Gas Metal Arc and Flux Cored Arc Welding Principles: Chapter Objectives

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Gas Metal Arc and

Flux Cored Arc
Welding Principles

Overview Chapter Objectives

The gas metal arc process, GMAW commonly referred After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
to by welders as MIG or MAG, is becoming increasingly
21-1 Explain the principles of gas metal arc and flux cored
popular. arc welding processes.
Gas metal arc welding, a continuous wire process, was
21-2 Name the gas metal arc and flux cored arc welding
introduced to industry in the early 1950s. At that time the
process was limited by high cost, consumable wire elec-
21-3 Describe the shielding gases and electrodes used with
trodes; relatively crude wire-feeding systems; and weld-
semiautomatic arc welding processes.
ing machines that were not suited for MIG/MAG welding.
The process was used principally for the welding of stain-
less steel and aluminum. The wires used were within the
16- to 332-inch range. Practical minimum stock thickness
was inch.
Today MIG/MAG welding has become one of the
more flexible all-round welding tools in the fabricating
industry. A great number of types and sizes of wires have
been developed, and simplified wire-feeding systems and
guns are available. A significant step in power source
improvement was the invention of the constant voltage
welding machine. Thus, the door was opened to the short-
circuiting arc with its greater flexibility. For the first time,
all-position MIG/MAG welding was possible, and sheet
metal as thin as 22 gauge could be welded. Constant volt-
age machines have been further improved by the addi-
tion of variable voltage control, variable slope control, and
variable inductance control. Control of these three factors

Instead of the solid wire used for GMAW,
a tubular wire is used for FCAW. The outside
of the wire acts as the electrical conducting
sheath or the electrode and provides the bulk
of the weld bead forming metal, while the
core contains the flux and other ingredients.
Some of these electrodes generate suffi-
cient gas shielding and are thus referred to as
self-shielding (FCAW-S). They act much like
an SMAW coated electrode turned inside out.
Since they generate their own shielding, the
equipment is less complicated. A great deal
of smoke is produced due to their nature and
high deposition capability as compared to the
SMAW coated electrode. FCAW-S is favored
for work where the externally supplied shield-
ing gases may be blown away and where
Fig. 21-1 GMAW being performed on a carbon steel trailer frame. Note the smoke buildup is not an issue. A very com-
positioner, which is able to optimize the welding into flat and h orizontal positions. mon trade name applied to this type of elec-
Miller Electric Mfg. Co. trode in Innershield (the Lincoln Electric Co.).
Other flux cored electrodes require an
permits the welder to fine-tune the welding characteris- external shielding gas. These electrodes are referred to
tics for any desired condition. The inverter-type power as gas shielded (FCAW-G). They typically run on DCEP
sources expand the control over the short-circuiting mode and have very good penetration and fusion characteris-
of transfer and allow the pulse-spray mode of transfer as tics. They also tend to have greater welder appeal and
well. The introduction of carbon dioxide as a shielding produce less smoke than the FCAW-S type electrodes. A
gas extended the application of the process to a wide va- very common trade name for these type electrodes is Dual
riety of mild steels on an economical basis. Figure 21-1 Shield (ESAB Welding and Cutting).
shows shop application of the MIG/MAG process. Gas metal arc welding is similar to gas tungsten arc
The complete name for GMAW is gas metal arc weld- in some respects. For example, gas shields the weld area
ing. Slang and trade names are often applied, such as MIG in both processes. In gas metal arc welding, however, an
for metal inert gas (aluminum and magnesium are typical electrode filler wire or a consumable bare electrode wire
when only an inert gas is used) or MAG for metal active is used instead of a nonconsumable tungsten electrode.
gas [carbon steel and stainless-steel welding when carbon The wire is fed continuously into the weld by a wire-feed
dioxide (CO2) and/or oxygen (O2) is added to the inert gas]. mechanism through a torch or gun. The weld area is sur-
Some slang names relate more specifically to the part of rounded by a gas blanket to protect it from atmospheric
the process like CO2 or wire welding. Some typical trade contamination in GMAW and FCAW-G. GMAW is shown
names of various manufacturers of the weld equipment in Fig. 21-2, page 658, while FCAW-G and FCAW-S are
are Sigma Welding (ESAB), Millermatic Welding (Miller), shown in Fig. 21-3, page 658. With the FCAW-S process
STT (Lincoln), Regulated Metal Deposition (Miller), some shielding is provided by the vaporization of the core
Micro-wire Welding (Hobart), and Aircomatic Welding ingredients, keeping air from the immediate arc area. In
(Airco). The short-circuiting method of metal transfer is addition, scavengers combine with unwanted elements that
known by the trade name of Dipmatic, and buried arc CO2 would contaminate the weld pool. This along with the slag
welding is derived from the use of CO2 as a shielding gas. formers surround the weld from the air, Fig. 21-4, page 658.
A process similar to GMAW in that it uses much The basic system is shown in Fig. 21-5, page 659.
of the same equipment is the flux cored arc welding
(FCAW) process. This process started gaining indus- Advantages of Gas Metal Arc Welding
trial use in the 1950s for the express purpose of im- andFlux Cored Arc Welding
proved metallurgical properties derived from the flux Gas metal arc welding produces high quality welds at
and the slag that supports and shapes the weld bead. high speeds without the use of flux and limited postweld
With certain flux cored electrodes the need for an ex- cleaning. It is very desirable for both small jobs and high
ternal shielding gas is eliminated. production metal joining. It frequently replaces another

