Thesis Abdi Jihad

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Validate results of river bends

modelled by Delft3D 4 Suite and

D-Flow FM
Additional master thesis


Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geo sciences

Delft University of Technology
the Netherlands
This report is the result of an additional thesis, executed at Deltares. The research is part of the master
program Hydraulic Engineering at the Technical University Delft and belongs to the specialization River
Engineering. I have done this for more insight into that specific part of Civil Engineering.

In this report, one can read about the validation of Deltares morphological modelling programs,
Delft3D 4 Suite and its successor D-Flow FM with a structured and unstructured mesh on sharp bends.
This is validated using laboratory flume results from the Delft Hydraulic Laboratory and the Laboratory
of Fluid Mechanics. Also the di↵erences between the two modelling programs are mentioned. By vali-
dating the model it is possible to test the improvements made over the last years, and -with the right
parameters - the ability to make realistic predictions.

This subject was introduced by Kees Slo↵ and Willem Ottevanger of the department River Engineer-
ing of Deltares. They are continuously busy with the improvement and implementations of these kinds
of models. I am grateful that Deltares gave me the opportunity to do research at such a beautiful and
helpful location as Deltares and to have a little more insight about all the kinds of projects Deltares is
working on. I am especially thankful for the help of Willem Ottevanger, who was always kind and patient.

The use of rivers for navigation and the increased human activity along their banks generally requires
river control and improvement measures. Most rivers have a natural tendency for continuous change
of alignment, e.g. meandering and braiding rivers. Construction of bridges, towns, berths, etc. have
required fixation of the river alignment at many places, changing the natural morphology of the rivers.
This might lead to bank erosion, erosion around bridge pillars, sedimentation of navigation channels, etc.
Adequate measures against this requires a reliable prediction of the morphological changes.
For simulating the morphological e↵ects in bends there are two di↵erent major factors involved that
have been described by several scientists: bed slope e↵ects and spiral flow. For modelling morphological
development of a river bend several tests have been done on two di↵erent cases that have been researched
in a laboratory flume (Delft Hydraulics Laboratory (DHL) and Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics (LFM))
in the 80s. In this research the e↵ects of the major characteristics on the bed development of the bend
are examined. This has been done by varying the di↵erent input parameters that have influence on the
secondary flow and the bed slope e↵ects. Subsequently the varied input files are used to model the same
bend with Delft3D 4 Suite, D-Flow FM with an unstructured grid and D-Flow FM with a structured
grid. In this way the di↵erences are shown between the di↵erent kinds of modelling of the same input

The parameters that have been tuned are Ash , Bsh and Csh for the bedload transport factor that
is influencing the bed slope e↵ect. The other parameter is Espir that influence the amount of spiral
flow in a bend. The last is ↵cal that is a multiplication factor in the sediment transport formula from
Engelund-Hansen in Delft3D 4 Suite. After optimising these parameters it was not possible to reproduce
the flume experiments. Reason for this is probably a simplification in the numerical calculation because
with similar parameters of Struiksmas modulation [6] in 1985, which reproduce the flume well, it was still
not possible.
To improve the reliability of the model it is recommended to study the following aspects:

• Improvement of the inflow boundary conditions, to improve the way in which water and sediment
flows into the system.
• Improvement of the numerical modelling, to create a model that can simulate the characteristics of
the river bed in a better way.

• Look for test cases which are close to reality to see if the updates in the model are truly simulating
the reality.
By improving these points, the morphological changes might be predicted in a better way than it is in
the current situation. Also it will be possible to have less crashes during the run of simulations.

1 Introduction 1

2 Theory 2
2.1 Physical and theoretical background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Computational understanding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3 Results 5
3.1 Simulations and reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1.1 LFM-test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1.2 DHL-test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2 Comparison of di↵erent models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.1 With all functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2.2 E↵ect of Spiral Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2.3 E↵ect of Espir for spiral flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2.4 E↵ect of Slope E↵ects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2.5 E↵ect of the bedload transport factor for the bed slope formulation . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2.6 E↵ect the calibration factor in sediment formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

4 Analyses 23

5 Conclusion 25

6 Recommendation 27

1 Introduction
To enable delta life Deltares has developed modelling software to describe and predict the direction and
values of water, waves, sediment and morphology. It started with di↵erent models for di↵erent purposes
and cases but slowly the functionalities of the di↵erent models were integrated. The most common ver-
sion for two- and three-dimensional simulation of free surface water environment from Deltares is now
Delft3D 4 Suite. To keep up with the latest techniques Deltares introduced D-Flow Flexible Mesh. This
successor of Delft3D 4 Suite is capable of modelling with di↵erent shapes of grid cells besides modelling
with curvilinear grids. Now is it possible to connect the familiar curvilinear meshes with the unstructured
grid of triangles, pentagons and simple 1D channel networks, all in one single mesh. The advantages of
this mesh are more modelling flexibility, decreased computational time and increased accuracy.

The new version creates di↵erent solutions compared to the Delft3D 4 Suite version because of a dif-
ferent calculation method. Deltares has existing models of large coastal, delta and river areas operational
in the previous grid that have to work similar or better in the new flexible mesh. For that reason some
research about the di↵erences in the way of modelling is interesting. With some basic and fast calculating
cases it is possible to test D-Flow FM latest settings with Delft3D 4 Suite results on irregularities and
errors. The model can also be compared with tests done in laboratories, so model results can be tested
on their quality of simulating reality. By removing errors on this small scale the total model can be
improved on a larger scale.

In this additional thesis the di↵erent outcomes of specific modelling cases are researched. Besides has
been tried to give explanations for these di↵erences. In order to reduce the scope of this research, it
focusses on the di↵erences of Delft3D 4 Suite and D-Flow FM. Di↵erences between Delft3D 4 Suite and
D-Flow FM will be discussed for the following subjects:
• Helical flow (Secondary flow in transverse direction)
• Gravitational bed slope e↵ects
The balance of forces associated to these two processes have to be in equilibrium to obtain a stable
river bend. Hence, they are important for predicting the river course. After finding and describing the
di↵erent ways of calculating those variables on simple cases it is possible to find out what these e↵ects
are on larger rivers, with more difficult systems. This forms the basis of this research and is therefore
translated into the research question. During this additional thesis answers need to be found to this
question. The research question is as follows:
How do secondary flow and slope e↵ects influence the transverse river bed profiles in the D-Flow
Flexible Mesh model compared to the older Delft3D 4 Suite model?
Those di↵erences can arise due to di↵erent numerical calculations on di↵erent types of grids. To
explain those di↵erences, more insight is needed about the working of the grid and the computational
processes. In addition, the ongoing hydraulically processes are important and need to be understood, as
well as the relation between the variables. To find di↵erences between the models, the same cases can be
calculated with the di↵erent models and subsequently the variables can be plotted next to each other. It
is possible to compare the outcomes of the following software:
• Delft3D 4 Suite
• D-FLOW FM with a structured mesh
• D-FLOW FM with an unstructured mesh
In this additional thesis di↵erences have to be found, analysed and solved if possible. Research is
done to find a simulation that reproduce two di↵erent kinds of flume experiments in the best way. The
two cases used are from a sharp river bend which is a replica of the experiment that is done in 1980 in
the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics (LFM), to support research of Koch and an experiment of the Delft
Hydraulics laboratory with a less sharp angle. To find the best reproductions of the flume experiment
the inflow boundaries, grids and parameters for the sediment transport formula, secondary process and
bed slope are changed.

2 Theory
The use of rivers for navigation and the increased human activity along their banks generally requires
river control and improvement measures. Most rivers have a natural tendency for continuous change
of alignment, e.g. meandering and braiding rivers. Construction of bridges, towns, berths, etc. have
required fixation of the river alignment at many places, changing the natural morphology of the rivers.
This can give rise to bank erosion, erosion around bridge pillars, sedimentation of navigation channels,
etc. Adequate measures against this require a reliable prediction of the morphological changes.

