Cross PassagewaysVsStairs Edenbaum

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Cross-passageways vs.

Emergency Exit Stairways

in Rail Tunnels
Justin Edenbaum Sue Cox Gary English
Parsons Brinckerhoff Parsons City of Seattle Fire
Toronto Toronto Department

North American systems with cross-passageways instead

ABSTRACT of stairways for tunnels underneath dry land.
This paper objectively compares cross-passageways
NFPA 130 provides two egress options for enclosed with stairways to help designers, owners, and authorities
trainways of transit and passenger rail systems. Tunnels make informed decisions. The paper includes a sample
longer than 762 meters require 1) emergency exit emergency scenario to provide a detailed comparison of
stairways or 2) cross-passageways. There is a perception egress and reconnaissance. A general comparison of other
in the industry that emergency exit stairways are safer. factors is also presented.
Some authorities having jurisdiction (such as local fire
departments) reject the cross-passageway option from EMERGENCY SCENARIOS ASSUMPTIONS
replacing a stairway.
The paper compares the two exiting geometries. Sample System Configuration
Factors considered are egress of passengers, firefighter The sample system complies with NFPA 130 and is
response, and cost of installation. This paper helps typical of a heavy- or main-line rail passenger system.
designers, owners, and authorities make informed Train data is in Table 1.
decisions based on a comparative analysis.
Table 1: Sample Train Properties

INTRODUCTION Train length 156 meters

Car length 26 meters
The fire life safety standard for transit systems in Car width 3048 mm
North America is NFPA 130, Standard for Fixed
Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems (Ref. 1). Number of cars 5
Section 6.3 of the standard requires exits for train tunnels Number of cars downstream of 2.5
longer than 762 meters. Despite many efforts, the source of fire
this length is unknown (Ref. 2). Number of doors per car, per side 3
In lieu of emergency exit stairways (stairways) every Door openings (each side) 3 x 1500 mm
762 meters or less, cross-passages can be spaced at 244 m
Number of passengers per car 200
or less. This spacing is approximately one third the 762
meters spacing required for stairways. The 244 meter
devolved from the MARTA (Atlanta) Subway project. It The twin bored tunnels have a third-rail and raised
was calculated distance people could walk downstream of walkway, see Figure 1.
a train fire site before flashover occurred and made the The longitudinal tunnel ventilation system supplies
downstream environment untenable. (Ref. 2). An sufficient airflow to the fire site to prevent backlayering.
additional description is in Ref. 3 and 4. The paper describes the airflow patterns for each
Even with the shorter spacing, some individuals emergency scenario. The tunnel ventilation system
perceive cross-passageways as a less desirable exiting provides a tenable egress route for passengers in the
geometry. In one particular instance, an experienced safety upstream environment, stairways, adjacent tunnels, or
engineer insisted NFPA 130 only allows stairways for adjacent stations during a tunnel fire.
egress. Cross-passageways could only be used in lieu of Tunnel ventilation fan plants are located at each end of
exits when tunnels are underneath water. Only the the stations to provide longitudinal airflow in the tunnel.
chairman of the NFPA 130 could correct this individuals This layout is typical layout for most new systems.
misperception; cross-passages have been a valid option
since the inception of NFPA 130 in 1983. Appendix A lists There is no fire suppression system onboard the train.

