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The document describes the Function in Sitting Test (FIST), which is a 14-item clinical assessment of sitting balance designed to be administered at the bedside. It measures performance on basic functional sitting tasks and can track changes in sitting balance over time.

The FIST is designed to measure sitting balance and performance on specific functional sitting tasks through 14 items that assess steady state, proactive, and reactive postural control in sitting.

Patient performance on each FIST item is scored on a 5-point ordinal scale from 0-4, where 0 is dependent, 1 is needs assistance, 2 is uses upper extremity support, 3 is completes with verbal cues/increased time, and 4 is independent.

Function in Sitting Test

Training and Instruction Manual
[Version 1.5; 5/20/11]

Developed & created by

Sharon L. Gorman, PT, DPTSc, GCS

Development and pilot testing of the FIST was funded in part by a generous
grant from the California Physical Therapy Fund (#05-01)

Function In Sitting Test (FIST) Training & Instruction Manual

Table of Contents

1. Overview of FIST 3

2. Disclaimer 5

3. General FIST Instructions and Set-Up 6

4. FIST Scoring Instructions 9

5. Individual FIST Item Descriptions and Instructions 10

6. References 13

7. FIST Documentation Template (for patient documentation) 14

FIST Overview

The Function in Sitting Test, or FIST, is a 14 item, performance-based, clinical
examination of sitting balance. The FIST was designed to be administered at the
hospital bedside by a physical therapist or other health care provider. It should
take approximately five to ten minutes to administer. This may vary depending
on the need to reposition the patient and the patients needs for redirection or
rest breaks. Patients are asked to perform basic, everyday activities in a seated
position with an examiner scoring their performance using a 0-4 point ordinal
scale. For ease of scoring, the scoring scale is the same for each test item. A
template Function In Sitting Test Scores patient documentation sheet, where
FIST scores can be recorded over time, is included in this manual for use in your

The purpose of the FIST is to quantify patient performance for specific functional
sitting tasks. The FIST can be used to track changes in sitting balance over time.
The FIST bridges the gaps between simple observations about sitting
balance/trunk control and balance measures more heavily weighted towards
standing balance or gait ability.

Other sitting balance measures or clinical scales have little documented

statistical characteristics or validation of their psychometric properties.1 The
majority of current valid and reliable balance tests or outcome scales do not
focus solely on sitting balance and have limited sensitivity to detect smaller
changes needed to justify continued rehabilitation.1-8 No widely accepted or
standardized measurement of seated function existed when the FIST was under
development.9 The FIST incorporates a variety of steady state, proactive, and
reactive postural control conditions, rather than heavy reliance on proactive,
motor system activation assessment, which may help clinicians better describe
and quantify sitting balance abilities.

Who may benefit from testing with the FIST?
Patients with known or suspected sitting balance deficits who cannot tolerate
balance tests involving standing or gait tasks may benefit from testing with the
FIST. Patients who experience problems because they are too low functioning
for some tests and their progress isnt adequately reflected with an increased
score (i.e., floor effect) on other balance measures may be appropriate for testing
with the FIST. Patients with problems related to impulsivity or safety while in
seated positions may benefit from the FIST, as these are components of the
scoring criteria. Patients whose treatment programs are working on speed,
safety, and motor control while seated may benefit from the FIST, as results may
determine specific interventions to address the patients problems or develop
accurate hypotheses about the nature of the patients balance dysfunction.

Who may not benefit from testing with the FIST?

The FIST may be too simple, inadequate, or not sensitive enough to provide
useful information for patients who do not have a problem moving in sitting or
who can tolerate standing or walking. This test has an upper scoring limit where
patients who can successfully perform higher level activities, such as standing,
walking, and other activities of daily living may achieve the maximum score quite
easily (i.e., ceiling effect). Additionally, patients who are not medically stable to
tolerate sitting for the time required to complete the FIST or patients whose
medical condition(s) do not allow for the movements required to complete the
test items (e.g., forward reach with hip flexion greater than 90, bilateral lower
extremity weight bearing in seated position) will not be suitable for testing using
the FIST.

