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Yuguang Chen
June, 2001
I certify that I have read this report and that in my opinion it is fully
adequate, in scope and in quality, as partial fulfillment of the degree
of Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering.


Dr. Louis J. Durlofsky

(Principal Advisor)


Two-phase gas-liquid flow in pipes is of great practical importance in petroleum

engineering. This work focuses on the determination of flow pattern transitions and drift-
flux modeling in gas-liquid flow. Using the data in the Stanford Multiphase Flow
Database as well as other data from the literature, we investigate transition predictions in
mechanistic models and the use of the drift-flux model for holdup calculations. The flow
pattern prediction in the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model is evaluated. Other
transition criteria are also compared with experimental data. Barneas (1986) model is
shown to give the best results for prediction of the transition to dispersed bubble flow. It
is demonstrated that this transition in the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model can
be improved by tuning a parameter used in their model. Approximation of the interfacial
friction factor in stratified flow via the gas/wall friction factor is recommended for use in
the transition predictions from stratified flow. For the transition to annular-mist flow, a
holdup based transition criterion is shown to give reasonable results. The effects of fluid
properties on flow pattern transitions are also presented using the data of Weisman et al.
(1979). Fluid properties are shown to have less effect on flow pattern transitions than the
inclination angle of the pipe.

Use of the drift-flux model over multiple flow patterns is investigated next. Using the in
situ gas volume fraction to represent the flow pattern information, we fit the drift-flux
model parameters C0 (distribution parameter) and Vd (drift velocity) as linear functions of
G (in situ gas volume fraction). The method proposed in this work is shown to provide
much better gas volume fraction predictions than previous methods. However, a general
correlation is not given in this work, since the resulting correlation for Vd is not entirely
consistent with expected behavior at high G. Approximate results for the effects of
inclination angle on Vd are also presented. Using our current data (measured in pipe
diameters of 1-2 inches), the drift-flux model used in Eclipse is evaluated. A modification

of the user-definable parameters in the model is suggested to improve the performance of
the Eclipse model at high G.


I would like to express my sincere thanks to my advisors Dr. Louis J. Durlofsky and Dr.
Khalid Aziz for the encouragement, support and guidance throughout this work. I deeply
appreciate Lous tireless reading of my many drafts and his valuable input to this report. I
thank both of them for their patience and efforts which drove me to give the best of
myself (I try to).

My thanks also go to Nicolas Petalas and Fabien Cherblanc, with whom I had many
helpful discussions in the early stage of this project, which was also the hardest time of
my work. Nick helped me a lot with the use of the data in the Stanford Multiphase Flow
Database, as well as in the understanding of the mechanistic model. Fabien introduced to
me the concept of the Drift-Flux Model, which made the second part of this work
possible and also expanded my perspective of modeling work in this field.

I am grateful to Dr. Jon Holmes (Schlumberger GeoQuest) for providing us with details
on the Drift-Flux Modeling procedure used in Eclipse.

Using the software Digitizer in GIS laboratory, I digitized the flow pattern transition data
of Shoham (1982), Weisman et al. (1979), and Kokal & Stainslav (1987). Otherwise, the
evaluation of transition models in this work would have been much harder.

Financial support from the Stanford Project on the Productivity and Injectivity of
Horizontal Wells (SUPRI-HW) is gratefully acknowledged.

I am greatly indebted to Dr. Roland N. Horne. In the last two years, he has provided me
with much encouragement and support whenever I needed them most.

I also want to give my thanks to my colleagues and friends for their help inside and
outside my academic life. This started from the first day I came to Stanford.

Finally, as always, my profound gratitude is due to my family (Dad, Mom and my brother
Yuming) for the understanding, trust and wholehearted support they have been giving to
me. It is they who give me the courage and strength to continue my step along this


Abstract ............................................................................................................................... v
Acknowledgments .............................................................................................................vii
List of Tables......................................................................................................................xi
List of Figures ..................................................................................................................xiii
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Overview................................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Literature Review................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1. Mechanistic Model.......................................................................................... 3
1.2.2. Drift-Flux Model ............................................................................................. 4
1.3. Proposed Work....................................................................................................... 5
1.4. Report Outline........................................................................................................ 6
2. Basic Concepts in Two-Phase Gas Liquid Flow 7
2.1. Definition of Basic Parameters .............................................................................. 7
2.2. Flow Patterns ......................................................................................................... 9
2.2.1. Flow Patterns in Horizontal Pipes................................................................... 9
2.2.2. Flow Patterns in Vertical Pipes ..................................................................... 11
2.2.3. Observations of Flow Patterns in Inclined Pipes........................................... 12
2.3. Flow Pattern Maps ............................................................................................... 12
3. Flow Pattern Transitions in Mechanistic Models 15
3.1. Transition Predictions of the Petalas & Aziz (1998) Mechanistic Model ........... 15
3.2. Effects of Fluid Properties ................................................................................... 19
3.3. Evaluation of Other Transition Criteria ............................................................... 22
3.3.1. Transition to Dispersed Bubble Flow............................................................ 22
3.3.2. Interfacial Friction Factor in Stratified Flow................................................. 30
3.3.3. Transition to Annular-Mist Flow .................................................................. 35
4. Investigation of Drift-Flux Model Parameters 41

4.1. Drift-Flux Model Parameters ............................................................................... 41
4.2. Drift-Flux Model in Different Flow Patterns....................................................... 42
4.3. Method for Parameter Determination .................................................................. 48
4.3.1. Objective Function using G ......................................................................... 48
4.3.2. Incorporation of G into Correlations of C0 and Vd....................................... 51
4.4. Application of Proposed Method to Other Inclination Angles ............................ 54
4.5. Discussion of Drift Velocity Vd ........................................................................... 59
4.5.1. Physical Meaning of C0 and Vd ..................................................................... 59
4.5.2. Further Investigation of Vd as G 1........................................................... 61
4.5.3. Effects of Inclination Angles on Vd ............................................................... 63
4.6. Evaluation of the Drift-Flux Model in Eclipse .................................................... 65
5. Conclusions and Future Work 71
5.1. Summary and Conclusions................................................................................... 71
5.2. Recommendations for Future Work..................................................................... 72
Nomenclature .................................................................................................................... 75
References ......................................................................................................................... 77
Appendix 81
A. Experimental Data................................................................................................... 81

List of Tables

Table 3-1: Summary of Experimental Data of Weisman et al. (1979) ............................. 19

Table A-1: Summary of New Data.................................................................................... 81
Table A-2: Combination of Flow Pattern Information for Datasets SU199-SU209 ......... 83

List of Figures

Figure 2-1: Schematic of flow patterns in horizontal pipes (from Shoham, 1982)........... 10
Figure 2-2: Schematic of flow patterns in vertical flow (from Shoham, 1982) ................ 11
Figure 2-3: Experimental flow pattern map (Mandhane et al. (1974), air-water system,
horizontal pipe) ................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 2-4: Mechanistic flow pattern map (Taitel et al. (1976), air-water system, slightly
downward pipe)................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 3-1: Comparison of transition boundaries (Data: Shoham (1982), air-water system,
horizontal flow, D=1.0 inch) ............................................................................................. 16
Figure 3-2: Comparison of transition boundaries (Data: Shoham (1982), air-water system,
horizontal flow, D=2.0 inch) ............................................................................................. 17
Figure 3-3: Comparison of transition boundaries (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-
water system, horizontal flow, D=1.79 inch) .................................................................... 18
Figure 3-4: Comparison of transition boundaries (Data: Kokal & Stanislay (1987), air-
water system, horizontal flow, D=2.02 inch) .................................................................... 18
Figure 3-5: Effects of liquid viscosity (Data: Weisman et al. (1979), horizontal flow, D=2
inch)................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3-6: Effects of surface tension (Data: Weisman et al. (1979), horizontal flow, D=2
inch)................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 3-7: Effects of vapor density (Data: Weisman et al. (1979), horizontal flow, D=1
inch)................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 3-8: Analysis of forces in dispersed bubble flow (from Kokal & Stainslav, 1987)
........................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 3-9: Comparison of transition models for dispersed bubble flow in horizontal flow
(Data: Shoham (1982), air-water system, =0, D=2.0 inch)............................................ 29
Figure 3-10: Comparison of transition models for dispersed bubble flow in vertical
upward flow (Data: Shoham (1982), air-water system, =90, D=2.0 inch) ................... 29

Figure 3-11: Comparison of transition models for dispersed bubble flow in vertical
downward flow (Data: Shoham (1982), air-water system, = - 90, D=2.0 inch) ............ 30
Figure 3-12: Schematic of stratified flow (modified from Shoham, 1982)....................... 31
Figure 3-13: Effects of interfacial friction factor for horizontal flow (Data: Shoham
(1982), air-water system, = 0, D=2.0 inch).................................................................... 32
Figure 3-14: Comparison of models with different fi (Data: Shoham (1982), air-water
system, = 0, D=2.0 inch)................................................................................................ 33
Figure 3-15: Effects of interfacial friction factor for downward flow (Data: Shoham
(1982), air-water system, = -10, D=2.0 inch) ................................................................ 34
Figure 3-16: Effects of interfacial friction factor for vertical downward flow (Data:
Shoham (1982), air-water system, = -90, D=2.0 inch) .................................................. 35
Figure 3-17: Comparison of transition models for annular-mist flow (Data: Shoham
(1982), air-water system, = 0, D=2.0 inch).................................................................... 39
Figure 3-18: Comparison of transition models for annular-mist flow (Data: Shoham
(1982), air-water system, = 90, D=2.0 inch).................................................................. 39
Figure 3-19: Comparison of transition models for annular-mist flow (Data: Shoham
(1982), air-water system, = -90, D=2.0 inch) ................................................................ 40
Figure 4-1: Schematic of velocity and concentration profiles........................................... 41
Figure 4-2: Drift-flux model in horizontal flow (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-
water system, D=1.79 inch)............................................................................................... 44
Figure 4-3: Drift-flux model in vertical flow (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water
system, D=1.79 inch)......................................................................................................... 45
Figure 4-4: Values of C0 in different flow patterns (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-
water system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch) ........................................................................ 46
Figure 4-5: Values of Vd in different flow patterns (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-
water system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch) ........................................................................ 46
Figure 4-6: Flow pattern map in coordinates of VM vs. G (Data: Spedding & Nguyen
(1976), air-water system, horizontal flow, D=1.79 inch) .................................................. 47
Figure 4-7: Flow pattern map in coordinates of VM vs. G (Data: Spedding & Nguyen
(1976), air-water system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch) ...................................................... 47

Figure 4-8: Prediction results using EVG (Data: SU66, Govier et al. (1957), air-water

system, vertical flow, D=1.02 inch) .................................................................................. 49

Figure 4-9: Prediction results using EG (Data: SU66, Govier et al. (1957), air-water

system, vertical flow, D=1.02 inch) .................................................................................. 50

Figure 4-10: Prediction results using EVG (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water

system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch) .................................................................................. 51

Figure 4-11: Prediction results using EG (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water

system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch) .................................................................................. 51

Figure 4-12: Prediction result using new approach (Data: SU66, Govier et al. (1957), air-
water system, vertical flow, D=1.02 inch) ........................................................................ 53
Figure 4-13: Prediction result using new approach (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-
water system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch) ........................................................................ 53
Figure 4-14: Prediction result using EVG and linear form of C0 and Vd (Data: Spedding &

Nguyen (1976), air-water system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch)......................................... 54

Figure 4-15: Prediction results for other inclination angles (Data: Spedding & Nguyen
(1976), air-water system, D=1.79 inch)............................................................................. 55
Figure 4-16: Prediction results for other inclination angles (Data: SU175-SU198:
Mukherjee, 1979) .............................................................................................................. 56
Figure 4-17: Prediction results using EVG (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water

system, horizontal flow, D=1.79 inch) .............................................................................. 57

Figure 4-18: Prediction results using EG (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water

system, horizontal flow, D=1.79 inch) .............................................................................. 57

Figure 4-19: Prediction result for horizontal flow (Data: Chen & Spedding (1979), air-
water system, D=1.79 inch)............................................................................................... 58
Figure 4-20: Prediction result for horizontal flow (Data: Franca & Lahey (1992), air-water
system, D=0.75 inch)......................................................................................................... 58
Figure 4-21: Typical behavior of calculated C0 and Vd (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976),
air-water system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch)................................................................... 60

Figure 4-22: Behavior of C0 and Vd at high G [0.95, 1.0] (Data: Spedding & Nguyen
(1976), air-water system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch) ...................................................... 61
Figure 4-23: Behavior of Vd at high G for upward and horizontal flows (Data: Spedding
& Nguyen (1976), air-water system, D=1.79 inch) ........................................................... 62
Figure 4-24: Behavior of Vd at high G for downward flows (Data: Spedding & Nguyen
(1976), air-water system, D=1.79 inch)............................................................................. 63
Figure 4-25: Vd in different inclination angles (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-
water system, D=1.79 inch)............................................................................................... 64
Figure 4-26: Vd in different ranges of G in different inclination angles (Data: Spedding &
Nguyen (1976), air-water system, D=1.79 inch) ............................................................... 65
Figure 4-27: Comparison of C0 between Eclipse correlation and calculated values for
different VM (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water system, vertical flow D=1.79
inch)................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 4-28: Relation between G and VM (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water
system, vertical flow D=1.79 inch) ................................................................................... 68
Figure 4-29: Vd curve in Eclipse (air-water system, D=1.79 inch).................................... 68
Figure 4-30: Performance of the drift-flux model correlation in Eclipse (Data: SU66,
Govier et al. (1957), air-water system, vertical flow, D=1.02 inch) ................................. 70
Figure A-1: Flow pattern map for Spedding & Nguyen (1976) data before correction
(=70, air-water, D=1.79 inch)........................................................................................ 83
Figure A-2: Flow pattern map for Spedding & Nguyen (1976) data after correction
(=70, air-water, D=1.79 inch)........................................................................................ 86

Chapter 1

1. Introduction

1.1. Overview

The two-phase flow of gas and liquids has many applications in the petroleum industry. It
is commonly encountered in the production and transportation of oil and gas. For
example, the oil that flows to the surface is often accompanied by gas. Pipeline flow may
also contain two or more flowing phases.

