Sr. No. Name of Check List

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Sr. No.

Name of Check List

1 Check List for Footings.

2 Check Lift for Columns
3 Check List for Plinth/ Ground/ Tie Beams.
4 Check List for slab Pre- Reinforcement.
5 Check List for Beam Rein. Before lowering.
6 Check List for Entire Steel before casting.
7 Check List for Slab Shuttering before Casting.
8 Check List for Anti Termite Treatment.
9 Check List for PCC.
10 Check List for Waterproofing base coat.
11 Check List for Waterproofing Final Finish.
12 Check List for Drainage Line.
13 Check List for Water Supply Line.
14 Check List for Sanitary Fittings.
15 Check List for CP Fittings.
16 Check List for Brick/ Block Masonary
17 Check List for Rubble Masonary.
18 Check List for Plastering.
19 Check List for Flooring work.
20 Check List for Painting Work.
21 Check List for Electrical Cabling.
22 Check List for Electrical Fittings.
23 Check List for Final Handing Over.
24 Check List for Tie Beams and Lintel beam.
Site Name:- Date:-
Footing nos.:-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
A Whether dimensions of footing are correct. ----------------------------------------
B Whether Sides of footings are in true Plumb. ---------------------------------------
C Whether Shuttering Oil is applied to shutters. -------------------------------------
D Whether casting levels are marked (in case of trapezoid footing.) -----------
E Whether Supports provided are sufficient and Firm. -----------------------------
F Whether all Sides of footing are in true Line. ---------------------------------------
G Whether Centreline of footing is correct. --------------------------------------------
H Whether orientation of footing is correct. ------------------------------------------
I Whether Digonal of Footing is correct. ----------------------------------------------
A Whether all bars are of correct diameter as per drawing. ---------------------
B Whether orientation of footing is correct. ------------------------------------------
C Whether ELL provided for footings and columns are of proper Length. -----
D Whether arrangement of bars in column is correct. -----------------------------
E Whether Link are of required shape and size. -------------------------------------
F Whether Center to Centre distance of Links is correct. --------------------------
G Whether BBS is approved by PM. ------------------------------------------------------
H Whether Binding wire used is as per specification. ------------------------------
I Whether cover blocks are provided to all sides of footing. --------------------
J Whether Chairs are provided if required. -------------------------------------------
K Whether Reinforcement bar are applied with any coat or Paint if specified.

