A Two-Step Prediction ADC Architecture For Integrated Low Power Image Sensors

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1, JANUARY 2017

A Two-Step Prediction ADC Architecture for

Integrated Low Power Image Sensors
Hang Yu, Student Member, IEEE, Wei Tang, Member, IEEE,
Menghan Guo, and Shoushun Chen, Senior Member, IEEE

AbstractThis paper presents a two-step prediction method efforts to reduce power on each building block, or to modify the
for the design of low-power column-parallel analog-to-digital con- ADC structures or operations to achieve a system level power
verters (ADC) in CMOS image sensors. The proposed prediction saving.
method takes advantage of the spatial likelihood of natural scenes,
which shows strong correlations between neighboring pixels in Low-power ADC designs for CMOS image sensors have
the image. Based on this property, the proposed method predicts been prolific in literature. For instance, one popular way is
the MSBs of the selected pixel using quantization results of the reducing the power supply voltage of the whole image sensor or
neighboring pixels in the previous row, which enables a significant only the digital circuits of the image sensor [14]. If the power
power reduction of the A/D conversions. The simulation results supply voltage cannot be reduced, e.g., a specific fabrication
show that up to 2030% power saving can be achieved for most
natural scenes. A 384 256-pixel prototype chip was fabricated technology is applied or a high dynamic range (DR) is required,
using a 0.35 m CMOS technology with a pixel footprint of the switched power technique can be an alternative option,
15 m 15 m. The fill factor is 49%. 10-bit successive approxi- which powers off the components when they are not in use [5],
mation register (SAR) ADCs are used in the column-parallel ADC [15], [16]. Since digital circuits account for a large proportion
array. of the power dissipation, lowering the clock frequency can
Index TermsCMOS image sensor, column-parallel ADC, also be an efficient way to achieve a lower power consumption
common MSBs, low power, prediction. [16]. Also, reconfiguring the circuit operation may sometimes
decrease the power dissipation, e.g., in [6] and [17], only a
small portion of the total capacitor array is used to decide the

I N RECENT years, low-power CMOS image sensors are

greatly expected in many applications including but not
limited to remote imaging, mobile devices, wearable devices,
most significant bits (MSBs). Using this method the capacitor
switching power can be greatly reduced. The multi-stage ADC
proved to be another effective way to save power, e.g., in
and biomedical devices. In these applications, the power con- a two-stage cyclic architecture, the total power consumption
sumption is one of the main design constraints and has been can be reduced by scaling the size of the sampling capacitor
playing an increasingly important role in limiting the image of the second stage [18]. In addition, in a single-slope ADC
sensor performance with the increment of resolution [1]. Stud- architecture, a two-stage ADC or a multi-ramp ADC can also
ies have shown that most of the energy in CMOS image reduce the power dissipation by decreasing the total number
sensors is consumed by the column-parallel analog-to-digital of the comparison times [4], [19]. Data compression is another
converters (ADCs) and digital output circuits. Currently, there emerging approach for low-power designs, which recovers the
are various kinds of architectures for column-parallel ADCs in photo signals from a number of random linear measurements
CMOS image sensors, for instance, single-slope ADCs [2][4], in a transform domain [12], [20], [21]. Since the number of
successive approximation register (SAR) ADCs [5][7], cyclic the measurements is smaller than that of samples dictated by
ADCs [8][10] and ADCs [11][13]. An ADC contains the Nyquist rate, the compression can reduce the total power
components such as comparators, digital-to-analog converters dissipation as well.
(DACs), digital circuits and other circuits such as memories. In this paper, we propose a novel systematic method for
In order to reduce the ADC power consumption, one can make a low-power column-parallel ADC design for CMOS image
sensors. The new method is based on an improved technique
Manuscript received April 16, 2016; revised July 12, 2016 and August 5, of predicting the digitization result of each pixel based on its
2016; accepted August 22, 2016. Date of publication October 11, 2016; date neighboring pixels. The proposed method takes advantage of
of current version January 6, 2017. The work is supported by MOE2012-
T2-2-124 (ARC 17/13), RG 100/14 (2014-T1-001-105) and U.S. NSF the spatial likelihood of natural scenes based on our previous
ECCS-1408019. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor H. Zhang. work [22]. In this method, in a given row except the first row
(Corresponding author: Shoushun Chen.)
H. Yu, M. Guo, and S. Chen are with the VIRTUS IC Design Centre of
of a frame, the MSBs of each pixel are predicted by several
Excellence, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Techno- of its neighboring pixels in the previous row. The number of
logical University, Singapore 639798 (e-mail: [email protected]; mhguo@ the neighboring pixels used in the prediction can be configured
ntu.edu.sg; [email protected]).
W. Tang is with the Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
as 2 or 3. Thus, if the prediction is successful, the original
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA (e-mail: wtang@ A/D conversion steps of the pixels MSBs can be bypassed,
nmsu.edu). which means the corresponding conversion energy is saved.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. This is a significant improvement of our previous work on the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSI.2016.2603519 MSB prediction [22]. In the previous work, a comparison is
1549-8328 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