The complexity in the prediction and design of gas-liquid systems lies in the simultaneous
existence of the gas and liquid phases. The interface between the two phases can be
distributed in many configurations. This phenomenon is called flow pattern, which is a
very important feature of two-phase flows. In single-phase flow in pipes, the design
parameters such as pressure drop can be calculated in a relatively straightforward way.
However, the existence of a second phase presents difficult challenge in the
understanding and modeling of the flow system. The hydrodynamics of the flow, as well
as the flow mechanisms, change significantly from one flow pattern to another. For
instance, it has been demonstrated (Cheremisinoff, 1986) that for similar flow conditions,
slug flow and wavy flow may result in a difference in pressure drop of a factor of two.
Some heat transfer parameters estimated using the stratified flow correlations might
change by several orders of magnitude from those estimated by the annular flow

In petroleum engineering applications, the three most important hydrodynamic features

are the flow pattern, the holdup of the two phases, and the pressure drop. In order to
estimate accurately the pressure drop and holdup, it is necessary to know the actual flow
pattern under the specific flow conditions. However, the procedure for determining flow
patterns is nontrivial. Further, the discontinuities in pressure drop and holdup due to the

shift from one flow regime to another may give rise to convergence problems when a
wellbore flow model is coupled with a reservoir simulator. Thus, some simplified models
with the underlying flow pattern information incorporated are also required.

1.2. Literature Review

Experimental work plays a very important role in multiphase flow research. Due to the
complexity of the problem itself, the experiments provide us with the most direct and
reliable way of understanding the physical mechanisms. Based on the data from these
experiments, various models can be developed and the accuracy of these different models
can be examined. However, the improved understanding of multiphase flow in pipes
requires a combined experimental and theoretical approach (Brill & Arirachakaran,
1992). In the solution of engineering problems, there are several levels of approaches
(Taitel, 1995): empirical correlations, modeling techniques and rigorous solution of
Navier-Stokes equations. We now consider each of these approaches.

Historically, empirical correlation is a very useful engineering approach, and a large

number of correlations appear in the literature. Although some of them are very widely
used in the oil and gas industry, empirical correlations are generally valid only for the
parameter ranges for which they are generated.

Another possibility is the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics for the calculation of
pressure drop and volume fractions in gas-liquid pipe flows. This approach is in principle
applicable to a wider range of applications. However this procedure calls for a solution of
the continuity, momentum and energy equations for the two fluids and the determination
of the gas-liquid interface. In addition, the well-posedness and stability of the problem is
still open to question (Taitel et al., 1989). To date, only some simplified calculations have
been performed. Arif (1999) calculated the pressure drop for single phase flow in a
wellbore with radial influx. Newton & Behnia (2000) performed calculations for the
stratified gas-liquid flow, and demonstrated results in agreement with those from the
mechanistic model of Taitel & Dukler (1976).

Modeling techniques lie between the empirical correlations and numerical solution of the
Navier-Stokes equations. They approximate the problem at hand by considering the most
important physical phenomenon, while neglecting the less important effects which may
complicate the problem but do not improve significantly the accuracy of the solution.
This is probably the most appropriate approach from an engineering perspective --- the
problem is approximated and formulated in a way that it can be analyzed with reasonable
effort. In this work, we will focus on the modeling of gas-liquid flows. This will include
mechanistic modeling of flow pattern transitions and drift-flux modeling for holdup

1.2.1. Mechanistic Model

Mechanistic modeling started with the work by Taitel et al. (1976, 1980). It took into
account the physical mechanism behind the transitions to different flow patterns.
Although their work only considered the transitions among different flow patterns (the
calculation of pressure drop and holdup was not included), it was the pioneering work
along these lines and opened the door for improved models for each flow pattern. Barnea
(1987) presented a unified model valid for the whole range of pipe inclination angles,
which enabled various models to be linked together through her unified flow pattern
transition criteria.

Following the work by Taitel and Barnea, comprehensive mechanistic models have been
presented by Xiao et al. (1990), Ansari et al. (1994), Kaya et al. (1999), Gomez et al.
(2000) and Petalas & Aziz (1997, 1998). These models contain the determination of flow
patterns and the computation of pressure drop and hold up. The transition criteria in the
Petalas & Aziz (1998) model are based on Barneas work. In addition, based on the data
in the Stanford Multiphase Flow Database, some new correlations are developed for
liquid/wall and liquid/gas interfacial friction in stratified flow and for the liquid fraction
entrained and the interfacial friction in annular-mist flow (Petalas & Aziz, 1998).

Flow pattern depends on the phase flow rates, fluid properties of both phases, pipe
diameter and pipe inclination angle. To investigate what happens in upward and

downward flow not only helps us understand the underlying mechanism of flow pattern
transitions, but also contributes to the development of prediction tools, since in practice,
wellbores and pipelines can be vertical, horizontal or deviated. The effect of pipe
inclination on the flow pattern transition in gas-liquid flow has been studied both
experimentally and theoretically (Shoham 1982). Barneas model was developed based
on Shohams data, and it has been tested against experimental data over the entire range
of pipe inclinations. For the effects of fluid properties, Weisman et al. (1979) conducted
experiments in horizontal pipes. However, the ability of mechanistic models to capture
the effects of fluid properties has not been analyzed extensively.

There are several transitions among the major flow patterns, and sub-regime transitions
exist within some of the main flow patterns. In many cases, specific physical mechanisms
can be associated with these transitions. In horizontal and slightly inclined pipes, the
transition from stratified flow is based on a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability analysis on the
wave growth in the liquid surface (Taitel & Dukler, 1976). This transition criterion is
relatively well-established, and was further adjusted by Barnea (1987) to handle the
stratified flow transition in downward flow. For other transitions, various transition
mechanisms and subsequent models have been proposed; e.g., the analysis of buoyant
forces and forces due to turbulent fluctuations (Taitel & Dukler (1976) and Kokal &
Stanislav (1987)) for the transition to dispersed bubble flow. Also for the transition to
annular-mist flow, the spontaneous blockage of the gas core (Barnea, 1986) and the
effective viscosity criterion (Joseph et al., 1996) have been suggested.

1.2.2. Drift-Flux Model

As indicated above, the mechanistic model is not suitable for all applications.
Mechanistic models work most efficiently where the flow pattern information cannot be
ignored. The choice of the model depends on the application and on the time and cost
constraints. In transient gas-liquid flow simulation, or in the coupled simulation of
reservoir and wellbore flow, the flow model is required to be simple, continuous and
differentiable (Schlumberger GeoQuest, 2000). Mechanistic models are not suitable for
this purpose so some simplified models are needed. The drift flux model is one such

model. With two parameters (distribution/profile parameter C0 and drift velocity Vd),
holdup can be calculated from the superficial velocities.

The drift flux model was first proposed by Zuber & Findlay (1965). Usually, this model is
applied to vertical dispersed systems. In the Petalas & Aziz (1997, 1998) mechanistic
model, in the intermittent flow, dispersed bubble flow and bubble flow regimes, the
holdup is calculated by the drift flux model and then the pressure drop is obtained using a
homogeneous model. Some effort has also been put into the investigation of the two
parameters C0 and Vd. Petalas & Aziz (1997) correlated the profile parameter and drift
velocity with the liquid Reynolds number using the data points in the above three flow
patterns. Mishima & Ishii (1984) related the profile parameter with fluid densities. This
expression was used by Ouyang (1998) in a homogeneous model with slip for gas-liquid
wellbore flow. Similarly, Eclipse (Schlumberger GeoQuest, 2000) uses the drift flux
model in calculations for the multi-segment wells. The correlations in Eclipse were
synthesized from several other published correlations. They depend on fluid properties,
gas volume fraction, mixture velocity and pipe inclination angle.

1.3. Proposed Work

This work consists of two parts --- modeling of flow pattern transition in mechanistic
models and applying the drift-flux model in holdup calculations. This includes:

Evaluate the flow pattern predictions in the Petalas and Aziz mechanistic model
(1998). This model has been tested extensively with respect to the calculation of pressure
drop and holdup (Petalas & Aziz, 1997, 1998). However, the comparison of flow patterns
between the experimental data and the proposed model is not extensive. They report only
the fraction of points for which the model correctly predicts the flow pattern.

Investigate the effects of fluid properties on flow pattern transitions. The

experimental data by Weisman et al. (1979) will be used to test the ability of the Petalas
and Aziz mechanistic model (1998) to capture the impact of fluid properties.

Evaluate the performance of newly published transition models. Though there are a
large number of models for several transitions, we will focus on transitions to dispersed
bubble flow and annular mist flow. The comparisons of the different transition models
against the experimental data will be presented.

Analyze the steady state holdup data in the Stanford Multiphase Flow Database. We
will apply the drift-flux model to different flow patterns. A method will be proposed to
develop correlations between the drift flux model parameters and the gas volume
fractions. Using available data, the drift-flux correlations in Eclipse will be evaluated and

1.4. Report Outline

This report begins with a discussion of some basic concepts in two-phase flow, including
classification of the different flow patterns and the descriptions of flow pattern maps. The
prediction of flow pattern transitions by the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model is
presented in Chapter 3. The effect of fluid properties on flow pattern transitions is
illustrated. Different transition criteria for transitions to dispersed bubble flow and to
annular mist flow are evaluated. Chapter 4 describes the drift flux model used in holdup
calculations. Our work on the determination of drift flux model parameters is then
presented. Chapter 5 contains a summary of this work and some suggestions for future

Chapter 2

2. Basic Concepts in Two-Phase Gas Liquid Flows

In this chapter, some basic concepts and variables describing the gas-liquid flow system
are presented and discussed. The flow patterns encountered in horizontal and vertical pipe
flows are described. Flow pattern maps are also introduced as a means to represent the
flow pattern information.

2.1. Definition of Basic Parameters

The superficial velocities of the liquid and gas phases ( VSL and VSG ) are defined as the

volumetric flow rate for the phase divided by the pipe cross sectional area:

VSL = and VSG = G , (2-1)

where QL and QG are the volumetric flow rate of liquid and gas respectively and A is the

pipe cross sectional area.

The mixture velocity is given by the sum of the gas and liquid superficial velocities:

VM = VSL + VSG . (2-2)

The input volume fractions of the liquid and gas phases ( C L and CG ) are defined as:

CL = = SL , (2-3)

CG = = SG . (2-4)

By definition the sum of the liquid and gas volume fractions is equal to one.

The characteristic of two-phase flow is the simultaneous flow of two phases of different
density and viscosity. Usually in horizontal and uphill flows, the less dense and/or less
viscous phase tends to flow at a faster velocity. In gas-liquid flow, gas moves much faster
than liquid except in downward flow. The difference in the in situ average velocities
between the two phases results in a very important phenomenon --- the slip of one
phase relative to the other, or the holdup of one phase relative to the other (Govier &
Aziz, 1972). This makes the in situ volume fractions different than the input volume
fractions. Although holdup can be defined as the fraction of the pipe volume occupied
by a given phase, holdup is usually defined as the in situ liquid volume fraction, while the
term void fraction is used for the in situ gas volume fraction.

Let the cross sectional area occupied by liquid be AL ; the remaining area AG is occupied

by gas. The liquid holdup and gas volume fraction are defined as:

L = and G = G . (2-5)

After the in situ volume fraction is known, we can calculate the average (in situ) velocity
for each phase:
VL = = , (2-6)

VG = = . (2-7)

These are the true average velocities of liquid and gas phases, which are larger than the
superficial velocities.

Fluid properties (density, viscosity and interfacial tension) for each phase and geometric
parameters such as the pipe internal diameter and pipe inclination angle also have an
influence on the performance of the system. In this work, the pipe inclination angle is
measured from the horizontal except when otherwise noted.

2.2. Flow Patterns

In gas-liquid flow, the interface between the two phases can exist in a wide variety of
forms, depending on the flow rate, fluid properties of the phases and the geometry of the
system. Flow patterns are used to describe this distribution. Hubbard & Dukler (1966)
suggested three basic flow patterns: separated, intermittent and distributed flow.

Separated flow patterns: Both phases are continuous. Some droplets or bubbles of one
phase in the other may or may not exist. Separated flow patterns include:
Stratified flows: Stratified smooth flow and stratified wavy flow.
Annular flows: Annular film flow and annular-mist flow, which entrains liquid
droplets in the gas core.

Intermittent flow patterns: At least one phase is discontinous. These flow regimes
Elongated bubble flow.
Slug flow, plug flow.
Churn or froth flow (a transition zone between slug flow and annular-mist flow).

Dispersed flow patterns: In these flow regimes, the liquid phase is continuous, while
the gas phase is discontinous. Flow patterns include:
Bubble flow.
Dispersed bubble flow, in which the finely dispersed bubbles exist in a continuous
flowing liquid phase.

We will describe in detail the features of these flow patterns for both horizontal and
vertical flows.

2.2.1. Flow Patterns in Horizontal Pipes

In Fig. 2-1, the flow patterns observed in horizontal pipes are illustrated schematically:

In stratified flow, the gas and liquid flow separately with the liquid phase in the lower
portion of the pipe. The stratified flow pattern is subdivided into stratified smooth
flow, where the liquid surface is smooth, and stratified wavy flow where the interface
is wavy. The stratified smooth flow takes place in low liquid and gas flow rates. As
the gas rate increases, instability of the liquid surface results in the occurrence of
stratified wavy flow.

Figure 2-1: Schematic of flow patterns in horizontal pipes (from Shoham, 1982)

Intermittent flow patterns are characterized by the alternate appearance of slugs and
gas bubbles in the pipes. The major difference between elongated bubble flow and
slug flow is that in elongated bubble flow there are no entrained gas bubbles in the
liquid slugs.

When gas rates increase, annular (also referred to as annular-mist) flow occurs. The
liquid flows as a film around the pipe wall and a gas core forms in the middle. The
gas core may contain some entrained liquid droplets. In this flow pattern, the gas rate

needs to be high enough to support the gas core in the middle and prevent the liquid
film from falling down.

