United States Patent (10) Patent N0.2 US 6,583,656 B1

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.2 US 6,583,656 B1

Liu (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 24, 2003

(54) DIFFERENTIAL CLOCK DRIVER WITH 5,656,960 A * 8/1997 HolZer ..................... .. 327/170
TRANSMISSION_GATE FEEDBACK T0 5,703,496 A * 12/1997 Sabin ......... . . . . . . . .. 326/27

REDUCE VOLTAGE_CROSSING 5,748,070 A 5/1998 Priebe et al. 340/146.2

5,825,819 A 10/1998 Cogburn ................ .. 375/257
SENSITIVITY T0 INPUT SKEW 5,936,466 A 8/1999 Andoh et al. 330/253
_ . . 6,052,010 A 4/2000 Moyal ............... .. 327/254
(75) Inventor Wmg Faat LN San Jose CA(US) 6,194,949 B1 * 2/2001 Hogeboom ............... .. 327/391
. _ . _ 6,380,777 B1 * 4/2002 Degardin et a1. ......... .. 327/170
(73) Asslgnee- Pencom Semlconductor Corp->521 6,392,446 B1 5/2002 Reasoner et a1. ........... .. 327/20
Jose, CA (US)
* cited by examiner
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this _ _ _
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Primary ExamwerTlfnothy P Callahan
US'C' 154(k)) by 0 days' Assistant ExammerL1nh Nguyen
(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmStuart T. Auvinen
(21) Appl. No.: 10/064,831 (57) ABSTRACT
(22) Filed: Aug- 21, 2002 A differential clock driver uses feedback to reduce timing
7 skeWs betWeen the true and com lement differential out uts.
(51) Int. Cl. ................................................ .. H03K 5/12 Each of the differential outputsphas a pump driver :31 d a
(52) U..S. Cl. .............. .. 327/170; 327/108; 326/27 pun_down driver Each pun_up or puu_down driver has an
(58) Fleld 0f Search ............................... .. 327/258, 108, initial transistor and a ?nal transistor in parallel to drive the
327/112> 219 222 57> 333 257 170; 326/82> output. A resistor separates gates of the initial and ?nal
83> 85> 86> 87> 91> 26_28 transistors, causing a delay to enable the ?nal transistor. A
transmission gate provides feedback from the other output to
(56) References Clted the gate of the ?nal transistor. When the other output is faster
U_S_ PATENT DOCUMENTS that the output being driven, the transmission gate transfers
_ charge from the other output to the gate of the ?nal
4,227,095 A 10/1980 BaZil ........................ .. 327/100 transistor, Causing it to Speed up driving its Output This
251; 2 "" " helps compensates for the timing skeW betWeen the outputs.
5,220,211 A * 6/1993 Christopher et a1. ........ .. 326/90 shkews PmSFnF on dlffefrental llilputs can be compensated by
5,493,657 A 2/1996 Van Brunt et a1. ........ .. 710/305 1 e transmlsslon gate "6 ac -
5,504,443 A 4/1996 Gross et al. ................ .. 327/51
5,568,429 A 10/1996 DSouZa et al. ..... .. 365/189.05 21 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Jun. 24, 2003 Sheet 1 0f 4 US 6,583,656 B1

19> c CLKB




U.S. Patent Jun. 24, 2003 Sheet 2 0f 4 US 6,583,656 B1

U.S. Patent Jun. 24, 2003 Sheet 4 0f 4 US 6,583,656 B1

1.7V -

15v _. VOX_FALL_NO_FB ____________ a

15v _. ................. ..

1.4v -- ............... "

13v ..... - VOX_FALL_FB

12V " y _ - _V-O;(_.RIS_E:F-B- - - _ -

1.1v -- " . ____ _.

1.0V -- ........... -.
09v __ VOX_RISE_NO_FI... ~~. _

0.8V -- l , . . . _ .....

