Is 15636 2012

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and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
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IS 15636 (2012): Automotive vehicles - Pneumatic tyres for

commercial vehicles - Diagonal and radial ply [TED 7:
Automotive Tyres, Tubes and Rims]

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Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge

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IS 15636 : 2012

Hkkjrh; ekud
Lopy okgu O;kolkf;d okguksa osQ fy, okfry
Vk;j vkM+h vkSj jsfM;y IykbZ fof'kf"V
(igyk iqujh{k.k)

Indian Standard
( First Revision )

ICS 83.160.10

BIS 2012
NEW DELHI 110002

June 2012 Price Group 10

Automotive Tyres, Tubes and Rims Sectional Committee, TED 7

This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Automotive Tyres, Tubes and Rims Sectional Committee had been approved by the Transport Engineering
Division Council.
This standard was first published in 2005. This revision has been undertaken to include the latest sizes of tyres
which have been introduced after the publication of the standard.
In the formulation of this standard, considerable assistance has been derived from the following International
ECE R 54 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of pneumatic tyres for commercial vehicles
and their trailers
ISO 10454 : 1993 Truck and bus tyres Verifying tyre capabilities Laboratory test methods
FMVSS 571.119 New pneumatic tyres for vehicles other than passenger cars
In this standard SI units have been used.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex H.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised). The number of significant places in the rounded off value
should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 15636 : 2012

Indian Standard
( First Revision )
1 SCOPE 1) Normal Normal-road-use tyres;
2) Special Special-use tyre, for example
This standard specifies the general, dimensional, and
tyre for mixed use (both on and off the
performance requirements of new pneumatic tyres
road) and/or restricted speed;
designed primarily, but not only, for vehicles in
categories M2, M3, N, T3 and T4 as defined in 3) Snow tyre;
IS 14272 : 2011 Automotive vehicles Types d) Structure [diagonal (bias-ply), radial];
terminology (first revision). However, it does not apply e) Speed category;
to tyre types identified by speed symbols corresponding f) Load indices or maximum load and ply rating;
to speeds below 80 km/h. and
g) Nominal cross-section Dimension when
fitted to a specified rim.
The following standard contains provision, which 3.1.2 The nomenclature used is given in Fig. 1.
through reference in this text constitutes provision of
this standard. At the time of publication, the edition 3.2 Snow Tyre Tyre whose tread pattern and whose
indicated was valid. All standards are subject to structure are primarily designed to ensure, in mud and
revision and parties to agreements based on this fresh or melting snow, a performance better than of an
standard is encouraged to investigate the possibility ordinary (road-type) tyre. The tread pattern of a snow
of applying the most recent edition of the standard tyre generally consists of groove (rib) and/or solid
indicated below: block elements more widely spaced than on an ordinary
(road type) tyre.
IS No. Title
3.3 Structure Tyre technical characteristics of the
10694 (Part 3) : Automotive vehicles Rims
carcass of a tyre. A distinction is made between the
1991 General requirements: Part 3
following structures in particular.
Commercial vehicle rims (first
revision) 3.3.1 Diagonal or Bias-ply Structure in which the
ply cords extend to the beads and are laid at alternate
3 TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND NOMENCLATURE angles substantially less than 90 to the centreline of
For the purpose of this standard, the following terms the tread.
shall apply. 3.3.2 Radial Structure in which the ply cords extend
3.1 Tyre An annular toroidal shaped inflatable to the beads and are laid substantially at 90 to the
envelope made of elastic materials, natural and/or centreline of the tread, the carcass being stabilized by
synthetic rubber or a blend thereof, reinforced with a an essentially inextensible circumferential belt.
textile/steel cord fabric casing enclosing multi-coil wire 3.4 Bead Part of a pneumatic tyre which is of such
beadings. The tyre is so made that it can be used by a shape and structure so as to fit the rim and to hold
mounting and inflating on the appropriate rim. the tyre on it (see Fig. 1).
3.1.1 Type of Pneumatic Tyre A category of 3.5 Cord Strands forming the fabric of the plies in
pneumatic tyres which do not differ in such essential the pneumatic tyre.
respects such as:
3.6 Ply Layer of rubber-coated parallel cords.
a) Manufacturers name and brand name;
3.7 Carcass Part of a pneumatic tyre other than the
b) Tyre-size designation; tread and the rubber sidewalls which, when inflated,
c) Category of use; bears the load.

IS 15636 : 2012

All dimensions in millimetres.


IS 15636 : 2012

3.8 Tread Part of a pneumatic tyre which comes Table 1 Rim Diameter Codes
into contact with the ground, protects the carcass (Clause 3.17)
against mechanical damage and contributes to ground
Sl No. Nominal Rim Diameter Value of d
adhesion. Code d mm
(1) (2) (3)
3.9 Sidewall Part of a pneumatic tyre between the
tread and the area designed to be covered by the rim i) 8 203
ii) 9 229
flange. iii) 10 254
iv) 11 279
3.10 Lower Sidewall Area included between the v) 12 305
line of maximum section width of the tyre and the area vi) 13 330
designed to be covered by the rim flange. vii) 14 356
viii) 15 381
3.11 Tread Groove Space between two adjacent ix) 16 406
x) 17 432
ribs and/or blocks in the tread pattern (see Fig. 1). xi) 18 457
xii) 19 482
3.12 Section Width (S) Linear distance between xiii) 20 508
the outsides of the sidewalls of an inflated pneumatic xiv) 21 533
tyre, excluding elevations due to labelling (marking), xv) 22 559
xvi) 24 610
decoration or protective bands or ribs. xvii) 25 635
xviii) 14.5 368
3.13 Overall Width Linear distance between the xix) 16.5 419
outsides of the sidewalls of an inflated pneumatic tyre, xx) 17.5 445
including labelling (marking), decoration and xxi) 19.5 495
xxii) 20.5 521
protective bands or ribs. xxiii) 22.5 572
xxiv) 24.5 622
3.14 Section Height (H) Distance equal to half the xxv) 26 660
difference between the outer diameter of the tyre and xxvi) 28 711
the nominal rim diameter. xxvii) 30 762

3.15 Nominal Aspect Ratio (Ra) Hundred times

3.21 Test Rim Rim on which a tyre shall be fitted
the number obtained by dividing the number expressing
for load/speed, endurance, plunger testing.
the section height (H) by the number expressing the
nominal section width (S1), both dimensions expressed 3.22 Chunking Breaking away of pieces of rubber
in the same units. from the tread.
3.16 Outer Diameter (D) Overall diameter of an 3.23 Cord Separation Parting of the cords from
inflated new pneumatic tyre. their coating.
3.17 Tyre Size Designation The description 3.24 Ply Separation Parting of adjacent plies.
containing the following:
3.25 Tread Separation Pulling away of the tread
a) Nominal tyre section width code (S1); from the carcass.
b) Nominal aspect ratio (where applicable); and 3.26 Load Index One or two numbers (higher
c) Nominal rim diameter code (d) A number is for single application and lower number for
conventional number denoting the nominal dual) which indicate the load the tyre can carry in single
rim diameter corresponding to its diameter or in single and dual operation at the speed
expressed by codes (numbers below 100) or corresponding to the associated speed symbol and
in millimetres (numbers above 100). when operated in conformity with the requirements
governing utilization specified by the manufacturer.
The values of the d symbols expressed in millimetres
The list of these indices and their corresponding loads
are shown in Table 1.
are given in Table 2.
3.18 Nominal Rim Diameter Diameter of the rim
3.27 Ply Rating Term used to identify given tyre
on which a tyre is designed to be mounted.
with its maximum recommended load when used in
3.19 Rim Support for a tyre-and-tube assembly, or specified type of service. It is an index of tyre strength
for a tubeless tyre, on which support the tyre beads are and does not necessarily represent the number of cord
seated [see IS 10694 (Part 3)]. plies in the tyre.
3.20 Measuring Rim Rim on which a tyre shall be 3.28 Speed Symbol Speed, indicated by a symbol,
fitted for dimensional measurements. at which the tyre can carry the load indicated by the

IS 15636 : 2012

associated load-index or maximum rated load. The and outer diameter shall be verified against the
maximum speed which the tyre can sustain is expressed specification declared by the manufacturer.
by speed symbol given in Table 3.
4.1.3 For metric designated tyres (diagonal or radial)
3.29 Table Load-Capacity Variation with Speed which are not listed in Tables 6 to 25, the section width
Tables 4 and 5, showing as a function of the load indices and outer diameter shall be calculated using the
and nominal-speed symbols, the load variations which following formulae:
a pneumatic tyre can withstand, when used at speeds
different from that conforming to its nominal speed a) Section width of tyre
symbol. S = S1 + K (A A1)
3.30 Theoretical Rim An imaginary rim the width
of which would be X times the nominal section width S = section width measured on
of a tyre. The value of X shall be specified by the tyre measuring rim, in mm;
manufacturer. S1 = nominal section width, as set out on
the tyre sidewall in the tyre size
4 TEST REQUIREMENTS designation, in mm;
A = width of the measuring rim, as
4.1 Tyre Dimensions
shown by the manufacturer in the
4.1.1 Tyre dimensions, namely section width and outer technical specification, in mm;
diameter and profiles shall be compatible with the A1 = theoretical rim width, in mm.
appropriate rims. The method of measurement of tyre
dimensions is given in Annex A.
1 A1 shall be taken to equal S1 multiplied by the factor Section width of tyre X as specified by the manufacturer, and K shall be taken
equal to 0.4.
For the existing types of tyres whose designations are 2 The actual measured overall width of the tyre may be
given in col 2 of Tables 6 to 25, the actual measured less than the section width determined as detailed in
section width shall be within the minimum section this clause.
width and maximum overall width values specified in 3 The actual measured overall width may also exceed
the section width determined as detailed in this clause
those tables. by value of 4 percent in case of radial ply tyre and by 8
NOTE Adjustment to tyre section width/overall width percent in case of diagonal (bias-ply) tyres.
Within the parameters of specified permissibility of a wider or However, for tyres with normal section width exceeding
narrower rim than the recommended rim size, the guidelines 305 mm intended for dual mounting (twinning), the
for the necessary adjustment are Sectional width or overall value determined as detailed in this clause shall not be
width: 5 mm increase or reduction (as applicable) for every exceeded by more than 2 percent for radial ply tyres
0.50 difference in nominal rim width. with nominal aspect ratio higher than 60, or 4 percent
for diagonal (bias-ply) tyres. Tyre outer diameter
b) Outer diameter of the tyre
For the existing types of tyres whose designations are
D = d+2H
given in col 2 of Tables 6 to 25, the actual measured
outer diameter shall be within the minimum and where
maximum diameter values specified in those tables. D = outer diameter expressed, in mm;
d = conventional number denoting the For the tyre sizes listed in Tables 6 to 25, but
nominal rim diameter expressed in
ply rating/and or speed symbol and load-inflation
mm (see 3.18). When the
details are other than those given corresponding to tyre
conventional number is given by
sizes in the tables, the section width and outer diameter
codes, the value in mm is obtained
shall be determined as follows:
by multiplying such number by
a) Actual measured section width shall be within 25.4;
the minimum section width and maximum H = nominal section height, in mm
overall width values specified in Tables 6 = 0.01 Ra S1
to 25. where
b) Actual measured outer diameter shall be Ra = nominal aspect ratio; and
within the minimum and maximum diameter
S1 = nominal section width, in mm.
values specified in Tables 6 to 25.
NOTE Ra and S1 are as shown on the sidewall of the
4.1.2 For code designated (diagonal or radial) sizes tyre in the tyre-size designation in conformity with the
which are not listed in Tables 6 to 25, the section width requirements of 3.17.

