El-CID Testing PDF
El-CID Testing PDF
El-CID Testing PDF
G. Klempner
Ontario Hydro
Ontario Hydro has experienced numerous stator core problems over the years and has attained a
great deal of expertise in locating, characterizing and repairing core faults. Until the relatively
recent introduction of the El-CID (Electromagnetic - Core Imperfection Detector) test, the
method used for core fault detection was the Flux test. This method is costly and time consuming
to perform and also dangerous by its very nature.
In the early days of the Flux test, stator core temperature measurements were made by placing
thermocouples in strategic locations and by reaching into the core and feeling for hot spots. Later
on, the use of infra-red systems greatly improved the Flux test since the entire stator bore could
be scanned for hot spots from outside the bore. The actual temperatures could now be read
remotely, in addition to having a photographic view of the core hot spots.
However, in an effort to devise a safer, low power method of detecting core faults that could be
done in far less time and lower cost than Flux testing, the El-CID test was developed.
Ontario Hydro purchased an El-CID test set in early 1986 and performed its first test at
Nanticoke Thermal Generating Station in July of the same year. Since that time over eighty El-
CID tests have now been carried out. El-CID has been so successful that Ontario Hydro has even
performed the test for numerous generator manufacturers and for most of the other utilities
across Canada.
The focus of the discussion in this paper is the experience and benefit that El-CID has provided
to Ontario Hydro by use on its own and in conjunction with Flux testing. Three core fault
investigations and their results are presented to show how the El-CID is used by Ontario Hydro
and the level of reliability that is now perceived.
It is Ontario Hydros opinion that El-CID is a reliable test method for detecting the existence of
core faults and locating them in the stator bore. El-CID has been used on several occasions to
reliably locate core faults or interlaminar insulation deterioration and to verify successful repairs.
However, the El-CID test alone has not always been sufficient to characterize core faults. Flux
testing is still required in many situations to assist in core testing and defect characterization and
The El-CID technique was devised in the U.K. by the Central Electricity Research Laboratories
and developed by Adwel Industries as portable test equipment for rotating machines. Since
inception, El-CID has proven to be universal in its application, covering turbine generators,
hydraulic generators and large motors.
Traditionally, stator core interlaminar insulation testing has been done using the Flux test
method, in which rated or near rated flux is induced in the stator core yoke. This test induces
circulating currents in the stator core laminations and excessive heating in areas where the core
interlaminar insulation is damaged or shorted. The heat produced is detected and quantified
using established infra-red techniques. This method has proven to be successful over the years
but requires a large power source and considerable time, manpower and resources to complete.
In recent years, the El-CID test was developed as an alternative to the Flux test. The technique is
based on the detection of core faults directly in the damaged areas of the core at only three to
five percent of rated flux. Further, the test requires usually only two people to complete in one
eight hour shift.
El-CID has proven to be reliable in the detection and locating of core problems and can cut the
time and manpower requirements for core testing by as much as ninety percent. With more
recent experience, El-CID has now been used on numerous occasions to reliably determine the
severity of core faults or interlaminar insulation deterioration and to verify repairs to some faults.
This has not always been, and is still not always, the case though. There is significant amount of
judgment involved, to determine when the El-CID is properly predicting the severity core
insulation damage, and requires an experienced operator to know the difference. A Flux test is
still often required, to determine if repairs are needed, the nature of the repair and subsequently
the success of any repairs carried out.
The El-CID test is done with the rotor removed, although there are now variations of the El-CID
test which have been developed to perform the test with the rotor installed. This involves an El-
CID sensor head adapted to a crawler device which traverses the air gap.
The excitation level for the El-CID test is determined by a combination of the stator design
parameters and the power supply available to achieve the required flux level. For most large
generators, the standard 120 V AC outlet with a current carrying capacity of 15 amps is
The characteristics of most stators are such that 4 to 7 turns of #10 AWG insulated wire are
generally used. The energized winding will produce approximately 4 percent of rated flux at 5
volts per meter across the stator iron. A powerstat or variac is used for excitation control. In
Canada, the supply is 120 V AC at the source. The excitation current is measured from the
source and is usually less than 15 amps and depends on the number of turns used.