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Column nos.:-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
A Whether dimensions of Column are correct. ----------------------------------------
B Whether Columns Casting Level is marked. ------------------------------------------
B Whether Vertical Shutters of column are in true Plumb. -------------------------
C Whether Shuttering Oil is applied to shutters. -------------------------------------
D Whether supports provided are sufficient and firm. -----------------------------
E Whether column diagonals are correct at top. -------------------------------------
F Whether Centreline of Column is correct. --------------------------------------------
G Whether orientation of Column is correct. ------------------------------------------
Whether all bars are of correct diameter as per drawing.
A ---------------------
Whether Link are of required shape and size.
B -------------------------------------
Whether cover blocks are provided to all sides of footing.
Whether Binding --------------------
wire used is as per specification.
D ------------------------------
Whether Reinforcement bar are applied with any coat or Paint if
Whether Lap Length are asspecified.
per Specification and are staggered.
F -------------
Whether Joggle is provided to bars at lapping area.
G -----------------------------
Whether BBS is approved by PM.
H ------------------------------------------------------
Whether orientation of Column is correct.
I ------------------------------------------
Whether any column is reduced in size or bars.
J ----------------------------------
Whether arrangement of bars in column is correct.
K -----------------------------
Whether Center to Centre distance of Links is correct.
L --------------------------
Whether Column to Column distances are as per drawing.
Whether Column is--------------------
in true Plumb of columns below.
B ----------------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Beam nos.:-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
A Whether bottom PCC/ Masonary/ Coping is in true & correct level. ------------
B Whether Sides of beams are in true Plumb. --------------------------------------------
C Whether Shuttering Oil is applied to shutters. ----------------------------------------
D Whether casting levels are marked on sides.-------------------------------------------
E Whether Supports provided are sufficient and Firm. --------------------------------
F Whether all beam Sides are in true Line. ------------------------------------------------
G Whether location of beam is correct. ----------------------------------------------------
H Whether Inserts (if any) are fixed correctly. -------------------------------------------
I Whether bays are of correct size. ---------------------------------------------------------
A Whether all bars are of correct diameter as per drawing. -------------------------
B Whether sizes of Stirrups are correct as per Drg. -------------------------------------
C Whether Shape and Spacing of stirrups is correct as per Drg. --------------------
D Whether Hook length is sufficient and bent to 135 0. --------------------------------
E Whether Seismic links are provided if any. --------------------------------------------
F Whether BBS is approved by PM. ----------------------------------------------------------
G Whether columns links are tied at column beam junction. ------------------------
H Whether all the bottom bars have full bearing on support. -----------------------
I Whether top bars have development length anchored in supports. -------------
J Whether Reinforcement is applied with any coat or Paint if specified. --------
K Whether binding wire used is as specified. --------------------------------------------
L Whether Lap Length and Locations are as specified. --------------------------------
M Whether joggle are provided to lap bars. -----------------------------------------------
N Whether sufficient spacers (Pins) are provided. --------------------------------------
O Whether steel layers arrangement is as per Drg. -------------------------------------
P Whether Bent up (if any) is as per Drg. ---------------------------------------------------
Q Whether Side face Reinforcement (if any) is tied correctely. ----------------------
R Whether EOS provided are having Sufficient Length. --------------------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Slab bay Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
Whether Floor to Floor Distance Maintained is correct.
Whether Beam ------------------------
Bottom Size is correct as per Drg.
B ----------------------------------
Whether Beam Bottoms are in true line.
Whether Beam----------------------------------------------
Bottoms are in true level as per respective depth.
D ------------
Whether Beam side are correct as per depth.
E ---------------------------------------
Whether dimensions of bays shuttered are correct as per Arch. Drg.
F --------are true in Digonal length.
Whether all the bays shuttered
Whether joints---------------------
are sealed with masking tape.
H --------------------------------------
Whether Shuttering Oil is applied to beam bottoms and sides.
I ----------------
Whether all slab bays are true in level.
J -----------------------------------------------
Whether all the supports provided are Vertical perfectly.
K ----------------------
Whether Chhajja, if any, is true in level.
L ---------------------------------------------
M Whether Chhajja projection is correct and in plumb with chhajja below.-
Whether all the supports provided are firm and in good condition.
N --------- is approved by PM.
Whether Shuttering Scheme
Whether any column is-----------------------------------
reduced in size or bars (Chek to provide joggle).
P --