APTA Rail Conference 2015 Cross-passageways vs. Emergency Exit Stairways in Rail Tunnels, Rev 1
Figure 1: Sample Cross-Section
Figure 2: Ratio of Cross-passageways to Stairways vs.
Tunnel Length
The assumed tunnel length of 1,600 meters
demonstrates a typical case with all factors considered, see require additional considerations, such as rescue trains or
Figure 3. This length requires two stairways, assumed to be powered emergency tunnel evacuation carts.
evenly spaced at 533 meters. Even if the fire disables one Fire Scenario
stairway, the other stairway can still be evaluated. The worst location for a train fire is in the middle of
The assumed tunnel requires six cross-passages, the train (car number 3 of 5) because most passengers are
assumed to be evenly spaced at 229 meters. trapped downstream of the fire. The fire occurs underneath
the heavy-rail train and disables the train inside of the
Other lengths from 1,200 to 3,000 meters were tunnel.
considered. The length 1,600 meters has the lowest
possible ratio of 3 cross-passages to 1 stairway. This ratio When the tunnel ventilation system is activated for this
is the most common value, see Figure 2. The maximum fire scenario, half of the train occupants are in a smoky
ratio of 6 cross-passageways to 1 stairway occurs for a environment downstream of the fire. The train occupants
tunnel length of approximately 1,500 meters. The next upstream are in a tenable environment.
highest ratios are 5.0 and 4.5 cross-passageways to 1 Two train locations are considered. The first fire
stairway for a tunnel length of approximately 1,250 and occurs on a train located one third of the length of the
2,200 meters. tunnel between the two stations, see Figure 3. As a
Tunnels longer than 3,000 meters were not considered conservative but reasonable approach, the fire aligns with
because the extraordinary distance might require different and disables the nearest stairway or cross-passageway.
firefighting procedures. The travel time for fire fighters to A second fire location is a train in the middle of the
arrive at the incident site in these long tunnels might tunnel (at 800 meters from either station).

Figure 3: Emergency Scenario with Incident Train at 1/3 the Length of the Tunnel

APTA Rail Conference 2015 Cross-passageways vs. Emergency Exit Stairways in Rail Tunnels, Rev 1
Both scenarios assume only one train in the incident situation. Only after reconnaissance can rescue and
tunnel, the tunnel where the fire occurs. The non-incident suppression be properly planned and executed. Rescue
tunnel is the parallel tunnel without a fire. efforts are examined in the comparison section.
Egress Assumptions To simplify the comparison, the response time the first
The assumed egress capacity, egress travel speeds, and surface element (station or stairway) is the same. The major
calculation are in Appendix B. differences in reconnaissance time is then due to the
The paper focuses on the egress of 500 passengers internal system geometry.
downstream of the fire, in a smoky environment. The 500 Prior to arriving at surface elements, firefighters are
passengers upstream, in a tenable environment, are not given the following information:
considered. These passengers do not obstruct the egress of 1. Tunnel with incident train
downstream passengers, rescue efforts, or suppression 2. Location of incident train, within a train length
efforts. 3. Approximate fire location onboard the train
Most passengers self-evacuate. Passengers cannot use 4. Ventilation direction
the closest stairway or cross-passageway because of its 5. Surface access points upstream and downstream
proximity to the fire. The downstream passengers use the of the fire.
stairway or cross-passageways further down the tunnel as The initial response includes at least two teams, at two
it is not safe to move over the fire, therefore evacuation different surface access points. For stairways, Team 1
times are longer. responds to the closest or upstream surface access point.
Egress capacities and travel speeds are from NFPA Team 2 responds to the closest downstream surface access
130, Section 5, as defined for station egress. The capacity point.
and travel speeds are calibrated to the results of the For cross-passageways, teams are sent to both station,
Simulex computer simulations performed in Ref. 3. at each end of the incident tunnel. For all sub-scenarios, the
The most constricted egress capacity, known as the assumption is Team 1 arrives the quickest at the West
choke point, occurs where passengers pass the end of the Station, with Team 2 arriving second at the East Station.
train, see Figure 4. As passengers move past the end of the The team arriving upstream of the fire moves in the
train, they become aware of the drop from the edge of the incident tunnel, in the tenable egress path, to access the fire
walkway to the rail below. The fear of falling slows site.
passengers and reduces the egress capacity by about 20 to
The downstream team moves closer to the fire site
25%. This value is representative for a typical bored tunnel
from the tenable, non-incident tunnel. The parallel,
based on the effective widths calculated in Ref. 3, Table 2.
incident tunnel can then be accessed from cross-
passageways. This team coordinates with the upstream
team prior to entering the incident tunnel.
For all cases, no carts or rescue trains are considered
to simplify the discussion.
Figure 4: Egress Choke Point on Walkway after Train
Two fire locations are analyzed. The first fire location
The egress capacity of the choke point on the walkway at one third of the length of tunnel is subdivided into four
is equal to the egress capacity of the stairway. Therefore, scenarios, see Table 2. These scenarios cover both system
the stairway is not a choke point for the system. geometries (stairways and cross-passageways) and both
The NFPA 130 compliant cross-passageway is not a ventilation directions (east or west).
choke point because the egress capacity (of the minimum Stairways Fire Location 1
width of 1,120 mm) is greater than the walkway egress The stairways connect to a passageway between both
capacity. The time to turn and enter the stairway or cross- tunnels and rises to the surface. The stairway next to the
passageway is neglected to simplify the calculation. fire (Stairway A in Figure 3) is not useable.
Firefighter movements counter to downstream SE: Stairway, Ventilation towards East
passengers are not considered in the egress calculations. The tunnel ventilation system provides airflow
This movement can impede egress and extend exiting towards the east, creating a smoky environment east of the
times. fire. The assumed airflow pattern prevents contaminated
Reconnaissance Assumptions air from entering the stairway, see Figure 5.
The paper compares the initial reconnaissance of
firefighters for the two different geometries. The goal of
reconnaissance is to quickly gather information about the

