Structure-Based Antibacterials NatRevMicro2010
Structure-Based Antibacterials NatRevMicro2010
Structure-Based Antibacterials NatRevMicro2010
Structure-based discovery of
antibacterial drugs
Katie J. Simmons*, Ian Chopra* & Colin W. G. Fishwick*
Abstract | The modern era of antibacterial chemotherapy began in the 1930s, and the next
four decades saw the discovery of almost all the major classes of antibacterial agents that
are currently in use. However, bacterial resistance to many of these drugs is becoming an
increasing problem. As such, the discovery of drugs with novel modes of action will be vital
to meet the threats created by the emergence of resistance. Success in discovering
inhibitors using high-throughput screening of chemical libraries is rare. In this Review
we explore the exciting opportunities for antibacterial-drug discovery arising from
structure-based drug design.
Pharmacophore The treatment of bacterial infections through the The determination of complete bacterial genome
A set of structural features in a administration of chemotherapeutic agents, which sequences and the parallel development of other tech-
molecule that are recognized began in the 1930s, was one of the most profound med- niques such as proteomics inspired a new genomics-
at a receptor site and are ical advances of the twentieth century. The origins of based approach to drug discovery from the mid 1990s9.
responsible for the biological
activity of the molecule.
almost all of the antibacterial drugs in use today lie in By March 2009, crystal structure data were available for
empirical screening programmes to identify inhibitors more than 600 individual proteins derived from bacte-
on the basis of their ability to prevent bacterial growth ria (see the Protein Data Bank and TargetDB databases).
and can be traced to the so-called golden period of Many companies sought to identify novel antibacterial
antibacterial-drug discovery between the 1940s and agents from high-throughput screening (HTS) cam-
1970s1,2. Subsequent development of these drugs, or paigns using purified enzyme targets that were vali-
agents derived from them, has produced an impres- dated by genomic approaches as being essential for the
sive global reduction in the burden of disease caused by organism. It was thought that the era of exploiting novel
bacterial infection. natural products or continually modifying existing com-
Unfortunately, the widespread emergence of resist- pounds into improved analogues had passed and that
ance to antibiotics in pathogenic bacteria over the past novel agents directed against previously unexploited tar-
30 years is now a serious threat to global public health gets would be identified10. The major investment dedi-
and could undermine the major advances achieved cated to the genomic approach for antibacterial-drug
in the treatment of infection39. Paradoxically, as the discovery reflected the optimism about its likely success.
problems accompanying the emergence of resistance to Small-molecule screening approaches had successfully
existing drugs increase, there has been a decline in the identified promising lead compounds in other thera-
discovery and development of new antibacterials. The peutic areas, such as treatments for cancer, diabetes and
reasons for this situation are complex 1,35 but, in part, asthma11, and consequently the compound collections
reflect technical difficulties associated with the identifi- used for HTS of bacterial targets were largely composed
cation of suitable novel compounds for development as of small synthetic molecules12. However, the success
*Antimicrobial Research candidate antibacterials. rate of the concerted genomic and HTS initiatives has
Centre, University of Leeds.
In the past, many successful antibacterial agents were been extremely low, and new strategies are required in
School of Chemistry,
University of Leeds. sourced from empirical screening of natural products order to develop the next generation of antibiotics6.
Institute of Molecular and or of synthetic chemical libraries6,7. However, in recent The time may now be right to consider fresh
Cellular Biology, University of years empirical screening has not returned suitable approaches to antibacterial-drug discovery. The power
Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. pharmacophores for development. Indeed, in the past of structure-based drug discovery (SBDD) (FIG. 1) has
Correspondence to C.W.G.F.
