A Resolution-Reconfigurable 5-To-10-Bit 0.4-To-1 V

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A Resolution-Reconfigurable 5-to-10-Bit 0.4-to-1 V

Power Scalable SAR ADC for Sensor Applications
Marcus Yip, Student Member, IEEE, and Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—A power-scalable SAR ADC for sensor applications The analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is an indispensable
is presented. The ADC features a reconfigurable 5-to-10-bit DAC part of every sensor node, responsible for interfacing the phys-
whose power scales exponentially with resolution. At low resolu- ical world to the digital signal processing unit. In particular, for
tions where noise and linearity requirements are reduced, supply
voltage scaling is leveraged to further reduce the energy-per-con- energy-constrained systems powered off small batteries or en-
version. The ADC operates up to 2 MS/s at 1 V and 5 kS/s at 0.4 ergy harvesting, adapting the ADC performance to the signal of
V, and its power scales linearly with sample rate down to leakage interest to avoid consuming power on unnecessary bandwidth
levels of 53 nW at 1 V and 4 nW at 0.4 V. Leakage power-gating or accuracy can extend the device lifetime. Therefore, this paper
during a SLEEP mode in between conversions reduces total power presents a single reconfigurable ADC whose power scales with
by up to 14% at sample rates below 1 kS/s. Prototyped in a low-
power 65 nm CMOS process, the ADC in 10-bit mode achieves an
resolution and sample rate to maximize energy-efficiency for a
INL and DNL of 0.57 LSB and 0.58 LSB respectively at 0.6 V, and broad range of applications [4].
the Nyquist SNDR and SFDR are 55 dB and 69 dB respectively at The target resolution of the ADC is chosen to cover 5 to 10
0.55 V and 20 kS/s. The ADC achieves an optimal FOM of 22.4 bits of resolution in 1-bit increments which encompasses low
fJ/conversion-step at 0.55 V in 10-bit mode. The combined tech- resolution applications like neural spike sorting (up to 8 bits)
niques of DAC resolution and voltage scaling maximize efficiency
[5], as well as moderate resolution applications like ambulatory
at low resolutions, resulting in an FOM that increases by only 7x
over the 5-bit scaling range, improving upon a 32x degradation ECG monitoring (8 to 10 bits) [6]. The target sampling rate is
that would otherwise arise from truncation of bits from an ADC scalable from a maximum of 1 MS/s down to 10’s of samples
of fixed resolution and voltage. per second to accomodate high bandwidth modes and multi-
Index Terms—ADC, analog-to-digital converter, leakage reduc- channel applications where many channels are multiplexed into
tion, power-gating, power scaling, reconfigurable, resolution, scal- a single ADC, or low-power modes where the sensor node is
able, successive approximation, voltage scaling. highly duty cycled. For this performance range, the successive
approximation register (SAR) ADC is a good candidate [7].
Recent SAR ADCs have achieved exceptional energy-effi-
I. INTRODUCTION ciency but most lack the ability to reconfigure its resolution

A DVANCES in the semiconductor industry have spurred

the development of wireless sensor networks, which
consist of a collection of distributed micro-power sensor nodes
[8], [9]. In [5], a 3-to-8-bit SAR ADC is presented, but it is
not optimized for scalability over sampling rate. The ADC
presented in this paper has 6 resolution modes from 5-bits to
capable of sensing, processing, and relaying data to a central 10-bits, and scalable sample rate up to 2 MS/s at 1 V and 5 kS/s
basestation [1]. These networks have potential applications at 0.4 V. Several techniques are used to enable power scaling
such as structural health monitoring, industrial process mon- across the entire performance range. First, a resolution-recon-
itoring, and personal health monitoring. Using the latter as figurable digital-to-analog converter (DAC) improves power
an example, wearable biopotential sensor nodes [2] can be scaling with resolution. Second, a fully dynamic architecture
used to monitor vital signs such as the electrocardiogram with bootstrapped sampling and no static currents enables
(ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), respiratory rate, and ultra-low-voltage operation which provides power sav-
blood oxygenation, all of which have varying bandwidth and ings [10]. Lastly, the use of a low-leakage 65 nm CMOS
dynamic range requirements. Furthermore, within a given process together with leakage power-gating extends efficiency
application such as ECG monitoring, variable resolution can to low sample rates.
also be desirable in order to accomplish tasks such as heart Section II presents the ADC architecture and describes tech-
rate detection (low resolution) or ST pattern changes (high niques used to achieve resolution reconfigurability. Section III
resolution) [3]. In this context, hardware that is energy-efficient proposes voltage scaling as an effective way to reduce the
and reconfigurable can significantly reduce the size and cost of ADC energy-per-conversion, and discusses its implications on
such a system. dynamic range and linearity. Section IV describes the use of
leakage power-gating as a leakage reduction technique during
Manuscript received February 28, 2012; revised December 03, 2012; the ADC conversion cycle. Section V presents prototype mea-
accepted December 03, 2012. This paper was approved by Associate Editor surement results, and Section VI concludes the paper.
Venu Gopinathan. This work was supported by DARPA and NSERC.
The authors are with the Microsystems Technology Laboratories, Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA (e-mail: yipm@mit.
edu; [email protected]). II. ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. This section describes the details of the ADC architecture, ex-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2013.2254551 amines the design and energy consumption of the DAC circuits,

