Epv Kings of Israel 2

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Second series: From Jeroboam to


Kings of the ten tribes

The source of these meditations is THE LORD IS NEAR calendar 2005. They have
been used with permission from the author and the publishers. The calendar is available
through Believers Bookshelf, both Canada and USA. In the will of the Lord these and
similar meditations on the other kings of Israel and the kings of Judah will be available
as a book.
2 The Kings of Israel


JEROBOAM (1) ....................................................................................3

JEROBOAM (2) ....................................................................................5
JEROBOAM (3) ....................................................................................7
JEROBOAM (4) ....................................................................................9
BAASHA .............................................................................................13
ZIMRI ..................................................................................................17
AHAB (1).............................................................................................21
AHAB (2).............................................................................................23
AHAB (3).............................................................................................25
AHAB (4).............................................................................................27
AHAB (5).............................................................................................29
AHAB (6).............................................................................................31
AHAB (7).............................................................................................33
AHAB (8).............................................................................................35
AHAZIAH (1) .......................................................................................37
AHAZIAH (2) .......................................................................................39
JEHORAM (1) .....................................................................................41
JEHORAM (2) .....................................................................................43
JEHORAM (3) .....................................................................................45
JEHORAM (4) .....................................................................................47
JEHU (1) .............................................................................................49
JEHU (2) .............................................................................................51
JOASH, or JEHOASH (1) ...................................................................55
JOASH, or JEHOASH (2) ...................................................................57
JEROBOAM II.....................................................................................59
SHALLUM ...........................................................................................62
CONCLUSION ....................................................................................72
The Kings of Israel 3


The man Jeroboam was strong and valiant; and Solomon

saw the young man that he was industrious, and he made him
ruler over all the charge of the house of JosephThus sayeth
Jehovah the God of IsraelI will take thee, that thou mayest
reign over all that thy soul desireth, and thou shalt be king over
1 Kings 11:28,31,37

Jeroboam, the first king of the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel,

was the son of a widow and a promising young man. From the
human standpoint he had everything going for him. When
Solomon was busy fortifying Jerusalem he noticed Jeroboams
industrious ways and promoted him to be in charge of the work
crews from Ephraim and Manasseh. But we see that the king
was not alone in taking note of this young man. God also took
note of his industry and ambition. Gods eye is upon the ways of
man and, more than that, He knows the thoughts and desires of
every mans heart.
God sent the prophet Ahijah to announce to Jeroboam
that because of His peoples unfaithfulness under Solomon, He
would rend the kingdom out of Solomons sons hand and make
Jeroboam king over ten tribes. Yet because of His promises to
David He would not entirely take the kingdom from Davids
family nor do this during Solomons lifetime. While God is ever
faithful to His word, He is never in a hurry to execute His
righteous judgments.
Jeroboams industriousness was commendable, but God
looks for more than merely commendable human character
traits. He looks at the heart and wants hearts wholly committed
to Him. Thus He told Jeroboam, If thou wilt hearken unto all
4 The Kings of Israel

that I command thee, and wilt walk in My ways, and do that

which is right in My sight, in keeping My statutes and My
commandments, as David My servant did, that I will be with
thee, and build thee a lasting house, as I built for David, and will
give Israel unto thee (v. 38).
The Kings of Israel 5


Jeroboam said in his heart, Now shall the kingdom return

to the house of David. If this people go up to do sacrifice in the
house of Jehovah at Jerusalemthey will kill me, and return to
Rehoboam king of Judah. And the king took counsel, and made
two calves of gold.
1 Kings 12:26-28

God who searches the hearts and who is the heart-

knowing God here reveals the inner workings of Jeroboams
heart. Jeroboam did not trust God, the goodness of God, and
Gods word to him with all his heart. Instead, he made the
mistake of leaning on his own intelligence. Scripture tells us that
he who trusts in his own heart is a fool (Prov. 28:26 NASB).
Satan implanted doubt in Gods goodness in our first
parents and quickly convinced them that what he was
suggesting was far better for them. Ever since then, man has
sought his own advantage. He shortsightedly trusts his own
heart and leans on his own understanding. He seeks counsel
from other men who think just like he does. He either ignores
God or deceives himself into feeling he can get away with
disobeying God. Because God is merciful and gracious, slow
to anger, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy
unto thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin,
man conveniently forgets that God is also a God by no means
clearing the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children, and upon the childrens children, upon the third and
upon the fourth generation (Ex. 34:6-7).
Jeroboam instituted his own religion. It became the
downfall of every king that succeeded him in Israel. He made
two gold calves, built high places, made non-levitical priests,
6 The Kings of Israel

and ordained a feast like the feast that was in Judah. Beware
of changing, even of modifying the instructions God has given
us in His Word!
The Kings of Israel 7


It is the man of God who was disobedient to the word of

Jehovah; therefore Jehovah has delivered him to the lion, which
has torn him and slain him, according to the word of Jehovah.
1 Kings 13:26

It is time for judgment to begin with the household of

God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for
those who do not obey the gospel of God?
1 Peter 4:17 NASB

Jeroboam, like Cain, had instituted his own religion, a

religion he had devised of his own heart. As he was burning
incense on the altar he had made in Bethel, the house of God,
a man of God from Judah cried against this altar by the word of
Jehovah, predicting the ultimate doom of Jeroboams system of
worship. When he attempted to arrest this man of God,
Jeroboam found himself powerless to harm him. His folly
became openly evident.
However, God had given his servant explicit instructions
how he was to conduct himself while in Jeroboams domain.
The man of God conscientiously declined the kings offer of
refreshment and reward. But en route back to his home he sat
down to rest and an old prophet persuaded him to come home
with him and eat bread. Lying to the man of God, he told him
that an angel had told him to do this. No angel of God has
authority to change what God has said. Any contradiction or
attempt to update what God has said is a grave offense against
our unchanging God who cannot lie. A lion soon killed the man
of God in most extraordinary manner.
8 The Kings of Israel

God looks for His servants to be examples of obedience

to His Word. Before bringing judgment upon Jeroboams
unfaithfulness He dealt in judgment with the disobedience of the
servant whom He had used to pronounce this judgment. May
we never forget how solemn a responsibility it is to represent
God in this world!
The Kings of Israel 9


At that time Abijah the son of Jeroboam was sick. And

Jeroboam said to his wife, Ariseand disguise thyself, that
thou be not known to be the wife of Jeroboam; and go to Shiloh:
behold, there is Ahijah the prophet, who told me that I should be
king over this peoplehe will tell thee what shall become of the
1 Kings 14:1-3
Although Jeroboam had instituted a religion of his own
invention for his people, it is evident that he had no real
confidence in it himself. When his stretched-out hand had been
dried up he had asked the man of God from Judah to pray to
Jehovah thy God that his hand might be restored to its normal
use. Here too, when his son Abijah was sick, he sent his wife to
the aged, now blind prophet Ahijah to find out what would
become of him. His own religion might be useful for his political
goals, but not when his bodys functioning or his sons life was
at stake! This same principle holds true of all religions that men
have invented.
Yet there was no repentance with Jeroboam. He would
maintain his deceitful front. His wife was to disguise herself and
go with presents to inquire of the old prophet Ahijah. Neither the
blind prophet nor the people were to know her errand. But God
knew and gave Ahijah clear instructions what would happen
and what to do.
The Lord had found something good toward Himself in
this boy. He took him home to Himself before the day of
judgment burst upon the rest of the house of Jeroboam. This
boy was the only member of Jeroboams family to receive a
proper burial and have Israel mourning his death. In His wrath
against the ten-tribe kingdom God nonetheless remembered
mercy with regard to this boy. The righteous is taken away
10 The Kings of Israel

from before the evil (Isa. 57:1). Yet how heavy his mothers
burden must have been! For as soon as her feet entered the
city her son died. God ever keeps His Word.
The Kings of Israel 11