Unlike annular-mist flow, dispersed bubble flow usually occurs at high liquid flow
rates. The liquid phase is continuous while the gas phase is distributed as discrete

2.2.2. Flow Patterns in Vertical Pipes

Fig. 2-2 illustrates the flow patterns observed in vertical flow:

Figure 2-2: Schematic of flow patterns in vertical flow (from Shoham, 1982)

At low liquid velocities, the gas is dispersed as discrete bubbles. This flow regime is
called bubble flow. As the liquid flow rate increases, the bubbles may increase in size
via coalescence. Generally, the gas phase is dispersed as discrete bubbles in the liquid
continuum. The distinction between bubbly and dispersed bubble flow is not clearly
visible (Barnea, 1987). The bubbly flow pattern is observed only in vertical and off-
vertical flows in relatively large diameter pipes, while dispersed bubble flow is
normally found over the whole range of pipe inclinations.

From bubble flow, with a further increase in gas flow rate, some of the bubbles
coalesce to form larger, longer, cap-shaped bubbles. These large bubbles are termed
Taylor bubbles. Slug flow consists of Taylor bubbles, separated by regions of bubbly
flow called slugs. A thin liquid film flows downwards around Taylor bubbles. The
distribution of Taylor bubbles in vertical flow is symmetric.

In churn flow (also called froth flow), the bubbles and the slugs become highly
distorted and appear to merge at high gas flow rates. Another difference between slug
flow and churn flow is that the falling film of the liquid surrounding the gas plugs
cannot be observed in churn flow.

Similar to the annular-mist flow in a horizontal pipe, the annular flow here is
characterized by the liquid flowing as a film around the pipe wall, surrounding a high
velocity gas core, which may contain entrained liquid droplets. The upward flow of
the liquid film against gravity results from the forces exerted by the fast moving gas

2.2.3. Observations of Flow Patterns in Inclined Pipes

Pipe inclination angles have a very strong influence on flow pattern transitions. Shoham
(1982) experimentally showed that in the transition from stratified flow to non-stratified
flow, even a small change in the angle has a major effect. Deviations from the horizontal
tend to diminish the separation between the gas and the liquid phases. In practice,
stratified flow is not observed in the experimental range of flow rates for upward
inclinations higher than about 20. For downward flow, however, the stratified flow
region is commonly observed up to -70.

2.3. Flow Pattern Maps

For a given system, with QL and QG specified, a particular flow pattern will result. Flow
pattern is often displayed using a flow pattern map, which is a two-dimensional map
depicting flow regime transition boundaries. The selection of appropriate coordinates to
present clearly and effectively the different flow regimes has been a research topic for a

long time. Although dimensionless variables are preferred in theory, the dimensional
coordinates such as superficial velocities are much more generally used in practice.
Actually, we show later in Chapter 4 that we can use other variables to present clearly the
flow pattern information, such as the mixture velocity and the gas volume fraction. But,
since the volume fraction is usually unknown (and it is one of our objectives to determine
volume fractions based on the flow pattern information), this is not always a practical
way to present transition boundaries.

The generation of flow pattern maps falls into two categories. One is the experimental
flow pattern map generated directly from experimental data. Fig. 2-3 illustrates a very
commonly used experimental flow pattern map, which was generated from a large
amount of experimental data. It is completely empirical and limited to the data on which
it is based. To account for the effects of fluid properties and pipe diameter, additional
correlations must be introduced.

Mechanistic flow pattern maps, by contrast, are developed from the analysis of physical
transition mechanisms, which are modeled by fundamental equations. In the literature,
various transition mechanisms have been proposed. In Chapter 3, some of them will be
analyzed and evaluated. In these transition models, the effects of system parameters are
incorporated, so they can be applied over a range of conditions (one example is shown in
Fig. 2-4). One thing we must point out here is that empirical correlations are still required
in the mechanistic model for the model closure.



Figure 2-3: Experimental flow pattern map (Mandhane et al. (1974), air-water system, horizontal




Figure 2-4: Mechanistic flow pattern map (Taitel et al. (1976), air-water system, slightly
downward pipe)

Chapter 3

3. Flow Pattern Transitions in Mechanistic Models

The generation of flow pattern maps by mechanistic models is considered in this chapter.
We first present the overall performance of the transition predictions in the Petalas &
Aziz (1998) mechanistic model for horizontal flow. Effects of fluid properties are
illustrated using the experimental data of Weisman et al. (1979). Then, some existing
transition models for dispersed bubble and annular-mist flows are evaluated. The
interfacial friction factor in stratified flow, which affects the transition between stratified
and intermittent flows, is also discussed.

3.1. Transition Predictions of the Petalas & Aziz (1998) Mechanistic Model

The Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model includes flow pattern predictions and
calculations for pressure drop and holdup. The transition model is based on the unified
model for the whole range of pipe inclinations proposed by Barnea (1987). Predictions for
pressure drop and holdup have undergone extensive testing using the data in the Stanford
Multiphase Flow Database (SMFD) and have proven to be more accurate than other
existing models (Petalas & Aziz, 1998). For detailed descriptions of the model
development and implementation, refer to Petalas & Aziz (1997, 1998). In this section,
we will evaluate the performance of the model for transition predictions in horizontal

In order to assess a model, accurate and consistent data is required. However, the flow
pattern transition data may display consistency problems, since a subjective interpretation
is often involved in labelling a flow pattern. Before applying the data, a consistency check
was performed. More detailed descriptions of the data and the consistency checks are
given in Appendix A.

In the flow pattern map shown in Fig. 3-1, we use data points with different colors to
represent the various flow patterns observed in the experiment. This map closely matches
the empirical flow pattern map (Fig. 2-3) of Mandhane et al. (1974). All the flow patterns
illustrated schematically in Fig. 2-1 appear in Fig. 3-1. The major transitions are the
transition to dispersed bubble flow, the transition to annular-mist flow and that between
intermittent flow and stratified flow. For comparison, we also display the transition
boundaries given by the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model in Fig. 3-1. Overall, it
gives us fairly good predictions, especially in the transition to annular-mist flow from
either intermittent flow or stratified flow, and in the transition from stratified smooth to
stratified wavy flow. The major problem lies in the transition to the dispersed bubble flow
and that between the intermittent flow and stratified flow, both of which are
overestimated by the model.

Dispersed Bubble
Elongated Bubble
Stratified Smooth
Elongated Bubble
1 Stratified Wavy
V SL(ft/s)

Annular- Slug
mist Annular-Mist
Dispersed Bubble
Wavy Annular
0.01 Petalas&Aziz 1998
Stratified Smooth Stratified
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

V SG (ft/s)

Figure 3-1: Comparison of transition boundaries (Data: Shoham (1982), air-water system,
horizontal flow, D=1.0 inch)

Similar results are shown in Fig. 3-2. The data here is from the same researcher (Shoham,
1982), but with a pipe diameter of 2 inch, rather than 1 inch as in Fig. 3-1. Similar
observations are again obtained. The overestimation of the transition between intermittent

flow and stratified flow is more obvious in this case. For the case D=2.0 inch, we also
show the comparisons with other data in Figs. 3-3 and 3-4. All these data indicate that
dispersed bubble flow occurs at a liquid flow rate of about 10 ft/s or less. However, the
model prediction for this transition is at VSL=30 ft/s. The experimental observation for the
transition between intermittent flow and stratified flow is at VSL=0.20.5 ft/s, while the
model predicts that it takes place at a significantly higher liquid flow rate.

These comparisons indicate that the current transition model can be improved. Later in
this chapter, we will evaluate some other transition criteria together with those currently
used in the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model. Discussion of transitions at other
inclination angles will also be included.

10 Slug
Elongated Bubble
Stratified Smooth
Elongated Bubble
1 Stratified Wavy
V SL (ft/s)

Annular- Slug
mist Annular-Mist
0.1 Dispersed Bubble
Wavy Annular
0.01 Petalas&Aziz 1998
Stratified Smooth Stratified
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
V SG (ft/s)

Figure 3-2: Comparison of transition boundaries (Data: Shoham (1982), air-water system,
horizontal flow, D=2.0 inch)

Dispersed Bubble
Annular- Stratified smooth
Elongated mist
Stratified wavy
1 Bubble
V SL (ft/s)

0.1 Slug
Elongated bubble
0.01 W avy annular
Smooth Stratified
Petalas&Aziz 1998
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s)

Figure 3-3: Comparison of transition boundaries (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water
system, horizontal flow, D=1.79 inch)

Dispersed Bubble
Stratified flow
Bubble Elongated bubble
1 Elong-Bub/Slug
V SL (ft/s)

Dispersed bubble
Petalas&Aziz 1998
Stratified Smooth Wavy

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s)

Figure 3-4: Comparison of transition boundaries (Data: Kokal & Stanislay (1987), air-water
system, horizontal flow, D=2.02 inch)

3.2. Effects of Fluid Properties

We know that flow patterns depend on pipe inclinations and fluid properties. Compared
to the investigation of inclination angles, the effects of fluid properties have received less
attention. However, the study of flow pattern transitions for various fluid properties is
helpful to our understanding of the physical transition mechanisms. Weisman et al.
(1979) carried out experiments in horizontal pipes to investigate the influence of fluid
properties on flow pattern transitions. Using their experimental data, we will now
evaluate the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model with regard to its ability to capture
the impact of changing fluid properties.

Table 3-1 presents a summary of the experimental data of Weisman et al. (1979). Their
study of liquid viscosity and interfacial tension is with a 2 inch pipe, while that on vapor
density is with a 1 inch pipe. Although the fluids were selected to allow large changes in
one property while having relatively insignificant changes in the other properties, we see
that the resulting parameters for the case of vapor density are still not ideal --- a
significant reduction of interfacial tension is also observed.

Table 3-1: Summary of Experimental Data of Weisman et al. (1979)

Base Case Effect of Liquid Effect of Effect of Vapor

Viscosity Interfacial Tension Density

L (lb/ft3) 62.4 77.4 62.4 84.3

G (lb/ft3) 0.08 0.08 0.08 2.7

L (cp) 1.0 150.0 1.0 0.3

(dyne/cm) 65 65 38 9.5

Note: Horizontal pipe, G = 0.01cp.

The effect of liquid viscosity on flow pattern transition is shown in Fig. 3-5. The map for
the increased liquid viscosity shows relatively little change from that obtained with the
air-water system (Fig. 3-5(a)), even though the liquid viscosity is varied from 1.0 cp to

150.0 cp. Of the major transition boundaries, only the transition to dispersed bubble flow
is shifted slightly to lower liquid flows. Fig. 3-5(b) displays the corresponding results
obtained by the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model. The transition to stratified
flow moves to significantly lower liquid flow rates, which is not indicated by the
experimental data.

Fig. 3-6 demonstrates the influence of interfacial tension, which is reduced by half from
65 dyne/cm to 38 dyne/cm. From the experimental data (Fig. 3-6(a)), we see that the
transition to annular and dispersed flow and the transition between intermittent and
separated flow are essentially unchanged. The major change observed is the sub-regime
transition within stratified flow and intermittent flow. The stratified wavy/stratified
smooth flow transition occurs at higher gas flow rates. The predictions by the mechanistic
model are displayed in Fig. 3-6(b). According to the model, interfacial tension has no
impact at all on the flow pattern transitions. We know, however, that the major difference
between stratified smooth flow and stratified wavy flow is the shape of the interface
between the liquid and gas phases. Therefore, we expect the interfacial tension to have
some impact on this transition, as indicated by the experimental data in Fig. 3-6(a).

(a) Experimental Data (b)Petalas&Aziz (1998) Model

Base Case Liquid Viscosity =150.0 cp Base Case Liquid Viscosity = 150.0cp
100 Dispersed Bubble
Dispersed Bubble Slug
Elongated Elongated
Slug Annular- 1 Bubble Annular-
V SL (ft/s)

1 Bubble
V SL (ft/s)

Mist Stratified Mist

Stratified Wavy
0.1 Smooth
0.1 Stratified
0.01 0.01
Stratified Stratified
W avy Smooth
0.001 0.001
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s) V SG (ft/s)

Figure 3-5: Effects of liquid viscosity (Data: Weisman et al. (1979), horizontal flow, D=2 inch)

(a) Experimental Data (b) Petalas & Aziz (1998) Model
Base Case Reduced Surface Tension
Base Case Reduced Surface Tension
100 Dispersed Bubble
Dispersed Bubble
10 Slug
Elongated Slug Annular-

V SL (ft/s)
Bubble Mist Annular-
V SL (ft/s)

Stratified 0.1
Smooth Stratified
W avy
0.01 0.01
W avy
0.001 0.001
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s) V SG (ft/s)

Figure 3-6: Effects of surface tension (Data: Weisman et al. (1979), horizontal flow, D=2 inch)

(a) Experimental Data (b) Petalas & Aziz (1998) Model

Base Case Increased Vapor Density Base Case Increased Vapor Density
100 100 Dispersed Bubble
Dispersed Bubble
10 10 Slug
Bubble Slug Slug Annular- 1
V SL (ft/s)

1 Bubble
V SL (ft/s)

Mist Annular-
S. W . Mist
0.1 0.1
S. S. Stratified Stratified
Stratified Flow
Smooth W avy
0.01 0.01

0.001 0.001
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s) V SG (ft/s)

Figure 3-7: Effects of vapor density (Data: Weisman et al. (1979), horizontal flow, D=1 inch)

The effect of liquid vapor density is examined next (Fig. 3-7). Recall that in this case, the
surface tension is also changed significantly (Table 3-1). Our observation from Fig. 3-
6(a), which shows that surface tension has a minimal effect on transitions, suggests that
the major change in Fig. 3-7(a) is due to the liquid vapor density itself. We see the
transition to annular flow and that between stratified smooth flow and stratified wavy
flow occurs at much lower gas flow rates. The explanation for this could be that the

lighter the gas phase, the higher the gas flow rate needed to support the gas core in the
middle at the pipe. This trend is also observed in the mechanistic model results in Fig. 3-

Based on the experimental data of Weisman et al. (1979), we can draw the following
conclusions. Compared with the effects of inclination angles, fluid properties appear to
have less impact on flow patterns. Vapor density has a greater effect than other fluid
properties. The Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model gives the correct trend for
stratified/annular-mist and stratified smooth/wavy transitions. The impact of surface
tension is not represented in the current mechanistic model.