40 years only two new structural types, daptomycin and been demonstrated most clearly by the discovery of new
[email protected] linezolid, have been introduced to the clinic following their therapeutics for HIV/AIDS, a case in which structural
doi:10.1038/nrmicro2349 discovery using empirical screening methods8. knowledge of the HIV protease enabled the successful
NH2 Br
Cl O
O Br Br
N Br
O H Br CO2 H
1 SB-284485 (PS) 2 DdlB inhibitor (CW) 3 MetRS inhibitor (PS) 4 MurD inhibitor (CW)
IC50 = 4 nM49 Ki = 218 M54 IC50 = 8 nM57 IC50 = 10 M63
Cl N N O
Cl Cl CH3
5 MurF inhibitor (CW) 6 Chorismate mutase inhibitor 7 AccD5 inhibitor 8 CTX-M -lactamase inhibitor
IC50 = 63 M63 Ki = 5.7 M64 Ki = 13.1 M65 Ki = 8 M66,67
2 O O
O NH3 + HO P
9 DNA gyrase inhibitor (DR) 10 MurD inhibitor (CW) 11 DdlB inhibitor (CW) 12 VanA inhibitor (CW)
MNEC = 0.03 M69 IC50 = 0.7 M77 Ki = 12 M78 IC50 = 224 M79
Figure 2 | inhibitors designed using structure-based drug discovery. The structures of some of the key compounds
that have been designed using structure-based drug design techniques. Abbreviations givenNature in parentheses
Reviews | denote the
molecular target for the compounds: cell wall synthesis (CW), DNA replication (DR), protein synthesis (PS) or RNA
synthesis (RS). DdlB, d-alanined-alanine ligase; IC50, half-maximal inhibitory concentration; Ki, inhibition constant; MetRS,
methionyl-tRNA synthetase; MNEC, maximal non-effective concentration; VanA, vancomycin resistance protein A.
accessibility (FIG. 1). The resulting designed inhibitor prominent docking programs currently available for
scaffolds are then synthesized in the laboratory and sub- virtual screening are AutoDock, Glide (Schrdinger),
jected to biological evaluation. recent examples of these GolD (The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre,
three approaches in the context of antibacterial-drug Cambridge, UK), DoCK and eHiTS (SimBioSys Inc.,
discovery are discussed below. Toronto, Canada). A selection of the most successful
programs applied to the discovery of potential new
Substrate- and known inhibitor-inspired design antibacterials is discussed below (see also Supplementary
This approach uses the structural modification of known information S2 (table) for additional resources).
biologically active substrates and natural product-based
inhibitors45. For example, SB-219383 (compound 18; see AutoDock. AutoDock is a suite of automated docking
Supplementary information S1 (figure)) is a potent and tools designed to predict how small molecules, such as
specific inhibitor of bacterial tyrosyl-trnA synthetase substrates or drug candidates, bind to a receptor of known
(TyrrS) and was originally identified from the fer- three-dimensional structure. AutoDock consists of two
mentation broth of Micromonospora sp. nCIMB 40684 main programs: autodock performs the docking of the
(REFS 4648). To simplify the chemical structure of the ligand to a set of grids describing the target protein, which
molecule, the bicyclic ring was cleaved to yield a com- are pre-calculated by autogrid. In addition, a graphical
pound that retained potent TyrrS inhibition, and the front-end tool, AutoDockTools, is available to set up, visu-
addition of a butyl ester group led to improved potency. alize and analyse the results of dockings performed using
Another simpler molecule, SB-284485 (compound 1; AutoDock.
FIG. 2) was also derived without losing inhibitory activ- The most recent version of the software, AutoDock 4.0,
ity 49, therefore providing an excellent template for uses the AMBer force field as well as a free-energy scoring
further structural modifications. function based on a linear-regression analysis and a diverse
set of proteinligand complexes with known inhibition
Virtual screening approaches constants.