The signal processing unit of the El-CID test equipment measures fault current in mA. By theory
and experimentation as outlined in the El-CID manual by the manufacturer, a measurement of at
least plus or minus 100 mA is required, at 5 volts per meter on the core, before it is considered
that the core has significant damage that would affect the interlaminar insulation.
The excitation winding and power supply are set-up as shown in Figure 1. The El-CID
equipment (Figure 2) is set up as shown in Figure 3. The sensor head is pulled axially along the
core at a speed slower than one meter every two seconds and always touching and bridging two
stator teeth. The reference coil is placed in the bore over undamaged iron also as shown.
Figure 1
Figure 2
The fault current signal is read directly off the signal processor meter and/or it can be output to
an XY plotter. When the reference coil and sensor head are both over undamaged iron, the meter
should read zero since it is calibrated before testing for a condition where no fault current is
circulating. In actual practice, no insulation system is perfect and some fluctuating background
signal is usually detected.
Figure 3
In the El-CID test, when the sensor head is placed over damaged core areas, the fault current is
read directly and proportionally, in Quadrature mode, as the differential between the sensor
and the reference. This is indicated on the signal processor meter.
Ontario Hydro also uses the Phase mode readings when faults are detected, to try and
characterize the type of fault found. Experience with the El-CID test has shown that in Phase
mode, a fault area only produces the M.P.D. (Magnetic Potential Difference) signal level due to
the excitation applied when there is deteriorated, aged or fretted insulation. Solid interlaminar
shorts or where there is iron damage, tends to produce very high signals in Phase mode.
The basic premise on which the Flux test is based is to also excite the stator core iron, but to as
near rated flux as possible and monitor the temperature rises of the core in the stator bore. The
iron will slowly heat up on good core material and can be recorded as the ambient core
temperature rise. Where there is damaged or deteriorated core insulation, the core will overheat
and is detected as a hot spot above core ambient due to high fault currents circulating locally.
The Flux test is also done with the rotor removed. The excitation level is determined by a
combination of the stator design parameters and the power supply available to achieve near rated
flux. Ontario Hydro generally accomplishes this using two phases of a 4 KV breaker since this is
usually the only suitable power supply available with high enough voltage and current carrying
The characteristics of most stators are such that 5 to 7 turns of 500 to 750 MCM insulated cable
are generally used. When the winding is energized, the flux level produced is almost always in
the range of 75 to 90 percent of rated flux.
Ground fault and overcurrent protection are installed for safety. Supply voltage, supply current
and flux volts per turn are measured. Since there is no voltage control, when using a breaker
directly, a remote trip switch is connected for immediate shut down capability should a core
overheating problem occur.
The core temperatures and hot spot rises are monitored and recorded using infra-red systems
from outside the stator looking into the stator bore directly and into a rotating, moveable, mirror
with non-reflecting glass. A mirror at a 45 degree angle is used to obtain accurate temperature
measurements since the reflective and emmissivity properties of a mirror with non-reflecting
glass are known. The mirror and general Flux test set up is as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4
Direct viewing of the core, on an angle from outside the stator, causes errors due to changes in
core reflective properties as the viewing angle changes. The emmissivity of the surface being
measured must be known and this changes with lighting effects during angled viewing.
Therefore, temperatures cannot be accurately determined by scanning the core surface at an
The general temperature rise of good core areas are measured as well as any hot spot detected.
The hot spots are compared to the ambient core temperature over time to produce a temperature
rise relationship. Where there is damaged or deteriorated core insulation, the core overheats and
is detected as a hot spot above core ambient due to locally circulating high currents in the
damaged area. Ontario Hydro considers hot spots less than 5C above core ambient with slow
temperature rise at the same rate as the core ambient rise to be the acceptance criteria. Under
extreme circumstances, 15C stabilized rises have been accepted when all attempts at core
repairs can produce no better result and the operation of the unit is critical.
Figure 5 Figure 6
Figure 5 is a thermographic view of the bore of a four pole stator with the excitation winding and
rotating mirror installed. Figure 6 shows the same view with the thermographic isothermal level
now visible. The hot spot areas and general good core areas in the view are located with the
infra-red systems isotherm function and the isotherm level recorded on the vertical scale at the
left. The temperatures of the isothermed areas are then calculated based on the isotherm level
measured, a reference measurement and the ambient air temperature. In the particular example
shown here, the thermography was done by an AGA Thermovision System 750. Newer systems
can now produce outputs as temperature values directly, and show the delta temperature from
one area to another in varying degrees of colour.