3.3. Evaluation of Other Transition Criteria

Flow pattern predictions rely on the transition criteria, and also the correlations used. The
existing models for transitions to dispersed bubble flow and to annular-mist flow will be
evaluated, and the correlation for interfacial friction factors in stratified flow will be
shown to have a strong impact on the transition prediction between stratified and
intermittent flows.

3.3.1. Transition to Dispersed Bubble Flow

Dispersed bubble flow is observed at high liquid flow rate and low gas flow rate. Usually,
turbulent forces due to the high liquid flow rate are considered to play an important role
in the break up of gas bubbles. Based on this mechanism, several transition models have
been proposed. We will first briefly describe these models and then compare them with
experimental observations.

Models for horizontal or near-horizontal flows

1) Taitel & Dukler (1976):

The transition was considered in stratified flow. The gas phase is at the top of the pipe
due to buoyant forces. The transition to dispersed bubble flow takes place when the
turbulent fluctuations overcome the buoyant forces so that the gas tends to mix with the

liquid. The buoyant force (FB) and turbulent force (FT) were evaluated per unit length of
the gas region:
FB = g (cos )( L G )AG , (3-1)

where AG is the gas cross sectional area, and

1 1 f
FT = L v 2 Si = L (VL2 wL ) S i , (3-2)
2 2 2
where Si is the interfacial perimeter, v the fluctuation part of turbulent velocity, which
was approximated by Taitel & Dukler (1976) using the average liquid velocity and the
liquid/wall friction factor fwL. When FT FB, that is
4 A g cos 2
VL G 1 G , (3-3)
Si f wL L

dispersed bubble flow occurs. Here, we should point out that since the forces are analyzed
in the geometry of stratified flow, VL is computed from the momentum equations in
stratified flow, as are the geometric parameters AG and Si.

2) Kokal & Stanislav (1987):

Figure 3-8: Analysis of forces in dispersed bubble flow (from Kokal & Stainslav, 1987)

Kokal & Stanislav (1987) modified the model by Taitel & Dukler (1976). They analyzed
the balance of buoyant force and turbulent force on a single bubble (Fig. 3-8), rather than
on the whole gas region. FB and FT are now computed as follows:

d b3
FB = g cos ( L G ) , (3-4)

1 d b3 1 f d 3
FT = L v 2 = L (VL2 wL ) b , (3-5)
2 4 2 2 4
where db is the bubble diameter. For liquids of low viscosity, the following expression is
used to approximate the stable bubble diameter db (Kokal & Stanislav, 1987):
d b3 D 2
= 1.378 VSG g 3 5 . (3-6)
6 4
Again, when FT FB, dispersed bubble flow takes place. The final transition criteria is:

G cos 0.8 0.4 2
VSL 0.8 L D VSG . (3-7)
L f wL
Note that Eq. (3-7) includes the empirical coefficient 0.8 and VL is replaced by VSL. Thus
Eq. (3-7) is more convenient to use than Eq. (3-3).

Models for vertical flow

3) Taitel et al. (1980):

Taitel et al. (1980) proposed another method to determine the transition to dispersed
bubble flow for vertical upward flow. The physical mechanism is still based on an
assessment of the strength of turbulent forces. There is a critical bubble size (dcrit) above
which the turbulent breakup process cannot prevent the bubbles from agglomerating. It is
given as:
d crit = . (3-8)
( L G )g

The maximum stable diameter (dmax) of the dispersed phase can be obtained through the
consideration of the balance between surface tension forces and turbulent forces:
35 35 2 5
2f 3
d max = k ( )
2 5
= 1.14 VM , (3-9)
where k is taken to be equal to 1.14, which is confirmed by experimental measurements.
is the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy. It is approximated by the friction factor
f and the mixture velocity VM. The friction factor can be calculated using the standard
n 0.2
f = c M = 0.046 M . (3-10)

If dmax > dcrit, which means that the stable bubble size is too large to be broken up via
liquid turbulent fluctuations, dispersed bubble flow turns to slug flow. Thus, dispersed
bubble flow occurs when dmax > dcrit.

This criterion is further constrained by the maximum allowable volume fraction of the
bubbles. For spherical bubbles arranged in a cubic lattice, the gas fraction can be at most
0.52. Therefore, regardless of how much turbulent energy is available, dispersed bubble
flow cannot exist when G 0.52. In the region of high flow rate, the slip between the
two phases can be neglected, so G can be replaced by the input gas volume fraction (CG).
The final transition criterion for dispersed bubble flow becomes:
dmax > dcrit and CG < 0.52, (3-11)
where CG is defined in Eq. (2-4).

Models for the entire range of pipe inclinations

4) Barnea (1986):

The above transition model was further extended by Barnea (1986). Her modification
includes the computations for both dmax and dcrit. The resulting model is applicable for the
entire range of inclination angles.

For the critical bubble size, there are two mechanisms taken into account: the combined
process of deformation and agglomeration, and migration of bubbles due to buoyancy.
The first one has been addressed in Eq. (3-8), and here we call it dcrit_D. The second one
actually is similar to the analysis in horizontal flow by Taitel & Dukler (1976), but the
buoyancy is revised to act on a single bubble, as in the model by Kokal & Stanislav
(1987). Consider FT = FB, where

d b3
FB = g (cos )( L G ) , (3-12)

1 d 3 1 f d 3
FT = L v 2 b = L (VM2 M ) b . (3-13)
2 4 2 2 4
The critical bubble size due to buoyancy is then obtained as:
3 L f M VM2
d crit _ B = . (3-14)
8 ( L G ) g cos
So the critical bubble size above which dispersed bubble flow cannot exist, due to either
bubble coalescence or bubble migration to the top of the pipe, is given as:

d crit = min(d crit _ D , d crit _ B ) , (3-15)

where the minimum value between dcrit_D and dcrit_B is taken.

For the maximum stable diameter of dispersed bubbles, Barnea included the effect of gas
holdup on the resulting bubble size, so Eq. (3-9) was modified to the following:
35 2 5
2f 3
d max = 0.725 + 4.15CG
VM . (3-16)

Again, the criterion of maximum packing density also needs to be considered. The final
transition criterion is the same as Eq. (3-11), except that dcrit is given by Eq. (3-15). The
extension of dcrit to account for the effects of both deformation and buoyancy gives this
model an advantage over the previous models in that it is applicable over the entire range
of inclinations.

5) Petalas & Aziz (1998):

In the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model, the transition to dispersed bubble flow is
determined by considering the maximum packing density of liquid slugs in slug flow
(slug flow consists of Taylor bubbles and liquid slugs with entrained bubbles). If the
liquid fraction in the liquid slug (L,s) is less than 0.48, transition from slug flow to
dispersed bubble flow takes place. The liquid holdup within a slug body in slug flow is
calculated as (Gregory et al., 1978):
L ,s = 1.39
. (3-17)
1+ M

Again, this criterion needs to be combined wiht the maximum allowable gas volume
fraction. So, dispersed bubble flow can exist when
L,s < 0.48 and CG < 0.52. (3-18)

6) Chen et al. (1997):

Chen et al. (1997) developed a general model for this transition. The turbulent forces in
the liquid phase overcoming the gas-liquid interfacial tension is still considered to
contribute to the formation of dispersed bubbles. By comparing the turbulent kinetic
energy of the liquid and the surface free energy of the discrete bubbles, the transition
criterion can be formulated.

The total turbulent kinetic energy of the liquid is given by:

3 3 f
ET = L v 2 AVSL = L (VSL2 SL ) AVSL , (3-19)
2 2 2

where fSL is the friction factor at the superficial liquid velocity.

The total surface free energy of the dispersed gas bubbles is expressed as:

6 6
ES = QG = AVSG , (3-20)
d d

where d is the diameter of a dispersed bubble, computed as:

d = 2 . (3-21)
L G ) g

Transition to dispersed bubble flow occurs when ET > ES. The advantage of this model is
that it does not require the correction for the maximum packing density at high gas flow

Model evaluation:

Comparisons between the six models discussed above and experimental data of Shoham
(1982) are shown in Figs. 3-9 to 3-11. Fig. 3-9 shows the results for horizontal flow.
Intermittent flow includes elongated bubble and slug flows. Here, we just show the
transition boundary between dispersed bubble flow and intermittent flow. The model by
Kokal & Stanislav (1987) performs better than that by Taitel & Dukler (1976), since the
force balance is analyzed directly on the gas bubble. Among the three general models,
Barneas model gives the best result. Note that in the high gas flow rate, the Petalas &
Aziz model and the Barnea model give the same prediction, because they both apply the
maximum packing density theory. The model by Chen et al. (1997) does not give
satisfactory predictions at low gas flow rate.

Fig. 3-10 displays the model performance for upward vertical flow. It is seen that the
transition to dispersed bubble flow is not affected very much by flow orientation. The
model for vertical flow by Taitel et al. (1980) provides comparable predictions to
Barneas model. This is understandable since the bubble deformation mechanism in the
model by Taitel et al. is incorporated in Barneas model. The transition boundary given
by the Petalas and Aziz model deviates significantly to high liquid flow rate.

The results for downward vertical flow are given in Fig. 3-11. The experimental data
indicates that the transition to dispersed bubble flow occurs at relatively low liquid flow
rate. In this case, the model by Chen et al. (1997) displays the most accurate results.


Elongated Bubble
10 Slug
Dispersed Bubble
V SL (ft/s)

Taitel & Dukler (1976)

Kokal &et Stanislav
al. (1988)(1987)
1 Barnea (1986)
Petalas & Aziz (1998)
Chen et al. (1997)

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s)

Figure 3-9: Comparison of transition models for dispersed bubble flow in horizontal flow (Data:
Shoham (1982), air-water system, =0, D=2.0 inch)


10 Annular-Mist
V SL (ft/s)

Dispersed Bubble
Taitel et al. (1980)
1 Barnea (1986)
Petalas & Aziz (1998)
Chen et al. (1997)

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s)

Figure 3-10: Comparison of transition models for dispersed bubble flow in vertical upward flow
(Data: Shoham (1982), air-water system, =90, D=2.0 inch)


10 Slug
V SL (ft/s)

Dispersed Bubble
Barnea (1986)
1 Petalas & Aziz (1998)
Chen et al.(1997)

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s)

Figure 3-11: Comparison of transition models for dispersed bubble flow in vertical downward
flow (Data: Shoham (1982), air-water system, = - 90, D=2.0 inch)

Most of the models discussed in this section were developed from the consideration of
turbulent fluctuation forces breaking up the gas phase into discrete bubbles. Overall, the
Barnea (1986) model predicts the most accurate transition boundary. This is not
surprising since her model accounts for more physical mechanisms than the other models.
The Petalas & Aziz (1998) model is based on the liquid volume fraction in the slug body
in intermittent flow. It is possible, however, that the performance of this model could be
improved by tuning the critical value used in the model.

3.3.2. Interfacial Friction Factor in Stratified Flow

We next investigate the transition between stratified flow and intermittent flow. The
prediction to this transition by the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model also shows
some inaccuracy (See Figs. 3-1 to 3-4). This transition is based on a Kelvin-Helmholtz
wave stability analysis, which is finally determined by the value of the liquid height hL
(Fig. 3-12). The determination of hL comes from the solution of the coupled momentum
equations for the liquid and gas phases:



Figure 3-12: Schematic of stratified flow (modified from Shoham, 1982)

AL wL S L + i S i L AL g sin = 0
, (3-22)
AG wG S G i S i G AG g sin = 0
where AL, AG, SL, SG, and Si are geometric parameters that only depend on hL. The
quantities wL, wG, and i are shear stresses. They are calculated by empirical correlations
for the friction factors. Among them, i is the shear stress between the liquid phase and
the gas phase. It is associated with the interfacial friction factor fi. Finally, in Eq. (3-22),
there are two unknowns dp/dx and hL. They can be determined by the two equations.
Therefore, hL depends on fi, as does the transition from stratified to intermittent flow.

The simplest expression for fi is to approximate it using the wall friction factor for the gas
phase. This may be reasonable since the gas-liquid interface can be thought of as a
smooth surface.

Petalas & Aziz (1998) developed the following correlation using the data in the Stanford
Multiphase Flow Database:

f i = (0.004 + 0.5 10 6 Re SL )FrL1.335 L G2 , (3-23)
where DG is the gas hydraulic diameter, Re SL = and FrL = .
L ghL

We apply these two correlations in the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model and get
the transition boundaries as shown in Fig. 3-13. We see that hump in the original
transition curve is due to fi. It can be eliminated by using the simple approximation of


10 Elongated Bubble
Stratified Smooth
1 Stratified W avy
V SL (ft/s)


W avy Annular
fi: Petalas&Aziz 1998


0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

VSG (ft/s)

Figure 3-13: Effects of interfacial friction factor for horizontal flow (Data: Shoham (1982), air-
water system, = 0, D=2.0 inch)

In the literature, there are numerous expressions for fi. Ouyang (1995) reviewed 26
published correlations for fi, and developed a new one based on the data in the SMFD.
We now assess the use of Ouyangs correlation (1995) and that by Baker et al. (1988) in
the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model. The Baker et al. (1988) correlation is
rather complicated; a detailed description can be found in Ouyang (1995). The Ouyang
(1995) correlation is given as:
0.8732 0.3072
f wL N vL N D1.0365
f i = 10 8.0942+ 4.2893 L sin , (3-24)
N 1.G9140 H 0.9783

where NL is the liquid velocity number, NG the gas viscosity number, ND the pipe
diameter number and H the holdup ratio. For more details, see Ouyang (1995).

The comparison of the four correlations for fi described above is illustrated in Fig. 3-14.
The fi we discuss here is for stratified flow, so it only has influence on the transition from
stratified flow. We see that the Ouyang (1995) correlation and that of Petalas & Aziz
(1998) give similar predictions. They both tend to deviate to high liquid flow rate. On the
other hand, the Baker et al. (1988) model and the simplest approximation of fi=fwG
perform about the same, displaying more accurate predictions than the models by Ouyang
(1995) and Petalas & Aziz (1998).