carried out in the aftermath of the least significant bit (LSB)

conversion to judge whether the prediction is correct or not: if
the prediction is correct, the quantization result of the current
pixel is the output, else, a full conventional A/D conversion is
performed. However, in the previous method, if the prediction
is wrong, the energy for the LSB conversions is completely
wasted. To address the problem, in this paper, a new judgment
system is proposed, which performs the judgment right after the
prediction. If the prediction is correct, only the remaining LSBs
are calculated, else, a full conventional A/D conversion are per-
formed. Compared to the previous method, the new prediction
method avoids wasting power after the wrong predictions.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II intro-
duces the proposed two-step prediction ADC algorithm, includ-
ing the background, description, implementation of different
architectures, and the MATLAB simulation results. Section III Fig. 1. Distribution graph of the neighboring pixel difference in the column-
wise direction of Lena (resolution 512512).
elaborates the CMOS image sensor design and the column-
parallel ADC details. Section IV describes the chip implemen-
tation and measurement results. Section V concludes the paper.


Compared to conventional ADC designs, the proposed two-
step prediction ADC design saves power by taking advantage of
the limited spatial frequency of natural images. To implement
the two-step prediction ADC in image sensors, a system-level
low-power design method is proposed and characterized.

A. Algorithm Background
In images of natural scenes, the spatial frequency is often
limited because a group of pixels in the image can be occupied
by the same object. This means that most of the pixels in the
image could have similar values to their neighboring pixels. For
example, in a satellite image for remote sensing applications,
the differences between neighboring pixels can usually be very Fig. 2. 4-bit DAC voltages of different ADC architectures between two
small. In reality, in such cases, sometimes most of the pixel val- neighboring conversions. (a) Conventional SAR ADC; (b) conventional Single-
Slope ADC.
ues in the whole image have very small differences. Moreover,
the difference of neighboring pixel values could be reduced by
the limitation of the optical systems or the camera resolution. To the edge in order to start the next conversion. The operations
verify this, we studied hundreds of images and calculated the of the SAR ADC and the single-slope ADC are shown in
differences between neighboring pixels in these images using Fig. 2. Unfortunately, with such operations, when the neigh-
MATLAB. The result shows that there is a high percentage boring pixels in the same column have the similar values,
of pixels having similar values to their neighboring pixels. For the charging/discharging energy between the two consecutive
instance, the result of a Lena image with a resolution of 512 comparisons are wasted. This unnecessary discharge energy can
512 is shown in Fig. 1. Although the image contains a mixture be avoided if the consecutive conversion results share several
of detail, flat regions, shading and texture [24], Fig. 1 shows MSB values so the comparison energy of these MSBs can be
that most of the pixel value differences in the column-wised saved. Based on these considerations, we propose the two-step
direction distribute in the range between 50 to + 50 out prediction ADC algorithm for image sensors.
of the full range [ 255, + 255]. Therefore, the digital pixel
value differences in the image are mainly attributed to the LSBs.
B. Algorithm Description
However, conventional ADC structures in image sensors do
not consider the aforementioned image property. For example, The proposed two-step prediction ADC is based on predict-
in a conventional SAR ADC operation, the capacitor array of ing some MSB values of each conversion to reduce the number
the DAC needs to be reset (discharged) between every two of the conversion steps and avoid the unnecessary discharge
conversions. Similarly, in a conventional single-slope ADC between conversions. As illustrated in Fig. 3, the proposed two-
operation, after one conversion, the DAC also needs to be step conversion algorithm processes the pixel array by rows.
reset (charged or discharged depends on the specific design) to In Step 1, the pixel values of each row serve as references for