IS 15636 : 2012

The outer tyre diameter shall not be outside the 4.4.2 However, in the case of tyres dimensions
minimum and maximum diameter values obtained appropriate for mounting on rims of a nominal diameter
from the following formula: code 12, minimum four number of tread-wear
indicators shall be accepted.
DMin = d + (2H a)
DMax = d + (2H b) 4.4.3 The tread-wear indicators shall provide a means
NOTES of indicating with a tolerance of +-0.60
mm when the tread
1 H and d are as defined in 4.1.3. grooves are no longer more than 1.6 mm deep.
2 Coefficients a and b are respectively:
4.4.4 Height of tread-wear indicators is determined by
a 0.97 measuring the difference between the depth, from the
Radial Diagonal treads surface to the bottom of the tread groove close
b For normal use tyres 1.04 1.07 to the slope at the base of the tread-wear indicator and
For special use tyres 1.06 1.09 to the top of the tread-wear indicator.
NOTE The tyre shall be considered unsafe for service on
4.2 Endurance Test road when remaining worn skid depth reaches minimum value
of 1.6 mm at any part of the tread circumference.
4.2.1 Each type of pneumatic tyres, other than the types
mentioned in 4.3.1 shall undergo the endurance test. 4.5 Tyre Strength Test (Plunger Test)
The sample shall conform to the requirements given The tyre shall conform to the requirements given in
in 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 when tested as per the method given Tables 27 and 28 when tested as per the method given
in Annex B. in Annex D. When both Load Index and PR are marked
4.2.2 After undergoing the endurance test, the tyre shall on the tyre, the test values as given in Table 28 shall be
not exhibit any tread separation, ply separation, cord adopted.
separation, chunking or broken cords.
4.2.3 The outer diameter of the tyre, measured 6 h after
the endurance test, shall not differ by more than 5.1 Tyre shall be permanently and legibly marked, on
3.5 percent from the outer diameter as measured both sidewalls in the case of symmetrical tyre and at
before the test. least on the outer sidewall in the case of asymmetrical
tyre with the following markings:
4.3 Load/Speed Performance Test a) Manufacturers name or trade-name;
4.3.1 Each type of pneumatic tyres having a speed b) Tyre size designation as given in 3.17;
symbol Q and above and marked with, c) An indication of the structure as follows:
a) load index in single121 or less; or 1) On diagonal (bias-ply) tyre: The
b) load index in single 122 and above and with character or the letter D placed in
the additional marking C, or LT, included in front of the rim-diameter marking;
the tyre size designation shall undergo load/ 2) On radial-ply tyres: The letter R placed
speed performance test. in front of the rim-diameter marking and,
optionally, the word RADIAL;
The sample shall conform to the requirements given
d) Speed symbol (or symbols) An indication
in 4.3.2, when tested as per the method given in
of the tyres nominal speed symbol in the form
Annex C.
of the symbol given in 3.28;
4.3.2 After undergoing the load/speed performance test, e) Ply rating and maximum load in kg
the tyre shall not exhibit any tread separation, ply (corresponding to ply rating) and/or load
separation, cord separation, chunking or broken cords. index and maximum load in kg
(corresponding to load index) as applicable;
4.4 Tread-Wear Indicators
f) Maximum cold inflation pressure, in kPa;
4.4.1 The pneumatic tyre shall include not less than g) The word TUBELESS if the tyre is designed
six transverse rows of tread-wear indicators, for use without an inner tube;
approximately equally spaced and situated in the
h) Week and Year code (Code only in the form
principal grooves of the tread. The tread-wear
of 2510 which indicates 25th week of year
indicators shall be such that these cannot be confused
2010); or
with the rubber ridges between the ribs or blocks of
the tread. Month and Year code of manufacture (Code

IS 15636 : 2012

only in the form of MAR 10 which indicates 6.2.4 In the event of or in the case
March month of year 2010) (may be placed of after successful compliance to the
on one sidewall); requirements, a certificate of compliance shall be
j) In the case of tyres which can be regrooved, validated for the modified version, as applicable.
symbol U at least 20 mm in diameter, or the 6.2.5 Criteria for Extension of Type Approval
k) Tread wear indicators marking shall be In case the changes cause the tyre to be outside
provided at minimum six/four (as applicable) the approved family/range of tyres, the verification
places along the circumference to give shall be carried out for establishing compliance of the
indication to the user for location of tread changed parameters to the requirements specified in
wear indicator; and this standard.
m) The inscription M+S or M.S or M&S in the Family/Range of tyres would mean tyres, which
case of a snow tyre. do not differ in the aspects listed below, but having
different brand names/trade name/trade descriptions
5.2 An example of tyre markings is given in Annex E.
or trade-marks:
5.3 Markings given in 5.1 shall be moulded into or on
a) Registered name of company;
the tyres. These shall be clearly legible and situated in
the lower area of the tyre on at least one of its sidewalls. b) Country of origin;
c) Location of manufacturing facility;
5.4 Examples of tyre size designations are given in
d) Application category (road or off road or
Annex F.
6 CRITERIA FOR TYPE APPROVAL/TYPE TEST e) Construction type (standard or reinforced);
f) Structure (diagonal or radial or bias belted);
6.1 Tyre(s) shall meet the test requirements when tested
as per schedule given in Table 31. g) Tyre size designation;
h) Speed category;
6.2 Type Approval Procedure j) Tube or tubeless (worst case is tubeless);
6.2.1 Application for type approval to be submitted by k) Load index (or load capacity);
the manufacturer. m) Ply rating of diagonal ply tyres; and
6.2.2 The application for type approval shall contain at n) Carcass material Nylon/Polyester/Steel (as
least the technical information as specified in Annex G. applicable).
NOTE For type approval of tyre belonging to one family of 6.3 Type Approval Procedure for Tyres not Listed
tyre, brand of the tyre to be selected for type approval shall be
left to certifying authority. Worst case selection shall be made in Tables 6 to 25
at the discretion of the certifying authority based on the family
of tyres specified in 6.3.1 Tyre section width and tyre overall diameter shall
be verified as per, 4.1.2, and 4.1.4
6.2.3 Changes in the Technical Specification of Already against the specification declared by the manufacturer.
Type Approved Tyres
6.3.2 For carrying out the tests of these tyres, the load Every functional modification in technical and inflation pressures specified by the manufacturer
specification declared in accordance with 6.2.1 shall and marked on the tyre shall be used.
be intimated to the certifying authority. The certifying authority may then consider, 7 CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION TESTS/

a) tyre with modification complies with 7.1 Periodic testing of each type of tyre as per the
specified requirement, or; approved family of tyres given in shall be
carried out. The approved marking shall be made only
b) any further verification is required.
on the tyres of that approved family and the same shall
For considering whether any further verification is not get extended to other families of tyres, unless tyres
required or not, criteria for extension of type approval from out of that have undergone the same testing and
specified in 6.2.5 shall be used. type approval for that family of tyre. If a tubeless tyre
version is approved its tube version shall also deemed In case of, checks for those
to be approved.
parameters which are affected by the modifications,
only need to be carried out. 7.2 The tyres approved under this standard shall be so

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 2 Load Indices

(Clause 3.26)
Sl No. Load Corresponding Sl No. Load Corresponding Sl No. Load Corresponding
Index Maximum Load to Index Maximum Load to Index Maximum Load to
be Carried be Carried be Carried
kg kg kg
(1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)
i) 60 250 xlviii) 107 10975 xcv) 154 03 750
ii) 61 257 xlix) 108 1 000 xcvi) 155 03 875
iii) 62 265 l) 109 1 030 xcvii) 156 04 000
iv) 63 272 li) 110 1 060 xcviii) 157 04 125
v) 64 280 lii) 111 1 090 xcix) 158 04 250
vi) 65 290 liii) 112 1 120 c) 159 04 375
vii) 66 300 liv) 113 1 150 ci) 160 04 500
viii) 67 307 lv) 114 1 180 cii) 161 04 625
ix) 68 315 lvi) 115 1 215 ciii) 162 04 750
x) 69 325 lvii) 116 1 250 civ) 163 04 875
xi) 70 335 lviii) 117 1 285 cv) 164 05 000
xii) 71 345 lix) 118 1 320 cvi) 165 05 150
xiii) 72 355 lx) 119 1 360 cvii) 166 05 300
xiv) 73 365 lxi) 120 1 400 cviii) 167 05 450
xv) 74 375 lxii) 121 1 450 cix) 168 05 600
xvi) 75 387 lxiii) 122 1 500 cx) 169 05 800
xvii) 76 400 lxiv) 123 1 550 cxi) 170 06 000
xviii) 77 412 lxv) 124 1 600 cxii) 171 06 150
xix) 78 425 lxvi) 125 1 650 cxiii) 172 06 300
xx) 79 437 lxvii) 126 1 700 cxiv) 173 06 500
xxi) 80 450 lxviii) 127 1 750 cxv) 174 06 700
xxii) 81 462 lxix) 128 1 800 cxvi) 175 06 900
xxiii) 82 475 lxx) 129 1 850 cxvii) 176 07 100
xxiv) 83 487 lxxi) 130 1 900 cxviii) 177 07 300
xxv) 84 500 lxxii) 131 1 950 cxix) 178 07 500
xxvi) 85 515 lxxiii) 132 2 000 cxx) 179 07 750
xxvii) 86 530 lxxiv) 133 2 060 cxxi) 180 08 000
xxviii) 87 545 lxxv) 134 2 120 cxxii) 181 08 250
xxix) 88 560 lxxvi) 135 2 180 cxxiii) 182 08 500
xxx) 89 580 lxxvii) 136 2 240 cxxiv) 183 08 750
xxxi) 90 600 lxxviii) 137 2 300 cxxv) 184 09 000
xxxii) 91 615 lxxix) 138 2 360 cxxvi) 185 09 250
xxxiii) 92 630 lxxx) 139 2 430 cxxvii) 186 09 500
xxxiv) 93 650 lxxxi) 140 2 500 cxxviii) 187 09 750
xxxv) 94 670 lxxxii) 141 2 575 cxxix) 188 10 000
xxxvi) 95 690 lxxxiii) 142 2 650 cxxx) 189 10 300
xxxvii) 96 710 lxxxiv) 143 2 725 cxxxi) 190 10 600
xxxviii) 97 730 lxxxv) 144 2 800 cxxxii) 191 10 900
xxxix) 98 750 lxxxvi) 145 2 900 cxxxiii) 192 11 200
xl) 99 775 lxxxvii) 146 3 000 cxxxiv) 193 11 500
xli) 100 800 lxxxviii) 147 3 075 cxxxv) 194 11 800
xlii) 101 825 lxxxix) 148 3 150 cxxxvi) 195 12 150
xliii) 102 850 xc) 149 3 250 cxxxvii) 196 12 500
xliv) 103 875 xci) 150 3 350 cxxxviii) 197 12 850
xlv) 104 900 xcii) 151 3 450 cxxxix) 198 13 200
xlvi) 105 925 xciii) 152 3 550 cxl) 199 13 600
xlvii) 106 950 xciv) 153 3 650 cxli) 200 14 000