APTA Rail Conference 2015 Cross-passageways vs. Emergency Exit Stairways in Rail Tunnels, Rev 1
Incident Command to inform them of Team 1 inability to
Table 2: Exiting Times access and to verify Team 2 has begun access from
downstream location.
Fire located at 1/3 the length of Exiting Time
Prior to communication, Team 2 arrives at the
the tunnel (Minutes)
downstream stairway and prepares to enter the tunnel.
Stairway, ventilation and When descending, firefighters move counter to
SE downstream towards the 20 downstream passengers ascending from the tunnel. This
east conflict could delay firefighters.
Stairway, ventilation and If Team 2 enters the tunnel, they are in a smoke filled
SW downstream towards the 20 environment, 533 meters away from the fire site. No
west intermediate access points are available.
Cross-passageways, A third reconnaissance option is for a Team 3 to be
stationed upstream at the West station. Emergency
CE ventilation and downstream 12
responders are needed at this location to handle the
towards the east passengers evacuating in the upstream environment. Team
Cross-passageways, 3 could approach the fire from the upstream environment
CW ventilation and downstream 12 and travel 533 meters in the tenable egress path to the fire
towards the west location. The Incident Commander will determine
Fire located at 1/2 the length of reconnaissance tactics.
the tunnel SW: Stairway, Ventilation towards West
The tunnel ventilation system provides airflow
Stairway 14
towards the west, creating a smoky environment west of
Cross-passageway 9 the fire. The downstream contaminated air is exhausted
through the tunnel ventilation system at the end of the west
Non-incident tunnel station, before reaching the platform, see Figure 6. This
airflow pattern creates a tenable environment on the
1'-1 1/2" Surface platform. Even if some smoke moves into the west station
Upstream platform, the smoke is diluted to a tenable level.
way Down-
1'-1 1/2" stream Non-incident tunnel

Airflow Fire Smoke Platform
Figure 5: Airflow Prevents Smoke from Entering Stairway
Airflow moves down from the surface connection of
the stairway, towards the incident tunnel, and then towards Airflow Fire Smoke
the exhausting tunnel ventilation system. The pressure
differential is driven by the tunnel ventilation system and Figure 6: Airflow Creates a Tenable Platform
the pressure rise over the fire site.
This airflow pattern has been observed on many All downstream passengers who can self-rescue reach
different projects. A ventilation analysis needs to verify a tenable environment at 20 minutes. The tenable
this flow pattern. environment of the platform is 470 meters from the end of
the train.
All downstream passengers who can self-rescue reach
a tenable environment in 20 minutes. The tenable For reconnaissance, Team 1s arrival and assessment
environment is the bottom of the stairway (Stairway B), is the same as the previous sub-scenario, SE.
470 meters from the end of the train. The 500 evacuees Team 2 arrives at the West station, located
must ascend the stairway to create room for the last downstream, and descends to the tenable environment on
person to enter the stairwell the platform (see Figure 6). If Team 2 enters the tunnel,
For reconnaissance, Team 1 arrives at the incident they are in a smoke filled environment that is 533 meters
stairway (Stairway A) and descends to the tunnel. If the away from the fire site.
door from tunnel to stairway is not blocked by the fire or A third option is for a third team to arrive at the next
derailed train, firefighters can quickly arrive at the fire site. Stairway located upstream. Emergency responders are
If the door is inaccessible, Team 1 communicates with