2.1 Physical and theoretical background

River bends have tendency to start meandering, point bars arise on the inner bend and pools on the
outer side. The deformation of a river bend is influenced by the interaction between the turbulent water
motion and the sand particles [6]. Some time it was assumed that only the local conditions -such as
water depth, bed shear stress, bend curvature and sediment properties- influenced the bed deformations.
These parameters e↵ect the balance that is created between up slope drag force by the spiral flow and the
down slope gravitational force. Struiksma [6] assumed that this approach was too simple since non-local
redistribution of flow and sediment e↵ect the bed slope as well. Struiksma suggested that the lateral bed
slope in a bend is also influenced by transitional e↵ects due to di↵erences in the conditions upstream
and in the bend. This means that a significant part of the lateral bed slope is due to an overshoot e↵ect
induced by the redistribution of the water and sediment motion in the first part of the bend. [5]

The equilibrium bed topography of laboratory flumes and river bends with a simple geometry can
be explained quantitatively on the basis of a linear analysis of the mathematical model for the steady
state ( zyb = 0) . The basic linear analysis is derived from straight rivers. This simplification provides a
simple zero-order solution while the ruling phenomena are almost the same when curves are gentle. The
magnitude of the bed and flow disturbance at the entrance to a circular bend can be estimated by the
di↵erence between the zero-order solution of the straight reach and the bend.
zb h
= Afs (1)
y R
In which A is the spiral flow coefficient, fs the slope factor of grains, h the water depth, R the radius
of the streamlines. The left side of the equation is the slope of the bed level in lateral direction. In this
linear analysis the secondary flow inertia is neglected because the wavelength of the bed deformation is
longer than the relaxation length of the secondary flow. Following, the longitudinal sediment transport
rate is expected to be independent to the bed slope, which is permitted when the longitudinal slopes are
small. For steady flow conditions the equilibrium bed level can be obtained when the sediment transport
normal to the flow direction is zero. The normal flow sediment transport vanishes when the transversal
component of the gravity force is compensated by the bottom shear force normal to the flow direction.
This shear force depends completely on the way in which the spiral motion has been introduced [2].

The linear solution of the mathematical model is used to analyse the development of alternating bars
and meanders in alluvial channels [5]. This analysis leads to the conclusion that the linear stability analy-
sis, which often has been used to explain the development of meanders, only applies to fast migrating bed
forms of the alternating bar type. Meanders migrate with a speed negligible compared to the celerity of
bars predicted by the mathematical model. This implies that a steady state analysis applies to meanders.
Results of a steady state analysis of the linear mathematical model are in fair agreement with meander
lengths measured in natural rivers.

Lateral distribution of the flow and the sediment transport are highly significant for the bed de-
velopment (wave length and damping) downstream of a local bed and/or flow disturbance. Change of
curvature, for example by a river bend, can be considered as a bed level and flow disturbance caused by
the change of secondary flow which tends to change the lateral bed slope [6].

When bends are curved more strongly, some first-order analysis is involved. This is done by superim-
posing small perturbations into the zero-order equation. By adding the perturbations to and removing

the second or higher order terms from the mathematical model the linear model is obtained.
The perturbation of the spatial depth is assumed to be harmonic and given by:

h0 = ĥei(kx+kw y) (2)

• ĥ is a complex number in which the absolute value gives the amplitude and the modulus the phase
• i= 1
• kw is the wave number in lateral direction
• k is the wave number in longitudinal direction
Inserting this harmonic perturbation into the linearised equation of the mathematical model results in
a polynomial from which the wave number k can be obtained. This polynomial has two imaginary roots of
di↵erent sign, in which the negative part causes the exponentially growing perturbation and the positive
root cause damping. The growing perturbation vanishes due to the downstream boundary conditions.
The damping perturbation, which is generally large, will damp out quickly and only be visible close to the
inflow boundary. The complex roots are mainly dependent on the ratio between the adaptation length
of the bed topography and main flow s / w [6].

In this way the bed topography in a long bend is described as a damped oscillation of the transverse
bed slope, what physically can be explained by redistribution e↵ects of flow and sediment. Behind the
bend entrance the spiral flow will a↵ect the lateral bed slope where the flow gradually to adepts. This
redistribution of flow will again initiate pronounced sediment transport due to non-linear dependence of
the sediment transport on main flow velocity. This implies that transverse sediment transport occurs
which only can be established by an increase of the transverse bed slope (overshoot). The damped oscu-
lation is established due to this bed overshoot. This causes an overshoot of the flow velocity which will
reverse the sediment redistribution process [5].

Thanks to the linear analysis , it can be found which parameters has large influence on the equilibrium
state. The reach upstream of the entrance is influenced by the exponential growing part of the solution,
i.e. the negative imaginary root of the equation. Subsequently, at the downstream side of the entrance,
only the exponential damping and the two harmonic parts influence the solution. The power b of flow
velocity (equal to five in the Engelund-Hansen equation) has large influence on the damping of waves.
Increasing b results in less damping, longer waves for small values of ws and shorter waves for large values
of ws . In addition a calibration factor has to be introduced to obtain a realistic wave length and damping.

After comparing the experiments from the laboratory flumes with the mathematical model, it was
found that two calibration coefficients that influence the model strongly. These coefficients have no rel-
evant physical ground. The first coefficient shifts the main flow to the outer bank, and so allows better
simulation of the flow velocities. It can be considered as the convective influence of spiral flow on the
main flow. According to the linear analysis an increase of the lateral gradient of the velocity can lead to
a larger height of the point bar. The lateral velocity has large e↵ect on the simulated results , so it is
important to be similar to the laboratory experiments. The lateral velocity gradient is influenced by a
non-uniform distribution of the Ch/’ezy coefficient and/or the spiral motion on the main flow.

The second coefficient influences the direction of the sediment transport with reference to the main
flow direction. This is in fact the whole sediment model that contains uncertainties. In the Engelund-
Hansen formula that is used in this model, the sediment transport varies with the velocity to a constant
power. However this is not for all sediment-transport formulas the case. The linear analysis shows that
the wavelength damping rates are quite sensitive to changes of this exponent. This also holds for changes
in the angle between the direction of sediment transport and the direction of the depth averaged velocity.

2.2 Computational understanding
To predict the topography of the river channel a mathematical model of the flow and sediment motion is
used. This model is able to simulate reality in a computational manner what is less expensive than using
for instance a physical-based laboratory scale model. To validate the mathematical model the results
are compared with bed topographies of laboratory flumes. The laboratory equilibrium bed levels are
quantitatively explainable with a linear analysis of the mathematical model. Besides, the linear analysis
provides a good estimation for validating simple river equilibrium bed topography, contour and meander
length estimation [6].

The flow in a river is three-dimensional, especially when there are bends which induce a spiral motion.
Using a 3-D mathematical model of such flow requires much time and cost for repeated time-dependent
morphological computations. For this reason depth-averaged equations are used to describe the flow.
These equations are often applied to shallow flows, like rivers [4]. In this case the two-dimensional grid
contains information about the depth and velocities of the simulated area.

The numerical method of Delft3D 4 Suite is based on finite di↵erences [1]. To discretise the 3D shallow
water equations in space, a curvilinear grid covers the model area. It is assumed that the grid is orthogonal
and well structured. The numerical grid transformation is implicitly known by the mapping of the co-
ordinates of the grid vertices from the physical to the computational space. The primitive variables water
level and velocity (u, v, w) describe the flow. To discretise the 3D shallow water equations, the variables
are arranged in a special way on the grid, see figure 1. The pattern is called a staggered grid. This
particular arrangement of the variables is called the Arakawa C-grid. The water level points (pressure
points) are defined in the centre of a (continuity) cell. The velocity components are perpendicular to
the grid cell faces where they are situated. Staggered grids have several advantages such as: Boundary
conditions can be implemented in a rather simple way. It is possible to use a smaller number of discrete
state variables in comparison with discretisations on non-staggered grids, to obtain the same accuracy.
However, the staggering (and mapping) of the di↵erent variables introduces some numerical di↵usion on
the simulated morphology.

Figure 1: A staggered grid

3 Results
In the last chapter we have analysed the influences of di↵erent parameters on the bed slope of a river
bend. Several variables are made higher, lower or turned o↵. In this chapter the di↵erences or similarities
between the di↵erent models and between the models and reality are shown.

3.1 Simulations and reality

The outcomes of the models can be validated with the results of experiments in laboratory flumes. These
experiments are done in the 80s by the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics (LFM) curved channels and by
the Delft Hydraulics Laboratory (DHL). The depth profile of these experiments can be compared with
the graphs of the models. By adjusting some parameters it was tried to find a good match with reality.
Then it was also tried to find an explanation for the found di↵erences.

