Abet Emag 2014 I

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The key takeaways are that this course covers time varying electromagnetic fields and Maxwell's equations with engineering applications.

The course will cover topics such as plane waves, transmission lines, waveguides, radiating systems and antennas.

Assessments will include exams, quizzes, a project, assignments, with the final exam counting for 50% of the grade.

University of Jordan

College of Engineering & Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering
Summer Term 2013-2014
Dr. Jamal Rahhal ([email protected])

Course: Electromagnetics II 0903351 (3 Cr. Core Course).

Catalog Data: This course is designed to demonstrate the basics of Time varying
Electromagnetic Fields with some engineering applications.

Prerequisites by
Course: Electromagnetics I 0903251.

by topic: Students are assumed to have a background of the following topics:
Victor calculas and Diff. Equations.

Textbook: M. N., O. Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetics, 3rd Ed., Oxford University

Press, 2001.

1. W. H. Hayt, Jr and J. A. Buck, Engineering Electromagnetics, 6th Ed,
McGraw-Hill Book Co., 2001.
2. J. D. Kraus, Electromagnetics, 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992.
3. H. P. Neff, Jr., Basic Electromagnetic Fields, Harper & Row, 1981.
Schedule &
Duration: 16 Weeks, 32 lectures, 75 minutes each (plus exams).

Minimum Student
Material: Text book, class handouts, scientific calculator, and an access to a personal

Minimum College
Facilities: Classroom with whiteboard, library, and computational facilities.

Course Objectives:
1. Provide the knowledge and proficiency to analyse time varying fields and
apply Maxwell's equations to practical situations.
2. Understand the implications of time varying electrical and magnetic
fields and their manifestations in practical situations. Understand the
propagation of electromagnetic waves and signals in unguided and
guided media and interfaces.
3. Calculate how signals propagate through transmission lines and use the
concept of impedances.
4. Understand generation and reception of electromagnetic radiation

Course Outcomes and Relation to ABET Program Outcomes:

(a) Ability to apply knowledge of math, science and engineering.
(c) Ability to design system, components or process to meat a need.
(e) Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
(k) Ability to use techniques, skills and tools in engineering practice.

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Course Topics:
Topic Description Contact Hours

T.1. Time varying fields and Maxwells equations : 5

Review and overview of the course. Maxwell's Equation (ME) in integral
and differential forms, Derivation of the continuity equation and
relaxation relationship. ME for harmonic sources. Concept of both
dielectric and magnetic hysteresis. Boundary conditions.
T.2. Wave equation and plane wave in lossless medium : 5
Derivation of the wave equation and its solution for uniform plane wave
(UPW) in general medium. Characterization of the UPW and identifying
its different components such as its wavelength, wave number, direction
of wave propagation, phase velocity, phase constant, attenuation
constant, wave impedance, group velocity. Medium classifications:
Lossless, lossy, and good conducting media.
T.3. Plane wave in good conduction medium and the Poynting vector: 3
UPW propagation in lossy, lossless and good conducting media and the
concept of skin depth in lossy and good conducting media. Generalized
form of UPW. Poynting vector and the concept of power flow in high
frequency circuits.
T.4. Normal incidence of plane wave: 3
Normal incidence of UPW and its reflection from plane boundaries for
both lossless and lossy media. Traveling and standing waves. Reflection
coefficient and the standing wave ratio (SWR).
T.5. Wave polarization: 2
UPW polarization including linear, circular and elliptical polarizations with
T.6. Refelction, refraction, scattering and diffraction of waves: 3
Reflection, refraction and scattering of UPW from plane boundaries for
both perpendicular and parallel polarization including Snell's law of
reflection and refraction, critical and Brewester angles. Considerations
for non-planar boundaries will be given qualitatively.
T.7. Waves classification: 3
Classification of wave modes, which relies on the orientation of the
electric and magnetic field components compared with that of the
direction of wave propagation, is considered.
T.8. Transmission line theory: 3
Transmission lines (TL) including the conversion from field components
to voltage and current expressions. Derivation of the general TL
equations in general form. TL propagation constant and its characteristic
impedance. Transient analysis of lossless TL. TL for harmonic sources
including its analysis using vector and crank diagrams. Short TL (Stubs)
and the concept of distributed circuit parameters.
T.9. Transmission line charts: 5
TL charts and its analysis including the concept of matching using single
stub, double stub and quarter wavelength TL. Impedance measurements
for high frequency circuits using Smith chart.
T.10. Waveguides: 3
Waveguide including the concept of wave propagation in one conductor
system. Rectangular waveguide analysis including waveguide
wavelength, phase velocity, dominant mode, and waveguide impedance.
Slots in waveguide. The concept of resonant cavity.
T.11. Radiating systems and antennas : 5
Introduction to antennas including simple dipole and other antenna
Exams, and Reviews. 2

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Computer Usage: Course work including assignments and the use of MatLab.

Attendance: Class attendance will be taken every class.

Assessments: Exams, Quizzes, project, and Assignments.

Grading policy:
Course Work 20 %
Midterm Exam 30 %
Final Exam 50 %
Total 100%


Instructor Name Office Hours Ext. E-mail

All week days
Dr. Jamal Rahhal 10:20-11:20 [email protected]

Project: For the completion of the requirements of this course, a project must be conducted by
the end of the semester. It contains the following:
1- Simulation of electromagnetic fields using HFSS software.
2- Design of a radiation element.

Last Updated: June. 16th, 2014

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