Gas Metal Arc and Flux Cored Arc Welding Principles Chapter 21 657
Bare Solid Wire
Welding Electrode
Gas Inlet Electrical Current
Direction of Travel

Contact Tip

Gas Nozzle
Electrode Gaseous Shield
A E Fig. 21-4 Welding with the flux cored arc welding process. The
welder is working on the longitudinal seam on the inside of a heat
exchanger. Miller Electric Mfg. Co.
ABase Metal DWeld Metal
BWeld Reinforcement EHeat-Affected Zone
CWeld Depth of Fusion
joining process such as riveting, brazing, silver-soldering,
or resistance welding. It may be used instead of the fol-
Fig. 21-2 Gas metal arc welding process (GMAW). Source: lowing fusion welding processes: oxyacetylene welding,
American Welding Society, Welding Handbook, 9th Edition, Volume 2, shielded metal arc welding, submerged arc welding, flux
page150, fig. 4.2 cored arc welding, and gas tungsten arc welding.
When selecting a welding process for a given job, the
welding method chosen is that which will do the best job
at the lowest cost. The decision is based upon a consider-
FCAW with FCAW with
ation of the costs of labor, equipment,
Self-Shielded Gas-Shielded electrodes and gas, material preparation,
Electrode Electrode actual arc time, and postweld cleaning as
well as the importance of weld soundness
Flux Cored and appearance. The following are a few
Electrode of the advantages of GMAW welding:
Gas Welders who are proficient in the use
Contact Tip Flux Cored of other welding processes can be
Direction Contact Tip Direction readily trained in the GMAW/FCAW
Torch Body
of Travel of Travel processes. The equipment is simple
Gas Nozzle
to set up, and control of the process is
Guide Tube incorporated into the welding equip-
Arc Self-Generated Arc Shielding ment. The welder must watch the
Slag Slag Gas
Gas Shielding angle of the torch relative to the work-
Weld Pool
Weld Pool piece, the speed of travel, electrode ex-
tension, and the gas-shielding pattern.
Welders can weld as fast as they are
able. One of the principal advantages
is the elimination of weld starting
Examples of Cross Sections of Flux and stopping due to the changing
Cored Arc Welding Electrode
of electrodes. This prevents weld
failures due to slag inclusions, cold
lapping, poor penetration, crater
cracking, and poor fusion, which
Fig. 21-3 Flux cored arc welding, both self-shielded and gas shielded. Adapted from may result from starting and stopping
Welding Handbook, 9/e. to change electrodes.