In March 1990, an El-CID test was performed on Ontario Hydros Unit #6 generator at
Lakeview TGS, as part of a generator rehabilitation program. This machine is a 300 MW, 2 pole,
60 Hz, tandem compound generator. During the El-CID test, two significant readings were
recorded that indicated possible stator iron faults of severe enough nature to warrant repair.
The general signal levels recorded over the majority of this stator were in the 0 to +/-20 mA
range with some scattered readings up to 40 mA. These readings are considered satisfactory at an
excitation level of 5 V/m on the core. The two defect locations produced El-CID measurements
of +270 and +350 mA, indicating some problem with the interlaminar insulation condition.
The first indication was located on the 3rd core packet in from the exciter end of the generator,
on the tooth between slots 34 and 35. Since the reading across slot 34 was high at +270 mA, and
the reading across slot 35 was near normal, it was estimated that the fault was at or near the top
of the tooth, on the side nearest slot 34. See Figure 7.
The second indication was located on the 12th core packet in from the exciter end of the
generator, on the tooth between slots 18 and 19. The reading across slot 18 was high at +350
mA. The reading across slot 19 was also high at +100 mA but was near normal across slot 17.
Therefore, it was estimated that the fault was at or near the top of the tooth between slots 18 and
19, but more on the slot 18 side of the tooth. See Figure 8.
Figure 7 Figure 8
The faults were estimated to be near the top of the tooth by local scanning with El-CID flex head
probes and over a substantial portion of the tooth top. In addition, the same measurements above
were made in the Phase mode of the El-CID signal processing unit and showed levels no
higher than the M.P.D. due to excitation. Therefore, it was estimated that the damage found was
likely due to insulation deterioration rather than solid interlaminar iron damage. As stated
previously, iron damage has been found to produce Phase readings over the fault area, several
times the M.P.D. level.
Although significant El-CID signal levels were recorded, both defect locations did not show any
visible signs of damage. Therefore, to verify the existence of the defects, a Flux test with infra-
red scan was also performed.
The Flux test was carried out using 7 turns of 500 MCM cable connected to two phases of a 4
KV breaker. Ground fault and overcurrent protection were installed for safety. Supply voltage
and current were measured at 4427.5 V AC and 464.76 amps. The flux volts per turn were
measured at 608 V Ac using a separate single turn winding connected to a step down
transformer. This produced Flux test at 87.7% of rated. The core temperatures and hot spot rises
were observed and recorded using an AGA Thermovision System 750.
The Flux test was performed over a 50 minute period and indeed confirmed the presence and
location of the two defects found by El-CID testing.
The first defect on the 3rd core tooth packet between slots 34 and 35 produced a temperature rise
of 33.8C above core ambient at 15 minutes into the test. The fault temperature then stabilized to
a constant temperature rise of 34.5C above core ambient for the remainder of the test. The fact
that the hot spot showed up immediately and produced a rapid rise time and stabilization,
supported the El-CID conclusion that the fault was near the iron surface. See Figure 9.
The second defect on the 12th core tooth packet between slots 18 and 19 produced a stabilized
temperature rise of 36.5C above core ambient also by approximately 15 minutes into the test.
The fault temperature remained fairly stabilized at this level above core ambient for the
remainder of the test. Again, the fact that the hot spot showed up immediately and produced a
rapid rise time and stabilization, supported the El-CID conclusion that the fault was near the iron
surface. See Figure 9.
60 EEPacket #3- Before Repair
50 EEPacket #12- Before Repair
40 Stabilized 36.5deg. CdT Core Ambient - Before Repair
Before Repair EEPacket #3- After Repair
20 EEPacket #12- After Repair
10 Core Ambient - After Repair
0 Stabilized 4.8deg. CdTAfter Repair
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
TIME / minutes
Figure 9
Repair of both faults were carried out by localized grinding down of the tooth tops of both core
packets by approximately 1/4. The tooth tops were then electro-etched with a 20% phosphoric
acid solution to ensure separation of the laminations and that insulation could be detected to
remain between all adjacent laminations on the tooth.
A second El-CID test (at identical excitation levels) was performed, which produced signal
levels over the fault areas of no more than 40 mA. A successful repair was indicated.