In the first experiment this model is based on an experiment that is executed by the LFM in four
years before 1980 by Sutmuller, A.M. and Glerum, H.L. [7]. The research was part of Applied science
water management rivers. It had the purpose to develop a numerical 3-dimensional water motion model,
sediment transport model and make observations in models and prototypes to test the numerical models.
Until then the research had contributed to publications of de Vriend (1976) and Koch (1980). The curved
model was first used with a fixed bottom to research water flow and sediment transport models. Later
tests started with a movable bottom of sand. The bend had a curvature of 180 degrees, a radius of 4.25
m and a width of 1.7 m. Other parameters and variables that follow out of those experiments are stated
below in table 1.

Table 1: Parameters of the LFM and DHL curved flume

Variable LFM DHL (T2)

discharge Q (m3 /s) 0.17 0.061
Flume width B (m) 1.7 1.5
Water depth h (m) 0.20 0.1
Flow velocity u (m/s) 0.5 0.41
water surface slope is (h) 1.8 2.03
Chézy coefficient C (m 2 /s) 26.4 28.8
medium grain size D50 (mm) 0.78 0.45
gradation parameter g ( ) 1.15 1.19
sediment transport st (m2 /s) 13.10 6
6.9.10 6
Bend radius Rc (m) 4.25 12
Bend length Lc (m) 13.35 29.32
Froude number F ( ) 0.36 0.41
Shield parameter ( ) 0.28 0.27
- Lc /B ( ) 7.85 19.55
- B/h ( ) 8.5 15.00
- B/Rc ( ) 0.40 0.13

Later in this research the DHL experiment was added to compare simulation results with the flume
graphs. The research of the DHL consisted out of several tests with di↵erent parameters like water depth
and sediment input. For this experiment, in 1985 already a simulation was done to reproduce the flume
experiment. It is interesting if the new model can do the same modelling as it did in 1985. For this
experiment a grid has been used with less lateral cells but with comparable dimensions.

The model was targeting Dutch rivers, so only bed load transport is considered significant, Froude
numbers have to be small and bed forms have small influence compared to the influence of the bend. For
the LFM-test 6 samples were tested. The first three were needed for testing and optimising the set-up,
and the final three samples were distinctive in the amount of hours they were running and amount of
sediment transport input. During the last three tests it appeared that the bed forms had more influence
on the water flow than expected [7]. The length of the last three test were respectively 368, 1,204 and

2,124 hours (15.3, 50.2 and 88.5 days). In a straight flume the equilibrium position of the bed is reached
at the moment that the sediment input during some time is the same as the sediment output over that
same time. Due to the changing bed form over time the equilibrium time needs to be chosen such that
it exclude the time dependent character. This is the same case for river bends where the sediment input
over time needs to be the same as the output over time. This however does not always implies a static
bed level. This bed level can always change over time [7]. On the first test it has been concluded that
after 368 the equilibrium shape was not reached. For test 5 and 6 was concluded that the equilibrium
was reached after 700 hours of flow.

The tests started with running the cases from the test bank of Deltares. But since this example
has no physical experiments, with which it can be validated, the parameters have been changed to the
parameters of table 1 also used by the LFM curved flume. For this case an extra boundary condition
was added, namely the sediment transport that enters the upstream boundary. With this condition also
a restart file is needed because otherwise the imported sediment flow would e↵ected by the static water
in the river bend. With the restart-file it is possible to start the simulation with an already flowing river,
so the sediment can easier mix with the water. By setting the parameters of the test bank the same as
the ones of the experiment in the lab, the results of the simulations can be validated. This is presented
in the following section.

3.1.1 LFM-test
Koch The sharp bend tests in the LFM-flume before 1980 have already been simulated by Koch and
Flokstra in 1980. At that time they were able to simulate the observed order of magnitude of the bed level
variation quite well. The model results were however quite symmetrical while the flume results have a
more asymmetric character. It is assumed that the asymmetry of the bed topography was not reproduced
due to limited description of spiral motion following their own conclusions. [2]. The parameters used for
this old simulation have not been noted so it is not possible to redo the test with the present model. The
results of the model simulations are therefore compared with the flume results in a descriptive manner.
The model results are showed in a graph with the longitudinal flow velocity and bottom depth. These
graphs do not include the flume results. It is found that model II is most similar to the real situation, so
this information can be used to give an impression of the expected bed shape.

Figure 2: velocity Koch modelling

Figure 3: bed level Koch modelling

Struiksma In 1985 Struiksma researched the non-local e↵ects on the lateral bed slope and compared
those on di↵erent bends with varying radius. He found that the dimensions of the point bar play a
significant role in determining the arc length of a river. According to this, the river bend which is discussed
here belongs to the more sharp turns and is supposed to have only one clear point bar and pool length
similar to the bend length. But because the width/depth ratio in this case is low, this e↵ect disappears
and the river bed shape becomes similar to the river bends with longer radius. Struiksma simulated
several bends and mentioned the bend of the LFM laboratory but did not simulate this particular bend.
In this thesis is tried to simulate the other bends by using the same parameters as for the LFM bend
research. In the simulations the parameters of table 1 are used and the additional parameters that have
been used for the Koch equation. Those parameters are not clearly defined with an Ashield , Bshield and
Espir . There are however other values given like a factor fs , an ✏ which is a coefficient in the sediment
transport formula and a for the spiral flow inertia model. Besides, Struiksma speaks about a spiral flow
intensity factor I, but is not further described or valued. Koch created the formula that formulated the
way that sediment is transported on a transverse slope which is also used in the Struiksma’s research,
see equation 3.
1 zb
sin '⌧ + fs ✓ y
tan 's = 1 zb
cos '⌧ + fs ✓ x

In which '⌧ is the original direction of the sediment transport including the secondary e↵ects and
's is the final direction the sediment will go, including both secondary flow and bed slope e↵ects. f (✓)
Di Di Dsh
f (✓) = Ash ✓Bsh ( )Csh ( ) (4)
h Dm
The last part of the formula with Csh and Dsh are later added to involve the e↵ects of aggregated
sediments. The e↵ect of this is not taken into account. Since it is given that the f (✓) is 1.5, the Ash and
Bsh can be determined. To create a similar formula as equation (3) the factors Ash and Bsh needs to
be 1.5 and 1 respectively. For the Espir is chosen to start with 1 because this is standard in Delft3D 4
Suite. It is the factor to increase the e↵ect if spiral-flow intensity on the transverse slope formula. The

Espir is used to calculate the ↵I in the bed-load transport direction (tan '⌧ ) which is:

v ↵I Uu Is
tan '⌧ = (5)
u ↵I Uv Is

This ↵I is similar to the A parameter that is used in the Struiksma simulations [6] plus Espir added and
is: p
2 1 g
↵I = 2 Es (1 ) (6)
 2 C
This formulates the direction that results of a stream in longitudinal u and transverse v direction
minus the e↵ects of the secondary flow times the scale of the flow (u/U , v/U in which U is the depth
averaged velocity). But the simulations that are done with Espir =1 to reproduce the Struiksma formula
do not fit the experimental results. Therefore is the Espir set to 0.4, what has been found iterative.
Chézy is in the formula as well but will be kept constant.

Figure 4: Bed levels bend for structured and unstructured grid [dflowfm-x64-]
STRUC 0.2 B out of inside bend
STRUC 0.2 B out of outside bend
STRUC middle of the bend
UNSTRUC 0.2 B out of inside bend
UNSTRUC 0.2 B out of outside bend
UNSTRUC middle of the bend


Bed level (m) →





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance in bend/width (-) →

From this figure can be distracted that the mean bed level is increased with 5 cm during the run.
This is di↵erent with the expectations from Koch displayed in figure 3. It is also found that the results,
compared with the ratios of the LFM flume from Struiksma are not in the same shape, as shown in figure

Figure 5: dimensionless depth profiles river bend [dflowfm-x64-]
0 0 Inside bend [linux #48062] Version with struc grid
Outside bend [linux #48062] Version with struc grid
Middle bend [linux #48062] Version with struc grid
0.2 0.2

0.4 0.4

0.6 0.6

0.8 0.8

1 1

1.2 1.2

1.4 1.4

1.6 1.6

1.8 1.8

2 2
0 5 10 0 5 10
Also can the cross sections of the bed level on several places in 15
the bend be used to20 compare the
simulation with the flume results. Each parameter has a di↵erent e↵ect on the equilibrium bed slope. In
the figure below bed levels are plotted together with the equilibrium bed levels following from the LFM
sharp bend experiment [7].
Since these parameters do not give a good result di↵erent parameters are used to compare the results
of these with the reality. Used parameters are calculated by Talmon et al. [8] for bends quite similar to
the one which is used here. The used parameters were successful for di↵erent kinds of bend specifications.