Fig. 4. Prediction example of the proposed two-step prediction ADC algorithm.

aries generated by the DAC. The predicted MSB values are

considered as correct if
VP < VIN < VP + VREF (1)
Fig. 3. Operation procedure of the proposed two-step prediction ADC algorithm.
where VIN is the analog value of the pixel, VP is the analog
value generated by the DAC based on the predicted MSB
predicting the pixel values of the subsequent row. In specific, digital values, VREF is the DAC reference voltage as well as
the common MSBs of several neighboring pixels from the the full analog input value range, and m is the number of the
previous row are generated as the predicted MSB values of an predicted MSB bits. Since the pixel digital value is expressed
individual pixel in the next row. In this operation, the prediction in a binary form, if the predicted MSB values are correct, VIN
process starts on the second row while the pixel values of must be in the range between VP and (VP + 1/2m VREF ).
the first row are used as the references of the second row. If Otherwise, the prediction is wrong. This prediction judgment
the neighboring pixels do not share common MSBs, then the result concludes the first step of the conversion.
prediction is marked as wrong. In Step 2, if the predicted MSB In the second step process, the final conversion result is ob-
values are correct, the conversion power of the MSB processes tained based on the prediction judgment result. If the prediction
can be saved. Otherwise, a full A/D conversion of the current is correct, then only (n m)-bit LSB A/D conversions are
pixel is operated. applied to obtain the remaining quantization values, where n
A detailed example of the first step process is described in is the number of bits of the ADC and m is the number of bits of
Fig. 4. In order to obtain the digital value of Pixel (i, j) at Row i the predicted MSBs. Otherwise, a full conventional n-bit A/D
Column j, the available digital values of its three neighboring conversion is performed to obtain the digital values of the pixel.
pixels from the previous row (Row (i 1)) are selected as ref- After conversion, the final digital values are stored in a data
erences. The three pixels are (i 1, j 1), (i 1, j), and (i memory for predicting the MSB values of pixels in the next row.
1, j + 1). In our design, for m-bit common MSBs in the ref- The prediction judgment is the main difference and im-
erence, only (m 1)-bit common MSBs are used for the pre- provement compared to our previous work in [22]. In the
diction. In this example, the three reference pixels share 4-bit previous work, the result comparison is operated after the LSB
common MSBs, we only use the first 3 bit common MSBs as the conversion to judge whether the prediction is correct or not. If
prediction of the MSB values of the pixel (i, j). In other words, the prediction is correct, then the progress moves on; else, a
as shown in the lower part of Fig. 4, the common MSBs of the full A/D conversion is performed. It can be seen that with a
three pixels are 1010 while the prediction bits are 101. This wrong prediction, all the following LSB conversion steps are
design is for avoiding the prediction error caused by a small useless, and the energy is wasted. While, in this new design,
difference between neighboring pixels as well as increasing the prediction judgment is carried out immediately after the
the success rate of the prediction. This has been verified by prediction generated. With a correct prediction, the rest LSB
MATLAB simulations with a number of natural images. conversion would be performed; with a wrong prediction, the
After obtaining the predicted MSB values, a DAC is used to full A/D conversion would be started. Comparing to the old
judge whether the predicted MSB values are correct. This is one, the improved algorithm, although burns extra energy, is
done by comparing the pixels analog value with two bound- more efficient. Another improvement of the new algorithm is