FIST Creation
The FIST was created as a dissertation project by Sharon Gorman, PT, DPTSc,
GCS at the UCSF/SFSU Doctor of Physical Therapy Science (DPTSc) program
in an effort to help clinicians working with lower level patients who could not
successfully perform other existing balance measures without great difficulty.1-9
The FIST was created as a clinical measure using an ordinal scale to describe

patients abilities. The items and scoring on the FIST were created and selected
using survey results from clinicians, physical therapists specializing in test
creation/validation and/or balance, and existing measures of balance and trunk
control. A validation study of the FIST was conducted in persons with sitting
balance deficits after acute stroke to select the final set of test items included on
this version of the FIST.10 Internal consistency and reliability of the test items was
found to be high (Cronbachs alpha = 0.98, person separation index = 0.978).10
Additional reliability and validity studies on the FIST are currently underway.
Should your facility be interested in serving as a data collection center on current
FIST studies, please contact Dr. Gorman ([email protected]) for more
details and to discuss research collaboration.

Online Training Available

Please visit our website at to view, complete, and
access our online training module. It contains much of the same information as
this manual, but also has photos and video clip examples of patients performing
FIST items at a variety of scoring levels and an online quiz to assess learning.

The Function in Sitting Test (FIST) was created to allow healthcare providers to
better describe and document patient/client abilities to move and perform
functional tasks in a seated position. Administration of the FIST was intended for
persons who do not have any contraindications to sitting or moving in the
prescribed manner for the individual test items. Determination of a patients
ability to safely perform the FIST lies solely with the healthcare provider
administering the FIST. Additionally, as a test of balance in a seated position, it
is the healthcare providers responsibility to guard and supervise the
patient/client at all times during the administration of the FIST to prevent falls or
other unwanted or unexpected outcomes.

General Instructions and Patient Set-Up

Items needed for test administration:

Step stool or riser (for foot positioning, dependent on patient height)
Stopwatch or watch with second hand, for timing
Tape measure
Small, light weight object (can use small, retractable tape measure or
stopwatch for this)
FIST Scoring sheet or directions from this manual

Standard Patient Position:

This position should be maintained throughout the test. The examiner should
realign the patient as needed before each test item to ensure that the patient
starts in this standard position.
Patient seated at edge of standard hospital bed (no overlay or specialized
air mattresses), with bed flat
of femur length supported by mattress while sitting
Hips and knees flexed to 90
Feet flat in support on the floor (or on a step or stool, as needed) to
ensure proper hip and knee position
Thighs should be positioned in neutral hip abduction/adduction and hip
internal/external rotation (or as close as the patients hip range of motion
will allow)
Hands in lap, unless needed for balance support (see scoring if subject
uses upper extremities or hands for support)

Lateral view Anterior view

Standard Examiner Position:

The therapist should be positioned to guard the patient at all times to both
prevent falls and to provide any assistance with the tasks as may be required.
The examiner may be positioned either to the side of the patient or in front of the
patient, or both, during the test. The primary goal of the examiners position
should be to ensure patient safety and to assist as needed for scoring purposes.

Administration of the FIST:

Read all directions, described below in quotation marks, to the patient.
Additional information is included to help the therapist set up or score the test. All
of the directions, including the overall test description and each individual FIST
item directions, use simple English directions at no higher than a 6th grade level.
The FIST test items should be delivered in the order described in this manual or
on the score sheet, with the exception of the 3 nudge items which are randomly
interspersed throughout the testing. This order reflects the item difficulty (easiest
to hardest) as determined during test validation, while the random insertion of the
nudges best examines the patients reactive balance control abilities.10

NOTE: For the 3 nudges, you should intersperse these throughout the test.
Subjects should not be warned other than at the start of the FIST when the
examiner is describing the overall test protocol. The patient should be guarded
very closely by the examiner throughout the test, and especially during these

Overall Test Description:

I will be conducting a test with you today to see how well you balance
yourself in a sitting position. It will involve you sitting with your best posture
and balance, as well as moving in a seated position to reach and scoot. I
might lightly push you to see how well your balance reactions work. I will be
right here next to you to make sure you are safe if you lose your balance. I
would prefer if you could perform the test without using your hands for
balance, but if you need to use your hands, you can. I will remind you to try
to not use your hands during the test. If you need a break, just let me know
and I can pause to let you rest. Do you have any questions? [Pause, answer
questions] Lets start.

