W1T0003XQ Combat Conditioning Concepts
W1T0003XQ Combat Conditioning Concepts
W1T0003XQ Combat Conditioning Concepts
In This Lesson The purpose of this lesson is to teach you the concepts of
combat conditioning.
Topic Page
Training for Performance 4
Functional Fitness 10
Injury Prevention 13
Tactical Nutrition 20
Supervising Combat Conditioning 26
Summary 28
References 29
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms 31
Appendix A: Example Exercises 33
Appendix B: Example Workouts 39
Appendix C: Example Exercise Cards 40
Notes 44
The training for performance section outlines the categories of preparation needed by
Marines to ensure they are physically ready for combat duty. Included are the
components of physical fitness, the FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type)
principle, principles for physical conditioning, and the unique characteristics of
periodization training.
Body Composition: Body composition is the ratio of lean body mass to body
fat mass. Lean body mass includes the structural and functional elements in the
body’s cells, body water, muscle, bone, heart, liver, kidneys, and other organs.
Fat mass consists of essential fat needed to protect the organs, and fat that is
stored. Increased body composition, also known as obesity, can put a person at
risk for heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and even some
cancers. These risks are associated with physical inactivity, which is one of the
reasons Marines are permitted and encouraged to participate in daily physical
activity. Marines who do not meet the criteria of accepted Marine Corps height
and weight standards will have their body composition tested to assure they
meet the body composition percentage range for their age, as outlined in Table
The heart becomes stronger with chronic exercise. It also improves the stroke
volume of the heart, which is the amount of blood pumped by the left ventricle of
the heart in one contraction. The lungs develop greater volume, and the
diaphragm becomes stronger through conditioning. Additionally, the blood
volume circulating through the body increases with exercise, producing greater
hemoglobin content for red blood cells. With repeated conditioning, the vascular
system creates more pathways, blood vessels become larger, and more
capillary sites are created. Cardiovascular fitness can take two forms, aerobic
and anaerobic.
Aerobic conditioning refers to those activities with long duration and lower
intensity. While performing these types of activities, the target heart rate should
be within the range of 70 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate. To
determine your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. Some of the
aerobic conditioning activities used to achieve this target heart rate include
running, swimming, cycling, rowing and skiing. Aerobic conditioning activities
have many health benefits for those who partake in them. Among the benefits
Energy Systems: Exploring the energy systems that produce energy for working
muscles within the body will further explain the benefits of cardiovascular
conditioning. (See Table 2.) It is important to understand how these systems
function and develop to optimize them successfully in a Marine. Every Marine
has a dominant system, so some types of physical activity will be performed
more easily based on each Marine’s physical structure.
product of this system is lactic acid which causes a burning sensation within the
muscle. If an activity is too intense, and there is no time for the body to clear out
the lactic acid, then the activity cannot be maintained, and fatigue sets in. This
system lasts for up to two minutes. High intensity, but short duration activities
such as the 400-meter run or 200-meter swim are examples of the glycolytic
energy system.
The Oxidative/Aerobic System: This is also known as the oxygen system and is
mainly fueled by carbohydrates stored in muscles or from the blood stream.
Oxygen must be present for this energy system to work. Activities lasting longer
than two minutes rely on this energy system. If the activity is not too intense
while using this system of energy, it can continue indefinitely, as long as the
body has glucose, fat, and oxygen. If, however, the activity is intense, glucose
may run out and the body will produce lactic acid. This reflects oxygen
deficiency. Long distance running and cycling are examples of activities that
use this energy system.
Muscular Strength: Muscular strength refers to the maximum force that can be
generated by a muscle group. Muscular force is determined by the amount of
Type I, IIa or IIb muscle fibers in use. Each type of muscle fiber has a specific
purpose and these differences influence how muscles respond to training and
physical activity. Type I muscle fibers are part of the oxidative energy system.
When active, these muscle fibers produce a slow twitch movement. These
muscle fibers are efficient at using oxygen to produce more fuel (ATP) for
continuous, extended muscle contractions and can operate for a long time
without fatigue. They have an extraordinary proficiency for aerobic energy
supply, but are limited in rapid force development. Type I fibers are beneficial
for endurance activities, such as marathons or triathlons.
Type IIa muscle fibers are part of the oxidative and glycolytic energy systems,
these fibers produce fast twitch muscular movements. These muscle fibers are
known as intermediate fast twitch fibers because they can use both aerobic and
anaerobic energy systems almost equally to create force. More capillaries
surround these fibers and they show greater resistance to fatigue. The third
type of muscle fiber, Type IIb, also produces a fast twitch movement and gains
its energy from the oxidative energy system. These muscle fibers use anaerobic
energy and excel at producing quick, powerful bursts of speed. This type of
muscle fiber has the highest rate of contraction, but it also has the highest rate
of fatigue and cannot last for long periods of time before needing rest. It is
important to note that your overriding muscle fiber type is genetically determined
and cannot be changed, but it can be trained to become more effective.
Although gender doesn’t impact the quality of muscle, it does affect the quantity.
Men and women’s muscle tissue is, as a rule, the same, but men normally have
more muscle tissue than women do because muscle size is increased by the
male sex hormone testosterone. The bigger the muscles, the stronger the
person; this is why most men are viewed as stronger than most women.
