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Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229

CIRP Sponsored DET 2014 Conference

Simulation in Manufacturing: Review and Challenges

Mourtzis1*, D.; Doukas1, M.; Bernidaki1, D.
Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation, University of Patras, Rio Patras, 26500, Greece
* Tel. +30-2610-997262. E-mail address: {mourtzis, mdoukas, bernidaki}


Simulation comprises an indispensable set of technological tools and methods for the successful implementation of digital manufacturing, since
it allows for the experimentation and validation of product, process and system design and configuration. Especially in todays turbulent
manufacturing environment, which is affected by megatrends such as globalisation and ever-increasing requirements for higher degree of
product customisation and personalisation, the value of simulation is evident. This keynote paper investigates the major milestones in the
evolution of simulation technologies and examines recent industrial and research applications and findings. Based on this review, the
identification of gaps in current practices is presented, and future trends and challenges to be met on the field are outlined. The considered
simulation methods and tools include CAx, Factory layout design, Material and Information flow design, Manufacturing Networks Design,
Manufacturing Systems Planning and Control, Manufacturing Networks Planning and Control, Augmented and Virtual Reality in product and
process design, planning and verification (ergonomics, robotics, etc.). The evolution, advances, current practices and future trends of these
technologies, industrial applications and research results are discussed in the context of the contemporary manufacturing industry.
2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of the 8th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology - DET
2014. under responsibility of The International Scientific Committee of the 8th International Conference on Digital Enterprise
Technology - DET 2014 Disruptive Innovation in Manufacturing Engineering towards the 4th Industrial Revolution
Keywords: Manufacturing; Simulation; Information and Communication Technologies

the development and testing of new operating or resource

1. Introduction policies and new concepts or systems, which live up to the
expectation of modern manufacturing, before implementing
Manufacturing is defined as the transformation of them and, last but not least, to gather information and
materials and information into goods for the satisfaction of knowledge without disturbing the actual system [4]. It
human needs [1]. In the current highly competitive business becomes evident from the total number of directly related
environment, the manufacturing industry is facing constant papers (15,954) from the early 70s till today, that simulation
challenges of producing innovative products at shortened is a continuously evolving field of research with undoubted
time-to-market. The increasing trend towards globalisation contribution to the progress of manufacturing systems. This
and decentralisation of manufacturing [2] requires real-time paper investigates the evolution, advances, current practices
information exchanges between the various nodes in a and future trends of simulation methods and tools. More
product development life cycle, e.g., design, setup planning, specifically, CAx, factory layout design, material and
production scheduling, machining, assembly, etc., as well information flow design, manufacturing networks design,
as seamless collaboration among these nodes. Product manufacturing systems and networks planning and control,
development processes are becoming increasingly more augmented and virtual reality in product and process design,
complex as products become more versatile, intricate and planning and verification (ergonomics, robotics, etc.) are
inherently complicated, and as product variations multiply examined (Figure 1).
to address to the needs of mass customisation [3].
Simulation modelling and analysis is conducted in order to
gain insight into this kind of complex systems, to achieve

2212-8271 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of The International Scientific Committee of the 8th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology - DET
2014 Disruptive Innovation in Manufacturing Engineering towards the 4th Industrial Revolution
214 D. Mourtzis et al. / Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229

1.2. Definitions
1.1. Review Methodology
Hereby, two of the most prominent definitions of
This review is based on academic peer-reviewed simulation in the manufacturing context are presented and
publications that use simulation not only in manufacturing are adopted for the scope of the present research work.
applications but also simulation in general, over a period of Simulation modelling and analysis is the process of
54 years, from 1960 to 2014. The review focuses mainly on creating and experimenting with a computerised
simulation methods and tools as described in the abstract mathematical model of a physical system [5]. Simulation
and was carried out in three stages: (a) search in scientific is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or
databases (Scopus, Science Direct and Google Scholar) system over time. Simulation involves the generation of an
with relevant keywords, (b) identification of relevant papers artificial history of the system, and the observation of that
by abstract reading and (c) full-text reading and grouping artificial history to draw inferences concerning the
into research topics. The relevant keywords utilised were: operating characteristics of the real system that is
simulation and manufacturing in combination with CAx, represented [6].
layout design, material flow design, manufacturing
networks and systems planning and control, augmented 1.3. The Historical Trends of the Evolution of Simulation
reality, virtual reality, ergonomics, digital mock up,
lifecycle assessment, product data management, enterprise It is generally considered that the contemporary meaning
resource planning, knowledge management, manufacturing of simulation originated by the work of Comte de Buffon
execution systems, process simulation, supervisory control who proposed a Monte Carlo-like method in order to
and data acquisition and supply chain. As a result, the determine the outcome of an experiment consisting of
literature was organised based on keywords enabling the repeatedly tossing a needle onto a ruled sheet of paper. He
distinction between the relevant and irrelevant topics of aimed at calculating the probability of the needle crossing
academic papers (Figure 2). one of the lines. So, it is obvious that although the term
Monte Carlo method was invented in 1947, at the start of
the computer era, stochastic sampling methods were used
long before the evolution of computers [7]. About a century
later, Gosset used a primitive form of manual simulation to
verify his assumption about the exact form of the
probability density function for Students t-distribution [8].
Thirty years later, Link constructs the first blue box flight
trainer and a few years later, the army adopts it in order to
facilitate training [9]. In the mid-1940s, simulation makes a
significant leap with the contribution of Tochter and Owen
develop the General Simulation Program in 1960, which is
the first general purpose simulator to simulate an industrial
plant that consists of a set of machines, each cycling
Figure 1: Number of publications related to simulation technology through states as busy, idle , unavailable and tailed [10].

Material Energy
Factory Layout Robotics
Flow Consumption and
Design and

Systems Product
Planning and Design Manufacturing
Control Networks Design,
Planning and

