5.AWP R19 Syllabus

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B.Tech (ECE)– III-I Sem L T P C

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Course Objectives:

x To introduce radiation mechanisms and basic characteristics of antennas.

x To derive mathematical expressions and their application for complete design of
x To demonstrate various modes of EM wave propagation.
x To explain measurement of antenna parameters
x To introduce design concepts of various types of antennas including micro strip antenna.


Antenna Characteristics: Radiation mechanism and current distribution, radiation pattern,

directivity, gain, Input impedance, polarization, bandwidth, HPBW. Reciprocity, equivalence of
radiation and receive patterns, equivalence of impedances, effective aperture, vector effective
length, antenna temperature, Friis transmission formula, problem solving.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
x Understand radiation mechanism and basic antenna characteristics. (L1)
x Compute radiation intensity, gain and directivity of antennas. (L2)


Wire and Antenna Arrays: Wire and antenna arrays: Radiation resistance and directivity and
other characteristics of short dipole, monopole, half-wave dipole, small loop antenna.
Linear array and pattern multiplication, two-element array, uniform array, binomial array,
broadside and end-fire arrays.
Rhombic antennas, Yagi-Uda array, Turnstile Antenna, Helical antenna - axial and normal
modes, log-periodic Array, spiral antenna.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

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x Derive expressions for radiation resistance, directivity of wire antennas. (L3)
x Obtain radiation pattern of various array antennas using pattern multiplication. (L3)
x Compare radiation pattern and other antenna parameters of broadside and endfire array
antennas. (L5)
x To know the design aspects of antenna arrays. (L4)


Aperture Antennas and Lens Antennas: Aperture Antennas and Lens Antennas: Slot antenna,
pyramidal and conical horn antennas, reflector Antenna: flat plate, corner and parabolic
reflectors - common curved reflector shapes, Feed mechanisms.
Lens Antennas - Introduction, Geometry of Non-metallic Dielectric Lenses, Zoning, Tolerances,

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
x Understand basic principles of aperture and lens antennas. (L1)
x Design aperture and lens antennas. (L4)


Micro-Strip Antennas And Antenna Measurements: Micro-strip Antennas and Antenna

Measurements: Basic characteristics, feeding methods, methods of analysis - Design of
Rectangular and Circular Patch Antennas, Introduction to Smart Antennas - Concept of adaptive
beam forming, Measurement of Antenna Parameters, basic setup, radiation pattern measurement,
gain, directivity.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
x Describe feeding methods for micro-strip antennas. (L2)
x Apply the concepts to measure antenna parameters. (L2)
x Design rectangular and circular patch antennas for given specifications. (L4)

Wave Propagation - I: Introduction, Definitions, Categorizations and General Classifications,
Different Modes of Wave Propagation, Ray/Mode Concepts, Ground Wave Propagation
(Quantitative Treatment) - Introduction, Plane Earth Reflections, Space and Surface Waves,
Wave Tilt, Curved Earth Reflections, Space Wave Propagation - Introduction, Field Strength

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Variation with Distance and Height, Effect of Earth's Curvature, Absorption, Super retraction,
M- Curves and Duct Propagation, Scattering Phenomena, Tropospheric Propagation.
Wave Propagation - II: Sky Wave Propagation - Introduction, Structure of Ionosphere,
Refraction and Reflection of Sky Waves by Ionosphere, Ray Path, Critical Frequency, MUF,
LUF, OF, Virtual Height and Skip Distance, Relation between MUF and skip Distance, Multi-
hop Propagation, illustrative problems.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
x Understand effects of earth’s magnetic field on wave propagation (L1)
x Apply the concepts to solve problems related to wave propagation(L2)
x Analyze tropospheric propagation and derive the expression for received field strength
x Identify layers in ionosphere and their ionization densities (L1)

Course Outcomes:

x Understand various antenna parameters, principle of operation of various antennas viz.

wired, aperture, micro strip antennas.
x Discuss various EM wave propagation methods in ionosphere and troposphere
x Analyze mathematical aspects of wave propagation, Derive expressions related to
radiation mechanisms for antennas
x Design various antennas namely array, micro strip, horn, lens and aperture antennas, etc.,
for a given application.
x Compare performance of various antennas.


1. John D. Kraus, Ronald J. Marhefka, Ahmad S. Khan, “Antennas and Wave Propagation”,
4thEdition, TMH, 2010.
2. Jordan, E.C. and Balmain. K. G., “Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems”,
Prentice-Hall Publications.

1. Constantine A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory-Analysis and Design”, Wiley Publication,
2. K.D. Prasad, “Antenna & Wave Propagation”, Satya Prakash Publications, 2009.
3. Matthew N.O.Sadiku, “Principle of Electromagnetics”, 4th edition, Oxford
(International), 2012.

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