Cplusplus System

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With Candor and Pleasure I take opportunity to

express my sincere thanks and obligation to my
esteemed guide . It is because of his able and
mature guidance and co-operation without which
it would not have been possible for me to
complete my project.

It is my pleasant duty to thank all the staff

member of the computer center who never
hesitated me from time during the project.

Finally, I gratefully acknowledge the support,

encouragement & patience of my family, And as
always, nothing in my life would be possible
without God, Thank You!

1. Preface

2. System Study
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Feasibility Study
2.3. System Overview

3. System Analysis
3.1. Importance of Computerized
3.2. About the Project
3.3. Functional Requirements

4. System Design
4.1. System Development Cycle
4.2. Context Level DFD
4.3. DFD for Car Renting System
4.4. Search Process

5. Data Dictionary
5.1. Physical Design
5.2. Source Code

6. Testing
6.1. Testing Phases
6.2. Verification & Validation
6.3. Reports

7. System Implementation

8. Post Implementation Maintenance and Review

9. Users Manual
9.1. Operational instruction for the User
9.2. Introduction to various operations

10. Bibliography


This is a Project work undertaken in context of partial fulfillment of the BIT.
Since PAYROLL is associated with the lives of common people and their
day to day routines so I decided to work on this project. The manual
handling of the record is time consuming and highly prone to error. The
user can inputs codes of
Employee he wants to see Pay Slip. The activities like see Employee Record
, add Record, modify records, delete Record and finally receiving Pay Slip
can be performed easily. .

I found two main key-points to design and programmed my project using

TURBO C++ and its FILES facility as database storage. First, Because
TURBO C++ compiler has the ability to debug the project at run time and
gives appropriate error messages if it found in the project at run time. Its
help is too enough to learn and study any function of a particular header file
using the keyboard Keys (Ctrl + F1) to keep the cursor on that particular
function. Second.
I have tried my best to make the complicated process of PAYROLL
MANAGEMENT System as simple as possible using Structured & Modular
technique & Menu oriented interface. I have tried to design the software in
such a way that user may not have any difficulty in using this package &
further expansion is possible without much effort. Even though I cannot
claim that this work to be entirely exhaustive, the main purpose of my
exercise is perform each PayRolls activity in computerized way rather than
manually which is time consuming.

I am confident that this software package can be readily used by non-

programming personal avoiding human handled chance of error.

1.2 NEED:
I have designed the given proposed system in the C++ to automate the
process of Payroll system.
The complete set of rules & procedures related to PayRoll and generating
report is called PAYROLL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. My project gives
a brief idea regarding automated Payroll activities.

The following steps that gives the detailed information of the need of
proposed system are:

Performance: During past several decades, the Payroll is supposed to

maintain manual handling of all the Payroll activities. The manual handling
of the record is time consuming and highly prone to error. To improve the
performance of the payroll system, the computerized payroll system is to be
undertaken. The computerized project is fully computerized and user
friendly even that any of the members can see the report and status of the

Efficiency: The basic need of the project is accuracy and efficiency . The
project should be efficient so that whenever a Employee is added,add his
Record , delete his record, display and generate his payslip.

Control: The complete control of the project is under the hands of

authorized person who has the password to access this project and illegal
access is not supposed to deal with. All the control is under the administrator
and the other members have the rights to just see the records not to change
any transaction or entry.

Security: Security is the main criteria for the proposed system. Since
illegal access may corrupt the database. So security has to be given in this

Software: Software includes the platform where the Payroll project is

being prepared. I have done my project using DOS based Compiler
TURBO C++ platform and the database is the FILE HANDLING
MECHANISM OF TURBO C++. But it is not necessary that we have to
first install Turbo C++ to run this project.

During the past several decades personnel function has been
transformed from a relatively obscure record keeping staff to
central and top level management function. There are many factors
that have influenced this transformation like technological
advances, professionalism, and general recognition of human
beings as most important resources.

A computer based management system is designed to handle all

the primary information required to calculate monthly statements
of Employees Record which include monthly statement of any
month. Separate database is maintained to handle all the details
required for the correct statement calculation and generation.

This project intends to introduce more user friendliness in the

various activities such as record updation, maintenance, and
searching. The searching of record has been made quite simple as
all the details of the Employee can be obtained by simply keying in
the identification of that Employee. Similarly, record maintenance
and updation can also be accomplished by using the identification
of Employee with all the details being automatically generated.
These details are also being promptly automatically updated in the
master file thus keeping the record absolutely up-to-date.

The entire information has maintained in the database or Files and

whoever wants to retrieve cant retrieve, only authorization user
can retrieve the necessary information which can be easily be
accessible from the file.

The main objective of the entire activity is to automate the process

of day to day activities of pay.
The feasibility study proposes one or more conceptual solution to the
problem set of the project. In fact, it is an evaluation of whether it is
worthwhile to proceed with project or not.

Feasibility analysis usually considers a number of project alternatives, one

that is chosen as the most satisfactory solution. These alternatives also need
to be evaluated in a broad way without committing too many resources.
Various steps involved in feasibility analysis are:

1. To propose a set of solution that can realize the project goal. These
solutions are usually descriptions of what the new system should look

2. Evaluation of feasibility of such solutions. Such evaluation often

indicates shortcomings in the initial goals. This step is repeated as the
goals are adjusted and the alternative solutions are evaluated.

Four primary areas of interest in feasibility study are:

Economic Feasibility: An evaluation of development cost weighed

against the ultimate income of benefit derived from the development system
of product. In economic feasibility, cost benefit analysis is done in which
expected cost and benefits are evaluated.


Developing an IT application is an investment. Since after developing
that application it provides the organization with profits. Profits can
be monetary or in the form of an improved working environment.
However, it carries risks, because in some cases an estimate can be
wrong. And the project might not actually turn out to be beneficial.

Cost benefit analysis helps to give management a picture of the cost,

benefits and risks. It usually involves comparing alternate
Cost benefit determines the benefits and savings that are expected
from the system and compares them with the expected costs.

In performing cost and benefit analysis it is important to identify cost

and benefits factors. Cost and benefits can be categorized into the
following categories:

1. Development Costs Development costs is the costs that are

incurred during the development of the system. It is one time investment.
2. Operating Costs Operating Costs are the expenses required for the day
to day running of the system. Examples of Operating Costs are Wages,
Supplies and Overheads.
3. Hardware/Software Costs It includes the cost of purchasing
or leasing of computers and its peripherals. Software costs involves
required S/W costs.
4. Personnel Costs It is the money spent on the people involved in
the development of the system.
5. Facility Costs Expenses that are incurred during the preparation of
the physical site where the system will be operational. These can be
wiring, flooring, acoustics, lightning, and air-conditioning.
6. Supply Costs These are variable costs that are very
proportionately with the amount of use of paper, ribbons, disks, and the


We can define benefits as

Profit or Benefit = Income Costs

Benefits can be accrued by:

Increasing income, or
Decreasing costs, or
Technical Feasibility:
Technical Feasibility includes existing and new H/W and S/W requirements
that are required to operate the project on the platform Turbo C++. The basic
S/W requirement is TURBO C++ in which the front end of the hospital
management project has been done. The basic entry forms are developed in
TURBO C++ and the data is stored in the FILES.

Operational Feasibility:
Operational feasibility is mainly concerned with issues like whether the
system will be used if it is developed and implemented. Whether there will
be resistance from users that will effect the possible application benefits?
The essential questions that help in testing the technical feasibility of a
system are following:

Does management support the project?

Are the users not happy with current business practices? Will it reduce
the time considerably? If yes, then they will welcome the change and the
new system.
Have the users involved in the planning and development of the project?
Early involvement reduced the probability of resistance towards the new
Will the proposed system really benefit the organization? Does the
overall response increase? Will accessibility of information be lost? Will
the system effect the customers in considerable way?

Legal Feasibility:

A determination of any infringement, violation, or liability that could result

from development of the system. Legal feasibility tells that the software
used in the project should be original purchased from the legal authorities
and they have the license to use it or the software are pirated.


An evaluation of alternative approaches to the development of system or

Cost and Benefit Analysis of Payroll Management System


Cost Cost per unit Quantity Cost

Turbo C++ 3,000 1 3,000
Windows NT Server 30,000 1 30,000
Windows 98 15,000 1 15,000
Hardware 4,000 2 8,000
Central Computer 100,000 1 1,00,000
Client Machine 50,000 4 2,00,000
Analyst 50,000 1 50,000
Developer 20,000 2 40,000
Training 20,000 1 20,000
Data Entry 5,0000 1 5,000
Warranty (1 month)
Professional 20,000 1 20,000
TOTAL COST 4,91,000

According to the Payroll System, Rs. 250 pay for a day of a single
employee .

Expected increase in the number of Employee: 40 per month and number of

customer for local is: 150 per day.
Let the amount collected from operations in a month: 250,000 for a month.

Amount collected from the Employee when he returns car this year
=12*(40 * (250 + 450) + 150 * 30 * 30 + 250000)
=Rs. 49,56,000

For three years = 3 * 4956,000

= Rs. 1,48,68,000

Now using Net Present Value Method for cost benefit analysis we have,
Net Present Value (origin) = Benefits Costs
=Rs. 14377000

gain % = Net Present Value / Investment

Overall gain = 2928% in five year

For each year

1st year:
Investment = 491,000
Benefit = 49,56,000

Net Present Value for first year = 4956000-491000

=909.36% in first year

2nd year:
Investment = 491,000
Benefit = 10412,000

Net Present Value for first year = 10412000-491000

=2020.57% at the end of second year

3rd year:
Investment = 491,000
Benefit = 15859000

Net Present Value for first year = 15859000-491000

=3129.93% at the end of third year

From cost and benefit analysis we have found that the project is
economically feasible since it is showing great gains (approx. above
After economic feasibility, technical feasibility is done. In this, major issue
is to see if the system is developed what is the likelihood that itll be
implemented and put to operation? Will there be any resistance from its

It is clear that the new automated system will work more efficiently and
faster. So the users will certainly accept it. Also they are being actively
involved in the development of the new system. So our system is
operationally feasible.

After the feasibility study has been done and it is found to be feasible, the
management has approved this project.


The functioning of the system is to be understood by the system analyst to
design the proposed system. Various methods are used for this and these are
known as fact-finding techniques. The analyst needs to fully understand the
current system.

The analyst needs data about the requirements and demands of the project
undertaken and the techniques employed to gather this data are known as
fact-finding techniques. Various kinds of techniques and the most popular
among them are interviews, questionnaires, record views, case tools and also
the personal observations made by the analyst himself.


Interview is a very important data gathering technique as in this the

analyst directly contacts system and the potential user of the
proposed system.

One very essential aspect of conducting the interview is that the interviewer
should first establish a rapport with the interviewee. It should also be taken
into account that the interviewee may or may not be a technician and the
analyst should prefer to use day to day language instead of jargon and
technical terms.

The advantage of the interview is that the analyst has a free hand and the he
can extract almost all the information from the concerned people but then as
it is a very time consuming method, he should also employ other means such
as questionnaires, record reviews, etc. This may also help the analyst to
verify and validate the information gained. Interviewing should be
approached, as logically and from a general point of view the following
guides can be very beneficial for a successful interview:
1. Set the stage for the interview.
2. Establish rapport; put the interview at ease.
3. Phrase questions clearly and succinctly.
4. Be a good listener; a void arguments.
5. Evaluate the outcome of the interview.

The interviews are of the two types namely structured and unstructured.
I . Structured Interview
Structured interviews are those where the interviewee is asked a standard set
of questions in a particular order. All interviews are asked the same set of
questions. The questions are further divided into two kinds of formats for
conducting this type if interview.

II. Unstructured Interview

answer format. This is of a much more flexible nature than the structured
and The unstructured interviews are undertaken in a question-and-can be
very rightly used to gather general in formation about the system.

Questionnaires are another way of information gathering where the potential
users of the system are given questionnaires to be filled up and returned to
the analyst.

Questionnaires are useful when the analyst need to gather information from
a large number of people. It is not possible to interview each individual.
Also if the time is very short, in that case also questionnaires are useful. If
the analyst guarantees the anonymity of the respondent then the respondent
answers the questionnaires very honestly and critically.

The analyst should sensibly design and frame questionnaires with clarity of
its objective so as to do just to the cost incurred on their development and

Record Reviews
Records and reports are the collection of information and data accumulated
over the time by the users about the system and its operations. This can also
put light on the requirements of the system and the modifications it has
undergone. Records and reports may have a limitation if they are not up-to-
date or if some essential links are missing. All the changes, which the system
suffers, may not be recorded. The analyst may scrutinize the records either at
the beginning of his study which may give him a fair introduction about the
system and will make him familiar with it or in the end which will provide
the analyst with a comparison between what exactly is/was desired from the
system and its current working.