Process Ergonomics Customer

Design, Demand and
Planning and Market
Verification Developments

Figure 2: The investigated domains of contemporary manufacturing

D. Mourtzis et al. / Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229 215

They also introduce the three-phase method for timing [13]. Clementson extended ECSL (Extended Control and
executives, publishes the first textbook in simulation The Art Simulation Language) with the Computer Aided
of Simulation (1963) and developed the wheel chart or programming System using ACD representation and
activity-cycle diagram (ACD) (1964). During the period Mathewson develops several versions of DRAFT to produce
1960-1961, Gordon introduces the General Purpose different programming language executable representations in
Simulation System (GPSS) [8]. With use of light, sound 1975. In 1976, Delfosse introduces the capability for
motion and even smell to immerse the user in a motorcycle combined simulation in SIMSCRIPT II.5 as C-SIMSCRIPT
ride, Heilig designed the Sensorama ride, which is considered and a year later, user interface is added to it [8]. Moreover,
as a predecessor of Virtual Reality (VR) [11]. Simultaneously, Bryant initiates parallel simulation [12]. In 1978, computer
Nygaard and Dahl initiate work on SIMULA and they finally imaging with the introduction of digital image generation is a
release it in 1963 and Kiviat develops the General Activity significant contribution to the advancement of simulation. In
Simulation Program (GASP). In 1963, the first version of the beginning of the 1980s, major breakthroughs take place,
SIMSCRIPT is presented for non-experts and OPS-3 is military flight simulators, naval and submarine simulators are
developed by MIT [10]. Sutherlend presents manipulation of produced and NASA develops relatively low-cost VR
objects on a computer screen with a pointing device [11]. equipment [9]. Nance introduces an object-oriented
Although, a significant evolution of simulation is noticed, representational approach in order to join theoretical
there are still problems concerning model construction and modelling issues with program-generation techniques and
model analysis which are mentioned and addressed by with software engineering concepts. Balci and Sargent
Conway et al. [8]. General Precision Equipment Corporation contribute to formal verification and validation. Law and
and NASA uses analogue and digital computers to develop Kelton contribute with their first edition which includes
Gemini simulators [9]. Lackner proposes the system theory as advanced methodologies concerning random number
a basis for simulation modelling. In 1968, Kiviat introduces generation, random variate generation and output analysis.
the entity/attribute/set concept in SIMSCRIPT II [12]. In the Furthermore, Schruben develops event graphs in 1983 [8].
same time, Sutherland constructs head-mounted computer While, Visual Interactive Simulation is initiated in 1976 by
graphics display that also track the position of the users head Hurrion and becomes commercially available in 1979 through
movements and the Grope project explores real-time force SEE-WHY, it is properly described in methodological terms,
feedback [11]. Two years later, power plant simulators are contrasting the active and passive forms in model
introduced [9]. In 1972, an explanatory theory of simulation development and experimentation, by Bell and OKeefe in
based on systems-theoretic concepts is presented by Zeigler 1994 [14]. In early 1990s, real-time simulations and
[12]. In 1973, Pritsker and Hurst introduce the capability for interactive graphics become possible due to the increased
combined simulation in GASP IV and Fishman composes the computer power and commercial VR applications become
state-of-the-art on random number generation, random variate feasible [11]. In 1990, as well, Cota and Sargent develop a
generation and output analysis with his two classical texts graphical model representation for the process world view,

Activity Cycle Object-oriented

Technological Advancement

Monte Carlo General Activity Diagram, System representational

method Simulation Program theory for approach, Formal
originates (GASP) simulation verification and
modeling validation
First general- First general Continuous and
purpose purpose discrete modeling in Ranking and
electronic simulator GASP IV selection
computers, procedures
(GSP), General Power plant
Monte Carlo on simulators
Purpose Development of
Simulation high resolution
System (GPSS), graphics
First flight Event Graphs
trainer by Visual,
Link 1970 Control Flow Graphs,
Combined Simulation Modeling tools
simulation in beyond SPL level
Computer Real-time simulations
Imaging, and interactive
Entity / attribute/set Parallel
Linear congruential graphics
Manual concept in SIMSCRIPT II Commercial VR
Simulation Head-mounted display
generators (LCGs)

Figure 3. Historical Evolution of Simulation.

216 D. Mourtzis et al. / Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229

named Control Flow Graphs which are subsequently extended will result to the same output, whereas, stochastic simulation
to Hierarchical Control Flow Graphs in order to help the means that the repetition of the same simulation will not
control of representational complexity by Fritz and Sargent in always produce the same output. Last but not least, simulation
1995 [12]. In addition, the development of high-resolution is classified to grid-based and mesh-free according to data
graphics focuses on gaming industry surpassing in that way organisation. Grid-based means that data are associated with
the military industry [9]. In 1997, Knuth describes discrete cells at specific locations in a grid and updates take
comprehensively the random number generation techniques place to each cell according to its previous state and those of
and tests for randomness [8]. The historic evolution of its neighbours. On the other hand, mesh free relates with data
simulation is also depicted in (Figure 3). of individual particles and updates look at each pair of
particles [15], [16].
1.4. Types of Simulation Models
2. Simulation in product and production lifecycles
Simulation models are categorised based on three basic
dimensions: 1) timing of change, 2) randomness and 3) data The following two sections present a mapping between the
organisation. Based on whether the simulation depends on the simulation methods and tools to product and production
time factor or not, it can be classified into static and dynamic. lifecycles (Figure 4).
A static simulation is independent of time while dynamic
simulation evolves over time. Dynamic simulation can be 2.1. Product and Production Lifecycle
further categorised to continuous and discrete. In discrete
simulation, changes occur at discrete points in time while in Initially, the basic concept or idea for a product is
continuous, the variable of time is continuous. conceived considering the initial request from a customer and,
In addition, discrete simulation is divided to time-stepped subsequently, it is transformed into a working prototype.
and event driven. Time-stepped consists of regular time Satisfaction of the initial customer request is followed by
intervals and alterations take place after the passing of a marketing appraisal of the product in relation to its potential
specific amount of time. On the other hand, in event-driven demand from additional customers. If no further demand if
simulation, updates are linked to scheduled events and time foreseeable, then the product is retained in the design- and-
intervals are irregular. As far as the dimension randomness is build facility in order to relate the customers voice to product
concerned simulation can be deterministic or stochastic. design requirements, and translate these into characteristics
Deterministic means that the repetition of the same simulation
Production Lifecycle

Layout AR
Simulation VR
Design /
Supply chain
Engineering of Simulation
Knowledge Ergonomics
Management Simulation Manufacturing Process
Simulation SCADA
integration and
Product Lifecycle

Product Product CAM

Basic Product Design / development Product use and
re-use ERP
Idea requirements Redesign / Proof of engineering Production aftersales
Concept service MES