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Slab bays Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
Whether all bars are of correct diameter as per drawing.
Whether sizes of---------------------
Stirrups are correct as per Drg.
B ---------------------------------
Whether Shape and Spacing of stirrups is correct as per Drg.
C ----------------
D Whether Hook length is sufficient and bent to 1350. -----------------------------
Whether Lapps are provided at proper location.
Seismic links are provided if any.
F ----------------------------------------
Whether BBS is approved by PM.
G ------------------------------------------------------
Whether columns links are tied at column beam junction.
H --------------------
Whether all the bottom bars have full bearing on support.
I --------------------
Whether top bars have development length anchored in supports.
J ---------
Whether Reinforcement is applied with any coat or Paint if specified.
K -----used is as specified.
Whether binding wire
L -----------------------------------------
Whether Lap Length and Locations are as specified.
Whether -----------------------------
joggle are provided to lap bars.
N --------------------------------------------
Whether sufficient spacers (Pins) are provided.
O -----------------------------------
Whether steel layers arrangement is as per Drg.
P ----------------------------------
Whether Sunk beams are tied as per Casting Top.
Q ---------------------------------
Whether Side face Reinforcement is tied if any.
R ------------------------------------
Whether downward/ upward lump is binded correctly.
S -------------------------
Whether EOS provided are having Sufficient Length.
T -----------------------------
Whether Bent up is as per Drg.
U ----------------------------------------------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Slab Bays Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
Whether all bars are of correct diameter as per drawing.
A ---------------------
Whether Slab reinforcement is as per respective depth.
B ------------------------
Whether reinforcement placement is correct (one/ Two way).
C ---------------- for slab is correct.
Whether Spacing of Reinforcement
D --------------------------
Whether reinforcement is continued in next bay as specified.
E ----------------
Whether BBS is approved by PM.
F ------------------------------------------------------
Whether columns links are tied at column beam junction.
G --------------------
Whether Reinforcement is applied with any coat or Paint if specified.
H -----
Whether binding wire used is as specified.
I -----------------------------------------
Whether Lap Length and Locations are as specified.
Whether -----------------------------
joggle are provided to lap bars.
K --------------------------------------------
Whether sufficient chairs are provided.
L ---------------------------------------------
Whether Sunk Slabs are tied as per Casting Top.
Whether EOS ---------------------------------
provided are having Sufficient Length.
N -----------------------------
Whether Bent up is as per Drg.
O ----------------------------------------------------------
Whether Inserts/ Conduits (if any) are provided as specified.
P ----------------
Whether opennings (if any) are provided as specified.
Q --------------------------
Whether Slope in slab (if any) is provided as specified.
R ------------------------
Whether Dowel bars (if any) are provided as specified.
S ------------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Footing nos.:-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
Whether all bars are of correct diameter as per drawing.
A ---------------------
Whether Slab reinforcement is as per respective depth.
B ------------------------
Whether reinforcement placement is correct (one/ Two way).
C ---------------- for slab is correct.
Whether Spacing of Reinforcement
D --------------------------
Whether reinforcement is continued in next bay as specified.
E ----------------
Whether BBS is approved by PM.
F ------------------------------------------------------
Whether columns links are tied at column beam junction.
G --------------------
Whether Reinforcement is applied with any coat or Paint if specified.
H -----
Whether binding wire used is as specified.
I -----------------------------------------
Whether Lap Length and Locations are as specified.
Whether -----------------------------
joggle are provided to lap bars.
K --------------------------------------------
Whether sufficient chairs are provided.
L ---------------------------------------------
Whether Sunk Slabs are tied as per Casting Top.
Whether EOS ---------------------------------
provided are having Sufficient Length.
N -----------------------------
Whether Bent up is as per Drg.
O ----------------------------------------------------------
Whether Inserts/ Conduits (if any) are provided as specified.
P ----------------
Whether opennings (if any) are provided as specified.
Q --------------------------
Whether Slope in slab (if any) is provided as specified.
R ------------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Location Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
Whether Subgrade compaction is as Specified.
A ------------------------------------
Whether Level of Subgrade prepared is correct.
B ------------------------------------
Whether Antitermite Treatment ( if any) is completed.
C ---------------------------
Whether Level Pads for PCC are taken jointly with Client/ PMC.
D --------------
Whether Inserts/ Conduits ( if any) are placed correctly.
E -----------------------
Whether Outer Sides Shuttering is in proper line.
F ---------------------------------
Whether Shuttering Sides are applied with Shuttering oil.
G ----------------------
Whether Casting Level is marked on Shuttering Sides.
H ---------------------------
Whether Subgrade/ Masonary is Socked with water.
I -----------------------------
Whether Slope to be maintenaned (if any) are correct.
J ---------------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Location Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
Whether Surface to be treated is Cleaned properly.
Whether Surface-------------------------------
to be treated is free of foreign particals.
B ----------------------
Whether Cement Slurry prepared is of Specified proportion.
C -------------------
Whether Admixture ( if any) is added as per specifications.
Whether Spout (--------------------
if any) is provided as specified.
E ----------------------------------
Whether Slopes provided are as per Drawing.
F --------------------------------------
Whether Thickness of Coat is as required.
G -------------------------------------------
Whether it is ensured that Coat will not be disturbed till setting time.
H ------ is as specified.
Whether surface finished
I --------------------------------------------
Whether Coating is as per levels required for flooring.
J --------------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

