die. We
cannot do otherwise.
37. Never again will we hear of Your confidential
pastimes. Never again will we see You dance in ecstasy or
give everyone ecstatic spiritual love.
38. Never again will we see You dancing or embracing
everyone. Never again will we see Your reddish eyes filled
with tears of ecstatic spiritual love.
39. Never again will we hear the nectar of Your loud
calls. Who now blocks our eyes and ears?
40. If we cannot see the moon of Your face, how will
we remain alive? We still have eyes. Who, then, now makes
us blind?
41. O Lord, please do not bid us farewell. We will go
with You. Your cruel words make our bodies burst into
42. When the hunter rings his bell, the doe
approaches. Then the hunter grabs the doe and kills her.
43. In the same way from You we learned of ecstatic
spiritual love. You made us yearn to attain that love. Why
do You now kill us?
44. Separated from You, the devotees will all die. How
can You be called Bhakta-vatsala (the Lord who loves His
45. How can You bid farewell to Sachi? Who will give
her this news?
46. Simply by hearing this news Visnupriya will at
once die. Please consider these words.
47. When the devotees had spoken these words,
kindhearted Lord Gaura smiled and said:
48. O devotees, please hear My words. Never will I be
cruel to you.
49. I will reside in Nilachala. You may always come
and see Me there.
50. The shoreless ocean of ecstatic spiritual love will
increase. The whole world will float in the ecstasy of hari-
nama-sankirtana (chanting Lord Haris holy names).
51. No heart will feel suffering or sorrow. Everyone
will be plunged in the ocean of sankirtana.
52. I will always stay in the embrace of Vishnupriya,
of My mother Sachi, and of anyone who worships Lord
53. Hearing these words, everyone fell at Lord Gauras
feet. Lord, please promise that these words will always be
54. They will always be true, always be true, always
be true, Lord Gaura said again and again. I will reside in
Nilachala. These words of Mine will always be true.
55. Sachi-devi fell down like a stick. She was not
peaceful. Two devotees picked her up.
56. She said: You are merciless. Where will you go?
Unable to see you, my dear son, I will die.
57. How many times will everyone else see your face?
Only unfortunate I will never see your face again.
58. Everyone else you have comforted. Dear son, how
will you comfort me?
59. In this world no one is unfortunate like me. Now
an iron spear of grief is pushed into Vishnupriyas heart.
60. Smiling, merciful-hearted Lord Gaura said:
Forgetting the spiritual truth you already know, you make
yourself die with false grief.
61. Please return home. Keep no grief in your heart.
Without envy stay amongst the devotees.
62. Falling down like a stick, Lord Gaura offered
obeisances to His mother. With many words He comforted
63. After comforting His mother, the Lord said:
Haribol! Then He quickly departed. A tumult of weeping
at once arose.
64. Lord Advaita Acharya ran after Lord Gaura. After
an hour He caught up with Him.
65. Lord Mahaprabhu fell down like a stick to offer
obeisances to Advaita Acharya. Lord Advaita picked HIm
up and embraced Him.
66. Lord Advaitas face was withered with grief. Drops
and drops of perspiration rested on His chest. His heart was
filled with sorrow. To Lord Gaura He said:
67. You will go to another country. That brings Me
great sorrow. Flames of sorrow burn in My heart.
68. I have spoken My heart. Lord, please consider My
words and give Your reply.
69. In separation from Your lotus feet Your sorrowing
devotees only weep.
70. Why does My sinful heart not melt with grief? My
hard heart is made of wood. That is why tears do not come
to My eyes.
71. My actions are all evil. That is why, in Your
absence, ecstatic spiritual love does not arise in My heart.
72. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura smiled, embraced
Lord Advaita, and said: I will tell You the truth. Please
listen to My words.
73. Because You love Me so dearly I will never leave
You. I am tightly bound by the ropes of Your love.
74. Speaking these words, Lord Gaura tied a knot in
His garment. Advaita Acharya was overcome with feelings
of love. In His heart He again and again thought of Lord
75. Five or seven flooding rivers of tears flowed from
the oceans of His eyes. He had no power to express the love
He felt.
76. Then Lord Gaura restrained His turbulent emotions.
Wise Advaita Acharya also restrained His emotions.
77. Lord Advaita said: Love for You has never risen
within Me. I have no power to attain love for You.
78. Lord Gaura said: O Acharya, please hear. I am
controlled by the love You bear for Me. Please always
remember Our pastimes together.
79. After speaking these words, Lord Gaura quickly
departed. All the Vaishnavas then returned to their homes.
80. Thus Lochana Dasa describes how Lord Gaura, the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, accepted sannyasa, and
how that act pushed an iron lance of sorrow into the
devotees hearts

Song 39
(Bhatiyari raga)

81. Bidding farewell to everyone, Lord Gaura departed.

The town of Navadvipa became like a barren desert.
82. Accompanied by Sri Gadadhara Pandita, Lord
Nityananda Avadhutaraya, Narahari, and other devotees,
the Lord walked.
83. Accompanied by Srivsha, Murari, Mukunda, and
Damodara, Lord Gaura walked.
84. In His heart Lord Gaura thought, Soon I will see
Lord Jagannathas Dola-yatra festival. Chanting, Hari!
Hari! Lord Gaura quickly walked.
85. In this way He walked on the pathways. One
moment, overcome with ecstatic love, He trembled. Then
He had no power to walk.
86. Another moment He quickly walked like a ferocious
lion. Another moment He loudly roared with Lord Haris
holy names.
87. Another moment He danced. Another moment He
sang. Another moment He piteously wept. Another
moment He slapped His arms. Another moment He became
wild with ecstatic spiritual love.
88. From His reddish eyes flooding rivers of tears
flowed without stop. The hairs of His body stood erect.
89. One moment He slowly walked. Another moment
He spoke words not of this world. Another moment He
loudly, loudly laughed. Another moment He fell down like
a stick.
90. If some food was offered to Him, He would not
accept it. He said: It was not offered to Lord Krishna.
91. By this example He kindly taught the people of the
world how to act. Only two or three times, after some effort,
did He find some Krishna-prasadam that He would eat.
92. Keeping an all-night vigil, He chanted the holy
names of Lord Hari. Loudly He chanted this verse, the
abode of glories:

rama raghava rama raghava rama raghava raksha mam
krishna keshava krishna keshava krishna keshava pahi mam

94. In a sweet voice He sang this song. Then, overcome

with ecstatic spiritual love, He became choked with
95. With joyful hearts many pilgrims accompanied
Lord Gaura as He went to see Lord Jagannatha at the Dola-
yatra festival.
96. At a certain time and place the pilgrims
encountered on the path a wicked and sinful toll-collector.
97. This toll-collector harassed many travelers. Lord
Gaura suddenly ran behind everyone.
98. Avadhuta Gadadhara Pandita was surprised. Why
did the Lord go behind everyone? he thought.
99. Thinking and thinking, Gadadhara fell further and
further behind. Then Gadadhara looked ahead and saw the
toll-collector binding the pilgrims.
100. Seeing this he was very surprised and relieved.
The hairs of his body stood erect.
101. Seeing the withered and saddened faces of the
pilgrims, Lord Gaura approached them like a ferocious lion.
102. Seeing the Lord, the pilgrims loudly wept. They
were like frightened children suddenly placed on their
mothers lap.
103. They were like singed forest animals fleeing a
forest fire and suddenly jumping into the Gangas waters.
104. Falling at Lord Gauras feet, the pilgrims wept.
Seeing Lord Gaura, the sinful toll-collector thought in his
105. There is no human being in this world like Him.
In my heart I know He must be Lord Jagannatha, the moon
of Nilachala.
106. I have brought sorrow to many people. What will
happen to me? My heart trembles in fear.
107. Thinking this in his heart, the toll collector fell
before Lord Gauras feet. In a voice choked with emotion he
108. I will release the pilgrims. I will not try to collect a
toll from them. In my heart I know that You are the
Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself.
109. Speaking these words, the toll-collector fell at the
Lords feet and wept. He placed his head before Lord
Gauras lotus feet.
110. He trembled. In a voice choked with emotion he
spoke many prayers. He said: Please dont think I am a
materialist and thus hate me.
111. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura smiled. He
released the pilgrims and then happily continued walking.
112. After a few moment, the toll-collector, raising his
arms and calling out, began to follow Him.
113. Gazing at Lord Gaura, the toll-collector touched
Him with his hand. Suddenly the toll-collector stopped.
114. Tears flowed from his eyes. The hairs of his body
stood erect. He chanted the holy Hare Krishna mantra
without stop.
115. Seeing this, Nityananda and Gadadhara became
joyful. In this way Lochana Dasa describes Lord Gaurangas

Song 40
(Sindhuda raga - Disha)

Refrain: O my brothers, please sing. Sing and hear the

glories of Lord Gaura. O! O! O! Please yearn to attain the
lotus feet of Lord Gauranga. O! O! O! O! Whatever you see,
whatever you see in this material world is all false.
Therefore, O my brothers, please sing and hear the glories
of Lord Gaura.

116. In this way, visiting and visiting many temples,

Lord Gaurachandra walked on the path,
117. At village after village He would stop, visit the
temple, and dance.
118. Now please one hear a pastime of Lord
Nityananda, the King of avadhutas.
119. Placing His sannyasa danda in Lord Nityanandas
hand, Lord Gaura Hari went ahead. Lord Nityananda
followed somewhat behind.
120. Overcome with ecstatic spiritual love, Lord Gaura
ran ahead. Overcome with love for Lord Krishna, Lord
Gaura forgot Himself.
121. Gadadhara and the others kept pace with Lord
Gaura. Seeing this, Lord Nityananda lagged farther and
farther behind.
122. Slowly, slowly walking, Lord Nityananda thought
and thought. Now My Lord holds a danda in His hand.
123. Rejecting His beautiful flute that charms the three
worlds, He now holds a danda. How can I tolerate that?
124. My Lord accepted sannyasa. He shaved His head.
That brought sorrow to everyone.
125. Thinking and thinking in this way, Lord
Nityananda felt His suffering grow more and more. Finally
He held up the danda and broke it.
126. The broken danda He threw into the water. Afraid
of Lord Gaura, Lord Nityananda stayed behind and slowly,
slowly walked.
127. After some time They both met. Lord Gaura said:
Why do I not see My danda?
128. Stepping back from Lord Gaura, Lord Nityananda
gave no reply. Surprised, Lord Gaura thought in His heart.
129. Again Lord Gaura asked: Where is My danda?
Not seeing My danda, I fell great sorrow in My heart.
130. Hearing these words, Lord Nityananda Raya said:
When I gazed at Your danda in My hand, My heart burst
into flames.
131. You accepted sannyasa. You shaved Your head.
And now You carry on Your shoulder a danda, a
burdensome danda that must bring great sorrow to Your
132. I could not tolerate that. I broke Your danda and
threw it into the water. Now You may do whatever You do.
With a voice choked with emotion, Lord Nityananda spoke
these words.
133. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura became
unhappy. Angrily He said: You do everything backward.
134. The demigods made their home in My danda.
Why did You break it?
135. You are a wild man. You have no steady
intelligence. You act like a wild man. You have the heart of a
136. You dont have any scholarship. You never follow
the rules of religion. You reject varnashrama. You do
everything backward.
137. You dont think its wrong to torment the
demigods and varnashrama. If I tell You all this You only
become angry.
138. Hearing these words, Lord Nityananda smiled. In
a voice choked with emotion He said to Lord Gaura:
139. I never torment the demigods or varnashrama. I
may have acted well, or I may have acted ill. You decide.
140. The demigods reside in Your danda. How can I
tolerate Your carrying the demigods on Your shoulder?
141. You acted well, and I acted ill. Why should I
argue with You?
142. I committed an offense. Please forgive Me this
one time. By chanting Your holy name this whole world will
become delivered.
143. You are famous as Patita-pavana (the purifier of
the fallen). Therefore please forgive My offense.
144. Simply by chanting Your holy name everyone in
this world will become delivered. Your accepting sannyasa
brought great sorrow to Your devotees.
145. You shaved the hair of Your head, hair that
delighted everyone. That act brought great sorrow to Your
devotees hearts.
146. Seeing their sorrows, I feel My heart burst into
flames. You dont need to ask Me. All the devotees are
witness to this sorrow.
147. Because of the sorrow it brought to Your
devotees, I broke Your danda and threw it away. It was not
a danda. It was an iron lance pushed into My heart.
148. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura spoke no reply.
His face was withered and sorrowful, but His heart was
actually filled with joy.
149. Lord Nityananda knows all the rasas of love for
Lord Gaura Mahaprabhu. That is why He broke the danda.
So says Lochana Dasa.