manufactured as to conform to requirements set forth Table 3 Speed Symbol and Maximum Speed
in Table 32. (Clause 3.28)
7.3 The production and quality assurance system shall meet Sl No. Speed Symbol Corresponding Speed
all the requirements laid out by the certifying authority. (1) (2) (3)
i) F 80
iii) J 100
Each tyre may also be marked with the Standard Mark. iv) K 110
v) L 120
8.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the vi) M 130
provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 vii) N 140
viii) P 150
and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The ix) Q 160
details of conditions under which the license for the x) R 170
xi) S 180
use of the Standard Mark may be granted to xii) T 190
manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the xiii) U 200
Bureau of Indian Standards. xiv) H 210

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 4 Variation of Load Capacity with Speed and Inflation Pressure Compensation Commercial
Vehicles Tyres Radial and Diagonal Ply
(Clause 3.29)

Sl No. Speed Variation of Load Capacity (Percent) Inflation

km/h Load Indices 1221)
Speed symbol (Percent)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
i) 0 +150 +150 +150 +150 +150 +150 +40
ii) 5 +110 +110 +110 +110 +110 +110 +40
iii) 10 +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 +30
iv) 15 +65 +65 +65 +65 +65 +65 +25
v) 20 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +21
vi) 25 +35 +35 +35 +35 +35 +35 +17
vii) 30 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +13
viii) 35 +19 +19 +19 +19 +19 +19 +11
ix) 40 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +10
x) 45 +13 +13 +13 +13 +13 +13 +9
xi) 50 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +8
xii) 55 +11 +11 +11 +11 +11 +11 +7
xiii) 60 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +6
xiv) 65 +7.5 +8.5 +8.5 +8.5 +8.5 +8.5 +4
xv) 70 +5.0 +7.0 +7.0 +7.0 +7.0 +7.0 +2
xvi) 75 +2.5 +5.5 +5.5 +5.5 +5.5 +5.5 +1
xvii) 80 0 +4.0 +4.0 +4.0 +4.0 +4.0 0
xviii) 85 +2.0 +3.0 +3.0 +3.0 +3.0 0
xix) 90 0 +2.0 +2.0 +2.0 +2.0 0
xx) 95 +1.0 +1.0 +1.0 +1.0 0
xxi) 100 0 0 0 0 0
xxii) 105 0 0 0 0
xxiii) 110 0 0 0 0
xxiv) 115 0 0 0
xxv) 120 0 0 0
xxvi) 125 0 0
xxvii) 130 0 0

NOTE It is imperative to consult rim/wheel manufacturers for the choice of rims and wheels suitable for the load carrying capacities
and the inflation pressure required for applications at speed of 40 km/h and below.
Load index indices refer to a single operation.

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 5 Variation of Load Capacity with Speed and Inflation Pressure Compensation
Commercial Vehicles Tyres Radial and Diagonal Ply
(Clause 3.29)

Sl No. Speed Variation of Load Capacity (Percent) Inflation

km/h Pressure
Load Indices 1211)
Speed symbol (Percent)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
i) 0 +110 +110 +110 +110 +110 +110 +110 +110 +110 +40
ii) 5 +90 +90 +90 +90 +90 +90 +90 +90 +90 +35
iii) 10 +75 +75 +75 +75 +75 +75 +75 +75 +75 +35
iv) 15 +60 +60 +60 +60 +60 +60 +60 +60 +60 +30
v) 20 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +30
vi) 25 +42 +42 +42 +42 +42 +42 +42 +42 +42 +30
vii) 30 +35 +35 +35 +35 +35 +35 +35 +35 +35 +30
viii) 35 +29 +29 +29 +29 +29 +29 +29 +29 +29 +30
ix) 40 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +25 +30
x) 45 +22 +22 +22 +22 +22 +22 +22 +22 +22 +28
xi) 50 +20 +20 +20 +20 +20 +20 +20 +20 +20 +25
xii) 55 +17.5 +17.5 +17.5 +17.5 +17.5 +17.5 +17.5 +17.5 +17.5 +22
xiii) 60 +15.0 +15.0 +15.0 +15.0 +15.0 +15.0 +15.0 +15.0 +15.0 +18
xiv) 65 +13.5 +13.5 +13.5 +13.5 +13.5 +13.5 +13.5 +13.5 +13.5 +15
xv) 70 +12.5 +12.5 +12.5 +12.5 +12.5 +12.5 +12.5 +12.5 +12.5 +15
xvi) 75 +11.0 +11.0 +11.0 +11.0 +11.0 +11.0 +11.0 +11.0 +11.0 +14
xvii) 80 +10.0 +10.0 +10.0 +10.0 +10.0 +10.0 +10.0 +10.0 +10.0 +12
xviii) 85 +8.5 +8.5 +8.5 +8.5 +8.5 +8.5 +8.5 +8.5 +8.5 +10
xix) 90 +7.5 +7.5 +7.5 +7.5 +7.5 +7.5 +7.5 +7.5 +7.5 +9
xx) 95 +6.5 +6.5 +6.5 +6.5 +6.5 +6.5 +6.5 +6.5 +6.5 +8
xxi) 100 +5.0 +5.0 +5.0 +5.0 +5.0 +5.0 +5.0 +5.0 +5.0 +6
xxii) 105 +3.75 +3.75 +3.75 +3.75 +3.75 +3.75 +3.75 +3.75 +3.75 +4
xxiii) 110 +2.5 +2.5 +2.5 +2.5 +2.5 +2.5 +2.5 +2.5 +2.5 +2
xxiv) 115 +1.25 +1.25 +1.25 +1.25 +1.25 +1.25 +1.25 +1.25 +1.25 +1
xxv) 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
xxvi) 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
xxvii) 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
xxviii) 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
xxix) 160 0 0 0 0 0 0
xxx) 170 0 0 0 0 0
xxxi) 180 0 0 0 0
xxxii) 190 0 0 0
xxxiii) 200 0 0
xxxiv) 210 0 0

1 It is imperative to consult rim/wheel manufacturers for the choice of rims and wheels suitable for the load carrying capacities and
the inflation pressure required for applications at speed of 40 km/h and below.
2 For load carrying capacities at speeds J and K and corresponding inflation pressure compensation, consult the tyre manufacturer.
Load indices refer to a single operation.

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 6 Truck, Bus and Trailer Tyres for Use in Highway Service
(Code Designated Diagonal Ply)
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Size Rec.
Desig- Alt. Width, mm Overall Diameter, mm Ply Maximum Load Maximum Maxi-
nation Rating Load Index Load mum
Desi- Mini- Maxi- Design Minimum Maximum (Corres- Single/ (Corres- Cold
gn mum mum Std/ Std/ Std/ ponding to Dual ponding to I. P
sec- sect- over- premium premium premium Ply Rating) Load kPa
tion ion all kg Index) Single/
width width width Single/Dual kg Dual
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
5.5 199 193 209
i) 7.00-20 904/ 892/ 924/ 10 1 430/1 250 121/117 1 450/1 285 620/550
5.0 194 188 204
10 1 600/1 405 124/120 1 600/1 400 620/550
6.0 215 209 226
ii) 7.50-20 935/952 922/939 956/974 12 1 775/1 555 128/124 1 800/1 600 725/655
5.5 210 204 221
14 1 900/1 650 130/125 1 900/1 650 795/725
12 2 040/1 790 133/128 2 060/1 800 690/620
6.5 236 229 248
iii) 8.25-20 974/992 960/977 997/1 016 14 2 230/1 960 136/131 2 240/1 950 795/725
6.0 231 224 243
16 2 300/2 000 137/132 2 300/2 000 825/760
12 2 335/2 050 138/133 2 360/2 060 655/585
7.0 259 251 272
iv) 9.00-20 1 019/1 038 1 004/1 022 1 045/1 065 14 2 570/2 255 141/136 2 575/2 240 760/690
6.5 254 246 267
16 2 650/2 325 142/138 2 650/2 360 795/725
14 2 740/2 405 143/139 2 725/2 430 690/620
7.5 278 270 292
v) 10.00-20 1 054/1 073 1 038/1 056 1 081/1 101 16 3 000/2 630 146/142 3 000/2 650 795/725
7.0 273 265 287
18 3 080/2 700 147/143 3 075/2 725 825/760
14 2 990/2 620 146/142 3 000/2 650 690/620
8.0 293 284 308
vi) 11.00-20 1 085/1 104 1 068/1 086 1 114/1 134 16 3 265/2 865 149/145 3 250/2 900 795/725
7.5 288 279 303
18 3 355/2 945 150/146 3 350/3 000 825/760
14 3 175/2 785 148/144 3 150/2 800 620/550
8.5 315 306 331
vii) 12.00-20 1 125/1 146 1 106/1 127 1 156/1 178 16 3 510/3 080 152/148 3 550/3 150 725/655
8.0 310 301 326
18 3 725/3 265 154/150 3 750/3 350 795/725
12 2 900/2 575 145/141 2 900/2 575 590/520
8.0 293 284 308
viii) 11.00-22 1 135/1 155 1 118/1 137 1 152/1 173 14 3 250/2 800 149/144 3 250/2 800 690/620
7.5 288 279 303
16 3 550/3 075 152/147 3 550/3 075 790/720
10 2 120/1 850 134/129 2 120/1 850 550/480
ix) 10-22.5 7.50 254 246 267 1 019/1 038 1 004/1 022 1 045/1 065 12 2 360/2 060 138/133 2 360/2 060 660/590
14 2 575/2 300 141/137 2 575/2 300 760/690
12 2 500/2 180 140/135 2 500/2 180 590/520
x) 11-22.5 8.25 279 271 293 1 054/1 073 1 038/1 056 1 081/1 101 14 2 800/2 430 144/139 2 800/2 430 690/620
16 3 000/2 650 146/142 3 000/2 650 790/720
12 2 725/2 360 143/138 2 725/2 360 590/520
xi) 12-22.5 9.00 300 291 315 1 085/1 104 1 068/1 086 1 114/1 134 14 3 000/2 650 146/142 3 000/2 650 690/620
16 3 350/2 900 150/145 3 350/2 900 790/720
8.0 293 284 308
xii) 11.00-24 1 186/ 1 169/ 1 215/ 14 3 370/2 960 150/145 3 350/2 900 690/620
7.5 288 279 303
14 3 650/3 150 153/148 3 650/3 150 620/550
8.5 315 306 331 16 4 000/3 550 156/152 4 000/3 550 725/655
xiii) 12.00-24 1 226/1 247 1 211/1 225 1 262/1 284
9.0 320 311 336 18 4 250/3 750 158/154 4 250/3 750 795/725
20 4 500/3 875 160/155 4 500/3 875 860/795
12 2 650/2 300 142/137 2 650/2300 590/520
xiv) 11-24.5 8.25 279 271 293 1 104/1 123 1 090/1 108 1 118/1 138 14 3 000/2 575 146/141 3 000/2 575 690/620
16 3 250/2 800 149/144 3 250/2 800 790/720

