Logistic Planning

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Quantitative Space Requirement

Analysis for
Construction Logistics Planning
Master thesis: Construction Management & Engineering

Author: J.M.A. Lodewijks, BSc

Master student Construction Management & Engineering
3TU Federation University of Twente

Supervisors: University of Twente Ed. Zblin AG

Dr. T. Hartmann Dipl.-Ing. K. Kessoudis

Dr. S.H. Al-Jibouri
The introduction of 4D-CAD models in the construction industry has enabled planners to conduct a

variety of optimisation processes prior to construction. One of those optimisation processes that can

decrease project cost and duration is the planning of onsite construction logistics of materials. The

need for visualising and planning construction logistics stems from the increasing demand to

construct faster and cheaper. This thesis presents a method for quantifying the space requirements

of materials needed in construction logistics planning.

The proposed Quantitative Space Requirement Analysis Method, in short QSRA-Method, was

developed based on existing literature and tested on two illustrative example projects, a high-rise

building and an airport terminal.

To validate the QSRA-Method, the method and in particular the output was discussed with a select

group of construction planners and construction IT specialists. The output of the method was

appraised as useful for supporting material procurement and storage decisions and capable of

providing more information than existing methods.

Keywords: Construction logistics; Material storage; Material space requirement;

I would also like to thank Mr Al-Jibouri, Mr Hartmann and Mr Schley, for their incredible support and

suggestions for improvement of the thesis. Furthermore, I would like to thank Ed. Zblin AG for

facilitating this research, and in particular Mr Kessoudis, for his clear guidance and for providing all

the necessary project materials. Also I would like to gratefully acknowledge Mr Esser, Mr Hauber and

Mr Hof for the valuable discussions about construction methods and processes on the construction

site. And last but not least, I would like to thank the 5D-team at Zblin and in particular Mrs

Baumann for the warm welcome to the company.

Table of Contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................................ 2
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents.............................................................................................................. 3
1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4
2 Research Method ...................................................................................................... 6
2.1 The literature review ................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Developing and validating the method ..................................................................... 7
2.3 The illustrative example projects .............................................................................. 7
3 Theoretical points of departure ................................................................................. 9
3.1 Construction Logistics planning ................................................................................. 9
3.1.1 Material procurement decisions ................................................................................... 9
3.1.2 Material storage decisions .......................................................................................... 10
3.2 4D-CAD for construction logistics planning .............................................................. 11
3.2.1 Modelling time ............................................................................................................ 11
3.2.2 Modelling space .......................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Quantifying material space requirements ............................................................... 14
4 The QSRA-Method................................................................................................... 16
4.1 Subprocess I: Project analysis & recipe creation ....................................................... 17
4.2 Subprocess II: Space requirement quantification ..................................................... 24
4.3 Subprocess III: Space requirement representation ................................................... 25
5 Application of the QSRA-Method ............................................................................. 29
5.1 Subprocess I: Project analysis & recipe creation ....................................................... 29
5.2 Subprocess II: Space requirement quantification ..................................................... 34
5.3 Subprocess III: Space requirement representation ................................................... 37
5.4 Supporting decision making .................................................................................... 40
6 Validation ............................................................................................................... 43
6.1 Validation Method ................................................................................................. 43
6.2 Validation of the output of the QSRA-Method ......................................................... 43
7 Discussion ............................................................................................................... 45
7.1 Theoretical contributions ........................................................................................ 45
7.2 Practical implications ............................................................................................. 47
7.3 Limitations of the method....................................................................................... 48
7.4 Further research suggestions .................................................................................. 48
Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 50
Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 51
1 Introduction 4

1 Introduction
In 2008 the 5D Initiative (www.5d-initiative.eu) was founded by five European construction

companies: Ballast Nedam, Royal BAM Group, Consolidated Contractors Group S.A.L. Offshore

(CCC), Max Bgl and Zblin/Strabag. The 5D Initiative is an independent task force and think tank

within the European Network of Construction Companies for Research and Development ENCORD

(www.encord.org). The goal of the initiative is to describe common requirements of the European

construction industry for the development of new innovative tools by the hard and software


Zblin one of the 5Di-partners is momentarily focussing on developing tools for visualising and

planning on-site construction logistics within the German research project Mefisto (www.mefisto-


The need for visualising and planning construction logistics stems from increasing demands to

construct faster and cheaper. In order to meet such demands, general contractors often increase the

amount of work done and hence resources used per time unit, and schedule activities concurrently.

These strategies increase the use of space, which subsequently results in an increase in time-space

conflicts (Akinci et al., 2000a).

To increase the efficient use of site space and manage the increase in time-space conflicts, Zblin

wants to visualise the construction logistics process. In particular the flow of materials on site, since

deficiencies in the supply and flow of construction material are often adduced as major causes of

productivity degradation and financial losses (Thomas et al. 2005).

This thesis thus presents a method for quantifying space requirements of materials to enable

construction logistics planning. Construction logistics planning in this thesis will be defined as the

combined planning of material procurement and material storage (Said & El-Rayes, 2010). The

proposed method: the quantitative space requirement analysis-method or QSRA-Method, will

1 Introduction 5

enable planners to analyse and quantify material space requirements so that they can be used as

input for construction logistics planning.

The goal of this thesis will be:

To create a method that enables the quantification of material space requirements,

To create a time efficient alternative to existing methods,

To represent the material space requirements in such a way that they support both material
procurement as well as material storage planning,

To represent the material space requirements in such a way that they can be entered back
into a 4D model,

To quantify and represent material space requirements,

o per task

o per construction section

o per time unit

o on a numerical value basis (e.g. m2, m3)

o on a geometrical parameter basis (e.g. width, length, height).

2 Research Method 6

2 Research Method

2.1 The literature review

The first step in the research method was to conduct a literature review of research in the fields of

space planning, site layout, material procurement, nD-modelling and warehouse space planning.

The focus of the literature review within space planning research was on finding the decision

processes in space planning and the factors that influence those decisions. This helped to understand

the consequences of the problem (an increased demand for site space) and the need for construction

logistics planning.

The literature review of site layout research focussed on finding the way in which modelling efforts

helped planners make construction logistic planning decisions. This helped understand how previous

research modelled available and required space. The literature study focused on quantitative

methods because the research literature of space planning had shown that the decisions made in

construction logistics planning required a quantitative approach.

Since quantifying material space requirements requires knowing the quantities of materials on site,

material procurement research was studied. This research helped understand the procurement

decisions which also have to be supported by the QSRA-Method. Furthermore it showed that

material storage and material procurement planning are very interdependent, hence both issues are

addressed in this thesis.

The aforementioned space planning and site layout research made extensive use of 3D and 4D

models. Thus a review was conducted of research wherein nD-models were applied to construction

projects. This was done to assess the need/usability of applying nD-models in this research


On the basis of a literature review, no method for quantifying material space requirements in the

construction industry was found. For this reason, literature in warehouse space planning was

studied. The methods used for quantifying space requirements in this field were analysed. This
2 Research Method 7

helped to serve as a foundation for building the QSRA method which is adapted to the construction

industry context. This concluded the first step, the literature review.

2.2 Developing and validating the method

The next step was to create the QSRA-Method, which was done in close integration with existing

literature. The QSRA-Method was developed incrementally during an iterative process wherein the

method was applied and tested on two example projects (see next section). The method was

validated by applying it under the supervision of construction planners and discussing the usability of

the results. The validation method is described in more detail in section 6.1. This is done because a

proper understanding of how the validation was conducted requires some understanding of the

QSRA-Method itself, which will be presented in chapter 4.

2.3 The illustrative example projects

For demonstration of the use of the developed method two contrastive projects were chosen: An

airport terminal (fig. 1) and a high-rise building (fig. 2).

The airport terminal project has a large amount of materials of a multifarious nature. This is

considered ideal for testing whether the QSRA-Method can create recipes that will quantify material

space requirements.

In contrast to the airport terminal project, the high-rise building project has a small but high

construction site. Hence the applicability of the QSRA-Method was tested in very different settings.

This will add to the generalizability of the results of this thesis.

