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IMPORTANCE Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) is a paradigm shift in perioperative
care, resulting in substantial improvements in clinical outcomes and cost savings.
he Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol was Track, was published in 1994.1 This study showed a reduction in length
developed by a group of academic surgeons in Europe in of stay in the intensive care unit by about 20%. A year later, Bardram
2001 when they formed the ERAS Study group (Table 1). et al2 reported a substantial shortening of recovery time in 8 pa-
Although the term fast-track surgery had been described, the group tients undergoing sigmoid resection who were discharged 2 days af-
wanted to emphasize that the key surgical end point is the quality, ter surgery. This publication was followed by a report by Kehlet and
rather than speed, of recovery. The concept rested on several com- Mogensen3 of a larger series confirming a rapid recovery after sig-
ponents: a multidisciplinary team working together around the moid resection using a multimodal approach. Kehlet, a surgeon, pro-
patient; a multimodal approach to resolving issues that delay recov- moted thoracic epidural anesthesia as a way of controlling pain, im-
ery and cause complications; a scientific, evidence-based ap- provingmobility,andreducingpostoperativeileus.Concurrently,other
proach to care protocols; and a change in management using inter- ERAS group members were addressing perioperative care from an
active and continuous audit. This review describes the development endocrine4 and metabolic viewpoint. This approach included the roles
of ERAS, how these ideas are brought into practice, and how they of specific amino acids in perioperative nutrition,5 inflammation and
are now spreading to various disciplines of surgical practice, as well protein metabolism in surgical patients with cancer,6 and metabolic
as some of the main outcome improvements and an implementa- preparation using a preoperative carbohydrate drink to avoid effects
tion strategy to achieve sustained outcome improvements. of fasting.7 The group was focused on enhancing recovery and reduc-
A project to improve outcomes of coronary artery bypass sur- ing complications by modifying the metabolic response to surgical in-
gery by bundling perioperative treatments under a concept name, Fast sult rather than just limiting length of stay.
292 JAMA Surgery March 2017 Volume 152, Number 3 (Reprinted)
Table 1. Member Sites and Leads of the Original Enhanced Recovery Table 2. ERAS Society Guideline Elements for Colonic Resectionsa
After Surgery Study Group Formed in 2001
Element Target Effect and/or Comment
University and Hospital Country Lead(s) Preadmission
University of Edinburgh United Ken Fearon Cessation of smoking and excessive Reduce complications
Kingdom intake of alcohol
Karolinska Institutet and Sweden Olle Ljungqvist Preoperative nutritional screening Reduce complications
Ersta Hospital Stockholm and, as needed, assessment and
University of Copenhagen Denmark Henrik Kehlet nutritional support
and Hvidovre Hospital Medical optimization of chronic Reduce complications
University of Northern Norway Norway Arthur Revhaug disease
and Troms Hospital Preoperative
University of Maastricht The Martin von Meyenfeldt, Structured preoperative information Reduce anxiety, involve the patient
Netherlands Cornelius DeJong and engagement of the patient and to improve compliance with protocol
relatives or caretakers
Preoperative carbohydrate Reduce insulin resistance, improve
The ERAS group gathered in London in 2001 to produce a pro- treatment well-being, possibly faster recovery
tocol that would optimize outcomes based on published evidence.8 Preoperative prophylaxis against Reduce thromboembolic
thrombosis complications
The group also published reports of variable outcomes in similar sur-
Preoperative prophylaxis against Reduce infection rates
gical procedures and populations demonstrating that periopera- infection
tive care, rather than the actual operation, dictated the outcomes.9 Prophylaxis against nausea and Minimize postoperative nausea and
Several surveys confirmed that perioperative care was variable across vomiting vomiting
Northern Europe and that there was minimal adoption of evidence-
Minimal invasive surgical Reduce complications, faster
based practices.10 The group worked together developing ERAS by techniques recovery, reduce pain
testing protocols, running symposia, and involving national health Standardized anesthesia, avoiding Avoid or reduce postoperative ileus
ministries (such as the Enhanced Recovery Partnership Pro- long-acting opioids
gramme in the United Kingdom). Although ERAS concepts became Maintaining fluid balance to avoid Reduce complications, reduce