On-Site Observation
On-site observations are one of the most effectively tools with the analyst
where the analyst personally goes to the site and discovers the functioning of
the system. As a observer, the analyst can gain first hand knowledge of the
activities, operations, processes of the system on-site, hence here the role of
an analyst is of an information seeker. This information is very meaningful
as it is unbiased and has been directly taken by the analyst. This exposure
also sheds some light on the actual happenings of the system as compared
to what has already been documented, thus the analyst gets closer
to system. This technique is also time-consuming and the analyst
should not jump to conclusions or draw inferences from small samples of
observation rather the analyst should be more.


Analyst: Hi, I have come to talk to you regarding the functioning
of your payroll project.
Administrator: hello, do come in. I was expecting you.

Analyst: Ill come straight to the point. Dont hesitate, you can be
as much open you want. There are no restrictions.
Administrator: Ill give you my whole contribution.

Analyst: Tell me are you excited about the idea of having an

automated system for your Payroll system?
Administrator: Yes, I do. Very much. After all its gonna reduce our
loads of work.

Analyst: Will you elaborate on it?

Administrator: Major problem is managing the record of the Employee
, Display the record, Delete the record . At the time of
payroll, it becomes more difficult to handle the report of

Analyst: What do you think be ideal solution to this?

Administrator: All the information of Employee should be put into
computer. Itll be easy for us to check how many record
are avilable or not available of employee.

Analyst: Could you explain how?

Administrator: Look whenever a new Employee is come he/she is
allotted a any Id or Code and the is reserved for the till
the employee gets leave his job.

Analyst: Do you have different Employee categories?

Administrator: yes we have categorization for Employee .

Analyst: How do you categorize your Employee?

Administrator: By ID no. and by name both.

Analyst: Do you have any other expectations or suggestion for the

new system?
Administrator: It should be able to produce reports faster.

Analyst: Reports? I completely forgot about them. What reports

you people produce presently?
Administrator: Well first is for Employee record another for Employees
list .

Analyst: Do you have some format for them?

Administrator: Yes we do have and we want that the same format be
used by the new system.

Analyst: Yes well take care of that. Any other suggestions?

Administrator: No. You have already covered all the fields.

Analyst: Thanks for your co-operation. It was nice talking to you.

Administrator: My pleasure. Bye.
Instructions: Answer as specified by the format. Put NA for non-application

1. What are your expectations out of the new system (computerized)? Rate
the following on a scale of 1-4 giving allow value for low priority.
(a) better cataloguing
(b) better managing of users
(c) better account and patients management
(d) computer awareness
(e) any other________________

2. How many users are you expecting?


3. How many Employee are there ?


4. How you want the Employee to be categorized for searching (like by id

no., by name)?

5. Is there any difference in the roles (privileges) of two or more Employee?

Yes/No Please specify if Yes

6. Do you want facility of generating the payslip?


7. Do you have data of Employee entered into some kind of database?


8. How do you want users to be categorized?

9. Would you like online registration for users rather than the printed form?

10. Do you already have some existing categorization of Employee on the

basis as specified in question 4 above?

11. Any other specific suggestion/expectation out of the proposed system.

The limited time and resources have restricted us to incorporate, in this
project, only a main activities that are performed in a PAYROLL
MANAGEMENT System, but utmost care has been taken to make the
system efficient and user friendly. PAYROLL MANAGEMENT System
has been designed to computerized the following functions that are
performed by the system:

1. EMPLOYEES Detail Functions

a) Adding a New RECORD

b) Modification to RECORD assigned

a) Admission of New EMPLOYEE .

b) Deleting of EMPLOYEE record.

2. Report/Details Functions

a) Statement of Pay Details

a.1) DA
a.2) HR
b) Total number of EMPLOYEE.
c) Individual EMPLOYEE Report .
There are several attributes in which the computer based information
works. Broadly the working of computer system is divided into two main

Transaction System
Decision Support System

Transaction System:
A transaction is a record of some well-defined single and usually small
occurrence in a system. Transactions are input into the computer to
update the database files. It checks the entering data for its accuracy. This
means that numeric data appears in numeric field and character data in
character field. Once all the checks are made, transaction is used to
update the database. Transaction can be inputted in on-line mode or batch
mode. In on-line mode, transactions are entered and updated into the
database almost instantaneously. In batch mode, transactions are
collected into batches, which may be held for a while and inputted later.

Decision Support System:

It assists the user to make analytical decision. It shows the various data in
organized way called analysis. This analysis can be made to syrdy
preferences and help in making decisions.
Computer system works out best with record maintenance. It will tell you
which EMPLOYEE would get how much pending/reports statements. It
will also help to search the information about a particular person by
simply entering his telephone number.

User can store information as per requirement, which can be used for
comparison with other reports.
The basic objective of PAYROLL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is to
generalize and simplify the monthly or day to day activities of Payroll like
Admission of New employee, payroll, payslip Assigning related to particular
employee, Reports of Number of Employee and delete the employee record
etc. which has to be performed repeatedly on regular basis. To provide
efficient, fast, reliable and user-friendly system is the basic motto behind this

Let us now discuss how different functions handle the structure and data

1. Function ADD RECORD ( )

This is the function used to open a new record for a employee so that
he/she can assign a separate Record. In that screen, the automatic
EMPLOYEE number . After opening a new record for the employee,
finally a CODE is assigned to a EMPLOYEE .

This function is used for employee in our company after entering his
all personal details like Name, Address, Phone, Sex including date of
joining , he have his own convence or
Not and his salary.

2. Function EDIT( )

This function is used to delete the employee details from database.

When the user inputs his code number, the same account number will
be checked in the database, if the code number is matched in the
database, then the employee record will be deleted from the database
and transferred the record of the deleted employee to another table of
database so that the Payroll Management has the record of deleted
employee to fulfill his legal liabilities.


When any employee required his payslip, his/her bill is generated

automatically by calculated salary, DA ,HRA etc. It also give its
code and date of joining.

4. Function DISPLAY_RECORD()

This function is used to display all the transaction including the

Employee name, address, phone, code number to him/her in the
screen. This is a global report to display all the transaction records in
the screen.
Standard C and Pre-Standard C

1989 Standard C is widespread enough now that it is ok to use its features in

new programs. There is one exception: do not ever use the "trigraph" feature
of Standard C.

1999 Standard C is not widespread yet, so please do not require its features
in programs. It is ok to use its features if they are present. However, it is
easy to support pre-standard compilers in most programs, so if you know
how to do that, feel free. If a program you are maintaining has such support,
you should try to keep it working.

To support pre-standard C, instead of writing function definitions in standard

prototype form,

foo (int x, int y)

Write the definition in pre-standard style like this,

foo (x, y)
int x, y;

and use a separate declaration to specify the argument prototype:

int foo (int, int);

You need such a declaration anyway, in a header file, to get the benefit of
prototypes in all the files where the function is called. And once you have
the declaration, you normally lose nothing by writing the function definition
in the pre-standard style.
This technique does not work for integer types narrower than int. If you
think of an argument as being of a type narrower than int, declare it as
int instead.

There are a few special cases where this technique is hard to use. For
example, if a function argument needs to hold the system type dev_t, you
run into trouble, because dev_t is shorter than int on some machines; but
you cannot use int instead, because dev_t is wider than int on some
machines. There is no type you can safely use on all machines in a non-
standard definition. The only way to support non-standard C and pass such
an argument is to check the width of dev_t using Autoconf and choose the
argument type accordingly. This may not be worth the trouble.

In order to support pre-standard compilers that do not recognize prototypes,

you may want to use a preprocessor macro like this:

/* Declare the prototype for a general external

function. */
#if defined (__STDC__) || defined (WINDOWSNT)
#define P_(proto) proto
#define P_(proto) ()

Conditional Compilation

When supporting configuration options already known when building your

program we prefer using if (... ) over conditional compilation, as in
the former case the compiler is able to perform more extensive checking of
all possible code paths.
For example, please write

if (HAS_FOO)
instead of:

#ifdef HAS_FOO

A modern compiler such as GCC will generate exactly the same code in both
cases, and we have been using similar techniques with good success in
several projects.

While this is not a silver bullet solving all portability problems, following
this policy would have saved the GCC project alone many people hours if
not days per year.

In the case of function-like macros like REVERSIBLE_CC_MODE in GCC

which cannot be simply used in if( ...) statements, there is an easy
workaround. Simply introduce another macro
HAS_REVERSIBLE_CC_MODE as in the following example:


Formatting Error Messages

Error messages from compilers should look like this:

Source-file-name:lineno: message

If you want to mention the column number, use one of these formats:

Source-file-name:lineno:column: message
Source-file-name:lineno.column: message
Line numbers should start from 1 at the beginning of the file, and column
numbers should start from 1 at the beginning of the line. (Both of these
conventions are chosen for compatibility.) Calculate column numbers
assuming that space and all ASCII printing characters have equal width and
assuming tab stops every 8 columns.

In an interactive program (one that is reading commands from a terminal), it

is better not to include the program name in an error message. The place to
indicate which program is running is in the prompt or with the screen layout.
(When the same program runs with input from a source other than a
terminal, it is not interactive and would do best to print error messages using
the non-interactive style.)

The string message should not begin with a capital letter when it follows a
program name and/or file name. Also, it should not end with a period.
Error messages from interactive programs, and other messages such as usage
messages, should start with a capital letter. But they should not end with a
The platform is the hardware and software combination that the
Client/Server runs on. While hardware systems vary widely in features and
capabilities, certain common features are needed for the operating system

Hardware is a set of physical components, which performs the functions of
applying appropriate, predefined instructions. In other words, one can say
that electronic and mechanical parts of computer constitute hardware.

This package is designed on a powerful programming language Visual

Basic. It is a powerful Graphical User Interface. The backend is ORACLE,
which is used to maintain database. It can run on almost all the popular
microcomputers. The following are the minimum hardware specifications to
run this package: -

Processors and memory

The best system to start with is one based on Pentium II with a minimum 32
MB of RAM. Adequate performance requires at least 64 MB of RAM. But
for a database server at least 64 to 128 MB of RAM is required.

Video displays
Earlier, the IBM-compatible computers had a simple text-only monochrome
for the video display. Now, they use the advanced high-resolution color
displays. For Client/Server systems one should have VGA or better video
In the following table TLA stands for the various types of adapters that can
be used with IBM compatible PCs and the standard resolution for each one
of them.


Monochrome Display MDA Text only (80 characters by 25
Adapter lines)
Color Graphics Adapter CGA 640 200
Enhanced Graphics EGA 640 350
Video Graphics Array VGA 640 480
Super VGA SVGA 800 600 or 1024 768

Disk Drives
Each client computer must have enough disk space available to store the
client portion of the software and any data files that needs to be stored

It is best to provide a local disk drive for each client computer. However
Client/Server applications can use the diskless workstations for which the
only disk access is the disk storage located on a network file server. The
hard disk drive at database server should be at least of the capacity 4.1 GB.
But it is recommended to have one of capacity 8.2 GB.

A mouse is a must for the client software running under Windows
OS or any other graphical environment.

Each client must have a 104 keys extended keyboard.
The software is a set of procedures of coded information or a program which
when fed into the computer hardware, enables the computer to perform the
various tasks. Software is like a current inside the wire, which cannot be
seen but its effect can be felt.

Application software : TURBO C++ [Dos Based]

User Revised Requirement
Requirement Specification

Requirement Initial
Determination Feasibil
Decision to Investigation
Design Information s

Test Plan Study

Logical System Design Functional Spec.

