Payroll System

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Table of content

Chapter 1: Introduction
General Overview
Current system
Chapter 2: Planning and analysis
Methodology used in the project development (to attach interview questions, questionnaires in the
Appendix section)
Problem Statement
Project Objective
Project Scope
Functional, User, System and Non-functional Requirement
Feasibility Study
Technical Feasibility:
1. Hardware
2. Software
Economic Feasibility: costing
Operational Feasibility
Schedule Feasibility (to attach Gantt Chart for Project Milestone)
Project Summary
Recommendation to solve/ enhanced the functionality of the existing system:
Chapter 3: Designing

Description of proposed system using ERD, and DFD.

Flow chart, use cases and sequence Diagram
Data Dictionary for all database designs.
User interface, Architectural Diagram
Chapter 4: Conclusion

Conclusion and Future Enhancement


Abstract of Payroll system

Payroll software can be used to speed up the process of calculating pay, guaranteeing that payments are
both accurate and on time. They save you the load of learning and understanding complex payroll
legislation. a trouble free payroll system is critical for any business. Payroll system compute calculations
within a fraction of the time while manually would take much time, your payroll staff might not like it, but it
makes a perfect sense if you are trying to run a business. Another huge advantage of running payroll
system software over a manual process is the reporting; most softwares allow, weekly, month and annual
reports to be run by just a press of a button. Instead of searching through bunch of files you let the
software do the work.

It possible a lot of payroll software is integrated your system with your time sheet systems which records
employee attendance or time worked. Its a simple way for information about employee hours worked to
be transferred into the payroll system removing another layer of manual processing. Some companies
choose to operate a swipe card door system whilst many others operate on a system login basis.

Payroll software also provides the capability of "what-if" calculations. This helps in anticipating and
planning staff costs and budgets. Entering speculative numbers allow you to compare the total cost of an
employee under different remuneration situations. Some payroll systems also allow more personnel
based data to be stored such as records of annual leave and sick leave.

Chapter one: Introduction

1.1. General overview

The payroll system keeps precise employee data stored in an easily accessible database. The system
has the ability to maintain and update employee information and to get required outputs including
paychecks, reports to management and government.

Each week, data on the current pay period is entered into the system and verified. This data is used to
update the employee master file with appropriate additions, changes and deletions and to generate
required output.

1.2. Mission/aim

The system will have the ability to update and maintain employee information and to generate required
outputs including paychecks, reports to management and reports to the government.

1.3. Objectives

This aim will be achieved by the following objectives

Need to have a complete record of all payroll transactions.

Need to monitor retirement plans and calculate plans and employee contributions.
Need to help calculate health insurance; retirement plans and allows employees to access their
benefits information online.
Need to have a system that will manage employee leave and track unpaid and paid employee
leave and working hours, which allow employees to request for leave for employers to approve.
The system that Organize reports and helps to keep all HR documents in one place in an
organize manner.
A system that enables to file reports according to local government policies and can be reviewed
A system that helps to debiting to bank account and enables direct payments to employee bank
1.4. Current system
The current system is where employees information is tabulated on paper showing their total
payroll. The payment of wages and salaries on payroll therefore has become the usual practice
in organization for their employees.

2. Methodology

The waterfall model is a popular version of the systems development life cycle model for software
engineering. Often considered the classic approach to the systems development
lif e c ycle, the waterfall m odel describes a developm ent m ethod that is linear a
n d sequential. W aterfall development has distinct goals for each phase of development.
Imagine a waterfall on the cliff of a steep mountain. Once the water has flowed over the edge of
the cliff and has begun its journey down the side of the mountain, it cannot
turn b a c k . I t i s t h e s a m e w i t h w a t e r f a l l
d e v e l o p m e n t . O n c e a p h a s e o f d e v e l o p m e n t i s completed, the development proceeds to
the next phase and there is no turning back. Thats why I choose to use waterfall model in this project.

Information systems are developed for different purposes depending on the needs of the
business (Kendall and Kendall, 2002). Commercial situations, technical requirements, social and political
circumstances are frequently quite different and what works in one business may not be suitable for
another. Subsequently, there is no single or best approach to systems development. Minor problems
may not even need a costly formal process, however, larger, more complex problems will require well-
defined processes.