• Ash =1.7 and Bsh =0.5

• Ash =0.85 and Bsh =0.5
• Ash =9, Bsh =0.5 and Csh =0.3

0.2 0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1
Bed level (m) →

Bed level (m) →

Bed level (m) →

0.05 0.05

0 0

-0.05 -0.05

-0.2 -0.1 -0.1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance in bend/width (-) → Distance in bend/width (-) → Distance in bend/width (-) →

(a) Ash =9, Bsh =0.5 and Csh =0.3 (b) Ash =1.7 and Bsh =0.5 (c) Ash =0.85 and Bsh =0.5

It appears that also these results do not fit the flume results properly. In fact, the parameters used
by Struiksma [6] have a better shape than the ones showed above. When the parameters are varied it
appears that using a Bsh =0.5 has a negative influence on the bed level shape of the bend. The inner side
of the bend (dotted lines) has a wider shallow part since at all the examples the bed levels for the middle
part (dashed lines) are nearly similar to the inner side bed level.

Figure 6: Cross sections with Koch parameters [dflowfm-build-linux64-]
1/6 bend 2/6 bend

3/6 bend 4/6 bend

Bottomlevel (cm)

5/6 bend 20 cm behind bend

Distance from outer bend (x21cm) →

3.1.2 DHL-test
For this test the inflow is divided over the inflow cells to create a uniform flow distribution over the width
of the grid. For this case the equilibrium values are calculated and it is measured what the ↵cal should
be to fulfil the equilibrium conditions. For T2 of the DHL test appears that ↵cal should be 1.15 instead
of the 0.6 what has been used before for the simulations. With values of ↵cal around 0.6 the simulation
crashes most of the times. First a simulation is done with the initial values that have been suggested by
Struiksma [6], Ash =1.5, Bsh =1.0 and Espir =0.4 and the calculated ↵cal =1.15. For the equilibrium water
depth it was found however that if the same values are used, the results are below those that have been
obtained in 1985. When the water depth is added with a value of 0.012 the graph seems to be on the
same level as it should be. The reason for this lower water level is unknown. After simulating this first
test an alternative test is done with an increased Ash and a reduced Espir , both with a factor 2. This was
also done by Struiksma to make the model fit better to the flume results. The result is visible in figure
8 and 9. There seems to be a small di↵erence between the two simulations in the start and tail of the
bend. With a factor two reduction and increase of the Ash and Espir respectively a small improvement
is made compared to the flume results. The peak in the entrance is however still far underestimated.

Inside bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid Inside bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid
Outside bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid Outside bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid
Middle bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid Middle bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid

Figure 8: Ash =1.5 and Espir =0.4 Figure 9: Ash =3.0 and Espir =0.2

The second measure Struiksma took was changing the exponent b in the sediment flow formula. Since
this parameter is an important variable in the sediment transport he stated that it is also interesting to
change this factor. Normally this factor is assumed to be 5, he simulated the bend with an exponent of 4
to the velocity parameter. The result of changing this factor is a much better fit with the flume results.
To reproduce the e↵ect of a changing b, which is not possible to change in the Delft3D 4 Suite or D-Flow
FM settings, the ↵cal is changed. By changing this parameter to a higher value the simulation reach a
much better fit than it did before. Instead of ↵cal = 1.16 is a value of ↵cal =1.39 used, the results are
shown below. By changing the ↵cal to a higher number has no e↵ect on the deviation of the water depth,
the only result is a sinking equilibrium water level. The factor added to the total water depth needs to
be increased to reach a better fit when the ↵cal is increased. This scenario is a bit devious and therefore
would a scenario with an Engelund and Hansen formula with b=4 be interesting for later research.

Inside bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid Inside bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid
Outside bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid Outside bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid
Middle bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid Middle bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid

Figure 10: Ash =1.5, Espir =0.4 and ↵cal =1.16 Figure 11: Ash =3.0, Espir =0.4 and ↵cal =1.39

Still is there a di↵erence of 1 centimetre with the flume results and the Struiksma simulation what is
a di↵erence of more or less 10% in the entrance of the bend. In the time for this research have several
factors been changed but and tuned but was figure 11 the best fitting simulation.

3.2 Comparison of di↵erent models
In this chapter the e↵ects of the di↵erent factors that influence the river bed profiles are shown. Each
factor has a specific e↵ect on the final equilibrium, which can be indicated by plotting graphs with changed
variables. Theoretically the point bar and pools in river bends are created by local e↵ects described by
Koch [2] and by non-local e↵ects described by Struiksma [6]. The local e↵ects are created between the
gravitational forces and the turbulent flow. The non-local e↵ects are described by a mass-spring system,
in which the extension is not dependent on time but on space. In this chapter the influences of di↵erent
parameters on the equilibrium positions are shown. By varying some parameters the di↵erences between
them can be found. This is done with the di↵erent programs Delft3D 4 Suite, D-Flow FM with structured
and unstructured mesh. To show the di↵erences the variables are shown on specific places of the grid.
These locations are the longitudinal inside and outside of the bend and several cross-section in the bend.
The di↵erent kinds of grids are shown in figure 12 and 13.

Figure 12: Curvilinear structured grid Figure 13: Unstructured grid

The standard is set with a bend with morphological, spiral flow and gravitational e↵ects. The bend
is presumed to be in an equilibrium state, just like the other examples. The bend starts with a flat bed
and uniform velocity distribution at the inflow boundary. The simulations have already been done for
the bend without morphological e↵ects, so the water has an initial velocity and sediment content. In this
way the inflowing sediments are better di↵used over the whole surface instead of being blocked by the
stagnant water. After some time the equilibrium situation with a point bar and pools is reached, visible
in figure 14 and 15.

Figure 14: Curvilinear structured grid Figure 15: Unstructured grid

3.2.1 With all functions

To clarify the results the depth profiles are shown for both the in- outside of the bend. This is done for
the Delft3D 4 Suite and Delft-FM structured mesh and unstructured mesh in figure 16. In this figure is
visible how the models process the same parameters in di↵erent ways. It is visible that for both profiles an
almost symmetrical path is created. One of the di↵erences between the di↵erent models is the fluctuated
path the D-Flow FM unstructured grid is following compared to the Delft3D 4 Suite and D-Flow FM
with a structured grid graphs. These peaks arise due to the fact that the profiles are collected over
multiple grid cells, which contain each di↵erent values for di↵erent variables. The variable for bed level is
collected for each of the grid cells through which the line is passing. In the curvilinear grid only grid cells
are passed in the longitudinal way instead of cells that vary in their transverse direction. The increasing
fluctuation during the passage of the bend is explainable by the increasing di↵erence in transversal bed
slope between the unstructured grid cells.

Figure 16: di↵erences between di↵erent models [dflowfm-build-linux64-] [Version]

STRUC 0.2 B out of inside bend

STRUC 0.2 B out of outside bend
STRUC middle of the bend
UNSTRUC 0.2 B out of inside bend
UNSTRUC 0.2 B out of outside bend
UNSTRUC middle of the bend
D3D 0.2 B out of inside bend
D3D 0.2 B out of outside bend
D3D middle of the bend

Bed level (m) →





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance in bend/width (-) →

3.2.2 E↵ect of Spiral Flow
First the e↵ect of spiral flow or secondary flow is treated. This is influenced in Delft3D 4 Suite and
D-Flow FM by the Espir parameter, when this is turned o↵ a clear di↵erence is visible with the reference
bed level. Only at the start and at the end of the bend erosion and aggregation is visible.