Nadab the son of Jeroboamreigned over Israel two

years. And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah, and walked in the
way of his father, and in his sin with which he made Israel sin.
1 Kings 15:25-26

Nadab is the first of Jeroboams 18 successors as kings

of the northern tribe kingdom of Israel. Every one of these kings
did evil in Gods sight and walked in the way of Jeroboam and
in his sin wherewith he made Israel to sin. What a sad, sad
What pattern do we set for our children? For others at our
place of employment? For the next generation in the assembly?
For our successors whoever they may be? Just as water by
nature runs downhill, so it is easier and more natural to set a
bad example than a good one. We can trace the bad pattern so
natural to us all the way back to our first father. Even as by one
man sin entered into the world, and by sin death; and thus
death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned, Romans
5:12 tells us.
However, we cannot excuse our sin by blaming it on the
pattern that has been set for us. We have all actively walked in
the lusts of the flesh, doing what the flesh and the thoughts
willed to do (Eph. 2:3). But when we accepted Jesus Christ as
Savior and Lord, we were made partakers of the divine nature,
having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust
(2 Pet. 1:4). The Lord Jesus Himself is the perfect pattern for
our lives. He wants us to look to Him and to learn of Him.
Nadab reigned over Israel two years. God allotted him
sufficient time to make plain whether he would follow his father
Jeroboams ways or whether he would follow the Lord. Gods
12 The Kings of Israel

judgment pronounced on Jeroboam and his family fell upon

Nadab as he led his people in besieging the Philistine city of
The Kings of Israel 13


The word of Jehovah came to Jehu the son of Hanani

against Baasha, saying, Forasmuch as I exalted thee out of the
dust, and made thee prince over My people Israel, and thou
hast walked in the way of Jeroboam, and hast made My people
Israel to sin, provoking Me to anger with their sins; behold, I will
take away Baasha and his house, and will make thy house like
the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat.
1 Kings 16:1-3

Although God had dealt with the house of Jeroboam in

severest judgment, this did not change the hearts of the people.
Baasha of the tribe of Issachar had been Gods instrument to
smite all the house of Jeroboam; he left to Jeroboam none that
breathed; until he had destroyed himbecause of the sins of
Jeroboam which he sinned, and wherewith he made Israel to
sin (1 Ki. 15:29-30).
Israel had turned away from the Lord. But the Lord did not
write them off. Though rebellious and wayward, they were still
His people. Many years later He uses the prophet Hosea to
express His feelings and detail His dealings with them in
touching manner. How shall I give thee over, Ephraim? How
shall I deliver thee up, Israel, He laments (Hos. 11:8). He goes
back to Israels earliest history, to Jacobs struggling with Esau
in their mothers womb and his wrestling with God at Peniel
(Hos. 12:3-4). Again and again He had been provoked to anger
with His peoples sins. Yet they were His people. He still loved
Baasha, Gods instrument of judgment to exterminate the
house of Jeroboam, was now to face the same judgment he
had meted out. It is easy, we find, to condemn others and deal
14 The Kings of Israel

harshly with them for their sins. How solemn when we then go
ahead and repeat the same sins ourselves! This is no trifling
matter before God.
The Kings of Israel 15


Elah the son of Baasha began to reign over Israel in

Tirzah for two years. And his servant Zimri, captain of half his
chariots, conspired against him; and he was in Tirzah, drinking
himself drunk in the house of Arza, who was the steward of his
house in Tirzah; and Zimri went in and smote him, and killed
1 Kings 16:8-10

How tragic! King Elah indulging his fleshly desires,

drinking himself drunk! His steward Arza contributing to his
masters delinquency! All this while the people were encamped
against the Philistine city of Gibbethon! No wonder one of his
top military officers takes advantage of this to assassinate him!
Wrong as this was and ever is, we tend to sympathize with
Zimri rather than with drunken Elah. Nor can we forget that the
wrath of man shall praise the Lord, and the remainder He will
restrain (Ps. 76:10). Thus Gods judgment overtook the house
of Baasha.
Self-indulgence is a vice common to man. Whether we
look at the long list of works of the flesh in Galatians 5 or the
depravity characterizing men in the difficult times of the last
days in 2 Timothy 3 times in which we live self-indulgence
is plainly evident and is accompanied by many a kindred sin.
What a contrast we have in the Lord Jesus. For the
Christ also did not please Himself, we read in Romans 15:3.
He alone could say, I do always the things that are pleasing to
Him [that has sent Me] (Jn. 8:29). No one could challenge this,
but rather, As He spoke these things many believed on Him
(v. 30). Self-control is also one of the fruit of the Spirits nine
16 The Kings of Israel

delicious flavors in Galatians 5. Against such things there is no

David (2 Sam. 11), Belshazzar (Dan. 5) and Elah all
indulged their fleshly appetites while their people were at war.
For each of them and for many others like them the results
proved tragic.
The Kings of Israel 17


It came to pass when Zimri saw that the city was taken,
that he went into the citadel of the kings house, and burned the
kings house over him with fire; and he died for his sins which
he sinned in doing evil in the sight of Jehovah, in walking in the
way of Jeroboam, and in his sin which he did, making Israel to
1 Kings 16:18-19

Zimri, who had conspired against Elah, son of Baasha,

and had killed him, did a quick but thorough job of wiping out
the house of Baasha, even to killing all his friends. But his effort
went only that far. He made absolutely no effort to repent, to
turn to the Lord, or to walk in His ways. His brutality was totally
self-seeking and led to swift disaster for himself and Israel.
Zimri had led a conspiracy but did not have the people on
his side. This led to an extended civil war. The first moves were
against Zimri himself. Besieged in his capital city, Tirzah, when
it fell he committed suicide, burning the citadel of the palace
over his own head. If he could not have it, no one else could
have it either! What a frightful end to the life of this rash,
impulsive man! But the flames he kindled, in which his life came
to its fiery end, were nothing compared to those in which he will
suffer throughout eternity in the torments of hell.
The heart-knowing God knew Zimris heart well. He owes
us no apologies. Zimri died for his sins which he sinned in
doing evil in the sight of Jehovah. God had seen them all. The
Judge of all the earth will ever do right. Whether He allows man
to go on in his sins for many years or only a week, as in Zimris
case, is immaterial. All His ways are right and not to be
18 The Kings of Israel

questioned. Thankfully, today His offer of salvation is still open.