However, muscle strength is measured in two ways. Absolute muscle strength
is measured as the total force in pounds. When put in these terms, men are
usually stronger than women. The second method, relative muscle strength is
measured as the total force divided by body mass, fat-free body mass, muscle
cross section, limb volume, or girth. If measuring muscle strength with this
method, the strength discrepancy between men and women is greatly
diminished if not eliminated.
The body can experience strength losses and endurance losses if not trained
properly. Strength losses can occur when there are long periods of rest
between training sessions. The amount of loss depends on the muscle and the
length of the period of inactivity. To counteract this, a lighter routine is
recommended to retain the strength gained from physical conditioning.
Noticeable decreases in performance can occur quickly. It is not unusual to see
a decrease in performance in as little as two weeks if physical conditioning is
decreased or stopped. The body can become completely detrained in as short a
period as four to eight weeks. To avoid detraining, especially if injured, it is best
to decrease the frequency of conditioning to one-third of normal frequency, or
decrease the time of activity from one-third to two-thirds of normal activity time.
As the saying goes, if you don’t use it, you will lose it.
FITT Factors. The FITT factors are the basis for exercise prescription and are applied
to the cardio-respiratory, flexibility, and muscular strength and endurance components
of conditioning. Each element must be considered when performing a workout to
provide maximum benefit to the participant.
To take full advantage of a physical conditioning program, utilize progression for the
FITT factors as outlined below.
Specificity: Specificity refers to the exercise done and the muscles involved, but
also to the training program. It must be relevant to the demands of the event for
which the athlete or in this case, the Marine, is being trained. Energy systems
and movement patterns should also be considered.
Muscular endurance
Muscular strength
Motor performance
Muscular hypertrophy
There are three periodization cycles when changing a program is considered valuable
and warranted. The microcycle includes daily and weekly variations in volume, intensity
and exercise selection. The mesocycle is a collection of microcycles and is the major
training phase conducted over a year’s time in three or four week to three month
intervals. The variation in volume and intensity allows participants to progress in their
individual conditioning. The macrocycle includes the entire year’s training period and
includes a well-designed progression plan intended to advance participants’ level of
fitness beyond their starting level.
Functional Fitness
There are four pillars of human movement that are inherent when training.
The Balanced Workout. The making of a tactical athlete relies on a workout that is
balanced. Marines’ fitness regimes should include:
Balance: Balance is critical for performing activities with ease and minimal
injury. Balance is the ability of the body to maintain a desired posture either
static or while moving. Barriers to good balance include a lack of endurance,
strength, and concentration, and/or sustaining an injury, illness, or disease.
Proprioception, which is the instinctive perception of movement and spatial
orientation arising from stimuli within the body, can also impair balance. Vital
benefits of good balance for Marines include remaining stable in all conditions
including those with surface changes or when the center of gravity shifts, as well
as, the ability to move in unpredictable conditions.
The Core: The core must be strengthened and maintained to perform combat
tasks with the least potential for injury. The core supports the spine and all
movement of the body which includes the trunk. Movements take place along
three planes, the sagittal, frontal, and transverse. The sagittal plane includes
forward and backward movements such as bicep curls, sit-ups and back
extensions. The frontal plane consists of side-to-side movements such as side
bends or lateral raises. Movements that require rotation are included in the
transverse plane. These include movements such as floor to overhead diagonals
with the arms holding a medicine ball.
Power: Power is the time or rate at which work is done or energy is transferred.
The maximum amount of force a muscle generates under a specific set of
conditions and the speed or ability to move from one point to another as fast as
possible combine to yield the power with which the object moves. In physical
activity, power is the ability of the neuromuscular system to act with force.
Olympic lift exercises like the clean and jerk, snatch, and dead lift support
training for power. These exercises are also performed using kettlebells,
dumbbells or ammo cans and are practiced in practical session workouts.
Injury Prevention
Risk Factors. Marines have specific risk factors when it comes to physical conditioning.
Among those of greatest concern are:
Common Injuries and Prevention. Research has identified physical training and
vigorous operational activities as the most common causes of injuries requiring patient
care and limited duty. According to the Atlas of Injuries in the U.S. Armed Forces
Supplement to Military Medicine Vol. 164, No. 8, August 1999, research on Marine
Corps recruits by the National Health Research Center (NHRC) shows that reductions
in the amount of running and gradual progression of intense physical training can
effectively reduce the incidence of stress fractures without sacrificing physical fitness.
Physical conditioning should emphasize functional exercises over traditional modes of
working out.
Shoes should be replaced every three months or 300 miles. Today’s shoes are made
differently. They are lighter and therefore breakdown sooner. Orthotics purchased off
the shelf should be replaced every six months. For best results, look for a brand that
can be molded for a more custom fit. Custom-made orthotics should be reevaluated
every year. Running shoes should give at the toe box. Consider locating a running
store that will watch your gait to determine proper footwear.
Basic trainees who are the least physically active prior to entering the Marine Corps are
at greater risk of injury during basic training. Once an injury occurs, a Marine should
follow the protocol below to decrease the chances of re-injury.
Note that the provider is specific to your installation, and can consist of physical
therapists, certified athletic trainer (ATC), physician’s assistant (PA), general medical
officer (GMO) or a nurse practitioner (NP).
Chronic injuries are those that place a demand greater than the body’s physical
limitations can withstand and often occur with repetitive motion. These injuries require
additional care. It is recommended the injury site be heated for 20 minutes before
activity and iced for 20 minutes after activity. Proper support (i.e. bracing, athletic gear-
shoes, surfaces) should be provided to decrease aggravation or improper ROM.