Figure 17: Bed level of inside bend without secondary flow


STRUC 0.2 B out of inside bend

0.09 STRUC 0.2 B out of outside bend
STRUC middle of the bend


Bed level (m) →







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance in bend/width (-) →

Around the entrance of the bend the transverse water surface slope will grow rapidly from zero until
its final value in the bend. So, along the inner bank the longitudinal water surface slope will increase
rapidly and cause an acceleration of the flow there. Along the outer bank the water surface slope decreases
and the flow decelerates. In turn this ensures a gradual growth of the streamline curvature around the
entrance. Due to the increasing velocity the bed level will erode on this point. On the exit of the bend
the exact opposite occurs.[5]blz25

3.2.3 E↵ect of Espir for spiral flow

Since the influence of the di↵erent parameters for the bedload transport factor is discussed, now the other
major influence of the river bend bed profile is discussed. This is the secondary flow which is influenced
in the model by Espir . Below are graphs of a model with a reduced Espir and no Espir . It is visible
that the change of secondary flow has only e↵ect in the entrance and exit of the bend. In the middle
of the bend this e↵ect is constant. This is caused by the change of curvature in the bend. Since the
water enters the bend straight the e↵ect of the secondary flow is largest on the parts where the water
curvature changed the most. This change of curvature leads to a damped wave with an overshoot when
the damping is low. In the middle of the bend there is a constant curvature of the water flow so is the
lateral bed slope mostly influenced by the gravitational influences.

In blue

• Ash = 1.5, Bsh = 1, Csh = 0 and Dsh = 0 0.1

Bed level (m) →

• Espir = 0.4 0.08

• Acal = 0.6 0.06

In red
• Ash = 1.5, Bsh = 1.0, Csh = 0 and Dsh =
• Espir = 0.1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
• Acal = 0.6
Distance in bend/width (-) →

Figure 18: Bed levels bend for structured grid [dflowfm-build-linux64-]

Below is the graph of a bend simulation with no secondary flow involved. It shows large deviations
at the start and end of the bend, and only very small influences at the middle part of the bend.
In blue

• Ash = 1.5, Bsh = 1, Csh = 0 and Dsh = 0 0.1

Bed level (m) →

• Espir = 0.4 0.08

• Acal = 0.6 0.06

In red
• Ash = 1.5, Bsh = 1.0, Csh = 0 and Dsh =
• Espir = 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
• Acal = 0.6
Distance in bend/width (-) →

Figure 19: Bed levels bend for structured grid [dflowfm-build-linux64-]

The di↵erence between Delft3D 4 Suite and D-Flow FM





Bed level (m) →


In the case of changing the Espir it becomes

clear that the same delay of the peak at the
exit of the bend is established like the struc- 0.03

tured and unstructured grid models for the bed- 0.02

load transport factor. At the entrance of the
bend especially the structured grid is similar 0.01

to the Delft3D 4 Suite simulation; the D-Flow 0

FM with unstructured grid simulation slightly
underestimates the bed level change. -0.01
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance in bend/width (-) →

Figure 20: Changing Espir in Delft3D (green), D-

Flow unstructured (red) and structured (blue) [dflowfm-
build-linux64- and Delft3D 4 Suite version]

3.2.4 E↵ect of Slope E↵ects

The other phenomenon that e↵ects the bend bed level, besides spiral flow, is the transverse bed slope.
Only few models for the influence of bed slopes on the sediment transport rate (i.e. not on the direction)
have been proposed. These models suggest that this e↵ect is caused entirely by a change of the critical
Shields parameter. The forces acting on a sediment grain on a sloping alluvial bed are: drag, lift, grav-
itational, normal and friction forces. Almost all the models for the direction of the sediment transport
(or the transverse bed slope) include at least the influence of the drag and the gravitational force, but in
some of the models all the forces are considered. Two main groups of models can be distinguished, the
models based on a ”static approach” and the models based on a ”dynamical approach”. In the static
models the forces on a resting grain are considered or the velocity of the grains is considered much smaller
than the flow velocity near the bed. In the dynamical models the computation of the drag force is based
on the relative flow velocity (i.e. relative to the moving grains). The model of Koch is used to formulate
the bed slope e↵ects. This formula is based on consideration of drag, friction and gravitational forces on
a grain at the bed.

When spiral flow is included and the e↵ects of the bed slope are turned o↵ the following e↵ect is visible.
When the gravitational force is o↵, only the spiral flow influences the sediment in the bend. Since the
spiral flow forces a sediment flow to the inner bend all the sediment will be transported this direction.
Since gravity has no influence in pulling the sediment down the walls reach vertical shapes instead of
sloping shapes. Just on the inside of the bend a bar is visible that has a vertically slope while the outside
of the bend has a deep pool with vertical slopes. This pool arises because sand is moved to the inner
side of the bend while there are no grid cells available to deliver sediment on the outside. Likewise all
the sediment is continuously transported to the inner bend where it is piled up.

3.2.5 E↵ect of the bedload transport factor for the bed slope formulation
This section describes the e↵ect of the bedload transport factor for the Koch formula in the transverse
equilibrium bed slope. This factor is determined by di↵erent parameters influencing the e↵ect of the
Shield parameter or the e↵ects of grain size. The formula for the bedload transport factor is in Delft3D

4 Suite formulated as following:
Di Csh Di Dsh
f (✓) = Ash ✓Bsh ( ) ( ) (7)
h Dm
To see the di↵erent e↵ects of each parameter, several simulations were done, with each one adjustment.
The first plot is done with the following characteristics.



Bed level (m) →



• Ash = 1.5, Bsh = 1, Csh = 0 and Dsh = 0 0.04

• Espir = 0.4 0.02

• Acal = 0.6 0


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance in bend/width (-) →
Figure 21: Bed levels bend for structured grid [dflowfm-

This are the same parameters that Struiksma uses in his research to simulate bends with the Koch
formulation [6]. This parameters will be set as normal to see the di↵erences with other parameters, in the
other pictures this graph will be in the back with blue. To compare results, in sake of clearness only the
structured grid simulation of D-Flow Flexible Mesh are plotted, because this shows the e↵ect of D-Flow
FM and has no jumpy character such as the unstructured grid. With this plot the following result is
made in order to simulate the LFM-flume:

Figure 22: Compared with flume 186 [dflowfm-build-linux64-]
0 Inside bend [linux #48062] Version with
Outside bend [linux #48062] Version wi
Middle bend [linux #48062] Version with








Changing the Ash result in a change of a bedload transport factor multiplying the shields parameter
0 5 10 15
in a linear way. In this case the Ash is lowered to 0.6, the e↵ect is visible in the figure below. By lowering 20
the Ash it is visible that the bed level has a lower amplitude. Also the bed level at the bend entrance
less a↵ected than it is with a Ash of 1.5. At the outflow of the bend however, still a high amplitude in
the longitudinal bed level is visible. The position of the middle bed slope (dotted) gives an impression of
the transverse bed shape, in case of a middle bed level in the middle of the out- and inside bed level a
more linear bed level is expected. In case of a deviation of the middle bed level of the mean between the
in- and outside bed level a more curved transverse bed shape is expected. In this case the transverse bed
slope is more linear than with a low Ash . For a more similar bed level with the flume experiment a higher
Ash is needed than the initial 1.5 to create a stronger erosion. This can be explained with the Koch [3]
formulation because the bedload transport factor influence the amount of bed slope e↵ect on an inverse
way. A higher bedload transport factor means less of the bed slope e↵ects on the sediment transport
direction. Low influence of the bed slope e↵ects will result in a more skewed sediment transport that is
the result of the secondary flow. An lower Ash will increase the amount of the bed slope e↵ects and will
bring the sediment transport direction back to normal. When sediment is transported in a more straight
direction there will be less sediment transport from the outside to the inside of the bend and thus will
the equilibrium shape be less steep as it would be with an high transverse sediment transport angle.