FIST Scoring Instructions

The FIST uses a consistent scoring scale for each test item. The FIST was
designed this way to make it easier for the examiner to score items and to reduce
the need to refer to the scoring scale while administering the test once familiar
with the test items.

4 Independent
Completes the task independently and successfully

Comments: This would be the reaction, speed, and safety you would
expect in someone without any sitting balance problems.

3 Verbal cues or increased time

Completes the task independently and successfully but may need verbal
cues or excessive time

Comments: The performance of the activity is normal, but the patient

needs more than necessary time or more cues than normally expected to
complete the activity.

2 Upper extremity support

Unable to complete the task without using upper extremities for support or

Comments: The patient must use their hands to successfully complete the
task or for maintenance of balance during the task. It does not matter if
the patient uses one or both upper extremities; any use as a requirement
results in a score of 2

1 Needs assistance
Unable to complete task successfully without physical assistance
(document level of physical assist required: min, mod, or max assist)

Comments: If the therapist doesnt provide physical assistance, the patient

cannot complete the task or may lose balance or fall. Document the
amount physical assistance required for safe performance of the task to
track patient progress: min = 25% or less, mod = 26-74%, max = 75% or

0 Dependent
Requires complete physical assistance to perform task successfully, is
unable to complete task successfully even with physical assistance, or

Comments: Without the therapists assistance, the patient could not

complete any of the task successfully or safely.

Individual FIST Item Instructions

Remember, the patient should be repositioned as needed throughout the test so

they are in the standard patient position before attempting each test item.

1. Anterior nudge
(light pressure x 1 time, at sternum)

Without warning, push participant with light pressure, once.

2. Posterior nudge
(light pressure x 1 time, between scapular spines)

Without warning, push participant with light pressure, once.

3. Lateral nudge
(light pressure 1 time to dominant/stronger side, at acrominon)

Without warning, push participant with light pressure, once only, at

dominant/stronger sides acrominon.
4. Static sitting
Sit with your hands in your lap.

Examiner times for 30 seconds.

5. Sitting, move head side to side (nod no)
Remain sitting steady and tall without using your hands unless you need them
to help you balance. When I tell you to look right, keep sitting straight, but turn
your head to the right. Keep looking to the right until I tell you look left, then
keep sitting straight and turn your head to the left. Keep your head to the left
until I tell you, look straight, then keep sitting straight but return your head to
the center.

Patient needs to move head through full available ROM. Examiner scores entire

6. Sitting, eyes closed
Close your eyes and remain sitting still with your hands in your lap.
Examiner times for 30 seconds.
7. Sitting, lift feet
(dominant side, stronger side, least involved side only; do two repetitions)

Sit with your hands in your lap; lift your [uninvolved side] foot 1 inch off the
floor, like this. [Demonstrate] Now do it one more time.
Repeat so the subject lifts uninvolved, stronger, or dominant side twice.
8. Turn and pick up object from behind in preferred direction
Turn around and pick up the object that Ive placed behind you.
Patient may turn to their preferred direction and use their
stronger/dominant/least involved hand. Examiner places object in midline, one
hands breadth [fingertip to base of palm] posterior to hips.
9. Reach forward with uninvolved hand outstretched at shoulder height
Reach with your stronger/least involved/less painful arm as far as you can while
staying balanced, like this. [Demonstrate] Keep your other hand remaining in
your lap.
Examiner first performs movement passively to assess ROM. Patient must
move through full available ROM or until abdomen contacts anterior thighs for
highest score. Use available pain free ROM. If patient has pain, and make
notation in Notes/Comments box.
10. Lateral reach with hand at shoulder height
(lifts and moves towards the dominant or stronger side)

Reach out to the side as far as you can. Be sure to get all your weight off the
opposite side of your bottom keeping your feet on the floor, like this.
Patient must complete full, available ROM maintaining upright upper trunk and
upper extremity position, with contralateral trunk shortening and clearance of
contralateral ischial tuberosity and return to midline for full score. Should move
to preferred side, stronger side, or least affected side.