1 Recommended shown underlined.
2 Rims: Sizes not underlined above are permitted, but one and the same tyre may not be suitable for more than two rim widths or
flange profiles. Before deciding a rim size/type, the tyre manufacturer should be consulted regarding suitability of the size/type
intended to be used with a permitted rim. SDC rims provide ease of tyre mounting/demounting, particularly important for the high PR

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 7 Light Truck Tyres (Code Designated Diagonal Ply)

(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Size DC
Desig- SDC Width, mm Overall Diameter, mm Ply Maximum Load Index Maximum Maximum
nation Rating Load Single/Dual Load Cold
Design Mini- Maxi- Design Mini- Maxi- (Corresponding (Corresponding I. P1)
sec- mum mum Std/ mum mum to Ply Rating) to Load Index) kPa
tion section overall premium Std/ Std/ kg kg Single/
width width width premium premium Single/Dual Single/Dual Dual
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
6 650/570 93/89 650/580 310/310
6.00- 4.50E
i) 166 161 174 737/748 727/738 754/765 8 765/670 99/95 775/690 415/415
16 4.50E
10 870/765 103/99 875/775 515/515
6.40- 6 600/530 90/86 600/530 310/310
ii) 4.50E 168 163 176 698/706 688/696 714/722
15 8 710/625 96/92 710/630 415/415
4.50E 175 170 184 6 730/645 97/93 730/650 310/310
iii) 4.50E 760/771 749/760 778/789
16 180 175 189 8 860/755 102/98 850/750 415/415
6.70- 5K 180 175 189 6 695/615 95/91 690/615 310/310
iv) 715/724 705/714 732/741
15 5.50F 185 180 194 8 820/725 101/97 825/730 415/415
6 780/690 99/95 775/690 310/310
7.00- 5.50F 199 193 209 8 925/815 105/101 925/825 415/415
v) 758/769 747/758 777/788
15 194 188 204 10 1 050/925 110/105 1 060/925 515/515
12 1 175/1 030 114/109 1 180/1 030 620/620
6 815/715 101/97 825/730 310/310
5.50F 8 965/850 107/102 975/850 415/415
7.00- 5.50F 199 193 209
vi) 784/795 773/783 803/814 10 1 100/965 111/107 1 090/975 515/515
16 204 198 214
6.00G 12 1 215/1 065 115/110 1 215/1 060 620/620
14 1 315/1 160 118/113 1 320/1 150 690/690
8 1 105/970 112/107 1 120/975 415/415
10 1 260/1 105 116/111 1 250/1 090 515/515
7.50- 6.00G 211 205 222 12 1 405/1 240 120/116 1 400/1 250 620/620
vii) 813/824 801/811 833/845
16 206 200 217 14 1 495/1 315 122/118 1 500/1 320 690/690
16 1 580/1 390 124/120 1 600/1 400 760/760
18 1 650/1 450 125/121 1 650/1 450 795/795
8.25- 6.50H 234 227 241 16 1 850/1 750 129/127 1 850/1 750 760/760
viii) 854/863 845/ 854 863/872
16 6.00G 229 222 236 18 1 900/1 800 130/128 1 900/1 800 795/795
9.00- 6.50H 257 249 270
ix) 891/903 877/888 915/928 16 2 130/1 875 134/130 2 120/1 900 725/725
16 6.00G 252 244 265

1 Recommended shown underlined.
2 Rims: Sizes not underlined above are permitted, but one and the same tyre may not be suitable for more than two rim widths or
flange profiles. Before deciding a rim size/type, the tyre manufacturer should be consulted regarding suitability of the size/type
intended to be used with a permitted rim. SDC rims provide ease of tyre mounting/demounting, particularly important for the high PR
3 Drop centre wheels strength The load and inflation pressure imposed on a rim or wheel shall not exceed the rim manufacturers
recommendation. Whenever a high ply rating size is decided for original equipment or replacement of a lower PR for OE, the rim
manufacturer shall be consulted. To ensure that the rim/wheel is of sufficient strength for the load, inflation and service intended. This
applies particularly to 6.00-16 8PR, 6.50-16 8PR, 7.00-15 10 PR and 12 PR 7.00-16 10 PR, 12PR and 14 PR, 7. 50-16 10 PR, 12 PR,
14PR,16 PR and 18 PR tyres and 8.25-16 16PR and 18 PR tyres on DC rims.
Inflation pressure.

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 8 Light Truck Tyres (Code Designated Diagonal Ply)

(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Size Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Desig- DC
nation SDC Width, mm Overall Diameter, mm Ply Maximum Load Maximum Maximum
Rating Load Index Load Cold I. P1)
Design Mini- Maxi- Design Mini- Maxi- (Corresponding Single (Corresponding kPa
section mum mum Std/ mum mum to Ply Rating) to Load Index) Single
width section overall premium Std/ Std/ kg kg
width width premium premium Single Single
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
3.50B 125 121 131
i) 4.50-10 490 483 502 8 500 84 500 500
3.00B 120 116 126

Inflation pressure.

Table 9 Mining and Logging Tyres for Use in Intermittent Highway Service
(Code Designated Diagonal Ply)
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Rim Width, mm Overall Diameter, mm Ply Maximum Load Maximum Maxi-
No. Size Rec. Design Minimum Maximum Design Minimum Maximum Rating Load Index Load mum
Desig- Alt. Section Section Overall (Corres- (Corres- Cold
nation Width Width Width ponding to ponding to I. P1)
Ply Rating) Load kPa
kg Index)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
Maximum speed: 90 km /h
Distance shall not exceed 90 km in any 1 h 30 min period of run
6.5 236 229 248 10 1 610 124 1 600 515
i) 8.25-20 992 977 1 016
6.0 231 224 243 12 1 790 128 1 800 620
12 2 050 133 2 060 585
7.0 259 251 272
ii) 9.00-20 1 038 1 022 1 065 14 2 255 136 2 240 690
6.5 254 246 267
16 2 325 137 2 300 725
12 2 160 135 2 180 515
10.00- 7.5 278 270 292 14 2 405 139 2 430 620
iii) 1 073 1 056 1 101
20 7.0 273 265 287 16 2 690 143 2 725 725
18 2 800 144 2 800 760
12 2 355 138 2 360 515
11.00- 8.0 293 284 308 14 2 620 142 2 650 620
iv) 1 104 1 086 1 134
20 7.5 288 279 303 16 2 865 145 2 900 725
18 2 945 146 3 000 760
14 2 800 144 2 800 550
12.00- 8.5 315 306 331
v) 1 146 1 127 1 165 16 3 150 148 3 150 660
20 8.0 310 301 326
18 3 350 150 3 350 720
Maximum speed: 80 km /h
Distance shall not exceed 80 km in any 1 h 30 min period of run
12.00- 8.5 315 306 331 18 3 750 154 3 750 760
vi) 1 247 1 228 1 279
24 8.0 310 301 326 20 3 875 155 3 875 790
14.00- 18 4 375 159 4 375 690
vii) 10.00 375 364 394 1 266 1 243 1 304

NOTE Mining and logging tyres are not intended for sustained highway service. For restricted duration of run stipulated below, the
load limits applicable are given in Table 10.
Inflation pressure.

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 10 Load Limits for Mining and Logging Tyres Used at Reduced Speeds
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Speed Range Percent Increase (+) Or Increase (+) Or Decrease Maximum Travel Time Minimum Stopping Time
(km/h) Decrease () in Load () in I.P to Permit Cooling
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1) 2)
65-90 No change No change 1h 30 min
50-64 + 9% No change 1h 30 min 30 min
33-49 + 18 % No change 2h 30 min
18-32 + 32 % No change 3h 30 min
10-17 + 60 % + 70 kPa 3h 30 min

NOTE This table does not apply to rims and wheels. For rims and wheels, contact rim/wheel manufacturers.
80 km/h for sizes 12.00-24 and 14.00-20.
Inflation pressure.