Modifying the activity is also recommended to aid in recovery. Proper rest is also
necessary and medical attention should be sought as needed.
Preventing injury in the first place is a goal of combat conditioning, but injuries will
occur. Common athletic injuries are categorized as chronic or acute. Chronic injuries
last over a period of time, while acute injuries have rapid onset, and usually subside
over a short period of time. Examples follow.
Injury warning signs include pain, tenderness at a specific point, swelling, reduced
range of motion, comparative weakness, and numbness and tingling. The injured site
may also become red in color and feel warm to the touch. Treating an injury quickly will
produce a better outcome for recovery. Utilize PRICE: protect, rest, ice, compression,
Marines responsible for the physical training of others have additional obligations to
mitigate injuries. Check equipment frequently for wear and tear. Check fields and
playing areas for potential hazards. Provide appropriate training schedules and routines
for those you train. Being aware of potential injuries and how they may be prevented is
also beneficial when determining the exercises and routines that will be implemented for
PT or combat conditioning training.
Overtraining and Detraining. Overtraining can bring about its own set of problems for
Marines. Signs and symptoms of overtraining are: fatigue, anemia, amenorrhea (or loss
of the menstrual cycle in women), sleep disturbances, lack of motivation, increased
resting heart rate, muscle spasms, change in mood, and overuse injuries that include
stress fractures, tendonitis, bursitis, shin splints, and chronic knee pain. Overtraining
can be avoided by establishing goals that are realistic. First, if responsible for their
training, confirm the current fitness level of the Marines. Group individuals with the
same or similar fitness levels (ability grouping). Establish short-term and long-term
goals for each group or each individual. Progress slowly and gradually and add variety.
Reinforce the Semper Fit resources that are available to individual Marines (e.g.,
personal trainers, health educators, athletic trainers, fitness center managers,
dieticians) should they be needed to enhance performance. While conducting combat
conditioning, remind Marines to listen to their bodies. Pain is a sign that something is
wrong. General fatigue after conditioning is good, but pain is not. Delayed onset
muscle soreness (DOMS) may occur 48-72 hours after an event. Lactic acid “burn” will
decrease as the body progresses and becomes more effective and conditioned to
physical activity.
Heat and Cold Injuries. Heat injuries can significantly injure a Marine. Heat injuries
can take three forms, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Heat cramps
presents with severe cramping of skeletal muscles, mineral losses, dehydration and is
accompanied by high rates of sweating. It is treated by moving the individual to a cooler
location and administering fluids or a saline solution. Heat exhaustion is a more serious
condition. Symptoms of heat exhaustion are extreme fatigue, breathlessness,
dizziness, vomiting, fainting, cold and clammy or hot and dry skin, hypotension, and a
weak, rapid pulse. The cardiovascular system experiences an inability to adequately
meet the body’s needs, and blood volume is reduced from sweating. Heat exhaustion
can occur during mild to moderate exercise in the heat. To counter the effects, rest in a
cooler environment with feet elevated to avoid shock, and administer salt water. If
unconscious, medical assistance is required. Heat stroke is a life threatening
circumstance. A person with this condition will undergo a rise in body temperature
exceeding 104° degrees, stop sweating, the skin will feel hot and dry and experience a
rapid pulse and respirations. Usually the person will become hypertensive, and as the
blood pressure rises, confusion and unconsciousness may occur. If left untreated, heat
stroke progresses to coma and death quickly follows.
The incidence of these conditions can be reduced by acclimatizing to heat and humidity
levels. Heat acclimatization requires more than mere exposure to a hot environment. It
is dependent on environmental conditions during each exercise session, the duration of
heat exposure, and the rate of internal heat production from the intensity of exercise
performed. The process of acclimating should take place over several days. To begin,
perform low-moderate intensity workouts in the heat for 5 -10 days. Cardiovascular
changes will generally occur in the first three to five days. Sweating mechanisms
usually take up to 10 days. Workout intensity should be reduced to 60-70 percent
during the first few days to prevent excessive heat stress. Individuals in training should
be alert to any symptoms and consume as much fluid as possible.
It is important to keep yourself hydrated not only as a weight loss tool, to help you eat
less food, but also because it affects your activity level. Dehydration can occur in any
weather condition; hot or cold. When a person is dehydrated their mental and physical
activity is affected. Often thirst is used as an indicator for dehydration; however, if you
are thirsty you are already dehydrated. Checking the color of your urine is a more
effective way of monitoring your hydration status. Your urine color should be pale
yellow and odorless. Your urine color will not only be affected if you are dehydrated but
also if you are taking any supplements. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least 8-
10 glasses of cold water a day.
Cold injuries are just as debilitating for Marines. If a cold injury is suspected, get out of
the cold as quickly as possible. Cold weather injuries include frostbite, hypothermia and
trench foot.
Mild frostbite presents with a change in skin color from red to white. The skin will also
feel waxy. Numbness will occur in the affected area. If mild frostbite is experienced, do
not massage but instead warm the affected area using body heat. Late stage frostbite
is a more serious condition. The skin will appear mottled and blotchy, turn yellow and
progress to a grayish-blue color. In this instance, medical attention should be sought
immediately and the affected area should not be massaged.
