Electric Actuator - Rotork - For DeNox - BOFA, SOFA, OFA

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Electric valve actuators in the

modern power generation industry
n the past it was recognised that the improved motor controls and the
In recent years electric valve isolation and control of high pressure introduction of thyristors rather than
actuators have grown in superheated steam, cooling water, traditional reversing starter controls have
importance in modern power condensed water, hot and cold gases, increased the “starts per hour” performance
plants. Now they are induced and forced draft air and other of the electric actuator.This has enabled it
recognised as major elements in the power generating process to be used for many regulating and
contributors to efficiency, could be a major headache. Simple on/off modulating duties.
electric actuators provided a basic level of
economy and safety as well as
control whilst the regulating and modulating Changing actuation requirements
facilitating the quick start-ups
elements such as boiler fans were usually In the past ten years these developments
demanded by today’s working controlled by hydraulic and pneumatic have dramatically accelerated with the
practices and the emission actuators with instrumentation comprising introduction of high temperature
reductions dictated by electro-pneumatic converters and 4-20mA modulating duty actuators.This is a major
environmental legislation. transducers. It was always recognised leap forward, enabling electric actuators to
Electric actuators may be however that the simplified control systems be installed in more environments where
required for an extensive associated with electric actuators were only hydraulic and pneumatic actuators used
range of duties encompassing advantageous, especially with the increasing to be specified.This has been a welcome
isolation, regulation, emphasis on automation and remote improvement, since hydraulic systems
control. incorporating traditional power packs have
modulation and failsafe
Developments in electric actuator design become unpopular due to high maintenance
operation of valves and
have improved the situation, particularly costs and other operational issues.
dampers. This article looks at with the introduction of secure, “non- Instrument air for pneumatic actuators is
the selection and specification intrusive” water and dust tight enclosures. also expensive to produce and look after,
of the actuator and control Standardised electronic actuator controls with leakage, water ingress and vulnerability
system for each duty. and a wider range of torque outputs also to freezing all threatening reliability and
helped the design engineers, whilst requiring special attention.

www.valve-world.net October 2008 35

environment has also been a major catalyst
to actuation upgrade programmes in UK
and European power stations.The LCPD
(large combustion plant directive) demands
accurate control of final operating elements
including secondary air dampers, burner
shroud and fan vane controls. BOFA, SOFA
and OFA (boosted over fire, separated
over fire, over fire air) schemes are other
major areas of investment in coal fired
Fig. 1: Alstom is utilising Rotork IQT and IQTM power stations. Fig. 2: Rotork Process Control LA2000 electric linear
intelligent electric actuators for damper operation on The modulation of dampers and valves in actuators have been selected for some particularly harsh
new BOFA ducting at the Ratcliffe Power Station. these high temperature areas to achieve applications at the EdF West Burton power station.
accurate control has always been a
Problems with aging pneumatic equipment problem for station operators. Actuators Control SM6000 electric actuators have
are aggravated by the non-availability of can often be exposed to ambient been specified due to their high speed,
spares, leading many power plant operators temperatures in excess of 90°C and are continuous modulating duty capability with
to introduce programmes of replacement. expected to modulate continuously in precise positioning within 0.1% of span.
The advancing technology of electric order to achieve clean and efficient At the EdF West Burton power station
actuation has persuaded many of these combustion. BOFA induced draft and (Figure 2) NOx emissions have been
operators to standardise on a single forced draft inlet guide valves must respond reduced ahead of LCPD legislation by
manufacturer for all their actuator quickly and accurately to changes in plant installing SOFA systems and improving
requirements to minimise spares and stock demand to ensure that the correct boiler boiler draft by replacing on/off actuators
holdings.This policy also reduces training control and performance is met, in on secondary air dampers with modulating
requirements for maintenance staff. Electric compliance with emission control electric actuators. Rotork Process Control
actuators, suitable for isolating or directives. LA2000 electric linear actuators were
modulating duties, provide a simple, reliable High speed electric actuators for selected for these particularly harsh
solution and eliminate the need for continuously modulating duties are now applications, controlled by a 4-20mA signal
secondary compressor or hydraulic systems able to meet the arduous operating fed to a remotely mounted digital amplifier,
with complex control and instrumentation. requirements of these duties, where enabling actuators to operate in ambient
During the 1990’s the privatisation of UK traditionally hydraulic power packs were temperatures up to 107°C (225°F).
power plants heralded dramatic changes to always specified.The advantages of electric Doug Gauld of GE Energy, the main
valve and damper actuation requirements. actuation in these areas include reduced contractor at West Burton comments: “The
The introduction to two-shifting, whereby a capital, operating and maintenance costs, retrofitting of actuators equates to over
station is brought on-line twice a day, improved control and increased reliability. 50% reduction in NOx emissions.”
exposed old actuation equipment to Meanwhile, the RWE nPower Aberthaw
increased operation which was sometimes Case histories power station is undergoing a series of
beyond its performance parameters, leading Alstom is installing BOFA NOx reduction environmental improvement projects
to increased maintenance and eventually technology at Ratcliffe Power Station, including the introduction of flue gas
the implementation of replacement and utilising Rotork IQT and IQTM intelligent desulphurising technology in line with the
upgrading projects. electric actuators for damper operation on latest European regulations. Rotork’s
Control system upgrades go hand-in-hand new BOFA ducting (see Figure 1). Accurate Skilmatic SI electro-hydraulic actuator with
with equipment replacement to facilitate BOFA fan control is critical to the success its integral failsafe design has provided an
communication with advanced plant of the system and here Rotork Process ideal engineering solution on mill isolation
management systems (APMS). Modern PLC dampers where the previously fitted
systems utilise a range of control and customised electro-hydraulic actuators had
indication signals such as digital, analogue become increasingly expensive to maintain
and pulse, the choice of which can be easily due to obsolescence.
specified with modern electric actuators. In another area, existing feed water
The quick start-up demand of two-shifting regulation valves with pneumatic actuators
has further accelerated the advance of were causing operational problems and
automation, leading to the motorisation of proving uneconomical to maintain.They
many valves that were previously hand have been replaced with new valves
operated. operated by Skilmatic SI electro-hydraulic
modulating linear actuators (Figure 3)
Mandates Fig. 3: Installation of a Skilmatic SI electro-hydraulic which matched the technical requirements
The implementation of mandatory modulating linear actuator at the RWE nPower Aberthaw for fast acting, high thrust and accurate
directives for the improvement of the power station. valve positioning.

36 October 2008 www.valve-world.net

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