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Space Vector Based Hybrid PWM Algorithm

for Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives

for Reduced Current Ripple and Acoustical
K. Satyanarayana, T.Brahmananda Reddy, Member, IEEE, lAmarnath, and A. Kailasa Rao

the switching losses of the inverter at all modulation indices

Abstract--This paper presents a simplified hybrid pulse width when compared with the CSVPWM algorithm [3]. Though,
modulation (HPWM) algorithm for vector controlled induction the conventional space vector approach gives good
motor drive to reduce the steady state ripple in current and
performance, it requires the angle and sector information,
acoustical noise. The proposed HPWM algorithm is designed
which increases the complexity involved in the algorithm [4].
based on the notion of current ripple. This algorithm uses
various bus-clamping PWM sequences along with the Hence, to reduce the complexity involved in the conventional
conventional space vector PWM (CSVPWM) algorithm. approach, a novel modulation algorithm has been proposed in
Modulation index and duty cycle dependent expression for rms [4]. This algorithm uses the concept of effective time for the
value of the stator current ripple over a sampling interval is generation of gating signals. To increase the freedom of
calculated and illustrated graphically. The, proposed HPWM
active and zero state time divisions, various BCPWM
algorithm selects a suitable sequence which results in lowest
rms current ripple over a given sampling time interval. To
algorithms have been developed in [5]. Moreover, to reduce
validate the proposed HPWM algorithm, numerical simulation the harmonic distortion at all modulation indices, HPWM
studies have been carried out and the results show the algorithms have been proposed in [5], which uses the notion
effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. of stator flux ripple. The harmonic distortion analysis of
various switching sequences has been carried out in [6]-[7] by
Index Terms--Bus-c1amping PWM, hybrid PWM, SVPWM,
using the notion of stator current ripple in the conventional
vector control
space vector (CSV) approach. Moreover, HPWM algorithm
has developed in [7] by combining the concepts of
conventional space vector approach and stator current ripple
N OWADAYS the vector control methods are widely
used for the control of induction motor drives in high
expressions. In [8], HPWM algorithm has developed by using
the concept of imaginary switching times and stator flux
performance applications. With the vector control methods ripple expressions.
[1], the decoupling of torque and flux control commands of This paper presents a simplified HPWM algorithm for vector
the induction motor is guaranteed, and the induction motor controlled induction motor drives by using the concept of
can be controlled as a separately excited dc motor. However, imaginary switching times. The proposed HPWM algorithm
the vector control algorithm uses hysteresis type current reduces the harmonic distortion at all modulation indices and
controllers for the generation of gating signals, which results acoustical noise.
in variable switching frequency operation of the inverter. To
achieve constant switching frequency operation of the II. PROPOSED ADVANCED
inverter, the conventional space vector PWM (CSVPWM) HYBRID PWM METHOD
algorithm [2] has been used for vector controlled induction
motor drive. The CSVPWM algorithm distributes the zero A. Proposed Switching Sequences
voltage vector time equally among the two zero voltage As the CSV approach uses sector and angle calculation, it
vectors. By utilizing the concept of zero state time division, increases the complexity involved in the algorithm. But, the
various bus-clamping PWM (BCPWM) algorithms can be proposed algorithm uses the concept of imaginary switching
generated as given in [3]. The BCPWM algorithms reduce times, which are proportional to the instantaneous phase
voltages as given in (1).
K. Satyanarayana and A.Kailasa Rao are with E.E.E Department, Pragati T T
Engineering College, Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh, India (e-mail: T = V ; T = s V ; Te = s Ve (1)
[email protected]) an Vde an bn Vde bn n Vde n
T.R Reddy is with E.E.E Department, G. Pulla Reddy Engineering. College,
Andhra Pradesh, India. (e-mail: [email protected]) where V ' V and V e are the instantaneous reference
J. Amamath is with E.E.E Department, J.N.T. University, Hyderabad, an bn n
Andhra Pradesh, India. (e-mail: [email protected]). phase voltages and T ' T and Te are the corresponding
an bn n
imaginary switching times [4,8].
978-1-4244-7781-4110/$26.00 2010 IEEE
The active vector switching times T 1 and T2, if the
reference voltage vector falls in sector-l may be expressed as To generate the various switching sequences, the zero state
follows [8]: time will be shared between two zero states as xTz for Vo and
= Tan - Tbn ; T2= Tbn - Ten (2)
(1- x)Tz for V7respectively. Thus, by using (3) and (4), the
In the CSVPWM algorithm, when the reference voltage active vector times and zero vector times can be calculated. If
vector falls in the first sector, the imaginary switching time x=0.5, then the CSVPWM algorithm is obtained. When x=O,
which is proportional to the a-phase (Tan) has a maximum any one of the phases is clamped to positive dc bus for 120
value, the imaginary switching time which is proportional to degrees over a fundamental interval. When x=l, any one of
the c-phase (Ten) has a minimum value and the imaginary the phases is clamped to negative dc bus for 120 degrees over
a fundamental interval. Then by utilizing the space vector
switching time which is proportional to the b-phase (Tbn ) is concept and zero and active vector division concept, various
middle value. Thus, in general the active vector switching space vector based PWM algorithms can be generated. The
times Tl and T2 may be expressed as existing bus-clamping PWM (BCPWM) algorithm use only
one zero state and the advanced BCPWM (ABCPWM)
= TmIJX - Tmid ; T2= Tmid - Tmin (3)
sequences use only one zero state and active state division
The zero voltage vectors switching time is calculated as
also. The sequences of all the possible switching sequences in
=-- six sectors are listed in Table-I.
Sector CSVPWM BCPWM algorithms ABCPWM algorithms
I 0127-7210 012-210 721-127 0121-1210 7212-2127 1012-2101 2721-1272
II 0327-7230 032-230 723-327 0323-3230 7232-2327 3032-2303 2723-3272
III 0347-7430 034-430 743-347 0343-3430 7434-4347 3034-4303 4743-3474
IV 0547-7450 054-450 745-547 0545-5450 7454-4547 5054-4505 4745-5474
V 0567-7650 056-650 765-567 0565-5650 7656-6567 5056-6505 6765-5676
VI 0167-7610 016-610 761-167 0161-1610 7616-6167 1016-6101 6761-1676