The technique of molecular docking has been well AutoDock uses a genetic algorithm to generate a range
established for some time. However, recent advances in of docking poses that can be clustered according to their
Force field both hardware and software algorithms have made pos- energetic similarity. Several studies have shown that in
The functional form and
sible the rapid docking of very large collections of small docking calculations the most populated clusters of the
parameter sets used to
describe the potential energy molecules into the chosen molecular target. The speed docked-ligand conformation are better predictors of
of a system of particles. of some of these programs is such that up to 100,000 the native state than the lowest-energy cluster 5053.
molecular structures can be docked per day when using A recent example of the application of AutoDock
Free energy a cluster of parallel processors. However, as with all to antibacterial-drug discovery is the structure-based
The calculated difference
between the internal energy of
docking algorithms, the scoring function that is used virtual screening of the UK national Cancer Institute
a system and the product of its to assess the validity of specific docking poses is para- (nCI) diversity set of 2,000 compounds using a
absolute temperature and mount, and each program has its own unique scoring crystal structure of d-alanined-alanine ligase (DdlB)
entropy. function. These scoring functions will necessarily place from Escherichia coli, a key enzyme in peptidoglycan
different weightings on the various factors involved in biosynthesis. Docking results were obtained as a list of
Linear-regression analysis
Any approach to modelling the ligand binding. As none of these functions is considered compounds ranked according to their mean estimated
relationship between one or faultless, a consensus scoring approach is the best way binding affinity to the protein. This was determined by
more variables denoted Y and to identify potential lead molecules. Consensus scoring the calculated average free energy of binding for the most
one or more variables denoted uses several scoring functions to predict binding affinity. populated cluster of docked poses. Using this approach,
X, such that the model
depends linearly on the
If a compound is predicted to bind tightly to a chosen the top 130 compounds were tested in an in vitro assay
unknown parameters to be protein using several docking algorithms, this provides for inhibition of E. coli DdlB and several hits were
estimated from the data. higher confidence in the prediction. Among the most identified. Three of these hits have novel scaffolds; two
a O OH
scoring compounds for each enzyme were selected for
Lys48 biological evaluation63. For MurD, 4 of the top 50 com-
pounds showed IC50 values of below 250 M (3 of these
are shown here as compounds 4, 13 and 21; FIGS 2,4a and
Supplementary information S1 (figure)).
Thr321 O O OH
only one of the compounds selected from the
MurF screen (compound 5; FIGS 2,4b) showed signifi-
cant inhibitory activity (that is, had residual activity
at 250 M below their IC50 values). The lower hit rate
Phe422 Thr16 for MurF might be attributed, in part, to the com-
pounds being assayed against E. coli MurF rather than
Leu15 Streptococcus pneumoniae MurF, the crystal structure of
which was used to perform the eHiTS screening runs.
OH UNITY. UnITy, a module in the SyByl (Tripos)
Cl N N
molecular modelling software, is a search and analysis
Phe31 Cl
system for exploring chemical and biological databases.
S N SH It can be used for locating compounds that match a
Cl Cl
pharmacophore or fit a receptor site. UnITys two-
dimensional searching capabilities offer exact, substruc-
ture and similarity searching. Conformationally flexible
Tyr135 5 three-dimensional searching rapidly finds molecules
Asn326 that can satisfy queries regardless of the conformation
Thr330 Leu367 stored in a database. Structural queries may be based
on complete molecular structures, molecular fragments,
Asn328 Pro329
pharmacophore models or the receptor site.
Using UnITy, a virtual screen was carried out for
inhibitors of M. tuberberculosis chorismate mutase64,
an enzyme that catalyses the conversion of chorismate
Figure 4 | inhibitors designed using eHiTS. a | An inhibitor of MurD (compound 13),
to prephenate in the tyrosine and phenylalanine bio-
discovered using eHiTS, docked in the MurD active site. The Nature Reviews
inhibitor | Microbiology
binds in the same
pocket as the substrate (not shown) and makes key interactions with the labelled residues.
synthesis pathway. Starting from a known inhibitor
The MurD backbone is shown as green ribbons. b | An inhibitor of MurF (compound 5), of a homologous enzyme, a three-dimensional phar-
discovered using eHiTS, docked in the active site of the enzyme. The inhibitor interacts macophore search of a database of 15,000 compounds
with key labelled residues, and the protein backbone is shown as green ribbons. was performed. of the 15 highest-scoring molecules,
4 demonstrated inhibition in the enzyme assay. The most
potent molecule (compound 6) is shown in FIG. 2.