CHECKLIST FOR WATERPROOFING FINAL FINISHING- This list is for WP of Toilets. Separate list
for Terrace WP is necessary for various types of WP-M.V.Behere 11/08/2012
Site Name:- Date:-
Location Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
A Whether Surface to be treated is Cleaned properly. -------------------------------
B Whether Surface to be treated is free of foreign particals. ----------------------
C Whether Cement Slurry prepared is of Specified proportion. -------------------
D Whether Filling is done with approved material (Coba/ Siporex). ------------
E Whether Admixture ( if any) is added as per specifications. --------------------
F Whether Spout ( if any) is provided as specified. ----------------------------------
G Whether Slopes provided are as per Drawing. --------------------------------------
H Whether Thickness of Coat is as required. -------------------------------------------
I Whether it is ensured that Coat will not be disturbed till setting time. ------
J Whether surface is finished as specified. --------------------------------------------
K Whether Coating is as per levels required for flooring. --------------------------
L Whether Concealed Piping ( If any) is completed as specified. ----------------
M Whether Concealed Sanitary fitting ( if any) is fixed as specified. ------------
N Whether Cement work done before (if any) is sufficiently cured. --------------
O Whether Outlet pipes provided are as specified level & Location. ------------
P Whether Mathod statement of Waterproofing is approved by PM. -----------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Location Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
A Whether Pipes used are as Specified. -------------------------------------------------
B Whether slopes provided are as specified. ------------------------------------------
C Whether Diameter of Pipes are as per Drawing. -----------------------------------
D Whether alignment of Line laid is as per drawing. --------------------------------
E Whether Pipes laid are to required Reduced Lelel. --------------------------------
F Whether Joints are filled with approved cementing material. -----------------
G Whether Line is checked and cleared for Leakages. -------------------------------
H Whether Line is checked and cleared for gravity Flow. ---------------------------
I Whether open ends are plugged properly to avoid chokes. ---------------------
J Whether Lines are laid according to Vertical Pipes planned. ------------------
K Whether Vertical Line are in true Plumb. ---------------------------------------------
L Whether Pipe Supports provided are as specified. --------------------------------
M Whether Vertical Lines are checked and Cleared for Leakage. ------------------
N Whether Pipe Line layed is clear as per floor levels. ------------------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Location Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
A Whether Pipes used are as Specified. -------------------------------------------------
B Whether slopes provided are as specified. ------------------------------------------
C Whether Diameter of Pipes are as per Drawing. -----------------------------------
D Whether alignment of Line laid is as per drawing. --------------------------------
E Whether Pipes laid are to required Reduced Lelel. --------------------------------
F Whether Joints are as per specifications. --------------------------------------------
G Whether Line is Cleared for pressure testing as specified. ----------------------
H Whether Pipe Line layed is clear as per floor levels. ------------------------------
I Whether open ends are plugged properly to avoid chokes. ---------------------
J Whether Lines are laid according to Vertical Pipes planned. ------------------
K Whether Vertical Line are in true Plumb. ---------------------------------------------
L Whether Pipe Supports provided are as specified. --------------------------------
M Whether Points left for future tapps are as per drawing. ------------------------
N Whether pressure Testing record is certified. ---------------------------------------
O Whether Coating/ wrapping (if any) is applied to the pipes as specified. ---
P Whether Pipe line (if any) is fixed in grooves properly. ----------------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Location Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
A Whether Bricks are of Specified Size and quality. --------------------------------------
B Whether Bricks are Socked with Water before starting work. --------------------
C Whether Mortar Prepared is of specified proportion. --------------------------------
D Whether Brick work Layout is shown to authorised person on site. -------------
E Whether Joints in brick work are max. 10mm or as specified. --------------------
F Whether surface below is cleared of depositions. -------------------------------------
G Whether Bricks layed with their frog facing upwards. --------------------------------
H Whether BBM is done with specified bond. -----------------------------------------------
I Whether racking of joints is done as per specifications. ----------------------------
J Whether Pointing (if any) is done as specified. ------------------------------------------
K Whether Layer of bricks layed are in true level. -----------------------------------------
L Whether Bricks layed are in true line. --------------------------------------------------------
M Whether Bricks layed are in true Plumb of the layers below. ---------------------
N Whether dowels (if any) are left for construction later on. -------------------------
O Whether Date of Construction is written on wall. --------------------------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Location Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
1 Tiling work Y N NA
A Whether Level pads taken are in true & Required level. -----------------------------------
B Whether bedding under tiles is of specified thickness. ------------------------------------
C Whether correct proportion of mortar is used for bedding. ------------------------------
D Whether Material, Size, Thickness, finishing, colour etc. of tiles is as specified. ---
E Whether spacers used (if any) are as per specifications. ----------------------------------
F Whether Slopes provided (if any) are as per drawings. ------------------------------------
G Whether any inserts/ conduits/ cables (if any) works are completed.------------------
H Whether joints are filled as specified. ---------------------------------------------------------
I Whether correct pigment (if any) is used while filling joints. -----------------------------
J Whether tiles are fixed in correct pattern as per drawings. -------------------------------