Table 11 Ultra Light Truck Tyres

(Code Designated Diagonal Ply)
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Size Rec.
Width, mm Overall Diameter Ply Maximum Load Maximum Maximum
Desig- Alt. mm Rating Load Index Load Cold I. P1)
nation (Corresponding Single/ (Corresponding kPa
Design Mini- Maxi- Design Mini- Maxi-
to Ply Rating) Dual to Load Index) Single/Dual
section mum mum mum mum
kg kg
width section overall
Single/Dual Single/Dual
width width
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
4.50-10 3.50B
i) 125 121 134 490 483 497 8 500/ 84/ 500/ 500/
ULT 3.00B 120 116 129
ii) 5.00-10 3.50 134 130 143 516 508 524 8 545/ 87/ 545/ 500/
ULT 3.50B 129 125 138
iii) 4.50-12 3J 128 124 136 545 537 553 6 355/340 72/70 355/335 300/300
ULT 4J 133 129 141 8 415/395 77/76 412/400 400/400
iv) 5.00-12 3.50B 137 133 147 568 560 576 4 365/345 73/71 365/345 240/240
ULT 3.00B 132,142 128,138 142,152 6 412/400 77/76 412/400 300/300
4.00B 8 487/462 83/81 487/462 400/400
1 Recommended shown underlined.
2 Rims: Sizes not underlined above are permitted, but one and the same tyre may not be suitable for more than two rim widths or flange
profiles. Before deciding a rim size/type, the tyre manufacturer should be consulted regarding suitability of the size/type intended to be
used with a permitted rim. SDC rims provide ease of tyre mounting/demounting, particularly important for the high ply rating tyres.
Inflation pressure.

Table 12 Light Truck Tyres (Alpha Numeric Diagonal Ply)

(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Size Rec.
Desig- Alt. Width, mm Overall Diameter, mm Ply Maximum Load Maximum Maxi-
nation Rating Load Index Load mum
Design Minimum Maximum Design Minimum Maximum (Corresponding (Corresponding Cold
section section overall to Ply Rating) to Load Index) I. P1)
width width width kg kg kPa
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

F78 6 705 96 710 310

i) 5.50 202 196 212 698 689 714 8 835 101 825 415
15 LT

Inflation pressure.

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 13 Truck, Bus and Trailers Tyres in Highway Service:

(Code Designated Radial Ply)
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Size Rec.
Desig- Alt. Width, mm Overall Diameter, mm Ply Maximum Load Maximum Maximum
nation Rating Load Index Load Cold
Design Mini- Maxi- Design Mini- Maxi- (Corres- Single/ (Corresponding I. P1)
section mum mum HW/HT/ mum mum ponding to Dual to Load Index) kPa
width section overall TR HW/HT/ HW/HT/ Ply Rating) kg Single/
width width TR TR kg Dual
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

974/ 960/ 988/ 10 1 850/1 750 129/127 1 850/1 750 620/620

i) 8.25R20 6.50 236 229 248 980/ 966/ 994/ 12 2 060/1 950 133/131 2 060/1 950 720/720
986 972 1 000 14 2 240/2 120 136/134 2 240/2 120 830/830
8 1 850/1 750 129/127 1 850/1 750 480/480
1 019/ 1 004/ 1 034/ 10 2 120/2 000 134/132 2 120/2 000 590/590
ii) 9.00R20 7.00 259 251 272 1 024/ 1 009/ 1 039/ 12 2 360/2 240 138/136 2 360/2 240 690/690
1 030 1 014 1 046 14 2 575/2 430 141/139 2 575/2 430 790/790
16 2 650/2 500 144/142 2 650/2 500 830/830
1 054/ 1 038/ 1 070/ 12 2 500/2 360 140/138 2 500/2 360 620/620
iii) 10.00R20 7.50 278 270 292 1 059/ 1 042/ 1 076/ 14 2 800/2 650 144/142 2 800/2 650 720/720
1 065 1 048 1 082 16 3 000/2 725 146/143 3 000/2 725 830/830
1 085/ 1 068/ 1 102/ 12 2 725/2 575 143/141 2 725/2 575 620/620
iv) 11.00R20 8.00 293 284 308 1 090/ 1 073/ 1 107/ 14 3 000/2 725 146/143 3 000/2 725 720/720
1 096 1 078 1 114 16 3 350/3 075 150/147 3 350/3 075 830/830
1 125/ 1 106/ 1 144/ 14 3 250/3 000 149/146 3 250/3 000 660/660
v) 12.00R20 8.50 315 306 331 / / / 16 3 550/3 250 152/149 3 550/3 250 760/760
1 136 1 117 1 155 18 3 750/3 450 154/151 3 750/3 450 830/830
1 135/ 1 118/ 1 152/ 12 2 900/2 650 145/142 2 900/2 650 620/620
vi) 11.00R22 8.00 293 284 308 1 141/ 1 124/ 1 158/ 14 3 250/3 000 149/146 3 250/3 000 720/720
1 147 1 129 1 165 16 3 550/3 250 152/149 3 550/3 250 830/830
1 019/ 1 004/ 1 034/ 10 2 120/2 000 134/132 2 120/2 000 590/590
vii) 10R22.5 7.50 254 246 267 1 024/ 1 009/ 1 039/ 12 2 360/2 240 138/136 2 360/2 240 690/690
1 030 1 014 1 046 14 2 575/2 430 141/139 2 575/2 430 790/790
1 054/ 1 040/ 1 068/ 12 2 500/2 360 140/138 2 500/2 360 620/620
viii) 11R22.5 8.25 279 271 293 1 059/ 1 044/ 1 074/ 14 2 800/2 650 144/142 2 800/2 650 720/720
1 065 1 050 1 080 16 3 000/2 725 146/143 3 000/2 725 830/830
1 085/ 1 068/ 1 102/ 12 2 725/2 575 143/141 2 725/2 575 620/620
ix) 12R22.5 9.00 300 291 315 1 090/ 1 073/ 1 107/ 14 3 000/2 725 146/143 3 000/2 725 720/720
1 096 1 078 1 114 16 3 350/3 075 150/147 3 350/3 075 830/830
1 226/ 1 208/ 1 244/ 14 3 650/3 350 153/150 3 650/3 350 660/660
x) 12.00R24 8.50 315 306 331 / / / 16 4 000/3 650 156/153 4 000/3 650 760/760
1 238 1 219 1 257 18 4 250/3 875 158/155 4 250/3 875 830/830
1 104/ 1 086/ 1 122/ 12 2 650/2 500 142/140 2 650/2 500 620/620
xi) 11R24.5 8.25 279 271 293 1 110/ 1 092/ 1 128/ 14 3 000/2 725 146/143 3 000/2 725 720/720
1 116 1 098 1 134 16 3 250/3 000 149/146 3 250/3 000 830/830

NOTE HW Highway, HT Heavy Tread, TR Traction.

Inflation pressure.

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 14 Light Truck Tyres (Code Designated Radial Ply)

(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Size Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Designation
DC SDC Width, mm Overall Diameter, mm Ply Maximum Load Maximum Maxi-
Rat- Load Index Load mum
Design Mini- Maxi- Design Mini- Maxi- ing (Corres- Single/ (Corres- Cold
section mum mum Std/ mum mum ponding to Dual ponding to I. P1)
width section over- prem Std/ Std/ Ply Rating) Load kPa
width all prem prem kg Index) Single/
width Single/Dual kg Dual
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
6 780/690 99/95 775/690 345/345
5.50F 202 192 216 8 925/815 105/101 925/825 450/450
i) 7.00R15LT 5.50F 752/760 741/749 763/771
5K 197 187 211 10 1 050/925 110/105 1060/925 550/550
12 1 175/1 030 114/109 1180/1030 655/655
6 815/715 101/97 825/730 345/345
5 50F 202 192 216 8 965/850 107/102 975/850 450/450
ii) 7.00R16LT 5.50F 778/785 767/774 789/796
6.00G 207 197 221 10 1 100/965 111/107 1 090/975 550/550
12 1 215/1 060 115/110 1 215/1 060 655/655
6 935/825 105/101 935/825 345/345
8 1 105/970 112/107 1 120/975 450/450
6.00 211 200 226
iii) 7.50R16LT 5.50F 808/815 796/803 820/827 10 1 260/1 105 116/111 1 250/1 090 550/550
5.50F 206 195 221
12 1 405/1 240 120/116 1 400/1 250 655/655
14 1 495/1 315 122/118 1 500/1 320 725/725
10 1 500/1 400 122/120 1 500/1 400 550/550

6.50H 234 222 250 12 1 650/1 550 125/123 1 650/1 550 655/655
iv) 8.25R16LT 841/849 828/836 854/862
6.00G 229 217 245 14 1 750/1 650 127/125 1 750/1 650 725/725
16 1 850/1 750 129/127 1 850/1 750 795/795

1 Recommended shown underlined.
2 Rims: Sizes not underlined above are permitted, but one and the same tyre may not be suitable for more than two rim widths or flange
profiles. Before deciding a rim size/type, the tyre manufacturer should be consulted regarding suitability of the size/type intended to be
used with a permitted rim. Semi Drop Centre (SDC) rims provide ease of tyre mounting/demounting, particularly important for the
high ply rating tyres.
Inflation pressure.

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 15 65 to 85 Series Light Truck Tyres Metric Designated Radial Ply

(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Size Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Designation Rec.
Alt Width, mm Overall Diameter, mm
Load Maximum Maximum
Index Load Cold I. P1)
Design Minimum Maximum Design Minimum Maximum Single/ (Corresponding kPa
section section overall Dual to Load Index) Single/
width width width kg Dual

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
65 Series
5J 177 170 182
i) 175/65R14LT 584 577 591 90/88 600/560 375/375
4J,5J 172,182 165,175 177,187
6J 201 193 207
ii) 195/65R16LT 5J,6J 660 652 668 100/98 800/750 375/375
196,206 188,198 202,212
6J 209 201 215
iii) 205/65R16LT 5J,6J 672 664 680 99/97 775/730 325/325
204,214 196,206 210,220
6J 221 212 228
iv) 215/65R16LT 686 678 694 102/100 850/800 325/325
6J,7J 216,226 207,217 223,233
70 Series
6J 221 214 228
v) 215/70R15LT 683 674 692 107/105 975/925 450/450
7J 226 219 233
7J 260 250 268
vi) 255/70R15LT 739 728 750 112/110 1 120/1060 375/375
7J,8J 255,265 245,255 263,273
75 Series
6J 216 210 222
vii) 215/75R15LT 703 693 713 115/113 1215/1150 600/600
6J 221 215 227
6J 223 216 230
viii) 225/75R15LT 719 709 729 108/104 1 000/900 450/450
6J 228 221 235
6J 235 226 242 110/107 1 060/975 450/450
ix) 235/75R15LT 733 722 744
6J,7J 230,240 221,231 237,247 116/113 1 250/1 150 550/550
5J 203 197 209
x) 205/75R16LT 714 705 723 113/111 1 150/1 090 600/600
6J 208 202 214
xi) 215/75R16LT 6J 215 207 221 113/111 1 150/1 090 475/475
728 718 738
5J 210 201 216 116/114 1 250/1 180 525/525
80 Series
4J 145 141 148
xii) 145/80R12LT 537 530 544 86/84 530/500 450/450
3J 140 136 143
6J 216 210 222
xiii) 215/80R14LT 700 690 710 112/110 1 120/ 1 060 450/450
6J 221 215 227
5J 196 190 202
xiv) 195/80 R15LT 693 684 702 107/105 975/925 450/450
6J 201 195 207
5J 203 195 209 106/104 950/900 350/350
xv) 205/80R16LT 734 724 744
6J 208 200 214 110/108 1 060/1 000 450/450
85 Series
5J 184 178 190
xvi) 185/85 R16LT 720 711 729 105/103 925/875 450/450
5J 189 183 195
6J 235 226 242
xvii) 235/85R16LT 6J,7J 230,240 221,231 237,247 806 794 818 112/110 1 120/1 060 375/375

Inflation pressure.