APTA Rail Conference 2015 Cross-passageways vs. Emergency Exit Stairways in Rail Tunnels, Rev 1
needed to handle the passengers evacuating in the upstream passageway to access the incident tunnel. With the cross-
environment. passageway closest to the fire blocked (cross-passageway
Cross-passageways Fire Location 1 2), Team 2 needs accurate information to enter the
The tunnel ventilation system creates a tenable downstream environment at the cross-passageway 230
environment upstream of the fire in the incident tunnel and meters from the fire site (cross-passageway 3).
in the parallel, non-incident tunnel. The pressure CW: Cross-passageways, Ventilation towards West
differential prevents smoke downstream of the fire from The egress of sub-scenario CW is symmetrical to CE
entering an open cross-passageway, see Figure 7. The (Cross-passageways, Ventilation towards East). Therefore,
pressure differential is driven by the tunnel ventilation all downstream passengers who can self-rescue reach a
system and the pressure rise over the fire site. tenable environment at 12 minutes.
For reconnaissance, Team 1 arrives first at the West
Non-incident tunnel Station, located 460 meters downstream of the fire. The
1'-1 1/2" Team starts to walk the non-incident tunnel to get closer to
Cross- Down- the fire site. At this time, they do not know which cross-
Upstream passageway passageway way to enter (number 1 or 2).
1'-1 1/2" Team 2 arrives at the East Station, which is 1,140
meters upstream of the fire site. This is a long distance to
During the early stages of reconnaissance, both Team
Airflow Fire Smoke 1 and Team 2 may not be aware that the cross-passageway
next to the fire is blocked. Perhaps escaping passengers
Figure 7: Airflow Prevents Smoke from Entering would be able to describe the situation.
If Team 1 attempts to access the incident tunnel from
Same as the stairway scenarios, this airflow pattern has the inaccessible cross-passageway (number 2), time is lost
been observed on many different projects. A ventilation when they are forced to move back towards the next cross-
analysis needs to verify this flow pattern. passageway downstream (number 1).
CE: Cross-passageways, Ventilation towards East In the absence of additional information, Team 1
The tunnel ventilation system moves air towards the should access the downstream environment from a cross-
east, creating a downstream environment east of the fire, in passageway that is at least a train length downstream of the
the incident tunnel. estimated fire location. This assures they dont waste time
All downstream passengers who can self-rescue reach at a blocked cross-passageway. In this scenario, Team 1
a tenable environment at 12 minutes. The tenable accesses the incident tunnel from cross-passageway 1,
environment is the cross-passageway 160 meters from the which is 230 meters downstream of the fire.
end of the train. After the cross-passageway, passengers Middle of Tunnel Scenario Fire Location 2
egress through the non-incident tunnel to the upstream or If a fire occurs in the middle of the tunnel (800 meters),
downstream station. in the middle of the train, the egress towards the east or
For reconnaissance, Team 1 arrives first at the West west are symmetrical for both geometries (stairways and
Station, located 460 meters upstream of the fire. They cross-passageways). The reconnaissance scenario is
move towards the fire in the tenable egress path of the discussed with ventilation towards the east.
incident tunnel. Eventually, they will encounter passengers Middle Fire with Stairway
escaping on the walkway. While this helps to gather All downstream passengers who can self-rescue reach
firsthand information about the fire, unfortunately a point of safety after 14 minutes. The point of safety is the
firefighters will probably have to walk on track level to stairway 200 meters away from the end of the train.
bypass evacuees on the narrow walkway. The track level For reconnaissance, Team 1 arrives at the upstream
can present trip hazards. This slows their forward stairway (Stairway A) and descends to the tunnel. While
movement. descending, fire fighters may conflict with upstream
Team 2 arrives at the East Station, after Team 1s passengers ascending from the tunnel. In the tunnel, Team
arrival at the West Station. The East Station is located 1 is 270 meters upstream of the fire.
1,140 meters downstream of the fire. Team 2 starts moving Team 2 arrives at the downstream stairway and
in the non-incident tunnel to be closer to cross- prepares to enter the incident tunnel (similar to SE). They
passageways downstream fire. Team 2 may also need to are located 270 meters downstream of the fire.
walk on track level.
With this reconnaissance, neither of the first two teams
Team 2 can coordinate with Team 1 via Incident are located at a station.
Command to determine which downstream cross-