Meeting Sarvabhauma

Song 41
(Bhatiyari raga - Disha)

Refrain: O! O! O! O! O my brothers, sing, please sing

the glories of Lord Gaura!
O friend, O friend of my life, please do not desire
anything in this world of birth death. For as long as you live
in this world please never abandon Lord Mahaprabhus

1. Walking on the path, Lord Mahaprabhu came to the

very holy place named Tamoluka.
2. He bathed in Brahma-kunda and saw the Deity of Sri
Madhusudana. Lord Gaura was overcome with ecstatic
spiritual love. His heart was joyful.
3. After some more days of walking on the path, Lord
Mahaprabhu came to the village of Remuna.
4. In the great village of Remuna the Deity was Gopala.
Tossed by a shoreless ocean of bliss, Lord Gaura ran to see
5. In ancient times Uddhava established this Deity in
Varanasi. On the pretext of showing mercy to a certain
brahmana, that Deity unexpectedly came to Remuna.
6. Saying these words, Lord Gaura offered obeisances
repeatedly. O master of Uddhava!, He called out.
7. Today My eyes have borne their fruit. Now I see the
Lord that Uddhava so dearly loved.
8. Udhava! Uddhava! Lord Gaura plaintively cried.
Overcome with ecstatic spiritual love, Lord Gaura fell to the
ground and wept.
9. From His reddish eyes tears flowed without stop.
The hairs of His body stood erect. He trembled again and
10. Calling out, O master of Uddhava! He
circumambulated the Deity. He danced with His followers.
He called out: Hari! Hari!
11. The spiritual love and bliss was very great. It filled
the land and sky.
12. The demigods joyfully flew there from outer space.
With unblinking eyes they gazed at Lord Gaura.
13. With a thousand eyes King Indra gazed at Lord
Gauras body sweeter than nectar.
14. At that moment a flower suddenly fell from the
crown on the Gopala Deitys head.
15. A flower suddenly fell from the Deitys crown to the
ground. With His hand Lord Gaura picked up that flower.
16. On four side the Vaishnavas called out, Hari!
Hari! Waves of ecstatic love touched even the sky.
17. Indra, the King of the demigods, gazed at Lord
Vishvambhara. Seeing these wonders, Indra bowed his
shoulders and wept.
18. Till the days end Lord Gaura danced. He did not
stop. Then, at sunset, His dancing came to a stop.
19. Many different kinds of foods were offered to the
Deity of Lord Krishna. Then a brahmana offered the
remnants to Lord Gaura.
20. Lord Gaura and His companions happily ate that
21. They passed the night happily talking of Lord
Krishna. At sunrise they all departed.
22. In this way Lord Gaura walked and walked on the
path. In this way He came to the bank of the Vaitarani River.
23. Lord Gaura bathed in that river and drank its water.
After bathing in that river that purifies the fallen, Lord
Gaura went to see the Deity of the Lord.
24. Supremely wise Lord Gaura eagerly went to see the
Deity of Lord Varaha.
25. Anyone who sees that Deity delivers his mothers
and fathers ancestors. Then Lord Gaura went to the village
of Yajapura.
26. In that place Brahma and the demigods offered a
yajna. They gave that village to a certain brahmana.
27. If a great sinner dies in that village he becomes free
of all sins. He attains a body like that of Lord Shiva himself.
28. In that village are hundreds and hundreds of Shiva-
lingas. Lord Gaura, who is Lord Krishna Himself, bowed
down before those lingas and then continued His journey.
29. With a joyful heart Lord Gaura went to see the
Viraja River. Who has the power to describe the Viraja
Rivers glories?
30. The sight of that river destroys many millions and
millions of sins. With a joyful heart Lord Gaura gazed at the
Viraja River.
31. Bowing down before the Viraja River, Lord Gaura
said: To Me please give pure love and devotion for Lord
Krishnas feet.
32. Lord Mahaprabhu then continued His journey on
the path. At Nabhi-gaya He offered pinda to His ancestors.
33. He happily bathed in the waters of Brahma-kunda.
Completing His worship of the Deity, Lord Gaura quickly
continued His journey.
34. Then Lord Gaura gazed and gazed at the very holy
city of Shivapura.
35. I have no power to describe the gracefulness of that
city, where there are ten million-forms of Lord Shiva and
other Deities.
36-37. Then Sri Mukunda Datta said to Lord Gaura: I
know that we need not fear any more wicked toll-
38. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura smiled and said:
What can I say to you? You are a great soul.
39. I have accepted the sannyasa-ashrama. What can a
toll-collector do to Me? Tell Me.
40. Hearing these words, Mukunda was no longer
afraid. Still, he said: That last toll-collector tried to trouble
41. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura said: Please hear,
O Mukunda. My family will protect Me.
42. It is said (Shanti-shataka 4.1):

dhairyam yasya pita kshama cha janani shantish chiram gehini

satyam sunur ayam daya cha bhagini bhrata manah-
shayya bhumi-talam disho pi vasanam jnanamritam bhojanam
yasyaite hi kutumbino vada sakhe kasmad bhayam yoginah

Steadiness is his father, patience his mother,

peacefulness his wife, truthfulness his son, mercy his sister,
steadiness of mind his brother, the ground his bed, the
directions his clothing, and the nectar of transcendental
knowledge his food. These are the family of a yogi. Whom
should such a yogi fear? Please tell.

43. Hearing these words, Mukunda kept no fear in his

heart. Smiling and smiling, Lord Gaura said to him:
44. Wait here some time for Me. Speaking these
words, Lord Gaura departed to collect alms.
45. Gadadhara and some others also went. From place
to place they collected alms.
46. Then a toll-collector stopped everyone. He angrily
bound Mukunda.
47. The whole day he kept Mukunda captive. His anger
did not fall away. After many words he released him at
48. But first that wretched sinner took away each
persons blanket, their only possession.
49. After collecting alms from place to place, at sunset
the devotees assembled at the prearranged meeting place.
50. Lord Gaura also returned to that place. Seeing Him,
the devotees felt their hearts become filled with bliss.
51. Falling at Lord Gauras feet, Sri Mukunda Datta
wept and said: Lord, I did not know Your true glories.
52. As long as I stand before You I need not fear any
toll-collector. They will stay far away from me.
53. You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I
know this, but then again I do not know it. Who is superior
to You? Who is in a position that he can give alms to You?
54. When I spoke to You I said I had no fear. Therefore
it was good that the toll-collector did what he did to me.
55. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura asked Gadadhara:
What did the toll-collector do?
56. Then Mukunda said: Dont make a fuss. It was
good. That is what I say of it. That is all I have to say of it.
57. That night the leader of the toll-collectors in that
place had a dream. In that dream Sachis son appeared
before him.
58. The toll-collector saw Lord Gaura reclining on
Ananta Shesha in the ocean of milk. Lakshmi and Sarasvati
served Lord Gauras feet.
59. Then the toll collector saw the sages headed by
Sanaka, and the demigods headed by Brahma, offering
prayers to Lord Gaura from afar.
60. Seeing all this, the toll-collector trembled in his
heart. Seeing the Lords power and glory, he fell to the
61. Then Lord Gaura said: Wearing sannyasa
garments, I now stand by the bank of the Viraja River. Your
servants gave trouble to one of My devotees.
62. The toll-collector trembled in his heart. He was
flooded by a shoreless ocean of fears. Quickly he went to
Lord Gaura, who is Lord Krishna Himself.
63. In a moment the leader of the toll-collectors very
humbly offered obeisances to Lord Gaura.
64. He said: You are the Supreme Personality of
Godhead. You enjoy pastimes on the ocean of milk. To
deliver the people of the world You have accepted
65. You are a moon illuminating the blinding darkness
of this world of birth and death. You are the Vedas
personified. You are the highest truth described in the
66. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura smiled and said
to the toll-collector: My Lord Krishna quickly give His
mercy to You.
67. Saying these words, Lord Gaura placed His feet on
the toll-collectors head. At once the toll-collector was
overcome with ecstatic spiritual love. Raising his hands, he
began to dance.
68. Giving His mercy to him, Lord Gaura empowered
that toll-collector to deliver the people of that place. He
taught him the truth of devotional service to Lord Krishna
and He made him qualified to engage in devotional service.
69. At that moment the Vaishnavas said to the toll-
collector: Your servants put in many troubling situations.
70. Your servants also took away our blankets.
Hearing these words, the toll-collector felt sorrow in his
71. The leader of ther toll-collectors then gave new
blankets to the devotees. At this the Vaishnavas became
pleased at heart.
72. After first offering obeisances, the leader of the toll-
collectors bid farewell to the devotees and then returned to
his own home.
73. Returning home, he engaged in devotional service
to Lord Krishna. He took shelter of Lord Krishna. Day and
night he chanted Lord Haris holy names in sankirtana.
74. The devotees happily passed the night. At dawn
they happily performed their morning duties.
75. Repeatedly Lord Gaura gazed at the Viraja River.
Anyone who sees that river becomes delivered from this
world of birth and death.
76. After offering obeisances to the Viraja River, Lord
Gaura continued His journey. Ecstatic love for Lord Krishna
arose within Him. The hairs of His body stood erect.
77. Lord Gaura walked like a ferocious lion. Walking
and walking, He came to the village of Ekamraka.
78. In this village Shiva and Parvati stay. His heart now
wild, Lord Gaura ran to see them.
79. After a little time Lord Gaura found the temple.
Great longings filled His heart. He became wild with
ecstatic love.
80. A beautiful flag fluttered above the temple. There
were many Shiva-lingas in the village of Ekamra.
81. Seeing the flag on the temple, Lord Gaura offered
obeisances. Walking and walking, Lord Gaura entered the
temple of Lord Shiva.
82. In the village of Ekamra are ten million Shiva-
lingas. When a person walks there, his heart should tremble
in fear.
83. In that city are ten million Shiva-lingas, beginning
with the linga named Vishveshvara. The ground of that city
looks like sandesha candy.
84. The waters of all holy rivers rest in the Maha-bindu-
sarovara lake there. Many different holy places also rest in
that city.
85. Entering the temple, Lord Gaura saw Shiva and
Parvati. He bowed down before them. He was overcome
with ecstatic spiritual love.
86. Anyone who sees the linga of Shiva and Parvati
finds his troubles broken into pieces.
87. Seeing the linga of Lord Shiva, Lord Gaura was
overcome with ecstasy. His body trembled. He could not
remain peaceful.
88. From His reddish eyes tears flowed without stop.
The hairs of His body stood erect. Repeatedly He recited
89. Thus Lord Gaura recited prayers to Lord Shiva. The
Vaishnavas around Him on four sides also recited prayers
to Lord Shiva.
90. Then one of the servants of Lord Shiva offered to
Lord Gaura Lord Shivas prasadam remnants of fragrances,
sandal paste, and flower garlands.
91. Offering obeisances to Lord Shiva, Lord Gaura left
the temple. Entering a devotees house, He rested.
92. He ate the food that devotee offered. In that
devotees home He happily slept that night.
93. In this way He happily passed the night. Then, at
dawn, He who is the master of the three worlds arose.
94. Lord Gaura bathed, performed His morning duties,
offered obeisances to Lord Shiva, and then departed.
95. Accompanied by His associates, Lord Gaura
continued His journey. Now I will describe His associates
96. Please carefully hear a conversation of Murari and
Damodara, a conversation I will now describe.
97. Damodara Pandita asked Murari Gupta: Why did
Lord Gaura, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
accept the prasadam remnants offered to Lord Shiva?
98. Because of Bhrigu Munis curse, no one should
accept the prasadam remnants offered to Lord Shiva. Why,
then, did Lord Gaura accept them?
99. Lord Gaura is very kind to the brahmanas.
Hearing and knowing of Bhrigu Munis curse, why did
Lord Gaura disregard it?
100. Murari said: Please hear. Hear, O Damodara.
How can I know what is in Lord Gauras heart?
101. I can only speak as far as my intelligence knows.
If your heart thinks they are right, you may accept my
102. A person who serves Lord Shiva but does not
honor the prasadam remnants Lord Shiva leaves behind
does so only because he thinks Lord Shiva and Lord
Krishna are different.
103. The brahmana Bhrigu spoke his curse for such
persons, impure-hearted persons do not know Lord Shivas
true glories.
104. However, a person who is fully aware that Lord
Shiva and Lord Krishna are not different, and who serves
Lord Shiva, should certainly honor the prasadam remnants
Lord Shiva leaves behind.
105. Fully aware that Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna are
not different, he honors the prasadam remnants Lord Shiva
leaves behind. Such a person brings great pleasure to both
Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna.
106. Lord Shiva is the King of the Vaishnavas. For this
reason he should be worshiped.
107. A person who eats the prasadam Lord Shiva ate
with his own hand is released from the prison of the
material world.
108. In truth Lord Gaura was a guest on Lord Shivas
house. With a happy heart Lord Shiva offered Him all
109. Please hear. Bhrigu Munis curse is meant for
non-devotees. A devotee who honors Lord Shiva brings
pleasure to Lord Krishna.
110. Lord Gaura descended to this world to teach the
people. Damodara then said: You have destroyed my
foolish idea.
111. Hearing these words, everyone became joyful at
heart. In this way Lochana Dasa narrates Lord Chaitanyas

Song 42
Refrain: Please chant the sweet names Sri Krishna
Chaitanya and Gaurachandra!
O my brothers, the names of Lord Gaura are very rare
in this world. To attain deliverance please do not chant
anything else.
With your ears please drink the nectar of these songs
about Lord Gaura for as long as you live in this world.
Please never abandon hearing them.