In blue

Bed level (m) →

• Ash = 1.5, Bsh = 1, Csh = 0 and Dsh = 0
• Espir = 0.4
• Acal = 0.6
In red
• Ash = 0.6, Bsh = 1, Csh = 0 and Dsh = 0
• Espir = 0.4
• Acal = 0.6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance in bend/width (-) →
Figure 23: Bed levels bend for structured grid [dflowfm-

Subsequently the Bsh is changed, which is the exponent of the Shields parameter. The following
di↵erences are visible when they are plotted next to each other. The red graph with the reduced Bsh
is plotted from the unstructured grid simulation because the structured run with the same parameters
crashed. The plot makes the comparison of the graphs a bit harder but with the result of older simulations
and this one it seems that the bed level in the entrance of the bend shifts to a lower level. In the end
of the bend the bed level returns earlier to its original position. Bsh influence the e↵ect of the Shields
parameter that is changing with the flow through the bend. Shield is dependent on the flow velocity,
Ch/’ezy, relative density of the submerged sediment and sediment diameter (see equation 8).

u2 + v 2
✓= (8)
C 2 D50
Since only the velocity in u and v direction will change in the bend this will also change the Shield
parameter in the bend. The Bsh will influence how this a↵ects the transverse slope. A reason for the
di↵erence between the begin and end of the bend with a di↵erent Bsh could be due to a stronger influence
of the shields parameter. The parameter from Shields is in this case a value below one. With a Bsh also
below one the denominator of the bed slope will be higher and thus decrease the influence of the bed
slope e↵ects. In the first part of the bend it is possible that the e↵ect of the low Bsh is visible, but due
to a Shields parameter closer to one, the e↵ect of a lower Bsh is vanishing.



In blue

Bed level (m) →

• Ash = 1.5, Bsh = 1, Csh = 0 and Dsh = 0
• Espir = 0.4
• Acal = 0.6

In red 0

• Ash = 1.5, Bsh = 0.8, Csh = 0 and Dsh = -0.02

• Espir = 0.4 -0.06
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
• Acal = 0.6
Distance in bend/width (-) →
Figure 24: Bed levels bend for structured grid [dflowfm-

Csh into thebedload transport factor simulation has the following e↵ect on the bed shape. Since the
parameters introduce the term Dhi the depth is influencing the bedload transport factor since the sediment
diameter remains always the same. The parameters e↵ect is comparable to that of bed forms. In this
graph Csh seems to have the same e↵ect as Ash since it reduces the amplitudes of the bed level deviation
and thus reduces the dominator of the bed slope e↵ect influence. Probably is the e↵ect of the diameter
divided by the depth quite small and is the variation of h not of much influence on the bed level variation.


In blue 0.1
Bed level (m) →

• Ash = 1.5, Bsh = 1, Csh = 0 and Dsh = 0 0.08

• Espir = 0.4 0.06

• Acal = 0.6 0.04

In red 0.02

• Ash = 1.5, Bsh = 1.0, Csh = 0.3 and 0

Dsh = 0 -0.02

• Espir = 0.4 -0.04

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
• Acal = 0.6
Distance in bend/width (-) →
Figure 25: Bed levels bend for structured grid [dflowfm-

Dsh have been neglected in this case because in the flume experiments and simulations only one grain
size (uniform sediment) was used, and since the Dsh parameter is the exponent of DDmi this will have no
influence on the final equilibrium.

The di↵erence between Delft3D 4 Suite and D-Flow FM

Due to the di↵erent grids and di↵erent modelling programs also di↵erences arise between the results.
When the models results are compared for the same set of parameters, the following graphs are made, in

which the green line is Delft3D 4 Suite, red line is D-Flow FM with an unstructured grid and the blue
line D-Flow FM with a structured grid.

Figure 26: changing bedload transport factor parameter in Delft3D 4 Suite (green), D-Flow FM with
unstructured (red) and structured (blue) mesh [dflowfm-build-linux64- and Delft3D 4 Suite
0.08 0.15 0.07

Bed level (m) →

Bed level (m) →

Bed level (m) →


0.04 0.04



0 -0.1 0.01
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance in bend/width (-) → Distance in bend/width (-) → Distance in bend/width (-) →

(a) changing Ash (b) changing Bsh (c) changing Csh

For figure 26b there is a lot of di↵erence between the graphs but this is due to a crashed simulation
of the structured grid, mentioned earlier. This is the bed level during the development to an equilibrium
and can be neglected (the reason of this crash is probably an error at the inflow boundary). For the other
cases there seems to be a similar bed level except for the bend exit. For Delft3D 4 Suite the e↵ect of
the exit of the bend appears to start earlier than in D-Flow FM. The peak arises in an earlier stage and
subsequently the bed level returns back to the initial bed level earlier. The slope of the Delft3D 4 Suite
bed level is however less steep than the D-Flow FM model so they end up both on the same place. The
di↵erence between the structured and the unstructured grid does not look very significant (besides that
it crashes when the Bsh is changed).

3.2.6 E↵ect the calibration factor in sediment formula

The simulation of the bend is also dependent on the way the sediment transport is interpreted. In this
case we have used the Engelund-Hansen formulation which calculates the sediment transport with the
following formula:
0.05 ⇤ ↵ ⇤ u5
S= p (9)
C ⇤ g ⇤ 2 ⇤ D50
In this equation the sediment transport is dependent on the velocity with an exponent assumed to be
constant. The linear analysis of Struiksma [6] showed that the wave length and damping rate of the bed
oscillations are quite sensitive to changes of this exponent. In this case not the exponent b is changed
but the calibration factor that also influence the overall sediment transport. When this factor is reduced
to 0.45 instead of 0.6 the simulations change bed level indeed. On the inside of the bend a higher and
smaller peak in the bed level is visible than with the higher sediment transport factor. On the outside
however this peak is not visible. The bed becomes a bit deeper and reaches this depth a bit earlier. This
is hard to explain because a lower factor should result in a lower numerator and thus in less sediment
transport. Apparently sediment is transported to a point at the inside of the bend due to high flow
velocity, after which there is a drop of velocity and thus less sediment transport to transport the local
accumulation further into the bend.


In blue

Bed level (m) →

• Ash = 1.5, Bsh = 1, Csh = 0 and Dsh = 0 0.1

• Espir = 0.4
• Acal = 0.6
In red 0

• Ash =1.5, Bsh =1.0, Csh =0.3 and Dsh =

• Espir = 0.4 -0.1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
• Acal = 0.45
Distance in bend/width (-) →
Figure 27: Bed levels bend for structured grid [dflowfm-

The di↵erence between Delft3D 4 Suite and D-Flow FM


In this case the di↵erences are quite large com- 0.15

pared to the di↵erences of the Espir and bed-
load transport factor. First of all it is visible
Bed level (m) →

that the peak at the entrance of the bend is
only established for the structured grid simu-
lation with D-Flow FM. This look like a good 0.05
simulation of reality but is not calculated in the
other models. The in- and outside bed levels
are di↵erent for every model and it seems that
the mean bed of the Delft3D 4 Suite model is
higher than the D-Flow FM calculations. Ap- -0.05
parently something is calculated di↵erently in
the sediment transport formula what causes dif-
ferences between the models. It is possible that 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Engelund and Hansen does not predict the con- Distance in bend/width (-) →
ditions well for a sharp bend like this one, since
also the reduction of the Acal has not the ex-
pected influence on the final bed shape, i.e. a Figure 28: changing bedload transport factor in
more steep bed level shape. Delft3D 4 Suite (green), D-Flow FM with unstructured
(red) and structured (blue) mesh [dflowfm-build-linux64-]

4 Analyses
During the construction of a model similar to the tested bend several obstacles avoid a direct good solu-
tion. In this part several obstacles are described and explained.

For simulation of the LFM-flume a sediment transport at the inflow boundary has been imposed.
When no sediment was added the mean bed level started to decrease, taking a lot of time. For reaching
an equilibrium, more than 10 days in the model were needed what also took a lot of calculation time.
This explains a lower equilibrium bed level position which needs time to erode.

By adding the sediment to the bend at the inflow boundary a new problem arose due to accumula-
tion at the inflow cells. This accumulation resulted in a bed level higher than the water level what is
remarkable. The first part of solving this problem was to start with a bend that was already in a flowing
condition instead of static water. The initial bed level was however still horizontal. By having an initial
velocity, which contains sediment as well, it is possible to blend the incoming sediment better with the
water in the bend. In D-flow this is possible by making a restart file of a non-morphological run. In
this way a part of the problem was solved, meaning that the sediment did not stack up as high as it did
before. However in the inflow edge at the outer side of the bend is still an accumulation visible. This is
probably created by the bend that pushes the water to the outside of the bend.