APTA Rail Conference 2015 Cross-passageways vs. Emergency Exit Stairways in Rail Tunnels, Rev 1
Middle Fire with cross-passageways Rescue
All downstream passengers who can self-rescue reach There are challenges moving those unable to self-
a tenable environment at 9 minutes. The point of safety is rescue from the downstream environment of both
a cross-passageway approximately 50 meters away from geometries. For stairways, firefighters are probably going
the end of the train. This distance is closer than cross- to reach those unable to self-rescue faster than cross-
passageways in sub-scenarios CW and CE. passageways. On the other hand, firefighters and the
For reconnaissance, Team 1 arrives first at the West rescued need to travel longer distances in a smoky tunnel.
Station, located 800 meters upstream of the fire. Fire Upon arrival at the stairways, rescued passengers need to
fighters can start to access the incident tunnel from the be carried up stairways which might be narrow and
upstream environment. therefore difficult.
Team 2 at the East Station moves 680 meters in the For cross-passageways, those unable to self-rescue can
non-incident tunnel to the cross-passageway (number 4), be brought to a tenable environment faster. On the other
just downstream of the fire. After coordinating with Team hand, they cannot immediately be brought to the surface.
1, Team 2 can enter the incident tunnel at the cross- They need to be transported to a station. From the station,
passageway 120 meters downstream of the fire. moving those unable to self-rescue to the surface is easier
at stations than using the narrow stairways connected to the
Capital costs
General statements compare stairway and cross- Designers can compare costs of the two different exit
passageway systems. All statements apply to the fire geometries for each project. Costs vary greatly depending
locations above and most fire locations. on the local environment. Cross-passageways are a cheaper
exiting geometry when capitol cost for each cross-
Egress passageways are 1/3 or less of each stairway. Keep in mind
Systems with cross-passages enable passengers to the cost of a stairway may include the purchase of surface
escape a smoky environment faster than systems with elements.
stairways. For the scenarios presented, those able to self-
rescue exit the downstream, smoky environment of the A recent project estimated an emergency exit stairway
cross-passageway geometry 35% shorter than the stairway and cross-passageways cost of $15 and $1 million USD
geometry. each. Using these costs and the sample tunnel length of
1,600 meters, capital costs for stairways and cross-
Egress times of cross-passage geometries can be
passageways are $30 million and $6 million. The cross-
comparatively shorter for other tunnel lengths. Egress passageway geometry cost is 20% of the stairway cost.
times are faster when exits are closer. As shown in Figure Even for the worst cross-passageway to exit stairway ratio
2, cross-passageways provide 3 to 6 times more exits than of 6 to 1 (for a tunnel length of approximately 1,500
stairways. The probability is higher that the downstream meters), cross-passages costs are 40% of the stairway costs.
exit from a fire is much closer for a cross-passageway
geometry than a stairway geometry.
Systems with stairways enable firefighters to reach fire
There is no definitive answer on which geometry is
locations faster than systems with cross-passageways.
safer during a tunnel fire. Cross-passageways provide
Stairways enable firefighters to have shorter travel
quicker egress times for those unable to self-rescue. On the
distances from the surface access point to the fire locations.
other hand, stairway geometry typically allows faster
On the other hand, the stairway geometry usually reconnaissance and suppression.
requires firefighters to walk in a smoky, downstream
For rescue, each geometry has their own advantages
tunnel environment for double the distances required in
and disadvantages. Different procedures are required for
cross-passageway geometry. Using most of the firefighter
tank air simply walking in the smoke to the incident and
back out over a longer distance can significantly limit the For capital costs, cross-passageways are typically
amount of time available to perform reconnaissance, more cost effective. This is true when capital cost for each
suppression, and rescue efforts. cross-passageways are 1/3 or less of each stairway.
Suppression The perception that cross-passageways are a less
Stairways geometry is likely quicker for fire desirable exiting geometry is unfounded. In fact, this
suppression because reconnaissance is faster and exiting geometry can dramatically reduce capital costs.
firefighters can access the fire location faster. Additionally, this geometry provides shorter egress times
for those unable to self-rescue, more access points and exits
to the incident tunnel, and shorter travel distance in smoky
tunnels for firefighters.