Then, it is possible to define the current ripple vector as

B. Development of Proposed HPWM Algorithm defined in (6) [6]
The space vector approach generates the reference voltage
1 t
vector in an average manner. When the required voltage irip = - f Vripdt (6)
vector is applied to the motor, the current is flowing in the aLs 0
stator winding of the induction motor. The actual value of the Then the current ripple vectors are given by as follows:
stator voltage differs from the applied voltage. Hence, there is
always an instantaneous error voltage vector. The error VI -Vre/ 0)
1 = aLs

voltage vector is defined as given in (5)
VriP = Vk -Vre/ (5) V2 - Vre/
where <kOis the kt voltage vector and it take any value 2= )
from zero to seven. Fig. 1 shows the ripple voltage vectors for
the given applied voltage vectors when the reference voltage Vre/
vector lies in sector I.
irz = --Tz (9)
The current ripple vectors can be represented in terms of
imaginary switching times as given in (10)-(12) [9].
irl = id + jiql (10)

ir 2= id + jiq 2 (11)

. . Tz 2MiVde .. (12)
lrz =-j--aL, 7T
=-jl qz

Fig. I voltage ripple vectors in sector I

where Mi is the modulation index and defined as

M= --
1TVre/ (13) '
dc 2V -
iffllS,1012 -3

Id (TLs [3.J3Mi
nVdC TTzs) (14)

. _:!L[
lql -
2V d C7r(I;+O.
5 T2) 2Vd7rCMi) (15 )
+ [(0.5iq2' + 0.5iq,(0.5iq2 + iq,)+(0.5iq2 +i q} l
9Mi TS
+ T2 ) _ 2V1TC )
d Mi
+ [(0.5iq2 +iq} +(0.5iq2 +iq,y'!q2 +iqJ+Vq2 +iq} l;
aL, , T. 2 _,(T. +_T2 ) (O. )2-,-
+(iq-, +iq- J\2 -'-
y +id + 5id Ts
The variation of stator current ripple for the corresponding 1

voltage ripple vectors can be derived from (6). Then, these The number of switchings of the CSVPWM and ABCPWM
current ripple variations can be resolved along the d- and q sequences in a sampling time interval is three and whereas
axes. for the BCPWM algorithms is two. Hence, to get the same
The q-axis, d-axis and the total rms current ripple over a average switching frequency of the inverter, a sampling time
sampling time interval (Ts) can be evaluated as follows: interval is taken as Ts= T for the CSVPWM and ABCPWM