0 5'0 160 150 260 250 350


FIG. 5
US 6,583,656 B1
1 2
DIFFERENTIAL CLOCK DRIVER WITH having tWo (differential) clock inputs and tWo (differential)
TRANSMISSION-GATE FEEDBACK TO clock outputs. The ?nal buffered differential clock can still
REDUCE VOLTAGE-CROSSING have these clock skeWs even When fully differential clock
What is desired is a fully differential clock driver that is
tolerant of clock skeWs on a differential clock input to the
BACKGROUND OF INVENTION clock driver. A skeW-reducing differential clock driver is
This invention relates to clock drivers, and more particu desired.
larly for methods for differential clock driver circuits With BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS
skeW tolerance.
Many complex digital systems rely on clocks to maintain FIG. 1 shoWs a prior-art differential clock driver that has
timing boundaries and proper synchronization. Since clock a single-ended input.
lines are often long and may lead to many input, loading on FIGS. 2AC are Waveforms highlighting differential
clock lines is high. High-current clock drivers are needed to 15
clock skeWs.
drive such large capacitive loads of a clock line. FIG. 3 is a diagram of a fully differential clock driver With
Very high-speed systems sometimes use differential logic, feedback to reduce skeW on the differential output clock.
Where both a true and a complement signal are used for each FIG. 4 is a schematic of a fully differential clock driver
input or output. External signal lines are often differential, With feedback resistors that can be disconnected.
such as When a tWisted-pair cable is driven With both true FIG. 5 is a simulation plot shoWing reduction of output
and complement signals. Sometimes differential signals are clock skeW using the clock driver of FIG. 4.
used internally Within a semiconductor integrated circuit
(IC) chip, especially for clock lines since true and comple DETAILED DESCRIPTION
ment clock signals are needed by many logic blocks such as The present invention relates to an improvement in dif
?ip-?ops and transmission gates. 25 ferential clock drivers. The folloWing description is pre
Differential clock signals can be generated from a single sented to enable one of ordinary skill in the art to make and
clock input. FIG. 1 shoWs a prior-art differential clock driver use the invention as provided in the context of a particular
that has a single-ended input. A single clock ICLK is input application and its requirements. Various modi?cations to
to inverters 10, 14. Inverter 10 drives the complement clock the preferred embodiment Will be apparent to those With
line, CLKB, While the true clock line CLK is driven by skill in the art, and the general principles de?ned herein may
inverter 12. be applied to other embodiments. Therefore, the present
A tWo-inversion delay (inverters 14, 12) occurs betWeen invention is not intended to be limited to the particular
ICLK and CLK, While only a one-inversion delay occurs to embodiments shown and described, but is to be accorded the
CLKB, caused by inverter 10. This can result in a timing Widest scope consistent With the principles and novel fea
difference or skeW betWeen CLK and CLKB. Such skeWs 35 tures herein disclosed.
are undesirable. Since CLK and CLKB drivers may be The inventor has realiZed that timing, voltage, and other
located at different places on the layout of a chip, there is skeWs can exist on a differential clock that is input to a
also skeW problem due to process variation and layout differential clock driver. The inventor further realiZes that
routing. Thus even When input clocks are perfectly matched, such skeW can be hard to predict and reduce in arbitrary
some skew occurs. systems Where generation of the differential clock is not
FIGS. 2AC are Waveforms highlighting differential under control of the buffer designer. The inventor thus
clock skeWs. FIG. 2A shoWs an input clock ICLK used to desires to compensate for such differential clock skeW.
generate a differential clock. Ideally, the true and comple Feedback is optionally employed in a fully differential clock
ment clock are exact inverses of each other With Zero timing 45 driver to reduce such input skeW.
skeW, as shoWn in FIG. 2B. The CLK and CLKB signals FIG. 3 is a diagram of a fully differential clock driver With
cross over at 1.25 volt, about half of the signal sWing in the feedback to reduce skeW on the differential output clock.
ideal case. The voltage at Which the tWo signals have the When skeW is present on the differential input clocks ICLK,