0018-9200/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE

This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 2. Conventional array segmented into a 5-bit main-DAC and a 5-bit sub-

voltage-scalable implementations [9], [15]. Although RDACs

can be made lower power by duty cycling, they require series
switches to pass rail-to-rail voltages which can limit the amount
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed reconfigurable SAR ADC. of voltage scaling in the ADC, or require a large number of
boostrapped switches which would increase power and area.
Since voltage scaling is used extensively in this work to im-
and presents trade-offs and techniques used to achieve resolu- prove energy-efficiency, the CDAC approach is chosen because
tion reconfigurability in the ADC. it is more amenable to voltage scaling since switches are used
to pass voltages only at the rails.
A. ADC Architecture The conventional CDAC uses an array of binary-weighted ca-
A block diagram of the proposed SAR ADC is shown pacitors to generate the analog output through charge-redistri-
in Fig. 1. It comprises a resolution-reconfigurable DAC bution [16]. Although the conventional capacitor array is simple
segmented into a 1-to-6-bit main-DAC and 4-bit sub-DAC to implement, it is quite inefficient for “down” (i.e., decreasing
[11] using the split-capacitor array switching scheme [12], voltage) transitions [12]. Recently, a variety of new switching
a dynamic comparator, and the SAR digital control logic. A methods have been proposed to reduce the switching energy.
differential architecture is chosen to improve power supply and In [12], the split-capacitor switching scheme reduces the av-
common-mode rejection for higher resolution modes. At lower erage switching energy by 37% by improving the efficiency of
resolutions where linearity and noise requirements are reduced, the “down” transitions. This is accomplished by splitting the
voltage scaling is used to improve energy-efficiency. In order MSB capacitor into a separate MSB sub-array that is identical in
to ensure adequate sampling linearity at low voltages, a switch structure to the rest of the array. The energy-saving approach of
bootstrap circuit is used [10]. [17] applies the split-capacitor approach to the MSB-1 capacitor
Each conversion begins with the assertion of the input and eliminates energy consumption during the first switching
pulse and consists of 4 phases as in [13]: DAC reset, input sam- phase, reducing the switching energy by 56% when compared
pling, bit cycling, and SLEEP. First, the DAC is reset to remove to the conventional case. In [18], a monotonic set-and-down
all residual charge so that the top plates of the DAC switching scheme further improves the energy reduction to 81%
settle passively to the input common-mode while the inputs are by avoiding energy consumption during the first transition, re-
sampled onto the DAC bottom plates, eliminating the need for ducing the total capacitance by 50%, and only discharging a
a common-mode reference. Then, the SAR control logic starts single capacitor during any subsequent transition. A review of
bit cycling at the appropriate bit capacitor to achieve resolution the various switching strategies can be found in [19].
scaling. The resolution mode is digitally controlled with 3 bits A major limitation of the above switching schemes is the bi-
, and internal thermometer and one-hot decoders. nary weighting between the MSB and LSB capacitor. For ex-
After the bits are resolved, the ADC is put into SLEEP mode ample, the MSB capacitor in a 10-bit array is 512 larger than
where the clock is gated to minimize clock power and the LSB capacitor. One way to reduce the ratio, and therefore
aid power scalability with sample rate, and the digital circuits the energy and area, is to use a lower resolution sub-DAC to in-
are power-gated with a low-leakage high- device to mini- terpolate between the transitions of the main-DAC [11]. Fig. 2
mize leakage energy at low sample rates. The duration of the shows a conventional 10-bit capacitor array that is segmented
SLEEP phase is variable to enable sample rate scaling. into a 5-bit main-DAC and a 5-bit sub-DAC, where the ratio is
reduced to just 16. The sub-DAC is coupled to the main-DAC
B. DAC Architecture through a series capacitor which is sized to make the series
The DAC is an integral part of a SAR ADC since it de- combination of and the sub-DAC look like the unit capac-
termines the accuracy of the successive approximations of itance .
the sampled input. The two common DAC approaches are In order to yield both area and energy savings, the proposed
resistive DACs (RDACs) or capacitive DACs (CDACs). ADC combines the split-capacitor switching scheme with the
Fast-settling RDACs consuming static power have been shown use of a sub-DAC as shown in Fig. 3. Here, the capacitor array
to be appropriate for high-speed SAR ADCs employing a is segmented into a 6-bit main-DAC and a 4-bit sub-DAC, and
multi-bit/cycle topology [14], while CDACs consuming only the 32 MSB capacitor of the main-DAC is split into its own
dynamic switching power are appropriate for low-power, MSB sub-array that is identical in structure to the rest of the
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Fig. 3. Split-capacitor array comprising the MSB sub-array and the main array, both segmented into a 5-bit main-DAC and a 4-bit sub-DAC.