Both example projects already had a 3D-CAD model that could be linked to a digital schedule and to a

digital cost model which was based on a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). This is an important

amenity of the example projects. It means that the available information represented the amount of

data, the level of detail of the data and the representation form of the data as it was available; not as

was needed for the QSRA-Method. Thus the example projects reflected a real situation, wherein the
2 Research Method 8

data already exists in a digital format and needs to be restructured (subprocess 2, I.I; see fig. 8) so as

to make it applicable for the QSRA-Method.

Figure 1: Example project airport terminal

Figure 2: Example project high-rise building

3 Theoretical points of departure 9

3 Theoretical points of departure

This chapter describes some related previous research to provide theoretical points of departure for

developing the proposed method; in this study referred to as the QSRA-Method. During the

explanation of the QSRA-Method in chapter 4, there will be frequent reference to this chapter to

clarify the link between the theory and the way the method is developed.

Chapter 3 is structured as follows: The next section will explain what decision processes will need to

be supported by the quantified material space requirements. Furthermore the section will show

what and how preconditions must be met. Section 3.2 will show how material space requirements

will need to be represented and elaborate on the way they need to be modelled in 4D-CAD. As than

the prerequisite conditions for quantifying material space requirements are described, a material

space quantification method from warehouse management research will be presented (section 3.3).

This method was used as starting point for creating the QSRA-Method presented in chapter 4.

3.1 Construction Logistics planning

Existing research has mainly investigated material procurement and material storage independently.

This research will consider both issues, since they are mutually interdependent. To clarify: material

procurement decisions are greatly dependent on (1) the criticality of the construction activities

consuming the material and (2) the site space available. Likewise, the number of possible site layouts

is dependent on (1) procurement decisions made, (2) storage space needs and (3) the location of

temporary facilities. (Said & El-Rayes, 2010).

3.1.1 Material procurement decisions

Ideally in procuring materials for construction, decisions need to be made to ensure that there is an

optimal quantity of materials on site at all times. Planners face several dilemmas in making the

decisions on how much material to order. Due to uncertainty in construction projects, inventory

buffers are needed. Too large material buffers in the inventory are wasteful and impede workflow,

whereas too small buffers increase the probability of material shortages and subsequently project
3 Theoretical points of departure 10

delays (Thomas & Horman, 2005). Procuring larger amounts might result in lower unit costs, however

the planner has to be able to decide whether there is enough site space available to procure such

large amounts.

Practical implication for the method:

To support the above described decision making on material procurement, a quantification of

material space requirements is necessary. Planners need to know how much site space is available to

create inventory buffers and they need to know how quantities of materials will translate into use

of site space.

3.1.2 Material storage decisions

Material storage planning needs to ensure that the quantities of materials (as procured) are stored

on site, to enable the smooth execution of the on-site construction process. To define where

materials should be stored on site, planners try to minimise transportation costs the costs

associated with transporting the materials from the storage location to their respective location of

use and relocation costs the costs associated with relocating materials from one storage location

to another (Zouein & Tommelein, 1999). In effect this will result in minimal material handling.

Apart from where materials can be stored, planners also need to consider that materials can have

different space requirements depending on their nature and the activity they are being used for.

Formwork for example requires more space when it is being cleaned than when it is being stored or

built in.

Practical implication for the method:

To support the above described decision making about material storage, again, quantification of

material space requirements will be helpful. But in this case, planners need to know more than just

the available site space and the quantity of site space required. They also need insight into the

geometrical parameters of the individual material space requirements. Planners do not only want to

know that the materials can be stored, they also want to know where and how the materials can be

3 Theoretical points of departure 11

3.2 4D-CAD for construction logistics planning

The planning of construction logistics requires understanding of spatial and temporal relations and is

thus a spatiotemporal problem. Since both space requirements as well as available space vary over

time, planning the utilisation of space can be greatly facilitated by the use of 4D models (Akinci et al.,


A 4D model in this research will be defined as a model that integrates 3D geometry and the location

of building components with timings of their construction. This graphical simulation of the sequence

of construction operations allows planners to conduct various analyses prior to construction

(Khanzode & Staub-French, 2007). This is another reason why the use of a 4D model will be helpful. It

allows planners to plan the construction logistics prior to construction. This is important, as problems

that are detected in this stage can still easily be dealt with earlier than in an ad hoc manner during


3.2.1 Modelling time

Because material space requirement data will be used in a 4D environment, the modelling issues of

time and material space requirements will need to be considered. In other words, are material space

requirements to be quantified on an hourly, daily, weekly or even monthly basis? And how detailed

does the representation of available space and required space need to be?

During material storage decisions, planners consider that every arrival and every use of a material

either creates or removes a space requirement. This means that every arrival or removal (by use or

otherwise) of a material, demarcates a time interval that requires a material storage decision. These

time intervals are termed primary time frames (PTFs) (Zouein & Tommelein, 1999).

For material procurement decisions on the other hand, the timeframes that are analysed are not

based on the activities that need materials, but on fixed order periods (FOPs).

In this research the aim is to support both material procurement and storage decisions. The

timeframes wherein material space requirements need to be quantified, will therefore be defined in

the same way as proposed by Saids and El-Rayes Construction Logistics Planning method (Said & El-

Rayes, 2010). In this method, the project is split up into stages. The timeframe that is analysed to
3 Theoretical points of departure 12

determine and quantify the material storage requirements, is the timeframe where the maximum

inventory level is reached. The maximum inventory level is the largest quantity of material stored on

site during the corresponding stage based on the order quantities of the FOPs.

Practical implication for the method:

To support this kind of decision making, a quantification of material space requirements is necessary

per task, but also per time unit corresponding to the time units of the fixed order periods (e.g. day).

The QSRA Method will thus have to be able to add the space requirements of the materials of all

tasks occurring on one day, to show the space requirements per day. And to show the space

requirements per task, it will have to be able to add the space requirements of the materials of one

task regardless of the duration of that task.

3.2.2 Modelling space

The time aspect described above is important for both material procurement and material storage

decisions. Modelling the space aspect on the other hand is mainly important with regard to material

storage decisions. In the case of material procurement decisions it is usually sufficient to use

numerical volume data. This is not the case when it comes to material storage decisions, as

geometrical information is needed because planners do not only want to know that the materials can

be stored, but also where and how.

There are several methods for modelling available space and required space.

As for modelling available site space; in this research it is considered unwise to predefine the

laydown areas as is done in the dynamic site layout method (Zouein & Tommelein, 1999), because

this will limit the space where materials can be stored. This research will therefore assume that

construction logistics planning uses a grid of locations like was done in facility layout planning

(Mawdesley, Al-jibouri, & Yang, 2002). This method has shown to also be suitable for construction

logistics planning (Said & El-Rayes, 2010).

As for modelling the required space, materials can be modelled using material footprints (Said & El-

Rayes, 2010). To model these footprints in the 4D model, a method can be used that formalised the
3 Theoretical points of departure 13

representation of workspaces in a 4D environment (Akinci et al., 2000b). This method uses a generic

representation of micro level spaces (e.g. equipment, hazard, protected areas) from an allocentric

(inside/outside) perspective (see fig. 3). This representation method seems most suitable, as it

provides a computer-interpretable way of capturing and representing space requirements.






Figure 3: Egocentric, geocentric and allocentric representation

Akincis method (2000b) defined three attributes that a generic space representation should have:

(1) a reference object, (2) an orientation and (3) volumetric parameters.

Combining Akincis generic representation with the above mentioned footprints (Said & El-Rayes,

2010) should give a good representation of materials in a 4D environment using (1) a reference

object, (2) an orientation and (3) a footprint. Materials space requirements thus have to be

quantified in such a way as to enable this representation method in 4D.

Practical implication for the method:

To enable a representation of the material space requirements in 4D, the material space

requirements need to be represented not only on a numerical value basis (e.g. m2, m3) but also on a

geometrical parameter basis (e.g. width, length, height). This will allow the identification of a

footprint of a material space requirement, and also allow attribution of an orientation and a

reference object to place it as a new object in a 4D model.

3 Theoretical points of departure 14

3.3 Quantifying material space requirements

As now the framework requirements for the QSRA-Method are described, the way to actually

quantify material space requirements can be defined. The following theoretical points of departure

were taken from an affiliated field of research: warehouse space planning research. This section will

briefly explain the method used in warehouse space planning for quantifying material space

requirements. In chapter 4 the adapted method for the construction industry will be presented.