same voltage at precisely the same time is knoWn as voltage ICLKB, feedback resistors 16, 18 act to reduce skeW appear
cross-over, or VOX. ing on the differential clock outputs CLK, CLKB.
The mis-match of delays in generating the true and Inverter 10 inverts true input clock ICLK to drive comple
complement clock signals introduces clock skeW. FIG. 2C ment output clock CLKB. Similarly, inverter 12 inverts
shoWs a more realistic case of differential clock skeW. The complement input clock ICLKB to generate true output
CLK signal tends to have more delay than CLKB due to the clock CLK. When skeW occurs on output clocks CLK,
additional inversion. Thus the CLK Waveform is shifted to 55 CLKB, one of feedback resistors 16, 18 feeds more charge
the right by a small amount relative to the CLKB Waveform. back to the input of one of inverters 10, 12, causing it to
The voltage cross-over occurs later than in the ideal case. reach its input threshold voltage earlier and thus reduce
The falling edge of CLK occurs late, so the VOX for the skeW.
falling CLK edge is at a higher (earlier) voltage, such as 1.6 For example, When CLK rising is sloWer than CLKB
volts rather than 1.25 volts. For the rising edge of CLK, falling, feedback resistor 16 can steal charge from the input
VOX is loWer, since the falling edge of CLKB is faster than of inverter 10 to more rapidly raise CLK. The charge taken
the rising edge of CLK. VOX for the rising edge of CLK is from the input of inverter 10 sloWs the rise of this input,
at 0.9 volt rather than 1.25 volts. Also, the rising edge of both Which sloWs the fall of its output, CLKB. Thus charge
clocks may be sloWer than the falling edges, Which can also sharing can speed up a sloW edge and sloW doWn the faster
loWer VOX for both cases. 65 edge.
Such skeWed differential clocks may be used as input to Such feedback may be undesirable for some systems,
more poWerful clock drivers that are fully differential, such as systems that have very loW input-clock skeW. Also
US 6,583,656 B1
3 4
if the system becomes unstable, it may be desirable to turn high. Transmission gate 64 feeds the true clock output CLK
off such feedback to prevent the possibility of oscillation or back to the gate of p-channel ?nal transistor 44, Which pulls
secondary effects. Thus it is useful to be able to connect or CLKB loW. For pull-doWn feedback, transmission gate 66
disconnect the feedback resistors. It is especially useful if feeds CLK back to the gate of n-channel ?nal transistor 48,
the end system designer can choose to connect or disconnect Which drives CLKB loW, While transmission gate 68 feeds
the feedback resistors, alloWing the system designer to test CLKB back to the gate of n-channel ?nal transistor 46,
both possibilities and choose the best option. The feedback Which drives CLK loW.
may need to be disconnected When entering a high
impedance state. Feedback Theory of Operation
FIG. 4 is a schematic of a fully differential clock driver 10
With feedback resistors that can be disconnected. Differen Transmission gate 62 feeds the clock output CLKB back
tial clock inputs ICLK, ICLKB are received by the driver. to the gate of p-channel ?nal transistor 42. When CLKB is
Each clock can be further divided or buffered to a pull-up faster falling than CLK is rising, the loW CLKB output
and a pull-doWn input, such as ICLKB being divided into voltage is fed back through transmission gate 62 to the gate
ICLKBiPU and ICLKBiPD. Alternately, a single ICLK of p-channel ?nal transistor 42. This loWered gate voltage on
and ICLKB input can be used. 15 transistor 42 turns it on more strongly than Without
Inverter 22 buffers ICLKBiPU to drive the gate of feedback, causing transistor 42 to more quickly pull up
p-channel initial transistor 52, Which initially pulls output CLK. Transmission gate 62 also steals some negative charge
CLK high. Inverter 22 also drives current through delay from output CLKB, causing CLKB to fall less quickly. Thus
resistor 32 to the gate of p-channel ?nal transistor 42, Which When transmission gate 62 is activated it tends to even out
continues to drive CLK high after an R-C delay through timing skeWs among the tWo clock outputs. The degree or
resistor 32. Thus initial transistor 52 ?rst starts to pull CLK strength of the feedback depends in part on the on resistance
high, While ?nal transistor 42 continues to pull CLK high of transmission gate 62. Smaller on resistances provide more
after a delay. Using tWo transistors 52, 42 to pull CLK high feedback While smaller transistors and larger resistances
alloWs the sleW rate to be optimiZed and shaped, and can provide less feedback.
