IGC-2015 Submission 84

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17th 19th DECEMBER 2015, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Venue: College of Engineering (Estd. 1854), Pune, India


Biswajit Bhagowati 1, Nirmali Borthakur2


Expansive soils have tendency to undergo large volumetric changes due to fluctuations in the moisture
content. Stabilization of such type of soils by lime and fly ash is an ancient art of practice due to
effectiveness of these methods. Changes in the swelling behavior of natural expansive soils due to
wetting-drying cycles are well documented but studies performed to see the influence of cyclic wetting
and drying on the swelling behavior of stabilized soils with different admixture needs to be investigated
broadly. Purpose of this study is to understand the durability behavior of lime and low calcium fly ash
stabilization to resist swelling potential under continuous cycles of wetting and drying. In this study, the
effect of lime and fly ash stabilization on two highly expansive clay soils under cyclic wetting and drying
condition has been examined. Swelling potential and swelling pressure tests under cyclic wetting-drying
condition have been carried out on these clay samples. The tests have been conducted on untreated soil
samples and after the addition of lime in the proportion of 3%, 5% and 8% and fly ash in the proportion
of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% with the soil samples. In each wetting and drying cycle the tested samples
were allowed to fully swell and then dried to their initial water content which constitute one cycle of
wetting and drying and four such cycles are performed on each sample for brevity of work. Full swelling-
partial shrinkage method has been adopted in this study. All the samples were compacted at its optimum
moisture content and maximum dry density and swelling tests are conducted in a conventional one
dimensional oedometer in accordance with IS 2720 (part XLI) - 1977. The experimental result shows that
swelling potential of both the soil types reduces due to application of wetting drying cycles. Soils having
swelling potentials of about 19% and 30% initially are reduced to 7% and 11.5% respectively after fourth
cycle. Lime and fly ash treatment reduces the swelling potentials significantly. Addition of 8% lime
resulted in the reduction of swelling potentials to 4.5% and 7.5% and 20% fly ash to the soil sample,
reduction of swell potential are observed to be 13% and 19% respectively, for both soil types. Both lime
and fly ash stabilized samples also show further decrease in swell potential in successive cycles. Similar
results are also observed in swelling pressure values for both treated and untreated soil samples and for
other percentages of lime and fly ash samples. For all the samples most reduction in the swelling potential
and swelling pressure has been observed after the first cycle itself and subsequently samples show very
less variation after each cycle. However lime stabilization is found to be more effective than the fly ash
stabilization in reducing swelling potential for the materials used in this research work. According to the
test results it can be concluded that both lime and fly ash stabilization can be effectively used under cyclic
wetting and drying condition for an expansive soil.

Bhagowati _ Biswajit, Civil Engg. Deptt., NIT Silchar, Silchar, India, [email protected]
Borthakur Nirmali, Civil Engg. Deptt., NIT Silchar, Silchar, India, [email protected]
Biswajit Bhagowat & Nirmali Borthakur

Keywords: Expansive soil; Lime stabilization; Fly ash stabilization; cyclic wetting-drying; swelling
17th 19th DECEMBER 2015, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Venue: College of Engineering (Estd. 1854), Pune, India


Biswajit Bhagowati, M. Tech Scholar, NIT Silchar, [email protected]
Nirmali Borthakur, Asstt. Professor, NIT Silchar, [email protected]

ABSTRACT: In this study, the effect of lime and fly ash stabilization on two highly expansive clay soils under
cyclic wetting and drying condition has been examined. Swelling potential and swelling pressure tests under cyclic
wetting-drying condition have been carried out on these clay samples. The tests have been conducted on untreated
soil samples and after the addition of lime in the proportion of 3%, 5% and 8% and fly ash in the proportion of 5%,
10%, 15% and 20% with the soil samples. Full swelling-partial shrinkage method has been adopted in this study.
The experimental result shows that swelling potential and swelling pressure of both the soil types reduces due to
application of wetting drying cycles. Both lime and fly ash stabilized samples also show further decrease in swell
potential and swell pressure in successive cycles. For all the samples most reduction in the swelling potential and
swelling pressure has been observed after the first cycle itself and subsequently samples show very less variation
after each cycle. However lime stabilization is found to be more effective than the fly ash stabilization in reducing
swelling potential. According to the test results it can be concluded that both lime and fly ash stabilization can be
effectively used under cyclic wetting and drying condition for an expansive soil.