Accept it while you can. Tomorrow may well be too late.
The Kings of Israel 19


The people that followed Omri overcame the people that

followed Tibni the son of Ginath; and Tibni died, and Omri
reignedHe bought the hill Samaria of Shemer for two talents
of silver; and built on the hill, and called the name of the city
that he built, after the name of Shemer, owner of the hill,
1 Kings 16:22,24

Omri was Elahs commanding general. Upon Elahs

assassination by Zimri he left off fighting against the Philistines
at Gibbethon and besieged Tirzah, the capital. Did it get
destroyed along with the palace? Zimri was soon defeated, but
now the people were divided in their loyalties between Omri and
a rival, Tibni. The civil war that ensued seems to have lasted at
least four years before Tibni was dead and Omri secure on
Israels throne. Omri, a powerful and ambitious man, purchased
a hill and built a new capital city upon it, Samaria. This city
figures largely in the subsequent history of the northern tribe
kingdom, and in the prophets the northern kingdom is often
called Samaria. Omri must have made quite an impression on
neighboring nations, for in the records of the enemy Assyrians
after this time Israel is called the house of Omri even after his
dynasty was gone from power.
How tragic to see Israelites fighting their fellow Israelites!
The warfare against the Philistines, the real enemies of Gods
people, was now suspended while the people of Israel followed
leaders they chose for themselves. No mention is made of any
efforts to ascertain the will of God in the matter. Sad to say,
dont we often see similar things among Gods people today?
The highly gifted Corinthians were choosing sides among those
whom God was using in that day. I am of Paul, and I of
20 The Kings of Israel

Apollos, and I of Cephas, and I of Christ, were their battle cries

(1 Cor. 1:12). Our real battle is abandoned while we fight one
The Kings of Israel 21

AHAB (1)

Ahab the son of Omri wrought evil in the sight of Jehovah

more than all that were before himhe took as wife Jezebel the
daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians; and he went and
served Baal and worshipped him. And he reared up an altar for
Baal in the house of Baal, which he built in Samaria. And Ahab
made the Asherah; and Ahab did more to provoke Jehovah the
God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel that were
before him.
1 Kings 16:30-33

Israels kings rapidly went from bad to worse. Omri did

worse than all that were before him (ch. 16:25). Now Ahab
does still worse. As God details his history before us, He keeps
returning to this sad theme: Thou hast sold thyself to do evil in
the sight of JehovahSurely there was none like to Ahab, who
did sell himself to do evil in the sight of Jehovah, Jezebel his
wife urging him on. And he did very abominably in following
idols, according to all that the Amorites did, whom Jehovah had
dispossessed before the children of Israel (1 Ki. 21:20,25-26).
Egged on by his wife, Jezebel, a heathen princess from
nearby Zidon, Ahab challenges Jehovah again and again. He
adopts her religion. Israel had often been unfaithful to God in
the past, following these abominable fertility idols. Bitter
consequences had been the result. Now Ahab officially
embraced these heathen gods, building a temple and erecting
an altar for Baal in his new capital, Samaria. Jezebel, we find as
we go on in the story, killed many of Jehovahs prophets and
sustained and supported at least 850 idolatrous prophets. Light
and darkness can never dwell in harmony side by side. They
are absolutely incompatible!
22 The Kings of Israel

Ahabs challenge to Jehovah led one of his subjects to

rebuild Jericho in defiance of Gods word through Joshua. In
consequence his oldest and youngest sons died. It is never
safe to defy God.
The Kings of Israel 23

AHAB (2)

When Ahab saw ElijahAhab said to him, Is it thou, the

troubler of Israel? And he said, I have not troubled Israel, but
thou and thy fathers housenow send, gather to me all Israel
to Mount Carmel, and the prophets of BaalSo Ahab
sentand gathered the prophets together unto Mount Carmel.
1 Kings 18:17-20

In instituting the worship of Baal and the Asherah in

Israel, Ahab had defied God and troubled Israel. Elijah, a
prophet from east of the Jordan, had prayed earnestly that God
would withhold rain and dew from the land until the people
would acknowledge Jehovah to be God. He had then boldly
confronted Ahab with this pronouncement. Thereupon at Gods
command he had gone into hiding. God had miraculously
preserved him during the 3 years of drought and now sent
him to again confront this wicked king.
The righteous are bold as a lion, Proverbs 28:1 tells us.
We see this verse well illustrated as Elijah meets King Ahab
head-on. This prophet who had boldly asserted, As Jehovah
liveth, before whom I stand (1 Ki. 17:1), once again fearlessly
stands before the king. At Elijahs summons, the king goes to
meet him. Elijah refuses the charge of troubling Israel, hurling it
right back into the wicked kings face with convicting evidence
for its appropriateness. Then he tells the king to gather all Israel
to him, and specifically the 850 idolatrous prophets of Baal and
the Asherah under Queen Jezebels patronage. He, Jehovahs
prophet, takes full command of the entire situation and by faith,
obedience, and prayer gains a glorious victory.
24 The Kings of Israel

Doesnt this remind us of our Lord Jesus? Falsely and

wickedly accused and maligned, He, not His foes or His weak-
willed judge, was fully in control. Yet, wonder of wonders, in His
great love He willingly surrendered His life for us and won the
The Kings of Israel 25

AHAB (3)

Behold, a prophet drew near to Ahab king of Israel, and

said, Thus saith Jehovah: Hast thou seen all this great
multitude? Behold, I will deliver it into thy hand this day; and
thou shalt know that I am Jehovah.
1 Kings 20:13

How great is Gods longsuffering patience! Despite

Ahabs immense wickedness God promised him victory over the
army of Ben-Hadad, king of Syria, which had invaded the land.
Seeking an occasion for war, Ben-Hadad first demanded
Ahabs silver, gold, wives, and children. When Ahab would have
surrendered these to him, the enemy king demanded more. He
demanded the right to send his servants to search Ahab and his
servants houses and take away all their most-cherished
possessions. The elders of Israel advised Ahab not to yield to
this outrageous request, and the weak-willed king sent word to
Ben-Hadad that he could not do so.
Prior to this, on Mount Carmel God had sent down fire to
consume Elijahs sacrifice, and the people had cried out,
Jehovah, He is God! Jehovah, He is God! The Lord now
promised to give Ahab, who had witnessed that scene and had
seen his 850 idolatrous prophets destroyed, victory over the
Syrian foe. It was not that Israel deserved it. No, God told Ahab,
Thou shalt know that I am Jehovah. The Lord would prove
Himself in this manner too. Would Israel, would Ahab, repent
and turn back to Him? The goodness of God leads thee to
repentance, Romans 2:4 tells us.
While God kept His word and enabled Ahab to slay the
Syrians with a great slaughter, the Syrians did not give up their
ambitions. Saying that Jehovah is a god of the mountains, but
26 The Kings of Israel

He is not a god of the valleys, they again joined battle with

Israel. God knew their reasoning. Again He gave Ahab a mighty
victory over them, saying, Ye shall know that I am Jehovah.
The Kings of Israel 27

AHAB (4)

Thus saith Jehovah: Because thou hast let go out of thy

hand the man that I had devoted to destruction, thy life shall be
for his life, and thy people for his people. And the king of Israel
went to his house sullen and vexed.
1 Kings 20:42-43

The Lord had twice given Ahab wonderful victories over

the Syrians. Their king Ben-Hadad, who had called Jehovah a
god of the mountains but not of the valleys, had had to flee in
shame and defeat. But Ahab spared his life and had even
called him his brother. He made a covenant with him, caused
him to come up into his chariot, and had sent him away in
It may have seemed like good politics to treat his enemy
so magnanimously, but the Lord sent a prophet to face Ahab
with his failure. He let him know Gods displeasure with what he
had done and acquainted him with the consequences that
would follow. The Syrian king had affronted the Lord, and in
turn the Lord had given him over to destruction. Ahab, like King
Saul with the Amalekites in 1 Samuel 15, had failed to carry out
Gods purpose against this wicked king. Just as with Saul, there
would be a price to pay: Ahab would one day die at the hand of
the Syrians. Cursed be he that doeth the work of Jehovah
negligently, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from
blood! the Lord would later declare through the prophet
What about us? Do we waste our God-given
opportunities? Do we obey Gods directions implicitly, or do we
justify disobedience with excuses of all kinds? And what
attitudes do we display? In present-day society many consider
28 The Kings of Israel

tolerance the greatest virtue of all except that in their eyes

Christians who stand clearly for biblical convictions should not
be tolerated any more than their Master was when here on
earth! May we be zealous to obey!
The Kings of Israel 29