reduce electro-magnetic interference (EMI). Transmission gate 64 feeds the clock output CLK back to
The true differential clock output CLK is also pulled loW the gate of p-channel ?nal transistor 44. When CLK is faster
in tWo steps. Inverter 26 buffers ICLKBiPD to drive the falling than CLKB is rising, the loW CLK output voltage is
gate of n-channel initial transistor 56, Which initially pulls fed back through transmission gate 64 to the gate of
output CLK loW. Inverter 26 also drives current through p-channel ?nal transistor 44, loWering its gate voltage some
delay resistor 36 to the gate of n-channel ?nal transistor 46, What. This feedback-loWered gate voltage on transistor 44
Which continues to drive CLK loW after an R-C delay turns it on more strongly than Without feedback, causing
through resistor 36. Thus initial transistor 56 ?rst starts to transistor 44 to more quickly pull up CLKB. Transmission
pull CLK loW, While ?nal transistor 46 continues to pull gate 64 also shifts some negative charge from output CLK
CLK loW after a delay. to the gate of transistor 44, causing CLK to fall less quickly.
The complement differential clock output CLKB is driven HoWever, this charge-sharing effect can be small When
high and loW in a similar fashion. Inverter 24 buffers output capacitance is large. In contrast, the feedback effect
ICLKiPU to drive the gate of p-channel initial transistor 54, to the gates of the ?nal transistors can be more important and
Which initially pulls output CLKB high. Inverter 24 also less sensitive to output capacitance, depending on design
drives current through delay resistor 34 to the gate of parameters.
p-channel ?nal transistor 44, Which continues to drive For feedback to the pull-doWns, transmission gate 66
CLKB high after an R-C delay through resistor 34. Thus compensated for CLK rising faster than CLKB falling. The
initial transistor 54 ?rst starts to pull CLKB high, While ?nal relatively higher CLK voltage is fed back through transmis
transistor 44 continues to pull CLKB high after a delay. sion gate 66 to the gate of n-channel ?nal transistor 48,
Inverter 28 buffers ICLKiPD to drive the gate of 45
charging the gate of transistor 48 more rapidly, and causing
n-channel initial transistor 58, Which initially pulls output transistor 48 to draW more drain current. The higher current
CLKB loW. Inverter 28 also drives current through delay through transistor 48 causes CLKB to fall more rapidly,
resistor 38 to the gate of n-channel ?nal transistor 48, Which correcting for the timing skeW.
continues to drive CLKB loW after an R-C delay through Transmission gate 68 compensates for CLKB rising faster
resistor 38. Thus initial transistor 58 ?rst starts to pull CLKB than CLK falling. The higher CLKB raises the gate voltage
loW, While ?nal transistor 48 continues to pull CLKB loW of n-channel ?nal transistor 48, causing more pull-doWn
after a delay. current from CLK, and thus increasing the pull-doWn rate of
Resistors 32, 34, 36, 38 provide isolation of initial tran CLK to compensate.
sistors 52, 54, 56, 58 from other capacitances that must be The transmission gates can be disabled by driving HIZ
charged or discharged during sWitching. This capacitance 55 high and HIZB loW. This can be a programmable feature,
isolation alloWs the clock outputs CLK, CLKB to being to alloWing a system designer to test feedbacks effect. The
change While the large capacitances are being charged or HIZ, HIZB lines can be separately driven to different
discharged. Faster sleW rates can result. transmission gates, alloWing some but not all of the feedback
Resistors 32, 34, 36, 38 not only isolate initial transistors to be disabled. Additional transmission gates can be placed
52, 54, 56, 58 from ?nal transistors 42, 44, 46, 48, but also in parallel, and separately enabled, alloWing the amount of
provide isolation from the feedback mechanism. Feedback feedback resistance to be selectable. The transmission gates
from the CLK, CLKB outputs is provided by transmission can be disabled When the outputs need to be in high
gates 62, 64, 66, 68. Feedback from the clock outputs is impedance.
provided When HIZ is loW and HIZB is high, turning on FIG. 5 is a simulation plot shoWing reduction of output
transmission gates 62, 64, 66, 68. 65 clock skeW using the clock driver of FIG. 4. Arange of input
Transmission gate 62 feeds the clock output CLKB back clock skeWs are shoWn along the X-aXis, from Zero (no skeW)
to the gate of p-channel ?nal transistor 42, Which pulls CLK to 300 pico-seconds. For each value of input-clock skeW