112. Again please hear Lord Gaurachandras pastimes.

Love for Lord Gaura is like a flood of ever-new nectar.
113. Walking on the path with His associates, Lord
Gaura continued His journey. He happily saw the Shiva
Deity named Kapoteshvara.
114. Bowing down before the Deity, Lord Gaura
continued His journey on the path. In this way He saw
many holy places and many Shiva-lingas.
115. Accompanied by His associates, He bathed in the
glorious river named Bhargavi.
116. After bathing He continued His journey. Suddenly
He could see the temple of Lord Jagannatha in the distance.
117. The glory and effulgence of the temple defeated
moonlight. Upon it was a red flag fluttering in the breeze.
118. On top of Nilagiri Mountain was the temple of
Lord Jagannatha. The temple was wonderfully white. Its
glory defeated Mount Kailasha.
119. Then Lord Gaura saw a boy black like anjana
sitting on top of the temple.
120. Motioning with His hand, the body seemed to
invite Lord Gaura to come. Seeing this, Lord Gaura was
overwhelmed. He fell down to offer respectful obeisances.
121. Lord Gaura fell to the ground. No longer was He
conscious. He made no sound. It was as if He had
abandoned His life.
122. Seeing this, everyone became anxious at heart.
Lord! Lord! they cried. The Lord gave no reply.
123. What should we do! What should we do? they
asked. Everyone was distraught. Lord Gaura made no
sound. It was as if His life and ended and now He was
124. At that moment Lord Gaura suddenly awakened.
The hairs of His body stood erect. He was overcome with
ecstatic spiritual love.
125. Seeing this, everyone felt revived. It was as if life
was again placed in their bodies.
126 - 127. Lord Mahaprabhu asked everyone: With
your eyes did you see on top of the temple a graceful boy
splendid like sapphires, a boy who charms the three
128. Though no one had seen Him, they all affirmed:
Yes. We saw Him. Everyone was bewildered and worried.
129. Again Lord Gaura said to everyone: Look. The
boy is standing by the temples flag.
130. His face is smiling. His graceful form is filled with
nectar. With wonderful grace He moves His fingers.
131. With His graceful lotus hand He beckons Me. In
His left hand He holds a flute. He is the most glorious
person in the three world.
132. Speaking these words, Lord Gaura very quickly
walked. The Vaishnavas joyfully followed Him.
133. The splendor of Lord Gauras limbs defeated the
splendor of ten million moons. His sandal-paste tilaka was
134. His saffron garments defeated the splendor of the
rising sun.
135. Lord Gaura Raya gazed at Lord Jagannathas
temple. Repeatedly Lord Gaura offered respectful
obeisances as He walked.
136. Flooding streams of tears flowed from His eyes
without stop. The hairs of His trembling body stood erect.
137. His heart overcome with ecstatic spiritual love,
Lord Gaura came to the very holy lake named Markandeya-
138. There Lord Gaura bathed, performed auspicious
rituals, offered obeisances, and hurriedly continued on His
139. With a happy heart Lord Gaura offered obeisances
to Yajneshvara and then, His heart filled with longings,
hurried on His journey.
140. Again Lord Gaura saw Lord Jagannathas temple
in the distance. Again He fell to the ground to offer
respectful obeisances.
141. Tears flowed from His eyes. Overcome with very
deep love, He wept.
142. Seeing Lord Gaurachandras great love, Lord
Jagannatha again beckoned with His hand.
143. Come! Come! Lord Jagannatha called. Gazing at
Lord Jagannatha, Lord Gaura was overcome. He rolled on
the ground.
144. Smiling with bliss, Lord Gaura said: O Lord
Jagannatha, please be merciful to Me, so I may see Your
145. Again Lord Gaura gazed at Lord Jagannatha and
again He wept. Again gazing at Lord Jagannatha, Lord
Gaura felt His heart become filled with bliss.
146. The hairs of His body stood erect. Tossed by nectar
waves of ecstatic spiritual love, Lord Gaura roared.
147. Lord Gaura quickly walked. Finally He came to the
house of Vasudeva Sarvabhauma.
148. Seeing Lord Gaura, Sarvabhauma felt great bliss.
He offered the Lord a place to sit.
149. Glancing at Sarvabhauma, Lord Gaura said: My
heart longs to see Lord Jagannatha.
150. How will I see the Master of the great demigods?
My heart longs to see Him.
151. Hearing these words, saintly Sarvabhauma
glanced at Lord Gauras form. Sarvabhaumas heart was
filled with wonder.
152. Lord Gauras form was glorious like molten gold
or like Mount Sumeru. His face was effulgent. His eyes
were like moonlight.
153. His neck was like a conch-shell, or like a lions
neck. His eyes were long. His arms reached to His knees.
His form was marked with all auspicious signs.
154. Gazing at Lord Gaura, Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya
was overcome with bliss. He thought: What I see is very
155. In all the worlds there is no man like Him. I do
not know who among the demigods He is.
156. It is Lord Narayana, the Master of Vaikuntha who
has come before me. I can guess that this person is the
Supreme Lord Himself.
157. Thinking in this way, saintly Sarvabhauma glanced
at his son and said:
158. Quickly go with Lord Chaitanya. Whatever this
great soul says, hear with great care.
159. Take Him to Lord Jagannatha. Stay with Him.
160. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura Raya became
delighted. Accompanied by Sarvabhaumas son, He
161. As Lord Gaura approached the Simha-dvara gate,
His body began to tremble. He had no power to control it.
He was overcome with ecstatic love.
162. He could not remain peaceful. He became like a
wild man. His associates carefully stayed by His side.
163. After many efforts He controlled Himself enough
to enter the Simha-dvara gate. Then He quickly came to the
164. Staying behind the Garuda-stambha, With steady
eyes He gazed at the graceful moonlike face of Lord
Jagannatha, the King of the three worlds.
165. His heart was filled with bliss. Like kadamba
filaments, the hairs of His body stood erect.
166. Five or seven flooding rivers of tears flowed from
his eyes. He forget Himself. He was caught in the power of
ecstatic love.
167. His graceful body overcome, Lord Gaura fell to the
ground. His body was like the peak of golden Mount
Sumeru fallen in a great wind.
168. Lord Gaura, the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
was overcome with ecstatic spiritual love. With His two
tightly closed hands He rubbed His closed eyes.
169. Calling out, Hari! Sachis son began to dance. In
this way Lord Gaura and His associates entered the temple.
170. Gadadhara, Narahari, Nityananda, Srivasa,
Damodara, Murari, and Mukunda all danced.
171. Every devotee there joyfully danced. There was a
great kirtana of songs glorifying Sri Sri Radha-Krishna.
172. Then, accompanied by His associates, Lord Gaura
returned to Sarvabhaumas ashrama.
173. Returning to Sarvabhaumas home, again Lord
Gaura began a kirtana and again He danced.
174. Seeing this, Vasudeva Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya
felt great bliss in his heart. He was filled with wonder.
175. When Lord Mahaprabhus dancing ended,
Sarvabhauma asked that food be brought.
176. He sent some brahmanas to bring prasadam. Then
he sat down with Lord Gaura.
177. To learn about Him he asked some questions of
Lord Gaura.
178. Where is Your birthplace. Please tell me. Lord
Gaura replied: What you say is true.
179. Bhattacharya asked: Why do You speak in this
way? I ask a question, and You reply by speaking of
something else. Why do You do that?
180. To this Lord Gaura became silent. He was deep
like an ocean. Again the learned brahmana Sarvabhauma
asked questions of Lord Gaura.
181. Who are Your mother and father? Please tell me.
Lord Gaura replied: What you say is true.
182. Again Sarvabhauma asked a question. He asked:
Where did You accept sannyasa?
183. Lord Gaura replied: You will know the truth. That
is certain. Hearing this, Sarvabhauma became very
surprised at heart.
184. He had no power to understand the intentions of
Lord Gaura, who is victorious over all the Brahmas.
185. Is this person the Supreme Personality of
Godhead? Or is He only a wild man? His intelligence
stunned, Sarvabhauma became angry.
186. At that moment a large quantity of prasadam was
brought to Sarvabhauma. Seeing the prasadam, Lord Gaura
became wild with ecstatic spiritual love.
187. Attaining Lord Jagannathas maha-prasadam food
remnants, Lord Gaura, smiling and smiling, bowed down to
offer respectful obeisances.
188. He made a great deep sound, a sound like a lions
roar that filled the universe.
189. At that moment a host of demigods, gandharvas,
humans, jackals, dogs, and snakes came before Lord Gaura.
190. Into the mouths of all of them Lord Gaura Joyfully
placed that prasadam. Lord Nityananda, Gadadhara, and
the other personal associates of the Lord had the power to
see all this.
191. Though they knew of these secret pastimes, they
did not tell anyone.
192. Then Lord Gaura and His associates ate that
prasadam. At that time Srivasa said:
193. Lord, there is a question I would ask, but I fear to
speak. Lord, if You give Your permission, I will not be afraid
to ask.
194. As You were eating the prasadam I was surprised
to see You so joyfully smile and laugh. Please tell me the
reason You smiled and laughed so.
195. Hearing these words, Lord Gaura became joyful.
Revealing His heart, He said:
196. Please hear, O brahmana. Because of Goddess
Katyayanis vow the dogs and jackals eat the great treasure
that is the Lords prasadam.
197. Indra, Candra, and all the demigods and
gandharvas could not attain this prasadam. Even with a
heroic struggle they could not attain it.
198. Even Narada, Prahlada, Shukadeva and the other
great devotees could not attain it. Now I have revealed My
199. That was in the past. Now every living entity eats
this maha-prasadam. With these words I have revealed to
you My heart.
200-201. Anyone who, somehow attaining maha-
prasadam, thinks it only ordinary food, and thus does not
eat it loses all the piety he has earned in his past births. He
takes birth in the womb of a pig.
202. Even if it has fallen from a dogs mouth, one
should eat prasadam. Prasadam never has any defect.
203. Then Lord Gaura respectfully ate prasadam. At
dusk He went to see Lord Jagannatha.
204. Entering the temple, He gazed at Lord
Jagannathas graceful face. The whole universe could not
hold the bliss He felt within His heart.
205-206. Gazing at the effulgence of Lord Jagannathas
body, an effulgence that defeats the new monsoon clouds,
moreover gazing at Lord Jagannathas wonderful lotus
eyes, Lord Gaura became plunged in an ocean of bliss.
Overcome with ecstatic spiritual love, He rolled on the
207. Lord Gaura was wild with bliss. His tall form
glorious like Mount Sumeru rolled on the ground.
208. The effulgence of lord Gauras body made dark
Lord Jagannatha become fair. Lord Gauras body was filled
with ecstatic love. He was completely overcome.
209. Lord Balarama also became fair. The pujaris did
also. Every person there felt his body become filled with
ecstatic spiritual love.
210. The pujaris picked up Lord Gaura and placed Him
next to Lord Jagannatha. Then the pujaris offered arati to
Them both: the moving and the unmoving forms of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead.
211. Lord Jagannatha manifested the form of a
sannyasi. No one had seen such a wonder.
212. After some moments Lord Gaura returned to
external consciousness. Accompanied by His associates, He
returned to Sarvabhaumas ashrama.
213. In this way Lord Gaura saw Lord Jagannatha three
times. Plunged in an ocean of bliss, Lord Gaura did not
know if it was day or night.
214. In this way Lord Gaura, who is very wise in the
ways of ecstatic spiritual love, passed some days enjoying
wonderful pastimes with His associates.
215. Please carefully hear of a pastime from that time. It
was the first time Lord Gaura manifested such a pastime at
Jagannatha Puri.
216. To teach the people of the world, the Supreme
Lord accepted the role of a penniless sannyasi. Unaware of
the Lords true nature, the fools thought Him a mere human
217. Staying in a cottage by the seashore, and
accompanied by His associates, Lord Gaura sang His own
holy names.
218. Sri Sarvabhauma was bewildered by pride in his
great learning. When Lord Gaura was not present
Sarvabhauma once spoke some foolish words.
219. In an assembly of saintly brahmanas Sarvabhauma
said: In my heart I know He is a good brahmana.
220. He is born in an exalted family. He is a learned
pandita, and now He is a sannyasi. Still, a man so young
should not accept sannyasa.
221. It is not right to accept sannyasa at that time of
life. Unaware of this truth, He has accepted very serious
222. Again He should perform the samskara. He
should study Vedanta and perform the duties of his
223. To sing and dance is not a sannyasis duty.
Instead He should hear my explanation of Vedanta.
224. Smiling Lord Gaura suddenly arrived in that
assembly. He was like an unending monsoon of sweetness.
225. Aware of all that had happened, Lord Gaura
approached. Remaining seated, Sarvabhauma read from
226. Lord Gaura approached Sarvabhauma. Seeing the
Lord, Sarvabhauma respectfully stood. His heart was filled
with wonder.
227. Speaking respectful words, He offered an asana for
the Lord to sit. Lord Gaura requested: How can I know
what is proper?
228. O Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya, you know
everything. Therefore I ask you: Please teach Me what is
229. Unaware of the sannyasa-ashramas duties, I have
somehow accepted sannyasa. Therefore you please teach
me how to follow the rules of sannyasa.
230. You know all truths. Please explain Vedanta. How
should I act? Please teach that to Me.
231. A young man should not accept sannyasa. Should
I, then, again accept the sacred thread and the status of a
householder brahmana?
232. Hearing these words, Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya
hesitated in his heart. He was very surprised.
233. He thought: How did this sannyasi know what I
had said to my disciples?
234. Thinking in this way, he felt crushed by
embarrassment. He did not say anything. His heart was
filled with wonder.
235. On another day Lord Gaura, accompanied by His
associates, again came to Sarvabhaumas home to see.
236. Sarvabhauma was sitting at home and studying
Vedanta. Smiling and smiling, Lord Gaura asked him about
the conclusion of Vedanta.
237. Lord Gaura asked him to explain the hidden
secrets of Vedanta, the secrets that are nectar descriptions of
surrendering to Lord Krishnas feet.
238. Hearing these words, Sarvabhauma felt his heart
become filled with wonder. He thought: Sachis son is not a
mere human being.
239. Now I am pressed by embarrassment. In my heart
I am afraid. Although I heard the Lords words, I did not
understand their true meaning.
240. Fill of pride, I listened, studied, and taught my
241. Now that I have heard His explanation of
Vedanta, I know Lord Gaura must be Lord Krishna Himself,
The Lord whom Goddess Sarasvati dearly loves.
242. Thinking in this way, Sarvabhauma, the King of
the brahmanas folded his palms, gazed at Lord Gaura, and
spoke many prayers.
243. At that moment Lord Gaura manifested a six-
armed form. Gazing at this form, Sarvabhauma became
wild with bliss.
244. In His upper two arms, the Lord held a bow and
arrow. In His middle two arms He placed a flute to His lips.
245. In His lower two arms He held a danda and
kamandalu. Gazing at this form, Sarvahauma was
overcome with bliss.
246. Falling at Lord Gauras feet, humbled
Sarvabhauma wept and spoke many prayers in a voice
choked with emotion.
247. In a voice choked with emotion he spoke the
thousand prayers the people of this world know as the
248. Overcome, he fell before Lord Gauras feet. In this
way Lord Gaura revealed His true identity to Sarvabhauma.
Thus says Lochana Dasa.

249. In this way Lord Gaura enjoyed many blissful

pastimes. The people of Nilachala blissfully gazed on the
250. The glories of Lord Jagannatha delighted every
heart. Present everywhere, they touched the sky.
251. Who has the power to know and describe all of
Lord Chaitanyas pastimes? I do not know them all. I know
and speak only of some few of them.
252. The physician Sri Murari Gupta is very fortunate
and glorious in the three worlds. Sri Damodara Pandita
asked questions of him.
253. Murari Gupta wrote a book of shlokas describing
those questions and answers. By the mercy of those two
persons the people of this world can hear something of
Lord Gauras pastimes.
254. Hearing that book, my heart has become wild to
taste the sweetness of Lord Gauras glories. Not looking at
my own faults, my heart is now overcome.
255. Therefore, as far as my intelligence allows, I, a fool
worthless like a pile of ashes, write this book in the meter
256. I have spoken the Sutra-khanda, Adi-khanda, and
Madhya-khanda. Now I will speak the Shesha-khanda.
257. The Madhya-khanda, where Lord Chaitanyas
pastimes and divine revelations are described, is now
concluded. Thus says Lochana Dasa.