AHAB (5)

Ahab spoke to Naboth saying, Give me thy

vineyardand I will give thee for it a better vineyard [or] I will
give thee its value in money. And Naboth said to Ahab,
Jehovah forbid it me, that I should give the inheritance of my
fathers to thee!
1 Kings 21:2-3

At first glance Ahabs offer to purchase Naboths vineyard

seems both reasonable and fair. His father, Omri, had
purchased a hill and built his capital, Samaria, upon it. Ahab
wanted Naboths land for a vegetable garden convenient to his
palace kitchen. But the land was Gods and He had forbidden
His people to sell it on an absolute basis. Moreover, the land
was to remain within the tribe to which God had assigned it. So
Naboths refusal to give up his inheritance was a matter of
simple obedience to God. His faithfulness cost him his life
through Jezebels conniving.
God has given us Christians even more than the
incorruptible and undefiled and unfading inheritance reserved in
heaven for us mentioned in 1 Peter 1:5. Already in this life we
can enjoy a precious heritage, an inheritance among all the
sanctified (Acts 20:32). Its components are set forth in the Word
of God. Paul admonished the Thessalonians, Brethren, stand
firm, and hold fast the instructions which ye have been taught,
whether by word or by our letter (2 Th. 2:15). Telling them to
imitate him, he praised the Corinthians that in all things ye are
mindful of me; and that as I have directed you, ye keep the
directions (1 Cor. 11:1-2). The Old Testament repeatedly
warns us against removing the ancient landmark which the
fathers have set.
30 The Kings of Israel

Satan loves to rob us of our spiritual heritage. If he cannot

do so outright, he gladly offers something in exchange
influence, money, popularity, even greater opportunities for
service! Lets be faithful and obedient to the path God has
entrusted to us.
The Kings of Israel 31

AHAB (6)

It came to pass when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said to

him, Is it thou, the troubler of Israel?Ahab said to Elijah, Hast
thou found me, mine enemy?And the king of Israel said to
Jehoshaphat, There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of
Jehovah; but I hate him, for he prophesies no good concerning
me, but evil: it is Micah the son of Imlah.
1 Kings 18:17; 21:20; 22:8

Wicked King Ahab, as we might well expect, had no love

for Elijah or any other of Jehovahs faithful prophets. Troubler
of Israel, Mine enemy, he calls Elijah. I hate him, he frankly
says of Micah the son of Imlah. Through Elijahs prayers rain
and dew had ceased for 3 years in Israel. Nor did Elijah
hesitate to rebuke Ahab and pronounce Gods judgment upon
him. Micah the son of Imlah was cut out of the same material.
Though he was told that the words of the prophets declare
good to the king with one assent, and counseled to fall in line
with them, he flatly refused. As Jehovah liveth, even what
Jehovah shall say to me, that will I speak, he resolutely replied.
Many of Gods prophets have sealed their ministry with
their lives. They have been hated, maligned, and persecuted
because of their fearless, uncompromising denunciation of evil
backed up by their godly lives. Think of John the Baptist, the
Elijah of the New Testament! And our Lord Jesus Himself could
say in prophetic language, They that hate Me without a cause
are more than the hairs of My head; they that would destroy
Me, being Mine enemies wrongfully, are mighty (Ps. 69:4).
When the Jews took up stones to stone Him, He said, Many
good works have I shown you of My Father; for which work of
them do ye stone Me? (Jn. 10:31-32). As evil increases in the
32 The Kings of Israel

world, we can expect wicked men to show their hatred for God
and His true servants ever more blatantly.
The Kings of Israel 33

AHAB (7)

When Ahab heard these wordshe rent his garments,

and put sackcloth upon his flesh, and fasted, and lay in
sackcloth, and went softly. And the word of Jehovah came to
Elijahsaying, Seest thou how Ahab humbleth himself before
Me? Because he humbleth himself before Me, I will not bring
the evil in his days: in his sons days will I bring the evil upon his
1 Kings 21:27-29

How gracious is our God! Ahabs career had been

consistently wicked. His wife Jezebel had spurred him on. She
had engineered Naboths judicial murder and Ahab had gone to
take possession of the vineyard he had coveted. Gods servant
Elijah was now sent there to pronounce Gods impending
judgment upon them both.
To our astonishment, perhaps, we now see Ahab
humbling himself before God. Even more astonishing to us,
God accepts Ahabs humbling of himself, calls Elijahs attention
to it, and stays the execution of His judgment until the next
generation. Judgment is Gods strange work, we read in Isaiah
28:21. And in Ezekiel 33:11 God tells us, As I live, saith the
Lord Jehovah, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked;
but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye
from your evil ways; for why will ye die? God is still reaching
out to even the greatest of sinners. None are too wicked for Him
to forgive. The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from
all sin (1 Jn. 1:7)! On this righteous basis God can forgive.
We see as we go on that Ahabs humbling of himself was
not that grief according to God which works repentance to
salvation, never to be regretted that God so delights to see. He
34 The Kings of Israel

did not prove himself pure in the matter (2 Cor. 7:10).

Nevertheless, we can be thankful for even this humbling of
himself, for it makes us appreciate the greatness of the heart of
our forgiving God.
The Kings of Israel 35

AHAB (8)

The king of Israel disguised himself, and went into the

battleAnd a man drew a bow at a venture, and smote the king
of Israel between the fastenings and the corselet. And he said
to his charioteer, Turn thy hand and drive me out of the camp;
for I am woundedAnd the king died, and was brought to
1 Kings 22:30,34,37

God had determined that Ahab would die at Ramoth-

Gilead, the city he was trying to retake from the Syrians. Ahab
had induced Jehoshaphat to go with him on this campaign.
Micah the son of Imlah had prophesied Ahabs death. While
Ahab hated Micah, yet at the same time he now feared for his
life and took dastardly measures to try to keep Micahs
prophecy from being fulfilled. The Syrian king, whose life Ahab
had spared a short while before, ordered his captains to fight
with the king of Israel only. So Ahab asked Jehoshaphat to go
into battle in his royal robes, seemingly in command, while
Ahab would go in disguise.
But man only deceives himself if he thinks that he can
frustrate Gods purposes by such cowardly stratagems. When
Jehoshaphat cried out to the Lord, God diverted the attackers
away from him. But an arrow shot at random, perhaps even
against orders, struck Ahab in a vital spot between the joints of
his armor. Wounded and bleeding, he was propped up in his
chariot facing the Syrians, but died that same evening and was
brought to Samaria.
Ahabs character is certainly anything but admirable.
Twice previously God notes that he went to his house sullen
and vexed, one of these times lying down on his bed, turning
36 The Kings of Israel

away his face and refusing to eat. By God actions are weighed.
While men might make much of the rest of the acts of Ahab,
and all that he did, and the ivory house that he built, and all the
cities that he built (ch. 22:39), God shows us this wicked man
as He saw him.
The Kings of Israel 37


Ahaziah fell through the lattice of his upper room in

Samaria, and was injured; so he sent messengers and
saidGo, inquire of Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron, whether I
shall recover from this injury. But the angel of the Lord said to
ElijahArise, go up to meet the messengers of the king of
Samaria, and say to them, Is it because there is no God in
Israel that you are going to inquire of Baal-Zebub, the god of
Ekron? Now therefore, thus says the Lord: You shall not come
down from the bed to which you have gone up, but you shall
surely die.
2 Kings 1:2-4 NKJV