Elongated Bubble
Stratified Smooth
Stratified W avy
V SL (ft/s)

Dispersed Bubble
0.1 W avy Annular
0.01 fi: Baker et al. (1988)
fi: Ouyang (1995)
fi: Petalas & Aziz (1998)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s)

Figure 3-14: Comparison of models with different fi (Data: Shoham (1982), air-water system, =
0, D=2.0 inch)

Stratified flow often occurs in downward flow, so it is important to be able to predict

accurately this transition boundary in this case. Comparison between the model and data
for -10 downward flow is presented in Fig. 3-15. Due to the expansion of the stratified
flow pattern, the intermittent flow region shrinks. The two correlations provide
comparable results, with the model of fi=fwG displaying a flat trend at low gas flow rate,
which is also illustrated by the data. The expansion of the stratified flow region occurs
primarily in downward flow from 0 to -10. From -10 to -70, this region is almost
unchanged. Increasing the downward angle from -10, the annular region expands and the

stratified flow region shrinks until it disappears completely at vertical downward flow
(Shoham, 1982). The transition in vertical downward flow is illustrated in Fig. 3-16, in
which only three flow regimes are observed experimentally. Using the Petalas & Aziz
(1998) correlation for fi, a considerable stratified region is predicted, which is not
consistent with experimental observations. The correlation of fi=fwG provides a more
reasonable result.

In summary, the interfacial friction factor fi in stratified flow plays an important role in
the transition between intermittent flow and stratified flow, as well as on the calculations
of pressure drop and holdup. Based on Shohams data (1982), the simple correlation
fi=fwG gives better results in terms of stratified flow prediction, though it has been shown
previously (Ouyang, 1995, Petalas & Aziz, 1998) that the correlations by Ouyang (1995)
and Petalas & Aziz (1998) give better results for the calculations of pressure drop and
holdup. Therefore, fi=fwG is recommended for the purpose of flow pattern prediction, but
not for the calculation of pressure drop and holdup.


Stratified W avy

1 Slug
V SL (ft/s)

0.1 Dispersed Bubble
W avy Flow
0.01 fi: Petalas&Aziz 1998

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s)

Figure 3-15: Effects of interfacial friction factor for downward flow (Data: Shoham (1982), air-
water system, = -10, D=2.0 inch)



1 Annular-Mist
V SL (ft/s)

Dispersed Bubble

0.1 Stratified W avy fi=fg

Flow fi: Petalas&Aziz 1998


0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s)

Figure 3-16: Effects of interfacial friction factor for vertical downward flow (Data: Shoham
(1982), air-water system, = -90, D=2.0 inch)

3.3.3. Transition to Annular-Mist Flow

As shown in Fig. 3-1, there are three main flow pattern transitions. The transition to
dispersed bubble flow and the transition between intermittent and stratified flows have
been discussed. We now consider the transition to annular-mist flow. This flow pattern
can be obtained either from stratified flow or from intermittent flow.

Our discussion of the transition between stratified flow and intermittent flow can be
extended to predict the transition between stratified flow and annular flow. For horizontal
flow, Taitel & Dukler (1976) proposed that the transition of stratified flow to slug flow or
annular flow depends on the liquid holdup. If the liquid level is low, annular flow results,
while if the liquid level is high enough to form a complete bridge across the pipe, slug
flow will occur. This analysis results in the transition boundary to stratified flow shown in
Fig. 3-17 (it is obtained using the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model with
interfacial friction factor fi=fwG in stratified flow).

In this section, we will focus on the latter case --- transition to annular-mist flow from
intermittent flow. The fast moving gas core preventing the liquid film from falling down
is the essential feature of vertical annular-mist flow.

Taitel et al. (1980) considered the balance between the gravity and drag forces acting on a
liquid droplet in the gas core and obtained the following criterion:

3.1[g ( L G )]
VSG . (3-25)
G 0.5
The physical mechanism here is that the annular-mist flow cannot exist unless the gas
velocity in the gas core is sufficient to lift the entrained liquid droplets.

Based on the same mechanism, McQuillan & Whalley (1985) considered the Froude
number, which is the ratio of inertia force to gravity force to get the following expression:

[gD ( L G )]
. (3-26)
G 0.5
For a given system, Eqs. (3-25) and (3-26) result in transitions at constant superficial gas
velocities; i.e., straight lines on the flow pattern map.

Joseph et al. (1996) proposed another criterion for this transition for horizontal and
vertical flows. They interpreted the high gas flow rate in annular-mist flow in terms of
effective viscosity --- the stable annular flow appears only when the gas core is very
highly turbulent with a higher effective viscosity than the liquid in the annulus. Their
transition criterion is given by:

1000 if 2000
= , (3-27)
1 L SL , if > 2000
2 L L
where VSL,, is the superficial velocity of the liquid film, approximated by VSL , = 0.05VSL

in this case.

A general model was presented by Barnea (1986), which is based on two conditions. The
first mechanism is the instability of the liquid film. The minimum interfacial shear stress
is associated with a change in the direction of the velocity profile in the film. This is only
valid for vertical upward flow. Another mechanism is the spontaneous blockage of the
gas core due to a large supply of liquid from the film. The transition from annular-mist
flow to slug flow will take place when the liquid holdup exceeds one half of the value
associated with the maximum volumetric packing density (0.52), that is:

L (1 0.52 ) = 0.24 . (3-28)
This transition model (combination of the two mechanisms) is widely used in a variety of
mechanistic models. In the work of Ansai et al. (1994), Barneas model was modified
using correlations accounting for the liquid entrainment in the gas core. Similarly, in the
Petalas and Aziz (1998) mechanistic model, the effects of both liquid entrainment and
pipe roughness are included.

Kaya et al. (1999) considered the transition from intermittent flow to annular flow to
occur at a critical void fraction: G > 0.75 . Note that this is essentially the same as Eq.

(3-28). Kaya et al. essentially simplified the transition criterion by only considering the
second mechanisms in Barneas model. However, to obtain the in situ G, momentum
equations for annular-mist flow, similar to those for stratified flow presented in Eq. (3-
19) need to be solved. In the Kaya et al. (1999) model, the standard expression for the
friction factor is used and the entrained liquid droplets in the gas core are neglected.

Next we will evaluate the above models; specifically the Joseph et al. (1996) model, the
Petalas & Aziz (1998) model and the Kaya et al. (1999) model. In addition, we will
calculate G in the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model and apply the critical void
fraction 0.75 to this calculated G. This is expected to be different from that of Kaya et al.
(1999), since the correlations in each model are different. The results will allow us to
assess the relative importance of the two mechanisms Barnea (1986) has proposed, as
well as to evaluate the effects of correlations for annular-mist flow.

The results for horizontal flow are shown in Fig. 3-17. The transition to stratified flow is
also shown in order to illustrate that annular-mist flow can also transition from stratified
flow. In the procedure of determining the flow patterns, prediction to stratified flow is
performed before that to annular-mist flow. With respect to the transition to annular-mist
flow, all models present reasonable prediction. The Petalas & Aziz (1998) model (which
incorporates the mechanisms by Barnea, 1986) and the use of the critical void fraction
gives the same results, which means that the spontaneous blockage mechanism in
Barneas model is applied here rather than the mechanism involving instability of the
liquid film. The difference of this prediction from that by the Kaya et al. (1999) model
results from the different correlations used. The same observations can be made in Fig. 3-
18, in which the transition to annular-mist flow in an upward vertical orientation is
shown. The effective viscosity criterion by Joseph et al. predicts the transition boundary
most accurately.

However, this is not the case for vertical downward flow as shown in Fig. 3-19. In -90
downward flow, annular-mist flow takes place in most flow conditions. Josephs model is
only applicable for horizontal and upward flow. Though the results from the Petalas &
Aziz (1998) model and Kayas model are also not entirely satisfactory, they provide a
reasonable trend. We believe that changes in correlations used in these models, resulting
in changes in the in situ gas volume fraction, should affect this transition.

The evaluation of all of these models shows that none of the existing transition models
gives an entirely satisfactory prediction over the entire range of pipe inclinations. The
holdup based transition criterion is reasonable and is recommended for this transition.
However, like the effect of the interfacial friction factor in stratified flow, correlations
such as the interfacial friction factor in annular-mist flow and the liquid volume fraction
in the gas core may have a strong impact on this transition boundary.

Elongated Bubble
Stratified Smooth
10 Stratified W avy
1 Annular-Mist
V SL (ft/s)

Dispersed Bubble
W avy Annular
Transition to Stratified Flow
Joseph et al. (1998)
Petalas & Aziz (1998)
G > 0.75
0.001 Kaya et al. (1999)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s)

Figure 3-17: Comparison of transition models for annular-mist flow (Data: Shoham (1982), air-
water system, = 0, D=2.0 inch)


10 Slug
V SL (ft/s)

Dispersed Bubble
0.1 (1996)
Joseph et al. (1998)
Petalas & Aziz (1998)
0.01 G > 0.75
Kaya et al. (1999)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s)

Figure 3-18: Comparison of transition models for annular-mist flow (Data: Shoham (1982), air-
water system, = 90, D=2.0 inch)


10 Slug

V SL (ft/s)

Dispersed Bubble
Joseph et al. (1998)
Petalas & Aziz (1998)

G > 0.75
Kaya et al. (1999)

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s)

Figure 3-19: Comparison of transition models for annular-mist flow (Data: Shoham (1982), air-
water system, = -90, D=2.0 inch)

In this chapter, we have discussed the flow pattern transition predictions in mechanistic
models, specifically, the Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model. Based on the data
considered, overall this model provides reasonably good predictions. We also
investigated other transition criteria and gave recommendations to improve the current
mechanistic model. This includes Barneas (1986) model for transition to dispersed
bubble flow and the use of fwG to approximate fi in stratified flow. The Petalas & Aziz
(1998) holdup based transition criterion to dispersed flow gives the correct trend, but the
critical value needs to be adjusted or other correlations for liquid holdup in the slug used.
The holdup transition is more accurate in the prediction to annular-mist flow. However,
the correlations used in the mechanistic model have a strong effect on the results. The
effects of fluid properties were found to be less significant, in their effects on transitions,
than the pipe inclination.

Chapter 4

4. Investigation of Drift-Flux Model Parameters

In this chapter, the drift-flux model (DFM) is applied to different flow patterns. Based on
our observations, we model the parameters C0 and Vd in DFM as linear functions of the
gas volume fraction G. A method is proposed to determine these two parameters by
matching the experimental G and the G calculated from DFM as closely as possible.
The physical meanings of C0 and Vd are illustrated by analyzing the resulting correlations.
Finally, comparisons between the drift-flux model correlations in Eclipse (Schlumberger
GeoQuest, 2000) and the experimental data are presented.

4.1. Drift-Flux Model Parameters

Gas Phase

Liquid Phase

Velocity Profile

Concentration Profile

Vd : Local Relative

Figure 4-1: Schematic of velocity and concentration profiles

The drift-flux model proposed by Zuber & Findlay (1965) can be used to calculate the gas
volume fraction and interpret holdup data. It correlates the actual gas velocity VG and the
mixture velocity VM, using two parameters C0 and Vd:

VG = = C0VM + Vd , (4-1)

where VM is the mixture velocity as defined in Eq. (2-2). C0 is referred to as the

distribution parameter or profile parameter. It accounts for the effects of the non-uniform
distribution of both velocity and concentration profiles (see Fig. 4-1 for typical gas
concentration and velocity distributions). If the two phases are uniformly mixed, the
concentration profile will be flat and C0 should be equal to one. Vd is called the drift
velocity of gas, and accounts for the local relative velocity between the two phases. If the
liquid is stationary, Vd corresponds to the gas rise velocity in the stagnant liquid.

With the two parameters and superficial velocities, the in situ gas volume fraction can be
calculated. The accuracy of the predicted G depends on the use of appropriate values for
C0 and Vd.

4.2. Drift-Flux Model in Different Flow Patterns

Traditionally, the drift-flux model is used most widely for vertical dispersed system. Eq.
(4-1) is derived from the continuity equation in dispersed systems (Govier & Aziz, 1972).
Nonetheless, the linear relationship between VG and VM has been confirmed empirically
for flow regimes other than dispersed flow. These even include separated horizontal flows
(Franca & Lahey, 1992).

In Figs. 4-2 and 4-3, we plot VG vs. VM in different flow patterns for both horizontal and
vertical flows. Using linear regression, we determine the two parameters C0 and Vd. Very
high degrees of correlation for VG and VM are observed for all the flow conditions (values
of R2 greater than 0.98 in all cases, where R2 is the square of correlation coefficient).

Since different flow mechanisms operate in different flow patterns, the DFM parameters
C0 and Vd should depend on the flow regimes and flow orientations. If we consider

vertical flow, we note that the value of C0 is close to 1 in annular-mist flow, while it is
about 1.16 in slug flow. This behavior can be explained through consideration of the
concentration profiles in annular-mist and slug flows. In annular-mist flow, although
there are a few liquid droplets entrained in the gas core, the overall gas distribution is
fairly uniform. Thus, C0 1. However, in slug flow where Taylor bubbles and liquid
slugs appear alternatively, the non-uniform effects are much stronger, which gives rise to
C0 > 1.

Figs. 4-4 and 4-5 summarize the values of C0 and Vd obtained in various flow patterns in
vertical flow. We calculate the average gas volume fraction in each flow pattern and use it
for the presentation of the results. The lowest gas volume fraction occurs in the elongated
bubble flow. The gas volume fraction increases in slug flow as the entrained gas bubbles
can exist in the liquid slug. The highest void fraction is in annular-mist flow because of
the existence of the gas core. There are significant differences in the values of C0 and Vd

among the various flow patterns.

The relation between flow pattern information and volume fraction can be demonstrated
more clearly via flow pattern maps. Instead of using VSL vs. VSG as shown in Chapter 3,
we use the coordinates of VM vs. G in Figs. 4-6 and 4-7 to represent the information on
flow patterns. Again, different colors represent different flow patterns. For vertical flow,
at low G and VM, elongated bubble flow is observed. As G and VM increase, slug and
churn flows occur, and finally annular-mist flow is achieved. In horizontal flow, stratified
flow is also associated with high gas volume fractions (Fig. 4-6). However, it can be
differentiated from the intermittent and annular-mist flows by its lower flow rate. This
can also be seen in the flow pattern maps in Figs. 3-1 to 3-3. The flow regimes in vertical
flow are relatively simple due to the absence of stratified flow. Therefore, G itself can
provide us with reasonably accurate information on flow patterns (Fig. 4-7).