Mild hypothermia will begin with uncontrolled shivering and numbness, and can also
include slurred speech and loss of coordination and fatigue. To treat this condition,
keep the person warm and dry. If clothing is wet, remove it. Warm the person’s core
before the extremities to keep the blood circulating to the organs. As hypothermia
advances, symptoms become more debilitating. The victim will experience drowsiness
and suffer an inability to perform simple tasks. The person’s pulse and breathing will
slow, a glassy stare will set in as eyesight begins to fail and the person will move to a
state of unconsciousness. Treatment should include all of the steps for mild
hypothermia but the person should be placed in a head-down position and moved
gently. Transport to a medical facility should also be a priority.
Trench foot, also known as immersion foot, can result if feet are exposed to wet
conditions for an extended period of time. Tingling and/or itching, pain, swelling, cold
and blotchy skin, numbness and a prickly or heavy feeling in the foot are all symptoms.
After an affected foot or feet become warm, they may be red, dry, and painful. Blisters
may form and lead to skin and tissue dying and falling off. In severe cases, trench foot
can impact the toes, heel or entire foot. If a foot wound already exists, it may be more
prone to infection, so check feet at least once a day for infections. Prevent trench foot
by air-drying and elevating feet. Replace wet shoes and socks for dry ones. If trench
foot does occur, thoroughly clean and dry feet and replace socks daily with clean, dry
socks. Do not wear socks when sleeping or resting. Treat the affected part of the foot
by applying warm pack or soaking feet in warm water (102° to 110° F) for about five
minutes. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Cold weather injuries can be decreased by: dressing in layers, staying dry and keeping
your feet dry, choosing appropriate gear, remembering to wear sunscreen, drinking
plenty of fluids, paying attention to wind chill and, most importantly, knowing when to
call it quits. Dressing for cold weather conditions should start with a thin layer of
synthetic material such as polypropylene, which draws sweat away from your body.
Next try fleece for insulation. Top this with a waterproof, breathable outer layer. To
warm the air you breathe, wear a face mask or a scarf over your mouth. Wear a hat
and gloves. Snow reflects the sun's rays, so sunburn is possible even if you are cold.
Sunscreen and lip balm will protect the skin. Drink water or sports drinks before, during
and after your workout, even if you're not thirsty. You will be less likely to get chilled if
you begin your workout by heading into the wind on windy days, and end your workout
when you become sweaty, or with the wind at your back. The wind can penetrate your
clothes and remove the insulating layer of warm air that surrounds your body. Fast
motion also creates wind chill because it increases air movement past your body.
When the temperature is 10° F and the air is calm, skiing at 20 miles an hour creates a
wind chill of minus 9°. If the temperature dips well below zero or the wind chill is below
minus 20°, choose an indoor activity instead.
Tactical Nutrition
Tactical nutrition is essential for good health and continued wellness. It encompasses
the choices Marines make each day when selecting nutrients, determining the calories
in food, vitamins and minerals, alcohol consumption, and what, if any, supplements to
ingest. Armed with information about each, a Marine can make well-informed decisions
about health and wellness for a lifetime.
Nutrients and Calories. Eating a balanced diet is important for maintaining a healthy
weight and for providing the nutrients to maintain good health. A good balance for a
meal is 45-65 percent carbohydrates, 10-35 percent protein and 20-35 percent fat.
However, depending upon your activity level these percentages can change. Proper
nutrition is all about variety, moderation, and portion sizes. All types of foods fit into a
healthy meal plan. Table 5 reviews how food is broken down in the body and stored for
future energy use.
Carbohydrates (CHO) are the primary fuel source for muscle function during exercise,
especially hard exercise. It helps prevent protein from being used as an energy source.
During digestion your body converts CHO into sugar and the sugar enters your blood
stream where it is transferred to individual cells to provide energy. It is important to
include CHO in your diet since they provide faster recovery from exercise, maintain
immune function, and postpone fatigue when working out. There are two main groups
of carbohydrates in the diet: complex CHO (i.e., whole wheat breads, beans, rice, and
pasta) which contain fiber and simple CHO (i.e., sugar cereals, soda, candy) which
contain added sugar.
Proteins are essential for growth, maintenance and repair of the body’s cells. Proteins
form enzymes, hormones and antibodies. They also support cell structure, muscles and
cell membranes. Athletes only need slightly more protein than non-athletes. The
protein needs of athletes have received considerable investigation. The misguided
theory is if you eat a lot of protein you will build a lot of muscle, but extra protein does
not build extra muscle; exercises like weight lifting, push-ups, and other forms of
resistance training build and strengthen muscles.
The best diet contains adequate but not excessive protein to build and repair muscle
tissues, grow hair and fingernails, produce hormones, boost your immune system and
replace red blood cells. In general, 0.8 – 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body
weight is one way to determine your protein needs, but how much protein you need
depends on a few things. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8
grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. To calculate your protein needs, take
your weight in pounds and divide it by 2.2. This converts your weight into kilograms.
Next, take your weight in kilograms and multiply it by 0.8 or up to 1.5. This roughly
equals the grams of protein needed per day.
Marines should be aware that increasing protein intake beyond the recommended level
is unlikely to result in additional increases in lean tissue. This is due to a limit at which
the rate of protein can be accrued within the body. Too much protein can result in
nutrient imbalance, kidney strain, dehydration, and excess body weight. It is important
to make certain the daily energy intake is adequate, otherwise protein will be used as an
energy source. Remember too that muscle strength, size and shape come from
Fats are another essential part of good nutrition. Fats are an essential part of the diet,
regardless of their bad reputation. These are some of their main functions:
Aerobic exercise training increases the ability of the muscles to use fat as an energy
source. Regular training improves your body’s ability to use fat as a fuel source.