Re-use PDM VR AR
CAD Recycle
CAM manufacturing

Figure 4. Mapping of Key-Enabling Technologies on Product and Production lifecycle [lifecycle phases adapted from EFFRA FoF 2020 Consultation Document]
D. Mourtzis et al. / Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229 217

of parts, manufacturing operations, and production 2.2. Product and Production Lifecycle Tools
requirements [17].
The aim of the product development process is to ensure Augmented Reality (AR)
that the product and its components meet the required Augmented Reality (AR) is defined as a real-time direct or
specifications [18]. Thereinafter, innovative engineering indirect view of a physical real-world environment that has
allows collaborating teams to streamline the engineering of been enhanced/augmented by adding virtual computer-
the product and of the production process engineering. The generated information to it. AR systems aim at enhancing the
digital factory concept enables the integration of CAD designs way the user perceives and interacts with the real world [28].
and CAE information and the synchronisation of the In the modern, highly competitive manufacturing
engineering processes that require the participation of the environment, the application of augmented reality consists an
entire value chain accessing all product information needed. innovative and effective solution to simulate, assist and
Moreover, it provides the opportunity to all product-related improve the manufacturing processes. The challenge is to
teams to work together effectively without regard to physical design and implement integrated AR-assisted manufacturing
location [19]. systems that could enhance the manufacturing processes, as
Following the production of the product, maintenance well as product and process development, leading to shorter
ensures that a system continually performs its intended lead-times, reduced costs and improved quality [3]. In the
functions at its designed level of reliability and safety [20]. At field of automobile development, rudimentary car prototypes
the end of product lifecycle, the product is recycled which are completed by virtual components with the use of AR and
means that the product retains its geometrical form and it is design decisions [29]. In addition, the exploitation of AR
reused either for the same purpose as during its original life- environment in the rapid creation and modification of
cycle or for secondary purposes [21]. Instead of recycling, freeform surfaces is introduced and methods for enabling
remanufacturing is used. Used or broken-down products or increased flexibility during exploratory, conceptual industrial
components are restored to useful life [22]. product design through three-dimensional (3D) sketch-based
As far as production lifecycle is concerned, at first, the user input are explored [30]. The facilitation of robot
design stage starts with a stakeholder analysis to identify the programming and trajectory planning is succeeded with the
constraints and degrees of freedom for the design. It should be use of an AR-based system. The system takes into
mentioned that stakeholders have different interests in and consideration the dynamic constraints of the robots but it is
requirements to the system [23]. still limited as far as the achieved accuracy is concerned [31].
After the specification of the requirements the design and In order to enhance the perception of the user towards a
redesign of manufacturing systems follows which is product design, a fiducial marker is sent to the customer
summarised as manufacturing system engineering (MSE). It is which can be used for AR visualisation via handheld devices.
a complex, multi-disciplinary process that involves not only Each AR marker is mapped to specific 3D models and
people located at different production sites, but also a variety functionalities [32]. AR was applied through integrating a
of tools that support special subtasks of the process. hybrid rendering of volume data, vision-based calibration,
During the process development phase, the rough solutions accurate real-time tracking methods, tangible interfaces,
from the design phase are refined to a level that allows multimedia annotations, and distributed computation and
investigation with analysis tools. If system dimensions are communications at DaimlerChrysler [33].
fixed, first contact with suppliers is established to integrate
them in the further system definition [24]. In the final system Computer Aided Design (CAD)
definition phase, one solution is refined to a detail that allows Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is the technology related
to start system implementation. This phase is characterised by to the use of computer systems to assist in the creation,
system integration, where previously identified subsystems modification, analysis and optimisation of a design [34].
are composed to a complete system. Fine tuning of subsystem Nowadays, the strong competition in market increases
cooperation and fixing of last details lead to the final system significantly the level of requirement in terms of functionality
definition and emission of orders to suppliers [25]. and quality of products. At the same time, the complexity of
As soon as the integration is completed the production the design process is increasing, whereas product
ramp-up begins. It is defined as the period between the end of development time is decreasing. Such constraints on design
product development and full capacity production. Two activities require efficient CAD systems and adapted CAD
conflicting factors are characteristic of this period: low methodologies [18]. A Life Cycle-CAD (LC-CAD) provides
production capacity, and high demand [26]. an integrated design of a product and its life-cycle, manages
Finally, to face environmental problems, manufacturers the consistency between them and evaluates their performance
undertake efforts on recycling namely, recovering materials or concerning the environment and the economy with the use of
components of used equipment in order to make them simulation [35]. In addition, an effort is made in order to
available for new products or processes [27]. partially retrieve 3D CAD models for design reuse using a
semantic-based approach [36]. A framework of collaborative
intelligent CAD, which consists of the collaborative design
protocol and the design history structure is proposed. It
218 D. Mourtzis et al. / Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229

reasons redundant design, reduces design conflicts and is the Military researches the implementation of industrial Digital
basis for the implementation of more intelligent collaborative Mock-Up (iDMU) concept to support the industrialisation
CAD systems [37]. Attention is paid to the fundamental process of a medium size aero-structure [48]. Finally, coloring
activity of engineering using CAD systems with emphasis on the DMU enables highlighting the required attributes from the
CAD graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and how they can be customers. This method was tested and implemented in
potentially enhanced using game mechanics to provide more collaboration with Airbus [49].
engaging and intuitive environments [38]. Innovative CAD
methods for complex parts modelling in parametric CAD Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
system are applied in the industry and presented by [18]. Life cycle assessment is a data intensive analysis
conceived to track, store and assess data over the entire
Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) product life cycle [50]. For a product to perform its function it
Process planning deals with the selection of necessary must be developed, manufactured, distributed to its users and
manufacturing processes and determination of their sequences maintained during use. All these phases include supportive
to transform the ideas of designers into a physical activities that consume resources and cause environmental
component economically and competitively [39]. Currently, impacts. In order to get an impression of this total impact, the
manufacturing is moving towards a more advanced, analysis must focus on the product system or the life cycle of
intelligent, flexible and environmentally-friendly policy so it the product [21]. As a result of the environmental awareness,
demands advanced and intelligent CAPP systems [40]. A developments in the field are significantly increasing. The
holistic component manufacturing process planning model current and foreseen roles of sustainable bioprocess system
based on an integrated approach which combines engineering and life cycle inventory and assessment in the
technological and business considerations is developed in design, development and improvement are explored [51]. The
order to ameliorate decision support and knowledge dependence between the manufactured precision of a product
management capabilities and advance the existing CAPP [41]. and its environmental impact during its entire lifecycle is
CAD/CAPP/CAM systems are integrated in order to evaluate estimated with the use of an extended LCA methodology to
alternative process plans in different levels, through which, evaluate the impact of manufacturing process precision on the
the exploitation of the available resources and their optimal functional performance of a product during its use phase [52].
setup can contribute in the overall sustainability of the Also, a computational approach for the simultaneous
production facilities [42]. The authors in [43] introduce a minimisation of the total cost and environmental impact of
highly specialised CAPP/CAM integrated system, called thermodynamic cycles is attempted with the exploitation of a
Generative Pattern Machining (GPM), for automatic tool combination of process simulation, multi-objective
paths generation to cut die pattern from the CAD model of the optimisation and LCA within a unified framework [53]. A
stamping die. GPM is being used by DaimlerChrysler pattern methodology for the development of a reliable gate-to-gate
shop very successfully. LCA is integrated in a simulation tool for discrete event
modelling of manufacturing processes and enables the
Digital Mock Up (DMU) characterisation of single machine behaviour and the
A digital mock-up (DMU) consists of 3D models which evaluation of environmental implications of industrial
integrate the mechanical structure of a system [44]. A virtual operation management before the real configuration of the
prototype is created to identify problems in the initial design manufacturing line [50]. A methodology, implemented
and it often leads to design changes and multiple iterations of through a software tool, is used for the investigation of the
the prototype as a means to optimize the design without the environmental impact caused by centralised and decentralised
need for a physical model. This eliminates time and money manufacturing networks, under heavy product customisation
and perhaps more importantly, the initial design and virtual [54]. Lastly, a wide variety of industrial applications in the
prototype can be created with simultaneous input from every field is presented by [21].
engineer involved in the project [45]. Digital mock-up is a
rapidly evolving technology and a lot of advances are Product Data Management (PDM)
presented in this field. A heterogeneous CAD assembly Product data management integrates and manages all the
method constructs a Digital Mock-Up system which facilitates information that defines a product, from design to
the avoidance of mismatches and interferences during manufacture and to end-user support [55]. Current
precision design processes [46]. Furthermore, a digital mock- manufacturing industry is facing an increasing challenge to
up visualisation system can import giga-scale CAD models satisfy customers and compete in market. To stay competitive,
into the memory of a computer simultaneously based on a manufacturing companies are adopting IT solutions to
compression representation with triangular patches [47]. Also, facilitate collaborations and improve their product
DMU is applied for the verification and validation of the development/production. Among these IT solutions, product
ITER remote handling system design utilizing a system data management (PDM) systems play an essential role by
engineering framework. The DMUs represent virtual remote managing product data electronically [56]. A new
handling tasks and provide accuracy and facilitation to the concurrency control model for PDM succeeds in improving
integration into the control system [44]. Moreover, AIRBUS the concurrency ability of PDM systems by adapting the
D. Mourtzis et al. / Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229 219