the low-micromolar range. The top 200 compounds were
examined in further detail using the graphical user inter- DOCK. DoCK is an open-source molecular-docking
face CheVi (SimBioSys) to determine key interactions software package that is frequently used in SBDD.
and shape complementarity with the binding pocket of Historically, the DoCK algorithm addressed rigid-body
the enzyme. docking using a geometric-matching algorithm to super-
In another study, a series of 340 potential inhibi- impose the ligand onto a negative image of the binding
tors of TyrrS were docked into the active sites of both pocket. Important features that improved the algorithms
the human and staphylococcal TyrrS proteins using ability to find the lowest-energy binding mode have been
eHiTS version 5.3. This study sought to find molecules added over recent years, including force field-based
that bind more strongly to the staphylococcal enzyme scoring, on-the-fly optimization, an improved matching
than to the human enzyme. Therefore, the scores for algorithm for rigid-body docking and an algorithm for
each ligand docked into the two separate active sites flexible-ligand docking. In one study using DoCK, over
were compared, and the ligands with the greatest differ- 4 million compounds were screened for predicted bind-
ence in predicted binding affinity for the two enzymes ing to the biotin- or propionyl CoA-binding pockets of
were then examined in further detail. This led to the AccD565, an essential M. tuberculosis acyl CoA carboxy-
identification of ten potential inhibitors with a stronger lase carboxyltransferase subunit. one of the nine top-
affinity for staphylococcal TyrrS than for the human scoring compounds identified by DoCK (compound 7;
protein. These compounds have not yet been screened FIG. 2) had an IC50 of 10 M against the enzyme. DoCK
against the bacterial enzyme, but this approach would has also been used for a fragment-based screening pro-
seem to offer potential for the design of selective gramme against the -lactamase CTX-M-9 (REFS 66,67).
antibacterial agents62. A fragment subset of 67,489 compounds were docked
On-the-fly optimization The Mur enzymes are essential for steps in peptido- into the active site of the enzyme, and compounds
A fast, dynamic procedure
used to make a system or
glycan biosynthesis in bacteria63. eHiTS was used to screen were selected from the top of the ranking list. From
design as effective or functional 1,990 compounds from the nCI diversity set using crystal the 69 fragments investigated (which included com-
as possible. structures of MurD and MurF as targets, and the 50 top- pound 8; FIG. 2), 10 exhibited IC50 values in the micromolar
DNA gyrase
range a hit rate of 14.5%. The same group also carried to experimentally determined binding constants of
An enzyme that unwinds DNA out a similar study looking for fragment inhibitors of proteinligand complexes70.
so that the DNA can duplicate. the -lactamase AmpC68. A library of 137,639 fragments In silico screening for potential inhibitors of DNA gyrase
from the ZInC database were docked, and 48 fragments was performed using lUDI and Catalyst to screen the
that were highly ranked were purchased, 23 of which had available-chemicals database (ACD) and part of the roche
Ki values ranging from 0.7 to 9.2 mM. The 48% hit rate compound inventory (a total of 350,000 compounds).