US 6,583,656 B1
5 6
(timing difference between ICLK and ICLKB), the crossing not only the structures described herein for performing the
voltage VOX is shown, Where the true and complement function and their structural equivalents, but also equivalent
output clocks CLK, CLKB have equal voltages. Since VOX structures. For eXample, although a nail and a screW have
can be different for rising and falling edges of a clock, VXO different structures, they are equivalent structures since they
for both rising CLK and falling CLK is shoWn. both perform the function of fastening. Claims that do not
The rising and falling VOX values With feedback (VOXi use the Word means are not intended to fall under 35 USC
FALLiFB and VOXiRISEiFB) are much less than VOX 112, paragraph 6. Signals are typically electronic signals,
values With feedback disabled (VOXiFALLiNOiFB and but may be optical signals such as can be carried over a ?ber
VOXiRISEiNOiFB). For example, With an input skeW optic line.
of 300 pico-seconds, the crossing voltage for rising and 10 The foregoing description of the embodiments of the
falling edges are 0.8 and 1.7 volts, a difference of 0.9 volt. invention has been presented for the purposes of illustration
HoWever, With feedback VOX is only 1.22 and 1.25 volts, a and description. It is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit
difference of 0.03 volt. Thus overall skeW on the output is the invention to the precise form disclosed. Many modi?
reduced from 0.9 volt to 0.03 volt using feedback. This is a cations and variations are possible in light of the above
reduction by a factor of 30, or about 97%. Of course, the 15 teaching. It is intended that the scope of the invention be
actual reduction depends on many design factors, such as limited not by this detailed description, but rather by the
resistor values, clock speed, inverter delays, capacitances, claims appended hereto.
etc. What is claimed is:
1. A differential driver comprising:
ALTERNATE EMBODIMENTS 20 a true output and a complement output driven to opposite
Several other embodiments are contemplated by the states When signaling information;
inventor. For eXample the feedback can also correct for a ?rst true pull-up, coupled to the true output, for driving
process and transistor siZe variations. The outputs have been the true output high;
described as clocks, but other kinds of clock or other signals a second true pull-up, coupled to the true output, for
such as gated or quali?ed clocks, strobes, high-speed logic driving the true output high;
signals, etc can be driven as substitutes of the clock. The a ?rst feedback device, coupled betWeen the complement
differential driver may also include a front-end of buffers or output and a control gate of the second true pull-up, for
inverters. The front-end could have just a single non accelerating driving of the true output high When the
differential clock input that is used to generate true and complement output is pulled loW faster than the true
complement clock inputs to the main driver stage. output is pulled high;
Rather than use full P,N transmission gates, single a ?rst complement pull-up, coupled to the complement
transistor pass gates could be substituted. For eXample, all output, for driving the complement output high;
could use n-channel pass transistors, or pull-doWn transmis a second complement pull-up, coupled to the complement
sion gates 66, 68 could just have p-channel transistors and 35 output, for driving the complement output high; and
no n-channel transistors, While pull-up transmission gates
a second feedback device, coupled betWeen the true
62, 64 could just have n-channel transistors and no
output and a control gate of the second complement
p-channel transistors. Resistors could be added in series With
the transmission gates to increase feedback resistance. Other
pull-up, for accelerating driving of the complement
output high When the true output is pulled loW faster
components such as additional transistors, resistors, and 40 than the complement output is pulled high;
capacitors could be added at various points in the design and
parasitic components are usually present. a ?rst true pull-doWn, coupled to the true output, for
driving the true output loW;
The differential clock inputs can be gated With other
signals, such as an output-enable signal. Having separate a second true pull-doWn, coupled to the true output, for
pull-up and pull-doWn inputs alloWs the pull-up inputs to be driving the true output loW;
driven high While the pull-doWn inputs are driven loW to a third feedback device, coupled betWeen the complement