System tion
Design Analysis

System Configuration
Schedule Budget

System Hardware
Evaluation Study

System Modification Improved System





1 Generating

1.1 Display


1.2 Get
Update Table Details

Employee Document

1.3 Open
new code

1 Assigning a
EMPLOYEE newcode

1.1 Display


Update Table 1.2 Get


employee Details

1.4 generate

Read the
USER code

Scan Record

Show the
Details of FILE


Details of

1 Scan the

1.1 Display

Update Table

Emploiyee Details

1.2 Get

Scan Record

1 2 Select 3 Copy
EMPLOYEE Read the Record Selected
code from Record
number Database


6 Copy
Selected 4
Record Compute


5 Select

7 Generate
Total List
Final Output
To Screen/Printer



Scan bed No
MANAGEE Read bed
MENT number

2 Check for

Processing 4





Scan All Record

Read the
2 Select
EMENT Request from File


3 Copy

7 Copy
Selected 4
Record Compute


8 Generate
Total List
Final Output

To Screen/Printer

System Design
The design document that we will develop during this phase is the blueprint
of the software. It describes how the solution to the customer problem is to
be built. Since solution to complex problems isnt usually found in the first
try, iterations are most likely required. This is true for software design as
well. For this reason, any design strategy, design method, or design
language must be flexible and must easily accommodate changes due to
iterations in the design . Any technique or design needs to support and guide
the partitioning process in such a way that the resulting sub-problems are as
independent as possible from each other and can be combined easily for the
solution to the overall problem. Sub-problem independence and easy
combination of their solutions reduces the complexity of the problem. This
is the objective of the partitioning process. Partitioning or decomposition
during design involves three types of decisions: -
Define the boundaries along which to break;
Determine into how money pieces to break; and
Identify the proper level of detail when design should stop and
implementation should start.
Basic design principles that enable the software engineer to navigate the
design process suggest a set of principles for software design, which have
been adapted and extended in the following list:
Free from the suffer from "tunnel vision." A good designer should consider
alternative approaches, judging each based on the requirements of the
problem, the resources available to do the job.
The design should be traceable to the analysis model. Because a single
element of the design model often traces to multiple requirements, it is
necessary to have a means for tracking how requirements have been satisfied
by the design model.
The design should not repeat the same thing. Systems are constructed using
a set of design patterns, many of which have likely been encountered before.
These patterns should always be chosen as an alternative to reinvention.
Time is short and resources are limited! Design time should be invested in
representing truly new ideas and integrating those patterns that already exist.
The design should "minimize the intellectual distance" between the software
and the problem as it exists in the real world. That is, the structure of the
software design should (whenever possible) mimic the structure of the
problem domain.
The design should exhibit uniformity and integration. A design is uniform if
it appears that one person developed the entire thing. Rules of style and
format should be defined for a design team before design work begins. A
design is integrated if care is taken in defining interfaces between design
The design activity begins when the requirements document for the software
to be developed is available. This may be the SRS for the complete system,
as is the case if the waterfall model is being followed or the requirements for
the next "iteration" if the iterative enhancement is being followed or the
requirements for the prototype if the prototyping is being followed. While
the requirements specification activity is entirely in the problem domain,
design is the first step in moving from the problem domain toward the
solution domain. Design is essentially the bridge between requirements
specification and the final solution for satisfying the requirements.
The design of a system is essentially a blueprint or a plan for a solution for
the system. We consider a system to be a set of components with clearly
defined behavior that interacts with each other in a fixed defined manner to
produce some behavior or services for its environment. A component of a
system can be considered a system, with its own components. In a software
system, a component is a software module.
The design process for software systems, often, has two levels. At the first
level, the focus is on deciding which modules are needed for the system, the
specifications of these modules, and how the modules should be
interconnected. This is what is called the system design or top-level design.
In the second level, the internal design of the modules, or how the
specifications of the module can be satisfied, is decided. This design level is
often called detailed design or logic design. Detailed design essentially
expands the system design to contain a more detailed description of the
processing logic and data structures so that the design is sufficiently
complete for coding.
Because the detailed design is an extension of system design, the system
design controls the major structural characteristics of the system. The system
design has a major impact on the testability and modifiability of a system,
and it impacts its efficiency. Much of the design effort for designing
software is spent creating the system design.
The input to the design phase is the specifications for the system to be
designed. Hence, a reasonable entry criteria can be that the specifications are
stable and have been approved, hoping that the approval mechanism will
ensure that the specifications are complete, consistent, unambiguous, etc.
The output of the top-level design phase is the architectural design or the
system design for the software system to be built. This can be produced with
or without using a design methodology. A reasonable exit criteria for the
phase could be that the design has been verified against the input
specifications and has been evaluated and approved for quality.
A design can be object-oriented or function-oriented. In function-oriented
design, the design consists of module definitions, with each module
supporting a functional abstraction. In object-oriented design, the modules in
the design represent data abstraction (these abstractions are discussed in
more detail later). In the function-oriented methods for design and describe
one particular methodology the structured design methodology in some
detail. In a function- oriented design approach, a system is viewed as a
transformation function, transforming the inputs to the desired outputs. The
purpose of the design phase is to specify the components for this
transformation function, so that each component is also a transformation
function. Hence, the basic output of the system design phase, when a
function oriented design approach is being followed, is the definition of all
the major data structures in the system, all the major modules of the system,
and how the modules interact with each other.
Once the designer is satisfied with the design he has produced, the
design is to be precisely specified in the form of a document. To specify the
design, specification languages are used. Producing the design specification
is the ultimate objective of the design phase. The purpose of this design
document is quite different from that of the design notation. Whereas a
design represented using the design notation is largely to be used by the
designer, a design specification has to be so precise and complete that it can
be used as a basis of further development by other programmers. Generally,
design specification uses textual structures, with design notation helping in
Scheduling of a software project does not differ greatly from scheduling of
any multi- task engineering effort. Therefore, generalized project scheduling
tools and techniques can be applied with little modification to software
Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) and critical path method
(CPM) are two project scheduling methods that can be applied to software
development. Both techniques are driven by information already developed
in earlier project planning activities.

Estimates of Effort
A decomposition of the product function
The selection of the appropriate process model and task set
Decomposition of tasks
Interdependencies among tasks may be defined using a task network. Tasks,
sometimes called the project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) are defined
for the product as a whole or for individual functions.
Both PERT and CPM provide quantitative tools that allow the software
planner to (1) determine the critical path-the chain of tasks that determines
the duration of the project; (2) establish "most likely" time estimates for
individual tasks by applying statistical models; and (3) calculate "boundary
times" that define a time window" for a particular task.
Boundary time calculations can be very useful in software project
scheduling. Slippage in the design of one function, for example, can retard
further development of other functions. It describes important boundary
times that may be discerned from a PERT or CPM network: (I) the earliest
time that a task can begin when preceding tasks are completed in the shortest
possible time, (2) the latest time for task initiation before the minimum
project completion time is delayed, (3) the earliest finish-the sum of the
earliest start and the task duration, (4) the latest finish- the latest start time
added to task duration, and (5) the total float-the amount of surplus time or
leeway allowed in scheduling tasks so that the network critical path
maintained on schedule. Boundary time calculations lead to a determination
of critical path and provide the manager with a quantitative method for
evaluating progress as tasks are completed.
Both PERT and CPM have been implemented in a wide variety of
automated tools that are available for the personal computer. Such tools are
easy to use and take the scheduling methods described previously available
to every software project manager.


#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <dos.h>


class LINES
public :
void LINE_HOR(int, int, int, char) ;
void LINE_VER(int, int, int, char) ;
void BOX(int,int,int,int,char) ;
void CLEARUP(void) ;
void CLEARDOWN(void) ;
} ;

class MENU
public :
void MAIN_MENU(void) ;
private :
void EDIT_MENU(void) ;
void INTRODUCTION(void) ;
} ;


public :
void NEW_EMPLOYEE(void) ;
void MODIFICATION(void) ;
void DELETION(void) ;
void DISPLAY(void) ;
void LIST(void) ;
void SALARY_SLIP(void) ;
private :
void ADD_RECORD(int, char[], char[],
char[], int, int, int, char[], char, char, char,
float, float) ;
void MODIFY_RECORD(int, char [], char
[], char [], char [], char, char, char, float,
float) ;
void DELETE_RECORD(int) ;
int LASTCODE(void) ;
int CODEFOUND(int) ;
int RECORDNO(int) ;
int FOUND_CODE(int) ;
void DISPLAY_RECORD(int) ;
int VALID_DATE(int, int, int) ;

int code, dd, mm, yy ;

char name[26], address[31],
phone[10], desig[16] ;
char grade, house, convense ;
float loan, basic ;
} ;


void MENU :: MAIN_MENU(void)

char ch ;
while (1)
clrscr() ;
L.BOX(28,7,51,9,218) ;
L.BOX(10,5,71,21,218) ;
L.BOX(11,6,70,20,219) ;
gotoxy(31,8) ;
cout <<"RAJ SONS PVT. LTD." ;
gotoxy(30,11) ;
cout <<"1: NEW EMPLOYEE" ;
gotoxy(30,12) ;
cout <<"2: DISPLAY EMPLOYEE" ;
gotoxy(30,13) ;
cout <<"3: LIST OF EMPLOYEES" ;
gotoxy(30,14) ;
cout <<"4: SALARY SLIP" ;
gotoxy(30,15) ;
cout <<"5: EDIT" ;
gotoxy(30,16) ;
cout <<"0: QUIT" ;
gotoxy(30,18) ;
cout <<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE :" ;
ch = getch() ;
if (ch == 27 || ch == '0')
break ;
if (ch == '1')
if (ch == '2')
if (ch == '3')
E.LIST() ;
if (ch == '4')
if (ch == '5')


void MENU :: EDIT_MENU(void)

char ch ;
while (1)
clrscr() ;
L.BOX(28,8,49,10,218) ;
L.BOX(10,5,71,21,218) ;
L.BOX(11,6,70,20,219) ;
gotoxy(31,9) ;
cout <<"E D I T M E N U" ;
gotoxy(30,13) ;
cout <<"1: DELETE RECORD" ;
gotoxy(30,14) ;
cout <<"2: MODIFY RECORD" ;
gotoxy(30,15) ;
cout <<"0: EXIT" ;
gotoxy(30,17) ;
cout <<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE :" ;
ch = getch() ;
if (ch == 27 || ch == '0')
break ;
if (ch == '1')
if (ch == '2')


void LINES :: LINE_HOR(int column1, int column2,

int row, char c)
for ( column1; column1<=column2; column1++ )
gotoxy(column1,row) ;
cout <<c ;


void LINES :: LINE_VER(int row1, int row2, int

column, char c)
for ( row1; row1<=row2; row1++ )
gotoxy(column,row1) ;
cout <<c ;


void LINES :: BOX(int column1, int row1, int

column2, int row2, char c)
char ch=218 ;
char c1, c2, c3, c4 ;
char l1=196, l2=179 ;
if (c == ch)
c1=218 ;
c2=191 ;
c3=192 ;
c4=217 ;
l1 = 196 ;
l2 = 179 ;
c1=c ;
c2=c ;
c3=c ;
c4=c ;
l1 = c ;
l2 = c ;
gotoxy(column1,row1) ;
cout <<c1 ;
gotoxy(column2,row1) ;
cout <<c2 ;
gotoxy(column1,row2) ;
cout <<c3 ;
gotoxy(column2,row2) ;
cout <<c4 ;
column1++ ;
column2-- ;
LINE_HOR(column1,column2,row1,l1) ;
LINE_HOR(column1,column2,row2,l1) ;
column1-- ;
column2++ ;
row1++ ;
row2-- ;
LINE_VER(row1,row2,column1,l2) ;
LINE_VER(row1,row2,column2,l2) ;


void LINES :: CLEARUP(void)

for (int i=25; i>=1; i--)
delay(20) ;
gotoxy(1,i) ; clreol() ;

void LINES :: CLEARDOWN(void)
for (int i=1; i<=25; i++)
delay(20) ;
gotoxy(1,i) ; clreol() ;


void EMPLOYEE :: ADD_RECORD(int ecode, char

ename[26], char eaddress[31], char ephone[10], int
d, int m, int y, char edesig[16], char egrade, char
ehouse, char econv, float eloan, float ebasic)
fstream file ;
file.open("EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::app) ;
code = ecode ;
strcpy(name,ename) ;
strcpy(address,eaddress) ;
strcpy(phone,ephone) ;
dd = d ;
mm = m ;
yy = y ;
strcpy(desig,edesig) ;
grade = egrade ;
house = ehouse ;
convense = econv ;
loan = eloan ;
basic = ebasic ;
file.write((char *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE)) ;
file.close() ;


void EMPLOYEE :: MODIFY_RECORD(int ecode, char

ename[26], char eaddress[31], char ephone[10], char
edesig[16], char egrade, char ehouse, char econv,
float eloan, float ebasic)
int recno ;
recno = RECORDNO(ecode) ;
fstream file ;
file.open("EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::out | ios::ate)
strcpy(name,ename) ;
strcpy(address,eaddress) ;
strcpy(phone,ephone) ;
strcpy(desig,edesig) ;
grade = egrade ;
house = ehouse ;
convense = econv ;
loan = eloan ;
basic = ebasic ;
int location ;
location = (recno-1) * sizeof(EMPLOYEE) ;
file.seekp(location) ;
file.write((char *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE)) ;
file.close() ;