Ahaziah, Ahabs son and successor, quickly showed that

he had no regard for the Lord. Of him we read that he did evil
in the sight of Jehovah, and walked in the way of his father, and
in the way of his mother, and in the way of Jeroboam the son of
Nebat, who made Israel sin (1 Ki. 22:52). The main focus God
gives us on this kings life relates to what he did about an injury
he suffered in a fall, an injury that was to prove fatal. God often
tests us in seemingly little things, but these things reveal the
true condition of our hearts. Totally ignoring the painful lessons
his father Ahab had had to learn, Ahaziah left Jehovah
completely out of his thinking something both foolish and
dangerous to do. He sent his messengers to inquire of the lord
of flies, Baal-Zebub, the god of the Philistine city of Ekron
associated with healing. Jehovah had Elijah intercept the
messengers and send word by them of the kings impending
doom. Where do we place our confidence when we are sick or
injured? We can truly be thankful for doctors and other
practitioners of the healing arts, for medicines, medical
equipment and tests of all kinds. We are free before God to
38 The Kings of Israel

make full use of them. But our trust must not be in things or in
people, but in the Lord alone!
The Kings of Israel 39


He said, It is Elijah the Tishbite. And he sent to him a

captain of fifty with his fifty. And he went up to him, and behold,
he sat on the top of the mount. And he spoke to him: Man of
God, the king says, Come down! And Elijah answered and said
to the captain of fifty, And if I be a man of God, let fire come
down from the heavens and consume thee and thy fifty. And
there came down fire from the heavens, and consumed him and
his fifty.
2 Kings 1:8-10

King Ahaziah recognized from his messengers

description that it was Elijah who had told them that he would
not recover from his injury but would die. He and all Israel knew
who Elijah was, a man of God. The king now sent a detachment
of soldiers to arrest him. Their captain rudely demanded, The
king says, Come down! Down through the years many men of
God, male and female, have been confronted with a Come
down from the authorities. To this day the militia or police in
many lands still harass Christians and haul them off to torture,
fines, and imprisonment. Where the enmity of godless
authorities is not so crass, their opposition still makes itself felt.
The state wants to rule supreme. Pilate told our Lord, Dost
Thou not know that I have authority to release Thee and have
authority to crucify Thee? (Jn. 19:10).
But God rules supreme. Elijah called down fire from
heaven upon this insolent captain and his fifty, and a little later
upon a second, even more insulting one. What he did was right
wicked Ahaziah was really challenging God. God is no less
able to act to protect His own today. But we live in a day of
grace and are to show the spirit of our Lord Jesus who endured
griefs, insult, and injury, suffering wrongfully. He, when reviled,
40 The Kings of Israel

reviled not again; when suffering, threatened not; but gave

Himself over into the hands of Him who judges righteously (1
Pet. 2:23).
The Kings of Israel 41


The king of Israel went, and the king of Judah, and the
king of Edom, and they made a circuit of seven days journey.
And there was no water for the army, and for the cattle that
followed them. And the king of Israel said, Alas! that Jehovah
has called these three kings together, to give them into the
hand of Moab!
2 Kings 3:9-10

Jehoram, another of Ahabs sons, succeeded his brother

Ahaziah, who had no son, on the throne of Israel. God notes
that he did evil in the sight of Jehovah, but not like his father
and his mother. While de-emphasizing Baal-worship, he did not
depart from the idolatry introduced by Jeroboam, but persisted
in this.
When Ahab died, Moab, which had been subjugated by
David nearly 1 centuries earlier, rebelled against Israel.
Nothing had been done against this during Ahaziahs brief
reign, but now Jehoram sought the king of Judah, Jehoshaphat,
and the king of Edom, tributary to Judah, to help him fight
against Moab. Taking the roundabout route through the
Wilderness of Edom, these kings encountered a great problem:
no water. Jehorams response is one typical of him. We shall
see it on subsequent occasions also: blame Jehovah! He had
asked Jehoshaphats help, but he now charges Jehovah with
bringing the three kings together, as he puts it, to deliver them
into the hand of Moab!
Isnt this a typical reaction of unsaved men and women
when they face problems? They get themselves into trouble,
and then blame God for the trouble. Even problems they may
not be personally involved in are ascribed to God, often with the
42 The Kings of Israel

protestation, If God is a God of love, why does He do this, or

allow so-and-so? While holy and righteous, God is a God of
love. The next morning He miraculously provided water for the
three armies in their distress and then also gave a great victory
over the Moabites.
The Kings of Israel 43


When Elishaheard that the kinghad rent his

garmentshe sent to the king, saying, Why hast thou rent thy
garments? Let him come now to me, and he shall know that
there is a prophet in Israel.
2 Kings 5:8

The king of Syria had sent his army commander Naaman

to the king of Israel with a letter demanding, Behold, I have
sent Naaman my servant to thee, that thou mayest cure him of
his leprosy. Naamans wifes maid, a captive Israelite girl, had
spoken of the prophet in Samaria, saying that he would cure
her master of this dread disease. Jehoram of course knew
nothing of all this, but was distraught by the impossible demand
being made of him. Deeply agitated, he tore his clothes, seeing
in this impossible demand the excuse his Syrian enemy would
use to renew the war that had raged intermittently for decades
between their two lands. Am I God, to kill and to make alive,
that this man sends to me to cure a man of his leprosy? He
knew God, knew the power of God, but had absolutely no
relationship to Him and certainly no thought of turning to Him for
help in his predicament.
King Jehoram has many present-day successors. They
get upset about a problem, often of colossal proportions, and
recognize that it is beyond their ability to resolve. They then
mention God; in fact, they may even use His name in their
imprecations. But He means nothing to them, for they neither
know Him nor have a relationship with Him. Like Jehoram, they
would not think of turning to Him for help in their need, far less
for salvation! Yet God mercifully intervened. Naaman went to
Gods prophet Elishas home and learned how he could be
cured of his leprosy. Though angrily rebelling at first, he did go
44 The Kings of Israel

down to the Jordan, dipped seven times and was totally

cleansed. Then, unlike King Jehoram, he entered into a true
relationship with Israels God.
The Kings of Israel 45


The king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God
told him and warned him of, and he was on his guard
thereThe king of Israel said to Elisha, when he saw them, My
father, shall I smite? Shall I smite them? And he said, Thou
shalt not smite themHe said, God do so, and more also to
me, if the head of Elisha the son of Shaphat shall remain on
him this day!
2 Kings 6:10,21-22,31

The story of the prophet Elisha is closely associated with

the history of King Jehoram. In 2 Kings 6 we see three very
different instances of their contact with each other, instances
that have their present-day applications as well.
In the first, Elisha repeatedly warned Jehoram of traps
that the enemy king of Syria was setting for him. Jehoram took
these warnings seriously and was spared many a problem. How
God was trying to reach out to him! Today too God may place
His servants in places where they can offer helpful counsel to
political leaders. Oh, that such advice might be gratefully acted
In the second portion, God had protected Elisha when the
Syrian host foolishly attempted to capture him. Instead, Gods
prophet had captured the whole host of the enemies after God
had blinded them according to Elishas request. Elisha led them
to Samaria and prayed that God might open their eyes.
Jehoram would have taken advantage of the situation, but first
sought the prophets direction. Oh, that leaders today might
seek Gods direction from His servants, especially where it
involves moral decisions!
46 The Kings of Israel

Yet in a situation of deep distress, the third case, Jehoram

is quick to blame his problems on Gods prophet and by
implication, on God. How fickle is mans heart! Human leaders
are seldom like Job, who said, We have also received good
from God, and should we not receive evil? (Job 2:10). Rather,
man rants against God!
The Kings of Israel 47