658 Chapter 21 Gas Metal Arc and Flux Cored Arc Welding Principles
Coolant System Power Cord

Flowmeter Shielding
Gas Cylinder

Water In Coolant Power

System Source
Water Out

Hose Feeder/Contactor
Wire Control Cord
Electrode Lead
Electrode Lead, Gas,
Gun Wire Liner, and Trigger

Work Lead
Work Clamp

Fig. 21-5 Schematic diagram of a gas metal or flux cored arc installation. Source: Miller Electric Mfg. Co.

There is no welding slag or flux to remove when solid 5/32 Dia.

0.030 Dia.
wire or metal cored wires are used, and weld spatter is
150 Amperes
at a minimum. The process gives a smooth and good- A B
appearing weld surface. These characteristics provide
substantial cost savings since metal finishing is fre-
quently a costly production item. Many manufacturers
are able to paint or plate over GMAW welds without Workpiece
additional surface preparation. A MAG/MIG B Stick Electrode
Electrode costs are somewhat less due to the very small
amount of electrode loss. It is estimated that when using Fig. 21-6 Arc concentration and deposit comparison with the
shielded metal arc welding electrodes, there is an aver- same current: (A) MAG/MIG and (B) stick electrode.
age stub end loss of up to 17percent and spatter and
flux coating losses up to 27percent. In figuring their area of the electrode. This provides for higher deposi-
costs, many fabricators provide for an electrode use of tion rates than manual welding. An arc with a high
about 60 percent. In GMAW welding, approximately current density concentrates more energy at one point
95 percent of the consumable electrode wire is deposited than one with low density. The GMAW arc has a high
in the welded joint. The stub loss is totally eliminated. current density, but the metal arc produced by the
Welding may be done in all positions and on both light SMAW does not. The stream of the GMAW arc is
and heavy gauge materials. Weldable metal thicknesses sharp and incisive, but the stream of the SMAW arc is
range from 24 gauge to unlimited with edge prepara- relatively soft and widespread.
tion. For heavy materials a narrower groove angle with
a thicker root face can be used. A narrow groove for
the weld joint reduces preparation time and the amount SH OP TA L K
of filler metal deposit needed. A reduction of welding
time and heat input keeps distortion at a minimum. MIG Guns
The concentration of current (current density) is Some MIG guns have trigger wire
higher for GMAW/FCAW than for stick electrode replacements within the handle, so that you dont have to
welding, Fig 21-6. Current density may be defined spend time going for another wire.
as the amperage per square inch of the cross-sectional