2.1. Problem Statement

System development is associated with the lives of common people and their day-to-day routines
so I decided to choose a Payroll System. The manual handling of the record is time consuming and highly
prone to error. The user can inputs codes of Employee he wants to see Pay Slip. The activities like see
Employee Record, add Record, modify records, delete Record and finally receiving Pay Slip can be
performed easily.
I found two main key-points to design and programmed my project using PHP/Wamp and its FILES facility
as database storage. First, Because PHP compiler has the ability to debug the project at run time and
gives appropriate error messages if it found in the project at run time. Its help is too enough to learn and
study any function of a particular header file using the keyboard Keys (Ctrl + F5) to keep the cursor on
that particular function. Second.

I will try my best to make the complicated process of PAYROLL System as simple as possible, which is
by using Structured & Modular technique, SQL Query, & Menu oriented interface that is more user
friendly and appealing. I have tried to design the system in such a method that user may not have any
trouble in using this package & also further expansion is conceivable without much struggle. Even though
I cannot claim that this work to be entirely exhaustive, the main purpose of my exercise is perform each
Payrolls activity in computerized way rather than manually which is time consuming.

However, Im confident that this System package can be readily used by non-programming personal
avoiding human handled chance of error.

NEED: the proposed system will design in PHP/MySQL to automate the process of Payment of the
The complete set of rules & procedures related to Payroll and generating report is called NAHUCHE
PAYROLL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. This System gives a brief idea regarding automated Payroll
activities. The following steps that give the detailed information of the need of proposed system are as

Efficiency: The basic need of the system is accuracy, data Integrity and efficiency. The project should be
efficient so that whenever a Employee is added, add his Record, delete his record, display and generate
his pay slip.

Control: The complete control of the system will be under the hands of authorized person who has the
password to access this project and illegal access is not supposed to deal with and this is where system
security will be put to test. All the mechanism is under the administrator and the other members have the
rights to just see the records not to change any transaction or entry.

Performance: All through past several decades, the Payroll is supposed to maintain manual handling of
all the Payroll activities. The manual handling of the record is time consuming and highly prone to error.
To improve the performance of the payroll system, the computerized payroll system is to be undertaken.
The computerized System is fully computerized and user friendly even that any of the members can see
the report and status of the pay.

Security: Security is the main criteria for the proposed system. Since illegal access may corrupt the
database and also defeat the aim and objective of the system. So security has to be given in this priority.

Software: Software includes the platform where the Payroll System is being prepared. I have done my
project using Dreamweaver platform and the database is the FILE HANDLING MECHANISM OF
PHP/MYSQL. But it is not necessary that we have to first install PHPMYSQL to run this project.


Throughout the past several eras personnel function has been transformed from a relatively
ambiguous record keeping staff too central and top-level management function. There are many factors
that have influenced this transformation like technological advances, professionalism, and general
recognition of human beings as most important resources. A computer based payroll system is designed
to handle all the primary information required to calculate monthly statements of Employees Record,
which include monthly statement of any month. Separate database is maintained to handle all the details
required for the correct statement calculation and generation.
This System intends to make known to more user friendliness in the various activities such as
record updating, maintenance, and searching. The searching of record has been made quite simple as all
the details of the Employee can be obtained by simply keying in the identification of that Employee.
Similarly, record maintenance and updating can also be accomplished by using the identification of
Employee with all the details being automatically generated. These details are also being promptly
automatically updated in the master file thus keeping the record absolutely up-to-date. The entire
information has conserved in the database or Files and whoever wants to retrieve cant retrieve, only
authorization user can retrieve the necessary information which can be easily be accessible from the file.

In conclusion, the main objective of the entire system is to automate the process of day to day
activities of payment in the organization without compromising on data been provided by the authorized


The feasibility study proposes one or more conceptual solution to the problem set of the project. In fact, it
is an evaluation of whether it is worthwhile to proceed with project or not.

Feasibility analysis usually considers a number of project alternatives, one that is chosen as the most
satisfactory solution. These alternatives also need to be evaluated in a broad way without committing too
many resources. Various steps involved in feasibility analysis are

1. Evaluation of feasibility of such solutions. Such evaluation frequently indicates shortcomings in the
initial goals. This step is repeated as the goals are adjusted and the alternative solutions are
2. To propose a set of solution that can realize the project goal. These solutions are usually descriptions
of what the new system should look like.
The area of interest in feasibility study includes the following:

Economic Feasibility: An evaluation of development cost weighed against the ultimate income of benefit
derived from the development system of product. In economic feasibility, cost benefit analysis is done in
which expected cost and benefits are evaluated.