The king was talking with Gehazi, the servant of the man
of God, saying, Tell me, I pray thee, all the great things that
Elisha has done. And it came to pass as he was telling the king
how he had restored a dead body to life.
2 Kings 8:4-5

It is sadly interesting, but yet a real warning to us to see

how interested a person can be in spiritual things without ever
making a spiritual commitment. We see a good example of this
in the story of Jehoram. Again and again he had had contact
with Elisha and had seen the effect of this prophets ministry.
Now he is asking Gehazi, once Elishas servant who had been
stricken with leprosy for trying to make personal gain from
Naamans cleansing, to recount all the great things Elisha had
Just as Gehazi is telling about the woman whose dead
son Elisha had restored to life, she and the son show up to
petition the king to have their property restored. She fully
corroborates Gehazis account. The king orders that her land be
restored to her, along with all its income during the years she
had been away from it. We appreciate his fairness, but oh, we
would like to see more. Is this all the impact Elishas deeds
have on him?
Many people today have heard of the great things that
Jesus has done. They know something of His birth, His holy life,
His parables and teachings, and theyve heard how He was
crucified, died, and rose again. They may even have personal
contact with others to whom He has given life, eternal life, and
marvel at their changed lives; for becoming a Christian involves
a new birth and a new life altogether. But thats as far as their
48 The Kings of Israel

interest goes. They know about Christ, but they do not know
Him! This is not enough. Nor is it sufficient to be fair or kind or
good. Where do you stand in relation to the Lord Jesus Christ?
The Kings of Israel 49

JEHU (1)

He said, Thus and thus spoke he to me saying, Thus

saith Jehovah: I have anointed thee king over Israel. Then they
hasted and took every man his garment, and put it under him
on the very stairs, and blew with trumpets, and said, Jehu is
king! And Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat, son of Nimshi,
conspired against Joram.
2 Kings 9:12-14

Years before, God had told Elijah to anoint Jehu king of

Israel. But God in His longsuffering had deliberately postponed
the execution of His judgment against Ahab when Ahab had
humbled Himself before Him. Now the time had come. Elisha
sent a young prophet to anoint Jehu, commission him to
destroy completely the house of Ahab, and then flee. Judgment
is not pleasant or a joy!
Jehu was the man for the job. He did not equivocate. He
was well known for his furious driving, a man of action,
thorough, and a leader among his fellow army captains. As
soon as they learned he had been anointed they spread their
garments for him to walk on and blew the trumpet, proclaiming
him king. They immediately started out for Jizreel, where King
Joram was recovering from wounds sustained in battle. No one
was to get ahead of them to spread the alarm. Those who met
them were made to join them.
The king himself, accompanied by his nephew Ahaziah,
the young king of Judah, went to meet Jehu. Jehu shot his royal
master with an arrow, killing him immediately. Ahaziah fled, but
was killed also. With the help of some eunuchs Jezebel was
killed. Then it was the turn of Ahabs 70 sons who were being
50 The Kings of Israel

brought up and were now killed by the leading citizens of

Jizreel. On and on!
Judgment against wickedness is a sad necessity. Yet God
calls it His strange work. Jehu proved expert and thorough in
executing judgment upon Ahabs house. There are those today
who are glad to walk in his footsteps. Beware lest you be glad
to be a Jehu!
The Kings of Israel 51

JEHU (2)

Jehufound Jehonadaband he greeted him, and said

to him, Is thy heart right, as my heart is? And Jehonadab
said, It is and Jehu took him up to him into the chariot, and
said, Come with me, and see my zeal for JehovahBut Jehu
took no heed to walk in the law of Jehovah the God of Israel
with all his heart; he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam,
who made Israel to sin.
2 Kings 10:13-16,31

Jehu had been zealous and thorough in exterminating the

house of Ahab. God commended him for this and promised that
his children of the fourth generation would sit on the throne of
Israel. He proved equally thorough in rooting out the worship of
Jehu thought highly of himself and of his zeal for Jehovah
and boasted of himself to Jehonadab. In the New Testament we
are told: But he that boasts, let him boast in the Lord. For not
he that commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord
commends (2 Cor. 10:17-18). Gods verdict as to Jehus heart
being right and his zeal for the Lord reads quite differently from
Jehus self-commendation. Hundreds of years earlier God had
told Samuel that man looks on the outward appearance, but
God on the heart.
Jehonadab, to whom Jehu boasts about himself and
whom he invites to go with him to see his zeal for the Lord, is
also mentioned in 2 Chronicles 2:55 and Jeremiah 35. He was
not an Israelite but was of Kenite background, living among the
Israelites. He was a true stranger in the land. Hundreds of years
later his descendants were still obeying what he had
commanded them: not to drink wine, build houses, sow seed,
52 The Kings of Israel

plant or have vineyards, but to live in tents as sojourners. They

win Gods commendation and promise of blessing for their
obedience to the command of their forefather. Oh, that we too
might learn to be strangers and pilgrims on this earth, obeying
Gods Word from the heart!
The Kings of Israel 53


The anger of Jehovah was kindled against Israel, and He

delivered them into the hand of Hazael king of Syria, and into
the hand of Ben-Hadad the son of Hazael, all those days. And
Jehoahaz besought Jehovah, and Jehovah hearkened to him;
for He saw the oppression of IsraelAnd Jehovah gave Israel a
savior, so that they went out from under the hand of the
2 Kings 13:3-5

During the reign of Jehus son Jehoahaz we come to a

low point in Israels history. Already in Jehus day Jehovah
began to cut Israel short so that they lost the territory east of
the Jordan to the Syrians under Hazael (2 Ki. 10:32-33).
Matters got even worse until Jehoahazs army was down to a
pitiful 50 horsemen, 10 chariots, and 10,000 footmen. Gods
Word attributes this predicament to Jehovahs anger being
kindled against Israel. Well might it be, for they still followed the
sins of Jeroboam.
What to do? Archeologists have unearthed Assyrian
inscriptions showing Jehu bringing tribute to Assyria, seeking
help against his Syrian enemies. Scripture says nothing about
this. Assyria would later overrun Israel and lead its people into
captivity. God warns us in His Word, Cursed is the man that
confideth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart
departeth from Jehovah (Jer. 17:5). We find similar warnings
again and again. Jehoahaz gives us a better example. He
besought Jehovah and we read that Jehovah hearkened to
him. Through the psalmist Asaph He had invited, Call upon
Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify
Me (Ps. 50:15). Whether Jehoahaz ever glorified Him we dont
know, but God is faithful. He heard Jehoahazs pleading, but
54 The Kings of Israel

more than that, He pitied His people and gave them a deliverer
from the Syrian oppression. Who this was we dont know, but
thank God for the Savior we do know!
The Kings of Israel 55


Elisha fell sick of his sickness in which he died. And

Joash the king of Israel came down to him, and wept over his
face, and said, My father, my father! the chariot of Israel and
the horsemen thereof! And Elisha said to him, Take bow and
2 Kings 13:14-15

Elisha lay on his final sickbed. He was a much-respected

man of God who had faithfully served the Lord for close to 60
years among a people who had, at best, paid only lip service to
Him. King Joash himself came down to pay his respects to the
old prophet. He wept. Elisha would be missed in the days to
come. His presence in Israel had been a constant reminder of
Jehovahs presence with and protection of His people.
But what was this? The man of God gave a series of
commands to the king: Take bow and arrowsPut thy hand
upon the bowOpen the window eastwardShoot. Step by
step the king did as he was told. The old prophet explained, An
arrow of Jehovahs deliverancefrom the Syrians. Thou shalt
smite the Syrians till thou has consumed them. Now he went
on, Take the arrows Smite upon the ground. The king did
so, but only three times. Rather than demonstrating faith he
was humoring the old prophet. The man of God was angry with
King Joash: Thou shouldest have smitten five or six times; then
wouldest thou have smitten the Syrians till thou hadst
consumed them, whereas now thou shalt smite Syria but
thrice. Whatever Joashs thinking may have been, he had just
demonstrated his lack of faith and lack of obedience from the
heart. He had gone through the motions of doing what the
prophet said, but had not entered into the earnestness of the
commands given him.
56 The Kings of Israel