void EMPLOYEE :: DELETE_RECORD(int ecode)

fstream file ;
file.open("EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in) ;
fstream temp ;
temp.open("temp.dat", ios::out) ;
file.seekg(0,ios::beg) ;
while (!file.eof())
file.read((char *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE))
if (file.eof())
break ;
if (code != ecode)
temp.write((char *) this,
sizeof(EMPLOYEE)) ;
file.close() ;
temp.close() ;
file.open("EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::out) ;
temp.open("temp.dat", ios::in) ;
temp.seekg(0,ios::beg) ;
while (!temp.eof())
temp.read((char *) this, sizeof(EMPLOYEE))
if ( temp.eof() )
break ;
file.write((char *) this,
sizeof(EMPLOYEE)) ;
file.close() ;
temp.close() ;


fstream file ;
file.open("EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in) ;
file.seekg(0,ios::beg) ;
int count=0 ;
while (file.read((char *) this,
count = code ;
file.close() ;
return count ;


int EMPLOYEE :: FOUND_CODE(int ecode)

fstream file ;
file.open("EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in) ;
file.seekg(0,ios::beg) ;
int found=0 ;
while (file.read((char *) this,
if (code == ecode)
found = 1 ;
break ;
file.close() ;
return found ;


int EMPLOYEE :: RECORDNO(int ecode)

fstream file ;
file.open("EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in) ;
file.seekg(0,ios::beg) ;
int recno=0 ;
while (file.read((char *) this,
recno++ ;
if (code == ecode)
break ;
file.close() ;
return recno ;

void EMPLOYEE :: LIST(void)
clrscr() ;
int row = 6 , found=0, flag=0 ;
char ch ;
gotoxy(31,2) ;
gotoxy(30,3) ;
cout <<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;
gotoxy(1,4) ;
gotoxy(1,5) ;
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;
fstream file ;
file.open("EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in) ;
file.seekg(0,ios::beg) ;
while (file.read((char *) this,
flag = 0 ;
delay(20) ;
found = 1 ;
gotoxy(2,row) ;
cout <<code ;
gotoxy(6,row) ;
cout <<name ;
gotoxy(31,row) ;
cout <<phone ;
gotoxy(40,row) ;
cout <<dd <<"/" <<mm <<"/" <<yy ;
gotoxy(52,row) ;
cout <<desig ;
gotoxy(69,row) ;
cout <<grade ;
if (grade != 'E')
gotoxy(74,row) ;
cout <<basic ;
gotoxy(76,row) ;
cout <<"-" ;
if ( row == 23 )
flag = 1 ;
row = 6 ;
gotoxy(1,25) ;
cout <<"Press any key to continue or
Press <ESC> to exit" ;
ch = getch() ;
if (ch == 27)
break ;
clrscr() ;
gotoxy(31,2) ;
gotoxy(30,3) ;
cout <<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;
gotoxy(1,4) ;
cout <<"CODE NAME
gotoxy(1,5) ;
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;
row++ ;
if (!found)
gotoxy(5,10) ;
cout <<"\7Records not found" ;
if (!flag)
gotoxy(1,25) ;
cout <<"Press any key to continue..." ;
getche() ;
file.close () ;


void EMPLOYEE :: DISPLAY_RECORD(int ecode)

fstream file ;
file.open("EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in) ;
file.seekg(0,ios::beg) ;
while (file.read((char *) this,
if (code == ecode)
gotoxy(5,5) ;
cout <<"Employee Code # " <<code ;
gotoxy(5,6) ;
cout <<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;
gotoxy(5,7) ;
cout <<"Name : " <<name ;
gotoxy(5,8) ;
cout <<"Address : " <<address ;
gotoxy(5,9) ;
cout <<"Phone no. : " <<phone ;
gotoxy(5,11) ;
cout <<"JOINING DATE" ;
gotoxy(5,12) ;
cout <<"~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;
gotoxy(5,13) ;
cout <<"Day : " <<dd ;
gotoxy(5,14) ;
cout <<"Month : " <<mm ;
gotoxy(5,15) ;
cout <<"Year : " <<yy ;
gotoxy(5,17) ;
cout <<"Designation : " <<desig ;
gotoxy(5,18) ;
cout <<"Grade : " <<grade ;
if (grade != 'E')
gotoxy(5,19) ;
cout <<"House (y/n) : " <<house
gotoxy(5,20) ;
cout <<"Convense (y/n) : "
<<convense ;
gotoxy(5,22) ;
cout <<"Basic Salary : " <<basic
gotoxy(5,21) ;
cout <<"Loan : " <<loan ;
file.close() ;



clrscr() ;
char ch, egrade, ehouse='N', econv='N' ;
char ename[26], eaddress[31], ephone[10],
edesig[16], t1[10] ;
float t2=0.0, eloan=0.0, ebasic=0.0 ;
int d, m, y, ecode, valid ;
gotoxy(72,2) ;
cout <<"<0>=EXIT" ;
gotoxy(28,3) ;
gotoxy(5,5) ;
cout <<"Employee Code # " ;
gotoxy(5,6) ;
cout <<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;
gotoxy(5,7) ;
cout <<"Name : " ;
gotoxy(5,8) ;
cout <<"Address : " ;
gotoxy(5,9) ;
cout <<"Phone no. : " ;
gotoxy(5,11) ;
cout <<"JOINING DATE" ;
gotoxy(5,12) ;
cout <<"~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;
gotoxy(5,13) ;
cout <<"Day : " ;
gotoxy(5,14) ;
cout <<"Month : " ;
gotoxy(5,15) ;
cout <<"Year : " ;
gotoxy(5,17) ;
cout <<"Designation : " ;
gotoxy(5,18) ;
cout <<"Grade : " ;
gotoxy(5,21) ;
cout <<"Loan : " ;

ecode = LASTCODE() + 1 ;
if (ecode == 1)
ADD_RECORD(ecode, "null", "null", "null",
0, 0, 0, "null", 'n', 'n', 'n', 0.0, 0.0) ;
gotoxy(21,5) ;
cout <<ecode ;
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Enter the name of the Employee" ;
gotoxy(20,7) ; clreol() ;
gets(ename) ;
strupr(ename) ;
if (ename[0] == '0')
return ;
if (strlen(ename) < 1 || strlen(ename) >
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"\7Enter correctly (Range:
1..25)" ;
getch() ;
} while (!valid) ;
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Enter Address of the Employee" ;
gotoxy(20,8) ; clreol() ;
gets(eaddress) ;
strupr(eaddress) ;
if (eaddress[0] == '0')
return ;
if (strlen(eaddress) < 1 ||
strlen(eaddress) > 30)
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"\7Enter correctly (Range:
1..30)" ;
getch() ;
} while (!valid) ;
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Enter Phone no. of the Employee or
Press <ENTER> for none" ;
gotoxy(20,9) ; clreol() ;
gets(ephone) ;
if (ephone[0] == '0')
return ;
if ((strlen(ephone) < 7 && strlen(ephone)
> 0) || (strlen(ephone) > 9))
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"\7Enter correctly" ;
getch() ;
} while (!valid) ;
if (strlen(ephone) == 0)
strcpy(ephone,"-") ;
char tday[3], tmonth[3], tyear[5] ;
int td ;
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(13,13) ; clreol() ;
gets(tday) ;
td = atoi(tday) ;
d = td ;
if (tday[0] == '0')
return ;
} while (d == 0) ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(13,14) ; clreol() ;
gets(tmonth) ;
td = atoi(tmonth) ;
m = td ;
if (tmonth[0] == '0')
return ;
} while (m == 0) ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(13,15) ; clreol() ;
gets(tyear) ;
td = atoi(tyear) ;
y = td ;
if (tyear[0] == '0')
return ;
} while (y == 0) ;
if (d>31 || d<1)
valid = 0 ;
if (((y%4)!=0 && m==2 && d>28) ||
((y%4)==0 && m==2 && d>29))
valid = 0 ;
if ((m==4 || m==6 || m==9 || m==11) &&
valid = 0 ;
if (y<1990 || y>2020)
valid = 0 ;
if (!valid)
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"\7Enter correctly" ;
getch() ;
gotoxy(13,14) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(13,15) ; clreol() ;
} while (!valid) ;
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Enter Designation of the Employee"
gotoxy(20,17) ; clreol() ;
gets(edesig) ;
strupr(edesig) ;
if (edesig[0] == '0')
return ;
if (strlen(edesig) < 1 || strlen(edesig) >
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"\7Enter correctly (Range:
1..15)" ;
getch() ;
} while (!valid) ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Enter Grade of the Employee
(A,B,C,D,E)" ;
gotoxy(20,18) ; clreol() ;
egrade = getche() ;
egrade = toupper(egrade) ;
if (egrade == '0')
return ;
} while (egrade < 'A' || egrade > 'E') ;
if (egrade != 'E')
gotoxy(5,19) ;
cout <<"House (y/n) : " ;
gotoxy(5,20) ;
cout <<"Convense (y/n) : " ;
gotoxy(5,22) ;
cout <<"Basic Salary : " ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(22,19) ; clreol() ;
ehouse = getche() ;
ehouse = toupper(ehouse) ;
if (ehouse == '0')
return ;
} while (ehouse != 'Y' && ehouse != 'N') ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(22,20) ; clreol() ;
econv = getche() ;
econv = toupper(econv) ;
if (econv == '0')
return ;
} while (econv != 'Y' && econv != 'N') ;
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(22,21) ; clreol() ;
gets(t1) ;
t2 = atof(t1) ;
eloan = t2 ;
if (eloan > 50000)
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
50000" ;
getch() ;
} while (!valid) ;
if (egrade != 'E')
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(22,22) ; clreol() ;
gets(t1) ;
t2 = atof(t1) ;
ebasic = t2 ;
if (t1[0] == '0')
return ;
if (ebasic > 50000)
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
50000" ;
getch() ;
} while (!valid) ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(5,24) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Do you want to save (y/n) " ;
ch = getche() ;
ch = toupper(ch) ;
if (ch == '0')
return ;
} while (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') ;
if (ch == 'N')
return ;
ADD_RECORD(ecode, ename, eaddress, ephone, d,
m, y, edesig, egrade, ehouse, econv, eloan, ebasic)


void EMPLOYEE :: DISPLAY(void)

clrscr() ;
char t1[10] ;
int t2, ecode ;
gotoxy(72,2) ;
cout <<"<0>=EXIT" ;
gotoxy(5,5) ;
cout <<"Enter code of the Employee " ;
gets(t1) ;
t2 = atoi(t1) ;
ecode = t2 ;
if (ecode == 0)
return ;
clrscr() ;
if (!FOUND_CODE(ecode))
gotoxy(5,5) ;
cout <<"\7Record not found" ;
getch() ;
return ;
gotoxy(5,25) ;
cout <<"Press any key to continue..." ;
getch() ;