the limited prediction number. In an imaging system, even taken conversion of Row 2, assume the prediction circuit picks up
from the same color, the pixels can also have different values the first three MSB values from Row 1 as the MSB prediction
because of non-uniformity and read noise, then the prediction values (in this case 110xx), the judgment is performed by
will fail. To avoid this, the prediction number is limited in the the following operations: 1) keep S4 S2 to 110; 2) switch
new design, so the failure rate due to the small pixel differences S1 S0 to GND to generate a lower boundary voltage at VDAC
can be removed. while obtain the first result of VCOMP ; 3) switch S2 to VREF to
generate a higher boundary voltage at VDAC while obtain the
second result of VCOMP ; 4) if VCOMP toggles, i.e., the first
C. Algorithm Implementation
result of VCOMP is 1 and the second result of VCOMP is
The proposed prediction ADC algorithm contains three key 0, then it means VIN is in the window between the higher
procedures: prediction, judgment, and final conversion. At the boundary and the lower boundary. And thus, the prediction is
beginning, the prediction circuit generates common MSBs from correct. So a partial conversion starts from the fourth bit, which
the data memories that store the digital results of the pixels means only S1 and S0 need to be adjusted to complete the A/D
in the previous row. Then the judgment circuit creates two conversion. After that, in the conversion of Row 3, the same
analog boundary voltages based on the predicted MSB values prediction and judgment processes are performed, however as
and check whether the current pixels analog value is between shown in Fig. 5(a), the judgment results are 0 and 0, which
the two boundary voltages based on (1). Finally, if the pre- means the prediction is failed. Thus, a complete conversion has
dicted MSB values are correct, the ADC only performs the to be performed. Although there are two extra switchings and
LSB conversions. Otherwise, the ADC performs a full A/D comparisons due to the failed prediction, the total energy can be
conversion. This algorithm can be implemented with various greatly saved in the whole image because of the limited spatial
ADC structures, e.g., single-slope ADCs, SAR ADCs, or cyclic frequency of the natural scene. Moreover, if a higher resolution
ADCs. Also, different data structures can be applied in the data ADC is required, power could be further reduced due to a higher
memory. number of successfully predicted MSBs.
There are two options for implementing the proposed al- Besides SAR ADCs, single-slope ADCs can also be used in
gorithm: the local DAC implementation and the global DAC the proposed two-step prediction architecture. In the example
implementation. When choosing the implementation options, illustrated in Fig. 5(b), a single-slope ADC is combined with
the circuit area, speed, and power consumptions are the main a global DAC. Similarly to the previous example, in Row 1
considerations. For the prediction circuit, since the input pixel a complete single-slope A/D conversion is performed. The
value varies column by column, the circuit should be imple- single-slope A/D conversion is divided into two parts: a coarse
mented locally. Another reason for doing this is that the predic- conversion and a fine conversion [23]. Both the coarse conver-
tion circuit is fully digital and does not occupy too much silicon sion and fine conversion use a linear search protocol. In the
area. The judgment circuit can be implemented either locally or coarse conversion, a global multi-reference generator generates
globally depending on the specific design requirements. In a a comparison reference VREF,C which contains 16 voltages
local implementation, the DAC is combined with the column coming sequentially. These voltages compare to the input signal
ADC, while in a global implementation, multiple reference one by one to obtain a coarse conversion result, which rep-
voltages are applied and broadcast to all column slices globally. resents the MSB values. After the coarse conversion, the fine
This can be achieved by using a voltage scaling DAC. conversion is performed by comparing a ramp signal VRAMP to
Examples of the implementation options with different ADC the input voltage. VRAMP is generated by a global ramp signal
types are shown in Fig. 5. In these examples, a 5-bit A/D generator. In our design, VRAMP is shifted to the input signal
conversion is applied using the same input signal with the same based on the result of the coarse conversion. In Fig. 5(b), VF F
scenario: 1) In Row 1, since there are no previous rows, the is a voltage following VREF . If the number of the MSBs of the
prediction is not available. So the conversion starts from the coarse conversion is n, then VF F is (2n 1)/(2n ) VREF . In
second step, which is a complete A/D conversion. 2) In Row 2, this example, VF F equals to 15/16 VREF . VP R is the analog
the first step prediction is successful. So in the second step, only value of the predicted MSBs for judgment. VP R is selected
a partial A/D conversion is performed. 3) In Row 3, the first from the global multiple references by the predicted MSBs.
step prediction is failed and thus a complete A/D conversion is The global ramp generator and multi-reference generator can
performed. be turned off after every A/D conversion in order to save power.
In the first example of Fig. 5(a), a local DAC is applied In addition to single-slope ADC, the global DAC solution
in the judgment circuit in the first step and an SAR ADC is can also be easily adopted into other ADC architectures without
used in the second step. In the A/D conversion of the pixels in much modification. For instance, Fig. 5(c) describes the DAC
Row 1, a full SAR A/D conversion is performed. A simplified voltages for a global DAC solution with local SAR ADC
schematic of the SAR ADC is shown in Fig. 6. At the beginning in column slices. The prediction result generation, judgment
of the conversion, the switch SR is turned ON and the switches process, and the coarse quantization are the same as that in the
S4 S0 are connected to GND to reset the capacitor array. example of the single-slope ADC, and the DAC voltage is gen-
Then SR is turned OFF, and S4 S0 are sequentially switched erated locally by the switched-capacitor array. Since the input
to VREF . During this process, if VCOMP is 1 then the switch voltage range of an SAR ADC is determined by the reference
remains at VREF , otherwise, it turns back to GND. The final voltage, the capacitor array can be connected to various refer-
positions of S4 S0 are the conversion results. Next, in the ence voltages depends on the coarse MSBs to perform a further