disable the output buffer, placing it in a high-impedance output and a control gate of the second true pull-doWn,
state. HIZ can be driven high, and HIZB driven loW to place for accelerating driving of the true output loW When the
the differential outputs in the high-Z state. Alternately, a complement output is pulled high faster than the true
single inverter could drive both the true pull-up and pull 50
output is pulled loW;
doWn transistors While another inverter drives the comple a ?rst complement pull-doWn, coupled to the complement
ment pull-up and pull-doWn transistors. output, for driving the complement output loW;
The abstract of the disclosure is provided to comply With a second complement pull-doWn, coupled to the comple
the rules requiring an abstract, Which Will alloW a searcher ment output, for driving the complement output loW;
to quickly ascertain the subject matter of the technical 55 and
disclosure of any patent issued from this disclosure. It is a fourth feedback device, coupled betWeen the true output
submitted With the understanding that it Will not be used to and a control gate of the second complement pull
interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the claims. 37 doWn, for accelerating driving of the complement out
C.F.R. 1.72(b). Any advantages and bene?ts described may put loW When the true output is pulled high faster than
not apply to all embodiments of the invention. When the 60 the complement output is pulled loW,
Word means is recited in a claim element, Applicant Whereby feedback reduces cross-over skeW of the true and
intends for the claim element to fall under 35 USC 112, complement outputs.
paragraph 6. Often a label of one or more Words precedes the 2. The differential driver of claim 1 further comprising:
Word means. The Word or Words preceding the Word a ?rst delay device, coupled betWeen a control gate of the
means is a label intended to ease referencing of claims ?rst true pull-up and the control gate of the second true
elements and is not intended to convey a structural limita pull-up, for delaying activation of the second true
tion. Such means-plus-function claims are intended to cover pull-up relative to activation of the ?rst true pull-up;
US 6,583,656 B1
7 8
a second delay device, coupled between a control gate of complement ?nal pull-up means, responsive to a comple
the ?rst complement pull-up and the control gate of the ment ?nal gate that receives a delayed true differential
second complement pull-up, for delaying activation of input signal, for driving the complement differential
the second complement pull-up relative to activation of output high;
the ?rst complement pull-up; 5 second feedback means, coupled betWeen a gate of the
a third delay device, coupled betWeen a control gate of the complement ?nal pull-up means and the true differen
?rst true pull-doWn and the control gate of the second tial output, for sharing charge among the gate of the
true pull-doWn, for delaying activation of the second complement ?nal pull-up means and the true differen
true pull-doWn relative to activation of the ?rst true tial output;
pull-doWn; and 10 true initial pull-doWn means, responsive to a true initial
gate that receives a complement differential input
a fourth delay device, coupled betWeen a control gate of
signal, for driving a true differential output high;
the ?rst complement pull-doWn and the control gate of
the second complement pull-doWn, for delaying acti true ?nal pull-doWn means, responsive to a true ?nal gate
vation of the second complement pull-doWn relative to that receives a delayed complement differential input
activation of the ?rst complement pull-doWn, 15 signal, for driving the true differential output high;
third feedback means, coupled betWeen a gate of the true
Whereby activation is staggered by delay devices.
?nal pull-doWn means and a complement differential
3. The differential driver of claim 2 Wherein the ?rst,
second, third, and fourth delay devices each comprise a output, for sharing charge among the gate of the true
resistor. ?nal pull-doWn means and the complement differential
4. The differential driver of claim 3 Wherein the ?rst, output;
second, third, and fourth feedback devices each comprise: complement initial pull-doWn means, responsive to a
complement initial gate that receives a true differential
an n-channel transistor having a gate driven high to
conduct feedback current.
input signal, for driving the complement differential
5. The differential driver of claim 4 Wherein the ?rst,