clrscr() ;
char ch, egrade, ehouse='N', econv='N' ;
char ename[26], eaddress[31], ephone[10],
edesig[16], t1[10] ;
float t2=0.0, eloan=0.0, ebasic=0.0 ;
int ecode, valid ;
gotoxy(72,2) ;
cout <<"<0>=EXIT" ;
gotoxy(5,5) ;
cout <<"Enter code of the Employee " ;
gets(t1) ;
t2 = atoi(t1) ;
ecode = t2 ;
if (ecode == 0)
return ;
clrscr() ;
if (!FOUND_CODE(ecode))
gotoxy(5,5) ;
cout <<"\7Record not found" ;
getch() ;
return ;
gotoxy(72,2) ;
cout <<"<0>=EXIT" ;
gotoxy(22,3) ;
gotoxy(5,24) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Do you want to modify this record
(y/n) " ;
ch = getche() ;
ch = toupper(ch) ;
if (ch == '0')
return ;
} while (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') ;
if (ch == 'N')
return ;
clrscr() ;
fstream file ;
file.open("EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in) ;
file.seekg(0,ios::beg) ;
while (file.read((char *) this,
if (code == ecode)
break ;
file.close() ;
gotoxy(5,5) ;
cout <<"Employee Code # " <<ecode ;
gotoxy(5,6) ;
cout <<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;
gotoxy(40,5) ;
cout <<"JOINING DATE : " ;
gotoxy(40,6) ;
cout <<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;
gotoxy(55,5) ;
cout <<dd <<"/" <<mm <<"/" <<yy ;
gotoxy(5,7) ;
cout <<"Name : " ;
gotoxy(5,8) ;
cout <<"Address : " ;
gotoxy(5,9) ;
cout <<"Phone no. : " ;
gotoxy(5,10) ;
cout <<"Designation : " ;
gotoxy(5,11) ;
cout <<"Grade : " ;
gotoxy(5,14) ;
cout <<"Loan : " ;
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Enter the name of the Employee or
gotoxy(20,7) ; clreol() ;
gets(ename) ;
strupr(ename) ;
if (ename[0] == '0')
return ;
if (strlen(ename) > 25)
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"\7Enter correctly (Range:
1..25)" ;
getch() ;
} while (!valid) ;
if (strlen(ename) == 0)
strcpy(ename,name) ;
gotoxy(20,7) ;
cout <<ename ;
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Enter Address of the Employee or
gotoxy(20,8) ; clreol() ;
gets(eaddress) ;
strupr(eaddress) ;
if (eaddress[0] == '0')
return ;
if (strlen(eaddress) > 30)
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"\7Enter correctly (Range:
1..30)" ;
getch() ;
} while (!valid) ;
if (strlen(eaddress) == 0)
strcpy(eaddress,address) ;
gotoxy(20,8) ;
cout <<eaddress ;
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Enter Phone no. of the Employee or
gotoxy(20,9) ; clreol() ;
gets(ephone) ;
if (ephone[0] == '0')
return ;
if ((strlen(ephone) < 7 && strlen(ephone)
> 0) || (strlen(ephone) > 9))
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"\7Enter correctly" ;
getch() ;
} while (!valid) ;
if (strlen(ephone) == 0)
strcpy(ephone,phone) ;
gotoxy(20,9) ;
cout <<ephone ;
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Enter Designation of the Employee
gotoxy(20,10) ; clreol() ;
gets(edesig) ;
strupr(edesig) ;
if (edesig[0] == '0')
return ;
if (strlen(edesig) > 15)
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"\7Enter correctly (Range:
1..15)" ;
getch() ;
} while (!valid) ;
if (strlen(edesig) == 0)
strcpy(edesig,desig) ;
gotoxy(20,10) ;
cout <<edesig ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Enter Grade of the Employee
gotoxy(20,11) ; clreol() ;
egrade = getche() ;
egrade = toupper(egrade) ;
if (egrade == '0')
return ;
if (egrade == 13)
egrade = grade ;
gotoxy(20,11) ;
cout <<grade ;
} while (egrade < 'A' || egrade > 'E') ;
if (egrade != 'E')
gotoxy(5,12) ;
cout <<"House (y/n) : " ;
gotoxy(5,13) ;
cout <<"Convense (y/n) : " ;
gotoxy(5,15) ;
cout <<"Basic Salary : " ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(22,12) ; clreol() ;
ehouse = getche() ;
ehouse = toupper(ehouse) ;
if (ehouse == '0')
return ;
if (ehouse == 13)
ehouse = house ;
gotoxy(22,12) ;
cout <<ehouse ;
} while (ehouse != 'Y' && ehouse != 'N') ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(22,13) ; clreol() ;
econv = getche() ;
econv = toupper(econv) ;
if (econv == '0')
return ;
if (econv == 13)
econv = convense ;
gotoxy(22,13) ;
cout <<econv ;
} while (econv != 'Y' && econv != 'N') ;
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(22,14) ; clreol() ;
gets(t1) ;
t2 = atof(t1) ;
eloan = t2 ;
if (eloan > 50000)
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
50000" ;
getch() ;
} while (!valid) ;
if (strlen(t1) == 0)
eloan = loan ;
gotoxy(22,14) ;
cout <<eloan ;
if (egrade != 'E')
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(22,15) ; clreol() ;
gets(t1) ;
t2 = atof(t1) ;
ebasic = t2 ;
if (t1[0] == '0')
return ;
if (ebasic > 50000)
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
50000" ;
getch() ;
} while (!valid) ;
if (strlen(t1) == 0)
ebasic = basic ;
gotoxy(22,15) ;
cout <<ebasic ;
gotoxy(5,25) ; clreol() ;
gotoxy(5,18) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Do you want to save (y/n) " ;
ch = getche() ;
ch = toupper(ch) ;
if (ch == '0')
return ;
} while (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') ;
if (ch == 'N')
return ;
g,egrade,ehouse,econv,eloan,ebasic) ;
gotoxy(5,23) ;
cout <<"\7Record Modified" ;
gotoxy(5,25) ;
cout <<"Press any key to continue..." ;
getch() ;



clrscr() ;
char t1[10], ch ;
int t2, ecode ;
gotoxy(72,2) ;
cout <<"<0>=EXIT" ;
gotoxy(5,5) ;
cout <<"Enter code of the Employee " ;
gets(t1) ;
t2 = atoi(t1) ;
ecode = t2 ;
if (ecode == 0)
return ;
clrscr() ;
if (!FOUND_CODE(ecode))
gotoxy(5,5) ;
cout <<"\7Record not found" ;
getch() ;
return ;
gotoxy(72,2) ;
cout <<"<0>=EXIT" ;
gotoxy(24,3) ;
gotoxy(5,24) ; clreol() ;
cout <<"Do you want to delete this record
(y/n) " ;
ch = getche() ;
ch = toupper(ch) ;
if (ch == '0')
return ;
} while (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') ;
if (ch == 'N')
return ;
gotoxy(5,23) ;
cout <<"\7Record Deleted" ;
gotoxy(5,25) ;
cout <<"Press any key to continue..." ;
getch() ;


int EMPLOYEE :: VALID_DATE(int d1, int m1, int y1)

int valid=1 ;
if (d1>31 || d1<1)
valid = 0 ;
if (((y1%4)!=0 && m1==2 && d1>28) || ((y1%4)==0
&& m1==2 && d1>29))
valid = 0 ;
if ((m1==4 || m1==6 || m1==9 || m1==11) &&
valid = 0 ;
return valid ;



clrscr() ;
char t1[10] ;
int t2, ecode, valid ;
gotoxy(72,2) ;
cout <<"<0>=EXIT" ;
gotoxy(5,5) ;
cout <<"Enter code of the Employee " ;
gets(t1) ;
t2 = atoi(t1) ;
ecode = t2 ;
if (ecode == 0)
return ;
clrscr() ;
if (!FOUND_CODE(ecode))
gotoxy(5,5) ;
cout <<"\7Record not found" ;
getch() ;
return ;
fstream file ;
file.open("EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::in) ;
file.seekg(0,ios::beg) ;
while (file.read((char *) this,
if (code == ecode)
break ;
file.close() ;
int d1, m1, y1 ;
struct date d;
d1 = d.da_day ;
m1 = d.da_mon ;
y1 = d.da_year ;
cember"} ;
L.BOX(2,1,79,25,219) ;
gotoxy(31,2) ;
cout <<"RAJ SONS PVT. LTD." ;
L.LINE_HOR(3,78,3,196) ;
gotoxy(34,4) ;
cout <<"SALARY SLIP" ;
gotoxy(60,4) ;
cout <<"Date: " <<d1 <<"/" <<m1 <<"/" <<y1 ;
gotoxy(34,5) ;
cout <<mon[m1-1] <<", " <<y1 ;
L.LINE_HOR(3,78,6,196) ;
gotoxy(6,7) ;
cout <<"Employee Name : " <<name ;
gotoxy(6,8) ;
cout <<"Designation : " <<desig ;
gotoxy(67,8) ;
cout <<"Grade : " <<grade ;
L.BOX(6,9,75,22,218) ;
L.LINE_HOR(10,71,20,196) ;
int days, hours ;
if (grade == 'E')
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(10,21) ;
gotoxy(10,11) ;
cout <<"No. of Days : " ;
gets(t1) ;
t2 = atof(t1) ;
days = t2 ;
if (!VALID_DATE(days,m1,y1))
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(10,21) ;
" ;
getch() ;
gotoxy(10,11) ;
cout <<" " ;
} while (!valid) ;
valid = 1 ;
gotoxy(10,21) ;
TIME " ;
gotoxy(10,13) ;
cout <<"No. of hours : " ;
gets(t1) ;
t2 = atof(t1) ;
hours = t2 ;
if (hours > 8 || hours < 0)
valid = 0 ;
gotoxy(10,21) ;
" ;
getch() ;
gotoxy(10,13) ;
cout <<" " ;
} while (!valid) ;
gotoxy(10,21) ;
cout <<"
" ;
gotoxy(10,11) ;
cout <<" " ;
gotoxy(10,13) ;
cout <<" " ;
gotoxy(10,10) ;
cout <<"Basic Salary : Rs." ;
gotoxy(10,12) ;
cout <<"ALLOWANCE" ;
if (grade != 'E')
gotoxy(12,13) ;
cout <<"HRA : Rs." ;
gotoxy(12,14) ;
cout <<"CA : Rs." ;
gotoxy(12,15) ;
cout <<"DA : Rs." ;
gotoxy(12,13) ;
cout <<"OT : Rs." ;
gotoxy(10,17) ;
cout <<"DEDUCTIONS" ;
gotoxy(12,18) ;
cout <<"LD : Rs." ;
if (grade != 'E')
gotoxy(12,19) ;
cout <<"PF : Rs." ;
gotoxy(10,21) ;
cout <<"NET SALARY : Rs." ;
gotoxy(6,24) ;
cout <<"CASHIER" ;
gotoxy(68,24) ;
cout <<"EMPLOYEE" ;
float HRA=0.0, CA=0.0, DA=0.0, PF=0.0, LD=0.0,
OT=0.0, allowance, deduction, netsalary ;
if (grade != 'E')
if (house == 'Y')
HRA = (5*basic)/100 ;
if (convense == 'Y')
CA = (2*basic)/100 ;
DA = (5*basic)/100 ;
PF = (2*basic)/100 ;
LD = (15*loan)/100 ;
allowance = HRA+CA+DA ;
deduction = PF+LD ;
basic = days * 30 ;
LD = (15*loan)/100 ;
OT = hours * 10 ;
allowance = OT ;
deduction = LD ;
netsalary = (basic+allowance)-deduction ;
gotoxy(36,10) ;
cout <<basic ;
if (grade != 'E')
gotoxy(22,13) ;
cout <<HRA ;
gotoxy(22,14) ;
cout <<CA ;
gotoxy(22,15) ;
cout <<DA ;
gotoxy(22,19) ;
cout <<PF ;
gotoxy(22,13) ;
cout <<OT ;
gotoxy(22,18) ;
cout <<LD ;
gotoxy(33,15) ;
cout <<"Rs." <<allowance ;
gotoxy(33,19) ;
cout <<"Rs." <<deduction ;
gotoxy(36,21) ;
cout <<netsalary ;
gotoxy(2,1) ;
getch() ;


void main(void)
MENU menu ;
menu.MAIN_MENU() ;


In a software development project, errors can be injected at any

stage during development. There are different techniques for
detecting and eliminating errors that originate in that phase. However,
no technique is perfect, and it is expected that some of the errors of
the earlier phases will finally manifest themselves in the code. This is
particularly true because in the earlier phases and most of the
verification techniques are manual because no executable code
exists. Ultimately, these remaining errors will be reflected in the code.
Hence, the code developed during the coding activity is likely to have
some requirement errors and design errors, in addition to errors
introduced during the coding activity. Behavior can be observed,
testing is the phase where the errors remaining from all the previous
phases must be detected. Hence, testing performs a very critical role
for quality assurance and for ensuring the reliability of software.

During testing, the program to be tested is executed with a set of test

cases, and the output of the program for the test cases is evaluated
to determine if the program is performing as expected. Due to its
approach, dynamic testing can only ascertain the presence of errors
in the program; the exact nature of the errors is not usually decided
by testing. Testing forms the first step in determining the errors in a
program. Clearly, the success of testing in revealing errors in
programs depends critically on the test cases.