The color code for each flow pattern used in this chapter is different than that used in Chapter 3. This is done to
achieve a more visible representation of the different flow patterns in the scatter plot of G, shown later in this


(a) Stratified Flow



V G (m/s)



V G = 0.9986 V M + 0.2264
5.0 R = 0.9996
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0

VM (m/s)


(b) Annular-mist Flow
V G (m/s)



20.0 V G = 0.9485V M + 3.4755

R = 0.9917

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0

VM (m/s)


(c) Slug Flow


V G (m/s)


V G = 1.269V M + 0.2522
6.0 2
R = 0.9829


0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0

VM (m/s)

Figure 4-2: Drift-flux model in horizontal flow (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water
system, D=1.79 inch)

VG = 0.9925VM + 1.5982
60.0 2
R = 0.9968

V G (m/s)


(a) Annular-mist Flow

0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0
VM (m/s)

18.0 VG = 1.1642VM + 0.0984
16.0 R = 0.9877
V G (m/s)

4.0 (b) Churn Flow
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
VM (m/s)

9.0 VG = 1.162VM + 0.3094
8.0 2
R = 0.9931
V G (m/s)

2.0 (c) Slug Flow
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
VM (m/s)

Figure 4-3: Drift-flux model in vertical flow (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water
system, D=1.79 inch)

1.35 E. B.
1.25 E. B./Slug
1.2 Slug

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 4-4: Values of C0 in different flow patterns (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water
system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch)




Vd (m/s)





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 4-5: Values of Vd in different flow patterns (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water
system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch)


10 Stratified smooth
Stratified wavy
Elongated bubble

1 Slug
Wavy annular

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 4-6: Flow pattern map in coordinates of VM vs. G (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-
water system, horizontal flow, D=1.79 inch)


Elongated bubble
V M(m/s)

1 Churn


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Figure 4-7: Flow pattern map in coordinates of VM vs. G (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-
water system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch)

We saw in Figs. 4-2 to 4-7 that flow patterns have a strong influence on the DFM
parameters. Thus it is not adequate to take these two parameters as constants. We also
saw that G provides some indication of the flow pattern. In next section, we will describe
our estimation of C0 and Vd based on G.

4.3. Method for Parameter Determination

4.3.1. Objective Function using G

With the DFM parameters we obtained by linear regression, we can calculate the in situ
gas volume fraction:
G = . (4-2)
C0VM + Vd

Fig. 4-8 (a) shows the scatter plot between the predicted G and the experimental G.
Different colors represent data points in different flow patterns, where the color code is
the same as that in Fig. 4-7. Fig. 4-8(b) displays the comparison between the experimental
VG and predicted VG. Compared to the excellent agreement of VG in Fig. 4-8(b), the
prediction for G is much less accurate.

The aim of the procedure applied above is to determine C0 and Vd by minimizing the error
of the following objective function:
m V
EVG = SG (C 0VMi + Vd ) , (4-3)
i =1 i

where m is the total number of experimental data points. Since our objective here is to
predict the in situ gas volume fraction as accurately as possible, a more appropriate way
of determining C0 and Vd is to directly minimize the error between the measured G and
the estimated G:

In a scatter plot, the correlation coefficient is used to quantify the linear dependence between two variables. For the
two variables X and Y, is defined as: =2XY/(XY), where 2XY is the covariance between X and Y, X and Y the
standard deviation of X and Y respectively. The previously used R2 in the VG ~ VM plot is given by R2=2.

m VSGi
E G = G i . (4-4)
i =1 C 0VMi + Vd

Minimization of Eq. (4-4) is a nonlinear least square problem. A Gauss Newton algorithm
(Li et al., 1995) is used to solve this system.

Using C0 and Vd determined from Eq. (4-4), the comparisons between the predicted and
measured values for both G and VG are presented in Fig. 4-9. Significant improvement is
obtained for the calculation of G except at very high G. Note that from the two methods
(Eqs. (4-3) and (4-4)), we get different values for C0 and Vd. However, in Figs. 4-8(b) and
4-9(b), we see that the accuracy of VG for these two methods is the same, and both have
very high correlation coefficients. The discrepancies between the predictions for G and
VG indicate that VG is less sensitive to the values of the DFM parameters. In other words,
the actual gas velocity is not a good indicator of how well the drift-flux model works for
the prediction of the in situ gas volume fraction.

(a) (b)
1 35

0. 9 m=125
30 m=125
0. 8 m=125
m=125 25
0. 7
Predicted V (m/s)

0. 6

C0 = 1.07 20

0. 5
Vd = 0.6
0. 4

0. 3 10

0. 2 =0.8575
=0.8575 =0.9969
5 = 0.9969
0. 1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Experimental Exper imental V (m/s)

Figure 4-8: Prediction results using EVG (Data: SU66, Govier et al. (1957), air-water system,
vertical flow, D=1.02 inch)

(a) (b)
1 35

0. 9
30 m=125
0. 8 m=125
m=125 25
0. 7

0. 6 C0 = 1.18

Predicted V

0. 5
Vd = 0.09
0. 4

0. 3
=0.9396 10

0. 2 =0.9396 =0.9969
5 = 0.9969
0. 1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Experimental Experimental V

Figure 4-9: Prediction results using EG (Data: SU66, Govier et al. (1957), air-water system,
vertical flow, D=1.02 inch)

The impact of flow patterns on the values of C0 and Vd was shown in section 4.2. Instead
of calculating these two parameters using the data over the entire range of interest, we can
apply Eq. (4-3) and Eq. (4-4) to each flow pattern. Fig. 4-10 displays this result using the
objective function EVG , while Fig. 4-11 is for the objective function E G . Again, a better

match is obtained when E G is used (Figs. 4-10(a) and 4-11(a)). One interesting

observation is that when the flow pattern information is taken into account, EVG can give

results comparable to those using E G (Figs. 4-10(b) and 4-11(b)). However, it should be

kept in mind that we generally do not know flow pattern information in advance. Thus we
conclude that E G is the better way of determining C0 and Vd. In the next section, G will

be introduced to indicate the flow patterns and E G will be used as the objective function.

(a) (b)
1 1

0. 9 0. 9 m=221
0. 8 m=221 0. 8
C0, Vd: values for
0. 7 0. 7
each flow pattern

0. 6 0. 6

C0 = 1.02

0. 5 Vd = 0.77 0. 5

0. 4 0. 4

0. 3 0. 3
=0.9809 =0. 9939
0. 2 0. 2
0. 1 0. 1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Experimental Experimental

Figure 4-10: Prediction results using EVG (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water system,
vertical flow, D=1.79 inch)

(a) (b)
1 1

0. 9 0. 9 m=221
0. 8 m=221 0. 8

0. 7
0. 7
C0, Vd :m=221
values for
each flow pattern

0. 6 0. 6

C0 = 1.07

0. 5 Vd = 0.40 0. 5

0. 4 0. 4

0. 3 0. 3

0. 2 =0.9888
=0. 9888 0. 2 =0. 9942
0. 1 0. 1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Experimental Experimental

Figure 4-11: Prediction results using EG (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water system,
vertical flow, D=1.79 inch)

4.3.2. Incorporation of G into Correlations of C0 and Vd

We represent C0 and Vd as functions of G. As a first approximation, the following linear

functions are considered:
C0 = a G + b
. (4-5)
Vd = c G + d

where a, b, c and d are constants.

Substituting Eq. (4-5) into Eq. (4-4), we get the following objective function:

[ ],
E G = G i *
Gi (4-6)
i =1
Gi* =
(a + b)VMi + (c Gi* + d ) .

We note that Eq. (4-7) is implicit in G. However, since a linear expression for C0 and Vd
is assumed, the estimated G can be expressed explicitly. Therefore, the solution
procedure for Eq. (4-6) is still a standard nonlinear least square problem, and the same
Gauss Newton algorithm applied in the previous section is used.

The results using this method are shown in Figs. 4-12 and 4-13. Compared to Fig. 4-9 (a),
we get a better prediction for G in Fig. 4-12, especially in the annular-mist flow regime
(G near 1). For another data set, the same observation can be made (compare Figs. 4-11
(a) and 4-13), though the improvement here is not as significant as in the previous case.

We have shown that when the flow pattern information is considered, EVG and E G can

provide us with equivalent predictions (Figs. 4-10(b) and 4-11(b)). So it is worthwhile to

consider using Eq. (4-5) in Eq. (4-3), to account for the effects of G when using EVG as

the objective function. The advantage of EVG is the linearity in the resulting least square

problem and the explicit expression for the estimated VG. This will allow for the use of
simpler algorithms when a more complicated form for C0 and Vd is used. Unfortunately,
as shown in Figure 4-14, the combination of the linear form for C0 and Vd and the
objective function of EVG does not give us results that are as accurate as those in Fig. 4-

13. This demonstrates that there is a clear advantage in using E G rather than EVG .



0.8 C0 = -0.87 G + 1.86

Vd = 1.95G - 1.34

G 0.6




0.2 =0.9612


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 4-12: Prediction result using new approach (Data: SU66, Govier et al. (1957), air-water
system, vertical flow, D=1.02 inch)


C0 = -0.404 G + 1.431
Vd = 0.163G + 0.218





0.2 =0.9911


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 4-13: Prediction result using new approach (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water
system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch)



C0 = -0.879 G + 1.880
Vd = 0.057G + 0.051





0.2 =0.9782


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 4-14: Prediction result using EVG and linear form of C0 and Vd (Data: Spedding & Nguyen
(1976), air-water system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch)

4.4. Application of Proposed Method to Other Inclination Angles

So far, we have investigated only vertical flow. Earlier in this chapter, however, we
showed that the drift-flux model is also applicable for horizontal flow. In this section, we
will therefore apply the method described above to flows in other inclination angles. The
objective is to assess the applicability of the drift-flux model to flow in other inclinations,
as well as to test the robustness of the method we proposed for the determination of C0
and Vd.

The results for upward and downward flows at various inclination angles (), using the
data of Spedding & Nguyen (1976), are displayed in Fig. 4-15. For the upward flow
(=70, 45 and 21), we obtain high correlation coefficients and the predictions are
comparable to those for vertical flow. For near-horizontal and downward flows, the data
shows significant scatter. In downward flow, stratified flow takes the place of intermittent
flow. Thus few data points are in the region of low gas volume fraction. The results for
horizontal flow will be shown later.

1 1

0. 9 = 70 m ==278
0. 9 = 45 m ==45

0. 8 0. 8
m=278 G + 1.52
C0 = -0.49 C0 = -0.64 G + 1.65
0. 7 0. 7
Vd = -0.016G - 0.38 -0.25
VdC0== -0.641 G
+ 0.48
0. 6 C 0 = -0.493 G + 1.518 0. 6

Vd = -0.246 G + 0.482

V d = -0.016 G + 0.383
0. 5 0. 5

0. 4 0. 4

0. 3 0. 3

0. 2 = =0.
9922 0. 2 =0.9950
= 0.9950
0. 1 0. 1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Experimental Experimental

1 1

0. 9 = 21 m ==193
0. 9 = 3 m = 238
0. 8 m=193 0. 8 m=238

0. 7 C0 =C-0.46
0 GG++1.466
= -0.463 1.47 0. 7 C0 C=0 =-0.96 GG+ 1.+956
-0.956 1.96
Vd = V d1.01 G G --0.0.035
= 1.008 035 Vd =Vd = -0.176
-0.18 GG
++ 0.19
0. 194
0. 6 0. 6


0. 5 0. 5

0. 4 0. 4

0. 3 0. 3

0. 2 =0.9896
= 0.9896 0. 2 ==0.9784
0. 1 0. 1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Experimental Experimental

1 1

= - 45 = - 68
0. 9
= - 45 m = 113 0. 9
= - 68 m = 116
m=113 m=116
0. 8 0. 8
C = -0.296 + 1.351
0 = -0.996 G + 2.0 GG + 1.35
C0 = -0.996 G + 1.999 0
0. 7 C 0. 7 C0 = -0.296
Vd = 1.781 G -1.915
3.21 G -3.216 Vd = 1.78G - 1.92
G - 3.22
0. 6 0. 6



0. 5 0. 5

0. 4 0. 4

0. 3 0. 3

0. 2 =0.9363
= 0.9363 0. 2 ==0.9302
0. 1 0. 1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Experimental Experimental

Figure 4-15: Prediction results for other inclination angles (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976),
air-water system, D=1.79 inch)

Fig. 4-16 shows results using other data sets in the Stanford Multiphase Flow Database.
These data are all from the same source (Mukherjee, 1979), but the pipe diameter ranges
from 1-2 inches. Again, the results for downward flow are not as good as those for
upward flow.