Marines should try to consume 20 – 30 percent of their total calories from fat. Too high
or low a percentage of fat within the body will, however, have negative effects on the
blood lipid profile.
Fat mobilized from your body’s fat stores is an important source of fuel during certain
stages of exercise. Regular training improves your body’s ability to use fat as a fuel
source. Fat also supports your joints. For example, the padding around your finger tips
and hips helps prevent bruising.
The three types of fat are saturated, unsaturated and trans fat. Saturated fats are found
in animal products. Examples include the skin on chicken or the fat around a steak,
whole milk, cheddar cheese, stick butter and processed meats. Unsaturated fats are
good for your heart. These branch out to monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and
omega 3, 6, and 9. Some examples of where you can find these fats are tuna, salmon,
olive and canola oils, flax seed and wheat germ. Trans fat is found in processed foods.
Manufacturers add hydrogen to vegetable oil through a process called hydrogenation.
Hydrogenation increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods containing this fat. At
one time, trans fat was found in just about anything that was processed. Most
manufacturers now know that consumers are aware trans fat is harmful to their health,
and have decreased their inclusion in processed foods. However, items such as
biscuits, croissants, and pie crusts are likely to contain it.
Marines in the field rely on Meals Ready to Eat (MRE) for their nutritional needs. One
MRE equals one meal. An MRE contains on average 1250 calories. A rough
breakdown of an average meal is 13 percent protein, 36 percent fat and 51 percent
carbohydrate. This meets about one-third of the military recommended daily allowance.
Three MREs a day are recommended for active duty on patrol or on the front line, for an
average of 3750 calories per day.
Many active duty Marines gain roughly 10 to15 pounds when deployed, while others
drop 10 – 15 pounds. When a Marine is not deployed, hidden calories from unexpected
sources can sneak into the recommended daily allowance of calories. Take for
example soft drinks. A typical 12-ounce soda has roughly 40 grams sugar. A 64-ounce
soda from the corner store, has a total of 212 grams of sugar, an equivalent of 53
teaspoons of sugar. Fast foods and processed foods often contain large quantities of
fats and sugars. If fast food or processed foods are eaten regularly and not
metabolized by the body or burned off through exercise, they can quickly add additional
weight to the body.
Portion size has also changed. When eating out, the portion may contain far more
calories than you may think. A bagel 20 years ago was three inches in diameter and
contained 140 calories. Today’s average bagel has about 350 calories. The best
defense when consuming food you have not prepared yourself is to read the nutritional
information on an item. Fast food chains and restaurants may have this information
available on site, on their menu, or at their website. Food purchased in the commissary
or grocery store will contain information on the item’s packaging (See Figure 2).
Vitamins are metabolic catalysts that regulate biochemical reactions within the body.
Minerals are natural substances that have unique metabolic roles. To date there are 14
vitamins and 15 minerals that have been discovered, each with a specific function. You
need adequate vitamins and minerals to function properly, but no scientific evidence to
date proves that ingesting more than the daily recommendation offers a competitive
edge. Vitamins and minerals do not provide energy but facilitate energy-yielding
chemical reactions.
Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals do not develop overnight but over a course of
months or years. Examples include a person with anorexia or one who eats an
inadequate vegetarian diet. In fact, the body stores some vitamins in stockpiles (A, D,
E, K—fat soluble) and others in smaller amounts (B, C - water-soluble vitamins).
Hence, one day of suboptimal eating will not result in a nutritionally depleted body.
Remember, more is not always better!
Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in mass in the body. The body will excrete any
extra. These include vitamin C which strengthens the walls of the blood vessels and
aids in wound healing and immunity, as well as Vitamin B Complex which maintains the
health of skin, intestines, and nervous system.
How do you determine the amount of vitamins and minerals you should consume?
Once again food labels come into play. Food labels list the percentages contained in
the item as well as the recommended daily intakes or the amount of nutrients a person
should get each day. These numbers tell you the Percent Daily Value (%DV) that one
serving of this food item provides as a percentage of the established standards.
Percent DV is based on a 2,000-calorie diet for adults older than 18. By using the
Percent DV, you can compare similar foods in order to help determine which foods are
higher in nutrients. Anything over 100 – 150 percent of the daily value is excess.
Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body, and, if taken in excess, may become toxic.
Vitamin A helps maintain a healthy skin tone, eyesight, promotes growth, and helps
build antibodies. Vitamin D is processed by exposure to sunlight. It helps build strong
bones and joints. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and delays the aging process and also
promotes healthy skin and hair. Lastly, Vitamin K aids in blood coagulation.
If you are unsure you are getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals from your
diet, you may choose to take vitamin or mineral supplements. When choosing these, be
sure to look for labels that include seals from the United States Pharmacopoeia or
Consumer Lab. This will ensure the company participated in independent product
testing, and an inspection of the manufacturing plant has been conducted to verify
quality control of the product.