Testing a large system is a very complex activity, and like any

complex activity it has to be broken into smaller activities. Due to this,
for a project, incremental testing is generally performed, in which
components and subsystems of the system are tested separately
before integrating them to form the system for system testing. This
form of testing, though necessary to ensure quality for a large
system, introduces new issues of how to select components for
testing and how to combine them to form subsystems and systems.
Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches
Generally, parts of the program are tested before testing the entire
program. Besides, partitioning the problem of testing, another reason
for testing parts separately is that if a test case detects an error in a
large program, it will be extremely difficult to pinpoint the source of
the error. That is, if a huge program does not work, determining which
module has errors can be a formidable task. Furthermore, it will be
extremely difficult to construct test cases so that different modules
are executed in a sufficient number of different conditions so that we
can feel fairly confident about them. In many cases, it is even difficult
to construct test cases so that all the modules will be executed. This
increases the chances of a module's errors going undetected. Hence,
it is clear that for a large system, we should first test different parts of
the system independently, before testing the entire system.
In incremental testing, some parts of the system are first tested
independently. Then, these parts are combined to form a (sub)
system, which is then tested independently. This combination can be
done in two ways: either only the modules that have been tested
independently are combined or some new untested modules are
combined with tested modules. Both of these approaches require that
the order in which modules are to be tested and integrated be
planned before commencing testing.
We assume that a system is a hierarchy of modules. For such
systems, there are two common ways modules can be combined, as
they are tested, to form a working program: top-down and bottom-up.
In top-down strategy, we start by testing the top of the hierarchy, and
we incrementally add modules that it calls and then test the new
combined system. This approach of testing requires stubs to be
written. A stub is a dummy routine that simulates a module. In the
top-down approach, a module (or a collection) cannot be tested in
isolation because they invoke some other modules. To allow the
modules to be tested before their subordinates have been coded,
stubs simulate the behavior of the subordinates.
The bottom-up approach starts from the bottom of the hierarchy.
First, the modules at the very bottom, which have no subordinates,
are tested. Then these modules are combined with higher-level
modules for testing. At any stage of testing, all the subordinate
modules exist and have been tested earlier. To perform bottom-up
testing, drivers are needed to set up the appropriate environment and
invoke the module. It is the job of the driver to invoke the module
under testing with the different set of test cases.
Notice that both top-down and bottom-up approaches are
incremental, starting with testing single modules and then adding
untested modules to those that have been tested, until the entire
system is tested. In the first case, stubs must be written to perform
testing, and in the other, drivers need to be written. Top-down testing
is advantageous, if major flaws occur toward the top of the hierarchy,
while bottom-up is advantageous if the major flaws occur toward the
bottom. Often, writing stubs can be more difficult than writing drivers,
because one may need to know beforehand the set of inputs for the
module being simulated by the stub and to determine proper
responses for these inputs. In addition, as the stubs often simulate
the behavior of a module over a limited domain, the choice of test
cases for the super-ordinate module is limited, and deciding test
cases is often very difficult.
It is often best to select the testing method to conform with the
development method. Thus, if the system is developed in a top-down
manner, top-down testing should be used, and if the system is
developed in a bottom-up manner, a bottom-up testing strategy
should be used. By doing this, as parts of the system are developed,
they are tested, and errors are detected as development proceeds. It
should be pointed out that we are concerned with actual program
development here, not the design method. The development can be
bottom-up even if the design was done in a top-down manner.

Functional Testing:
In functional testing the structure of the program is not considered.
Test cases are decided solely on the basis of requirements or
specifications of the program or module and the internals of the
module or the program are not considered for selection of test cases.
Due to its nature, functional testing is often called black box testing.
Equivalence partitioning is a technique for determining which classes
of input data have common properties. A program should behave in a
comparable way for all members of an equivalence partition. How
there are both input and output equivalence partitions; correct and
incorrect inputs also form partitions.
The equivalence partitions may be identified by using the program
specification or user documentation and by the tester using
experience, to predict which classes of input value are likely to detect
errors. For example, if an input specification states that the range of
some input values must be a 5-digit integer, that is, between 10000
and 99999, equivalence partitions might be those values less than
10000, values between 10000 and 99999 and values greater than
99999. Similarly, if four to eight values are to be input, equivalence
partitions are less than four, between four and eight and more than
In functional testing, the structure of the program is not considered.
Test cases are decided solely on the basis of the requirements or
specifications of the program or module, and the internals of the
module or the program are not considered for selection of test cases.
Due to its nature, functional testing is often called "black box testing."
In the structural approach, test cases are generated based on the
actual code of the program or module to be tested. This structural
approach is sometimes called "glass box testing."
The basis for deciding test cases in functional testing is the
requirements or specifications of the system or module. For the entire
system, the test cases are designed from the
requirements specification document for the system. For modules
created during design, test cases for functional testing are decided
from the module specifications produced during the design.
The most obvious functional testing procedure is exhaustive testing,
which as we have stated, is impractical. One criterion for generating
test cases is to generate them randomly. This strategy has little
chance of resulting in a set of test cases that is close to optimal (i.e.,
that detects the maximum errors with minimum test cases). Hence,
we need some other criterion or rule for selecting test cases. There
are no formal rules for designing test cases for functional testing. In
fact, there are no precise criteria for selecting test cases. However,
there are a number of techniques or heuristics that can be used to
select test cases that have been found to be very successful in
detecting errors. Here we mention some of these techniques.

Equivalence Class Partitioning

Functional testing is an approach to testing where the specification of
the component being tested is used to derive test cases. The
component is a black box whose behavior can only be determined
by studying its inputs and the related outputs. Illustrates the model of
a component, which is assumed in functional testing. Notice this
model of a component is the same as that used for reliability testing.
The key problem for the tester whose aim is to discover defects is to
select inputs, which have a high probability of being members of the
set. Effective selection is dependent on the skill and experience of
the tester but there are some structured approaches, which can be
used to guide the selection of test data.
However, without looking at the internal structure of the program, it is
impossible to determine such ideal equivalence classes (even with
the internal structure, it usually cannot be done). The equivalence
class partitioning method tries to approximate this ideal. Different
equivalence classes are formed by putting inputs for which the
behavior pattern of the module is specified to be different into similar
groups and then regarding these new classes as forming equivalence
classes. The rationale of forming equivalence classes like this, is the
assumption that if the specifications require exactly the same
behavior for each element in a class of values, then the program is
likely to be constructed so that it either succeeds or fails for each of
the values in that class. For example, the specifications of a module
that determine the absolute value for integers specify one behavior
for positive integers and another for negative integers. In this case,
we will form two equivalence classes-one consisting of positive
integers and the other consisting of negative integers.
For robust software, we must also test for incorrect inputs by
generating test cases for inputs that do not satisfy the input
conditions. With this in mind, for each equivalence class of valid
inputs we define equivalence classes for invalid inputs.
Equivalence classes are usually formed by considering each
condition specified on an input as specifying a valid equivalence class
and one or more invalid equivalence classes. For example, if an input
condition specifies a range of values (say, 0 < count < max), then
forms a valid equivalence class with that range and two invalid
equivalence classes, one with values less than the lower bound of the
range (i.e., count < 0) and the other with values higher than the
higher bound (count> max). If the input specifies a set of values and
the requirements specify different behavior for different elements in
the set, then a valid equivalence class is formed for each of the
elements in the set and an invalid class for an entity not belonging to
the set.
Essentially, if there is reason to believe that the entire range of an
input will not be treated in the same manner, then the range should
be split into two or more equivalence classes. Also, for each valid
equivalence class, one or more invalid equivalence classes should be
identified. For example, an input may be specified as a character.
However, we may have reason to believe that the program will
perform different actions if a character is an alphabet, a number, or a
special character. In that case, we will split the input into three valid
equivalence classes.
It is often useful to consider equivalence classes in the output. For an
output equivalence class, the goal is to generate test cases such that
the output for that test case lies in the output equivalence class.
Determining test cases for output classes may be more difficult, but
output classes have been found to reveal errors that are not revealed
by just considering the input classes.
Boundary Value Analysis
It has been observed that programs that work correctly for a set of
values in an equivalence class fail on some special values. These
values often lie on the boundary of the equivalence class. Test cases,
that have values on the boundaries of equivalence classes are,
therefore, likely to be "high-yield" test cases, and selecting such test
cases is the aim of the boundary value analysis. In boundary value
analysis, we choose an input for a test case from an equivalence
class, such that the input lies at the edge of the equivalence classes.
Boundary values for each equivalence class, including the
equivalence classes of the output, should be covered. Boundary
value test cases are also called "extreme cases." Hence, we can say
that a boundary value test case is a set of input data that lies on the
edge or boundary of a class of input data or that generates output
that lies at the boundary of a class of output data.
In case of ranges, for boundary value analysis it is useful to select the
boundary elements of the range and an invalid value just beyond the
two ends (for the two invalid equivalence classes). So, if the range is
0.0 < x < 1.0, then the test cases are 0.0, 1.0 (valid inputs), and - 0.1,
and 1.1 (for invalid inputs). Similarly, if the input is a list, attention
should be focused on the first, and last elements of the list. We
should also consider the outputs for boundary value analysis. If an
equivalence class can be identified in the output, we should try to
generate test cases that will produce the output that lies at the
boundaries of the equivalence classes. Furthermore, we should try to
form test cases that will produce an output that does not lie in the
equivalence class.

Cause-Effect Graphing
One weakness with the equivalence class partitioning and boundary
value methods is that they consider each input separately. That is,
both concentrate on the conditions and classes of one input. They do
not consider combinations of input circumstances that may form
interesting situations that should be tested. One way to exercise
combinations of different input conditions is to consider all valid
combinations of the equivalence classes of input conditions. This
simple approach will result in an unusually large number of test
cases, many of which will not be useful for revealing any new errors.
For example, if there are n different input conditions, such that any
combination of the input conditions is valid, we will have 2 test cases.

Cause-effect graphing is a technique that aids in selecting

combinations of input conditions in a systematic way, such that the
number of test cases does not become unmanageably large. The
technique starts with identifying causes and effects of the system
under testing. A cause is a distinct input condition, and an effect is a
distinct output condition. Each condition forms a node in the cause-
effect graph. The conditions should be stated such that they can be
set to either true or false. For example, an input condition can be "file
is empty," which can be set to true by having an empty input file, and
false by a nonempty file. After identifying the causes and effects, for
each effect we identify the causes that can produce that effect and
how the conditions have to be combined to make the effect true.
Conditions are combined using the Boolean operators "and," "or,"
and "not," which are represented in the graph by &, I, and ""'. Then,
for each effect, all combinations of the causes that the effect depends
on which will make the effect true, are generated (the causes that the
effect does not depend on are essentially "don't care"). By doing this,
we identify the combinations of conditions that make different effects
true. A test case is then generated for each combination of
conditions, which make some effect true.

c1. Command is add
c2. Command is delete
c3. employee number is valid
c4. Transaction_amt. is valid

el. Print "invalid command"
e2. Print "invalid employee-number"
e3. Print "Debit amount not valid"
e4. display
e. generate payslip


Let us illustrate this technique with a small example. Suppose that for
a bank database there are two commands allowed:
credit acct-number transaction_amount

debit acct-number transaction_amount

The requirements are that if the command is credit and the acct-
number is valid, then the account is credited. If the command is debit,
the acct-number is valid, and the transaction_amount is valid (less
than the balance), then the account is debited. If the command is not
valid, the account number is not valid, or the debit amount is not
valid, a suitable message is generated. We can identify the following
causes and effects from these requirements.The cause effect of this
is shown in Figure. In the graph, the cause-effect relationship of this
example is captured. For all effects, one can easily determine the
causes each effect depends on and the exact nature of the
dependency. For example, according to this graph, the effect E5
depends on the causes c2, c3, and c4 in a manner such that the effect
E5 is enabled when all c2, c3, and c4 are true. Similarly, the effect E2 is
enabled if c3 is false.
From this graph, a list of test cases can be generated. The basic
strategy is to set an effect to I and then set the causes that enable
this condition. The condition of causes forms the test case. A cause
may be set to false, true, or don't care (in the case when the effect
does not depend at all on the cause). To do this for all the effects, it is
convenient to use a decision table. The decision table for this
example is shown in Figure
This table lists the combinations of conditions to set different effects.
Each combination of conditions in the table for an effect is a test
case. Together, these condition combinations check for various
effects the software should display. For example, to test for the effect
E3, both c2 and c4 have to be set. That is, to test the effect "Print debit
amount not valid," the test case should be: Command is debit
(setting: c2 to True), the account number is valid (setting c3 to False),
and the transaction money is not proper (setting c4 to False).

C1 V


V E3





SNo. 1 2 3 4 5

Cl 0 1 X x 1

C2 0 x 1 1 x

C3 x 0 1 1 1

C4 x x 0 1 1

El 1

E2 1

E3 1

E4 1

E5 1


Cause-effect graphing, beyond generating high-yield test cases, also
aids the understanding of the functionality of the system, because the
tester must identify the distinct causes and effects. There are
methods of reducing the number of test cases generated by proper
traversing of the graph. Once the causes and effects are listed and
their dependencies specified, much of the remaining work can also
be automated.

