Mining For Novel Antibiotics

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Mining for novel antibiotics

Justin R Randall and Bryan W Davies
Recent work has highlighted the diversity of compounds
Address that can be found in native microbiomes. Investigation of
Department of Molecular Biosciences, University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, TX, USA bacteria from the nematode microbiome led to the dis-
covery of darobactin, a compound with a new mechanism
Corresponding author: Davies, Bryan W ([email protected]) of action that targets the essential Gram-negative outer
membrane protein BamA [8]. Staphylococcus lugdunensis
Current Opinion in Microbiology 2021, 63:66–69
from the human nose was shown to produce lugdunin,
which inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus [9]. Our
This review comes from a themed issue on Antimicrobials
own microbiome has also been found to produce a wide
Edited by David Weiss and Marcin Grabowicz spectrum of natural products, many with antibacterial
activity [10]. In addition to exploration of microbiomes
and terrestrial niches [11,12], the marine environment is
also proving a rich source of antibiotic leads [13,14],
though in all cases issues of cultivability remain.
The vast majority of bacteria are difficult or impossible to
1369-5274/ã 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
cultivate under standard laboratory conditions historically
used for antibiotic identification. Furthermore, the gene
clusters responsible for antibiotic production frequently
remain silent until they receive proper stimuli. Both of
these hurdles prevent facile investigation of potentially
new antibiotics. Thus, while we push to explore new
Keeping pace with the development and spread of drug
environments we also need to advance methodologies
resistant bacteria will require a strong and diverse antibi-
used to grow and trigger bacteria to produce any hidden
otic pipeline. Currently, clinical phase development
antibiotics they may contain. New techniques are being
remains quite limited and narrow, consisting largely of
implemented to grow and test uncultivable samples in
derivatives from known antibiotics [1,2]. The modifica-
their natural environment both alone and in association
tion of existing antibiotics increases the lifetime and
with other microbes. The development of methods to
useful breadth of known antibiotics, but its ability to
grow bacteria in situ, such as the iCHIP diffusion cham-
keep up with antibiotic resistance is finite. Thus, discov-
ber, has facilitated the cultivation of previously unculti-
ery and clinical development of novel classes of antibio-
vable bacteria by allowing them access to the natural
tics with new targets is essential.
compounds required to meet their nutritional needs
[15,16]. This general approach aided in the discovery
Finding and advancing new drugs to treat disease is
of lassomycin, which targets the ATP-dependent prote-
shared by all therapeutic sectors. However, relatively
ase ClpC1P1P2 to kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis [12], and
poor financial returns on antibiotics make them a less
teixobactin, which has potent activity against Gram-
attractive investment [3,4]. Thus improving the effi-
positive bacteria through inhibition of cell wall synthesis
ciency with which we identify, select, and validate new
[11]. Microbes may only produce new compounds when
antibiotic leads for clinical investigation will be important
stimulated by other prokaryotic or eukaryotic organisms.
for reviving and maintaining a robust antibiotic pipeline.
Co-culturing approaches can provide the necessary sig-
naling molecules to help coax expression of latent gene
Natural reservoirs
clusters and their associated natural products [17–19].
Historically, the discovery of novel antibiotics has come
The advancement of approaches that closer approximate
from mining microorganisms (predominantly from soil)
native microbial environments is likely to continue to
for natural products with antimicrobial activity [5–7].
help identify novel antibiotics.
During the mid 20th century, this approach identified
the majority of antibiotic classes we use today. After an
initial burst of discovery, this approach quickly had Integration of omics data in antibiotic
diminished returns, as rediscovery of previously identi- discovery
fied antibiotics became the norm. However, this early As we expand our exploration of the natural world,
work investigated only a fraction of potential natural approaches that can focus our efforts will help increase
habitats and microbial sources for antibiotics. New the throughput and efficiency of antibiotic discovery.
microbe hunters are probing underexplored niches and Advances in DNA sequencing technology have been
microbes with encouraging results. instrumental in identifying new bacteria and gene