over- or underhydration, administer postoperative ileus
widely recognized, there was still minimal change across most health vasopressors to support blood
care systems. The ERAS Society ( was pressure control
Epidural anesthesia for open surgery Reduce stress response and insulin
founded to focus and consolidate progress not only through research resistance, basic postoperative pain
and education but also by developing models for implementation management
of best perioperative practices. Restrictive use of surgical site drains Support mobilization, reduce pain
and discomfort, no proven benefit
of use
Removal of nasogastric tubes before Reduce the risk of pneumonia,
reversal of anesthesia support oral intake of solids
The Rationale of ERAS Control of body temperature using Reduce complications
warm air flow blankets and warmed
A fundamental challenge in the care of the surgical patient lies with intravenous infusions
the journey the patient makes through various parts of the hospi- Postoperative
tal: outpatient clinics, preoperative units, the operating room, post- Early mobilization (day of surgery) Support return to normal movement
operative recovery facility, and the ward. Each unit has its own fo- Early intake of oral fluids and solids Support energy and protein supply,
(offered the day of surgery) reduce starvation-induced insulin
cus, personnel, and specialists. Each unit affects the ones to follow resistance
by the treatment choices made. For example, if the surgeon orders Early removal of urinary catheters Support ambulation and mobilization
oral bowel preparation, the anesthetist may face a dehydrated pa- and intravenous fluids (morning
after surgery)
tient to manage on induction of anesthesia. Few stakeholders in the
Use of chewing gums and laxatives Support return of gut function
surgical pathway have the opportunity to see a patient through the and peripheral opioid-blocking
entire journey. Hospital staff are often focused on managing the im- agents (when using opioids)
Intake of protein and energy-rich Increase energy and protein intake in
mediate clinical situation with little opportunity for strategic think- nutritional supplements addition to normal food
ing. There are 24 core elements of ERAS care that have scientific sup- Multimodal approach to Pain control reduces insulin
port for their use (Table 2). These components are distributed opioid-sparing pain control resistance, supports mobilization
along the patient pathway and delivered by different departments Multimodal approach to control Minimize postoperative nausea and
of nausea and vomiting vomiting and support energy and
and professionals within the hospital (Figure), which explains why protein intake
the surgeon, as the clinician with overall responsibility for the pa- Prepare for early discharge Avoid unnecessary delays in
tient, has the best opportunity for a comprehensive view to guide
Audit of outcomes and process in a Control of practice (a key to improve
the process. multiprofessional, multidisciplinary outcomes)
Consistent agreement on the end points of management is criti- team on a regular basis
cal for coordinated action. For example, the patient is medically suit- Abbreviation: ERAS, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery.
able to leave the hospital when the following conditions are true: a
For details and references, see the guidelines at
he or she can eat and drink to fulfill daily needs, the bowels are mov-
ing, pain is controlled by oral analgesics, he or she is capable of suf- The ERAS elements of the program for colonic resection are
ficient mobility for self-care, and there are no complications requir- listed in Table 2. Most of the solutions to problems delaying recov-
ing hospital care. ery are evident once the perioperative care pathway is exhibited in (Reprinted) JAMA Surgery March 2017 Volume 152, Number 3 293
Regional analgesia
Preoperative carbohydrates Multimodal opioid-sparing
Opioid-sparing anesthesia
Anesthesia Medical optimization No NPO pain control
Balanced fluids
PONV prophylaxis
Temperature control
Early mobilization
Early oral intake of fluids
Nursing Preoperative information
and solids
Postdischarge follow-up
A typical ERAS flowchart overview indicating different ERAS protocol items to affect later treatments. No NPO indicates fasting guidelines recommending
be performed by different professions and disciplines in different parts of the intake of clear fluids and specific carbohydrate drinks until 2 hours before
hospital during the patient journey. The wedge-shaped arrows depicting each anesthesia; PONV, postoperative nausea and vomiting. Reprinted with
time period move into the period to follow to indicate that all treatments given permission from Olle Ljungqvist, MD, PhD.