Special Cases
It has been seen that programs often produce incorrect behavior
when inputs form some special cases. The reason is that in
programs, some combinations of inputs need special treatment, and
providing proper handling for these special cases is easily
overlooked. For example, in an arithmetic routine, if there is a division
and the divisor is zero, some special action has to be taken, which
could easily be forgotten by the programmer. These special cases
form particularly good test cases, which can reveal errors that will
usually not be detected by other test cases.
Special cases will often depend on the data structures and the
function of the module. There are no rules to determine special
cases, and the tester has to use his intuition and experience to
identify such test cases. Consequently, determining special cases is
also called error guessing.
The psychology is particularly important for error guessing. The tester
should play the "devil's advocate" and try to guess the incorrect
assumptions that the programmer could have made and the
situations the programmer could have overlooked or handled
incorrectly. Essentially, the tester is trying to identify error prone
situations. Then, test cases are written for these situations. For
example, in the problem of finding the number of different words in a
file (discussed in earlier chapters) some of the special cases can be:
file is empty, only one word in the file, only one word in a line, some
empty lines in the input file, presence of more than one blank
between words, all words are the same, the words are already sorted,
and blanks at the start and end of the file.
Incorrect assumptions are usually made because the specifications
are not complete or the writer of specifications may not have stated
some properties, assuming them to be obvious. Whenever there is
reliance on tacit understanding rather than explicit statement of
specifications, there is scope for making wrong assumptions.
Frequently, wrong assumptions are made about the environments.
However, it should be pointed out that special cases depend heavily
on the problem, and the tester should really try to "get into the shoes"
of the designer and coder to determine these cases.

Structural Testing
A complementary approach to testing is sometimes called structural
or White box or Glass box testing. The name contrasts with black box
testing because the tester can analyse the code and use knowledge
about it and the structure of a component to derive the test data. The
advantage of structural testing is that test cases can be derived
systematically and test coverage measured. The quality assurance
mechanisms, which are setup to control testing, can quantify what
level of testing is required and what has be carried out. In the
previous section, we discussed functional testing, which is concerned
with the function that the tested program is supposed to perform and
does not deal with the internal structure of the program responsible
for actually implementing that function. Thus, functional testing is
concerned with functionality rather than implementation of the
program. Various criteria for functional testing were discussed earlier.
Structural testing, on the other hand, is concerned with testing the
implementation of the program. The intent of structural testing is not
to exercise all the different input or output conditions (although that
may be a by-product) but to exercise the different programming
structures and data structures used in the program.
To test the structure of a program, structural testing aims to achieve
test cases that will force the desired coverage of different structures.
Various criteria have been proposed for this. Unlike the criteria for
functional testing, which are frequently imprecise, the criteria for
structural testing are generally quite precise as they are based on
program structures, which are formal and precise. Here we will
discuss three different approaches to structural testing: control flow-
based testing, data flow-based testing, and mutation testing.
Control Flow-Based Criteria
Before we consider the criteria, let us precisely define a control flow
graph for a program. Let the control flow graph (or simply flow graph)
of a program P be G. A node in this graph represents a block of
statements that is always executed together, i.e., whenever the first
statement is executed, all other statements are also executed. An
edge (i, j) (from node i to node j) represents a possible transfer of
control after executing the last statement of the block represented by
node i to the first statement of the block represented by node j. A
node corresponding to a block, whose first statement is the start
statement of P, is called the start node of G, and a node
corresponding to a block whose last statement is an exit statement is
called an exit node. A path is a finite sequence of nodes (n1, nz, nk), k
> I, such that there is an edge (ni, ni+1) for all nodes n; in the
sequence (except the last node nk). A complete path is a path whose
first node is the start node and the last node is an exit node.
Now, let us consider control flow-based criteria. Perhaps, the simplest
coverage criteria is statement coverage, which requires that each
statement of the program be executed at least once during testing. In
other words, it requires that the paths executed during testing include
all the nodes in the graph. This is also called the all-nodes criterion.
This coverage criterion is not very strong, and can leave errors
undetected. For example, if there is an if statement in the program
without having an else clause, the statement coverage criterion for
this statement will be satisfied by a test case that evaluates the
condition to true. No test case is needed that ensures that the
condition in the if statement evaluates to false. This is a serious
shortcoming because decisions in programs are potential sources of
errors. As an example, consider the following function to compute the
absolute value of a number:
int xyz (y)
int y;
if (y >= 0) y = 0 -y;
return (y)
This program is clearly wrong. Suppose we execute the function with
the set of test cases {y-a} (i.e., the set has only one test case). The
statement coverage criterion will be satisfied by testing with this set,
but the error will not be revealed.
A little more general coverage criterion is branch coverage, which
requires that each edge in the control flow graph be traversed at least
once during testing. In other words, branch coverage requires that
each decision in the program be evaluated to true and false values at
least once during testing. Testing based on branch coverage is often
called branch testing. The 100% branch coverage criterion is also
called the all-edges criterion. Branch coverage implies statement
coverage, as each statement is a part of some branch. In other
words, Cbranch =} Cstmt. In the preceding example, a set of test
cases satisfying this criterion will detect the error.
The trouble with branch coverage comes if a decision has many
conditions in it (consisting of a Boolean expression with Boolean
operators and and or). In such situations, a decision can evaluate to
true and false without actually exercising all the conditions. For
example, consider the following function that checks the validity of a
data item. The data item is valid if it lies between 0 and 100.
int check(y)
int y;
if y >=) && (y <= 200))
check = True;
else check = False;
The module is incorrect, as it is checking for y < 200 instead of 100
(perhaps, a typing error made by the programmer). Suppose the
module is tested with the following set of test cases: {y = 5, y = -5}.
The branch coverage criterion will be satisfied for this module by this
set. However, the error will not be revealed, and the behavior of the
module is consistent with its specifications for all test cases in this
set. Thus, the coverage criterion is satisfied, but the error is not
detected. This occurs because the decision is evaluating to true and
false because of the condition (y > 0). The condition (y < 200) never
evaluates to false during this test, hence the error in this condition is
not revealed.
This problem can be resolved by requiring that all conditions evaluate
to true and false. However, situations can occur where a decision
may not get both true and false values even if each individual
condition evaluates to true and false. An obvious solution to this
problem is to require decision/condition coverage, where all the
decisions and all the conditions in the decisions take both true and
false values during the course of testing.
Studies have indicated that there are many errors whose presence is
not detected by branch testing because some errors are related to
some combinations of branches and their presence is revealed by an
execution that follows the path that includes those branches. Hence,
a more general coverage criterion is one that requires all possible
paths in the control flow graph be executed during testing. This is
called the path coverage criterion or the all-paths criterion, and the
testing based on this criterion is often called path testing. The
difficulty with this criterion is that programs that contain loops can
have an infinite number of possible paths. Furthermore, not all paths
in a graph may be "feasible" in the sense that there may not be any
inputs for which the path can be executed. It should be clear that C
path => Cbranch.
As the path coverage criterion leads to a potentially infinite number of
paths, some efforts have been made to suggest criteria between the
branch coverage and path coverage. The basic aim of these
approaches is to select a set of paths that ensure branch coverage
criterion and try some other paths that may help reveal errors. One
method to limit the number of paths is to consider two paths as same,
if they differ only in their sub-paths that are caused due to the loops.
Even with this restriction, the number of paths can be extremely
Another such approach based on the cyclomatic complexity has been
proposed namely, the test criterion. The test criterion is that if the
cyclomatic complexity of a module is V, then at least V distinct paths
must be executed during testing. We have seen that cyclomatic
complexity V of a module is the number of independent paths in the
flow graph of a module. As these are independent paths, all other
paths can be represented as a combination of these basic paths.
These basic paths are finite, whereas the total number of paths in a
module having loops may be infinite.
It should be pointed out that none of these criteria is sufficient to
detect all kind of errors in programs. For example, if a program is
missing out some control flow paths that are needed to check for a
special value (like pointer equals nil and divisor equals zero), then
even executing all the paths will not necessarily detect the error.
Similarly, if the set of paths is such that they satisfy the all-path
criterion but exercise only one part of a compound condition, then the
set will not reveal any error in the part of the condition that is not
exercised. Hence, even the path coverage criterion, which is the
strongest of the criteria we have discussed, is not strong enough to
guarantee detection of all the errors.

Data Flow-Based Testing

Criteria that select the paths to be executed during testing based on
data flow analysis, rather than control flow analysis. In the data flow-
based testing approaches, besides the control flow, information about
where the variables are defined and where the definitions are used is
also used to specify the test cases. The basic idea behind data flow-
based testing is to make sure that during testing, the definitions of
variables and their subsequent use is tested. Just like the all-nodes
and all-edges criteria try to generate confidence in testing by making
sure that at least all statements and all branches have been tested,
the data flow testing tries to ensure some coverage of the definitions
and uses of variables. Approaches for use of data flow information
have been proposed in. Our discussion here is based on the family of
data flow-based testing criteria that were proposed. Some of these
criteria are discussed here.
For data flow-based criteria, a definition-use graph (def-use graph, for
short) for the program is first constructed from the control flow graph
of the program. A statement in a node in the flow graph representing
a block of code has variable occurrences in it. A variable occurrence
can be one of the following three types:
def represents the definition of a variable. The variable on the left-
hand side of an assignment statement is the one getting defined.
c-use represents computational use of a variable. Any statement
(e.g., read/write an assignment) that uses the value of variables
for computational purposes is said to be making c-use of the
variables. In an assignment statement, all variables on the right-
hand side have a c-use occurrence. In a read and a write
statement, all variable occurrences are of this type.
p-use represents predicate use. These are all the occurrences of
the variables in a predicate (i.e., variables whose values are used
for computing the value of the predicate), which is used for
transfer of control.
Based on this classification, the following can be defined. Note that c-
use variables may also affect the flow of control, though they do it
indirectly by affecting the value of the p-use variables. Because we
are interested in the flow of data between nodes, a c-use of a variable
x is considered global c-use if there is no def of x within the block
preceding the c-use. With each node i, we associate all the global c-
use variables in that node. The p-use is associated with edges. If x1,
x2 . xn had p-use occurrences in the statement of a block from
where two edges go to two different blocks j and k (e.g., with an if
then else), then x1, xn are associated with the two edges (i, j) and (i,
A path from node i to node j is called a del-clear path with respect to
(w.r.t.) a variable x if there is no def of x in the nodes in the path from
i to j (nodes i and j may have a def). Similarly, a def-clear path w.r.t. x
from a node i to an edge (j, k) is one in which no node on the path
contains a definition of x. A def of a variable x in a node i is a global
def, if it is the last def of x in the block being represented by i, and
there is a def -clear path from i to some node with a global c-use of x.
Essentially, a def is a global def if it can be used outside the block in
which it is defined.
The def-use graph for a program P is constructed by associating sets
of variables with edges and nodes in the flow graph. For a node i, the
set deft (i) is the set of variables for which there is a global def in the
node i, and the set c-use (i) is the set of variables for which there is a
global c-use in the node i. For an edge (i, j), the set p-use (i, j) is the
set of variables for which there is a p-use for the edge (i, j).
Suppose a variable x is in def (i) of a node i. Then, dcu (x, i) is the set
of nodes, such that each node has x in its c-use, x E def (i), and there
is a def-clear path from i to j. That is, dcu (x, i) represents all those
nodes in which the (global) c-use of x uses the value assigned by the
def of x in i. Similarly, dpu (x, i) is the set of edges, such that each
edge has x in its p-use, x def (i), and there is a def-clear path from i
to (j, k). That is, dpu (x, i) represents all those edges in which the p-
use of x uses the value assigned by the def of x in i.
Based on these definitions proposed, a family of test case selection
criteria were proposed, a few of which we discuss here. Let G be the
def/use graph for a program, and let P be a set of complete paths of
G (i.e., path l representing a complete execution of the program). A
test case selection criterion, defines the contents of P.
P satisfies the all-defs criterion if for every node i in G and every x in
def (i), P includes a def-clear path w.r.t. x to some member of dcu (x,
i) or some member of dpu (x, i). This criterion says that for the def of
every variable, one of its uses (either p-use or c-use) must be
included in a path. That is, we want to make sure that during testing
the use of the definitions of all variables is tested.
The all-p-uses criterion requires that for every x E def (i), P include a
"def-clear path w.r.t. x from i to some member of dpu (x, i). That is,
according to this criterion all the p-uses of all the definitions should be
tested. However, by this criterion a c-use of a variable may not be
tested. The all-p-uses, some-c-uses criterion requires that all p-uses
of a variable definition must be exercised, and some c-uses must also
be exercised. Similarly, the all-c-uses, some-p-uses criterion requires
that all c-uses of a variable definition be exercised, and some p-uses
must also be exercised.
The all-uses criterion requires that all p-uses and all c-uses of a
definition must be exercised. That is, the set P must include, for every
node i and every x E def (i), a def-clear path w.r.t. x from i to all
elements of dcu (x, i) and to all elements of dpu (x, i).
In terms of the number of test cases that might be needed to satisfy
the data flow- based criteria, it has been shown that though the
theoretical limit on the size of the test case set is up to quadratic in
the number of two-way decision statements in the program, the actual
number of test cases that satisfy a criterion is quite small in practice.
As mentioned earlier, a criterion C1 includes another criterion C2
(represented by C1 => C2 if any set of test cases that satisfy criterion
C1 also satisfy the criterion C2. The inclusion relationship between the
various data flow criteria and the control flow criteria is given in Figure

all paths (path average)

all user

all-c-uses/ some-p-uses all-p-user/ some-c-uses

all-defs all-p-uses

all-edges (branch coverage)

all-nodes (statement coverage)