When God speaks to us through His Word, He means

what He says. Lets take Him seriously and in faith obey Him
and act!
The Kings of Israel 57


Jehoash king of Israel took Amaziah king of Judahand

came to Jerusalem, and broke down the wall of Jerusalem from
the gate of Ephraim to the cornergate, four hundred cubits. And
he took all the gold and the silver, and all the vessels that were
found in the house of Jehovah, and in the treasures of the
kings house, and hostages, and returned to Samaria.
2 Kings 14:13-14

What a sad picture before us here! We have seen conflict

between Israel and Judah at other times, too, but this conflict
goes beyond all that had been before. Joash (Jehoash), Jehus
grandson, defeats Amaziah, king of Judah, captures Jerusalem
his capital, breaks down a large portion of its wall, and takes
away its treasure. It is true that Amaziah, flushed with pride at
having smitten Edom, had challenged Joash to battle. Joash
had replied, warning Amaziah of the consequences of his rash
challenge, but Amaziah would not hear. God then had allowed
him to be routed before Israel. Pride still goes before a fall and
a haughty spirit before destruction. We have many examples of
this in Gods Word, all in evident contrast to that One who
humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even the
death of the cross.
There is nothing new under the sun. Today, sad to say,
believers also challenge one another to combat, forgetting that
we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against mighty
satanic hosts of spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies. Rather
than praying for the peace of Jerusalem, they break down its
walls, making it difficult to maintain godly separation and
protection from evil. The precious vessels of Gods house are
taken, just as was later done by Nebuchadnezzar, the
Babylonian king. And hostages we try to force our brethrens
58 The Kings of Israel

good behavior through such pressure! What a loss for God

when we believers treat one another thus!
The Kings of Israel 59


Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel, began to reign

in Samaria, for forty-one years. And he did evil in the sight of
JehovahHe restored the border of Israelaccording to the
word of Jehovah the God of Israel, which He had spoken
through His servant Jonah the prophet, the son of Amittai, who
was of Gath-Hepher. For Jehovah saw that the affliction of
Israel was very bitter.
2 Kings 14:23-26

The reign of this second Jeroboam was longer than that

of any other king of Israel. Outwardly it was a time of prosperity,
but there were deep-rooted problems. Jeroboam walked in the
sins of his predecessor Jeroboam I and like him did evil in the
sight of Jehovah. The prophet Amos, who lived at this time,
denounced the luxury of Israels well-to-do upper class in no
uncertain terms. For this, Amos was told to flee the country and
go to Judah. The sanctuary at Bethel, he was told, was the
kings sanctuary, and he was not to prophesy there. Today too
in many countries believers are persecuted and told what they
are to preach and teach, and what topics they must avoid. In
some places attempts are even being made to have the Bible
classified as hate literature because of its uncompromising
presentation of Gods holy standards and its stern denunciation
of sins such as homosexual behavior. Sinful man is quite ready
for a religion that he himself can devise and control but he
refuses to submit to Gods standards.
Jonahs prophecy mentioned here was doubtless far more
to his liking than the message of impending judgment God used
him to bring to the people of Nineveh in the book called by his
name. Both messages were equally of God and manifest His
loving heart. Whether He uses a wicked king to deliver His
60 The Kings of Israel

undeserving people or turns a wicked nation to repentance, He

is God and sovereign.

Zechariah the son of Jeroboam reigned over Israel in
Samaria, six months. And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah,
according as his fathers had doneShallum the son of Jabesh
conspired against him, and smote him before the peopleThis
was the word of Jehovahto Jehu saying, Thy sons shall sit
upon the throne of Israel unto the fourth generation. And so it
came to pass.
2 Kings 15:8-12
Comparing the accounts of the reigns of the kings of
Israel and Judah at this point in history we find an apparent gap
of about 11 years between the end of Jeroboam IIs reign and
the start of his son Zechariahs reign. These were turbulent
times in Israel. Scripture does not give us details about all that
happened then. It does show us that despite all that may
happen in political affairs to earthly rulers, God is in ultimate
control, and He keeps His promises. Zechariah, Jehus great-
great-grandson, comes to the throne and reigns for six months.
What kind of a king was he? Scripture tells us three
(1) He did evil in the sight of Jehovah;
(2) according as his fathers had done;
(3) he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of
Nebat, who made Israel to sin (v. 9).

Gods eye is on us:

(1) He assesses whether we are doing good or evil, right
or wrong.
The Kings of Israel 61

(2) Others may previously have done what we are now

doing. This is no excuse for us to do the same. We
need not follow their bad pattern.
(3) Such patterns can often be traced far back. Gods
Word traces our sin all the way back to Adam. And sin
does not become better or more acceptable to God as
it grows older. It is just as repugnant to God as when it
Zechariah did not use the time allotted him to repent! His
time was soon up. After six months he was openly assassinated
before the people, by Shallum who had conspired against
62 The Kings of Israel


Shallum the son of Jabesh began to reign in the thirty-

ninth year of Uzziah king of Judah; and he reigned a full month
in Samaria. And Menahemslew him, and reigned in his stead.
And the rest of the acts of Shallum, and his conspiracy which
he made, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles
of the kings of Israel.
2 Kings 15:13-15

After the death of Jeroboam II the story of Israels kings

quickly degenerated into a series of conspiracies accompanied
by civil warfare and violence. Shallum conspired against
Zechariah and overthrew him. He in turn reigned only one full
month before Menahem overthrew him. He seems to have been
so busy attaining the throne and then trying to defend himself
against his cruel successor that God does not mention his
walking in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat. Perhaps he
had no time for matters of religion. At any rate, God, who notes
even a cup of cold water given for the Lords sake, has nothing
good to record about him!
Our Lord Jesus enunciated the principle that every one
that exalts himself shall be abased (Lk. 14:11). This principle is
well illustrated in the lives of these kings. The converse, He
that abases himself shall be exalted, is most beautifully seen in
the life of our Lord Jesus. Philippians 2:5-11 shows us how
deeply He humbled Himself and how highly God has exalted
Another principle the Lord laid down is that all who take
the sword shall perish by the sword (Mt. 26:52). We see this as
we look at these kings also. How sad it is for a Shallum to be
distinguished in Gods records only for the conspiracy which he
The Kings of Israel 63

made and for how he openly assassinated his predecessor,

reigned in his stead, and then a month later suffered the same
violent end himself! May we be warned and turn from this kings
64 The Kings of Israel


Then Menahem smote Tiphsah, and all that were

thereinbecause they did not open to him; and he smote it: all
the women in it that were with child he ripped upPul the king
of Assyria came against the land; and Menahem gave Pul a
thousand talents of silver, that his hand might be with him to
establish the kingdom in his hand. And Menahem exacted the
money of Israel, of all those who were wealthy, of each man
fifty shekels of silver.
2 Kings 15:16-20