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 16 Light Truck Tyres

(Metric Designated Radial Ply)
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Size Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Designation Rec.
Alt. Width Overall Diameter Ply Maximum Load Maximum Maxi-
mm mm Rating Load Index Load mum
(Corresponding Single/ (Corresponding Cold
Design Mini- Maxi- Design Mini- Maxi- to Ply Rating) Dual to Load Index) I. P1)
section mum mum mum mum kg kg kPa
width section overall Single/Dual Single/Dual Single/
width width Dual
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
4J 145 141 149 6 450/425 80/78 450/425 350/350
i) 145R12 LT 543 535 550
3J 140 136 144 8 530/500 86/84 530/500 450/450
4J 157 152 165 6 515/487 85/83 515/487 350/350
ii) 155R13 LT 582 574 590
5J 162 157 170 8 600/580 90/89 600/580 450/450
4J 167 160 172 6 615/580 91/89 615/580 375/375
iii) 165R13 LT 596 588 604
4J,5J 162,172 155,165 167,177 8 670/630 94/92 670/630 450/450
5J 178 171 183 6 630/600 92/90 630/600 350/350
iv) 175R13 LT 612 605 619
4J,5J 173,183 166,176 178,188 8 730/690 97/95 730/690 450/450
4J 167 160 172 6 650/615 93/91 650/615 375/375
v) 165R14LT 622 614 630
5J 172 165 177 8 730/690 97/95 730/690 450/450
5J 178 173 187 6 710/670 96/94 710/670 375/375
vi) 175R14LT 638 630 646
5J 183 178 192 8 775/750 99/98 775/750 450/450
6 775/730 99/97 775/730 375/375
5J 188 182 197
vii) 185R14 LT 653 643 662 8 850/800 102/100 850/800 450/450
6J 193 187 202
10 975/925 107/105 975/925 575/575
5J 198 190 204 6 850/800 102/100 850/800 375/375
viii) 195R14LT 666 657 675
6J 203 195 209 8 950/900 106/104 950/900 450/450
6J 216 210 227 8 1120/1060 112/110 1120/1060 450/450
ix) 215R14 LT 704 694 715
6J 221 215 232
5J 196 188 202 6 875/825 103/101 875/825 350/350
x) 195R15 LT 693 684 702
5J,6J 191,201 183,193 197,207 8 975/925 107/105 975/925 450/450
5J 203 197 209 8 1 060/1 000 110/108 1 060/1 000 450/450
xi) 205R16LT 734 724 744
6J 208 202 214

1 Recommended shown underlined
2 Rims: Sizes not underlined above are permitted, but one and the same tyre may not be suitable for more than two rim widths or flange
profiles. Before deciding a rim size/type, the tyre manufacturer should be consulted regarding suitability of the size/type intended to be
used with a Permitted Rim. SDC rims provide ease of tyre mounting/demounting, particularly important for the high ply rating tyres.
Inflation pressure.

Table 17 Truck, Bus and Trailer Tyres (80Series Metric Designated Radial Ply)
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Size Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Designation Rec.
Width, mm Overall Diameter, mm Load Index Maximum Maximum
Single/Dual Load Cold I. P1)
Design Minimum Maximum Design Minimum Maximum kg kPa
section section overall normal normal normal Single/Dual Single/Dual
width width width service/ service/ service/
special special special
service service service
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
i) 295/80R22.5 9.00 298 286 307 1 035/ 1 016/ 1 054/ 152/148 3 550/3 150 850
1 044 1 025 1 062
ii) 315/80R22.5 9.00 312 300 315 1 066/ 1 046/ 1 081/ 156/150 4 000/3 350 850
1 076 1 056 1 091

Inflation pressure.

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 18 Light Truck Tyres (80 Series Metric Designated Diagonal Ply)
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Size Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Designation Rec.
Alt. Width Overall Diameter
Ply Maximum Load Maximum Maxi-
mm mm
Rat- Load Index Load mum
ing (Corres- Single/ (Corres- Cold
Design Minimum Maximum Design Mini- Maxi- ponding to Dual ponding to I. P1)
section section overall mum mum Ply Rating) Load kPa
width width width kg Index) Single/
Single/Dual kg Dual
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
4.00B 145 139 152 6 450/425 80/78 450/425 350/350
i) 145/80D12LT 3.50B 140 134 147 537 530 549
8 515/500 85/84 515/500 450/450
4J 157 151 165 6 480/455 82/80 475/450 345/345
ii) 155/80D12LT 553 546 560
4J,5J 152,162 146,156 160,170 8 560/535 88/86 560/530 450/450
6 487/437 83/79 487/437 350/350
iii) 165/80D12LT 4.50E 165 158 173 569 561 577
8 580/530 89/86 580/530 450/450
4J 167 160 175 6 615/580 91/89 615/580 375/375
iv) 165/80D13LT 596 588 609
4J,5J 162,172 155,165 170,180 8 670/630 94/92 670/630 450/450
4J 167 162 175 6 650/615 93/91 650/615 375/375
v) 165/80D14LT 624 612 632
4J,5J 162,172 157,167 170,180 8 730/690 97/95 730/690 450/450
5J 196 190 206 6 710/650 96/93 710/650 310
vi) 195/80D15LT 693 684 709
5J,6J 191,201 185,195 201,211 8 850/775 102/99 850/775 415
6 800/730 100/97 800/730 310
6J 216 210 227
vii) 215/80D14LT 700 690 717 8 950/875 106/103 950/875 415
5J,6J 211,221 205,215 222,232
10 1 090/1000 111/108 1 090/1 000 515

Inflation pressure.

Table 19 Light Truck Tyres (Metric Designated Diagonal Ply)

(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Size Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Designation Rec.
Alt. Width, mm Overall Diameter, mm Ply Maximum Load Maximum Maxi-
Rating Load Index Load mum
Design Minimum Maximum Design Mini- Maxi- (Corres- Single/ (Corres- Cold
section section overall mum mum ponding to Dual ponding to I. P1) kPa
width width width Ply Rating) Load Single/
kg Index) Dual
Single/Dual kg
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

4J 167 160 175 6 487/437 83/79 487/437 350/350

i) 165D12LT 573 565 586
4J,5J 162,172 155,165 170,180 8 580/530 89/86 580/530 450/450
4J 167 160 175 6 615/580 91/89 615/580 375/375
ii) 165D13LT 596 588 609
4J,5J 162,172 155,165 170,180 8 670/630 94/92 670/630 450/450
4J 167 160 175 6 650/615 93/91 650/615 375/375
iii) 165D14LT 622 613 637
4J,5J 162,172 155,165 170,180 8 730/690 97/95 730/690 450/450

Inflation pressure.

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 20 Light Truck and Truck Tyres for Military Applications (Code Designated Diagonal Ply)
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)
Sl Tyre Size Rims New Tyre Inflated
No. Designation Rec. Width, mm Overall Diameter, mm
Ply Maximum Maximum
Tread Pattern Alt. Rating Load Cold I. P1)
Type Design Minimum Maximum Design Minimum Maximum kg kPa
section section overall
width width width
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
6 780 275
i) 7. 00-15 MS 5. 50F 197 191 213 755 744 774
8 925 380
ii) 6. 00-16 MS 4. 50E 166 161 179 731 721 747 6 650 275
6 815 275
iii) 7. 00-16 MS 5. 50F 197 191 213 781 770 800
8 965 380
9. 00-16 CC 6. 00T 246 239 266 10 1 530 415
12 1 740 515
iv) 9. 00-16/5 CC 6. 50H 251 243 271 903 888 928
14 1 940 620
6. 00G 246 238 266
16 2 120 725
v) 10. 50-16 CC 6. 00T 268 260 289 962 945 990 12 2 030 585
vi) 8. 25-19 CC 5.00 225 218 243 925 912 947 10 1 610 515
6. 0 213 207 230
vii) 7. 50-20 CC 940 927 962 10 1 405 550
5. 5 208 202 225
6. 5 234 227 253 10 1 610 515
viii) 8. 25-20 CC 970 956 993
6. 0 229 222 248 12 1 790 620
7. 0 257 249 278
ix) 9 .00-20 CC 1 029 1 013 1 055 12 2 050 585
6. 5 252 244 273
7. 5 275 267 297 12 2 160 515
x) 10. 00-20 CC 1 054 1 038 1 081
7. 0 270 262 292 14 2 405 620
12 2 355 515
8. 0 291 282 314 14 2 620 620
xi) 11. 00-20 CC 1 093 1 075 1 122
7. 5 286 277 309 16 2 865 725
18 2 945 760
8. 5 312 303 337 16 3 080 655
xii) 12. 00-20 CC 1 131 1 112 1 162
8. 0 307 298 332 18 3 265 725
18 3 965 585
10. 00V
xiii) 14. 00-20 CC 375 364 405 1 257 1 235 1 294 20 4 360 690
10. 00W
22 4 730 790
Inflation pressure.

Table 21 Special Purpose Tyres for Military Applications (Sand-cum-Highway)

Code Designated Diagonal Ply
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Size Rims New Tyres Inflated

No. Designation Rec.
Width, mm Overall Diameter, mm
Highway Ply Maximum Maximum
Tread Alt. km/h Rating Load Cold I. P1)
Pattern Design Minimum Maximum Design Minimum Maximum
kg kPa
Type section section overall
width width width
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
i) 7.50-16 SCH 5.50F 215 209 232 815 803 835 120 8 1 120 415
ii) 9.00-13 SCH 5.50F 235 228 254 790 776 813 120 6 1 030 380
DC or Div.
iii) 11.00-20 8.0 295 286 319 1 093 1 075 1 122 80 12 2 360 515
iv) 12.00-20 8.0 310 301 335 1 146 1 127 1 178 80 18 3 350 725
SCH 20 3 550 825
v) 13.00-18 9.0 336 326 363 1 129 1 109 1 163 96 10 2 240 345
vi) 14.00-20 10.00W 385 373 416 1 257 1 235 1 294 90 18 4 000 585
SCH 10.00V 20 4 375 690
22 4 750 795
vii) 15.00-21 11.25 412 400 445 1 328 1 304 1 368 80 12 4 000 450
SCH 16 4 625 585
viii) 1 300 530- 440 525 509 551 1 288 1 265 1 326 80 12 4 125 345
533 SCH
Inflation pressure.