In warehouse space planning, planners also have to quantify material space requirements for storage

and procurement. To do so the following methodology is used (Tompkins & Smith, 1998):

1. Determine what is to be accomplished,

2. Determine what activities will take place to accomplish it,

3. Determine space allowances for each element required to accomplish the activity,

4. Calculate the total space requirements.

The actual quantification of the space requirement takes place in step 4 using a Storage Analysis

Chart (SAC) of which two examples can be found in figure 4 (Kulwiec, 1985; Tompkins & Smith, 1998).
3 Theoretical points of departure 15

Figure 4: Storage Analysis Charts

The information that the SAC tries to capture can be sorted into three predominant categories:

1. What is stored
physical characteristics of materials stored
2. How much is stored
quantities of materials stored
3. How is it stored
storage method and space required

The here described methodology was used as a starting point to build the QSRA-Method.
4 The QSRA-Method 16

4 The QSRA-Method
The Quantitative Space Requirement Analysis Method (QSRA-Method) consists of three sub

processes: (I) project analysis & recipe creation, (II) space requirement quantification and (III)

space requirement representation (see QSRA-Method overview in fig. 5). The three subprocesses

will be discussed separately in the next three sections of this chapter. Subprocess I (blue)

corresponds to figure 6, subprocess II (green) corresponds to figure 8 and subprocess III (red)

corresponds to figure 9. To represent the QSRA-Method the symbols of IBM flowcharting template

X20-8020 conform ISO standard 5807 were used.

Company info
Project info
Material info

Project analysis
and recipe

C. requirement
Recipes quantification

subprocess I
Quantities Space
Volumes requirement
#stacks representation

subprocess II E.
Gantt Charts

subprocess III

Figure 5: The QSRA-Method overview

4 The QSRA-Method 17

Subprocess I helps planners analyse the project to determine what material space requirements

need to be quantified. Furthermore, it helps planners create a method that shows how to quantify


The process resulted from combining step 1, 2 & 3 of Tompkins & Smiths (1998) method for

quantifying material space requirements in warehouse management (see previous section). The

method was adapted to better suit the construction industry context.

Subprocess II of the QSRA-Method helps planners to transform material requirements into space

requirements. This process relates to step 4 of Tompkins & Smiths (1998) method: calculating the

total space requirements.

Finally subprocess III resembles the Storage Analysis Chart (fig. 4) as used by Kulwiec (1985) and

Tompkins & Smith (1998) for representing the space requirements (see previous section). The

representation of the material space requirements is a separate process, because the material space

requirements support two interdependent yet different decisions: material procurement and

material storage decisions. These decisions require different information about the material space

requirements (see section 3.1.1 & 3.1.2) and thus require different representations of the

information. Apart from a representation method that is similar to the aforementioned SAC, two

other representation methods are therefore offered to represent the material space requirement

information. This will be further explained in the corresponding section 4.3.

4.1 Subprocess I: Project analysis & recipe creation

The first step in the QSRA-Method is called project analysis & recipe creation. It is a process that

identifies what types of materials are used on the project. To do so, it links material requirements to

building objects. Then it accordingly creates a method (the recipes), that defines how to transform

these types of materials into space requirements. The deliverable of this process is a method for

quantifying material space requirements. More accurately: the recipes (output box C.II; fig. 6), which

can be stored and reused for future projects. The recipes are created to allow the calculation of (1)
4 The QSRA-Method 18

quantities to show how much materials are required. (2) The number of stacks to show how the

quantities can be distributed over the available site space, and (3) the volumes & footprints to show

how much space is required.

4 The QSRA-Method 19

B.1 A.3 B.2 B.3

A.1 A.2
Construction Construction Material Delivery
nD Model QTO
Methods Schedule Specs Specs

Identify all I.II.
building Identify all
components / materials used

I.I.I. I.II.I.
Sort Sort
into into
object material
groups groups

Cluster object
and material


List of Create recipe to Create recipe to
Create recipe to
necessary calculate calculate volume
calculate #stacks
recipes quantities & footprint

yes 1. no
Resource reusable?

Specify input
Include timefactor
Dont include
(activity duration
or segmentation)


Figure 6: Project analysis & recipe creation (Subprocess I)

4 The QSRA-Method 20

To create a method for quantifying material space requirements planners only need to know what

materials are used. It does not matter at this point when or where the materials will be used.

Therefore the input of subprocess I is a nD model (this can be a 2D/3D/4D model etc.).

To create the method for quantifying material space requirements (the recipes) the following steps

are taken:

First, all building components (nD objects) of the nD Model are identified, listed and sorted into

object groups (step I.I, fig. 6). Then the material groups are identified and listed (step I.II, fig. 6).

These material groups consist of the materials that are used to create the objects in the object

groups. For example angular column is an object group, formwork plates is a material group. The

materials need to be identified separately, because they usually do not show up as objects in the

nD model.

Then the object and material groups have to be clustered (step I.III, fig. 6). This link between object

and material groups is necessary, because on the project the object information is available, material

information is not. Since the material information is the information that is required, the created

recipes will have to translate object information (the available information) into material information

(the required information). Furthermore every object group is linked to several material groups,

because the creation of one object usually requires several materials. This creates a list of object-

material relations that shows which material groups are necessary to create an object of a certain

object group. This list is de facto the list of all necessary recipes that need to be created to quantify

the material space requirements of the project.

So far, the process identified what recipes are necessary for transforming the objects in the nD

model into material space requirements. Now the actual recipes have to be created using step I.IV to

I.VI (fig. 6).

4 The QSRA-Method 21

Step I.IV helps the planner create a sub-recipe to calculate quantities of material necessary for

creating the objects in the object groups. First, the planner has to determine whether the material

required is reusable (Question 1; fig. 6). If it is, the quantity of the material required will be time


After the planner has determined whether the quantity of the material needed is time dependent,

the planner can create the sub-recipe. To do so, the planner will have to analyse (1) the construction

method used, (2) the material specifications and (3) the delivery specifications. With the

accumulated information the planner can now create a sub-recipe to transform project information

into quantities of materials necessary.

Step I.V helps the planner create a sub-recipe for calculating the number of stacks of a material in

relation to the quantities of materials necessary. The planner will need information about (1) the

material specifications, (2) the stacking options of the material and (3) information about how the

materials arrive on site.

Step I.VI helps planners create a sub-recipe to calculate the volume and footprint of the material as

stored. The planner needs to create a sub-recipe that can transform information about the

quantities of the material and the number of stacks of the material into volumes and footprints of

the material. Here also the pathspace needs to be considered. On the storage area there needs to be

room for aisles between the material stacks, otherwise the materials in the middle would be

inaccessible. Also some materials require safety distances.

The need for creating a sub-recipe to calculate quantities (step I.IV) and a sub-recipe to calculate

volumes and footprints (step I.VI) is quite self-explanatory. The necessity of creating a sub-recipe to

calculate the number of stacks (step I.V) is less self-explanatory; the following two examples should

clarify the need.

4 The QSRA-Method 22

For storing decisions it might be crucial to know whether 20 m3 (for example) are stored in 2 high or

in 8 low stacks. Even though the volumetric space requirement (20 m3) in this example stays the

same, the storage space footprint on site will change.

Furthermore the number of stacks might increase the total volumetric space requirement as can be

seen in the following example. Example Formwork: round columns (fig. 7) shows that due to

stacking options, additional elements in a stack might not have the same space requirements as the

initial ones (s > r; fig. 7).

It becomes clear therefore that lower stacking heights will result in more elements with height s

(the height of a first element in a stack) instead of r (the height of an additional element in a stack).

This means the stacking heights and the number of stacks can influence both the footprint as well as

the total volumetric space required on site. For example 20 elements stored in 2 stacks will require

18*r + 2*s which requires less space (footprint- and volumetric-wise) than storing the 20 elements in

10 stacks which would require 10*r + 10*s.