Fig. 5. Three examples of the proposed algorithm implementations with different architectures. (a) Step 1: local DAC for coarse conversion and prediction
judgment, Step 2: local SAR ADC for fine conversion. (b) Step 1: global DAC for coarse conversion and prediction judgment, Step 2: local single-slope ADC for
fine conversion. (c) Step 1: global DAC for coarse conversion and prediction judgment, Step 2: local SAR ADC for fine conversion.

fine quantization. During this operation, the number of the

coarse MSBs (the number of the global reference voltages) is
important to optimize the total power consumption. In addition,
since the average power consumption depends on the column
resolution of the sensor, a higher resolution can reduce the
shared power consumption of each single column ADC.
Firstly, for global solutions, extra global DAC and analog sig-
nal buffers are necessary for global signal broadcasting, which
Fig. 6. Simplified schematic of the SAR ADC for the local DAC implementation. consumes extra power. While the local DAC does not need these

supports, so the energy consumed by these parts can be saved.

Secondly, in global DAC solutions, all the column slices share
one global reference source, so the number of the predicted
MSBs should be the same. Whereas, in the local DAC solution,
the number of the predicted MSBs can vary. Therefore, the local
DAC implementation of the two-step prediction ADC is more
energy efficient.
All the above-mentioned solutions will not change the pixel
architecture and operation, and only bring in small changes to
the column slices. With this advantage, the proposed method is
easier to be applied to the image sensors than other methods.
For instance, in [28], an image sensor with dual analog power
supply 1.8 and 1.1 V is proposed. This imager divides the pixel
array into blocks of 8 8 pixels. It operates integration twice
for one image: the first time integration is to get the scene
information and decide the power supplies of the blocks, and
Fig. 7. Switching energy versus ADC output code.
the second time integration is for image acquirement. Then low
power consumption can be achieved by the low power supply
voltage. However, to utilize this, firstly, the pixel needs to be
modified in both architecture and operation, and obviously the
fill factor is decreased, with high or low power supplies, the
pixel would also suffer from low uniformity and high fixed
pattern noise. Moreover, the different noise level from different
power supplies will also remain after signal readout. While,
in our algorithm, only small modifications are needed in the
column slices with the pixel array unchanged, and no extra
noise would be introduced. Therefore, the proposed algorithm
can be easily implemented.