Developing an IT application is an investment. After developing this system, it will provide the
organization with profit. Profits can be monetary or in the form of an improved working environment.
However, it carries risks, because in some cases an estimate can be wrong. And the project might not
actually turn out to be beneficial.

Cost benefit analysis helps to give management of the organization a picture of the cost, benefits and
risks. It usually involves comparing alternate investments.

Cost benefit determines the benefits and savings that are expected from the system and compares them
with the projected costs.

In performing cost and benefit analysis it is important to identify cost and benefits factors. Cost and
benefits can be categorized into the following categories:

1. Development Costs Development costs is the costs that are incurred during the development of
the system. It is one time investment.
2. Operating Costs Operating Costs are the expenses required for the day to day running of the
system. Examples of Operating Costs are Wages, Supplies and Overheads.
3. Hardware/Software Costs It includes the cost of purchasing or leasing of computers and its
peripherals. Software costs involves required S/W costs.
4. Personnel Costs It is the money spent on the people involved in the development of the system.
5. Facility Costs Expenses that are incurred during the preparation of the physical site where the
system will be operational. These can be wiring, flooring, acoustics, lightning, and air-conditioning.
6. Supply Costs These are variable costs that are very proportionately with the amount of use of
paper, ribbons, disks, and the like.

BENEFITS: We can define benefits as
Profit or Benefit = Income Costs

Benefits can be accrued by:

Decreasing costs, or
Increasing income, or

Technical Feasibility: Technical Feasibility includes existing and new Hardware (H/W) and Software
(S/W) requirements that are required to operate the project on the platform PHP/MYSQL. The basic S/W
requirement is Dreamweaver in which the front end of the NAHUCHE PAYROLL MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM project has been done. The basic entry forms are developed in PHP/MYSQL and the data is
stored in the Wamp data file.

Operational Feasibility: Operational feasibility is mainly concerned with issues like whether the system
will be used if it is developed and implemented. Whether there will be resistance from users that will effect
the possible application benefits? The essential questions that help in testing the technical feasibility of a
system are as follows:

Does management of NAHUCHE support the project?

Are the users not happy with current business practices? Will it reduce the time considerably? If yes,
then they will welcome the change and the new system.
Have the users involved in the planning and development of the project? Early involvement reduced
the probability of resistance towards the new system.
Will the proposed system really benefit the organization? Does the overall response increase? Will
accessibility of information be lost? Will the system effect the customers in considerable way?

Alternatives: An evaluation of alternative approaches to the development of system or product.

Cost and Benefit Analysis for Nahuche Payroll Management System


Cost Cost per unit Quantity Cost


Cs6 45,000 1 3,000

Wamp Server 30,000 1 30,000

Windows 10 15,000 1 15,000

Hardware 4,000 2 8,000

Central Computer 100,000 1 1,00,000

Client Machine 50,000 4 2,00,000


Analyst 50,000 1 50,000

Developer 20,000 2 40,000

Training 20,000 1 20,000

Data Entry 5,0000 1 5,000

Warranty (1 month)

Professional 20,000 1 20,000

TOTAL COST 491,000


The functioning of the system is to be understood by the system analyst to design the proposed system.
Various methods are used for this and these are known as fact-finding techniques. The analyst needs to
fully understand the current system.

The analyst needs a comprehensive data about the requirements and demands of the project
commenced and the techniques employed in gathering this data are known as fact-finding techniques.
Different kinds of techniques are used but the most popular among them are interviews, questionnaires,
record views, case tools and also the personal observations made by the analyst himself.

Interview is a very important data gathering technique as in this the analyst directly contacts system and
the potential user of the proposed system.