Current Opinion in Microbiology 2021, 63:66–69

Mining for novel antibiotics Randall and Davies 67

clusters from uncultured communities likely to produce hidden patterns associated with antibiotic activity. Unlike
new antibiotics. The use of genome-mining approaches previous computational exploration of drug design, these
can help prioritize communities for screening, and pro- new approaches do not require human theories of antibi-
vide routes for synthetic investigation. A recent method otic action and can find patterns in nature itself. Impor-
that incorporated phylogenic analysis of biosynthetic tantly, these methods can factor in aspects of toxicity and
genes along with a lack of known co-associated resistance large-scale synthesis before discovery, which is not possi-
determinates was used to predict glycopeptide antibiotics ble with traditional antimicrobial screening alone.
that were likely to have unique biological activities [20].
This process led to the identification of complestatin and A recent study developed a neural network that identified
corbomycin, which were shown to have a novel mecha- antibacterial compounds from a set of more than ten
nism of action that targets autolysins in Gram-positive million molecules [28]. Importantly, some of the iden-
bacteria. tified compounds were structurally distinct from known
antibiotics. This work demonstrates the power of com-
Once identified, heterologous expression of latent bio- bining experimental and in silico approaches to probe new
synthetic gene clusters can be used to produce new areas of antibiotic chemical space. Investigation of anti-
compounds in sufficient quantities for study and devel- bacterial peptides has also benefited greatly from new
opment, rather then relying on production from the computer-aided approaches. Ribosomally synthesized
parent organism [21,22]. Alternatively, as computational antimicrobial peptides have been advocated for years
prediction of gene cluster products improves, putative as potent antibacterials, but clinical success has been
antibiotics may be synthesized de novo based solely on largely elusive. However, databases of thousands of nat-
genomic information. Humimycins were identified by ural and synthetic antibacterial peptides that are now
genome mining of human-associated bacteria [10]. Based available can facilitate computationally aided de novo
on a bioinformatics prediction, select humimycins were generation and optimization of peptide antibiotics [29].
chemically synthesized and shown to be active against Recent studies have shown that design principles can be
several bacteria including Streptococcus and Staphylococcus applied to identify stable, active, and non-toxic peptides
species. to treat infection [30]. Furthermore, computational
approaches are also being developed to perform in silico
All of these advances offer fresh hope of identifying evolution and further increase the efficiency with which
antibiotic leads from natural sources. However, it remains we can modify leads for improved antibacterial activity
unclear how deep this well of clinically viable natural [31]. The distinction between small molecule and pep-
products goes. Increasing screening efficiency will be tide antibiotics is fluid as many old and newly discovered
important as some estimates suggest thousands if not antibiotics are based on a macrocyclic peptide core struc-
millions of bacteria will need to be investigated to find ture. However, our understanding of rules supporting
each new viable lead [5,6]. Once identified, production at macrocyclic peptide antibacterial activity is relatively
scale of new natural product scaffolds necessary for opti- small compared to their linear counterparts. Expansion
mization and eventually distribution can also be challeng- of peptide databases to fill this knowledge gap may
ing. Clearly, natural sources will play an important role in enable the development of more potent macrocyclic
identifying novel leads going forward. However, devel- peptide-based antibiotics. New approaches to generate
opment of additional strategies will both bolster natural and test diverse macrocyclic sequences will help meet
product discovery, as well as offer further paths to antibi- this need [32–34].
otic development that are needed to restore and maintain
a robust clinical pipeline. Beyond small molecules
Treatments in other therapeutic areas, such as oncology,
Computation provides new paths to discovery have expanded from small molecules, to biologics, to cell-
Past attempts to discover new antibiotics using high- based treatments in recognition that a one size fits all
throughput screening of small molecule chemical libraries model is not appropriate to target all factors of a disease.
against defined targets proved largely unsuccessful While antibiotic development has largely been confined
[23,24]. However, the data from screens like these, and to small molecules, it also appears to be expanding to
the ever-growing list of active and inactive compounds include new modalities. Monoclonal antibodies have
generated over the past several decades, may provide been wildly successful in treating a range of diseases.
information needed to advance new routes to identify They have several unique properties compared to small
novel antibiotics. This importantly includes datasets molecules including generally low toxicity, high specific-
describing factors influencing the ability to bypass the ity, an ability to engage the immune system, and
bacterial membrane barrier in addition to antimicrobial extended half-life [35]. While efforts to identify antibo-
activity [25–27]. New computational approaches, such as dies with direct antibacterial activity have been challeng-
machine learning, now allow us to churn through the ing [36,37], other antibody-based approaches have shown
massive antimicrobial datasets at our disposal to look for promise. A bispecific antibody from MedImmune Current Opinion in Microbiology 2021, 63:66–69

68 Antimicrobials

Figure 1 Acknowledgements
B.W.D. is supported by the National Institutes of Health (R01 AI125337,
New Sources Computational R01 AI148419, R21 AI159203), Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Novel niches (HDTRA1-17-C0008), the Welch Foundation (F-1870), and Tito’s
In situ cultivation
Genome mining Handmade Vodka.
Expanded datasets
Design principles
Clinical References and recommended reading
Antibiotic Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,
have been highlighted as:
 of special interest
 of outstanding interest

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