5.AWP R19 Syllabus
5.AWP R19 Syllabus
5.AWP R19 Syllabus
Course Objectives:
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
x Understand radiation mechanism and basic antenna characteristics. (L1)
x Compute radiation intensity, gain and directivity of antennas. (L2)
Wire and Antenna Arrays: Wire and antenna arrays: Radiation resistance and directivity and
other characteristics of short dipole, monopole, half-wave dipole, small loop antenna.
Linear array and pattern multiplication, two-element array, uniform array, binomial array,
broadside and end-fire arrays.
Rhombic antennas, Yagi-Uda array, Turnstile Antenna, Helical antenna - axial and normal
modes, log-periodic Array, spiral antenna.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
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x Derive expressions for radiation resistance, directivity of wire antennas. (L3)
x Obtain radiation pattern of various array antennas using pattern multiplication. (L3)
x Compare radiation pattern and other antenna parameters of broadside and endfire array
antennas. (L5)
x To know the design aspects of antenna arrays. (L4)
Aperture Antennas and Lens Antennas: Aperture Antennas and Lens Antennas: Slot antenna,
pyramidal and conical horn antennas, reflector Antenna: flat plate, corner and parabolic
reflectors - common curved reflector shapes, Feed mechanisms.
Lens Antennas - Introduction, Geometry of Non-metallic Dielectric Lenses, Zoning, Tolerances,
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
x Understand basic principles of aperture and lens antennas. (L1)
x Design aperture and lens antennas. (L4)
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
x Describe feeding methods for micro-strip antennas. (L2)
x Apply the concepts to measure antenna parameters. (L2)
x Design rectangular and circular patch antennas for given specifications. (L4)
Wave Propagation - I: Introduction, Definitions, Categorizations and General Classifications,
Different Modes of Wave Propagation, Ray/Mode Concepts, Ground Wave Propagation
(Quantitative Treatment) - Introduction, Plane Earth Reflections, Space and Surface Waves,
Wave Tilt, Curved Earth Reflections, Space Wave Propagation - Introduction, Field Strength
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Variation with Distance and Height, Effect of Earth's Curvature, Absorption, Super retraction,
M- Curves and Duct Propagation, Scattering Phenomena, Tropospheric Propagation.
Wave Propagation - II: Sky Wave Propagation - Introduction, Structure of Ionosphere,
Refraction and Reflection of Sky Waves by Ionosphere, Ray Path, Critical Frequency, MUF,
LUF, OF, Virtual Height and Skip Distance, Relation between MUF and skip Distance, Multi-
hop Propagation, illustrative problems.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
x Understand effects of earth’s magnetic field on wave propagation (L1)
x Apply the concepts to solve problems related to wave propagation(L2)
x Analyze tropospheric propagation and derive the expression for received field strength
x Identify layers in ionosphere and their ionization densities (L1)
Course Outcomes:
1. John D. Kraus, Ronald J. Marhefka, Ahmad S. Khan, “Antennas and Wave Propagation”,
4thEdition, TMH, 2010.
2. Jordan, E.C. and Balmain. K. G., “Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems”,
Prentice-Hall Publications.
1. Constantine A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory-Analysis and Design”, Wiley Publication,
2. K.D. Prasad, “Antenna & Wave Propagation”, Satya Prakash Publications, 2009.
3. Matthew N.O.Sadiku, “Principle of Electromagnetics”, 4th edition, Oxford
(International), 2012.
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