This e↵ect is still present at the inflow bound-

ary. The inflowing water and sediment at this
side has a little bit more resistance to flow in
the system. Due to the resistance the water is
probably deflected to the other side of the in-
flow boundary. Since a small e↵ect of the curve
is still observable at the inflow, also transverse
sediment transport can be present and moving
the particles into one direction. Since the edge
has less water to move those particles down-
stream a circle arises with sediment transport
to the edge and less capacity of this edge to
move this sediment the result of such event is
visible in figure 29, where the flow is entering
right and flows to the left. Avoiding the skewed
distribution of water and sediment resulted in
inflow boundaries of only 1 cell wide. By im-
posing an inflow of water and sediment of only
one cell the system is not able to divide the in-
flow over its length. After this adjustment no
remarkable accumulation was found at the in- Figure 29: Inflow with one inflow boundary
flow boundary. The inflow distribution led to
an update of the D-Flow FM by an added equi-
librium flow intensity.

Since the inflow at the boundary worked well, some more test could be done by varying the param-
eters. However, the D-Flow FM still crashed some times, which is likely caused by a cell on the begin
and inside of the bend that has a lot of accumulation and reaches extreme heights (bed level above water
level). In time this causes a peak in the longitudinal bed level and in cases a crash of the simulation.
Below some characteristics of the system are shown. At the end of the research it remained unclear due
to which influences this is caused. A possible reason could be that due to the shallow area that arises at
the inside of the bend the water flow characteristics are di↵erent and give a wrong sediment transport.

Another issue is the equilibrium bed level that is simulated very di↵erent when parameters are changed.
A change in shape is assumed but the heights are also quite di↵erent, sometimes lower than the original
bed level and in some cases much higher than the initial bed level. The chosen conditions for the bend

(a) Bed level (b) Spiral flow (c) Flow velocity

are however for an equilibrium solution, so only a changing shape with little net erosion or accumulation
would be expected.

The calibration factor in the sediment transport formula has large influence in the outcome for the
water depth of the simulated flume. Striking is that the calibration factor in these experiments has an
opposite influence for the LFM and DHL experiments. For the DHL simulation a much better result is
found by increasing this factor. For the LFM lab however, are the water depths deviations decreasing
are compared to the actual results. Here a smaller factor is more appropriate.

5 Conclusion
For simulating the morphological e↵ects there are two di↵erent major factors involved that have been de-
scribed by several scientists, bed slope e↵ects and spiral flow. For modelling morphological development
of a river bend several tests on two di↵erent cases were done. These considered cases are a laboratory
flume at Delft Hydrological Laboratory (DHL), and a flume at Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics (LFM) in
the 80s. In this research the e↵ects of the major characteristics on the bed development of the bend have
been simulated and examined. This has been done by varying the di↵erent input parameters that have
influence on the secondary flow and the bed slope e↵ects. Subsequently the varied input files have been
used to model the same bend with Delft3D 4 Suite, D-Flow FM with an unstructured mesh and D-Flow
FM with a structured grid. In this manner the di↵erences were shown between the di↵erent kinds of
modelling with the same set of input parameters.

It was found that Delft3D 4 Suite successor D-Flow FM is not as successful for river bend simulation
as it was in the time of Struiksma. Major influence on this inefficiency is the inflow boundary condition
that is been influenced by the downstream development of the flow. In many cases modelled with D-Flow
FM, a turbulent part at the inflow boundary was the preface of sediment accumulation at the inflow
boundary. Several measures have been taken to remove this accumulation, like adapted initial conditions
with equilibrium flow conditions, a new parameter equili to the .mdu file responsible for equilibrium flow
intensity and finally a divided inflow. The last measures resulted in more successful simulations, although
in several cases they still failed. Remarkable was that the Delft3D 4 Suite did not crash or gave extreme
fluctuations. Probably this is the result of a better processing of Delft3D 4 Suite on the inflow conditions
than D-Flow FM. This conclusion is drawn because of crashes due to high fluctuations at the inflow
boundary. When there was no crash there was sometimes strong turbulence at the same location, while
Delft3D 4 Suite did not have this problem. How to solve the inflow boundary condition is unknown yet.

Remarkable is that the simulations done by Struiksma cannot be re-simulate comparably with the
new software while the same input parameters are used. This is the case for both the Delft3D 4 Suite
as the D-Flow FM with structured and unstructured mesh models. Struiksma [6] started with some
initial parameters and adjusted them such that a good fit with the laboratory results was established. By
following the same steps, increasing the spiral flow, reducing the shape factor and adjusting the sediment
formula for the experiment T2 of the DHL, the same kinds of improvements as Struiksma were found but
not with the same magnitude. For the other experiment (LFM) the e↵ect of a change in the sediment
transport formula had an opposite e↵ect and gave a worse result than it did before. It was also notable
that the e↵ect of the exponent of the Shields parameter in the bedload transport formula sh had a
better result when it was 1.0 while Talmon [8] found that in several cases he studied a squared Shields
parameter gave a better fit. Espir on the other side has to be 1.0 to create the same formula as is used
in the Struiksma formula for calculating the coefficient in the bed shear stress direction model. With
this value the simulation gave extreme deviations at the entrance and exit of the bend, what does not
give a realistic result. With the factor 2 reduction for Espir and increased bedload transport factor the
bed level and water depth results are more realistic, but also quite straight on the longitudinal axis of
the bend. The factor ↵cal gave again a better water depth result to a laboratory reproduction but is still
not close enough at the entrance of the bend. Apparently there are other factors that influence the bend
which have not been investigated in this research.

Comparing the simulations which did not crash it appears that both the flexible mesh, structured grid
with D-Flow FM and Delft3D 4 Suite gives roughly the same results. Mostly on the entrance and exit of
the bend di↵erences arise. Especially in the end of the bend, bed water depth is a lot more natural than
the D-Flow FM simulation with a steep point at the in- and outside of the bend. Since the spiral flow is
mostly changing at the entrance and exit of the bend, this is probably the reason for a di↵erent kind of
dealing between the two models. ↵cal gave mostly di↵erences at the entrance of the T2 DHL experiment
so this can also be the reason for influences at the beginning of the bend.

Since obtaining a similar result to the Struiksma modelling has not been reached during this research,
the morphological simulation has space for improvement. Interesting is that it was possible with an
earlier version of the modelling program. To create more reliable results some points have to be looked

at, which are discussed in the next chapter recommendations.

6 Recommendation
In this research is tried to resemble as close as possible the laboratory experiment done in the 80s. This in
order to test how well Delft3D 4 Suite and the new D-Flow FM models simulates them. The conclusion
is that it is possible to reproduce the flume results roughly, but that some important details are not
included. The influences at the entrance and the exit of the bend should be more pronounced in the
model. The best test-simulation results which has been done in this test are shown below.

Inside bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid

Outside bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid
Middle bend [linux #48265] Version with struc grid








(a) Best DHL-flume simulation 2

(b) Best LFM-flume simulation
0 5 10

To do realistic modelling for these cases it is important that simulations reproduce flume results well.
So more research into improving both Delft3D 4 Suite as D-Flow FM has a lot of value. When the work
of Struiksma [6]], which worked quite well, is copied on the current model it appears to work less good as
it did 30 years ago. With the variations done with the available parameters there are just small improve-
ments achievable. The reason for this di↵erent result could therefore maybe be found in the numerical
modelling part.

Recommended is also to improve the manner of input in the system. Many crashes arise due to
accumulation or remarkable flows at the inflow boundary. This could partly be fixed by imposing inflow
per cell, which was not necessary in Delft3D 4 Suite. This is not conductive for other users to implement
every time they set up a model. Improving the inflow conditions can make the system more robust.

In this research only the Engelund-Hansen method is used for the sediment transport formula, similar
to the Struiksma research. Maybe di↵erent sediment transport formulas can improve the simulation.
Certainly because the e↵ect of Acal was noticeable compared with the secondary flow and bed slope

[1] User Manual Delft3D-FLOW. Deltares ed. Delft, The Netherlands, 2010.
[2] C Flokstra and FG Koch. Numerical aspects of bed level predictions for alluvial river bends. Delft
Hydraulics Laboratory. Netherlands, Publication, (258), 1981.
[3] FG Koch and C Flokstra. Bed Level Computations for Curved Alluvial Channels: Prepared for the
19th IAHR Congress, New Delhi, India, February 1981. Waterloopkundig Laboratorium, 1980.
[4] J Kuipers and Cornelis Boudewijn Vreugdenhil. Calculations of two-dimensional horizontal flow.
Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, 1973.
[5] Kim Wium Olesen. Bed topography in shallow river bends. Delft University of Technology, Faculty of
Civil Engineering, 1987.
[6] N Struiksma, KW Olesen, C Flokstra, and HJ De Vriend. Bed deformation in curved alluvial channels.
Journal of Hydraulic Research, 23(1):57–79, 1985.