Gas Metal Arc and Flux Cored Arc Welding Principles Chapter 21 659
11/4 T The weld deposit made with work, the current automatically increases, and the wire
a stick electrode is wider and is burned off faster than it is fed until the correct arc
T more bowl-shaped than a de- length is reestablished. If the welder raises the gun too
posit made with the GMAW high over the work, the current automatically decreases
process, Fig. 21-7. The bead and the burnoff rate slows down allowing the constant
width-to-depth ratio is greater feed rate to shorten the arc to the correct length. Varying
21/2 T
in shielded metal arc weld- the electrode extension as just described is for short term
ing and the heat input is less. transient situations and should not be done long term.
Because of this characteristic, Electrode extension is an important variable, and the
Stick the speed of shielded metal arc length of electrode extension must be known and main-
welding is slower, and more tained. Incomplete penetration, incomplete fusion, and
Fig. 21-7 Weld bead heat is applied per linear inch porosity are likely to result if the electrode extension is
comparisons. of weld. Since there is a greater not kept in control.
volume of electrode deposited per linear inch of weld In GMAW, filler metal is transferred directly through
with the shielded metal arc process than the gas metal the welding arc. There are two basic types of metal trans-
arc process, the heat input is greater for stick electrodes. fer. In the open arc method the molten metal is separated
With gas metal arc welding there is greater penetra- from the welding electrode, moved across the arc gap, and
tion into the workpiece because there is higher current deposited as weld metal in the joint. In the short circuit
density at the electrode tip. The width of the normal method the weld metal is deposited by direct contact of
shielded metal arc weld deposit on -inch plate is about the welding electrode with the base metal.
2 to 3 times the thickness of the plate, whereas the
Open Arc Transfer There are several types of open arc
width of the gas metal arc bead is about 1 the thick-
ness of the plate when the weld is shielded with carbon transfer methods: spray transfer, rational spray and non-
dioxide. rational spray, globular transfer, pulsed-spray transfer,
The GMAW process is considered a low hydrogen pro- and buried arc transfer. The particular type of metal
cess. The welding gases used have a very low dew point transfer depends upon the electrode wire size, the shield-
and the wires (solid or metal cored) offer little opportu- ing gas, the welding current, and the arc voltage.
nity for moisture pickup. The deposited weld metal should Spray Transfer Spray transfer is a high heat method with
be free of hydrogen. This reduces underbead and micro- rapid deposition of weld metal. Spray describes the way in
cracking on low alloy steels and thick weldments. Under- which the molten metal is transferred to the work. Very fine
bead cracks usually occur in base metal just below the droplets of electrode metal are transferred rapidly through
weld metal and are caused by hydrogen absorption from the arc from the electrode to the workpiece. The droplets
the arc atmosphere. Low hydrogen processes like MIG/ are equal to or smaller than the diameter of the filler wire.
MAG produce sound welds on troublesome steels such as There is almost a constant spray of metal, Fig. 21-8.
high carbon and low alloy grades.
Forms of Metal Transfer Electrode
In gas metal arc welding an electric arc is established Nozzle Contact Tube
between the metal being welded and a consumable wire
electrode that is fed continuously through the gun at a
controlled constant speed. At the same time a shielding
gas is fed through the gun into the weld zone to protect Arc
the molten weld pool. GMAW is a process that can be Droplet
applied semiautomatically, mechanically, automatically, Shielding Weld Pool
or robotically. Welding current and wire-feed speed Gas Oxide Film
are electrically interlocked so that the welding arc is
The welder first sets the wire-feed speed (WFS) to
provide the correct amount of current and weld speed
for the job at hand. Once the WFS is set, the welder ad- Base Metal
justs the voltage to produce the correct arc length. Dur-
ing welding, if the welder holds the gun too close to the Fig. 21-8 Spray transfer.

660 Chapter 21 Gas Metal Arc and Flux Cored Arc Welding Principles
Table 21-1 Globular to Spray Transition Currents for Various Electrodes

Electrode Diameter Spray Arc Transition

Electrode Type (in.) Shielding Gas Current (Amps)
Low carbon steel 0.023 98% argon + 2% O2 135
0.030 98% argon + 2% O2 150
0.035 98% argon + 2% O2 165
0.045 98% argon + 2% O2 220
0.062 98% argon + 2% O2 275
0.035 95% argon + 5% O2 155
0.045 95% argon + 5% O2 200
0.062 95% argon + 5% O2 265
0.035 92% argon + 8% CO2 175
0.045 92% argon + 8% CO2 225
0.062 92% argon + 8% CO2 290
0.035 85% argon + 15% CO2 180
0.045 85% argon + 15% CO2 240
0.062 85% argon + 15% CO2 295
0.035 80% argon + 20% CO2 195
0.045 80% argon + 20% CO2 255
0.062 80% argon + 20% CO2 345
Stainless steel 0.035 99% argon + 1% O2 150
0.045 99% argon + 1% O2 195
0.062 99% argon + 1% O2 265
0.035 Argon + helium + CO2 160
0.045 Argon + helium + CO2 205
0.062 Argon + helium + CO2 280
0.035 Argon + H2 + CO2 145
0.045 Argon + H2 + CO2 185
0.062 Argon + H2 + CO2 255
Aluminum 0.030 Argon 95
0.047 Argon 130
0.062 Argon 180
Deoxidized copper 0.035 Argon 180
0.045 Argon 210
0.062 Argon 310
Silicon bronze 0.035 Argon 165
0.045 Argon 205
0.062 Argon 270