4 The QSRA-Method 23

Formwork: round columns

width = a [m]
Input length = b [m]
h1st element = s [m]
d hadditional element = r [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
r column = d [m]
b r h #columns = m [#]
s pathspace = x [m]
a durationtask = t [day]
#stacks = n [#]

Quantity Space conversion

( n * s) + ((m n) * r )
V = ( a + x ) * (b + x ) * *n [m3]
Step VI n Incorporates for the fact that
footprint = ( a + x) * (b + x) * n [m2] additional elements might not
have the same space
( n * s) + ((2m n) * r ) requirement as the initial ones
Step V n= [#stacks]

allows for controlling stack heights

# columnswidth= d
Step IV m= [#columns]

Figure 7: Example recipe formwork, round columns

Step I.V is furthermore important, because creating a recipe to calculate the number of stacks will

allow the planner (who later on uses the recipe) to control stacking heights. This is necessary,

because on some materials the manufacturers specifications state a maximum stacking height due

to the fragility of the material or the instability of stacks. Additionally, the planner can decide to not

stack the material at all (i.e. because the material needs to be cleaned); in that case hmax will equal

the height of the initial element. In this case: s.

Step I.IV to I.VI will have to be conducted for all material-object group combinations that were

identified and listed in step I.III. Then all recipes are created. This concludes subprocess I.
4 The QSRA-Method 24

4.2 Subprocess II: Space requirement quantification

The second subprocess space requirement quantification is a process that uses the created

recipes of subprocess I to calculate the required space. To do so the data as available from the

project is first transformed according to the recipe input specifications. The deliverables of this

process are (1) the quantities, (2) the volumes, (3) the number of stacks and (4) the footprints of

materials per task (output box D.II D.V; fig. 8).

A.3 B.2 B.3.

A.1.1 A.2 C.II
Construction Material Delivery
3D Model QTO Recipes
Schedule Specs Specs

4D Model

Sort Calculate quantities
D.I according to volumes
4D Model #stacks
+ QTO recipe input footprints


Quantities Volumes #Stacks Footprints
per task per task per task per task

Figure 8: Space requirement quantification (Subprocess II)

For subprocess II it is necessary to know when and where materials are needed. Furthermore

geometrical information of building components is required, thus a 3D and a 4D model are

necessary. 2D models are not efficient enough to use as information source. Thus the term nD model

does not apply in this section. This section distinguishes in 3D and 4D.

In step II.I the 3D model is linked to the schedule to create a 4D model. This will create insight into

the spatiotemporal aspects of the material requirements. Additionally a QTO will have to be linked to
4 The QSRA-Method 25

the 4D model. The QTO will query quantities from the 4D model that are necessary to calculate

material space requirements (e.g. lateral surface area of the walls). The input specifications of the

recipes will define which quantities have to be queried by the QTO.

The data received as output of the QTO-enriched 4D model can be stored in a data processing tool

(e.g. Excel). The data still needs to be structured and sorted to better serve as input for the

calculation process of the material space requirements (Step II.I.I). To sort and structure the data

manually will take very long; hence it is advisable to create a VBA-application to do so.

After the project specific data has been sorted, the planner can use the recipes created in subprocess

I to transform project data into material space requirement data. Thus using the recipes, the

planner can now calculate the material space requirements of the project and enter them in a data

processing tool (e.g. Excel). This concludes subprocess II.

4.3 Subprocess III: Space requirement representation

The third subprocess space requirement representation is a process that helps planners represent

the output of subprocess II to support decision making on material procurement and material

storage (see section 3.1.1 & 3.1.2). The deliverables of this method are (1) a Gantt chart to show

material space requirements per task, (2) a histogram to show material space requirements per time

unit, and (3) a task-based space analysis chart (TSAC) to show geometrical information about the

space requirements (see output box E.I E.III; fig. 9).

4 The QSRA-Method 26

A.1.2 A.3 D.III D.II D.IV D.V

4D Model Construction Volumes Quantities #Stacks Footprints
Site plans Schedule per task per task per task per task

Assign tasks to

Create Gantt Create TSACs

Gantt Chart Create
per Histogram
construction section

Resource pool per task
(reusable and non-
per storage area
reusable resources)

Figure 9: Space requirement representation (Subprocess III)

Planners want to represent space requirements on the lowest common denominator; which in

construction practice is the task. Several tasks may be assigned to one object, but if one task is

assigned to several objects, the task itself is split up in subtasks per object. This is because it is easier

to split up a task than it is to split up an object. Thus space requirements are represented on task


Representing the material space requirements of the entire project in one graph will not provide

enough detail and insight in the space requirements of a project. Representations therefore have to

be made per section of the construction site. The sections can be defined on the basis of crane

accessibility. The building components that are within the radius of a crane are defined as a

construction section.
4 The QSRA-Method 27

Segmenting the construction site in such a way is helpful, because materials between the axes of a so

defined construction section will eventually 1 require space within this section. Hence these materials

are usually stored within this construction section to minimise material handling.

Step III.I helps planners assign tasks to construction sections. In step III.II the volumes per task are

added to the Gantt chart of the project and represented per construction section. This means one

Gantt chart is made for every construction section. More accurately, the existing Gantt chart is

dissected into Gantt charts per construction section.

Step III.III helps the planner create histograms per section of the construction site. The histogram can

be created using the information of the Gantt chart E.I.

The histogram and the Gantt chart support material procurement planning and will also suffice for

material storage planning in the tender phase of a project. The TSAC is to support material storage

decisions after the tender phase of the project where planners need to decide how and where to

store materials. As explained in the theoretical background (section 3.1.2), planners need insight into

the geometrical parameters of the individual material space requirements in order to make material

storage decisions.

As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the task-based space analysis chart (TSAC) relates to

the Storage Analysis Chart (SAC, see fig. 4) as used by Kulwiec (1985) and Tompkins & Smith (1998).

The three categories of information of the SAC (what, how much and how are materials stored) are

used in the TSAC, complemented with information about when and for how long the materials are


It should be denoted here that the created TSAC in fact represents material pool requirements per

task. This is due to the fact that some materials (e.g. formwork) can be reused, and do not diminish

due to execution of the task. Hence in order to execute a number of tasks, a pool of materials is

Even if they were previously stored on another section, they will eventually have to be brought here to be
built in.
4 The QSRA-Method 28

required. Some of the materials (e.g. reinforcing) are taken from the pool and diminish due to the

execution of the tasks, other materials (e.g. formwork) are used and put back into the pool. Ordering

materials for one month instead of two weeks will therefore increase the amount of reinforcing that

needs to be in the pool, but it wont necessarily increase the amount of formwork that needs to be in

the pool.

Step III.IV, the TSAC, can be designed as an Excel-sheet that provides information about the

quantities, the number of stacks and the footprints per task (see input of process III.IV, fig. 9 and for

an example fig. 20). This concludes subprocess III, the representation of material space requirements.
5 Application of the QSRA-Method 29

5 Application of the QSRA-Method

The QSRA-Method as described in the previous section was applied on two example projects to show

that the method is capable of generating the required material space requirement data in a real

construction industry environment.

The method was first applied on the airport terminal project, because this project has a lot of

materials. Thereafter the method was applied on the high-rise building, to show the reusability of the


The airport terminal project was the first project on which the QSRA-Method was used; hence the

company did not yet have a database of recipes available. This means subprocess I project analysis &

recipe creation needed to be used to create a method (the recipes) to quantify the material space

requirements for the materials and methods used by the company. On the second project, the high-

rise building, the recipes of the airport terminal were reused. For the high-rise building project

subprocess I could be skipped, thus this project started with subprocess II space requirement


An additional note: The values in the examples shown are slightly adjusted to assure no company and

project specific data is dispersed.

5.1 Subprocess I: Project analysis & recipe creation

Step I.I: In order to define what materials are required, it is necessary to know what building objects

need to be constructed. Thus the 3D model of the airport was analysed and all building components

were listed (e.g. angular columns 50x20, angular columns 20x30, walls 30cm, walls 50cm etc.).

Step I.I.I: The list of building components was sorted to make step I.III easier. All walls, slabs, columns

etc. were listed sequentially in object groups (e.g. group walls, group slabs, etc.)

Step I.II: All materials necessary for creating the building components as identified in step I.I were

listed. Some of the materials could be found in the bill of quantities, others where given as a
5 Application of the QSRA-Method 30

percentage of the 3D objects (e.g. reinforcing is 150 kg per cubic metre concrete), and some are

construction method dependent. Thus the construction methods used for creating the building

components were analysed. This was done by conducting interviews with construction planners and

site managers.