Fig. 4. (a) Comparison of switching energy versus output code for a 10-bit DAC. (b) Average switching energy versus resolution.

main array. The choice of a 4-bit sub-DAC will be discussed large MSB capacitors, the required DAC energy is much larger
later in Section II.D. than necessary. For example, cycling the first 5 MSBs of a con-
In order to compare the energy-efficiency of the various ventional 10-bit array to achieve 5-bit resolution would require
switching schemes, Fig. 4(a) shows the switching energy of energy, which is 32 more energy required than
(normalized to units of ) versus the output code for a just cycling a small 5-bit array . The alternative is
differential 10-bit array. Assuming that the output codes are to start bit cycling in the middle of the array, and bit cycle to the
uniformly distributed, the split-capacitor array combined with LSB capacitor. However, in this case, the MSB capacitors atten-
a sub-DAC implemented in the proposed ADC consumes an uate the DAC output which increases the resolution requirement
average of , which is a 20 reduction from the of the comparator. Therefore, in the proposed ADC, two modi-
conventional array (1363 ). While the split-capacitor fications are made to the array shown in Fig. 3 to achieve resolu-
array with sub-DAC approach is very energy-efficient at 10 tion reconfigurability while avoiding the above issues. First, the
bits, Fig. 4(b) shows the average switching energy versus capacitors of the MSB sub-array and the main-array are inter-
resolution for each of the switching schemes, demonstrating leaved. Secondly, switches are inserted in between each pair of
that it remains quite energy-efficient down to around 5 bits. In MSB capacitors to decouple capacitors as resolution is scaled.
the comparison of Fig. 4(b), for arrays that use a sub-DAC, By interleaving the MSB sub-array and main array, it is pos-
the resolution of the sub-DAC is chosen to be equal to or one sible to decouple the same number of capacitors from both ar-
greater than the main-DAC resolution to minimize switching rays, maintaining an identical structure between the two arrays
energy. as resolution is scaled. In this prototype, the switches are con-
trolled by the thermometer coded bits [4:0], and are driven off
C. Resolution Reconfigurability a fixed 1.2 V supply with negligible current draw. The resulting
In addition to optimizing the energy-efficiency of the capac- capacitor array reconfigured in the 10-bit, 8-bit, and 5-bit modes
itor array, further energy savings can be achieved by scaling its are shown in Figs. 5(a)-(c) respectively.
resolution. With a fixed-resolution DAC, resolution scaling can
traditionally be done in two ways. First, it is possible to bit cycle D. Resolution Scaling Trade-Offs
starting at the MSB capacitor, and stop at the desired resolution As resolution is scaled, in order to minimize area and
[13]. However, this approach is avoided because by cycling the switching energy, the optimal distribution of bits between the
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Fig. 6. Comparison of average switching energy for a split-capacitor array with

a sub-DAC, for sub-DACs of various resolutions.