To further confirm the repairs and verify the El-CID results, a second Flux test (also at identical
excitation levels) was performed. The Flux test showed temperature rises on both fault locations
of now only 4.8C after 30 minutes. See Figure 9. Therefore, Ontario Hydros criteria of no hot
spots above 5C was met and the damage to the stator iron was considered repaired.
The experience gained with this type of observed fault has, on two additional occasions, allowed
Ontario Hydro to find core defects with the El-CID test, repair the damage and confirm a
successful repair without the need for a Flux test.
The Nanticoke generators are 2 pole, 60 Hz machines rated at 500 MW. Generator stator #4301
at Nanticoke TGS has been installed in the Unit 4 position in past and is presently in the Unit 8
position. This stator has a long history of stator winding and core problems but has served to
increase our understanding of the El-CID technique, due to the extensive testing done by both
El-CID and Flux methods, and the subsequent repair work. This discussion covers some of the
comparison work done between El-CID and Flux tests, before and after core repairs.
After a winding failure on this stator in August 1989 and an inspection of the stator iron, it was
noticed that there were a number of 1st packets on the exciter end of the stator, around the bore
circumference, that had visible damage. The core iron was found to be loose on a number of
these 1st packets at the core end, and the insulation obviously worn away on some. An El-CID
test confirmed the damage in the areas indicated, but that the rest of the core was found defect
Figure 10 Figure 11
To determine the severity of the damage, a Flux test was also done to compare results. In fact,
the Flux test results verified the location of the faults and that the remainder of the core was
indeed free of damage. Figure 10 shows a thermographic close-up view, in the rotating mirror, of
some of the worst defects. Figure 11 is an isotherm view of a number of defects, viewed both
directly on the core end and of their image in the mirror.
The Flux test went further to allow comparison of temperature readings to the El-CID signal
levels recorded. The co-relation was good since the general trend showed that, the higher the El-
CID reading, the higher the temperature measurement for the same fault location. Figure 12.
Before Core Repair After Core Repair Outage Before Core Repair After Core Repair Outage
Slot # Tooth El-CID Flux El-CID Flux El-CID Slot # Tooth El-CID Flux El-CID Flux El-CID
mA deg. C mA deg. C mA mA deg. C mA deg. C mA
1 70 95 120 22 -5 80 65
1-2 22-23
2 -85 -90 -135 23 -40 0 -20
2-3 23-24
3 35 45 100 24 -25 -40 -35
3-4 24-25
4 70 50 85 25 30 50 40
4-5 22.5 13.0 25-26 8.9
5 190 150 90 26 35 20 25
5-6 15.8 26-27
6 -45 -40 -40 27 -55 -55 -25
6-7 27-28
7 -45 -10 -30 28 -30 -80 -30
7-8 28-29
8 -60 -35 -50 29 -25 40 75
8-9 29-30 8.4
9 -75 -45 -40 30 10 35 80
9-10 30-31
10 -30 15 -30 31 85 -5 55
10-11 31-32 16.0
11 80 50 70 32 140 130 175
11-12 32-33 17.0 7.3
12 145 135 55 33 200 130 145
12-13 14.1 33-34 na
13 -30 50 -15 34 95 0 100
13-14 34-35 na
14 -40 -40 -45 35 90 75 70
14-15 35-36 21.3 8.4
15 -50 -45 -50 36 115 190 130
15-16 36-37 21.2 7.8
16 -40 -35 -50 37 -15 0 30
16-17 37-38 7.9
17 -10 40 25 38 150 50 95
17-18 38-39 28.6 14.8
18 15 20 10 39 360 220 350
18-19 39-40 21.3 15.0
19 -40 -30 -30 40 55 80 145
19-20 40-41 11.0
20 -5 5 10 41 115 140 150
20-21 41-42 25.6 11.1
21 0 70 35 42 40 35 30
21-22 42-1 5.8
Figure 12
The core damage was then repaired by inserting thin pieces of mica between the loose
laminations, soaking the area with a penetrating/insulating epoxy and then re-tightening by
driving a 1/16 G10 glass stemming piece radially into the center of the 1st core packet. See
Figure 13. The result was the re-establishment of insulation between core laminations and
tightening of the core end iron to reduce the possibility of further fretting in service.