Step I.II.I: Similar to step I.I.I, the materials (e.g. reinforcement stirrups, props, wall formwork plates

etc.) were sorted and listed sequentially into material groups.

Step I.III: The link between material groups and object groups was created. This was done by

creating a list of object-material relations that shows which material groups are necessary to create

the objects of an object group. E.g. the link between object group angular columns and material

groups TRIO formwork plates and reinforcing bars was created by putting object group angular

columns in the first column of a table and material groups TRIO formwork plates and reinforcing

bars in the second column of the table. The resulting table was a list of all material-object group

relations for which recipes had to be created.

The recipes of which the need was identified in step I.III were then created using step I.IV till I.VI. Two

example recipes are shown below (see figs. 10&11). Figure 10 depicts the recipe for object group

angular column, material group formwork. Figure 11 depicts the recipe for object group slabs,

material group formwork props.

5 Application of the QSRA-Method 31

Figure 10: Example recipe formwork, angular columns

Figure 11: Example recipe formwork props, slabs

5 Application of the QSRA-Method 32

Step I.IV: The sub-recipes were created to calculate the quantities of material necessary. Semi-

structured interviews with construction logistics planners and site managers were conducted to

analyse the construction methods used by the company. This information combined with the

knowledge about what data was available on the project (= available input data) was used to create

the sub-recipes to calculate quantities.

# columns width(a d )
In the Formwork: angular column example, the sub-recipe is: m = . The

material is reusable, thus question 1 indicates that a time factor needs to be included in the sub-

recipe (See 1.1, fig. 6). After it is ascertained that the quantity is time dependent, the construction

method will have to tell how the quantity of material required relates to time. In this case the

quantity of formwork required, is dependent on the number of columns that are simultaneously

formed. For example if 20 columns are formed in 5 days; the company specific construction policy

defines that the formwork for 4 columns will suffice. This is an example of an activity duration

inclusion of a time factor.

Furthermore as this example shows, the company specific construction strategy can also influence

the quantity of materials on a non time related basis. The company uses the same formwork for all

columns up to width a minus d (see fig. 10). A visualisation was added to ensure that the planner,

who later on uses the recipe, interprets the company specific construction strategy correctly. Two

columns are depicted: a big one and a slim one. As shown, the slim column simply has a little excess


In the Formwork props: slabs example, the sub-recipe for calculating material quantities is:

p q

#sec; p 1 #sec;q 1
m= + * + * (1 + v)
w #sec; p w #sec;q

5 Application of the QSRA-Method 33

This example shows the inclusion of a segmentation based time factor. The material is reusable,

thus question 1 indicates that a time factor needs to be included in the sub-recipe (See 1.1, fig. 6).

The construction method defines, that the quantity of formwork required is dependent on the

number of segments wherein the slab is created. If for example one slab is divided in four segments,

only one fourth of the formwork is necessary.

As can be seen the sub-recipe allows for segmentation of both the width (p) as well as the length (q)

of the slab. It also prevents the edge materials (the materials on the segmentation edges) to show up

more than once due to segmentation.

Like the angular columns example; the quantity of the material necessary is not only influenced by

the fact that the material is reusable. This example too shows that a company specific construction

strategy can influence the quantity of materials needed. Variable v, the ratio of props/

auxiliary props 2, is a construction-method-based and schedule-dependent rule of thumb. Variable v

is an indirect indicator of how much (not how many!) slab forming tasks overlap in the schedule.

Since v is usually 1; v usually doubles the number of materials required and hence is very


Additionally, the example shows, that a visual representation should be incorporated to facilitate a

correct interpretation of the recipe. In this case a visualisation of the material specifications was

incorporated. The length of the prop clearly varies depending on whether it is in use or being stored

(see fig. 11).

Step I.V: With the help of the already acquired information plus information on material and delivery

specifications the sub-recipes to calculate the number of stacks of a material stored were created. In

Auxiliary props are used to uphold the slab, after the formwork cross-beams and main-beams have been
taken away. The cross-beams and main-beams can already be used to form the next slab, but the props need to
stay in place for a few more weeks. The next slab of course also requires props, hence whilst simultaneously
forming two or more slabs, auxiliary props are needed.
5 Application of the QSRA-Method 34

d 4m
the Formwork: angular column example, the sub-recipe is: n = . Variable hmax allows

controlling stack-heights. And the d*4m-term of the sub-recipe ensures that the formwork for one

column is always stored together and not on separate stacks.

Step I.VI: Again using the already acquired information the sub-recipes were created to calculate the

volume and footprint of the materials as stored. Here also the pathspace x was considered since

there needs to be room for aisles and required safety distances. As advised by site managers,

pathspace was assumed to be 0,6m.

The recipes created using step I.IV to I.VI can be found in the appendix. This concluded subprocess I.

5.2 Subprocess II: Space requirement quantification

Step II.I: The 3D model and schedule were linked to create a 4D model. Then QTO queries (see

fig. 12) were created to query quantities from the 4D model. These were the quantities from the 4D

model that were later on used as input to calculate material space requirements. In the example the

lateral surface areas of the walls are queried.

5 Application of the QSRA-Method 35

Figure 12: Screenshot: Example of a QTO query

The QTO-enriched 4D model is shown in figure 13.


4D model
Reference to Quantities as
QTO query calculated by
QTO query

Figure 13: Screenshot: QTO-'enriched' 4D model

5 Application of the QSRA-Method 36

Step II.I.I: The data received as output of the QTO-enriched 4D model was stored in a data

processing tool and structured to better serve as input for the recipes.

The output of the QTO-enriched 4D model uses a lot of sheets (see red frame fig. 14) because a new

sheet is created for every main task. A main task is for example: Structural work second floor

between axes 75-111.

Figure 14: Screenshot: Output of the QTO-enriched 4D model

Using a VBA the data was summarized and sorted onto the first sheet (see fig. 15).

Object group reference

Task Quantities as
reference needed for recipes

Figure 15: Screenshot: Summarized and sorted output of the QTO-enriched 4D model

Step II.II: Then the actual space requirements were calculated and stored in the data processing tool.

To gain insight in material and delivery specifications, catalogues were ordered from Doka

(www.doka.com), Peri (www.peri.de), Baustahlgewebe (www.baustahlgewebe.com) and the results

5 Application of the QSRA-Method 37

(materials and delivery methods chosen) were discussed with construction planners to ensure

realistic choices had been made. This concluded subprocess II.

5.3 Subprocess III: Space requirement representation

Step III.I: The first step of subprocess III was assigning tasks to construction sections. As explained in

the previous chapter, the construction sections are defined on the basis of crane accessibility. As can

be seen in figure 16, the radius of the cranes is already depicted on the site plans. Thus the axes that

delineate the crane radius can be easily obtained. The construction schedule for both construction

projects turned out to already have this segmentation included in the planning. Tasks were already

sorted per axes-groups (axes 75-111, axes 111-126 etc.) and those axes corresponded to radii of the


Figure 16: Crane radii (green) of the airport terminal

Step III.II: In step III.II the volumes as calculated in subprocess II were added to the Gantt chart per

construction section (see figs. 17&18). First the Gantt chart of the project was split up in Gantt charts

per construction section. Then the space requirements were added in the form of resources. The

required space is thus treated as a resource that is being used by activities.

5 Application of the QSRA-Method 38

Figure 17: Screenshot: Section of the original Gantt chart of Axis 103-114 of the airport terminal

Shows how much space for

materials is required for a task.

Figure 18: Screenshot: The same section of Axis 103-114 of the airport terminal with space requirements

Step III.III: Even thought the scheduling tool itself is able to create histograms, the histograms were

exported to the data processing tool. This was done, because the used data processing tool gives

more options for manipulation and visualisation of the data, (see fig. 19).
5 Application of the QSRA-Method 39

F2-Rohbau A103-114 Bewehrung




Grundflche [m2]





25-Aug-09 14-Okt-09 3-Dez-09 22-Jan-10 13-Mrz-10 2-Mai-10 21-Jun-10 10-Aug-10 29-Sep-10

Figure 19: Screenshot: Space requirements of the reinforcing of Axis 103-114 of the airport terminal

The here depicted histogram shows the material space requirements in terms of footprints of

material stacks 3 in square metres.

Step III.IV: The material space requirements data (which was calculated in the data processing tool)

could be easily restructured into a TSAC (fig. 20).