cost of increased area. Alternatively, a sea of smaller unit capac-

itors can be used, where a subset can be cycled for low resolu-
tion modes, and multiple small unit capacitors can be combined
to form larger unit capacitors for higher resolutions. However,
this approach requires extra switch complexity and control over-
head. Therefore, in this work, a unit capacitance of fF
using interconnect fringe capacitors is used to achieve matching
at the 10-bit level, and the same unit capacitance is used for
all resolutions as a trade-off between circuit simplicity and effi-
ciency at lower resolutions.
Fig. 7 shows the schematic of the final implemented
Fig. 5. Reconfigurable DAC in (a) 10-bit mode, (b) 8-bit mode, and (c) 5-bit
5-to-10-bit reconfigurable DAC in differential form, with the
mode. sample-and-hold function combined. In addition to exponential
energy savings during bit cycling, the reconfigurable DAC
also has the added advantage of exponentially scaling its input
main-DAC and sub-DAC is to set the sub-DAC resolution capacitance, thus reducing the power required for the ADC
equal to (or one greater than) the main-DAC resolution. This driver. The positive and negative DAC reference voltages are
rule is followed in the plot of Fig. 4(b) for arrays employing the supply voltage and ground respectively. During
sub-DACs. However, in this work, the sub-DAC resolution the input sampling phase, the bottom-plate sampling switches
is fixed over all resolution modes because it cannot easily are implemented as a transmission gate with a bootstrapped
be scaled without adjusting the value of the series capacitor NMOS device, while the top-plate sampling switches ( [4:0]
. In order to determine the sub-DAC resolution, Fig. 6 and SAMP) are bootstrapped NMOS devices. Details on the
shows a comparison of the average switching energy for a bootstrapped switches are presented in Section III.C.
split-capacitor array with a sub-DAC, for sub-DACs of various
resolutions. For the target resolution range of 5 to 10 bits, a III. VOLTAGE SCALING AND DYNAMIC RANGE
4-bit sub-DAC comes close to the optimal case (dashed line)
in the 7-to-10-bit range, while trading off some efficiency in This section examines voltage scaling as a strategy to mini-
the 6-bit and 5-bit modes. Therefore, a design choice is made mize the overall ADC energy-per-conversion. Although voltage
to fix the sub-DAC resolution at 4 bits. The energy savings scaling is an effective method to reduce digital circuit energy,
across resolution of the proposed approach when compared to the design of analog circuits becomes more difficult as a result
the conventional array is summarized in Table I. of reduced voltage headroom, degraded switch resistance, and
Aside from minimizing the switching energy of the capac- reduced dynamic range. However, as the resolution is scaled in
itor array through architectural optimizations, the unit capaci- the proposed ADC, both the noise and linearity requirements are
tance should be sized for sufficient matching at each level of relaxed, providing an opportunity to use voltage scaling to op-
resolution. Since capacitor mismatch scales as , timize energy-efficiency. This section discusses the sources of
this implies that the unit capacitance can be reduced by 4 for energy consumption in the ADC, and the emergence of a min-
each bit of resolution which would further improve efficiency at imum energy point due to leakage energy. Furthermore, noise
lower resolutions. This can be accomplished by using multiple and linearity requirements are discussed, and a voltage scalable
capacitor arrays, each with a different unit capacitance, at the comparator is described.
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Fig. 7. Differential implementation of the 5-to-10-bit reconfigurable DAC.

A. Energy-Per-Conversion and Minimum Energy Point where is the effective capacitance being switched,
This section discusses the energy-per-conversion of the con- and is a function of the resolution. Finally, the leakage energy-
stituent blocks of the ADC. It can be shown that the average per-conversion is given by
switching energy of the DAC is
where is the leakage current, and is the minimum
conversion time at a given . As is scaled into the
where is the resolution and is dependent on the switching sub-threshold, the speed of CMOS devices decreases exponen-
scheme, and is equal to 1 for the conventional array [17] and tially, thereby increasing exponentially. The net result is that
0.049 in the proposed ADC. In [20], the energy of a dynamic actually increases as the supply voltage is reduced. The
regenerative comparator is derived. When applied to an -bit energy-per-conversion versus supply voltage for each compo-
matching-limited SAR ADC that requires comparisons per nent of the ADC is illustrated in Fig. 8. The plotted data is based
conversion, the comparator energy-per-conversion can be de- on measurements of dynamic power at 1 V and leakage mea-
rived as surements over all voltages, and extrapolated based on the en-
ergy models above. As voltage is scaled down from 1 V, the
(2) total energy is reduced because the dynamic energy of
where is the load capacitance, and is the transistor the active blocks dominate. However, the opposing trends of
overdrive. For the digital circuits and clock network, the energy- dynamic energy reduction and increased leakage energy at low
per-conversion is given by voltages lead to a minimum energy point (MEP) for the ADC.
For low-bandwidth applications that are not throughput limited,
(3) it is beneficial to operate at the MEP.
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Fig. 8. Energy-per-conversion for each component versus supply voltage.