accessibility of entities according to the action that the users An effort is made in order to optimize the machining of
will perform and the product architecture of the entity [57]. A complex shaped parts with flat-end tools with the use of a
new concept of product as a pivotal element is proposed. The novel five-axis tool path generation algorithms [68]. A
product incorporates all the information about itself which methodology facilitates the determination of global optimum
refers to a so-called ONTO-PDM Product Ontology and as tool paths for free form surfaces with the incorporation of an
a result, the information exchange between the systems algorithm which aims at finding the optimal tool path and
related to it is succeeded by the minimisation of semantic succeeding minimisation of the average cutting forces without
uncertainty [58]. Concerning industrial applications, Unified exceeding a pre-set maximum force magnitude [69]. An
Modelling Language-based approaches are used for modelling integrated system of part modelling, nesting, process
and implementing PDM systems especially concerning planning, NC programming and simulation and reporting for
product structure and workflow [59]. sheet metal combination processing functions has been
applied in several sheet-metal manufacturing plants [70].
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) is defined as the use of real-time Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
digital computers and other special hardware and software to An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a suite
generate the simulation of an alternate world or environment, of integrated software applications used to manage
believable as real or true by the users. VR is a rapidly transactions through company-wide business processes, by
developing computer interface that strives to immerse the user using a common database, standard procedures and data
completely within an experimental simulation, thereby sharing between and within functional areas [71]. ERP
enhancing the overall impact and providing a much more systems are becoming more and more prevalent throughout
intuitive link between the computer and the human the international business world. Nowadays, in most
participants [11]. VR has found application from the design to production distribution companies, ERP systems are used to
the process simulation phase [60]. Currently, new semantic- support their production and distribution activities and they
based techniques are introduced in order to facilitate the are designed to integrate and partially automate financial,
design and review of prototypes by providing usability and resource management, commercial, after-sale, manufacturing
flexibility to the engineer / designer [61]. In the field of and other business functions in to one system around a
collaborative management and verification of design database [72]. A literature-based and theory-driven model was
knowledge, a new platform, called DiCoDEv (Distributed developed in order to test the relationship between ERP
Collaborative Design Evaluation), eases the cooperation system implementation status and operational performance
among distributed design experts with the use of a shared [73]. Moreover, a general risks taxonomy for ERP
virtual environment. The VR environment provides the maintenance is investigated with the use of analytic hierarchy
multiple users with the capability of visualizing, immersing process [74]. An objectives-oriented approach with one
and interacting with the virtual prototype; managing evaluation model and three optimisation models addresses key
efficiently the knowledge during the product design phase; management issues in the implementation of critical success
collaborating in real-time on the same virtual object and strategies (CSSs) to ensure the success of an ERP project [75].
reviewing it and making an ergonomic evaluation with the use In order to deal with the problem of independence in risk
of digital human simulation [62]. Furthermore, an intelligent assessment, an approach using Coloured Petri Nets is
virtual assembly system using an optimal assembly algorithm developed and applied to model risk factors in ERP systems
provide haptic interactions during the process of virtual [76].
assembly [63]. Another haptic VR platform, named as
HAMMS, is introduced in order to facilitate the performance, Ergonomics Simulation
the planning and the evaluation of virtual assembly of Ergonomics are defined as the theoretical and fundamental
components [64]. Finally, VR tools are applied to fusion in understanding of human behaviour and performance in
ITER project facilitating maintenance and integration aspects purposeful interacting socio-technical systems, and the
during the early phase design [65]. application of that understanding to design of interactions in
the context of real settings [77]. In the past, workplace
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) ergonomic considerations have often been reactive, time-
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) can be defined as consuming, incomplete, sporadic, and difficult. Ergonomic
the use of computer systems to plan, manage and control the experts who were consulted after problems occurred in the
operations of a manufacturing plant through either direct or workplace examined data from injuries that had been
indirect computer interface with the production resources of observed and reported. There are now emerging technologies
the plant. In other words, the use of computer system in non- supporting simulation-based engineering to address this in a
design activities but in manufacturing process is called CAM proactive manner. These allow the workplaces and the tasks
[66]. The application of CAM in the production offers to be simulated even before the facilities are physically in
advantages to a company to develop capabilities by place [78]. The comparison between ergonomic
combining traditional economies of scale with economies of measurements in virtual and real environments during some
scope resulting in the desired flexibility and efficiency [67]. specific task is analysed in [79]. Also, with the use of USAs
220 D. Mourtzis et al. / Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229