It should be quite clear that all-paths will include all-uses and all other
structure based criteria. All-uses, in turn, include all-p-uses, all defs,
and all-edges. However, all defs does not include all-edges (and the
reverse is not true). The reason is that all defs is focusing on all
definitions getting used, while all-edges is focusing on all decisions
evaluating to both true and false. For example, a decision may
evaluate to true and false in two different test cases, but the use of a
definition of a variable x may not have been exercised. Hence, the all-
defs and all-edges criteria are, in some sense, incomparable.
Inclusion does not imply that one criterion is always better than
another. At best, it means that if the test case generation strategy for
two criteria C1 and C2 is similar, and if C1 C2, then statistically
speaking, the set of test cases satisfying C1 will be better than a set
of test cases satisfying C2. The experiments reported show that no
one criterion (out of a set of control flow-based and data flow-based
criteria) does significantly better than another, consistently. However,
it does show that testing done by using all-branch or all-uses
criterion, generally, does perform better than randomly selected test
System Testing
Software is only one element of a larger computer-based system.
Ultimately, software is incorporated with other system elements and a
series of system integration and a validation test are conducted.
These tests fall outside the scope of software engineering process
and are not conducted solely by the software developer.

System testing is actually a series of different test whose primary

purpose is to fully exercise the computer-based system. Although
each test has a different purpose, all work to verify that all system
elements have been properly integrated and perform allocated

Mutation Testing
Mutation testing is another structural testing technique that differs
fundamentally from the approaches discussed earlier. In control flow-
based and data flow-based testing, the focus was on which paths to
execute during testing. Mutation testing does not take a path-based
approach. Instead, it takes the program and creates many mutants of
it, by making simple changes to the program. The goal of testing is to
make sure that during the course of testing, each mutant produces an
output different from the output of the original program. In other
words, the mutation-testing criterion does not say that the set of test
cases must be such that certain paths are executed; instead, it
requires the set of test cases to be such that they can distinguish
between the original program and its mutants.
Test Plan Activities During Testing
A test plan is a general document for the entire project that defines
the scope, approach to be taken, and the schedule of testing as well
as identifies the test items for the entire testing process and the
personnel responsible for the different activities of testing. The test
planning can be done well before the actual testing commences and
can be done in parallel with the coding and design phases. The
inputs for forming the test plan are: (1) project plan, (2) requirements
document, and (3) system design document. The project plan is
needed to make sure that the test plan is consistent with the overall
plan for the project and the testing schedule matches that of the
project plan. The requirements document and the design document
are the basic documents used for selecting the test units and
deciding the approaches to be used during testing. A test plan should
contain the following:
Test unit specification.
Features to be tested.
Approach for testing.
Test deliverables.
Personnel allocation.
One of the most important activities of the test plan is to identify the
test units. A test unit is a set of one or more modules, together with
associated data, that are from a single computer program and that
are the objects of testing. A test unit can occur at any level and can
contain from a single module to the entire system. Thus, a test unit
may be a module, a few modules, or a complete system.

Unit Testing
Unit testing compromises the set of tests performed by an individual
programmer prior to integration of the unit into a larger system. The
situation is illustrated as follows:
Coding and debugging Unit Testing Integration Testing

A program unit is usually small enough programmer who developed it

can test it in great detail, and certainly in greater detail the will be
possible when the unit is integrated into an evolving software product.
There are four categories of tests that a programmer will typically
perform on a program unit:
Function Tests
Performance Test
Stress Tests
Structure Tests
Functional test cases involve exercising the code with nominal input
values for which the expected results are known, as well as boundary
values (minimum values, maximum values, and values on and just
outside the functional boundaries) and special values such as
logically related inputs, 1x1 matrices, the identity matrix, files of
identical elements, and empty files.

A test coverage (or test completion) criterion must be established for

unit testing, because program units usually contain too many paths to
permit exhaustive testing. This can be seen by the examining the
program segment in Figure 6.7. As illustrated in Figure 6.7, loops
introduce combinatorial numbers of execution paths and make
exhaustive testing impossible.

0 2
N 1 4
2 8
10 2048

Even if it were possible to successfully test all paths through a

program, correctness would not be guaranteed by path testing
because the program might have missing paths and computational
errors that were not discovered by the particular test cases chosen. A
missing path error occurs when a branching statement and the
associated computations are accidentally omitted. Missing path errors
can only be detected by functional test cases derived from the
requirements specifications. Thus, tests based solely on the program
structure cannot detect all the potential errors in a source program.
Coincidental correctness occurs when a test case fails to detect a
computation error. For instance, the expressions (A + A) and (A*A)
have identical values when A has the value 2.
Program errors can be classified as missing path errors,
computational errors and domain errors. Tai has observed that N +
m1 linearly independent test cases are required to
establish computational correctness of a program that performs only
linear calculations on N input variables. By linear calculations, we
mean that all computations are linear functions of the input variables
when symbolic execution techniques)

Integration Testing
Bottom-up integration is the traditional strategy to integrate the
components of a software system into a functioning whole. Bottom-
up integration consists of unit testing, followed by subsystem testing,
followed by testing of the entire system. Unit testing has the goal of
discovering errors in the individual modules of the system. Modules
are tested in isolation from one another in an artificial environment
known as a test harness, which consists of the driver programs and
data necessary to exercise the modules. Unit testing should be as
exhaustive as possible to ensure that each representative handled by
each module has been tested. Unit testing is eased by a system
structure that is composed of small, loosely coupled modules.
A subsystem consists of several modules that communicate with
each other through well-defined interfaces. Normally, a subsystem
implements a major segment operation of the interfaces between
modules in the subsystem. Both control and of subsystem testing:
lower level subsystems are successively combined to form higher-
level subsystems. In most software systems, exhaustive testing of
subsystem capabilities is not feasible due to the combinational
complexity of the module interfaces; therefore, test cases must be
carefully chosen to exercise the interfaces in the desired manner.
System testing is concerned with subtleties in the interfaces, decision
logic, control flow, recovery procedures, throughput, capacity, and
timing characteristics of the entire system. Careful test planning is
required to determine the extent and nature of system testing to be
performed and to establish criteria by which the results will be
Disadvantages of bottom-up testing include the necessity to write and
debug test harness for the modules and subsystems, and the level of
complexity that results from combining modules and subsystems into
larger and larger units. The extreme case of complexity results when
each module is unit tested in isolation and big bang approach to
integration testing. The main problem with big-bang integration is the
difficulty of isolating the sources of error.
Test harnesses provide data environments and calling sequences for
the routines and subsystems that are being tested in isolation. Test
harness preparation can amount to 50 per cent or more of the coding
and debugging effort for a software product.

Top-down integration starts with the main routine and one or two
immediately subordinate routines in the system structure. After
this top-level, when skeleton has been thoroughly tested, it
becomes the test harness for its immediately subordinate routines.
Top-down integration requires the use of program stubs to simulate
the effect of lower-level routines that are called by those being
Regression Testing
When some errors occur in a program then these are rectified. For
rectification of these errors, changes are made to the program. Due
to these changes some other errors may be incorporated in the
program. Therefore, all the previous test cases are tested again.
This type of testing is called regression testing.
In a broader context, successful tests (of any kind) result in the
discovery of errors, and errors must be corrected. Whenever software
is corrected, some aspect of the software configuration (the program,
its documentation, or the data that supports it) is changed.
Regression testing is the activity that helps to ensure that changes
(due to testing or for other reasons) do not introduce unintended
behavior or additional errors.
Regression testing may be conducted manually, by re-executing a
subset of all test cases or using automated capture/playback tools.
Capture/playback tools enable the software engineer to capture test
cases and results for subsequent playback and comparison.
The regression test suite (the subset of tests to be executed) contains
three different classes of test cases:
A representative sample of tests that will exercise all software
Additional tests that focus on software functions that are likely to
be affected by the change.
Tests that focus on the software components that have been
As integration testing proceeds, the number of regression tests
can grow quite large.
Therefore, the regression test suite should be designed to include
only those tests that address one or more classes of errors in each of
the major program functions. It is impractical and inefficient to re-
execute every test for every program function once a change has

Levels of Testing
Now let us turn over attention testing process. We have seen that
faults can occur during any phase in the software development cycle.
Verification is performed on the output of each phase, but some faults
are likely to remain undetected by these methods. These faults will
be eventually reflected in the code. Testing is usually relied on to
detect these faults, in addition to the faults introduced during the
coding phase itself. Due to this, different levels of testing are used in
the testing process; each level of testing aims to test different aspects
of the system.
Client Acceptance
Needs Testing

Requirements System

Design Integration

Code Unit

The basic levels are unit testing, integration testing, testing system
and acceptance testing. These different levels of testing attempt to
detect different types of faults. The relation of the faults introduced in
different phases, and the different levels of testing as shown in figure
The first level of testing is called unit testing. In this, different
modules are tested against the specifications produced during design
for the modules. Unit testing is, essentially, for verification of the code
produced during the coding phase, hence the goal is to test the
internal logic of the modules. It is typically done by the programmer of
the module. A module is considered for integration and use by others
only after it has been unit tested satisfactorily. Due to its close
association with coding, the coding phase is frequently called coding
and unit testing. As the focus of this testing level is on testing the
code, structural testing is best suited for this level. In fact, as
structural testing is not very suitable for large programs, it is used
mostly at the unit testing level.
The next level of testing is often called integration testing. In this,
many unit-tested modules are combined into subsystems, which are
then tested. The goal here is to see if the modules can be integrated
properly. Hence, the emphasis is on testing interfaces between
modules. This testing activity can be considered testing the design.
The next levels are system testing and acceptance testing. Here the
entire software system is tested. The reference document for this
process is the requirements document, and the goal is to see if the
software meets its requirements. This is essentially a validation
exercise, and in many situations, it is the only validation activity.
Acceptance testing is sometimes performed with realistic data of the
client to demonstrate that the software is working satisfactorily.
Testing here focuses on the external behavior of the system; the
internal logic of the program is not emphasized. Consequently,
mostly functional testing is performed at these levels.

1. If the computer is off, turn the power switch of the computer and the
2. The System will check the RAM for defects, and also looks at the
connections to the Keyboard, disk drive etc, to see if they are
3. When the system is ready it will BOOT or load the operating
system into the memory from the hard disk.
4. Copy the floppy(i.e. A: Drive) on the hard disk(i.e. C: Drive).This will
copy all the required files from A: drive to C: drive.
5. Bank.exe will display a Password Screen for Authorization and then
the Main Screen Menu.
6. Before the user exit from the Main Menu he/she can try all the
required options.
7. Exit from Main Menu with the selection of option EXIT in Main
8. This project is a program written in TURBO C++ for PAYROLL
Management System. Using this project user or f actory or other
department will be able to maintain the record of the customer that are
having department.
The following steps are used for installation of PAYROLL Management
System application on the user site. The installation procedure is given in

1. Create a Directory in the Hard Disk or C: Drive with the any name.
2. Insert the floppy disk in A: drive that contain the software files i.e.
EXE File, DAT File(Data base File), Header file & CPP files
3. Copy all files from A: Drive into the C: Drive into a specified
4. Run the PAYROLL.Exe File. This will lead to start the Bank
Management System software.
5. There is no need of Developing th`e Software like Turbo C++ because
Exe will is self executable with name.
6. In order to Start the project or application immediately after
BOOTING make the directory entry in Autoexec.bat file and write
the name of payroll.exe and save the file.

1. Robert Lafore C++.

2. E.M. Awad System Analysis & DesignV. RAJARAMA .

3. Venugopal Mastering C++.

4. V. RAJARAMAN Analysis & Design of Information System

5. Yashavant Kanetkar C PROJECT.

6. Roger S. Pressman Software Engineering A Practioners


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