Thus ends the Madhya-khanda



Prabhur Dakshinatya-bhramana:
The Lord Travels in South India

Song 1
(D... raga - ..)

All glories to Narahari, whose lord and life is

Gadadhara Pandita. Please shower your mercy and cast a
favorable glance upon me. Now Ill describe the final
pastimes of Lord Chaitanya. This ocean of nectar will flood
the listener in transcendental bliss. Sarvabhauma
Bhattacarya happily passed his days and nights chanting
the holy names of the Lord.
After leaving Jagannatha Puri, Gaurahari traveled
South to Kurmakshetra. In this village He met two
brahmanas, named Kufina and Vasudeva. Seeing the
astoundingly attractive form of Gauranga, they became
purified and overwhelmed with spiritual ecstasy. Golden
Mt. Sumeru was standing before them with His auspicious
hands and long arms hanging to His knees. Gauraharis
shoulders were strong resembling those of a powerful lion.
His captivating eyes were long, wide and expansive. The
brahmanas were convinced that Gaurachandra was indeed
Sri Krishna Himself. Crying, they fell down on Lord
Chaitanyas lotus feet. The whole world cried along with
them. Lord Chaitanya picked up and embraced the two
brahmanas. In a sweet voice Gauranga said, O brahmanas,
please listen attentively. Why and for what purpose have
you come to this world? In the age of Kali, the only religion
is the congregational chanting of the holy name of Lord
One who does Harinama-sankirtana possesses a rare
and valuable treasure. Please always perform sankirtana,
dance happily, and let others take part. Thus you will get
liberated from material bondage. Finishing His preaching,
Gauranga left there, and traveling at a fast pace came to
Jiyada-Nrisimha-kshetra. He was tasting the sweetest mood
of Krishna-prema.

The Appearance of Jiyada-Nrisimha

Song 2
(D... raga - ..)

Listen carefully to the description of the appearance of

Jiyada Nrisimha. A farmer named Punruya Goyala once
lived here. He grew a large crop of cucumbers, and stayed
awake every night guarding it. One night he didnt guard
and a wild pig devoured many cucumbers. The next night
he waited with a bow and arrow to kill the boar. Then,
when the wild boar was hit by the farmers arrow, it
chanted Rama! and fled to a nearby mountain cave.
Perplexed, the farmer wondered how a dull animal like a
pig chanted the name of Lord Rama. He thought it must be
the Lord Himself disguised as a boar. Standing outside the
cave, the farmer called that wounded pig, Who are you?
Who are you? There was no response. Afraid and sad
within his heart, the farmer fasted for two days. He
thought, What have I done? Im the lowest, most sinful
miscreant. Theres no one more wretched than me.
Feeling compassion for the farmer, the merciful Lord
spoke to him from the sky. He said, I am God Himself.
Youve hurt Me with your arrow because I ate your
cucumbers. Now dont worry, just go home.
The farmer became downcast and kept on fasting.
Again, the Lord spoke from the sky, You foolish farmer.
Why are you suffering so much for nothing? You have not
committed any offense, so stop fasting and go home.
The farmer said, Ive hurt You with my arrows. So
whats the use of my life? Even if I die, I cant escape my
offense. Yamaraja, the god of death, will punish me by
whipping and beating me. How can I purify myself?
The Lord replied, You havent committed any offense.
Don t worry, I am unlimitedly pleased with you.
The farmer said, Then all is well. On your assurance
Ill give up my fear. But how do I know that Im free from
the offense of shooting arrows at the boar? If I can see You
with my eyes, then Ill be satisfied. Then Ill inform the King
and You should be the witness. If You become the witness,
Ill be very pleased.
The Lord replied, All right, Ill fulfill your desire and
give this boon to you.
Hearing this, the farmer joyfully ran to the Kings
palace. When he came to the palace gate he said, Listen
gatekeeper. Please inform the King of my unique and
wonderful story. The King will enjoy it.
Next, the farmer was let into the palace to tell the King
his story. The King became astonished. To hear that God
had taken the form of a boar and talked to the farmer.
Is this really true? asked the King.
Yes, my lord, answered the farmer. Lets go there
together. Then your doubts will be destroyed. God will
keep His promise to me and tell you everything.
The King said, If I hear God give His order, then Ill
become your servant for the rest of my life. The King and
the farmer walked to the mountain cave where the boar was
staying. The King fell prostrate before the caves entrance,
and offered prayers to God.
The Lords heart melted to see the Kings sincerity and
humility. The Lord said, O King, believe the words of the
farmer. Now pour milk into this cave and youll attain Me.
Delighted to hear the Lord speaking, the King dutifully
poured milk into the cave. Suddenly, from under the
ground, a topknot of hair came into view. Realizing that a
Deity form of the Lord was manifesting, everyone became
blissful and started chanting the names of Hari and playing
musical instruments.
As more milk was poured, more of the Lords
transcendental form appeared: the head and face, chest,
arms, belly, and thighs. Although they kept pouring milk,
the Lord chose not to reveal His lotus feet. From the sky the
Lord said, You will not see My feet, so dont pour any
more milk.
The King felt ecstatic to have witnessed the appearance
of the Lord. However, he also lamented not being able to
see the Lords sweet lotus feet. He arranged a huge
mahotsava [a festival] to honor the Deity with opulent food
offerings, dresses, and arati. While gazing at the Lord with
love and devotion, the Kings heart overflowed with
One day a merchant and two women came there to
take darshana of the Deity. After seeing the Deity, the
merchant offered obeisances and walked out of the temple.
Abruptly, the temple door slammed behind the merchant,
leaving the two women locked inside. Through the door he
heard the two ladies talking to the Lord. In great anxiety,
the merchant loudly prayed to the Lord.
The merciful Lord responded by unlocking the temple
door. The merchant saw the most astonishing thing when
he reentered the temple. The two women had turned into
stone and were standing beside the Lord. Considering
himself most fortunate, the merchant fell down at the Lords
feet praying, O Lord, Please give me the boon that You will
be named after me. My parents gave me the name Jiyada.
So, my Lord, I desire that You take this name.
This is the story behind the Deity named Jiyada-
Nrisimha. Lochana Dasa gladly sings the glories of Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Lord Chaitanya Meets Ramananda Raya

The next day, Gauranga and His party left Jiyada-

Nrisimha, continuing South. Absorbed in the ecstasy of
Krishna-prema, the Lord came to Kanchi, the jewel among
cities, which gives pleasure to the eyes. Although Lord
Chaitanya never looked at the face of a sense-enjoyer, he
paid a visit to the King. The Lord told the palace gatekeeper
that He wanted to meet the King. Meanwhile, the King was
busy worshiping his personal Deity within his private
chambers. When the gatekeeper informed him that a great
sannyasi had come to see him, the King kept silent,
continuing his worship. The gatekeeper became afraid that
he had offended the King, since his master kept silent. He
ran back to Lord Gauranga and said, I couldnt give Your
news to the King because hes busy doing puja. No one
dares disturb him at this time.
Smiling within, the Lord ignored the warning of the
gatekeeper and walked into the palace to personally meet
the King. Gauranga stood in the entrance to the Kings
private puja room where Ramananda Raya (King
Ramananda), was worshiping his Deity.
While the King meditated on Krishna, within his mind
he saw the form of Gaurachandra instead. So he chanted the
maha-mantra, and started meditating again. Again he saw
Gaurachandra instead of Krishna. He thought, What
happened, who am I seeing?
With firm determination Ramananda Raya started
meditating again. Yet again, Gaurachandra appeared within
his heart. Confused, he stopped meditating and opened his
eyes. Suddenly, he saw Gauracandara, the best among the
sannyasis, standing right before him.
Ramananda stood up respectfully and worshiped the
Lords lotus feet. He marveled at the splendid beauty of the
golden form of Gauranga. His heart was full of joy. He was
amazed how the Lord had suddenly appeared inside his
private quarters. Smiling, Ramananda Raya said, How did
You enter within my mind during my meditation? Im
extremely fortunate to behold Your lotus feet.
Lord Chaitanya said, Why arent you aware of
yourself? You may recognize Me, but Ive come to take you
with Me. Gaurahari laughed loudly. Next, He manifested
His golden form in the white Deity form of the Lord being
worshiped by Ramananda Raya. Giving up His golden
form, Gauranga assumed the form of Krishna with a bluish-
black complexion. He held a flute, wore a dhoti, and had a
peacock feather on His head. He was adorned with divine
ornaments and a beautiful forest garland. Ramananda
became overjoyed to see this form. Then in an instant the
Lord reappeared as the golden Lord Gauranga.
The birds, beasts, trees, leaves, creepers and everything
else reflected the dazzling molten gold aura of Lord
Chaitanya. Overwhelmed, Ramananda Raya fell down at
Gaurangas feet. He clasped the Lords lotus feet and
became unconscious. Lord Chaitanya picked him up, took
him by the hand and walked outside.
Lochana Dasa thus describes the wonderful pastime of
Lord Chaitanya meeting Ramananda Raya.

Rama-bhava and Visiting Ranganatha Temple

As He traveled through South India, Sri Chaitanya was

continually absorbed in the ecstasy of pure Krishna
consciousness. Crossing the Godavari River, the Lord
arrived in Panchavati where Sita, Rama and Lakshmana
once lived. Observing the beauty of Panchavati, Lord
Gauranga became entranced in love and repeatedly called
Sri Rama! Lakshmana! Panchavati is the place where
Lakshmana stayed in a thatched hut, protecting Sitadevi,
while Rama pursued the golden deer. The moment
Lakshmana left to search for Rama, the evil demon Ravana
kidnapped Sitadevi. Seeing this place overwhelmed Lord
Chaitanya with remembrances of His previous pastimes
here. At one moment Gauranga yelled, Kill! Kill! Kill! The
next moment He said, Catch him! Catch him! Then He
loudly shouted the name of Lakshmana. Remembering Sita,
Gauranga cried so deeply that His associates could do
nothing to pacify Him. Finally, Mahaprabhu controlled
Himself and became peaceful. Lord Chaitanya moved on
until He came to the Kaveri River and the temple of Sri
Ranganatha [Lord Ramachandra]. Seeing Lord Ranganatha,
Gaurahari danced joyfully with His intimate devotees. A
brahmana named Tirumalla Bhatta, who watched the Lords
ecstatic sankirtana performance, wondered about
Gaurangas identity. Captivated by the force of divine love,
Gaurangas body showed incredible symptoms of spiritual
ecstasy. Horripilation made His bodily hairs stand erect,
resembling the spike-shaped filaments of the kadamba
flower. His golden body, towering as high as Mt. Sumeru,
was a desire tree adorned with the fruits and flowers of
When Gaurahari loudly cried the names of Hari,
everyone cried along. Seeing this astounding display of
transcendental emotions, Tirumalla Bhatta became
convinced that Lord Chaitanya was certainly the Supreme
Lord, the life and soul of everyone. He invited Lord
Chaitanya to kindly visit his ashrama. Satisfied with the
brahmanas loving service, the Lord stayed in his house to
observe Chaturmasya, a four-month period of devotional
Soon after leaving Ranganatha, Lord Chaitanya met
Paramananda Puri. Exchanging loving feelings while
looking at each other, they floated in the streams of each
others tears. Paramananda Puri remembered the teachings
of his gurudeva, Madhavendra Puri, who had quoted a
verse from the Vayu Purana:

In the beginning of Kali-yuga, Lord Narayana will

appear on Earth in a golden form. Taking sannyasa, He will
reside in Purusottama-kshetra near Lord Jagannatha.
Madhavendra Puri also told his disciple, Paramananda
Puri, In Kali-yuga, to teach the religion of sankirtana, Lord
Krishna Himself would appear one early evening. He will
have a tall, golden transcendental body with long arms
reaching to His knees. His broad shoulders will resemble a
lions and His neck will be as powerful as an elephants.
Blooming lotus flowers will form His eyes.
Being an ocean of compassion and a reservoir of
prema, He will distribute His mercy everywhere.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to see Him with my eyes. If
you are fortunate enough to see Gauranga, then please
remember me.
Paramananda Puri realized that Lord Chaitanya is the
Lord that his spiritual master had previously described.
Instantly, he paid obeisances to the Lord. Gauranga picked
him up and said, What are you doing? Then Gauranga
warmly embraced Paramananda Puri, and started traveling

Chapter 2

South India and Vraja Mandala Pastimes

Please listen to Sri Gauraharis pastime of visiting

Sapta-tala. Seeing the serene tala trees, Lord Chaitanya
smiled and ran to touch them. The sky filled with the
jubilant sounds of Jaya! Jaya! All glories! All glories! The
seven tala trees were previously celestial Gandharavas who
got cursed to become trees on Earth. The Lord liberated
them with His transcendental touch.
Overcome with the ecstasy of love of God, Gauranga
felt no disturbance from traveling. Neither was He aware of
the passage of days and nights. Next the Lord came to
Setubandhu. Gauranga danced blissfully like a mad lion
while going around the Shiva-linga there known as
Rameshvara. Paying obeisances, He affectionately cried out,
Sri Rama! Lakshmana! In great joy He sometimes called
Hanuman! Angada! Sugriva, My friend! Vibhishana!
Drowned in divine love of God, Gaurahari lost all sense of
direction. Totally forgetting Himself, Mahaprabhu danced
madly with the devotees.
Next, Gauranga spent Chaturmasya on the side of the
Godavari River. From there Lord Chaitanya came back to
Orissa. Absorbed in remembering Lord Jagannatha,
Gauranga visited Alanatha. Vishnu Dasa, an Oriyan
Vaishnava, joined Mahaprabhus party. Lord Chaitanya
became very happy to again see the all-attractive form of
Lord Jagannatha. Raising His arms over His head, He
constantly chanted Haribol ! Haribol!