Spray transfer is used with inert gas shields and, wire diameter, there is a certain minimum welding cur-
mostly with direct current, electrode positive polar- rent that must be exceeded to achieve spray transfer,
ity. The spray arc is almost spatter-free, provides deep Table 21-1.
weld penetration, and has self-regulating characteristics. Because of its high deposition rate, spray transfer is
Filler wire diameters for spray arc transfer are gener- recommended for materials that are 18 inch or thicker,
ally between 0.030 and 332 inch in diameter. For each stock requiring heavy, single or multipass welds, and for

Gas Metal Arc and Flux Cored Arc Welding Principles Chapter 21 661
any filler pass application where speed is advantageous.
Because of high arc stability, the high rate of metal trans-
fer, and the axial nature of the spray transfer, it can be
directed by the welder. Thus it is suitable for welding in
the vertical and overhead positions. This is true only on
certain metal like aluminum and magnesium. On steel Ball Forms on
and stainless steel the weld pools are too fluid to be used End of Electrode
effectively for anything other than flat or horizontal posi- Droplet Larger
tion welding. Than Wire Diameter

For video of GMAW spray transfer, please visit

Fig. 21-10 Globular transfer. Source: Miller Electric Mfg. Co.

Rotational Spray and Nonrotational Spray These high cur-
rent density spray transfers get their name from specific
arc characteristics brought about by a combination of very
high wire-feed speed, long electrode extensions, and spe- more like conventional axial spray. The arc is narrower
cific shielding gases. Filler metal deposition rates can be than that produced by the rotational spray. This more
as high as 40 pounds per hour. The rotational spray is cre- concentrated arc can increase the depth of penetration as
ated by use of extra-long electrode extensions. This pro- compared to the rotational mode at the same current level.
duces resistance heating of the wire electrode and causes Globular Transfer Inglobular transfer, the molten ball at
the electrode end to become molten. The electromechani- the end of the electrode can grow in size until its diameter
cal forces generated by the current flow in the wire cause reaches two or three times the diameter of the electrode
the molten wire end to rotate in a helical path, Fig. 21-9. before it separates from the electrode and is transferred
The shielding gas affects the rotational transition current across the arc, Fig. 21-10. The physical forces react on
by changing the surface tension of the molten elec- the globule of metal and cause it to be highly unstable.
trode end. Gases such as argon-carbon dioxide-oxygen or Shielding gas composition has the most influence with
argon-oxygen at wire-feed speeds as high as 1,500 inches this transfer mode. Anything less than approximately
per minute, using a shielding gas with increased thermal 80 percent argon will produce a globular transfer. There
conductivity and increasing the surface tension on the is a great deal of spatter with the globular method. The
molten end of the electrode, can suppress the rotational globular method of transfer is used with various power
nature of this transfer mode. Using shielding gases higher levels and carbon dioxide shielding gas. The mechanical
in carbon dioxide and/or helium does this. This will raise properties of the deposited weld metal may be reduced
the rotational spray transition currents and will suppress due to this shielding gas and its high arc voltage opera-
the tendency to rotate. This nonrotational arc will look tion. Gravity imports most of the force acting on the
transfer of the globule, unlike the axial spray which uses
various electromagnetic forces to nick down the wire and
force the small droplets to transfer directionally (axially)
Shielding along the center line of the electrode wire.