INTRODUCTION influence of cyclic wetting and drying needs to be

Expansive soils are highly problematic because of investigated broadly. Cracks and breakups are
the tendency of these soils to undergo large formed due to swelling of expansive clays in road
changes in volume due to variations in the moisture pavements, building foundations, retaining walls,
content. It shrinks when water content decreases irrigation systems, sewer lines and water lines etc.
and swells when it increases. In arid and semi-arid It is not always feasible to avoid construction of
areas of the world, moisture and rainfall amount structure on or with expansive soils and hence
varies considerably in different seasons, structures there is a need for stabilization of the in situ soil or
like buildings and highways constructed on borrow soil before use for construction purpose.
expansive soils are encountered with periodic
swelling and shrinkage cycles [1]. Determination Swelling potential of expansive soil can be fully
of swell potential of expansive soils is generally eliminated or at least decreased to a minimum
done by one cycle of wetting although it is found value by adopting some methods. The most widely
that behavior of expansive soils is considerably used stabilization method is adding some
affected by the number of alternate wetting and chemicals to soil. Use of lime, fly ash and cement
drying cycles. One should consider the effects of are the most common additives applied for
number of cycles on the swelling and shrinkage stabilization purpose all over the world from earlier
behavior of expansive soils into consideration since times. The stabilization, especially with lime, is a
continuous wetting-drying cycles are observed in common applied method among the others due its
soils in nature as a result of environmental effects. effective and economic usage. Findings of previous
Changes in the swelling behavior of natural studies [2, 3] shows that when lime is added to clay
expansive soils due to wetting-drying cycles are soil in the presence of water, reactions such as
available, but studies related to swelling behavior cation exchange, flocculation and pozzolanic
of stabilized soils with different admixtures under reaction takes place. It is stated that, flocculation is
Biswajit Bhagowat & Nirmali Borthakur

primarily responsible for the modification of the soil [9-15]. A decrease in swell potential was
engineering properties of clay soils when treated observed by Guney et al. in low plasticity soil
with even a small amount of lime. The studies treated with lime, but trend was to increase for
reported in the literature showed that the addition other clay soils [9]. Effect of purity of lime on soil
of lime increases the optimum water content, stabilization also has effect on its durability or
shrinkage limit and strength, and reduces the cyclic swelling-shrinkage behavior [16]. Further
swelling potential, liquid limit, plasticity index and studies are to be conducted on chemically treated
maximum dry density of soil. Bell, (1996) found expansive soils for better estimation of the long-
that the optimum addition of lime needed for the term behavior.
stabilization of the soils is between 1% and 3%,
while the other researchers suggested the use of The objective of this study is to study the influence
lime between 2% and 8% lime by weight [2]. Bell of cyclic wetting drying cycles on the swelling
also indicated that further additions of lime do not behavior of natural expansive soil and lime and fly
change the swelling potentials, but increase the ash stabilized expansive soil.
engineering properties of expansive soil.
Another important stabilizing agent for expansive Materials used in this research work are expansive
soil is cement, which is composed of oxides of soils, lime and fly ash. Two different types of
calcium, silica, alumina and iron. Cement bentonite clay soil are collected from different
stabilization is also similar to lime stabilization and sources and two types of admixtures, lime and fly
produces similar results. Addition of cement ash are used. Bentonite powders used in this study
reduces the swelling potential; plasticity index, are collected in sealed bags in powdered form from
liquid limit, and increases shrinkage limit and shear suppliers; one from Guwahati (Soil A) and another
strength [4]. The stabilization is due to the from Kolkata (Soil B). Both the soils are highly
formation of cementitious bonding between the expansive in nature having different plasticity.
calcium silicate and aluminates hydration products Locally available commercial hydrated lime having
and the soil particles. specific gravity 2.24 is used in this study. Lime
sample used contains 7% sand and 93% silt and
Fly ash is a material produced as by product from clay content. Fly ash is collected from Topcem
flue gases of furnace fired with coal. It may be cement factory situated in Meghalaya. Fly ash used
used as stabilizing material because of its has specific gravity of 2.15, sand content of 15%
pozzolanic and cementitious properties, low cost, and silt and clay content of 85% and it is has low
and to reduce air and water pollution that may be lime or low calcium concentration.
caused from the disposal of it. It is observed that
the addition of fly ash significantly reduces the Some of the geotechnical properties of soils and
swelling potential of expansive soil [5, 6]. admixture used in this study is given in table 1 and
chemical composition of lime and fly ash is given
Previous studies related to influence of cyclic in table 2.
wetting drying cycles on the swelling behavior of
stabilized and natural expansive soils indicates that Table 1 Index properties of soils and admixture
swelling potential of natural expansive soils Properties Soil A Soil B Lime Fly Ash
exposed to full swell-full shrink cycles increase LL (%) 143 248 - -
and it decreases for soils exposed to full swell- PI (%) 99 206 NP NP
partial shrink cycles [7, 8]. G 2.67 2.70 2.24 2.15
Sand (%) 0 0 7 15
It is observed from earlier studies that reduction of Silt (%) 52 38
swelling potential can be preserved after cyclic 93 85
Clay (%) 48 62
swell-shrink cycles in case of silica fume, polymers
and fly ash, but it loss partially in lime stabilized
17th 19th DECEMBER 2015, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Venue: College of Engineering (Estd. 1854), Pune, India