APTA Rail Conference 2015 Cross-passageways vs. Emergency Exit Stairways in Rail Tunnels, Rev 1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 3. Edenbaum, Justin et al, Subway Tunnel Cross
Passageway Spacing. A Performance-Based
Thanks to Dr. Norman Rhodes for providing a peer Approach APTA Rail Conference, New York City,
review. June 2006.
4. Evaluation of Subway Emergency Ventilation
REFERENCES Systems, MARTA North and South Lines", Draft
Report, 29 July 1977. Prepared by Parsons,
1. "NFPA 130 Standard For Fixed Guideway Transit and Brinckerhoff, Quade and Douglas, Inc. for the Joint
Passenger Rail Systems", 2014 Edition, Published by Venture of Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade and Douglas,
the (Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Inc. and Tudor Engineering Company, General
Association (NFPA), 2103). Consultants to the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit
2. William D. Kennedy, 130-122 Log #221 2013
Annual Revision Cycle Report on Proposals, NFPA
(Quincy, MA: NFPA, 2012), p 130-67

APTA Rail Conference 2015 Cross-passageways vs. Emergency Exit Stairways in Rail Tunnels, Rev 1
Appendix A: North American Systems with Cross-passageways instead of Stairways
for Tunnels Underneath Dry land

Project Location Description of setup

MARTA Entire system Atlanta, GA Cross-passages spacing is approximately 240 meters.
BART San Francisco San Francisco, CA 8 km between Colma and San Bruno.
Airport Extension 2 stations.
Cross-passages spacing is approximately 90 meters.
BART San Francisco Millbrae, CA 1.6 km.
Airport Extension 0 stations.
Cross-passages spacing is approximately 90 meters
BART Warm Springs Fremont, CA 1.6 km.
Extension 0 stations.
Cross-passages spacing is approximately 90 meters
MTA Number 7 extension New York City Maximum length of tunnel is 1.2 km.
Cross passages spacing is approximately 180 meters.
LA Purple Line West Los Angeles Cross-passageway spacing is approximately 230 meters.
Metro Side Extension
TriMet LRT Portland 5 KM tunnel at maximum depth of 50m from the surface.
One station is located approximately 3,100 m from one portal.
Cross-passages spacing is approximately 240 meters

APTA Rail Conference 2015 Cross-passageways vs. Emergency Exit Stairways in Rail Tunnels, Rev 1
Appendix B: Egress Capacity, Egress Travel Speeds, and Calculations

Table 1B: Egress Rates

Description Variable Value Unit Source
Flat surfaces
Maximum means of egress travel
speed along platform, corridors, and Fts 37.7 m/min
NFPA 130,
Maximum means of egress
capacity of platforms, corridors, Fec 0.082 p/mm-min NFPA 130,
and ramps