294 JAMA Surgery March 2017 Volume 152, Number 3 (Reprinted) (Reprinted) JAMA Surgery March 2017 Volume 152, Number 3 295
procedure.27,28 Enhanced Recovery After Surgery programs typi- than 900 consecutive patients with colorectal cancer showed the
cally contain several elements with 1 emphasis in common: they mini- effectiveness of ERAS protocols and highlighted the importance of
mize stress and improve the response to stress. By maintaining ho- compliance: the better the compliance to the protocol, the better
meostasis, the patient avoids catabolism with consequent loss of the outcomes in terms of complications, length of primary and total
protein, muscle strength, and cellular dysfunction.29 The reduction stay, and readmissions.13,14 These studies revealed that not only were
of insulin resistance promotes adequate cellular function during overall complications reduced with better compliance, but the most
injury to the tissue. The following series of elements contributes to severe complications, which resulted in reoperations or admission
this goal: preoperative nutritional support for the patient who is to the intensive care unit, decreased as mortality improved.14,34 Fit
malnourished, carbohydrate loading before surgery to minimize patients undergoing colorectal cancer surgery using ERAS prin-
postoperative insulin resistance, epidural or spinal analgesia to ciples and laparoscopic surgery can be discharged within 24 hours,
reduce the endocrine stress response, anti-inflammatory drugs to with a mean length of stay of 2.7 days.35
reduce the inflammatory response, early feeding after surgery to Colorectal surgery was the basis for the development of ERAS
secure energy intake, and optimal pain control to avoid stress and and still dominates the literature; however, in many other surgical
insulin resistance. domains, the implementation of ERAS patient care and principles
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery processes also aim to mini- of process improvement have improved outcomes. Studied areas
mize fluid shifts. Too little fluid can cause a reduction in perfusion include liver resections36; pancreatic, gastric, and esophageal
and organ dysfunction, whereas intravenous salt and fluid over- surgery37,38; thoracic surgery39; major urologic surgery40; gyneco-
load is recognized as a major cause of postoperative ileus and its logic surgery41; orthopedic surgery42,43; and emergency surgery.44
complications.30,31 Maintaining euvolemia, cardiac output, and de-
livery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues are important to pre-
serve cellular function, particularly when there is tissue injury and
Financial Effects of the Implementation of ERAS
need for repair. Once patients are euvolemic, vasopressors may be
used as required to maintain mean arterial pressure. Targeting mini- Although most reports of ERAS come from single units, with devel-
mal weight change (30 mL/kg net intake of intravenous fluid, keep- opers and early adopters achieving some of the best results, the chal-
ing weight gain within 2 kg) is typically recommended. Postopera- lenge lies with having most surgical procedures performed using
tive intravenous fluids are generally discontinued at about 24 hours ERAS principles. In the United Kingdom, the National Health Ser-
after surgery. A patient progressing normally on an ERAS pathway vice ran the Enhanced Recovery Partnership Programme,45 based
should be drinking, eating, mobilizing, and sleeping on the day af- on lectures by experts and early adopters along with the provision
ter operation. The ERAS program also avoids several traditional care of treatment protocols and advice. The program encompassed not
elements that have been shown to be harmful, such as the routine only colorectal surgery but also cystectomy, gynecologic surgery, and
use of nasogastric tubes, prolonged urinary catheterization, and pro- hip and knee replacement. Adoption of some of the ERAS ele-
longed or inappropriate use of abdominal drains. ments was incentivized by bonus payments, but most of the main-
tenance of ERAS pathways relied on local peer groups to continue
the pathways in whatever manner they considered appropriate. Al-
though some units continue to produce excellent results, the En-
Outcomes With the ERAS Protocol
hanced Recovery Partnership Programme lacked resources to sup-
There are many stakeholders in surgical care, with ERAS processes port sustainability, and the overall results have been difficult to
putting the patient at the center. Professionals from various disci- discern in national statistics.
plines as well as managers, politicians, payers, and the general pub- In Alberta, Canada, the state health care service worked with
lic are involved, as are the medical device and pharmaceutical the ERAS Society to implement ERAS, starting with colorectal sur-
industries. gery. The ERAS Society provided training in the first 2 hospitals, which
are now supporting training in other hospitals using the same prin-
Length of Stay ciples. The first results are promising, with shorter stay (reduction
The broader ERAS principles have been published for many types from 6 to 4 days) and an 11% reduction in complications.46 There
of procedures in all major surgical specialties. The early studies show- were 8% fewer readmissions and a shorter stay for those readmit-
ing a 2-day hospital stay after sigmoid resection2,3 were often met ted, saving $2800 to $5900 per patient.