Fig. 9. Relative contributions of sampled thermal noise and quantization noise
versus supply voltage, and the degradation in ENOB due to thermal noise.
Plotted data assumes fF to be conservative.
B. Noise and Dynamic Range
Although voltage scaling is an effective strategy for im-
proving energy-efficiency, it proportionately reduces the input
range. However, as long as the ADC is limited by quantization
noise, the dynamic range stays constant since the LSB voltage
also scales with the supply. This remains true until the quanti-
zation noise approaches the thermal noise floor, which is set by
the sampling capacitance ( for the proposed
ADC). The top portion of Fig. 9 shows the quantization noise
(solid lines) and sampled thermal noise (dotted lines)
versus supply voltage for the , 8, and 10-bit cases. As the
voltage decreases, quantization noise approaches the thermal
noise floor, which degrades the achievable effective number of
bits (ENOB) as shown in the bottom of Fig. 9 (a degradation
of 0 corresponds to ). It can be seen that thermal
noise can degrade the ENOB by more than 0.1 bits in the 10-bit
mode for V, while it is insignificant in the 5-bit
mode. Therefore, noise requirements decrease with resolution,
enabling greater voltage scaling at lower resolution modes.

C. Linearity Requirements
In addition to noise, the degraded “on” resistance of analog
switches at low voltages can introduce distortion and limit the
Fig. 10. (a) Schematic of the DAC during the sampling phase, bottom-plate
bandwidth. To address this, a bootstrap circuit is used to increase sampling switch, and bootstrap circuit. (b) Simulated THD versus input fre-
the gate-source voltage of the sampling switches. Fig. 10(a) quency.
shows the schematic of the differential DAC during the sam-
pling phase and the bootstrap circuit [10] applied to the NMOS
device of the complementary bottom-plate sampling switches. the THD requirement at various resolution modes. For example,
The same bootstrap circuit is applied to the NMOS top-plate in order to achieve 8-bit linearity, the required THD is below
sampling switches. Node acts as the supply of the output dB, where an extra 6 dB is
inverter, and charge is stored across capacitor so that added for margin. To illustrate how linearity requirements vary
swings to when is driven high. The bootstrap can with supply voltage, first consider sampling a 100 kHz signal
be bypassed when operating at the nominal voltage with 10-bit linearity. Fig. 10(b) suggests that should be
of the process in order to avoid reliability concerns. approximately 0.72 V or greater to achieve 10-bit linearity.
Fig. 10(b) shows the simulated total harmonic distortion However, to sample the same 100 kHz signal with only 5-bit
(THD) of the sampling network versus the input frequency for linearity, it is possible to reduce the supply down to 0.5 V.
supply voltages from 0.5 V to 0.8 V. The dotted lines indicate Therefore, as with noise requirements, it is possible to leverage
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 11. (a) Schematic of the dynamic comparator. (b) Degradation in the
ENOB due to comparator noise.

Fig. 12. ADC conversion plan.

reduced linearity requirements at lower resolution modes to
scale the supply voltage in order to improve energy-efficiency.
ergy consumption over supply voltage. One way to decrease the
D. Dynamic Comparator minimum energy point is to minimize the leakage energy of the
Aside from the DAC and sampling network, the comparator ADC. This section discusses how leakage reduction is achieved
also impacts the speed and precision of the ADC. To enable during the ADC conversion cycle.
voltage scalability and achieve superior power-delay product
[21], a linear preamplifier is avoided and the regenerative A. ADC Conversion Plan
Strongarm comparator [22] shown in Fig. 11(a) is used. PMOS Fig. 12 shows the conversion plan of the proposed ADC. As
inputs and low- devices are utilized to enable operation described in Section II.A, each conversion begins with the three
down to 0.4 V. Furthermore, since regenerative comparators active phases of DAC reset, input sampling, and bit cycling.
often exhibit large offsets, 4-bit capacitor banks are used to The SAR logic controlling the phases of the conversion cycle
provide 50 mV of tuning [23] in order to cover the simulated is similar to [26], but extra resolution scaling logic is added
offset of 50 mV which is relatively constant over supply to select the starting point of bit cycling. The active phases of
voltage at room temperature. Simulations also show that the duration all consume active switching power, as well
expected offset varies by less than 30% over the temperature as leakage power . After these
range from 0 to 100 C. In this work, static offset is manually active phases, the clock is gated and the ADC en-
calibrated once at start-up by adjusting the capacitor code to ters the SLEEP mode. By varying the duration of the SLEEP
minimize the offset. However, more sophisticated offset cali- mode, , the sample rate can be scaled. During SLEEP,
bration techniques for regenerative comparators can be found the leakage power of the ADC is reduced to
in [13], [15], and [24]. by gating the digital logic with a high- de-
One final important consideration is the input-referred noise vice. Since can dominate the conversion period
of the comparator, which shows up directly at the input of the at low sample rates, the overall leakage energy
ADC. A thorough noise analysis for fully-dynamic compara- can be significantly reduced.
tors is found in [25]. While the noise of dynamic comparators
stems from thermal noise and takes on the familiar B. Leakage Power-Gating Break-Even Point
form, the actual amount of noise depends on architecture, Although leakage power-gating reduces the SLEEP mode
transistor sizing, load capacitance, supply voltage, and input leakage, there is energy overhead that must be accounted for.
common mode [25]. Since dynamic comparators are non-linear Fig. 13(a) shows the digital logic being power-gated by the
large-signal circuits, transient noise simulations are used to es- high- switch, and the associated capacitances. The first
timate its noise. At V (20 MHz clock frequency) and component of the overhead is the energy required to switch the
V (100 kHz), the comparator noise is 380 gate capacitance of the power switch, which must be sized
and 500 respectively, which agrees with the prediction relatively large ( m) to limit the spike of the virtual
of increased noise at lower supply voltages [25]. Fig. 11(b) ground node to a few millivolts. This energy is equal to
shows the corresponding ENOB degradation versus resolution
at 1 V and 0.5 V. In the worst case operating point of 0.5 V in (5)
the 10-bit mode, comparator noise can degrade the achievable
ENOB by 1 bit. Therefore, while dynamic comparators are per conversion. The second component of the overhead is the
very energy-efficient, their thermal noise can limit practical energy required to recover the virtual ground node. When the
SAR ADC implementations to 10 bits and below. power switch is off, the virtual ground node will drift up toward
the rail by an amount due to leakage. For sufficiently
IV. LEAKAGE POWER-GATING large can approach . The recovery energy is
then equal to
In Section III.A, it was shown that the minimum energy point
of the ADC is determined by the ratio of leakage to active en- (6)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