VR Lab, named HEMAP, training simulations were the user with the ability to move through factory mock-ups,
explored and ergonomic risks were estimated and spacecraft walk through, inspect, and animate motion in a rendered 3D-
flight systems were evaluated as part of the design process factory model [91]. Moreover, a method implemented in a
[80]. ErgoToolkit implements ergonomic analysis methods, web-based tool is able to generate job rotation schedules for
already available in literature or company practice, into digital human based assembly systems [92]. A method of deriving
tools for ergonomics, namely, Posture Definition and assembly line design alternatives and evaluating them against
Recognition and Stress Screening, integrated into state-of-the- multiple user-defined criteria is applied in an automotive case
art virtual manufacturing software. [81]. An approach to [93]. An AR-based application is developed which aims at
human motion analysis and modelling which respects the meeting the need and demands of an AR-supported factory
anthropometric parameters is tested and the real motion data and manufacturing planning, usability, analysis functionalities
are collected and processed with the use of statistical methods and accuracy demands. It provides the user with the necessary
and the models that are produced can predict human motion tools for production planning and measuring tasks [94].
and direct digital humans in the virtual environment [82].
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
Knowledge Management A manufacturing execution system (MES) is a system that
Knowledge Management (KM) is defined as the process of helps manufacturers attain constant product quality, comply
continuously creating new knowledge, disseminating it widely with regulatory requirements, reduce time to market, and
through the organisation, and embodying it quickly in new lower production costs. As manufacturers strive to become
products/services, technologies and systems [83]. KM is about more competitive and provide world-class service to their
facilitating an environment where work critical information customers, emphasis has been placed on total quality
can be created, structured, shared, distributed and used. To be management (TQM) programs. The need for a quality
effective such environments must provide users with relevant manufacturing system solution is a driving factor creating the
knowledge, that is, knowledge that enables users to better demand for MES. The functions of MES are consistent with
perform their tasks, at the right time and in the right form. the goals of TQM applied to industrial manufacturing
KM has been a predominant trend in business in the recent companies [95]. A holonic MES that utilizes a given schedule
years [84]. Firstly, an explorative study on the Personal as a guideline for selecting among task execution alternatives,
Knowledge Management is conducted and an active which are independent from the original schedule, is proposed
knowledge recommender system model, which is built on [96]. An innovative design and verification methodology for
distributed members personal knowledge repositories in the an autonomic MES is presented. Its basis consists of well-
collaborative team environments, is proposed [85]. Moreover, defined interactions between autonomic agents which perform
the implementation process of Lean Production and forms to the monitor-analyse-plan-execution loop and simultaneously
classify knowledge are introduced in [86]. A pattern-based they manage orders and resources [97]. This system was
approach to knowledge flow design starts from basic extended to allow selfish behaviour and adaptive decision-
concepts, uses a knowledge spiral to model knowledge flow making in distributed execution control and emergent
patterns and operations, and lays down principles for scheduling [98]. A Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)-
knowledge flow network composition and evolution [87]. As enabled real-time manufacturing execution system is
far as the industrial applications of knowledge management is proposed and tested in a collaborating company which
concerned, a framework for marketing decision making with manufactures large-scale and heavy-duty machineries. On the
the use of agent technology, fuzzy AHP (Analytical Hierarchy shop-floor, RFID devices are used in order to track and trace
Process) and fuzzy logic is implemented in a car factory [88]. manufacturing objects and acquire real-time production data
and identification and control of disturbances [99].
Layout Planning Simulation
Facility layout planning (FLP) refers to the design of the Material Flow Simulation
allocation plans of the machines/equipment in a Materials flow within manufacturing is the movement of
manufacturing shop-floor [89]. Factory layout design is a materials through a defined process or a value stream within a
multidisciplinary, knowledge-intensive task that is of vital factory or an industrial unit for the purpose of producing an
importance to the survival of manufacturers in modern end product [100]. In todays changing manufacturing world
globally competitive environment. The need to design and with new paradigms such as mass customisation and global
construct a new factory layout or reconfigure the current one manufacturing operations and competition, companies need
has increased largely because of the fast changes in customer greater capabilities to respond quicker to market dynamics
demand both from product quantity and product variety and varying demands. The adoption of suitable production
aspects. This requires companies to be more agile to plan, and materials flow control (PMFC) mechanisms, combined
design and reconfigure the factory layout to be able to with the implementation of emergent technologies, can be of
introduce new products to market and keep their competitive great value for improving performance and quality of
strength [90]. Using predefined objects, a layout model can be manufacturing and of service to customers [101]. An
implemented in 3D avoiding the drawing stage of the automated motion planning framework, integrated into the
equipment and virtual reality factory models created provide scene modelling workflow from a material flow simulation
D. Mourtzis et al. / Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229 221