One very essential aspect of conducting the interview is that the interviewer should first establish a
rapport with the interviewee. It should also be taken into account that the interviewee may or may not be
a technician and the analyst should prefer to use day to day language instead of jargon and technical

The benefit of the interview is that the analyst has a free hand and he can extract almost all the
information from the concerned people but then as it is a very time consuming method, he should also
employ other means such as questionnaires, record reviews, etc. This may also help the analyst to verify
and validate the information gained. Interviewing should be approached, as logically and from a general
point of view the following guides can be very beneficial for a successful interview:

1. Set the stage for the interview.

2. Establish rapport; put the interview at ease.
3. Phrase questions clearly and succinctly.
4. Be a good listener; a void arguments.
5. Evaluate the outcome of the interview.
The interviews are of the two types which are structured and unstructured.

I. Structured Interview

Structured interviews are those where the interviewee is asked a standard set of questions in a particular
order. All interviews are asked the same set of questions. The questions are further divided into two kinds
of formats for conducting this type if interview.

II. Unstructured Interview

These can be referred as Answer format. This is of a much more flexible nature than the structured and
the unstructured interviews are undertaken in a question-and-can be very rightly used to gather general
information about the system.


Questionnaires are another way of information gathering where the potential users of the system are
given questionnaires to be filled up and returned to the analyst.

Questionnaires are useful when the analyst need to gather information from a large number of people. It
is not possible to interview each individual. Also if the time is very short, in that case also questionnaires
are useful. If the analyst guarantees the anonymity of the respondent then the respondent answers the
questionnaires very honestly and critically.

The analyst should sensibly design and frame questionnaires with clarity of its objective so as to do just to
the cost incurred on their development and distribution.

Record Reviews
Records and reports are the collection of information and data accumulated over the time by the users
about the system and its operations. This can also put light on the requirements of the system and the
modifications it has undergone. Records and reports may have a limitation if they are not up-to-date or if
some essential links are missing. All the changes, which the system suffers, may not be recorded. The
analyst may scrutinize the records either at the beginning of his study which may give him a fair
introduction about the system and will make him familiar with it or in the end which will provide the analyst
with a comparison between what exactly is/was desired from the system and its current working.

On-Site Observation
On-site observations are one of the most effectively tools with the analyst where the analyst personally
goes to the site and discovers the functioning of the system. As a observer, the analyst can gain firsthand
knowledge of the activities, operations, processes of the system on-site, hence here the role of an analyst
is of an information seeker. This information is very meaningful as it is unbiased and has been directly
taken by the analyst. This exposure also sheds some light on the actual happenings of the system as
compared to what has already been documented, thus the analyst gets closer to system. This technique
is also time-consuming and the analyst should not jump to conclusions or draw inferences from small
samples of observation rather the analyst should be more.


Analyst: Hello Mr. Admin, I have come to talk to you regarding the functioning of your
payroll project.

Administrator: hello, do come in. I was expecting you.

Analyst: Ill go straight to the point. Dont hesitate; you can be as much open you wanted.
There are no restrictions.

Administrator: Ill give you my whole contribution and support.

Analyst: Tell me, are you excited about the idea of having an automated system for your
Payroll system?

Administrator: Yes, I do. Very much. After all its going to reduce our loads of work.

Analyst: Will you elaborate on it?

Administrator: Major challenge is managing the record of the Employee, Display the record, and
Delete the record. At the time of payroll, it becomes more difficult to handle the
report of pays lip.

Analyst: What do you think be ideal solution to this?

Administrator: All the Employee information should be put into computer. Itll be easy for us to
check how many record are available or not available of employee.

Analyst: Could you explain how?

Administrator: Look whenever a new Employee is come he/she is allotted a any Id or Code and
the is reserved for the till the employee gets leave his job.

Analyst: Do you have different Employee categories?

Administrator: yes we have categorization for Employee.

Analyst: How do you categorize your Employee?

Administrator: By ID no. and by name both.

Analyst: Do you have any other expectations or suggestion for the new system?

Administrator: It should be able to produce reports faster.

Analyst: Reports? I completely forgot about them. What reports you people produce

Administrator: Well first is for Employee record another for Employees list.

Analyst: Do you have some format for them?

Administrator: Yes we do have and we want that the same format be used by the new system.

Analyst: Yes well take care of that. Any other suggestions?

Administrator: No. You have already covered all the fields.

Analyst: Thank you for your time and co-operation. It was nice talking to you.

Administrator: My pleasure. Bye.


Following the literature review, background information and correlative knowledge regarding this research
project follows. In the first part of this chapter, the demand and requirements of the proposed system are
discussed and analyzed through dataflow diagrams, the entity relations model and the data dictionary.
According to this analysis, the specification of the system is defined.