D. Algorithm Simulation
The power consumption of the proposed two-step prediction
ADC has been simulated using MATLAB based on our energy
model. According to the aforementioned discussion, we focus
on the local SAR ADC topology since it has a lower power
consumption. The power cost in this topology can be divided
into three parts: the switched-capacitor array, the comparator,
and the digital circuits. Since the comparator and the digital
circuits consume the same energy for different bits of the
ADC code, in the simulation we only study the power of the
switched-capacitor array.
Power analysis of the switched-capacitor array is based on Fig. 8. Block diagram of the prototype CMOS image sensor with the proposed
the charging and discharging energy during A/D conversions. two-step prediction ADC architecture.
Referring to Fig. 6, at the beginning of the conversion, the
capacitors are reset to GND. The conversion starts when SR to bottom, the five curves represent the switching energy with
is turned OFF. In the first bit conversion, the bottom plate of no prediction, 1-bit, 2-bit, 3-bit, and 4-bit MSB predictions.
capacitor C4 is switched to VREF , and VDAC is charged to 1/2 The simulation results show that the switching energy can be
VREF . This switching energy is 8CVREF 2 . At this moment, reduced with a higher number of the predicted MSBs.
if VIN > VDAC , then C4 is kept to VREF and C3 is switched
to VREF , so VDAC is charged to 3/4 VREF . In this case, the
switching energy of this step is 2CVREF 2 . Else if VIN < VDAC , III. I MAGE S ENSOR D ESIGN
C4 is switched back to GND and C3 is switched to VREF , so
A. Image Sensor Architecture
VDAC becomes 1/4VREF . In this case, the switching energy
of this step is 10CVREF 2 . Then the next step is to compare A prototype CMOS image sensor implementing the proposed
VDAC and VIN to decide the following bits. With this analysis, prediction algorithm using local SAR ADCs was designed
the switching energy of all the ADC output codes is simulated using a 0.35 m CMOS technology. Fig. 8 shows the image
with various numbers of the predicted MSBs. The simulation sensor block diagram. The circuits contain 6 main building
result of this 5-bit conversion is shown in Fig. 7. From top blocks. They are a 3 T-APS (3-transistor active pixel sensor)

Fig. 10. Microphotograph of the proposed CMOS image sensor.