[7] AM Sutmuller and HL Glerum. Beschrijving en evaluatie van metingen uitgevoerd in een bochtmodel
met zandbodem. Technical report, TU Delft, Section Hydraulic Engineering, 1980.
[8] AM Talmon, N Struiksma, and MCLM Van Mierlo. Laboratory measurements of the direction of
sediment transport on transverse alluvial-bed slopes. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 33(4):495–517,


I) Sediment transport formula formulation

Van Rijn
TrasaFrm = #flume.tra# # Sediment transport formula
TraFrm = -1
name = 'Van Rijn (1993)'
IopSus = 0.0
AksFac = 1.0
RWave = 2.0
RDC = 0.01
RDW = 0.02
IopKCW = 1.0
EpsPar = 0.0

TrasaFrm = #flume.tra# # Sediment transport formula
TraFrm = 1
Name = #Engelund-Hansen (1967)#
ACal = 1.392
RouKs = 0.08
SusFac = 0.0

The transport rate is imposed as bed load transport due to currents Sbc. The following formula
specific parameters have to be specified in the input files of the Transport module: calibration
coefficient α and roughness height rk.
A second formula specific input parameter (rk) is required for the Engelund-Hansen formula. This
parameter, which represents the roughness height for currents alone in [m], is only used to
determine the C value when the Chézy friction in the flow has not been defined. Generally, this
parameter can thus be treated as a dummy parameter.
TrasaFrm = #flume.tra# # Sediment transport formula
TraFrm = 2
Name = #Meyer-Peter-Mueller (1948)#
ACal = 4

Swanby / Ackers-White
TrasaFrm = #flume.tra# # Sediment transport formula
TraFrm = 3
Name = #'Swanby / Ackers-White'#
ACal = 1.0
RouKs = 1.0

General formula
TrasaFrm = #flume.tra# # Sediment transport formula
TraFrm = 4
Name = # General formula#
ACal = 0.08
PowerB = 2.5
PowerC = 1.0
RipFac = 1.0
ThetaC = 0.047

The general sediment transport relation has the structure of the Meyer-Peter-Muller formula, but all
coefficients and powers can be adjusted to fit your requirements. This formula is aimed at
experienced users that want to investigate certain parameters settings. In general this formula
should not be used. It reads:

where ξ is the hiding and exposure factor for the sediment fraction considered and

in which q is the magnitude of the flow velocity.

The transport rate is imposed as bedload transport due to currents Sbc. The following parameters
have to be specified in the input files of the Transport module: calibration coefficient αb, powers b
and c, ripple factor or efficiency factor µ, critical mobility parameter θcr.
if (iform == -3) then
name = 'Partheniades-Krone'
nparreq = 3
parkeyw(1) = 'EroPar'
pardef(1) = 0.0_fp
parkeyw(2) = 'TcrSed'
pardef(2) = 0.0_fp
parkeyw(3) = 'TcrEro'
pardef(3) = 0.0_fp
nparopt = 4
parkeyw(4) = 'TcrFluff'
pardef(4) = 0.0_fp
parkeyw(5) = 'ParFluff0'
pardef(5) = 0.0_fp
parkeyw(6) = 'ParFluff1'
pardef(6) = 0.0_fp
parkeyw(7) = 'DepEff'
pardef(7) = -1.0_fp
elseif (iform == -2) then
name = 'Van Rijn (2007): TRANSPOR2004'
nparopt = 7
parkeyw(1) = 'IopSus'
pardef(1) = 0.0_fp
parkeyw(2) = 'Pangle'
pardef(2) = 0.0_fp
parkeyw(3) = 'Fpco'
pardef(3) = 1.0_fp
parkeyw(4) = 'Subiw'
pardef(4) = 51.0_fp
parkeyw(5) = 'EpsPar'
pardef(5) = 0.0_fp ! false
parkeyw(6) = 'GamTcr'
pardef(6) = 1.5_fp
parkeyw(7) = 'SalMax'
pardef(7) = 0.0_fp
elseif (iform == 5) then
name = 'Bijker (1971)'
nparreq = 9
parkeyw(1) = 'CalBs'
parkeyw(2) = 'CalBd'
parkeyw(3) = 'CritCs'
parkeyw(4) = 'CritCd'
parkeyw(5) = '[dummy]' !don't remove: backward compatibility!
pardef(5) = 1.0_fp
parkeyw(6) = 'RouKs'
parkeyw(7) = 'WSettle'
parkeyw(8) = 'Porosity'
parkeyw(9) = 'TWave'
elseif (iform == 6) then
name = 'Bailard'
nparreq = 10
elseif (iform == 7) then
name = 'Van Rijn (1984)'
nparreq = 4
parkeyw(1) = 'ACal'
parkeyw(2) = '[dummy]' !don't remove: backward compatibility!
pardef(2) = 1.0_fp
parkeyw(3) = 'Aks'
parkeyw(4) = 'WSettle'
nparopt = 1
parkeyw(5) = 'BetaM'
pardef(5) = 0.0_fp
elseif (iform == 8) then
name = 'Van Rijn / Ribberink (1994)'
nparreq = 14
elseif (iform == 9) then
name = 'Partheniades / Krone'
elseif (iform == 10) then
name = 'Ashida & Michiue'
nparreq = 3
elseif (iform == 11) then
name = 'Soulsby / Van Rijn'
nparreq = 3
parkeyw(1) = 'ACal'
parkeyw(2) = 'RatioD90D50'
parkeyw(3) = 'RouZ0'
elseif (iform == 12) then
name = 'Soulsby'
nparreq = 3
parkeyw(1) = 'ACal'
parkeyw(2) = 'ModInd'
parkeyw(3) = 'RatioD50Z0'
elseif (iform == 13) then
name = 'Wang / Fredsoe'
nparreq = 2
parkeyw(1) = 'VicMol'
parkeyw(2) = 'ACal' ! Don't move up: historical order!
elseif (iform == 14) then
name = 'Ashida-Michiue (1974)'
nparreq = 5
parkeyw(1) = 'ACal'
parkeyw(2) = 'ThetaC'
parkeyw(3) = 'PowerM'
parkeyw(4) = 'PowerP'
parkeyw(5) = 'PowerQ'
elseif (iform == 15) then
if (name == ' ') name = 'External subroutine'
nparreq = 0
elseif (iform == 16) then
name = 'Wilcock-Crowe (2003)'
nparopt = 1
parkeyw(1) = 'ACal'
pardef(1) = 1.0_fp
elseif (iform == 17) then
name = 'Gaeuman et. al. (2009) lab calibration'
nparreq = 2
parkeyw(1) = 'ThetaC0'
pardef(1) = 0.021_fp
parkeyw(2) = 'Alpha0'
pardef(2) = 0.33_fp
elseif (iform == 18) then
name = 'Gaeuman et. al. (2009) Trinity River'
nparreq = 2
parkeyw(1) = 'ThetaC0'
pardef(1) = 0.03_fp
parkeyw(2) = 'Alpha0'
pardef(2) = 0.3_fp
II) Run script on linux server
- Create your case map on
n:\My Documents\unix-h6\

- add to case map a *.sh file, containing:

#$ -cwd
#$ -q normal-e3
#$ -m abe

./case/scripts/ **.mdu

With first the path to the file and then **.mdu for your name of the .mdu

or .mdf file

- download for linux program bin_TB.tar.gz , for instance



unzip the file in n:\My Documents\unix-h6\

- Download putty from appstore

- Host name:

- Open

- Login with Deltares account

- Create directory to the case folder

cd ~/case

starting script: qsub *.sh

stop script qdel *.sh
overview runs qstat
overview your runs qstat –u [user]

move back one folder ./..
go to folder ./foldername

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