output high;
25 complement ?nal pull-doWn means, responsive to a
second, third, and fourth feedback devices each further
comprise: complement ?nal gate that receives a delayed true
differential input signal, for driving the complement
a p-channel transistor, coupled in parallel With the differential output high; and
n-channel transistor, having a gate driven loW to con
duct feedback current.
fourth feedback means, coupled betWeen a gate of the
6. The differential driver of claim 3 further comprising: complement ?nal pull-doWn means and the true differ
ential output, for sharing charge among the gate of the
a ?rst inverter for driving the control gate of the ?rst true complement ?nal pull-doWn means and the true differ
pull-up, the ?rst inverter receiving a true input or a ential output.
derivative of the true input; 9. The differential output buffer of claim 8 further com
a second inverter for driving the control gate of the ?rst 35 prising:
complement pull-up, the second inverter receiving a true delay means, coupled to the complement differential
complement input or a derivative of the complement output, for generating the delayed complement differ
input; ential input signal from the complement differential
a third inverter for driving the control gate of the ?rst true input signal;
pull-doWn, the third inverter receiving a true input or a complement delay means, coupled to the true differential
derivative of the true input; and output, for generating the delayed true differential input
a fourth inverter for driving the control gate of the ?rst signal from the true differential input signal.
complement pull-doWn, the fourth inverter receiving a 10. The differential output buffer of claim 9 Wherein the
complement input or a derivative of the complement ?rst, second, third, and fourth delay means each comprise a
input. resistor.
7. The differential driver of claim 6 Wherein the ?rst and 11. The differential output buffer of claim 10 Wherein the
second true and complement pull-ups each comprise a ?rst, second, third, and fourth feedback means each com
p-channel transistor; and prise a pass transistor or a transmission gate.
Wherein the ?rst and second true and complement pull 12. The differential output buffer of claim 11 Wherein the
doWns each comprise an n-channel transistor. true initial pull-up means comprises a p-channel transistor
8. A differential output buffer comprising: having a source connected to a poWer supply;
true initial pull-up means, responsive to a true initial gate Wherein the true ?nal pull-up means comprises a
that receives a complement differential input signal, for p-channel transistor having a source connected to the
driving a true differential output high; 55
poWer supply;
true ?nal pull-up means, responsive to a true ?nal gate Wherein the complement initial pull-up means comprises
that receives a delayed complement differential input a p-channel transistor having a source connected to the
signal, for driving the true differential output high; poWer supply;
?rst feedback means, coupled betWeen a gate of the true Wherein the complement ?nal pull-up means comprises a
?nal pull-up means and a complement differential p-channel transistor having a source connected to the
output, for sharing charge among the gate of the true poWer supply;
?nal pull-up means and the complement differential Wherein the true initial pull-doWn means comprises an
output; n-channel transistor having a source connected to a
complement initial pull-up means, responsive to a ground;
complement initial gate that receives a true differential 65 Wherein the true ?nal pull-doWn means comprises an
input signal, for driving the complement differential n-channel transistor having a source connected to the
output high; ground;
US 6,583,656 B1
wherein the complement initial pull-doWn means com 16. The differential clock driver of claim 15 Wherein the
prises an n-channel transistor having a source con ?rst, second, third, and fourth transistors have sources
nected to the ground; and connected to a poWer supply;
Wherein the complement ?nal pull-doWn means com Wherein the ?fth, sixth, seventh, and eighth transistors
prises an n-channel transistor having a source con have sources connected to a ground.
nected to the ground. 17. The differential clock driver of claim 14 Wherein the
13. A differential clock driver comprising: ?rst, second, third, and fourth pass transistors are n-channel
a ?rst transistor having a drain connected to a ?rst output transistors With gates connected to a feedback signal that is