sampling frequency. If it is assumed that and

can be approximated by


where is a sub-threshold current and has an expo-

nential dependence on due to drain induced barrier low-
ering (DIBL), causing to actually decrease with supply
voltage. Fig. 13(b) shows the simulated versus the supply
voltage. At each volage, it is assumed that the active phases
Fig. 13. (a) Schematic of the leakage power-gating switch and associated par- are completed as fast as possible to maximize the duration of
asitic capacitances. (b) Simulated break-even time for leakage power-gating.
the SLEEP mode. The region for which leakage power-gating
is beneficial is under the line plotted in Fig. 13(b).

A prototype ADC was fabricated in a low-leakage 65 nm dig-
ital CMOS process, and the die micrograph is shown in Fig. 14.
The ADC core occupies an area of 0.212 mm . This section
presents the measured results, and a summary of the perfor-
mance is provided in Table II.

A. Static Linearity
Fig. 15 shows the measured static linearity using the code
Fig. 14. Die micrograph of the ADC prototype.
density test with full-swing, low-frequency sinusoids at 0.6 V
and a sampling rate of 100 kS/s in the 5-bit, 8-bit, and 10-bit
modes. 10 samples were measured and the mean results are pre-
per conversion, where is the capacitance at the virtual sented. In the 10-bit mode, the peak DNL and INL are
ground node. Therefore, in order for leakage power-gating to LSB and LSB respectively. The 32-code
be beneficial, the overhead energy must be less than the leakage sawtooth pattern in the INL arises from parasitic capacitance
energy savings which is summarized by on the top-plate of the sub-DAC, resulting in a systematic mis-
match with the main-DAC. The sawtooth can be corrected by
(7) properly adjusting the capacitor in the DAC array using
post-layout extraction. Alternatively, since this linearity error
This condition sets a minimum on which corresponds is systematic, it can also be calibrated out in the digital domain.
to a maximum sampling rate defined as , the break-even No sawtooth pattern is present in the 5-bit mode because only
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 15. Measured DNL and INL at 0.6 V in (a) 5-bit mode, (b) 8-bit mode,
and (c) 10-bit mode.

Fig. 17. Measured effect of voltage scaling (with respect to 0.7 V) and DAC
resolution scaling on the ADC FOM at 200 kS/s. In the case of the fixed reso-
lution DAC, the FOM at each resolution is calculated by truncating bits from
10-bit data.

V. For a power supply ripple of %, the worst case sensitivity

is LSB in the 10-bit mode. The CMRR across all resolu-
tion modes is better than 55 dB.