framework generates automatically motion paths for moving cybersecurity named SCADASim is presented [113]. The
objects. It depends on an actual model layout and it avoids vulnerabilities caused by interdependencies between SCADA
collision with other objects [102]. An integrated planning and System Under Control are examined and analysed with
approach for the evaluation and the improvement of the the use of a five-step methodical framework. A significant
changeability of interlinked production processes before the step of this framework is a hybrid modelling and simulation
event actually takes place is proposed. The key element of the approach which is used to realize identification and
approach is the use of material flow simulation of variant assessment of hidden vulnerabilities [114]. The
scenarios [103]. An approach is designed to support the interdependencies between industrial control systems,
management of a ship repair yard by integrating in an open underlying critical infrastructures and SCADA are
and flexible system a number of critical business functions investigated in order to address the vulnerabilities related to
with production planning, scheduling and control. This the coupling of these systems. The modelling alternatives for
approach is implemented in a software system fully developed system-of-systems, integrated versus coupled models, are also
in Java and designed by using UML [104]. An assignment under discussion [115]. SCADA systems are applied
logic of the workload to the resources of a dairy factory has worldwide in critical infrastructures, ranging from power
been implemented in a software system. The system simulates generation, over public transport to industrial manufacturing
the operation of the factory and creates both a schedule for its systems [116].
resources and a set of performance measures, which enable
the user to evaluate the proposed schedule [105]. A P3R- Supply Chain Simulation
driven modelling and simulation system in Product Lifecycle A supply chain is the value-adding chain of processes from
Management (PLM) is introduced and implemented in the initial raw materials to the ultimate consumption of the
automotive press shops. It consists of a P3R data structure for finished product spanning across multiple supplier-customer
simulation-model generation, an application based on the P3R links [117]. Modern manufacturing enterprises must
object-oriented model and a concurrent material flow analysis collaborate with their business partners through their business
system [106]. process operations such as design, manufacture, distribution,
and after-sales service. Robust and flexible system
Process Simulation mechanisms are required to realize such inter-enterprises
A manufacturing process is defined as the use of one or collaboration environments. A generic hybrid-modelling
more physical mechanisms to transform the shape of a framework for supply chain simulation is presented in [119].
material's shape and/or form and/or properties [1]. Newly A method to model, simulate and optimize supply chain
emerging composite manufacturing processes, where there operations by taking into consideration their end-of-life
exist only limited industrial experience, demonstrate a definite operations is used to evaluate the capability of OEMs to
need for process simulations to reduce the time and cost achieve quantitative performance targets defined by
associated with the product and process developments [107]. environmental impacts and costs of lifecycle [120]. A method
The FEDES software (Finite Element Data Exchange System) of examining multi objective re-configurability of an Original
included case studies for simulation of manufacturing process Equipment Manufacturer supply chain is presented in order to
chains including aero-engine components [108]. A adapt with flexibility dynamically changing environmental
simulation-based approach for modelling and dimensioning restrictions and market situations [121]. A discrete-event
process parameters in a process chain as well as the simulation model of a capacitated supply chain is developed
corresponding technological interfaces are introduced [109]. and a procedure to dynamically adjust the replenishment
Procedure models for an efficient and target figure dependent parameters based on re-optimisation during different parts of
analysis including identification, categorisation, prioritisation the seasonal demand cycle is explained [122]. A model is
and interdependencies of a big variety of process parameter implemented in the form of Internet enabled software
constellations by means of the developed simulation models framework, offering a set of characteristics, including virtual
are presented in [110]. A methodology of sequentially organisation, scheduling and monitoring, in order to support
simulating each step in the manufacturing process of a sheet cooperation and flexible planning and monitoring across
metal assembly is proposed [111]. extended manufacturing enterprise [118]. Finally, the
application of the mesoscopic simulation approach to a real-
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) world supply chain example is illustrated utilizing the
SCADA is the technology that enables a user to collect software MesoSim [119][123].
data from one or more distant facilities and to send limited
control instructions to those facilities [112]. Certain services Manufacturing Systems and Networks Planning and
in our society are essential to our way of life, including clean Control
water, electricity, transportation, and others. These services A modern manufacturing network is composed of
are often manufactured or delivered using Supervisory cooperating OEM plants, suppliers and dealers that produce
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. An and deliver final products to the market [124]. Original
integrated framework for control system simulation and near- Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) operate in highly
real-time regulatory compliance monitoring with respect to competitive, volatile markets, with fluctuating demand,
222 D. Mourtzis et al. / Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229

increasing labour costs in developing countries, and new succeeds in providing helpful and understandable prompting
environmental regulation [125]. Driven by the ever increasing to facilitate the model development, on-line help if it is
need to reduce cost and delivery times, OEMs are called to provided and whether the package provides satisfactory
efficiently overcome these issues by designing and operating libraries and templates. Moreover, emphasis is given on
sustainable and efficient manufacturing networks. The simulation capabilities. Visual aspects are related to the type
complexity and the stability of manufacturing systems is and quality of graphical facilities provided by the software.
investigated by introducing concepts based on discrete event Another significant criterion is, of course, the efficiency of the
simulation and nonlinear dynamics theory. [126]. package expressed by its capability to model a complex
Furthermore, the evaluation of the performance of automotive system, to improve the quality and to save time needed for the
manufacturing networks under highly diversified product complete model. Furthermore, testability, which is the
demand is succeeded through discrete-event simulation facilities for the verification of the model, is examined.
models with the use of multiple conflicting user-defined Experimentation facilities include the improvement of the
criteria such as lead time, final product cost, flexibility, quality of the simulation results and the speed of the
annual production volume and environmental impact due to experimentation process. The provision of statistical data and
product transportation [127]. Alternative network designs are the way they are collected by the user are also taken into
proposed and evaluated through a set of multiple conflicting consideration. Last but not least, input/output issues are
criteria including dynamic complexity, reliability, cost, time, considered. The way the results are presented and the type and
quality and environmental footprint [124]. A method the quality of output reports are of high significance. Also, the
implemented in a software tool comprises of a mechanism for analysis that the specific package provides is evaluated as
the generation and evaluation of manufacturing network well as its manufacturing capabilities. The developed scale
alternative configurations [128]. A continuous modelling from 1 to 5 star is as follows (Table 1):
approach for supply chain simulation was applied in the
automotive industry and depicted that initial inventory levels Table 1. Rating scale for the characteristics of simulation tools.
and demand fluctuation can create delivery shortages and Number of stars Significance
increased lead times [129]. * Inadequate
** Adequate
3. Comparison of material flow and layout design
*** Satisfactory
simulation tools
**** Very satisfactory

Focusing on the areas of material flow simulation and ***** Outstanding

layout design, a review is hereafter attempted for some of the
market leading tools [130] in these types of simulation. The A model of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) was
tools are Anylogic by Anylogic [131], Arena by Rockwell adapted from the literature and specifically, from
Automation [132], FlexSim by FlexSim Software Products Chryssolouris et al. (1992) [138].
[133], Plant simulation by Siemens [134] and Witness by It consists of:
Lanner [135]. five five-axis machining centres, each machine has
90 tools and a tool exchange station
Criteria for comparing the simulation tools three automated guided vehicles (AGVs) that follow
The review of the above software tools was based on a wire guided path and are used for the delivery of tools and
criteria derived by Gupta et al., (2010) [136] and Carrie A., workpieces to the machine
(1988) [137] and adjusted to the purposes of this paper. Four an automatically control washing station
main groups of criteria are developed and they are classified. a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
Firstly, hardware and software considerations are two material review stands for on-demand part
examined such as coding aspects, software compatibility and inspection
user support. The capability of additional coding provides the one tool pre-set and load area
user with flexibility and robustness, facilitating the modelling two ten-pallet carousels for setting up work-pieces,
of complex systems. Software compatibility refers to the tombstones, or any other appropriate fixture, with each
interaction of the tool with others in order to exchange data carousel containing two load/unload stations
which is vital for the efficient modelling of manufacturing The types of parts loaded in the example are assumed to be
systems. User support including documentation, demos, independent of the FMS operation as they are determined
tutorials and services provided by the software supplier are from factors outside the system. Each part has different
also examined. Criteria for modelling capabilities are operations to be performed and arrives at the FMS
investigated and more particularly general features and accompanied by a process plan (namely, a set of instructions
modelling assistance. General features include the purpose of that determine the sequence of the different operations as well
the software, the experience required for developing a model as their technological constrains).
and the ease of use. In addition, modelling assistance refers to Firstly, the parts arrive at the loading station of the FMS.
the comprehensiveness of prompting, namely if the software As they arrive and as a pallet is available, they are fixtured on
D. Mourtzis et al. / Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229 223