with disbelief, and some thought (incorrectly) that it was careful
selection of patients that resulted in a shortened length of stay. Now,
diverse groups publishing on consecutive series and using ERAS prin-
Long-term Benefits of ERAS
ciples show consistent results,32 and, with the addition of laparo-
scopic techniques, the same results have been demonstrated in The longer-term benefits of rapid, uncomplicated recovery using
patients with complex medical conditions.33 ERAS principles are less well known. Medium-term outcomes have
been sparsely studied,47 and long-term data on outcomes are now
Complications beginning to appear. One observational study in 4500 patients un-
A meta-analysis of randomized trials of the ERAS protocol in pa- dergoing hip and knee replacement showed that 2-year mortality
tients undergoing colorectal surgery showed that complication rates was significantly lowered after the introduction of ERAS principles.48
were reduced by up to 50% when ERAS principles were used.19 This A report on more than 900 patients with colorectal cancer showed
finding was confirmed in a larger series.20 Further data from more that, with compliance above 70% with the ERAS preoperative and
296 JAMA Surgery March 2017 Volume 152, Number 3 (Reprinted)
intraoperative protocol, mortality fell by 42% compared with pa- worldwide and by hosting professional meetings and events for many
tients with compliance below 70%.34 In this study, the data were ad- national groups. The ERAS Society has hosted an Annual World Con-
justedforseveralvariables,includingage,sex,bodymassindex,Ameri- gress since 2012 and is active in currently mining the substantial data
can Society of Anesthesiologists score, surgical procedure, and available from the ERAS Interactive Audit System. The system pro-
pathologic findings. The data show an association rather than causa- vides the basis for both prospective trials and audit research. Audit-
tion and other biases may have contributed directly or indirectly. For based research is completed using large numbers of patients on the
example, the group with higher compliance had fewer complica- same pathway. Making a single-step change and analyzing the down-
tions, which may have affected the observed outcomes. Periopera- stream effect using regression analysis may be a complementary way
tive complications have been shown to be strongly associated with to study new interventions rather than relying on expensive ran-
poorlong-termoutcomesinverylargesurgicalseries.49 Incancertreat- domized clinical trials.
ment, surgical complications may also delay the initiation of postop-
erative chemotherapy which in turn may contribute to reduced long-
termsurvival.Complicationsalsoincreasethecostofcare.50 Enhanced
Recovery After Surgery programs are thus supporting a combina-
tion of better outcomes and cost savings. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery programs represent a paradigm
shift in how surgical care is delivered and how changes in practice
are disseminated and implemented. These results rely on a new ap-
proach to teamwork, continuous audit, and support of data-driven
The Future of ERAS
change and improvement. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery prac-
As ERAS principles are applied across all surgical specialties, ongo- tices improve the opportunity for rapid, uncomplicated recovery af-
ing innovation must continue to allow processes to improve. There ter surgery with both short- and long-term benefits for patients while
is increasing focus on procedure-specific specialty items to at- improving quality and saving money.
tempt to improve outcomes. The ERAS Society continues to work There is financial pressure surrounding health care spending,
alongside various national ERAS Societies in the European Union, as limited societal funds to support health care meet rising de-
Asia, and the United States. The ERAS Society and its national soci- mands owing to expensive technology, increased patient expecta-
eties also collaborated with established professional specialty tions, and a growing elderly population. In the United States, the
groups, such as the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endo- 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has also delivered
scopic Surgeons, by co-authoring the Manual of Enhanced Recovery51 specific challenges for health care systems by introducing broad-
and have worked closely with ERAS USA (the ERAS Society chapter ened coverage of the population and has gradually implemented
that is recently formed in the United States) as well as supported changes in payment models to make health care systems more re-
the slightly older American Society of Enhanced Recovery. The goal sponsible for costs. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery pathways can
of the ERAS Society is to complement the programs of these na- be a key strategy in addressing these issues by offering improved
tional groups and to offer additional value by coordinating activity quality care for less cost.
ARTICLE INFORMATION Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funding source hepatic release of glutamine in sepsis. Ann Surg.
Kenneth C. Fearon, MD, PhD, died during the final had no role in the design and conduct of the study; 1998;228(1):131-139.
revision of this article. collection, management, analysis, and 5. van der Hulst RR, van Kreel BK, von Meyenfeldt
interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or MF, et al. Glutamine and the preservation of gut
Accepted for Publication: June 18, 2016. approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit integrity. Lancet. 1993;341(8857):1363-1365.
Published Online: January 11, 2017. the manuscript for publication.
doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2016.4952 6. Fearon KC, Falconer JS, Slater C, McMillan DC,
Additional Contributions: This review is dedicated Ross JA, Preston T. Albumin synthesis rates are not
Author Contributions: Drs Ljungqvist and Fearon to Kenneth C. Fearon, MD, PhD, our close friend, decreased in hypoalbuminemic cachectic cancer
are founding members of the Enhanced Recovery collaborator, and co-author who died during the patients with an ongoing acute-phase protein
After Surgery (ERAS) Study Group and ERAS finalization of this article. response. Ann Surg. 1998;227(2):249-254.
Society. Drs Ljungqvist, Scott, and Fearon are
Executive Officers of the ERAS Society. ERAS is a REFERENCES 7. Nygren J, Thorell A, Jacobsson H, et al.
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298 JAMA Surgery March 2017 Volume 152, Number 3 (Reprinted)