1 T, { )
algorithms, while Ts= 2T / 3 for the BCPWM algorithms.
i ,rms= -
f i: ,ripdt (17)
Thus the proposed method of analysis is capable of estimating
d-axis and q-axis stator current ripples individually. Total
2 1 T, 2 harmonic distortion (THD) of the current waveform is equally

ldrm, s=-Ts ' lpdt

ldr f
affected by the d-axis and q-axis stator current ripples. On the

2 2 2 other hand, torque pulsation mainly depends on q-axis


lrms = lq,rms + ld,rms current ripple, and is practically independent of d-axis stator
By using (19), the rms current ripple expressions can be current ripple. Thus, the reduction in q-axis ripple signifies
given as follows [9]: the reduction of THD and torque pulsation, while the
reduction in d-axis stator current ripple implies reduction in
Xlq2O -r. [Xlqz.2 (lqz. lql.)2 lqz. (.lqz lql.)]-T;
+ + + + + + THD only. By using (20)-(24), the rms current ripple
T, T, trajectories over a sixty degrees period for every PWM
[{iqZ iq) +1 2 - (1- )iqz (iqz iq)
] ((1- )
x + . 2 ]7;
X iq) +
+ sequence at a given modulation index are plotted as shown in
Fig 2.

1 _ X)lqz.)2 T; .2 (T; 7; )
+ Id
+ 0.04 r---.-----.,.--.--,

T, T, ,.,
(20) 0.03

z + iqz{iqz + O.5iql) + {iqz + O.5iq1 1 ]2 + (21)

2 1 s

10 20 30 40 50 60
Angle (degrees)
Fig. 2 current ripple trajectories over a sixty degrees period (for one sector) at a
modulation index of 0.8 (A=0127, B=012, C=72l, D=012l, E=72l2, F=1012
and G= 2721)

By comparing the sequences 0127, 012, 721, 0121, 7212,

1012 and 2721 with respective to each other, the zones of
(22) superior performance of each sequence can be identified.
The development of HPWM techniques for reduced current The steady state results of CSVPWM based vector
ripple involves determination of superior performance for controlled induction motor drive are shown in Fig. 4 BFig. 5.
every sequence. The zone of superior performance for a given The results of proposed HPWM based drive are given from
sequence is the spatial zone within a sector where the given Fig 6 B Fig 10. From the Fig 4 and Fig 7, it can be observed
sequence results in less mean square current ripple than other that, the proposed HPWM algorithm gives reduced steady
sequences considered. Thus, the proposed HPWM algorithm state current and torque ripples. Moreover, the proposed
is a 7-zone PWM algorithm, which uses six bus-clamping algorithm gives reduced harmonic distortion when compared
PWM algorithms along with the CSVPWM algorithm for with the CSVPWM algorithm.
reduced steady state current ripple.
1220 r----r-----__r---._--_.


t1200 -----+-.-------

The block diagram proposed HPWM algorithm based

118003 '-----'----'--'
vector controlled induction motor drive is as shown in Fig.3. QTI O Q Q M

ids' iqs in the vector control are compared with

The currents

command currents i;s and i;s to generate errors. From these

errors, the voltage command signals V;s' Vq: can be

generated through PI controllers. These voltage commands
are then converted into stationary frame and given to HPWM
based inverter.

Field .:: 1.5
Time (sec)

'-t--.-,-' Fig. 4 Steady state plots of CSVPWM algorithm based vector controlled
induction motor drive

5 r-----------_.
THO= 4.43%
-g 3
'0 2
Fig.3 .Block diagram of proposed indirect vector control Method
';;; 1 II
i Oaww.w.----------
L .... J II. .L
5000 10000 15000 20000
To verify the proposed HPWM algorithm based vector Frequency (Hz)
controlled induction motor drive, the numerical simulation
Fig. 5 Harmonic spectra of line current of CSVPWM algorithm based vector
studies have been carried and presented. For the simulation,
controlled induction motor drive
the average switching frequency of the inverter is taken as 5
kHz. The induction motor used in this paper is a 4 kW, 400V,
1470 rpm, 4-pole, 50 Hz, 3-phase induction motor having the
following parameters:
Rs= 1.57n, Rr = 1.21n, Ls = 0.17H, Lr = 0.17H, Lm =
0.165 H and J = 0.089 Kg. m
1220 ,-------,--,--,

i ...
1200 f-----'-----;\
- ----------{



1180 L----L---------L--"
Time (sec) 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8

I -50
-- --



-- .---

Time (sec)

it Ii! I
30 r-
_r __
---- lT - -e,(se -c) ___, --_r--
.. . . ...: . ... : .
[ 20 , .. E 20 .. . .... . .. . . . .. .
. .