Table 2: Elemental composition (%) 15FA 120 70 210 158

Element Lime Fly Ash
Si 0.09 15.86 20FA 107 54 205 145
Mg 0.48 0.50 3L 127 65 235 179
O 65.58 70.72
5L 114 45 195 135
Ca 20.27 0.47
Al 0.11 9.39 8L 106 32 132 67
Fe 0.08 1.31
K 0.07 0.48 Compaction tests
C 13.32 0.68 According to IS: 2720 (Part 7)-1980, compaction
Na - 0.14 test are performed for unstabilized soil with the
Ti - 0.46 aim is to determine the maximum dry density
(MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) of
METHODOLOGY the expansive soil samples. According to IS: 4332
(Part 1)-1967, the stabilized sample are prepared
Preparation of samples for the compaction test and compaction test in
Lime is mixed in the proportion of 0%, 3%, 5% stabilized soil are performed according to IS: 4332
and 8% and fly ash is mixed in the proportion of (Part 3)-1967. The maximum dry density and
0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight of dry optimum water content values of different lime and
mass of soil. Preparation of stabilized soil and fly ash stabilized soil samples are shown in table 4.
method of sampling for test are done according to
IS: 4332 (Part 1) 1967. TABLE 4 OMC and MDD values of Soil A and
Soil B types
Atterberg Limit Tests
Atterberg limits are the limits of water content of Additive Soil A Soil B
soil used to define the behaviors of fine grain soil. %
The liquid limit and plastic limit are determined OMC% MDD OMC% MDD
according to the IS: 2720 (Part 5)-1985. (gm/cc) (gm/cc)
0 32 1.385 33 1.34
The liquid limit (LL) and plasticity index (PI) 5FA 30 1.412 32 1.36
values of different stabilized soil samples are given 10FA 29 1.427 31 1.385
in table 3. It is observed that lime and fly ash 15FA 27 1.442 30 1.4
addition resulted in decrease in its liquid limit and 20FA 26.5 1.455 28.5 1.41
overall plasticity of soil. 3L 35 1.338 35 1.308
5L 37 1.3 36 1.292
8L 38.5 1.267 37 1.28
Table 3: LL and PI of samples
Cyclic wetting-drying tests
Soil A Soil B During wettingdrying cycle, a soil specimen is
LL PI LL wetted and allowed to swell then dried to its initial
Additive PI (%) water content at an ordinary condition, then wetted
(%) (%) (%)
again to swell, which constitutes a cycle of wetting
0 143 99 248 206 and drying. In this study, the sample is filled with
5FA 139 93 235 189 tap water allowing it to fully swell for at least 4
days (or until complete primary swell is achieved).
10FA 128 79 228 179 Then, the water is removed and the consolidation
Biswajit Bhagowat & Nirmali Borthakur