Figure 13
The repairs made were extensive and were the best that could be done without very expensive
restacking of the stator core. The core tightness on the teeth was re-established as best as
possible but was and is still regarded as a local repair and is not considered a substitute for re-
pressing of the core.
The El-CID and Flux tests were repeated at the same excitation levels as the tests prior to
repairing the damage. These results are also shown in Figure 12.
Both the El-CID and Flux tests confirmed that the repairs had been marginally successful, but
the Flux test proved to be the most convincing. Each hot spot recorded by Flux test showed a
reduced temperature after repairs. On the El-CID test however, a few of the readings stayed the
same or even slightly increased.
The reasoning at the time was that there was still interlaminar contact further down the tooth that
was aggravated by tightening of the iron. Therefore, El-CID was thought to be picking up signals
due to this but that the interlaminar contact was not sufficient to generate hot spots that would
show up on the infra-red. Some uncertainty in the El-CID readings remained. However, the main
damage had obviously been at the tooth tops and seemed to be alleviated by the repairs.
The repaired stator was placed back in service in Unit 8. The known damaged areas on the
exciter end 1st packets were expected to fret again and it was planned to check them again at the
next available opportunity after the stator had logged significant operating time.
Three and one half years later there was a short outage taken on the unit. The generator was
opened up and the rotor removed. Visibly there was no observable increase in damage and the
core seemed to have retained its tightness. A Flux test was not done at the time due to scheduling
constraints, but because of the minimal effort required, an El-CID test was carried out.
The test results showed that generally, the El-CID signals had increased back up to the levels
that were obtained before the core had been repaired. It is Ontario Hydros expectation that this
core will fail at some time due to a stator ground fault from the overheated core iron damaging
the stator winding insulation of an adjacent conductor bar. The station has a spare stator and will
make a component exchange should a failure occur.
Although there is high confidence that the El-CID test is providing a true representation of the
level of interlaminar insulation deterioration, another Flux test would be extremely beneficial in
relating the El-CID mA signals to actual temperatures. This will be especially true should the El-
CID levels become significantly higher than they have been before on this stator. It is intended to
carry out further El-CID and Flux testing at the next available outage opportunity or when a
failure occurs.
The Bruce B generators are 4 pole, 60 Hz machines rated at 900 MW. During a warranty survey
on the Unit 7 generator in April 1988, after only 17,000 operating hours, a core defect was found
by El-CID testing. The entire core was tested and no readings were found greater than 10 mA
except for the single defect location which produced an El-CID signal level of +600 mA.
The defect signal was found to be across slot 41 on the 24th core packet in from the exciter end
of the generator. A complete El-CID signal profile of the fault area was made and is shown in
Figure 14. The significant points to notice on the fault map are the low readings across slots 40
and 42 which tend to indicate that the fault is deeper down in the slot. In addition, the signal
across slot 40 is the same polarity as the main defect signal while the signal across slot 42 is the
opposite polarity. This suggests that the defect is most likely on the side of the tooth in slot 41,
but on the tooth adjacent to slot 40.
Additional readings were taken with a smaller El-CID flex head probe to try to determine the
depth of the fault. Figure 15 is a map of the readings taken and the results. The significance of
these results are that the readings also tend to indicate that the fault is not near the top of the
stator tooth but rather farther down the slot. It is our speculation that the fault is most likely near
the bottom of the slot next to the bottom conductor bar.
In addition to this, the main defect signal was checked in Phase mode to try and characterize
the fault further. It was found that the signal was 2200 mA. The M.P.D. for the excitation applied
is only 280 mA. Therefore, it was suspected that the fault has very good interlaminar contact,
perhaps due to some iron damage, and that it is not simply deteriorated insulation. This would
occur if the core iron had been smudged or damaged somehow in slot before or during
installation of the stator bars.
Visually, the stator iron looked in perfect condition, and intrascoping of the radial cooling vents
around the core packet indicated the same.
Figure 14
Results of Localized Scan of Fault Area with Flex Head - Test #1 and Test #2
Figure 15
Since the generator was fairly new, there was considerable concern that the El-CID test may not
be correct. Therefore, a 75% rated Flux test was done and the core scanned for hot spots with an
Agema infra-red system. The defect location was confirmed and is shown in a thermographic
view in Figure 16.