node and a gate coupled to a ?rst gate node; high When feedback is enabled, but is loW When feedback is
a second transistor having a drain connected to the ?rst disabled.
output node and a gate coupled to a second gate node; 18. The differential clock driver of claim 17 further
a ?rst resistor coupled betWeen the ?rst gate node and the comprising:
second gate node; a ?rst p-channel pass transistor, having a gate driven With
a ?rst pass transistor having a source coupled to the an inverse of the feedback signal, having a source
second gate node and a drain coupled to a second connected to the drain of the ?rst pass transistor and a
output node; drain connected to the source of the ?rst pass transistor;
a third transistor having a drain connected to the second a second p-channel pass transistor, having a gate driven
output node and a gate coupled to a third gate node; With an inverse of the feedback signal, having a source
a fourth transistor having a drain connected to the second connected to the drain of the second pass transistor and
output node and a gate coupled to a fourth gate node; a drain connected to the source of the second pass
a second resistor coupled betWeen the third gate node and transistor;
the fourth gate node; a third p-channel pass transistor, having a gate driven With
a second pass transistor having a source coupled to the 25 an inverse of the feedback signal, having a source
third gate node and a drain coupled to the ?rst output connected to the drain of the third pass transistor and a
node; drain connected to the source of the third pass transis
Wherein the ?rst output node and the second output node tor; and
are differential outputs driven to opposite states during a fourth p-channel pass transistor, having a gate driven
signaling; With an inverse of the feedback signal, having a source
Wherein the ?rst gate node and the third gate node are connected to the drain of the fourth pass transistor and
differential nodes driven to opposite states during sig a drain connected to the source of the fourth pass
naling. transistor, Whereby transmission gates provide feed
14. The differential clock driver of claim 13 further back.
comprising: 35
19. The differential clock driver of claim 18 further
a ?fth transistor having a drain connected to the ?rst comprising:
output node and a gate coupled to a ?fth gate node; a ?rst inverter for driving the ?rst gate node and the ?fth
a siXth transistor having a drain connected to the ?rst gate node With a clock signal;
output node and a gate coupled to a siXth gate node; a second inverter for driving the third gate node and the
a third resistor coupled betWeen the ?fth gate node and the seventh gate node With and inverse of the clock signal.
siXth gate node; 20. The differential clock driver of claim 18 further
a third pass transistor having a source coupled to the siXth comprising:
gate node and a drain coupled to the second output a ?rst inverter for driving the ?rst gate node With a clock
node; 45 signal;
a seventh transistor having a drain connected to the a second inverter for driving the third gate node With and
second output node and a gate coupled to a seventh gate inverse of the clock signal;
node; a third inverter for driving the ?fth gate node With a clock
an eighth transistor having a drain connected to the signal;
second output node and a gate coupled to an eighth gate a fourth inverter for driving the seventh gate node With
node; and inverse of the clock signal.
a fourth resistor coupled betWeen the seventh gate node 21. The differential clock driver of claim 20 Wherein When
and the eighth gate node; and the differential clock driver is to be disabled, the ?rst
a fourth pass transistor having a source coupled to the 55 inverter and second inverters are driven With loW input
eighth gate node and a drain coupled to the ?rst output signals and the third inverter and fourth inverters are driven
node; With high input signals;
Wherein the ?fth gate node and the seventh gate node are Wherein When the differential clock driver is to be
differential nodes driven to opposite states during sig disabled, the feedback signal is driven With a loW signal
naling. and the inverse of the feedback signal is driven With a
15. The differential clock driver of claim 14 Wherein the high signal,
?rst, second, third, and fourth transistors are p-channel Whereby transmission gates are also disabled When the
transistors; differential clock driver is disabled.
Wherein the ?fth, sixth, seventh, and eighth transistors are
n-channel transistors.

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