Lochana Dasa says that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was

relishing unlimited bliss upon His return to Purusottama-
The Mental Road to Kanai Natasala

Listen to the wonderful transcendental pastimes of

Lord Gaurahari which are unparalleled in the three worlds.
One day Nrisimhananda meditated about an elevated road
made of coral, pearls, gold, jewels and various gems. For
the pleasure of Krishna, he was conceiving of a road
extending all the way to Mathura. Before Nrisimhananda
could finish his road, the Supreme Lord came to take him
back home, back to Godhead. Nrisimhananda felt sorry
because he had only completed the road as far as Kanai
Natasala. Aware of this road, Lord Chaitanya suddenly
changed course and moved along that pathway. None of
His associates knew where Gauranga was going. Soon
Gaura reached Kanai Natasala and returned to His original
path. The Lords mysterious movements caused
Paramananda Puri to inquire about them.
Explaining everything, Lord Chaitanya said,
Nrisimhananda created a lavishly decorated, elevated road
within his mind to facilitate My journey from Purusottama-
kshetra to Mathura. To fulfill his devotional desire, we
traveled on this raised road. Lochana Dasa relishes relating
the blissful inconceivable pastimes of Sri Gauranga
In Nilachala, Lord Chaitanya and His followers tasted
the ecstasy of Harinama-sankirtana day after day.
Gradually, devotees from different countries came to stay
with Lord Gauranga. One day Gauranga suddenly decided
to visit Mathura. His eagerness grew to the point of
madness. When Lord Chaitanya began the journey, His
ecstasy intensified and He started running like a lion. His
associates couldnt keep pace.
When Gaurahari went through Jharikhanda forest, He
made the birds, beasts, trees and stones cry along with Him.
Forgetting their natural enmity, the deer and tigers danced
around happily. All the forest animals attained the
perfection of life by receiving the rare gift of Krishna-prema
directly from Lord Chaitanya.
Gradually, Gauranga reached the holy city of Varanasi,
the home of many elevated sannyasis. He paid respects to
Vishveshvara Shiva and walked on to Prayaga, where He
took darshana of Bindu Madhava. At Prayaga, the
compassionate Lord Chaitanya met Rupa and Sanatana
Gosvamis, and empowered them to spread Krishna
consciousness. After taking darshana of Aksahya-vata, Lord
Chaitanya bathed in the Triveni [confluence of Ganges,
Yamuna, Sarasvati].
Determined and moving like a mad elephant,
Mahaprabhu moved on towards Vrindavana. From Prayaga
He came to Agra-vana [Present Agra city]. He visited the
ashrama of Jamadagni Muni. He also saw Renuka-grama
which was named after Jamadagnis wife, Renuka. It was
the birth place of Parasuramathe great warrior among the
Dasa Avataras.
After taking darshana of the River Yamuna, who
always flows towards Vrindavana, Mahaprabhu went to
Raja-grama. At last Mahaprabhu entered Gokula
[Vrindavana]. Now He went completely mad in love of
God. Gaurangas heart flooded with Krishna-prema. With
great endeavor He checked His feelings.

Prabhur Vrindavana-darshana:
Lord Chaitanya Tours Vraja-mandala

In ecstasy, Lord Chaitanya saw the forest of Mahavana.

In the distance loomed the celestial Mathura-puri. At this
point Lord Chaitanya almost fell unconscious, due to the
intensity of His rapture. Falling down on the road,
Gaurahari cried out, Akrura! Akrura!
Overwhelmed in separation from Mathura, Lord
Chaitanya lost external consciousness. For three days He lay
in the dust of Vrindavana immersed in Vraja-bhava.
Passersby wondered about His identity. Krishnadasa, an
exalted Mathura brahmana, thought, Where has such a
personality come from? Im so fortunate to see His feet. He
seems to be Shukadeva or Prahlada.
Returning to His external consciousness, Lord
Chaitanya asked, O brahmana, who are you? Whats your
name? The brahmana said, My name is Krishnadasa.
Hearing this, Gauranga laughed slowly and deeply.
Then He said, You know everything about Krishna. Your
name gives Me great satisfaction, so you will be My guide
to the dhama. Mathura-mandala is Krishnas favorite place
of pastimes. Since youre born here and are a great devotee,
surely you know the different places of Krishnas pastimes.
Now please show these places to Me.
Krishnadasa said, I dont know all the places, but I do
know the twelve forests. Gauranga smiled and then
empowered him with full knowledge of the dhama.
Instantly the brahmana said, My Lord, I will show You
all the lila-sthanas (places of pastimes) here. Ill tell You the
pastimes from Krishnas birth to the killing of Kamsa. I
understand that You are actually the son of Nanda
Maharaja. Somehow You have given me knowledge of all
the places and pastimes of Sri Krishna in Mathura-

Happy with the brahmana, Lord Chaitanya placed him

on His lap and started singing the glories of Lord Krishna.
The whole night, Gauranga stayed at Krishnadasas house
talking about Mathura.
Krishnadasa said, In Mathura-mandala, the Yamuna
River is most fortunate because Krishna performed many
pastimes on both her banks. There are five forests on the
eastern side of the Yamuna; seven on the western side.
Krishna did pastimes on both sides, yet only the devotees
understand their meaning.
Kamsas palace in Mathura sits on the Yamuna. Eight
miles north of that lies the forest of Vrindavana, where Sri
Krishna had many rasa-filled pastimes. Kumudvana lies to
the Southwest, bordering Mathura. Khadira-vana is in the
North. Talavana and Madhuvana are situated about four
miles south of Mathura.
Kamyavana is not far from Mathura. Kaliya-daha is
on the western bank of the Yamuna. Govardhana Hill
stands majestically, forty miles west of Mathura.
Bahulavana forest exists Northwest of Mathura. These are
the seven forests located on the western bank of the
Now Ill describe the five forests on the eastern side of
the Yamuna. Mahavana lies near the Yamuna, eight miles
from Mathura. West of Mahavana is a forest named Vishva.
Two miles north of Mahavana is Lohavana forest.
Bhandiravana forest stands farther north on the
eastern bank of the Yamuna. Bilvavana and Bhadravana are
located beside the Yamuna. Sri Krishna enjoyed many
blissful pastimes in these twelve forests. Now Ill show
them to You.
The next day Lord Chaitanya did His morning duties
according to the Vedic regulations for a sannyasi. He was
feeling restless, eager to begin. He called Krishnadasa and
they started their parikrama.

Krishnadasa, Sri Chaitanya, just see this forest which

surrounds Mathura in three directions. The Yamuna flows
from the East to the South. See the two gates on the North
and South sides of the fort.
Look at Kamsas palace placed in the southwest
corner of Mathura city. There are two doors on the East and
North sides of Kamsas palace and a sitting place in the
North. See the prison standing in the northwest corner of
the palace, and the latrine in the southern part.
Listen carefully to this story. In fear of Kamsa,
Vasudeva took away his son Krishna. Suddenly, while
Vasudeva was carrying his son, Krishna passed urine in his
lap. Here Vasudeva quickly sat down. Krishna finished
passing urine on this stone which is called Mutra-sthana.
[Vrajavasis say that Devaki washed Krishnas urine soaked
clothes in Potra Kunda, the prachina [old] Janmasthana,
which is behind the present day Janmasthana].
Look at the house of Uddhava to the North. While
hearing this, Lord Chaitanya started crying. His body
erupted in horripilation from head to toe, making His
bodily hairs stand erect like a kadamba flower.
Lord Chaitanya said, Now Ive reached the house of
Uddhava. According to your realization, tell me about
Krishnas pastimes here. Here Krishna once talked with His
intimate devotee. I feel great pain to remember this.

Krishnadasa, East of Uddhavas house is the home of

Kamsas washerman. East of this is the residence of the
flower gardener. Kubjas house is to the South. Beyond that
starts Kamsas wrestling arena. The house of Vasudeva
stands to the Southeast. Gauranga felt great happiness
within His mind to hear these things. His voice faltered and
His face flushed with a reddish hue.
Krishnadasa continued, See Ugrasenas house just
Northeast of Vasudevas house. Vishranti-ghata [Vishrama]
lies just South of that. A Deity of Gastashrama stays at
Vishranti-ghata. When Krishna killed Kamsa, He dragged
the demons body creating a canal called Kamsa-khali, to
the South of the Gatashrama temple. Prayaga-ghata,
Tinduka-ghata, Saptatirtha-ghata, Rishi-tirtha, Mahesha-
tirtha, Koti-tirtha, Bodhi-tirtha, and Ganesha-tirtha exist to
the South. These are the twelve ghatas, supreme among all
Just see the place known as Rangabhumi, South of the
palace. South of that sits Kamsa-kupa, a well dug by Kamsa
to drown Krishna. The well to the Southwest is called
Agatsya-kunda. Setubandha Sarovara is North of that.
Lord Gauranga cried loudly in ecstasy, and His bodily
hairs stood up.
Krishnadasa continued narrating the glories of
Mathura-mandala. O my Lord, please listen carefully to
the pastimes that Krishna once performed on the banks of
this lake called Setubandha-sarovara. Once Krishna came
here with Radha and said, I am that same Ranganatha
[Rama] who killed Ravana with the help of the monkeys.
While listening to Krishna, Radha smiled, thinking that
Krishna was lying.
When Krishna asked curiously about Her laughing,
Radha replied, Dont tell Me a lie. How did You appear as
Lord Rama? That form of the Supreme Personality of
Godhead was fully in control of His senses. Its not possible
for You to behave like Him. Rama built a bridge across the
vast sea with trees and stones. Can You do this now?
Krishna, laughing slightly at Radhas challenge, said,
If I throw trees and stones on the water, they will definitely
The gopis said, Okay well bring the stones. You just
show us how Youll make a bridge. O Kanai, dont be falsely
proud. Weve never heard or stones floating on water.
Krishna said, Just bring the trees and stones, and Ill
build a bridge over this lake.
The gopis brought stones and trees and Krishna
floated them on the water to make a bridge. Congratulating
Him, the gopis said, Good, good. However, Radharani
showed a smile of satisfaction because Krishna had actually
built the bridge for Her pleasure. This place is known as
Setubandha-sarovara [kunda]. Lord Chaitanya became
happy to hear this pastime of Radha and Krishna.

Lochana Dasa also finds great joy in describing the

glories of Gauranga.
Krishnadasa went on. North of Setubandha Sarovara
is Saptasamudra-kunda, where Devakis six sons were
dashed to death on a stone. Sarasvati-kunda sits North of
the palace. Here is Dasasvamedha-ghata with Soma-tirtha
on its southern part. The Lords necklaces once fell into a
lake South of Soma-tirtha, which has an underground
stream called Naga-tirtha. They visited Samyamana-tirtha,
some other kundas, and then circumambulated the palace.
After traveling through the sacred places in Mathura,
Lord Chaitanya begged alms and took rest. The night
seemed terribly long, due to the Lords intense eagerness to
see Vrindavana. The next day the Lord bathed and then
continued His ecstatic parikrarna.

Krishnadasa continued. O my Lord, Mathura-mandala

covers twenty yojanas [160 miles] of land. The twelve
forests occupy forty-eight miles. Lets see the places of Lord
Sri Krishnas pastimes. Here Narada Muni told Kamsa
about Krishnas birth.
Over here is the place where Kamsa imprisoned
Vasudeva and Devaki, Krishna showed His four-armed
Vishnu form to Vasudeva and Devaki in this place. This is
the spot where Vasudeva carded baby Krishna and baffled
Kamsas sleeping guards. At this place Vasuki protected
Krishna with his hoods, as Vasudevausing a she-jackal as
his guidecrossed the River Yamuna.
This forest is called Mahavana, the site of Nanda
Maharajas palace, where Yashoda gave birth to a daughter.
Vasudeva came here with his baby son and exchanged Him
for her newborn daughter. Thinking that the daughter was
Devakis, the sinful King Kamsa threw her down on a stone
to kill her. But the baby slipped from his hands, rising up in
the air as fast as lightning. Nervous and afraid, Kamsa
immediately began praying to her. At this time, Kamsa
heard an aerial message predicting his demise.
From that day on, Kamsa began harassing all religious
people. After holding a festival to honor his son, Nanda
Maharaja came to Mathura and met Vasudeva. Vasudeva
warned him to protect his baby Krishna from the atrocious
tyrant Kamsa.
When Krishna was one week old, He killed the Putana
demon. He killed the cart demon when He was merely one
month old. Vishvambhara Krishna killed the whirlwind
demon Trinavarta. At six months, Krishnas name-giving
ceremony was performed. While pretending to eat clay,
Krishna showed His universal form to Mother Yashoda.
Holding the manthana-danda, Krishna danced over
here. At this place Krishna climbed on a ulukhala [grinding
mortar]. Breaking the pot hanging from the rafters, He
stuffed His mouth with butter. Leaving the boiling milk
spilling over the pot, Yashoda came running. Mother
Yashoda tied Krishna to the mortar to punish her son for
stealing the butter. Here Krishna mercifully delivered
At this spot, Krishna traded some rice kernels for a
basket of fruit. Just see the village of Gokula, situated South
of Mahavan. Damodara and His gopa friends used to tend
calves there. See the enchanting Deity of Gopishvara, Lord
Shiva. Here is Sapta-samudra-kunda, and the house of
Ayana is located on the western side of the village.
Sundara Gopas house stands South of it, and
Upanandas house stands in the middle of the village. The
forest where Ravana did austerities lies to the West. North
of that is the ashrama of Durvasa Muni.
See before You the charming forest of Lohavana. Over
there is the incomparable forest of Bhandiravana. At this
place Nanda Maharaja once asked Radha to take Krishna
from his lap and carry Him home. Following Nandas order,
Radharani embraced Krishna and kissed Him affectionately.
Krishna scratched Radhas breast with His nails.
Radha was surprised by His behavior. Although She didnt
express it, Radharani felt intense love for Krishna. Here
Krishna dug a well [Venu-kupa] to serve His thirsty

Gaurachandra, hearing all these wonderful pastimes,

became overwhelmed with ecstatic love of Krishna and fell
unconscious. After some time the Lord came back to
external consciousness, and asked Krishnadasa to continue.