C. Resolution and Voltage Scaling

A widely used figure-of-merit (FOM) which describes the ef-
ficiency of the ADC with respect to the input bandwidth
and dynamic range is given by


where is the power consumption, and ENOB is measured at

Fig. 16. Measured FFT in (a) 5-bit mode at 0.5 V, (b) 8-bit mode at 0.55 V, the stated . Fig. 17 illustrates the improvement in energy-ef-
and (c) 10-bit mode at 0.55 V, and measured ENOB vs. input frequency over all
resolution modes at (d) MS/s at 1 V, and (e) kS/s at 0.55 V. ficiency (or equivalently, the FOM) at 200 kS/s when the tech-
niques of DAC resolution scaling and voltage scaling are ap-
plied. Comparison is made to the nominal case of a fixed 10-bit
the sub-DACs are used in that case (Fig. 5(c)). The measured resolution DAC with the supply voltage fixed at 0.7 V. In this
offset has a standard deviation of 10.9 mV which is constant nominal case, the FOM for each resolution is calculated by trun-
across resolution modes. cating bits from 10-bit data. When DAC resolution scaling is
applied ( remains fixed at 0.7 V), a 1.6 improvement in
B. Dynamic Performance the FOM in the 5-bit mode is achieved because the DAC power
Figs. 16(a), (b), and (c) show the fast Fourier transform (FFT) is scaled exponentially with resolution with no loss in accu-
of the ADC in 5-bit, 8-bit, and 10-bit modes with near-Nyquist racy. When both DAC resolution and voltage scaling are applied
tone inputs at 60 kS/s ( V), 20 kS/s ( V), (scaled voltages are annotated on Fig. 17), a 2.4 improvement
and 20 kS/s ( V) respectively, which correspond to in the FOM in the 5-bit mode over the nominal case is achieved.
their optimal efficiency points (presented in Section V.E). In the
10-bit mode at 0.55 V, the Nyquist-rate SFDR and SNDR are 69
dB and 55 dB (ENOB of 8.84 bits) respectively. D. Leakage Reduction
Figs. 16(d) and (e) show the ENOB versus the input fre- Fig. 18(a) shows how the measured leakage power decreases
quency for all resolution modes at 1 MS/s ( V), and 80 with supply voltage (solid line). The ADC has a leakage of 53
kS/s ( V) respectively. At V, the effec- nW at 1 V and 4 nW at 0.4 V. However, when the same data
tive resolution bandwidth (ERBW) in the 5-bit to 9-bit modes is is plotted as a percentage of the total ADC power at the max-
well above 500 kHz, while in the 10-bit mode, the ERBW falls imum sampling frequency at each voltage (dotted line), it is ap-
to approximately 350 kHz. At V, the ERBW in the parent that leakage becomes significant at low voltages due to
5-bit to 8-bit modes is above 40 kHz, and decreases to approxi- reduced sampling rates. At 0.4 V, 4 nW of leakage represents
mately 35 kHz in the 9-bit and 10-bit modes. 12% of the total power at the maximum sampling frequency.
The power supply sensitivity and common-mode rejection This percentage increases when the sampling frequency is de-
ratio (CMRR) are also measured across resolution modes at 0.55 creased below the maximum.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 20. Measured total ADC power at 200 kS/s, and breakdown by block as a percentage of the total power.

power-gating of the digital circuits is enabled below 1 kS/s at 0.6

V, the total power is reduced by up to 14%. The effectiveness of
this technique could be improved by extending the gating to the
analog circuits as well. Lastly, leakage power-gating has the po-
tential for greater impact as CMOS processes continue to scale.

E. Optimum Efficiency Point

Fig. 19(a) shows the measured energy-per-conversion versus
supply voltage, and Fig. 19(b) shows the maximum sampling
frequency versus supply voltage. At high voltages, dynamic
losses degrade the energy-per-conversion. Conversely
at low voltages, the maximum sampling frequency is reduced,
leading to increased conversion time and increased leakage en-
ergy. In addition, leakage through the sampling switches during
bit cycling at low frequencies will leak away charge from the
DAC and degrade the ENOB. These opposing trends all affect
the FOM and lead to an optimum efficiency point of approxi-
mately 0.5 V and 0.55 V for the 5-bit and 10-bit modes respec-
tively as shown in Fig. 19(c). Note that the optimum efficiency
point (OEP) is not necessarily equal to the minimum energy
Fig. 18. (a) Leakage power versus supply voltage plotted in nW and as a per-
point because the OEP accounts for the effective dynamic range
centage of the total ADC power at the maximum . (b) Power versus sampling of the ADC.
frequency. The insert at the top left of the plot shows the reduction in the total
power at low frequencies as a result of leakage power gating at 0.6 V. F. Power Breakdown
The total power of the ADC at 200 kS/s for each resolution
mode and the percentage breakdown by block is provided in
Fig. 20. At 200 kS/s, the ADC consumes 2.77 W from 0.7 V
in the 10-bit mode, and 0.91 W from 0.55 V in the 5-bit mode,
corresponding to the data in Fig. 17.