Requirements Analysis
The requirement analysis stage of a software engineering project involves collecting and analyzing
information about the part of the organization that is supported by the application. This information is then
used to identify the users' requirement of the new system.

The requirements of the Web-based management information system are to develop:
A web based front end for entering employee and all payroll related details including maintaining
allowances (conveyance, festival), Deductions, overloads details for the employees.
A web based front end for calculating and print the salary information of all the employees of The
Peoples University of Bangladesh.
A facility to produce summary information (i.e. report) of payroll related activities.

Other Requirements
The system must be developed to suit the particular needs of a user-friendly environment. This means
that the system must accommodate a clearly understandable user interface as well as clear online help
documentation at any stage of the user interaction with the system. A fast response time in obtaining and
providing information to the system may also prove to be a significant advantage. In addition to these
requirements, the system should also embrace the following requirements:
Security: Each user is required to log in. The system should log staff that has been assigned user names
and passwords. The system should be designed to make it impossible for anybody to logon without a
valid username and password. Data encryption should be employed to keep the user login name and
password secret.
Reliability: the accounting section of The NAHUCHE University College Zamfara would use the system.
Since this application is subject to process monetary matters, this should be reliable to the users of this
Ease of Use: The views and operations should be easy to use and intuitive. Documentation should be
Performance: The system should have a quick response time.
System and Browser compatibility Testing: The system should be accessible on the most of the
modern browsers.

System requirements: This system would be designed to run on a minimum hardware configuration like
500MHz x86 machines. Considering the vast hardware available nowadays, this would not pose any
Server Software:
Operating System: Linux, Windows 2000, or Windows XP
PHP version: PHP 5.0+
Web Server: Apache Web Server 2.0+
Database: MySQL 4.01+
Database Design

Database design involves the production of a model of the data to be stored in the database. A data
model is a diagram of the database design that documents and communicates how the database is
The design process is divided into three main stages conceptual, logical and physical database design.
The purpose of the conceptual database design is to decompose the design into more manageable tasks,
by examining user perspectives of the system. That is, local conceptual data models are created that are
a complete and accurate representation of the enterprise as seen by different users. Each local
conceptual data model is made up of entity types, relationship types, attributes and their domains,
primary keys and integrity constraints. For each user view identified a local conceptual data model would
be built. In building the conceptual data model, a data dictionary is built to identify the major entities in the
An entity relationship (ER) diagram is used to visualize the system and represent the users requirements.
The ER diagram is used to represent entities and how they relate to one another. The ER diagram also
shows the relationships between the entities, their occurrence (multiplicities) and attributes.

Conceptual Database Design

In this stage, a local conceptual data model is built. A local conceptual data model comprises of entity
types, relationship types, attributes and their domains, primary and foreign keys and integrity constraints.
The conceptual data model is supported by documentation such as a data dictionary.
Entities have an existence in their own right. Entity types are identified and their names and description
are recorded in a data dictionary.
An Entity-Relationship diagram is used to represent the relationship between entities. The multiplicity of
each relationship is included. This is because a model that includes multiplicity constraints gives a better
representation of the system. Relationship descriptions and the multiplicity constraints are recorded in the
data dictionary. Each model is validated to ensure it supported the required transactions.

Data Dictionary

Entity Name Attributes Description Size Nulls
pub_department_id Department ID Int 11 No
pub_department pub_department_name Department varch 64 No
Name ar
pub_employee_id Employee ID int 11 No
pub_designation_id Employee Name int 11 No
pub_employee_joining_date Joining Date Date No
pub_employee_termination_date Termination Date Date Yes
pub_employee_name Employee Name varch 64 No
pub_employee_department Employee varch 64 No
Department ar
pub_employee_deta pub_employee_address Employee Varch 256 No
ils Address ar
pub_employee_contact_no Contact No varch 64 No
pub_employee_email Email varch 64 No
pub_employee_provident_fund_pe Provident Fund int 11 No
pub_employee_starting_salary Starting Salary decim (10, No
al 0)
pub_designation_id Designation ID int 11 No
pub_designation pub_designation_name Designation varch 64 No
Name ar
pub_payhead_id Pay-head ID int 11 No
pub_payhead_name Pay-head Name varch 64 No
pub_payhead ar
pub_payhead_default_value Default Value decim (10, Yes
al 1)
pub_deduction_hea pub_deduction_head_id Deduction ID int 11 No