1 1

0. 9 = 80 m = =80
101 0. 9 = 50
m = 70
m=101 (SU182)
= 50 (SU179)
0. 8 0. 8

0. 7
-0.22 G+G1.+2391.24
CC00== -0.222 0. 7
= 0.10 G
+ 0.99
0.44 GG
VVdd== 0.440 - 0.068
-0.068 VdV== -0.102 G
-0. 102 + 0.286
0. 6 0. 6 d G


0. 5 0. 5

0. 4 0. 4

0. 3 0. 3

0. 2 =0.9856
= 0.9856 0. 2 ==0.9848
0. 1 0. 1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Experimental Experimental

1 1

= - 30
0. 9 = 5 = 5
m = 63 0. 9 = - 30 m = 72
m=72 (SU192)
0. 8 m=63 (SU175) 0. 8
122 G +0.930 G + 1.08
0.026 G + 1.079
0. 7 CC00== 0.0.122 G + 0.93 0. 7 C0 C=0 =0.026
VVdd== 0.600 - 0.125 = 0.619 G -0.796
Vd =V d0.62 G - 0.80
0. 6 0. 6



0. 5 0. 5

0. 4 0. 4

0. 3 0. 3

0. 2 = =0.9909
0.9909 0. 2 ==0.9237
0. 1 0. 1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Experimental Experimental

1 1

= - 70
0. 9 = - 70 m = 81 0. 9 = - 80 m =
= -53
0. 8 (SU196) 0. 8 m=53 (SU197)
C = -0.324 + 1.364
0. 7
C0 = -0.324GG + 1.36 0. 7
V d = 0.540 G -0. 583
Vd = 0.54G - 0.58
0. 6 0. 6



0. 5 0. 5

0. 4 0. 4
= 0.8142
0. 3 0. 3
C 0 = -0.118 G + 1.161
0. 2 =0.9428
= 0.9428 0. 2 C0 = -0.12G + 1.16
=0. 8142
0. 1 0. 1
Vd =V0. 511
d GG - 0.54
= 0.51

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Experimental Experimental

Figure 4-16: Prediction results for other inclination angles (Data: SU175-SU198: Mukherjee,

We next consider horizontal flow. In Figs. 4-17(a) and 4-18(a), we show the results for
the case with C0 and Vd constant. Figs. 4-17(b) and 4-18(b) display the predictions for G
when C0 and Vd are estimated in each flow pattern. This data and the data for vertical
flow presented in Figs. 4-10 and 4-11 are from the same researchers (Spedding &

Nguyen, 1976). However, the results for horizontal flow are much less accurate than
those for vertical flow. The data points in the stratified flow regime (represented by red
points) show more scatter (in Fig. 4-17(a), they are toward the lower right of the figure),
though a very high correlation between VG and VM was achieved in Fig. 4-2(a). When we
apply the linear forms of C0 and Vd to this data set, the nonlinear least square algorithm
may converge to unphysical (complex) values for C0 and Vd. In this case, additional
constraints must be introduced into the optimization procedure. This problem has been
observed for some horizontal and downward flows, but not for upward flows.

(a) (b)
1 1

0. 9 m=269 0. 9 m=269
0. 8 0. 8 C0, Vd: values for
0. 7 0. 7 each flow pattern
C0 = 1.01
Vd = 0.9


0. 6 0. 6


0. 5 0. 5

0. 4 0. 4

0. 3 0. 3

0. 2
= 0.8183 0. 2 =0.9359
0. 1 0. 1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Experimental Experimental

Figure 4-17: Prediction results using EVG (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water system,
horizontal flow, D=1.79 inch)

(a) (b)
1 1
0. 9 m=269 0. 9 m=269
0. 8 0. 8

0. 7 C0 = 1.10 0. 7 C0, Vm=269

d: values for
Vd = 0.01 each flow pattern

0. 6 0. 6


0. 5 0. 5

0. 4 0. 4

0. 3 0. 3

0. 2 =0.9245
=0.9245 0. 2 =0. 9762
0. 1 0. 1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Experimental Experimental

Figure 4-18: Prediction results using EG (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water system,
horizontal flow, D=1.79 inch)


0.9 =0

0.8 C 0 = -0.891 G + 1.885

0.7 V d = 0.636 G -0.325





0.2 =0.9623


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 4-19: Prediction result for horizontal flow (Data: Chen & Spedding (1979), air-water
system, D=1.79 inch)


0.9 = 0
C 0 = 0.308 G + 0.776
V d = 0.931 G - 0.044




0.2 =0.9867


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 4-20: Prediction result for horizontal flow (Data: Franca & Lahey (1992), air-water
system, D=0.75 inch)

For horizontal flow, good predictions using our method can be achieved for some data
sets (see Figs. 4-19 and 4-20). However, the overall performance of the method for
downward flow and horizontal flow is not satisfactory, compared to that achieved for
vertical and upward flows. The determination of drift-flux parameters for downward and
horizontal flow still needs further investigation.

4.5. Discussion of Drift Velocity Vd

We proposed a method for the determination of drift-flux parameters that works well
for upward flows. So far, we have only applied these parameters to the data set for
which they were generated. To obtain a more general correlation, we need to apply the
procedure to multiple data sets. However, before we move on to this step, it is useful to
consider the physical meanings of C0 and Vd. Is the linear model we assumed appropriate
and adequate? Is the behavior we get here consistent with the physical observations? We
now consider these issues.

4.5.1. Physical Meaning of C0 and Vd

For most of the data sets, C0 and Vd display behavior similar to that shown in Fig. 4-21.
C0 decreases to 1.0 as G approaches 1.0, while Vd increases with G. As we have
explained, C0 accounts for the effects of the non-uniform distribution of both velocity and
concentration profiles. As G approaches 1.0, which means high gas volume fraction and
high flow rates, the profiles tend to distribute uniformly, so C0 1. When G approaches
zero, non-uniform effects are stronger so C0 deviates from one.

Vd accounts for the local relative velocity between the two phases. A limiting case can be
thought of as a single gas bubble rising through a liquid. This single bubble rise velocity
is also called terminal gas rise velocity, designated V . It can be calculated as follows, as
determined from experimental results (Zuber & Findlay, 1965):
g ( L G ) 4
in bubbly flow regime: V = 1.53 , (4-8)

g ( L G )D 2
and in slug flow regime: V = 0.35 . (4-9)
For the air-water system of Fig. 4-21, this velocity is 0.25m/s (Eq. (4-8)) or 0.23 m/s (Eq.
(4-9)). Our prediction (0.218 m/s) in this limit (G 0) is close to these values. The
problem lies in the region of high gas volume fraction. Due to the effect of swarms of
bubbles, we expect Vd to go to zero when G is one. However, the opposite trend is
obtained in Fig. 4-21 (b).


C 0 = -0.404 G + 1.431



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

V d (m/s)

V d = 0.163 G + 0.218

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 4-21: Typical behavior of calculated C0 and Vd (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-
water system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch)

Flores et al. (1998) studied the drift-flux model in oil-water flow and expressed the drift
velocity as a function of oil volume fraction. An expression of the same form can also be
used in the gas-liquid flow (Gomez et al., 2000):

A similar form is also presented by Zuber & Findlay (1965). Their value for the power ranges from 0 to 3.

Vd = V (1 G ) .

The interesting point here is the trend of Vd at high G. This expression also indicates that
Vd 0 as G 1.0. Our simple linear model does not reproduce this behavior in that
limit. Further investigation of Vd in high volume fractions is therefore needed.

4.5.2. Further Investigation of Vd as G 1

Using the same data set, instead of applying our procedure to the entire range of volume
fractions, we now consider only the data at high G. The results for C0 and Vd when G
[0.95, 1.0] are shown in Fig. 4-22. C0 is seen to decrease from 1.05 to 1.0, which is
consistent with our previous observation. In this range of G, Vd now trends toward zero,
in contrast to the previous increasing trend. The comparison between the calculated and
experimental G displays a very high correlation. This shows that, although our previous
linear model for the entire range of G provided good global accuracy, it failed to capture
the correct behavior in limit G 1.0.

1.06 0.1

0. 08
V (m/s)

0. 06

0. 04

1 0. 02
0.94 0.96 0.98 1 0.94 0.96 0.98 1
60 1.2
Predicted G

40 1
V (m/s)

20 0.8
R2=0.9996 =0.9930

0 0.6
0 20 40 60 0.94 0.96 0.98 1
V (m/s) Experimental

Figure 4-22: Behavior of C0 and Vd at high G [0.95, 1.0] (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976),
air-water system, vertical flow, D=1.79 inch)

We now apply the same procedure to other inclination angles. In Fig. 4-23, similar
behavior is observed for upward and horizontal flows. However, we cannot infer from
this data where the inflection point in Vd should be --- for some data sets, we observe a
decreasing trend only for G > 0.95, while for other data sets, this behavior is observed
for G > 0.8.

Fig. 4-24 illustrates our results for downward flows. The trends are similar to those
observed in upward flow, though negative drift velocities occur for downward flow. This
is expected since drift velocity can be thought of as gas rise velocity.

0.25 0.4

(a)( a) =70 0.3 (b)
(b) =21
V (m/s)



0.05 -0.1
0.8 0.85 0.9 0. 95 1 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
G -3 G
x 10
0.3 8

(c) =0

0.2 6


0.1 4

0 2

-0.1 0
0.8 0.85 0.9 0. 95 1 0.94 0.96 0.98 1

Figure 4-23: Behavior of Vd at high G for upward and horizontal flows (Data: Spedding &
Nguyen (1976), air-water system, D=1.79 inch)

0.1 0.2

0 (a)
-6- 6 0 ==-20
(b) (b) - 20

V (m/s)
-0.1 -0.2

-0.2 -0.4

-0.3 -0.6
0.8 0.85 0.9 0. 95 1 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
0.5 0.2

= -68
- 68 0 =
(d)(d) - 90
= -90

V (m/s)



-1 -0.6
0.8 0.85 0.9 0. 95 1 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1

Figure 4-24: Behavior of Vd at high G for downward flows (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976),
air-water system, D=1.79 inch)

4.5.3. Effects of Inclination Angles on Vd

It is important to be able to predict the effect of pipe inclination angle on the drift
velocity. We demonstrated this effect in the range of high gas volume fractions in the
previous section. Hasan & Kabir (1999) developed a formula for the terminal gas rise
velocity for oil-water flow, which is valid for upward flow for 70 ( is measured
from vertical):
V = V cos (1 + sin ) ,

where V is the terminal gas rise velocity in vertical upward flow. We introduce a simple
extension of Hasan & Kabirs correlation for downward flow:
V = V cos (1 + sin ) ,

since a negative drift velocity is expected in downward flow.

In this work, we use the data of Spedding & Nguyen (1976) to compute the drift
velocities in each inclination. The dependency of Vd on inclination is shown in Fig. 4-25.

Note that Hasan & Kabirs correlation is for V , that is Vd as G approaches zero. Our

calculations use the data over the whole range of G. However, our result displays a trend
similar to that of Eq. (4-11). For downward flow, as discussed above, the fitting between
the predicted and experimental G is not very accurate so our parameters may be only
approximate in this range.

A more accurate way of investigating the influence of inclination is to calculate Vd in

several ranges of gas volume fraction, as shown in Fig. 4-26. In downward flow, the
intermittent flow regime is replaced by stratified flow, so only high gas volume fractions
are observed in downward flow. One observation we can make from Fig. 4-26 is that for
upward flow, the drift velocity does not depend strongly on G.

Hasan & Kabir, 1999

Hasan & Kabir, 1999: Extension to Downward Flow
this work
V d /V d @ vertical

0 45 90 135 180
Inclination Angles from Vertical

Figure 4-25: Vd in different inclination angles (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water
system, D=1.79 inch)

Hasan & Kabir, 1999 G [0, 0.2] G [0.2,0.4]
G [0.4,0.6] G [0.6,0.8] G [0.8,1.0]

V d /V d @ vertical




0 45 90 135 180 225
Inclination Angles from Vertical

Figure 4-26: Vd in different ranges of G in different inclination angles (Data: Spedding &
Nguyen (1976), air-water system, D=1.79 inch)

4.6. Evaluation of the Drift-Flux Model in Eclipse

The drift-flux model is used widely in reservoir simulators when the wellbore flow is
coupled with the reservoir flow. One example is in the Multi-Segment Well calculations
(Schlumberger GeoQuest, 2000) in Eclipse. Here, we use our data to evaluate the drift-
flux model in Eclipse. In the Eclipse formulation, C0 depends not only on G, but also on
VM. Vd is taken to be a function of G, VM and . The detailed description for the
development and formulation can be found in the Eclipse reference manual
(Schlumberger GeoQuest, 2000). Recall that our development only considers the
dependency of the parameters on G.

In Fig. 4-27, we plot the curve C0 vs. G using the Eclipse model. The lines with different
colors correspond to different mixture velocities VM. In Fig. 4-27(a), we see the mixture
velocity has a very strong effect on the value of C0. For example, when G is equal to 0.6,
increasing VM to 20 m/s makes C0 equal to 1.0. Although the velocity and concentration

profiles tend to distribute more uniformly at high flow rates, the high gas volume fraction
appears to have a stronger impact on the distribution profile. This is illustrated by the
value of C0 calculated from our data, shown as points in Fig. 4-27. For different ranges of
G, a constant value for C0 can be obtained, and the average G and average VM can also
be calculated. For the values for C0 associated with the three highest VM (19.7 m/s, 25.0
m/s and 38.6 m/s), we obtain C0 greater than 1 except when G is extremely close to 1. It
is demonstrated that C0 1 only when G 1, This is in contrast to the Eclipse model,
which shows a strong dependency on VM that forces the C0 curves to approach one

There are three user-definable parameters in the Eclipse model (A, B and Fv) that can be
used to adjust the value of C0. The parameter A is the value of C0 at low values of G and
VM. B is the value of the gas volume fraction at which C0 will reduce from the value A. Fv
adjusts the sensitivity of the C0 curve to the mixture velocity. In Fig. 4-27(b), we tune
these parameters to obtain a better match. Essentially, we modify the parameters to reduce
the effect of VM. The five curves corresponding to different mixture velocities now
collapse to a single curve. This shows that the impact of the mixture velocity is
overestimated for this data. However, it should be noted that this data is for pipes of
diameter 1-2 inches. It is possible that VM will have a greater effect on C0 for larger
diameter pipe.

The relationship between G and VM is demonstrated in Fig. 4-28, which is obtained in a

similar manner as Fig. 4-4 --- the average mixture velocity is computed in each flow
pattern. We see that the high volume fraction corresponds to high mixture velocity. This
relation is also displayed clearly in the flow pattern map in Fig. 4-7 --- the annular-mist
flow cannot be expected to occur in low flow rates. Therefore, G can be expected to
represent VM, suggesting that further dependency on VM is not required.

Fig. 4-29 displays the correlation for Vd used in Eclipse. The correction for dependency
is achieved using Hasan & Kabirs formula (Eq. (4-11)). The behavior of Vd at the
limiting values of G (G 0 and G 1) is consistent with our observations. The Vd

curve in Eclipse provides an alternative when a more complicated model is required,
rather than our simple linear model for Vd.