The footprints thus implicitly include stacking heights, number of stacks and pathspace.
5 Application of the QSRA-Method 40

Task Number of
Footprint Height stacks

Figure 20: Screenshot: Task-based storage analysis chart (TSAC)

5.4 Supporting decision making

This section gives an outlook on the way in which decision making can be supported by the

quantified material space requirements. This is not part of the QSRA-Method anymore. This section

serves to show that the output of the QSRA-Method meets the requirements of the decision

processes as described in the theoretical points of departure. Future research endeavours will have

to create tools and processes to show how the output of the QSRA-Method can be used to plan

construction logistics.

The space requirements themselves are represented on a task level. In other words, we have the

information on a level of detail where primary time frames (PTF; Zouein & Tommelein, 1999; see

section 3.2.1) can be defined. The material space requirements of these PTFs can be clustered

according to the fixed order periods (FOPs; Said & El-Rayes, 2010) using the histograms. The square

metres needed for storing the materials of a fixed order period can be obtained by calculating the

square metres of the time frame enclosed by the two consecutive FOPs (see figs. 21&22).
5 Application of the QSRA-Method 41

F2-Rohbau A103-114 Bewehrung

Calculating the square metres
needed for storing the
3,00 materials of the enclosed time
frame requires taking the
2,50 integral of the according
Grundflche [m2]

(The resource is not reusable)



25-Aug-09 14-Okt-09 3-Dez-09 22-Jan-10 13-Mrz-10 2-Mai-10 21-Jun-10 10-Aug-10 29-Sep-10

Figure 21: Space requirements of the reinforcing of Axis 103-114 of the airport terminal

The histograms depict the space requirements as needed per day by the tasks executed on that day.

The way in which the histograms have to be read differs depending on whether the material is

reusable or not (compare figs. 21&22). For non-reusable materials, the square metres needed are

calculated by taking an integral of the enclosed time frame. For reusable materials, the maximum

space requirement within the enclosed timeframe is taken.

F2-Rohbau A103-114 Schalung

Calculating the square metres
1200,00 needed for storing the
materials of the enclosed time
1000,00 frame requires taking the
maximum requirement
Grundflche [m2]

occurring in the timeframe.
(The resource is reusable)



25-Aug-09 14-Okt-09 3-Dez-09 22-Jan-10 13-Mrz-10 2-Mai-10 21-Jun-10 10-Aug-10 29-Sep-10

Figure 22: Space requirements of the formwork of Axis 103-114 of the airport terminal
5 Application of the QSRA-Method 42

Then the largest space requirement during the corresponding stage based on order quantities of the

FOPs can be determined using the histogram and analysed (see section 3.2.1) using the Gantt chart.

The Gantt chart links the space requirements of a certain timeframe to the tasks of that timeframe.

If during a certain time period the space requirements exceed the amount of available space (this can

be determined by analysing the histograms), the Gantt chart will help the planner determine which

tasks contribute to the space demand. The Gantt chart will also show how much a certain activity

contributes to the space demand as compared to other activities in the analysed timeframe.

Furthermore the footprints, the stack heights and the number of stacks of the material space

requirements are represented per task in the TSAC. This will allow for a representation of materials in

4D using (1) a reference object, (2) an orientation and (3) a footprint and optionally a stack height

(Akinci et al., 2000b; Said & El-Rayes, 2010; see section 3.2.2). This will allow for a visual analysis if

necessary. The representation forms of the method thus should be able to support the decision

processes as described in the theoretical points of departure. Creating the tools to do so is a task for

future research endeavours.

6 Validation 43

6 Validation

6.1 Validation Method

The application of the method on the airport terminal and the high-rise building showed that the

QSRA-Method was applicable on different construction projects and capable of producing recipes

that were reusable.

The output of the QSRA-Method was validated using expert opinions. This was done, because the

output of the QSRA-Method is in fact input for construction logistics planning. The research chose to

not validate the QSRA-Method by actually planning construction logistics. This has several reasons.

(1) There was no project data available to verify or compare the construction logistics plans. (2)

Construction logistics plans made would not validate the output of the QRSA-Method, but rather the

construction logistics planning methods. (3) Improvements in construction logistics would not be

directly attributable to the QSRA-Method. (4) The output of planning construction logistics would be

highly dependent on the expertise of the planner. Thus it was seen as the best option to inquire

expert opinions on whether the input created by the QSRA-Method would be helpful.

6.2 Validation of the output of the QSRA-Method

The method and output of the QSRA-Method was shown to and discussed with a select group of

construction planners and an IT specialist. The group was selected on the basis of knowledge of

construction logistics planning and information modelling. The output of the QSRA-Method was

appraised as helpful for construction logistic planning. In particular the histogram was perceived as

valuable as it shows project information that traditional methods cannot.

One project manager pointed out that the way in which the recipes are created and depicted in the

TSAC allows for analyzing the space requirements of materials during different processes. This would

allow project planners to make spot checks whether there is enough space to execute certain

activities. Formwork for example takes up more space when it is being cleaned than when it is being

stored or built in. A spot check would allow a planner to check whether a planned activity cleaning of
6 Validation 44

slab-formwork is possible on a certain storage location during an already congested time period.

Whether the specified storage location is congested during a certain time period can be derived from

the histogram.

The Gantt chart representation was considered helpful for analysing a detected material storage

problem. A material storage problem means that the required space exceeds the available space. The

Gantt chart will help planners determine which activities cause the required space of a certain time

period that showed up in the histogram as being congested.

The TSAC was appraised as helpful for material storage decisions. Due to the fact that the TSAC

represents the material space requirements not as single materials, but as stacks, the TSAC

represents volumetric objects that can be placed on site. Since the TSAC already accounted for

stacking options and stacking heights, the volumetric objects can be placed on site plans without

further ado. This was seen as very helpful.

7 Discussion 45

7 Discussion
As can now be concluded, the research goals (see introduction) are achieved. The QSRA-Method

provides a method that enables planners to create recipes for quantifying material space

requirements. This will ensure that not only existing materials can be quantified with the QSRA-

Method, but also prospective ones.

Furthermore the method re-uses available project information and thus provides a time efficient

alternative to existing methods. The majority of the processes of the QSRA-Method are created in

such away as to be computer interpretable to allow future automation. This is highly recommended,

because the analysis of the space requirements of materials is just one of many analyses that can be

conducted on a construction project. In itself it solves just a small part of the space planning problem

of a construction project.

The method however in itself is already helpful to support space planning efforts. It is capable of

calculating and representing material space requirements per task, area and time unit. Furthermore

the representation methods give planners insight into both the numerical space requirement in

square metres, as well as the geometrical parameters of individual material space requirements.

Additionally the information provided in the TSAC allows planners to input the material space

requirements as objects into a 4D model. This will facilitate storage decisions and virtual construction

logistics simulations.

7.1 Theoretical contributions

The conducted research shows (1) the usefulness of 4D models in general in the construction

industry and (2) in particular in construction logistics. (3) It provides a method for quantifying

material space requirements and (4) shows what information is necessary as input. It (5) further

highlights the interdependence of material procurement and storage and (6) provides insight into the

practicality of integrally addressing these issues. Additionally the conducted research (7) links

construction logistics with warehouse space planning research.

7 Discussion 46

The conducted research shows the usability of a QTO-enriched 4D model to extract data for

quantifying material space requirements on construction projects. It would have been difficult and

probably not cost/time efficient enough to conduct the same analysis without the help of a 4D

model. Without a 4D model, the information would have to be pieced together using 2D models,

construction schedules and bills of quantities. This process is prone to error and very time

consuming, because the information is stored in separate locations and formats. As opposed to

traditional methods, the 4D model furthermore allows for a visual check to ensure the information

has been pieced together properly. The research thus shows the usefulness of 4D models in the

construction industry, and in particular the usefulness for construction logistics planning. The

predominant amenities of the 4D models are that they help planners to combine and extract the

necessary information for calculating material space requirements on construction projects.

Additionally, the method provided quantifies material space requirements instead of estimating

them. This will contribute to construction logics research, as it will help researchers gain more insight

into actual space requirements of construction projects.

Another theoretical contribution of the research is that it shows what data are necessary in what

level of detail and structure in order to plan construction logistics of materials on site.