compared very favourably with lead-like docking and lUDI was used to dock small needle molecules into the
HTS against the same enzyme68. binding site of the gyrase. needle screening is a technique
that can be used to identify low-molecular-mass inhibitors
De novo design using protein structures (with a molecular mass of <300 daltons) that can pene-
De novo ligand design has been continually improving trate into deep and narrow channels and subpockets. The
since its invention in the early 1990s, reflecting both the lUDI searches led to the identification of around 150 weak
tremendous developments in computational power and inhibitors (including molecules 2325; see Supplementary
the continual improvement of efficient computational information S1 (figure)). X-ray crystallography verified
algorithms (FIG. 1). Most of the de novo design tools binding of the needles to the ATP-binding site. Following
follow a similar pipeline in terms of operation. The structureactivity relationship (SAr) studies to probe
most widely used de novo design programs are lUDI the structural requirements of the validated needles, a series
and SProUT (Keymodule ltd, leeds, UK) (discussed of indazole-based inhibitors was identified, with the most
below), SkelGen (De novo Pharmaceuticals ltd), Flux 69, potent compound (compound 9; FIG. 2) being ten times
GAnDI and BoMB (Cemcomco, Madison, Connecticut, as active as novobiocin, with a maximal non-effective
USA). Several of these de novo methods have been used concentration (MneC) of 0.03 M70.
to design novel antibacterial agents.
SPROUT. SProUT uses a fragment-joining technique
LUDI. lUDI, another module in Discovery Studio, con- to generate structures that fit the steric and electronic
structs possible new ligands for a given protein of known constraints of a specific receptor site or pharmacophore
three-dimensional structure. This approach is based on hypothesis. During structure generation, atoms or frag-
rules about energetically favourable non-bonded-contact ments of molecules are placed at each of the target sites
geometries between functional groups of the protein and are then linked to produce molecular skeletons.
and the ligand; these rules are derived from a statistical Molecular fragments are represented by templates, in
analysis of the crystal packing of organic molecules. which atoms are labelled purely by their hybridization
Small fragments are docked into the proteins binding state and are represented by vertices, and bonds are
site in such a way that hydrogen bonds and ionic interac- labelled as single, double, triple or aromatic. Several
tions can be formed with the protein and hydrophobic actual molecular fragments can be produced from each
pockets are filled with lipophilic groups derived from template by replacing the vertices with any element that
the ligands. The program can then append further frag- can adopt the appropriate hybridization state.
ments onto a previously positioned molecular core. It is The structure generation phase joins templates
also possible to link several fragments together, through together to produce skeletons. each skeleton represents
bridge fragments, to form a complete molecule. All puta- several molecules, because each component template can
tive ligands retrieved or constructed by lUDI are then represent several molecular fragments. Skeleton genera-
scored using a simple scoring function that was fitted tion begins by selecting a template and positioning it at a
target site so that it satisfies the steric requirements asso-
ciated with that particular site. new molecular templates
can then be added to further target sites, chosen by the
user. These docked molecular templates are then joined
using spacer templates, again under the full control of
Arg255 the user. once skeletal generation is complete, the result-
Mg2+ O O ing structures can be clustered and sorted using a range
of parameters specified by the user. These include overall
molecular properties such as molecular complexity and
Gly15 NH3+
estimated binding affinity, as well as more detailed filter-
11 ing options such as the presence or absence of certain
molecular features. In this way, unwanted structures can
be identified and discarded, leaving only structures that
Glu15 meet the requirements of the user 7177.
Tyr216 SProUT was used to design a series of novel mac-
rocyclic inhibitors of the bacterial cell wall biosynthesis
enzyme MurD78. SProUT revealed that the binding
cavity contains a hydrophobic pocket that is not used
Figure 5 | SProUT-designed inhibitor modelled in d-alanined-alanine ligase. The by the natural substrate. Simplification of the MurD sub-
inhibitor (compound 11) interacts with key labelled residues Nature Reviews | Microbiology
in the d-alanined-alanine strate generated models of possible macrocyclic inhibi-
ligase (DdlB) of Escherichia coli, the backbone of which is in green. tors that omit much of the sugar portion of the natural
appropriate chemotherapeutic agents. In recent years, its infancy. However, the technology described in this
HTS of chemical libraries has dominated the search review may provide the springboard for future, more
for new antibacterial-drug leads. Unfortunately this successful attempts to discover the new classes of anti-
has not been successful, and a consensus is now emerg- bacterial drugs that will be required to fight infection in
ing that new approaches are required9. SBDD is still in the twenty-first century and beyond.
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