the 2 ten-pallet carousels. The parts are held on the carousel terminology, the resources within a work centre are assumed
until they are picked up by an AVG and brought to any of the to be unrelated (Table 2). The results from the comparison are
different work centres. Once a part leaves the loading station, depicted in Table 3.
it remains within the system till is finished. Upon completion
of a part, an AVG will bring the part back to the loading Table 2. Input data to the simulation model.
station where it will be unloaded, removed from the station, Processing time
Operation (minutes) Operating costs($)
and further processed through the rest of the manufacturing
system. The FIFO (First In First Out) rule is utilised for the min. max. min. max.
assignment of each part to the proper AVG and work-centre. Machining 20 100 30 45
In order to facilitate the modelling, the following Inspection 10 20 60 75
assumptions are made based on the real system. At first, tools Review 5 10 60 75
Washing 5 10 6
are available to perform any operation on any part. The Transportation 2 (average) 6
processing times for transportation are considered to be equal, Operation sequencing information
irrespective of where the AVGs are and what part they carry.
JT-1 JT-2 JT-3 JT-4 JT-5 JT-6 JT-7 JT-8 JT-9 JT-10
The parts arriving at the FMS consist of a number of
Task 1 M M M M M M M M M M
operations. These parts are accompanied by a process plan Task 2 R W W W W W R R W
which determines the operational characteristics of the Task 3 M M I I I W I
different operations as well as the sequence of these Task 4 I I M R M M
operations. Finally, resources within one work centre are Task 5 W R W
assumed to have the same technological characteristics, Arrivals 10 x 8-hours shifts
although they may have different operating costs and Arrival rates (mean Poisson JT-1,2,4,7.9 JT-3,5,6,8,10
operations assigned to one resource or another may have distribution) 0.00275 0.0055
different processing times. Nevertheless, all resources within Different part types 10
a work centre are capable of performing any operation
assigned to the work centre. In parallel processing
Table 3. Comparative matrix of commercial simulation tools.
Simulation Software Tools
Criteria Groups Comparison Criteria
AnyLogic Arena Flexsim Plant Simulation Witness
Coding aspects **** *** ** **** **
Hardware and
Software compatibility *** ** *** **** ***
User support **** ** **** **** ***
Purpose General General General General General
General features Experience required *** **** ** *** **
Ease of use *** ** ** *** ****
On-line help **** ** **** *** **
Library and templates *** ** **** **** ***
Comprehensiveness of prompting *** ** *** *** ***
Visual aspects **** ** ***** **** ***
Efficiency **** ** **** **** ***
Testability **** *** **** **** ***
Experimentation facilities *** *** **** **** ***
Statistical data **** *** **** **** ****
Input/output capabilities **** *** **** ***** ****
Input / Output Manufacturing capabilities **** ** **** **** *****
Analysis capabilities *** *** **** **** ***
they certainly lead towards more efficient manufacturing
systems. But, in the current highly competitive business
4. Conclusions and future trends environment, which is constantly facing new challenges, there
is always need for even more efficient and adaptive
Digital manufacturing technologies have been considered technologies. Hereafter, the identification of the major gaps of
an essential part of the continuous effort towards the reduction each simulation related key enabling technology are discussed
in the development time and cost of a product as well as and future trends are outlined.
towards the expansion in customisation options. The
simulation-based technologies constitute a focal point of Augmented Reality
digital manufacturing solutions, since they allow for the AR applications in manufacturing and design requires a
experimentation and validation of different product, process high level of accuracy in tracking and superimposition of
and manufacturing system configurations. The simulation augmented information. Very accurate position and
tools reviewed in this research are constantly evolving and orientation tracking will be needed in operations such as CNC
224 D. Mourtzis et al. / Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229

simulation and robot path planning. Computer-vision-based in industry focus on one or a few particular steps of a
tracking will not be able to handle high frequency motion as development cycle (e.g. design review), and may be used in
well as rapid camera movements. Hybrid systems using laser, the framework of the corresponding product development
RFID and other types of sensing devices will be required. project review. There is no VR tool in the current state of the
Another basic issue in AR is the placing of virtual objects art which enables us to deal globally with the different steps
with the correct pose in an augmented space. This is also of the PLM and the corresponding projects reviews [142].
referred to as Registration. As different tracking
methodologies possess their own inherent deficiencies and Lifecycle Assessment
error sources, it is necessary to study the best tracking method A few challenges concerning LCA that should be
for a particular application which could be subject to poor highlighted are LCA modularisation and standardisation of
lighting condition, moving objects, etc. AR displays require environmental profiles for machine tools. Also, hidden
an extremely low latency to maintain the virtual objects in a flows modelling should be addressed and data accuracy
stable position. An important source of alignment errors come should be ameliorated. Last but not least, value stream
from the difference in time between the moment an observer mapping is of high importance [50].
moves and the time the corresponding image is displayed.
This time difference is called the end-to-end latency, which is Product Data Management
important as head rotations can be very fast and this would As far as the future trends in the field of PDM are
cause significant changes to the scene being observed. Further concerned, the efficiency of these systems can be further
research should focus on the setup of an AR environment enhanced by studying factors that affect the accessibility of
which consists of four essential elements: target places, AR product data, for example, the nature of data in different
content, tracking module and display system [139]. timeframe of a development, the relationship between the
maturity of the data and the probability of them being
Computer Aided Design modified [57].
Current deficiencies and limitations of current CAD tools
are the complexity of menu items or commands, the limitation Computer Aided Manufacturing
of active and interactive assistance while designing in CAD As a result of the dynamically changing and evolving
and the integration of informal conceptual design tools in manufacturing environment, the need is presented for
CAD. Moreover, current tools include inadequate human effective coordination, collaboration and communication
computer interface design; focused on functionality but not on amongst all the aspects of production, from humans to
usability and fixation on design routines [139]. machines. The future CAM systems need to focus on
collaborative technics, effective communication and efficient
Computer Aided Process Planning data exchange [67].
To fulfil the needs of modern manufacturing processes,
computer-aided process planning should be responsive and Enterprise Resource Planning
adaptive to the alterations in the production capacity and Future trends of ERP systems, on technological level,
functionality. Nowadays, conventional CAPP systems are include software as a service, mobile technology and tightly
incapable of adjusting to dynamic operations and a process integrated business intelligence. The tendency of being able to
plan, created in advance, is found improper or unusable to obtain ERP functionality as a service has to be mentioned.
specific resources. This phenomenon results in spending a Especially in the mid-market, the ERP suites will no longer be
significant amount of time and effort unnecessarily [140]. hosted internally but instead will be obtained as a service
offered by the ERP provider. New ways of providing software
Digital Mock Up are to be investigated, mainly linked with the development of
According to the reviewed literature, DMU scope has to be cloud computing [143]. In addition, access to information
extended to the services function. Services engineers are also with the use of mobile devices has become a reality even for
stakeholders of the product development and should be able to end consumers over the last years. The ERP system providers
exploit the DMU to design services [48]. should face these challenges by offering mobile-capable ERP
solutions [144], [145]. Another important issue is the
Virtual Reality reporting and data analysis which grows with the information
Moreover, VR tools should be integrated not only in the needs of users. Business Intelligence (BI) is becoming not
central planning phases, but in every phase of the factory only easier to use over time but also tighter integrated into
planning process. VR should not only be used for ERP suites [72].
visualisation means, but also for collaborative and
communicative means [141]. VR is now used in many Ergonomics Simulation
industrial applications and cuts costs during the Many advances have been made during the last decades,
implementation of a PLM. The main challenges are a result of and the amount of possible applications is growing in the field
the following drawbacks. Implementation of a CAE of ergonomics. Yet much research has still to be conducted
simulation is a time-consuming process and VR systems used for many open issues. Systems complexity and number of
D. Mourtzis et al. / Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229 225