For video of GMAW globular transfer, please visit
Stream of Split Arc
Arc Rotating Metal Droplets
Pulsed-Arc TransferPulsed-arc transfer is known as
GMAW-P. It is achieved by pulsing the current back
and forth between two levels. It permits the use of spray
Fig. 21-9 Rotational spray transfer due to high current density transfer at much lower current levels than usual. It pro-
operation with electrode extensions from 78 to 1 inches. Deposi- vides for the spray transfer to take place in evenly spaced
tion rates from 18 to 30 pounds per hour are capable. pulses rather than continuously. The metal transfer from

662 Chapter 21 Gas Metal Arc and Flux Cored Arc Welding Principles
D Arc

Amperage (Current)
Arc Bright Inner Cone

Electrode Wire Necking


A B C Spray


Fig. 21-11 Output current waveform of the gas metal arc welding A B
pulse mode of transfer. (GMAW-P): A = peak current, B = back-
ground current, C = pulse width (time at peak), D = pulse frequency Fig. 21-12 An arc transferring metal by the (A) globular and
(pulses per second). Source: Miller Electric Mfg. Co. (B) continuous and pulsed-spray modes is applied in the vertical
welding position.

the electrode tip to the base metal occurs at regular inter-

possible. It is effective in the welding of thin materials
vals. The pulsing current has its peak in the spray trans-
where burn-through is a problem due to high heat. It is
fer current range and its minimum value well below the
also used for out-of-position work where it is difficult to
transition current range.
maintain the molten pool of weld metal, Fig. 21-12. Larger
Two levels of current are employed to achieve the
diameter wires can be used at lower heat input. This is es-
pulsed level of transfer, Fig. 21-11. Both levels of current
pecially helpful when welding aluminum. All the advan-
come from a single power source that is typically of the
tages of open arc transfer are possible at average current
inverter power source design. A standard single or three-
levels, from the minimum possible for continuous spray
phase power unit (see Fig. 21-30, p. 673) supplies a steady
transfer down to current values low in the globular trans-
background current that is just enough to maintain the
fer range. The method produces essentially spatter-free
arc between pulses while heating the filler wire and weld
metal transfer.
joint. This pulsed-current level should be set just above
the minimum required for spray transfer. These pulse pa-
rameters are no longer set by the welder one parameter For video of GMAW pulse transfer, please visit
at a time. With the software-driven technology today,
more accurate pulsing is available. The welder simply
sets wire type (aluminum, stainless steel, carbon steel, The Buried Arc Transfer The buried arc method of trans-
silicon bronze, etc.), wire diameter, shielding gas, wire- fer is a process in which the metal transfer occurs below
feed speed, and arc length. Once these have been set, the the surface of the base metal, Fig. 21-13. Relatively high
welder has only two knobs to control: heat (WFS) and lon- current and voltage are necessary. It is not unusual for
ger or shorter arc. This new software can sample, moni- a filler wire 0.045 inch in diameter to be run at 400 to
tor, and control the process hundreds of times faster than 425 amperes at 35 to 37 volts. As a result of the high cur-
just a few years ago with the older style synergic controls. rent values, the force of the arc digs a crater into the ma-
This allows more precise control of the arc length (shorter terial being welded. The crater acts as a crucible for the
arcs) and weld pool to fill in at weld toes, reducing under- weld metal and reduces spatter. This method of transfer
cut tendency while improving weld profiles. is used with carbon dioxide as the shielding gas to weld
During the pulsed-current cycle, the weld metal is
sprayed smoothly across the arc and deposited in the weld
joint. This type of transfer differs from the normal spray Contact Tube
Gas Nozzle
transfer in that the molten drops of filler metal are sepa- Electrode Wire
rated from the tip of the electrode at a regular frequency,
corresponding to the frequency of current pulses supplied
from the power source.
Pulsed-arc transfer permits use of the spray transfer of
filler metal at lower current levels than usual. This ex- Square Groove Butt Joint
tends the advantages of the GMAW process to all-position
welding and to lighter gauges of metal than previously Fig. 21-13 Buried arc mode of transfer.

Gas Metal Arc and Flux Cored Arc Welding Principles Chapter 21 663

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