cell. In this design, the prediction and judgment circuits are

Fig. 9. Architectures of the proposed SAR ADC cell and the switched- combined with the SAR Logic cell. The prediction circuit cal-
capacitor DAC. (a) Architecture diagram of the SAR ADC cell. (b) Schematic culates the common MSBs from the three neighboring pixels
of the switched-capacitor DAC and the comparator. (c) Schematic of the digital data in the previous row and generates the predicted
switched-capacitor DAC with 3-bit Predicted MSBs (101xxxxxxx).
MSB values. Then the judgment circuit controls the DAC
to generate the corresponding boundary voltages. After the
pixel array with a resolution of 384 256, a column-parallel comparison between the analog signal from the pixel and the
delta double sampling (DDS) and sample-hold (S/H) circuit boundary voltages, the judgment circuit passes the result to
array, a column-parallel SAR ADC array, two sets of column- the prediction circuit. If the prediction is successful, the pre-
parallel memories, a row scanner, and a timing and reference diction circuit writes the MSBs to the SAR Logic. Else if the
generator. prediction is failed, the prediction circuit resets the SAR Logic.
During the image sensor operation, the timing and reference Then the SAR logic takes over the control of the DAC and
generator provides all the timing signals, analog biasing volt- completes the quantization. Since the remaining LSB A/D con-
ages, and reference voltages to the other building blocks. The versions also apply the binary search protocol, the SAR logic
exposure time is controlled by the timing generator and external circuit in this ADC has the same structure as in a conventional
exposure control signals. After exposure, the row scanner starts SAR ADC.
scanning the pixel array row by row in order to read out the In order to reduce the power consumption, a single-ended
complete image signals. split switched-capacitor array is used in the ADC with a dy-
The signals in the photo detector (PD) are first processed namic comparator. The schematic of the switched-capacitor
by a DDS circuit to remove the fixed-pattern noise (FPN) and array with the comparator is shown in Fig. 9(b). The 10-bit
the low-frequency noise [24], [25]. The processed signals are split-capacitor structure is applied with 6-bit MSBs and 4-bit
then sampled for quantization. During the quantization, the LSBs. Thus, the capacitor array contains total 80.07 unit capac-
logic circuit in each column generates the predicted MSBs from itors. In this design, a unit capacitor C is 143.688 fF. The max-
the previous row, whose data are stored in Memory 2. Then imum equivalent capacitance observed between the top and the
the judgment circuit decides whether the prediction results bottom plates of the capacitor array is 64C. The split-capacitor
are correct by comparing the prediction boundaries and the structure reduces the power consumption and the silicon area
sampled analog signal of the current pixel. Based on the judg- compared to a regular capacitor array. On the other hand, to
ment decision, a full or partial A/D conversion is performed. reduce the circuit complexity and the power consumption, the
Finally, the quantization results are stored in Memory 1 as the reference voltage generators are removed [26]. The reference
output. The data is also stored in Memory 2 for the next rows voltages in the SAR ADC are directly connected to the power
prediction. After that, the row scanner shifts to the next row supply, i.e., VREF = V DD.
until the full image is digitized. We should note that since both the prediction and the judg-
ment circuits are fully digital and no other extra analog or
digital circuits are added into the ADC, the two-step prediction
B. ADC Architecture
ADC only brings negligible extra circuit complexity and silicon
In the integrated prototype image sensor, modified SAR area to a conventional SAR ADC. Fig. 9(c) shows an exam-
ADCs are used to implement the proposed two-step prediction ple of a successful prediction 101xxxxxxx, within which
algorithm. Fig. 9(a) shows the block diagram of the SAR ADC the three capacitors C9 (32C), C8 (16C), and C7 (8C) are


pre-assigned to 101 after the prediction and judgment. So

these three capacitors are excluded from the remaining binary
searching steps, and the corresponding switching energy intro-
duced by charging or discharging these three capacitors can be
eliminated from the system power consumption. Since these
capacitors take most of the capacitance in the capacitor array,
the proposed prediction method could significantly reduce the
switching energy.


A. Prototype Chip
The image sensor with the two-step prediction ADC was fab-
ricated using a 0.35 m CMOS process (2P4 M). Fig. 10 shows
a microphotograph of the chip. Table I lists the basic perfor-
mance summary of the chip and other published works. The
sensor has a resolution of 384256 with one ADC for each
pixel column. Each column slice contains the DDS circuit, S/H
circuit, SAR ADC and two sets of memories. The pixel pitch
and the column slice pitch are both 15 m with the fill factor
as 49%, which is considered as large sizes for image sensor Fig. 11. DNL and INL (normalized to the LSB) of the proposed 10-bit SAR ADC.
designs. This is because that the image sensor is targeted for po-
larization applications [27]. So the large size photo detector can of the ADC is also higher than other designs. The power
guarantee enough photo-detective area after placing the metal consumption can be further reduced with advanced processes
grid. To compensate the sensitivity loss due to the polarizer, a where a low power supply voltage is available.
configurable gain of 2, 4, or 8 is optional in the DDS circuit. For
the same reason, the FPN was calculated from the columns that
have the same type polarizer. The listed frame rate is decided by
the readout speed. Since the photo detectors are covered by the The column-parallel ADCs have a resolution of 10-bit, and
metal grid, the effective exposure time should be longer. Thus, the unit capacitance is 143.688 fF. The effective input range
in real applications, the frame rate is lower. of the ADC is 0.8 V3.1 V, which is also the output range of
The 0.35 m CMOS process applies a 3.3 V power supply, the DDS circuit. Since the reference voltages of the capacitor
which is a high voltage for digital circuit and leads to a array are directly connected to the power supply voltage (3.3 V)
higher digital circuit power consumption. Thus, compared to and ground in order to remove the reference voltage generator
other designs, the energy consumption of the proposed design, circuits, nearly 30% of the ADC input range is lost. The
463 pJ/pixel, is relatively high. Therefore, the calculated FOM linearity of the ADC in terms of DNL and INL is measured and