features are only increasing and ways of effectively chains are not fully understood and there are still challenges
implementing them should be explored. The interaction for improving the manufacturing process chains related to
between models is required, as well, for an integrated different industries and development of new manufacturing
approach of common daily design problems which is directly process chains for new emerging applications [108].
related to an integration of models into an encompassing
DHM. Moreover, techniques for measuring human quantities, Material Flow Simulation
which has not become easier despite the evolution of the Moreover, while the steady decline in computational cost
technical means, should be evolved. Another issue is the renders the use of simulation very cost-efficient in terms of
harmonisation of the data representation in different hardware requirements, commercial simulation software has
disciplines. Without such agreement it will remain extremely not kept up with hardware improvements. Concerning
difficult to develop integrated models [146]. material flow simulation, it can be very time-consuming to
build and verify large models with standard commercial-off-
Knowledge Management the-shelf (COTS) software. Efficient simulation-model
Agent-oriented approaches to knowledge management and generation will allow the user to simplify and accelerate the
collaborative systems need further development. process of producing correct and credible simulation models
Methodologies are needed that support the analysis of [106].
knowledge management needs of organisations and its
specification using software agents and agent societies. Also, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
reusable agent-oriented knowledge management frameworks, Whilst SCADA systems are generally designed to be
including the description of agent roles, interaction forms and dependable and fail-safe, the number of security breaches
knowledge description should be developed. The existence of over the last decade shows that their original design and
agent-based tools for organisational modelling and simulation subsequent evolution failed to adequately consider the risks of
that help determine the knowledge processes of the a deliberate attack. Although best practices and emerging
organisation is crucial. Finally, research should focus on the standards are now addressing issues which could have
role of learning in agent-based KM systems, namely, how to avoided security breaches, the key problems seem to be the
use agent learning to support and extend knowledge sharing increased connectivity and the loss of separation between
[84]. SCADA and other parts of IT infrastructures of organisations
Layout Design Simulation
Today, in the field of layout design simulation, some Supply Chain Simulation
commercial software can represent decoupling data from 3D Identifying the benefits of collaboration is still a big
model and export them in XML or HTML format. While this challenge for many supply chains. Confusion around the
is an export of properties, this cannot fully solve the optimum number of partners, investment in collaboration and
interoperability and extensibility issues since the duration of partnership are some of the barriers of healthy
interoperability depends on how the different software and collaborative arrangements that should be surpassed [147].
users define contents of data models [90].
Manufacturing Systems and Networks Planning and
Manufacturing Execution Systems Control
In the turbulent manufacturing environment, a key issue of Existing platforms do not tackle the numerous issues of
modern Manufacturing Execution Systems is that they cannot manufacturing network management in a holistic integrated
plan ahead of time. This phenomenon is named decision manner. The results of individual modules often contradict
myopia and causes undoubtedly significant malfunctions in each other because they refer to not directly related
manufacturing [96]. manufacturing information and context (e.g. long term
strategic scheduling vs. short term operational scheduling).
Process Simulation The harmonisation, both on an input / output level and to the
The planning, the data transfer and the optimisation of actual contents of information is often a mistreated issue that
manufacturing process chains must be integrated into a hinders the applicability of tools to real life manufacturing
common model. Moreover, the macro-scale manufacturing systems.
process chains are optimised with simulation tools using
numerical techniques such as the FEM while the micro-scale General Challenges
manufacturing process chains are mainly optimised by Apart from the gaps for each technological method / tool,
experimental approaches. This shows that the macro-scale general future challenges and trends are discussed in the
manufacturing process chains are more mature than the following section.
micro-scale manufacturing process chains in terms of Firstly, developers of simulation tools are gradually
modelling and simulation which indicates that modelling and introducing cloud-based technologies in order to facilitate the
simulation of micro-scale manufacturing process chains is still mobility of the applications and the interoperability between
a challenge. Also, the macro-scale manufacturing processes different partners. Currently, only few commercial tools have
226 D. Mourtzis et al. / Procedia CIRP 25 (2014) 213 229

integrated this function. Moreover, the even more complex The use of simulation for human-centred learning and
processes and products demand high performance simulations trainings should be evolved and spread. Currently, it is used
which require powerful and expensive CPUs. In addition, restrictedly in the fields of aviation and automotive due to the
efforts are being made towards the creation of application that fact that it is costly and time-consuming but if affordable tools
run in multiple and mobile devices. The extended use of open are developed, the trainings will become more effective in the
and cloud-based tools can address these problems and result long run.
in high performance computing at a minimum cost. Last but not least, the complexity of existing frameworks
Nowadays, simulation software tools usually offer only used in the design phases is increased and requires high skill
dedicated application object libraries for developing fast and and long processing time which, as a result, do not facilitate
efficient models of common scenarios and they can be the use of crowdsourcing.
characterised as limited concerning the broad field of In conclusion, there is a significant evolution of simulation
manufacturing. Another issue is that while there is a great tools but they are still undoubtedly a fertile field of research.
variety of functions and resources, the vast majority of tools
are focused only to a small percentage of them. There is also a Acknowledgements
lack of proper data exchange among different domains and
few or no common standards or integrated frameworks, which The work reported in this paper is partially supported by
cause difficulties in the interoperability and collaboration the European Commission funded project Pathfinder -
between systems and partners. The use of incremental model European research and innovation agenda for future
building, on the one hand allows in-process debugging and on simulation and forecasting technologies (608777).
the other hand increases the complexity of the model. All the
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