(a) A=1.2, B=0.3, Fv=1.0 (Default Values in Eclipse)


1.15 10.9m/s


1.05 25.0m/s

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

(b) A=1.225, B=0.4, Fv=0.6 (Modified Values in Eclipse)

1 .25

VM=0.72 m/s (Ec l)
VM=0.72 m/s (Exp)
1 .15 VM=1.77 m/s (Ec l)
VM=1.77 m/s (Exp)

VM=10.93 m/s (Ec l)

VM=10.93 m/s (Exp)
VM=19.66 m/s (Ec l)
VM=19.66 m/s (Exp)
VM=24.97 m/s (Ec l)
1 .05 VM=24.97 m/s (Exp)
VM=38.62 m/s (Ec l)
VM=38.62 m/s (Exp)
0 0.2 0.4 0 .6 0.8 1

Figure 4-27: Comparison of C0 between Eclipse correlation and calculated values for different
VM (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water system, vertical flow D=1.79 inch)


25 Annular


VM (m/s)

10 Churn

E. B./Slug Slug
E. B.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 4-28: Relation between G and VM (Data: Spedding & Nguyen (1976), air-water system,
vertical flow D=1.79 inch)





Vd (m/s)

VM =10.0(m/s)
0.2 V =20.0(m/s)
VM =30.0(m/s)
0.15 VM =40.0(m/s)
VM =50.0(m/s)
VM =60.0(m/s)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 4-29: Vd curve in Eclipse (air-water system, D=1.79 inch)

We now evaluate the correlation in Eclipse using our current data. The performance is
shown in Fig. 4-30. Fig. 4-30 (a) displays the comparison using default values in Eclipse,
while Fig. 4-30 (b) is that for the modified values suggested above. A noticeable
improvement is obtained at high gas volume fractions. This is due to the correction of C0
at high G, as indicated in Fig. 4-27.

In this chapter, we have shown that the drift-flux model parameters (C0 and Vd) have a
strong dependency on flow regimes. It was also illustrated that G is a good indicator of
the flow pattern. Based on this observation, a method was proposed to model the two
parameters C0 and Vd as functions of G. Although satisfactory prediction results were
obtained, our linear model for Vd does not incorporate the physical behavior of Vd over
the entire range of G. Using our data, the drift-flux model used in Eclipse was evaluated.
We found that the effects of the mixture velocity VM are overestimated in the model. A
modification was suggested to reduce the effects of VM, and the resulting predictions
show an improvement at high gas volume fraction.


(a) Eclipse Default Values


Eclipse Predicted





0.2 =0.8912


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

(b) Eclipse Modifiled Values


Eclipse Predicted





0.2 =0.9083


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 4-30: Performance of the drift-flux model correlation in Eclipse (Data: SU66, Govier et
al. (1957), air-water system, vertical flow, D=1.02 inch)

Chapter 5

5. Conclusions and Future Work

5.1. Summary and Conclusions

This work addressed the modeling of two-phase gas liquid flow in pipes. It included
discussions of the flow pattern transition predictions in mechanistic models, and a
detailed determination of the drift-flux model parameters.

The Petalas & Aziz (1998) mechanistic model was evaluated in terms of its ability to
predict flow pattern transitions. Based on the data considered, this model provided
acceptable transition predictions and exhibited reasonable trends for fluid property
variations. However, the transition to dispersed bubble flow and the transition between
stratified flow and intermittent flow can be improved.

Other transition criteria were compared with experimental data. The mechanism for the
transition to dispersed bubble flow is considered to be the turbulent fluctuation forces
breaking up the gas phase into dispersed bubbles. Among the models developed from this
mechanism, Barneas (1986) model gave the most accurate result. The Petalas & Aziz
(1998) model is based on the liquid volume fraction in the slug. It provides correct trends,
but the critical value used in the model requires some tuning.

For the transition from intermittent flow to annular-mist flow, the holdup based transition
criterion (G > 0.75) can provide reasonable transition boundaries. Its accuracy, however,
may rely on the correlations used to calculate the in situ gas volume fraction. The same
kind of problem was investigated in the transitions for stratified flow. Although, a
Kelvin-Helmholtz wave stability analysis is well-established for this transition, we
showed that the interfacial friction factor has a strong effect on the transition. The simple
approximation fi=fwG is recommended for the flow pattern prediction.

The drift-flux model is a simple but useful way of calculating the holdup. The use of
appropriate values for C0 and Vd determines the accuracy of this model. It was observed
that this model may be applied to all flow patterns, and that flow patterns have a strong
impact on the values for C0 and Vd. A method was proposed to develop correlations for
C0 and Vd in which both C0 and Vd are functions of G. This is reasonable since G was
shown to approximately represent the flow pattern information. The two parameters were
determined by directly minimizing the errors between the experimental and the estimated
G. Compared to the previous approach, minimizing the objective function of the actual
gas velocity, significant improvement was achieved. The performance of the drift-flux
correlations in Eclipse was also evaluated using the current data. We showed that the
effect of the mixture velocity is overestimated in the Eclipse model, and specific user-
definable parameters were suggested to improve the prediction of G at high gas volume

The resulting C0, which has a value close to 1 at high G, is consistent with its physical
meaning. However, our simple linear model for Vd does not account for the physical
behavior of Vd as G 1. A more realistic model is needed to capture behavior in this
limit correctly.

5.2. Recommendations for Future Work

The Stanford Multiphase Flow Database contains mainly data on air-water systems in
small (1-2 inch) diameter pipes. The extension of the experimental database to other
fluids and larger pipes will allow us to extend our models to a wider range of conditions.

The development of new models should be based on the actual mechanisms behind the
flow pattern transitions. Although the effects of fluid properties were shown in this work
not to be as significant as that of inclination angle, the examination of fluid property
variations can be a way of investigating new mechanisms. In both Chapter 3 and Chapter
4, we showed that volume fractions indicate flow patterns. Therefore, the holdup based
transition prediction is reasonable. This may allow us to eliminate discontinuities in
holdup calculations in the mechanistic model.

As shown, even in a mechanistic model, a large number of empirical correlations are
required. The accuracy of these correlations will affect the performance of the
mechanistic model. However, future research in this field should not entail only the
addition of new correlations to this already crowded list. Rather, new correlations should
be based on clear underlying physical phenomena.

The extension of drift-flux modeling is a promising research area. The drift-flux model
needs to be further assessed for horizontal flow and downward flow, where the stratified
flow pattern occurs. The method proposed in this work can be applied to a variety of
other conditions. However, before it is generalized to wider conditions, the behavior of Vd
as G 1 should be further studied. The linear model should also be extended --- one
way of doing this is to apply the procedure developed here in different ranges of G. The
flow pattern information could be used to determine the appropriate ranges. The
dependency of Vd on is another problem that deserves further attention. Improvement of
the drift-flux model along the lines described here will ultimately result in more accurate
well models in reservoir simulators.


A = Pipe cross sectional area

C = Input volume fraction
C0 = Distribution parameter, profile parameter
d = Size of gas bubble
db = Bubble diameter
D = Pipe internal diameter
ES = Surface free energy due to surface tension
ET = Turbulent kinetic energy
f = Friction factor
fwG = Gas/wall friction factor
fwL = Liquid/wall friction factor
FB = Buoyant force
Fr = Froude number
FT = Turbulent force
g = Gravitational acceleration
hL = Liquid height
p = Pressure
Q = Volumetric flow rate
Re = Reynolds number
S = Pipe perimeter
v = Fluctuation of velocity
Vd = Drift velocity of gas
VG = Actual gas velocity
VL = Actual liquid velocity
VSG = Superficial gas velocity
VSL = Superficial liquid velocity
VSL, = Superficial velocity of the liquid film

VM = Volumetric flux of the mixture
V = Terminal gas rise velocity in vertical flow

V = Terminal gas rise velocity in inclined pipe

x = Axial coordinate in pipe

Greek Letters

= In situ volume fraction

L,s = Liquid volume fraction in the liquid slug
= Dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy
= Pipe inclination angle (measured from horizontal)
= Pipe inclination angle (measured from vertical)
= Dynamic fluid viscosity
= Kinematic fluid viscosity
= Fluid density
= Interfacial tension/surface tension
i = Interfacial friction shear stress
wG = Gas/wall friction shear stress
wL = Liquid/wall friction shear stress


G = Gas phase
L = Liquid phase
i = Interfacial


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Appendix A

A. Experimental Data

A.1 New Data Input

Table A-1 summarizes the data used that is not in the Stanford Multiphase Flow
Database. Shohams (1982) data and Kokal & Stanislavs (1987) data are used in the
evaluation of transition models, while the data of Weisman et al. (1979) are used for the
investigation of the influence of fluid properties on flow pattern transitions. We utilize
data from Chen & Spedding (1979) and Franca & Lahey (1992) to test the correlations for
drift flux model parameters.

Table A-1: Summary of New Data

Observation of

Data Source Inclination ID Gas- Flow Holdup Pressure

Angles (Inches) Liquid Pattern Drop

Shoham (1982) 0, 10, -10, 0.98, Air- Yes No No

90, -90 2.01

Chen & Spedding 0 1.79 Air- Yes Yes Yes

(1979) water

Franca & Lahey 0 0.75 Air- Yes Yes No

(1992) water

Kokal & Stanislay 0, 9, -9 1.02, 2.02 Air- Yes No No

(1987) water

Weisman et al. 0 1.0 * Yes No No



* Indicates several other fluids were used. See Table 3-1 for details.

A.2 Correction for Dataset SU199 ~ SU209

Datasets SU199~SU209 (data source: Spedding & Nguyen, 1976) in the Stanford
Multiphase Flow Database cover the whole range of pipe inclinations and include
information on pressure drop and holdup. Therefore, this is a valuable data source for
model development and evaluation. However, we found some inconsistencies during our
use of this data. Fig. A-1 shows an example of the flow pattern map for = 70 D , in which
some data points are reported as stratified flow. As discussed in Chapter 2, stratified flow
does not exist when the inclination angle is above 15 D . Instead, intermittent flow would
be expected for upward flow.

Another error is the region of dispersed bubble flow. Although this flow pattern is found
in a wide range of pipe inclinations, it usually occurs in the region of high liquid flow
rates, where the turbulent fluctuations break up the bubbles. Apparently, the dispersed
bubble flow in Fig. A-1 was mislabeled. Unlike the measurement of pressure drop and
holdup, the determination of flow patterns is somewhat subjective. Although there are a
lot of advances in the detection techniques of flow patterns, flow pattern information is
usually determined through visual observation of the recorded video images. Different
interpretations and different flow pattern terms may lead to some inconsistencies. Errors
can also occur when the data are input to the database.

The original report (Spedding & Nguyen (1976)) was found and the data were corrected.
The flow pattern determination in the original work was based on visual observations,
with a tendency to include as many flow pattern descriptions as possible. There are 26
terms used for descriptions, among which 17 are the major ones. In Shohams work
(1982), he compared his observations with those of Spedding & Nguyen and combined
some of the terms used. Based on the schematic pictures shown in the initial report and
observations by Shoham, further combination (See Table A-2) was made to generate

reasonable flow pattern maps. The flow patterns described in Chapter 2 and some
additional transitional flow patterns were used.


10 Elongated bubble
1 Annular-mist
V SL (ft/s)

0.1 Stratified smooth
Stratified wavy
0.01 Dispersed bubble

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s)

Figure A-1: Flow pattern map for Spedding & Nguyen (1976) data before correction (=70, air-
water, D=1.79 inch)

Table A-2: Combination of Flow Pattern Information for Datasets SU199-SU209

Flow Patterns Flow Patterns Flow Patterns

by Spedding & Nguyen (1976) by Shoham (1982) in this work

1 Stratified Stratified smooth Stratified smooth

2 Stratified + ripple Stratified wavy Stratified wavy

3 Stratified + inertial wave Stratified wavy Stratified wavy

4 Stratified + roll wave Wavy annular Wavy annular

5 Annular Annular Annular

6 Annular + roll wave Annular Annular

7 Annular + ripple Annular Annular

8 Droplet Annular-mist Annular-mist

9 Annular + blow through slug Annular-mist Annular-mist

10 Annular + droplet Annular-mist Annular-mist

11 Film + droplet Annular-mist Annular-mist

12 Pulsating froth Churn Churn

13 Annular +slug Churn Churn

14 Slug Slug Slug

15 Slug + froth blow through slug Slug Slug

16 Bubble Slug Slug

17 Bubble/Slug Elongated bubble Elongated bubble

18 Bubble/Froth Elong-Bub/Slug Elong-Bub/Slug

19 Slug/Annular Elong-Bub/Churn Elong-Bub/Slug

20 STR/BTS Slug/Annular Wavy annular

21 Slug/BTS STR/Slug Wavy annular

22 STR/Slug Slug Wavy annular

23 Slug/Bubble STR/Slug Wavy annular

24 Bubble/Droplet Slug/Elong-Bub Elong-Bub/Slug

25 STR/Droplet Elong-Bub/Annular Elong-Bub/Slug

26 Annular/IWA STR/Annular Wavy annular

27 Annular/STR Annular/STR

Note: For the abbreviations used in the above table, refer to the report of Spedding &
Nguyen (1976).

Some remarks about the above table:

We grouped the flow patterns of Elongated bubble/Slug, Slug/Elongated bubble and
Elongated bubble/Froth together into one flow pattern: Elongated bubble/Slug flow.
The transition between slug flow and elongated bubble flow is not important, since
the calculations of pressure drop and holdup in these two regimes are the same.

There are few data points described as STR/Droplet, STR/BTS, Slug/Annular and
STR/Annular. In this work, all these are interpreted as Wavy Annular, in which
most of the liquid flows as a film at the bottom of the pipe while aerated unstable
waves are swept around the pipe periphery and wet the upper wall occasionally
(Shoham, 1982). This is a transitional zone among the annular-mist flow, stratified
wavy flow and churn flow. Since the flow pattern transitions take place gradually, the
existence of this transitional zone is reasonable.

Even after our further combination, there are still some data points which appear to be
in error. In upward flow of 21D , 45D and 70D , there are points designated stratified
wavy flow. We changed these to wavy annular flow.

For downward flow of 90D , the data in the original report is incomplete. Thus the
flow pattern information for this inclination angle was not corrected.

Fig. A-2 presents the flow pattern map corresponding to Fig. A-1 after the grouping and
correction described above. Similar to vertical flow, the main flow patterns are elongated
bubble flow, slug flow, churn flow and annular-mist flow.


1 Churn
V SL(ft/s)

Elongated bubble
Wavy annular

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
VSG (ft/s)

Figure A-2: Flow pattern map for Spedding & Nguyen (1976) data after correction (=70, air-
water, D=1.79 inch)


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