Figure 16
The Flux test produced a very slowly rising ambient core temperature and a very slow rising
fault temperature that only reached 5C above the rest of the core after one hour. The test was
run for an additional 2 hours and the temperature rise only reached 8C above the rest of the
core. This type of information tends to confirm that the defect is likely deeper in the slot,
relatively small, highly localized, and probably in the infant stages. Therefore, the unit was
returned to service with the intent to inspect again in about three years.
In April 1991, Unit 7 was shut down again and the generator opened up for a maintenance
outage. The generator had logged approximately 39,000 operating hours up to this point.
Another El-CID test on the stator core was carried out to examine the core for advancement of
the known defect. This El-CID test was carried out exactly the same as the previous test done
during the Warranty Outage when the defect was first found. The general signal readings
obtained during this test were 0-10 mA indicating the stator core interlaminar insulation to be in
good condition.
However, the defect location across slot 41, on packet 24 in from the exciter end of the machine,
now recorded an increased El-CID signal level to +830 mA in the exact location of the original
that was found to be +600 mA. All other adjacent readings increased as well. See Figure 14
Additional readings were again taken with a smaller El-CID flex head probe to fully characterize
the fault. Figure 15 above also shows the results of this second test. The signals recorded were
now higher in the more localized shorter measurement spans. The significance of this is
uncertain but it was thought at the time that the insulation now may becoming heat affected,
causing the interlaminar insulation near the fault to be deteriorated over a larger surface area.
Speculation was still high that the main fault is near the bottom of the slot next to the bottom
conductor bar.
The main defect signal was again checked in Phase mode, and found to still be at 2200 mA,
indicating no change in this respect. This may mean that if there is an iron smudge, that its size
is unchanged and the increase in Quad mode signal is due to interlaminar insulation
A 75 percent rated Flux test was performed again to both verify the El-CID results and to
determine the extent of progression of the damage in the known defect location across slot 41.
The result of the Flux test was that the defect location only produced a 4 degrees C rise in
temperature as compared to good core areas after a one and a half hour test. Therefore, although
the El-CID test shows the defect to be worsening, the Flux test indicated that it remains benign.
The high El-CID signals in Quad mode are somewhat puzzling, considering the small
temperature rise measured on Flux test. Therefore, it could only be concluded that the fault is
small and not propagating rapidly. The Unit 7 stator will be both El-CID and Flux tested during
the next maintenance outage.
One characteristic of this stator core that may be significant is the fact that it contains grain
oriented coreplate. There is speculation that the high El-CID signal level obtained may not have
the same significance on grain oriented coreplate as signals obtained on the more commonly
used non-oriented laminates. Further investigation on this point is required. Ontario Hydro has
begun some preliminary work in this area.
The El-CID test is reliable in; detecting the existence of, and locating of core faults. Ontario
Hydro has never had an occasion in over 80 tests done, where a Flux test has not verified the
presence of core faults found by El-CID. Therefore, Flux tests are now only done when a fault is
found by El-CID, and even then only when the nature of the fault is uncertain. Ontario Hydro
takes the position that if no faults are found using the El-CID test, then there is a very high
probability that the core under test is free of defects. This is the main benefit of the El-CID test
in the view of Ontario Hydro.
El-CID has been used by Ontario Hydro on several occasions to reliably locate core faults or
interlaminar insulation deterioration and to verify successful repairs. There have been more
occasions however, where the El-CID test alone was not enough to characterize the fault under
investigation. In these cases, a Flux test was required to finalize the; repair, need for repair, or
monitor only decision. It is Ontario Hydros disposition that the Flux test remains the most
secure method to characterize core faults and to verify the success of repairs.
More work is required in comparisons of El-CID and Flux test fault data. With a larger database
of faults investigated by both methods, there may come a point where the Flux test is obsolete
and all core fault investigations and repair work can be governed by the El-CID test alone.
There is some speculation that the core iron properties may also play a large part in the level of
El-CID signals obtained. The effect of this may be that the signal level cannot be used as directly
read off the El-CID signal processing unit. A 200 mA signal, for example, may be significant
and indicative of a serious fault in one machine but not in another. It is further speculated that
some calibration of the signals may be required based on the type of coreplate in the machine,
and/or the specific electric and magnetic loading of the machine being tested. The grain direction
may also play a significant role in the level of the El-CID signal obtained in stators employing
grain oriented coreplate. Further investigation of the possibility of such effects is warranted.