Additionally, the interdependence of material procurement and storage decisions is shown.

Combining these decision processes into construction logistics planning is relatively new. The here

conducted research provides insight into the practicality of integrally addressing the issues by means

of integrally creating the material space requirement information necessary for material

procurement and storage.

Furthermore a link between construction logistics planning research and warehouse space planning

research is established. This link will help future research endeavours find solutions for problems

encountered in construction logistics planning.

7 Discussion 47

7.2 Practical implications

From a practical standpoint this research will (1) aid planners to quantify material space

requirements so as to plan construction logistics in the preconstruction phase of a project. (2) Give

planners more insight into the space requirements of materials than traditional methods. (3) Support

both material procurement as well as storage decisions. (4) Define the necessary input for the

analysis. (5) Support other decision processes where material space requirement information is

required. (6) Help Zblin in their efforts to create virtual construction logistics simulation tools. And

(7) contribute to both the 5D Development Zblin as well as the Mefisto project.

As opposed to traditional methods, the QSRA-Method gives planners insight into the space

requirements of materials per task and per time unit. It shows the relation between quantities and

space requirements. And also the relation between stacking heights and space requirements.

Additionally it shows their geometrical information and storage stacking options. This means that

both material procurement as well as material storage decision making will be supported.

This research furthermore shows what data is necessary for the here proposed analysis and how

other data creation processes can facilitate in creating and structuring the data for this analysis.

The output of the QSRA-Method can also be used to support other decision processes. The

quantified material space requirements for example can be used as input for a detailed construction

assembly simulation. Or they can be used for deciding what construction methods to use on the basis

of the space required and space available for the respective method (E.g. Using In place concrete

slabs requires a method that takes up more material space than using filigran slabs).

Quantifying material space requirements can furthermore help in deciding how to schedule activities

concurrently. For example: Forming five walls at the same time is no problem, cleaning the formwork

of five walls at the same time on the other hand, takes up a large amount of space and might thus

become critical. By quantifying as opposed to estimating material space requirements the QSRA-

Method will increase the reliability of planning activities.

7 Discussion 48

Furthermore this research will help Zblin in their efforts to create virtual construction logistics

simulation tools. It will be a contribution to their work as a 5Di-partner as well as their work within

the Mefisto project.

7.3 Limitations of the method

The accuracy of the output of the method is heavily dependent on the accuracy with which the 4D-

model is created. That is to say, the method is dependent on how well a software program can

interpret the data and link it together to calculate QTOs. If the 4D model is not properly modelled, a

quantity takeoff calculation program will have trouble triangulating the surface areas and calculating

volumes of building components. The limitation of the method is thus that it is dependent on a

software program that can accurately calculate volumes and surface areas and is capable of properly

adding 4 those volumes and surface areas.

Furthermore the reliability of the calculated material space requirements is dependent on the proper

creation and interpretation of the recipes. In an effort to overcome this, the recipes are accompanied

by graphic visualisations (see fig 10&11). Still users of the QSRA-Method should be careful to avoid

the created recipes from being multi-interpretable.

7.4 Further research suggestions

This research showed how the available information on a project can be transformed into material

space requirement data. This information can now be used as input for decision support tools in

construction planning.

Further research could be conducted on analysing how the output of the QSRA-Method can be used

for construction assembly simulations. More specifically, how materials as quantified can be

attributed to cranes, hoists etc. to determine whether cranes and hoists can handle the quantity and

flow of materials on site. To do so the TSAC can be expanded with columns for weight and

The used tool had some problems with properly adding calculated areas and surfaces over multiple stories.
7 Discussion 49

transportation methods as is done in warehouse space planning research (see RSAC, Receiving and

Shipping Analysis Chart, Tompkins & Smith, 1998).

Since the QSRA-Method consists of quite a few steps, further research could be conducted to

automate some of the steps of the method. Manually calculating the quantities is possible, but since

the recipes are computer interpretable, automation would be useful.

Additionally, further research could show how to automatically transform the information in the

TSAC into CAD-objects in the 4D-model. This would create an automated visualisation of the material

space requirements of a project in 4D.

Bibliography 50

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Appendix 51

Appendix: Foundations 52

Reinforcing bars foundations
Input bundle = D [m]
bar = d [m]
s=3 bar length = l [m]
s=2 stacking height = s [#], h [m]
l stacking width = i [#], b2 [m]
s=1 #bundle = m [#]
i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 pathspace = x [m]
reinforcementfoundation = refoundation [kg]
weightbundle = W bundle [kg]
weightbar = W bar [kg]
ratio stirrups/bars =v

b1 = D * (i ( s 1))

2 D
D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2

D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2
h = D + ( s 1) * D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2
2 D

b2 = D * i

Quantity Space conversion

D * (i ( s 1)) + D * i
V = + x * D + ( s 1) * D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2 * (l + x)
Footprint = ( D * i + x) (l + x)
m = i * s ((i (i ( s 1))) * s )
stirrups + bars
re foundation [kg ] * v

Wbar [kg ]
Wbundle [kg ]
W [kg ]

Reinforcing stirrups column foundations

bundle = D [m]
Input stirrup = d [m]
width = a [m]
D length = b [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
bs bs + D b #bundle = m [#]
pathspace = x [m]
reinforcementfoundation = refoundation [kg]
as as + D D weightbundle = W bundle [kg]
a weightstirrup = W stirrup [kg]
ratio bars/stirrups/ =w

Quantity Space conversion


V = (a + x )* (b + x )* 2 * d * n

n= 2
a = as + 2 D; b = bs + 2 D
stirrups + bars
re foundation [ kg ] * w

stirrup [ kg ]
Wbundle [kg ]

stirrup [kg ]
Appendix: Foundations 53

Formwork: column foundations

width = a [m]
length = b [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
= d [m]
b foundation = Afound [m2]
foundation = #found [#]
pathspace = x [m]
# formwork elements = m [#]
durationtask = t [day]

Quantity Space conversion

V = (a + x) * (b + x) * * d * n

footprint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n

d *m

A found A found A found A found

+ +
t # found t # found
a *b

Formwork: strip foundations

width = a [m]
length = b [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
= d [m]
b foundation = Afound [m2]
foundation = #found [#]
pathspace = x [m]
# formwork elements = m [#]
durationtask = t [day]
a durationforming = tform [day]

Quantity Space conversion

V = (a + x) * (b + x) * * d * n

footprint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n

d *m

A found
* t form
a *b
Appendix: Walls 54

Reinforcing bar mesh wall

width = a [m]
length = b [m]
lap joint = c [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
b reinforcing bar mesh = d [m]
# reinforcing bar mesh = m [#]
pathspace = x [m]
lateral surfacewall = Awall [m2]
c c

Quantity Space conversion

V = (a + x) * (b + x) * * d * n

footprint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n

d *m

(a c) * b

Formwork: wall

width = a [m]
length = b [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
= d [m]
b durationtask = t [day]
pathspace = x [m]
lateral areawall = Awall [m2]
to be formed area = Aform [m2]
pre forming ratio =v

Quantity Space conversion

A form

a * b
V = (a + x) * (b + x) * *d *n

footprint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n
d * form
n= a *b
A form = * (v + 1)
Appendix: Columns 55

Reinforcing bars columns
Input bundle = D [m]
bar = d [m]
s=3 bar length = l [m]
s=2 stacking height = s [#], h [m]
l stacking width = i [#], b2 [m]
s=1 #bundle = m [#]
i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 pathspace = x [m]
reinforcementcolumn = recolumn [kg]
weightbundle = W bundle [kg]
weightbar = W bar [kg]

b1 = D * (i ( s 1))

2 D
D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2

D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2
h = D + ( s 1) * D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2


b2 = D * i

Quantity Space conversion

D * (i ( s 1)) + D * i
V = + x * D + ( s 1) * D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2 * (l + x)
Footprint = ( D * i + x) (l + x)
m = i * s ((i (i ( s 1))) * s )

recolumn [kg ]

W [kg ]
m = bar
Wbundle [kg ]
W [kg ]

Formwork: angular columns

width = a [m]
length = b [m]
b stack height = hmax [m]
= d [m]
#columns = m [#]
ad ad a pathspace = x [m]
durationtask = t [day]