2 Natural Stone Flooring

K Whether Polishing done is as per specification. ---------------------------------------------
L Whether top surface finish is as specified. ---------------------------------------------------

3 Trimix Flooring
M Whether Shuttering fixed is in required & true Level. --------------------------------------
N Whether Shuttering is applied with shuttering oil. ------------------------------------------
O Whether Width of bay is suitable to skid vibrator. ------------------------------------------
P Whether dowel bars are provided at required depth and length. -----------------------
Whether Expansion Joint (if any) provisions are made as per Drg.
Q -----------------------
Whether surface finish is as specified.
R -----------------------------------------------------------
Whether Hard Topping material (if any) is applied if any.
S ----------------------------------
Whether Reinforcement (if any) is laid as per drawing.
T -------------------------------------
Whether Subgrade prepared is as per specifications.
U ---------------------------------------
Whether Depth of Panel is correct as per drawing.
V -------------------------------------------
Whether Opennings (if any) left are correct as per drawing.
W ------------------------------
Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative
Site Name:- Date:-
Location Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
1 Internal Painting Y N NA
A Whether surface preparation is complete in all aspects. --------------------------
B Whether Paint to be used is of specified make, Shade and type. -----------------
C Whether Painting is done with specified texture specified. -----------------------
D Whether apply procedure for paint is as specified. ---------------------------------
E Whether masking/ protection is done to fitting or furniture etc. ----------------
F Whether floor is also protect not get spoiled. ----------------------------------------
G Whether any surface conduiting/ wiring (if any) is complete. -------------------
H Whether any Ladders/ schaffolding to used is safe to avoid scraches. -------
I Whether Paint brush/ rolls/ sprey is of specified quality. ------------------------

2 External Painting
A Whether curing (if required) is done to prior layer of primer. --------------------
B Whether Schaffolding errected is proper to paint all surface. -------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Location Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
1 Y N NA
A Whether all the fittings are as per approved samples. -----------------------------
B Whether all the fittings are free from defects like cracks. -------------------------
C Whether all the points provided before are perfect to suit fitting. --------------
D Whether fittings are protected from damage while fixing. ------------------------
E Whether fittings are fixed at specified level. ------------------------------------------
F Whether all the connection made are water tight. -----------------------------------
G Whether the toilets are lockable. ---------------------------------------------------------
H Whether handing over document of fittings is certified. ---------------------------
I Whether fittings are checked for operational. ----------------------------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Location Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
A Whether all the fittings are as per approved samples. -----------------------------
B Whether all the fittings are free from defects like cracks. -------------------------
C Whether all the points provided before are perfect to suit fitting. --------------
D Whether fittings are protected from damage while fixing. ------------------------
E Whether fittings are fixed at specified level. ------------------------------------------
F Whether all the connection made are water tight. -----------------------------------
G Whether the toilets are lockable. ---------------------------------------------------------
H Whether handing over document of fittings is certified. ---------------------------
I Whether fittings are checked for operational. ----------------------------------------
J Whether Flow through fitting is adjusted as specified. ----------------------------
K Whether fittings are protected against damages due acid wash, POP work etc.

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Location Details :-
Grid nos.& Stage:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
A Whether Chemical is as per specified by client. --------------------------------------
B Whether dilution ratio is as specified. --------------------------------------------------
C Whether mathod of application is decided with client. ----------------------------
D Whether bores made in ground are as per specification. -------------------------
E Whether surface spreading of chemical is correct. ---------------------------------
F Whether Chemical Storage (if any) is as per safety norms. -----------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Location Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
1 General Points Y N NA
A Whether masonary beneath is socked with water well in advance. -------------
B Whether Level pads taken and are correct as per Client's Specs. ----------------
C Whether room dimensions and digonals are correct.-------------------------------
D Whether Chicken mesh is applied at Junctions of Concrete & Masonary. ----
E Whether Concealed work (if any) is complete. ----------------------------------------
F Whether Proportion of mortar is correct. -----------------------------------------------
G Whether admixture (if any) is added as per dosage. ---------------------------------
H Whether Top finish of plaster is correct as specified. -------------------------------
I Whether all the materials used are as specified. -------------------------------------
J Whether stone work e.g. sills, door frames etc., (if any) is complete. -----------
K Whether concealed fixtures (if any) are in proper level. ---------------------------
L Whether Glass work, window tracks (if any) are protected. ----------------------
M Whether flooring, house holds (if any) are protected. ------------------------------