Fig. 12. Diagram of the consumed energy of the prototype design.

illustrated in Fig. 11. The results show that the split-capacitor

array is vulnerable to the random capacitor mismatch as well
as the parasitic capacitance associated with the LSB node and
the split capacitor, although it reduces the total capacitance.
These non-idealities are magnified when the ADCs are placed
into very narrow column slices in the layout. As a result, the
linearity of the ADC is restricted to about 2.6-LSB INL.

C. Power Consumption
As shown in Fig. 12, the diagram of the consumed energy of
the prototype design is presented based on the measured result.
The red curve in the middle illustrates the energy consumed
by the typical A/D conversions, it increases with the ADC output
code because a larger ADC output code needs more registers
flipped and has a higher DAC voltage to be reset after the con-
version. The curves below the red one are the energy consumed
by the A/D conversions with successful MSB predictions. Simi-
larly, a larger ADC output code needs more energy for registers
flipping and DACs resetting, thus the saved energy would
increase with the ADC output values. Since the prediction judg-
ment also consumes energy, so the conversion with 1-bit right
prediction does not save much energy with small ADC codes.
The curves above the red one are the energy consumed by the
A/D conversions with failed prediction. In these cases, after
the prediction judgment, a whole conventional A/D conversion
would be carried out, so the energy differences come from
the prediction judgment operation, and are about 120160 pJ
more than the red one according to the predicted MSB quantity
and ADC code. From the diagram, it can be seen that if the
prediction succeeds, the ADC would need less power than the
conventional ADC. While, if the prediction fails, the ADC
would consume more energy than the conventional one. In the
view of the whole image, due to the limited spatial frequency of
nature scenes, the successful predictions are usually much more
than the failed ones, so the proposed design can save energy.
As discussed in Section II, the total saved power consumption
using the two-step prediction ADC depends on the specific
image, especially the spatial gradient distribution. Fig. 13(a) Fig. 13. (a) Sample image from the prototype chip. (b) Failed prediction pixels.
shows a sample image taken by the prototype chip. Since the (c) Prediction distribution.

This paper proposed a two-step prediction ADC architecture
for low-power column-parallel ADCs in the image sensor. By
finding the common MSBs of the neighboring pixels in the pre-
vious row, the MSB values of the current pixel can be predicted,
so the corresponding switching energy is saved. The prediction
judgment would introduce two more comparisons (3 clock
cycles in the proposed design) to decide if the prediction is
correct. But in the view of the whole system, the frame rate
is limited by the digital signal readout stage, which takes a
much longer time (384 clock cycles for 384 columns) after the
A/D conversion is completed. Since the A/D conversion and
the signal readout work in pipeline style, the proposed algo-
rithm will not delay to conversion. This method can be easily
integrated with most of the column-parallel ADCs by adding
simple extra digital circuits. But the prediction generation cir-
cuit will share the routing resources of the column slices. Thus
with limited column size, the prediction algorithm may not be
applied or only a few MSB bits can be utilized. Unlike a circuit
optimization, the improved power efficiency of the proposed
method is not consistent. The power saving depends on the
specific ADC architectures and image spatial frequencies. So
it is possible that in extreme cases where the spatial frequency
of the image is unusually high, applying the algorithm cannot
Fig. 14. Average energy consumption of one pixel of the sample image.
save energy but even waste more. A prototype CMOS image
sensor was designed and fabricated with column-parallel SAR
ADCs applying the proposed method. Both simulation results
FPN of the pixels is removed by the DDS circuit, some vertical
and measurement results show that the ADC power can be
lines in the image are mainly caused by the different types
significantly reduced using the proposed method.
of the polarizers and the FPN of the other readout circuits,
which will be discussed in another paper. Fig. 13(b) shows the
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