Quantity Space conversion

V = (a + x) * (b + x) * *n

footprint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n

d * 4m

# columnswidth ( a d )
Appendix: Columns 56

Formwork: round columns

width = a [m]
Input length = b [m]
h1st element = s [m]
d hadditional element = r [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
r column = d [m]
b r h #columns = m [#]
s pathspace = x [m]
a durationtask = t [day]
#stacks = n [#]

Quantity Space conversion

( n * s) + ((m n) * r )
V = ( a + x ) * (b + x ) * *n

footprint = ( a + x) * (b + x) * n

(n * s) + ((2m n) * r )

# columnswidth= d
Appendix: Slabs In place concrete 57

Slabs In place concrete

Reinforcing bar mesh slabs

Input width = a [m]

length = b [m]
lap joint = c [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
b reinforcing bar mesh = d [m]
# reinforcing bar mesh = m [#]
pathspace = x [m]
slab = Aslab [m2]
c c

Quantity Space conversion

V = (a + x) * (b + x) * * d * n

footprint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n

d *m

(a c) * b

Formwork: slabs

width = a [m]
length = b [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
= d [m]
b slab = Aslab [m2]
forming segments = #seg [#]
pathspace = x [m]
# formwork elements = m [#]

Quantity Space conversion

V = (a + x) * (b + x) * * d * n

footprint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n

d *m



a *b
Appendix: Slabs In place concrete 58

Formwork: cross beams slabs

width = a [m]
Input length = b [m]
lap joint = c [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
= d [m]
a #cross beams = m [#]
b spacingcross beams = f [m]
d lengthslab = p [m]
widthslab = q [m]
forming sections = #sec [#]
pathspace = x [m]

Quantity Space conversion

V = (a + x) * (b + x) * * d * n

footprint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n

d *m

p q

#sec; p 1 #sec;q
m= + *
f #sec; p b c

Formwork: main beams slabs

Input width = a [m]
length = b [m]
lap joint = c [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
= d [m]
a #main beams = m [#]
spacingmain beams = k [m]
b lengthslab = p [m]
widthslab = q [m]
forming sections = #sec [#]
pathspace = x [m]

Quantity Space conversion

V = (a + x) * (b + x) * * d * n

footprint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n

d *m

p q

# #
sec; p * sec; q + 1

bc k #sec;q

Appendix: Slabs In place concrete 59

Formwork: props slabs

prop = d [m]
Input prop length = l [m]
stacking height = s [#]
i or b2
s=2 lmin #props = m [#]
s=1 spacingprops = w [m]
i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 widthslab = p [m]
lengthslab = q [m]
forming sections = #sec [#]
b1 = D * (i ( s 1)) d ratio props/auxiliary props = v [%]
pathspace = x [m]
2 D
D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2 h = D + ( s 1) * D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2
D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2
2 D

b2 = D * i

Quantity Space conversion

D * (i ( s 1)) + D * i
V = + x * D + ( s 1) * D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2 * (l + x)
Footprint = ( D * i + x) (l + x)
m = i * s ((i (i ( s i ))) * s )

p q

#sec; p 1 #sec;q 1
m = + * + * (1 + v)
w # sec; p w # sec;q

Appendix: Slabs Filigran slabs 60

Slabs Filigran slabs

Reinforcing bar mesh filigran slabs

width = a [m]
length = b [m]
lap joint = c [m]
b stack height = hmax [m]
reinforcing bar mesh = d [m]
# reinforcing bar mesh = m [#]
pathspace = x [m]
slab = Aslab [m2]
c c

Quantity Space conversion

V = (a + x) * (b + x) * * d * n

foortpint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n

d *m

(a c) * b

Formwork: filigran slabs

width = a [m]
length = b [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
b = d [m]
slab = Aslab [m2]
forming segments = #seg [#]
pathspace = x [m]
# formwork elements = m [#]

Quantity Space conversion

V = (a + x) * (b + x) * * d * n

footprint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n

d *m


m= seg

a *b
Appendix: Slabs Filigran slabs 61

Formwork: props filigran slabs

prop = d [m]
Input prop length = l [m]
stacking height = s [#]
i or b2
s=2 lmin #props = m [#]
s=1 spacingprops = w [m]
i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 widthslab = p [m]
lengthslab = q [m]
forming sections = #sec [#]
b1 = D * (i ( s 1)) d ratio props/auxiliary props = v [%]
pathspace = x [m]
2 D
D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2 h = D + ( s 1) * D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2
D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2
2 D

b2 = D * i

Quantity Space conversion

D * (i ( s 1)) + D * i
V = + x * D + ( s 1) * D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2 * (l + x)
Footprint = ( D * i + x) (l + x)
m = i * s ((i (i ( s i ))) * s )

p q

#sec; p 1 #sec;q 1
m = + * + * (1 + v)
w # sec; p w # sec;q

Appendix: Beams 62


Reinforcing stirrups beams

Input bundle = D [m]
stirrup = d [m]
D width = a [m]
length = b [m]
bs bs + D b stack height = hmax [m]
#bundle = m [#]
pathspace = x [m]
as as + D D reinforcementbeams = rebeams [kg]
weightbundle = W bundle [kg]
a weightstirrup = W stirrup [kg]
ratio stirrups/bars =v

Quantity Space conversion

a = as + 2 D; b = bs + 2 D
V = (a + x )* (b + x )* 2 * d * n
stirrups + bars
footprint = (a + x )* (b + x )* n
rebeams [kg ] * v

m stirrup [ kg ]
d* m=
n= 2 Wbundle [kg ]
stirrup [kg ]
Appendix: Beams 63

Reinforcing bars beams

Input bundle = D [m]
s=3 bar = d [m]
bar length = l [m]
s=2 stacking height = s [#], h [m]
s=1 stacking width = i [#], b2 [m]
i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 #bundle = m [#]
pathspace = x [m]
reinforcementbeams = rebeams [kg]
weightbundle = W bundle [kg]
weightbar = W bar [kg]
ratio stirrups/bars =v
b1 = D * (i ( s 1))

2 D
D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2

D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2
h = D + ( s 1) * D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2
2 D

b2 = D * i

Quantity Space conversion

D * (i ( s 1)) + D * i
V = + x * D + ( s 1) * D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2 * (l + x)
Footprint = ( D * i + x) (l + x)
m = i * s ((i (i ( s 1))) * s )
stirrups + bars
rebeams [kg ] * v

Wbar [kg ]
Wbundle [kg ]

Wbar [kg ]

Formwork: Beams

width = a [m]
length = b [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
b = d [m]
lateral areabeam = Abeam [m2]
pathspace = x [m]
# formwork elements = m [#]

Quantity Space conversion

V = (a + x) * (b + x) * * d * n

footprint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n

d *m

Abeam Atopsurface

# seg
a *b
Appendix: Beams 64

Formwork: main form beams; beams

width = a [m]
length = b [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
a = d [m]
b #main beams = m [#]
d lengthbeam = l [m]
lateral areabeam = Abeam [m2]
forming sections = #sec [#]
pathspace = x [m]

Quantity Space conversion

V = (a + x) * (b + x) * * d * n

footprint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n

d *m

Abeam Atopsurfacce

# seg
a *b

Formwork: cross form beams; beams

width = a [m]
length = b [m]
stack height = hmax [m]
a = d [m]
b #cross beams = m [#]
d lengthbeam = l [m]
spacingcross beams = k [m]
forming sections = #sec [#]
pathspace = x [m]

Quantity Space conversion

V = (a + x) * (b + x) * * d * n

footprint = (a + x) * (b + x) * n

d *m


m= +1

Appendix: Beams 65

Formwork: props beams

Input prop = d [m]

prop length = l [m]
stacking height = s [#]
s=2 lmin i or b2
s=1 #props = m [#]
i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 lengthbeam = l [m]
spacingcross beams = k [m]
forming sections = #sec [#]
b1 = D * (i ( s 1)) d pathspace = x [m]
2 D
D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2 h = D + ( s 1) * D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2
D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2
2 D

b2 = D * i

Quantity Space conversion

D * (i ( s 1)) + D * i
V = + x * D + ( s 1) * D 2 ( 1 2 D) 2 * (l + x)
Footprint = ( D * i + x) (l + x)
m = i * s ((i (i ( s i ))) * s )


# seq
m = + 1 * 2

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