This paper presents a power-scalable SAR ADC with recon-
figurable resolution from 5 to 10 bits. The voltage-scalable ar-
chitecture features an energy-efficient DAC that combines the
split-capacitor switching scheme with the use of a sub-DAC to
reduce energy and input capacitance. Switches are used to de-
Fig. 19. Measured (a) energy-per-conversion , (b) maximum
couple capacitors as resolution is scaled, leading to exponential
sampling frequency, and (c) figure-of-merit, versus the supply voltage. DAC power savings with resolution. As noise and linearity re-
quirements are reduced at lower resolutions, voltage scaling is
leveraged to further improve the ADC energy-per-conversion.
Fig. 18(b) shows the total ADC power versus the sampling Finally, leakage power-gating is applied to minimize leakage at
frequency at 1 V and 0.6 V without leakage power-gating, and low sample rates.
at 0.6 V with leakage power-gating enabled. At high frequen- The combined techniques of DAC resolution and voltage
cies, the power scales linearly with frequency because active scaling maximize efficiency at low resolutions, resulting in an
power dominates. Leakage becomes significant at sample rates FOM that increases by only 7 over the 5-bit scaling range
below 2 kS/s and limits the energy-efficiency. When leakage from 10 bits to 5 bits, improving upon a 32 degradation that
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Marcus Yip received the B.A.Sc. degree in en- 2011. Since July 2011, he is the Head of the MIT EECS Department. His
gineering science from the University of Toronto, research interests include micro-power digital and mixed-signal integrated
Toronto, ON, Canada, in 2007, and the M.S. degree circuit design, wireless microsensor system design, portable multimedia
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, devices, energy efficient radios and emerging technologies. He is a co-author
Cambridge, MA, USA, in 2009, where he is cur- of Low Power Digital CMOS Design (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995),
rently pursuing the doctoral degree. Digital Integrated Circuits (Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2003, 2nd edition), and
He has held internships at Actel Corporation, Sub-threshold Design for Ultra-Low Power Systems (Springer 2006). He is
Snowbush Microelectronics, Texas Instruments, and also a co-editor of Low Power CMOS Design (IEEE Press, 1998), Design of
OnChip Power Corporation. His research interests High-Performance Microprocessor Circuits (IEEE Press, 2000), and Leakage
include low-power sensor front-ends, reconfigurable in Nanometer CMOS Technologies (Springer, 2005).
analog-to-digital converters, and signal processing Dr. Chandrakasan was a co-recipient of several awards including the 1993
circuits for wearable and implantable medical applications. IEEE Communications Society’s Best Tutorial Paper Award, the IEEE Electron
Mr. Yip received the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada Devices Society’s 1997 Paul Rappaport Award for the Best Paper in an EDS
(NSERC) postgraduate fellowship from 2007 to 2011. publication during 1997, the 1999 DAC Design Contest Award, the 2004 DAC/
ISSCC Student Design Contest Award, the 2007 ISSCC Beatrice Winner Award
for Editorial Excellence and the ISSCC Jack Kilby Award for Outstanding Stu-
dent Paper (2007, 2008, 2009). He received the 2009 Semiconductor Industry
Anantha P. Chandrakasan received the B.S., M.S. Association (SIA) University Researcher Award. He has served as a technical
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and program co-chair for the 1997 International Symposium on Low Power Elec-
computer sciences from the University of California, tronics and Design (ISLPED), VLSI Design’98, and the 1998 IEEE Workshop
Berkeley, CA, USA, in 1989, 1990, and 1994, on Signal Processing Systems. He was the Signal Processing Sub-committee
respectively. Chair for ISSCC 1999–2001, the Program Vice-Chair for ISSCC 2002, the Pro-
Since September 1994, he has been with the gram Chair for ISSCC 2003, the Technology Directions Sub-committee Chair
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, for ISSCC 2004–2009, and the Conference Chair for ISSCC 2010–2012. He
MA, USA, where he is currently the Joseph F. is the Conference Chair for ISSCC 2013. He was an Associate Editor for the
and Nancy P. Keithley Professor of Electrical IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS from 1998 to 2001. He served on
Engineering. He was the Director of the MIT Mi- SSCS AdCom from 2000 to 2007 and he was the meetings committee chair
crosystems Technology Laboratories from 2006 to from 2004 to 2007.

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