Krishnadasa, One day Upananda, Nanda Maharaja,

and other cowherd men, decided to leave Gokula due to
Kamsas atrocities. The next morning, they loaded all their
belongings on their bullock carts and headed for
Vrindavana along with the gopis, cows and children. At this
time, with a turban on His head and a stick in His hand,
Krishna started taking out the cows.

Lochana Dasa says Lord Chaitanya stayed in

Bhadravana and Bhandiravana for two months while
feeling tremendous joy within His heart.

Krishnadasa, After leaving Gokula the cowherd men

crossed the Yamuna and went to Chattikara [in
Vrindavana]. Here they arranged their bullock carts in a
semicircle. They tied the calves to the roots of a Kapitha
tree. At this Kapitha tree, Krishna killed the Vatsaka
[Vatsasura] demon by holding his tail and hind legs, and
smashing him on the ground.
Over here Bakasura tried to pierce Krishna with his
beak and swallow Him. Immediately, Krishna came out of
his mouth and killed the demon by bifurcating his beak.
Krishna loved to entertain His friends by perfectly imitating
the various forest animals. When Krishna played with the
gopas He carried a flute, stick and buffalo horn. Sometimes
Krishna would run along the ground trying to catch the
shadows of the birds flying overhead.

Hearing this, Lord Chaitanya became absorbed in Vraja-

bhava, forgetting everything else. Crying and making
sounds like a peacock, He started running around like a
little boy. Gaurangas body filled with horripilation, and His
eyes reddened due to the deluge of ecstatic emotions. He
called out, O Brother! O Brother! Sridama! Sridama!
Overcome by sakhya-bhava, Gaurahari embraced a
tree, and then ran hither and thither in the friendly mood of
a cowherd boy. Remembering His beloved cows, the Lord
repeatedly called, Syamali! Dhavali! Then He said angrily,
Ill kill that rascal Dhenukasura!
Completely unconscious of His surroundings, Lord
Chaitanya sometimes cried and lost control over His body.
Krishnadasa thought that Gaurahari must be Yaduvira
[hero of the Yadu dynasty]. After some time, Gaurachandra
returned to external consciousness. He told Krishnadasa to
continue the Vraja-parikrarna.
Krishnadasa, At this place Krishna killed Aghasura,
the younger brother of Putana and Bakasura. Although now
not visible, the River Yamuna used to flow here. Here Lord
Brahma kidnapped all the boys and calves.
Krishna stayed here at Govardhana for one year. The
bewildered Brahma offered many wonderful prayers to the
Lord at that time. Balarama killed Dhenuka and ate tala
fruits over here.
Beside the Yamuna at Kaliya-daha, Krishna jumped
from this kadamba tree onto the heads of Kaliyanaga. He
subdued that vicious viper and drove him from
Vrindavana. But Krishna felt cold from being in the water.
So nearby at Dvadasaditya-ghata, twelve suns came down
to warm Him up. Just see the Deity of Kaliya-damana.
This is the place where Krishna swallowed a forest fire
to save His cows and friends. Over here, Krishna once stood
on Sridamas shoulders in the mood of Lord Narayana
riding on the back of Garuda. At this spot, the demon
Pralamba snatched Balarama and carried Him away on his
shoulders. Effortlessly, Baladeva killed him by striking the
demons head with His fist.
Just ahead of You is Vrindavana which is full of the
most enchanting munjatavi and isika trees. In this area, the
cows once wandered out of sight, so Krishna called them
back with His flute. Hearing that sweetest of all sounds, the
cows quickly ran toward Krishna. Some calves stopped
sucking their mothers udders, and some cows stopped
munching on the tasty grass.
Not only the cows, but all the birds, beasts and
animals of Vrindavana would become charmed by the
sweet captivating sound of Krishnas murali [flute]. At this
place Krishna rescued the boys and cows by swallowing a
second forest fire. These are just some of the many places
where Krishna enjoyed His transcendental pastimes.

Lochana Dasa says that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu felt

great happiness as He toured Vraja-mandala.

Krishnadasa, This place is called Chira-ghata, where

the unmarried gopis took vows and worshiped Katyayani-
devi to become Krishnas maidservants. Keeping their
clothes and ornaments on the bank, they would bathe
naked in the Yamuna. One day, Hari suddenly came and
stole their clothes. He climbed this kadamba tree, sat on the
branch and smiled mischievously. After the gopis satisfied
Krishna, He returned their clothing and ornaments.
Near here, for Krishnas pleasure, the cowherd boys
begged food from the wives of the yajnic brahmanas. This is
Nandishvara, the hill where the cowherd men took shelter
after leaving Gokula to avoid the demon Kamsa. They built
their homes here.
At the age of seven, Krishna lifted Govardhana Hill to
protect the Vrajavasis from the ravages of Indra. This is
Manasa Ganga which flows from the northeast side of
Govardhana Hill. Krishna would levy taxes on the gopis
when He ferried them across the river in His boat.
This narrow path through the hill was previously
used by the people of Gokula and Mathura. On top of this
hill is Dana-ghati where Krishna enjoyed His lila of taxing
the gopikas.

Seeing the milk-stained stones, Lord Chaitanya became

overwhelmed with Vraja-bhava. His entire golden body
become covered with a reddish glow. He fell on the ground
and rubbed the stones with His lotus hands. Staring with
unblinking eyes, Lord Chaitanya sometimes embraced the
stones. Sometimes He paid obeisances. At other times He
cried out, Radha! Radha! Give me some tax, and fainted
in the dust of Vrindavana. A moment later the Lord awoke,
and placed one of the stones in His lap.

Krishnadasa, My Lord, we still have many more

places to see. Please try to contain Yourself and dont get so
excited. Look! Just East of Govardhana Hill is the Kusuma
forest. South of the hill, Krishna and the gopis performed
rasa-lila on the rasa-mandala there. At this point,
Gauranga interrupted Krishnadasa, asking him to clearly
describe the Sri Rasa-mandala:
Krishnadasa, Here Radha and Krishna enjoyed the
rasa dance. Gauranga became impatient and entered into a
mood of lamentation. In a voice choked with tears, He
chanted the names of Radha and Krishna. His eyes
reddened and moistened, He uttered, Sri Rasa-mandala!
and fell on the ground. A second later, Gauranga stood up,
raised His arms over His head and made roaring sounds.
While laughing slowly and deeply, He said over and over
again: Radha and Krishna enjoyed the rasa-lila here.

Krishnadasa was astonished to see Lord Chaitanyas

extraordinary display of ecstatic love of God.

Krishnadasa, On top of this hill, Radha once

performed Kadamba-vilasa. Just see Indra-aradhana
[Aniyora] and the place of the Annakuta festival. Because
Krishna stopped his worship, the proud Indra forgot his
real position. Humiliated by a mere cowherd boy, Indra
tried to punish the Vrajavasis for their insubordination. He
attacked and tormented them with his rain clouds, high
winds and thunderbolts.
The Deity named Hari Raya lives on top of the hill.
Gopala Raya resides on the southern part of Govardhana
Hill. At that place Sri Krishna once relished some pastimes.
Destroying Indras pride, Had climbed the hill. Indra
worshiped Krishna as the Supreme Lord above all the
Sarvapapaharana-kunda is on the southern side of the
hill. Also on Govardhana Hill are Brahma-kunda, Rudra-
kunda, Indra-kunda, Surya-kunda and Moksha-kunda.
Bathing in these five kundas gives the same results as
bathing in all other kundas. One time during dvadasi,
Nanda Baba bathed too early in the Yamuna. To get
darshana of Sri Krishna, Vamana (VARUNA)-deva
kidnapped Nanda. See Brahma-kunda where baby Krishna
bathed. North of here is the Ashoka forest.
One time, on the full-moon day of Kartika, these
Ashoka trees, although out of season, burst full with flower
blossoms. Hearing this, Lord Chaitanya looked at the
Ashoka forest. Instantly, all the trees filled up with fruits
and flowers, although it was not the proper season.
Krishnadasa smiled and became bewildered upon
witnessing this amazing scene and smelling the wonderful
Krishnadasa, Mahaprabhu, Your sannyasa is false.
Then Krishnadasa became stunned and fell silent at
Gaurangas feet. Being urged by Lord Chaitanya,
Krishnadasa began speaking again.

The Rasa Dance

Krishnadasa, Here Krishna performed the rasa dance.

Under this kalpataru, He played His flute so enchantingly
that the gopis became irresistibly attracted, even though
they were staying thirty-two miles away. Hearing the flute,
they became mad to meet the Lord. They were so
overwhelmingly attracted that they practically fell
Discarding their womanly shyness, fear and family
prestige, they ran madly toward Krishna. Their hair, dresses
and ornaments were completely disarrayed. The powerful
agitations of Cupid forced them to rush to Krishna. They
couldnt avoid it. Krishna captivated all the cowherd
women of Vraja. Just see Govinda Raya on Your left.

Gaura Rayas heart became drowned in ecstatic love of

God by hearing these topics from Krishnadasa. As He dove
in the ocean of Vraja-bhava, the waves of His prema flooded
the land and sky. Roaring loudly, Gauranga filled the
atmosphere with a shower of nectar. The birds and beasts
went mad in ecstatic love of Krishna. Though out of season,
flowers bloomed in the trees, cuckoos cooed melodiously,
and bees buzzed everywhere. Praising the rasa-lila,
Gaurahari smiled gently and cried out, Vamsi! Wonderful!
Wonderful! Sometimes Lord Chaitanya talked to the gopis
as if He were speaking in a dream. Suddenly, in the mood of
a boy, He danced while laughing slowly and deeply. Seeing
all this, Krishnadasa became overwhelmed and fell down at
Gaurangas feet, crying.
Krishnadasa, Ive never seen such a person in the
three worlds. Im so fortunate to meet Him, but Im about to
lose Him. As Krishnadasa said this, Gauranga came back
to His senses and said, Krishnadasa, tell Me what
Krishnadasa, Here Krishna told the gopis about the
duties of women. To test and increase the intensity of their
love for Him, Krishna spoke like this. Sri Krishna said to the
gopis, Why have you, most beautiful ones with slender
waists, come out to this lonely forest in the dead of night?
For what have you so fearlessly come here? Do you want to
enjoy the company of anothers husband?
Its not My business to see or touch another mans
wife. So go back to your homes and serve your husbands.
The essence of a womans duty is to please her husband.
The supreme occupational duty of a woman is to serve her
husband, be he sick, old, poor or ugly.
O Vraja girls! Go back to your homes. A chaste woman
never neglects to perform the proper religious duties. I am
religion personified, so I never do anything against religious
principles. Without understanding My mind, why are you
acting like this?

Krishnadasa, On hearing this, all the gopis hinted.

They appeared stunned like painted pictures in a frame.
They became speechless and breathed slightly; their bodies
were ablaze with agitation due to the fire of Cupid.
Sometimes they breathed heavily due to the fire of
separation. Their bodies shivered, they cried showers of
tears. Becoming unsteady due to lust, they stared at Krishna
from time to time. Overcome with loving feelings, they
couldnt express their desires.
One gopi managed to speak on behalf of the others. In
madness she said, How can we, helpless women, control
ourselves after looking at Him who enchants the whole
world with His matchless beauty? We are chaste
housewives. But hearing Krishnas mind-enchanting flute
has forced us to break our vows.
You know nothing [EVERYTHING] and we know
nothing. Still, Your captivating charm has lured us ladies to
You. You are the supreme husband among all husbands.
You are self-satisfied. What will be our destination if we
leave You now?

You are our sole enjoyer and our only husband. How
can You see us serving another husband? O Lord of our
lives, You are our only shelter. You are the supreme bliss
the embodiment of all happiness for us.

Krishnadasa, Due to their loving ecstasy, the gopis

spoke the truth. Hearing them, Krishna also became full of
ecstatic love. He looked lovingly at the gopis who now felt
indescribable happiness. Then the gopis surrounded
Krishna, the Jewel of the Yadus. The golden gopis looked
like lightning flashing in a monsoon cloud.
Over here, Krishna killed Shankhachuda, the spy of
Kuvera, by striking him on the head. The Lord took the
valuable jewel decorating that demons head. In this place,
Krishna killed Aristasura by holding his horns and feet and
thrashing him on the ground.
After hearing from Narada, Kamsa imprisoned
Vasudeva and Devaki. One of Kamsas demoniac followers
took the form of an ugly black horse named Keshi. This
powerful demon harassed and frightened the Vrajavasis.
Thrusting His left arm into Keshis mouth, Krishna easily
killed that demon by suffocating him.
Here a demon, disguising himself as a lamb, stole the
cowherd boys and hid them in a mountain cave. Krishna
killed that demon and rescued His friends. After throwing
Bhaumasura down on the earth, Krishna continued playing.
The palace of Nanda Maharaja stood majestically on
top of Nandishvara Hill. The forest of Kamyavana lies to
the West. Just see the slippery rock slide that the boys loved
to use in the afternoon. Just north of Nandishvara is Pavana
Sarovara. Krishna used to tie His calves to these bamboo

Krishna Goes to Mathura and Kills Kamsa

Kamsa sent Akrura to Vrindavana to collect Krishna.
On his way to Vrindavana, Akrura absorbed himself in
thoughts of Krishna. All his desires became fulfilled when
he saw Krishnas footprints. Upon meeting Krishna and
Balarama, Akrura fell down on the ground, offering
obeisances. Taking Akrura in the house, They welcomed
him with love and affection.
Akrura told the boys everything about Kamsas
atrocities. In the morning, Nanda Baba announced that they
would go to Mathura to meet Kamsa. This is the place
where Krishna and Balarama boarded Akruras chariot to
go to Mathura.
Over here, the gopis almost cried themselves to death
when they heard the news. Devastated by strong feelings of
separation, they threw themselves down on the ground.
Their faces were full of tears. Their hair, clothes, and
ornaments were disheveled. Who can possibly describe the
gopis distress at this time? They looked like dead bodies
lying on the ground.
Krishna sent a message from Mathura to pacify the
gopis. He said, Within a few days Ill return to Vrindavana.
All of you are My very life. Without life, the body cant
exist. After killing the wretched Kamsa I will come back.
Dont be aggrieved.
Here on the banks of the Manasa Ganga, the cowherd
men stopped their bullock carts to take rest. Later they
bathed in the Yamuna, rested, and ate some fruits before
arriving at Kamsas palace in the evening. Krishna came a
short time later.
At this place Kamsas subjects cried out, Alas! Alas!
They are mere boys; They are no match for these two
wrestlers. Kamsa is doing a great injustice.
According to their individual consciousness, the
different people saw Sri Krishna differently as He entered
Kamsas wrestling arena. In shock, Kamsa saw Krishna as
death personified. The wrestlers saw Krishna as a lightning
bolt, the yogis saw Him as the Absolute Truth, the Yadus as
their supreme worshipable Deity, the unintelligent as the
Supreme Lords universal form, the cowherd men as their
relative, and the women as Cupid in person. The spectators
saw Krishna according to their individual desires.