The trainway's widest unobstructed

clear width requirement for the MinW 760 mm NFPA 130,
means of egress.
Capacity of walkway (Assumed Cwp 62.2 p/min Fec * 760 mm
width of 760 mm)
Egress capacity Sec 0.056 p/mm-min NFPA 130, (1)
Travel speed, vertical component of Sts 14.6 m/min NFPA 130, (2)
travel speed
Minimum stair width MinSW 1120 mm NFPA 130,
Capacity of minimum stair width CS 62.2 p/min MinSW * SEC
= 2.5 Cars downstream
Pass 500 Passengers * 200 passengers per
Number of passengers downstream car

EE: Exits, Ventilation and downstream towards the east

# Event Value Unit Source
1 Train length, downstream of fire and stairway 65 m = 2.5 * Car length
2 Distance between exits 533 m = 1,600 m / 3 for two exits
3 Distance from end of train to stairway 468 m = #2 - #1
= Number of passengers downstream
4 Time for people to move past end of train 8.0 min / walkway capacity (Cwp)
5 Walking time for last person to stairway 12.4 min = #3 / Flat travel speed (Fts)
6 Total egress time to bottom of stairway 20.4 min = #4 + #5
7 Vertical distance of stairs 15 m Assumed
8 Time from bottom to top stair 1.03 min #7 / Stair travel speed (Sts)
9 Time to surface (point of safety) 21.47 #6 + #8

APTA Rail Conference 2015 Cross-passageways vs. Emergency Exit Stairways in Rail Tunnels, Rev 1
Appendix B: Egress Capacity, Egress Travel Speeds, and Calculations

EW: Exits, Ventilation and downstream towards the West

# Event Value Unit Source
1 Train length, downstream of fire and cross-passage 65 m = 2.5 * Car length
2 Distance between exits 533 m = 1,600 m / 3 for two exits
3 Distance from end of train to station downstream 468 m = #2 - #1
= Number of passengers downstream
4 Time for people to move past end of train 8.0 min / walkway capacity (Cwp)
5 Walking time for last person to station downstream 12.4 min #3 / Flat travel speed (Fts)
6 Total egress time to station downstream 20.4 min #4 + #5

CE & CW: Cross-passages, Ventilation and downstream towards the east or west
# Event Value Unit Source
1 Train length, downstream of fire and cross-passage 65 m = 2.5 * Car length
2 Distance between cross-passages 229 m = 1,600 m / 7 for six cross passages
3 Distance from end of train to cross-passageway 164 m = #2 - #1
= Number of passengers downstream
4 Time for people to move past end of train 8.0 min / walkway capacity (Cwp)
5 Walking time for last person to cross-passageway 4.4 min = #3 / Flat travel speed (Fts)
6 Total egress time to cross-passage 12.4 min = #4 + #5

Middle Fire with Stairway

# Event Value Unit Source
1 Train length, downstream of fire 65 m = 2.5 * Car length
2 Distance between exits 533 m = 1,600 m / 3 for two exits
3 Distance from end of train to stairway 201.5 m = #2/2 - #1

= Number of passengers downstream

4 Time for people to move past end of train 8.0 min / walkway capacity (Cwp)
5 Walking time for last person to stairway 5.3 min = #3 / Flat travel speed (Fts)
6 Total egress time to bottom of stairway 13.4 min = #4 + #5
7 Vertical distance of stairs 15 m Assumed
8 Time from bottom to top stair 1.03 min = #7 / Stair travel speed (Sts)
9 Time to surface (point of safety) 14.41 = #6 + #8

Middle Fire with cross-passagewayways

# Event Value Unit Source
1 Train length, downstream of fire 65 m = 2.5 * Car length
2 Distance between cross-passageways 229 m = 1,600 m / 7 for six cross passages
3 Distance from end of train to cross-passageway 49.5 m = #2/2 - #1
= Number of passengers downstream
4 Time for people to move past end of train 8.0 min / walkway capacity (Cwp)
5 Walking time for last person to cross-passageway 1.3 min = #3 / Flat travel speed (Fts)
6 Total egress time to cross-passageway 9.3 min = #4 + #5

APTA Rail Conference 2015 Cross-passageways vs. Emergency Exit Stairways in Rail Tunnels, Rev 1

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