The story of cruel Menahem takes us another step

downward in the history of Israel. God emphasizes the self-
seeking character of this wicked king. Because they did not
open their gates to him, he attacked Tiphsah and everyone in
that city and its vicinity. He sacked the city and in his cruelty
went so far as to rip open all the pregnant women. What a
contrast to that One who will come with might, and His arm
shall rule for HimHe will feed His flock like a shepherd: He will
gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom; He
will gently lead those that give suck (Isa. 40:11). What a
glorious day to look forward to!
When threatened by the even stronger might of the
Assyrian king, Menahem bought him off with a huge quantity of
silver, intending thereby to strengthen his own hold on the
kingdom too. Yet, just as with politicians today, the money did
not come out of his own pocket. Scripture points out that he
exacted the money from Israel, forcing every wealthy man in
Israel to contribute. What a contrast to the One of whom the
psalmist prophesied, I will abundantly bless her provision; I will
satisfy her needy ones with bread (Ps. 132:15). Reading of
such callous, cruel treatment of his subjects, we are not
The Kings of Israel 65

surprised to read that Menahem did evil in Jehovahs sight and

that he departed not all his days from the sins of Jeroboam.
66 The Kings of Israel


In the fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah, Pekahiah the

son of Menahem began to reign over Israel in Samaria, for two
years. And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah: he departed not
from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to
2 Kings 15:23-24

Although we are now at the seventeenth king of Israel, all

of them evil in varying degrees, we see that God has not
changed His standards. Sometimes as human beings we feel
that age and long usage can make good and acceptable that
which God terms bad or unacceptable in His sight. The norms
of society change, and with them even the rulings of our court
systems. But God does not change. Nor will He ever alter His
standards to accommodate our ever-changing ideas. He is
absolutely holy and righteous.
Pekahiah did evil in the sight of the Lord. He departed not
from the sins of Jeroboam. In presenting His divine assessment
in these words, God shows that He was looking for Israels
kings to actively turn away from the sins of their predecessor,
Jeroboam. Cease to do evil, learn to do well (Isa. 1:17) is the
divine principle by which He expects us to act. So in the New
Testament also, we are each called upon to withdraw from
iniquity, to purify ourselves away from vessels to our Lords
dishonor (2 Tim. 2:19-21 marg.) if we would be vessels to
honor, serviceable to the Master, prepared for every good work.
Non-participation in evil is not enough. God demands clear-cut
separation from it.
Pekahiah, as so many before him, is assassinated by one
of his captains. Pekah the son of Remaliah with fifty Gileadites
The Kings of Israel 67

conspires against Pekahiah and kills him in the very citadel of

the royal palace at Samaria. In 1 Chronicles 5:26 we see that
the tribes who had chosen their possession in Gilead, despite
being mighty men, are the first to be carried into Assyrian
68 The Kings of Israel


Pekah the son of Remaliah began to reign over Israel in

Samaria, for twenty yearsIn [his] days Tiglath-Pileser king of
Assyria came and took [5 northern cities], and Gilead, and
Galilee, all the land of Naphtali, and carried them captive to
AssyriaThen Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah son of
Remaliah, the king of Israel, came up to Jerusalem to battle;
and they besieged Ahaz, but were unable to conquer him.
2 Kings 15:27,29; 16:5

During the twenty years Pekah reigned there were major

changes in Israels situation. Assyrias mighty warrior kings
conquered the northern and eastern parts of the land and
deported their people to Assyria. Threatened by Assyria, Israel
and Syria were allies and sought to overthrow the house of
David in Judah, for Ahaz, the wicked king of Judah, had
become tributary to Assyria and was leaning upon its king for
help against these enemies.
In 2 Chronicles 28 we learn that the Lord allowed Pekah
to win a great victory over Judah. Several of the highest ranking
men of Judah plus 120,000 valiant men were slain in one day
and 200,000 women and children plus much spoil were taken
captive. The Lord sent the prophet Oded to rebuke the men of
Israel and to tell them to send back their captives. We do not
read of any response on the part of Pekah, but four of the
heads of the children of Ephraim openly acknowledged their
nations guilt before the Lord. They then fed, clothed, shod, and
anointed their captives from the plunder, put the weak on
donkeys, and returned them to their brethren. It is good to see,
even at this low point in Israels history, a remnant responding
to the word of the Lord.
The Kings of Israel 69

Syria fell to the Assyrian king. Pekah, like so many of his

predecessors, met his end as a result of a conspiracy against
him. He was attacked, killed, and succeeded by his assassin.
70 The Kings of Israel


In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah, Hoshea the son

of Elah began to reign in Samaria over Israel, for nine years.
And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah, but not as the kings of
Israel before him. Against him came up Shalmaneser king of
Assyria, and Hoshea became his servant and tendered him
presents. But the king of Assyria found conspiracy in Hoshea.
2 Kings 17:1-4

Hoshea, the nineteenth and final king of the northern

kingdom, Israel, had conspired against the previous king,
Pekah, and had put him to death. Scripture tells us that he
reigned in his stead, but gives us two different dates as to when
Hoshea began to reign. Apparently he had problems
consolidating his hold upon the now rapidly sinking kingdom, or
perhaps he had to have his credentials to rule approved by the
powerful Assyrians. At any rate, his rule was only that of a
vassal to the Assyrian king.
It is interesting to see the Lord noting that while Hoshea
did evil in His sight, it was not as the kings of Israel that had
been before him. The Judge of all the earth ever does right. He
knows the heart and weighs with the balances of the sanctuary.
His Assyrian overlord now imprisoned him and overran
the land with his armies, besieging Samaria for three years till it
fell. He had found treachery in Hoshea, for Hoshea, instead of
paying his normal tribute, had sent envoys to the king of Egypt,
to enlist his help. Our Lord Jesus plainly declares that no man
can serve two masters an important lesson for us to learn,
Hoshea (deliverance) proved anything but that to his
people. One alone will bring deliverance to the ten tribes. Israel
The Kings of Israel 71

was taken captive into Assyria and resettled in various places.

The ten tribes have never returned from their captivity, nor will
they do so till the Lord Himself brings them back in a day to
72 The Kings of Israel


The king of Assyria carried away Israel to Assyria, and

settled them in Halah and by the Habor, the river of Gozan, and
in the cities of the Medes; because they hearkened not to the
voice of Jehovah their God, but transgressed His covenant, all
that Moses the servant of Jehovah commanded; and they
would not hear nor do it.
2 Kings 18:11-12

While God has no obligation to explain to us why He does

what He does, yet in His Word He often does so. As He
concludes the story of the ten-tribe kingdom, God gives us a
detailed bill of particulars in 2 Kings 17:7-23 as to why He
brought an end to this kingdom. God has placed it in His Word
for our warning and instruction. We do well to examine it.
Romans 11:20-21 tells us: Be not high-minded, but fear: if God
indeed has not spared the natural branches; lest it might be He
spare not thee either.
God had brought Israel out of their bondage in Egypt.
They had turned to idols, both the idolatry of the nations that
Jehovah had dispossessed before them, and the idolatry their
own kings had introduced. Jeroboam is particularly singled out
as having violently turned Israel from following Jehovah, and
made them sin a great sin (2 Ki. 17:21). God is a jealous God
who cannot brook rivals of any kind for the affections of His
God had warned His people over and over again through
prophets and seers to turn from their evil ways and keep His
commandments and statutes. But the people refused to hear.
They had rejected His statutes and covenant and testimonies.
They had followed the ways of the nations round about them
The Kings of Israel 73

and had sold themselves to do evil in the sight of Jehovah, to

provoke Him to anger.
Finally He removed Israel out of His sight as a nation. Yet
His omniscience and love knows exactly where each individual
is. Nor will He be frustrated in His purposes which are secure in

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