d pub_deduction_head_name Deduction Name varch 64 No
pub_deduction_head_default_valu Default Value decim (10, Yes
e al 0)
pub_advance_payment_id Advance Pay ID Int 11 No
pub_employee_id Employee ID Int 11 No
pub_advance_payment_date Advance Date No
Payment date
pub_advance_payment_amount Amount int 11 No
pub_overload_payment_id Overload Pay ID Int 11 No
pub_overload_paym pub_employee_id Employee ID Int 11 No
ent pub_overload_payment_date Pay Date Date No
pub_overload_payment_amount Payment Amount int 11 No
pub_increment_payment_id Increment ID Int 11 No
pub_employee_id Employee ID Int 11 No
pub_designation_id Designation ID Int 11 No
pub_employee_joining_date Employee Joining Date No
pub_increment_payment_date Increment Pay Date Yes
pub_increment_amount Increment int 11 No
pub_conveyance_allowance_id Convinced ID Int 11 No
pub_conveyance_all pub_designation_id Designation ID Int 11 No
owance pub_conveyance_allowance_amo Convinced int 11 No
pub_festival_allowance_id Festival ID Int 11 No
pub_festival_allowa pub_festival_allowance_date Allowance date Date No
nce pub_festival_allowance_perchanta Allowance int 11 No
ge Percentage
pub_paid_salary_id Salary ID Int 11 No
pub_employee_id Employee ID Int 11 No
pub_month_of_salary Month of Salary Date No
total_salary Total Salary Decim (11, No
al 0)
pub_salary_payment_date Salary Payment Date No

pub_salary_paid Salary Paid varch 64 No
Table 0.1 Data dictionary

Entity Name Cardinality Relationship Entity Name Cardinality

Department 1 Has Employees 1..*
Designation 1 Posed by Employees 0..*
Designation 1 Has 1
Employee 1 Has Salary Increment 0..*
Employee 1 Gets 0..*
Employee 1 Gets Regular Salary 1..*
Table 0.2 An extract from the data dictionary showing a description of the relationships
between the entities

From the above relationship we can draw the Data Flow diagram (DFD). A data flow diagram (DFD) is a
graphical representation of the flow of data through an information system, modeling its process aspects.
These are a preliminary step used to create an overview of the system which can later be elaborated. A
DFD shows what kinds of information will be input to and output from the system, where the data will
come from and go to, and where the data will be stored. DFD greatly helps us to develop the front end of
our system and to get clear sense of flow data from one entity to other.

Staff D1 Employee
Add New Employee Store Employee Info
Add Employee

Payroll Transaction
Store Basic Salary Info
Payroll Info

Additional Details

Additional Info
Add Additional Info
D2 Additional Info

Add Advance Info

Check For Valid Transaction
Request Advance
Employee Advance Info

Advance Check Additional Info

Calculate Salary info to Accounts
Salary Info For Office
Salary Pay

Pay Check Accounts Accounting Entries

Produce General
Pay to Emloyee
Employee Pay Accounting
Employee check Details D2 Additional Info

Figure 0-1 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Logical Database Design
The process of logical database design constructs a model of the information used in a system based on
a specific data model, such as the relational model, but independent of a particular DBMS and other
physical considerations. The logical database design consists of an Entity Relationship(ER) diagram, a
relational schema, and any supporting documentation for them. In the logical data model, all attributes of
entities are primitive.
Producing a logical data model involves normalization. The aim of normalization is to eliminate certain
undesirable characteristics from a database design. It removes data redundancy and thus prevents
update anomalies. Normalization helps increase the clarity of the data model.

