Division Unit Planner

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ETP401- AT2

Part A: Sharing your Proposed Design

Melissa Yeap - 214113907
Mentor Feedback
Learning context
u Classroom space
Learning context

u Resources
Learning context
u Students
23 students in Maths
Five students are in accelerated or enrichment programs LEAPS (Learning
Enrichment and Program Support)
Integration aide
Prior knowledge: Multiplication times table, Simple division, factors and multiples
Students are used to completing Maths work on their workbooks
Interests: Table group work or working in pairs, utilising their iPads
Learning sequence
Five double Maths lessons (1 hour 24 minutes
u May/June 2017 Teaching schedule or 84 minutes)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

May 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Placements begin
29 30 31
June 01 02 03 04
Lesson #2:
Lesson #1:
Division Mental
Pre-test and
Division Mental

05 06 07 08 09 10 11
Lesson #3: Lesson #4: Lesson #5:
Division Written Division Written Post- Test: Division
Strategies Strategies Mental and Written
Placements end
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Victorian Curriculum
u Number and Algebra

Identify and describe factors and multiples of whole numbers and use
them to solve problems (VCMNA181)

Solve problems involving division by a one digit number, including those

that result in a remainder (VCMNA184)

Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate

digital technologies to solve problems (VCMNA185)
Learning Sequence

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5

Divisibility Divisibility
Division (Written Division (Written Summative
(Mental (Mental
strategies) strategies) Assessment
strategies) strategies)

Divisibility and Introduction to

Division pre-test short division Revise division
Explore more assessment
Students begin Split strategy word
divisibility Division on
exploring Formal problems
tests for Explain
factors and division (food, objects,
mental Everything
divisibility. algorithm money)
strategies Divisibility and
Identify Division Division with
Division Post-
patterns for without remainders
dividing remainders
Teaching and learning approaches

u Some elements of teacher-directed, more student-

centred learning
u Talk-time theory 10 years old = 10 minutes
u No hands-up policy
u Using iPad app Randomly to generate names
u Students use whiteboard app Educreations on their
iPad to show their working out
u 3 instructions at a time/visual - Birds eye view
u Setting different stations in the classroom
u Extra activities for early finishers, extra teacher
support for students with learning needs
u Exit ticket question
Learning support resources

u To help extend students understanding

Learning support resources

u To help extend students understanding

Assessment context

u Assessment approach
Informal not reported, formative, for teachers record on students progress in unit
(e.g. conversations with students, observation notes, work samples)
Formal reported, summative
Feedback Good feedback improves student learning
1. Specific
2. Actionable
3. Timely
4. Respectful
Marking as I go checking of understanding, reducing amount of work to mark later
Assessment context
u Learning outcome
I am learning to use different efficient mental and written strategies to solve large division
problems by 1 to 3 digit numbers.

u By the end of this unit, I.

1. I understand the relationship between multiplication and division
2. I can use written strategies to divide up to three digit numbers
3. I can use divisibility tests to divide numbers that can be divided by single digits
and ten
Assessment context

u School Assessment Culture

Understanding where the students are at

Ongoing assessment teacher can fill the gaps
Results allow teachers to assess, achieved learning
Feedback translating results to implement practice
u Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

u5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

u 5.1 Assess student learning

u 5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning
u 5.3 Make consistent and comparable judgements
u 5.4 Interpret student data
u 5.5 Report on student achievement

u Principles of assessment practice (Week one reading) (Harlen 2010)

u Such assessment becomes formative assessment when the evidence is
actually used to adapt the teaching to meet student needs (Black &
William, p. 140).
u Positive support learning
u Self-regulated learning (Week five reading) (Earl 2013, p. 111)
u Ask 3 before me
u Links between assessment and other classroom elements (Tomlinson &
Moon 2013, p. 26)

u Any questions?
u Have you taught any Maths topics during placements? How was it?
u Are there any tips you would like to share?
u Are there any aspects of the learning, teaching and/or assessment
context I could improve on?
u https://www.harleyseducational.com.au/product/think-mentals-5-student-book?id=111231
u http://www.teachersuperstore.com.au/oxford-maths-student-assessment-book-y5
u http://dragonbox.com
u https://clipartfest.com/categories/view/a9fc542524e77fc29842a82f43b746efd3f7df14/
u https://clipartfest.com/categories/view/77af61ee6fc2b65a8ab260e7bd221d6d9a61890
u http://journeydownthescale.info/mngkrif-kids-listening-clipart.asp
u http://www.simonhaughton.co.uk/ipads/
u http://middleschoolmathman.blogspot.com.au/2015/01/hands-on-long-division.html?m=1
u http://iadoregradefour.blogspot.com.au/2014/03/division-chart.html?m=1
Thank you

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