cell is dismantled. The sample (still within the percent (S), which is defined as the percentage
consolidation ring) is then allowed to air-dry (at a increase in height in relation to the original height
room temperature) to its initial water content. All and was calculated as;
dried samples were carefully weighed before
S= ,
proceeding with the next swelling cycle. After
Where H is the axial expansion in mm, and H is
swell test, the weights of the sample were recorded
the original thickness of the specimen in mm.
regularly until the initial dry unit weight reached.
With the saturation of the samples within the
consolidation cell and drying it to the initial weight Swelling Pressure
in air-dry environment, a drying-wetting cycle was This test is intended to measure the axial stress
completed. Here four cycles of alternate wetting necessary to constrain radially confined soil
and drying is allowed for tested specimens. For specimen at constant thickness when immersed in
brevity of work and time restriction swelling water within in the cell. In other words, the swell
pressure of 5% FA, 15% FA, 3%L and 5% L added pressure of test specimen was measured using the
samples for both soil types are not tested for cyclic constant volume method. The preparation of the
wetting-drying condition. Swell potential of 5% specimen and the consolidation cell were the same
FA, 15% FA and 5% L mixed samples for soil type as in the axial swell percent test. It was then
B is also not tested. flooded with water and the volume was kept
constant by continuous addition of loads at each
Swelling Tests axial expansion of the specimen, observing the dial
Swelling potential has been used to describe the gauge displacement keeping at zero level. The load
ability of a soil to swell, in terms of volume change was maintained by using loading arm of the
or the pressure required to prevent swelling. For consolidation cell. The addition of load via the
swelling tests, cylindrical specimens were prepared loading arm was continued until deformation of the
at maximum dry unit weight and optimum specimen could not be observed. The swelling
moisture content of the soils, soil-fly ash and soil pressure was calculated from the total load applied
lime mixtures. About 60mm inner diameter and divided by the cross-sectional area of the specimen
20mm height mold was used to prepare a minimum and was calculated as;

two samples for each combination of soils for = ,
swelling tests. No curing period was allowed for where is the axial stress in kPa, N is the total
these tests. Swelling tests were carried out in load in kN, and A is the area of cross section of the
accordance with IS : 2720 ( Part 41 ) 1977. specimen in m2.
The swell percent of the specimen is measured Swelling potential and swelling pressure tests
using the loaded-swell method. It is carried out by under cyclic wetting-drying condition are
the standard one-dimensional consolidation ring. performed on both soil A and soil B and its some
The sample, which is in the ring, was placed combinations with lime and fly ash in the
between two porous stone which has a number of procedure described earlier. This type of test is
small holes. The ring with the specimen was placed very useful to understand long term behavior or
on the lower porous stone, followed by placement durability of stabilized and unstabilized soil
of the upper porous stone. The specimen was then samples under alternate weather conditions. Here
loaded to a seating pressure of 5 kPa and it was four cycles of alternate wetting and drying are used
maintained with water to cover the top porous for the tested samples. All the samples are allowed
plate. The displacement measurement, dial gauge, to swell fully for about 4 days under inundated
is initialized. The specimen is allowed to swell condition and then allowed to dry to its initial
under the initial seating load. The dial gauge water content under laboratory condition which
readings are recorded periodically until no further generally takes 1.5 to 3 days. All the dried samples
changes in expansion are observed. The swell
17th 19th DECEMBER 2015, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Venue: College of Engineering (Estd. 1854), Pune, India

are carefully weighed periodically before The experimental result shows that swelling
performing next wetting cycle. potential of soil A reduces due to application of
wetting drying cycles. Soil A, having swelling
Variation in swell potential and swell pressure with potentials of around 19% reduced to 7% after
no of cycles for soil A treated with different fourth cycles of alternate wetting and drying. Lime
stabilizers are presented in graphical form and and fly ash treatment reduces the swelling
shown below in figure 1, figure 2 and figure 3 potentials significantly in the 1st cycle itself.
respectively. Addition of 8% lime resulted in the reduction of
swelling potentials to 4.5% and addition of 20% fly
ash to the soil sample, reduction of swell potential
are observed to be 13%. Both lime and fly ash
stabilized samples also show further decrease in
swell potential in successive cycles. Similar results
are also observed in swelling pressure values for
both treated and untreated soil sample A and for all
percentages of lime and fly ash addition. Swelling
pressure of soil A which was 1.65 kg/cm2
decreased to 0.7 kg/cm2 after the fourth cycle. 8%
Figure 1 Swell Potential values of fly ash treated lime and 20% fly ash addition resulted in swelling
soil sample A pressure of 0.45 kg/cm2 and 1.1 kg/cm2
respectively for soil A and these values further
decreased after consecutive cycles. For most of the
samples, most reduction in the swelling potential
and swelling pressure has been observed after the
first cycle itself and subsequently samples show
very less variation after each cycle.