f- 15
. .
' e- 10
o 0.05 0. 1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 5
Time (sec) 0 ___

Fig. 6 starting transients of proposed HPWM algorithm based vector controlled _5L-
0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.8
__ __ __ __

induction motor drive

Time (sec)

1::1 I i I : 1
Fig. 9 transients during step change in speed for the proposed HPWM algorithm
based vector controlled induction motor drive
E 400
118 .;
%.3 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.4 0


0.8 1.1 1.2 1.3 1 .4 1.5

0.3 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.4

3 E

1.5 ;3

m 0
Time (sec)

Time (sec)
Fig. 7 steady state plots of proposed HPWM algorithm based vector controlled E
induction motor drive '"
5 r---------._----, &
(5 -40 . .. .. ... , . .
. . .

'i? THO= 3.15%

E 1.3 14 1.1
'" 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.5
-g::J 3 Time (sec)
ll.. Fig. 10 transients during speed reversal for the proposed HPWM algorithm based
b 2 vector controlled induction motor drive
'" 1 From the line current spectra of CSVPWM algorithm, it
0 can be observed that the harmonic components are around
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 frequencies that are integral multiples of the switching
Frequency (Hz)
frequency (5 kHz).
Fig. 8 Harmonic spectra of line current of HPWM algorithm based vector
controlled induction motor drive

On the other hand, the proposed HPWM algorithm gives VII. BIOGRAPHIES
spread spectra. Hence, the proposed HPWM algorithm also
reduces the acoustical noise of the induction motor with a K. Satyanarayana was born in Kakinada, Andhra
uniform sampling frequency. Thus, the proposed HPWM Pradesh, INDIA in 1972. He obtained the A.M.LE
degree in Electrical Engineering from Institution of
algorithm reduces the steady state current ripple and Engineers (India) in 1996 and the M.Tech degree
acoustical noise of the motor when compared with the in Power Electronics from JNTU College of
Engineering, Hyderabad in 2003. He is presently
CSVPWM algorithm. working as Associate Professor in the Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Pragati
V. CONCLUSIONS Engineering College, Surampalem, Peddapuram, A.P.,
INDIA. He is presently pursuing Doctoral degree
A simplified HPWM algorithm based vector controlled from IN.T.U. College of Engineering, Kakinada. He
induction motor drive is presented in this paper. This paper presented many research papers in various national and international
journals and conferences. His research interests include Power Electronic
has analysed the instantaneous current ripple and derived the Drives, PWM, Fuzzy logic and Vector Control techniques.
expressions for the rms value of current ripple for the possible
Dr. T. Brahmananda Reddy was born in 1979. He
PWM sequences. From these expressions, proposed HPWM graduated from Sri Krishna Devaraya University,
algorithm has developed, which uses a sequence that results Anantapur in the year 2001. He received M.E degree
in reduced harmonic distortion in a sampling time period. from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India in the
year 2003 and Ph.D from IN.T.University,
From the simulation results, it can be observed that the Hyderabad in the year 2009.He is presently Associate
proposed HPWM algorithm gives less THD when compared Professor in the Electrical and Electronics
Engineering Department, G. Pulla Reddy Engineering
with the CSVPWM algorithm. Moreover, as the HPWM gives College, Kurnool, India. He presented more than 60
spread spectra, it reduces the acoustical noise of the induction research papers in various national and international
motor with a uniform sampling frequency. Hence, to reduce conferences and journals .His research areas include
PWM techniques, DC to AC converters and control of electrical drives.
the acoustical noise, special methods with random sampling
frequencies are not necessary. Dr.J.Amarnath graduated from Osmania University
in the year 1982, M.E from
Andhra University in the
VI. REFERENCES year 1984 and Ph.D from J.N.T. University,
Hyderabad in the year 2001. He is presently
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