People who use supplements are often looking for an extra edge, better results than
they are currently getting from whatever they are doing for health and wellness, or they
are used for quick results with minimal effort - the easy way out. The choice to use a
dietary supplement can be a wise decision that provides health benefits if researched
well. However, under certain circumstances, these products may be unnecessary for
good health or they can create unexpected risks. Be aware of claims associated with
supplements. Promises of quick weight loss or muscle gain, restrictions of any one food
or food group or recommendations to begin a very low in calories diet (VLCD), that is
between 800-1000 calories a day, should be researched or discussed further with your
doctor. Remember claims that sound too good to be true such as, eat all you want,
promises of an easy solution to your problem, or breakthrough findings without scientific
evidence to support such claims, should send up red flags to investigate the supplement
If you choose to use supplements, consider the following questions before making your
Eating for Performance. Armed with the information on how food provides for a
Marine’s nutritional and energy needs, when should a Marine eat before exercise? The
answer is before and after exercising. Eating prior to a workout gives Marines the
energy to increase the intensity of the workout and also increases the number of
calories burned during exercise. It will also produce weight loss. It is best to eat 30
minutes to two hours before exercise. A simple and bland carbohydrate rich meal, like
a bagel, toast, or cereal along with a glass of juice, and a piece of fruit will provide the
energy needed for a beneficial workout.
During exercise, stay hydrated. Use a drink that has electrolytes with a small amount of
carbohydrate. These include some sports drinks or diluted fruit juice. Your body can
store about 1800 calories worth of carbohydrates (CHO) as glycogen in your muscles
and liver. Muscle glycogen, liver glycogen and blood glucose will hold the stored
glycogen, but if exercising lasts longer than 60 minutes hydration will help maintain the
electrolyte balance and prevent hitting the wall of fatigue. While exercising, 0.5 CHO/lb
of body weight per hour are used for energy. Drinking four cups of a sports drink along
with eating a banana replenishes the body and stabilizes the body’s metabolism.
Sports drinks such as Gatorade or PowerAde are mostly made up of sugar and are
considered empty calories. For example, 32 ounces of Gatorade is the equivalent of
200 calories and 56 grams of sugar. These drinks are only needed when exercise is
longer than 60 minutes and replenishment of glycogen stores are needed.
Energy drinks are a supplement that many Marines may consider drinking. Be aware
these drinks increase a person’s heart rate, blood pressure, and dehydrate the body. It
is best to never use these when exercising. The combination of fluid loss from sweating
and the diuretic quality of the caffeine contained in these products can leave the user
severely dehydrated!
After exercise, it is extremely important to eat. Marines with a physical MOS or those
choosing to exercise twice per day need nourishment to replenish energy used in a
workout. To optimize muscle glycogen replenishment, consume CHO rich foods and
beverages within 15 minutes after a workout. During this time, the enzymes responsible
for making glycogen are most active and will rapidly replace the depleted glycogen
stores. The target range is 0.5 grams of CHO per pound of body weight every hour or
two. A small amount of protein such as chocolate milk, a slice of turkey with a bagel, or
a peanut butter and jelly sandwich should be consumed. This helps stimulate the action
of insulin, a hormone that transports glucose from the blood into the muscles.
What is the best timing for meals? Eating throughout the day helps maintain energy
levels and burns more calories. By eating five to six meals a day, nutrients are supplied
in more manageable portions causing blood glucose levels to remain balanced. When
weight loss is the goal, eating smaller meals prevents overeating. If weight gain is the
goal, focus on larger meals and liquids with calories.
To achieve long-term weight loss, decrease the daily consumption of calories by 250 to
1000 calories per day, and increase physical activity to burn between 250 and 500
calories per day. Be consistent with physical activity and focus on cardiovascular
activities, but do not forget strength training and flexibility since these are needed to
maintain muscle mass and prevent injuries. Lastly, eat a balanced diet, consuming 55
percent carbohydrates, 15 percent protein and less than 30 percent fat per day.
If long-term weight gain is the goal, increase the daily consumption of calories by 250 to
1000 calories per day to gain one to two pounds per week. Increased weight training
will build muscle mass, but consistent physical activity should also include
cardiovascular exercises that focus on strength and flexibility. A healthy balanced diet
of 55 percent carbohydrates, 15 percent protein and less than 30 percent fat per day will
supply the calories needed to promote a healthy weight gain.
Water should really be the bottom of the food guide pyramid. It has so many vital
functions to the human body and can be a valuable weight loss aid. Water is essential
for performance. It regulates body temperature, carries nutrients and oxygen cells,
cushions joints, and aids in weight management. Sixty percent of a person’s total body
weight is comprised of water. Seventy-five percent of all Americans are chronically
dehydrated. Mild dehydration, as low as three percent, will slow the body’s metabolism
and can contribute to weight gain. Water helps you feel full, therefore food consumption
decreases. Try drinking 8-20 ounces of water before sitting down to eat each meal.
You will probably find you eat less food. Always carry a water bottle as a weight loss
You may be given the task of constructing an effective workout plan for Marines under
your leadership. How do you get started? First, determine the unit’s conditioning goal
and then go about the work to ensure your Marines will master it. Design a mission
statement, and determine the stage of program that is needed to be successful in
achieving the goal. There are two stages of conditioning programs: developmental and
maintenance. The purposes of conditioning in the developmental stage are to develop
hypertrophy (growth) and endurance, strength, and power. The second stage,
maintenance, is devoted to sustaining what has been acquired through developmental
The hypertrophy/endurance phase of the developmental stage can last from two to six
weeks depending on the fitness level of the Marines being trained. The focus of combat
conditioning must start with a low intensity and high volume routine. The goal during
this phase is to build a muscular and cardiovascular endurance base for the future.