11. Pick object up off floor
Pick this object up off the floor.

Examiner places object between patients feet at level of 1st MTP joint.
Patient can use whatever hand they prefer to pick up the object.
12. Posterior scooting (2)
Now, move backward 2 inches. Try not to use your hands, if you can.

Patient needs to move full 2 inches. Use tape measure to verify 2 inches.
13. Anterior scooting (2)
Move forward 2 inches towards the edge of the bed without using your hands, if

Use tape measure to verify 2 inches. Patient needs to move full 2 inches.
14. Lateral scooting (2)
(scored once to preferred direction)

Move sideways 2 inches without your hands, and remember to try not to use
your hands.
Patient needs to move the full 2 inches; use the tape measure to verify.


1. Verheyden G, Nieuwboer A, Merin J, Preger R, Kiekens C, De Weerdt W.

The trunk impairment scale: a new tool to measure motor impairment of the
trunk after stroke. Clin Rehabil. 2004;18:326-334.
2. Berg K, Wood-Dauphinee S, Williams JI. The Balance Scale: reliability
assessment with elderly residents and patients with an acute stroke. Scand J
Rehabil Med. 1995;27:27-36.
3. Franchignoni FP, Tesio L, Ricupero C, Martino MT. Trunk control test as an
early predictor of stroke rehabilitation outcomes. Stroke. 1997;28:1382-1385.
4. Shumway-Cook A, Wollocott MH. Motor Control: Theory and Practical
Applications (2nd ed.). New York: Lippencott Williams & Wilkins; 2000.
5. Guide for the Uniform Data Set for Medical Rehabilitation (including the FIM
instrument), Version 5.1. Buffalo: State University of New York at Buffalo;
6. OSullivan S. Assessment of motor function. In Physical Rehabilitation:
Assessment and Treatment (4th ed.), OSullivan S, Schmitz TJ, Eds.
Philadelphia, FA Davis, 2000.
7. Finch E, Brooks D, Stratford PW, Mayo NE. Physical Rehabilitation Outcome
Measures: A Guide to Enhanced Clinical Decision Making (2nd ed.). New
York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002.
8. Lynch SM, Leahy P, Barker S. Reliability of measurements obtained with a
modified functional reach test in subjects with spinal cord injury. Phys Ther.
9. Nichols DS, Miller L, Colby LA, Pease WS. Sitting balance: its relation to
function in individuals with hemiparesis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.
10. Gorman SL, Radtka S, Melnick ME, Abrams GM, Byl NN. Development and
validation of the Function in Sitting Test (FIST) in adults with acute stroke. J
Neur Phys Ther. 2010;34(3):150-160.

FIST Test Item Date: Date: Date:
femur on surface; hips & knees flexed to 90
Used step/stool for positioning & foot support

Anterior Nudge: superior sternum



Posterior Nudge: between scapular

Lateral Nudge: to dominant side at
Static sitting: 30 seconds

Sitting, shake no: left and right

Sitting, eyes closed: 30 seconds

Sitting, lift foot: dominant side, lift foot 1 inch

Pick up object from behind: object at midline,
hands breadth posterior
Forward reach: use dominant arm, must
complete full motion
Lateral reach: use dominant arm, clear
opposite ischial tuberosity
Pick up object from floor: from between feet

Posterior scooting: move backwards 2 inches

Anterior scooting: move forward 2 inches

Lateral scooting: move to dominant side 2

/ 56 / 56 / 56
Administered by:


Scoring Key:
4 = Independent (completes task independently & successfully)
3 = Verbal cues/increased time (completes task independently & successfully and only needs more time/cues)
2 = Upper extremity support (must use UE for support or assistance to complete successfully)
1 = Needs assistance (unable to complete w/o physical assist; document level: min, mod, max)
0 = Dependent (requires complete physical assist; unable to complete successfully even w/physical assist)

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