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 22 Truck Tyres for Military Applications (Metric Designated Diagonal Ply)
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Size Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Designation Rec./Alt.
Tread Design Minimum Maximum Design Overall Minimum Maximum PR Maximum
Pattern Section Section Overall Dia Overall Dia Overall Dia Load/Cold
Type Width Width Width mm mm mm I.P1)
mm Mm mm kg/kPa
Normal Special Normal Special Normal Special
service service service service service service
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 12) (13) (14) )
80 Series Metric Designation
i) 325D20 B9.00 323 313 349 1 154 1 135 1 186 18 4 125/
CC B8.0, B8.5 313,318 303,308 339,344 795
85 Series Metric Designation
ii) 365/85D20 10.00 W 364 349 375 1 128 1 140 1 109 1 121 1 159 1172 18 4 000 /
CC 10.0 V 5 620
20 5 000 /
90 Series Metric Designation
iii) 355/90-20 B9.5 355 344 383 1 160 1 140 1 193 18 4 350 /
CC B9.0, 10.00W 350, 360 339, 349 378, 388 725

Inflation pressure.

Table 23 Truck Tyres for Military Applications (Code Designated Diagonal Ply)
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Size Rim New Tyre Inflated

No. Designation/
Tread Pattern Design Minimum Maximum Design Minimum Maximum Ply Maximum Load Maximum
Section Section Overall Overall Overall Overall Rating kg Cold I. P1)
Width Width Width Diameter Diameter Diameter kPa
mm mm mm mm mm mm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
i) 11.00-20 8.0 295 286 319 1 085 1 068 1 114 12 2 355 515

Inflation pressure.

Table 24 Truck Tyres for Military Applications (Metric Designated Diagonal Ply)
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Size Rims New Tyre Inflated

No. Designation/ Rec.
Tread Alt. Design Minimum Maximum Design Minimum Maximum Ply Maximum Load Maximum
Pattern Section Section Overall Overall Overall Overall Rating kg Cold I. P1)
Width Width Width Diameter Diameter Diameter kPa
mm mm mm mm mm mm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
i) 365/90-20 10.00 W 365 354 394 1 166 1 146 1 199 18 4 500 725
Sand 10.0 V 5

Inflation pressure.

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 25 Low Platform Trailer Tyres (Free-Rolling Sizes)

(Code Designated Diagonal Ply)
(Clauses,,, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 6.3)

Sl Tyre Size Rims New Tyre Inflated

No. Desi- Rec. Design Mini- Maxi- Design Mini- Maxi- Ply
gnation Maximum Load Maximum Maximum
Section mum mum Overall mum mum Rating Load Index Load Cold I. P1)
Width Section Overall Dia- Overall Overall (Corresponding Single/ (Corresponding Single/
mm Width Width meter Dia- Dia- to Ply Rating) Dual to Load Index) Dual
mm mm mm meter meter Single/Dual Single/Dual kPa
mm mm kg kg
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
6.0 212 206 223
i) 7.50-15 772 760 784 12 2 180/2 060 135/133 2 180/2 060 850/850
6.5 217 211 228
6.5 234 227 246 14 1 900/1 800 130/128 1 900/1 800 800/800
ii) 8.25-15 836 822 850
6.0/7.0 229,239 222,232 241,251 18 2 650/2 575 142/141 2 650/2 575 850/850
Inflation pressure.

Table 26 Endurance Test Programme

(Clause 4.2)

Sl Load Index Tyre Speed Test-Drum Speed Load Placed on the Wheel as a Percentage of the Load
No. Category rpm Corresponding to the Load Index
Radial-Ply Diagonal (Bias-Ply) 7h 16 h 24 h
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
i) 122 or more F 100 100
G 125 100
J 150 125
66 percent 84 percent 101 percent
K 175 150
L 200
M 225
ii) 121 or less F 100 100
G 125 125
J 150 150
K 175 175
L 200 175 70 percent 88 percent 106 percent
4h 6h 24 h
M 250 200 75 percent 97 percent 114 percent
N 275 75 percent 97 percent 114 percent
P 300 75 percent 97 percent 114 percent

1 Special-use tyres should be tested at a speed equal to 85 percent of the speed prescribed for equivalent normal tyres.
2 Tyres with load index 122 or more, speed categories N or P and the additional marking LT or C included in the tyre size
designation shall be tested with the same programme as specified in this table for tyres with load index 121 or less.

Table 27 Tyre Strength Light Truck and Truck and Bus Tyres (for which the Load Index is Shown)
(Clause 4.5)

Sl Air Pressure Corresponding to Load Index (Single Wheel) 121 Maximum Load Index (Single
No. the Maximum Load Capability Wheel) 122 or More
Nominal Rim Diameter Under Nominal Rim Diameter 13 or More
kPa Joules (
13 Joules ( Joules (
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) 250 or less 136 (1 385) 294 (3 000)
ii) 251 to 350 203 (2 072) 362 (3 690)
iii) 351 to 450 271 (2 765) 514 (5 240)
iv) 451 to 550 576 (5 875) 972 (90910)
v) 551 to 650 644 (6 565) 10412 (140400)
vi) 651 to 750 712 (7 260) 10695 (170285)
vii) 751 to 850 20090 (210310)
viii) 851 or more 20203 (220465)

NOTE Inflate to the pressure corresponding to the maximum load, or maximum dual load where there is both single and dual load
marked on the tyre.

IS 15636 : 2012

Table 28 Tyre Strength Ultra Light Truck, Light Truck and Truck and Bus Tyres
(for which Ply Rating and/or Both Ply Rating and Load Index is Shown)
(Clause 4.5)

Sl Ply Ultra Light Truck Tyre, Light Truck Tyre Truck and Bus
No. Rating
Nominal Rim Diameter Nominal Rim Diameter Nominal Rim Diameter Tubeless Joules With Tube Joules
Under 13 Joules 13 to 14 Joules 14.5 or More Joules (kgf. cm) (kgf. cm)
(kgf. cm) (kgf. cm) ( kgf. cm)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
i) 4 136 (1 385) 192 (1 960) 294 (3000)
ii) 6 203 (2 072) 271 (2 765) 362 (3690) 576 (5 875) 768 (7 830)
iii) 8 271 (2 765) 384 (3 915) 514 (5240) 734 (7 485) 893 (9 105)
iv) 10 576 (5875) 972 (9 910) 1 412 (14400)
v) 12 644 (6565) 1 412 (14 400) 1 785 (18200)
vi) 14 712 (7260) 1 695 (17 285) 2 282 (23 270)
vii) 16 768 (7830) 2 090 (21 310) 2 599 (26 500)
viii) 18 2 203 (22 465) 2 825 (28 805)
ix) 20 3 051 (31 100)
x) 22 3 220 (32 835)
xi) 24 3 390 (34 560)

NOTE Inflate to the pressure corresponding to the maximum load, or maximum dual load where there is both single and dual load
marked on the tyre.

Table 29 Diameter of Plunger (for the Tyres of Table 31 Type Test Schedule
which the Load Index is Shown) (Clause 6.1)
(Clause 4.5.1)
Sl No. Tests Tyre 1 Tyre 2 Tyre 3
Sl Load Index for Ultra Light Diameter of Plunger (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
No. Truck, Light Truck, and mm
Truck and Bus Tyres i) Tyre marking
(Single Wheel)
ii) Tyre dimensions
(1) (2) (3) iii) Tread wear indicator
i) 121 or less 19 0.2 iv) Tyre strength test
ii) 122 to 134 32 0.3 v) Endurance test
iii) 135 or more 38 0.3 vi) Load/Speed performance test

Table 30 Diameter of Plunger (for the Tyre of Table 32 Conformity of Production Tests
which the Load Capability Index is not Shown) (Clause 7.2)
(Clause 4.5)
Sl Tests Tyre 1 Tyre 2 Tyre 3
Sl Ultra Light Truck and Truck and Bus Tyres No.
No. Light Truck Tyres (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
12 Ply Rating 14 Ply Rating 12 Ply Rating 14 Ply Rating i) Tyre marking
or Under or Above or Under or Above
ii) Tyre dimensions
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
iii) Tread wear indicator
i) 19 0.2 mm 32 0.3 mm 38 0.3 mm iv) Tyre strength test
v) Endurance test
vi) Load/Speed performance test

IS 15636 : 2012

(Clause 4.1.1)

A-1 The tyre shall be mounted on the measuring rim A-5 Determine the outer diameter by measuring the
and inflated to a pressure specified by the manufacturer. maximum circumference and dividing the figure so
obtained by (3.141 6). The tyre overall diameter shall
A-2 The tyre fitted on its rim shall be conditioned to
be calculated by using the following formula:
the ambient temperature of the laboratory for at least
24 h. C
Do =
A-3 The pressure shall be readjusted to the pressure p
specified by the manufacturer.
A-4 The overall width shall be callipered at six equally-
spaced points, account being taken of the thickness of Do = tyre overall diameter, in mm; and
the protective ribs or bands. The highest measurement C = circumference of tyre tread in mm.
so obtained is taken as the overall width.

(Clause 4.2.1)

B-1 PREPARATION OF TYRE FOR TEST 2.0 m 1 percent in diameter having a surface at least
as wide as the tyre tread.
B-1.1 Mount a new tyre on the test rim specified by
the manufacturer in pursuant to Annex G. B-2.2 Apply to the test axle a series of test loads
expressed in percent of the load indicated in Table 2,
B-1.2 Use a new inner tube or combination of inner
opposite the load index or maximum load engraved
tube, valve and flap (as required) when testing tyres
on the sidewall of the tyre, in accordance with the test
with inner tubes.
programme given in Table 26. Where the tyre has load-
B-1.3 Inflate the tyre to the pressure corresponding to capacity indices for both single and twinned utilization,
the pressure specified by the manufacturer. the reference load for single utilization shall be taken
as the basis for the test loads.
B-1.4 Condition the tyre-and-wheel assembly at test
room temperature for not less than 3 h. B-2.3 The tyre pressure shall not be corrected
throughout the test and the test load shall be kept
B-1.5 Readjust the tyre pressure to that specified constant throughout each of the three test stages.
in B-1.3.
B-2.4 During the test the temperature in the test room
B-2 TEST PROCEDURE shall be maintained at between 20C and 40C or at a
higher temperature, if the manufacturer so agrees.
B-2.1 Mount the tyre-and-wheel assembly on the test
axle and press it against the outer face of a smooth B-2.5 The endurance test shall be carried out without
power-driven test drum 1.7 m 1 percent or interruption.