2 External Plastering
A Whether base coat (if any) beneath is socked with water well in advance. ---
B Whether schaffolding errected is safe and correct as per requirement. -------
C Whether drip moulds, bands, kanni etc. are done as specified. ------------------
D Whether entire plastering is done as per Elevation drawings. -------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Location Details :-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
A Whether Stones are of Specified Size and quality. -----------------------------------
B Whether Stones are Socked with Water before starting work. --------------------
C Whether Mortar Prepared is of specified proportion. --------------------------------
D Whether Masonary Layout is shown to authorised person on site. -------------
E Whether concrete Bands (if any) are provided as specified. -----------------------
F Whether surface below is cleared of depositions. -----------------------------------
G Whether Bond/ Through/ Header Stone if fixed as specified. ---------------------
H Whether racking of joints is done as per specifications. ----------------------------
I Whether dowels (if any) are left for construction later on. -------------------------
J Whether Pointing (if any) is done as specified. ----------------------------------------
K Whether Layer of Stone laied are in true Plumb. --------------------------------------
L Whether Masonary layed is in true line. ------------------------------------------------
M Whether Date of Construction is written on wall. ------------------------------------

Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

Site Name:- Date:-
Beam nos.:-
Grid nos.:-
Ref. Drawing no.:- Drg. Rev.:-
Ref. Drawing Title:-
A Whether Beam top level Maintained is correct. ---------------------------------------
B Whether Beam Bottom Size is correct as per Drg. -------------------------------------
C Whether Beam Bottoms are in true line. -------------------------------------------------
D Whether Beam Bottoms are in true level as per respective depth. ---------------
E Whether Beam side are correct as per depth. ------------------------------------------
F Whether Chhajja projection (if any) is correct.----------------------------------------
G Whether Chhajja (if any) is true in level. ------------------------------------------------
H Whether joints are sealed with masking tape. ----------------------------------------
I Whether Shuttering Oil is applied to beam bottoms and sides. -----------------
J Whether all the supports provided are firm and in good condition. -----------
K Whether all the supports provided are Vertical perfectly. -------------------------
L Whether Shuttering Scheme is shown to PM. -------------------------------------------
M Whether Inserts (if any) are fixed correctly. --------------------------------------------
A Whether all bars are of correct diameter as per drawing. -------------------------
B Whether sizes of Stirrups are correct as per Drg. -------------------------------------
C Whether Shape and Spacing of stirrups is correct as per Drg. --------------------
D Whether Hook length is sufficient and bent to 135 0. --------------------------------
E Whether Seismic links are provided if any. --------------------------------------------
F Whether BBS is approved by PM. ----------------------------------------------------------
G Whether columns links are tied at column beam junction. ------------------------
H Whether all the bottom bars have full bearing on support. -----------------------
I Whether top bars have development length anchored in supports. -------------
J Whether Reinforcement is applied with any coat or Paint if specified. --------
K Whether binding wire used is as specified. --------------------------------------------
L Whether Lap Length and Locations are as specified. --------------------------------
M Whether joggle are provided to lap bars. -----------------------------------------------
N Whether sufficient spacers (Pins) are provided. --------------------------------------
O Whether steel layers arrangement is as per Drg. -------------------------------------
P Whether Sunk beams are tied as per Casting Top. ------------------------------------
Q Whether Side face Reinforcement is tied if any. ---------------------------------------
R Whether downward/ upward lump is binded correctly. ----------------------------
S Whether EOS provided are having Sufficient Length. --------------------------------
T Whether Bent up (if any) is as per Drg. ---------------------------------------------------
Junior Engg. Client Representative Consultant Representative

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