The strength phase lasts four to eight weeks, and will progress to more difficult and
challenging tasks in the combat conditioning workouts, such as increased intervals of
moderate distance and higher intensity drills. The combat conditioning becomes more
specific to the goal that was already established. As the intensity increases, the volume
decreases to a moderate level to ensure physical gain and reduce the chance of injury.
In the power phase, the loads are increased as well as speed work intensity. This
phase can last from three to six weeks. Because the intensity is so high, it is important
to monitor the recovery of Marines during this phase.
Lastly, Marines reach the maintenance stage. The human body can only progress to a
certain level in a certain amount of time and this stage is used to maintain as well as
recover from the developmental stage of the program. This stage is vital for the future
progression of Marines. Most Marine units are in this stage and tend to remain so.
Once Marines reach the commander’s goal, the focus is to maintain their current
physical gains by incorporating shorter bouts of combat conditioning. Three hours a
week should be devoted to combat conditioning to sustain physical gains.
Time. Once the type of program needed has been established, determine the time
required for each workout session. Keep in mind the types of exercises to be
completed and the type of equipment to be used since this may influence the amount of
time required for each exercise. Another consideration will be the number of
participants; therefore, you need to determine how the Marines should be organized to
complete the exercises safely and efficiently.
Weather and Terrain. Weather is also a consideration. You should establish a backup
plan that can be enacted should inclement weather force a change in location. Examine
the exercise area, especially if it is outdoor terrain, and determine if it is safe for the
exercise-conditioning workout scheduled.
Gear and Equipment. Determine the type of gear Marines need to wear to exercise
safely. Be sure to specify the appropriate uniform to wear and any safety equipment
Marines should have on hand. [Note: Do not forget to perform risk assessment]
Workouts. Circuit training allows Marines to receive the benefits of both cardiovascular
and strength adaptations in one workout. This type of interval training may combine any
one or all of the following: strength exercises, plyometric exercises, and endurance
exercises. Circuit training can easily be used with large groups of Marines, is time
efficient, and lends itself to Marine conditioning workouts. Modifications like repetitions,
number of sets, or duration can be implemented without difficulty. Circuit training
requires minimal or no equipment, facilities and space. If resistance is required, use
whatever is available, such as weights, ammo cans, sand bags, or body weights (e.g.,
wrist, ankle or body vests). When considering circuit training as the method for a
workout, decide what type of fitness will be stressed and the circuit design can then be
developed. Examples of circuit training exercises and workouts are provided in the
The following factors should be considered when designing circuits for workouts.
The greater the fitness level of the tactical athlete, the shorter the rest period
should be.
Allow three to five minutes between sets to maintain quality work efforts in each
Avoid complex lifts or exercises.
Avoid extreme fatigue because the risk of injury rises when technique breaks
Marines should be familiar and competent to perform all exercises included in the
Olympic lifts (e.g., clean and jerk, and snatch) should never be included within a
circuit. These very complex exercises are hard to do safely when fatigued.
Marines are the ultimate warriors who must be prepared for any uncertainty. To ensure
this goal of preparation for uncertainty is more easily achieved, Marines must strive for
an optimal fitness level at all times. A combat conditioning program combines strength,
power, speed, agility, aerobic and anaerobic fitness, flexibility and agility. It is designed
to mitigate the human factors experienced during combat that have a physically
debilitating effect on the human body. Assuring all Marines achieve a high level of
wellness and physical conditioning, requires moving beyond our current physical fitness
program incorporating martial arts training, traditional physical fitness, water survival
training, and rough terrain skills training. The Marines’ personal combat conditioning
performance helps build the foundation for their individual leadership roles within the
Marine Corps. All health and wellness instruction as well as the physical exercise
training Marines undertake is intended to prepare Marines for the rigors of the battlefield
encountered in today’s modern combat.
American College of Sports Medicine. (2006). ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing
and Prescription (Seventh Edition). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Baschle, T.R., & Earle, R.W. (2000). Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning
(Second Edition). Human Kinetics.
Cinea, Keith. (2007). Rest and recovery: The forgotten training component. National
Strength and Conditioning Tactical Strength and Conditioning Report. Issue 1, 1.
Dawes, Jay. (2007). Basic training concepts for improved operational fitness. National
Strength and Conditioning Tactical Strength and Conditioning Report. Issue 4, 1-2.
Dintiman, W & Tellez. (1998). Sports Speed: Second Edition Human Kinetics.
Hamilton, N., & Luttgens K. (2002). Kinesiology. Scientific Basis of Human Motion:
Tenth Edition. McGraw Hill.
Hollenbach, KA, et al. (1999 August). Atlas of Injuries in the U.S. Armed Forces
Supplement to Military Medicine. Washington, DC: ICEHS.
Hollenbach, K.A. et al. (1993 September). Cigarette smoking and bone mineral density
in older men and women. American Journal of Public Health. 83(9): 1265-1270.
Infantolino, Greg. (2007). Power development using boxes. National Strength and
Conditioning Tactical Strength and Conditioning Report. Issue 4, 3-4.
Moore, Paul. (2007). Sports nutrition for recovery. National Strength and Conditioning
Tactical Strength and Conditioning Report. Issue 1, 1-3.
PMCID: PMC1694953
Stephenson, Mark. (2007). The tactical athlete. National Strength and Conditioning
Tactical Strength and Conditioning Report. Issue 1, 1.
MCO 6100.13 W/CH 1. (1 August 2008). Marine Corps Physical Fitness Program.