IS 15636 : 2012

(Clause 4.3.1)
C-1 PREPARATION OF TYRE FOR TEST a) 90 percent when tested on a test drum 1.70 m
1 percent in diameter.
C-1.1 A new tyre shall be fitted to the rim specified by
the manufacturer. b) 92 percent when tested on a test drum 2.0 m
1 percent in diameter.
C-1.2 Use a new inner tube or combination of inner
tube, valve and flap (as required) when testing tyres C-2.2 Initial test speed: Speed corresponding to the
with inner tubes. speed symbol less 20 km/h;
a) Time to reach the initial test speed for 10 min.
C-1.3 Inflate the tyre to the pressure corresponding to
the pressure specified by the manufacturer. b) Duration of the first step for 10 min.

C-1.4 Condition the tyre-and-wheel assembly at test- C-2.3 Second test speed: speed corresponding to the
room temperature for not less than 3 h. speed symbols less by10 km/h.
Duration of the second step for 10 min.
C-1.5 Readjust the tyre pressure to that specified in C-1.3.
C-2.4 Final test speed: Speed corresponding to the
C-2 TEST PROCEDURE speed symbol (rated speed).
C-2.1 Load placed on the wheel as a percentage of the a) Duration of the final step for 30 min.
load corresponding to the load index. b) Total test duration for 1 h.

(Clause 4.5)

D-1 APPARATUS of the plunger against the rim), in which case the tyre
shall be deemed to have passed the test regardless of
The equipment consists of a cylindrical steel plunger,
energy value. Measurement of force and penetration
having a hemispherical end of a diameter specified in
at break (or bottoming against the rim) shall be made
Tables 29 and 30 as applicable for type of tyre and a
at 5 points nearly equally spaced around the tyre
device to force the plunger rod into a tyre at the rate of
circumference. The arithmetic mean energy absorbed
50 1.5 mm/min.
shall be calculated from the energy values obtained at
D-1.1 Preparation of Tyre for the Test the break, using the formula given in D-1.2.1.
The tyre with a tube shall be mounted and inflated on D-1.2.1 Formula for calculating the breaking
a test rim of the recommended size and shall be energy:
conditioned at the temperature of the room in which
the test is to be conducted for at least 3 h after which FP
W= 10 -3
the pressure shall be adjusted, if necessary, to the test 2
inflation pressure.
D-1.2 Test Procedure
W = energy at break (or bottoming), in J (Joule);
The plunger rod shall be forced into the tread of the F = force at break (or bottoming), in N; and
tyre/wheel assembly mounted as described in D-1.1
P = penetration at break (or bottoming), in mm.
perpendicularly over a tread element at the centreline
of the tread, or as near as possible to avoiding D-1.3 As an option, for purpose of conformity, if the
penetration into a tread groove. The rate of travel of plunger energy measurements meet or exceed the
the plunger; shall be 50 1.5 mm/min until the tyre minimum value specified, it is not necessary to continue
breaks or the plunger is stopped by the rim (bottoming penetration of the plunger to break the tyre.

IS 15636 : 2012

(Clause 5.2)

b 250/70 R 20 149/145 J d TUBELESS c

C MAR 04 620 kPa c/2

Minimum Heights of Markings, mm

Tyres of Rim Diameter < 20" Tyres of Rim Diameter 20"
or < 508 mm or of Section or 508 mm or of Section
Width 235 mm or 9" Width > 235 mm or > 9"
b 6 9
c 4
d 6

E-2 MARKINGS DEFINING A PNEUMATIC f) Speed symbol J (reference speed 100 km/h);
TYRE g) Capable of being fitted without an inner tube
a) Nominal section width of 250; (TUBELESS);
b) Nominal aspect ratio of 70; h) Manufactured during the month MARCH of
c) Radial-ply structure (R); year 2004; and
d) Nominal rim diameter of 508 mm, for which j) Maximum pressure of 620 kPa or 6.2 bars or
the symbol is 20; 6.32 kg/cm2.
e) Load capacities of 3 250 kg when single and NOTE Arrangement of tyre markings relates only to the tyre
designation. Other markings location will be left to the
2 900 kg when twinned (dual), corresponding
discretion of the tyre manufacturer.
respectively to the load indices 149 and 145
shown in Annex A;

(Clause 5.4)
205 / 80 R 15 LT/C 108/104 J

Speed symbol

Load index
index (single/dual)
Light truck/commercial
Light truck/commercial

Nominal rimdiameter
diameter code

Radial (D ifif diagonal)

Nominal aspect ratio

Nominal section width
width code

IS 15636 : 2012


7.50 16 14PR LT/C

Vehicle category
Vehicle category
Light truck/commercial
Light truck/commercial

Nominal rimrim
Nominal diameter code
diameter code

Construction code
code Diagonal

Nominal section
Nominal width
section code
width code


10.00 R 20 14PR


Nominal rimrim
Nominal diameter codecode

Construction code
Construction RR
code radial

Nominal section
Nominal width
section codecode


10.00 20 14PR


Nominal rimrim
Nominal diameter code
diameter code

Construction code
code Diagonal

Nominal section
Nominal width
section code
width code


F 78 15 LT

Light truck

Nominal rim
Nominal rim diameter code
diameter code
Construction code
Diagonalcode Diagonal
Nominal aspect
Nominal aspect ratio
Nominal sectionwidth code
width code

IS 15636 : 2012

(Clauses 6.2.2 and B-1.1)

1 Manufacturers name and address; 15 Overall diameter (mm);

2 Telephone No.; 16 Rim on which tyre can be mounted;
3 FAX No.; 17 Measuring rim and test rim;
4 E-mail address; 18 Inflation pressure for dimensional
5 Contact person; measurements, kPa;
6 Tyre-size designation; 19 Factor X referred in 3.30 in case of theoretical
7 Trade-name or mark; (imaginary) rim, if applicable;
8 Category of use (normal/special/snow); 19.1 Maximum cold inflation pressure, in kPa,
9 Structure: diagonal (bias ply/bias belted)/radial; corresponding to maximum load carrying
10 Speed category; capacity;
11 Ply rating and maximum load in kg 19.2 Test inflation pressure, kPa;
(corresponding to ply rating) and/or load 20 Intended for use on (type of vehicle);
index and maximum load, in kg 21 Numbers and height of tread wear indicator ;
(corresponding to load index) as applicable;
22 Type of tread pattern (Lug or rib); and
12 Whether the tyre is to be used with or without
an inner tube; 23 Drawing or Photograph in triplicate
identifying tyre tread pattern side wall
13 Whether the tyre is normal or reinforced;
marking and relevant dimensions of inflated
14 Overall width (mm);
tyre mounted on the measuring rim.

Automotive Tyres, Tubes and Rims Sectional Committee, TED 7

Organization Representative(s)
Central Institute of Road Transport, Pune SHRI S. A. SELVAKUMAR (Chairman)
All India Motor Transport Congress, New Delhi SHRI CHARAN SINGH
SHRI M. MURALI (Alternate)
Ashok Leyland Ltd, Chennai SHRI S. ARUN
Association of State Road Transport Undertaking, New Delhi SHRI S. K. PATRA
SHRI P. M. PHATE (Alternate)
Automotive Research Association of India, Pune SHRI S. S. SANDHU
Automotive Tyre Manufacturers Association (ATMA), New Delhi SHRI T. C. KAMATH
SHRI R. BUDHRAJA (Alternate)
Bajaj Auto Ltd, Pune SHRI V. M. MANEL
SHRI A. V. KUMBHAR (Alternate)
Controllerate of Quality Assurance (Vehicles), Ahmednagar SHRI P. V. HARKARE
Department of Heavy Industry, New Delhi SHRI SUSHIL KUMAR
SHRI S. LAKRA (Alternate)

IS 15636 : 2012

Organization Representative(s)
Department of Industry Policy & Promotion, New Delhi SHRI SHAISH KUMAR
SHRI N. C. TIWARI (Alternate)
Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals, New Delhi SHRI M. A. KHAN
SHRI P. K. MAHANA (Alternate)
Fiat India Pvt Ltd, Mumbai SHRI V. MURUGAN
Hero Honda Motors Ltd, Dharuhera SHRI SUMIT BANSAL
Hyundai Motor India Ltd, Chennai SHRI A. P. GANDHI
Indian Rubber Manufacturers Research Association, Thane DR T. THAVAMANI
Indian Tyre Technical Advisory Committee, New Delhi SHRI T. CHAKRAVARTY
SHRI M. P. KANJOLIA (Alternate)
Kum Rajshree Parmar Memorial Foundation, Pune SHRI C. M. PARMAR
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, Nasik SHRI K. BASAVA RAJU
Maruti Udyog Ltd, Gurgaon SHRI SANGEET OSWAL
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, New Delhi DIRECTOR (TECHNICAL)
National Automotive Testing and R&D Infrastructure Project SHRI P. P. CHATTARAJ
(NATRIP), New Delhi
Ordnance Factory Board, Kolkata SHRI K. N. ARYA
SHRI D. K. BANGOTRA (Alternate)
Reliance Industries Ltd, Vadodara SHRI S. SURYANARAYAN
Schrader Duncan Limited, Mumbai SHRI P. P. PRABHU
SHRI P. J. SHETTY (Alternate)
Society of Indian Automobile Manufactures, New Delhi SHRI K. K. GANDHI
Tata Motors Ltd, Pune SHRI P. K. BANERJEE
Toyota Kirloskar Motor India Ltd, Bangalore SHRI V. RAMESH
Tractor Manufacturers Association, New Delhi SHRI T. C. GOPALAN
SHRI S. K. GARG (Alternate)
Triton Valves Ltd, Mysore SHRI S. MALLIKARJUNAIAH
SHRI S. RAMESH (Alternate)
Vehicle Research & Development Establishment, Ahmednagar SHRI S. PAL
SHRI P. P. MAHAJAN (Alternate)
Wheels India Ltd, Chennai SHRI V. CHAKRARAJAN
BIS Directorate General SHRI T. V. SINGH, Scientist F and Head (TED)
[Representing Director General (Ex-officio)]

Member Secretary
Scientist D (TED), BIS

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
BIS Catalogue and Standards : Monthly Additions.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: TED 7 (759).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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