Variation in swell potential and swell pressure with

no of cycles for soil B treated with different
stabilizers are presented in graphical form and
Figure 2 Swell Potential values of lime treated soil shown below in figure 4, figure 5 and figure 6
sample A respectively.

Figure 3 Swell Pressure values of fly ash and lime Figure 4 Swell Potential values of fly ash treated
treated soil sample A soil sample B
Biswajit Bhagowat & Nirmali Borthakur

and swell pressure under continuous wetting and

drying condition may be due to micro structural
and physical changes to the soil due to alternate
wetting and drying. These changes continue to
occur as number of cycle increases and causes
aggregation and rearrangement of the structure of
soil mass from loose dispersed state to compact
flocculated state. For the lime and fly ash treated
samples the decrease in swell potential and swell
pressure in the first wetting itself may be attributed
mainly to cation exchange phenomenon as no
curing time was provided for the samples. This
Figure 5 Swell Potential values of lime treated soil cation exchange process starts as early as within
sample B few hours and imparts changes to the soil against
swelling. It is seen that for both the soil types
reduction in swelling potential for lime treated
samples, most reduction in swelling potential is
observed at lower percentages of additive. In
between 3 to 5% lime addition percentage
reduction in swelling is more. This may be due to
the fact that lime contains sufficient amount of
exchangeable Ca ions. But due to the limited
amount of exchangeable Ca ions in the fly ash used
in this study the reduction in swelling values
obtained with fly ash samples is less than lime
treated samples. Lime stabilization is found to be
more effective than the fly ash stabilization in
reducing swelling potential for this particular study
and specific type of material. For this type of fly
Figure 6 Swell Pressure values of fly ash and lime ash having lesser Ca ion concentration, rate of
treated soil sample B addition may be increased for better results.
Similar results were obtained for soil B types,
where alternate wetting and drying cycles have
reduced swell potential and swell pressure values
for both treated and untreated samples.

Percentage decrease in swell potential and swell

pressure in each wetting-drying cycle are shown in
figure 7, figure 8, figure 9 and figure 10 for fly ash
and lime treated soil sample A and B respectively.
It is observed from the figures that for untreated
samples, most reduction in swell potential and
swell pressure takes place after the first cycle itself
and thereafter percentage decrease is less. For the
fly ash and lime treated samples, swelling potential
of the samples get decreased in the first cycle itself
and this value reduces at gradually at a lower rate Figure 7 Percentage decrease in swell potential
in the next cycles. This decrease in swell potential values of fly ash and lime treated soil sample A
17th 19th DECEMBER 2015, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Venue: College of Engineering (Estd. 1854), Pune, India

The results reported for lime stabilized soil

samples under cyclic wetting and drying condition
in this study is not consistent with the results
reported by Guney et al. and Rao et al. [9, 15].
They have reported that the beneficiary action of
lime stabilization get partially lost after continuous
wetting and drying. But in this study it is observed
that both lime and fly ash treated samples sustain
the wetting and drying cycles and samples shows
no sign of swelling under subsequent cycles. This
variation may be due the difference in properties of
soil samples and additives used and also the
Figure 8 Percentage decrease in swell pressure environment in which the testing was carried out.
values of fly ash and lime treated soil sample A
Swelling potential and swelling pressure of the
expansive soil reduces due to application of
wetting and drying cycles. Lime and fly ash
treatment reduces the swelling potentials
significantly. Beneficiary effect of lime and fly ash
stabilization to reduce swelling potential of
expansive soils is preserved under cyclic wetting
and drying condition. For all the samples most
reduction in the swelling potential and swelling
pressure has been observed after the first cycle
itself and subsequently samples show very less
variation after each cycle. For the particular type of
additives used in the study lime is found to be more
Figure 9 Percentage decrease in swell potential beneficial in reducing swelling characteristics than
values of fly ash and lime treated soil sample B fly ash.

Scope for Future Study

For better estimation of long term effects of
stabilized soils, cyclic wetting-drying tests could
be performed under different surcharges and
environment conditions (temperature). Morever,
cyclic wetting-drying behavior of expansive soils
can also be studied with other stabilizers such as
silica fume, fibers, polymers etc.

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