MCO 6110.3. (8 August 2008). Marine Corps Body Composition and Military Appearance
MCO 6200.1E W/CH 1. (6 June 2002). Marine Corps Heat Injury Prevention Program.
Word Meaning
Frontal plane A plane parallel to the long axis of the body and
perpendicular to the sagittal plane that separates
the body into front and back portions
deformed, or injured
Oxidative energy system This system uses stored body fat and oxygen to
burn excess fat during exercise when the
intensity level is low enough; the intensity level of
the exercise should be between 60 and 70
percent of the maximum heart rate range
Sagittal Plane Of, relating to, situated in, or being the median
plane of the body or any plane parallel to it
Transverse plane Made at right angles to the long axis of the body
With Barbell
Back squat Lunges: Alt. walking Pitcher squat
Belt squat Diagonal Push press
Dead lift Forward Romanian dead lift
Dumbbell squat Lateral Single leg squat
Explosive calf raises Overhead Split squat
Front squat Reverse SB wall squat
Good mornings Wheel Staggered squat
Lateral squat Overhead squat Sumo squat
With Dumbbell
Front squat Pitcher squat Stiff-legged dead lift
Lateral lunge Romanian dead lift Split squat
Lunges Single leg squat Sumo squat
Lateral squat Sitting calf raises
Glute Ham raise Leg curl: MB Partner glute/ham raise
Hip abductor: cables/floor Leg curl: SB SB/bench hip lift
Hip adductor: cables/floor Leg curl: standing SB hip hike
Hip extension: cable Lunge w/ press Squat hold w/out weight
Hip flexion: cable Lunge w/ twist Wall sit w/ & w/out weight
Bicep curl BB Bent-over row Arnold press
Forearm curl Chin-ups Bent arm raise
Hammer curl DB Bent-over row DB shoulder press
Reverse curl Pull down Front press
Skull crusher Pull over Front raise
Tricep bench dips Pull-up Lateral raise
Tricep extension Scorpions (cable) Military press
Tricep kickback Seated row Overhead press
Shrugs Push press
Straight arm Lat. pull down Reverse fly
DUMBBELL Upright row Shrugs
Flat bench Straight arm plate rotation
Flat bench fly OTHER CHEST
Box jump MB rotational toss Scissor jumps
Burpees MB scoop toss, overhead Skater jumps
Dot drills MB scoop toss, underhand Split jumps
Explosive box step ups MB slams Squat jumps
Hurdle hops & jumps Pike jumps Star jumps
Lateral lunge thrust Plyo pullovers Tuck jumps
Line jumps & hops Prisoner squat jumps Vertical jumps
Long jumps Quadrants XC Skier jumps
MB chest pass & sprint
Plyometric—Olympic Lifts
Clean & jerk Snatch (Power jerk) DB snatch/clean
Clock walks Internal rotation Scarecrow
D1/D2 MB wall dribble Shoulder burn circuit
Empty can Rotational push-up reaches Y, T, W, L
External rotation Scapula push-up
Bongo board balance Theraband alphabet Theraband internal
Dynadisk/airex/foam roller bal. Theraband external Toe/heel taps
¼ Squat Box jump ups Lateral TKE
Anterior lunge reach Box jump offs
Station 1
Station 2 Do 1 to 2 Station 8
complete rotations
Move immediately from
Station 3 station to station Station 7
30 second minimum
Station 4 Station 6
Station 5
Workout Template
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Dynamic Rest X X X X X Rest
Muscular Rest Rest X Rest X Rest Rest
Strength or
Speed/Agility Rest X Rest Rest Rest X Rest
Plyometrics Rest X Rest Rest Rest X Rest
Cardio Rest X Rest X Rest X Rest
Core Rest X X X X X Rest
Cool Down/ Rest X X X X X Rest
Muscular Strength
Dynamic Warm Up and Endurance
Jog (forward/backward) Ammo can squat
Forward lunge Ammo can dead lift
Side lunge Single leg ammo can dead
Reverse lunge lift
Leg cradle Ammo can overhead press
Frankenstein Ammo can woodchoppers
High knees Single leg squat
Skip (height/distance) Speed skater lunge
Spiderman Walking lunge-pack front
50% sprint/75% sprint hold
Knee hugs Pack squat
Inch worm Push-ups
Lunge with twist/reach Pack push-up
Monster walk Pack curl
Butt kicker Buddy shoulder press
Carioca Buddy row
Side-straddle hop Buddy dip
Back peddle Fireman carry - 50 yards
Side shuffle (L/R)
Crab walk
Bear crawl
Speed/Agility Plyometrics
60-yard shuttle run Prisoner squat jump
Prone T-drill Split squat jump
Single leg hurdle jump-all Box jump
directions Clap push-up
50-yard ammo can sprint Burpees
Agility ladder Bounding
o 1 in, 1 out Forward/backward hurdle jump
o 2 in, 2 out Standing long jump
M-drill T push-up
60-yard forward/backward Tuck jump
shuttle Star jump
Carioca Traveling push-up
Pro agility drill Hurdle jumps (side-to-side)
Zigzag casualty drag Vertical jump
Backward skipping-20 yards Eight-count body builder
Box drill
Goalie drill
Attack and retreat
150-yard shuttle
Hour glass drill
20-yard cone weave drill
Chaos drill
Vertical jump and go
Push-up and go
J Hook reverse sprint
Combat glide shuffle
Tall and fall
Partner-resisted sprints