PP Vs Larranaga Digest

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PP vs Larranaga


Francisco Juan Larranaga et. Al including JAMES ANTHONY UY who was a minor at the time the crime
was committed, are found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of

(a) special complex crime of kidnapping and serious illegal detention with homicide and rape; and
(b) simple kidnapping and serious illegal detention.

On March 23, 2004, the Uy brothers filed a motion for reconsideration anchored on the

In their motion, the Uy brothers claim that James Andrew was only seventeen (17) years and two
hundred sixty two (262) days old at the time the crimes were committed.

W/N the motion for reconsideration praying for the reduction of the penalties we imposed upon the
James andrew on the ground that he was a minor at the time the crimes were committed

Ruling : SC held that the motion is meritorious.

Most jurisdictions recognize age as a barrier to having full responsibility over ones action.1 Our legal
system, for instance, does not punish a youth as it would an adult, and it sees youthful misconduct
as evidence of unreasoned or impaired judgment. Thus, in a myriad of cases, we have applied the
privileged mitigating circumstance of minority embodied in Article 68 of the Revised Penal Code --
the rationale of which is to show mercy and some extent of leniency in favor of an accused who, by
reason of his age, is presumed to have acted with less discernment. The case at bar is another
instance when the privileged mitigating circumstance of minority must apply.

Article 68 of the Revised Penal Code provides:

ART. 68. Penalty to be imposed upon a person under eighteen years of age. When the
offender is a minor under eighteen years and his case is one coming under the provisions of
the paragraph next to the last of article 80 of this Code, the following rules shall be

2. Upon a person over fifteen and under eighteen years of age the penalty next lower
than that prescribed by law shall be imposed, but always in the proper period.
Thus, the imposable penalty on James Andrew, by reason of his minority, is one
degree lower than the statutory penalty.

The penalty for the special complex crime of kidnapping and serious illegal detention with
homicide and rape, being death, one degree lower therefrom is reclusion perpetua.5 On the
other hand, the penalty for simple kidnapping and serious illegal detention is reclusion
perpetua to death. One degree lower therefrom is reclusion temporal.6 There being no
aggravating and mitigating circumstance, the penalty to be imposed on James Andrew is
reclusion temporal in its medium period. Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, he
should be sentenced to suffer the penalty of twelve (12) years of prision mayor in its
maximum period, as minimum, to seventeen (17) years of reclusion temporal in its medium
period, as maximum.7
Accordingly, in Criminal Case No. CBU-45303, the penalty of reclusion perpetua should be imposed
upon James Andrew; while in Criminal Case No. CBU-45304, the imposable penalty upon him is
twelve (12) years of prision mayor in its maximum period, as minimum, to seventeen (17) years of
reclusion temporal in its medium period, as maximum.

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