Physical Database Design

Physical database design translates the logical data model into a set of SQL statements that define the
database for a particular database system. The target DBMS in our case is MySQL.
The following translations occur:
1. Entities become tables in MySQL.
2. Attributes become columns in the MySQL database.
3. Relationships between entities are modeled as foreign keys.

pub_department pub_overload_payment

PK pub_department_id PK pub_overload_payment_id

pub_department_name pub_overload_payment_date


PK pub_employee_id
pub_designation pub_advance_payment
PK pub_designation_id pub_designation_id PK pub_advance_payment_id
pub_designation_name pub_employee_termination_date pub_employee_id
FK1 pub_employee_id pub_employee_department_id pub_advance_payment_date
pub_employee_address pub_advance_payment_amount
FK1 pub_overload_payment_id
FK2 pub_advance_payment_id
FK3 pub_paid_salary_id
pub_conveyance_allowance pub_paid_salary
FK4 pub_increment_payment_id
PK pub_conveyance_allowance_id FK5 pub_provident_fund_history_id PK pub_paid_salary_id
FK6 pub_department_id
pub_conveyance_allowance_amount pub_employee_id
FK1 pub_designation_id pub_month_of_salary

pub_increment_payment pub_provident_fund_history

PK pub_increment_payment_id PK pub_provident_fund_history_id

pub_employee_id pub_employee_id
pub_increment_payment_date pub_provident_fund_deposit_date
pub_increment_payment_amount privident_fund_deposit_amount

pub_payhead pub_deduction_head pub_festival_allowance

PK pub_payhead_id PK pub_deduction_head_id PK pub_festival_allowance_id

pub_payhead_name pub_deduction_head_name pub_festival_allowance_date

pub_payhead_default_value pub_deduction_head_default_value pub_festival_allowance_perchantage

Figure 0-2Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Sequence Diagram for Employee

Use case System

System Flowchart payroll system


The objective of this research was to design and development a user friendly Payroll Management
System for NAHUCHE University College Zamfara.. This application is useful not for only The Peoples
Nahuche University College Zamfara, but can also use for any other institution who are keen to utilize
this kind of software. It can be operated very easily. There is no need to recruit extra-dedicated person or
equipment to handle this application. It provides very high-level user-friendly function with high level of
security. Though we already added maximum features to this application, we are willing to make the
application more flexible and professional.


The limitations of the application are as follows:

1. Till now there is no login system in our application.

2. We worked with only testing arbitrary data, so the application is not tested with large scale real
data which help to find bugs easily.
3. Reports are not generated in other application such as Excel, PDF etc.
4. No such encryption algorithms.
5. Different database connection procedure is complex. Here we used only MYSQL database.
6. In this application the coding structure is simple. We use only structured PHP and MYSQL.

Future Study

In future we will overcome current limitations implement the following issues:

a) We will develop the application in OOP (Object Oriented Programming) structure.

b) Applying the SSL (Secure Socket Level) for production server.

c) Implementing user management system according permission level.

d) Appling time and skill reducing techniques.

e) Generating report in other application like Excel, PDF etc.

f) Merging modules.


Applying more databases connections.(2016, October 5). Retrieved from Payroll Management Definition:

(2016, November 3). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

(2016, November 13). Retrieved from Lenny Zeltser Blog:

(2016, November 30). Retrieved from PHP Official Website:

(2016, November 15). Retrieved from Orange Technolab Website:

(2016, September 18). Retrieved from Makerere University Research Repository:

(2016, November 1). Retrieved from W3Schools Online Web Tutorials:

(2016, October 5). Retrieved from Payroll Management Definition:

(2016, November 3). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

(2016, November 13). Retrieved from Lenny Zeltser Blog:

(2016, November 30). Retrieved from PHP Official Website:

(2016, November 15). Retrieved from Orange Technolab Website:

(2016, September 18). Retrieved from Makerere University Research Repository:

(2016, November 1). Retrieved from W3Schools Online Web Tutorials:



Instructions: Answer as specified by the format. Put NA for non-application situation.

1. What are your expectations out of the new system (computerized)? Rate the following on a scale of
1-4 giving allow value for low priority.
(a) Better cataloguing
(b) Better managing of users
(c) Better account and patients management
(d) Computer awareness
(e) Any other________________

2. How many users are you expecting?


3. How many Employee are there ?


4. How do you want the Employee to be categorized for searching (like by id no., by name)?

5. Is there any difference in the roles (privileges) of two or more Employee?

Yes/No Please specify if yes


6. Do you want facility of generating the pay slip?


7. Do you have data of Employee entered into some kind of database?


8. How do you want users to be categorized?



9. Would you like online registration for users rather than the printed form?

10. Do you already have some existing categorization of Employee on the basis as specified in question
4 above?

11. Any other specific suggestion/expectation out of the proposed system.


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