Chanura and Mustika, two wrestlers hired by Kamsa,

fought against Krishna and Balarama. Krishna killed
Chanura and Balarama killed Mustika. Using Their fists,
they killed many other fighters. Krishna smashed Shalva on
the ground to kill him. Making a violent sound, Balarama
broke the stage with His leg. The remaining wrestlers fled in
fear of the awesome cowherd boys. Disgusted and enraged,
Kamsa ordered his men to quickly oust Krishna and
Balarama from the arena. They were told to arrest Nanda
Maharaja and the cowherd men, and kill Vasudeva, Devaki
and Ugrasena.
In a split-second, Krishna jumped up on the royal dais
and challenged the wretched Kamsa. Kamsa raised his
sword; but Krishna, roaring like a lion, grabbed him by the
hair and threw him down on the ground. Vishvarupa
[Krishna] straddled Kamsas chest and killed him with His
unlimited weight.
Kamsa became fortunate by having Krishna sit on his
chest. The people praised Krishna, All glories! All glories to
the Lord! The demigods showered flowers in great
happiness. Krishna dragged Kamsas dead body by the hair,
and then threw it away.
Kamsas eight brothers, agitated over his death and
seeking revenge, furiously attacked Krishna and Balarama.
In the blink of an eye, Balarama annihilated them all. This
place is called Kamsa-khali because Krishna dragged
Kamsas dead body through this village. Here at Vishranti-
ghata Krishna and Balarama took rest. Balarama kindly
consoled the wailing wives of Kamsa who were overcome
by lamentation.
Krishna and Balarama released Vasudeva and Devaki
from prison. Becoming saturated with joy, they
affectionately kissed their sons. They enthroned Ugrasena
and bade farewell to Nanda Maharaja. Lochana Dasa says
that hearing about Krishnas heartless act of leaving Nanda
Maharaja fills everyone with fear.
Krishnadasa, Akrura tried to take Krishna and
Balarama to his house. Refusing the offer, They said, On
returning to Vrindavana Well stop in your house. Seeing
Krishnas delay in the city, the cowherd men waited for
Him in their bullock carts just outside of Mathura on the
banks of the Sarasvati.

[translators note: At this point, for some reason

(??????????????), Lochana Dasa Thakura reverses the time-
flow of events. For the next several paragraphs, he tells
pastimes that occurred before the death of the wicked King
Kamsa, which has already been described.]

Krishnadasa, While Krishna and Balarama stayed in

Mathura, They visited various places. Once They begged
some clothing from a washerman named Durmukha. The
sinful Durmukha refused and spoke vile words to Krishna.
Krishna reciprocated with Durmukha by beheading the
demon with His fingertips.
Taking his best clothes, the boys dressed themselves
lavishly and visited Sudama-malli [flower garland-maker].
Sudama joyfully welcomed the Lord and washed His lotus
feet. After offering a sweet and fragrant flower garland,
Sudama recited suitable prayers to glorify Lord Krishna.
One day, on the road, Krishna met a hunchback
woman named Kubja. He amused Himself by joking with
her. Kubja affectionately received Krishna and Balarama in
her home by smearing aromatic aguru paste on Their
bodies. Being satisfied with her service, Krishna
immediately transformed ugly Kubja into an attractive
young gift by His transcendental touch. Infatuated with
lust, Kubja cast aside her shyness and expressed her desire
to enjoy with Krishna. Hari pacified Kubja with sweet
words and then left.
This place is called Dhanur-yajna, where Krishna
broke the sacrificial bow, and used the pieces to kill Kamsas
demoniac followers. In that evening Krishna, Balarama,
Nanda Maharaja and the cowherd men went to Kamsas
palace on invitation from King Kamsa. That night Kamsa
had a nightmare.
The next day, he ordered His men to build three raised
platforms; one for himself and two for Vasudeva and
Devaki. Kamsa made these platforms so that Vasudeva and
Devaki could clearly see the death of their sons. Many other
raised seats were built around the wrestling arena for
Kamsas courtiers. That sinful Kamsa also dug a special well
to dispose of Krishna and Balarama after killing Them.
Sitting on his royal dais, Kamsa ordered his servants
to bring Krishna, Balarama and the cowherd men into the
wrestling arena. He wanted to judge their prowess. Hearing
the war whoops from the wrestlers, Krishna and Balarama
ran excitedly to the arena.
At the main gate Kamsa had posted an elephant, as
big as a mountain, to kill the boys. Incited to madness by his
envious keeper, the huge beast charged Krishna. Easily,
Krishna grabbed its trunk, climbed upon its back and killed
the keeper. Then Krishna snapped off the elephants tusks,
whirled him around by his tail, and flung him thirty miles
away. Kamsa quivered in fear when he heard that Krishna
had playfully killed his elephant.
The cowherd men were afraid for the boys when They
met King Kamsa. Kamsa said to his wrestlers Chanura and
Mustika, Now I want to see you wrestle. Krishna and
Balarama fought and killed Chanura and Mustika

In Kali-yuga, Lord Chaitanya toured Mathura-mandala

and heard all about the glories of the Supreme Lord Krishna
from Krishnadasa. Falling at Sri Gaurangas feet,
Krishnadasa said, I feel very aggrieved. Please dont
deceive me. I now know definitely that You are that same
Krishna. O Gauranga! Please be kind upon me.
Lord Gauranga said, By your mercy, My mind has
become purified. I wanted to see Mathura, and by your
mercy I got to see that rasa-filled land. May Sri Krishna give
His mercy to you.

Krishna Returns to Vraja as Gauranga

All the Vaishnavas eagerly gazed at Gauranga.

Although they saw Lord Chaitanya only once, they could
not forget Him. Due to transcendental affection, they
couldnt control themselves. Old men, boys, women, men
and even the fools all agreed that Lord Chaitanya was
surely Lord Sri Krishna Himself.
One Vrajavasi said, Krishna has returned to Mathura
to see His places of pastimes. Another said, If He isnt
Krishna, then why does He stand in a threefold bending
form and call out the name of Radha?

The Vrajavasis stayed with Gauranga throughout the

day and night. They didnt want to leave Him for even a
second. Lord Chaitanya saw every tree and lila-stharta
[pastime place], one after the other. Everything in the forest
of Vrindavana is completely full of love

Lord Chaitanya manifested Himself in each and every

house in Mathuramandala. Some saw Him as a child, others
saw Him enjoying His youthful pastimes. Someone heard
Him playing His enchanting flute. Another, maddened in
prema, embraced Gauranga as her husband. Everyone
considered Him to be his own.

When Gaurahari wandered in the forest, the trees,

creepers and flowers melted in ecstasy. The bees, cuckoos,
and peacocks quickly came near the Lord. They raised their
heads to relish the nectar of Gaurachandras face. The Lord
reciprocated with all the creatures by glancing lovingly at
them. Everyone knew that Gauranga was actually Krishna
in the disguise of a sannyasi. Thus, Mahaprabhu finished
His tour of Mathura and returned to Nilachala. Lochana
Dasa takes great delight in describing Gaurangas blissful
pastimes in Mathura-mandala.

Chapter 3

Prabhur Nilachale-pratyavartana:
Lord Chaitanya Returns to Nilachala

Gauranga Gives Jewels for Buttermilk

In a joyful mood Lord Chaitanya moved quickly

toward Nilachala. In ecstatic love He exclaimed, Ha
Jagannatha! Absorbed in Krishna-prema, Gauranga moved
with the determination of a lion. He was moving so fast that
His associates couldnt keep up. The Lord came to a small
village in the forest and met a cowherd boy who was
carrying a pot full of buttermilk to sell in the market.
Gauranga said, O dear cowherd boy. Im thirsty, can
you give Me some buttermilk?
Falling down at the Lords feet, the boy said, Please
take this buttermilk, and drink as much as You want.
Lord Chaitanya drank the whole pot of buttermilk.
Then that so-called sannyasi walked away while saying,
You stay here and collect the money from My colleagues
who are following Me.
The Lord moved on quickly and the boy sat down,
thinking to himself. After sometime the Lords followers
arrived there and inquired of that boy, Did you see a
The cowherd boy said, Yes, he drank all my
buttermilk. He said that you would pay for it. If you have
any money, then please pay me so I can go home.
Surprised, Gaurangas associates looked at each other
and said, Where will we get money? We dont have any
money with us.
The cowherd boy said, Thats all right, forget about it.
Just tell that sannyasi that this was my humble offering to
his lotus feet. Then the boy tried to lift his empty milk pot
and go home. For some reason, he couldnt budge the pot.
Removing the lid, he saw that it was full of precious jewels
and gold. The cowherd boy ran down the road in the
direction of Lord Chaitanya. He found the Lord waiting for
His associates a short distance away. Gauranga smiled
benevolently upon the boy. When Lord Chaitanyas
associates arrived, they were happy to see that the cowherd
boy had attained the lotus feet of the Lord.
Gauranga said, Hey cowherd boy, go back home. You
obtained a boon and Krishna gave you His mercy. While
walking home the boy became invested with love of God.
He danced and chanted madly in the ecstasy of Krishna-
prema. All the villagers became overjoyed to see that the
cowherd boy had received the mercy of the Lord. Lochana
Dasa happily sings the glories of Gauranga.

In due course of time, Gauranga and His party came to

Gauda-desha. After bathing in the Ganges, Gaurahari
moved on to Radha-desha and stopped in the village of
Kulia. Lord Chaitanya thought, As a sannyasi, its My duty
to see the place of My former life.

Gauranga Visits Navadvipa and Sachimata

As Lord Chaitanya stopped in Navadvipa, all the

townspeople ran to see Him. Forgetting all their miseries,
they said joyfully, Oh Gaurasundara has returned! The
Nadia housewives neglected their relatives and rushed to
see the Lord.
Sachimata, with disheveled hair and dress, ran to see
her beloved son. Wheres my Visvambhara? I want to see
him and kiss his beautiful face. Oh my Nimai has returned
to Nadia! People, please hold him; its not wrong if you do
Hes the life and soul of everyone. If he doesnt stay in
Nadia, then how will we maintain our lives? Without life
how can our religious practices be maintained? said Sachi.
Then Sachimata met Gaurachandra who was sitting on an
Sachimata said, O my Nimai! Come home. I dont
want you to be a sannyasi. By taking sannyasa youve
neglected your duties. Better I die first; then you take
sannyasa and do all those things later.
Bewildered and crying, Sachimata simply gazed at the
body of Gauranga. She wanted to touch her son and cleanse
His body, which was covered with dust from traveling.
Sachi said, O my dear son. I want to sit you on my lap.

Even the Earth split open upon receiving the touch of

the pitiful tears of Sachidevi. Not only human beings, but
even stones melted by her crying. Overwhelmed, everyone
stood motionless around Mahaprabhu and cried madly.
Seeing Sachimatas unhappiness and everyones crying,
Lord Chaitanya thought, What should I do to pacify My
Gauranga said, Dont cry mother, listen to Me.
Previously, you told Me I could take sannyasa, and now
youre crying over it. Being under the influence of maya,
you still consider Me your son. In the material world, no
one can escape maya.
Sachimata said, O heartless one, listen to me. You took
birth on this Earth as my son. Because of this the people of
the world have worshiped me. You are the well-wisher of
everyone; therefore, You are worshiped in all the three
worlds. Through the Scriptures I can understand Your way
of love and affection. You may be whatever, but ultimately
you are my son life after life. May you always remain my
Lord Chaitanya became perturbed by Sachimatas
words. He realized His mother couldnt get free from
(Yogamayas) illusion. He said, Do whatever you want, but
I give you one last request.
Sachimata said, You want to leave Navadvipa because
Vishnupriya, and your mean mother also resides here.
To please Sachimata, Gauranga entered Navadvipa and
stayed at Barakona-ghata, near His former home. He
begged prasada from the house of Shuklambhara
Brahmacari. Before leaving, the next morning, Mahaprabhu
paid respects to Sachimata, and said:
Im bound by your motherly affection. But why have
you forgotten our previous agreement? I will always stay
with anyone who serves Lord Sri Krishna, be any devotee,
Vishnupriya or yourself. Then Lord Chaitanya paid
respects to His mother and said repeatedly, Always serve
Krishna and dont be attached to this material existence.

