Professional Disclosure Statement-Reeves As

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LPC Trainee Professional Disclosure Statement

Alexandra Reeves, MA Candidate

Cell: 760-877-7506
E-mail: [email protected]


Currently a graduate student at Wake Forest University. Will obtain a MA in counseling with a focus on clinical
mental health counseling August of 2017. While attending Wake Forest University, will also be participating in
an internship at Veterans Village of San Diego. This internship is used as a learning experience that allows for
continued development of counseling skills. While involved in this internship, there will be two supervisors that
oversee the work done. One will be from the site and the other from Wake Forest University.


Participating in therapy can result in several benefits to you, including a better understanding of your personal
goals and values, improved interpersonal relationships, and resolution of the specific concerns that led you to
seek therapy. Working toward these benefits, however, requires effort on your part and may result in your
experiencing considerable discomfort. Change will sometimes be easy and swift, but more often it will be slow
and frustrating. Remembering and resolving significant life events in therapy can bring on strong feelings of
anger, depression, fear, etc. Attempting to resolve issues between marital partners, family members, and other
individuals can also lead to discomfort and may result in changes that were not originally intended.


I am a Trainee/Intern who is unlicensed and under the supervision of_________________________________, a

licensed _________________. I will share information I have obtained from our sessions for the purpose of
supervision and as needed with other members of your treatment team. Within certain legal limits (see #1
below), information revealed by you during the course of therapy will be kept confidential and will not be
revealed to any person without your written permission.

1. Under certain legally defined situations, I have the duty to reveal information you tell me during the course
of therapy to other persons without your written consent. You will be informed of this if it occurs. These
legally defined situations include:

a. Revealing to me child abuse or neglect. If a perpetrator is in contact with minors and there is a
reasonable suspicion that he/she may still be abusing minors. Active emotional, financial or physical
abuse of a dependent adult, an elder or disabled adult is taking place.

b. If you seriously threaten harm or death to another person, I am required to warn the intended victim
and notify the appropriate law enforcement agencies.

c. If you seriously threaten harm to yourself, I am required to take whatever means necessary to insure
your physical safety, including voluntary or involuntary hospitalization until you are stable.

d. If you are in therapy, or are being tested by order of the court, the results of the treatment or tests
ordered must be released to that court.
e. If a court of law issues a legitimate subpoena, I am required by law to provide the information
specifically described in that subpoena.

f. If you are in a lawsuit claiming emotional harm, the opposing side may subpoena your therapy

2. If you reveal to me that you have used alcohol or illegal substance, I will report this to the Treatment Team.
Also, if in my estimation, you are in eminent danger of relapse, I will communicate that information to the
Treatment Team so that they may assist you in protecting your sobriety.

3. You have the right to know the content of your records at any time and I have the right to provide you with
the complete records or a summary of their content.

4. If you ask me, I can release any part of your records on file to any person you specify. I will tell you when
you make your request whether or not I think releasing that information to that agency or person might be
harmful to you.

5. You have the right to ask questions about any of the procedures used in the course of your therapy.

6. Should you choose not to enter therapy with me, I will provide you with names of other qualified
professionals whose services you might prefer.

7. After you have been in the program for 90 days, you are eligible to also request therapy with other family
members or significant others in your life and an additional therapist will be assigned to you for this purpose.

8. It is important that you keep your scheduled appointments with your therapist. It is permissible for you to
contact your therapist by phone only to cancel or reschedule your appointment. All clinical concerns are to be
addressed during session with your therapist or with VVSD clinical and case management staff between

9. You have the right to terminate therapy with me at any time. I have the right to terminate therapy with you
under the following conditions:

a. When I believe that therapy is no longer beneficial to you.

b. When I believe that you will be better served by another professional.

c. When you have failed to show up for your last two therapy sessions without a 24-hour notice.


If there are any complaints or questions, contact either supervisor.

On site: Marilyn Cornell, M.S., LMFT

Clinical Director
Veterans Village of San Diego
4141 Pacific Highway
San Diego, CA 92110
(619) 393-2022
(619) 497-1325 fax
[email protected]
I agree to allow therapist Trainee/Intern,_______________________. under the supervision of
___________________________, License_____________, to provide psychotherapeutic examinations,
diagnostic procedures, and/or treatments which now, or during the course of my care as a client, are

I understand that the purpose of any procedure will be explained to me and be subject to my agreement.
I have read and fully understand this Consent for Treatment form.

Clients Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Date____________________Clients Signature__________________________________________________

Date____________________Therapists Signature ______________________________________________

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