Knowing that Gauranga was about to leave

Navadvipa, Sachimatas heart throbbed painfully. All the
devotees followed the Lord as He walked out of town. Lord
Chaitanya stopped in Shantipura, and spent the whole day
in kirtana-vilasa [relishing the nectar of chanting Hare
Krishna]. Being extremely eager to see Lord Jagannatha, the
next day Gauranga hastened toward Nilachala. Lord
Chaitanya addressed all the Nadia devotees:
Please return to your homes. Now Ill be staying in
Nilachala. When you come to see Lord Jagannatha, you can
meet Me also.
All the devotees broke down crying when the Lord
departed. Following the same route as before, Lord
Chaitanya soon came to Tamaluka. Gauranga, absorbed in
the happiness of Krishna-prema, passed His journey
without fatigue. The people who saw Lord Chaitanya along
the way were inundated in a nectar shower of pure love of

King Prataparudra Sees Jagannatha as Lord Chaitanya

Reaching Nilachala, Lord Chaitanya thought, Soon Ill

see Lord Jagannatha. Feeling intense attraction, the Lord
chanted, Ha Jagannatha! and ran toward the temple.
Gauranga roared at the Lion Gate [the main temple
entrance on Grand Road]. The local people felt unlimited
joy as they ran to see Lord Chaitanya.
Gaura Raya was very pleased with the darshana of
Lord Jagannatha. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu spent the
whole day and night relishing kirtana, and glorifying the
transcendental qualities of Lord Hari. Thus Lochana Dasa
sings the praises of Gaurahari.
In Nilachala, day after day, Mahaprabhu enjoyed
performing sankirtana along with His intimate devotees.
Everyday different devotees came to meet Lord Gauranga,
who regularly manifested ever-fresh pastimes. Now Ill
describe the pastime wherein Lord Chaitanya showed
mercy to King Prataparudra. Although astonished to hear
the wonderful glories of Gauranga, King Prataparudra kept
silent. One day when the King was looking at Lord
Jagannath, he saw that the Lord had become Lord
Chaitanya, the greatest of the sannyasis.
What am I seeing? thought the King. Then to confirm
his vision, he asked the pujari, What are you seeing? The
pujari said, Im seeing Lord Jagannatha.
The King replied, I dont want to disappoint you, but
Im seeing a sannyasi sitting on the asana of Lord
Jagannatha. However, fearing my punishment, youre
saying you dont see anyone except Lord Jagannatha. Now
tell me the truth, what are you seeing?
Pujari, Im sorry, I dont see anything but Lord
King Prataparudra thought to himself: Then why am I
only seeing a sannyasi with my eyes? Ive heard unlimited
glories about this sannyasi. Now let me find out for
Thus he went to visit Lord Chaitanya, the greatest of
the sannyasis. He found Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His
followers sitting in the Tota-Gopinatha temple chanting the
names of Hari and talking about Vrindavana.
Afterwards, the next time the King took darshana of
Lord Jagannatha, he again saw Lord Chaitanya instead of
Lord Jagannatha. Gaurahari looked like the effulgent
golden Mt. Sumeru. Astonished, the King became
convinced that Lord Jagannatha had now incarnated as a
sannyasi. Out of growing affection for Lord Chaitanya, the
King went to Tota-Gopinatha temple to meet the Lord. No
one was there except the Lords servant, Govinda.

The King Gets the Mercy of Lord Gauranga

King Prataparudra said, Govinda, how can I get to see

the lotus feet of Lord Chaitanya?
Govinda said, O King, dont be sad. But you cant see
Him here now.
King Prataparudra, When should I come? His
affection increasing, the King stayed all day without going
anywhere. King Prataparudra humbly appealed for help
from Lord Chaitanyas devotees. Puri Gosvami and a few
others decided to help King Prataparudra meeting Lord
Shortly thereafter, the devotees assembled in the house
of Kashi Misra, and made a plan to inform the Lord about
the Kings desire. Feeling sympathy for King Prataparudra,
Puri Gosvami approached the Lord a few days later and
politely said, My Lord, I want to make a request of You,
but Im afraid. However if You order, then Ill say it.
Lord Chaitanya said, Oh My beloved Puri Gosvami.
Under My shelter You neednt be afraid. Please speak your
Puri Gosvami said, Will You keep my word? After
discussing with Kashi Mishra and others, Im telling You
that King Pratapamdra of Nilachala is a personal servant of
Lord Jagannatha. He has repeatedly asked us to help him
fulfill his desire to attain Your lotus feet. If You allow him,
then he can fulfill his desire.
Lord Chaitanya, All of you please listen. The
Scriptures prohibit a sannyasi from meeting a king. As you
know, I am a sannyasi and he is a king. Therefore, I have no
business meeting him.
Puri Gosvami, Lord Gauranga, please listen. If the
King hears this, hell faint. We have witnessed his intense
love for You. Your words will break his heart. Today is the
tenth day of the Kings fast. He spends his days simply
desiring within his heart to meet You. Lord Chaitanya, All
right, please bring the King.
All the devotees joyfully brought King Prataparudra to
meet Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Paying obeisances to Lord
Chaitanya, Prataparudra forgot himself in ecstasy. His eyes
moistened with tears, and tiny bumps of joy broke out on
his body. He was overcome with emotions upon seeing the
splendid body of Gaurasundara. The Lord smiled gently in
Suddenly, Lord Chaitanya manifested a wonderful six-
armed form to King Prataparudra. Astounded, the King
offered his dandavats and then tried to stand up.
Overwhelmed with ecstasy, Prataparudra staggered slowly.
Tears poured from his eyes, his body became numb and
covered in horripilation. The four directions resounded
with Harinama-sankirtana. Floating in an ocean of love of
God, King Prataparudra called out in a voice choked with
tears, Prabhu! Prabhu! Raising both arms in the air, he
danced and chanted excitedly, Haribol! Haribol! Haribol! O
my Lord, Youve blessed me and now my life is perfect.
The devotees felt blissful to see that King Prataparudra had
attained Krishna-prema.
Lord Chaitanya said, Listen, you are the king. Your
main duty is to look after your subjects. The subjects are like
sons and the king is like the father. This is the essence. Lord
Krishna bestows His mercy equally on all living entities.
According to ones nature, he receives a particular body.
Whether one is a king or a subject, both must suffer and
enjoy. By ones karma one becomes a king or a subject. Just
remember that one who treats all others as he would treat
himself is actually a servant of Lord Sri Krishna. In this
way, Lord Chaitanya instructed King Prataparudra, who
happily offered obeisances to the Lord.
Lochana Dasa joyfully sings about the glorious
pastimes of Gaurachandra.

The Final Pastime:

King Vibhishana and the Poor Brahmana

Now Ill tell another wonderful episode from the ever-

fresh transcendental pastimes of Lord Chaitanya. Please
listen attentively to these confidential topics.

The Vaishnavas were relishing unlimited happiness in

the daily association of Gaurahari. There was once a
Dravidian [South Indian] brahmana named Rama. He was
poor and miserable because of starvation. His body was just
a bag of skin and bones. His stomach burned from hunger,
and he couldt tolerate his severe poverty.
One day he thought, How can I get free from this
misery? In my past life, I must have committed many
grievous sins, and now Im suffering for it. I know I must
suffer my lot, but somehow I wish I could mitigate my
The brahmana knew that only God could change his
karma and give him relief. He heard that Lord Jagannatha,
the Lord of the universe, was residing in Nilachala. So he
went to see Him to beg for His mercy.
Again the brahmana thought, I m a poor brahmana
suffering from starvation. Everyone says that Krishna is
very dear to the brahmanas. But due to my offenses, the
Lord is ignoring me. Therefore, let me just give up this
worthless life.
In due course, the brahmana came to Nilachala and
took darshana of Lord Jagannatha. The brahmana prayed:
My Lord, Im a poor brahmana, dying of starvation. I have
no one but You. Please save me from the misery of poverty
and give me wealth.
That day the brahmana begged a little food to eat. The
next day, he returned to the temple and prayed, O Lord,
this brahmana is suffering terribly and is about to die.
Please remove my poverty and give me abundant riches. I
beg You to give me the boon of wealth. Otherwise, Ill kill
myself right before Your eyes. The brahmana started
Meanwhile, Lord Gauranga sat peacefully, surrounded
by His intimate devotees, joyfully singing the glories of
Vrindavana. Suddenly, the Lord, feeling aggrieved within
His heart, fell silent. The devotees wondered why the Lord
so abruptly became distracted, and fell silent.
Although the brahmana kept fasting for seven days,
Lord Jagannatha didnt respond. Severely weakened by
fasting, the brahmana decided to drown in the ocean.
Standing on the shore, he asked the sea to give him a place.
Then, a huge person, as tail as a mountain, suddenly
emerged from the ocean. The brahmana wondered about
the identity of that person, who had come from inside the
The brahmana watched that huge man walk out of the
ocean and onto the beach, where he assumed an ordinary
size. The brahmana said, This man must be Lord
Jagannatha Himself, because who else could just appear
from the middle of the ocean? Then the brahmana chased
that man for some distance along the beach. The man
stopped, turned around and said, Who are you and where
are you going? Tell me exactly.
Brahmana, Im weak from fasting for seven days.
After seeing you my life is now successful. Tell me frankly
who you are; dont deceive me. Otherwise, youll be
responsible for killing a brahmana.
The man said, Why do you want to know my
identity? I am whoever I am. What business is it of yours to
know who I am? Anyway, why are you starving to death?
Brahmana, I am suffering because of my extreme
poverty. I cant maintain my brahminical status. I pass my
days and nights without eating anything. My family doesnt
care for me. I have no shelter. I prefer death to life, so Im
committing suicide by starvation.
Hearing the brahmanas plight melted the heart of that
great personality.
The man, O brahmana. Listen, my name is
Vibhishana, and Im going to see the lotus feet of Lord
Jagannatha. You re suffering because of your past sins.
Bound by the results of their karma, people in this world
suffer or enjoy. They become free from their karma only
after experiencing the results.
With loving devotion, go and see the smiling face of
Lord Jagannatha. Then youll never undergo any miseries in
future lives. After saying this, Vibhishana started walking
toward the temple. The poor brahmana walked behind him.
Meanwhile, Gaurahari, who was sitting among His
associates, asked Govinda to see who was standing at the
temples gate. Vibhishana was there with the brahmana.
Govinda came back and told Gauranga that two brahmanas
were waiting by the gate of Tota-Gopinathas temple. On
Gaurangas order, Govinda cordially greeted them and led
them inside to meet Lord Chaitanya.
One brahmana guest sat beside the Lord, and the poor
fasting brahmana remained at a distance. To everyones
surprise, Gauranga affectionately addressed the brahmana
sitting beside Him: After a long time, Im seeing you
again. Mahaprabhu and the brahmana cried profusely.
Then the Lord caressed the brahmana with His beautiful
hands, and inquired about his well-being. None of Lord
Chaitanyas associates knew this brahmana; nor did they
understand the conversation.
Lord Chaitanya said to His friend the brahmana
sitting beside him You know that brahmana standing in
the back is suffering miserably. He lost all his knowledge
due to poverty. As a result, he came here harassing and
blaming Lord Jagannatha for his difficulties.
It is the nature of people to never find fault with
themselves. After doing something wrong they blame the
Lord. When suffering from misdeeds they accuse God, but
while enjoying happiness they say its due to their own
good qualities.
That brahmana intended to die by fasting for the last
seven days. What can Lord Jagannatha Who is dear to the
brahmanas do for him? However, seeing you has
removed his poverty. So now give him an ocean of wealth
and make him happy.
The friendly brahmana said, Yes, my Lord. I shall do
as You say. After paying obeisances to the Lord, the two
brahmanas left. Lord Chaitanyas associates were totally
perplexed by this exchange between the Lord and the
Meanwhile, outside, the poor brahmana inquired of
Vibhishana: You told that sannyasi that you are King
Vibhishana. After paying obeisances to that sannyasi, why
did you just leave without visiting the temple of Lord
Jagannatha? You promised to obey the order of that
sannyasi. Who is that sannyasi anyway? Please tell me. Im
a poverty-stricken brahmana; dont play any tricks on me.
King Vibhishana said, Listen, you foolish dull-headed
brahmana! You just saw Lord Jagannatha in person directly
with your own eyes. Your desire to attain vast wealth has
already been fulfilled. Now Ill take you home to Dravida-
desha [South India] and give you that wealth.
Hearing this, the brahmana hit his head in anguish.
Then he collapsed on the ground, clasping the feet of King
The brahmana said, Please take me back to meet Lord
Chaitanya again. I know Im an ignorant brahmana, but
lets go and see the Lord. Agreeing, Vibhishana brought
him back to see Lord Chaitanya.
Upon seeing the brahmana pair again, Lord Gauranga
said, Oh, why did you come back?
Vibhishana, My Lord, ask the brahmana the reason.
Brahmana, O respected Gosvami, I am ignorant. Lord,
You are the life and soul of innumerable living entities.
Actually, You are Lord Jagannatha Himself. I am the lowest
and the worst offender. Due to my bad karma, I suffered
from poverty, disease and other miseries.
Because of my impoverished condition, I came to You
and asked for the wrong diet. Despite my distress, I dont
have any taste for the medicine, because I was attached to
the wrong diet. But You are the best doctor; so please give
me the correct medicine. Im dying from the misdeeds of
my previous life.
Hearing his confession, Lord Chaitanya laughed and
said, Lord Jagannatha did you a favor. Go ahead, now
suffer what you deserve, either happiness or distress.
Ultimately you will attain the lotus feet of Lord
After hearing this the brahmana offered dandavats to
Lord Gauranga. The devotees chanted, Haribol! Haribol!
After receiving the boon, Vibhishana and the poor
brahmana left the house in a joyful mood.
Puri Gosvami said, Prabhu, for our purification,
kindly explain what just happened? Everyone is curious but
afraid to ask You. So, taking courage, I asked on behalf of all
Your devotees.
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, Listen Puri Gosvami,
I know that none of you understood what just occurred.
That poor brahmana was suffering tremendously while
living in South India. Being oppressed by poverty, he came
here and harassed Lord Jagannatha. Seeing his miserable
plight, Lord Jagannatha felt sorry for him. By the Lords
arrangement, he met King Vibhishana, who was that
brahmana sitting next to Me. King Vibhishana pleased that
brahmana by giving him abundant wealth.
The devotees exploded with ecstasy upon hearing this
story. The land and sky flooded with Krishna-prema.
Everyone danced jubilantly, chanting, Haribol! Haribol!
Haribol! Happily, all the devotees embraced each other.

Listen everyone to the wonderful, all-blissful,

transcendental pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Thus, Lochana Dasa concludes the final chapter of Shesha-
khanda, and completes his work, Sri Chaitanya Mangala.

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